willkimurashat · 1 year
You Don't Spell It, You Feel It
Hello my lovelies! Writing has been fighting me a lot lately, and I don’t actually know what happened, but I managed to put some silly words together for one perfect pixel and whipped this out for no apparent reason. Beware, it’s very sweet – so sweet, in fact, that it might give you cavities, so I suggest setting an appointment with your dentist lol! Either way, I hope you enjoy it😊 Happy reading!
Andy/MC | 5.9k words | one-shot
Summary: It’s true when they say if the writer falls in love with you, you can never really die. Her love for him is pure, honest, and real, but she doesn’t quite know how to spell it, she has to learn how to feel it. So, she decides to write a book about it.
Here is a link to ao3:)
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willkimurashat · 2 months
Writing Patterns
Thank you for tagging me @queen-of-boops @justtuesdays @mrsbsmooth and @0shewrites0 💕💕💕
Rules: Share the first paragraph of your last five published works or as many as you are able and see if there are any patterns!
1. Serendipity
She couldn’t see a thing. Neither the shape of the room, nor the edges of the bed, or rather the mattress propped against the wall, pillows haphazardly thrown on top and barely covered with a blanket. She couldn’t see the last sunrays penetrating through the open window, casting their amber glows across her skin, painting shadows over her curves, outlining the planes of his carved out body, and highlighting the perfect angles of his slim face.
2. You Don’t Spell It, You Feel It
Do you believe in fairytales? I sure did, without shame. When Santa dips his cookies in milk and the chimney becomes a little too tight for him to squeeze through. When stuffed animals become your closest friends and come to life at night for you to confide in them your deepest secrets. When the rainbow maps the location of the treasured gold, destined to be lost and to never be found. Fairytales make us believe, and believing makes life worth living.
3. Beloved & Beloathed
Many things in life come in pairs. Sometimes they’re inseparable, like scissors, or glasses, or a Twix bar. Sometimes, they’re at opposite ends, tugging on each other for balance, like left and right, hot and cold, heaven and hell. Yet other times, they can exist on their own, but are only really useful when they’re together. Like paintbrush and watercolor, or a pair of chopsticks, or buying two shirts during the sale where the ad clearly reads “Buy one – get one free.”
4. We Spoke in Flower
I always hated the rain. Ironic, given I live in England. I just never got the appeal of the aesthetic. It’s rather difficult to look on the bright side, when all you see is grey skies and your skin doesn’t receive enough vitamin D. Runny mascara is much too angsty for me; the cold droplets almost piercing through my goosebump-covered skin, reaching straight to the bone. Leaky shoes, damp socks, dirt-splattered trousers, soaking wet collar. And umbrellas. Of course, umbrellas are always a pain. I’ve just given up on carrying them altogether – what’s the point anyway? I lost count of how many brollies I’ve broken or how many times I’d left one at home, naively hoping the sun is there to stay, only for it to start pouring. A useless invention, if you ask me.
5. Snog, Marry, Die
Oxford dictionary defines vengeance as a “punishment inflicted, or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong.” Anyone would hardly ever connect a free summer holiday under Mallorca sun, surrounded by hot singles, with “an injury or wrong.” And yet, each day spent locked in the villa, with the islanders constantly lying to her face, overexaggerating, following her around, stirring drama, and cheating behind her back chipped away her sanity. Piece by piece. Cell by cell. Atom by atom. Until she was way beyond her boiling point. Until the only thing that filled her, was the idea of punishment for all the wrongs she had to endure. Vengeance.
Tagging: @libelle949 @tammyisobsessedwith @operationnope @ellegreenwxy - no pressure! And sorry if you’ve already been tagged👉👈
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willkimurashat · 1 year
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I love how my girl Cece is basically canon🥹 cuz she’s a writer and she’s written him letters/cute little notes and I think she defo did that as a kid too🥹💕
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willkimurashat · 2 years
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First Impressions Don’t Have to Decide Everthing, Right?
Will x MC | 4k+ words | oneshot | complete
My first ever fanfic, don’t judge too hard lol
My take on if instead of Love Island: The Musical we were to get a “meet the family” episode in s4
Will x MC | 141.7k+ words | 19/? chapters | in progress
Ongoing s4 rewrite (I have been very slow with updates, I’m sorryy)
MC faceclaim | MC moodboard | MC fanart
The Answer was Simple
Suresh x MC | 2.3k+ words | oneshot | complete
Following litgwritersroom’s prompt: Lie Detector Challenge
S5 MC tag
Snog, Marry, Die
7k+ words | oneshot | complete
A Halloween-themed fic, in which s5 MC finally gets her revenge (ahem, goes on a killing spree in the villa)
TW: violence, death, blood, murder
MC moodboard
We Spoke in Flower
Will x MC | 7.4k words | oneshot | complete
Flower shop au; dark academia vibes
Beloved & Beloathed
Amelia & MC | Amelia x ??? | 5.7k+ words | 2/? chapters | in progress
Amelia’s POV
You Don’t Spell It, You Feel It
Andy x MC | 5.9k words | oneshot | complete
Very fluffy, very sweet, very cheesy - basically a love letter to Andy, just in case he gets ruined by fusebox
Will x MC | 3.4k words | oneshot | complete
A smutty smut, One Night Only challenge
P. S. Please feel free to throw tomatoes at me, but if you do, make sure it’s constructive feedback:)
P. P. S. Here’s a link to my ao3 as well:)
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willkimurashat · 1 year
Hey, what's one fic you loved writing and the first fic you think of (can be written by you or someone else) when someone asks for recs?
Hello my lovely! Thank you for the ask!💕💕💕
Here I am, yet again, the most indecisive person trying to make a choice lol😭😅😅 okay okay, I’ll stop whining lol, so, the one I loved writing the most - I gotta say Snog, Marry, Die because I was pissed with s5 and writing a murder spree felt so weirdly therapeutic and cathartic and satisfying and came out so so fun lol🙈 my other fics either made me cry (We Spoke in Flower) or constantly give me shit (Stargazing) or were/still are fighting me real hard (You Don’t Spell It…, Beloved & Beloathed) 😭😭😭 but I love them either way - they’re all my babies🥹
As for the recs gahhh okay, I’m just gonna go with the first that popped into my head - under the rose by @wildberryjams. It was the first fic I started reading for litg and it’s so incredibly beautifully written and MC Azul is just so loveable and bb Will is portrayed just so perfectly🥹 it’s not finished and is currently on hiatus, but I really hope the author will come back to it one day because I’ll be patiently waiting for chapter 12 until the day I die❤️
*Bonus! Lol as for recs of the fics written by moi - I’m gonna say You Don’t Spell It… because it received incredible feedback that keeps blowing me away honestly, and the more times I reread it the more I think that was the best prose I’ve ever written, which also scares me a bit cuz idk if I’ll ever top that lol🥲
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willkimurashat · 1 year
I was afraid you’d post this questions about your fanfics because i would love to answer it but I don’t have a favorite part since i love ALL parts of them.
I can simply say that “We spoke in flower” and “You don’t spell it you feel it” are two of my most favorite fics ever. From the first word to the last one.
(And in Stargazing… if i had to choose and if i think really hard… so far i guess the moment when drunk Will talks too much…)
Owjdjsoanqossosm you’re making me blush🙈🙈🙈 thank you so so much!!! It means the world!🥹🥹🥹💕💕💕 I think those two are my best work as well, and I don’t know how I did that and I don’t know how I can ever do better than that lol😅😅 and hahaha drunk Will lives in my mind rent free for sure😂 such baby, I love them to bits🥺
Fic ask thingymabob
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