#I wrote 20k today
castielcommunism · 2 years
what am I gonna do once I’m done season 12
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altfire-archive · 3 years
im so fucking sleepy and tired i hate nanowrimo
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zeawesomebirdie · 3 years
Am I about to attempt to crank out 40k words between now and December 25th?
Yes, yes I am
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maybe we’ll??? wrap up by 30k?????? maybe?
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sapphireswimming · 3 years
Aloysius Fogg is going to kill Clayton Sharpe.
This is it – Sharpe has asked for a final drink and once it’s poured and he’s knocked it back, they’re going to walk out of the front doors of the Gem Saloon into the darkened street and there won’t be a single thing she can do to keep them from killing each other.
Miriam can’t let it end like this, she can’t. Not after all they’ve been through.
But Aloysius hasn’t listened to anything she’s said so far and she’s running out of time –
“Wait,” she breathes, as the bottle clinks against the glass. “Stop,” she whispers, but it isn’t loud enough for anyone to hear above the slosh of whiskey in the glass.
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poridge · 3 years
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Hnng. Okay. I don’t think I’m like officially doing NaNo... just going to set a goal of 25k for the month. And see how it goes.
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People who write flash fiction are stronger than I’ll ever be.
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angelichl · 5 years
i'm so excited for your new fic!! 💗
yay I’m glad!!! I’m excited too 🥰
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catwlw-archive · 5 years
i miss writing
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kingsofeverything · 5 years
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oiktoorus · 2 years
hihihi sorry for being absent i’m traveling and didn’t bring my laptop so no access to ps <3 anyway i’ve been spending most of my free time writing in the last month or so and i’m happyhappy ! even if i do have huge writers block rn.... plow through and all that
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oflgtfol · 3 years
just wrote a 1500 word fight scene in an hour <3 but thankfully a lot of it was rewriting so it only resulted in a net gain of 200 words LMAO
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wynnakang · 2 years
Into the Shadows Update - 16 January
Hi friends!
Chapter 3 hit 10k words today. We’re halfway through the events that take place, but because I’m not a linear writer, I have to go back and add onto to a few of the routes which I started halfway and then wrote “TBC” before moving on. The word count for this chapter will mostly likely be longer than 20k. 
I’ve tried abandoning this habit but it can’t be helped. This is simply how I write. 
I also spent a long time describing K’s judgemental eyebrow in one gratuitous paragraph. My mind says that I should delete it. My heart argues that it’s really funny. And since Chapter 3 is very emotionally heavy, I think injecting humorous elements is necessary to break it up. 
It’s still too early to say when the next update will be. I hope I’ll be able to give a more definite date by end January or early February. 
Take care! 
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hockeyisit · 2 years
Can I go Live?
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Summary: Auston got his fifth hat trick so Amelia goes live. 
A.N:Hey it’s been a minute and for that I apologize. I was inspired to write because Auston scored a hat trick. I was high when I wrote this which is why Amelia gets high. It’s short because I’m high and this took forever to write lol
Warning: Amelia gets high. The story is also kinda dumb lol? Just a glimpse into the everyday life of Auston and Amelia. 
Word count: 1,239
“Can I go live?” I asked Auston. I was standing in the room at his dresser. He was laying in his bed fucking around on his phone.
“Huh?” He asked, looking up confused. To be fair he had just played a game against the flyers and gotten his 5th hat trick. I knew he was pretty engrossed in his phone since it was blowing up from messages.
“Instagram live,” I told him as I opened the drawer and pulled out a container that had my weed. He raised an eyebrow at me.
“I want to get high on instagram live,”
“Is that a good idea?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah it's to celebrate you,” I responded, grinding it up.
“I also want people, your fans I guess, to know that I smoke weed. It’s not a bad thing. Weed can help with so many things and it’s not like it's recreational. Mine is medical.”
He looked surprised. “It is?” I nodded my head as I put together a quick bowl for me to smoke.
“Yeah PTSD, and anxiety,” I said, turning around to face him. I made my way over to the bed and held out my hand.
“Y’know from my ex and shit,” I said. He gave my hand a gentle squeeze before standing up and pulling me into a hug. I instantly felt myself calm down in his hold.
“I didn’t know that.”
“Now you do,” I responded, pulling away and pecking his cheek. I then turned around and made my way out of the room.
“C’mon I’m going to smoke outside.”
I pushed the door open and walked out. I instantly felt cold as I took a seat on the couch. I pulled up my phone and turned on the live. I set the phone down on the table and curled up on the chair. Auston sat down next to me.
“I can just hold the phone for you,” he said, grabbing it. I smiled as I nodded my head.
“Okay let me see it,” I said after I had taken a puff. I wasn’t planning on offering Auston any of the weed knowing he would say no due to hockey. And the part where I was live with over 20k people already watching. When Auston and I had first started dating my Instagram account wasn't private so I unfortunately gained a crap ton of followers overnight and wasn’t able to make it private in time. So I just left it.
“A lot of people are writing,” I told Auston before taking another hit.
“This one says what are we doing,” I said.
“Now that is a great question.” I took another hit and Auston snorted at me. He wrapped his arm around me pulling me into his side so that I was leaning into his chest. It caused both of our heads to be in the frame.
“Auston scored his 5th hat trick today!” I said happily, turning my face to try to look up at him. His eyes caught mine and he gave me a gorgeous smile.
“So I figured we could celebrate, meaning me with weed and Auston with the joy of watching me get high,” I finished letting out a laugh. The comments filled the screen quickly with multiple different messages. Many judgy but also many that weren’t. Auston let out a laugh of his own but squeezed his arm that was around me.
“It’s freezing. We should go inside,” he told me.
“Yeah,” I said, really liking that idea. I stood up and quickly made my way to the door.
“A lot of people are saying congratulations,” I told Auston as I crawled onto Auston’s bed.
“That’s great,” Auston said, crawling onto the bed as well. Felix hopped onto the bed next in between the two of us. I excitedly flipped the camera.
“Guy’s look it’s Felix.” I reached out to rub his belly and he immediately started purring and making noises.
“You're such a big baby,” I said laughing loudly.
“Felix always acts like he never gets attention,” I said.
“Aus can we watch The Amazing Spider man?” I asked. Auston nodded his head as he reached down to rub Felix.
“Yeah I’ll set it up.” I could immediately tell he was happy with the movie choice.
“Someone wants to know what nicknames are for each other,” I said, raising my eyebrow.
“We're pretty normal,” I said.
“Felix move over.” I pulled him over so that I could cuddle closer to Auston.
“Someone wants to know why you aren't out celebrating,” I told Auston.
“I am celebrating. With you baby,” Auston answered looking down at me. I smiled leaning up to give him a quick peck before laying back down. I answered a few more questions before my phone started ringing.
“Hey Freddie is trying to facetime me,” I said.
“What?” He asked, looking over at my phone.
“The fucker calls you but not me.”
“He probably knows that I’ll answer over you,”
“I should tell him to go live with me,” I said.
“Yeah right,” he said.
I let out a laugh as I shook my head. Freddie would never in a million years.
“Alright I’ll get off live and call him back.”
“Say bye to all your fans Felix,” I said pointing the camera at him. He started barking, causing me to let out a laugh. I hit end and switched to facetime.
“Hey,” Freddie said, answering his phone. He was laying in his bed with his lamp lighting up the room.
“What's up,” Auston said, leaning into the camera and blocking my face. I giggled as I pushed Auston’s face.
“You just had to get another,” Freddie jokes. Auston let out a laugh as he pressed his face to mine.
“I did it for this beauty,” Auston said. I blushed, pushing him away.
“Oh, is this one dedicated to me? Who was the last one dedicated to? Freddie,” I joked. Auston let out a gasp turning to face the camera.
“You said you wouldn’t tell her bro,” he joked.
“I can see your very obvious love for eachother without being told,” I huffed crawling under the blanket. I once again curled up to Auston so that I was laying against his chest.
“Thanks for calling Fredex but we're going to watch The Amazing Spider-Man,” Auston said.
“Alright. Talk to you later. See you at the All-Stars. You coming Amelia?”
“Yes!” I said happily.  I was excited to see some of the people I had met in the previous years as well as Auston’s family.
We said our goodbyes and then hung up the phone. I dropped my phone on the bed and leaned up so I was hovering over Auston. He hit play on the movie.
“I’m so proud of you,” I said. Auston gave me a soft smile.
“Thank you baby,” he said.
“I love you and I’m so happy that you're happy.”
Auston wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me down so that I was laying on top of him.
“I love you back,” he smiled.
“Thanks for scoring a hat trick at the game I decided to go to.” Auston let out a chuckle as he ran his hand through my hair.
“Wanted to get my 400th point in front of you.”
I captured his lips in mine and we shared a deep kiss before finally turning out attention to the movie.
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morbidmuch · 2 years
2021 in fics game
The other day I thought back about the fics I wrote in 2021, and this little game was born. It serves two purposes: to make you think back about the awesome things you accomplished in the dumpster fire year that was 2021, and also to give some love and shout out to older fics that aren’t as likely to get commens/love.
This game is for fics you wrote in 2021, so they don’t have to be posted to count. Feel tree to use as many of these categories as you want - no pressure to use all six.
Which is your favourite fic of 2021? By far, A Place We Were. 
Which fic turned out the most different from the first idea? If Only. This was supposed to be a short fic for the H&C smut fest, but then it became a 20K AU piece. It’s still smutty as hell, though. What's a fic that you feel readers missed something important in, and what was it? I wrote a marriage law fic (We’ll Fall Quietly) where a major theme was consent during marriage law, something I felt many reader (but far from all!) missed. Which fic do you wish more people read? Many the Miles, an established relationship/long distance fic with Hermione as a curse breaker. I love this fic so much.
Which fic are you most likely to reread? I only tend to reread my fics after many, many months have gone by and I’ve got some distance from them, and when that happens I think I’m  going to read Nightswimming , a fic I wrote with my brain twin and amazing beta @turtlewexlerwrites for the H&C summer fest. It was lovely to write a fic set in my country (Sweden) and with traditions I’ve grown up with.
Which fic were you most surprised by how it was received? My smutty drabbles 😂 I wrote a hundred 100 word smut drabbles and as of today it’s my most popular fic by hit count. The SSHG fandom is a thirsty bunch!
That’s it, folks! 
I’m not going to tag anyone, but I hope you take the time to reflect on the amazing fics you brought onto paper (or screen) in 2021.
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