#I’m an awesome fisher and women want to have intercourse with me
Someone help I only just realised what the phrase ‘women want me fish fear me’ actually means
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terfslying · 5 years
Can you perhaps provide an example of a cis woman raping (actually raping as in forced sexual intercourse) or murdering a trans woman? Just a single example. Just to show those evil TERFs how violent the wombyn are? I mean, it shouldn't be hard, right? Trans women are less than one percent of the human population and I'm able to provide a dozen cases of trans women raping or murdering cis women. Just one case of a cis woman doing the same to "the most oppressed woman" please.
Sadly, I cannot find the awesome link I wanted to return to you, which was all about how extremist groups place a dramatic emphasis on a singular “holy grail” of evidence (and demand their opponents provide it) rather than actually looking at the body of evidence on the topic. It’s a technique used for confirmation bias in general, actually.
And I don’t play that game :) You think you’re being super clever, but you’re pretty much just demonstrate the exact kind of manipulative bullshit that goes into any online extremist community.
But, I will happily link you to some of the body of evidence of rapes perpetrated by female wombyn, including ones who are gay:
Fisher, N. L., & Pina, A. (2013). An overview of the literature on female-perpetrated adult male sexual victimization. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 18(1), 54–61. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.avb.2012.10.001 found that:
Due to the way rape is legally defined, “[rape] statistics do not include forced sexual intercourse instigated by a female perpetrator. Female perpetrated forced intercourse or penetration with an object is classified as sexual assault, or assault by penetration in most research literature, as it is in the legal definition” - so it’s very hard in general to find info on female-perpetrated rape, because it is generally not defined as rape!
However several figures in this literature overview (which are dated, in fairness, and are from the time frame of 1988-1999) state that 24% of women self-report “forcing sexual acts upon a male” through use of alcohol/intoxicating substances, verbal aggression, physical force, or threat with weapons.
Additionally, a 2006 report using a national survey of LGBT+ people in Australia found that in general relationships between gay cis women have unusually high rates of sexual assault and abuse, and found that being a transgender woman in a relationship increased this risk.
As for “I’m able to provide dozens of cases of trans women raping or murdering cis women” - put your money where your mouth is and provide them, anon. I don’t fuck around here - you claim to have evidence, give me the evidence and I’ll see exactly how much it ‘proves’. I’ve done the “tip of the iceberg” 250+ bullshit examples post, and I can certainly go through whatever list of a couple dozen you send me. But forgive me if I don’t believe you have credible sources just on your word, when you’re literally an anon trying to provoke a discourse blog lmao.
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