#you don’t spell it you feel it
willkimurashat · 1 year
You Don't Spell It, You Feel It
Hello my lovelies! Writing has been fighting me a lot lately, and I don’t actually know what happened, but I managed to put some silly words together for one perfect pixel and whipped this out for no apparent reason. Beware, it’s very sweet – so sweet, in fact, that it might give you cavities, so I suggest setting an appointment with your dentist lol! Either way, I hope you enjoy it😊 Happy reading!
Andy/MC | 5.9k words | one-shot
Summary: It’s true when they say if the writer falls in love with you, you can never really die. Her love for him is pure, honest, and real, but she doesn’t quite know how to spell it, she has to learn how to feel it. So, she decides to write a book about it.
Here is a link to ao3:)
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white-weasel · 1 year
Funniest bit of the dnd movie is Xenk clearly being an NPC the DM introduced for lore and plot purposes who’s a competent fighter because of course he is, his reputation and backstory require it. But whoopsies the DM made him too powerful, the whole party likes him, and now they want him to come with to fight the BBEG which will completely and utterly fuck up the encounter balance
So instead of there being any actual plot reason he can’t join Xenk just says “I can’t. This is something only you can do.” And then walks off, never to interact with the party again because the DM just knows those little shits will find a way to use their OP creation against them
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silverdreamscapes · 4 months
I swear people in this fandom are too funny. Because how can people say on one hand that they didn’t pick up on anything romantic between Elriel until the bonus and then say elriels lack reading comprehension and don’t pay attention to the text or details. Wtf, clearly if anyone lacked reading comprehension it was you and not elriels lol. Because we didn’t need a bonus chapter to literally spell out for us that Azriel and Elain wanted one another.
What did you think “A mate will know what is wrong with Elain” and then Azriel being the one to figure it out was about?
What did you think Azriel being the first one to notice Elain was missing and “I’m getting her back” were about? The fact that Sarah had Azriel as the one to go on a suicide mission to save her and not her mate?
The fact that Elain is the first and only person that Azriel has willingly let hold TT, his most prized possession? “I saw the painting in my mind: the lovely fawn, blooming spring vibrant behind her. Standing before Death, shadows and terrors lurking over his shoulder. Light and dark, the space between their bodies a blend of the two.” Pretty sure elucien and Gwynriel didn’t have a moment like this.
Why is Elain the first one to hold his scarred hands and call them beautiful?
Why do you think Azriel was clearly upset about spying on Lucien because he didn’t want to see what he and Elain did together? “Azriel’s Siphons guttered, the stones turning as dark and foreboding as the deepest sea.”
Why is Azriel associated with a place called Rosehall of all things? A place more than likely belonging to his mother.
Why do you think Elain buys gifts for Azriel but not her own mate? That she’s the one who causes Azriel to actually laugh out loud and it’s a sound unlike anything Feyre has heard before?
That he stays up until whatever fuck o’clock in the morning just to listen to her garden plans and stays with her even after everyone goes to bed.
If Lucien is supposedly what she needs because of “sunshine” then why is Azriel the one who actually takes her to the gardens and spends time with her in the sun enjoying peace and quiet and not Lucien? Why have Feyre ask Rhys “what if the cauldron is wrong”.
Why is Cassian confused pretty much throughout all of ACOSF because of Azriel’s behavior? Why he doesn’t sleep at night, why he avoids family dinners, why Elain smiles shyly at Azriel and has to look away, why Azriel seems so concerned over Elain’s wellbeing when he learns Nesta and Elain had a fight, why his shadows gather likes snakes ready to strike Nesta for insulting Elain?
And most importantly what about the fact that Cassian and even Mor notice that Azriel no longer looks at Mor longingly and appears to be over her? Azriel’s feelings for Elain were the catalyst and reason for him moving on from Mor after 5 centuries, and it wasn’t Gwyn his supposed mate who he actually met two years prior to Elain? Hmm…weird.
Or what about Azriel following the sound of elain’s laugh to another room and sharing a charged look between them? Or Azriel not being able to go into the family room because of “who” was in there “His secret to tell, never hers.”
Not sure how you missed all this, as well as other examples I didn’t even list, and then have the audacity to say we have no reading comprehension. Elriels didn’t need a bonus chapter to literally spell out for us that Azriel’s secret was Elain. I didn’t need it explicitly stated by him that he wonders what she looks like when he penetrates her, or that Elain gets wet just from him touching her neck of “offer and permission” to pick up on what Sarah has clearly been hinting at for multiple books. He wants her, she wants him, but there’s a mating bond in the way which complicates everything. It’s really that simple.
If you couldn’t pick up on that, then it’s you with the reading comprehension problem not elriels. They actually have romantic setup unlike Elucien where Elain loses her boldness around him. Or Gwynriel who have an off page rescue, and off page dagger lesson we never hear about, an off page bonus, and a regifted necklace meant for another woman.
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bugcatcherkit · 2 months
What are your thoughts on Reigen I'm so curious now
Ohhh where do i start with Contradictions Georg himself.... Masking Andy... (clenches teeth) I have to make a list so I don't rant about one particular thing only.
the thing that hits hardest for me about his character is his Existentialism man. it's terribly relatable. Indeed, he is a Very Small Guy in a Very Big World and it's difficult to be Seen because of that. But also he's littered with Fear of Being Perceived and Understood. So he deals with his Existentialism by reaching for something (he doesn't know what) that'll make him somebody (he doesn't know who, just that it can't be his genuine self). MAN!!!!!!
Second thing that hits hard about his character is his unfiltered insecurities and self-loathing. Every time someone goes "We have to talk" he goes over every mistake or possible mistake he's ever made. He's the type of guy to search up the meaning of a word before he uses it, even if he's used it a 100 times before. Because what if he's wrong this one specific time?? Also his insecurities frequently make him act worse (sometimes on purpose, sometimes not) rather than better (as opposed to Mob most of the time) and i appreciate that so much.
I appreciate his Just Some Guyness over his babygirlness (not that they can't coexist i guess). Sorry guys. This is also why i think i prefer manga Reigen over anime Reigen. Like i can appreciate anime Reigen's maxed-out eccentricities and stuff, but overall I like the more Reservedness (?) that manga Reigen has. Personally it makes his groundedness, bad actions, and self-improvement hit a little harder. It goes well with his struggle to display his emotions in a loose and genuine way.
but despite this he's still silly. and frequently outlandishly embarrassing. and these are super important to his character also. Alongside his very genuine concern and care for the lives of others at any given moment.
He's always talking about his interpersonal relationships in terms of the Respect the other party holds for him. and then Separation Arc comes in with a steel chair that says "you have to give respect back to make a relationship Good and Fair and Genuine, idiot."
the only relationship this doesn't hold true to is with Dimple. Neither of them have any respect for each other really. And it's awesome.
i love how he is always just some Mediocre guy. He slowly self-improves certain aspects of his life but at the end of the day he's still paying Grown Man Serizawa 300 yen an hour (last time I checked). So.
Him being Mob's foil also means he has a lot in common with other Mob antagonists. But he has so many Mogamisms that it drives me up the wall. Sometimes he'll say a Mogamism and in my mind Mob looks at him with such a sudden intensity that he gets Scared
I frequently think of the scene where he is at the bar during Separation Arc and he realizes the bar people aren't his friends. And he says "I'm not good at this" and leaves. I don't have much to expand here but just know that when I think of how he experiences interpersonal relationships I think about this line. Because he's so good at a lot of things but Not This (Relationships overall. But also probably solving their problems in the moment).
not a fan of Dad or Uncle Reigen. To anyone really. Sorryyy. No hate to those who are though.
uhhhhhhh umm this has gotten so long. Sorry this is so unorganized i think i do better with more direct questions because i suck at staying on topic/being concise when i have free reign. There's so many aspects of his character that I didn't get to here that I also love. But its so hard to think of them all. I hope this gives you an idea though?
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i wonder how productive the world would be if people realized that magnus and alex would not get together really fast
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murdleandmarot · 3 months
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@margo-mania ya boy razzle, and a special guest….
(Dude you ate when you created razzle’s backstory, actually insane, 10/10 in terms of themes and motifs and implications, so so good)
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grasstimes · 8 months
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rist-ix · 4 months
https://www.tumblr.com/rist-ix/749015401700229120 not you reblogging this when you ship bloom with the man who murdered her family 😭
Bloom's into ppl who slay! Hope this helps :3
#alright snark and ship wars aside i get where you’re coming from tho#if you're genuinely interested in my thought process here i would love to elaborate#which is exactly what I’ll do!#first of all! the post you linked is about headcanons#which my brain kinda wants to put into a whole different category than ships — fandom ships in particular! — but i can leave that aside#because there IS an argument to be made that relationships are an extension of characterization and personality traits#if you wanna go that route i would wanna explain that Bloom's and/or Valtor's interest in the other is in fact based on canon#(even though I don’t really think ships need to be established in the source material. make shit up that’s what fandom is for#1) the Andros episode speaks for itself. Valtor specifically tells the Trix to back off because HE wants to be the one to fight bloom#2) the episode before that he asks questions about her (and only her; even though he has more powerful enemies to worry about)#demonstrating curiosity about and interest in her#3) that same episode (or the one before; can’t remember) is their infamous first meeting#where time LITERALLY slows down as the pass each other on the stairs#they get IMPACT FRAMES#the whole color palette changes!!!#idk about u but I eat that shit up. love the drama of it all no one does it like them#I’m gonna skip all the instances where Valtor is spying on Bloom through his little scrying spell because oh god who has the time#let’s go straight to Bloom#if I had a week I would not be able to collect all the moments where she growls his name in pure fury and single-minded determination#she gets a little bit obsessed with him over the course of the season and I personally think that’s very sexy of her#Bloom is known for her tunnel vision when it comes to her past and origins and Valtor's existence fits PERFECTLY into that#it ties in neatly with her overarching story of the past 2 seasons#literally PERFECT foils#which always makes for the juiciest stories#4) she singles him out for a duel in the museum episode#5) she can literally feel his presence#6) the mere mention of his name sends her into her weird faux enchantix#of course there’s no romance in canon but there’s TENSION AND CHEMISTRY which is all u really need for a ship#all their animosity and bad blood is what makes it so INTERESTING to wonder how they COULD work. it’s the spice that makes for good fanfic!
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isolatedcorner · 11 months
People be writing whole essays about why they ship akiangel and how it could be canon but I just think there’s something inherently romantic about two people dying together
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palmettoshitposts · 1 year
some andrew & renee thoughts
andrew likes renee because she’s not afraid to confront him, contradict him or say no to him. she’s not afraid of him at all.
renee is easily more dangerous and andrew knows and respects that. renee has a grasp on how to use knives better than andrew could ever imagine (before neil, at least) and it leaves him more than slightly in awe.
the whole sparring thing came about because when andrew pushed her one practice early on, she pushed back harder and they started fighting
she definitely hurts his feelings once or twice and he lies awake at night thinking about it. what bugs andrew that what she’s said is right. comments that are just observational in nature about his behaviour or character but they cut because he trusts her opinion on things.
one time, she just calls him out on something he thought she’d support him on - some stupid opinion - and he’s offended and irritated. and renee never says I told you so, so she just shrugs and moves on.
renee calls andrew out on being a misogynist. andrew is initially confused but renee bullies him into being a feminist. that’s how their friendship works. most of this takes place on the roof. before that was andrew and neil’s place (and even after), it was andrew and renee’s. but renee has no interest in smoking, so she joins him by bringing tiny bottles of bubbles and punctuating her sentences by blowing them. the one time andrew calls her a bitch, she just responds with ‘don’t🫧be🫧a🫧misogynist🫧’. weirdly, it works.
andrew likes renee because she’s all sharp edges and imperfections. andrew’s had more than enough of the horrors that lie behind the perfect facade.
when you get close to renee, you learn she’s got crooked teeth and a honky laugh. when she dyes her hair, it’s because of sheer boredom but she has a list of her next ten hair colours in her notes on her phone. andrew knows these things, and knows that knowing them is a privilege. he keeps this to himself.
renee can be spiteful and rude. renee can be snappy and unkind. but she acknowledges these things and takes accountability in a way that’s totally revolutionary for andrew.
she rarely apologises. one time, early on, a remark she makes at his expense is far too cutting and he’s not mad about it but clearly it’s impacted her. she apologises later on, carefully and sincerely, and it’s the first apology andrew has ever fully believed, even if he doesn’t think it’s required. he shrugs her off and she knows exactly what it means.
andrew never admits it aloud, but what he deep down loves about renee is how she can make him a better person.
she gently nudges him and his rigid thinking along the path of self development and it’s something he would never thank her for but he is endlessly grateful for.
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willkimurashat · 1 year
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I love how my girl Cece is basically canon🥹 cuz she’s a writer and she’s written him letters/cute little notes and I think she defo did that as a kid too🥹💕
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meganelixabethh · 11 months
I just want to draw your attention to something very gently and I’m sorry if it hurts your feelings. When Marcia is recalling the events in the throne room and the queens assassination, she gives two very important details. Firstly, she says that she sees the assassin come in, but she doesn’t realise that’s what she is. Secondly, she says she has to finish Alther’s protection spell for him as he can’t manage it.
After the ten year jump, when she’s hiding Jenna in her rooms and the assassin bursts in, Angie makes a note to say Marcia recognises the pistol the assassin is holding. Marcia then goes AWOL as far as the text is concerned. After Marcia recognises the pistol from ten years ago, the assassin tries to arrest Jenna, Boy 412 thinks she’s coming for him and walks to her, is backhanded away, Jenna tells off the assassin, goes to comfort him, is grabbed by the assassin who does a brief quip before raising her pistol, pointing it to Jenna’s head and cocking the trigger (I’m from England idk if that’s the right term we don’t do guns) and Marcia is not mentioned by one single word. I’m willing to argue here, the act of the assassin bursting through a door with a pistol and a bullet for a royal was a huge trigger for Marcia and she just froze.
However, once the gun is cocked, Marcia does three things in quick succession. She thunderflashes the assassin away, she casts Begird and Preserve, which protects them for the time it takes her to open the rubbish chute and get everyone down and out of the tower. In contrast to the original assassination, she’s ready (after a Brief Trauma Moment) with an immediate attack, a THREE WORD protection spell and an exit plan.
Whatever you do, don’t think about how Marcia, in that moment, did something she’d probably spent the last ten years beating herself up for not doing when he best friend and mentor were murdered in front of her. Dont think of Marcia learning that spell specifically for that moment. Don’t think about the full circle moment of it all.
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One of my favourite things about being an unapologetic Dottore lover is when I mention him outside of my friend groups; people just automatically assume I’m justifying his actions after saying something mundane like “I want him to be playable.” And you know what? If they’re dumb enough to think that then I’m gonna play them for the fiddle they are
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dont-hug-me-its-yuri · 4 months
Im running into the stage banging the floor demanding to know about the band au as you speak /hj
reveal yourself band au anon, I wish to know who you are cause you’ve allowed me to ramble
I haven’t figure it all out so this is kinda just spitballing ideas lol
Warning long ass post holy moly
So the band au is kinda written like Clone high, I treat it like one of those really serious romance dramas, except the band au is more just relationship focused instead of strictly romance, also there’s a lot of drama
I’ve come up with four main bands at the moment :3
The Grim Reapers - an underground goth band with Coffin as the bassist and Tissue box as the (main) vocalist, they’re most well known for their songs being about pretty grim subject matter, though they’re probably the least popular out the four main bands
Electric Current - A pop-punk family band with Electracey on the electric guitar, Elevator Speaker on the Bass guitar, Laptop on Drums, and Colin on vocals, they have a very futuristic theme and are by far the most popular band out of the four
Malcolm’s Angels - a band started by Shrignold the head of a love “organization” to help spread the gospel of Malcolm, their music is mostly folk type music, with Unicorn on the harp, Frog boy on the flute, Rabbit boy on the mandolin, and Shrignold on guitar and vocals, the other members of the “organization” are also there, to they just aren’t part of the band, but some of them are on the marketing team
Fly To The Stars - i also refer to them as “the rejects”, an obviously space themed rock band, with Gilbert on guitar, Solar system on the keyboard, Magnet on bass guitar, and Lamp as the lead guitarist
there’s also other characters that aren’t in bands but are still pretty important to the main story like
sketchbook - A young college student, currently studying art, she’s a big fan of Electric Current with her favorite member being Electracey, she’s also roomies with Tony
Tony “Anthony” Clock - An older college student studying history, roomies with Sketch and also a small solo music artist in his spare time (hehe)
saxophone - A music artists who’s songs are usually canoe related, has gained a small cult following due to this
Warren W. Eagle - Local homeless person, usually spotted around dumpsters, can play a pretty mean keyboard solo though
there’s more important characters but I these are the ones I’ve currently planned out (Saxophone isn’t really important though, I just found the concept I had for him funny)
and finally, some miscellaneous facts that I can’t fit anywhere else in this incoherent ramble
The two main locations are Clayhill and Mullhoven, though Mullhoven in this au has become a bigger city, well Clayhill has kept its gated community status
The main three do have a minor role in this au, with them being know as the “weird” residents in town, some situation always seems to be happening to them wether that be their house burning down or finding their pillowcases full of ham
Electracey and Sketchbook are both college age with them both being 17
Laptop on the other hand is a highschooler, being 15 years old
All the characters are humanoids, they basically have human proportion’s but still have some of their weird puppet feaures
Lesley is Electric Current’s manager, though it’s not her only job according to her, she won’t tell much about herself, she likes the game of mystery
Electracey’s name in this au is just Tracey, Laptop’s is Lapis, and Elevator Speakers is Alexa
Colin, Laptop, and Electracey are all siblings, Colin being oldest, Tracey being middle, and Laptop being youngest, well Elevator Speaker is their cousin
Tissue box is fine with her and Coffins band being pretty unknown, but Coffin wish’s they could be as popular as some of the others, and he will do anything to make that happen
Laptop is a big fan of Hatsune Miku and and makes references to her in some of Electric Currents songs when it’s her turn to write one
uh that’s it for now :3 *disappears in a cloud of misty smoke*
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ssreeder · 3 months
Ok so Idk if u answered this ARLEDY, if yes then sorry haha
But I’m curious to ask like the kind of Dyanamic you will give Sokka n Suki.
From what we’ve seen sokkka cares abt suki, obv, but he dosent want to really open up w her and suki is tired of being takes as a joke, cus that’s mostly what she has taken from sokka’s attitude mostly and that’s why they are avoiding each other. NOW.
(Also sorry for the grammar but English isn’t my first language haha)
NOW Idk if that’s like a spoiler but what’s a random ‘katara-sokka interaction line in the next chapter’?
Sorry I’m curious lol
Ok Im done now haha hope you have a nice day :) (I’m scared for the next cliffhanger next chapter.)
HIIIII…. ok so. Sokka & Suki lol…. I want to say they’ll get over it & be friends but I also feel like that’s unrealistic, and not very understanding of Sukis feelings about what happened?
Suki is a teenage girl who just experienced her first heartbreak by having the boy she liked lie to her,,, only to reveal later that he’s involved with someone else lol… yeah she’s fumming. There are also little things along that way that have added insult to injury, like the way sokka has ignored her and the other kyoshi warriors, or not even noticing her when she’s in the same room as him… idk with all the tension I wouldn’t expect her and sokka to make up to a point where they’ll hang out? But I do think a conversation between them is bound to happen.
AHHHHH….. I have so much I want to say about Katara knowing but the next two chapters will do that for me so ummm *sings theme song* BE PREPAREDDDDDD!!!!
ok so a random Katara sokka line from next chapter hmmm let’s see….
“Did you two visit markets together too?”
”Yeah, a few actually. We even stayed at an Inn once, it was nice. Do you remember, Zuko?”
Zuko continued nodding, ”I do.”
There’s a lot of Katara & sokka interactions this chapter but it’s ummm not super easy to show you because there’s a lot happening in these scenes. But you’ll see ;)
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jorvikzelda · 1 year
Before leaving a comment about the body types on SSO’s instagram, THINK:
T - Is the wording or content of my message potentially insulting or hurtful to real people?
H - Does my message imply that certain body types are more desirable or better to have, either in real life or in game?
I - Have I critically examined my internal biases concerning body shape and weight and considered that these could mean that my instinctual reaction may not be just or truthful?
N - To which extent is my perception of the currently available body types accurate, and to which extent is it affected by my own insecurities and possibly even body dysmorphia that I have developed due to lifelong exposure to fatphobia and diet culture?
K - Don’t
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