#I’m greyromantic which is so fucking hard dude
@ the aroace community
Girl help. How do we survive?
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fia-bonkginya · 6 years
right now i’m really wanting a trans (or maybe he/him agender? i just associate green with him for some reason) joaquin i love him so much also aroace joaquin? perfect. i’m just out here lovin joaquin rn he’s great i’m so proud of him -lulu
i love joaquin and i love this hc and i got inspired so? enjoy this thing, featuring trans ace/greyromantic joaquin still bein friends with taako post s&s and also bonding with lup
(and no i’m not projecting my issues onto Joaquin what are you talking about)
“I just, I don’t know what to do, alright? What am I supposed to do in this situation? I don’t know how to handle this, I don’t know what to say, I don’t know how they’ll respond if I do say something, I…” Joaquin sighs, rubbing a hand over his face. “Sorry, sorry, you probably don’t need to hear about this.”
“My dude,” Taako says, barely looking up from filing his nails, “I have been waiting for you to talk about some kind of romantic interest for fucking ages.”
“Yeah,” Joaquin says, rolling his eyes, “but I’m not actually, like, doing anything about it.”
“Well then do something,” Taako says, as if it’s the easiest thing in the world, which it probably is for him. “I mean, come on, saying something the second time we met worked pretty well for me and Krav, right?”
“Yeah, okay, but you’re… you’re Taako from TV! You’re a pretty big deal!”
“And you, my friend.” Taako points the nail file at him, and Joaquin flinches for a second before remembering that they can’t actually make physical contact. “You got wizard powers and saved the world.”
Joaquin blushes. He’s always hated talking about that day- yes, it was amazing, and meeting Taako and saving his friends was the best, but it’s… embarrassing. He’s not used to people staring at him, wanting to meet him. “And, honestly, that’s part of the problem,” he finally says. “They’re super cute, right? Like. Holy shit. Super cute. And they come to the truck almost every day, and my bro says that they only come when I’m working, so they’ve figured out my schedule, which might mean they’re interested, but at this point lots of people do that! I’m famous, somehow! People want to meet me! So maybe they’re just, I don’t know, a big fan?”
Taako sets his file down and picks up a bottle of nail polish. “Well, you’ll never know if you keep thinking so much. Just, I don’t fuckin know, write your number on a napkin next time they order a taco.”
“Yeah, but like, what if they don’t like me back? What if they laugh?”
“What if who laughs?” comes a voice, and Taako turns around.
“Oh, hey,” he says, talking to someone that Joaquin can’t see through the annoyingly small window of their frying pan/mirror communication. “Just talking to Joaquin about his romantic failures.”
“Oh, sick!” the voice responds, and it sounds familiar in a way that Joaquin can’t quite place. “Can I finally meet this dude?”
“Yeah, sure, whatever,” Taako says, and the field of view shifts as he apparently hands the mirror off to whoever just entered the room.
Joaquin holds in a gasp as he finds himself staring at a face that is almost identical to Taako’s. “Oh, my god,” he says, trying (and probably failing) to stay cool. “Uh, hey, um, you’re, uh, probably Lup, right?”
“Yeah, man,” she responds, and she’s grinning, and Joaquin feels like he might pass out. “So what are we talkin about here?”
“Um,” Joaquin starts, trying to remember what it is they were talking about. “Um, there’s a really cute person who keeps buying tacos from me and I kind of really want to date them but I also super don’t know how.”
Lup’s smile, if possible, gets bigger. “Well lucky for you I stopped by. This dingus you’ve been talking to has never had problems just immediately confessing to any guy he thought was hot.”
“And it always worked!” Taako responds from out of view, and Lup rolls her eyes.
“Anyway. I get it, man. Asking people out is hard. It took Barry and I, what, like 40 years to figure it out?”
“Yeah, 40 years of absolutely disgusting pining and not listening to your brother.”
“The point is,” Lup says, cutting Taako off, “I get it.”
Joaquin sighs. “I just, I don’t know, this is all super new for me, and there are so many things to be worried about! I’ve never had a crush on anyone before, so I don’t know how things are supposed to work out. And, like, how do I know if they even like guys? And if they do, how do I know if they’ll, um, y’know…”
“Like you?” Lup finishes. 
“Yeah,” Joaquin responds. “It just feels like there are too many things that could go wrong. Plus I’m super complicated, and who knows if they’d want to deal with that? Not everyone can get past the ace thing and the trans thing.”
“And if they can’t,” Lup says, and her face is serious, “then they’re a fucking idiot and you don’t want to date them anyway.”
Joaquin feels himself starting to smile. “When you and Barry finally started talking, were you, um, worried about that kind of stuff?”
“Sure,” Lup shrugs, “a little bit. But at that point, I was pretty chill with risking it. I love Barry a lot, and I knew I had to say something.”
“I think, um, I should get to know them a little bit maybe? Gods, I don’t even know their name, so maybe I should start there.”
The view suddenly shifts as Taako apparently grabs the mirror back. “My dude, you didn’t tell me that you don’t even know their name! Even I figured out Krav’s name before anything else!”
Joaquin groans, resisting the urge to put his head in his hands. “Okay, yes, I get it, I don’t know how to romance.”
“But you’re learning!” Lup says. “You better update Taako so he can update me if anything happens, got it?”
“Yeah, got it,” Joaquin says, that smile creeping back onto his face again. “Um, thanks, by the way.”
“You don’t have to thank me for anything,” Taako says with a grin, and Joaquin can hear Lup laugh. 
“Barry and Krav are gonna be expecting dinner when they get home,” Lup says, her voice starting to fade, and Joaquin guesses that she’s leaving the room.
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll get to it,” Taako replies, waving her off.
“It was cool meeting you, Joaquin!” she shouts, and Joaquin is fully grinning now.
“It was cool meeting you, too!” he shouts back.
Taako points at him. “Don’t start thinking my idiot sister is cooler than me, got it?”
“Yeah, yeah, got it,” Joaquin says, holding in a laugh. “I’ve got a work in a few minutes, and it seems like you’re busy too, so I’ll talk to you again at some point?”
“Sure,” Taako says, picking up his nail polish. “Good luck.”
Joaquin smiles as the image disappears from his frying pan.
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