#also! all of my fics are tagged on my pinned post in case anyone is curious;)
willkimurashat · 1 year
Hey, what's one fic you loved writing and the first fic you think of (can be written by you or someone else) when someone asks for recs?
Hello my lovely! Thank you for the ask!💕💕💕
Here I am, yet again, the most indecisive person trying to make a choice lol😭😅😅 okay okay, I’ll stop whining lol, so, the one I loved writing the most - I gotta say Snog, Marry, Die because I was pissed with s5 and writing a murder spree felt so weirdly therapeutic and cathartic and satisfying and came out so so fun lol🙈 my other fics either made me cry (We Spoke in Flower) or constantly give me shit (Stargazing) or were/still are fighting me real hard (You Don’t Spell It…, Beloved & Beloathed) 😭😭😭 but I love them either way - they’re all my babies🥹
As for the recs gahhh okay, I’m just gonna go with the first that popped into my head - under the rose by @wildberryjams. It was the first fic I started reading for litg and it’s so incredibly beautifully written and MC Azul is just so loveable and bb Will is portrayed just so perfectly🥹 it’s not finished and is currently on hiatus, but I really hope the author will come back to it one day because I’ll be patiently waiting for chapter 12 until the day I die❤️
*Bonus! Lol as for recs of the fics written by moi - I’m gonna say You Don’t Spell It… because it received incredible feedback that keeps blowing me away honestly, and the more times I reread it the more I think that was the best prose I’ve ever written, which also scares me a bit cuz idk if I’ll ever top that lol🥲
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almostfoxglove · 1 month
hey queen do you have any joel fic recs? can be au or canon long or short im just desperate for some joel fics lol
oh ho HO anon HELLO yes of course I do :,) I'll give you a variety of flavors so you've got some options. thank you so much for the opportunity to gush about some fics I love :,) these are in no particular order and I am 100% gonna miss brilliant ones because I have a terrible memory I'm so sorry
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okay, let's start with SERIES!
I'll Never Get Out of This World Alive by Kiwicane on ao3 (ongoing series)
universe: canon universe, jackson!joel
flavor: ANGST holy fuck. also, incredible action sequences? like actually jaw dropping. and some... enemies to lovers? that's all I'll say!!!!
I actually cannot overstate how much this fic has me pinned to the fucking ground literally anytime I get a notification it's updated on ao3 I fucking RUN okay I run. it's so fucking good. THE TWISTS AND TURNS? you're not ready (you are please read it, it deserves so much fucking love)
Futureproof by @luxurychristmaspudding on tumblr (ongoing series)
universe: modern!au, actor!joel
flavor: girldad!famous joel starstruck by badass rockstar reader? yes I'll take 20.
the prologue for this just came out and FUCK I'm hooked. seriously, just buckle in. the vibes are immaculate, the world building's insane, and joel gets BOTH THIS DAUGHTERS??? I could cry.
Maintenance Request by @burntheedges on tumblr & ao3 (series complete)
universe: modern!au, hotconstructionguy!joel
flavor: fluff & FILTH just... trust me on this one. giddy rom-com feelings and absolute filth. but filth with love. AH
I literally rec this fic to anyone who gives me 0.2 seconds to talk about joel listen it's just. chef's kiss. the rom-com of my dreams.
Halcyon by @justagalwhowrites on tumblr & ao3 (ongoing series)
universe: modern!au, girldad!joel
flavor: childhood best-friends to lovers and s l o w b u r n PINING. so much fucking pining (my kryptonite)
this fic actually broke my brain I think. it is at once so sweet and tender and fucking heart wrenching. strap in for a slowburn but WOOF it's so worth it.
take me back to eden by skyspacelunar on ao3 (series complete)
universe: canon universe post-outbreak, smuggler/pre-jackson!joel
flavor: ANGST, enemies to lovers, TEARS
listen. listen. don't let the OC tag spook you away, this is so fucking good. delicious forced proximity, hate sex, then HEART EYES. there's violence, action, spice, LOVE, and goddamn tragedy. do it!
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now... ONE SHOTS!
looking for the light by @sixhours on tumblr & ao3
universe: pre-outbreak!, brandnewdad!joel
flavor: angst with a happy ending, tiny baby 23 year old joel being a newly single dad to baby sarah
okay don't let the word count fool you, this one fuckin WRECKED ME (and put me back together? oh my god) my heart. I wanna hug him so fuckin bad. READ IT AND WEEP (but not in a vengeful way, in an angsty way)
until then by @studioghibelli on tumblr
universe: no-outbreak, priest!joel
flavor: ANGST angst angst. if you like fleabag.... wink!
bell wrote this for my angst challenge and it fuckin ruined me. ha ha HA it's so good. holy fuck. get ready for tears
hungry, lonely, violent by @dontloooknow on tumblr & ao3
universe: canon universe post-outbreak, jackson!joel
flavor: angst and fluff and smut. you get it all!
this is a BEEFY one shot (22k hell yeah) that has pretty much all you could ask for from sweet ol jackson!joel. the tenderness in this? off the charts. I do need him! biblically!
this has made me realize I need to read more joel one shots... oof! time to get through my tbr.
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aaand I'm guessin since you're sending this you may already know about my joel fics, but just in case, I've got 3 ongoing series (one almost complete!) & 1 one shot
cover me up: jackson!joel (angst and smut and tenderness)
see you at three: no-outbreak au, young!joel (rom-comish, fluff and angst and eventual smut)
lock the gate: bostonqz!joel (angst, bitter allies to lovers, eventual smut)
I also have a bookshelf on my blog with shelves divided by characters, so you can also check out the joel miller shelf there (will include fics on my tbr list as well as ones I've read) this was so much fun. sorry it's long, but I hope you enjoy these!!
xx freya
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trekkie-lkm-archive · 9 months
Kink meme archiving project: Star Trek
Hello! I've started a personal project in 2024 to archive the old kink memes on livejournal for my favourite show: Star Trek. I'll be working my way through them all slowly- so while I'm starting with the reboot one (which is a huge undertaking! will definitely take me a while) this blog will go through every single one I can find. This is not to repost fictions, you will not find actual works posted here just links to the original threads I find them on with additional links whenever possible to authors personal livejournals and other places they may have posted it, as well as a final link to where I am archiving said fics via the wayback machine-- Which seems to be as screenshots of the kink page as otherwise the comments (where the fics are) does not appear so please forgive any clunky/outdated appearances
This is not an ask blog, a rec blog, or anything else of the sort. It is purely for archival purposes to have everything located in one place-even then it is mainly to be used as a reference point for myself with my work with the wayback machine. As such asks will never be open and besides this I will not be posting anything besides links.
As it is not a rec blog or anything of the sort I will not be vetting the fics- by this I mean I will not be leaving anything (purposefully) undocumented in regards to these fics, regardless of how I or anyone else may feel about their subject matter--it is a Kink Meme and all possible warnings apply. I will be adding verbatim how the original prompts listed its kinks/warning and if an author added any warnings to the very start of the fic I will do my best to add them as well. But if you see a post and decide to read the fic it contains please do your own research if you know certain content upsets you.
I will not be saving unfilled prompts but the content that is there may not be complete either, basically as long as some sort of fill is there and available I will be posting it--If there claims to be a fic but I have no way to access it it will be made into a special post with screenshots and asks for help in regards to original content if I can not find it on any other archive-- a long shot but maybe someone knows someone who has screenshots or was the original author who can add a link to where they have saved their work!
All of this to say, while tumblr is questionable my posts may or may not end up in the tags, so I hope this pinned post is a useful as a sort of FAQ and that I don't get reported for spam or anything
projects like this are a big undertaking, and it's just me doing this, I can't be sure how fast or if at all I will complete this but I believe it's important to preserve fandom history, the kink memes are a big part of my fandom experience, and I've been so so happy to see them start to make a reappearance as 'prompt memes' on tumblr and A03, as the kink memes on livejournal are over a decade old there's bound to be TONS of fans who have never experienced them and find livejournal confusing to navigate, I'm hoping this inspires people to give older fics a try, give lots of love to those fic writers who might come across this blog, and even gives a boost to the current prompt meme revivals!
While asks are off, if you need to contact me you can reply to this post, I'm hesitant to give out my personal tumblr in case the content causes fandom wank--the internet is a very different place than it was a decade ago and terminology and kink that was commonplace in those circles may be harshly met now but we will see how it goes!
ALSO!!! if at any point in the future you see this and think this would be a good idea for other fandoms ( I know Glee has a fucking HUGE kink meme presence for example) you can just straight up go ahead and do it! no need to reinvent the wheel or ask permission if you like how I organized the info you can have the blue print-- I think the important part is archiving on the wayback machine. Think of how much past fandom history has been lost, and how much will be lost once old giants like livejournal and ff.net go down-- hell I think I even use to read fics on sites like quizzila at one point, gone now, and all the other places that existed like geocities, MAILING LISTS!! EMAIL AND GOOD OLD POSTAGE!
While A03 is doing amazing at archiving, places like the kink memes are hidden gems, so many fics are just small bits of love that don't get posted anywhere else and it's so sad to think about what will be lost.
Edit 11/1/24
I think I'm making steady progress! I know its going to be a slug getting through it all, just this one kink meme has 14 parts to it with like an average of 8000 comments each which could be like . . . at least a thousand or a good few hundred fics in each (would it be an 8:1 ratio??? i feel like that's too high) either way combined i'm looking at a good few thousand fics for ONE kink meme and there's TONS out there-- and if i manage to get through all of them before LJ gets shut down (this could very well take me years) then there's all the communities they get cross posted in who have their own fandom events and a whole bunch of fics to maybe also archive. Or just all the authors i'm finding who have other fics on their Journals who haven't been active in years! But I can't think that far ahead or I get overwhelmed, this is at its core a kink meme archive.
I've sorted out an issue I've had with a handful of fics where the adult warning archives instead of the fic. as far as i can tell there's no solution through it using the main archive (there is with other sites, but LJ is a special old girl) but there's a different archive I can use-though i cant seem to then archive THAT on the main site . . . so that's still a problem, but I've tagged those fics 'other archive' to come back to at a later date.
I have a hard time trying to locate other places people may have posted their fics if they don't leave me very obvious bread crumbs so if you (yes, YOU, the person reading this sometime in the future) see a writer you recognize you're more than welcome to tag them or add additional author info in a reblog or just whisper in the tags or reply (if this blog is still active mystery person reading this a decade in the future)
either way, i'm hoping to get through this particular kink meme by the end of the year. I know it's only 11 days into the new year but i'm really trying to pace myself so I don't burn out. I'm almost positive I can get through the first part this month so an average of one a month shouldn't be impossible (so average like a page and a half a day, which is still like 18 fics/per day)
24/1 lmao ok so I started Vyvanse, and I hyperfocused and basically archived 163 fics in the last 24 hours and finished the first of fourteen sections of the first kink meme on my list-- which is golden! Awesome! Spectacular! 410 fics in just that first part,( they tapered off from an average of 11 fics per page to 8 basically) I'm doing amazing! And--this is looking way to far ahead-- but I like to think now that I'm in a solid rhythm (of how to archive not how to pace myself) once all the kink memes are done I'll start a whole new blog and archive all the other trek comms I can find, because theres a lot of crossposting going on and theres just so many comms with their own special events and things that have been archived but on things like delicious which is gone or in blogs that have been deleted as a whole. like st-anon! But anyway I'm having a lot of fun! And I'm probably not gonna look at this blog for a week but I've got days in the bank baby!
19/2 I've reached part 3!!!! I'm right on track where I want to be mid february, there was a small decrease in the number of fics in #2 but a lot more than going through page by page made it seem-- a common theme I've noticed is misplaced comment fics, which is so fascinating! It's so easy to misplace your comment on threads, and instead of hostility or mod culling it's treated with comradery (get it?) and kindness. I'm still looking at around several thousand individual fics just for this kinkmeme and after this one there's so many more, one is already lost to a purge but there's at least one other huge one. My queue ran out the other day because I was dealing with a dead rat somewhere in my kitchen walls, very distressing, and a bit embarrassing cause this blog doubled its following in the last few days, and it definitely feels a bit strange to know that this project is getting attention. Feels a bit like I'm sitting on my bed, back to the window, and every time I peer around my shoulder I see more people peering down at what I'm doing. Which I WANT people to be able to do cause that's the whole reason I'm doing this but it's like a 'damn wish I'd thought to put pants on' kinda vibe. I don't feel very professional. But still . . . we persevere!!!
22/2 horrific news. Just realised I wasn’t counting the posts with multiple fics . . . As multiple fics. So even the posts with five individual fics. Have only counted as one in my count. The absolute buffoonery. The agonising idea of having to individually check each post. The massive urge to quit and sulk for five years. But still. . . We persevere. So I need to come back to stixk 1 & 2 and recount. But from the start of 3 we’re on track.
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beyond-far-horizons · 2 months
Hey, I'm always on the lookout for sfw and non-slash-focused Tolkien blogs because they're unfortunately all too few, so your pinned post really made me hope I found another one - you do say you occasionally reblog explicit fics though, do you tag them?
Sorry if this is a weird question 😕
@marietheran  Thank you for getting in touch. It's always great to connect with a fellow fan that looks like they share your views/way of appreciation regarding a beloved story.
No offense to anyone else on here, but yes, I too find the 'tumblrisation' of Tolkien's works difficult to deal with/interact with. There are some amazing fanworks, but mostly the way the majority on here filter the Legendarium through their modern lenses and shipping goggles (while understandable) is a total turn off to me. I try not to engage mostly as I loathe gatekeeping and fandom-fighting so I try not to neg people the way I wouldn't want to be negged. Which is why I won't tag this post in the main tags this time - too much scope for drama and backlash!
To answer your questions (no harm in asking at all - I too try and be careful who I follow because I'm very sensitive about what I see too), allow me to clarify. It depends what you consider NFSW of course, but generally anything that I see as being a bit risque I tag. Obviously, my views on that and yours may differ. I try to tag everything I post so people can filter regardless of what it is, but I don't always tag a pairing or a fandom if I'm venting because that would be rude and I don't want to get hassle from fans. That point about explicit fanfics on my pinned post was in case I wrote anything myself. In fact, I don't think I've ever posted anything most people on here would consider explicit - I feel quite awkward about that stuff myself! Not to be a prude and each to their own, but I also loathe a lot of the explicit stories and reader fics on here. I wouldn't reblog them I don't think. But yes, anything x-rated I would tag. I also would tag on the rare occasions I might reblog say a femslash pairing or something. You may also wish to filter some of my JJK stuff as some of that could be a polyship/OT3.
Regarding Tolkien, I have adored the Legendarium for 25+ years, ever since I was a child. The Silmarillion is one of my all time favourite books as is LOTR. I tend to return to my perennial hyperfixation yearly, but I do post about a lot of other things - mainly SF/F and nature pictures. Tolkien, as one of my all time loves and a childhood fandom (plus the way it's written and his own views) means I tend to engage with it mainly as it was written. Meaning I don't really like modern interpretations of it, lots of different types of shipping etc in the way I might do of something like say...an anime I just got into. So I think you might align with me on that. The only thing you might not like is the fact that Melkor is my favourite Tolkien character even though I deplore his actions. I find him such a fascinating character in various ways. Also I'm a person of faith too, although not via organised religions...I love the deep metaphysical aspects of the Legendarium, even though I can be a little critical of Eru and the Valar's actions at times. I also love all of Tolkien's ladies, Fingon, Finrod, Feanor (again deplore his actions), Maedhros, Varda, Nienna, Aule, Manwe (sometimes when he isn't playing faves with the Elves), Beleg, Mablung, Gandalf, Celebrimbor, Aegnor (love him and Andreth), Gimli and so on... If canon mentions the characters are family and/or friends I don't ship them and generally get irate when I see this in the fandom (although, you know, sigh, ship and let ship and so on...). The only non-canon ships I have a soft spot for are Melkor x Varda (I do see it as canon unrequited and more in a Timeless Halls/metaphysical way, although I also love Manwe x Varda obviously), Finrod and Andreth (although I love Andreth x Aegnor and love Finrod and her being friends) and Caranthir and Haleth. Also, I'm very much a fan of platonic relationships across fandoms, but especially in Tolkien where they are so beautifully and at times intensely portrayed.
I think that's it! Apologies for Wall of Text TM!
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loadedmarchpdf · 1 year
Hello everyone, it's been a while. Recently I've returned to the Merlin fandom because I saw some gifset of them and The Feels, as we used to say back in the day (do we still say that now?), came back in a sudden and mad rush. I've been revisiting some old merthur fics (and also trying to find some new ones too) when I realised that I ought to have a fresh copy of dear old Loaded March extracted straight from AO3 itself and save them all, because you never know these days. And then while I was doing that, I realised that I couldn't find my compilation in my fic library! The very thing that I had spent much a time putting together, I do not know where it is?? And so I had to make my way back here to find the links where I had uploaded the compilations hahaha
Anyhow. I'm glad my uploads are still intact and that mediafire is still a functional site (you really never know these days). I hope I might be able to find the original and alarmingly big word document again some day... It's probably in some drive I hope...
I'm not sure if anyone still checks these tags or still follows this blog. If you see this then I think it's lovely that this has reached you again after so many years and I hope you are doing well!
P.S. As of today, the PDF has 1125 downloads while the EPUB has close to 800. Apparently in March 2018 they were at 332 and 225 respectively. It blows my mind that so many people checked them out. Thank you for the lovely support and I hope the compilations have been of service to you! ETA: Since I haven't been here a long while, I also decided to go and look at tags on the reblogs of the compilation post that I've missed... You are all so very lovely, thank you for the kind words :')
P.P.S. In case you are still wondering what I'm talking about: I had in the past made a compilation of all 16 parts (and I am now remembering, also one of the extras!) of Loaded March into a single document, available in both PDF and EPUB formats, which are both available for download :] It's the pinned post in my tumblr, or you can access it here.
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sherbet-shivers · 5 months
Hi friends! You can call me Sherbet/Sherbie (25yo, she/her). I write sick!fics (fan and OC) that’re mainly snz-centered or oriented. **Due to the nature of my content, I ask that none of my fics be shared to minor or non-snz/whump k!nk blogs!!!**
I’ll be pinning this post so anyone can feel free to refer to the following section (below the cut) where I detail more about myself and my writing preferences! I’ll also include a fic master-list at the bottom there. Otherwise, thanks for quickly stopping by! I finally have the nerve to share my stuff with the community, so I hope you guys can find something you enjoy! <3
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A few personal notes:
I’ve never actually posted to tumblr regularly before (this is my first time sharing fics in general), so please be patient as I learn the ropes! Feedback or formatting advice are always welcome and appreciated!!
I respectfully ask that minors dni with my page, please!! This is a k!nk blog and I do write explicit content sometimes.
I'm a BIG rpg gaming and anime fan (who dabbles in live action series on rare occasions)! Most of my fics feature my favorite characters and series atm. Watch and game recommendations are invited!
I’m EXTREMELY private, thus I’d prefer not to share any PID or other information I haven’t already posted/included in my bio. Messages are welcome, but please be respectful!
This is NOT my main page! So while I won’t be able to like posts, I can follow and reblog! Hopefully this suffices so that I can spread and celebrate the wonderful talents you guys have <3
Fic-relevant notes:
I include: a quick summary (blurb), estimated word count, a feat. character list, and TWs at the start of ALL my fics. Please check them out prior to reading anything of mine in case there’s something icky you don’t vibe with. If you feel like a TW or tag is needed that’s not already there, just dm me!! Smart reading is safe reading <3
Things I write: I typically favor M allergies, but do write F/NB characters, colds, and fevers too (equal snz rights bc snz is snz)! I eat up hurt/comfort, so whump and very minor injury are often applicable to my stories. Again, keep an eye out for the TWs if you have concerns!
Things I DON’T write: I’m NOT an emeto person at all (I’m phobic IRL), but personally won’t turn away if it’s mentioned in a fic. You’ll never see a full fic from me where emeto is central to the story, but it could be mentioned (check TWs to be safe). I am also NOT into writing about real people or making furry content (sorry)! I’m self-conscious about writing OOC, so I don’t typically write characters from series I haven’t seen or am at least vaguely familiar with.
Since I’ve never published my writing before, I have never taken requests, but I do love the thought of receiving recommendations, so feel free to reach out via dm or ask if you have a fic idea! I’d love to give it a try, just please be patient with me!
Fic Masterlist (Title // Fandom // Character(s) // Length // + Hyperlinks):
A Minor Malfunction (D:BH, Co/nnor R/K800 (M), ~12k words total) -> Parts One, Two and Three
Thanks again for checking out my blog guys! Many a snz to all!! <3
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emptydoorways · 3 days
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  + brand new look, same great taste!
i. about me⠀|⠀ii. tags⠀|⠀iii. socials
iv. my fandoms⠀|⠀v. frequent fronters
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 ♪  i. ABOUT ME ... hello! i'm henry (it/he), and i'm the guy who runs the blog and also am the host of the system. we don't have time to get into all that, though.
i'm primarily an artist, but i also occasionally mess around with text posts and edits, and i write on the side. it's gonna be a mixed bag with my content, so be ready!
i'm also liable to just... post things. like random thoughts or headcanons or character analysis and sometimes just absolutely incompressible nonsense. so if you see me on your dash with posts that read like i'm standing in front of a corkboard with pins and red string, this is your fair warning.
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 ♪  ii. TAGS ... to make navigating my block a little bit easier, here's a list of tags i use and what they're for!
 ♩  #doorways art ... for finished pieces, or works with more effort put into them.
 ♫  #doorways doodles ... for wips, or just silly little doodles.
 ♩  #doorways writing ... for snippets of fics, or links to entire works (AO3 only).
 ♫  #doorways asks ... every post that is me responding to an ask will have this tag.
 ♩  #doorways chats ... this is what i'll post things like headcanons, random thoughts, etc.
 ♫  #doorways reblogs ... what it says on the tin, i'll put this tag on anything i reblog from anyone else.
 ♩  #doorways drafts ... they probably should have stayed in drafts, but...
 ♫  #ace attorney new leaf ... for the silly little au in which everything is generally the exact same, but they're all silly little animals, in a sort of aggretsuko or animal crossing way.
 ♩  #objection is magic ... ace attorney, but if they were my little ponies. i might not post about this much, but if i do... you're welcome? i guess?
 ♫  #twitch attorney ... for the collab au between me and a friend that's ace attorney, but they're all minecraft twitch streamers.
 ♩  #ventureverse ... an original cast based in an mlp G4 adjacent universe, that's meant to have a more dnd-like plot than anything.
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 ♪  iii. SOCIALS ... this one will be short, this is just gonna compile all my socials and important links into one short place. ps, my side blog for reblogs and misc stuff is @emptierdoorways!!
 ♩  socials ... discord , twitter , tiktok , ao3
 ♫  links ... rentry , carrd , shop
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 ♪  iv. MY FANDOMS ... another quick one! this one is mostly important so you can know what you'll see my post about. i'll almost exclusively post about the first two, but anything after is a general possibility you may see on my blog. main ones are bolded!
 ♩  spinterests ... ace attorney, pokémon, my little pony, vocaloid, dying light
 ♫  hyperfixes ... cookie run, resident evil... other things?
 ♩  shows ... arcane, good omens, sweet tooth, inside job, our flag means death, be and puppycat
 ♫  games ... ddlc, danganronpa, fnaf, undertale/deltarune, the sims, rhythm games (generally), wobbledogs
 ♩  music ... will wood, mitski, adrianne lenker, phoebe bridgers, weird al, ewao, modern baseball, the front bottoms, glass beach, mcr, +more
 ♫  misc ... wings of fire, mcyt (very select few cc)
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 ♪  v. FREQUENT FRONTERS ... hey, remember when i said we didn't have time to get into all of that right now? guess what! now we do! we're getting into it now. we're a p-did system and these are our frequent fronters, their pronouns, their role, and their signoff. which may or may not be important, but just in case.
 ♩  henry (me) ... host, it/he — n/a
 ♫  charlie ... idk, he/they/it — 🦠
 ♩  edward ... private role, he/it — <?>
 ♫  klein ... the gay one?, he/she — 🗯️
 ♩  kristoph ... protector, he/him — 🎻
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 ♪  vi. FIN ... and that's a wrap! thanks for tagging along for this obnoxiously long intro post. i'll see you around! ta-ta!
        — emptydoorways 𖹭
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lady-phasma · 2 years
You are 39 yet you seem to have no idea that Aemond and Daemon are not the same. Also Helaemond is not a copy of Daemyra yet you write it as they were the same people, basically if I didn't see the names in fic mentioned, I could easily switch them because you write them in similar manner. Well you can't eat cake and have cake and of course I understand you like Daemon from the start and when you saw how handsome Aemond was you began writing about him too (how could one resist Aemond) but you can't expect people to like you when you like and comment posts that sometimes are anti team Green and sometimes anti team Black. Of course you need people from both teams to support your works but soon everyone will turn their back on you. Maybe you haven't learned that already, but you can't be on both teams. You're just like a penny, two-faced and worthless.
How very rude, anon! Thankfully this anon already asked about my team allegiance.
Let's break this down:
You are 39 yet you seem to have no idea that Aemond and Daemon are not the same.
What does my age have to do with anything? "Yet" implying that somehow by 39 years of age I should agree with you? I'm not going to link my headcanon posts about each of them but I think I've been very clear that they are incredibly different.
Also Helaemond is not a copy of Daemyra yet you write it as they were the same people, basically if I didn't see the names in fic mentioned, I could easily switch them because you write them in similar manner.
Then don't read my fics. I wrote my first chapter of Zaldrītsos (my Daemyra) on AO3 on October 2nd. I didn't come back to Tumblr until later that month and by the 12th had posted this update because pretty much no one had written Helaemond since episode 8 aired on October 9th (three days prior). I say that because I needed to get it out of my system since it's not one of my main ships. If you have read all three of those chapters (Steadfast for those who want to read it, masterlist is my pinned post, shameless plug) AND all 8 chapters of Zaldrītsos then I salute you! Thank you for reading. If not, then your comment doesn't hold much water. Good thing I write for me and not you.
Well you can't eat cake and have cake and of course I understand you like Daemon from the start and when you saw how handsome Aemond was you began writing about him too (how could one resist Aemond) but you can't expect people to like you when you like and comment posts that sometimes are anti team Green and sometimes anti team Black.
I think you must be a follower who is annoyed by me or you have way too much time on your hands to look back at my blog just to do a crap research job to be mean. Have I ever said I wanted anyone to like me? Remember you pointed out I was 39, let's go with that, quite a few years ago I learned that what people think doesn't matter as long as I am kind and compassionate. I've never used the anti tags on a single post. I am neither team.
Of course you need people from both teams to support your works but soon everyone will turn their back on you. Maybe you haven't learned that already, but you can't be on both teams. You're just like a penny, two-faced and worthless.
I don't need people to support my works - I write so I have wank material and share it in case anyone else wants to get off to it. Again, check out my team post.
I'm more like a bad penny: I just keep showing up.
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qiangweirosa · 6 months
hi! im qiangweirosa, i use he/she pronouns and i dont really care how you refer to me. rosa's just fine!
i write for whatever fandom and pairing inspires me enough - i mostly write canonxcanon (or platonic relationships between canon characters), but im not against trying out xreader writing if anyone's interested.
im on ao3 under the same username! so far these are my only accounts with this user (but i do have my personal accounts on other socials on which i do promote my fics)
masterlist !!
some more info in case you're ever interested:
i speak french and english fluently. i only write in english though
my ask box is always open for requests, reactions, suggestions, anything! when it comes to requests tho i cant guarantee ill get to them soon as my inspiration is very volatile
medias i (may) write for: tears of themis, genshin, dr stone, ninjago, tougen anki, persona 3-5
i have specific opinions on a lot of pairings in said medias, so if you request a pairing i dislike/don't care much about i probably won't write them
im mainly a twitter user unfortunately. im sure it shows but that may explain why i use this website in some ways
im also autistic! so that affects how i interact with people
taglist, for navigation:
all fandoms are tagged by their name
my ao3 works = works i transferred here that i wrote before making this blog. they're posted in reverse chronological order, meaning the first fics visible on my blog/on the tag are the oldest
my new ao3 works = works i've written after making this blog!
talking = simply talking about whatever, usually writing! feel free to mute if youre only interest in my fics
my tumblr requests = stuff i write based on requests. might transfer them to ao3 eventually
my headcanons = hcs i write!
any anon tag will also be tagged
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kathxsoupp · 1 year
In Love With a Fever: Chapter 7
NOT ENTIRELY LORE ACCURATE!!! This fic is also posted on my AO3, linked in my pinned post, it's the first thing I have ever posted, so I hope you like it!
Summary: Reader is a detective who was put on the missing children incident case, her person of interest is William and is currently investigating him.
WARNINGS: Full tag list is on my AO3, Please read with caution as this work contains and will contain very disturbing topics and stuff so take care <3
Notes: Sorry I kept you all waiting but thank you so much for all the love on this it truly makes me so happy <3
Chapter 7
I parked my car before the entrance to the restaurant. Naïve, little Y/N helped me set my plan into action without her ever knowing. She is under my spell now and I have an alibi. I was with Y/N L/N last night before taking her home and afterwards, heading off to my own. That’s exactly what she would say if anyone would question my involvement in this.
I entered the building and walked to my office. I just couldn’t stop smiling. The butterflies in my stomach and the lightheaded feeling overwhelmed me. This is what makes me alive. This is what will burn my name into the pages of history. This is what y/n must have felt like a few hours ago when she was with me. Poor little girl. She must be thinking so highly of me. She has no idea she is just a pawn in my game of chess. I don’t love her. Not at all. I’ve never loved. I’ve never even loved that bitch who dared to call herself my wife. To be fair, I think she was even worse than me. I can’t have someone as disloyal so close to me, oh no. That’s why I enjoyed slaughtering that horrible woman a few years ago. I threw away her things along with her body and blamed it on her leaving. And no one has ever found out to this day. No one ever will.
Y/N, on the other hand… Y/N is loyal. She has to be, she’s a cop. That’s why her quick submission to me… surprised me. Don’t get me wrong, I still don’t love her, but I do admire her. I know she’ll make a good accomplice when the time’s right. The only thing I’ve found strange is how I felt when she told me about her co-worker who’s taken an interest in her. I felt… weird. I refuse to call it jealousy. I don’t love her. That man is simply a stupid obstacle, but I don’t believe he’d be capable of taking her away from me. He sounds like too much of a twat for that.
I blinked, bringing myself back to reality. I don’t get lost in thought often and I certainly cannot afford it right now when thinking about her. I cannot let her have any effect on me whatsoever.  I walked inside my office and closed the door behind me. I opened the bottom drawer of my desk and pulled out a pair of black rubber gloves. I carefully stretched them over my hands and then picked up the large kitchen knife that was laying beside them. I left my office and made my way to the Parts and Service room. There, as expected, lay on the floor a young child. I didn’t know his name. I didn’t need to.
I lured him back here after another party had taken place at my establishment right as everyone was packing up ready to go home. I had to wait. I had to wait for my beautiful Y/N to show up and cover my back. The exact timeline of the child disappearing, and Y/N arriving could get easily mixed up and all of a sudden, I’m going to be the innocent one. My gleeful Spring Bonnie suit appealed to him a little too much. I promised him a gift if he followed my lead and lo and behold, the boy did just as he was told. I knocked him out cold as soon as I got him alone and then locked him in this same room. Why didn’t I take his life immediately? Well, for one, I couldn’t have the whole restaurant here during the act. That would be way too risky. And, second of all, it was all a part of the plan.
I kicked the child in the hip. I saw his brows furrow and his eyes flutter open. I didn’t want to let him be completely conscious and feel all the pain, I’m not that evil. I dropped to my knees and pinned the boy down by the neck. I squeezed and pressed down with both my hands as he struggled. It was all futile. I watched life drain from his eyes. He stopped kicking and I let go. I picked up the knife I previously brought, sprung up and plunged it into his lifeless figure. I chuckled. My chuckles turned to a laugh. I couldn’t stop laughing. I felt so fucking ecstatic. This is my little wonderland. I laughed and laughed away  until it wore me out.
I kneeled at the crime scene for a few minutes after I was done. I panted as my laugh died down and I regained my composure. I stood up and dropped the knife. Then, I left.
- 7:06 am, The next day. -
You dreaded going to work today after what happened with Tim last night. You seriously did not want to see him nor speak with him. On the other hand, your worries were overshadowed by William.
Even thinking about his name made you feel giddy. You didn’t quite understand how it was possible to get so attached to someone so quickly. It was like he’d placed a curse upon you.
You were walking up the stairs to your office with your mind wandering elsewhere when you were stopped by your best friend, Caris.
“Y/N, hi, um, it’s an emergency. We’re going back to Freddy’s.” she informed you with urgency in her voice. Her announcement made you feel worried. “Why-what happened?” “They found a body.”
What? You couldn’t believe you actually had a body now. So far there were none discovered. There was a sliver of hope the missing children would be found alive somewhere, however, now you were fairly certain something way more horrible had happened to them. Other than that, this meant you at least had some kind of lead to work off of since you had nothing so far.
“A child’s body? Is it recent?” you questioned further. “Yeah, they said it’s a small boy, no older than 5. He died last night.”
Last night… You wanted to tell her you were at the pizzeria last night and hadn’t seen anything suspicious, but you couldn’t tell her you were there with William. But if you were with him and the murder happened after you’d left, it couldn’t have been William. Of course, you still couldn’t be one hundred percent sure he’s innocent, but this realization helped you lift some weight off of your shoulders. You turned on your heel and followed Caris out.
- At Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria -
The police vehicles once again surrounded the establishment. You walked inside along with Caris. You were then greeted by your captain who led you both to the Parts and Service room at the back of the pizzeria. There, lay the young boy’s body in a pool of blood scattered with deep cuts and stab wounds. You put on a pair of white rubber gloves and crouched down beside the corpse. Caris followed. After observing the body for a few seconds, she motioned to his neck.
“Y/N, look.”
You inched closer and noticed dark green and purple spots on the child’s neck.
“Are they bruises? Huh… So he must have died from asphyxiation rather than succumbing to the wounds.” “Whoever did this had to make sure, I guess. I mean, why would you choke someone and then stab them multiple times as well.” Caris noted. “We’re likely dealing with a psychopath here. Or at least someone who enjoys murdering kids so much they had to do it twice.” You replied. “That’s the same thing as a psychopath.” She pointed out. You gave her a glare and paused. “Thanks, Caris.” You replied sarcastically.
She looked down seemingly trying to hold back a grin.
You looked around the room. There was a knife lying next to the body.
“Weird… They didn’t even dispose of the weapon.” You said and nodded in the direction of the blade.
You got up and walked towards it bending over to pick it up and safely securing it in a bag as evidence. You passed it over to an agent standing by so it could get sent for analysis.
“How many times did this person had to stab that poor kid, I mean, look – apart from his face his body is almost unrecognizable…”
You furrowed your brows. “Yeah. Almost as if choking him wasn’t enough.” Caris turned to face you. “Do you think they maybe choked him after they’d stabbed him to death?” You shook your head. “No, I don’t think so.  But we’ll know for sure when we hear back from the lab.” “Yeah…” Caris said while standing back up.
You walked around the room. Other than the knife you hadn’t found anything incriminating. You took the opportunity to scour through Parts and Service, though. In the back of the room there was a large table with animatronic parts along with a robot head. It looked like a spare for Freddy Fazbear, the brown singing bear. You traced your fingers on the bear’s hat. The material felt cold and metal-like. You expected it to feel like fabric, like a normal hat would.
You looked down at the animatronic eyes. Your blood ran cold. Freddy’s eyes were motioned upwards, as if they were looking back into yours. You could have sworn he was not able to do that on his own. You stumbled back in horror.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Caris’ voice startled you.
You snapped your head towards her and then back at the animatronic head. His eyes were staring forward now. Your heartbeat increased. You’re just making it up. It wasn’t looking at you. You attempted to calm yourself down.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m alright.” You walked back towards your friend. “Okay, I think we’re done here. Now we just wait to hear back from the lab.” You spoke and flashed her an awkward smile. “Oookay…” she replied, slightly unnerved by your behavior.
- 3:41 pm, Your office. -
Scribbling onto a piece of paper you sat at your desk. You were thinking about all of today’s events. You thought it was a little bit strange you didn’t run into William earlier. Of course, you didn’t know his schedule, so you didn’t know when he usually came to work. But you knew they had to let him know they found a dead body at his restaurant. Maybe you just missed him by a few minutes. You wanted to call him, but you decided to wait until you heard back from the lab. There was so much you wanted to talk to him about. You also wondered why you haven’t seen Timothy all day. Maybe he’d just gotten sick…
You were ripped out of your thoughts by Caris barging inside your office.
“Y/N, come to the meeting room. Like, right now.” “Oh, alright. Did we get the results?” you said. “Yeah, come on.”
You both arrived at the meeting room and sat next to each other. Then, your boss came in.
“Detectives, we got our results back from the lab. They’ve found fingerprints on the murder weapon we discovered on the scene and found a match with one of our suspects. They belong to Mister Henry Emily, co-owner of Freddy Fazbear’s pizza.”
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padfootagain · 2 years
A quick update, friends!
Just wanted to share a quick update after posting my first fic in a while, and discuss what I'm planning to do, and also ask for your opinion on a few things (a pole is under the cut if you're interested). I'm going to put everything under the cut to avoid bothering people who would not care about this post.
But before that, I would simply like to thank everyone who has read my new fic! I wasn't expecting to do so well on my come back, I've already received requests again... It really feels like I'm fully back, and I'm very grateful. So thank you so much to everyone!
Now, the rest is under the cut :
First thing first, again, thank you so much for the very positive feedback I got for my Sirius fic! It's very encouraging to me, and shows that I can still write good (or at least okayish) fics, despite being gone for so long! So thank you all again!
I've received two similar requests for some Ben Barnes fic (I don't know if it's the same person going on and off anon or just two separate ones that are just oddly similar...), requesting some shenanigans with the Shadow and Bone cast, the request is accepted and already written!
Concerning requests, I just wanted to remind you all that I do not write smut or nsfw content. If you make a request that could include smut, I will thus keep your idea but without any nsfw scene.
Quick update on where we're at! Here is my little list of all my fics that I have been working on or am currently working on :
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You will recognize the first five fics as being the ones already included in my posting schedule that I shared last week (it's still my pinned post, in case you need to check it out again). But as you can see I've been pretty productive this week! Wrote a long one-shot that I will split into two parts cause it's too long, and the request I received this week. Also already working on a chapter for a series.
I am thus seriously thinking about posting more often than what I had originally planned... I don't want to overwork myself, so I don't think I'll go as far as posting twice a week on a regular basis, but I might do an intermediate rhythm... like once every five days or something like that. I don't know yet, I'm still thinking about it. But it's a bit silly that I have so many stuff ready at this point, I reckon. So might let myself post more often in the coming days.
Also, as you might have noticed in this list, there is an awful lot of Ben Barnes content coming (I do not blame myself for it, I love this man with all my heart, have been doing so for way too long to still be counting now, it's really not my fault...). But I am aware that some of you might be interested in other characters ! So, if you have a minute, you can answer this little pole here in order to decide who I should focus next for another one-shot!
I am also thinking about planning an event in the coming month, if things go well, if you're still enjoying my writings and if I'm still productive :) I think it could be a nice way to mark my come back, make you all involved in the creative process again, and it also would be a way to help me focus my energy. Because rn I have so much motivation to write fics, it's a bit overwhelming tbh cause I have lots of ideas and have a tendency to be a bit all over the place. So, organising on an event could help me focus all this energy. It would probably be an event using dialogue prompts or AUs/tropes. I will give myself a few more days to think about it, and will probably ask your opinion again about it through some poles :)
Anyway, end of this very long post, a pat on the shoulder to anyone who's managed to read this post all the way through, and I will keep you updated again next week :)
Feel free to drop by to discuss everything I'm discussing in this post, or if you just want to have a chat about whatever you want :)
Thank you all again, have a nice Sunday!
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switchy-punk · 1 year
Introduction Post!
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I'm Cobra and welcome to my sfw tickle blog! First things first, NSFW blogs are NOT welcome here. I make callout posts if such blogs show any form of activity on my own. This is your ONLY warning.
This blog is ONLY SFW and run by a minor, meaning any and all NSFW/kink/kn1sm0 blogs who interact will be blocked, tagged, and sometimes confronted. If you don't believe me, you can look at my creep of the day tag. I don't mind if anyone over 18 interacts as long as you have a minor-friendly blog and the interaction is casual. And I also don't want any bots on my blog, so please don't take it personally if your page is blank and I block you. Racists, queerphobes, sexists, proshippers and anyone who is just being rude will also be blocked. I don't want to be that person, but I won't tolerate any hate or bigotry of any sorts. All kind people are welcome here. (Unless you run a NSFW blog, in that case I kindly ask you to leave).
As for my role in the tickle community, I am a ler-leaning switch, about 65% ler and 35% lee (as far as moods go, not really sure how this works :P) I draw tickle art, occasionally write tickle fics, haven't yet but will write headcanons and imagines. I don't roleplay, it's not really my thing. Tickling is NOT a kink for me in any way at all. It's simply a fun, silly thing I enjoy. It's just like the way parents tickle their kids (in normal situations).
Any sort of bondage other than simple pinning of the arms
Any teases that could also be used in a less sfw manner
That pretty much wraps up my little introduction! Remember to stay ticklish and have fun!
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emberphantom · 2 years
hey I loved your sunny recs post I’ve read them all and NEED MORE I was wondering if u had an updated one or any more recent recs bc that one was from 2020 👉👈 (your taste is impeccable and no worries if not I have a lot to go on)
Oh jeez hi anon 😅
Okay I'm assuming you also came across this post of mine that's basically a part 2 of my pinned? And my bookmarks too. But just in case here you go 😎
But impeccable taste you say? Now I can't let you down.
I'm not gonna lie to you -- I feel like the MacDen fics sorta dried up a little after 2020 and then I kinda fell off reading and checking the tag bc Sunnyblr was kinda dead, and then I kinda moved on from MacDennis taking over my entire brain so I am fully not caught up with very recent works at all. But if you're in the market for some Call of Duty fic recs...😏 I'm kidding. Unless...
But I have a few recs from the same author that I didn't have on my list originally that def should have been. Also they just posted a few fics recently (this year!) which is how they kinda popped back up on my radar:
the empty space where your body's been by quixoti Mac wonders when it got so fucked up between them, how Dennis can look at him with such pure desire and still want to go out there to meet other people, and when Dennis meets his eyes in the mirror Mac knows, down to his soul, that Dennis is thinking the same damn thing.
mine (always will be) by quixoti Mac wants to reach over there and slap Dennis so hard he forgets himself, forgets his empty apologies, forgets everything but Mac. But he knows that once this gets going it'll be impossible to stop. Better to wait for the safety of the apartment, their own little world to destroy as they please.
Also this absolutely vintage (if 2014 can be considered vintage) gem that should have been on my other two lists:
each the other's world entire by quixoti Mac and Dennis survive each other. Mac and Dennis will always survive each other.
If anyone else has been knee deep in the Sunny/MacDennis tag as of late and wants to throw some recs out there, please send 'em my way!
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Alright last post before I disappear (save for some reblogs that I've scheduled). In case anyone missed the tags in the post I made a while ago, I've stopped writing for DL. Before I did, I had also taken a stab at writing out the Alchemist result for my fantasy AU quiz. Because of who the LI is for that one I got carried away with it and it ended up being a lot longer than it should have been even though I didn't actually finish it. Given that I'm releasing all of my fantasy AU content into the wild, I've decided to paste what I did write below.
Fair warning, the ending is a little abrupt so I've added a little summary I wrote while planning the AU under the drabble (i.e. what the plot would have been had I ever developed this into a proper fic).
"What were you trying to do to me, alchemist?" The man above you hissed, the blade of his dagger pressing into your neck, his knees digging into your hips as he kept you pinned. Even with one eye covered by an eyepatch, his glare was no less fierce for it, his single iris almost glowing gold in the dying daylight.
This, you swore, was the last time you tried to help someone.
"I told you, all I did was give you an antidote!" You strained away from the metal at your throat but the hard earth beneath you offered nowhere to go. Casting your eyes to the side, you could see your spear just out of arm's reach along with a couple of your more potent concoctions, any one of which would have been enough to blow the guy on top of you away. 
In hindsight, it'd been a bit stupid not to keep your weapons next to you when treating some random stranger you'd found passed out next to the road. Admittedly he hadn't seemed like much of a threat at the time, his pretty features covered with a sheen of sweat and his breathing labored as the lord's-bane poison ran its course. There were a dozen or so lacerations over his body, several of which coated in a telltale dark blue sheen. You hadn’t heard of there being any bandits in the area, let alone any with the resources needed to acquire one of the deadliest brews known to man, so you couldn’t imagine how he’d ended up in such a state.
It was an extraordinary stroke of luck that you happened to have the ingredients for an antidote on hand, one which you’d wasted no time cooking up and coaxing down his throat. Of course, had you known he’d pounce on you the second he regained consciousness, you doubted you’d have gone to the trouble.
"Don't bullshit me, you're all just a bunch of lackeys for that no good King Karlheinz, so spill it before I start spilling something else." There was a sting as the dagger cut into the skin of your neck, blood welling up over the blade.
"I swear all I was trying to do was heal you, I'm not even a formally qualified alchemist, I'm just a trainee!" Albeit an overqualified trainee who'd been putting off their exams but you decided whoever this stranger was he didn't need to know that but.
"A trainee?" His eye remained narrowed in suspicion, but you could see him looking over your dark red robes, devoid of the gold embroidery worn by those formally recognised by the King. "Huh."
He made no move to climb off you but you felt the pressure against your throat lessen and nearly sobbed in relief.
"If you're a trainee that means you haven't sworn any binding oaths have you?"
And just like that the relief was gone. Upon gaining formal recognition, all alchemists were required to enter into a pact that forbade them from revealing any alchemical secrets to those outside the royal order. Trainees were a bit of a grey area, usually studying the basics under a master of their choice for a couple of years before joining the order themselvesーthe general consensus was that although more knowledgeable than the common man, they didn't know enough to merit the resources required for the magical pact, and instead would face a severe but mundane punishment if found to step out of line.
It was something you'd always been slightly in fear of, enough so that you'd spent a long time coming up with excuses to avoid the even harsher, magical threat of the pact.
"Well, technically, but一"
"Shut it, that's all I needed to know." The man finally clambered off you, but before you could dart for your weapons, he tossed a heavy tome into your lap. 
"Can you read that? And don't even think about lying to me, because if I decide you're no use to me, there's no reason for me not to stick a blade in a you."
Swallowing nervously, you ran your fingers over the thick leather cover. The royal seal was emblazoned in bright gold over the cover, marking out whatever was in here as property of the King and those in his service. How the stranger had gotten a hold of it, you had no idea, but you were starting to understand how he might have ended up in the state you found him in. 
You looked up, and upon seeing him watching you like a hawk, you carefully opened the book. Instantly you understand why he'd asked you to read it, the whole was written in complex alchemical script that was a struggle even for you. In fact had you not spent far longer as a trainee than most, you doubted you would have been able to read it at all. Bit by bit though, you managed to piece the contents together, and as you did, you felt your blood turn ice cold.
"It'sーIt's about the creation of an artificial disease, I think they named it Endzeit…"
"I know that," he scowled at you. "What does it say about a cure?"
You hurriedly flicked through the pages, scanning the complicated script.
"Um, there's a lot about the creation and testing, how they designed it to target a specific bloodline and… Ah it mentions a cure here, so maybeー" you turned to the next page only to freeze as you took in the torn off paper hanging from the edge of the spine. "The errーthe page is missing."
"What!" The man snatched the tome from before throwing it to the ground with a snarl. "Damnit! Those filthy no good alchemists, I'll gut the lot of them!"
You flinched back. A more sensible individual would have grabbed their things and run the moment he was distracted, but the sight of the book on the ground held you still, curiosity all but devouring your common sense.
"Who are you exactly?"
"Hm?" The man turned towards you, fingers still curled like he longed to wrap them around someone's throat. "The name's Shin Tsukinami. Ring any bells?"
Tsukinami. The fallen empire.
-end of drabble-
Summary of what the story would have been:
In this AU, rather than being demons, the Tsukinamis are human but one of their ancestors was a great demon and their bloodline became famous for having powerful magic users. Shin didn’t inherit much of the magic but Carla did and is a skilled wizard (Cordelia was a sorcerer). 
Karl’s family also mingled with inhuman entities but has sorcerers of the undead bloodline, including Karl himself (or maybe he’s a wizard idk). As per canon Gies was jealous of Karl’s power and declared war but rather than fighting him, Karl tasked his head alchemist (Carnelian Brecht?) with developing a live agent that would target only those with the infernal bloodline (i.e. Endzeit). Endzeit got unleashed and upon hearing that the royals were dropping like flies the people fled and those that didn’t got captured by Karl’s armies. The Tsukinamis were driven to one of their country estates. Giesbach’s died and Carla is now showing symptoms of the disease. 
To try to find a cure, Shin decides to hunt down Carnelian and the alchemists that worked with him (many of whom followed the disease to monitor their work). He manages to find some of them and kills a couple. One of them has some notes on how they made Endziet and partial information on a potential cure but it’s written in alchemical script and one of the alchemists taunts Shin that he’ll never be able to read it and even if he can, no alchemist with royal certification will help him because they know they’ll get banished by Karl.
Shin trudges onwards but realises too late that he was poisoned by one of the alchemists (too soon to be Endzeit) and collapses. Enter Reader.
On Reader's way to visit their family from where they’ve been apprenticing as an alchemist in one of the large cities, they run into Shin near death on the road and help him as they can make an antidote. They heal him up, Shin mistakes them for one of Karl’s alchemists and gets aggressive but they’re able to clear things up before Reader gets their head cut off. They reveal that they can read alchemical script and have been following the progress of artificial diseases because they found the idea interesting but they didn’t realise they’d actually made this much progress.
Shin works out that Reader might be able to make the antidote and thinks that they’ll be weak enough for him to bully into doing it even with the threat of Karl but jokes on him because they disagree with Karl’s way of governing things and am happy to go along with it (in other words Reader gets kidnapped but doesn’t quite realise).
At some point Shin and Reader encounter some sort of monsters. They get separated and Shin deals with his lot and then thinks that he’ll have to save Reader only to find them with a bunch of smouldering monster corpses (and along with that comes the reveal that they're not just a healer). Queue a slow burn romance featuring the Reader, i.e. the oblivious idiot, and Shin, there’s no way I can have feelings for some soft dumb alchemist Tsukinami.
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siphoklansan · 1 year
Hiiii! How are you doing? I hope your day has been well! I have two questions, lol. Firstly, would you be alright with someone drawing fanart of your OCs? (all credit would go to you) And if you are alright with it, your inbox rules you asked for us not to send you art (which I totally understand) if I was to draw fanart of your oc may I post it and tag you so you can see it or would you rather me do it a different way?
I'm so sorry if that was complicated! I just adore your characters and would love to draw them but I want to get your permission first!
Thank you! I hope you have a lovely rest of your day/night 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
HELLOOOOO I’m doing better than you for the ask!! Hby, how are youu?<33
here’s the link to my OC masterlist (kinda)♡´・ᴗ・`♡
-Would I be alright with someone drawing fanart of my OCs?
A hundred times YES!! GO FOR IT!! PUT THEM IN FICS, DRAW THEM IN COMICS, SHIP THEM WITH YOUR OCS, SWING THEM AROUND LIKE A YOYO IS OKAY!! I made sure to type this in my OC masterlist just in case anyone wants to draw them (I understand that nobody will see that post it’s okay, I appreciate you asking me this sm!!🥹💓)
-If you were to draw fanart of my OCs, can you post it and tag me instead?
YUPP!! WHATEVER FLOATS YOUR BOAT🕺✨ However, I might take a while to respond (days even) because I’m on a hiatus due to military training right now🥲 (also because I’m a bit burnt out, but I am almost done with a comic I will be dropping soon!)
Three things I would like to say about my inbox rules are that:
I will only inbox that post when someone violates a rule.
Please don’t force yourself to interact/go into my inbox if you don’t want to!!
My inbox rules post (on my pinned post) explains more on why I don’t allow artworks in my inbox!
Tumblr media
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darkkitty1208 · 2 years
Hullo. Welcome.
I've been thinking of doing a pinned post for a while now but never got the chance to (read: I thought about it, procrastinated, and then forgot), so... yeah. It must be weird for my long-time followers to suddenly see a "Hey there! Welcome to my little corner of the internet!" post but, here we are. A couple years late, too. Anyway.
I'm Kitty. I go by she/they. I'm a fanfiction author. All my works are posted on my ao3.
This blog is for me to share my writing, interests, and/or other hobbies. Feel free to drop an ask or slide in my messages if you fancy a little chat -- I don't bite. :)
My current fandom focus is the MCU, mainly anything about Stephen Strange, but I tend to shift through different fandoms like BBC Sherlock and the lot. I'll do you a favour and not list them all here because, well, in that case, it'll be practically endless.
I used to post incorrect quotes, but not so much nowadays. If at all. Ah, also, fair warning: I generally do not tag any of my reblogs and could go on reblog sprees from time to time, or be inactive for days on end. There is no in-between.
This is my own space and I have the right to express myself and my opinions freely here, although I will rarely engage in anything with heavy discourse/debate and the sort. But I am always open to them if anyone's interested. Just don't ask for trouble.
More details regarding my blog under the cut.
Despite the messiness of my blog, I do, in fact, use some tags for my own posts. Surprise, surprise.
I use #my writing for all fics I've written,
#incorrect quotes for, well, my incorrect quotes,
#ask for basically all the asks I've answered,
#personal when I'm sharing something about myself or how I'm doing,
#ramblings for random thoughts or things in my head I decided are worth writing in my blog,
Occasionally #writing when I share (hopefully) relatable stuff about writing or when I'm sharing my experience in writing, and
#kitty makes up scenarios for when I share thoughts and scenarios about fictional characters and will likely not write about them.
If you're wondering whether I'm open to prompts or not, currently I am back to receiving prompts. This will update from time to time.
You can send them in my ask box. :)
Here are a couple of things I'd like to emphasise for those interested:
I am not a fast writer. I will not respond to your prompt immediately. It could take me weeks, months, and maybe even longer to get to you.
I would prefer if you'd leave some space in the prompt for creative liberties and not put in too much detail. (You might as well write it your own if you want it in a very specific way.)
Don't pressure me into doing your prompt. Please keep in mind that I can and will send it back/refuse to write it if the prompt you send isn't doable to me for one reason or another.
I can be sensitive to some topics like alcoholism, physical/domestic abuse, etc. but it is negotiable so long as it isn't heavy on the topic. Just send me a DM to discuss.
It comes without saying, but underage and sexual abuse is a definite no.
Physical de-aging is OK, but I won't do ageplay or age regression -- whether it's sexual or not.
Yes, I am open to writing NSFW but please, for the love of god and all that is holy, do not send me anything about mpreg or genderbending. Or anything too... weird, for that matter.
In case a clarification is needed: yes, hurt/no comfort or even MCD fics are definitely OK. Yes, yes, yes, 100%.
Yes, I ship. My ships include IronStrange, Frostrange, Wongrange, Strordo, Johnlock, and am open to other ships if you wish so. Again it is negotiable and I am flexible regarding this.
Genfics are 100% OK, too.
If I happen to reblog/participate in an event with a prompt set, I am usually alright with receiving requests about them.
Unquestionable, but, prompts from other posts/not an original prompt you made is, of course, welcome.
I don't write/read x reader or reader insert. I don't read/write x OC, either. Sorry.
I do not write "Not [X] Friendly" fics. I do not like character bashing.
The rules may update from time to time. Please check them before sending requests.
Last updated 12/10/23
My preferences
I'm not exactly that picky of a person, but I do have preferences when it comes to reading and/or writing. And I would greatly appreciate if you'd take them into consideration, as I want to enjoy doing requests as much as you do when reading it.
I tend to prefer Hurt!Stephen or Whumpee!Stephen in h/c or whump scenarios, but I am not opposed to writing him being a caretaker. In the Sherlock fandom I prefer Hurt!Sherlock but, again, totally open to otherwise.
I love a lot of various tropes and things but am practically obsessed with whump and hurt/comfort. Angst is another one I absolutely love. I write fluff as well, but it usually requires a certain mood, so fluffy prompts might be replied to later than whumpy/angsty ones.
Most of my works are IronStrange but I love Wongrange just as much, if not more. Other ships are, again, totally alright. Although I am not very fond of these ships in particular: SpideyStrange, ScarletStrange, and x reader.
Other things
Be reminded that I am an amateur author and a human, so, despite me not being averse to 'constructive criticism', it'd be appreciated if you would kindly hold your opinions to yourself instead of sending hate asks/comments -- unless you can say them without being rude. Both explicitly and non-explicitly. I am not confident with my writing (as I should be, haha), and doing so will just discourage me further.
I post from a lot of fandoms. This is not an IronStrange-exclusive blog. Filter tags if and when necessary.
Minors are allowed to follow as I do not post anything too explicit; at least without tagging them. They would be tagged #tw suggestive or #tw explicit. I do however advise you to beware as I can be... a little bit... unhinged, sometimes.
Ask me if you want to translate/post my works to other platforms. You must have my written permission.
If you disagree with me (e.g. you characterise/see/view [Character A] as ... but I write them as ...), please keep in mind that all of this is fiction and everyone is allowed to have their own opinions. But well, feel free to discuss with me if you'd like.
Please don't hesitate if you have any questions! ^-^
I thiiiiink that sums up pretty much everything. If you've read this far, thanks for letting me waste your time!
Much love! Cheers! xoxo
- Kitty
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