#I love Minecraft I love hollow knight I love Celeste
southislandwren · 2 years
Omg when someone talks about video games with you on Yik yak ❤️
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lyss-butterscotch · 10 months
Sig playing power wash simulator :D
What about Moon? Would they play stardew valley?
I imagine Pebbs playing some sort of shooter……. like ultraki-
Suns seems to be one to play games with a medieval or Japanese theme. Yknow, cause.. honor…
Core im like diving into my brain files and remembering what kind of personality i gave each of them to answer this jfnbdnnd
Moon would love calm comfort games or games with great stories.
She defo would love stardew valley and is the kind of person to make pretty paths and dedicated patches for each crop even if they dont yield the most profit. Would also buy hats and ask someone else to go to the mines because shes out of stone to make paths :(
Other games i think Moon would vibe with is Sky Cotl, Minecraft, Gris, Spiritfarer, Slime Rancher, Animal Crossing, Stray, South Scrimshaw, etc.
Pebbles i think enjoy strategy games, ones that can be optimized to oblivion or tryhard. But also has like a certain stardard for it, either it has great mechanics or unique artstyle that catches his attention.
Games he probably vibe with is Hollow Knight, Stardew Valley, Minecraft, Don't Starve, Ultrakill, Celeste, Elden Ring, etc.
Sig definitely loves games that can hold his attention for a long time (either gameplay or lore) or elicit strong emotions from him COUGHragegamesCOUGH. Doesn't really matter what genre.
I think Sig would vibe with Ultrakill, any rhythm games, FNAF, Minecraft, Roblox, I'm on Observation Duty, Cuphead, any of those games that gives you an empty drawing with numbers that tells you what colors go where, all those satisfying games, etc.
Suns as the arts kid in the group would love games with unique artstyles and also genuine and deep lore or world building. They'd also love games with a lil bit of a challenge.
I think theyd vibe with Outer Wilds, Hollow Knight, Disco Elysium, Inscryption, Breath of the Wild, Elden Ring, Little Nightmares, etc.
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shock-micro · 5 months
Hi, I'm Mira! I'm a silly gay robot on the internet, in the theta-delta way if you catch my drift! I'm also transfem, if you couldn't already tell by the trans flag in my profile picture.
I used to mainly do Minecraft stuff, trying to make the game live up to its visual potential while staying within the confines of the vanilla game's engine. Now, I don't do that as much, but it's still a fun game to mess with. Take a nice sunset from those days.
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My interests are mostly gaming-related, but I've tried to dabble in art occasionally. I like all sorts of games, like Zelda, Pokémon, Minecraft, Celeste, Hollow Knight, Rain World, Cassette Beasts, Risk of Rain, Ultrakill, Bug Fables and probably even more that I'm missing, and definitely more after this post is made. Might update it as I go!
I get very excited over things sometimes, so bare with me if I ramble a lot about stuff! This includes: vagueposting about games I've become obsessed with, ranting about music or game design in something, and more!
Feel free to send me asks whether we're mutuals or not!
I do have a sona, designed by a good friend of mine, @quantumpickle! I don't quite have a reference sheet, but I don't really care if you get it inaccurate- I love seeing how different people interpret the design. Whatever you do, though, don't forget the body fat- it's a reflection of who I am, at the end of the day. If you want a good picture of what I look like, look at Pickle's amazing work:
My posts are mostly reblogs, but I always end each session of scrolling with a post of my own, to know where to end next time I log on. I try as best I can to keep this account safe for work in both reblogs and original posts, though I am an adult. I will say something if this ever changes.
I am plural, sharing a body with a rabbit girl named Moon and a zoroark named Zoey. They'll chime in every once in a while, with Moon being represented by her blue text and formal language, and Zoey being represented by her red text and general attitude. You can call us "Team Berry" as a collective!
Hello, all! It's Moon. It's always a pleasure to be here! I do love an opportunity to talk to all you folks, even if I'm not usually there to respond.
heya, it's zoey. not sure how often i'll use this thing, but it's good to keep options open, y'know? ✌️.
I do have a partner, and I will always talk about them given the opportunity, but I carry a certain form of love for all of my close friends. The people I know mean a lot to me.
I love the simple things in life, from food, to nature, to the contrast of light and dark in both a literal and literary sense. I often find myself overwhelmed by everything that goes on in the world, but I find comfort in knowing the bad stuff is only a few bad people out of a beautifully diverse species.
If you couldn't tell, I generally prefer looking on the bright side and finding something to love about things rather than staying miserable all of the time. I don't get out much, and so I'd much rather give people that light to hold onto than spread the same old bleak story that you've heard from countless other people, regardless of how important it is to share. Change is built on hope, after all.
Normally people put a DNI in their bio or their pinned post, but I don't really care to do that. If you're a bitch, I'll block and move on. I don't care how you use a label, or where the other folks in your head came from, or whatever other queer-adjacent drama is the hot topic, I accept you regardless. I'm ace, I still love my partner, I can love anyone, I use it/its pronouns, I'm robokin, I've got two other folks in my head whose origins are unknown, do you really think I'd hate you for being you?
That's actually an important point- even if I do think something someone's done is unforgivable, I believe that bad people are still people. In some ways, that makes things better, they have lives outside of what they commit, but it also makes things worse when you realize someone woke up and actively chose to perpetuate genocide. Some people are genuinely that bad, others are just misguided and can be helped. Ultimately, it's not my job to "save" anyone. I just try to provide a light of kindness when I can.
Wow, that was long-winded for a post that's just supposed to describe me. I suppose that's in-character for me, though. Agree with me or not, I don't really care, as long as you're respectful. I hope you've found this post helpful in understanding who I am as a person, long-winded as it is. Have a good one, whoever and wherever you are.
...now how do I pin this?
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tildeathiwillwrite · 4 months
Child of Light First Impression
So I just purchased and started playing Child of Light (because it's on sale on Steam rn)...
I'm a sucker for amazing soundtracks, especially ones that have a lot of piano, violin and flute parts (it's the musician in me). Think Hollow Knight, Minecraft, Celeste, etc.
So I boot up the game for the first time and get immediately slapped with an absolutely gorgeous menu theme, with beautiful watercolor-esque visuals to go with it.
And after less than an hour of gameplay... fuck I think I'm in love.
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I beg of you don't spoil, let me have the surreal joy of playing something for the first time without knowing what happens next.
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polyphonetic · 11 months
Okay, so we live in a capitalist society, so in order for me to get my girl objects (such as tasty drinks, zines, electronics, games, and rent) I will need to acquire "money". Just like in Disco Elysium.
I have determined an avenue for acquiring such "funds"! I have a nice computer set-up with a good microphone and webcam, I am a silly and funny trans girl who likes attention, and also I think that there's an interesting contrast that emerges in the mixture of my gorgeous silly princess appearance and voice, the absolute cringe autism things that come out of my mouth, and the well-developed philosophy and perception of reality and humanity and social justice I have.
Therefore, I have decided I want to do some Twitch streaming :3
I am considering trying out Monday - Friday for 2 hours a day (it's not like. I actually have any other job). I will still be selling horny content on my side blog @erophonemic because it's still enjoyable, but the Twitch streaming will of course be all accordion🪗 to the Twitch code of Hammurabi. It's fully legal for me to get high as hell so when I get more comfortable with the process I will. probably be doing that sometimes >w<
Anyways! I am considering starting on Monday, at least from 4 pm to 6 pm Mountain🏔️ Time (and longer when I feel up to it). I have to set up an account and everything so we'll see if I can start then. I have some ideas of games I want to play and an initial game schedule I can set up, based on how responsive people are!
For my gameplay, expect a lot of random tangents and infodumping, wandering around and ignoring the main quest, 100% completionism, lore obsession, searching stuff like concrete on wikipedia, singing songs about my cat, and making myself laugh at stupid jokes. I am easily distracted and a silly girl and am here for a good time and talking to the audience. I am easily amused by dick jokes.
For the audience vibes, expect no tolerance around homophobia, transphobia, queer exclusionism, or shaming for cringe. Kill the cop inside of your head!!!
I may also do collaborations with some of my friends at future times, who are all also queer and cool. Anyways that's the info for now I love you!!!
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treasure-mimic · 11 months
Felt like messing around in photoshop today, so, what started as a want to create some franchise icons for Smash turned into full character mockups, so I put together my 10 most wanted characters for Smash Bros., whatever the next game looks like, and I’d like to post them and talk about them a bit.
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Quote is I think my most wanted newcomer to Smash, I really like and appreciate everything Cave Story has done, and I think if you’re talking about indie games, Cave Story has probably had the most influence on the industry. Kids today probably don’t know much of anything about this game, but trust me when I say there’d be no Hollow Knight, no Ori, no Celeste, without Quote.
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This one might be a little obvious nowadays, but I am fully behind the Waluigi train. Just one point of contention, I think people undersell his potential by just having him reference different sports games and spin-offs. I think the real play is to come up with a wholly original kit based around being a dirty cheater and trickster with a penchant for explosives.
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I’d much rather have Paper Mario than Dr. Mario if I’m being entirely honest with you.
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This one’s a bit weird, because I don’t have a huge fondness for Excitebike the game or Excitebiker the character, I’m just enamored with this concept of a fighting game character who fights entirely from the back of a motorcycle. I just think that’s wicked as hell. I’ll take it in whatever form I can.
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Metroid Dread is in strong contention for my favorite Metroid game ever, and it did finally give us a character with a body plan and toolkit that lends itself to Smash, outside of Sylux and the Hunters, whom I’m not the biggest fans of. I’ve had some contentious history with the way Smash fans talk about Metroid, so I guess I’ll put it out now that I think if, at this point, you’re not vouching for Raven Beak, you don’t know what you’re talking about.
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Love me some DS VNs, Professor Layton I think at this point has the strongest ties to Nintendo and, since Phoenix Wright got to play in Marvel 3, it should be his time to shine, though I wouldn’t be opposed to any of them.
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Honestly, every generation of Pokemon there’s a couple of new mons that I think would make sick Smash characters, and will inevitably get passed up for a lame starter. Nihilego deserves a spot, dammit, she’s more plot important than any number of fire/fighting muscleheads. But if we’re shilling for the most recent gen, you can’t go wrong with a giant hammer.
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The Heavy is commonly in talks around Smash Bros. wishlists, especially here in the West, but the obvious problem rears its head pretty quickly. He’s a giant, lumbering, immobile mass whose main weapon takes several seconds to start up and then chews through anything it hits. This is my counterproposal, I think the Scout is just as iconic as the Heavy, comes with a lot of fun weapons and abilities, and actually has some mobility. Imagine using a downward Force-A-Nature shot to recover while spiking someone into the blast zone!
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This is for sure a weird one, but once the idea came to me I started getting really attached to it. The number of Enderman variants from Minecraft Dungeons gives the Enderman a surprising amount of variance to pull from, and the Ender Dragon could be its Final Smash.
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For the final suggestion, this is for sure a “there’s no chance in hell” but also “it would be really funny”. Scorpion, I think, best represents the aesthetics of Mortal Kombat, a ninja with fire, bladed weapons, and the ability to teleport, which centers him more than Sub-Zero who uses ice, Raiden who uses lightning, and Liu Kang who’s just a martial artist. Leaning heavy on the fire aspect is also a good way to nerf MK’s hypergore for a Rated E10+ game, though that really is the central appeal of Scorpion, trying to shove this edgelord into a kiddy cartoon beat-em-up.
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rednt-live · 1 year
I’ve had this blog for a few months now and I figured I should probably start using it. Let’s start by making an introduction!!
Hello!! I’m Red Redn’t, a small queer variety/minecraft streamer over on Twitch! I’m known for making weird noises, getting cyberbullied by my archnemesis, and being in a MCYT Meow Meow Bracket one time. I enjoy platformers, puzzle games, and crazy boss fights. In the past I’ve streamed games like Celeste, Portal, Monster Prom, and many more, plus a whole lot of Minecraft.
I usually stream on Tuesdays and Fridays around 7PM EST! Streams are chill upbeat, and friendly. I love to talk to chat! Stop by if you want to hang out, hear me ramble, or watch me die to the same boss in Hollow Knight for a 15th time. (I’m usually not that bad, I swear-)
You can find me on twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/rednt_live
Or find some of my past streams, including Big Ghost SMP Season 1,on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChVE-i82GIlkQyPlZ_hnUfA
I hope to see you there! :>
Currently playing:
Hollow Knight
To be played
Big Ghost SMP Season 2
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demonsteapot · 9 months
Silly question!
What are your five favourite videogames (in no particular order)?
Oh, oh! Reading this made me very happy. I get unreasonably excited about these things. (I may list more than five. Favourites are so hard to pick!)
First one that comes to mind is Omori, which I played in late 2021, about a year after it came out. I still have a deep scar in my psyche where that one went in.
... There are a lot of reasons why. The cast are pretty damn relatable (particularly Bagel and Sunny, on a few fronts) the story is a good one, well told– and the ending brought me (an apathetic godsdamn robot) about as close to tears as I can remember in the past few years. It's not a perfect game, but it's one that'll live with me for a long time.
Highly recommend if you have a lot of time to kill (and a lot of patience for filler, because the headspace segments are... well...)
Second, I think, is Celeste, which I played earlier? 2020? 2019?. At first, I picked up this game because "hey, this looks like a cool and challenging platforming game, and I want to try something different!"
All that suffering (Maddy Thorson is a sadist) made the story hit a lot harder. Celeste is... well, I won't gush about it too much, since I don't have much of substance to say, but every freaking part of it resonated with me. Shall we say. Just... just a little bit.
Ultrakill (I first played this in January, I think) also stands tall in my little brain. Now, this one is less about story and more about gameplay, but I honestly still love the game's narrative. It's... a pretty existential game, under all the coins, monsters and style tricks.
Also, the main antagonist is voiced by Gianni Matragrano, which pretty much seals the deal here.
Now I know the game isn't finished, and I'll be really happy to see where the rest of the game's development takes it, but as it stands, it's almost certainly already my favourite FPS. Like, ever. Not that I'm a connoisseur or anything, but what else has: the ability to punch your bullets, an nihilistic dating sim level, a stage dedicated entirely to fishing, and a secret Crash Bandicoot game mode?
Next up, and this comes out of nowhere compared to the first three: LittleBigPlanet 2, a PS3 puzzle-platformer that I remember very fondly. I thought I had to include a game from my (earlier) childhood, and it was either this or Minecraft.
I don't have too much to say about LBP 2, but my younger selves invested quite a lot of time into it, and looking back now, it has a lot of charm. I replayed it once recently, and... Well, still a really good game. Banger soundtrack, too, like all of the above.
I'm torn on what to include for number five, so I'll just go through both of my choices.
Terraria is definitely up here. I have sunk hours upon hours upon hours (about 1.5K total on my Steam install) into this game with a friend, and while it may not be perfect, it's a game that I've come to know and love a lot. It's one of those multiplayer games that always has something to do, but also always works as a backdrop to a conversation. Replayability 10/10 if you have friends.
Lastly, Hollow Knight. Like Celeste and Omori, this was an absolutely magical experience the first time around– the world is so vast and pretty, and its goofy art and charm is paired with a really memorable and melancholic setting. Also, I love bugs. Arthropods are awesome. I can't wait for Silksong to release in 1,000,000 years...
I'm sure there's some absolute classic I've forgotten about, but these are the first things that came to mind. I will also say that once it's finished, I wager Deltarune might well supplant one of these.
Long response, hah. Guess I can't stop myself.
thank you for asking lmao <3
P.S. I forgor, but the Binding of Isaac deserves an honourable mention here. I knew that game like the back of my arm... for a while, anyway.
P.P.S. Oh, and as for Deep Rock Galactic? Ask me again when I hit a thousand hours.
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smolldust · 1 year
this might sound really weird but i love your blog its strangely very nice and cozy :] also im just curious what are all of your interests/fandoms?
don’t worry it doesn’t sound weird that you called my blog cozy and nice that it made me smile.
but fandoms I’m in hmmmm…..
well I’ve been unhealthily obsessed with Zelda since I got Tears of the Kingdom but I’ll list a bunch of other fandoms I’m in as well
Little Nightmares
The Owl House
Murder Drones
A Hat in Time
Wings of Fire
Carmen Sandiego
Dead End: Paranormal Park
Death Note
Hollow Knight
Sky Children of the Light
Steven Universe
Little Witch Academia
The Little Prince
that’s all of the ones I can think of but there’s a chance that there’s more lol
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Hi there :)
I'm Dimittrikov, also known as Dimitri or Dimi, but i don't mind being given other nicknames.
Feel free to ping me in stuff or send asks! I love interacting with the people living inside my phone :)
Skeleton in the skeleton war >:)
Art prompts post
My main interests that i also usually post about are:
Hollow Knight
The Owl House
Portal (and Portal 2 and all adjacent stuff)
Chelldos (part of previous but worth mentioning seprately)
and a whole lot of random shit
Other interests I have are programming and mechanical engineering, Terraria, Celeste, Chicory, Deltarune, indie music (Tom Cardy, Penelope Scott, Wilbur Soot, Sushi Soucy, etc) and many other things, but i don't typically post about them, at least as of writing this post
(Blinkies & additional info under cut)
Blinkies & banners:
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Boundaries and general info:
I'm [redacted] years old, living in the country of [data incomplete] and identify as Aromantic, Asexual, Nonbinary. I probably have ADHD, although I have not gotten a proper diagnosis just yet. I go by any pronouns
Please do not sexualise me or make jokes about me being into someone sexually if I don't know you
If your blog looks like a fake blog you'll probably be blocked
I'm fine with dark humour (I actually quite enjoy it) and with playful banter (but once again, only if i know you)
Feel free to send me asks if you wanna talk! Anon is allowed here. As long as it's not something really weird I'll probably reply as soon as I can.
My DMs are also open! Same things as for all the others applies. Don't be weird
Feel free to tag me if you think I'd like a post! Chances are I'll reblog or queue it
On the topic of the queue, mine is evergrowing, posting about 30 posts every day. I tend to queue a lot of art posts and shitposts and a lot of posts that i like but dont feel the urgency to reblog
Have in mind that there's some light swearing here. The occasional "shit", "fuck/fucking" and "hell" are the most prevalent.
General organizational tags (they're not very creative):
Original posts (random): #green bear spam
My art: #green bear art #my art #my sketches
Games: #my world #my gamefiles #my savefiles
Asks i reply to: #my beloved came to talk
Ask games: #ask games #ask challenges
There will probably be more in the future, but this is the gist of it. All in all, im still pretty new to tumblr, so things are almost sure to change with time
Hope you have a good day and remember to stay hydrated!!!
(yes that is the green bear)
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ocpdramblings · 5 months
Maybe I should start using this blog to talk about my hobbies as well so that I can associate it with things I like. I like art, I do a variety of mediums. Watercolor, charcoal, graphite, trying to get into pastels and gouache, digital, not a fan of acrylic but I can do it, really want to try oil painting but I don’t have the space for it to dry.
I like reading classics a lot. Pride and prejudice is a fave rn and I impulse purchased Jane Austen’s entire works. Read the predecessor to Dracula, Carmilla. Very good. Very gay. Way more gay than I thought it was going to be. I thought it was going to be subtext. It was not. I also like reading trashy books as well. I really enjoy the ones that TikTok recommends that have absolutely insane plot premises. I don’t care about the writing at that point I just need to read.
I’ve recently gotten into Overwatch. Never played a FPS before. Made a couple new friends from it. Minecraft, Stardew Valley, Hollow Knight, I really wanna get into Celeste. On the second Ace Attorney game, I love mobile and gacha games, I wanna play more otomes even tho I’m not a big fan of romance when I am implicated.
I unmask a lot with this blog and every time I reread a post I can’t help but think of how bland it is and how I’d never talk like that in real life.
My favorite game is Okami. Never met other people who like it. Very sad.
I watch anime, tho I do this thing where I’ll watch a popular anime a couple years after it comes out. And I tell myself that it’s to see if it lives up to the hype but honestly it’s bc I’ll have random moments in which I want to watch anime and then the only ones that come to mind are popular ones on social media years ago. I say my favorite is Bungou Stray Dogs but that’s actually my favorite manga not my favorite anime. My fav anime rn is probably High Card. Doesn’t have the highest budget but I like the premise so far and the characters. My favorite mangas are Bungou Stray Dogs, Kuroshitsuji, and Witch Hat Atelier (also not caught up on). I wanna start reading firefly wedding.
I read a lot of romance manhwas, mainly with female leads but I have a couple with male leads that I adore. I haven’t watched any tv shows in a while but I’ve been telling myself that I’m either going to watch Hannibal or Dexter. I’ve been wanting to consume more queer material involving women since I’ve found that despite being sapphic, very few women media shows up recommended to me. Favorite movie of last year was Bottoms. I watched it several times. I want to get into cdramas. The next film I see will either be The Handmaiden or Maja Ma. Or one of the Saw movies. Been on a Saw movie binge with friends. I find the themes inconsistent. An unforgivable crime.
There’s no actors I’m particularly into. Never got into anything Marvel aside from Spider Man. I plan on reading the comics soon bc a friend of mine really likes Spider man and I want him to know I care about his interests.
I’ve found a new enjoyment for figure skating. I have a couple of male skaters that I quite enjoy, but I’d like to watch more and eventually get into some female and ice dancing pairs as well.
I crochet. Valentine’s Day is my favorite holiday. I graduate with my bachelors in the spring. I plan on doing my masters in IO psychology. My favorite color is blue and pink. I’ve been dying my hair for I think two years now. Maybe six months away from two. My friends say that I am surprisingly progressive in regards to my political views. I don’t know what that is supposed to mean.
I have a new car cause I recently got into a car crash. I’m very privileged. I don’t have to worry about money. I do regardless. I somehow have this personality disorder, and I have had one of the best life’s a child could have. Though every time I say that my friends say that’s weird considering the amount of trauma I’ve gone through. I think I have turned out well despite my circumstances. I like caring about other people. I’d like to make it my life’s goal to improve the life of somebody I don’t know yet.
Feel free to reach out to this blog anytime. It’s a side blog so I’m likely not gonna end up following anybody but I like talking.
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big long rant abt how happy i am rn but its LONG ^_^
holy shit . its a sunday evening and im somehow SO FUCKING HAPPY. like. nnothing even HAPPENED today i just had A GOOD DAY IN GENERAL this is incredible. like. i watched a nice tv episode and saw a funny video and played some minecraft and hollow knight and watched a fuckin crazy jrwi episode and woke up before the sun and felt the wind and watched the sun and heard the birds and. man. and tomorrow i know i have school and thats not even ruining my mood at all. because i have history. and my history teacher is nice. and he wont mind that i havent done any of the work because he gets it. and he explains things in interesting ways and hes kind and he never shouts and its the only class i not only feel comfortable asking questions, but where i WANT to ask questions because hes NICE about questions and i usually probably wouldnt care abt the shit were learning abt but he tells it like its actually REAL and not just a sheet of information. and im just happy. and whilst i didnt finish my codeflippa drawing like i hoped i would, i think ive come to terms w the fact i dont think i wanna ever Finish it, bc my creativity for it died down. i think ill just surround it in a few more flippa doodles n then post it bc ITSF FINE !!!! man. and like. i think ive remembered how it felt to be 5 again. when everything was SO EXCITING and i had no worries about the future because the only thing that EXISTED was here and now. and the world WAS big and scary but it was also incredible and interesting and full of light and colour and. like right now i can smell dinner cooking and for once im taking a moment to feel excited about that. because YES dinner happens everyday but !!! isnt it great that theres gonna be food soon !!!!!! and ill be able to eat it and i hope its smth i like. my sense of smell DID get fucked up 2 years ago BUT THAT ONLY MEANS DINNERS EVEN MORE OF A SURPRISE !!! it smells vaguely of HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT IT SMELLS LIKE THAT ONE CHICKEN DISH I HAD A LOT LIKE 5 YEARS AGO it most likely isnt that but ica nt belive i remember what that smells like . and like !!!! right now im listening tot he celeste soundtrack AND ITS SO GOOD !!!!!!! and MUSIC SOUNDS SO GOOD !!!!! and i played minecraft today and i tamed a dog called. smth. i havent named it yet. and a cat named smth toast related bc i was rlly hungry 4 toast and then i saw it. and i found out there r 3 seperate villages all really close to my base and i built a farm with potatoes and carrots and wheat and i mined for ages and realised my sense of direction in minecraft maybe isnt as bad as i thought it was because i spent like 2 hours in a cave and got utterly lost, but still knew which way west was. and i played a little hollow knight and didnt do too much but got across greenpath because i started a new save yesterday where i did all of crossroads. and if i play more hk later im gonna complete greenpath (or atleast what u can do b4 any other areas). and i saw my cat this morning !!!! and he was so friendly and he went meow meow meow and i went meow meow meow. and i just watched the new DW episode and !!!!! it was rlly good !!!!! ofCOURSEit had its moments of :/ BUT THAT DW FOR U IT ALWAYS HAS ITS :/ MOMENTS but it was SO good !!!!!!! and i love life sm rn and i can hum along to celeste music and my room is a good temperature and. my face ghurts bc ive been smilng so much. but im happy ^_^ and who knows how ill feel later tonight but what matters is that RIGHT NOW i m so in love witht he world :3
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laz-ofthestars · 2 years
My name is Isa Flora. I am a trans non-binary brazillian person, and this is my first contact with Tumblr. Salutations!
Why did I say salutations
Anyways, Here goes a couple stuff about myself.
My pronouns are She/They
I am a computer science person. My favorite areas are computability theory, formal languages and automata theory, matematical logic and Artificial intelligence. Neural Networks are awesome and Turing Machines go brrr
I can play some instruments. I really like wind instruments, flutes mainly. I can play classical guitar too.
Games. I like them. I like indie games a lot. And retro games too.
Talking about retro games, I've played like a lot of Zelda, my favorites are Majora's Mask and Ocarina Of Time, for obvious reasons. Mario is great too. Super Mario World's my personal favorite. Chrono Trigger, Gradius III, Super Smash Bros. 64 and Super Mario 64 are also retro games I enjoy A LOT.
Now talking about indie, I personally love Terraria, Undertale, Deltarune, and of course, Celeste. I also enjoy a lot Minecraft, Hollow Knight, Stardew Valley, etcetera.
I like One Piece very much (did not finish yet)
The main reason I got here was the Elon Musk Twitter thing. I need a plan B in case my main favorite social media gets ruined or something.
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shrimp-kel · 2 years
What's your favorite game?
this will be a very long answer brace yourself
obviously one of my top favourite games is hollow knight for obvious reasons like the breathtaking soundtrack, stunning visuals, natural flowing gameplay thats just difficult enough so that its rewarding but doesnt make you extremely mad in the process, extraordinary lore and exceptional characters and character designs… i dont have enough words of praise in my lexicon for this game and i absolutely cannot wait for silksong!
then one of my favourite nintendo franchises in existence: splatoon. so many memories from when the first game came out, the nostalgia, the uniqueness of it all. nintendo truly outdid themselves, they made an enjoyable shooter game that is incredibly special and there is nothing like it.
night in the woods, one of my favourite story based games. the soundtrack is amazing, the artstyle inspires me a lot, and the story is really interesting and tackles mental health really well which a lot of games just cant do these days because developers dont put in enough research.
undertale and deltarune. i cant answer an ask about my favourite games without mentioning those two. undertale is a masterpiece with a phenomenal soundtrack, wonderful characters and a story that tugs on your heartstrings in just the right ways, and after all these years it still makes me tear up wether its just listening to the soundtrack or watching yet another playthrough of it. and deltarune is following in its footsteps really well, even though it may not even be complete yet. these games are so incredibly unique and i admire toby fox so much…
pokemon sun and moon are my favourite pokemon games… they may be easier than the older gens, but they hold a special place in my heart because of all the alolan pokemon designs, the story and the characters.
celeste.. oh gosh that game… tackles the ever so difficult topic of mental health so incredibly well, with the beautifully composed soundtrack by lena raine and the art… the gameplay is almost natural, you pick it up easily as soon as you start playing… the level designs are incredible…
bugsnax. i think the designs of all the bugs are incredible, i love the dark story and all the queer rep they have… fun to play and i think they did an amazing job with it!
paper mario and the origami king was the first paper mario game i played myself and boy was it an experience… i loved all of the small details, the gameplay never got repetitive and i will admit that the end made me cry a little. i was slightly afraid to pick it up at first since ive heard stories about the two most recent paper mario games that came before it were terrible, but this game was worth it.
yoshis woolly world! this game means so much to me… i used to play it with my grandpa in co-op mode and those are some of my most cherished memories, every time i think of that game i get really happy… the gameplay itself was incredibly fun too!
minecraft had to be on this list. ive been playing this game since 2012, ive seen it grow and shape into the incredible game it is today. it has sparked so much creativity from all sorts of different people… the insanely detailed and breathtaking builds, the genius redstone and command block contraptions, the endless numbers of servers you can play on and the limitless possibilities with mods… its probably one of the best games of all time no matter how much the internet tries fighting about it. arguably one of the most influential games as well.
there are so many more id love to mention but i feel like ive written a little too much 😭
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sig-got-a-gun · 3 years
Top 5 video games
5: Minecraft. So much to do. So many ways to play. It has a wonderful soundtrack. And even with how great the game already is, it is still getting better! Growing stunningly and bringing in all sorts of players.
4: Little Nightmares. The concept of a small creature in a big world has always attracted me. The map is build with care into every detail, every line, to make it unsettling, yet strangely welcoming, and I love it. And the ending leaves me clawing for more. I can't wait until I play the DLC and the second game.
3: Celeste. I played this game through a few times. The Gameplay is fun, and the main character relatable. The design is pretty, and the soundtrack always fits.
2: Undertale. The lore is deep, and the characters are detailed. The gameplay is simplistic, but everything else is perfect. Even the graphics add on to the feel with their simplicity.
1: Hollow Knight, obviously. It is so beautiful, it's soundtrack is lovely, the gameplay is smooth and has so many ways to play. And the characters and lore is all just... Enchanting.
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bittybattybunny · 4 years
Besides ahit and splatoon, what others games have you played? Or are planning on playing?
I play a lot of crash bandicoot, subnautica, im a huge slime rancher fan, minecraft, the bioshock franchise, portal franchise, bendy and the ink machine, pokemon(ive played pretty much every generation since og sapphire and ruby minus spinoffs. granted ive payed a few adventure ones too!), animal crossing, rune facotry franchise, a lil harvest moon, rythmn heaven, they bleed pixels, l4d (1 and 2), until dawn, FNAF, okami (also played okamiden), prof. layton franchise, the binding of issac, super meat boy, deemo, Kingdom Hearts, sims (2,3,4) ect ect
I actually play like. A bunch of games. (ivemadesometoo; couple of game jams. currently trying to find time to someday build my own original game SandGirl but who knows when i’ll get it done--) I dont game as much as Id like with work and drawing (granted, i do game while i draw, since saving my files can take a bit. if i try to do anything while it saves i risk corrupting my files so Ill not touch my computer while it saves. like during stream today actually whenever i was saving the pages, i was playing AHIT)
I’d also game more if my computer could handle it but. it’s a run of the mill off the shelf pc. I really need to just get a gaming rig or something. I can build a computer but I’m always too tired to actually figure what parts i need to get and what i want =v= *shrugs*
I also really like rpg pixel games like IB and Witch’s house!
I fell hard for AHIT mainly because i really enjoy platformers and cute graphics. Crash bandicoot was one of my first video games and so platforming like that stuck with me. I also love puzzle games. I’ve played most layton games.
As for planning to play; I bought a game called “Celeste” for my switch and im waiting on the re-hydrated spongebob game to drop!!!
I’m also debating buying Hollow knight! I’ve seen art and stuff and it looks cute, but i also heard its hard and Im bad at gaming but I’m considering it because I just like gaming.
My friend is trying to get me to get Black mesa rn and try for achievements but Im not much of an achievement hunter. Like I said Im bad at games but I know I am. I try for death wish but thats only cuz i want the damn shadow puppet skin.
I think Portal and Slime rancher are the only ones I’ve like actively tried for all achievements.
Actively I mostly play AHIT, Slime Rancher and Splatoon. And ACNH (Im building subcon rn but ive been too tired to work on it.)
Oh I’m also super bad with multiplayer like League or like WOW and stuff. Just not my cup of tea. I find them super stressful??? I prefer single player.
ugh i got wordy again. sorry its late and i should be going to bed so my filter shut off.
Hope that answers tho???
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