#I’d rather somebody enjoy FICTIONAL violence than go out and actually commit these violent acts ( such as rape ) IN REAL LIFE
venting-town · 9 months
Crazy stupid how people preach about FICTIONAL characters doing things such as as rape/dub-con/etc, yet actively consume FICTIONAL media about murder/abuse/etc and enjoy it/say nothing about it/etc
Let’s face it: beings/non beings/etc are hypocrites. Literal everybody/somebody/nobody/anybody/body/etc is
You’re allowed to dislike something. You’re allowed to hate something.
Doesn’t make people who like FICTIONAL rape somehow worse ( or better or etc ) than people who like FICTIONAL murder
It’s still violence. Full stop.
Going on and on about one being worse than the other, yet excusing the other as it being “ not as bad “ is completely ignorant, hypocritical, and flat out stupid.
You aren’t better ( or worse ) than somebody who enjoys one violent FICTIONAL situation than somebody else who enjoys a different FICTIONAL situation.
And yes. Fiction CAN sometimes affect reality. Just like sometimes it CAN’T.
Just because somethings CAN’T doesn’t mean somebody WON’T
Just because somethings CAN doesn’t mean somebody WILL
And I’m saying this as a sex trafficking/torture/abuse/severely traumatized person/entity. Not that this means that somebody who haven’t experienced these things can’t talk, or that somebody who has had it worse can’t talk
Just stating perspective because I want to
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