#I’m just like ooo that’s tentoo and rose
thirdeyeblue · 1 year
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(I’m sorry, I’m just in love with them)
(Also got TentooRose perpetually on the brain)
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9or10allgood · 4 years
I'm indulging in the Doctor Who marathon on BBCAmerica. It's been wonderful. I'm in the middle of Twelve, now, which is - next to Ten - my happy place.
Thirteen is looming.
Now, before anyone has a knee-jerk reaction and thinks I don't like the Thirteenth Doctor, you couldn't be more wrong. I love her to bits. Jodie Whittaker is awesome. She has poured herself into being the Doctor, heart and soul. I love that she travels with an entourage - going back to the First, the best Doctors do. She's had some really good stories, courtesy of Chris Chibnall - in fact, I give her first series a B+/A-. The second series, however...
Stick with me for a bit.
I like - no, I looo-ooo-oove fan fiction. Partly because it is a fairly consistent reaffirmation of creativity and literacy (yes, I said it!) and courage and daring - because it takes guts to put yourself out there for public critique without getting paid one red cent. But mostly because it is a way of indulging in flights of fancy within a bubble. Because fan fiction is, even when it is "canon compliant", still shading or filling in the blanks or expanding on what the original author set down. And the bubble is a safe place, where everyone (mostly) respects those boundaries between source material and fan fiction.
The perfect example of this is everything that happened in Pete's World post-Canary Wharf. We assume that the Doctor was going to tell Rose he loved her before time ran out, and copious amounts of fan fiction has been written about that. We assume that TenToo rectified that issue at Bad Wolf Bay the second time around. But we don't know, and that's okay because the veil was drawn on Pete's World with the disappearance of the TARDIS, and Pete's World became a creative goldmine. Thank God.
Back in the day (and I swear I still have a point) I belonged to a fan fiction site based on Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time. (Not "Dragonmount", thank you very much!) Between twenty and thirty writers, drawn together by our love for that amazingly complex series of books, we wrote - individually and in small groups - epic fiction based on the Age of Legends and the Trolloc Wars, because neither era was portrayed in the books, other than very brief glimpses. Even so, there was a canonical framework that we existed in, and we respected it. For example, there were hints of Aes Sedai being able to fly during the AoL, but that didn't mean that the Sisters during the TW were going to do it, because canon told us that the miracles of the Age of Legends had been lost with the Breaking and were not recovered until the timeline of the books. As long as the canon was respected, the writing flourished - for years. Eventually, though, lines were blurred and the stories suffered, and it's been years since anyone has written anything there.
And now I'll get back to my point.
When Russell T Davies brought Doctor Who back to television, he respected the canon that had been established. He didn't change Gallifrey, he removed it. It had given us the Doctor and the Master and the TARDIS and a running potential of planets and races affected by the Time War that could keep the Doctor occupied for a long, long time. It's purpose had been served. It's *nebulous hand waggle* demise fuelled the great engine of angst that powered the reboot. It heightened what had become a bit of a stodgy "oh, no, it's the Daleks, again" sensibility regarding a cross between a pepperpot and a wheely-bin, and gave them a renewed sense of villainy. It's what made the episode, "Dalek", such a gut-punch. It's what made seeing a mighty Dalek armada when there was only one Time Lord to stand against it so dramatically Quixotic - in an end-of-all-things sort of way.
It should have stayed that way.
I love RTD. I do. He was an awesome showrunner and he, with Julie Gardner, shepherded the reboot through possibly the greatest comeback in entertainment history. But I wasn't comfortable with the (temporary) return of Rassilon et al as his farewell to the show. And, sure 'nuff, it cracked open a door that Moffat bulldozed through with "The Day of the Doctor". And by the time he was through, the Doctor was popping "home" for soup and a bit o' sedition, and the next thing ya know, Chris Chibnall is turning the whole thing on its ear with the Timeless Children business and a convoluted plotline that would've needed an entire series to unravel and still would have read like fan fiction based on a poorly remembered fever dream.
Yes, I know that "Doctor Who" has been "fine-tuning" itself from the beginning. The First Doctor invented his time machine that his granddaughter named "TARDIS" - for Time and Relative Dimensions In Space. Today's canon has TARDISes grown, sentient, and having numbered in the thousands once upon a time. But there's a difference between an adjustment, here and there, and re-inventing the Time Rotor on the fly, as it were. One is a tweak to make the whole better. The other is throwing a bucket of yellow paint across a classic portrait of the Queen just so you can paint galloping horses on it. Why would you do it?
I'm really sad that Graham and Ryan are leaving. I'm really looking forward to the return of Captain Jack. I hope that bringing back someone as integral to the days of Russell T Davies will remind Chris Chibnall that the basic story of the Doctor has always been that an ancient alien from a fabled world travels throughout space and time with a lucky human or three, faces down injustice, rescues those who need it, and dances around fixed points and moral dilemmas with (occasional) alacrity.
And if Chibnall needs inspiration, I can point him to any number of fan fiction writers that totally get it.
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Wonderful Tonight - Chapter 1
Characters: Tentoo; Rose Tyler; Jackie Tyler; Pete Tyler; Original Character, Wilkins from Vitex Patents
Tags: hurt/comfort; angst; romance; fluff; love; Pete’s World; sexual content; drunkenness; drunken confessions; swearing; songfic
Story Summary:
On the first anniversary of the instantaneous biological metacrisis that created him, the same day he and Rose had been unceremoniously dumped in Pete’s World, the Doctor can think of a few gazillion different ways he would prefer to spend the evening, and the Annual Vitex Gala is not one of them. All he truly wants is to spend a quiet, intimate evening at home alone with Rose. But when Rose doesn’t acknowledge the significance of the date, the Doctor finds the strain and rejection he has worked so hard to overcome surfacing again, leaving him feeling vulnerable and insecure.
A song fic, based on the song Wonderful Tonight, by Eric Clapton.
This story has been in the works since Christmas and was intended to be finished by Tentoosday in February. LOLOLOLOL So, right on schedule for me, then!
Written for @doctorroseprompts‘s Tentoosday event.
Many thanks to my brilliant betas mrsbertucci and @rose--nebula​ who have taken the time out of their very busy schedules to look this story over for me.
Four Chapters, posting on Wednesdays
Read also at: AO3; Teaspoon; FF
Summary, Chapter 1:
Feeling out of sorts on the first anniversary of being left in Pete’s world with Rose, the Doctor is worried Jackie will blame him if they show up late to the Annual Vitex Gala, and frustrated that Rose isn’t ready to leave when he is.
It's late in the evening; she's wondering what clothes to wear
She puts on her make-up and brushes her long blonde hair
And then she asks me, “Do I look all right?”
And I say, "Yes, you look wonderful tonight.”
The Doctor stood in the front hall of the little flat, peering at his reflection in the full-length mirror. He ran a tongue over his teeth, and tilting his head from side to side, critically assessed the controlled chaos that was his hair. Giving his fringe a final tweak, he stepped back and swivelled back and forth, his lip curling at the sight of the tuxedo. Well, at least his feet would be comfortable in the black and white Chucks he’d procured specifically for the occasion. After the last party Jackie had hosted, his feet had been aching for days, blistered and cramped by the uncomfortable leather dress shoes she’d insisted he wear.
Nope! Never again!
And especially not tonight of all nights. The day of his… weeeell, his first-ish birthday, he supposed, give or take the millennium’s worth of knowledge packed into his brain. He could think of a few gazillion different ways he would have preferred to spend this evening, and the Annual Vitex Gala was not one of them. The only thing that could possibly make it tolerable was the fact that he would be attending said gala with one Rose Tyler by his side.
One Rose Tyler who was distinctly not in the front hall, ready to go…
“Roooo-ooose! We’re going to be late!” He sent a little burst of annoyance along their bond.
He was usually the one who kept her waiting, primping his hair to untamed perfection. It was her own fault, really. Afterall, it was she who’d found a jar of Pompogix’s Hair Pomade (precisely as brilliant as the stuff he used to use in the Prime Universe). He could hardly be blamed for wanting to make good use of it. You couldn’t rush perfection.
Except in Rose’s case… she always looked perfect. Therefore, he reckoned, logically, there was no reason for her not to be ready to go.
He shuffled from foot to foot as he peered down the hallway to the bedroom. “C’mon, Rose! You know who Jackie’ll blame if we’re late. Me! I’m still recovering from the slap she gave me two bodies ago. I don’t fancy another one, ta!”
Rose’s head popped out from the bedroom doorway, a towel still wrapped around her hair, and her face devoid of make-up. Utterly gorgeous, but definitely not even remotely close to being ready for the gala.
“Blimey, the paps’ll have a field day with shots of you in that get-up.”
“Yeah, ta for that.” Her frosty reply was accompanied by the equivalent of a growl vibrating a warning in his mind and a dangerous little crease forming over the bridge of her nose. She grumbled as she disappeared back into the bedroom, but a few seconds later she called out, “Doctor! I need your help! Can you c’m’ere?”
She seemed a little flustered (as well she should, given the time). He couldn’t imagine how he was supposed to help. Nevertheless, he followed the sound of her voice into the bedroom and found her dressed only in knickers, sheer thigh-high stockings, and the towel on her head, poring over three gowns spread out on the bed before her. The sight of her topless might have been more enticing if he hadn’t been so frustrated.
“I can’t decide which dress to wear.”
“What the hell does it matter? You’ll look beautiful no matter what. Wear a bin bag if you like. Just pick something and let’s get a move on, before Jackie has my head for the centrepiece on the buffet.”
She huffed. “So glad I have you, then!”
“Oh, all right,” he relented, quite sure nothing good would come of him offering his opinion. He looked carefully at the three options, considering the pros and cons of each. “Wear the green one. It’s a festive colour and it’s sparkly. I quite like sparkly.”
“The green one? Really? Do you think so?” Rose screwed up her face, her nose wrinkling in distaste. “I kinda thought the sparkles were a bit naff, to be honest.”
“I knew it!” he growled through gritted teeth. He arched a judgmental eyebrow. “Why did you bother asking me my opinion? Is it some kind of test? A trap? A psychological experiment, perhaps? Hmmm?”
“Blimey, Doctor! Overreacting a bit, yeah?” Rose averted her eyes from him, glancing over the dresses again.
“Nope! I think you’ll find my response was perfectly calibrated to serve the situation at hand. You asked me for my input – which I gave quite willingly – and then, without a second’s consideration, you rejected my opinion out of hand. How am I supposed to react to that?”
Her hands flew to her waist as she turned to face him, a fierce, wolfish spark in her eyes. Her bare breasts jiggled temptingly, and suddenly any frustration was pushed to the back of his mind and he found himself forced to tamp down his body’s responses. Now was not the time for that sort of distraction.
“Oi! Eyes up here!” she snapped with a sharp tweak of their bond. (So, definitely not the time…)
His irritation wriggled back to the forefront, and with his libido conquered, he was able to retrace his earlier train of thought. “It wouldn’t matter what dress I’d selected; you’d have had some excuse not to choose it.” Oh, it felt quite satisfying to get another dig in.
“That’s not true.” Hurt transformed Rose’s face, and she placed a soft hand on his arm. Her love and sadness flooded through him. “I value your opinion, Doctor. I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t.”
As her lovely, soft, kissable lower lip wobbled, guilt gushed through him. He sighed. Despite his better judgement, he found himself spouting out more words of gala-gown wisdom. “How about the black one, eh, Rose? Classic! You can never go wrong with a black dress for a formal occasion.”
“Hmmmm… but black’s so dull. I mean it’s a beautiful dress, but it’s nearly Christmas, yeah?”
The Doctor gaped at her in stunned silence for a few charged ticks, then he threw his hands in the air. “I give up! I can’t win! Tell you what: I’ll be waiting in the lounge, planning my funeral. Jackie can throw another party to celebrate the occasion, and you’ll be able to wear the black dress to that.” He stalked away, ignoring Rose’s incoherent squeaks of outrage.
He needed to calm down. He was on edge and was letting little things get to him. He muffled his telepathic connection with Rose. Bombarding one another with negative emotions would be nothing but hurtful.  All he had truly wanted was to spend a quiet, intimate evening at home alone with her. This day held special significance for him.
That fact, in and of itself, came as a shock.
Never before had he bothered to observe the linear progression of his life; he’d never given it any thought. Even though he knew time progressed in a distinctly non-linear, wibbly-wobbly fashion, he had to face the fact that his time would now have a distinct end; there would be no more cheating death. Observing the passing years, taking time to reflect on the successes and challenges of the past and his aspirations for the future, had suddenly become something of the utmost importance. He wanted to celebrate the love he and Rose shared and how hard they had both worked over the past year to overcome the strain and rejection of being unceremoniously dumped in Pete’s World.
Instead, he once again felt redundant, useless… vulnerable, the unsettling image of Rose walking away from him at Bad Wolf Bay, rejecting him as he tried to win her favour, playing on auto-repeat in his mind.
The last thing he wanted to do was parade around at the Vitex Gala, hobnobbing and exchanging vapid small talk with vacuous socialites and tedious politicians.
He wandered into the kitchen. A nice cuppa was what he needed. The brilliant effects of the superheated infusion of free-radicals and tannins never failed to soothe him. A good, stiff drink would have been marvelous as well, but he’d learned the hard way, this new, more-human body was not very good at regulating the effects of excessive alcohol consumption. He’d be drinking plenty at the gala, later (if they ever got there); he needed to be careful not to overdo it. No, for the time being, tea would be just perfect.
He filled Rose’s mug as well, adding the perfect amount of milk (just a splash) and honey (a little, to cut the bitterness). She had her own demons to face on this particular day. Although… come to think of it, she hadn’t mentioned it, either the day – his birthday (that hurt a bit), or the demons – being abandoned by the other Doctor and, in turn, abandoning… him, the metacrisis (at least, initially). There were more closed doors in her mind than normal, but she hadn’t even given any overt hints of any anxiety through their bond. But even if she wasn’t worried, he still thought she would probably appreciate the gesture of the warm comforting beverage and it would give him a chance to apologize for his “overreacting”, however justified it might have been.
He returned to the bedroom and leaned against the doorjamb, mugs in hand, silently watching Rose as she sat at her little vanity, still in a semi-dressed state (although her hair was loose and dry now), carefully applying the finishing touches to her make-up. Analysing her reflection, she dabbed stray traces of crimson lipstick from the corners of her voluptuous mouth, then smoothed the concealer under her eyes. With a heavy sigh, she picked up her hairbrush, and pulled it through the soft tangles of her long, blonde hair. She’d allowed it to grow over the past year and it now reached almost halfway down her back. The doctor loved the silken feel of it between his fingers, loved the way it tumbled around his face when she rode him to their mutual bliss.
And, oh, that train of thought was no more helpful now than it had been earlier, but unable to resist the temptation, he stepped forward into the room. “Here, let me.” He took a gulp from his mug before setting both mugs on the vanity. He plucked the brush from Rose’s hand.  “Have a cuppa,” he offered as he gathered her hair in his hands and brushed out the ends at the back where she couldn’t reach.
“Oh, a cuppa would go down a treat. But I can’t. Just put on my lippie, yeah.”
Rebuffed again, he held his tongue. Rose hadn’t meant to be hurtful, but it seemed he just couldn’t do anything right. Although, it wasn’t like he was doing anything especially wrong... just a bit off-target, perhaps. He decided there wasn’t anything to be gained by making a fuss, but he didn’t trust his stupid gob to behave. It would be safer to just leave her to her grooming. He set the brush down firmly on the vanity and, pointedly removing her tea mug, moved toward the door.
He turned back toward her, helpless to resist the sway she held over him. She’d always been his weakness… and his strength. She completed him.
“I was hopin’ you could braid my hair for me...”
“No doubt I could…” He arched an eyebrow at her.
“Would you? Please? Somethin’ nice and soft. You always make it look nice, yeah.”
“Will you hurry and get dressed if I do?”
“Oh, we’re not that late!”
He set her mug down again. “Not your life on the line, is it?” he snarked, but he was unable to keep a small smile from tugging at his lips.
As he gathered her hair in his hands, parting it with expert strokes of his fingers, she sighed her contentment and met his eyes in the mirror. “I’m sorry, Doctor. I love you,” she whispered.
He opened their bond, allowing his love to mingle with hers. “My precious girl, I love you too… but I’d like to be around for many more years to repeat that sentiment.” He granted her a teasing frown, and she responded with a cheeky kiss blown at his reflection. When he rolled his eyes, she chuckled and beamed at him, her tongue peeking out at the corner of her smile.
In minutes he had completed styling her hair, a long, soft braid that meandered down the back of her head. “It just needs… Oh, I know! You get your dress on, and I’ll be back with the finishing touches in two shakes.”
Leaving a bemused Rose in his wake, he rushed out of the bedroom to the kitchen. He had purchased a dozen red roses, intending to present them to her before leaving the flat that evening, but decided they would be put to much better use tucked into her golden plaits. He scrounged in the drawers for the kitchen shears and snipped several of the roses from their stems. He tucked one into the lapel of his jacket (he and Rose would coordinate) and gathered the rest of them up.
When he returned to the bedroom, he was stopped short (nearly spilling the roses from the cradle of his hands) at the sight before him: Rose, resplendent in a deep-red, satin gown. He licked his lips at the sight of her: the v-neck, off-the-shoulder bodice displayed just enough of the soft, round curves of her breasts; and the flowing, floor-length skirt sported a thigh-high slit that exposed the full length of a tawny, toned leg. She was absolutely captivating.
Shaking himself out of his daze, the Doctor swept behind her, beginning his task of nestling the flowers into her tresses. He couldn’t resist planting soft kisses to her bare shoulders and neck as he worked, and she encouraged him with soft hums, as each touch of his lips sent a surge of his arousal along their bond. With one last rose tucked into her braids, he placed a final kiss behind her ear and reluctantly pulled away from her.
“All done. Are you ready, then?”
“Almost…” She stepped back to the vanity and picked up the earrings lying there. She turned to him as she set them in her ears, her dress swirling around her. And then she asked him, “Do I look all right?”
“All right?” No words could properly express the vision of loveliness before him; he stammered, trying to find the right way to describe how she affected him, how in awe of her he was. What eventually came out of his stupid gob was the understatement of the year. He only hoped he had projected enough emotion along with his words for her to understand what he had really meant… “My darling, you look wonderful, tonight.”
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Intrigue in the Kitchen
tentoo x rose
“Ooo, you made biscuits!”
Rose nods, but doesn’t look up as she puts the last of the hot biscuits onto the cooling rack. “Chocolate chip.”
The Doctor hugs her with one arm and grabs a handful of warm biscuits with the other. “They smell delicious,” he says.
“Mmm-hmm,” says Rose. Her look is almost, but not quite, a glare.
“Wha?” says the Doctor. His innocent look is spoiled a bit by his mouthful of sweets.
She crosses her arms. “You seem to have an amazing knack for coming out from wherever you’re hiding exactly when I’m done with whatever I’m baking. I’m even done with the cleanup, except for this last pan.”
He grins. “It’s not a knack, it’s a gift. Very gifted, me.”
“Every single time, Doctor.” She narrows her eyes.
The Doctor looks away.
“What is it? Do you peek around corners? Creep up on the floor? If you do I can’t ever catch you, and believe me I try.”
He actually looks sheepish. Rubbing his hand on the back of his neck, he says, “I set my sonic to tell me when you turn off the oven.”
Rose bursts out laughing.
Wrapping her arms around his neck--and intentionally leaving a smear of flour on his cheek--she says, “Next time, love, just sit at the kitchen table. Drink tea, read a book. Keep me company. I won’t make you help, I can about guarantee that. You’re a disaster in the kitchen.”
“Oi! Gifted, remember?”
She nods seriously, biting her lip to keep from laughing. “Yes, of course. Do you recall your declaration that you could improve upon popcorn popping methods?”
The Doctor winces. Instead of popping, the kernels had shot out of the pan like tiny firecrackers, pinging all over the room, breaking anything and everything, and then exploding.
He brightens. “But I make excellent tea!”
Rose kisses his nose. “Yes you do. I have no idea how the blender makes tea now, or what I’m going to do if I ever want to make margaritas, but you’re absolutely right, your tea is brilliant.”
@doctorroseprompts || Happy Tentoo’s Day!!
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skyler10fic · 6 years
I Didn't Know It Could Feel This Good
By Skyler10
Summary: Tentoo and Rose have reached a pivotal night in their relationship as things get physical.
From the @doctorroseprompts nonny prompt this week: “I didn’t know it could feel this good.” 
After the settling in. After the discussions that turned heated into arguments and cooled into making up. After the getting to know each other all over and the stories exchanged and the new life begun. After the awkwardness turned routine and a schedule more or less self-generated. After the nightmares ceased and it was decided that they were sharing a bed for the remainder of this life together.
After an official date, the most serious in a series of them, that had gone remarkably well.
Rose realized this was it.
Tonight she held within reach everything her body had ached for since she was 19 years old in another universe. It seemed like she had wanted him as long as she could remember. With all they had been through, they already felt like one flesh. It had taken remarkably little time for them to regain their seamless motions, synchronized thoughts, inside jokes, physical chemistry….
A chemistry that had reached its boiling point and was threatening to implode if she didn’t have him
Luckily the Doctor was looking at her like he was feeling the exact same pressure, the burn of want too long suppressed. The look of an ancient storm, ready to rain down its power and passion.
She had worn it especially for him, this lace and perfume. She knew it would drive him mad.
Now that her dress was forgotten on the floor while he discarded his trousers and shirt---his tie and their shoes and socks and her jewelry and all inhibitions long abandoned on the way to the bedroom---their hungry bodies stood an unnecessary three feet apart. He licked his lips and she smirked in that wolfish way.
A beat later and they collided, pulled through the magnetism of too many years of yearning for this moment. Their lips found their home with fierce possessiveness. His fingers drove into her hair and her nails bit into his back. He pulled her closer with a hand on her bum and she responded by grinding against his thigh.
“Fuck,” he whispered against her lips.
“That’s the idea,” she teased in more ways than one as her abandoned mouth moved to his neck. She nipped lightly at the skin there.
“Rose, please .”  
“These first.” She backed away enough to tug down his boxer briefs. They were bulging rather nicely already so she wasn’t surprised by any means, but even after years of fantasizing, Rose was certainly not disappointed at the manhood they revealed.
“Ooo yessss,” she exhaled, and then catching herself, giggled, “Did I really just say that outloud?”
“I’m not complaining.” He grinned, with an ego now the size of Jupiter. “Now my turn.”
His hands shook as he brushed them up her sides to her delicate black bra. The rush of the past few moments slowed as he reverently unhooked the back and she let it drop. He inhaled and met her eyes, needing to see the permission there. Her heart melted as she nodded and brought his hand to her quickly hardening peaks. His hand felt so good, she couldn’t resist crashing their lips together again. It was rough and messy but they didn’t care. Their desire was too irresistible.
He lowered her lace knickers down her hips until they slid to the floor. She stepped out of them and slipped out of his embrace to back toward the bed. That wolfish grin returned and he eagerly followed, joining her on the soft duvet.
It felt so natural here, his weight hovering over her as they touched and teased and explored new delights. Part of her wanted to keep kissing him like this forever, but another more primal part needed more. Needed him.  
She slipped a hand between them to urge him on.
“Rooose,” he groaned. “I…”
“Me too,” she whispered, stroking him lightly.
He swallowed and shook his head. “No-I-meant-do-we-need…” he rushed out.
“Oh! Right here.” She reached over and pulled open the side table drawer. She was on the pill, but not always the best at remembering it during her cannon jumps these past few months and one couldn’t be too careful.
He ripped open and rolled down the condom as fast as his deft fingers could work. Her thoughts turned away from the unsexy topic of contraceptives to the very sexy topic of what else those fingers might be talented at.
He repositioned himself back over her. Instead of the obvious, he took time to kiss her again, moving from her lips to her jaw to her throat to her collarbone. Following her instincts, she wrapped a leg around his lower back. She registered that his mouth had ceased driving her mad and opened her eyes, which she hadn’t been aware of closing.
“Now,” he breathed, half-question, half-plea.
“Now, please, please now,” she panted.
He was exactly as she had always imagined: gentle but strong, possessive but reverent, adoring but powerful in the focused way of a man who has faced Death time and time again and come away the victor. She was his prize and he hers. She met his every thrust, equally eager to spite all that had endeavored to keep them apart.  
She climaxed first, coaxing him into bliss with her. She’d never felt more one with him. Her whole body trembled with the delightful effect that shot through her.
He relaxed over her, then pulled out and disposed of the condom. He was hardly gone a second, though, returning to her side and still touching as much of her as he could. It was the most love-drunk she’d ever seen him. The part of her that had been nervous about what he thought sighed in relief.  
The haze of ecstasy kept her from forming adequate words, so she kissed him instead. He traced light circles over her bare skin.
“Oh Rose… I’ve never… That was…” He shook his head, incredulous. “You’re amazing!” he finally squeaked out. He blushed as she giggled.
“Mmm, I didn’t know it could feel this good,” she returned, enjoying the way he was looking down at her like she was the only woman in the multiverse.
“You took the words right out of my mouth.”
“Like this?” She resumed kissing him until they were both ready for round two. Judging from tonight’s activities, Rose Tyler was already very much looking forward to this life together.
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After All This Time
Characters:  Tentoo; Rose Tyler; Hope Tyler-Noble; Wilfred Tyler-Noble; Original Child Character; Tentoo x Rose; Ten x Rose
Rated: General
Tags: Fluff: Hurt/Comfort; Family; Kid!Fic
Summary: She laughed her beautiful laugh that never failed to make him laugh too. And when her tongue poked out at the side of her mouth, he felt his insides turn to very manly goo, as they always had at the sight of that smile. “So, no regrets, then?” She dropped her eyes in sudden insecurity, and he felt a nervous little tug at their bond.
Notes: For 10/2.
I have another one in the works, but the ending is giving me fits. It’ll be late coming.
This little story is actually the epilogue of the very first story in my These Two Hearts series, called Regrets, Repentance, and Promises. That longer tale, a post GitF story (hence the references to France in this tale), has yet to be completed and posted. There’s a chapter or two left that just won’t get written… not yet, and another chapter or two I’m just not sure about.
But I love this little epilogue. It takes place years after the rest of that story ends. There are references to things that took place in the longer story, but I don’t think they really need any explanation. Just one note: the promise “…to hold [Rose] forever…” was originally made by the Time Lord in the aftermath of The Idiot’s Lantern adventure. If you are familiar with my little Pete’s World family, the Doctor and Rose’s children mentioned here (nameless) are Hope, Charlie, and Wilfred. Impulsive, also part of my These Two Hearts series, is also a chapter (NSFW) from the longer story. If I keep doing this, eventually the whole story will be posted, piecemeal! LOL I guess that’s one way to do it!
Happy 10/2!!!
Read at: AO3; FFnet; Teaspoon
After All This Time
Rose and the Doctor sat, curled together on the sofa in the TARDIS’ console room, rejoicing in the activity whirling around them, the soft murmur of voices speaking in a mix of Gallifreyan and English.  They gazed into one another’s eyes and the Doctor reached up and stroked Rose’s cheek, suddenly overcome with gratitude. “You’re so beautiful Rose. Thank-you for giving me all of this. For so long I never believed I could ever have this, that it wouldn’t be possible. I never could have imagined that forever could be this good.” He had long-since renounced his hesitation in expressing his feelings.
“Yeah? Don’t know that you deserve it though.” She smirked, allowing her love for him to shine in her eyes and flare through their bond.
“Oi!” he admonished, leaning in and giving her a kiss, which she returned with fervour.
“Yeeuck! Would you two get a room?” Their son’s voice caused them to start giggling and they deepened their embrace in response. “There are children here, you know!”
Rose broke away from the kiss, ignoring the pout on her husband’s face. “Oh, I think it’s time we turned in anyway. You lot have the old girl well in hand.”
“Gran! Gran!” A little voice piped up from the other side of the console. A bouncing little blond head came rushing toward them. “Where do you want to go for our adventure tomorrow? Oh, where do you want to go?” the little girl babbled. “There’s this amaaaazing planet that Mummy and Daddy took us to once where the dominant life forms look like they’re made of bubble-gum bubbles; or, weeeell, we could go to Datrooloon-Turg and explore around the crystal caves there. Did you know that they’re made from a special mineral that glows when–”
“Sweetheart,” Rose cut the little girl off, having become very adept at that particular practice over the years, “you choose the adventure and we will be happy to share it with you. For now, we’ll say goodnight, ‘kay?”
The little girl flashed a manic grin so reminiscent of the Doctor Rose could hardly supress a chuckle, and pulled her in for a hug.
Upon being released, the little girl cried, “Oi, you lot! Gran and Granddad are going to bed.”
“Urrgh, she sounds just like your mother,” the Doctor groaned under his breath.
“Shut up, you,” Rose growled good-naturedly. “She mostly sounds like you with her non-stop, little gob and her encyclopaedic knowledge of everythin’.  But they all got a bit of that, didn’t they?  Just to drive me spare…”
Soon they were surrounded by six loving sets of arms, their grandchildren, eager to wish their grandparents goodnight. The youngest, the only ginger one in the family, was delivered to their arms by his mum, their oldest child.
The next morning, the Doctor woke up as he had once only longed for: with his arms wrapped around his Rose, breathing in her sleepy scent, her once-golden hair tickling his nose, experiencing the peace and calm only she could provide. He pressed a kiss against her cheek. “Ready for a great adventure today, my love?” he huffed.
“Doctor?” She turned in his arms, stroking the silver hair by his temples, touching his mind with gentle caresses. “Do you remember you once told me, if the thrill of adventure ever became too much for me you would be happy just to hold me forever?”
He felt tears sparkling in his eyes. “I meant it.”
“I think… I think it’s time.”
“For me, too, love. This body just keeps getting older. I would be very content to hold you forever.”
“We’ve had a fantastic life, haven’t we? Years of adventures. Three amazin’ children. Six grandchildren, so far, and every one of them brilliant and brave.  And our TARDIS! She speaks to all of them the way she speaks to us.”
“She’ll look after countless generations of our progeny, Rose,” he crowed enthusiastically. “Defenders of the Universe, all of them! The Stuff of Legend! Ha!”
She laughed her beautiful laugh that never failed to make him laugh too. And when her tongue poked out at the side of her mouth, he felt his insides turn to very manly goo, as they always had at the sight of that smile. “So, no regrets, then?” She dropped her eyes in sudden insecurity, and he felt a nervous little tug at their bond.
“Never! This is a brilliant adventure! And all because I get to share it with you. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.”
With a sober expression she asked, “Do you think he’s okay?”
The Doctor didn’t need to ask whom she referred to, although she hadn’t openly voiced her concern for years. “He’s all right.  He has the TARDIS: same old life; last of the Time Lords. And he’ll always have your love, and he’ll return it forever.”
She nodded. “Do you think he’d be happy knowing what we’ve created here?”
“Rose,” he assured her, “he would be so proud of you. He loves you more than life itself, always will. He gave willingly the one thing that anchored him, that gave him peace… to me, so that you could have a life you truly deserved. Oh, he knew you would’ve been happy travelling the stars with him forever, but he also knew that this life would fulfil you in different ways. He knew it would make you happy in the end. And, oh Rose, what a gift you have been to me.  You always were, of course.”
“It was so hard to accept, at first: you… him… both of you… makin’ those decisions for me without consultin’ me… after everythin’. God, do you remember how abominably I treated you those first few weeks?” She tucked her head against his shoulder in embarrassment.
“How could I forget?” he laughed. “But I always understood, love. And I had promised him I would never give up on you, on us. Just the way you told me… him, the day we bonded. Remember? ‘If two people really care about one another, they find a way to make it work.’”
“You promised him…? You never told me that! All these years, and you never told me that.” She frowned.
“Rose, please just know that you are the most-loved woman in two universes. No one else can say that.” He cupped her cheek. “I love you; he loves you; but we never deserved you.”
“Oh, I think you did. How could I ever have asked for more? You, all of space and time… I wouldn’t have changed a thing.”
“So, does that mean…? Rose, have you ever forgiven me?” He rubbed self-consciously at the back of his neck.
“Forgiven you? What–”
“France... Abandoning you… the hell I put you through.”
“Doctor,” he saw confusion cloud her expression, “have you been carrying that around with you all these years? You’ve kept this hidden from me. Why have you not shared this with me?”
He found himself unable to meet her eyes, sensing her hurt. “I had hoped, but… weeeell…” he tugged at his ear, “…I suppose I felt I didn’t deserve to have that peace, after everything I’ve done in my life, not to mention after everything I put you through. And it was a constant reminder I needed to show you how much I love you– that you deserved to know that– every single day of your forever.”
Tears welled in her eyes, and her lips trembled as she considered his confession. Then a sudden look of horror crossed her face. “Has he been worried about this too? And he’ll never know how much I love him and forgive him, and how much you… he… means to me. Doctor, I’ve long since…”
“He’ll be alright, really, love. He knows how much you love him, trust me. Rose, please don’t cry. He knows. You once traveled recklessly across dimensions to get back to him… me, after all.”
“Well, I was also trying to save the multiverse…” She rolled her eyes at him.
“Anyway, he’ll feel a bit absolved. After all, he…”
“He sacrificed his own happiness for us. That’s w’at you mean, yeah.”
He nodded. “I won’t lie, Rose. It won’t have been easy for him. But through the bond, he’ll have that little bit of you with him always: your undying love.”
“Yes, oh, yes, he has that! And… I s’ppose, this way, he’ll never have to watch me wither and…” She released her breath in a rush of relief, and gave him a watery smile. After a moment’s reflection, she whacked him in the arm. “You daft git! After all this time!”
He chuckled and breathed a sigh as he looked into her sparkling eyes. “Remind me again: how long are you going to stay with me?”
“Forever,” she whispered. She pressed her fingers to his temples, and he responded in kind, tenderly touching the tendrils of their bond, sharing their love: mind, body, and soul, as they had done now for so many years.
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skyler10fic · 7 years
15 and 18 for the fandom pick meme?
ooo going for the controversial ones! Ok, be forewarned, unpopular opinions ahead: 
15. Most loathed character. EVER.
ngl, Missy is pretty high up there. I’m sure there are ones I hate worse, but usually I just don’t watch a show if I’m not into the characters, even if it’s popular. But I do like the rest of DW for the most part. I just can’t with her. 
18. A character you used to love but eventually hated or vice-versa.
There are several characters/shows I just didn’t really know and thought I would hate. Like I was very “bleh I’m not into fantasy and magic and stuff” as a preteen and then my friend made me go to HP3 with her and I loooooved it and became a really hardcore Potterhead. lol I also thought I would hate Parks and Rec because I don’t get the humor on The Office or 30 Rock and usually people compared it to those, but I really loved Parks and Rec. I also used to really ship Eleven x River when I first watched DW, but the more people talk about his flaws, the more I have a hard time shipping him with anyone, especially someone as badass as River. So I’m open to fixit rewrites for them, but haven’t actually read any fic for them. (Which is why I was planning on reading DW fic in the first place! But Tentoo and Rose trapped me and I’ve been here in a parallel dimension ever since. lol )
Thanks, friend!! 
Fandom Asks
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whoinwhoville · 8 years
Rating: General Audience Relationships: Tenth Doctor (duplicate)/Rose Tyler Characters: Tenth Doctor (duplicate), Rose Tyler, Tony Tyler Additional Tags: Crack, Humor, What is this even?, Transformers - Freeform, Optimus Prime - Freeform, evil emporor zorgon, Princess Leia - Freeform, Bumblebee - Freeform, mr. potatohead, Fluff Series: Part 4 of Whoville's Follower Milestone Celebration Summary:
The Doctor and Rose babysit Tony Tyler and play with Transformers. Crack.
Written for @ofstormsandwolves, winner of the Tentoo x Rose ficlet from my Follower Milestone Celebration. Prompt was, “Tentoo and Rose babysit Tony.”
“Doctor!” Red-headed Tony Tyler jumped into the Doctor’s arms.
The Doctor swooped Tony up and onto his shoulders. “What do you want to do today?”
“Play with toys! I brought Bumblebee, Mr. Potatohead, and a Bad Guy. We can play Transformers!”
“Sounds brilliant.”
“Your dad and me, we haven’t had a date in ages," Jackie told Rose. "Going to see a film -- and one that's not animated, thank heavens, and then down to the pub for a pint and a quiz. Shouldn’t be out too late.”
“Have fun, Mum. Don’t worry about the time. Tony can spend the night even.”
Jackie handed her daughter Tony’s Transformers-themed rucksack. “He brought his whole room with him, I think. And there’s a surprise in there from his Dad. Spoils him rotten, that man.”
“And you love it.” Rose hugged her mother. “Have fun!”
“It’s Ultimate Prime! It’s Ultimate Prime!” Tony exclaimed, tearing open the package to get to his new toy.
“It’s from Dad. Make sure you thank him, Tony,” Rose said.
“I will." He grinned. "Doctor, let’s play Transformers!”
“Oh! Transformers are brilliant! Who do I get to be?”
Tony ran to get his bag of toys, and pulled out a Mr. Potato Head. “Give him a scary face. He’s an alien potato.”
“Oh! I’ll make him a Sontaran!” the Doctor squealed as he opened the flap in back and dumped out the silly pieces.
Rose laughed in the background. “Lunch will be ready in about ten minutes, boys. Cheesy noodles.”
“Oh, brilliant!” the two ‘boys’ drawled in unison.
“I am Staal!” the Doctor said in a deep voice. “Sontar ha!”
“Sontor ha!” copied Tony.
“Did I ever tell you about the time that a Sontaran named Skunk—“
“Skunk!” Tony giggled. “Was he stinky?”
“Was he stinky? He stunk worse than a Blorgallian Bog Dog, and that is very stinky. Rose got licked by one once, and she stunk for days. Bog Dogs are very affectionate.”
“Oi! I heard that! You pushed me into that bog, if I recall,” she called from the kitchen.
“To save you from that herd of Areyouesses that was coming for you!”
“Yeah, whatever.”
Tony covered his mouth and laughed. “Was that Leather You or This Hair you?”
Tony leaned in close. “Rose took me to Henrik’s last week. She was looking at leather coats. She kept sniffing 'em. Isn't that strange?” Tony whispered into the Doctor’s ear.
"Not strange at all," the Doctor grinned.
“Well I think it's weird. Did you know your birthday is coming up? You’re gonna be one!” Tony giggled. “I’m older than you are! I’m older than you are!” he sang.
The Doctor winked at him. “That’s my spy — you just keep your eyes open.”
Tony picked up his new toy. “I’m Ultimate Prime, and I’m going to save the universe from the evil emperor Zorgon!”
“Zygon?” asked the Doctor.
“No, Doctor." He rolled his eyes just like his big sister. "Zygons look like a boy thing.”
Rose snorted a laugh, and the Doctor choked.
“A Zygon tried to infiltrate 10 Downing about two years ago,” Rose called from the kitchen, still laughing. “I didn’t know that Tony was peeking over my shoulder. The little spy."
The Doctor elbowed and winked at Tony.
"He saw a picture of the thing on my laptop. He laughed about it for days.”
Tony picked up a figurine with a long pointy beard and arched eyebrows. “I’m the evil emperor Zorgon! I’m here to destroy your planet!”
“What is Skunk the Sontaran supposed to do? Jump on him? Clone him?” asked the Doctor.
“Nothing. He watches. Ultimate Prime is the hero.”
The Doctor frowned.
Playtime continued for a few more minutes until Rose called them for lunch. The toys were abandoned on the floor.
“I’m an Ood,” Tony said, mouth full, spaghetti noodles hanging down his chin.
“Put those back in your mouth, little man,” Rose admonished. “What would Mum say?”
“Mum would put me in time out, but Dad would laugh and do it too. And then Mum would say, you keep doing that and you’re cut off. What does cut off mean, Rose? Mum would never cut off Dad’s arm or something, would she?”
Rose shook her head forcefully. “No! It’s like grownup time out.”
“Do you ever get grownup time out, Doctor? You’re always doing messy stuff like Ood noodles.”
The Doctor tugged on his ear, and Rose raised an eyebrow and smirked. His head snapped towards the lounge.
“What’s wrong, Doctor?” Rose asked. “I know that look.”
“Did you hear something, Rose? Tony? I heard something. Like a high-pitched zinging sound. I haven’t heard the sound… in years. Very distinctive.”
Rose and shook her head, and Tony continued to slurp noodles.
“I didn’t hear anything, Doctor,” said Rose.
“I know I heard something.”
“Maybe it was Ultimate Prime. The package says he talks and makes sounds,” Rose suggested.
“You’re probably right.”
“Hurry up and eat already, I want to play!” Tony nagged, his plate now empty.
"Tony, you go wash the cheese off of your hands and face, and then we'll play."
Tony scurried off.
“Rose, I’m serious. That robot toy? Alien tech.”
“Come on, Doctor,” she drawled. “It’s just a toy. It whirrs and walks and talks. I put the batteries in myself, and there’s a gift receipt. Mum got it at We B’ Toys.”
“Not a toy.” The Doctor crossed his arms. "Transformers do not emit a level two sub-sonic universal greeting."
"Is it dangerous?" she asked.
"No, no, no!" he grinned. "Very friendly. The friendliest of greetings! Usually precedes the offering of gifts or blessings."
“All right, then. You try and take it from Tony.” Rose crossed her arms right back at him.
“Chhhhssshhhhhh!” Tony flew the robot toy above his head. He came to a screeching halt and held Bad Guy Zorgon face to face with Ultimate Prime.
“I’m Emperor Zorgon! And you will obey me!” he hissed. “Evil Ultimate Prime, I command you to fire!” Tony held the red robot high above his head.
“Tony, we have a surprise for you. Rose is going to take you to get a treat.”
“A treat, Doctor?” Rose asked.
“Yep. Ice cream.” The Doctor leveled a look that meant business.
Rose nodded, and then swept her five year old brother into his arms. “Go on, give your toys to the Doctor. Can’t have the evil robot and the emporor Zorgon threatening innocent people at the ice creamery.”
“Awwww, do I have to?” Tony whinged.
Tony handed the toys to the Doctor, a thick lower lip pooching out.
Tony held the maraschino cherry above his mouth and then grabbed it with his teeth before sticking his finger into the generous dollop of whipped cream on the top of his chocolate-caramel swirl banana split.
“…so Evil Emperor Zorgon shot Ultimate Prime with his sigma ray gun, and BAM! Ultimate Prime turned evil! He can’t even transform into a train engine anymore! Now he transforms into a big roller thing like the ones that make roads! With spikes! And laser beams that shoot out of his eyes!”
“Well that is certainly terrifying, Tony. Do you think the Doctor could save him?”
“Of course he could! The Doctor can do anything.”
“Can I have a bite of your sundae?”
“No. Get your own,” he said, caramel dripping down his chin.
“Oi! You’ve been around the Doctor too much. Rude.”
“Rose, I want to be just like him when I grow up.”
“Of course you do.” Rose smiled at him fondly.
Tony dropped the spoon on the table. The chocolate ice cream quickly melted into a sticky puddle. He sighed, “I’m done. I can’t eat anymore. Can we go home? I want to play with my new toy.”
“Told ya not to get the large.” Rose rolled her eyes.
“Hey Tony! Go into the lounge. I put Transformers on the telly! It’s the new-new series, and you get to see it two years before your mates.”
“All right! Woo hoo!” Tony ran into the lounge area of the open loft, and jumped onto the enormous beanbag that was reserved just for him.
Transformers! Robots in the Skies! he sang along as he transformed Bumblebee into her VW Beetle form. He rolled the yellow car over the bumps and valleys of the beanbag as the action began to play out on the holographic screen.
“Psst, Rose,” the Doctor motioned his head towards his lab on the far side of the enormous, formerly industrial space.
Rose crossed her arms. “You’re not gonna tell me it’s alien are you?”
“Most definitely alien. Rose Tyler. I just finished fixing his universal translator. Looks like it was damaged by some sort of a laser weapon."
"You're having me on," she guffawed, but then she saw a flickering hologram projected onto the table, but glitched.
"Hold on." The Doctor pressed his sonic against the side of the robot's armour. "Let's try this again."
"Rose Tyler, you've served the universe as Defender of the Earth. Now I beg you to help us in our struggle against the evil Emperor Zorgon. I regret that I am unable to present my request to you in person, but my ship has fallen under attack, and I'm afraid my mission to bring you to Cybertron has failed. I have placed information vital to the survival of the Transformers into the memory systems of Ultimate Prime. This is our most desperate hour. Help me, Rose Tyler. You're my only hope.
Rose stared for a moment, and then burst into hysterics.
"You heard him, he needs you, Rose, and this is his desperate hour."
"Right," she drawled. She picked up the toy, turned it over, and showed him the back. "*Press here to record your holographic message* Tony's been begging for this toy for a year. You think I didn't know it could do this? Mum's refused to buy it 'cos it cost a hundred and fifty quid. He must've worn Dad down."
"Tony, you can come out now," the Doctor called. "Rose figured it out."
"Aww," he complained. "But it was a good trick, wasn't it Rose?"
"It was a great one, Tony."
A conspiratorial grin grew on Tony's face. "Doctor, let's do another one. But this time, let's trick Mum!"
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Untitled (51)
Characters:  Tenth Doctor; Rose Tyler
Rated: General
Tags: Angst; Hurt/Comfort; Drabble
Summary: A six verse drabble set after Journey’s End. Rose is back travelling with the Doctor (no Tentoo in this imagining,) but when she sees the Doctor give an accomplished princess a hug, she isn’t certain she’s made the right decision in leaving Pete’s World.
Notes: Written for the drabble prompt from @timepetalsprompts : green.
Also read at: AO3; FF.net; Teaspoon
Untitled (51)
Arms folded across her chest, Rose watched the Prindurian princess lean across the TARDIS console, flashing the Doctor a bright grin, and spouting a string of technical gibberish.
“Of course!” the Doctor exclaimed, leaping to join her at the monitor. “By modifying the super-hyperbolic interchange regulator to offset the… blah, blah, blah…”
Rose understood only a fraction of the scientific language spilling from their lips, but she sure as hell recognized their body language as they met in a celebratory embrace, then pulled back to gaze with exhilaration into one another’s eyes.
Heart aching and feeling forlorn, she walked away.
“Rose? You in here? Ah, there you are! Been looking all over for you. You wandered off.”
Rose turned her back to him, refusing to let him see her tears.
“The TARDIS is good as new… weeell, better than, actually.”
“S’good. What about the princess?”
“Oh, weeell, she’s gone home. Couldn’t come along. Shame, really. It’s not every day I get to meet another expert in temporal physics and quantum mechanics.”
“Yeah, real shame.” Rose oozed sarcasm.
“Rose? You all right?” He sat down beside her.
“I’m fine,” she grumbled.
“Rose…” a little smirk bowed his lips, “are you jealous?”
Rose rolled her eyes.
His smile widened. “You are! You’re jealous! My very own green-eyed monster. And here I thought I was travelling with a human.”  
He picked up her hand, but she snatched it back, hurt and mortification tearing at her heart.
“C’mon, love.” His expression softened. “We’re all ready to go. Anywhere in space and time you like: a beach; a spa; shopping.”
“Oh, sure,” Rose lashed out, “all the places a chav like me might like, yeah? Wouldn’t want to strain the stupid ape’s brain.”
The Doctor’s face crumpled. “I just thought you could use a holiday.”
“You hugged her!” Rose sobbed.
He frowned. “Rose, I hug lots of people. One of the quirks of this regeneration.”
“Not like that! That was our hug… our ‘we defeated the monsters’ hug.”
“Oh… sorry. But really, it was just a typical celebratory hug. It didn’t mean anything.”
She averted her eyes. “Those hugs always meant somethin’ to me. Made me feel special. Were one of the things… when I was tryin’ to get back to you… I thought it meant you... Never mind. Guess I was wrong. I shoulda gone back to the other universe with Mum.”
“What? No!”
He leaped to his feet. “I’ll have you know, Rose Tyler, that you and I have always hugged much more than was strictly necessary. Certainly not just when we saved the day! And those hugs… weeell…”
Rose snuffled back fresh tears. “Yeah, right.” Despondent, she shook her head. “Guess you’re stuck with me… a stupid chav.”
He knelt before her, tipping her chin. She reluctantly raised her eyes to his.
“Rose, you are nothing short of brilliant! Look what you did? You saved… the multiverse!”
“But I’ll never be able to discuss temporal physics with you… not properly.”
“Listen to me, precious girl. You may not have encyclopaedic knowledge, or eidetic memory, but you’re my superior in every other way. You make me better.”
Rose fought a smile. “Yeah?”
“Yes! And, I’m not stuck. Wherever you are is where I’ll always want to be.”
Tears flowed over Rose’s cheeks. “Can I have one of those hugs now?”
“Oh, yes!” He enfolded her in his embrace, hearts thrumming against her cheek. “And it’s time I did better than that, love…” Leaning in, his lips melted against hers, and Rose finally understood: he was her home, and she was his.
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