#I’m heavily writer-blocked rn and haven’t written anything in uhh a month??
willkimurashat · 1 year
Hey, what's one fic you loved writing and the first fic you think of (can be written by you or someone else) when someone asks for recs?
Hello my lovely! Thank you for the ask!💕💕💕
Here I am, yet again, the most indecisive person trying to make a choice lol😭😅😅 okay okay, I’ll stop whining lol, so, the one I loved writing the most - I gotta say Snog, Marry, Die because I was pissed with s5 and writing a murder spree felt so weirdly therapeutic and cathartic and satisfying and came out so so fun lol🙈 my other fics either made me cry (We Spoke in Flower) or constantly give me shit (Stargazing) or were/still are fighting me real hard (You Don’t Spell It…, Beloved & Beloathed) 😭😭😭 but I love them either way - they’re all my babies🥹
As for the recs gahhh okay, I’m just gonna go with the first that popped into my head - under the rose by @wildberryjams. It was the first fic I started reading for litg and it’s so incredibly beautifully written and MC Azul is just so loveable and bb Will is portrayed just so perfectly🥹 it’s not finished and is currently on hiatus, but I really hope the author will come back to it one day because I’ll be patiently waiting for chapter 12 until the day I die❤️
*Bonus! Lol as for recs of the fics written by moi - I’m gonna say You Don’t Spell It… because it received incredible feedback that keeps blowing me away honestly, and the more times I reread it the more I think that was the best prose I’ve ever written, which also scares me a bit cuz idk if I’ll ever top that lol🥲
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