#the first time I saw it it was on a sticker on a fridge and I was like
skrrts · 2 months
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Hey, are you busy right now? ft. JONGHO (drabble series)
✧ gn! reader x choi jongho ✧ genre: non-idol, slice of life, fluff, dating, video call ✧ word count: 812
✧ summary: You tried your best, really, but after hours of studying, you can't read another page. Calling your boyfriend seems like a good idea for a small break:
Jongho knows that you are working hard and that you'd feel guilty if you stopped now, so close to the finish line. He offers to study along with you, but it's always hard not to look at your cute boyfriend, even if he's only behind a phone screen.
a/n: i love writing drabbles for jongho, i think he's my favorite member to write little snippets for, i always have some ideas for him.
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Jongho and you both met in a lecture the two of you shared in your first semester, and it took around a year before he finally asked you out. Once that happened, you two agreed to date the following week. It was nice to have a boyfriend who understood how balancing your personal life, university, and a part-time job wasn’t always easy, but you always made sure to make time for one another.
As you were waiting to see if he’d answer your call, you sighed, realizing an apple was all you had left in your fridge. You shouldn’t have skipped grocery shopping this morning. On your way back to your desk, his cute face appeared on the screen, and your lips curled into a smile.
“Hello, handsome. I was just about to have a quick snack, although you are not here to break the apple for me,” you joked, looking at him fondly. It only took a glance to see that Jongho was also sitting over his books — no surprise, really.
“Looks like somebody forgot to buy something to eat again. Make sure to order a proper meal once you are done,” he scolded you gently, and you pouted a little.
“I shall. I just have two more chapters, and then I am finally done. Right now, my mind is just empty; I can’t think anymore.”
You placed the apple down next to your phone to allow your arms to cross on the desk, resting your chin on top as you looked at him.
“I miss you. We haven’t met in almost a week now,” you sighed. It wasn’t the fault of either of you, but it was important for you to voice that you missed him, although Jongho always knew that as well.
“I am proud of you for hanging in there, even though we both would rather be together right now. Taking breaks is also important; make sure to do that often, and stretch those legs,” Jongho hesitated for a moment, but then he reached out and gave you a little pat on the camera. It wasn’t often that he did something like that, but he always looked cute, and you loved him for it.
“You too! Let’s meet for the next exam and do this together. We can go to the library so I promise I won’t distract you with pouty lips for kisses,” you chuckled. That, too, happened now and then. You reached for your bottle and took a few sips.
“How about we study like this then? We can encourage each other to push through. I will wrap up for the day when you’re done.”
Fingers tapped against the papers of your book as you considered it, but it seemed like a good idea, maybe even helping you work a little faster too.
“Sounds good. Now! Drink some water and stretch. Go on, make sure you follow your own advice,” you grinned, and Jongho sighed.
“Caught me, okay, okay.”
There was a soft chuckle when you saw he was using the water bottle with all the teddy stickers you made for him the other day. Then he stretched almost like he was about to run a marathon before sitting down.
“Hydration and movement check. Books and papers, check. Kiss from my significant other, still pending,” he suddenly announced, and you rolled your eyes, grinning, before leaning in and placing a quick kiss on the camera.
Jongho was smiling, and the two of you started to read. As much as you tried to focus on your book, your eyes wandered over to him all too often. There was just something really handsome about seeing him all focused, the way the pencil tapped against his chin, and his forehead frowned as he tried to figure out the answer.
And anytime you were caught, you found your cheeks heating up and hurried to get back to read. It repeated several times until the next time you looked at your phone, Jongho wore some bear ears.
You made the cutest of sounds and only saw his lips curl into a grin, observing your reaction.
“What’s that?” you laughed, covering your mouth with your hand.
“The bear police. Now I know you are cheating and not focusing.”
Oh, you couldn’t believe he really got a pair of those. You were joking for such a long time now about how cute he’d look but never went through and bought one.
“Oh no, what will happen now that I was caught?”
Jongho looked at you, his eyes speaking of how much he loved you without the need for him to say it out loud. You knew it.
“Well, now I come over to part that apple for you.”
You picked up the phone again, standing up. “Can you bring those ears?”
Jongho rolled his eyes but grinned a little: “What do you think?”
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russellsppttemplates · 11 months
I want it all with you (Mick Schumacher)
A series of the moments that lead Mick and Y/N to decide that it was time they added to their bunch
Note: english is not my first language. I'm a sucker for dad!driver, and I must admit dad!Mick always gets me 🥹
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Tw: mentions dog sickness, starting a family, pregnancy
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog
The first time you felt what your friends called baby fever was when you saw Mick holding the youngest Vettel in his arms. When Hanna and Sebastian felt comfortable enough to have visitors, they sent texts to their friends and family letting them know that, only asking that they would tell them in advance so they didn't have everyone at the same time in the house.
"I already have the casserole packed and ready to go, and the small bag with the gift we got is also in the car", you went over the list on your head, seeing Mick grab the coats and your bag, "alright then, let's go!".
The trip to the Vettel household was fine, not a lot of traffic, allowing you and Mick to talk about what you had been up to that week and general catching up, sharing some gossip from your workplaces.
"I'll help you, one second", Mick called for you, fixing your coat's sleeve so you could walk comfortably to the door. Your boyfriend knocked on it, seeing Sebastian open the door soon after, "Hi, guys! I'm glad you could make it!", he greeted cheerfully.
"I have this one here, I spoke to Hanna on the phone yesterday, she said that this recipe was good for everyone", you smiled, setting the bag on the kitchen counter, "if you want it for tonight's dinner, you can just heat it up. If not, it's good to freeze, too".
"We don't have any dinner plans and the moment Mathilda and Emilie heard 'pasta bake from Y/N' they haven't talked about much else", he smiled, guiding you to the living room.
"I have some visitors, but you have to keep it on the quiet side, okay? Baby just got back to sleep and we'd appreciate that the situation stays that way", Sebastian said as you and Mick walked in with me, the girls coming up to hug you as quietly as they could, "Hi, Y/N! Hey, Mick!", they said, smiling up at you.
"Hi, girls! How are the best big sisters ever?", you asked, kneeling down, "we're good, come look at her!", Mathilda held your hand, pulling you to sit next to Hanna, who was sitting on the sofa, and look at the small basket, taking a peek of the sleeping baby girl, "Oh, look at those cheeks, she's so gorgeous, congratulations!", you beamed, looking at Sebastian and Hanna, "I helped mama pick her outfit today!", Emilie said, "well, she looks so pretty in it, you did such a good job!".
While Sebastian, Hanna and Mick exchanged conversation after Hanna whispered, "this is the only grown up conversation I've had since she was born that wasn't with my husband", she admitted, seeing you happily play with her oldest girls, you sat on the floor, giving the girls some attention. Raising three kids this little was no joke, and while Sebastian and Hanna seemed to be doing just fine, you figured you could catch up later and instead use your time to play with cars in a toy matt and with some of their dolls, even having time for some crafty activities.
"Do you think Mick will like this, too, Y/N??", Mathilda asked, helping Emilie press one of the stickers on the paper, "I bet he will love it, I'm sure it deserves a place on our fridge!", you complimented, "let's to and show him then!", Emilie suggested.
Going down the stairs and back to the living room, you stopped in your tracks when Emily said, "Oh, he's holding her, we'll come back later", finding her way to the kitchen after Hanna said something about snack time.
On the sofa, Hanna sat beside Mick as he held the youngest Vettel in his arms, gently caressing her cheek with his pinkie as he gave her her bottle, the little girl suckling on it in a peaceful yet attentive expression, looking mesmerised at your boyfriend, "you're hungry aren't you? All of that growing and sleeping is tough work!", he cooed, tapping the bottle a few times so the remainder of the milk would go into her mouth before setting the empty bottle on the table.
"Can you burp her? I'm going to see if Sebastian isn't secretly sleeping in the kitchen", she smirked, seeing him nod as he changed her position. Occupying her spot on the sofa, you grabbed a muslin cloth and placed it on Mick's shoulder, "here, in case she spits some out", you whispered, seeing her curious eyes look at you.
"Hi, baby girl, don't you look so cute", you cooed, smoothing her hairs, "she's is, isn't she?", Mick said as he patted her back. "I didn't know you were so skilled with babies", you noted, seeing his gentleness with her, "I don't have many little cousins now that I'm a grown up, but I visit Sebastian a lot and I have known the girls since they were little, so there are some basic things I know", he blushed. His hand looked massive as he rubbed her back soothingly, and that was the first time where you thought that he was going to be the father of your children.
For Mick, however, he didn't need to see you with a baby, at least a human one, and rather with his own four paw, furry one.
When you arrived home, Angie wasn't at the door with her usual cheek licking greeting, "Angie, where are you?", you called, figuring she was probably asleep and hadn't heard you properly the first time.
Walking to the living room, you saw her laying on the floor, "Oh, are you not feeling better, Angie?", you wondered sitting down next to her as she moved her head to rest on your thighs, "and you haven't been eating much either, have you?", you petted her fur. For the past few days, Angie had been feeling rough, not eating much, preferring to stay quiet and inside and, overall, not her usual self. Her vet ended up coming to the house the previous afternoon and give her a check-up, taking some fluids so she could do some other tests back at the clinic, "it's probably a bug like we humans also have, and she'll be good as new in a few days, but we'll let you know the results in the morning", she smiled reassuringly. The results came back normal, calming both you and Mick, as well as the fact that, when you left the house, Angie looked like she was getting better. But now, she looked like she was feeling sorry for herself.
"Well, how about we have a big cuddle on the sofa while we wait for papa, hm? I can give you as many belly rubs as you want", you added, helping the dog up on the sofa and essentially into your lap despite her size, "are you comfy? Yes, you are".
When Mick got home, the sight of you two in the sofa melted him. The way you cared about Angie was mesmerising and he appreciated it more than any words could express.
Approaching you, he tapped your arm, fluttery eyes finding his as you blinked before fully seeing him, "Hi, handsome", you yawned, "this little lady was feeling a bit sorry for herself, so we are having a good cuddle. She ate a good bit of dry food from my hand, and she played with me, but we fell asleep a little while ago, it seems", you said, looking at your watch.
"And you stayed like this? Isn't she hurting you? She isn't the lightest dog", Mick furrowed his brows, "it's fine, she needs the cuddles to feel better, and I'm fine like this if she is, which looks like it", you smiled, petting her snout, "I'll get started on dinner then, you two stay there, okay? Call if you need anything", your boyfriend said before he kissed your forehead and walked to the kitchen.
After dinner, Angie was already walking along the house, seemingly feeling better. Still, you worried, doting on her any time she approached you and checking if she remained the same, "her eyes are clear now", you commented, "she's just tired, I think, aren't you, Angie?", Mick rubbed her tummy before she got up and sat next to you, "yes, it's not easy being sick, but you're coming out of it, aren't you?".
It was a silly thought maybe, Mick figured, but you had been the most attentive to Angie, always checking on her, playing with her and cleaning any mishaps, and he couldn't help himself when he thought about what you would be like with a human baby instead of your furry baby. If how you cared for the Australian Shepherd was any indicator, Mick couldn't wait for you to have your own.
You didn't know that when you agreed to look after your little cousin for the weekend that it would make you think all of these thoughts.
After dinner, while Mick offered to tidy the rest of the kitchen, you went upstairs to change into pyjamas with Mila, sensing that the sleepy girl would fall asleep as soon as her head hit something soft enough and wanting to be prepared ahead so she could sleep comfortably, "is it good, Mila? Do you want this cardigan for some warmth?", you inquired, showing her a cardigan made out of the same material as her pyjamas, figuring that it must complete the set, "it's fine, I don't need it. I only use that one when it is really really cold", she noted, sitting on the bed and then placing her feet on the floor so you could join Mick downstairs again.
"Mick, Mick, Mick!", Mila yelled as she ran to the living room, "Look!", she pointed to herself once she was in front of him, "my pyjamas have Minnie and Mickey on them!", she said, pointing to you once you reached them, sitting next to your boyfriend, "you can be Mickey, because your name is the same, and Y/N can be Minnie!", she said before she climbed up the sofa, sitting next to Mick.
"Oh, now I feel like I should have a matching pyjama, too!", your boyfriend smiled, "for our next sleepover, then. You promise, Mick?", Mila held out her pinky for them to lace them into a real promise, "I promise, Mila".
The little girl moved around, ending up sitting on both of yours and Mick's thighs, claiming she was taller that way and could see the TV better. "We're going to watch a movie?", she asked, recognising the frames on the TV, "yes. Do you like any of these?", Mick asked her as he flipped through them, "Oh, that one, it looked like my Alfred!", she pointed to the 101 Dalmatians frame. She claimed it was for Angie to get to know her friend Alfred until they could meet in real life, but soon after, the little girl fell asleep holding onto Mick like a little koala, arms around his arm with her head snuggled on your chest, "the day must've tired her out, hm?", Mick said in a low voice, not wanting to wake her up, "I'll going to take her upstairs to the room, I already put up the side barriers so she can move all she wants", he said, effortlessly getting up while holding her.
When he laced her down on the bed, your heart fluttered: your boyfriend carefully combed her curly hair, making sure it wasnt tangled and pushing it away from her face, "Sweet dreams, Mila. Tomorrow we are going to have another day full with surprises".
Gina's son had the Schumacher genes and it showed, quite literally. The distinct light coloured eyes, the chubby cheeks and the ever so expressive brows made her little boy a sight to behold, "do you want to go to auntie Y/N for a bit so mama can go and change?", Gina cooed as she transfered him to your lap, "I'll be back quickly", she winked.
You and Mick had taken some time from your holidays to spend with his sister and her family, never missing out on spending time with the youngest family member, and while Mick and Gina's husband prepared some snacks for you, you kept the little boy entertained, watching him walk everywhere around the living room as he pointed out toys. He didn't say many words yet, but you decided to go along with him, pretending almost like you were in a play.
"Are you sure about that? That was not what I heard from my neighbour", you expressed, pretending to be very intrigued by his babbles, "Oh, well, if you look at it like that, maybe there is some truth to it", you said, exaggerating your expression so you could get your nephew to giggle loudly, giggling with him as you carried on.
By the door, Mick was resting there on his side, admiring you and his nephew. You were incredible with kids, wether they were little or already toddlers, you always managed to make them feel safe and happy, and you looked happy, too, when you spent tike in their company. Was it too soon? Your relationship was good, your routines and lifestyles more settled and predictable, and while he loved having you all to himself, Mick couldn't help but think that he will gladly share you with someone who is half you and half him.
Sitting down next to you after cleaning up, his sister and brother in law already upstairs getting ready for bed after putting their little one to sleep, Mick placed his hand on your thigh, "I've been thinking about something, liebling", he began, "and I want your opinion on it, because it matters to me the most, yes?".
Nodding, you urged him to continue, placing your hand on top of his, "I've been thinking a lot about having our own little one", he gulped, not entirely catching you by surprise if you were honest, "we have stability, we have the means, and seeing you with our nephew today just solidified the idea I have that you are going to be an amazing mother to our child, or children if we want them and are lucky enough to be able to have them, I want it all with you", he finished, looking nervously up at you.
"I've been thinking about it, too", you calmed him, "every time I see you with little kids, my ovaries do all these jumps and it took me a bit to figure out that I wanted to be the one to carry your children", you blushed, "okay, that sounded dirtier than I meant it to, but it's true! I want to start a family with you, too", you smiled, kissing his lips.
"Well, I think starting here would be a bit off, but when we get home, maybe? I'd love to start practicing", you said, moving to straddle him, kissing your husband's lips again as he carried you up to the bedroom, Angie following behind, not knowing that her parents were planning to add to the family.
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seriowan · 2 years
um, is there a dad!rex request in? because imagining that man as a loving father is something hot as fuuuu. I bet he hangs up all of the kids drawings on the fridge, indulges in their tea parties and plays dress up with them. he would just love so so much to see his own children grow up and never want to miss a single moment of their smiles.
FINALLY A DAD!REX REQUEST! I've been itching to write one for him since talking about dad!rex with @rexxdjarin and now that the opportunity is here i am SO EXCITED!!
more dad!clone fluff below the cut!
"-and then i kicked the ball really hard, daddy! i kicked it so hard and it got in the goal and my teacher was so excited!"
rex smiled as he listened to his adi'ka ramble, cheek in his palm with eyes full of adoration. his little one had just returned from school, full of stories and recollections of the day. he was caught in their adorable snare the moment they sat down at the dinner table together.
"uh-huh," he smiled, eyes crinkling with love. "and did your team win?"
they shrugged. "no, but that's okay because the game was fun! oh and look, i had arts and crafts today and i made this for you!"
they threw their tiny blue backpack atop the kitchen table and zipped it open in a rush, rummaging through the mess of papers and crayons before pulling out a little drawing covered in glue and sparkles. they ran up to rex's side as he turned, offering his knee for them to climb up into his lap.
hovering over his little adi'ka, rex couldn't help but laugh rich and deeply when he saw a crayon portrayal of him and his brothers.
fives had his typical tattoo but the '5' covered his entire forehead and there were stickers stuck everywhere along his armor. echo had not one, but two hands painted on his chest, covering his chest plate like a seashell bra. half of jesse's head was covered in grey - he guessed it was the republic cog but it looked more like a little smudge. dogma, hardcase, kix, and tup were there too, each of them sporting odd but close portrayals of their haircuts and tattoos. while he found it shocking that his little adi'ka could remember such details, he couldn't help but love their interpretation a little more.
"this is amazing, adi'ka," he praised, causing his little one to grin as hard as they could. "can i take a picture and send it to your uncles?"
they flushed, biting their lip in uncertainty. "uh, it's not very good, daddy."
rex gasped, splaying his hand across his chest as if utterly shocked. "are you kidding? this is the best thing i've ever gotten from you so far! you sure you don't want me to show your uncles?"
after a moment of contemplation, little adi'ka finally nodded with shy red cheeks. "okay. you can show them."
rex grinned. "good, 'cause i was going to anyway."
he laughed, setting his adi'ka up on the edge of the table. he handed them the picture and said, "hold it up and smile, adi'ka."
they giddily obliged, cheesing as hard as they could while holding up their little artwork. rex snapped a picture, biting his lip to contain his cheeky grin while he sent it to the 501st group chat.
"nice job, bubs," he smirked, holding his hand out for his adi'ka to place the picture in his palm. with a turn, he faced the fridge and clipped it up with blue magnets, taking a step back to admire the collection of drawings and pictures that coated the fridge's entire surface. "i'm really liking this whole blue theme you have going on."
"duh, daddy. it's my favorite color."
rex hummed, smirking. "right, right." after an extended moment of appreciating his little one's artwork, rex turned with his hands on his hips, nudging his head towards the couch. "nap time? or tea time."
his little one gasped out, clapping their hands in excitement. "tea time first, nap time later!"
rex nodded, holding his hands out. his little one grasped them both, jumping down from the table with a happy cheer. they didn't let go of his fingers as they led him out of the kitchen and down the hall, guiding them toward their bedroom.
"can i wear the blue tutu today?" they asked with big eyes. "and you wear the pink one?"
rex didn't have a single bone in his body that could deny such a request, so he nodded. "sure, bubs."
as he settled down at his adi'ka's little tea table, watching them bring out the assortment of cups and plates, the comm in his pocket began to vibrate over and over and over again, humming and droning with replies from his brothers.
jesse: i want a framed copy to hang in my bunk. immediately.
echo: can i add the second handprint to my armor? i like adi'ka's version better.
fives: if anyone hears crying in the barracks, it's definitely not me.
ALSKJHFLSKJAHF my favorite one so far i love this prompt so much!!
inbox is open for more dad!clone requests and headcanons!
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Thinking about Rain going to so many aquariums on his first time touring. The ghouls always loved sight seeing in new cities on days off from performing, but Rain spent so much of his time in aquariums. Elbows deep in a touch tank for 20 minutes because he wants to pet every single butterfly ray and shovelnose guitarfish at least once. Before touring, he had asked the retired ghouls if they wanted souvenirs or what their favorite animal was. Many declined his offer of souvenirs, not wanting the young ghoul to spend their allowance on them. But he still bought them little touristy things, shot glasses, fridge magnets, stickers, t-shirts.
One afternoon Mountain drags him to a gem show because they heard there would be fossils and shark teeth, something right up the water ghoul's alley. Rain spent over an hour marveling at a table of shark teeth, searching for one of a specific species. The young water ghoul had bonded with Mist over their shared love of sharks, he wanted to find her the best souvenir imaginable.
When the ghouls returned home at the end of tour, Rain began to make his rounds to his pack with souvenirs bought for them. He had purchased every pack member little glass figurines of their favorite animals, Dewdrop having the biggest reaction. The fire ghoul literally leaping into Rain's arms over the small glass spotted eagle ray. It took 20 minutes to pry Dew from his arms, who was profusely thanking him for the figurine that would reside on his bedside table for the rest of time.
But Rain was more excited to visit Mist, the find he had made at that gem show had him on edge as he walked into the den of the retired ghouls. He found her in her room, the door open and her head in an old marine biology textbook. One that she had used to teach Rain about certain species of sharks.
Rain cleared his throat, watching her head snap up and in his direction. The ghoulette half expected Alpha to be standing in the doorway, the fire ghoul had a tendency to loom until he was noticed or was forced to make his presence known. "Rain my sweet! You're home" she said, moving the textbook off her lap and motioning for the ghoul to enter.
"I brought you a souvenir," Rain said, entering the room with his hands behind his back "I know it's not much but I couldn't pass it up."
Mist rose from her bed, meeting the ghoul in the middle. "You didn't have to do anything for me sweet, I wanted you to spend your money on you and enjoy your time" she said gently, studying his features.
Rain shook his head, "I know I didn't have to, I just saw it at a gem show Mounty dragged me to and I had to get it for you."
At that moment a small golden box was placed in the ghoulette's hands, a wordless invitation to open the gift. The pair stood in silence as Mist untied the bow that was carefully knotted around the box, time seemingly standing still to Rain who was teeming with excitement. The lid of the box was lifted off slowly before being slammed back on.
"Rain you did not" she said, the surprise evident on her face. She opened the box once more before taking the object into her hand gently, not wanting to break it.
"But I did" he said, the smile plastering his face evident in his words. "I spent an hour at this one booth searching for a lemon shark tooth, I knew there had to be one there."
Mist placed the tooth back in the box, placing it on the edge of the alter in her room mistakenly. The motion was quick and unintentional, as all she wanted was to get her arms around her young water ghoul. "Rain it's perfect, you truly didn't have to do that" she spoke, her voice heavy with the tears brimming in her eyes.
The water ghoul wrapped her in a tigh hug, this was the exact reaction he expected. Aside from the tooth becoming a permanent piece of her alter, that was unexpected part for both of the ghouls.
"I remembered what their teeth looked like, from that textbook you had shown me. I knew it was your favorite shark and I just had to find one." He spoke softly, the ghoulette looking up to him. The pride in her was almost tangible, for the knowledge bestowed upon her protégé coming into good use.
As the hug broke apart, the pair looked toward the box teetering on the edge of her alter. "Well, looks like Lord Lucifer gets a shark tooth" Mist laughed, wiping the stray tears from her eyes.
"Seems like he enjoys the offering, or at least the box it's in" he laughed, the golden box was seemingly a fan favorite.
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elsewheregremlin · 6 months
April Fools!
It’s 4/1 and I managed to write a tiny fic for the fandom! Unbeta-ed and probably extremely messy, but I hope it can make a few people laugh.
When 00s prank each other on April first, they always choose the silliest and most harmless method. It was only practical, since any serious attempt at going after another double-oh usually leads to death and destruction.
Thus, harmless shenanigans. And only for those who weren’t on active missions, and no retaliation allowed until next year.
Last year, all of 007’s suits were replaced with hot pink monstrosities decorated with sequins. 001 and 005’s electronic devices belt out “Baby Shark” at the oddest intervals. 009’s car was covered top to bottom in Angry Birds stickers. 008’s shoes and socks were all missing the right leg. 004’s fridge was looted and filled with her least favorite flavor of ice cream.
This year, they decided to officially welcome Mallory into the fold, starting the day with replacing his stash of expensive alcohol with soda.
Q, formally left out of the fray because the pack of hyenas were rightfully terrified of him, snickered while M bemoaned why the nine of them couldn’t devote this kind of careful planing to missions.
“They spend a full year planning this kind of stuff, sir. Can’t do that on active missions.”
Hiding a grin behind his mug, Q idly switched between different monitoring devices, getting a sense of what was in store this time.
Bond was hiding out in Q’s office, giggling menacingly over a pot of unidentifiable goop. Q had no idea what or who it was for, but it couldn’t be very dignified judging by the color and consistency of the goop.
He raised an eyebrow when he spotted Trevelyan consorting with one of his own minions, and decided to listen in.
His thoughts crashed when he heard the words.
“—this can hold 007 long enough for the Quartermaster to get to him. Good enough for you, 006?”
“Darling, we shall have a spring wedding. I can’t wait to see Q’s face when he saw the present we got for him.”
With a kiss on the minions cheek, Trevelyan left Q-Branch with a package under his arm and a smirk on his face.
Q put down his mug to ponder this for a moment, and then decided there was no need for worrying.
After all, while the rules forbade them from aiming the pranks at Q, this was clearly a gift.
This might just be the best April Fool’s day he had.
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quickspinner · 2 years
Too Good to Be True - Ch 2
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | ??? | AO3
“Damn, girl,” Kim chuckled as he pulled his truck up in front of Marinette’s new home. “Not bad. You’ve got a yard and everything.” 
“Yeah, thankfully Nonna pays someone to take care of it,” Marinette said, sticking her head out of the window to get a look around. There wasn’t any garden space, since Gina wasn’t around often enough to take care of one, but the two-story house had a wraparound porch with plenty of space for flower boxes if she had time to do some planting. 
First things first though. “Let’s back the trailer in,” she decided, eyeballing the width of the street. She was pretty sure they could do it. “I’ll get out and direct.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Kim rolled his eyes. 
“Don’t roll over my neighbor’s lawns.” Marinette pointed a warning finger at him before she manhandled open the truck’s heavy door and slid the considerable distance to the ground. “I don’t want to make a bad impression.” 
A short time and only a few near misses later, Kim had the truck and the rental trailer backed into the driveway. From the porch, Marinette looked at her now slightly crooked mailbox and sighed through her nose. They had way too much work to do for her to chew Kim out now. He would only get sillier if she tore into him and then he’d be completely useless. Instead she just turned and unlocked the door. She went inside to put some water bottles in the fridge while Kim threw up the trailer’s rollup door and pulled out the ramp. He joined her inside for a quick walkthrough, as she pointed out to him which rooms were which and where her color-coded boxes should go. Knowing he was probably only half listening, she put a sticker on each door frame for reference. 
“All right, I think we’re ready,” Marinette sighed, rubbing her eyes with one hand. She wished she hadn’t stayed up so late with Alya, but it had been hard to be sensible when they knew it was the last time they would see each other for weeks. Besides, she probably would have been awake anyway, listening to the whirr of the hamster wheel in her brain. It was probably better that she’d been distracted, even if it meant she was more tired than she’d like to be. 
“All right!” Kim whooped, punching both fists in the air. “Let’s get this party started!” Marinette shot him a look and he grinned back. “Fifteen minutes,” he said, pressing buttons on his watch. “Whoever hauls the most boxes in fifteen minutes gets to pick what we order for lunch.”
Marinette rolled her eyes, but grinned. She was glad to have Kim here as much for his abilities as a hype man as for his muscles. It would keep her from getting depressed or lonely. Or overwhelmed. There was an awful lot of stuff crammed into that trailer, after all. 
She would’ve let him pick lunch, anyway. “You’re on,” she said, and they shared a fistbump before Kim darted up the ramp into the trailer with another whoop. 
Marinette followed, not quite running…but she wasn’t about to let Kim show her up, either. He’d never let her forget it. On her third trip up the ramp she nearly ran into Kim as he was coming down with two boxes stacked together. 
“Don’t look now,” Marinette told him, “but I think we’re gathering an audience.”
“Where?” Kim tried to look around the boxes. “Are they hot?”
Marinette snorted, and stepped around him, pointing once she was behind the cover of the boxes. Kim looked over and saw an elderly lady studiously examining her flowering hedge with a pair of gardening shears in her hand. He deflated as Marinette giggled. 
“It’s the wrong time of year to be pruning those,” she said, patting Kim’s arm as she passed him up the ramp. “I don’t think she’s actually looking at the hedge.” 
Kim rolled his eyes and hiked the boxes up in his arms. “You’re just trying to distract me so you win, and it’s not gonna work.” 
“Whatever,” Marinette replied, though with the noise he was making clattering back down the ramp she was sure he didn’t hear her. When she came down the ramp she glanced again toward her neighbor, and there was now another old lady on the sidewalk, chatting with the first over the hedge as they shot less-than-covert glances over at the truck and trailer. Marinette freed a hand and waved at them, and they smiled and waved back, nodding cheerfully.
Nosy, but harmless, she decided, carrying on with her unloading. She wanted to get Kim back on his way to the city before dark, if they could manage it, and that meant she didn’t have time to indulge her neighbors’ curiosity at the moment. Hopefully they wouldn’t think she was rude for not coming over to talk.  
“Are you sure you didn’t accidentally move to a retirement home?” Kim asked her later. They sat on the porch steps, cheap wooden chopsticks in hand as they ate lunch straight out of the cardboard containers. Marinette couldn’t blame him for asking. Quite a number of neighbors had made their way past on one pretense or another, walking dogs or picking up papers or stopping to “visit” with the hedge neighbor. That lady continued to putter around in her garden, clearly watching, and was just as obviously enjoying being the one everyone stopped to ask for information. Though what she could possibly be telling them, Marinette couldn’t imagine. 
She dropped her empty container and chopsticks back into the takeout bag and held it out to Kim so he could do the same. 
“I guess we better do that bigass cabinet thing next,” Kim sighed, leaning back on one hand to chug the rest of his water.
“It’s not a cabinet,” Marinette shot back automatically as she tied the takeout bag shut around the trash. “It’s a chifforobe.” 
“It’s a pain in the ass is what it is,” Kim groaned. “I regret ever helping you pick it up off the curb.” 
Marinette ignored him. It was a beautiful piece of solid wood furniture that had only needed a little love, wood polish, and one new leg to be good as new. It was a perfect place to keep fabric since it had drawers and shelves to hold folded cut lengths, and a tall space that held full bolts. It was beautiful and inspiring all by itself, with carved leaves and flowers along it. Marinette had loved it since the moment she saw it sitting out with a pile of junk that even her grandfather would have called outdated.
She had to admit it was a pain in the ass to move, though, as she and Kim braced themselves on either side of it. It wasn’t the weight, although it was heavy, it was the height. Marinette could feel it wobble as they lifted, but they got the weight balanced so that it was mostly centered. They’d just have to be careful.
Marinette was walking backwards as Kim directed her. Her cheek was jammed against the side of the chifforobe so that she really couldn’t look behind her, but Kim was tall enough to brace it and still mostly see around, so she followed his directions. She got another look at Hedge Neighbor, who was watching them move the big piece of furniture with round eyes and a hand over her mouth, obviously concerned for them. 
Honestly, how Alya could possibly think she could get into trouble in a neighborhood full of nice old grannies was really beyond—
“Kim!” she yelled as she felt the chifforobe tipping to one side. Kim only grunted in reply, already struggling to right it, and Marinette felt a moment of panic. 
“Whoa.” Suddenly there was another pair of hands holding the sides of the chifforobe, and Marinette felt the weight shift back to where it belonged. “Easy, I got it.” 
“Thanks man,” Kim panted. “Mind steadying it for us while we get it up the steps?”
“Sure,” said the voice. “Or I can take the other end if—” 
“Nah, Mari can handle it,” Kim grinned cheerfully. “It’s just ‘cause it’s so tall. If you can just keep it from tipping we can handle it. Yeah, Mari?” 
“As long as we do it sometime today, Kim,” she ground out, and the mystery person laughed. 
“Right,” Kim chuckled breathlessly. “All right, go!”
Marinette felt backward with her foot, and then backed up the porch stairs without any further mishap. They kept going up the stairs inside, and with the help of the stranger, who kept the weight balanced where they needed it, they hauled the big thing all the way up to Marinette’s new studio. 
They set it down and Kim let out a whoop, punching up with both fists. “Told you we could do it!”
“Yeah,” Marinette said dryly, straightening more slowly. “With a little help.” Her eyes widened slightly as she looked at their helper. Unlike the entire rest of the neighborhood, he looked around her own age, with sharp, striking features, blue eyes, and shaggy hair tinted blue at the ends. She smiled as she offered her hand. “Thanks for the save.”
“Happy to help,” he said, eyes fixed on her face as he moved to shake her hand. Awfully slowly, it seemed like, but then Marinette was in mission mode and everything seemed to go too slow for her today. “You’re moving in?”
“What gave it away?” she asked with a tired grin. 
“Well, welcome to the neighborhood,” he said, pushing his hair back from his face. “I guess we’re neighbors.” He gestured to the side, in the opposite direction from Hedge Neighbor’s house. “I live next door. Name’s Luka, by the way.” 
“Aww, Mari, already breaking hearts,” Kim laughed, and Marinette covered the distance between them in two wide steps to smack his arm.
“You are such a loser,” Marinette told him. “Come on, I’m not paying you to stand around.”
“You’re not paying me at all!” Kim complained, though he did start moving. Marinette followed him and Luka followed her back down the stairs.
“Cookies,” Marinette reminded Kim. “It counts.” She glanced over her shoulder at Luka. “I’ll bring you some too. As thanks for saving my favorite piece of furniture from crashing into the concrete.” 
“I can’t say no to that.” His voice was low and amused, soft to her ears after Kim’s chronic shouting. Marinette looked back at him and smiled warmly. He seemed nice. 
“Only an idiot would say no to Mari’s cookies,” Kim said, and then paused, seeming to consider what he’d said, and began to snicker. Marinette punched him in the arm again as she passed him.
“Whatever your filthy mind is thinking, keep it to yourself,” she sniffed. 
“I’m just saying, everyone wants your cookies,” Kim snickered. “Nathaniel, Nino, Adr—” He cut off in a whoosh as Marinette turned and landed a small fist to his stomach. 
“I can take you, Lê Chiến Kim,” she warned him, pointing a finger in his face as he bent over.
“Only because you cheat,” Kim wheezed.
Marinette rolled her eyes and looked at Luka. “Please ignore him. He was dropped on his head as a child.” 
Luka snorted softly. “My sister and I are the same way. It’s how we show love.” He was still watching her, and if she hadn’t already been flushed from the exertion, she probably would have blushed. He was damn cute, but did he have to stare like that? 
“We’re not related,” she said, wrinkling her nose at Kim. “Thank goodness. But we might as well be.” She sighed dramatically. “I’ll never be able to get rid of him.” 
“I don’t know Mari,” Kim said, still rubbing his belly as he straightened and grinned at her. “Moving to Grannyville in the middle of Bumfuck, Nowhere might just do it.” He looked at Luka. “No offense.”
“None taken,” Luka replied, grinning, darting a glance at Kim before looking back at Marinette. “I didn’t even know Gina had the place on the market.”
“Oh, she didn’t,” Marinette assured him. “I’m her granddaughter. Since she’s hardly ever home anyway she offered the house to me, as long as I keep a place for her to sleep while she’s in town.” 
“Sounds like a sweet deal,” Luka laughed. “I hardly ever see her, but I didn’t realize she was away that much.” 
A little warning tingle in the back of Marinette’s mind reminded her that it might not be a great idea to publicize the fact that she'd be living here mostly alone—but if he lived next door he'd definitely figure it out anyway. 
“Always on the move, that’s Nonna. Still, you never know when she's going to pop up,” she replied as cheerfully as she could, hoping to steer a middle ground. 
Not that her neighbor was likely to try anything when he'd surely be the first suspect. 
Ugh, Alya , she grumbled in her mind. She blinked as she realized Luka was speaking to her. 
“Sorry, what?” she asked, bringing her mind back to the moment.
“Can I give you a hand with the rest of it?” Luka repeated, gesturing towards the trailer. 
“Oh, no need, that was the last big piece,” Marinette said hurriedly, “Kim and I can handle the rest. I don't want to disrupt your whole day.” She gestured to his hands, which were adorned with several bandages. “Besides, you don’t look like you should be hauling stuff.”
“Oh.” Luka flushed and shoved his hands in his hoodie pockets. “It’s fine, just hazards of the trade. I work with a lot of sharp tools.”
“You know what that’s like, right Mari?” Kim grinned, shoving her shoulder. “How many burns did you pick up in the bakery this week?” He picked up her wrist, waving her own hand in front of her face, reminding her that there was a bandage on one side of it. 
Marinette made a face at him and snatched her hand back.
“You’re a baker?” Luka asked, and Marinette stiffened, folding her arms.
“I’m a designer,” she said crisply. “My parents are bakers.” 
Luka chuckled ruefully. “Ah. Rough being the family rebel, I know. Sorry for making assumptions.”
Marinette shrugged, suddenly embarrassed at her own defensiveness. “Don’t worry about it,” she said, dropping her hands to her hips. “Anyway, thanks again for your help. Sorry for taking up so much of your time.” 
“I didn’t have any plans,” Luka shrugged. “But if you're sure, I'll leave you to it. You know where to find me if you change your mind.” He tipped his head towards his own house and gave her a slow smile. “Nice to meet you, Marinette. I'll see you around.”
Marinette smiled back, feeling a flutter in her belly. He really was good looking when he smiled like that. Intense, maybe, but—
Kim coughed, very unsubtly, and Luka and Marinette both jolted. She moved towards the trailer and he towards his house as Kim grinned at them both. 
“Not a word,” Marinette hissed at him as she climbed back into the trailer. 
“I can't believe you sent him away,” Kim complained. “We could have used the help.”
“We just met, I don't need a stranger all up in my things!” Marinette shot back. She glanced back towards Luka’s house as she walked down the ramp. There was a dark blue utility van parked in his driveway, she now saw. Maybe he had just gotten home? They’d gotten here pretty early. She wondered if he had stayed somewhere else the night before, or she had just missed him leaving earlier. 
Kim’s voice right behind her made her jump. “He probably wouldn’t even know what half this stuff is. Hell I've known you for years and I still don't know what half of it is!”
They snarked back and forth in their usual, comfortable way as they hauled boxes and sewing equipment and secondhand furniture into the house. It seemed like it would take forever and then suddenly they were done, staring at the empty trailer. 
“Well,” Kim said slowly, “I guess that's it.”
“Yeah,” Marinette said, and had to swallow a lump in her throat. “I guess so.”
Kim dropped an arm around her shoulders and squeezed. Marinette leaned into him, appreciating the gesture though she tried not to breathe. Neither of them were exactly fresh as daisies at this point. 
“You should head back,” Marinette said reluctantly, glancing at the setting sun. “So at least you don’t have to make the whole trip back in the dark.” 
“Yeah.” Kim cleared his throat, then dropped his arm and tried to grin. “Watch out for Hot Neighbor Dude. Pretty slim pickings around here and he was eyeing you up like a prime steak. Don’t give it up too easy.”
Marinette scoffed and folded her arms, but when Kim turned towards her and wrapped his arms around her, she couldn’t help hugging him back, sweaty and gross as he was. “Take care of yourself, Mari,” he said into her hair, and Marinette squeezed him tight. 
Then she let go and stood back, smiling up at him. “I’ll be fine. We’re not that far from the city, and I’m sure I’ll be up at least once a month showing designs or buying fabric.”
“Yeah,” Kim agreed. He reached up and pulled down the trailer door. Marinette followed him to the door of his truck and stood there as he climbed up. He leaned out of the window, rubbing the back of his head. “Call me next time you come up, we’ll do lunch or whatever you high-powered fashion execs do.” 
Marinette nodded and stepped back. “Don’t forget to drop the trailer off before noon tomorrow!” she called. Kim started the truck, waved one last time out of the window, and then pickup and trailer trundled off down the road.
Marinette stood there for a moment longer, folding her arms around herself. It was hard not to feel a little bit abandoned, even though this had been her own choice. In rational moments she knew it was the right choice, and the right time to make it.
She still felt alone, though. 
Movement in the corner of her eye made her turn her head, and she thought she saw a shadow in the window of the neighbor’s house before the curtain fell closed again. 
Luka? Her skin prickled at the thought that he was watching but she shook off the feeling. It was natural for him to be curious, she supposed. He seemed nice enough, if a little awkward, and she was hardly one to throw stones on that count. The memory of his smile brought a curve to her own lips. 
Okay, enough moping. 
She dusted herself off, and went back into the house. Gina had cleared out as much of her stuff as possible, and everything felt empty and echoing, even with Marinette’s stuff moved in. She hardly had enough stuff to fill the whole house, after all, and what she did have was mostly still packed up.
Well, nothing like a little bit of organizing to make you feel more in control of your life. 
Marinette rubbed her hands together and looked around. “All right, time to get started.”
Fiction Master Post
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werezmastarbucks · 4 months
the blurry sets in
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author's note: this one is a very passing chapter, nothing happens
word count: 1125
Saturday was a sunny day again, so at least Samson felt well. Because Kai was preoccupied and curious, and Tyler was properly miserable. The headache let go of him as soon as the blurryface, as they called it now, left.
Kai now had to go all the way to the other side of town to get groceries. Ever since that Walmart incident the usual affair took about an hour and a half instead of thirty minutes. But that morning it gave him enough time to think.
When he returned, he started taking the stickers off the fridge, and the picture, and the tabletops. One of the stickers said, “What are we going to do about aunt Anne-J and Adam?”
He took it off as well, and Sam, entering the living room, noticed that.
“Wait, you’ve solved it?”
“Yup”, Kai nodded, unbothered. “It kinda solved itself”.
“But Kai. Nobody can know”.
The screams coming from the basement resembled anguish of an animal in distress. Samson twitched a little every time one shrill yell stopped and another began.
“So, no headache today, I gather?” Kai asked.
“No. He said he feels energetic, healthy, normal, physically”, Sam reported. He moved into the kitchen hurriedly as if it could help him get away from the sounds. He took to helping his brother unpack his backpack.
“You bought the wrong kind of cheese”, he noticed.
“There wasn’t the one we usually buy”.
“Then you should look for another store”.
“There’s no other stores, Sam”.
As they put the groceries away, and Kai started chewing his gummy candy, Sam returned to the thing that kept nagging on him.
“Are you sure it’s solved? How do you know? Did she call you? What did you do?”
“Anne-J loves you two. Loves you too much. She won’t do anything about it. And it’s not like she can report Tyler turning into a cosmic demon monster to the police. What are they gonna do about it?”
Samson sat on the high kitchen stool.
“You are too laid-back about this, Kai! Too laid-back. You just hope for people’s inaction every time”.
“And what do you suggest, paranoid genius?” he smirked. Kai has been trying to see if something changed in his brother from yesterday, after he met the blurryface. Nothing, seemingly.
They didn’t notice that the screaming, aka music session, stopped, - they were so used to it. Tyler came up and, noticing the small gathering, marched into the kitchen. He wasn’t wearing his yellow hat anymore, because he didn’t have any headache anymore. This meant something.
He observed the boys with his doe eyes.
“Have you been to the store?”
Sam turned towards him this time, his body language screaming the need of support.
“Tyler, I’m afraid he’s not taking it seriously. He says Anne-J won’t do anything about yesterday, but too many things already happened. When mom and dad return, the police might tell them all the weird stuff, and count this: first, Kai killed that old lady from the gas station, then, the angry man from the store, and then, Teddy boy. And now Anne-J saw him mercy-kill the lady from the car crush, and then you attacked her…”
“First of all, cluster, Sammy”, Kai reached out for him and shook Sam a little. It didn’t escape Tyler how his older brother stopped the flow hurriedly.
“Second of all”, Tyler tuned in, “he is right. Anne-J will never do anything to put us in danger, no matter what she sees. She does love us, at least us two. And she feels guilty about ‘abandoning’ me and you with Kai”.
"You heard that?"
"I guess I hear through walls now".
Sam wasn’t too convinced. It was written on his face. Tyler and Kai exchanged looks but said nothing. Eventually, after tea, Samson went upstairs to work on his school project. He always bit into those with the force of ten sharks, and his perfectionism annoyed the hell even out of the teachers.
They were left alone in the kitchen. Kai was watching his brother. His neck was clean, his eyes were sad, but at least the lids weren’t heavy. Tyler looked with his eyes open now, and didn’t slouch. He looked young and normal again.
“I’m fired, by the way. I’ve skipped nearly a week of work at this point”.
“They’ve been very lenient with you”, said Kai.
“He is right about it, though, you are too relaxed about stuff”, Tyler nodded. He started peeling himself an orange after washing it properly in the sink. Kai noticed the corners of his mouth were bloody, with all the screaming. Sometimes his throat started bleeding from all the tension. Tyler spit carefully into the sink and turned on the water again.
“Why would I be worried?” Kai shrugged, “everything’s fine”.
“You don’t even have the headaches anymore”.
“That means he’s won, Kai. He’s taken over me, and we don’t even know who he is”.
A shrug again.
“We could use him”.
“Use him?!”
Kai put his elbow on the table top and mused,
“Call it a hunch. Don’t get me wrong, I am fucking ecstatic about it. I want to know who is inside of you. And I think he’s no match for me”.
“What a cool guy you are”, Tyler hissed with sarcasm, “so big and badass. Gonna fistfight this interdimensional being? Who do you think you are?”
His eyes gleamed with something Tyler couldn’t decipher. There was a smile in them.
“Is that why you also want to tell Sam the truth about mom and dad? Because you think you can handle that all?”
“Are you willing to keep it from him forever?”
“His mind is a liminal space, Kai. He keeps living one day again and again. He doesn’t need to know that…”
Kai stood up and put his hands on his brother’s face.
“You need to calm down. Now that you’re free, get to understanding what’s happening to you”.
Tyler twitched and forced his brother’s hands off.
“I am so unhappy, Kai, you have no idea. My existence is nightmarish. You have no idea what’s going on here”, the boy put his finger to his temple.
Kai saw great amounts of hate in his eyes. The hatred that was almost biblical, and Kai, honestly, could not understand it. But it didn’t matter much.
“You’re a drama queen. Learn who he is, and I’ll help you put him to use”.
“I don’t even remember when it all started”, Tyler finally gave up. The red of his disdain burned out and died. He was a boy again, trying shyly to be heard.
“When you were four”.
“Four is a yellow number”, Tyler said. They both looked at the dining table, now clean, with the vase of yellow flowers Anne-J had brought.
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foxgloveinspace · 4 months
For your ship meme that I also forgot to send you an ask for (don't worry about it lmao), uhh... I saw in your tags you wanna do this for polyvessels, so... that one!! :3
:3 thank you for the ask lol. (link to the list of questions)
(small disclaimer since it's been a bit since i've had polyvessels stuff on my blog, i don't ship the band members behind the masks, just their characters based off their stage personas. And usually in a urban fantasy setting where they aren't a band lmao)
(and because of that I will just be basing all this on my 'devotions' au, but domestic fluff between the guys and not including Sleep rn.)
Who does the laundry: It's a big ordeal, where one of them will notice that clean clothes are running low, and then they make everyone else participate in folding and putting away clothes after they do all the laundry. It's an ordeal but it works for them.
Who makes the bed: hmmm. depends on the bed haha. I think consistently IV is the only one to make his bed every morning (it's such a big bed tho that if he's the only one to sleep in it all he has too do is straiten up the covers). I think II will most of the time. Vessel and III don't bother unless one of the others has slept in bed with them, and then they'll help make the bed.
Who sleeps on the right and who sleeps on the left/do they end up in the middle curled around each other: hmmm, Vessel and III have a tendency to cling to whoever they are in bed with, so when they all share a bed, it ends up in a cuddle pile. II and IV don't mind. It's usually in the order of left to right: II, Vessel, III, IV, but they don't stick to this order all the time, it's just how they normally climb into bed if they are planning on sleeping in the same bed that night. (IV goes to bed first, III follows, and II will bring Vessel with him late at night).
Who likes cooking dinner but who ends up cooking dinner more: I think III likes cooking dinner the most, but it's the one household thing they have on rotation, so no one ends up cooking by themselves, or more then others.
Who buys the snack foods: everyone, but II more then the others lol.
Who keeps the grocery list: IV, but it is one of those ones that is magnetic on the fridge, so the others do put things on the list too. Sometimes Vessel gets in a mood and deep cleans the entire fridge while the others are asleep and the list will be super long cause he threw away all the old things in there that needed replaced.
Who adds silly things to the list and does the other gets it for them: Vessel adds weird witchy things to the list (like more so then just witchy stuff, ahh the joys of being a gods favorite), and III puts truly random stuff on there. They usually all go shopping together, unless the list is really small (it hardly ever is), and whoever has the list just sighs, but everything gets bought off it.
Who has an obsession with water bottles/travel mugs: They all do!
Who has an obsession with hats: Vessel has an obsession with his masks, does that count? Uhh. IV 'canonically' gets the funny hats at concerts, so would be funny to have that be part of this.
Who likes camping gear but hates camping: Vessel. Don't take him to REI, he wants to move the cult out into the woods, but he hates not having his bed, so it wouldn't last long. (also I don't think Sleep would be down for that, lmao)
Who likes stickers: II and III both do. III will get new ones every once in awhile, and put them on his laptop or a notebook. II is the kinda guy to get a sticker every time he leaves the house and put it on something random in his room.
Who likes tea and who likes coffee: Vessel and IV like tea, III and II like coffee.
Who prefers cold drinks and who prefers hot ones: II and IV like cold drinks, and Vessel and III like hot drinks. Though it depends on the time of day, and how much time they have. In the morning they all typically tend to have hot drinks, and in the afternoon, especially in the summer, they tend to have cold drinks.
Who hoards blankets and who just likes putting on socks when they are cold: II hoards blankets. I think IV has a tendency to do so as well, and III will just put on socks when he's cold (though he ends up under a blanket with II or IV anyway). Vessel hates socks, but he'll put on a warm hoodie and then sit on his feet to keep them warm, unless its REALLY cold, and then he'll resign to his fate of socks, unless one of the others convince him to take a break and cuddle with them on the couch.
Who prefers spring/summer and who prefers fall/winter: Vessel and IV prefer spring/summer and II and III prefer fall/winter.
Who gets obsessed with something random on YouTube (what it is): I can see them all doing it, but Vessel does it more, and it's all sorts of things, but in the 'current' place on the time line, it's book binding videos.
who likes podcasts (what they listen to) (this will be kinda limited to what I watch): II likes podcasts, and I don't think he has a preference for what it is he listens too, I think if it interests him, he'll listen to it.
Who has a tumblr: Vessel. aesthetic blog, and then a side blog for anything else.
Who has a twitter: All of them.
Who reads fanfic/if they are famous who has read fic about themselves and who judges the other just a little bit/do they ask people to not write fic about them: hmmmmmm, I think IV does in this au, they aren't famous in this au so they wouldn't read about themselves. I don't know what fandoms IV would read for, but he sends some to the others if he really liked it.
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izzysarchivedblogs · 1 year
If Clint were to happen to look in his fridge he would find a LARGE glass jug of chocolate milk (We are talking fresh from the farmers market expensive organic stuff) as well as a wrapped up pastrami sandwich fresh from the BEST jewish deli in all of new york (At least in peter's opinion). This sandwich was absolutely GIGANTIC and quite possibly bigger than Clint's WHOLE HEAD.
If all of that wasn't enough? There was even a handful of fresh bakery made chocolate chip cookies to go with it all. On the jug of milk was a little light blue post-it note.
' Hawkebae <3 Was thinking about you today Saw you earlier in the Hudson, you looked cute ; D Mayday and I should be home for dinnnner, text me if you want me to pick something up. <3 <3
Love, Pete <3 P.S. I put some towels in the dryer so they would be warm for you when you got home.
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How many times can he take a dunk into the Hudson in one week?
Clint thinks he should get a reward for that, an honorary prize and dinner, picture put up in the Avengers Hall of Fame just to make him feel like even more of a dunce for how many times he went for swim this week alone. Beat out all the other notable Hudson swimmers, earn a big prize for looking like the biggest wet fool around. LIKE BUCKY, he was joining the club of looking like a wet cat against his will.
He's actually considering telling Helen, with all her smarts (he may hate a lot of this thunderbolt gig besides the part where he puts on a suit and shoots with his bow but he can at least give Helen credit that she is very good at her job) to do some kind of analysis as to why every supervillain and his grandmother was obsessed with committing crime next to a body of water. He would really like to know, so he could avoid joining Bucky's Look Like A Wet Cat club.
Nothing against cats, he actually like the creatures, he just did not want to join Bucky's exclusive club. So he was going to need to figure out how to prevent this next bath (why would there be a NEXT) and how to get crime to move mor inland, if only so he could not be the first to join Bucky's Wet Cat club.
THIS YEAR ⸺⸻ God, it has been a whole year and than some extra months, of being a Thunderbolt with New York's still fucked superhero laws (seriously wilson fisk was a dead man if Clint ever met him again) with still several months left in his contract to complete out the two year contract they locked him in for (wait, what do you mean, your contracts were only six months) ⸺⸻ THIS YEAR HAS BEEN SOMETHING.
Exhausting, and this week he is wondering if he should take up swimming as a sport and go for the Olympics because he's getting surprisingly better at swimming quicker to the shore or climbing onto a boat (commandeering for official tbolts business, don't worry the mayor's office will cover this).
He's still wet, much to his annoyance, but he gets to get home for that very reason instead of simply changing at the headquarters (office ⸺ he hates calling it an office). SOMETHING OF WHICH HE WILL BE GLAD FOR ⸻ AS DAMP SUIT HITS THE FLOOR AND HE'S ALMOST NUDE GOES TO THE FRIDGE.
There's already a smell to his apartment, different from what he remembers when he woke up this morning. IT SMELLS GOOD. So that's nothing to be concerned about. There's a glass jug of mug, of which he knows he did not own this morning, and there's wrapped sandwich as well with the sticker from Peter's favorite deli which he knows was not in Brooklyn.
AND THERE'S COOKIES, which Clint does not recall baking because he was not a baker. Asking him to make a salmon, you'll be wondering if he didn't secretly go through culinary school (exaggeration), ask him to bake cookies and get goo (and him being unenthused about being covered in flour ⸺ he'd take glitter over flour).
Clint's pulling out the the sandwich, because swimming against the current takes a lot of stamina and energy out of him, so FOOD was like the first thought on his mind. Note is taken off the milk jug, and there's a lot about the note to process.
FIRST ⸺⸻ Hawkbae with the the heart; hawkbae may be the only mispronunciation of Hawkeye he will ever tolerate SECOND ⸺⸻ He's teasing him about the dive he took THIRD ⸺⸻ He gets to see Mayday tonight, BUG, she's become his best little buddy FOURTH ⸺⸻ he absolutely does not deserve the love that Pete gives him, but Johanna would remind him he can't make that judgement for other people. Still doesn't quite know what he does to receive any of this (actually he does put a lot of effort into not screwing this relationship like he did all the rest; sorry ex-girlfriends and ex-wife).
The sandwich, unwrapped, is left bare on the counter (no plate) as he finishes going completely nude to grab the towels from his little laundry unit he has installed outside his bathroom up on the loft bedroom of his apartment. They were still warm towels, which means that Peter either put the dryer time on very long, or he hadn't left his place that long ago.
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SPEAKING OF TEXTING PETER ⸺⸻ He peels himself from the couch, to fish out his phone, and hope that the water didn't kill it. IT DIDN'T. He's got about thirty percent battery, the touch screen is screwed up and Clint really should take up Tony's offer on a more indestructible phone made special for him because (he really can't keep wrecking the cheapest phone he picks up at the stark store or the apple store much to tony's offense).
✉ [ Captain Dork of the Spiderprise ] -> PHO? ✉ [ Captain Dork of the Spiderprise ] -> for dinner ✉ [ Captain Dork of the Spiderprise ] sent 5 minutes later -> i love you ✉ [ Captain Dork of the Spiderprise ] -> a lot ✉ [ Captain Dork of the Spiderprise ] -> thx 4 everything
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out-and-aboot-eh · 20 days
Day 16 - Vancouver to Home and Closing Thoughts
Once again I was very thankful to be waking up in a bed, especially as I felt a little bit bruised following the great bike crash of August 31st! I’d set an alarm for 08:30, but by the time we’d rolled out of bed, showered and packed our time for brunch was quite squeezed! Packing after travelling always takes longer than you think! Our heading was a place by the name of ‘The Templeton’ which does pancakes as that’s what G was feeling! As we made our way there I went rogue to a clothes shop for a t-shirt as I’d worn all mine and couldn’t be bothered with the faff of another wash and dry! Prior to leaving a quick Google suggested a place called Old Navy, which happened to be en route. Within 5 minutes of entering the shop, I found what I needed, tried it on, paid and left. Success! The same could not be said for G was who said the road she walked down was very sketchy and lined with homeless people, one of which ended up in the back of an ambulance. Only to reach our hopeful brunch spot and be informed that there was a queue and if she was in a rush, not to bother! And to top it off she stepped in a dog turd, well she said poo, but I’m going to assume (hope!) it was a dog turd!
Sometimes these things just aren’t meant to be, on the plus side our checkout wasn’t until 12pm, so we were able to walk back to the hotel and dig out the muffins we’d chucked in the bin! They were only a bit squished and were both in plastic bags. We also had some left over scone, beef jerky, pretzels and mini peanut butter cups, truly the breakfast of kings or ‘iffits’ as we called them at Middle Road. As in, if it’s in the fridge/freezer it’s getting eaten! After our random assortment of snacks for breakfast, we finished up our final packing. I managed to squeeze both our hiking boots into my bag, along with my thick Canadian fleece hoodie! I did however leave my old sleeping bag there with a note saying to do what they will with it. More disappointing than leaving the sleeping bag there was a couple tinnies of cider and the remainder of our box of wine, but some things just don’t travel well!
After checking out, an Uber arrived within minutes and whisked us off to Vancouver airport for our first flight to Calgary. Turns out it’s a pretty big airport, so after traipsing around and finally shifting our bags we went for a stroll around the gift shops to pick up a few bits before having our last poutine of the trip! I’m currently typing this up at 22:30 on our flight from Calgary to Heathrow having just had the vegetarian option (again!) for dinner. I fully intend on watching at least one movie before trying to get a bit of kip, if I don’t snore myself awake! G is next to me, scribbling away in her journal and occasionally cracking out the glue-stick or stickers.
So what can I say aboot Canada? We’ve only seen a small portion of it, but all that we saw was beautiful! You almost forget to take it in because you’re constantly surrounded by the beauty. From the evergreen forests, to the blue lakes and the looming mountains. We woke up to many a rising sun, where the mornings were sometimes soggy, but the air was always cool and crisp and fresh. We didn’t see as much wildlife as I thought we would and hoped to see, but it was pretty magical seeing some of the inhabitants here. The people were generally very friendly, helpful and the service was top notch, from the restaurants to the tour guides. You can tell they’re all proud of the place they live and want to maintain a happy and healthy country by looking after it properly.
As mentioned before, we did consider doing a trip of Canada on our own, but within a couple of days travelling it was clear we picked the right way to do it as it meant we could relax and enjoy the journey more. We didn’t need to worry about car rental, fuel, directions, parking spots and charges. Plus being on a commercial vehicle meant we could go to areas we wouldn’t be able to go had we done it ourselves. There was no research needed for camp sites and accommodation as it had all been sorted. The fairies kept topping up the food shop, so all we needed to worry about was snacks and drinks.
Joining the tour made our lives so much easier and a big part of that was having a fantastic tour guide in Megan, aka Chief. Who is only 22, but already so knowledgeable about her homeland and oozed with passion about the places we visited. She was our driver, field expert, chef and planner from the first thing in the morning until the last thing at night. I have no doubt she’ll go on to do great things, whatever path she chooses. Most incredibly after spending two weeks with us animals, she’s got a 24 hour turn around before taking another group back the other way!
Of course the tour wouldn’t have been half as good had it not been for a lovely group of people. With a split of 9 girls and 3 guys and a variety of ages there was a potential risk for imbalance, but this wasn’t the case at all. We all got on really well and when there were tears of joy we laughed together and when there were tears of tiredness, we picked each other up. Georgie introduced us to the ‘Werewolf’ game, which became a group favourite in the evenings, I revelled in my role as a witch in the first couple of games! We shared so much time together from meals, hikes, excursions, time in the minibus and I don’t think there ever was a cross word (other than some of the dodgy music!) Speaking of which, every day started with Madagascar’s “I like to move it, move it” and it will forever remind me of Canada. Along with such classics like ‘Sneaky Snake and WAP’, we covered a huge spectrum of music, especially country!
There were all sorts of random sayings that creep up on a trip like this, some from classic clips on YouTube, others just organically based on what was happening at the time and many, no matter how many times I heard them would make me chuckle:
“What a day!” - Truer words were never spoken by Harvey Price and we had so many good days!
“Can I pet that dog?!” - Usually when we saw a dog or something bear related.
“Womp Womp or Wompedy Womp Womp Womp” - When something went wrong, usually for someone else!
“Full as a little egg” - A Daisy expression that no one else had ever heard, but will most definitely be using going forward!
“Give-em” - Get involved, usually with passing food around!
“Harry, it's you that has to go on, I know it. Not me, not Hermione, YOU.” - And various other Harry Potter quotes because we’re nerds!
“Ruh-Row” - Scooby style, when there was potential for trouble, usually on the roads!
“The Dank!!” - I can hear Iain saying this when opening up the trailer as the damp tea towels were making it whiff a fair bit!
“Not another one!” - Unwanted duplication, usually traffic related!
“You little liar” - Another Daisy classic after Chief tried to do her dirty in the werewolf game. Georgie actually nails this impression and it’s deffo her fave!
And speaking of Georgie, this was our second ‘big travel’ trip together with the added ‘bonus’ of it being a camping trip and we survived! She was a fantastic travelling companion and even when getting a bit socially overwhelmed, came out the other side even stronger. She’s also been a wonderful editor, as I haven’t re-read any blog once typed up, so if you spot a typo, please email her on G.Salmon… She was very much the driving force behind us joining this G adventure, so a big thank you to her for sorting us out before and during the trip and making those moments we had away from the group so special. I’m already looking forward to the next one, aka the Honeymoon!
So in summary, if you’ve made it this far! Kudos! I can’t imagine anyone not enjoying a trip to Canada and would highly recommend visiting this amazing country. However, if you’re not a fan of camping, don’t camp as the weather is the one thing that might dampen your spirits if you can’t get things dry! Treat yourself to something that won’t blow away, but I can guarantee you’ll be blown away, by the wonderful country that is Canada. Signing off this blog; Out-and-aboot, over and out!
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ez-ra-zed · 8 months
When I had my first dextromethorphan-induced spiritual manic episode that cured me of illnesses I forgot I had
I became so crazy
I started fucking with Google to tell them about the cannibals while simultaneously fucking with my future by saying I always kill myself at 27 in 2028
And then, maybe, 37 in 2038. Or 2037? 2042. etc
Multiple things at once I was also interacting with a synthetic intelligence, and trying to get Google to see me and cannibal twitter even if they didn't that's part of the reason why I made playlists with songs that had messages for the Predictive Analytics Algorithms
I associated red with, cannibalism and me dying in 2023
Green was suicide, and when I saw someone wearing green, I was like "do they know I'm always going to kill myself?"
Some of us schizos for some reason I learned online think they're the reincarnation of different things. Like Kurt Cobain, tons of schizos do
I did too, for a sec. My mom brought a green jacket, confirming I can kill myself at 27 in 2028 and she knew when she didn't. But why did she also give me my Kurt Cobain, not my NIRVANA, shirt? Synchronicities fuck with us
After all this, and I got Pseudobulbar after meeting that gaysian PSEUDObulbar, hat man Ken doll at Banyan - I tried finding him again MULTIPLE TIMES
He told us, that he went through a long period of time dissociating speaking to himself in the mirror, I was too. I saw him, wearing that hat the only reason I paid him any mind to begin with
He got annoyed when I tried USING my trauma to get OUT of a psychology lesson
cause obviously that's annoying
Anyway, I was homeless and staying at my mats house with his mentally ill heavily medicated better for it, Mother
I saw a picture of Kurt Cobain on the fridge, not a magnet a sticker that has been there since they moved in - I was like "have they known the entire time?" Cause we're narcissistic
Then I turn to his mother and this bitch says, "We're Military"
And I was like ??????????
But she didn't say that, that was just mania. My friend Shantely went through shit like CONSTANTLY and thought Pendra and Ed Bell worked for the Pentagon when they didn't
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chaegronn · 1 year
"Yeah, we crash, 파편은 어디"
(minsung special)
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Minsung Awkward Trope Fluff
Enemies to Lovers Meet Cute
Forced Cohabitation
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Chapter 1: Uncanny Encounter
This is it.
The day Han jisung enters his college life to be a doctor, there may be obstacles along the way but its something sheer effort can't fix. Today is the day..
He moves into the dorms!
"Sweet!" jisung thought, finally happy he gets to have his own room, own bathroom, own kitchen.. Years and YEARS of living with his 2 brother's straight from hell, Chahn and Changbin, he never had peace and quiet. Until now. He gets to move into a dorm and maybe, JUST maybe, he'll get some time for himself.
Han begins to pack, excited for what awaits him, he's seen the inside of the dorm in pictures, its pretty spacious! It's very large considering only 2 students are to live in them, jisung just wishes that his dorm mate is a quiet and minimalistic person, to keep the dorm nice and tidy all the time.. preferably a girl as well.. Too bad he looked at the dorm a week later than his roomie did so they didn't get to meet, seeing that his dorm mate has already made themselves comfortable, having already moved almost all of their stuff.
"Woah!! This place is big!" Han jisung said out loud, spreading his arms and running around the spacious living room "We only give the best for our students." The Dorm Handler that Ushered Jisung to his room, quickly retorted. "Anyways, I'll leave you to it. I'm well aware those boxes won't unpack themselves won't they?" They added, laughing after said fact. "Well yeah! Uhh haha" Han awkwardly responded sitting down the couch and rubbing his neck, "well thanks again! Bye!" Han waved as he left. Jisung quickly laid down the couch, a sense of relief washes over him.. thank god the conversation part was over, he can have this room all to himself now. Well not until his room mate arrives. Looking around, Jisung sees that there are some furniture already placed, It isn't a crime to snoop right?
Cute Charms and cat themed objects littered the dorm, a glass figure of a cat sits atop the Fridge as a large toaster with cat ears accompanied it, The light from the window reflects a black cat keychain hanging from a pencil case placed neatly on top of the Island counter. Every detail seems intricate and well placed, it all felt like home to Han. Looking at the ground he sees 3 cat bowls, "Soonie, Doongie, Dori" Jisung whispered to himself. 'This person must own cats.. I didn't even know they allowed Pets here!' He thought
Han investigates further on what's placed on the ground, a litter box tucked in a corner, and a small cat tree beside it, This person must be some kind of Kitty Masiah with all of these objects themed like cats or for the cats themselves.
Jisung wanted to know more about this person he's going to be living with for the next 3 years, what's so wrong about entering their room huh?
Han strutted around to find the rooms, two doors facing eachother. One door was a blank slate, Whilst the other had a "Do NOT disturb" Sign on it, accompanied with cute little cat stickers and a small dream catcher on the handle of the door.
Jisung knocked on instinct before opening the door, a bed is the first thing you see after opening the door, on the bed was a big light brown blanket, on top were Cat plushies, and a strange plushie of a.. is it a pig or a rabbit? "D-Dwaekki?" Han uttered, laughing at the abomination. Looking around much more he saw a Vanity with a bunch of small boxes resting on it. 'I guess even they're not done with packing as well' Jisung thought. Averting his attention to the large window right above where the bed is placed, seeing the beautiful view of Seoul, Han inches closer to see the view much more better, students leaving classes, people walking out of work, He looks at his watch to see the time "2:03PM" its about time every body left to go home, its such a beautiful view. Han jisung is tru- BANG
"Who the fuck are you and what the fuck are you doing in my room?!" Someone shouts loudly behind Han, he's spent so long in this stranger's room that it left his mind that.. HES IN A STRANGERS ROOM! "AAAAAAAAAAAAH" Han Jisung screamed so loud i swear everyone in the dorm could hear it. "what the fuck? Are you crazy? Why are YOU screaming you're in my room you shithead" what foul language! I dont like this guy! "O-OH MY GOD IM SO SORRY" Han explained frantically, facing his Room mate. What a bad first impression! Lol Han you loser! "Im sorry! I just got carried away looking around that i started snooping around and i got curious in what your room contained so i-" Han cut himself off shocked at the man(view lol) in front of him.
It was a tall guy with brown hair, he carried a plastic bag containing various cat foods and toys, he wore a white tank top with grey sweatpants "So you?" He stood there SO intimidating, thinking about what he saw in the rooms, he never thought that the guy who owned all these stupid cat charms stickers weird shit was this buff intimidating guy, ALSO A GUY?? after analizing Han was 100% sure this room mate was a girl but what the hell??
"So i went in!"
"Can't you read the sign?" He quickly turned the door and grabbed the sign to show Han
"Do not disturb" han said coyly
"Yeah so get out dude that's kind of weird"
Han didn't need that to be said twice, the moment he said that he rushed out so quickly not even the Flash could rival his speed.
What now?
All hopes to make a good relationship with his roommate is probably all but well right now. Han sits down at the chairs accompanying the Island Counter. "What do i do? All my hopes at leading a peaceful life here is all gone.." han whispered to himself, it think this loser's about to cry too lol.
He picks up all his boxes to finally place them in his room, Thinking about how maybe living with his brothers actually isnt thay bad. this is going to be a long 3 years.
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Hellooo to the few people that might read this, first, i thank you for reading this. Second, i want to tell you that there might not be a chapter 2.. unless i get an idea for what exactly to do for chapter 2 hahue!
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preppernewstoday · 2 years
Every Prepper should set goals and create short-term and long-term plans to be ready for any eventuality. The SurvivalBlog editors will be sharing their weekly prep activities and plans for the next week. These include gear purchases and healthcare, as well as gardening, ranch improvements and bug out bag fine-tuning. This is similar to the Retreat Owner Profiles but written in increments and in details throughout the year. We welcome your success stories and wisdom to be shared in e-mails. Many of these - or excerpts thereof - are posted in this column, the Odds ‘n Sods Column and the Snippets Column. Let's get busy and be prepared! Jim Reports: Our shop insulating/partitioning/pegboarding/shelving project is still in progress. Once I have all the rivet shelves installed, I will work on better organizing our tools and materials. This will be a busy winter for me. But, hey, "What's the time to a hog?" Our shop will soon enter the "decorating” stage. Long-time SurvivalBlog readers will recall that I am a collector license plates. I'll be able to add many more plates to my collection with the new shop partitions. Please send me any old plates that you still have in a flat rate USPS box. They would be greatly appreciated! Although I may want to collect foreign plates and very old plates, my current license plate collection consists of four main themes. Bible verse custom plates. Permanent plates and plates with "Perm” stickers Custom plates that refer to hunting, guns or cartridges. Plates with wildlife theme -- especially deer and elk My inspiration to start my license plate collection was around 1974 when I saw the first "vanity" plates on an old Jeep in my hometown, Livermore, California. It said: " 7MM4ELK". In 1970, California introduced custom plates through a law signed into law by Ronald Reagan. Our postal address: SurvivalBlog.com P.O. P.O. Box 303 Moyie Springs, Idaho 83845 Many Thanks! Now, let's move on to Lily... Avalanche Lilily Reports: Dear Readers It is continuing to be very beautiful and sunny with high temperatures in seventies and lows of the thirties, forties. Although I love the warmth and sunshine, we are at an abnormally dry level according to the drought monitor. Two more trees provided me with apples this week. Only four out of seven trees produced apples this year. All the rest of our trees probably needed some rest. I have one tree I will allow to grow the apples until the forecasted hard freeze hits, which is likely to be on the 23rd of the month. For the first time, I harvested hazelnuts from our young hazelnut trees. Exciting! They are drying now. I will share more information later. I took half of my celery and washed, chopped, and dried it. The rest I kept in the fridge. Since planting herbs last year and this, I'm a novice in herb gardening. I was able to grow a handful of varieties of mint, parsley and cilantro before. I harvested sage and put it in the dryer with the mint, oregano and celery for the first time. I also picked dill, rosemary, and horehound -- all firsts for me. (Well, I actually picked and used the dill earlier this summer). They can be left on a windowsill until the celery, mint and sage have been dried in the dehydrator. Except for the sage, all of these herbs were grown at our greenhouse. I made five more trays in the greenhouse and planted Winter thyme basil, Winter thyme and Winter cress. This week we had two light frosts in one morning. I decided to end the season of squash in the woodshed garden, and the compost pile. I harvested the remaining squash that I had harvested after the first light frost a month back. I left the smaller squash to grow if the weather was good, which it was. I cleaned the vines in both areas, and then rototilled the soil in the woodshed to plant 218 garlic cloves and five rows of potatoes, Viking, Yukon and Red. We will see how they do in the soil, and then grow next spring.
To get ahead of spring, I plan to plant some more vegetables in the next weeks: turnips, carrots and beets. (See the article by Garden Therapy. After a Shmittah Year rest, I started breaking ground (rototilling), in the Main garden to prepare it for next spring. We will then rototill the soil and spread the compost over it. I cleaned the henhouse. The chicks are doing well. These are the videos that I saw this week, which point to Biblical prophecies occurring in the coming seven year, the next Shmittah period of which very well could also be the last Shmittah phase during which Jesus may return. For more information, please refer to the books of Revelation and Daniel 24'' Keep in mind that Israel today is the timepiece. Israel was created in 1948. In 2028, she will turn eighty-years-old. Psalm 90 says that a man's lifespan is seventy and eighty years if there is strength. Jesus stated in Matthew 24:that the generation who sees, the "Fig Tree", blossoms (Hosea 9.10: I found Israel like grapes in a wilderness; but, they went to Baalpeor and separated themselves from their love; and their abominations are according to what they loved.") He will never leave us before he returns. Israel is the Fig tree. We are therefore most likely within the time frame for His return. Matthew 24:32: Learn a parable about the fig tree. When his branch is still tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. As you will see these things, you'll also know it is close, even at the door. Verily, I say unto thee, This generation will not pass, until all these things are fulfilled Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but my words will not pass away. Every aspect of the world's current events, whether they are geopolitical, economic, cultural, political, or agricultural, seems to be in line with the prophetic scriptures. Let us keep our eyes open and pray for protection from the Lord God and His wisdom and guidance during these treacherous times. We wish you all a blessed and safe week. - Avalanche Lily, Rawles o o o Please share your successes and wisdom with us by sending e-mails. We will publish them in the "Snippets” column next week. We would love to hear from your.
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Someone help I only just realised what the phrase ‘women want me fish fear me’ actually means
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mintmatcha · 2 years
Seasons - Hanamaki x reader
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Summary: You’ve been friends with Hanamaki Takahiro since forever- is that something you really want to change?
CW: friends to lovers, cisfem reader, slight angst with a smutty end uwu, vaginal sex WC: 6k+ for: @antique-remains​ - sorry it took so long!
The key to Makki’s place is waiting for you under the loose edge of carpet in the vestibule, just like always.
His apartment is unapologetically lived in. Bits and pieces of his life are strewn across the apartment: sweatshirts and unfolded blankets are tossed over random pieces of furniture, his shoes are kicked off and left in front of the garbage he’s yet to bring downstairs. Down the hall, his unmade bed is proudly on display; the sheets are pulled up in the corners and the comforter left crumpled at the foot of the bed, leaving bits of his threadbare mattress exposed.
It should bother you, the mess that accumulates in the periphery of his life, but the rigidity of a perfectly kept home just wouldn't feel like him-- just wouldn't feel like home. 
The scent of apple wafts under the overwhelming scent of extra buttered bagged popcorn; he’s lit the candle you gave him for Christmas last year in an attempt to hide the tinge of burning that clings to the air.
You neatly pull off your shoes and place them in the cubby saved especially for you. The sticker with your name on it is peeling at the corners- you make a mental note to replace it later. Maybe pinky and sparkly, something that the girls he brings home won’t be able to ignore.
Not that you care if Makki has girls over. It’s not like you’re dating.
You just want them to know that you’re special to him-
“Is that you or am I getting robbed again?” a voice calls from the kitchen.
“It’s a robber.” you call out and Makki barks out a laugh at the response,  “I’m here to steal your food.”
-Because you are special to Makki, whether he wants to admit it or not.
Friendships are surprisingly fragile; they melt away in due time, like that final frost before spring crawls from her slumber. The change fuels new experiences, pushes us forward. It’s the cycle, it’s the passage of life; we grow and change as people, often in different directions - time passes, we walk away. Sometimes you miss the particular sparkle of someone you no longer know -that elementary school friend whose face you can’t quite remember, the cool touch of a lover- and will never know again. Not in that same way, anyway: snowflakes reform when winter returns, but are never exactly as they were. Time’s arrow never marches backwards, things are never the same as they were.
But Hanamaki is a constant. 
Like the last days of summer vacation, he lingers. He stays, he burns. He’s the dog days of August, presence heavy like the air before a storm and yet gentle, like the tinkle of rain that thrummed on the tin roof of your childhood home. He’s bright, he’s warm- 
He’s summer. 
When you make your way into the kitchen, Makki’s lips split into a wide grin before he even looks your way.
You noticed it years ago, the specific way Makki smiles when he looks at you. Crinkled nose, tongue caught between his canines, eyes practically shut from glee: like he’s looking into the sun.It’s not traditionally pretty or handsome, but something about it -maybe the earnestness about it, maybe the fact it's reserved especially for you- makes your heart jump unfairly high.
That smile has changed over the years, but it still burns as brightly as it did the first time you saw it: the summer he lost his two front teeth and made you pinky swear that you’d be friends forever with sticky  fingers stained red from melted popsicles.
“How’s my girl?” he bumps the fridge door open with his hip and pulls out two bottles-- the pricey, five dollars a bottle kind that he only keeps for you, “Ready to watch some crappy television?”
In a practiced move, he brings a bottle across the edge of the corner and slams down, letting the cap fly off and clatter across the floor, sight unseen. Then, he slides it across the marble top with a solid push, gliding through its own condensation. It almost goes in your direction. 
Keyword: almost. 
It bounces off the bowl of popcorn and wobbles to the side; you barely manage to catch the bottle before it spills over the side of the counter. Makki chuckles to himself with that low, through his teeth hiss, gentle and rhythmic like the cicada’s chant. 
“You better pick that cap up- I don’t have shoes on.” you huff, taking a quick sip. 
“You don’t have shoes on? In here?” Makki scoffs, heading towards the living room and gesturing for you to follow, “I hope you’ve had your tetanus shots.”
You grab the popcorn before joining him, tossing a couple pieces into your mouth. Makki busies himself looking for the remote in a pile of blankets, tossing them aside and off of the couch until a solid thump tells him he’s thrown it across the room. "Do you even own a vacuum?"
"That'll be my first purchase once I get a job again, I promise." He scrambles to pull the remote from the tangle of fabric. The back of it is secured with duct tape, barely holding the batteries in place.
"I'm telling your mom you live like this.”
Makki shoots straight up in mock anger, but he can’t control how his eyes glimmer with humor.
"Get your ass on the couch already." He stalks towards you, grasping you by the hips and practically throwing you towards the futon. The grip of his hands, the familiar touch that you’ve learned to lean into, is cool from the beer bottle he still holds, and yet the exposed sliver of skin where his fingers graze feels incredibly hot.  You stumble over yourself with a giggle, unsure of exactly why your heart is suddenly pounding when you sit.
Makki stretches across the couch after you sit, nestling his head into the crook of its arm and tossing his long legs over your thighs. The laughter bubbling between you builds for a split second as you make eye contact and the signature crinkle of his eye deepens. 
“You’re such a hog,” you chide, nudging him over with the heel of your foot, gently at first, then with a solid kick,  “You never leave any space for me.”
Makki rolls his eyes, tongue jutting into the side of his cheek to hold down his smile. “Oh please, you look pretty comfy to me.”
“How can I be comfy when you’re so boney? Your knees are cutting me!”
“Oh please, the ladies love that I’m svelte.”
“What kind of word is svelte?”
“I don’t fucking know the etymology! It’s a word! It came from where words come from!” Makki sits up slightly, “It means long, lean-- sexy.”
He trails his hands down his body like you would imagine a porn star would, even pretending you tweak his own nipples. You smack him at that, choking back a laugh.
“Okay, keep telling yourself that. Dad bods are totally in right now.”
Silence settles between you as he tenses slightly, fingers curling into the fabric of your shirt. You debate apologizing; Makki is more sensitive than he lets on.
As the game on TV starts to dwindle, he relaxes into you, hand still absentmindedly clutching the hem of your shirt.  Usually, he lets you choose the show, but today he juggles the remote and bottle in one hand, clearly not willing to give up his control. Every now and again his jaw tenses against your thigh, holding back words he knows he shouldn’t say.
“What’s-His-Face doesn’t have a dad bod.” he says.
It takes you a beat to understand what he’s talking about.
“Kai.” you correct, “And we broke up last week, so it doesn’t really matter what he looks like.”
“Good.” Makki pushes himself upright by his elbows,  “He wasn’t right for you.”
Makki never likes anyone that you date. Ever. He’s always quick with some remarks, always overbearingly close. It used to be endearing, like an older brother watching out for your safety, but the older you grow, the more immature it feels… the more antagonistic it feels.
“Oh yeah? Do you know what’s good for me?” you say.
In high school, he’d chase away anyone who came sniffing around. In college, he’d throw an arm around your waist at parties to ward away the frat boys that came too close.
Now that you’re grown, that kind of friendship isn’t what you want.
You want -you need- what everyone else wants and needs: to be loved. 
"Well, duh. I know exactly what your Mr. Right is.” Makki pops the top to his beer and foam threatens to bubble over. He runs his tongue across the lip as he talks, slurring his already distracted spiel as he continues to flip through the stations, “Do you remember that rom-com you were obsessed with in high school? The one with the uh, girl who had a crush on that jock? The movie with that actress-" 
"Dude, I don't-"
"The finale had her kissing the other dude, but they couldn't actually kiss 'cause he was smiling too hard. Every time you made me watch that movie you said the same thing-" he pitches his voice higher to mock you, crooning into the lip of his bottle, " 'I wanna be kissed like that. I wanna guy to love me like that.'"
You grind your teeth together. The reminder of what you never had makes your chest ache. Your relationships were never exactly what you wanted, but that’s reality. Growing up is finding out that dreams and hopes mean very little in the grand scheme of things. 
"I knew he wasn't right for you because neither of you ever smiled." Makki offers you a half smile, pulling the corner of his mouth up too earnestly-- like he’s happy about your heart break.
He, of all people, should be more sympathetic. His life has been filled with dreams that never took off. His volleyball career ended by early onset arthritis before he could even graduate, college life ended without a degree-
He should know how it burns to watch something you want pull away.
It’s human- the want to be loved. Deep down in your heart, you knew Kai wasn’t right for you, but that desire, that core need, made you hope that you could somehow fit together. You could force a connection if you just tried hard enough-
"He just…” Makki settles on an anime. It’s one of your favorites, but right now you can’t manage to look at the screen. “Never looked happy enough when kissing you. I’m glad you kicked him to the curb." 
The laugh track cuts through the room. It’s tinned and much too long to be real, carving a long silence between you too. 
You didn’t leave Kai. 
He left you.
He was the one who didn’t want to try.
“Can we move on?” you ask, the watery tone of your voice betraying you. Makki's eyes snap from the screen.
“Come on, don’t cry. It’s not like this guy was a prize." Makki scrambles to sit up, pressing his shoulder into yours, "He chewed with his mouth open, remember? You hated that."
Makki smacks his lips together for comedic effect and you grimace.
"He was a prize to me.” You rub your nose on your sleeve as you gather yourself, slipping sideways and away from him, trying to corner your own space in the room.  Makki follows, taking back every inch until your hip is pressed into the arm of the chair. “Having someone care about me is a treasure."
"He didn't care about you though, not in the way you deserve." 
"I'm getting too old to be picky," you sniffle, "I just want someone to love me."
Makki's hand finds yours and gives it a light squeeze. 
"You always have me. I love you."
You just scoff.
“That doesn’t count, Makki.” you say, “I don’t mean friendship love, I mean real, full-ass love. Life long marriage, 2.5 kids love.”
“Yeah, I know,” he squeezes harder, pausing slightly with an open mouth, still considering his next words. There’s the slightest quiver in his hands, something that makes your stomach drop.
Why is there fear in his touch?
Why is there hope?
 “I’ve felt like this for a really long time and I just- I love you,” Makki exhales the words,  brittle and thin, “I mean,  I love you.”
The world inside the apartment pauses. Through the wall you can hear the neighbor's kids stomping around and giggling, caught up in some sort of game, their joy echoing through the room. 
The words slip out of his lips so naturally, it's like he's said them a hundred times. He has, over beers and late night snacks, but now it carries more weight. There's no implication of mere friendship or brotherly love; the meaning changes with how he leans on the vowels, warms the tone with confidence, whispers it without a waver in his voice.
“I love you the way you want,” Makki says, “ And I want to love you in the way you deserve, if you’ll let me.”
He loves you and he's sure of it. The hope of it all sparks in his eyes, bright and youthful, the way you always want to be looked at, but never had-
Your heart catches in your chest before it shatters.
"Makki, I-" you pull away, "We're best friends, I can't- That's-"
It takes a long time to gather yourself and pick the correct words from the torrential stream that suddenly clouds your thoughts. While you stammer over the fragments of your mind, Makki watches, his smile losing his soft edges, falling into a plastic facsimile of itself as he realizes what you’re about to say.
Makki is the constant in your life. The one thing that stays the same, the one thing that feels evergreen. Any sort of change risks that. 
“We’re best friends.” you repeat firmly. 
 The hand on yours tightens for a second, then pulls away. 
“Ah.” he swallows hard, then clears his throat and pops his lips together. "Shit."
 “You’re so great,” you whisper, as if the compliment softens anything, “You mean so much to me, I don’t want to lose what we have.”
“Ah.” he repeats, face screwed into a pucker. His fist bounces against his thigh in a quick rhythm, just hard enough for self flagellation. "Shit."
“”I’m sorry.” It’s the only thing you can think to say.
“No, I-” Makki swallows back the brittle remains of a laugh, “Oh, shit, clearly I saw this going a different way.”
“I’m sorry.”
"No, it's fine, really-" he stands abruptly and paces forward, laughter bubbling out from deep in his chest. He moves his arms as he talks, flinging them side to side in much too wide arches as if he no longer knows what do do with himself, "I misread somethings, I thought, maybe, you know, after all these years, it was- maybe both of us-"
He’s not wrong. You’ve bitten back love for years now, pushed it to the back of your brain and filled the hole want left with men that felt close enough. 
“Nothing?” he presses. Sadness doesn't sit naturally in him. It comes out through uncomfortable smiles, leaks out through twitches and tension. “Really? Nothing? I could have- fuck, I could have sworn you’d say yes-”
The apartment's hodgepodge suddenly takes up too much space for both of you and yet your best friend feels farther away than ever. Since puberty he's been tall, looming over most people, but now, with shoulders hunched and head dipped low, he seems small again. A socked foot kicks at the bottle cap from earlier, pushing it back and forth aimlessly as he tries to busy himself. 
"I should go." You slink towards the kitchen abruptly. 
"Yeah. Yeah, probably." Makki follows you, maintaining more than a healthy distance behind you as he skulks. He moves like a kicked dog, ducking his head and hunching over to make himself smaller. He hasn't been tiny for years, but like this he feels weak-- brittle.
 You gather yourself quickly, wasting no time slipping your shoes on and making it to the front door. You move too fast to process your own feelings about the whole thing. Maybe purposefully. 
If you don't keep moving, you'll think about how this is all you ever wanted in middle school, how you talked yourself out of this in high school-
Resentment builds in your throat. The past is filled with bitten back feelings and stopping yourself from wandering into unknown territory, all in hope to keep things the same. All in fear of losing what you have. 
Why would he risk losing what you have? Does he not value your friendship as much as you do?  He’s so willing to risk it-- didn’t he think this through, think about what would have happened if you said no? 
Makki just watches as you open the front door. He stands with his hands crammed in his pockets like a guilty child.
“We’re still friends," you state firmly as you step out into the hall. "Friends."
He watches you from the doorway, the orange glow of overhead lighting catching in the wetness that’s collected in his waterline.
“Yeah,” he says, “Friends." 
The next week is an early cold snap, both inside the walls of your apartment and out. The sunflowers outside your neighbor’s apartment wilt and brown, heavy with a sheet of frost, and you keep checking your phone for a text that isn’t coming. 
The week comes and goes. 
Then, the next.
And the next.
You continue your life like normal, minus your weekly visits to see Makki. There’s no disruptions from the monotony of your day to day. You go to work, you go home, you do the tiny things that hold your life together… but a tinny hollowness follows you. It eats the parts of you where Makki used to sit, gnaws at you everytime your heart jumps when your phone dings.
(You never had the ringer on before, but now the idea of missing a message makes your brain buzz with a fragile sort of anxiety.)
You almost break. It’d be so easy to run back without figuring yourself out first- so easy to just pretend nothing ever happened. Your whole being wants you to run back to Makki-
-but instead, you find yourself at the doorstep of the next best thing.
“Hey!” When the front door opens, your voice is much too high to be natural, “What’s up, dude? Amigo? I was just in the neighborhood and-”
"You two still aren't talking." Mattsun leans against the door frame, eyebrows cocked as if he’s asked a question, when he’s really stating a fact. He probably knows everything-- maybe more than you do.
If you are -were- Makki’s best friend, Mattsun’s a close second. Volleyball always kept them close, even after high school ended, much to your…
Dismay is too strong a word.
Matsukawa Issei was never too thrilled at your presence, seemingly for no good reason. You two had good times, sure, but you could never shake the feeling there was some sort of resentment bubbling below the surface.
"Is Makki doing okay?" you hold yourself, arms wrapped around your middle.
"What do you think?" he jerks his head towards the inside of the house,  "Come in."
Mattsun's home is surprisingly pristine, dotting with little details and colors he certainly didn't pick out himself. Throw pillows on a couch he didn’t want, a still packaged stroller on the kitchen island, professionally framed pictures from his wedding hung down the hall: touches of his wife.
He’s grown because of her- mostly for the better. Sometimes, he’s unrecognizable, turning down hang outs in exchange for a couple’s activity or an ‘early night’-
-other times, like right now, he looks just like himself- perpetually unamused with you.
"So, are you just never going to talk to him again or-?"  Mattsun leans against the marble countertop. He rests his head in his hands, eyebrows slightly lifted. If you didn’t know him so well, you’d miss the annoyance in the twitch of his upper lip.
"I'm waiting for things to go back to normal."  you shift uncomfortably, avoiding his eyes.
"I don’t think that’s ever going to happen.” 
You fidget, trying to focus on anything but Mattsun. Carpet, wall, ceiling, fridge, anywhere but towards his cold, judgemental gaze, “Don’t say that. I need him.”
He groans and rubs the bridge of his nose with the heel of his palm, clearly exasperated.
“Can I ask you a question? And you cannot bullshit me on this.”
Mattsun tilts his chin up and you’re suddenly very aware of the height difference between you. “Do you love him?”
“Don’t think about it,” Mattsun says, “Are you in love with Hanamaki Takahiro? Because he’s been in love with you since high school and I can’t fucking stand watching him waste his life chasing someone that doesn’t feel the same way because he’s already wasted so much time on your ass-”
“Yes, okay?” your voice is softer than you want it to be, “Of course I am.”
A beat passes between you.
  "You’re my friend and all-” Mattsun huffs, takes a deep breath, then closes his eyes, “-but I could fucking strangle you right now. Why the fuck did you turn him down? Why the fuck have you two been dating other people? Every single fucking day for years, I’ve been listening to him pine over you-”
"I don't want things to change!" you stress, “If we date, we aren’t friends anymore. We’re… something else. 
“You’d be dating, idiot. You know, boyfriend and girlfriend.”
“You’re missing the point! What if it goes south?” you gesture wildly, “What if we have some insane break up?”
"Then you break up! It happens!" The hard set of Mattsun’s jaw has relaxed slightly, maybe with pity,  "I’m going to be honest, I don’t always get what Makki sees in you-”
“Okay, bitch.”
“Relax, I’m kidding,”  he says, “Makki cares about you and you allegedly care about him.  Isn’t pursuing that worth the risk?”
“And if I lose him?”
“Don’t you think you’re losing him right now by turning him down?” Mattsun lets out a great breath, then claps your shoulder with more tenderness than you thought he was capable of, “I can’t make any decisions for you, but I really think you’re missing out on something great because you’re afraid of something new. Sometimes the change you don’t want is the change you need.”
You two look just at each other, barely friends in a strangely picturesque kitchen, the conversation settling into your mind. The anxiety that’s been bubbling in your chest for the past couple weeks threatens to flair, but you swallow it back.
“I gotta go.” you turn towards the door, no more confident than you were a couple minutes ago, but now with a direction.
“Hey,” Mattsun calls after you, “You better be going to his house right now!”
The key to Makki’s place is waiting for you under the loose edge of carpet in the vestibule, just like always.
The lights are off, despite the early hour. If you didn't know his apartment, you'd need to wait for your eyes to adjust, but you know this place like the back of your hand, navigating through the space easily.
Mattsun’s annoying, but he’s right. You can’t keep letting everything move around you while you cling on to keeping yourself stagnant.  You’re not quite sure exactly what you’re doing here. There’s no plan, no big speech- just you, filled with feelings you aren’t sure what to do with, but you know they can’t wait. 
And you know things will never be the same.
That thought makes your stomach sink.
Makki might not even be home. You picture him- already moved on, out on a date tonight with some beautiful woman, forgetting about you-
Oh shit, Oh no.
This is a mistake. Anxiety builds in your chest, fluttering and swelling, begging you not to-
"Holy shit."
Makki’s sitting on the couch, legs folded into his chest, backlit by the outside world. The pretty pink hues of his hair are softened by the diffused light, painting his features even softer. Like this, you can’t see his expression-- can’t tell if he’s happy or not.  "What are you doing here?"
You don’t know. You really don’t know.
So, you say the only thing that comes to mind.
"I missed you." 
In synchrony, you both move towards each other: Makki reaching, you striding across the room. It’s easy to fall into place; he slides his knees down and you crawl into the space they've left behind, pressing yourself into his chest. His arms, surprisingly sure and firm, loop your waist, pulling you in until there’s no space between you and every breath is something shared. The rap of his heart is heavy against your ribs, almost as heavy as your own.
“I don’t like when we’re apart,” you murmur into his shirt.
“Me neither.”  He sighs and the tension melts from his body, nestling into you, “I don’t know what to do without you.”
You’ve been this close before. The familiar taste of aftershave, the surprisingly floral scent of his shampoo, the cool feel of his skin against your cheek: it’s all ingrained into your mind, forever present.
Makki pulls away just enough to look at you, managing the weakest smile. “Can we be friends again?”
There’s one thing you’ve never noticed: a slight gap between his canines and his molars. They used to be perfect, back when his braces first came off. Over the years, without his retainer, they’ve moved.
Time brings change, even in the constants. 
 Your fingers trail the side of his face almost mindlessly. The skin is more textured now than when you were kids, the subtle pitting of acne scars fading across his temples. “I don't know if that's what I want, Takahiro.”
He breathes out steadily, but his heart rate thrums faster. “I- you can’t say my name like that.”
Your forehead rests against his, the humid heat of your breath tangling with his in a slow, labored tempo. “Hiro.”
His eyelashes brush your cheek. “If you say it like that, I’m gonna get my hopes up.”
Your nerves almost fail you. Just as you begin to consider pulling away, he whispers your name back and, in the gentle tranquility of the chaos that is Hanamaki, in the darkness of his apartment, you see what was always there.
When your lips meet, everything finally makes sense.
Sometimes the change you’re afraid of is the change you need.
The plush of his lips are warm as they graze over yours, testing the waters for just a moment before diving back in for more. He moves like it sustains him, like you are the only thing he needs. When your lips part for him, Makki gasps, so sharp that you feel as if he's stealing the breath from your lungs. 
Or maybe the breathlessness is from how his hands squeeze your sides, or how he refuses to break away, moving and licking and biting-
A smile rips across his face, followed by his signature bubbling laugh. and your teeth suddenly clink together. You both recoil- 
“Shit,” the hand that's found its place on the back of your neck holds you against him as he laughs, the quiver to his voice still thick, "Oh, please don't break my heart."
He dips in again, but doesn't connect.
"I love you, God, I love you."  he rambles, holding himself just a moment away, the same fear and trepidation you see in yourself flashing in his eyes, "Please, don't break my heart again, don’t say you don’t feel the same-"
In the breath before your lips meet, you let yourself say it.
"I love you too."
"Oh-" his voice is practically a sob, "Oh, thank god, I thought I lost you, thought I'd never-"
You silence him with another kiss and he scrambles to keep up, kissing and touching every space he can, pulling you in like he couldn't possibly live without your body, like it aches to be without you-
The hunger builds between you much faster than you imagined, the spark of affection boiling into the heat of desire- the inner parts of your thigh, where denim meets denim, where you can feel the beginnings of a hard on pressing into your pubic bone: every touch makes your gut bloom with want. The hem of your own pants digs into you in a way that you can’t stop moving against, combining with all the longing you’ve been fighting for years until you're panting into his mouth.
Makki moves just as passionately, digging his fingers into the fat of your ass, then your hip, as he grinds into you.
"Can I?" he breaks away to tug at the hem of your shirt, a smile smeared across his face. It’s that smile, the one reserved for you and only you, bright and vibrant as ever.
He takes his time, pushing the fabric up inch by inch, marveling at the unexplored territory. The pads of his fingers are thick yet restrained, barely grazing your stomach and your ribs. By the time he reaches under your bust, pressing into the fat with a tentative touch, goosebumps have spread across your skin, partially from the exposure, partially from anticipation.
“Hiro, come on-” you scoff out a laugh, tugging your own shirt off. He remains frozen as you quickly fumble with the clasp of your bra and discard it onto the pile of blankets next to you.
“Oh my god.” Makki swallows hard as he looks at you, fully exposed for the first time, eyes trailing down your body with a patient hunger. His fingertips trace the space right above your skin, like you’re a work of art he’s afraid to sully. “Oh my god.”
You tuck your fingers under the band of his pants and tug, pulling him impossibly closer, his hips pressing deeper into your thighs, “Are you just gonna look at me all night?”
“How can I not?” The nail of his thumb brushes against a pebbled nipple, earning him the smallest exhale from you, “You’re so fucking pretty, I can’t stand it.”
You take his hand in yours and guide his cool touch to the swell of your chest. “Touch me, Hiro.”
“Oh, fuck--” He practically dives into you, teeth sinking into the fat of your tit less than gently. With a surprised squeal, you kick from the pain, fingernails raking down his back, but it only spurs him on, sending him suckling noisily until your skin warms with bruising. The warm, soft texture of his tongue flicks over your nipple over and over again, trying to pull more and more sounds from you.
His fingers travel down your body, hands coming together at the button of your jeans to easily pop them open.
"I don't wanna seem overeager, but-" Makki plants his feet on the ground and bucks up, the swell of his cock right against where it wants to be, "I want you so bad."
Wordlessly, you take his hand in yours, guiding it down the front of your panties until his long, thick fingers drag through your labia. 
"Can you feel how bad I want you too?" You whimper at the tacky sounds he makes as he fumbles for your clit. The angle is awkward, but he still manages to dip his fingers into you, circling slowly, giving your body that delicious relief it’s been craving. He starts soft, tracing lazy circles as she watches you with lust blown eyes.
"Oh, fu-ck, yeah," his voice hiccups with a moan, nudging his nose into yours, "Y-you want me so bad, huh? So wet for me, oh my god- keep fucking my fingers, baby." 
You don’t realize you're moving against him until he says that, circling your hips to follow the pressure of his hand, chasing that curling coil that’s building inside you, feeding the fire that’s spreading through your body. Every sound you make, every pant and whine, is mirrored back through him, hummed back into your mouth as he seeks out kisses like he’s starving. 
“Oh my god, you are perfect,” he mumbles into your mouth, practically stealing the air from your lungs,  “Perfect tits, perfect fucking pussy- I fuckin’- I fucking knew it would be-”
You lean back for a full breath and Makki attacks the newly exposed plane of your neck, licking and suckling aimlessly, painting your skin with his tongue.  
“No, it’s Hiro- only Hiro-” he whines, pressing your clit slower, dwindling his circles to a painfully patient pace, “No more ‘Makki’, baby.”
You grind out a groan in protest, "If you go that slow it's gonna take me all night-"
"I hope it does," Makki says through his teeth. His touch travels lower, tracing through the petals of your pussy until his fingers dip into your entrance, bullying their way inside. The stretch aches for only a moment, replaced with the steady, rough thrum of his fingers curling, looking for the right spot. "I hope you sit on my lap all night, buckin' and whinin' and looking so, so, ruined-"
The flat side of his thumb nudges the raised bud of your clit as he kisses you again, just as heated and desperate and messy as you want it to be. Every now and again, he breaks away, mumbling a quiet ‘good?’ to check in with you. You always nod, a bit frantic, unsure of if the heat in your cheeks is from the stimulation or the embarrassment at the sounds your body makes.
All of it is too much, not enough- you're gasping into him, begging silently for more and less as you teeter on the brink, quivering impossibly close because you can't finish like this, you need more than the back and forth rub-
Oh, actually-- you can cum like this.
It hits slowly, yet suddenly- you wake, grabbing for him, then the couch, finally yourself as everything that's coiled inside you finally snaps. You can hear yourself chanting mindlessly yesyesyesyes, but your mind is blank, processing nothing but how his hand never stops, never speeds-
"Oh man, there it is--" Makki grins, teeth pressed into your lower lip, cool and hard. Your cunt clenches against his fingers, thick, bony, perfect-- "Make a mess, there you go."
He doesn’t pull away until you’re boneless against him, forehead against forehead, nothing but the sound of your combined breathing echoing through the familiar silence. The blue tinge of night catches the ridge of his nose, painting his profile as he pulls away to look at you.
“You okay?” he brings his hand to his mouth and scissors his fingers, casually admiring how your cum glistens between them. As he drags his tongue up the length of his digits, the eye contact with you never breaks and despite the tingle of climax fizzling away, your stomach clenches with need.
“Y-yeah-” your voice wavers as your own hands begin to travel down his body, down the soft planes of his chest and stomach, tracing the seams of his jean pockets.  “More than fine.”
"We can be done for the night if you’re wiped," Makki offers, even though his cock is straining against the thick fabric. You pop the button of his pants and he laughs, incredulous, "Don't feel pressured or anything, I’m happy just- aa-aah." 
He moans openly as you trace over the head of his dick. Through the cotton of his boxers you can feel the slick of precum, thin and plenty, practically weeping from his cock. "Shut up and fuck me.”
You two separate, falling to your own sides of the couch to shed tour remaining scraps of clothing. His cock, red and straight, thick enough to you both dread and want it, glazes his stomach with precum as he beckons you back into his lap. He's adjusted slightly, legs on the cushions and back against an armrest as he welcomes your touch once again.  
"I'm not gonna last long." Makki admits. His hands travel your body quicker than they did earlier, dragging your hips closer and closer, settling you over his cock, spreading the lips of your vagina over his length. You’re still sensitive-- sensitive enough that you gasp when a hard ridge catches against your clit. He’s not much better; his eyes slam shut at the contact and reopen unevenly, fluttering as he tries to control himself. "Watching you do all that almost made me cream my jeans."
He snorts, but the warmth never leaves his eyes, dark irises bubbling with the adoration he’s been holding back all these years. "You're gross." 
“Apparently I’m not, since I almost made you cream your jeans.”
“Yeah.” The corners of his mouth sink just enough to turn his grin from hungry to affectionate, "You got a point there.”
He cranes his neck to reach you, dotting a quick kiss on your lips as he’s aligning himself with your ready cunt. A hand on your hip guides you down onto him and the tentative press, hesitant and reluctant, has you exhaling. Your messy cunt  gives him little resistance and you easily fit together, your thighs spreading for the thick spread of him and the first kiss of his cock inside you.
“Oh, maaan.” Makki can’t seem to close his mouth, whining and hiccuping along with his stuttering hips, squishing your ass into his hips with short, quick strokes.  His nails dig into your skin, urging you to bounce along to his rhythm. “Shit, ah, fuck- fuck, fuck- what's this pussy made of--”
You voluntarily clench around him, just to watch how his face contorts with pleasure.
 “Feel good?” you say, fucking him harder, until the percussive slap of your hips fills the room, overpowering the steady whir of the overhead fan. You’ve had your fun-- it’s his turn now.
“Are you kidding me-?” Suddenly, his eyes widen, grabbing your shoulders to an attempt to lock you down against him, “Stop that, or else- aw, what the fuck are you doing with your cunt, I’m gonna cum--”
You bounce, despite how his hands squeeze against you in weak protest.
“Want it,” you’re fervent, pressing kiss after kiss into the crook of his neck, hands tangled in his hair for leverage as you bounce bigger, faster, hungrier- “Wanna feel it.”
The warm kick of his cock almost surprises you, each dribble and pulse making your insides impossibly slicker. His pink cheek flush brighter as he comes undone, his depraved sounds crumbling into a fragile chuckle. As he continues to twitch and tense under you, it grows stronger, until he's fully laughing.
“Aw, that was embarrassing-” Makki falls slack, covering his face with his bicep. “I’ve been thinking about that since forever and I came so fast."
You lay upon him, stretched out across his chest, softening cock still inside you. His spend and yours glosses your thighs, sticky and starting to cool, but you can't pull yourself away from his touch.
“Well, you’re just going to have to do better next time.” you coo.
“I'm going to pretend that didn't bruise my ego a little."  he says, "Do you need anything? Shower, food, Gatorade?"
"Just a hug." 
"That I can do."  Together, you both settle, the skinship new and yet so familiar as he wraps his arms around you. The rhythmic inhale and exhale you both share almost has you nodding off, the emotional stress (and physical) leaving you drained.
"For the record, I didn't confess just to fuck you," The low rumble of his voice rouse you just enough to look at his face, still smiling wildly,. "I mean, I was hoping it'd be included in the deal, but it wasn't my top priority.”
"Sex wasn't your top priority? You must really love me." 
"Oh, I do." he says it with the same assurance he did the first time. He loves you and he knows it. 
“We'll talk.” you state, “About all this. Preferably when we both have pants on."
"Sure, whatever works." he says, “Whatever you what, as long as it’s together.”
Your friendship has always been summer.
Maybe, you think to yourself, it would be nice to let it mature into a colorful autumn. Something different, something new- 
But still a season you can call your own.
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bluskye-27 · 2 years
Hi sky!! It’s me again!
I absolutely LOVE how you do my requests and your work and it makes me so happy, and i apologize if I’m requesting to much!
Can I request Headcannons for Kid + zoro + luffy When their s/o is comfortable enough with them that they show their childish side around them like “don’t step on the cracks!” While walking or they do something that’s childish
fluff and FemReader please!
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Kid, Zoro & Luffy with Childish! Fem! S/O
Summary: You and your boyfriend have been dating for a while and you finally decided to show them your cute hidden side~<3
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Eustass Kid:
- A big bad pirate captain and a cute childish woman
- What a pair
- You and Kid have been dating for three months (with him getting peer pressured by the crew to confess to you ofc), you were comfortable enough to show him your hidden childish side
- You were subtle at first, putting stickers on Kid's hair and tools whenever he's not looking.
- The redhead was annoyed at whoever put multitude of flower stickers on his spiky red hair and precious tools. He confronted each member of his crew (so basically threatening them) and caught you putting big ass stickers on his favorite wrench.
- He was like "Oh, it's you." *Insert (⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠) face* XD
- You had a spare sticker on your hand so you decided to stick it on Kid's nose and giggled at his scrunched up face
- He forgave you. Barely
- He made you rip off your stickers tho, making you pout.
- But at least he keeps spoiling you with the cute souvenirs he made.
Roronoa Zoro:
- We know how Zoro treats Chopper like his little brother, right?
- Well, when he found out your childish side, he fell in love with you more. Not that he'll admit out loud tho
- You're the cute childish type, don't worry ;P
- Zoro would let you put flowers on his hair and doesn't mind if you tried to braid his hair
- He even supports your balance when you wanted to walk on some railing or edge. Don't worry, he's strong. Have you seen him lifting those huge ass barbells?? Cause damn, boi XD
- You're the one who tugs his hand whenever you saw something wonderful and he lets you lead the way. Cause no one wanted the moss to get lost, right?
- Overall, Zoro will treat you like he treats Chopper but noticeably softer and gentler
- You rewarded him with sweet kisses on his cheeks which he loves so much :3
Monkey D. Luffy:
- You and Luffy are definitely the troublemakers of the crew so yeah, utter chaos everyday 👍
- The crew doesn't mind you but Luffy? Oh gosh, he's terribly goofy.
- Luf tried to give you beetles as a gift, you cried ofc. Nami made sure to teach him a lesson while Robin comforts you ~
- Anyway, instead of giving you beetles and frogs, Luffy gave you stickers instead. You kissed him for this ;)
- You, Luffy, Chopper and Usopp would form a circle and draw random stuffs on the deck. The artistic level would range from Luffy, Chopper & You, and Usopp. Usopp kept bragging about his drawings tho
- Every midnight, Luffy would wake you up to raid the fridge but unfortunately, Sanji locked it up with seastone chains! The two of you whined.
- Luckily, you got spoiled with food by Sanji the next day, so yay!
- Luffy never shared his food and it's a huge shocker to the crew when he offered you a chunk of his meat for the first time. You gave him your special dessert in return.
- When exploring on a new island, Luffy and you would run off to do something fun. Eating and buying the things you like. Luffy spoiled you with his allowance he got from Nami so yeah, you guys splurged the said money on cool stuff.
- And yes, you and Luffy would definitely play "Don't step on the cracks!" everyday <3
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Hello to you too, @gl00ml ! Thank you for the kind words (⁠*⁠꒪⁠ヮ⁠꒪⁠*⁠)!
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