#I’m gonna reblog this one again during the day tomorrow so everyone can see Sebastian :)
arlo-venn · 1 year
7, 21, 26
7) What was your first dogs name?
Sebastian :’) He was a white german shepherd, we grew up together. I’m actually only a thing that exists because my mom wanted a puppy, and my dad wanted a son, so they made a tbh kind of gross deal that my mom could get a puppy if they had another baby. I was eventually born, not a son much to my father’s dismay, and three months later they adopted Sebastian from a breeder in a newspaper. He was my best friend, he passed when we were 13. I had a very… dark and unkind childhood and this dog got me through the bulk of it. We moved around a lot, and in each house we lived in he would teach himself how to open and close my bedroom door so he could come and go of his own volition. He never touched anyone else’s door. I was the only one he didn’t pull on the leash, even when I was very small and he was very big. I don’t have many photos, but here are three:
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Us as babies and one I took with my first antique camera ever at like 11-12, which is when I first started noticing him getting old. He had two tiny little sisters (yorkie/beagle/jack russel mix sisters Roxy and Elsie) who he was very sweet and gentle with, was a good guard dog when necessary but was also lovely with strangers and dogs and all animals alike. His leash pulling and penchant to run away to find me at my friends’ houses when I wasn’t home were his only “bad” behaviors. He would travel some distances to find me, too! Once he ran through my friend’s house with muddy paws right after her mom had cleaned the carpets. Her doors were open letting it air out and he just came in. I wasn’t there though I had already left! That house was at least a mile away from home. Anyway he was the best dog in the world besides Arlo (it’s really not fair to compare them, Sebastian was my childhood savior but Arlo is my heart dog).
21) A useless trick that you love?
See, the only trick I can see as “useless” is “head down” which is only used for posing for photos. Except it has become something he does when he wants me to share food that I’m eating. I’m sure I accidentally reinforced that at some point. I guess “what’s the password?” (aka speak) is genuinely useless but also fun 😅
26) What’s your dogs favorite game to play inside?
Catch is his favorite game to play any time anywhere. We play tugga inside more than outside. He likes to bring me scraps of cardboard to hold so he can chew through them and turn them into MORE cardboard scraps. We have cardboard confetti in bed with us right now! And obviously we wrestle. He’s very easy to please tbh. He thinks anything is a fun game as long as we’re doing it together. I think he thought living in our car for three months was a fun game, too.
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oliviastan17 · 5 years
Just a dream (2/7)
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Length: 3.1k
Warnings: 18+, language, fluff, smut, abusive ex, shit ton of angst
A/N: You all asked for part 2 so here it is! This picks up right where part 1 ended. I hope you like it! Hopefully part 3 will come soon! Reblog if you feel like it! DO NOT POST TO ANY OTHER WEBSITE! I do not own any of the gifs.
When Sebastian woke up the next morning you weren’t in bed with him. He sat up on the edge of the bed and looked at his clothes still piled up on the floor. He could not have stopped the smile from forming on his face if his life depended on it.
He slid his jeans on and zipped them up while walking from your bedroom to your living room. He found you sitting at your dining room table with one knee up by your chest while you read something on your laptop. You took a bite out of a piece of pumpkin pie you were holding like a slice of pizza when you heard him laugh.
“Don’t judge me,” you said with a warning tone and your mouth full.
“No judgment here. Only adoration,” he said as he walked over to you. He leaned over and gave you a kiss that was interrupted by your phone buzzing on the table. You glanced at the caller ID and rejected the call with a swipe of your finger.
“There’s coffee over there if you want some,” you said while pointing to the coffee pot.
“Do you want to go get real breakfast?”
“Pumpkin pie is the breakfast of champions. I’m shocked you don’t know that.”
He laughed while pouring himself a cup of coffee.
“No, I actually have to start getting ready for a meeting,” you said with a slight pout as you stood up to refill your coffee. Your phone buzzed again and you rejected the call again. He took a sip of his coffee as you walked towards him wearing only your red sweatshirt from the night before and some black underwear. He pulled you in for kiss. As he deepened the kiss he quickly picked you up off the floor and set you on the counter in the kitchen. He had one arm around your waist and was stroking your thigh with his other hand.
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“No, you can’t do this to me now. I really have to go to this meeting,” you said as you pulled away.  You didn’t want him to stop but you needed him to so you could keep your job.
He took a deep breath. “Can I see you tonight?”
“If you let me get ready now, then, yes,” you said as you smiled and kissed him.
“Yeah…” Kiss. “You should…” Kiss. “Get ready…” Kiss.
Your phone buzzed once again.
“For fuck’s sake,” you grunted while hoping off the counter. You grabbed your phone off your table and rejected the call for the 3rd time that morning.
“Do you need to get that?”
“It’s just those annoying robocalls,” you lied. “I’m gonna get in the shower. I can drop you by your place on the way to my meeting if you want.”
There was something about the way you changed the subject so quickly that stood out to him. You had already gone into your bathroom and closed the door or he would have questioned you more.
The next few weeks were crazy busy for both of you. There were long night shoots which were brutal to say the least and then the added task of trying to switch your sleep schedules back to normal was driving you crazy. You were still finding time to see each other and staying the night together a few times a week but he couldn’t help noticing you were being a little distant. And he didn’t know why.
“Hey, what’s wrong?”  he asked. You were being so quiet at dinner and barely ate.
“Huh? Oh…uh sorry. I’m just so stressed right now…and tired. Work is crazy,” you said with a forced smile.
“Let’s go. I’ll take you home.”
You pulled your phone out to check the time and then placed it on the table.
“I’m just going to go to the bathroom before we go.”
Something’s not right he thought to himself.
He paid the bill and checked some emails while he waited for you. Your phone lit up on the table with a text message and the light caught his eye. Underneath the notification he noticed it said you had 17 missed calls. 17? Yeah, something is definitely not right.
“Ready?” you asked as you walked back up to the table and placed your hand on his back.
The ride home was quiet. Sebastian was having an internal debate on whether he should confront you about the missed calls or just let it go. Your mind was preoccupied. You were just staring out the window with your elbow resting on door and your hand holding your head up.
“You still getting those robocalls?” he asked staring straight ahead at the road.
“Yeah. I’ve blocked some of them but others keep calling.”
“You should just change your number.”
“I’m going to once this shoot is over. Right now there are too many people from work who have this number. It would be a nightmare to change it right now.”
He nodded and never once took his eyes off the road.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” he asked as he pulled up to your house.
“I promise I’m okay. I just need to sleep.”
You leaned in and your hand pulled his face in for a kiss. “I’m sorry. I know I haven’t been myself this past week. I just have a lot going on right now.”
“It’s okay. Go get some sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said and then kissed you again.
Once inside you went straight into the kitchen for a glass of wine, made sure your phone was on silent so any unwanted calls wouldn’t wake you during the night and then straight into your shower (with the wine, obviously) hoping the hot water and alcohol would relax you enough so you could sleep. It worked well and once you were in bed it only took you 2 minutes to fall asleep. You actually hadn’t realized just how exhausted you actually were.
 You were in much better spirits the next day at work. Maybe it was getting some much needed sleep or the fact that there were only 2 more days of work until shooting went on break for Christmas…Sebastian really didn’t care why.
“Okay, here you go,” you said to Anthony while handing him a cell phone. “You are going to open this folder, scroll down to the third message, and click this button.”
“Yeah yeah, I got it Y/n.”
“Please don’t break the phone this time,” you said pleading. “Just put it in your pocket until the camera is rolling.”
“Now that’s just offensive. I’m a professional. I don’t have time to push random buttons and make the phone freeze.”
You tilted your head to the side and gave him a look that said you are so full of shit.
Your walkie beeped-“Hey Y/n Sebastian said the arm is pinching him.”
“Be there in a minute,” you replied. “I’m begging you Mackie…please don’t break it.”
He placed the phone in his jacket pocket and you gave him a smile as you mouthed the words “thank you” then headed over to Sebastian’s trailer.
“Hey, what’s the problem?” you asked while walking in and closing the door behind you.
“I’m going to need you to not wear those leggings while we are at work. They are very distracting,” he said as he pulled you in to kiss you.
“Then I’m going to need you to stop wearing blue because it brings out your eyes but we both know that’s not going to happen,” you replied kissing him back. “What’s wrong with your arm?”
“Nothing, I just wanted to get you alone for a minute.”
You smiled while rolling your eyes and gave him a quick kiss before pushing him away.
“You know, they can’t fire you cause your name is in the title but they could absolutely fire me for having an inappropriate relationship.”
“I wouldn’t let that happen. And besides everyone here likes you better than they like me,” he said snaking his arms around your waist.
“Hands off when at work,” you reminded him.
“Are you coming over tonight?”
“I’m watching Noah and Harper, remember?”
“Oh I forgot. How about…”
He was cut off by your walkie talkie beeping
“Y/n, Kari wants to talk to you.”
“Yeah, on my way,” you said over the walkie talkie.
You gave Sebastian one last kiss and turned around to leave his trailer. He playfully smacked your ass and when you turned around he had the most charming smile on his face. You shook you head and rolled your eyes as you left the trailer.
 The next day at work was the last day before you went on a break for Christmas. It would be a short day, by filming standards at least, and then tonight was a holiday party for crew and cast members.
This being a ‘paid for by Marvel’ party, you were expected to dress fancier than normal. Since you lived in jeans, leggings, and pajamas it was not at all something you looked forward to.
Sebastian picked you up at 10 and when you opened the door he took one look at you and could feel his eyes dilate.
“You look…I…I don’t have words,” he said as you wrapped your arms around his neck and smiled.
“Thank you. But don’t get too used to me dressing up cause tomorrow its back to leggings and sweatshirts,” you said as you kissed him.
 The party was amazing with expensive champagne and some of the most delicious food you had ever tasted. While you very much had a no touching policy when at work you in no way stopped Sebastian from putting his arms around you and whispering in your ear. This was also the first time you had seen Chris since the last time you all went out. He smiled and gave a thumbs up seeing the PDA.
Sebastian eventually managed to lead you away from the crowd and over to a corner of the room where he leaned against the wall pulling you in and kissing you.
“You ready to go?” you asked even though you could feel the answer hardening in his pants.
“I’ll meet you outside. I have to say a few goodbyes,” he replied.
You said a few goodbyes as well and walked out with a couple people who worked in the set design department and waited for the car to pull around. Sebastian and Chris walked out soon after.
For Sebastian, it happened in slow motion almost. He saw you standing about 25 feet away laughing and taking a picture with some co-workers when someone he didn’t recognize came up and grabbed your arm. You turned around and he couldn’t hear what you were saying but you didn’t look happy. You started to walk away from him but he grabbed your arm again, this time with much more force. You pushed him back and this time Sebastian heard you yell “Stop it!”
“Y/n!” Sebastian called while he and Chris were running towards you.
The man looked up and pulled hard on your arm causing you to wince.
“Oh, this must be the reason you’re not answering my calls. Is this who you’re fucking now?” he screamed.
The look on Sebastian’s face while running towards you was one you had only seen when he was playing the Winter Soldier. It was like focused rage. If you didn’t know that in reality he was like a little lost puppy you would have been scared of him.
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You managed to pull your arm free just in time to place your hand on Sebastian’s chest and push him back.
“Scott, get the fuck out of here,” Chris said as he stepped in between you and your ex.  
“I don’t have to listen to you. Slut is probably fucking you too,” said Scott.
“Seb, get Y/n out of here,” he said calmly over his shoulder while Sebastian grabbed your hand and led you to the car. “If you ever touch her again…” Chris began to say but what he said next was so quiet you couldn’t hear.
Sebastian was so full of adrenaline he was shaking.
“Are you okay?” he asked in a monotone voice as the car pulled away.
All you could do was nod. You were in a state of shock with silent tears falling down your face. Scott was a cheater, yes, and he had been calling you nonstop for the last few weeks but he had never physically hurt you before tonight.
As you walked into Sebastian’s house you walked straight into the kitchen and opened the cabinet where you knew he kept a pack of cigarettes. Neither of you smoked very often but right now you desperately needed the calm nicotine provided. You walked outside to his backyard, lit the cigarette and took a long drag. He followed you outside, handed you a beer and lit one of his own.
“So…robocalls huh?”
You slowly nodded keeping your eyes forward.
“Talk to me.”
You took a deep breath.
“I guess one of his friends saw us waiting for our cars the night of James’ party and he told Scott. He started calling the next day. I answered once to tell him to fuck off but he just kept calling.”
“And why didn’t you tell me?”
“I don’t know Seb. I mean, it’s not like you are my boyfriend or anything and…” you said as you turned and looked him in the eye. He had a hurt expression on his face.
“Wait…that’s not what I meant. I just mean we haven’t talked about it or made it official or anything and I honestly didn’t think Scott was this insane. I thought he would leave me alone eventually.”
“Okay. Well, let’s talk about it. Are you seeing anyone else?”
“Do you want to?”
“Great. Me too. We’re official. That solves one problem.”
You turned to look at him with tears in your eyes.
“How is this even going to work Seb?”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re done filming in 2 months. You don’t live here. I can’t move to New York.”
“First of all, come inside. You’re shivering,” he said as he stood up and took your hand to lead you inside.
Once inside he put his arms around you.
“Second, I get offers for jobs that film here a lot so…”
“And how is that fair to you? To have you accept a job just because it’s here?” you asked breaking the hug as you brought your hand up to rub above your left eyebrow. That was your tell that you were stressed. He had seen you do it multiple times on set.
“Wait, is this why you have been stressed? You’ve been thinking about this for a while haven’t you?”
Your lack of an answer was all the answer he needed.
“Oh my god, you have got to talk to me! Stop shutting me out or this is never going to work,” he practically begged. “Shit! And I thought being around you while you were engaged was frustrating,” he said as he turned and walked into his bedroom.
You took a moment, took off your shoes and then followed him.
As you walked in he was taking his shirt off and then he sat on his bed. His phone rang and he looked at the caller ID, then answered.
“Hey man…yeah she’s okay…” He took a pause then said, “Chris says you’re annoying but he’s got your back.”
“Tell him he can suck my…”
“Yeah she says she loves you too,” he cut you off. He knew what you meant.
“Alright, see ya,” he said and then hung up. “You two are the most dysfunctional friends I’ve ever met.”
You smirked as you walked over to him. You hiked up your dress as you sat on his lap straddling his legs.
After taking a deep breath and touching your forehead to his you said, “You’re right.”
“I know,” he said with a smile as his arms pulled you in closer. “Look, we don’t have to figure all this out tonight. But I’m willing to fight for this if you are.”
You pulled your face away from his to look into his eyes. Your hands cupped his face while you nodded. You pulled him in and pressed your lips to his while he unzipped your dress and pulled it off over your head. When you brought your arms back down and rested them on his shoulders he could very plainly see red marks above your elbow from being grabbed earlier. Very gently he kissed your right arm and then stared into your eyes while tucking some hair behind your ear. 
Bringing you closer so that his lips touched yours again he held you tight while he leaned back and then rolled over to be on top of you. With one hand holding him up, the other hand was softly touching your breast and then he traced his way down to your underwear leaving a trail of goose bumps. He broke the kiss to remove them and then took off his pants. Crawling back on top of you he kissed you so intensely it caused a soft moan to escape your lips.
Forget the foreplay. He needed to be as close to you as 2 people could possibly be.
Your back arched as your bodies connected fitting together like puzzle pieces. Your hands moved up to the back of his neck to draw him in for a kiss. He began moving his hips to pump in and out while he kissed your neck. He sped up his pace while one of his hands held him up and the other one had a grip on your thigh. He was (as usual) hitting every single right spot, including a new one you didn’t know you had, and then he felt you tighten around him. With an “Oh god!” you let go and came, probably leaving behind some fingernail marks on his back which he didn’t mind at all. With a few more thrusts he came right after you did.
As he laid on his back with you lying on your side and your arm resting on his chest he thought about how something was different tonight. The sex was always great with you but tonight it felt more…intimate. Like you had finally dropped the walls you had built up because you had been hurt before and let him in. Everything that happened tonight made you vulnerable and instead of hiding, you let him in. He made you feel safe.
Normally you weren’t a very cuddly sleeper but you never moved from his side that night. 
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mytrashs-blog · 5 years
Alter Ego ch. 4 “Perficiendi”
Spideychelle, Peter Parker x Reader, slow burn fic, Enhanced reader.
Word Count: 2,388
Warnings: PTSD, men being trash, terrible coping mechanisms
Summary: “When you can do the things that I can, but you don’t, and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you.”
A/N: Made it to the 4th chapter! Yay!! This one is a chill one, I like to say this is the calm before the storm, and you really don’t know what ya got comin’ but yeah, I gotta keep encoraging you to Reblog!! This!! Post!! because that’s how we keep ‘em comin’ and also leave the comments, they make me very happy. If you wanne be part of the taglist, shoot me an ask! :)xx
Ch. 3 “Ipsum Invenies”
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It really was a simple design, kind of like the one Spider-man wore, red, blue and a few details in black. You wanted it to be like your male counterpart, a one piece with a mask covering all of your face, plus you needed to solve the eye problem, cause you’ve realized that it’s annoying at some extent to see as wide as you do, so you want to solve this to be able to concentrate in what’s more important.
The doing was the complicated part, because though you had a bit of knowledge in how to make clothes for some clubs you were in during middle and high school, you have no idea how to make a superhero suit. For starters: What kind of fabric is flexible and bulletproof, and super resistent to knives and all kind of lethal weapons? What is Spider-man’s suit made of anyway? So many unanswered questions. In the end you settled for high resistance spandex and a ton of cosplay tutorials on Pinterest and YouTube.
The first prototipe was ready in three days, but the final version, the one in which you could run, jump and everythign else took two weeks to perfect. But of course you wanted to know how to fight, so you enrolled on the gym for some boxing classes and your mother loved the idea, for it was a way for you to defend yourself if you were ever in a traumatic situation again. You really don’t wanna know how she’d react if she knew what you’re planning to do.
The spiderweb was a lot more complicated, where does Spider-man get that thing from? You know that this would be awfully easier if you had a Tony stark to pay for all your toys, but for now, all you have is Lexi: biochemistry student, roomie and very close friend. She offers her help to develpo the webs, one that’s resistent and can carry tons of weight, on the last minute you come up with the idea of infusing the web with a sedative that activates on contact, to avoid the prey from getting rif of it. That process took a lot of work and time aswell.
It took two long months for you to feel ready to go through with your revenge but even after that, you couldn’t quite find the uber driver, at some point you question if it’s even worth it, even google has its limits and it won’t present you an adress just like that. And that’s when it gets really hard. Your idea is to hack into Uber’s database to get the adress. If the police didn’t even go after him, maybe he didn’t run away.
Your college is very big, you know a lot of people, but since you went missing in the middle of exams season, everyone is very busy and it’s hard to find someone available to help you hack a likely vey protected site, but you try regardless. It takes about 15 calls and hundreds of unanswered texts, but you finally get a very nice nerd to teach you how to do the dirty job, because you really didn’t want to tell him what you were planning.
You had to begin your infiltration from a strange computer, in a place far away from your apartment and with a VPN adress, to be untraceable, hard work, but your nerd friend taught you everything you needed and it wouldn’t take more than 5 minutes to do it.
The codes you have to write in are long, the ones you have to get rid of are hard to find, but you enhanced senses can do it faster than you’d ever imagined, before the incident you would’ve never been able to do it, while your thoughts drift away, you make it inside Uber’s database, you search for the information you need. You don’t type in his name, that would have made it easier for the page to identify it’s been hacked, but once you find it you take a picture of the screen eith the phone your mom insisted on buying for you and you get out of the page they way your nerd friend tol you. You’re safe.
You get out of the place, but you leave the laptop there, you figured it’d be better of someone steals it, that way it’s impossible to trace it to you. You walk to a bus stop to get back home, you don’t even consider taxis or anything else for transport anymore.
You put on your earphones while you get on the public transport, after playing some music from your phone, you decide to take a look at the data you gathered, when you open it you realize that apart from the data of the man, there’s a picture of him, looking at it takes you back to that same face looking at you like an animal about to attack, his hands touching you, his weight over your body, the puch with the baseball bat, you remember everything he made you live in a second and suddenly you’re gripping the metal bar in front of your seat with all your strenght, you feel the metal giving in under your muscles, molding to the shape of your closed fist over it. You let go.
You have tears in your eyes and the person beside you looks at you concerned, scared even. You get off the bus the second it stops and you run, you run as fast as you can in the direction of your apartment, images attacking you like flashes in a dark room, you don’t want to see it, you speed up and everything around you is a blur, except for the images in your mind, when they stop coming you start slowing down until you stop too. You’re one block away from your apartment, but you can’t, you crumble and start ccrying again. All these new abilities and none of them can help you forget. You cry until the sun starts setting, you’re still sitting on the cold pavement of the street, people walk by and they stare at you, but frankly you couldn’t care less, after a while Lexi calls.
“Where are you? Everything alright?”
“I’m one block away, I was doing some stuff but I’m almost there now.”
“Okay, I ordered pizza”
“Okay.” The conversation is flat, no feelings there, maybe Lexi sounded a bit worried, lately it seems like she’s treating you like you’re a fragile piece of china that’s about to fall off a shelf, always treating you with tenderness and waryness, it’s annoying but understandable. Paola also had to endure your dissapearance, she had to go to the police only to be ignored, no one even bothered in telling her how the search was doing and she had to be in the apartment by herself, with all your stuff as a constant reminder that you were still gone.
You get up and walk back home, you don’t notice but you’re still trembling for the emotional crisis, so much that when you try to get the key in the door you simply can’t and you get so frustrated that you end up punching the wall, you get worried you might have broken it, but it’s safe for now, it’s just a small crack on it. Lexi opens the door a few seconds after.
“Did you get the info?”
“Yeah. We have to confirm the adress, so we have to go there a couple times to check it’s the right one and we’ll go from there.”
“Alight. There’s the pizza.”
“Thanks… Would you mind coming with me to check the adress? I don’t think seeing him again by myself is a good idea just yet.” Yous ask, eyes glued to the table, avoiding any kind of eye contact.
“Sure. When do you wanna go?”
“Tomorrow.” You finish. Lexi nods and goes in her room.
After finishing your dinner you go to bed, you’d never admit it, but since you came back home, sleeping is the hardest thing to do, you always have nightmares, all the things you’d rather forget come back to you every night. And each time, you lay there, looking at the ceiling until you fall asleep and the nightmares start coming. You tell yourself they’ll stop once you get your revenge, that you won’t let anyone else go through the hell you’re still going through.
The next day Lexi and you get in Sebastian’s car, you didn’t tell him why, but he agreed to take you to the adress, when you get there you decide to park a bit far but not so much that you lose sight and then you wait. An hour goes by and then there’s a car parking in front of the house, it’s not the same car you got in that night, but the driver is the same. Your blood boils in your veins and you feel color coming to your cheeks, then you see a second person getting out of the same car, a woman, the man hugs her and kisses her on the lips, that make you even more furious.
How coud he have a partner and do such monstrosity?He might be even married to this woman and yet he did what he did. You feel Lexi’s arms coming up behind you to hug you, you don’t react, you stay staring at the house of your rapist, Sebastian looking at you worried, but he doesn’t ask.
“Let’s go.” You say and Sebastian drives back to your place. When you open the door to get down he stops you.
“Why don’t you go ahead, Lexi? I wanna talk to (Y/N)”. Lexi nods and steps off, she turns to look at you, but then she walks inside the building. “Who’s the man from that house?” he asks, serious.
“Nobody.” You answer looking in your apartment’s direction.
“I don’t believe you.”
“You don’t have to.”
“I just want to help you, but I can’t if you don’t open up.”
“You’d help me if you stop asking questions.” You answer and you turn to look at him in the eyes, he’s looking at you the same way Lexi does, with pity, just as if you were an abandoned puppy.
“I’m not gonna judge you. I just think it’s better for you to talk about it, you know? Did that man hurt you? Does he have anything to do with you waking up in a hospital after being missing for two weeks?” Your jaw falls a little at that. Why the hell does he know you were missing? It didn’t even make it to the news. “News travel fast on campus, of course I found out.”
“It’s none of your business Sebastian. Please drop it.” You feel you voice cracking on the last sentence, Sebastian puts his hand over yours in your lap. You look at his hand then at him and then at his lips. You kiss him. He kisses you back.
The kiss is hungry and messy, almost wild, your hands play with the hem of his shirt, one of them goes up to play with his hair, he takes you by the waist, bringing you closer, you break the kiss for a second so you can climb onto his lap with a nimble movement and you also manage to get the seat back as far as it could, you kiss him again, harder than before, his hands go to your waist once again and they make their way down until he’s firmly holding your butt, his mouth moving towards your neck. Your hands go to the waist line of his jeans, playing with the buckle of his belt for a second. And you hesitate. Should you be doing this with your exboyfriend.? And you stop in your tracks.
“I cannot do this.” You say as you go back to the passanger’s seat, Sebastian looks at you confused, but he says nothing. You get off the car and run to your apartment, you rush to the bathroom and shut the door, you get undressed as you feel the tears running down your face. Are you even able to do anything anymore without crying? You get in the shower and you let the cold water fall on your body. You stay there until you stop feeling.
You feel nothing.
Peter ends up deciding to improve the dron a few 20 meters more, which did require a bit of a hustle with the software of the suit, but that wasn’t nearly as hard as getting KAREN to have real time access to police centres all around the country. It took a couple weeks and him having to deactivate his AI for a few days, which made his life a lot harder. But he made it. Now he can listen and record all calls made to 911 as they are happening, which are a lot, by the way, but he was also able to come up with an algorithm to filter what matters to him and what doesn’t, not that some things don’t matter to him, just that there are some stuff that are relevant to the research and some that aren’t, you get the point, right?
So, only kidnapping, dissapearances and found bodies were coming through, and to Peter’s surprise, there were so many calls a day being stored in KAREN’s data base.
After some weeks everything became a bit tedious, none of the calls had anything to do with the case, little by little Peter started to lose interest in the research. Mr. Stark had made very little progress aswell, from what he heard, therefore he too started to focus on other important matters, but not dropping the topic completely, just in case.
MJ is going to prom with Peter, but he needs a suit, and he’s also helping ned come up with a plan o ask Betty out. It’s like, for the first time in forever he finally has time to be a normal teenager and he doesn’t have to go after bad guys in the city. He’s finally finding the balance between Spider-man and Peter.
But of course everything in his life has to change one secong to another, but this… he definetely didn’t see coming.
@caeruleum-in-caritate-lupus, @softstarkk, @peterparkerbabyy, @dottirose, @legit-fandom-trash, @carostar2020, @appreciating-chase-brody, @mvmakki
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