#I wonder if Celia is going to be marked by the hunt
theanxiousghostartist · 5 months
spoilers under the cut
Ok, I'm going to try to go in order of the episode so I don't confuse anyone 😅
● Pre - Case
First off, while reading the transcript, I noticed the title (under Episode 15) said "Good Show" while under the Announcer's lines it says "Well Run," the title used on YouTube. I wonder if this was the original title, a typo, or something else. Also, I did check every other transcript, and all match with the announcer's lines and top of the page title. Just something random I noticed lol
According to Wikipedia, a summary of 'The Pillowman' (the play Sam and Celia were planning on going to) is:
"Katurian, a writer of short stories that often depict violence against children, has been arrested by two detectives, Ariel and Tupolski, because some of his stories resemble recent child murders. When he hears that his brother Michal has confessed to the murders and implicated Katurian, he resigns himself to being executed but attempts to save his stories from destruction. The play contains both narrations and reenactments of several of Katurian's stories, including the autobiographical "The Writer and the Writer's Brother", which tells how Katurian developed his disturbed imagination by hearing the sounds of Michal being tortured by their parents."
I wonder if this might be foreshadowing: either for another Avatar, or maybe what someone is going to try to do to Jack (this would break me, I hope he stays safe 😭😭😭), or maybe it could be a nod to Sam's or Celia's past?
On a lighter note, I really enjoyed the Sam/Alice/Celia interactions! Maybe a polycule in the making?
● Case
This case was definitely of the Hunt. It kinda reminded me of the 'Murder Club' episode in TMA. Lady Mowbray is definitely interesting! I hope we get to see more of her :3 I wonder if her family is one of Avatars, like the Fairchilds (adopting other Avatars in, instead of focusing on blood like the Lukas'). Also, I wonder if the 'dogs' are like Daisy's transformation in S5, but more extreme. Just a werid thought I had lol
● Post - Case
Mowbray telling Celia that she's "different???" More nods to Celia being from TMA! (:
Also, the fact that Celia caught onto her being an Avatar and the "No you won't" to "catch you next time, dearie?" Let's go, Celia!
WTH is a 'Cheshire Bouchard?' Is it like the Fairchilds or Lukas'? Is it a family of Avatars? Are there multiple Bouchard families? Are Gwen and Elias even related? I have so many questions 😭
We also got to meet Luke which was cool! I hope nothing bad happens to him (me actively remembering what happened to Tim's brother) 😅
As for 'Victim' and Alice: the victim had to be a victim of the Vast, especially since they talk about stuff like the sea, the sky, deep blue, no ground, ect. And they seemed tied to the tape recorder in some way? I wonder if this universe's Archivist or Magnus or Head of the Institute had a similar power to Jon but more extreme. Like how Elias said that he was 'dream sharing' and was (accidentally) forcing people to relive their experiences with the fears in their dreams, I wonder if it's something like that, but more extreme and tied to their statements? Sorta like how Jon had the statements as an anchor, maybe the person anchored the victim's experience to the tape recorder, causing the spewing up water and choking and such.
Anyway, really interesting episode!
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Fic: I have outlived the night
The prompt from @heyitsharding was “Somewhere in that library of the past”, a quote from Borges. And preferably Loghain. Title borrowed from another poem by Borges. Angst and characters and a couple of quotes from The Stolen Throne borrowed from Bioware. Ages are… estimations, I guess. Don’t come at me with numbers. And I think we’ve established by now that I emphatically do not write drabbles. If you can’t stand to read fic on tumblr, it’s also here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23971537
History is a broken circle:
He’s a child, then a young man, and they hide from the usurpers on the throne.
Safely tucked in between the lush trees, Loghain’s father teaches him to fight and parry, to ride and hunt. They’re outlaws but they’re not outlaws; he explains the distinction thoroughly, tirelessly.
“You do right by the people who depend on you,” he says. “There is no excuse for a man who doesn’t.” —
He’s sixty-five and hides in a deserted hovel in a town marked by the Blight and even more so by a ruler’s mistakes and betrayal of his own people.
The irony is not lost on him.
He’s nineteen, twenty, twenty-one and love burns in his chest; Rowan doesn’t want it and he has no use for it so he doesn’t understand why it doesn’t go away. It seems entirely unreasonable for his body to betray him in this fashion.
And then, suddenly, she’s in his arms and he _melts _into her in a way that is anything but dignified but he cannot find it in himself to care. Her hair is a fire around them and his hands gentler than he has ever willed them to be before; when she kisses him, finally, it tastes of salt and iron. It’s broken, whatever it is that they have; it’s more than enough.
Between the desperate charges and daring strategies he feels in every duel, every narrowly won victory, that one of them will die young.
He always assumes it will be him. —
“She asked for you.” Maric’s voice is ice inside the summer warm castle. It cuts through the room that separates them. “On her deathbed. I told her you were right beside her. She… lost her eyesight towards the end.”
His voice breaks something beneath Loghain’s breastbone. He curls his hands into fists where he stands by the window in this castle of ghosts. Rowan, bold and commanding, forever a breach between them and he knew it would be this way, knew it would never cease to be this way despite Gwaren and Celia and the endless string of days and duties that has followed. Rowan, lionhearted and daring, moves around them and he wonders how many times he must lose her.
“I’m-” he says but this grief that does not belong to him is beyond words.
There’s a faint sound of Cailan and Anora playing in the garden, their child-hearts sturdier, lighter. Or perhaps they simply scar in more subtle ways.
“Come,” Maric says eventually. “I’ll show you where she rests.” —
Celia dies slowly, a pain stretched out so thin over months and months that it hollows her out.
He’s not there for all of it, useless in the face of a battle that is not his to fight.
He’s not there for most of it, cannot bear the thought of her capable body and ferocious will being tempered by sickness, her loved features marked by fate; for as long as he lives he will never forgive himself for this particular weakness. He even tells her as much.
“Oh Loghain,” Celia murmurs when he sits by her side. “You never forgive anyone for anything. But you will have to forgive me for taking my leave now, I’m afraid.”
He’s there in the end and then there’s another grave that he never visits. —
He’s fifty-one and the funeral feast they hold for Maric cuts a hole in him, bleeds him dry.
It’s the last straw, he thinks, mercifully unaware of the endless losses that will soon follow.
He’s nineteen and there are thirty men answering to him where he prances around in full disguise in order to be mistaken for a prince. To be mistaken for a commander though he’s still just a commoner and though he knows the only reason anyone listens to him in the first place is because he’s tall and broad-shouldered, stern like his father before him. Erratic and stupid as far as qualifications go, but it’s what he has.
He charges the tiny army up towards a patch of land they stand a chance of defending and they win, they do. After the next attempt, however, he carries two dead knights back to their camp and the blood never really comes away from the ridiculous shirt Maric has let him borrow.
“We’ll burn it,” he states, despising his own voice and how it shakes.
— He’s fifty-five and there are thousands upon thousands of soldiers in his ranks.
Staring at the attacking horde, keeping his mind clear and his hands steady, he sacrifices a few hundred of them as he walks away from the Blight. He knows their names, their villages; he liberated their nation so they could be born free and flock around the Hero of River Dane.
He rides back to Denerim in silence, denying everyone the right to even look at him.
“You heard the teyrn,” Ser Cauthrien snaps, a horse’s length behind him, an ugly echo. “Do as he commands.”
He’s five and sees his father’s face through the gaps between the narrow planks in the barn where the Orlesian soldiers have stormed in, shouting at each other in a language Loghain does not understand. But he understands terror and he understands _hide, darling, hide and keep really quiet _and even if he does not see his mother’s face he can hear her breathing. Quick, pained, muffled - then nothing.
Nothing as he crawls up to her later, when the joyless laughter and strange grunting has subsided.
Nothing as he sees the blood between her legs, the strange angle of her neck. He’s almost a grown man before he fully grasps what they had done, truly done  to her and it makes him throw up in a bush, makes his first fumbling attempts with a girl clouded by fear of accidentally doing the same, fear of invisible lines being crossed and a bright, giggling voice in his ear I won’t break, big fellow, do you want me to beg? —
He’s fifty-five, has lived so many wars that he’s lost count and Arl Howe stands in the middle of Loghain’s office, folding his hands over his stomach.
“Highever is taken care of, my lord.”
Loghain looks into the goblet of spiced wine, pressing back the flurry of regrets and doubts.
“My men were thorough, my lord. They are dead. All but the oldest son - Fergus - though the Blight will certainly take him and we killed his heir, at any rate.” A quick, sly smile. “And made the wife spread her legs.”
The goblet trashes against the stone wall once Howe is gone, leaving a terrible noise in its wake.
He’s twenty-two and it rains in the little village north of the Wilds where he encounters Mother Ailis again. The war is over, has moved from the battlefields into the ones who were there, conducting it. He breathes war, dreams it. When he turns, he expects to see attacking forces; around every corner there’s a corpse.
Despite the rain she takes him by the hand and leads him to the place where she put all the bodies to rest, the garden of outlaws that she had known that no one would acknowledge once the fighting had subsided, the souls she has guarded ever since.
“Here is your father’s grave,” she says, softly, pressing his hand between her own. “He was so brave.”
And Loghain cries.
“Forgive me,” he says, mumbles the awkward confessions against the soaked chantry robes as Mother Ailis takes him in her arms and holds him like the small child he feels like he never could be. “Maker, forgive me.”
For all that he has done, for all that he has yet to do.
“There is nothing to forgive, Loghain,” she says but they both know that isn’t true. —
“I yield,” he tells Bryce Cousland’s daughter, kneeling before her with his sword flat on the floor, his neck bared in defeat.
He’s fifty-six and it’s not forgiveness he’s asking but close enough, the closest he will ever be to it now.
He’s eighteen and his father sends him away to protect the rebel prince who has put them all in danger but seems to have won the loyalty of Gareth of Oswin within seconds all the same.
“Don’t ask me to just leave you,” he protests, a dread so thick he cannot breathe through it is filling his entire body. He sees his father’s face through the narrow planks of the barn again, sees him return home that afternoon, drenched in Orlesian blood, telling Loghain they need to run. “I won’t do it.”
“That’s exactly what you will do,” his father replies and in that dreadful, shivering moment Loghain can feel his entire future unravel.
“Do your best,” his father says because that’s what his father always says, the only oath he will hold his son to. —
He’s fifty-seven with darkspawn blood in his veins and on his way to Orlais.
“Do your best,” Elissa tells him in Amaranthine.
Loghain nods, like he once nodded to his father. “Of course.”
He’s eighteen and defiant, his fist in Maric’s face, the loss of his father raw and painful in his throat, twisting his voice into thorns.
“You can’t knight me to make me throw my life away for you,” he spits.
He’s wrong about that; he’s wrong about so many things. —
He’s older than he thought he’d ever be and the wars are still raging inside his bones. Other people’s wars for other people’s reasons though he has stopped to think of them as such, borders so easily dissolved in the face of old gods and holes in the fabric of the sky. Humbled at long last, perhaps. It’s about time.
In a recovered Keep in the middle of the desert, he sits wedged in between the odd agents of an Inquisition he has little reason to question, though even less reason to fully grasp the scope of.
The Fereldan Commander looks at him with the gravitas of someone with a purpose to his glances and Loghain searches his memory. He remembers most lieutenants, would like to think the same goes for the soldiers though time hasn’t sharpened every sense and the details of his years of command have indeed begun to blur. He wasn’t at Ostagar, at least, that particular event has bone-hard contours at the back of his mind.
“You helped Uldric overthrow the Circle at Kinloch Hold,” the man says, finally, when they’re alone under the stars. “I served there.”
“I see,” Loghain says, because suddenly he does. “Yes, that was - unfortunate. Though it was never my intention to cause a…”
“Bloodbath?” The commander sounds grim, but there’s a softer edge to his tone, a grim sort of humour pushing through. “I wondered why you did it, back then. Now - now I have an army allied with rebel mages.”
In the distance Loghain spots the Inquisitor, a battle-scarred noble carrying an exquisite longbow and a bravery that is laced with doubt. He feels the same kind of certainty around her as he once did at the Landsmeet, though he has no desire to delve deeper into that tonight.
“Do you think she’s the Herald of Andraste then?” he asks the commander instead.
“I don’t know,” comes the reply, then a hesitant, poignant: “I don’t care. She’s the heart of this order nonetheless.”
The commander clears his throat.
”I see,” Loghain says again.
He’s five, he’s eighteen, nineteen, twenty, forty-six and fifty-five, he’s fifty-six, fifty-seven and ready to die.
Instead, he lives. —
He’s sixty-five, he’s ancient, and the nightmares of the Fade taunts him, without much success.
You destroy everything you touch, it says, as though his greatest fear would be the truths spelled out in plain sight.
“Welcome to the club,” Hawke laughs harshly beside him. “We hold meetings in Kirkwall every fortnight.”
“_I _should be invited after this,” the Inquisitor grunts, firing a burning arrow into the partly corporeal body of a rage demon.
They fight their own despair, they fight the Fade itself until the inevitable end.
“Fight well,” he says, glancing sideways into the monstrous being that blocks their only escape and he’s a young man again, looking into his father’s grim determination. “You won’t die while I draw breath.”
And raising his sword one last time he thinks of Anora, thinks of Ferelden, thinks of the oath his father made him swear. Do your best.
Perhaps he has, at long last.
History is a broken circle but the Fade snaps shut around him with a soft, liberated gasp.
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anora-mac-tired · 4 years
Anora and Loghain - a missed reunion
During the Mage Templar War, Anora, Former Queen, is on the run for her life but now leads a group of displaced mages, hiding from the templars. Loghain is a Warden. Neither knows the other lives.
Anora bit back a wince at the bitter smell of the salve Marlin was applying to her leg. The mage was young, younger than Anora at least, but wiser than his youthful appearance suggested, and he was fixing Anora with a stern glare. "You have got to be more careful Celia." 
She gave the herbalist a small, if somewhat sheepish smile. 
"Templar's are aggressive bastards, not my fault."
They had walked into an ambush, sort of. Anora had known they were there, in the area, just not where specifically. She had led 5 others to hunt them down, so that their group could move on. She had lost two in the fight, but every templar - ten in total - had lost their lives that day. 
That was 5 more marks to add to her helmet, personally. She was running out of space to be honest. 
They burned the two who had fallen, in a solemn ceremony. Anora had never gotten used to this guilt, when she lost one of her men. Their names had been Darren and Felicia. Darren had had combat training, having served in the Denerim guard, Felicia had only what she had learned from the band. Both had been volunteers, all the warriors were. They were the siblings, lovers, friends etc of the mages in Anora's ever growing band, dedicated to protecting their loved ones. 
Darren had joined up entirely on his own, he had been with the band since just after it started. He was a grizzled old veteran, but claimed he had once had a daughter in the circle. Felicia had a sister, a mage of 14, barely able to cast a spark, she and her sister had joined up at the same time, finding Anora's band while they moving through the hills around Wycome. 
That was 2 years ago. 3 years ago was when all this had started. 
Anora had been in the Marches when all the circles rebelled, she had not been privy to that though, as she was travelling through the wilderness at the time. Then she stumbled across three robed figures being chased by templars. The templars were raving mad, as any man would have to be to attack children. Two of the mages were barely adolescents, and the one leading them could only just have reached his 20th year. 
Anora had leapt to their defense, surprising herself by her ability to take down 5 templars by herself, but later she realized it was that Templars were not actually good at fighting against other warriors. They were trained to stab helpless mages to death, not defend against a trained, armed and armored opponent. 
From then on, her group grew, as she found more mages, and occasionally the odd few templars, though there was nothing to be done for their lyrium addiction and she sent them on their way, lest they begin to endanger the group. 
Now she led a group of fifty, thirty five of which were mages. Teaching people who had grown up in the relative comfort of a tower how to live and survive in the outdoors had been an arduous task, but one she took to gladly. 
At first, it had been extremely unnerving, to go from a life of solitude on the run, to suddenly having people under her care, looking up to her and relying on her for their protection, and most unnerving of all, trusting her. Even though she had absolutely no idea what she was doing, they trusted her. They had hope in her. 
Anora had forgotten what that felt like. Perhaps she never truly knew. She did not know if the people of Ferelden had looked up to her or even trusted her when she was Queen. 
And she would never know now, having being bested to the throne by a bastard and an elven mage of all things. 
King Alistair was a fair ruler now or so she had heard, but, there was still the bounty on her head which he had never lifted. And she knew why. Eamon had all but ruled through the boy, Eamon was the reason Anora was on the run for her life to begin with - a death sentence for not swearing fealty to Alistair. 
As if she would swear loyalty to the man who killed her father. 
Anora blinked, torn out of her thoughts and her eyes met with Marlin's, which carried concern. 
She waved her hand, "Just… thinking. I'm just… angry over Darren and Felicia." It was not a lie, she was, but Marlin did not need to know of her past. None in this camp did. 
Marlin put a hand on her shoulder, she felt it faintly through the thick black gambeson she wore, but the gesture was comforting all the same.
"They knew what they signed up for. Don't blame yourself. Blame-" 
"-The templars."
It was a motto she had repeated to herself time and time again. Darren and Felicia were not the first she had lost, and they would not be the last. Still, it did little to comfort, but it did fuel her for the next fight. 
She was not in a rush to face off against a group of templars again, but she would not mind getting the chance to remove ones' head from his shoulders again. 
That thought sent a shiver down her spine. Marlin raised a brow but said nothing. 
She was left to wonder to herself when she had begun to start looking forward to fighting, to killing. When had Queen Anora died and Anora the warrior been born? 
Perhaps, when she had been dragged out of the throne room and tossed in a cell, and then sentenced to hang. Good a guess as any. 
"Keep this bandage on for a bit, then come back around evening. The wound should heal up by then, but for now, please get some rest." He fixed her with a stern, knowing look, "Of the laying down and eating kind, not the sparring kind."
Anora grinned and waved a hand as she stood, "I know, I know. I learnt my lesson that time, Marlin. Especially since you won't let me forget it."
Loghain was utterly miserable. He was not soft, he had lived the first half of his life in the wilds, in tents, or just in the outdoors alone, But this trek through these forests in the Free Marches had proven to be utterly miserable.
It had rained earlier, and he was soaked completely through. He had not even bothered to remove his helmet, since it at least kept his head dry, and there was the possibility of it raining again. Delightful, he looked forward to that, truly. Their rations had been low, but the commander refused to stop until they reached further north, for reasons beyond him. 
He was just glad he was not the only one. Kallian Tabris, the normally smart mouthed elf with an infallible smirk, was glaring at her boots the entire way, the scar on her lip that reached from her left nostril to her chin twitching in that way it did when she was particularly pissed off, and she gripped her bottle of warden reserve - "Alienage Finest" - longingly. 
Loghain related, but the commander had said no drinking, they had to be sharp. He glared at Stroud's back, wishing it would pierce the metal there. 
"Hold there, wardens!" 
A female voice cried from the trees and the entire group stopped, and turned to it. The voice sent a bolt of familiarity through him, settling in his heart, which began to race. Could it possibly be…? 
The woman stood near one of the trees, on an overhanging rock. She was dressed in a dirty black gambeson and a dull steel breastplate. Fur had been thrown over her shoulders, though it was flat and low quality as far as craftsmanship was concerned. A dull black scarf was about her neck, and her face… 
Her hair was gone, the right shade of blonde, though it was damp and dirty. It was short, Shaved on the sides but long enough on top to be hanging in her eyes. And her face, a sharp square jawline and ice blue eyes. 
He would never forget that face. Anora. It had to be her!
He started shaking, he could not help it, though it was imperceptible to anyone around him. 
Except Kallian, who eyed him with concern and then looked back at Anora, understanding dawning slowly on her scarred face. 
He had heard she had escaped, after being sentenced to death. No one could confirm it though, as she had not been seen anywhere after the landsmeet. The sight of her being dragged off in chains still haunted him to this day. If he was not stuck in the wardens, he would have laid siege to the castle himself, and killed that bastard who claimed the throne, Alistair too for good measure. 
But here she was, looking for all the world like a bandit or mercenary. Why was she here? 
"Hello there, stranger. What do you seek with us?" Stroud asked, removing his helmet.
"There are templars prowling these woods, further ahead especially. I warn you, they attack any and all on sight. Even Grey Wardens."
They had already encountered Templars, further back. Nasty business that lot, but was Anora doing in a forest infested with them? He had half a mind to remove his helmet, step forward and ask just that. 
But he could not. 
Not in front of all these wardens. He knew Anora probably thought he was dead, as she never saw the aftermath of his trial, and it was not exactly public knowledge that he had been made a warden. 
His heart ached, painfully, as he realized he would have to leave without saying anything. Anora wouldn't know that he was alive. He had the luxury, and his relief was immeasurable, but she would not get the same. 
Tears stung in his eyes and he let them fall silently, hidden beneath the helmets visor. Stroud and Anora continued to talk, she was telling him which areas to avoid, which routes were the safest, where the Templars had likely set up ambushes, all but giving the man a mental map of the area. Her information would likely save them a lot of trouble and pain on the way. 
He burned to know how she knew all this. As he gazed at her though, he was struck by a different familiarity. The way she was so confident of the land around her, how she knew exactly where her enemy was. 
"If I may ask, what are you doing out here?" Stroud finally asked, much to Loghain's relief.
Anora shrugged, "I lead a group of refugees whom the templars hunt."
And there it was. Anora may as well have been the spitting image of Gareth, the grandfather she would never know, at that moment. He had led displaced fereldens during the orlesian occupation, helping them live out a life in the woods, albeit as outlaws. It was clear that refugees meant mages, and Loghain felt immense concern over the fact that his daughter was becoming involved, or perhaps had been involved for a long time, in this conflict between mage and templar. But as much concern as there was, there was even more pride and his chest swelled. 
Anora may have lost the crown, or rather had it taken from her, but she was a born leader, and she could not have made him more proud. 
Then the wardens were moving again, and Loghain had to settle for a brief final glance at his daughter, whom he had no idea if he would ever see again. They locked eyes for the briefest of moments. Anora's brow furrowed, but then Loghain turned his head, and they were gone. 
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val-entino · 7 years
the de la cruz family has breakfast together the morning after ines vera goes missing → valentino flashback self-para
Valentino yawned and stretched as he climbed out of his bed, getting dressed lazily before he drifted it out of his room and headed through the halls and down the stairs to the  kitchen, taking a seat next to his mother, Regina.
She looked up from the newspaper she was reading, and smiled fondly at him, leaning forward to kiss his forehead. She ran her fingers through his messy hair before turning back to the news. All he could make out from a glimpse at the front page was  the word ‘MISSING’ in giant, black letters.
“Anything interesting?” He asked. One of their many elves placed a plate of huevos rancheros in front of him, and he started to eat, not sparing the creature a glance as he waited for his mother to reply.
She sighed, and shut the paper, looking immensely unimpressed. “Well your cousin Ines has gone missing.”
“I knew that girl would get herself in trouble one day, with that foolish bleeding heart of hers,” Valentino’s father said, as he stepped inside the kitchen, tightening his tie. He ruffled Valentino’s hair, and then took a seat across from them, an elf placing a plate in front of him along with a glass of cafe de olla. “Then again, raised by those parents, what else could she have amounted to?”
Valentino took a sip of his aqua frescas, not particularly interested in the direction of the conversation. “Are we going to have to go visit Aunt Emilia?” He asked, sourly.
Emilia Vera, née de la Cruz, couldn’t possibly be more different than her brother, Joaquin. There was a reason they were so estranged. The only reason Joaquin hadn’t gotten rid of her entirely was because he was a man who took his blood very seriously. Intolerable or not, Emillia was still family. So by virtue of having been a de la Cruz, Emilia got to live. Valentino just hoped that didn’t mean the situation warranted a trip. His aunt had this horrid tendency to look at him with the saddest eyes. It made him want to gouge hers out. He didn’t appreciate being looked at like he was living a tragedy, thank you very much.
“Of course not,” Regina said, sliding the paper across to her husband, and stirring some sugar into her tea. “I’ll have Maritza write up a letter, and once I’ve approved it, I’ll send it over to them. We will offer them our condolences, and extend a cordial offer of assistance which I expect she’ll refuse, and we will have given them more attention than they deserve.”
Valentino couldn’t help but slump a little in relief, before he straightened his back once again.  Slouching was sloppy and unbecoming. He took another bite of his eggs and sighed. “Papa, where are you going?” He asked, noting that his father was already dressed to leave the house.
“Hunting,” he said, smiling broadly. “It’s been too long and there are no urgent matters for me to attend to for once.”
“Person or creature?” Valentino asked, laughing quietly and dodging the soft smack his mother aimed at him. He’d heard her snort at his question, though, so he knew she wasn’t really upset with him.
“Creature unfortunately. No one’s displeased me this week,” Joaquin said, winking at his son. “There’s always next week, though. But we’re going back home to Mexico, hunting Re’ems mainly.”
Before he could say anything else, his owl fluttered in through the open window and dropped a stack of letters in his lap.
He reached up and gave him an affectionate stroke. “Thank you, Luci.”
He rifled through the stack and pulled out two letters, setting the others aside to read later. They weren’t important. He tucked the one from Ahren into his pocket to read when he was alone in his room, and carefully cut open the one from Celia, skimming over the words.
“Any plans for you, mijo?” Joaquin asked him, taking another bite of his breakfast.
He hummed in acknowledgement, frowning as he read what Celia had written about her dad, and shook his head. “Probably helping mama and replying to some of these letters,” he said. “I might go for a ride if I get bored.”
Regina laughed quietly. “We all know you do not go ride horses when you sneak out to go explore Rio.”
Valentino shot her a toothy grin. “Mama, how will I know what I like if I don’t try them all?”
She reached over and pinched his cheek, shaking his head.
Joaquin snorted, but didn’t react otherwise to his words. “Well your cousin is currently occupying the rumour mill. If there’s a time for you to run wild, this is as good as any.”
Regina nodded. “As long as you’re safe and keep the upper hand in all of your little rendezvous. It’s only natural for a growing boy to have urges. It’s not like we could stop you, even if we wanted to. You’ve always been good at getting what you want.”
“Let me know if any of them put a toe out of line. I’ll arrange to have them dealt with...I can always use more fresh meat for the griffins guarding our vaults,” his father said, dryly.
Valentino had the best parents in the world. He beamed at both of them and took another sip of his drink.
His father flipped to the next page of the paper and groaned after a moment. “This says the international wizarding community is concerned about these disappearances. They’re likely going to send all the students who are fifth year and higher to study together at Hogwarts this year.”
Valentino looked up, eyes wide, feeling aghast. He didn’t want to step foot in Europe. Especially not Hogwarts. If it had to be Europe, why couldn’t they have chosen Durmstrang? “What? No! I’m not going to some disgusting school in Britain of all places. The castle’s hideous, the weather’s dreary, the staff’s incompetent and I’m sure the students are intolerable.”
Regina looked equally disgusted by the proposition.
“He’s right, Joaquin, mi amor. We cannot possibly expect him to live in those dreadful conditions. Our boy is not a pauper. He deserves better than that filthy, cursed place.”
Joaquin rubbed at his forehead, frown lines marring his normally handsome face. “As much as it pains me, we haven’t got much of a choice. Pulling him out of school, even for a year, will raise more questions that I’d rather avoid. After the incident at Ilvermorny, we can’t draw more attention to Valentino’s academic career. Mijo, we’re going to do our best to make this awful year comfortable for you though, mark my words.” He set down the paper and flicked his wrist. An elf scuttered forward, grabbed the paper and then disappeared again.
The words did nothing to make him feel any better. But he knew deep down his father was right. That didn’t mean he liked it.
“Mama, may I invite Celia over later, por favor? If we’re both being forced to spend this year at Hogwarts, I’d like to at least enjoy the remainder of the summer with my best friend and a lot of tequila.” He groused, crossing his arms. He knew he was behaving rather childishly but the fact that he had no choice in the matter irked him. He always had choices. He always got what he wanted. And now he didn’t? All because some cult was stealing losers? It wasn’t fair. He wanted his fifth year to be the best yet and it hadn’t even started yet and he hated it.
His mother reached out to rub his hand comfortingly. “How about you invite Celia over tomorrow? Today I have some...business...that I’d like your help with.”
He brightened immediately, eyes lighting up. “Hexes? Curses?”
She laughed, her eyes sparkling, and twisted her wrist, wandlessly creating a brilliant fully-bloomed flower that she tucked behind his ear. “My brilliant boy. Yes, we’re going to need a few curses. Some of the help...has been less than helpful of late. Alas, they’ve seen too much, so they have to go. I only trust my men to help me with the affairs of this household. And since your father is out socializing, it’s just you and me today. Think you’re up to the task?”
Valentino was three steps ahead of her already, thinking about the curses he was going to test out. His mother had shown her some new Caxcan magic last week and  he wondered if she’d allow him to test it out on their victims today.
Joaquin drained the last of his drink. “He’s got that look on his face. The one he gets when he’s going to make us proud. I think that’s a good an answer as any,” he said, amused. He crossed around the table and pulled Regina in, giving her a deep kiss, and then turned to give Valentino a tight hug. “Listen to your mother, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, and remember, no mercy. I love you, mijo.”
“See you tonight, papa.”
Joaquin clapped him on the shoulder and left, and with that Valentino turned back to his mother, an eager look on his face.
“Lead the way, mama.”
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eddycurrents · 5 years
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For the week of 26 August 2019
Quick Bits:
Absolute Carnage #2 expands a bit further as Eddie and Peter regroup after getting their butts kicked. The story’s still a bit of chaos as the sparks are lit and it works to reference bits and pieces of the broader story across all of the tie-ins, but this remains visually stunning. The art from Ryan Stegman, JP Mayer, and Frank Martin is worth it alone.
| Published by Marvel
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Absolute Carnage: Lethal Protectors #1 looks to be doing a bit of the heavy lifting on Carnage’s side of the story, continuing on from the Web of Venom: Cult of Carnage one-shot, delving into what Carnage is doing at the Ravencroft Institute and his followers. Great start from Frank Tieri, Flaviano, Federico Blee, and Joe Caramagna.
| Published by Marvel
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Absolute Carnage: Miles Morales #1 expands on what we see of this confrontation in Absolute Carnage #2 from Saladin Ahmed, Federico Vicentini, Erick Arciniega, and Cory Petit. In terms of the overlap between the two books, it doesn’t actually line up the same entirely, but it’s still interesting, building too off of Miles’ interaction with Knull way back in the early issues of Venom.
| Published by Marvel
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Action Comics #1014 is an intriguing story from Brian Michael Bendis, Szymon Kudranski, Brad Anderson, and Rob Leigh. While the Leviathan search and bits and pieces with Thorn and Red Cloud occur in the background, the thrust of this one is Marisol Leone introducing herself to the Daily Planet and inquiring how much money they need to operate at full efficiency. Very different premise than you would have thought from the head of a criminal organization who bought a newspaper. It makes you wonder what her long game is.
| Published by DC Comics
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Amazing Spider-Man #28 concludes the arc with the Sinister Syndicate and Boomerang, showing just how messy the interconnections between Spider-Man’s life is right now. Very nice art from Kev Walker, John Dell, Laura Martin, and Andrew Crossley.
| Published by Marvel
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Angel #4 is another highly impressive issue in what has been an excellent reinterpretation of the Angel characters and concepts from the beginning by Bryan Edward Hill, Gleb Melnikov, Roman Titov, and Ed Dukeshire. Very interesting hint at the Darkness behind everything and the drive for Angel to form his own team, while protecting Buffy.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Ascender #5 concludes the first arc, with a pretty harrowing confrontation between Andy & co. and a number of the vampires’ agents on Sampson. Jeff Lemire, Dustin Nguyen, and Steve Wands do a great job of setting a catalyst to change the status quo here and add another level of tension.
| Published by Image
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Avengers #23 continues “Challenge of the Ghost Riders”. The art from Stefano Caselli and Jason Keith is gorgeous, especially the fiery landscapes and colours of hell. It’s kind of weird that this series is still working through supernatural influences, characters, and locales, but it definitely makes this for a different kind of Avengers story.
| Published by Marvel
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Batgirl #38 is another great issue from the new creative team of Cecil Castellucci, Carmine Di Giandomenico, Jordie Bellaire, and AndWorld Design. They’re building on what came before from Mairghread Scott and Paul Pelletier’s run, with the supporting cast, politics, and conflict with the Terrible Trio, but there’s a new verve to Babs’ character, a DIY attitude as she scrapes the bottom of the barrel just to continue her superhero career. It’s different, accentuated by very beautiful artwork from Di Giandomenico and Bellaire.
| Published by DC Comics
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Batman/Superman #1 is kind of terrifying as Joshua Williamson, David Marquez, Alejandro Sanchez, and John J. Hill unleash the next stage of The Batman Who Laughs’ plan as Batman and Superman are forced to question who has been infected by the insane Batman’s toxin. There are some truly gruesome bits here, especially as we learn how the Batman Who Laughs took out his world’s Justice League, so go in with a strong stomach. Great art here from Marquez and Sanchez.
| Published by DC Comics
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Black Panther #15 finally gets T’Challa back home to Earth. It’s not necessarily the homecoming you’d have expected, as he’s conflicted with memories of his life in the Intergalactic Empire and his past. Beautiful artwork from Daniel Acuña.
| Published by Marvel
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Black Science #42 is part one of the two-part finale for the series from Rick Remender, Matteo Scalera, Moreno Dinisio, and Rus Wooton. It’s fairly epic. It continues to play into the conflict between Kadir and Grant, spotlighting two different possibilities: defiance or submission. We’re not entirely sure which choice Grant actually made, which makes this more interesting. 
| Published by Image / Giant Generator
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chosen Ones #1 is a one shot with three stories telling tales of various Slayers through history. The lead from Mairghread Scott, Ornella Savarese, Wesllei Manoel, and Jim Campbell pulls double duty of not only introducing Sunnydale’s first Slayer, but also as to why the Hellmouth was fixed to the town. It’s rather good, with the added conflict of what humanity has done to itself, even without vampires in the mix. The other two stories are shorter, somewhat whimsical in art style, but still wonderfully told by Celia Lowenthal and Alexa Sharpe respectively.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Captain America #13 gives us the first part of “The Legend of Steve” as Jason Masters and Sean Izaakse join Ta-Nehisi Coates, Matt Milla, and Joe Caramagna to provide the line art. This is an interesting start, melding some real life politics of the southern US border with Steve’s current conflicts.
| Published by Marvel
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Detective Comics #1010 continues the rather compelling tale of Deadshot, Batman, and a plane full of billionaire crash survivors on a desert island. Peter J. Tomasi, Christian Duce, David Baron, and Rob Leigh weave humour and action throughout the story, including a rather interesting aside with a pair of World War II pilots who’ve been surviving on this island since before the war ended.
| Published by DC Comics
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Dial H for Hero #6 proves that Joe Quinones is one of the best artists in the business. Again. Quinones, Scott Hanna, and Jordan Gibson weave through multiple different styles as a plague of superheroes erupts in Metropolis, complete with shifts to different formats, in this incredible tale.
| Published by DC Comics / Wonder Comics
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Doctor Mirage #1 upends the status quo in this excellent debut from Magdalene Visaggio, Nick Robles, Jordie Bellaire, and Dave Sharpe. There’s some early Vertigo vibes here in the story’s tone and atmosphere, especially from the gorgeous artwork from Robles and Bellaire. Particularly when it comes to the eye effects. There’s something spooky and seemingly nefarious going on here, which makes it all the more compelling.
| Published by Valiant
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Doctor Strange #18 is a very entertaining one shot from Mark Waid, Jesús Saiz, and Cory Petit. A rather brusque, rude Strange invades a family’s home in the middle of nowhere in search of an invasive demon. It’s a nice change of pace from the longer arcs.
| Published by Marvel
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The Flash #77 continues two main threads; Captain Cold continuing to gather his Rogues and Flash reuniting with the other new Forces users to try to outrun the Black Flash. It’s interesting, picking up the various threads that Joshua Williamson has been weaving for some time now into a wider tapestry. Nice artwork from Rafa Sandoval, Jordi Tarragona, and Tomeu Morey.
| Published by DC Comics
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Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #11 is another gorgeous one shot from Tom Taylor, Juann Cabal, Rachelle Rosenberg, and Travis Lanham delving into the character traits that really define Peter’s supporting cast, in this case an adventure of the “Friendly Neighborhood Mary Jane”. Wonderful funny bits here.
| Published by Marvel
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GI Joe: A Real American Hero #266 begins “Snake Hunt” as Cobra Commander tries to do reconnaissance on Throwdown, hoping to kidnap him and brainwash him to Cobra’s side. Interesting set up here.
| Published by IDW
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Ice Cream Man #14 is another highly inventive issue, spotlighting a man who has lost himself in crossword puzzles, ignoring his life, wife, and pretty much everything else following a tragedy. W. Maxwell Prince, Martín Morazzo, Chris O’Halloran, and Good Old Neon are consistently delivering intriguing horror with this series.
| Published by Image
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Justice League #30 kicks off the “Justice/Doom War” from Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV, Jorge Jimenez, Alejandro Sanchez, and Tom Napolitano. It posits a bleak future where Luthor and Perpetua win, leaving the universe Doomed, causing even more complications when the Justice League attempt to prevent this horrible future. It does lead to some very intriguing returns to the main DC Universe, though.
| Published by DC Comics
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Justice League Dark #14 is part one of “The Witching War” from James Tynion IV, Alvaro Martínez Bueno, Raul Fernandez, Adriano Lucas, and Rob Leigh. It’s interesting to see the other side of the coin here as the darker, villainous forces of the DC Universe gather to wage war on Wonder Woman’s team. Gorgeous artwork as always from Martínez Bueno, Fernandez, and Lucas.
| Published by DC Comics
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Killers #2 adds a few more members of the Britain’s ninja programme to the mix as we get further details on what the Jonin wants and pieces of why they’re being attacked in the open. From the one arc in Ninja-K, I was under the impression that most of Colin King’s predecessors were dead, but apparently that really isn’t the case. Still, it’s an intriguing story, and the action art from Fernando Dagnino and José Villarrubia is beautiful.
| Published by Valiant
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Knights Temporal #2 builds nicely off of that impressive first issue, going deeper into August trying to find out more about himself while being pressured to move forward by Jane. There’s definitely more going on than what we’re being let in on and it’s an intriguing mystery. Cullen Bunn, Fran Galán, and Dave Sharpe have something interesting here.
| Published by AfterShock
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Mall #1 is a very impressive debut from Michael Moreci, Gary Dauberman, Zak Hartong, Addison Duke, and Jim Campbell. It’s a post-apocalypse thriller set within a mall that has seemingly withstood the brunt of the destruction of the world. This first issue sets up a bunch of gangs and cultists running this society and a mystery of who killed the top dog. Great art from Hartong and Duke.
| Published by Vault
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Manor Black #2 is quite possibly even better than the first issue. Cullen Bunn, Brian Hurtt, and Tyler Crook are delivering a story here that is rich in mystery as we still don’t really know what Ari or the wild magicians’ deals are, and it just seems like their existence is throwing the town into a tailspin. The character moments here are wonderful and haunting. And the artwork from Tyler Crook...next level.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Martian Manhunter #8 reveals a lot of Diane’s past and her history with the real John Jones in one of the most impressive character-driven issues to date. Steve Orlando, Riley Rossmo, Ivan Plascencia, and AndWorld Design continue to deliver an incredible story here.
| Published by DC Comics
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Marvel Monsters #1 is an interesting one shot. There is a framing story featuring Kid Kaiju from Cullen Bunn, Scott Hepburn, Israel Silva, and Travis Lanham that’s entertaining, introducing a new villain, but you’re really going to be wanting to pick this up for the art pieces. There’s a murderers’ row of artists doing splash pages of the monsters and cross-section pages from Superlog and Gaigan-Yamazaki. It’s amazing.
| Published by Marvel
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The Necromancer’s Map #1 is the follow-up to the very excellent Songs for the Dead series from last year by Andrea Fort, Michael Christopher Heron, Sam Beck, Ellie Wright, and AndWorld Design. Though I highly advise reading the first series, both for enjoyment and background, you can technically dive into this one and still be brought mainly up to speed. It’s a wonderful magical fantasy and this opening chapter goes into a number of mysteries, in the titular map, in the sickness afflicting one of few people that might be able to help with the map, and in Bethany’s raised and bitter friend/protector/minion, Elissar’s, past.
| Published by Vault
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Power Pack: Grow Up #1 is another of the 80th anniversary specials, this one reuniting the original Power Pack team of Louise Simonson and June Brigham, with the creative team rounded out by Roy Richardson, Tamra Bonvillain, and Joe Caramagna, as well as a back-up illustrated by Gurihiru. This is definitely one of my favourite so far, capturing the feel of the old stories perfectly, while still telling an entertaining story for modern audiences.
| Published by Marvel
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Resonant #2 is another winner for Vault. The artwork alone from Alejandro Aragon and Jason Wordie is worth giving this a look alone. Really neat layouts, panel transitions, and character designs. But also as a whole with David Andry and Deron Bennett, they’re crafting some unique world-building across this horror landscape that really sets this apart from your usual post-apocalypse.
| Published by Vault
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RWBY #1 begins a new digital-first series based on Rooster Teeth’s animated web series franchise of the same name, from Marguerite Bennett, Mirka Andolfo, Arif Prianto, and Gabriela Downie. I’ve never watched any of the series, but this is still entertaining. This first issue gives us the backstory of the world and the lives of Ruby’s original team of Huntresses. I get the impression that I’d get more out of it if I had a grounding in the series beforehand, but I quite like the effort to fill in the blanks. Also, the artwork from Andolfo and Prianto is gorgeous.
| Published by DC Comics
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Sera & The Royal Stars #2 delivers immensely on the promise of the first issue, richly unfolding the fantastical lore here of Parsa’s mythology, especially as aspected through its zodiac, and on the continued familial conflict between Sera’s side of the family and her uncle. Jon Tsuei, Audrey Mok, Raul Angulo, and Jim Campbell are telling a very fine fantasy story here.
| Published by Vault
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She-Hulk Annual #1 has some wonderful artwork from Andy MacDonald and Matt Milla, with some very neat panels, layouts, and compositions. The story itself is also fairly entertaining, with some nice funny moments, as Jennifer Walters gets zapped into a robot body while Bullseye runs around with hers.
| Published by Marvel
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Spider-Man: Life Story #6 concludes what has been a very interesting look at Spider-Man through the lens of aging normally across time from Chip Zdarsky, Mark Bagley, Andrew Hennessy, Frank D’Armata, and Travis Lanham. It’s been interesting seeing the different elements of the Spider-Man mythos remixed and reinterpreted in this fashion, entertaining along the way.
| Published by Marvel
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Star Pig #2 is more odd fun from Delilah S. Dawson, Francesco Gaston, Sebastian Cheng, and Shawn Lee. Some interesting humour as Vess learns that Earth culture seems to have permeated throughout much of the galaxy, and that creepy spore creatures enjoy collecting human artifacts.
| Published by IDW
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Star Trek: Year Five #5 begins the next “episode” in the series, from Jody Houser, Silvia Califano, Thomas Deer, and Neil Uyetake. After investigating a long dead ancient civilization, communication breakdowns begin to occur aboard the ship, with some interesting and combative results.
| Published by IDW
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Star Wars: Age of Resistance - General Hux #1 shines a spotlight on one of the new era’s antagonists, with Tom Taylor, Leonard Kirk, Cory Hamscher, Guru-eFX, and Travis Lanham providing insight into Hux’s past. Some very dark humour in this one.
| Published by Marvel
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Star Wars: Age of Resistance - Poe Dameron #1 gives us a tale of Poe before the Resistance was fully a thing, giving us a look at life under the New Republic. Tom Taylor, Ramon Rosanas, Guru-eFX, and Travis Lanham craft an interesting story here, establishing both a wider plot, and a more succinct tale as Poe learns some manoeuvres. 
| Published by Marvel
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Stranger Things: Six #4 concludes this mini focusing on the experiments prior to the first season from Jody Houser, Edgar Salazar, Keith Champagne, Marissa Louise, and Nate Piekos. It’s been interesting seeing the kids prior to Eleven and really just how evil Brenner and co. are. Some interesting twists too.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Superman #14 begins the “Conclusion” to the House of El portion of the Unity Saga arc that has been running since the series began. Great art from Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, Oclair Albert, and Alex Sinclair. And a very welcome return of the Legion of Super-Heroes.
| Published by DC Comics
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #97 turns up the heat on “City at War”. This is a rough one as Karai’s forces press their advantage on Splinter and we get further hints as to how far Karai has really fallen. Great art from Michael Dialynas and Ronda Pattison.
| Published by IDW
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Test #3 gets weirder. Yeah. I didn’t think that was possible either. The reality being lain out here from Christopher Sebela, Jen Hickman, Harry Saxon, and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou is layered, like peeling away at an onion, but we’re never quite sure what actually lays underneath and why any of this is happening.
| Published by Vault
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Thanos #5 sets up a very intriguing reveal as to who Gamora has been telling this story to in the penultimate chapter from Tini Howard, Ariel Olivetti, Antonio Fabela, and Joe Caramagna. It makes you kind of reexamine the rest of the narrative, making you wonder what Gamora is really getting at other than just relaying her early years with Thanos.
| Published by Marvel
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Thor #16 brings this volume to a close as Jason Aaron, Mike Del Mundo, Marco D’Alfonso, and Joe Sabino deliver a story that’s essentially a coda to War of the Realms and a summation of much of the seven years of Aaron’s time writing, giving a look to the possible immediate future of the present, before heading off to the forthcoming four-part finale of King Thor in the far-flung future.
| Published by Marvel
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Tommy Gun Wizards #1 is built on a great premise of infusing magic into Prohibition era Chicago, setting wizards into Eliot Ness and his Untouchables’ war against Al Capone. It works even better in execution as Christian Ward, Sami Kavelä, Dee Cunniffe, and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou bring it to life. Incredible period designs from Kavelä.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Venom #17 elaborates on the Maker and Dylan portion of the story hinted at in Absolute Carnage #2, as they’re attacked by the new family of Life Foundation symbiotes from Absolute Carnage: Separation Anxiety, from Donny Cates, Iban Coello, Rain Beredo, and Clayton Cowles. It is interesting as to how interconnected these stories are. Unlike many other events, you kind of have to read all of these.
| Published by Marvel
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Wonder Woman #77 begins “Loveless” from G. Willow Wilson, Jesus Merino, Vicente Cifuentes, Romulo Fajardo Jr., and Pat Brosseau. If follows up on Aphrodite’s death as Wonder Woman darts off to confront Cheetah. There are some shenanigans going on, so the set up is not as straightforward as you’d think.
| Published by DC Comics
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Other Highlights: Bone Parish #12, Books of Magic #11, DuckTales: Silence & Science #1, Fantastic Four: 4 Yancy Street #1, Fight Club 3 #8, Freedom Fighters #8, Harley Quinn: Breaking Glass, House of X #3, Immortal Hulk: Director’s Cut #2, Invader Zim #46, Jughead: The Hunger vs. Vampironica #4, Just Beyond: The Scare School, Lumberjanes #65, Marvel Team-Up #5, Mary Shelley: Monster Hunter #5, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #42, Mountainhead #1, Planet of the Nerds #5, Red Sonja & Vampirella meet Betty & Veronica #4, Rick & Morty #53, Runaways #24, She Said Destroy #4, Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge #5, TMNT: Shredder in Hell #4, TMNT: Urban Legends #16
Recommended Collections: Age of X-Man: The Amazing Nightcrawler, Age of X-Man: X-Tremists, Barbarella/Dejah Thoris, Captain Marvel - Volume 1: Re-Entry, Doctor Who: The Thirteen Doctor - Volume 2, GI Joe: A Real American Hero - Sierra Muerte, The Girl in the Bay, Heathen - Volume 2, Jim Henson’s Beneath the Dark Crystal - Volume 2, Oberon - Volume 1, Orion - Book 2, Star Wars: Vader - Dark Visions, The War of the Realms: Journey into Mystery, Wolverine: Infinity Watch
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d. emerson eddy knows the way to San José. But it’s full of sharks.
0 notes
dahlthir-blog · 7 years
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     ➜ Celia Kacela has been accepted!
Welcome to Dahlthir, Azura! Your application for Celia Kacela has been approved. You’ll have 5 days to turn in your blog to the masterlist. If you need more time, you can send us a message!
The character portion of the application can be found under the cut. Oh my god. Reading through your application and through Celia’sstory was a trip. you’ve packed so much detail into her appearance alone. Like I’m amazed! you’ve put so much thought into her!! Having her in Dahlthir will definitely be interesting. I’m glad she’s found it a challenge but boi it’ll be something if she decides to take the town on fully!
Other Characters: Mizuki Hinobashi, Flora Abner, Garma,
Faceclaim(s) & Series: Kurumi Tokisaki from Date A live
Character Name: Celia Kacela
Housing: Tavern (most of the time)
Age: ??? (Looks 18 to 20)
Appearance: Standing at 5’ 2" she may look fragile, but the bundle of pure destruction standing in front of you is anything but fragile and nice. The girl carries herself as if a flower floating on a stream of thick red fluids seeping from a wound of a man on a hill, fast yet at a controllable pace and the bottom of her clothes always soaked in the red liquids of her enemies. Her hair tied up using small bits of rope she decorated with red leafs she found near where she had first come from though the location is a blank to her. Her clothes normally consist of a black dress, long in length with purple flowers and red leafs near the collar to give it a colorful yet dark and dangerous look, the bottom of the dress coated in a red liquid sometimes dry sometimes wet, she refuses to answer what the liquid is and refuses to clean it up if she tracked it somewhere. Her other outfit is a red like dress that stands out a bit more, with a red hairband on her head to keep the pigtails relatively out of her face, with black peppering the red dress this outfit usually comes back either clean or entirely coated in the red liquids mentioned before.
The girl normally keeps a bit of hair over her left to hide the fact it was a different color than her right, though this is only when she wears the black dress, when she wears the red dress she openly shows her yellow left eye as if telling people something. She wears dark red shoes that were presumed to originally be black, but with the red fluids that followed her trail they had adapted the color from improper cleaning. Black fingernails on each hand that don’t change no matter what it was at first presumed to be her having a sickness, but even with advanced research it was just found to be her natural nail color. On the back of her right hand starts a scar with a snake head painted over it to make the scar look like a tongue and the paint trails up to the nape of her neck to a tail, that’s beside another painting on her body that trails down to her lower back and spreads out into a black and red flower that seems as if it was dripping down and making one red sword and one black sword on her rear.
Are they a part of the Adventurer’s Guild?: Nope!
Warnings: Blood and gore (In detail! I will mark the sections with a “WARNING: BLOOD AND GORE” and where it ends), death, destruction, NSFW: nudity
Personality (Please list 3 positive and 3 negative traits. Can simply be bullet points or can be expanded!):
Friendly: Celia is a rather friendly girl who tends to be outgoing and always wanting to talk to others and improve her social, though this normally goes less like she wants it to.
Musically inclined: Celia is able to play the violin with great skill, this is normally how she would earn her money for food if she doesn’t go hunting monster down for her own food.
Always smiling: Even in the worst situation Celia can’t help, but smile. When people are in pain, when she is in pain, happy, sad, mad, anything she always smiles which encourages more hopeful thinking.
Hardworking: Celia works hard and will do anything required to make money by killing things since it is her favorite activity.
Risk and Reward: Celia, though enjoying killing things the most she, likes the system of quests and will obey the risk reward system going as far as to get several mobs of small enemies to kill at one time to entice more risk to make her reward worth her trouble.
Fashion: Celia has a decent sense of fashion and likes to flaunt the outfits she comes up with
Slightly violent: If someone annoys her Celia is very likely to at the very least slap them, she doesn’t like attacking people, but her wants won’t stop her if you annoy her too much, and she will smile while she does it!
Selfish: Celia doesn’t do quests that don’t personally benefit her and sees helping others just to help others as a burden on her life and would rather kill the people to take ALL of their worries away claiming “It’ll only hurt a lil bit!”
Hard to understand: In her language Celia tends to use terms which are presumed to mainly be unknown by the people (though it will be british slang if anyone is wondering what it is)
Bloodlust: Celia has a craving to see the red liquids strewn across the ground and not care who the victim was be it person, animal, or rare species.
Battlefield chaos: Though Celia may seem calm she actually has no sense of friend or foe and sees everything and everyone as a target.
Anti-Hero: No matter the what the girl seems bent on killing and/or attacking any hero that gets near her when she is in the mood to fight. Her ultimate goal in the end is to at the very least level the city’s guild to destroy its hope.
Flirty: Cleia has tendencies to hit on anyone near her when she feels like it, and is rather blunt when it comes to her feelings on certain people stating exactly what she likes and dislikes if she is allowed to continue.
Fast talker: Celia has a tendency to let her speech run together because she is used to people talking quickly so her speech “Hasatendencytodothissometimes” But if it is unclear she will repeat herself if asked.
Background (Minimum of 5 sentences.):
Opening her eyes Celia found nothing but darkness around her, she looked into the void of nothingness and simply blinked as she floated, on what felt like water but with a more thick warmness, Celia closed her eyes until a voice called her. Reacting on it’s own to the voice Celia was forced from the void and flat onto her face in a red painted room her exposed body hit by the cold air rather quickly. Shaking her head she stood up her head dazed by what had just happened, but what did just happen? Celia looked around seeing a circle and empty vials on the floor and a table in the middle of the room that a simple red blanket on, and a pod with a cold like air seeping from it, walking over to the table Celia picked up the red blanket and felt the soft fabric…but what was that? How did she know that feeling? What was “Soft?” Celia didn’t know how to describe it, but she picked it up covering her body with it, it may be hardly any cloth, but it was better than having her entire body exposed to the world around her, not that she minded it.
End: NSFW: Nudity
Now covered in the red blanket Celia walked to open the door at the other side of the room and once she opened it she was blinded by something she had never seen before, it was a giant ball of fire i sky the blinded her everytime she looked up. In this blind daze she wondered out of the doorway and into the small village that surrounded it, she managed to walk up the stairs and onto a little stage that had been set up. Once in the middle of the stage Celia recovered her vision finding bars in front of her and all around her, she hadn’t walked onto a stage, she had walked into a cage which she was now trapped in. Grabbing onto the bars she shook them as the people laughed at her, she was being advertised to be demonic attraction people poking and prodding her with sticks throwing round spheres that burst into chunks and juices that burned when it got into her eyes. Cleaning her eyes with cloth she sat down and just let people poke her, harder and harder they got it started to hurt just to move, soon a group of adventures approached the stage and demanded they let her out. Being happy to be let out Celia ran up to thank the people for freeing her, but instead of letting her shake their hands they drew weapons on her, a holy sword made of light, a wound with a cross, and bow with arrows made of energy. An instinct hit Celia at that moment where her only thought was “RUN IDIOT!”
Celia made a bolt for the outside of town she left only dark footprints on the ground as she ran, she ran though the field into the next city where she instantly got odd looks for being so underdressed. Celia could sense them following her, so using the area to her advantage she got lost in the crowd, losing the adventures only lead her to something more humiliating than being trapped in a stationary cage. It took only a moment for it to happen, the hand around her throat the cloth in her mouth to keep her from screaming as she was dragged to a waggon and thrown into the back and locked inside. Celia banged on the door for a few solid hours until she fell back from feeling the cart moving, Celia could feel the tears running down her face, from one humiliating situation to the next Celia was dragged from city to city as the one foolish demonic girl, though was she a demon? They had no proof, and she wouldn’t show, because she didn’t know, heck she didn’t even know how to speak. Eventually, weeks later, her captors got sick of this and dragged her out for what was supposed to be a public execution because she wasn’t listening she was pushed up to a wall and held there as they sharpened a sword.
WARNING: Blood and gore!
As Celia was held they picked up the sword and first stabbed her her leg, Celia’s eyes shot open as she let out a whale of pain feeling the blood run down her leg though she spoke no words. Next they grabbed her right arm cutting it clean off making her scream even louder tears streaming down her face at this point as the man lifted the blade to her neck. Celia shook her head as they held her by her stomach putting the blade up to her neck, Celia felt the cold steel against her skin as it slid across her neck she could feel the blood seeping from it as the sword moved cleaning across her throat. Celia’s body trembled in fear as her head got fuzzy, her vision blurred from blood loss and once released Celia dropped to the ground in a pool of her own blood with eyes wide open looking at the people who just watched the presumed demon bleed to death in front of them. The image was stuck in her mind like a clear day, the people’s faces as they stood there watching the girl bleed onto the ground none of them were concerned that the men may have murdered an innocent girl. They stood unfazed some even enjoying the sight of the girl laying there in dying pain, Celia’s last thoughts were about how cruel and unfair the world was, she had just woken up from that void and now she was on the brink of death.
A voice rung in her mind saying “Do you want to live? Do you want power to make them pay?” Calia couldn’t respond with a voice, but with all of her mind she screamed yes, Celia wanted to live, she wanted a future. With a flash of red light Celia could feel her breath returning to her body as a searing pain filled her, the movements she gave in reaction only made the wounds spurt more blood onto the ground around her. Her own severed arm dissolved into darkness and flowed into her body and it took only moment for her neck and leg to completely heal, using her left arm as a stabilized lift Celia stood up, a look of anger in her face. Celia stood there, a girl with fatal injuries healed in an instant, another wave of pain strick her body as the sever arm bursted out into a demonic hand with ruptures of blood onto the surrounding people. Celia moved, almost instantly to the man that had cut her with the sword ramming her sharp demon clawed hand through the man’s stomach and out the other side to stab the man partner in the side. Pulling her arm out quickly she flung blood onto the audience as they watched the demonic action in shock, then she turned towards them with only one thought in mind, “I’LL KILL THEM ALL! YOU WATCHED AS WRITHED IN PAIN NOW I’LL SEE YOUR FACES DISTORT IN THE SAME!” Celia rushed to the first person cutting their neck clean open with her claw and grabbing another stabbing both of that womans legs and leaving her to bleed out in pain, she moved to quickly swipe the arms off of several of the people there. There were about ten people left and now Celia was going berserk, she wanted to see more blood for what they had done to her, more blood for the ignorance, more more more! Wanting to cause much more pain Celia was gifted a new toy by her master, a scythe one as black as her hair, her scythe as sharp as it could be. With one quick swipe she cut all ten peoples heads off and destroyed the buildings behind them, getting advised on how she should use her powers she destroyed the town and everyone in it making sure to leave no trace of it.
END: Blood and gore, for now
Taking a few leaves from the town and a few pieces of tattered clothes from destroyed home Celia put together a black dress and put it on, it seemed to fit perfectly. Celia walked and walked and walked she hadn’t come upon a town in about three days, but it was obvious someone was on her trail and that was not going to be good. The person eventually caught up to Celia and drew his weapon, Celia hid her demon hand beneath bandages and materialized her scythe, the fight was rough and scarring for both of them, but in the end Celia ended up destroying the sword of light the man held, and well, Watching as the body exploded into dark matter and flowed into her healing her wounds and the sword doing the same but flowing into her scythe. Her weapon gave off a small glow as the energy slowly moved into the scythe and her arm. In an instant her scythe had vanished just as quickly as it absorbed the body, though the battle had taken a toll on her body and brushed her to the brink of exhaustion. Celia stumbled her breathing was separated by long breaths as she tried to regain the breath that had been knocked out her during the battle.
After a few minutes of walking she fell forward because of oxygen deprivation, her vision first went black, but in almost an instant she opened her eyes with a loud gasp of air. She was laying in a bed with white sheets over it, looking around quickly she found it was day and the plant life outside was very lush and thriving, but between her and it was some kind of forcefield that felt cold yet fragile. Giving it a good punch she broke it with a loud shattering noise turning whatever it was into black energy to heal the wounds that was a direct result of the action. Moments later a person rushed up to the room to check the noise to find her standing there with a blank look. Celia finally noticed she was wearing white clothing that had a bit of red splattered on it now, the person asked if Celia was alright, Celia wanted to answer but opening her mouth gave no words at all. Cleia looked down at her bandaged right arm it seemed the bandages held through the trip of whoever brought her here, Celia assumed it was the woman that lived in the house.
The person simply gave a nod and lead Cleia around town and introduced her to the people of the small town, while looking at the city as if a flicker of a vision Celia saw the fields and houses on fire and red stains soaking the ground. The most Celia could call these visions was “beautiful” it was something she wanted to see, something in her body was telling her to destroy and murder, but they would be of some use first. After the next few weeks Celia learned to talk from the villagers and she got accustomed to the way of living while having the woman take care of her. While living in the town she learned how to summon her scythe and use it as quickly as she could combined with kicks and her environment to get the upperhand in battle. Though she was told to avoid areas where dark energy was starting to spread and grow stronger, of course these were areas where Celia was drawn and always went to with each area she corrupted she grew stronger. A few days later Celia noticed her scythe glowing a bright red glow on the blade and the snake paint on her hand gave a red glow as well, and as if it was calling for what she wanted…it started.
From the field Celia walked into the town, the sky had turned dark the moment her weapon and tattoo started to glow, she walked with weapon drawn and smirk on her face. A farmer had approached her to welcome her back like they normally did and with a single swing of her scythe the man fell to the ground cut in half, looking over the now horrified villagers she pressed her foot to man’s head until it bursted and the blood turned into dark energy. Raising her scythe she gave a swing sending a sharp wave of dark energy coursing through the town cutting off limb after limb of the villagers and turning the remains of the cut off limbs into dark energy to feed her. Soon a sharp pain soon wracked her arm as the cloth bandages exploded into shreds exposing the abnormally large demon hand, with yet another burst of blood, holding her scythe in her left hand against her arm with a loud maniacal laugh. Moving over Celia found the person who had housed her for the duration of her stay, looking at the person who was missing an arm and bleeding onto the ground Celia only smiled as she picked them up with the claws of her demon hand by ther persons head. Giving a creepy look Celia started to squeeze the person’s head blood starting to run down the person’s neck…one…two…three then a loud smash and piercing sound filled the air as the claws sunk through the skin the blood sinking in through her skin as she dropped the body.
Celia went through the rest of village killing and destroying everything until the town was leveled and walked to the next doing the same, but making the villagers suffer, after using them to learn more about the people. Though after a few towns seeing the villagers suffering became boring, Celia quickly became uninterested with killing people this week, she always found herself in the same situation as before with a broken down village and the same cries for help. Celia started to spare a few towns from the destruction by moving past them and not minding them, while passing through a town Celia heard about a city one with an established guild for stability, defense, and help. Something in her mind was going off, “go there” there it was telling here, a new challenge was presenting itself and she wanted to take it, no way they were stronger than her. Traveling to the town was easy, though like normal her plan was going to come first, she was going to suck every bit of info she can from the city, though she had never been in a big city before. Just by inspecting the people of the town she assumed they would be the same level as usual, but those were just the civilians, the real challenge would come when she entered the guild. Immediately she could feel the presence of the guild members most powerful and she couldn’t help but feel the excitement rise in her chest, but she couldn’t remain she would be found out. So she left raised money by using her skills to her advantage and purchased a room at the Tavern to stay at when she didn’t camp in the fields.
Level: 5 Anti-Hero
General Powers/Abilities/Unusual Traits Description:
Negative energy absorption: While walking among the town’s member Celia is able to absorb the negative feelings ridding the people of the city of their bad feelings when she is near, this also help her because she needs this energy to survive
Weapon manifestation: Celia can summon a scythe made from pure dark energy and negativity from what appears to be out of nowhere
Demon claw: Celia is able to summon a demon claw on her right arm, this arm holds a highly destructive power that Celia is somewhat unaware of but she learns more everyday
Specific Powers/Abilities/Traits of Note:
Dark matter-Healing: By dismembering her enemies Celia is able to heal the wounds she received by absorbing the feelings of regret the target has when it loses a limb
Dark matter-Transfer: Celia is able to reanimate her fallen opponents for a period of time until they vaporize into complete dark matter and be of no further use to her.
Overwhelming spirit summoning: Using the dark matter provided by her demon claw Celia learned to summon the regrets of her fallen victims and use them to trick her opponent into losing focus by saying various regrets to get them focused on the past rather than the moment
Dark matter-Benediction: Using the dark matter as a shield Celia is able to protect herself and any ally she had near her at the time, presuming she doesn’t turn on them
Demon injectors: Using the claws from her demon hand Celia shoots the tips of her claw into near by animals and shift them into demon versions of themselves to wreck havoc on the area around them.
Dark matter-Explosion: Dropping off a ball of pure dark energy then making it explode in an area Celia uses this to decimate an entire area and make safe heavens for her thralls and servants.
Dark matter-Enhancement: By killing her opponent Celia is able to enhance the power in her weapon and demon claw by absorbing the dark matter into transferable energy
Dark matter-Ray: Using the demonic power of her claw Celia is able to shoot off a beam of darkness in a straight line along the ground that explodes upwards in a fiery torrent of destruction that burns the area of the ground near it.
Demon claw-Missiles: Jumping high into the air and suspending herself with dark matter she uses consecutive Ray blasts to rain death upon anything below her and make the areas hit into demon spawners.
Dark matter- Summoning (Low): Using the energy on a quickly casted summoning spell allows Celia to summon minions from the demon realm to aid her in a fight if she deems necessary
Dark matter- Summoning (Medium): Taking about ten minutes Celia uses a small summoning circle added with dark energy to summon clones of herself with only physical attack abilities
Dark matter- Summoning (Large): Using a summoning circle as big as her old town and a great amount of dark matter Celia is able to summon a large demon for a complete hour and cause mass destruction along a certain predetermined path.
Dark matter- Summoning (Max-Urgent warning: Do not let her use this at any time!): Using a summoning circle as big as Dahlthir in it’s entirety will summon an great entity bent on destroying everything in it’s sight and then more until there is nothing left to destroy, presumably this is the power of the demon king himself. Note: Using this kind of spell even with a city of overwhelming negativity will kill the user. The demon king does not appear for no reason a sacrifice must be made.
Extra: Though being an Anti-Hero by classification Celia enjoys the company of heros near her, though she refuses to join the guild, because she knows what she is and she knows what will happen if she lets her guard down.
Cleia can not change into a dragon, and if asked if she’s ever tamed a dragon she will respond, “I don’t tame dragons, i devour them!”
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TMAGP 30 Spoilers
(Reactions and Theories for S2)
Man, this one was a wild ride...
Sam and Celia:
Sam, pick up the damn phone!!
Alice doesn't understand, Celia? What doesn't Alice understand? That you are from another world? That you need Sam to manipulate so you can figure out what happened? Sam's trauma with the Institute and his need to figure out what happened to him?
Celia is definitely pushing Sam towards Hilltop Road. There has to be something important there...
Celia, what's your plan? What are you going to use Sam for?
How does Celia know that they are safe on the train? I assume she is just saying it to Sam to calm him down but still. It's true that [Error] was on the train, but they never attacked them. Maybe they aren't after Sam and Celia but something on Hilltop Road? The rift perhaps?
Alice and Colin:
I get why Alice chose to go after Sam and Celia, after all, she knew that they were in immediate danger. Plus, to everyone else, Colin seems to be "overreacting." He kept mixing up "I" with "Freddy," I wonder if he is Becoming? Maybe he is Becoming a part of Freddy? Or maybe a vessel for Freddy, like how Jonah used Elias to body-hop?
The ticket officer isn't paid enough for this. I love the transcript lol
Lena and Gwen:
Lena was FIRED???? Lena, what did you have to do for the OIAR? Who did you have to kill? What did you have to cover up?
Lena noooo, come back please!!
Theory for S2: Lena is going to appear as a mentor character and explain things, like Gerry did for Jon. I think she is going to distance herself from the OIAR, and eventually, send them snippets of information to help them figure out what is going on. She is probably going to send things to Alice, since Alice has been there the longest and didn't actively try to steal her job. I also think she might go in a vigilante - style to destroy the Externals, since she isn't restrained by the OIAR anymore.
Sam and Celia:
Ok, so Sam did eventually read some of Alice's messages.
17, I wonder if that number is a reference to something. I might have to more digging on this one.
"We want your teeth!" Dentist -> Stranger, probably. Maybe the Flesh or Web?
Knocking from the Gray's Appliances? Maybe the Buried or Spiral. I'm leaning more towards the Buried since the coffin had knocking while the Distortion's Doors were more settle and luring.
Someone works here???
Celia got that reflex during the apocalypse.
His bit seems like he's had to tell a good amount of people to stay away. I wonder how many people he's saved.
It's not supposed to be reassuring Sam )):
Alice: Yeah! Go save Celia and Sam!! :D I get that the Taxi Driver didn't want to get involved with anything. Glad that they stayed behind.
[Error]!!!! The Custodian was able to resist the Compulsion more than Sam. I wonder if it's because they have been in a close proximity to the Fears.
So, there was a lot of dried blood on Hilltop Road, makes sense, especially if they were hunting for people to mark.
The owner had a wide smile, and didn't like questions being asked, so probably an Avatar?
1997- A drunk guy went into buy a lighter and was marked by the Desolation by a "haggard yet eager old woman," so probably not Agnes.
The store Patience had mannequins that were alive. Definitely the Stranger.
And then the Owner basically threatened him to not look into things anymore. Interesting.
The Owner died in his office, with all his blood vessels strung around. Maybe the Web?
At the end of his statement, the Custodian begins to turn into concrete, and Transform, saying that Hilltop and he are one. Maybe [Error] is triggering a Becoming-like Transformation and he is becoming a vessel for Hilltop Road. The transcript says, "he is gone." not that he died, so maybe his identity is gone? Maybe this is what happened to [Error]?
Sam and Celia:
Celia's tone here is very scary tbh.
Stairs, to a basement... Isn't this how Sam and Alice released [Error]? Even when she's joking with Sam, her tone is just not right?
It's the rift!!
I don't blame Sam for snapping. He's under a lot of stress, with a headache, and this is something really big to keep from him. CELIA FINALLY SAID THAT SHE'S FROM ANOTHER UNIVERSE!!
So, the worlds are out of balance and the rift is trying to force Celia back while she sleeps, and she wanted to sacrifice Sam to the rift, so she could stay with Jack, but for some reason, she couldn't bring herself to do it before [Error] came in. Is it because she likes Sam, she would feel bad sacrificing him? Why couldn't she find someone else? Like pretend to go on a date with a random person and take them here and push them in. Why did it have to be Sam?
Oh, maybe it's because Sam was involved with the Institute? But she was originally going to go to Hilltop Road with Sam AND Alice; Alice would stop Celia from hurting Sam, and Celia knows this, so maybe she was going to sacrifice both of them? But then the world would still be off-balance.
Maybe because Sam gave his statement to [Error] it connected him with the Institute more so that it would work?
[Error]!! And Celia's giving a statement about the Stranger! "AT LAST. IT IS MINE." Do they mean Celia's statement from another world or the rift? What do they want to do?
Sam is going to fight the [Error]. Go Sam!
Alice: GO ALICE!!!
Oh, so maybe I'm right about the Custodian, since they are still talking.
Gwen: I have a feeling Lena keeps alcohol in her office to cope...
Gwen, did you not realize that you got the job??
Gwen, you need to think this stuff through. You don't even know what your new job is. 😭 She has your full support to do WHAT Trevor??? Theory: I think that Trevor is alluding to killing Lena here and telling Gwen that he'll help her if needed. But because Gwen doesn't know wtf she's doing, Lena is going to live and go into hiding, which will come back to bite Gwen later.
Alice and Celia:
Sam and [Error] feel into the rift??? So, are they going to show up at Hilltop Road in TMA!Verse?
But the universes will be off-balance again, won't they? So maybe someone from TMA!Verse will be pulled through to maintain balance?
If someone does come, I think it will either be Melonie King or Annabelle Cane.
Melonie -> She is one of the only TMA!Verse characters that don't have a counterpart that we have met in TMAPG!Verse, so this would be a way to bring her in.
Annabelle Cane -> Annabelle was at Hilltop Road, and we have not heard anything about/from her, so I like to think, especially since Hilltop Road is a place of huge Web activity, like the Institute is for the Eye.
Overall thoughts: Great episode! 10/10! Did not expect half the things that happened! The only thing that could have made it better was another cameo lol.
Old Predictions:
I was basically completely wrong. The only thing I might be right about is that 'someone will Become', but that is not confirmed yet.
Predictions for Season 2:
Colin is going to Become a vessel for Fr3D1 and become something like [Error].
Lena is going into hiding and is going to observe the OIAR from afar for a while. She might try to send some information to Alice.
Teddy is starting to Become and get involved with the Externals, he will probably die.
Gwen is going to struggle with her new job and start relying on Fr3d1 for help. She will be manipulated by Augustus. She might become a vessel for him.
Alice and Celia are going to go back to one of their places after having an argument about what happened to Sam. Celia will explain everything to Alice and the two will continue working together at the OIAR. They will also start investigating the Insitute deeply and try to get more information out of Helen and Gertrude. Alice is going to resent Celia, but she will still work with her for Sam's sake.
Sam and [Error] are going to arrive at Hilltop Road in TMA!Verse, and [Error] is going to grow significantly weaker because of their distance from the Fears. They might start giving their own statement and we will get clues to their past identity, but we will not have a definite conformation of their past. Sam is going to find the ruins of the Institute and find someone, probably Barisa, Melonie, or Georgie, and rope them into helping him get back to TMAGP!Verse.
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