#I would sip juice and sit on comfy couches with you Mi
saltygilmores · 1 month
Milo May Day 1: Introvert Milo
Transcript: I don't know what's going on here. I've never been here. Even when it was the old place. I have no idea. I live down in Venice Beach. I stay pretty much out of the scene, so... I'm a little bashful with all this stuff right now. Literally, a friend of mine was like hey, um, I'm at this place and I was supposed to be at the other place, and that place was kind of like, ehhhh. A little mellow. And he was like come to this other place and I was like alright. So I was literally like okay cool. Now I'm over here and there's like, cameras and backdrops. I don't even know what's going on. *chomps gum* No one's excited to see me. I like having a place to sit...usually. So hopefully it's like nice and cushy and quiet inside but I doubt I'm gonna find that so. My beverage of choice? Eh, a cranberry juice? Yeah, I quit drinking when I was my early 20's. I know, what a buzzkill this guy is. Doesn't like the clubs, doesn't know what the fuck is going on out here and he's actually not a drinker so... (on Heroes) It's nice to be a part of something people are washing and I hope it goes the distance.
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