#I’m being a little jokester about it but I won’t lie it did annoy me
localplaguenurse · 1 year
I got a comment and it’s since been deleted by the og poster considering it came in at 1am, is not in my inbox but I still have the email for it. It was about how it might be “too late” to change it but longs would be spouting water and not smoke because European dragons are the ones that breathe fire.
And normally it’d be just whatever right. Kind of annoying because I have my reasons for the smoke thing (it’s excess geo energy and it’s also just a kickass mental image), but they quoted the chapter I assume they left it on. Chapter 31.
Chapter 31 of 35.
The smoke thing started up in chapter 8.
It took 23 chapters of Morax breathing gold geo energy for them to go “hey wait a minute”
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kisilinramblings · 4 years
I'm going to bring out a controversial ask. What are your thoughts on Chat's behaviour in Copycat? I have seen so many salters absolutely wreck the boy for that episode, especially for his last line about being heartbroken. Was what he did wrong? Completely. But I'm pretty sure he knows that. He never acted upon it again and defiently improved since then.
(Not gonna lie, Copycat was one of my favorite episodes during S1, haha)
Honestly, Ladybug herself wrecked him twice in front of him in that episode. 
First, with this statement
LB : Chat Noir may annoy me to pieces, but he's never lied to me.  CN : Thanks for the compliment... I think. 
LB’s line is slightly different in the French dub. She points out “Chat Noir has a ton of flaws”. Still, goal is the same, even if she praises him for not being a liar, the first part hurt his ego there because it is what LB thinks of him. That he is not great. Decent, but not great.
Then we got this line a bit later.
CN : I’m so glad you could tell the real cat from the fake one. LB : Once I’ve figured out which Chat was really in love with me, it was a no brainer.
Here, CN understands that LB thinks he is joking about his feelings. 
Throughout S1, LB is unaware of CN’s romantic feelings for her are genuine. Ever since Stoneheart part 2, she considers CN to be a jokester, so she interprets his flirting attempts , his charming attitude and the little nicknames he gives her as casual bantering. In other words, she doesn’t take him seriously.
So yeah, coming from his crush, this is bound to heartbreak him and he is just mentionning the obvious to himself and the audience. But I don’t think this was made to pity him but rather to show the consequences of his actions. That LB won’t love him for being jealous. And the episode never depicted Chat Noir as a winner after his display of jealousy. 
I mean, when we watch the episode, we follow CN’s POV, yes, but his actions during that episode are never glorified or rewarded. Instead, Chat Noir is the butt of the joke. The Akumatized personifies him, makes him look like a bad individual and ridicules him. The police doesn’t believe CN and lock him down. Plagg’s comment about Adrien’s jealousy was on point. Chat Noir got trapped and outwitted and was unable to defeat the Akuma by himself like he intended. And finally, LB made some remarks about CN that annoyed/hurt him but were true. 
Honestly, everything was against Chat Noir there because of his actions (I loved the episode for that).
Should CN have verbally apologized to Théo about lying to him and for being jealous? Of course! Would he had done so if LB wasn’t there? Who knows. However, LB was present and it was an important variable in the equation.
Should CN have told LB the truth instead of concealing it? Yes, but that he not what CN wanted. He sure didn’t let her know what happened when he called her when infiltrating Théo’s workshop.
LB : Chat Noir, where are you? CN : I’ve found his den. LB : Who? CN : My copycat. LB : I’m not getting you. CN : If you have been there this morning, you would know what I’m talking about. LB : Well, tell me where you are? CN : No. This is between me and him. I got myself into this mess, so now I’m going to get myself out. 
Anyway later, during the battle against Copycat, LB stated she doesn’t like liars. And what did CN do earlier? Lie to Théo. And to complicate the matter, LB is oblivious about CN’s romantic feelings for her. Chat Noir already lost there and prefered to leave ASAP that telling her he got jealous. That doesn’t justify his actions but I can understand why he prefered to avoid the subject. Since he was about to detransform, he used it as an excuse and leaves, the tail between his legs, saving what he can. This is the consequences of his jealousy and he learned his lesson. If he wants LB to love him one day, he needs to not act jealously from now on. Otherwise, he is no better than his copycat.
Again, taking his leave without explaining what actually happened is not the most mature reaction (not to mention LB didn’t demand him to explain himself), but it is not the worst either. Imagine if he had left the scene as a sore loser fueled with angst against LB and/or Théo? 
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Here, he is just sad and mentions that both Théo and him have in common there. Only, he doesn’t get to be cheer up by LB. 
Now, another rant some had with the episode is that CN made LB believed Copycat was her fault. 
One thing to note though is that LB did miss the statue inauguration. She was supposed to be there. It was an engagement she took because everyone expected her to show up -- along with CN -- and waited for her. And it was important for Théo that LB was present at the unveiling because he wanted her to sign the picture he used as inspiration for his sculpture. He even plead the Mayor to wait a few more minutes, hoping LB would finally come. However, unbestknown to him, it was more important for LB to erase the embarrassing voicemail she had accidently left to her crush that taking part of an official ceremony she said she would be present to. And her absence did wound Théo as Hakwmoth pointed out :
“Disappointed by Ladybug and jealous of Chat Noir, the perfect formula for disaster”.
But like their whole phone discussion informed us, Chat Noir isn’t blaming her for his actions. If she had been there, she would have witnessed what happened, yes, but he also admits this mess was his fault. Thus why he was so adamant to solve things by himself and didn’t want LB to get involved. And LB sure didn’t wanted to talk about what emergency hold her and never demanded an explaination from Chat. So both avoid talking about what happened that morning and sweep it under the rug for different reasons.
The “his crush just got crushed” line is not Chat Noir made-up excuse either. It is still true as LB did break Théo’s heart for not being there at the unveiling ceremony of the statue he has worked so hard on. Thus why she apologized, signed the picture and complimented his work. She is not taking the blame for the Akumatization here. She is only apologizing because she has missed the ceremony she was supposed to attend. Nothing more. 
If anything, Chat Noir displayed some empathy to Théo and gave him an occasion to have a few private minutes with LB. Which is definitively better than CN’s jealous reaction of keeping Théo away from LB from the beginning. 
It is not a verbal apology from Chat, but this occasion obviously meant a lot to Théo even if the gesture is small. And Chat Noir is not rewarded or thanked for it because this should have been done from the beginning instead of letting his jealousy kick in.
Now, people can dislike the episode or disagree with that ending, saying it wasn’t satisfying enough for them. It’s their opinion. The morale of that part of the episode clearly shows that letting your jealousy get the better of you doesn’t make you a winner. Did they wanted more angst? Did they wanted Chat Noir to suffer even more for being immature and making a mistake by letting his emotion get the best of him? Should the show have expanded and explored on that venue on his character? Maybe for that last point. After all, they sure did so with Marinette afterwards like in Volpina, Animaestro or Ikari Gozen for example. And I know they are fans who are tired of romantic jealousy / envy interfering during a part of an episode. Because we -- older audiences -- already know that acting while motivated by such feelings is not romantic. That jealousy ain’t cute and can hurt other. 
However, I don’t know what to say if there are people still mad over how a character acted during one episode that aired ages ago as we are currently waiting for S4. Not to mention Chat Noir is finally moving on from his crush on LB as shown during the S3 finale. The character is not at the same place anymore in his development. Like you can keep a character actions and reactions in mind as they might ressurface under different contexts in order to compare and note if there was a change. But aside of that? What use is there to be still mad? That, I will never understand I’m afraid =/
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Guard Dog
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: Sometimes Steve has to protect his girl from the least expected attacks. 
Word Count: 1,750 - One Shot
A/N: I’ll just be upfront and say this exact thing basically happened to me and this one-shot was my way of just getting it out of my head. 
Special thanks to @kquel12 and @alexabarnes for letting me pick their brain. 
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Y/N once told Steve that she missed her family constantly. 
But when she finally came home, a part of her no longer felt like she belonged. The older she got, the stronger that feeling became. She’d taken quite a different path in life than her siblings and childhood friends.
 Yet they still saw her as that little girl they grew up and raised. They either teased her about how much she’d changed or they treated her like nothing had changed and she was still a little girl.
When Steve saw how anxious Y/N got before trips home, he decided he couldn’t keep letting her go alone. So no matter what was going on with the Avengers, he started going with her.
She was instantly grateful for his accompaniment. Having him at her side calmed her and made her feel less alone. 
Afterward, she could vent to him about everything that happened: the good, the bad, the ridiculous, the cringeworthy. He could reassure her that she wasn’t crazy or oversensitive when her family made her feel not so great about herself.
Now Y/N was sitting around a table with some of her childhood family friends and cousins.
It was her mother’s 60th birthday and she decided to make the trip out. Steve, of course, refused to be left behind.
Steve was currently talking with the neighborhood dads. It was easy to fake his way through the conversations: just talks sports and complain about how bad their team was.
Y/N would glance over every once in awhile to make sure he was okay. They didn’t have a signal, but there was a look one of them could give and the other would immediately know it was a call for help.
“Y/N, where’s that friend of yours? What’s her name…the one that came to the Christmas party last year?” Her cousin, Justin, asked loudly.
Justin was the ham of Y/N’s family. He was loud and desperate for attention. She had to give it to him, he did have some funny jokes. But he often didn’t know where to draw the line and he got too bold. He was only a few years older than Y/N and took it upon himself to tease her to annoying degree. 
But what they both knew was that Y/N was smarter, so she could give it right back and make it hurt.  
The more Y/N thought about it, the more she realized Justin was quite the opposite of Steve. Instead of being loud, cocky, and an aggressive jokester, Steve had a quiet confidence to him, he demonstrated non-toxic masculinity, and he had a polite approach to socializing with those around him.
“Marie? She’s not in town, only really is when it’s the holidays,” Y/N answered. It wasn’t unusual for the men in her life to ask about her best friend. She got all the boys.
“Yeah, that one. She’s pretty hot,” Justin answered crudely.
Y/N rolled her eyes playfully and laughed. “Trust me. I know. When we go out together, I’m pretty much invisible to men. Meanwhile, she’s absolutely beautiful and got a rockin’ bod, so I can’t even complain.”
Justin laughed her a joke. “Don’t worry, Y/N. Maybe there’s still time for your boobs to come in.”
Y/N ground her teeth. Her self-deprecating humor was not an invitation for him to make a rude comment.
This wasn’t the first time Justin made an inappropriate joke about her body. There was a part of her that got it. He’d known her since she was a baby. She would always be a little girl to him. But that still didn’t make it okay.
Her eyes flickered over to Steve, hoping he didn’t hear the comment. But his back was to her and he wasn’t glancing over to her little circle.
She heard one or two of her other cousins scolding Justin for the comment.
Y/N narrowed her eyes at him. (The first indicator that she was about to eviscerate him.) “Well, lucky for you, Justin, you’re jeans are covering your dick… Otherwise we could both point out blatantly small things.”
Everyone in their conversation ‘oohed’ and laughed, knowing that Justin fully deserved the burn.
Y/N cocked an eyebrow and threw back the rest of her drink before excusing herself.
She didn’t notice Steve watching her closely as she walked by him. And she definitely didn’t notice Steve’s entire body going rigid when he’d heard the rude comment directed at his girlfriend. He had to concentrate just to stop himself from cracking the glass in his hand.
Y/N kissed her mom on the cheek as she caught her in the kitchen. “Mom, it’s your birthday party. Stop cleaning everything. I’ll do it.”
“Oh, thank you, hun. Can you just bring these leftovers down to the basement fridge?”
Y/N nodded and picked up the food.
She allowed herself to take in a deep breath, now that she had a moment to herself, some quiet away from the party.
Y/N was rearranging things in the fridge when she felt strong arms wrap around her waist.
She smiled, instantly recognizing the feel of him and his scent.
“Hey, you.”
Steve didn’t say anything, but turned her around.
Instead of replying, his lips crashed onto her lips in a very passionate kiss. Hot even. 
This was unlike him. Steve was not one for PDA. And he was always on his very best behavior while in the presence of Y/N’s family or his teammates.
Steve didn’t stop until he’d made himself clear.
When he finally pulled away from Y/N, she was struggling to catch her breath and her lips were already a little swollen from the intense kiss.
“What was that for?” She asked with a cheeky smile. While she recognize that his actions were unusual for his character, she wasn’t about to complain about it.
Steve tightened his grip on her hips and pressed his forehead adorably against hers, like a love sick puppy.
“Just so we’re clear,” he cleared his throat. “I happen to love your boobs. And while I love your best friend… Marie was the invisible one the night we met, not you.” Steve voice was firm, yet loving.
Y/N blinked and then sighed, “I was hoping you didn’t hear that comment.”
“Your cousin is a dick,” Steve muttered under his breath.
Y/N gasped melodramatically. “Did Captain America just say ‘dick’? You should really watch your language,” she scolded.
Steve playfully glared at her as he pinched her hips.
“If a random guy at a bar or party said something like that, I’d…” His words died out. “But I guess your family wouldn’t be too happy with me if knocked out your cousin.”
“Probably not,” she laughed.
Then Steve eyed her attentively, trying to gage if her cousin’s words really didn’t bother her as much as she was acting like they didn’t.
He was fully aware of her insecurities, that she didn’t feel as womanly or desirable as the curvy women who often surrounded her.
So when he heard her cousin make an inappropriate comment right where all her self-doubt lingered, it took the majority of Steve’s mental strength not to instantly come to her defense.
“You okay?” He finally asked her softly. It was his final test.
She nodded, “I’m fine. You don’t always have to be my protector.” She added that last part teasingly.
Steve smirked and pulled her closer to him again by her hips. “I know you’re more than capable of defending yourself. But that’s not gonna stop me from still looking after you.”
She dipped her head in understanding. “Come on. They’re going to notice we’re missing soon.”
Y/N started pulling away but Steve quickly grabbed her wrist. “Wait, wait, wait.”
Then he pulled her back in for another heated kiss.
“Do you know how hard it is not to do that whenever I want while we’re with your family?” He whispered huskily when he finally let her lips go.
“Mr. Rogers, you’re feeling rather frisky tonight. You sure you’re feeling okay?” Y/N mocked before pulling away from him.
Steve swatted her butt playfully as she giggled and skipped up the stairs with him close at her heels.
Despite Y/N proving that she could defend herself, Steve stayed at her side the rest of the night. He barely allowed an inch between their bodies. She noticed him touching her lower back more often than usual. Or staring at her longingly as he pretended to listen to the conversations around them. 
He turned on his Steve Rogers charm, which only came out when he was really comfortable. He had Y/N to thank for that. It seemed no matter where he was, if Y/N was by his side, she brought it out of him.
It wasn’t possessive by any means. If Y/N were being honest, she found it rather adorable. When he behaved this way, she saw Steve as more of a loyal guard dog that was telling those around him, “This is my person. You mess with her and I won’t be so cute anymore.”
The rest of the night went off without a hitch.
It wasn’t until they had to leave and say their goodbyes that Y/N noticed her big puppy making any moves.
They got to her cousin, Justin, and Y/N gave him a small hug, adding the lie that it was good to see him.
When she pulled away, she saw the icy – yet subtle – glare in Steve’s blue eyes.
Her boyfriend didn’t say anything as he held out his hand for Justin to shake.
“Nice seeing you, Steve,” Justin smiled obliviously.
Then Y/N caught the hidden wince from her cousin. She could only assume Steve gripped just a tad bit too hard. 
When she glanced at Steve’s face, he was giving her cousin a look that very clearly said, “You tease my girlfriend about her body again and I’ll end you.”
When they were finally alone, walking to their car, Y/N let out the most hilarious giggle as she gripped her boyfriend’s bicep. “I know you think that was subtle, but it soooooo wasn’t.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
When the got home later that night, Steve proved how much he loved Y/N’s body without using his words.
So I’m honestly not sure how this one’s gonna land. I feel like reader inserts have to be generic enough for anyone to feel like they can relate. And this might be the most specific and personal one-shot I’ve ever written. 
Anyways, I want to start writing more Steve Rogers fics, so let me know if you think you have an amazing idea. I always love hearing suggestions. 
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greennightspider · 6 years
The Cabin in the Snow (Chapter 2)
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M’Baku x OC (Akari)
Summary: M’Baku and Akari get stuck in a snowstorm in a cabin during an assignment. What’s a couple of Jabari warriors to do? This fic is based on M’Baku a short time before he became the leader of the Jabari Tribe. 
Authors Note: Hunniiiiies I am playing the long game with this one so lemme know if you wanna be tagged or untagged in future chapters I do not mind. But just in case the notification apocalypse is still going ill try and update chapter links to make things easier. :D Enjoy!
Chapter 1 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
@readsalot73 @skysynclair19
 “You heard me Akari.” M’Baku moved slowly towards her with strong, deliberate steps. “Undress.”
 “Woah woah woah woah.” Akari may have been a little out of it due to the onset of hypothermia, but she hadn’t lost ALL sense. “M’Baku look, you’re great and all but I don’t think this is the right ti-
“Now Akari. I will not ask again.”
Akari gulped at his tone. She decided that despite everything that annoyed her about his everyday demeanour, she actually did like jokester M’Baku better than serious M’Baku. And she would give anything right now for him to crack into his signature smile and say he was kidding.
No such luck.
“M’Baku wait-
“Akari, you look like a chocolate popsicle. And I think you are most likely in the final stages of hypothermia. You need to undress so that we can warm you up, just like we were taught in class.”
Of course M’Baku would remember that class out of all the things they had learned.
Of course all of the boys paid attention when the teacher started talking about how the best way to treat someone with hypothermia is through body heat. Which of course worked best when both people were naked. 
Akari distinctly remembered M'Baku hollering the loudest that class. Surrounded by his boys, M'Baku was leaning back in his chair with elbows outstretched towards the desk behind him, almost in a throne-like position. They had all started laughing and howling the signature Jabari growl as the teacher tried to calm them down to no avail. Akari rolled her eyes and glared at him and his posse from her seat in the front corner of the room, while she noted most of the girls who belonged to his fan club giggling and trying not to look eager.
However, there was no sign of that M'Baku now. Right now he looked as straight-faced as ever, his onyx eyes filled with concern and worry. Which meant she probably looked in really bad shape.
Akari relented, slowly standing up and unwrapping the blanket around her. M'Baku outstretched his hand but realized his mistake when Akari drew back and stuttered out “I-Im fine M'Baku I can do it myself.”
For all of her usual strong demeanour, M'Baku couldn’t help this shy bashful Akari peaked his interest. And if things weren’t intriguing enough, M'Baku couldn’t hide his expression….when he saw Akari’s clothes hit the floor.
She was wearing a plain black sports bra and matching boyshorts, however they did nothing but accentuate her already full curves. Her nipples were already peaking through the tight fabric because of the cold, but also because Akari was sporting a full chest that she had usually kept hidden under loose clothing. Her hips flared out into her underwear that sat on her thick thighs, and M'Baku almost swore at the sight of her. He knew he was probably the only guy in their class. Her big brown eyes weren’t helping as they stared at him so innocently, however her chattering teeth and blue lips brought him back to reality.
Reign it in Baku, reign it in.
“Akari, I know you might not like what I’m going to say, but you’re going to have to take your bra off too.”
“Look Akari, body heat is the only way we are going to make sure you don’t end up frozen to death, and your bra is in the way.” he explained, gesturing to her chest. “Its gonna need to come off if I’m going to heat you up properly.”
“Oh don’t worry, you’re doing a fine job of that already.” She snarked.
Wait. What did she just say?
“Huh?” Akari responded, as M'Baku didn’t realise he’d said what he did out loud. But seeing that Akari couldn’t even keep track of the conversation, there was no time for discussion.
“Please Akari just get into the bed and then take your bra off under the covers. I promise I won’t look.” M'Baku pleaded. He couldn’t believe he was actually begging a woman to get into bed with him. One who was half delusional and was still giving him a hard time.
Squinting her eyes at M'Baku and holding her shoulders Akari sauntered towards the bed, almost diving under the covers like a molerat. He watched as she wiggled and squirmed under the covers most ungracefully until finally an arm popped out, holding a bra.
M'Baku took it and placed the soaked fabric beside their clothes that he draped over the benches near the fire. They both only had one set of clothes since this wasn’t supposed to be an overnight mission, therefore they needed to dry their clothes overnight so that they’d at least have something to wear tomorrow.
M'Baku then made his way back to the bed and grabbed the rest of the furs, making sure to spread most of them on her side before diving under the covers himself.
While Akari was doing her utmost best to try and curl herself up under the furs into a shy ball, M'Baku was having none of it. This girl was his partner, and he wasn’t gonna lie and say he didn’t feel guilty about their situation right now. He wasn’t about to let Akari freeze to death just because of a little modesty.
M'Baku slowly shuffled his way towards her so that his stomach grazed her lower back, making her flinch. Slowly but surely he moved his left hand beside her so he was half-towering her, and before Akari could comprehend what was happening he quickly dug into her side, wrapping his arm around her waist and spinning her around. In a shrieking frenzy Akari’s arms unlocked from her chest, but M'Baku took no time in pulling her flush against him so that he couldn’t see anything. And also so that he didn’t have to deal with shy Akari turning into raging Akari.
And Akari would have have struggled if not for the fact that as soon as she touched M'Baku’s skin she realised how cold she actually was. She soon calmed down and to M’Baku’s surprise started to snuggle more into him. When she was finally comfortable M'Bakus left hand was resting on the small of Akari’s lower back, while his right arm cradled her head into himself. Akari had settled on pressing her hands flush against M'Bakus upper body, feeling M’Baku’s heartbeat pulsing into her hand. M'Baku managed to entwine their legs together as he tried to concentrate on warming up the ice cold body in his arms. She was still shivering in his hold which made him instinctively pull her tighter against him, and to his surprise Akari responded by snuggling into him, burying his face into her chest.
For all of M'Bakus level-headedness in this situation, there were some things that M'Baku couldn’t’ve prepared for. He couldn’t’ve predicted how Akari’s hair would entice him, smelling sweetly of coconuts as her bun lay just below his chin. How Akari’s soft supple curves that lay underneath his fingertips were the complete opposite of his hardened arms and torso. Or how as she lay flat against him he could feel her hardened nipples perked from the cold rubbing against his chest, her full breasts squeezed against him between her arms. M'Baku thanked Hanuman that he was too tired and too cold, otherwise right now he would’ve definitely had a boner.
That was until Akari looked up at him with her doe-like eyes and brought him out of his thoughts for the second time that night. “M'Baku?”
“Yes?” M'Baku said as he maneuvered his neck and chin to look down at her, wondering what possible conversation Akari wanted to start now.
“Thank you.”
Okay. NOW M'Baku was sure he had lost Akari to the cold.
Not that he thought Akari was incapable of kindness or being nice. Hell she was one of the nicest people in class on a good day. However he was sure that if she was in her right state of mind, thanking him for getting them lost in the middle of the most important assignment of the winter would not be on her to do list.
“There is really nothing to thank me for.” M’Baku shrugged, a tinge of sadness and guilt staining his last words. “Just get some rest.”
Expecting her to retreat back into his chest, M’Baku almost felt himself freeze over when the girl in his arms drew herself up to his face and softly placed her lips onto his.
He was still in a state of shock when Akari sought to slowly deepen the kiss, softly massaging his bottom lip then top lip with her own. While he was still trying to process what was going on, M’Baku’s instincts took over, his lips returning her ministrations on their own. Her softness beckoned him, inviting him to get lost in her affections until she slowly retreated, almost drawing M’Baku with her as he leaned forward. She met her forehead with his until with a smile she said in a sleepy voice,
“No. Thank you M’Baku. For looking after me.”
M’Baku didn’t know what to say, as he looked into her eyes and saw that even if it was just the hypothermia, Akari had meant every word. He silently watched as she finally returned to her position underneath his collarbone, and made sure to draw up the blankets and furs around her arms where they had slid off from their encounter. 
M’Baku didn’t know why, but he hugged her even tighter to his chest as the exhaustion of the trip lulled them both into a deep sleep.
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