#I would've thought that someone was drinking something funny ๐Ÿ˜‚
its-chelisey-stuff ยท 1 year
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mammonprotectionsquad ยท 3 years
Originally I wanted to add more to this piece, but after reading it again, I figured it's also good as it is and the other idea can also easily be turned into a fic of its own. I've honestly been sitting on this for about... Two weeks or something? xD
But yeah. More Rivaling Agencies AU stuff no one asked for ๐Ÿ˜‚
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Feelings shining through
Vanderwood x Cmc Talia
Another day, another mission. Only that this time Talia was stuck doing something personal for her boss. Why her? Well, apparently she was best suited since she was extremely good at going undercover.
"This is some bullshit", she muttered into her glass, before taking another sip of the alcohol.
God, did she hate whenever she got sent to some rich people event. Not only did majority think that money could buy them anything, even the consent of a person, but also because that meant she had to dress up in some fancy dress. Meaning all she was able to carry on her body was a small throwing knife that was strapped to her thigh. Did she look good in it? Absolutely. Was it inconvenient? Like hell. And considering that she had no backup in case anything went wrong, which was always a possibility, she had to be all the more careful not to make a mistake.
Just as she was about to turn around to have her back facing the bar she was currently situated at, a hand landed on her shoulder, belonging to a man that was leaning in way too close for comfort. In any other situation that guy would've already either ended up with a broken nose or pinned down to the ground. And not in the fun kind of way. But in that situation she really couldn't afford drawing too much attention to herself. So instead of following her instincts, she forced herself to take a deep breath.
"Let me buy your next drink, sweetheart", the man said, his chest nearly pressed into her side, at that point.
"No, thanks. I'm not interested", Talia answered with the sweetest smile she could muster up, at the same time peeling the hand off her shoulder.
She slipped off the bar stool in order to get some distance to the guy, but didn't get very far. After taking two steps, her back suddenly bumped into someone. Although before she even had the chance to apologize, an arm wrapped around her waist, giving off a weirdly comforting feeling, while a somewhat familiar scent surrounded her.
Where do I know that scent from...?
That's when it hit her. She'd smelled it twice before so far and as soon as the man behind her spoke up her assumptions were confirmed, instantly making her relax.
"I'm sorry, but the lady still owes me a dance."
"That I certainly do~"
With that, she grabbed the hand resting on her hip to tug him along towards the dance floor.
What were the odds that she ran into Vanderwood during a mission? Twice, by now? As strange as these random encounters became, it was also kind of funny. Even more so when she thought about how she'd given him her number on a whim, not really expecting anything from it. He just caught her interest even more after he'd helped her hide from agents from his agency, when he could've easily used that situation against her. But he didn't...
On top of that, much to her surprise, he actually messaged her. And what began as occasionally asking each other if they were still alive, soon turned into more friendly, relaxed and casual conversations over everything and nothing, really. Unexpected, but very pleasant in her opinion. No matter if it meant being vulnerable because she got attached to someone.
Talia only snapped out of her thoughts when she got twirled around, afterwards getting pulled close to Vanderwood, one hand on her hip, the other holding hers firmly.
"You know, if we continue meeting at the most random times, I'll actually start thinking you're stalking me", she joked. Something that actually tickled something like an amused snort out of him.
"Sure. How high are the chances we're here for the same thing this time?"
"Ah, it's highly unlikely. I'm here for a "personal favor" for the boss. The man already got an ass full of money and still sends me to steal a stupid diamond for him."
It was way too easy to fall into step with him, follow his lead as they moved gracefully over the dance floor. Like they'd already done it countless times before.
"Sounds exciting...", he muttered, to which she only shrugged. Fingers of the hand that was resting against his shoulder fumbling slightly with his jacket.
"Totally. Having to flirt with an old, disgusting asshole to get my hands on some jewelry. And I quote: "Do whatever you have to, in order to get your hands on the stone. It's worth quite a nice sum." So that's that."
She knew exactly what those words meant. That if the only chance to finish the mission was by landing in his bedroom, she had to pull through.
And if the tighter grip on her, along with the tense and nearly angry expression in his eyes was anything to go by, Vanderwood knew it as well.
As much as she would've prefered to keep on spending the rest of the night with the other agent, they both had a job to finish. Still, she wasn't the only one a little reluctant to part. It was funny, really. That the one person she found comfort in, for whatever strange reason, was technically the enemy.
"Take care", she murmured, fingers brushing down his arm, but it was actually Vanderwood who lingered for a bit, holding her hand longer than necessary, before they eventually went separate ways. Him heading somewhere upstairs while she made her way over to her target.
Smiling sweetly and doing her best impression of a little dummy that gets easily impressed. Flirting here, laughing at his stupid jokes there. Forcing herself not to tense up when his hands started wandering a bit too much for her liking.
Though before she was able to even think of how she could propose for them to get away from the crowd, everything went pitch black in the room. Followed by one gunshot, two, three... People started screaming, trying to push to the exits in the darkness, her target getting dragged away by security guards.
And Talia? She was frozen on the spot, her brain only starting to pick up what was happening when someone pumped into her, making her snap out of her stupor.
Cursing quitly, she rushed to take cover, trying to find out where the shots got fired from, but it seemed like they were hidden too well in the shadows.
As soon as her eyes adjusted somewhat to the darkness, she spotted a familar tall guy with long hair. Without any hestation she left her hiding spot, dress hiked up to prevent herself from tripping over it and once she was close enough, she gripped his hand to pull him along.
"This way! There's a back exit", she exclaimed, only to get yanked to the side behind a pillar, face nearly pressed into Vanderwood's chest as a bullet barely missed them, debris of stone flying around.
"You okay?", he asked, free hand moving up to her head, probably to check for possible injuries.
"Yeah, I'm good. Now let's leave before the cops show up."
Something neiter of them needed to deal with, really. It would've only added more unnecessary complications to everything.
Once they've made it safely outside, hiding in a back alley as they caught their breath, Talia leaned ever so slightly into his side, eyes closed.
"Man, I'm gonna get an ear full for returning without the goods", she snorted, but in all honesty? Better than having to let a disgusting dude grope her more that night. "Did you get what you came for?"
When she glanced back up at him, she was met with a slight frown, though he nodded. Well, at least one of them finished their mission, so that was good.
"You know how to get home?"
His voice stopped her in her tracks of pushing herself off the wall they leaned against, expression softening. As gruff looking as he might've been, she'd caught up on him actually being pretty caring even over texts. He usually told her not to fuck up when she said she had to leave for a mission, but when you read between the lines, what he really said was be careful. Something that never failed to make her feel all warm.
"I hid my car not too far from here."
Wordlessly he moved next to her, motioning for her to lead the way. And just like that, he escorted her to her car. Which was pretty amusing. After all she was a trained agent as much as he was, still the sentiment was sweet and she was the last one to complain about spending a little more time with him.
The walk was quiet, yet comfortable. She even bumped her arm into his every now and then. But when they reached her car and she slipped inside, rolling down the window, Vanderwood seemed to hesitate shortly, then leaned down to be on eye level with her.
"Text me when you're home."
Such simple words and yet they had her heart racing with the worry and care they carried.
"You better do the same. Can't afford staying up all night worrying that someone beat your ass."
He scoffed as he straightened back up, but nodded anyway, before he turned around to walk back down the street.
"Oh, Vandy?", she called out and he looked at her over his shoulder. "You should wear a suit more often. You look extremely hot in it~", she chirped and winked at him. She couldn't make out what he grumbled, but she was certain that she had spotted the faintest shade of pink covering his cheeks and ears.
Even though her mission had gone wrong in the end, she was able to drive home with a smile on her face.
The second she stepped into her small apartment, the first thing she did was to get rid of the murder weapons on her body, aka the high heels that had to be one of the most uncomfortable pairs she'd ever worn. Quickly followed by pulling her phone out. Without really thinking about it, she'd dialed his number, instead of texting him like they normally did. If anyone asked her, she couldn't even say why she did it. It was on sheer impulse, really. And since she desperately needed to change into something more comfortable, she put her phone on speaker as she headed into the bedroom. It didn't take all too long until her call got picked up.
"Did anything happen?"
"Mh? Oh, no! I'm good. Made it home safe. I just... Guess I just wanted to check in, make sure you're also all good", she was quick to explain. "Kinda wanted to hear your voice...", she went on, voice getting muffled as she pulled the dress over her head.
"I didn't get the last bit."
"Ah that's okay! Wasn't anything important anyway. So, you home yet?"
"Nearly. Should take about 5 more minutes."
Talia nodded to herself, quick to slip into a pair of sweatpants and an oversized shirt. Though that's when a thought hit her and she couldn't help but chuckle.
"Don't tell me you walked home."
She could perfectly picture him rolling his eyes at her for her comment, maybe even glaring for good measure.
"I'm hanging up."
"Aw, come on, Vandy! Don't be like that! At least stay on the phone with me until I know you are safe and sound in your apartment."
The echo of shoes clacking on the pavement indicated that he was walking along an empty street. Each step he took without a word being said sending a small wave of fear through her that she took it too far this time. Pushed the boundaries too much and would ruin whatever it was that they had.
"Why are you even worried about me?"
"Could ask you the same thing. After all you're the one who snatched me away from a guy that clearly didn't know what no means. Saved me from getting shot and even brought me to my car. So?"
He let out a long sigh. It didn't sound like he was mad or exasperated with her, though. It sounded more... Defeated.
"Listen, I know it's stupid and makes no sense, but you grew on me. And that's why I worry."
While it wasn't a lie, it also wasn't the complete truth. He didn't only grow on her, but that was something she would probably take to her grave. No one was ever allowed to find out just how bad she had it for the agent. Not even the man in question himself.
"I'm home now. So you can stop worrying", he eventually spoke up again, accompanied by the sound of a door getting closed. "Get some rest."
"You, too. Don't forget to hydrate. Maybe eat something as well... So uh... Good night, sweet dreams."
Before he even had the chance to say something in return, she already, hung up, glaring at her reflection in the mirror.
"Awesome, you nearly fucked it up there. Why are you like that? Sentimental softie bitch...", she muttered under her breath. All she was able to do now was hoping he didn't interpret too much into her little slip up.
Vanderwood x Cmc Talia Masterlist
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