#I wonder if someone perhaps returned their copy 😅😅
soft-serve-soymilk · 5 months
Considering my issues have gone from ‘lonely little bitch’ to ‘daddy AND mommy issues (ongoing)’ in the school’s eyes, I’m now eligible for a chaplain!
I got to meet her today and SHE’S A HUGE RPG NERD AAAAAAAA ❤️❤️❤️
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gremlinbehaviour · 3 years
Lancelot: stubbornly standing legs give out and are caught/supported
I wish I could copy paste on mobile because I know that's not the exact wording. 😅
Lancelot, it turned out, was a pretty good scout. Like Gwaine and Elyan, he had an excellent sense of direction from all his traveling, but unlike the former, he didn’t have problems keeping track of time, and the latter, who was the sneakiest out of any of them, sprained his ankle the previous week and so hadn’t come on this mission. This all meant that it was Lancelot who had been sent ahead to take stock of the location of the mercenaries Morgana had hired, who were amassing on Camelot’s border and making occasional raids on villages. Arthur had brought a large force of knights out to deal with the problem, and didn’t want to have all thirty of them move in until they had a good idea of what they’d be walking into. As Lancelot staggered back into their camp, however, Arthur wondered if he perhaps should have sent the knight with some backup.
“I’m fine,” he overheard Lancelot insist as another knight tried to offer him a seat on a bedroll near the fire. It was obvious why he thought the scout should sit down; his shirt was positively drenched in blood and he was limping as he made his way towards Arthur. The king strode towards him as quickly as he could while still looking casual so that, if Lancelot wouldn’t sit down to give his report, at least he wouldn’t have to walk so far.
“What happened?” he asked.
“There’s more than we expected,” the knight replied, breathing heavily. “And they’re not in just one force, but spread out over the border. Ambushing them won’t work.”
“Is that how you ran into trouble?” Lancelot shook his head, even though it seemed to make him dizzy.
“No, I ran into a different scout. I took him out before he could report, but they’ll know something is wrong when he doesn’t return.”
“Do you think we should attack now, then, or wait and try to catch them off guard later?”
“Now, definitely,” Lancelot said, one second before his legs gave out and he collapsed. Only because Arthur was on the lookout already did he manage to surge forward and catch him.
“Damnit, Lance, why do you never just sit down when people tell you to?” He complained as he lowered the knight to the ground near a cooking fire. Thankfully, he hadn’t fainted completely, just gone a bit weak at the knees from the blood loss. “How bad are you hurt?”
“It’s just a scratch.”
“It’s a knife wound, Lancelot,” Arthur remarked as he pulled up Lancelot’s shirt to reveal the injury. The knight hadn’t been wearing chainmail, since it was too loud and caught the light too easily when he was trying to sneak around, and accordingly, he’d clearly been injured by a slash across his side that wouldn’t have so much as bruised him if he’d been wearing armor.
“I can still fight. We should still-”
“We can wait to attack until you’re on a horse safely away from here,” Arthur countered, hastily tying a bandage that someone handed him around Lancelot’s torso before lifting him back onto his feet. “Sir Gareth, come here, you’re taking Lancelot back home.”
“Sire, please, you don’t need to do that.”
“If you had admitted when you needed help, maybe I would let you just stay in camp, but I now I don’t trust you not to come after us.” Lancelot could admit the rationale behind that, so he let himself be passed off to Gareth, leaning against the younger knight’s shoulder. “You take good care of him,” Arthur ordered. “He’s my best knight, even though he makes bad decisions sometimes.”
Lancelot usually trusted Merlin in all things, but as the king managed to find just the right combination of words to both humiliate and inspire him to do better, he started to think the servant might be wrong about Arthur being an idiot.
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