#milo before media training
saltygilmores · 1 month
Milo May Day 1: Introvert Milo
Transcript: I don't know what's going on here. I've never been here. Even when it was the old place. I have no idea. I live down in Venice Beach. I stay pretty much out of the scene, so... I'm a little bashful with all this stuff right now. Literally, a friend of mine was like hey, um, I'm at this place and I was supposed to be at the other place, and that place was kind of like, ehhhh. A little mellow. And he was like come to this other place and I was like alright. So I was literally like okay cool. Now I'm over here and there's like, cameras and backdrops. I don't even know what's going on. *chomps gum* No one's excited to see me. I like having a place to sit...usually. So hopefully it's like nice and cushy and quiet inside but I doubt I'm gonna find that so. My beverage of choice? Eh, a cranberry juice? Yeah, I quit drinking when I was my early 20's. I know, what a buzzkill this guy is. Doesn't like the clubs, doesn't know what the fuck is going on out here and he's actually not a drinker so... (on Heroes) It's nice to be a part of something people are washing and I hope it goes the distance.
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swissboyhisch · 1 year
The Aussie Snack Experience
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Pairing: Nico Hischier x Aussie!Reader
Summary: As a marketing idea, you get to feature in a video with Nico trying snacks from your home country.
Word Count: 1637
Warnings: Alcohol. A little bit of an AU as Devs and Rangers aren't apart of the global series.
A/N: Another to the Nico x Aussie!Reader series
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You had been missing home a little and asked your family to send a box of Australian snacks and drinks. Unsurprisingly, your parents sent you multiple huge boxes, much bigger than you had ever expected. Lollies, biscuits, chocolate. Soft drink, alcohol, milo. So many things from your childhood. Luckily you had a whole team of hockey players you could share with. 
When the news had gotten to Anna in the Media department about your delivery, she asked you if you were willing to do a video with Nico. Apparently the idea of Nico trying Australian snacks and drinks was a good marketing idea. Especially since New Jersey was one of the teams just announced as a part of the Global pre-season games in Melbourne.
For once, you accompanied Nico to the arena one this day with your boxes of Australian stuff in the back of the car. Jack had picked you both up. Meaning he got roped into help carrying the boxes into the room where Anna had set up the video production. You two were setting up while the boys had morning skate. 
“Did your parents actually send you all this?” Anna questioned as she unpacked the drinks box.
You hummed as you pulled out the little bags of different flavours of Shapes. So many things. “Yeah, I was feeling a little homesick. Missing some snacks.”
“And even alcohol?”
“Yep!” You respond as Anna holds up a four pack of cruisers. “Those are my favourite. They sent me a heap of them thankfully.”
As training neared the end, you prepared the fairy bread. The slices of white bread slathered with butter and the Hundreds & Thousands on top. The perfect kids party food. Anna had set up a table of food off camera. As you and Nico would sit in frame, Anna would bring one plate of food or a drink for us to try. Well Nico to try.
“Heya babe,” Nico hummed, coming to join you on the couch. His hair was wet from his shower. All shaggy just like you liked it. 
“Hey sexy.”
A flush coloured his cheeks at the comment. Nico pressed a kiss to your cheek as the media crew set up the equipment. Majority of it was done, just final touches before you all started the shoot. Nico was going to start off the video with a little welcome.
“Hi, my name Nico Hischier and I’m here with my Australian girlfriend (Y/N),” Nico starts off. “As preparation for the Global series in Melbourne, (Y/N) has brought in a heap of Australian snacks for me to try. Some I may have already had, some I haven’t.”
“I tried to make it so it’s mostly the ones you have,” You add.
Nico waved over to Anna, “Anna is going to bring in the snacks for us.”
“Snack one!”
Anna brought over a plate of Tim Tams, just the plain ones. You got excited at the sight. Since receiving the box, you haven’t actually eaten anything so you couldn’t wait.
“I’ve had these!” Nico exclaimed happily, immediately grabbing one and takinging a bite.
You follow his actions, taking a bite from the biscuit and savouring the taste. “Do you remember what they’re called?”
“Uhhh, Tim Tams yeah?” You clap happily, giving him a smooch on the cheek as a reward. He laughs, “Is that my reward, a kiss for every right guess on what they’re called?”
“That wasn’t a part of the plan but I guess we could fit that in.”
The next thing was a glass of milk which confused Nico. Anna put two glasses down before the pair of you. You knew exactly what it was for and it was something you haven’t done since you were a child.
You laughed, “Time of a Tim Tam Slam.”
“You’ve never told me about this,” Nico argues.
Without telling him anything, you grab another biscuit and bite the two opposite corners. You dunk it a little in the lactose-free milk and suck like it’s a straw. Nico just watched on, confused as hell. 
“It makes it taste like chocolate milk,” You reveal, nodding for Nico to try his own. 
You watched as the Swiss tentatively bit off the corners and sucked up the milk. His eyes widened when he tasted the milk. 
“That tastes really good,” He comments.
You nod in agreement, “Now bite the Tim Tam.”
To you, the best part of the Tim Tam Slam was eating the biscuit after. The mushy biscuit. Sounds gross but it was so good. Anna brings out the next snack which is fairy bread.
“Is this the fairy bread?” Nico asks, examining the plate.
“The best party food of all time.”
“Isn’t a children’s party food?” 
You scoff, “I had this at my 18th birthday party thank you very much.”
Nico was tentative when he picked up a slice of bread. Spilling the Hundreds & Thousands over his lap. You giggled, taking your own piece and taking a bite. It took you back to your birthday where you and your best friend just ate the whole plate while drinking cruisers and cob loaf.
“Can we have a drink to wash this down?” You ask, smirking at Anna.
That was the code word you had sorted out earlier for Anna to bring out two of the cruisers. Both of them are your favourite flavour, Zesty Lemon & Lime. Nico saw them before they made it into frame. He lit up, having had Cruisers before as you loved drinking them when you went home for the off season. 
Nico immediately grabbed one, as did you, and clinked glasses. He took a sip happily. “These are Vodka Cruisers.”
“Like White Claws but better,” You add, taking another swig. 
“Lemon and Lime is probably the best flavour,” Nico comments.
You grin, “You take after me.”
Nico grabbed your legs, lifting them to rest them over his lap. You two made yourselves comfy which Anna loved. The fans were going to eat this up. Nico liked to keep you hidden, to himself. But this was a gold mine of content. 
“Do you have any Shapes on that table?” Nico asks, peering over behind the camera. 
At the request, Anna brings over multiple little bags of all the flavours of Shapes. Nico immediately went for the Pizza flavour. It was your favourite too. Then the door opened revealing Jack Hughes and Dawson Mercer.
“Snacks?” The youngest asked, heading straight for the table.
Anna suspected this would happen at some point. The team couldn’t help themselves but annoy whoever was on media duty. “If you want snacks, go sit with (Y/N) and Nico in front of the camera and introduce yourselves.”
Both of the boys excitedly sat in front of the couch like little kids. Your hand came to pat Jack’s head while Nico flicked the back of Mercer’s head.
“Seriously you two?” Nico huffed. 
“Leave them,” You laugh, nodding to Anna to bring out more snacks.
“Hi! My name is Jack Hughes and this is Dawson Mercer. We’re joining our parents to try Australian snacks from Mum’s home country.”
Dawson nodded, “What he said.”
The next to be brought out to the table was a bowl of favourites. Jack grabbed the Crunchy, Dawson grabbed a Flake, Nico went for a Boost and you grabbed a Picnic. Jack opened his, making the flakes of chocolate land all over his lap. Dawson just pissed himself laughing at his friend.
“They’re your favourite, yeah?” Nico asked, nodding to the chocolate in your hand. Trying to ignore the children in front of you two.
You nod, taking a bite. “Behind Chomps.”
“Chomp?” Jack questions.
At those words, Anna threw a couple bars of Chomp at you guys. You and Nico both caught yours but watching Jack and Dawson getting hit in the head cracked the you guys up. Jack looked like a deer in the headlights when he felt the bump before it landed in his lap. You didn’t waste any time though. Tearing into the bar and biting at the crunchy, caramel, wafer and chocolate treat. 
“Yo these are great,” Jack stated, chewing still.
You slap him up the back of his head, “Eat with your mouth closed Jackson!”
“My name isn’t Jackson,” he argued.
“Don’t argue with Mum.”
Nico rolled his eyes, “Love that we just suddenly have kids.”
You just picked up your cruiser again and skulled it. It’s better to deal with these two when drunk. Anna finally stopped laughing long enough to bring out lamingtons. Jack didn’t bother waiting, going immediately for the food. 
“What’s this?” Dawson asked you. 
You take one and offer it to Nico. He smiled, taking a bite of the dessert then pressing a little kiss to your lips. You hum at the taste coating your lips. 
“A chocolate lamington,” Nico answers for you.
In response to his words, you press a kiss to his cheek once more. “Neeks is right.”
“You guys want to wrap it up?” Anna suggests to you. 
Jack and Dawson weren’t even paying attention anymore, Just grabbing at the different snacks on the table. Luckily Jack was driving you and Nico as you both had drunk a couple cruisers through the duration of the filming. It wasn’t a game day which was why he was allowed to drink. 
You decided to do the outro as the two younger boys didn’t give a shit about the video. Nico was being clingy, holding you to him. “Thanks for watching me feed the boys Australian snacks. Make sure you guys come see the boys play against the Rangers in Melbourne on the 23rd and 24th of September. You may even catch a glimpse of me somewhere in the stadium. Peace out.”
“Bye!” The boys shout, waving at the camera. “See you in Australia!”
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@findapenny @mp0625 @hischierhaze @11zegras @lvrzegras @francesfarhadi @cixrosie @daisysthings @jayrami3
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hauntedrain · 5 months
Part 4: For Our Own Sanity | Alex Turner x Fem Reader |
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social media AU Summary: Alex and readers relationship turns public after a string of events.
part 1: Here! part 2: Here! Part 3: Here!
✰▹Warnings/Notices: use of milo as ex bf. timeline is probably all messy atp. use of Taylor swift as face claim, as well as reputation album use. Not edited.
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@POPupdates: Milo Manheim and his gf have made a few comments recently about their opinions on Y/N L/N and her reputation with the media. Both stated that they agree with the backlash she's getting and find it reasonably as its consequences to Y/N L/N's actions. The Singer has yet to make any comment on any aspect as the L/N has been MIA from the media and hasn't been seen publicly since February 13th.
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user1: Honestly she deserves it, the way she was with him is clear and clearly she has boy problems.
user2: I would leave social media too if I was that much of a train wreck. Ruining your own relationship and then running away from the problem you created is crazy.
user3: No wonder why Alex got a new girl.
↪ user4: AGAIN. NOTHING. IS. COMFIRMED. ABOUT. A.N.Y.T.H.I.N.G. its all he said she said, one side of the story isn't a complete story.
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@Alexupdates: The Arctic Monkeys have arrived for their first out of 4 shows in New York City. The four shows will span over 2 weeks, and the first show started this evening!
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@Alexculture: The Arctic Monkeys Have started their North America section of their World Tour after 2 months of touring the UK, however during this tour there's been many comments and talk about his relationship with "singer" Y/N L/N. Alex has yet to make a clear comment on their situation or if their is a situation at all, but he did say in a interview last weekend that he would "prefer privacy in relationships and life.".
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user5: I thought they weren't together after his story with a black haired girl?
↪ user6: I mean its not like Y/N has never dyed her hair before. She's dyed it black before.
User7: I just want Y/N back. She hasn't posted since that one post, but she deleted it.
↪ user8: I heard that she's gonna release something soon.
↪ user9: they've been saying that for the last 5ish months. she never has.
↪ user10: I guess we just have to wait.
Y/N has posted to their story!
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liked by AlexTurner,TaylorSwift & 25,456,358 others
@Y/N: 8/10/24
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taglist: @mathdebate00 @ouroboros311 @joannfabrics @tangointhequango
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its-wabby-stuff · 2 months
How Human is your Animal?
Based on animalistic representation in Media. Ranging from anthropomorphic to everyday pet.
A tier list for your convenience
S Tier- Humans don’t exist here
Qualifications: the world has no humans, animals tend to walk on hind legs and participate in human like societies, most likely anthropomorphic but not required
Zootopia, Kung Fu Panda, Sing, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Chicken Little, My Little Pony, Goofy Movie, Ducktales, Robin Hood, Angry Birds, Samurai Rabbit, Paws of Fury, Spiderhams Universe
A Tier- I see, a little co-op happening
Qualifications: the world has humans, humans acknowledge animals in some way, they can be hired/considered for jobs and/or are active in society. Might be considered mutants
Paddigton, Muppets, Stuart Little, The Bad Guys, Pinnocio, Shrek universe, Care Bears, the Bee Movie, Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 3, and subsequently the entire MCU, Monsters Inc, Storks, Looney Tunes, TMNT, MHA, Yogi Bear, We Bare Bears, Chip N’ Dale: Rescue Rangers (2022), Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Hop, Wonderland, James and the Giant Peach, Hoodwinked, Mr. Peabody and Sherman, Ichabod and Toad, Sonic Movie
B Tier- Your getting suspiciously close
Qualifications: act more human like, perhaps develop a hidden society or walk on hind legs or plan elaborate heists, it’s just not quite right for an animal
Madagascar, Ice Age, Shark Tale, Surfs Up, Snoopy, Rescuers, SpongeBob, Ratatouille, Horton Hears a Who, Free Birds, Great Mouse Detective, Chicken Run, Flushed Away, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Tom and Jerry, Secret of Nym, Tale of Desperaeux, American Tail, Once Upon a Forest, Garfield, Over the Hedge, Rango
C Tier- Communication is key in fostering animal relationships
Qualifications: Perhaps by magical transformation or special gift or something that has always been kept a secret until now, these animals are able to talk to you
Cinderella, Tarzan, Jungle Book, Epic, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, Charlottes Web, Scooby Doo, Happy Feet, Snow White, Pete’s Dragon, Princess and the Frog, Aladdin, The Little Mermaid, Spies In Disguise, Emperors New Groove, Enchanted, Sophia the First, Peter Rabbit, Meet the Robinsons, Anastasia, Swan Princess, Dr. Dolittle, Leo, Up
D Tier- Oh look, it’s gaining complexity
Qualifications: although animals have been known to convey emotions nothing is more complex than creating Shakespearean like storylines. Humans take to the sidelines
Lion King, Finding Nemo, 101 Dalmatians, Bambi, Land Before Time, The Secret Life of Pets, Bugs Life, Oliver and Company, All Dogs go to Heaven, Lady and the Tramp, Fox and the Hound, Aristocats, Migration, Bolt, Dinosaur, The Good Dinosaur, Super Pets, Dumbo, Home in the Range, G-force, The Wild, Spirit, Rio, Curious George
F Tier- It’s all okay, animals are just animals here
Qualifications: Imagine your pet in a movie, that’s prolly what fits here. The everyday dog, or cat, or shark. Likely plays a part in the plot progression of the movie
Babe, Jurassic Park, Milo and Otis, Old Yeller, Life of Pi, Sword in the Stone, Beethoven, A Dogs Purpose, We Bought a Zoo, Pokémon, Dolphins Tale, Homeward Bound, The Black Stallion, Marley and Me, Jaws, King Kong, How to Train Your Dragon
Z Tier- So it doesn’t work like other places, but it works for you
Qualifications: a Universe with its own set of rules, perhaps jumping into a place outside of their own where rules seem just a little different. Who can say if it was real, or a dream?
Mary Poppins, Spiderverse, Fantasia, Mario Bros, Song of the South, Alice in Wonderland (cartoon), Calvin and Hobbes
Each placing is based on the highest human to animal ratio in universe even if that is one exception. This is for fun, don’t take it too seriously. You’re welcome to fill in anything you think is missing. If I mentioned one of your favorite movies you have to reblog, I don’t make the rules.
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anulumgygis · 6 months
Welcome to the new digs. I’ve created a new tumblr as part of a consolidation of my media presence. I’ll be adding things here and there and posting more often. The old Freedom City tumblr will remain active at johnirathomas.tumblr.com, but johnirathomas.com will point here. I’ll keep you up to date on exciting projects like, well…
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There’s this handsome devil, out just before Thanksgiving, 2023. It’s the first in the Candle Light Press Classical line. Kulseth and Larmour draw a line connecting modern Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and ancient pankration fighting. It may be the first such book written by at least one person who’s been in a proper fight or three. I served as editor and saw this work through production. It’s an incredibly interesting work and I hope you’ll check it out.
Here’s their blurb:
What has Brazilian Jiu Jitsu to do with the Ancient Greeks? A lot, according to Joshua Kulseth and David Larmour, investigating the connections between the Greek pankration and contemporary BJJ and MMA. They argue that today's Brazilian Jiu Jitsu gyms, training, and competitions offer the closest modern analogy to Ancient Greek wrestlers and pankratiasts and to the ideals of Greek agonism embodied in the Olympic Games.
Their book, Agony: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and the Greeks combines Kulseth's first-person narrative of experience in combat sports with Larmour's expertise in ancient Greek athletics, literature and mythology, and is illustrated by original artwork by Jeremy Smith.
When we struggle today for self-improvement or victory in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Mixed Martial Arts, the ancient Greeks walk among us-not only the ordinary citizens of Athens or Sparta doing their daily training in the local palaestra, but also famous athletes like Milo and Arrichion, heroes of myth like Odysseus and Heracles, poets like Pindar and Sophocles, and even gods like Zeus and Prometheus.
The ISBN is 978-0989537155 and is available or orderable anywhere books are sold.
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autisticempathydaemon · 10 months
Hello! Just trying out the Redacted Audio Matchup!
What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why?
I am currently obsessed with the song Bitterwater by The Oh Hellos, I love folk-rock and songs I feel like would be played in a DND tavern.
"Bury me beneath the tree I climbed when I was a child"
I don't know why I liked this verse but it gave me a message that home is a place where you are the happiest (If that makes sense)
What is your Enneagram type?
I am a type 4 (the individualist) which makes sense kind of
Do you love gargantuan Youtube video essays, and if so, which is your favorite and why?
I have actually never heard of this channel so I don't have an answer.
Tell me about your childhood imaginary friend.
Their name is Jasmine, they've been my imaginary friend since I was a kid, and they change their look on the regular, they're usually there to comfort me when I'm down and alone.
What is your go-to way to fall asleep?
Usually just put on some asmr video and wait till I fall asleep.
If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why? (In tandem, if you have changed your name, why did you pick that one?)
I keeping my name at the moment, though I have tried to think of a name that suits me, that makes comfortable and confident in it. I don't have a name yet, but I hope to find one in the future
What is your favorite of Redacted’s audios, and why?
"Talking Commitment with your Werewolf Boyfriend"
This video just really shows how strong and healthy Milo and Sweetheart's relationship is, that they clarify that they don't feel like they need to get married to be devoted to each other. I love Milo and Sweetheart's relationship, it's full of fluff and understanding for each other.
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don’t get the hype for. (I won’t judge, I promise.)
Vega, he just doesn't interest me, he seems so bland and just has really nothing really worth for my to hear.
Tell me about that one book/movie/tv show you know all the words to.
How to Train Your Dragon (all the movies)
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend?
I know this kinda seems basic but Huxley, I see him more as a brother/best friend then anything romantic.
Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you’re tired, and if so, what is it? (For example, my boyfriend knows I’m ready to sleep when I start talking about space.)
I just start rambling about the most random things, like they aren't even related to what I was saying before, they just start Poppin outta nowhere.
Tell me your go-to gas station and drink combo.
Sausage rolls and Hot Chocolate, it always makes me feel like a child again.
Tell me about your favorite playlist at the moment.
Funny thing...I don't have a playlist, the playlist I think would count would just be The Oh Hellos! Dear Wormwood album. I just love their songs ❤️
What’s your guilty pleasure media, and why?
Tough one but it would have to be reading bl comics and manga.
And whatever else you think tells me about who you are!
I am an artist who is striving to be a character designer one day! I love DND and rpg games, I dance and sing in my room by myself, and I use my imagination more than I think is healthy. I am queer, and I want to make friends, but I tend to be quite odd to talk with, so that is mostly a problem. I very much hate math too and I am not a morning person (very much a night owl)
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Lemme tell you, this one took me on a RIDE- a flimflamming, tossing and turning, back and forth ride with loop de loops. I had to think incredibly hard about this, so it is with hard won assurance when I say you and Ollie must be together.
Being a Type Four, the Individualist, your imaginary friend, and wanting to make friends gives me the image of someone who’s kind of lonely, if I may say so? Ollie wouldn’t let that continue, because he personifies loyal, sweet, simple companionship like no other Redacted boi. Making friends would be so easy and natural with him by your side, integrating your lives together, introducing you to his cat, inviting you to board game nights with his friends. A life with him would be very full.
It would also be so fun! I think another reason y’all would get along so well is that y’all like a lot of the same things! I can just imagine y’all sharing character playlists for your campaigns, exchanging little TTRPG memes, getting little Cattywumpus footsteps all over your character sheets because y’all left them on the coffee table. When you’re not out with your TTRPG friends, you’re having lots of cozy nights in, chilling on the couch, Ollie kissing your cheek as he watches you draw over your shoulder.
They'll speak of me in whispered tones/ And say my name like it shakes their bones/ 'Cause we'll dance together so close we're sharing breath/ But now I'm leading, doesn't that just scare you to death
Is this a traditionally romantic or cute song? No. Is it hella fantasy, storytelling, narrative vibes? Abso-fucking-lately. It’s giving enemies to lovers with indescribable, undeniable chemistry and tension, and I think you and Ollie would have a blast carpool karaoke-ing it and acting it out.
So here’s where the issue was- Milo and Ollie were fucking duking it out for your hand with Asher just ekeing out behind in third. They’re both sweet and supportive, fun, eager to engage with your interests and hobbies; Milo even has a cat too. Ollie just fucking won because it’s canon he’s a game nerd and I liked an Unempowered boy with you.
note: we should be friends I myself am odd and unusual 💕
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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epicspheal · 1 year
Cactusverse Galar League Challenge Headcanons
Just an infodump Galar League Challenge headcanons from cactusverse The Galar League challenge last from 90 days and typically starts in late summer and ends in early fall. The official start of the gym challenge isn’t really the opening ceremony it actually begins 5 days prior. This is to allow for travel for both challengers and leaders to the opening ceremony area (usually Motostoke, but it has been Hammerlocke in the past) as well as pre-challenge interviews. Often the chairperson, current champion, some gym leaders and challengers will have interviews before the opening ceremony. It’s a good idea for challengers who want sponsorships (as those are separate from the endorsement letters) to arrive early so they can settle in and snag an interview. Most gym challengers arrive 3 days prior to opening to check in, get their uniform (and get it adjusted if needed) and to make sure all of their accommodations (such as noise reducing headphones, exemptions from certain gym tests) are in place. All gym challengers need to be registered by the day of the opening ceremony or risk disqualification. Leon on his gym challenge just barely made it due to his habit of getting lost. The day of the opening ceremony is a huge moment in Galar and many people often pay good money to get a seat in the stands that day to see all of the gym challengers, leaders and champion in one place. The champion often gives a speech once the gym challengers walk out onto the field. As soon as the opening ceremony concludes the gym challenge portion officially begins. However most challengers and leaders stay the night at the hotel (all paid for by the league) before heading out. The first week, challengers are actually not allowed to challenge the first gym even if they get to the city early. This is to allow for trainers who don’t have at least 3 Pokemon to catch some in the wild area or along the routes. This also gives time for the gym leaders to go over challenger list and make sure accommodations are ready (for example challengers to Milo’s gym who can’t wrangle Wooloo will be given an alternate less physically demanding test). The gym challenge portion lasts 8 week, one week per gym. Challengers challenge the gym on a first come, first serve basis. They are scheduled at certain times for media coverage and having time for the gym leader and gym trainers to rest per challenge. If a challenger fails either the test or loses the battle against the leader they can not re-challenge in the same day, they’ll have to come back. Also those who have to retry are given lower priority than those on their first try. Also each challenger can only fail 3 times period before being disqualified. This can be either failing three times to a single gym test/battle (this happens a lot to people challenging Kabu) or failing at 2 or more gyms (a lot of trainers strike out by failing against Kabu, Gordie and then Raihan). At 6 weeks, gym challengers who don’t have at least 4 badges are often asked to quit their challenge as it may be unlikely they’ll catch up in time as the gym challenge portion has a hard cutoff at the 8 week mark. This is to allow for the gym leaders to have time to prepare for the upcoming champion’s cup. This is especially crucial in years where there is no active champion as all major and minor league leaders will be invited to compete for the champion title. After the 8 weeks for the gym challenge is up there’s actually a 2 week gap between the gym challenge and the tournaments. This is to allow for travel to Wyndon and for training for the remaining challengers and leaders. This is often the time you’ll see challengers headed to the isle of armor or crown tundra or doing intense training in the wild area. Others may decide to give interviews during this time as a last bid for sponsors. The last week of the league challenge is the tournament. Depending on the number of challengers remaining there is either 1-2 days given for the challenger’s cup. On average 8 challengers typically make it to Wyndon although some years it’s been as low as 0 and some as high as 14. There’s two days given for the champion’s cup where the remaining challenger and the gym leaders face off. The match between the reigning champion and winner of the champion’s cup happens on the last day of the challenge followed by the closing ceremony. If it’s a year that there is no active champion then there is just one massive tournament that is held between major leaders, minor leaders, and any challengers to crown the champion and this usually takes 3 days to complete.
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yokaismp · 9 months
Character Name: "Steamboat" Species: "Human" Pronouns: Any Pronouns Homeland: Overworld, TBD. Occupation: Train Engineer Favorite Thing: Gertrude (Pet Snail) and Glowstone Fun Fact: Lived underground their whole life, has never seen a chicken before! About: A business-minded train engineer who has a long history with Alex. Steamboat can often seem cold and unfriendly to most people, unless he sees business potential in someone or something. She dislikes drama and refuses to listen to gossip, even if it would benefit them. Despite their name being SteamBOAT they have extreme hydrophobia.
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Art by Milo
Portrayed by: Milo Pronouns: he/it Social Media: carrd twitch tiktok twitter youtube
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bellafragolina · 2 years
Mr rain has appeared on tv with all over the boys ( everyone he’s dating) I’ve got some good ones
Kabu and mr rain appeared together one because mr rain blacked out and kabu just picked him up bride style and started walking away the second time mr rain was helping kabu at his gym before he had a interview and and the interviewies found them talking over about something( they where stilly close but still )
Leon got his ass lost again mr rain came to same in from news people, Leon was happy the news peoples weren’t so
Milo it was also a interview mr rain had to talk to him about something before the interview happened, said interviewies caught them on camera
Piers, dragged mr rain on the stage at one of his concerts, there was also a time piers appeared at at the train station mr rain came to save his ass
Raihen he had a interview and they started talking about his social he ended up calling over mr rain
tv time with all the babes
the news media are probably going nuts over "which of the galar men are dating the unovan??" when it turns out all of them are lmao
won't they be surprised?
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threenorth · 4 months
Today's messages.
Saturn, I don't have much money to spare but every dollar is yours, I'll be flying back soon enough hopefully... I'm hoping for June. But I don't know. I can't wait to have you in my arms again, we're be dancing till the cows go moo.
Lea, I sure need a laugh the last few months have been pretty rough but I'm surviving... Some how.
Yousif, I'd ask you out but you and I are really quite busy and you don't like this long distance thing, and hopefully soon some paperwork can make it a little easier to be a little closer.
Ben, I knew from the day I met you in match 2012 that you were special. The day you hugged me I believed in love at first sight. And I still feel your butterflies in my stomach some items, but the one in my frame is one I caught.
Danny, you can video call me or message me... like i said but remember sleep is important don't fuck up your schedule mines a train wreck, at least if I go to Australia it's 3 hours different so I'll be on the money 😂.
Forrest, it's like the world dampens down and it's just a wide shot.
Quinn, you know my feelings I miss you, I also really want to kiss you harder and better than last time.
L, it's better to call and get a voice mail then someone who hangs up on you but you'll never know till you try.
Tony, I think there's a few good moments I can count on one hand and your 2 or 3 of them.
Olivia, I said I'd never leave but I guess I've had a few meltdowns and never had the time to really have time for me and try do my healing process. And now just taking each day as it comes but yknow hopefully I get this job, I'll be moving out and it would be nice if you could get a working holiday visa I'm more worried about soup and I'll need to get some injections for my allergies.
Lennon, you never left my mind or heart just everytime I saw my pain I saw you and it made me fall deeper...thanks for keeping me alive...
Summer, I feel only wiser and stronger but much the same I guess that's just living with truma but my feelings for you will never stop.
Yesterday's messages
Daytona, that's Florida I said where in Colorado so this can't be me but... I'm planning on it but sometimes life keeps getting worse and Messer, I'd send you money but you'll be sad...
R, I see you in the couples I see, I see you in the song lyrics, I see you in the movies I watch, I see you all the glimmers of my mind where you planted flowers and it's spring all year round *sneeze*
Milo, reminds me of the song the luckiest.. But I really wonder how our parrele universe self's met, I hope it's a bop.
X, I can see us adopting some strays but we can't get crazy cat lady hoarding level but enough to have like two or four (cats and dogs because no sane person in my house will have a snake)
Phoenix, in the hard times it's your love is what keeps me breathing my love for you is what keeps you alive in the hard times we call life. But these tough times, they and bad times they will past but our love remains... Infinite.
Angel, I don't need time but I do need you to help me out a little bit... I appoglized for my stupidity and you still remain... Our next significant date is march but by then I'll probably be snowed in with this new job possibly, can we make new history? Tomorrow or sometime soon... On your Sunday I have a two hour interview from 12-2 so how about 2.30?pm send me a text ?
Ben, you want me to talk to you but you don't pick up the phone, and I'm blocked on your social medias, you know I will always reply and I'm sorry I asked for what I asked, I said time and time again...and yes maybe next time I'll watch my mouth... You teach me many things but sometimes I look at the moon and think what am I supposed to be learning this time. Where's the sliver lining, and even when it hurts to hear you rip me apart before your birthday at least you still have gave me what I needed...
Anyway, the apartment I'm looking at in Australia is a little expensive and I might need to find another person to live in the apartment unless some how you and I start getting back to...
Logan, I don't know if I'd say you feel safe but you feel warm like chocolate in the soul or coffee on a cold day or rainbow after the rain, but maybe your just everything beuiutful.
Ethan, there's gonna be better kisses then that last but there's still a few firsts that I kept for you.
Grey, a million cats... Yeah Mayne not the cost might be a little to expensive. But I can do a few. But I have something better then pets to grow old with.
Soon... Kind of... Weer delayed.
Somethings keep getting in my way... Money and ergh... Shit.
Elijah, in the night before this was posted I had an odd dream with someone I dated once she was 5'11 her name was Louise, but she felt more like you I think my body is connected thru wrong body to the wrong person but it wasn't a dance we were how do you say.. .horazstsl tango.
I haven't seen her in bonks (years)
So I do not know why I had this odd dream but I woke up out of it like most of my gravy dreams.
Anway, off to sleep it's 1am.
Have a great thursday.
Feel free to call tommrow I might be at the supermarket or I'm just reading somethings I printed for my interview Monday.
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saltygilmores · 10 months
Milo On Making Out With Alexis
August 9, 2002 You've probably heard the rumors of a possible love connection between Alexis Bledel and Milo Ventimiglia of Gilmore Girls. So, when I ran into Milo at the WB's recent press shindig, I milked him for the 411 on his love life. "Oh, God. I'm single. I'm not dating at all. I had a girlfriend for a year, and we broke up in February."
Still, it's clear that Milo and Alexis have formed a tight bond. When I congratulated him on his steamy season-ender kiss, he smiled bashfully and said: "Tell Alexis. It was all her. I was nervous. We're in this huge beautiful mansion out in the country, and everybody stopped what they were doing and walked over to watch the scene. And I was like, 'Okay, this is pressure.' We did it over and over, and people were still there. We did each angle a million times. It was a full makeout session the whole day."
If you ask me, the proof is in the smooching. So even if Milo and Alexis really aren't dating, it's this humble couch potato's opinion that they should. You'd agree if you'd seen how adorable they were together last weekend at the Teen Choice Awards, working the red carpet side by side, waiting for each other to finish before moving on. Precious!
Notably less adorable , however, is the fact that 7th Heaven won a Teen Choice Award for Best Drama over Alias, Buffy, Gilmore Girls and Felicity. Don't look now, but the underworld just frozeth over.
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kellieblog · 5 months
The Italian Greyhound Dog Breed: A Graceful and Gentle Companion
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Introduction to the Italian Greyhound Dog Breed
Appearance: Small, slender dogs with a sleek coat and elegant build.
Characteristics: Gentle and affectionate, making them excellent companions.
Popularity: Gained popularity as charming and graceful pets.
Temperament: Affectionate, loyal, good with children and other dogs.
Lifespan: Generally, a lifespan of 12 to 15 years.
Coat Color: Available in various colors, including shades of fawn, blue, and black.
Breed Status: An original breed with a long and storied history.
How to Take Care of an Italian Greyhound
Provide high-quality dog food suitable for their age, size, and activity level.
Consider small breed-specific formulas like Royal Canin X-Small Adult or Hill’s Science Diet Small & Toy Breed.
Ensure a warm and cozy environment, especially in colder weather.
Provide a comfortable bed and consider using a dog sweater or coat during winter walks.
Care Methods:
Thrive on love and attention.
Spend quality time, provide mental stimulation through toys and games, and integrate them into the family.
Minimal grooming for their short coat.
Occasional brushing to remove loose hair, regular nail trimming, ear cleaning, and dental care.
How to Prepare for an Italian Greyhound’s Life
Three Short Advice Sentences:
Keep them warm in cold weather due to their thin coat.
Engage in regular play and mental stimulation.
Ensure they have a safe and secure outdoor area or use a leash during walks.
Food: Provide high-quality, small-breed-specific dog food.
Environment: Keep them warm, especially during colder months.
Toys and Training: Engage in play and mental exercises.
Socialization: Introduce them to various people and environments.
Essential Equipment for Caring:
Soft, warm bedding or blankets.
Leash and harness for outdoor walks.
Small dog sweaters or coats for colder weather.
Quality dog food and water bowls.
Interactive toys and puzzles for mental stimulation.
Common Diseases:
Patellar Luxation: Prevent with regular exercise and maintaining a healthy weight.
Dental Issues: Support dental health with regular tooth brushing and dental chews.
Hip Dysplasia: Maintain a healthy weight and consider joint supplements.
Necessary Vaccines:
Core vaccines: Rabies, distemper, and parvovirus.
Consult your veterinarian for specific vaccine recommendations based on lifestyle and location.
Common Names for Italian Greyhounds
Advice on Choosing a Name:
Choose a name that suits their elegant and graceful personality.
Consider shorter names that are easy to call.
Common Names for Italian Greyhounds:
How to Buy/Adopt an Italian Greyhound
Locations of Popularity:
Popular in many countries, with breed enthusiasts and responsible breeders worldwide.
Average Price:
The cost of a puppy ranges from $1,500 to $3,000, depending on factors like breeder reputation and pedigree.
Look for rescue organizations on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and rescue websites.
What to Check Before Adopting/Buying:
General health: Ensure the dog is healthy and has been examined by a veterinarian.
Vaccination status: Verify that the dog is up-to-date on vaccinations.
Medical history: Request the dog’s medical records to understand any prior health issues.
List of Rescue Groups for Italian Greyhounds:
Italian Greyhound Rescue Foundation (USA)
Italian Greyhound Rescue (UK)
Canadian Italian Greyhound Rescue (Canada)
In conclusion, Italian Greyhounds are delightful and elegant companions, bringing grace and charm to any home. Their adaptability, affectionate nature, and low-maintenance grooming make them suitable for various families and living situations. By providing them with the right care, love, and attention, you can enjoy a fulfilling and lasting bond.
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basilisk06 · 1 year
I know scarlet and violet are out but if anyone’s interested in gen 8; Sword and Shield:
I have ideas (that can hopefully go into an ao3 story if I get that) of the main story gym leaders (Milo, Nessa, Kabu, Bea, Allister, Opal, Gordie, Melony, Piers, Raihan,) the rivals (Klara, Avery, Bede, Marnie, Hop), the (former) champions (Leon, Master Mustard, Peony) and the heads of Macro Cosmo ([Ex] Chairman Rose and Oleana), Honey (Mustards wife [how did they…]), the brothers (Sordward and Shielbert) and the other gym challengers (look them up) But…
What about the other gym leaders? The ones we don’t see in-game. What teams do they have? I want you to send me your ideas and tell me about them. (I’m new to tumblr so I haven’t figured out messaging and asking yet). Like Peonia (Peony’s daughter), Hyde (Mustsrd and Honeys son), and other characters like the gym leaders: Bug, Ground, Normal, and Steel.
I’ve already done a Sword walkthrough of the electric gym leader, named Michael (or Mikey, guess where I got that idea from). And a Shield walkthrough of the flying gym leader, named Ace (slight inspiration from fanfic “A League unlike any other” chapter 23 [link down below] read the whole thing, it’s good).
I’ve also decided to have both protagonists, Victor and Gloria (and in a follow-up post, I’ll reveal who’s gonna be be the champion) are going to exist and be twin siblings on the journey, and their Pokémon starters will be: Scorbunny for Victor and Sobble for Gloria (and Grookey for Hop). I would also like to here some feedback and what Pokémon the two would have. There can be no more than twelve Pokémon for each, and for their final teams each Pokémon must be from a different generation, but there can be another gen 8 Pokémon because each character in the game has two Pokémon from gen 8 (albeit sometimes and gen 8 Pokémon and and gigantimax Pokémon).
Some changes I will make is that Leon’s team will be mostly normal, but without the other starter, I’ll give him both Seismitoad as well as Mr Rime. Also Hop’s team can be any Pokémon that he has already caught, no new Pokémon. Cara Liss (character that allows you to make Dino fusions near Stow-n-Side) will have a box of fossil only Pokémon. Also the main Galar dex, Isle of Armor dex, and and Crown Tundra dex will not be changed, but must have all legendaries removed for lore reasons, except Urshifu. Also, if you have any additions to give to the gym leaders team (to make sure they have six Pokémon instead of five) give your suggestions.
If I am able to make a fanfic about this, I will be changing the story to make more sense and have more lore in between. The story will be: Story -> beating Kabu’s gym -> isle of armor (beating Klara and Avery and all the trials) -> story -> before semifinals -> isle of armor (First Kubfu training arc, no gigantimax form) -> story -> becoming champion -> post game story -> isle of armor (Urshifu gigantimax form) -> Fan-made story (New and improved version of Team Rainbow Rocket arc [with a few number of characters from Galar and some cameos]) -> Crown Tundra -> Galarian Star tournament -> whatever I want to write and your ideas.
I know I wrote a lot and it’s most likely that no one will respond, but if you have any ideas, do give.
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armentas · 1 year
alright SO. maybe if i type this out, i'll come up with a solution.
a week or so ago, i reached a breakthrough in patli's development, but the result of this means that she may not run away at all. or if she does, it'll be in a different way, at a different time, or for a different reason or something. it'll be some kind of change of plans.
i now know that having people she loves close to her matters to her deeply because of childhood neglect and her closeness with beau. i now know one of her biggest fears is being abandoned as skip and erin start to separate more and more from her as they grieve. i'm trying to make sense of what her logic would be if she did still end up running away from home; like, it's just hard because patli has somewhat contradictory values and wants. she wants the freedom to make her own choices, but at the same time, she wants to be rescued and to have someone else take the responsibility for her because she's scared. that's why it's a coming of age; it's her learning how to trust her own decision making and learn what it means to be a young adult, while trying not to fall into a trap of feeling adulthood must mean full self-reliance and not burdening people with your issues. she can fall into both ends of the spectrum; it entirely depends.
maybe she initially already sees her friends leaving her as a lost cause. she doesn't remember being neglected, but it's subconsciously a lost cause for her because there was nothing she could do when her parents left her first. maybe she initially "accepts it" and gives up. she tends to fake accept things, even faking it to herself because she's never been given the power to change things in her life herself, that time included. that "acceptance" usually means optimism, but because she's never experienced something to this magnitude before, the same old "just look on the bright side" trick just isn't working for her anymore. her childlike hope and optimism has never been crushed in this fashion before, at least not in her memory, so she has no training on how to maintain it when something as horrific as beau's death happens, and her idea of acceptance of being abandoned looks like falling into a depression.
so, when the media won't stop swarming her and her family for information about beau's death, and things grow tenser with her family because they only condescend her and treat beau's memory in a way that hurts her, she decides she needs to "grow up". if her family's going to treat her like a kid, and if her friends seemingly see her as too clingy, there must clearly be something wrong with her, and she already has decided what to pin it on, because she's always struggled to make friends due to not growing up as quickly as them. she thinks she needs to live out on her own for a while to gain the freedom and insight she always wished she could gain, and come back home a completely different person. because of the extent of how sheltered she was, she thinks it's really not going to be so hard, and that's when a lot of the events kick off; her encountering disaster after disaster while trying to live as a runaway in schuyler. she returns home later on because through the horror, she's realized she's had a really stupid idea of what adulthood is. you can feel free while being in people's company. she's just unfortunate enough to not live with the right people. maturity doesn't equal self-reliance, and she still needs the support of her friends; she's always needed them. sure, they can't make her decisions for her anymore, but there's nothing childish about needing a shoulder to cry on once in a while.
yeah! that's one way to combine contradictory values.
not only that, but if i go along with this while also changing how skip and milo meet (milo meeting skip in fairburn instead of skip meeting milo in schuyler), milo can be skip's ride, allowing more scenes between them. i've been needing someone to be skip's ride since he can only afford a motorcycle, which isn't going to carry an overnight bag, and this works in case amber and reed are phased out of the haven universe entirely and are unable to be a chauffeur, which seems likely enough to happen. i know what'll happen with amber if that's the case (southern gothic horror protagonist!!! final girl in a blood soaked sundress carrying a hatchet!!!) but reed's completely in limbo. shockingly enough, i think the most likely thing that'll happen to him is some of his more interesting traits being surgically removed and added to my other characters before i scrap him. he was my favorite and most developed character since i was 12; 12 year old me would be bawling their eyes out, but come on... he's basically a self insert. back then, his development was impressive, but he's as flat as a sheet of paper now in comparison to skip's development, and even in comparison to what i've done with patli just within this past week. i love his design; the gender envy is very real, and it's very entertaining to make fun of how pathetic he is, but he just doesn't add anything. making up for amber's absence is proving to be challenging, yet when you look at reed, anything he does or has the potential to do can be fairly easily replaced by patli or skip in order make them more compelling as main characters. so, yeah. if he doesn't completely poof out of existence, he'll just become one of those characters you draw a lot without developing anything about him, or a side character in amber's yet-to-be-developed story if he's lucky. bye bye reed!
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gimmiepizzaaaa · 3 years
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little family | dylan o’brien 
summary : you and dylan are both very famous actors in the industry and have been dating since a long time. You both had baby boy during lockdown and the pregnancy was a secret, so dylan talks about your journey in an online interview.
warning : not edited
Dylan was just turning on the computer to join the zoom meeting for his interview as you appeared in the garage. He looked up at you and instantly gave you a peck on the forehead. 
You sighed heavily in relief. “He’s finally asleep”, you said, referring to the baby boy who was now peacefully sleeping in is crib. Dylan chuckled, knowing how hard it was to put the boy who cried like a banshee to bed. 
“How much time before the meeting starts?” You questioned him. “Ten minutes I think.” Dylan scratched his cheek, his slight stubble showing. “Well, you’re going to be facing some challenging questions.” You stated. 
You had gotten pregnant during lockdown, which you spent with Dylan. The whole pregnancy had been a secret to protect your baby boy’s privacy. But even more than that, you and Dylan thought that expecting a child is a very intimate thing, not something to be showed on screens. It’s something to cherish between the two people. 
Because of this, when you and Dylan decided to take it to your socials to tell your fans that you had a baby, the media blew up. This was the first interview either of you were giving after the birth of Milo, your boy, whose name nor face was given to anyone but close friends and family. 
It had just been two months since Milo had been born, and being new parents it definitely wasn’t a easy task. Especially with a lot of people pressuring you to get married now that you have a child. But that was something to address later. 
“Yeah I guess.” Dylan hummed, snapping you out of your train of thought. “How much do you want me to say?” Dylan asked you, knowing that you were very uncomfortable with sharing intimate or private information with the reporters and interviewers.
“We just have one rule, don’t reveal his name or face and we’re good.” You shrugged and Dylan smiled at you. 
He gathered you in his arms and tilted your head up, making you come face to face with him.
He leaned in, capturing you lips in his. You instantly reciprocated, moving your lips against his. He tightened his hands on your waist and pressed you against him, the kiss getting more intense.
You opened your mouth, giving him access as his tongue slipped inside your mouth, making your knees weaken and the intensity of emotions he passed through you. This is something you could never get over. You moaned as his tongue massaged your own, and feel losing yourself to him.
"You're gonna be late." You mumbled on his lips, painfully pulling away. He groaned. "Ugh. We never get alone time nowadays." You said with a smirk, "Well the last time we had 'alone time' I gave birth to a pooping and crying machine so....."
He laughed heartily.
"Attend your meeting, and later you can find me on the couch with a bottle of wine, just relaxing." You smiled and blew him a kiss, going into the house and you and Dylan has been staying for almost 2 years.
Dylan laughed, looking at her slim figure go inside the house, and his heart swelled just by while thinking about the love he had for this one girl.
The perfect mix of sarcastic and sweet.
He settled on his chair and joined the meeting. The screen showed the face a man in about his 30s, who had a bunch of cards in his hand.
"Hello hello hello, look who it is!" The interviewer exclaimed, his name was Mark.
"Hey!" Dylan said with a wide smile on the screen. “What’s up?”
“Nothing, just questioning the man who has become quite the talk of the town nowadays.” Mark laughed. “Three new movies, that is crazy!” Mark said excitedly.
Dylan and Mark continued to talk all about his new movies and promoting it, answering all kinds of fan questions. 
Mark finally sighed and suddenly held a serious gaze. “I think we should address the elephant in the room now.” 
Dylan knew exactly what he was talking about, but decided to mess with the interviewer. “There is no elephant.” Dylan subtly said, but laughed as they both joked. 
“But seriously, I mean, I have no words for the surprise I felt when I saw your posts.” Mark said with a smile on his face. 
Dylan just let out a loud laugh. “Yeah, we wanted to keep it private so...” 
“Dylan many many fans have flooded twitter and insta with questions about the baby, now I know you won’t be comfortable with sharing those things, but how about the gender?” 
Dylan’s smile grew, thinking of his son and the love he felt for him. “It’s a boy.” Dylan instantly fell in love with Milo the minute he picked him up. Dylan knew that Milo was a mama’s boy, but he definitely looked a lot like him. 
“Oh my god! That’s amazing!!” The interviewer exclaimed. “So how you feeling being a father?” Mark questioned. 
“Honestly, sleep deprived.” Dylan said. “But really, he loves his mom, so he absolutely doesn’t stop crying until she holds him.” 
“How’s the mommy? How are you both keeping up with parenthood." Mark asked leaning in.
"It was ..... new at first, but we're starting to get the hang of it, we have our parents to guide us, so yeah." Dylan said.
He continued saying, "And the mommy is amazing, she's so good with our son, it's amazing to see them together, really it feels like heaven." Dylan sighed smiling.
They talked a little bit more, until the interview ended.
He went back inside house, only to find you fast asleep on the couch, with the TV on and a bottle of wine on the coffee table which wasn't even opened.
He grinned.
He quickly went to check on his son, who was also sleeping in his crib, slightly sucking his thumb and his fists curled. Dylan placed a kiss on his forehead and went back outside.
He sighed plopping down on the sofa and gathering you in his arms. You only groaned a bit but instantly found a perfect cuddling position.
Dylan kissed your forehead and then your nose and nuzzled his head into your neck, sighing.
"I love you." He whispered letting you know how thankful he was for all that you had given him.
You smiled in your sleep, you heart aching with the amount of love you felt for him, squeezing him tighter.
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So if the leaders were feeling down one day, what's one thing that is a sure-fire way to cheer them up?
I feel like this may have been answered before but I'm not gonna go look for it.
Milo likes to spend time with his flock of Wooloo. They're sweet and make him laugh 10 out of 10 times.
Nessa likes some alone time in her favorite place. The secluded beach just outside Hulbury where there's almost never people there.
Kabu likes to train to lift his spirits. Seeing himself and those around him getting stronger lifts his spirits, and there's nothing more satisfying than the soreness of hard work in the morning.
Bea likes to go to the wild area. There's so many options for training, and the fresh air and beautiful sights just make her feel better.
Allister goes to the graveyard. There's always a new friend to meet or an old friend to visit.
Opal has a walk in the forest. The mystery unravels itself to her, and she knows she's the only one who sees it.
Melony does a few things depending on her mood. She might have some alone time with the TV and some wine, or she'll spend some quality time with one of her kids, or she'll visit Kabu. It depends on what kind of down she is.
Gordie visits Piers or goes out to a party. He feels better when he's not alone.
Piers tends to shut himself in when he's down and write his feelings out in a song. These drafts hardly ever see the light of day. And the Obstagoon draped over his shoulder doesn't hurt either.
Raihan makes a post on social media and watches the adoration of his fans pour in. It reminds him why he works so hard and how many people love him.
Leon steps away from the Champion stuff. He'll go back home and visit with Hop or take him somewhere nice and secluded. The bustle of Wyndon is exciting, but the slower pace of his rural town is refreshingly familiar.
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