#I’m gonna be back on skates and everything’s going to be okay ❤️❤️
southislandwren · 2 years
Omg when someone talks about video games with you on Yik yak ❤️
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miyagifangkai · 3 years
Melt With You
Request: cute Robby x reader request? Something like the girl and Robby really like each other. (Secretly in love but won’t admit it) Long story short she finds Robby after he gets beat up and she helps him…heal up. Helps him bandage up his wounds and cuts. Eventually she confesses she loves him. He confesses it back.
Tagged: @fangirling-alot
Word Count: 2.3k
Characters Involved: Robby Keene, Reader, and a mention of Hawk
Couple Pairing: Robby x Reader
Warnings: Cursing, kissing, mentions of blood, bruises, some angst, and I think that’s it?? (:
A/N: I loved writing this!!! I love Robby so much, ya’ll. A baby boi! ❤️ thank you so much for this request! I hope you love it! (:
You and Robby have been best friends for about a year now.
The both of you are always hanging out together either going out to get some food, help each other with homework, or even just to be around each other. There’s a few times that he’s even taken you skateboarding and, quite frankly, ended in disaster.
“Hey, you wanna see my favorite spot?” Robby asks you while you were sitting in your car eating some ice cream.
“Whoa, wait, Mr. I Hate Everything has something that he actually likes?”
“Screw you!” Robby laughs. You can’t help but smile at him being completely enamored by his laugh, “You wanna see it though?”
“Ugh, fine,” you sigh, “but if it’s boring I am so leaving you behind.”
“Okay, deal,” Robby reaches out his hand to shake yours. You hesitate to touch his hand because you knew you were gonna blush from touching him but you didn’t want to be rude to your friend. You put on your best poker face and shake his hand, keeping your awkward straight face at bay.
Robby points you to what looks like a bunch of half pipes and more things that skaterboys do. Your face lights up at the thought of Robby trusting you enough to show you his hobby.
He turns in his seat and looks at you, “Don’t judge me,” his face drops a little.
“I’m so not judging you, dude,” You look back at Robby, “This is honestly so cool, man!”
“Oh my god, really?”
“Yes! Really!” you laugh at him, “Is my bestie an actual skaterboy?”
“Please don’t even go there,” he hits your arm. You both laugh for a little bit and you finally say, “So you’re gonna show me your moves?”
“Um, hell yes I am! I’m gonna school you on some skate logic,” Robby’s face brightens up and you two exit the car.
Robby borrows a skateboard from one of his friends and you take a seat on the ground to watch him.
“Hold up, girlfriend! I’m not letting you sit there and watch, lazy,” he puts out his hands and you grab them and stand up still reeling from the fact that he called you “girlfriend.”
He sets the skateboard down and says, “Alright, jump on.”
“Excuse me? Jump on? Do you want me to die? Was this your plan all along?”
“Shit! You caught me, you meddling kid,” Robby says this terrible joke in a completely deadpan tone which somehow made the joke more funny.
“I just want you to know that I’m only laughing at that because you suck at jokes but that’s what I love about you,” you immediately shut your mouth and notice Robby’s demeanor change.
“You love something about me? Really?” Robby scoffs, “I didn’t think you were capable of that.”
“Okay, dude, calm down. Don’t get too hung up on that,” you try to wave off his smirk, “let’s start the lesson.”
“Okay, so the first thing you need to learn is balance.”
Robby grabs your arm and you hold onto him as you place your foot on the skateboard. You start to place your other foot on the board, you almost tip over, “holy shit!”
“It’s okay! I got you, okay? I won’t let you fall,” Robby chuckles, “at least not yet.”
“Fuck you,” you smile at him but your happy face overcame with anxiety.
Once you get your balance Robby starts to slowly let go of you just leaving you standing there and balancing on your own.
“Okay, I’m balanced,” you slowly turn your head towards Robby, “How do I move?”
“You push yourself with one of your feet.”
You put one foot down on the ground and push yourself; you feel yourself start to lean too much and out of a panicked reaction you stop yourself, “This is so much harder than it looks, dude.”
“I know it is! Here, let me show you.”
You clumsily step off the skateboard and Robby shows you the proper way on how to ride a skateboard. He made it look so easy and he surprisingly looked so graceful while doing it. He rides back towards you and jumps off, “Wanna try again?”
You nod your head and step back on. You gain your balance but end up pushing yourself too hard and end up wiping out on the ground.
“Holy shit, Y/N!” Robby runs towards you checking out if you were alright. You start to giggle, “I’m okay. Don’t worry.” You lift up your arm and see blood on your elbow.
“Yeah, you’re gonna need a bandaid,” you and Robby both chuckle.
After that you and Robby made that place your hang out spot even though you refused to try to skate again and just enjoyed watching Robby do his thing.
You were home alone tonight due to your parents both working the night shift. You came home after school to a note on the fridge saying that leftovers were in the fridge and they both love you. You didn’t mind being alone most days; even though you hung out with Robby most of the time. He would always leave before sunrise so you didn’t have to sit and drudge through a stern lecture about how boys were bad news. You heat up your leftovers and sit on the couch and turn on the tv. You had texted Robby earlier but you got no response which was weird but you just brushed it off, maybe he was busy. You were enjoying your food and your show until you heard a knock on the door. Usually, the neighborhood was pretty quiet after 10:00pm so you had a feeling it was Robby. You hear another stream of quick knocks which makes you jump off the couch, “Coming! Gosh, impatient.” All you heard was silence on the way to your door. You open it up and see a battered Robby.
“Oh my god,” you can’t help but gasp at him, “Are you okay?”
“Please… can I come in?”
“Ye–uh–yeah, of course,” you were in complete shock and didn’t exactly know what to do or say.
Robby walks to your kitchen limping and holding his side and he gets out a dish towel and wets it, proceeding to lay it on his forehead for some kind of relief. When Robby gets in the light you now see all of the damage. Bloodied hands, bruises, and a black eye. There was blood on his shirt near his side.
“Oh my god, Robby. Let me get some gauze.”
You always have a med kit in your house for safekeeping. You'd like to call yourself a doomsday prepper but you weren’t rich enough for that label. Robby always made fun of you for it; like you were a walking supply woman. He’s not wrong.
You come back to Robby struggling to keep his eyes open and you almost start to freak out but you keep your cool so you don't stress him out even more. You start tending to Robby’s wounds starting with his face. You wipe off the dirt and put some rubbing alcohol on the wound hearing Robby wince, “I’m so sorry, Robby,” you say as you keep cleaning off his wounds. Robby had nothing to say to you; he regretted coming here now and worrying you.
“Okay, take your shirt off. Let me check out your side,” you look into his eyes, tears threatening to spill out.
Robby complies and you turn around as he takes his shirt off giving him privacy, “Why did you turn around? You’re gonna see me without my shirt anyways.”
“Keene, this is no time for jokes. I wanted to be respectful,” you turn back around and you’re greeted with his bruised up torso. You look at the gash on his side and automatically start tending to it, you hear him start breathing hard and trying to hide his winces.
“I’m so sorry,” you say and you meant it. You couldn’t help but feel bad for Robby. You knew the kind of life he had. He wasn’t able to show you his apartment until about six months into your friendship.
“This is the humble abode.” Robby spreads his arms out and turns around to look at you. You didn’t make any faces at him or want to offend him so you keep a straight face.
“The power got shut off again about a week ago. So, the refrigerator is off limits.”
You didn’t have the strength to laugh at his joke being astounded by the condition he’s living in.
“Hey, don’t. I don’t need any sympathy. I just thought I’d show you where I live. We’ve been friends for a while now,” Robby tries to fake a smile towards you.
“The place isn’t so bad, you know?”
“What do you mean?” Robby asks with a confused look.
“I mean, why don’t you light some candles and make a fort?”
“Okay, walking fire hazard, calm down.”
You weren’t gonna let his glass half empty outlook on life get in the way of your idea this time.
You roll your eyes, “How about we go to the store and get some cheap flashlights and a few board games? Let’s have some fun!”
“You’re serious?”
“Hello? Of course, I am. I am killer at Candy Land, dude.”
“I wish we could but I’m broke right now.”
You pull out $100 and say, “I mean I’m not rich but let’s have some fun.”
You and Robby go out and get supplies for your sleepover. Sporting Candy Land, a few blankets, and some lanterns. You decide to go for a cheap option for dinner with McDonald’s and some candy from Dollar Tree.
You guys get back to his place and set up for the night. After you two set up everything and start playing some Uno you catch Robby looking at you.
“Okay, why are you staring at me? You know that’s rude, Mr. Keene.”
“I’m not staring! I’m just observing.”
“Observing? Sure, you are. Is the light from the cheap lantern’s just illuminating my face so nicely?”
Robby scoffs, “Haha sureee… you definitely look better with the lights off, that’s for sure.”
You gasp and push him, “Excuse you! I have feelings, you know!”
This time Robby fake gasps at you, “You? Feelings? Never!”
You both crack up and you look back down at your cards, “Okay, the color is red!”
“Dammit! I hate this game,” Robby exclaims with a smile. You look up at him and you catch a glimpse of Robby staring again. This time you couldn’t hide your blush so you look at him again and say, “What is it?”
“Nothing. I’m just so thankful that I met you.”
Your hands begin to shake a little, “Yeah, ditto.”
“It wasn’t your fault.”
You just purse your lips and try not to look at his face because once you did you’d start crying. You finished cleaning up his wounds and lay everything down on the counter.
“God, my head hurts,” Robby lays his hand on his head and closes his eyes for a second.
You immediately rush to the medicine cabinet and grab some tylenol and pour him a glass of water.
“Here, take these. It won’t entirely help but it’ll take the edge off.”
Robby takes the Tylenol and drinks the water, “thank you.”
“Come on, let’s get you to the couch.”
You help Robby walk to the couch and let him get situated. You then sit down and lay his legs over you.
You couldn’t stand the mystery anymore, “Are you able enough to tell me what happened?”
“Assholes jumped me.”
“Oh. I hate him.”
“Yeah? As do the rest of us,” Robby moves a little too fast and jolts from the pain.
“Dude, don’t move so much!”
“Sorry, I'm trying not to,” Robby looks at you and you look back at him, “Hey, stop worrying. I’ll be alright.”
“I know but it’s still scary, okay?” You start to feel the word vomit spill out, “I can’t lose you, Robby. I love you,” you place your hand over your mouth with wide eyes.
“You what?”
You take in a deep breath and look him in the eyes, “I love you, Robby Keene. I really do.”
His face starts to get some color back into it, “I love you too.”
“You do?”
“Yes. I love you. So much.”
Your whole entire body starts to tense up. You were so happy that you didn’t know how to react. You could tell Robby wanted to kiss you but was in too much pain to move. You move his legs off of you and you slowly and gently get on top of him and lean down to kiss him. He kisses you back and you could tell he’d been waiting a long time for you to do this.
“Is this okay?” Robby needed to reassure himself.
“Yes. This is more than okay, you meddling kid,” you tried to recreate Robby’s deadpan voice causing him to sigh, “you’re never gonna let me live that down, are you?”
“Absolutely not,” you laugh at him.
You kiss him again and you two spend the rest of the night together on the couch.
Despite Robby’s pain he stayed up all night with you even though you begged him to rest.
“I’m not falling asleep and missing tonight, Y/N. I never want to forget it.”
“You’re not gonna forget it, Robby. Because I mean, look at this,” you point to yourself, “I’m just that amazing.”
“You’re such a nerd,” he chuckles.
“I take that as a compliment, thank you very much.”
Ignoring the stinging in his arms he pulls you down to him and you lay your head lightly on his chest and feel his warmth surround you.
You start to hear him doze off a bit at sunlight and you didn’t even care that your parents were coming home soon all you could do was mutter, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” he kisses the top of your head.
Nothing was going to get better than this. Robby in your arms; letting yourself melt into him.
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