#I’m like unbelievably behind on d20
billyzigz · 1 year
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The Rocks Princesses my beloved
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somebodysumbuddy · 2 years
Monstertober, Day 1
Following @snejkha ‘s Monstertober prompt list.
Day 1: Hellhound
d20 roll: Guardian
“Well, I can’t help but point out the ‘hound’ part of the whole ‘hellhound’ thing...” Your hands were folded together, daintily set on your knees. In an uncomfortable, frankly unbelievable situation, you reverted to being as polite and professional as possible. Why that was your reaction you didn’t know. Certainly screaming, crying and running away would have been a more appropriate reaction. You just didn’t have it in you.  
Across from where you sat on a rock stood a lone shadowy being. If they were too tall or misshapen you couldn’t tell, their form flickering, edges pulling and pushing away from them like a flame. Only their eyes, still the same charcoal color as the rest of them, seemed solid. Their whole being was only distinguishable from the dark forest behind them since they were a couple shades lighter. You were grateful you could focus on them instead of the ink dark night surrounding you. A sound, indistinguishable whether if it had been a laugh or a snarl, left them. Their head lighted, it’s shape quickly sharpening as they bent down closer to you. A long elongated muzzle, overcrowded with sharp angular teeth, filled your vision. You stared, transfixed. Their burning hot breath shook you enough to take in the rest of their features. Their whole head took on the shape of a wolf though there was a distinct lack of fur. Instead they were hairless, only a cluster of stubby thick hair was visible between their ears onto of their head.
You took a deep breathe in before exhaling long and even.
“Well now I’m scared to ask about the ‘hell’ part.”
This morning you had been optimistic, deciding that you would still go on a promising new hiking trail even after your friend had canceled. You prepared, bringing all the supplies you could need in the event of an emergency. For all the good it did you now. You had been on your eight mile of what was meant to be a 10.5 mile loop when you realized you hadn’t run into anyone in a long time. Then panic started setting in when you were unable to find any trail flares so you began tracing back your steps. Or so you thought. By the time you came upon a river you had no memory of it was dusk. You’d only gone three steps with your compass in one hand, flashlight in the other when you tripped forward, caught yourself, lost balance, and scrambled backward some more. Your awkward dance ended as you plunged, backpack first, into the river.
You choked on your own scream as your body made impact with dry solid ground. Facing up, you faintly saw dark tree tops but decidedly no water around you. You sat up, shrugging off your heavy pack, and looking around. So so very confused. It had quickly gotten very dark. You slowly stood, shuffling your feet forward in hopes of not slipping again. You were scared by how unable you were to see your hands in front of you. Your flashlight had dropped from your hand on impact. There was no sign of it or it’s beam. You found a cluster of rocks in front of you and you scurried back to grab your bag before sitting down on one of the rocks.
You were shoulder deep in your pack, trying to identify anything why practically blind and staving off a panic attack, when a voice cut through the darkness and silence surrounding you. You froze, processing the clear, hollow sound before the word came through.
“Hello.” Slowly you straighten, looking around you. It was only on your third scan around that you focused on the slightly discolored shape. Once you looked at them they took it as a cue to walk towards you, stopping a couple steps away. Your head craned up, now able to make out their figure and their eyes. You remained frozen. They continued talking.
“Do breathe. I didn’t keep you from your fate in the river for you to asphyxiate yourself.”  You pulled in a stuttering deep breath, not having realized you’d stopped breathing. you also released your hold on your bag, unaware of when you had locked your hands onto it.
“What happened to the river” It didn’t quite come out as a question, your voice was too shaky to carry the correct intonation. You put your hands on your knees to steady yourself.
“Nothing happened to the river, I only pulled you from that realm before you were submerged.”  A laugh almost croaked out of you at the words ‘from that realm’.
“You pulled me from that realm?” Now your question was obvious, voice stronger.
“So I’m in a different realm now.”
“In this realm you exist? Other not real beings? Are you real? What’s a realm-“ Your voice trailed off panic working it’s way through you again.            “I exist in all the realms.” You waited for them to continue. When they stayed silent you nodded softly as you tried to make sense of what was happening.
“You saved me from the river, are you my guardian angel?”
“No not an angel. I have been guarding over you but I am a hellhound.” You nodded at their words again, choosing to just shut your brain off instead of having to react. You rubbed your hands up and down your legs before folding them on top of your knees.
“Thank you, I’m really glad you were watching over me today.” You smiled politely hoping to convey your genuine gratitude.
You silently study each other. You observe the fluidity of their form, the ambiguity of their image. You cleared your throat.
“I am very thankful to have you as a guardian but, if I may ask you a question, just for clarification’s sake, did you say you are a ‘hellhound’?
“Well, I can't help but point out...
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fangirlshrewt97 · 1 year
D20 - Dungeons and Drag Queens Ep 2 Notes
Oh man, I am so far behind. I will try to finish the other two episodes within the next week if possible. Let’s see. 
I love Jujubee placing herself in the middle of the group. No one will come at her first
"But you're the oldest one here trying to die bitch" LOLOL
"But I'm not dead. [...] And since I'm not alive...Bitch!" That is Jujubee's second retraction after accidentally eating the magical seed. Love the table just falling over themselves at these antics. "What did you roll a one?  A one on steath?"
"If you roll a one, we are going to end up with a guppy.: Bob with the incredible quips once again.
"Did she lose her sense of fashion" Brennan just losing it while Monet just looks so done and disappointed.
Alaska's expression whenever she goes into character is top notch, that growling face
"Dinner is served!" "Is she going to fucking eat us...we're rotting?!" LOL
Monet jumping into the explanation before Brennan even asks her to. So excited, so cute.
Gertrude's attack was so cool.
Here we go with Brennan making all his players cry again. This man's storytelling abilities are awe-inspiring
"What the going gets tusk, the tusk gets going." All of these character taglines are so on point.
Awww this uncle is so sweet.
Lol Troyan forgeting the spell letting them take characters across the river is so perfect.
Them rushing to write down the name of the Goddess is also very nice. They are great first time DnD players!
Damn Nyruth is handsome too. The character artists for this season really went all out (But then again, they always do at D20).
Oh my god Jujubee is so chaotic, the others spend half the show just trailing behind trying to clean up their mess. Brennan must love her for it.
"I wanna get wet." Brennan stop! God why does it always make me blush when he just says stuff like that!
Jujubee is so proud of the Monet X Change pun lololol
"I can disguise myself as a flashlight" Lol, I don't know how much jujubee genuinely wants to play, and how much she just wants to cause chaos, but I love her for it.
I kind of wish we had gotten a chane to see Brennan's expression as the Queens are discussing this double crossing plan.
Unbelieve Brennan, oh my god. Just playing on the Paula Abdul bit.
I like the flash cuts to Alaska's reactions to the antics of Bob and Jujubee, where she is just mentally rolling her eyes, like what is happening right now?/are you serious?
Oh my god, "Dispel his Dispel Magic". So convoluted
Holy shit, three ones! Oh no that jack that is going to eat them.
Did Monet just try to trick Brennan the DM abut what dice to use? Lol
"D'Hamia - Snatched and Thirsty" the captions are superb
"I pour your tea in a bucket" Glad to see them all remembering Princess's size lol.
All of them playing out what's the best plan is actually so nice. Like they are really leaning into the RP this season, because for newbies, a ton of combat would be heard. And it's nice seeing the Queens trying to logic out what would be the best moves to do. Even if their dice don't always let them.
"4" "Hundred" Twyla is so chaotic, my god, she always just does the most insane choice. ...I really want her to play with Emily (RIP their poor DM)
Ooooh Troyan's mom is only saving herself...
"She sounds like an alcoholic" Brennan has been wheeze laughing so much this episode, it's delightful
Oof, brutal revelation
"It wasn't like 'Hey girl!'" Brennan's expression is so funny
D'Hamia interactions with Princess are great
"We are going to pimp out our orc friend." Bob is just killing it with the one liners.
Oh god this preview is so dramatic lol
That was a good episode! I can see the campaign will likely be very light in combat, which makes sense, the Queens are making the RP and character choices that are so entertaining and fun to watch. Excellent season so far.
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signetofworlds · 6 years
The Rolling Tide (Yog-Sothoth)
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(art by Satibalzane)
I was mesmerized by the rolling tide
I lay on that shore and gazed into the skies Like a shooting star, my dream was gone I made up my mind I don't want to wake up
-Markus Toivonen, “Celestial Bond”
On all worlds I have visited, the name of Yog-Sothoth is known within the hearts of the populace. Although few could utter it, every intelligent being implicitly understands the concept of a cosmic order, a binding force behind conceivable reality that sits so far beyond their science and rationale as to be incomprehensible but that remains undeniable in its omnipresence. This wholeness is the true name of my inscrutable master, with Yog-Sothoth being nothing more than a simple shorthand utilized by those possessing humanoid tongues and a (mostly) linear understanding of spacetime.
When choosing a religion (if they are even afforded the freedom to do so), most potential disciples will stress the idea of a personal relationship with their deity. They cling to the idea that Osiris or Asmodeus or whatever other strange and mighty being they throw their prayers at cares about their dedication, or at the very least appreciates their contribution. The Outer Gods do not operate in this way, do not trifle with the answering of prayers and observation of rites. Many a poor soul has deluded themself into thinking that their bloody sacrifices somehow matter to Cthulhu or Shub-Niggurath, and never once do I suspect that their beloved masters ever noticed.
One cannot help but ask, then, why we disciples of the Elder Mythos wield powers which can rival or even surpass the delivered-with-a-smile spells of more palatable divinities. As one who has tapped into Yog-Sothoth’s incredible abilities with relative frequency over the last few eons, the best answer I can provide is that beings of the Elder Mythos are powerful enough to exude tremendous divine magic without their noticing. Raw magical energies of obscene magnitude flow from the wake of an Outer God’s path, which is why so many who are exposed to these mind-boggling forces wind up with their minds very thoroughly boggled. When I call upon the complex and incredibly powerful esoterica that enables many of my miracles, I am little more than an ant carrying off crumbs which fall from a great multiversal picnic basket.
The divine magic of a being such as Yog-Sothoth is only powered by belief insofar as one’s personal discipline shapes these energies into a comprehensible form. Whereas most divine spellcasters see their devotion as a source of strength, to us it is a crucial limiter without which our minds would completely break. The immense strength of will one finds in disciples of the Outer Gods is what anchors us to earth, for without such filters of mental stamina we would all be reduced to hysteric babbling (a fate I have seen forced upon too many and that I would wish on nobody). The sagacity of most disciples ties them to immortal, but it keeps us disciples of the cosmos anchored to the mortal.
The question then arises as to why I, a reasonably sane individual by most accounts, would constantly risk losing myself when there are so many more benign gods out there willing to hand over power. The simple answer is that I’m too skeptical to pledge myself to a finite entity, a being that was born from something and will one day pass into nothingness. Even as a child, I could never muster a prayer to any god which the priests explained as having a plan for me, because that meant forcing my view of the universe to revolve around a being which was either finite or petty enough to be miffed if I didn’t do what its priests told me to. Harnessing of the Gate and Key’s power garners not the entity’s attention nor its respect, just as the forces of gravity and magnetism care nothing about how you use them. I approach divine magic much in the same manner that I approach arcane magic, utilizing understanding garnered through study in order to expand my perspective and capabilities within the universe, caring not for concepts such as good or bad but rather craving an empirical appraisal of what lies before me. This of course begs the question of why I would utilize divine magic at all, and my answer is that I am not one to waste perfectly functional reality-warping powers. Ever since my studies of the Dark Tapestry first produced a Sanctuary Spell, I’ve found great use in tapping these energies which even the most knowledgeable arcanists fail to manifest. 
The biggest draw for the worship of Yog-Sothoth is none of these, however. What swells the entity’s congregation is the simple fact that once you learn of The Gate and Key’s existence, there is simply nowhere else you can sensibly turn. All other faiths are ruined for you, ruined by the fact that whatever god is slapping you on the back can’t hold a candle to the reality-defining force that is Yog-Sothoth. Disciples are drawn to power, even if that power can’t be bothered to acknowledge the planet you just sacrificed to get its attention.
Besides, taking an hour every morning to siphon a smidgen of eldritch might from an infinitely intelligent, infinitely powerful, infinitely-nonchalant-about-your-existence entity gives one some distinct perspective on your place in the universe.
Yog-Sothoth, The Gate and Key
Outer Gods
Areas of Concern
Gates, Space, Time
Domains Darkness, Chaos, Evil, Knowledge, Travel, Void Subdomains Dark Tapestry, Exploration, Memory, Night, Portal, Stars, Thought Favored Weapon Dagger (which is to say that he doesn’t have one. Daggers are just convenient for sacrifices) Symbol Black spiral Sacred Animal(s) None Sacred Color(s) None Obedience Draw out a series of arcane symbols in ink, chalk, or blood while meditating upon the finite nature of your own existence (honestly, if you’ve gotten this far, it shouldn’t be too hard). Gain a +2 insight bonus on all knowledge checks.
Divine Gift The recipient learns of the perfect path to success in regards to one specific goal or task, gaining a +4 insight bonus on all d20 rolls made as part of trying to complete that goal for 1 day. (Note: This “Gift” is not usually the result of Yog-Sothoth taking a liking to you. Every time I or someone else has obtained this gift, it is a consequence of unleashing some particularly powerful and out-there form of magic tied to Spacetime. This is, also how the Signet of Worlds was created).
Boons - Deific Obedience
1: Temporal Initiate: Burst of Insight 3/day, Ally Across Time 2/day, Haste 1/day
2: Magical Insights (Su): The character learns a new spell of every level they are capable of casting, adding them to their spells known or to their source of prepared spells (such as a spellbook or familiar). These spells must be those on the character’s spell list.
3: Facet of the Eternal (Su): You gain a single feat as a bonus feat. You must meet the prerequisites for this feat, but may exchange it for another feat that you also meet the prerequisites for whenever you perform your obedience.
Exalted 1: Spacetime Insight: Hermean Potential 3/day, Twisted Space 2/day, Blink 1/day
2: Probability Mastery (Su): Whenever you roll % dice to determine the effects of a spell or class ability on yourself, you may roll twice and take whichever result you choose. 3: Traveler of the Gates (Su): As a move action, you may teleport up to your movement speed, or four times your movement speed as a full-round action. In addition, you may increase or decrease the size of any portals you create (such as those created through a Gate spell) by 50%. Sentinel 1: Mastery of Possibilities: True Strike 3/day, Mirror Image 2/day, Borrow Fortune 1/day
2: Forewarned is Forearmed (Su): You gain the uncanny dodge and improved uncanny dodge class features as a monk of your character level. In addition, you can always act in the surprise round even if you fail to make a Perception roll to notice a foe, but you are still considered flat-footed until you take an action. 3: Path to Victory (Su): You have learned to witness many possibilities at once, picking and choosing the ones which you feel will lead to your greatest success in combat. Once per round, you may reroll a single attack roll or damage roll and take the higher of the two results.
For Followers of Yog-Sothoth
Chronomancer (Wizard. It’s just good sense really)
Elder Mythos Cultists (Cleric, because some fools just can’t handle their unbelievable power)
Portal Seeker (Investigator) Secret Broker (Occultist)
Stargazer (Oracle) Feats
Dimensional Agility Dreamed Secrets
Eldritch Eye
Practiced Ritualist
Magic Items
Ring Gates Monsters Ancient Ones
Hounds of Tindalos
Spawn of Yog-Sothoth
Tawil At-Umr Spells Akashic Form
Borrow Fortune
Borrowed Time
Burst of Insight
Time Stop
Time Stutter
Traits Arcane Researcher
Horrifying Mind
Lucid Dreamer
Two-World Magic
Unspeakable Bond
Unique Spell Rules
Clerics, Oracles, and Warpriests who have Yog-Sothoth as their patron add Burst of Insight to their spell list as a 1st-level spell, Haste and Slow as 3rd-level spells, and Akashic Form and Time Stop as 9th-level spells.
Inquisitors who have Yog-Sothoth as their patron (don’t ask how they enforce doctrine for a god apathetic to mortal worship) add Burst of Insight to their spell list as a 1st-level spell, and Haste and Slow as 3rd-level spells
Sorcerers and Wizards who worship Yog-Sothoth add Burst of Insight to their spell list as a 1st-level spell, Borrow Fortune as a 3rd-level spell, and Akashic Form and Major Mind Swap as 9th-level spells
Unique Summon Rules
Summon Monster IV: Khaei
Summon Monster VI: Hound of Tindalos
Summon Monster VII: Spawn of Yog-Sothoth
Ancient One CR 22/MR 2
Invincible Hundun XP 614,400 CE Large aberration (chaotic, extraplanar, mythic) Init +10; Senses blindsense 300 ft., detect law; Perception +36 DEFENSE AC 41, touch 23, flat-footed 35 (+8 deflection, +6 Dex, +18 natural, -1 size) hp 380 (27d8+259) Fort +18, Ref +23, Will +21, Second Save
Defensive Abilities block attacks, entropic mind, evasion, negative energy affinity, spacetime shifting; DR 15/epic, lawful and piercing; Immune aging effects, cold, disease, mind-affecting effects, petrification, poison; Resist acid 15, cold 15, electricity 15, fire 30, sonic 15; SR 34 OFFENSE Speed 60 ft.; air walk Melee unarmed strike +32/+32/+27/+27/+22/+22/+17 (4d8+12/19–20 plus 1d6 negative energy) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks befuddling strike (6/day, DC 29), punishing kick (6/day, DC 29), strange attractor Spell-Like Abilities (CL 21st; concentration +29) Constant—air walk, detect law At will—chaos hammer (DC 22), dimension door, enervation, greater dispel magic, mass inflict moderate wounds (DC 24), plane shift (DC 23) 3/day—quickened dimension door, disintegrate (DC 24), quickened mass inflict moderate wounds (DC 24), word of chaos (DC 25) 1/day—orb of the void (DC 26) STATISTICS Str 34, Dex 22, Con 29, Int 18, Wis 23, Cha 27 Base Atk +20; CMB +33; CMD 57 Feats Befuddling Strike, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Dimensional Agility, Dimensional Assault, Dimensional Dervish, Greater Blind-Fight, Improved Blind-Fight, Improved Critical (unarmed strike), Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike, Punishing Kick, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (dimension door), Quicken Spell-Like Ability (mass inflict moderate wounds), Weapon Focus (unarmed strike) Skills Acrobatics +36, Climb +30, Escape Artist +36, Intimidate +38, Knowledge (planes) +22, Perception +36, Sense Motive +27, Spellcraft +22, Stealth +32, Swim +30 Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Protean (can’t speak any languages); telepathy 300 ft. SQ faceless, no breath SPECIAL ABILITIES Entropic Mind (Ex) An ancient one’s mind is a maelstrom of utter chaos. An ancient one is immune to mind-affecting effects, and any creature that attempts to affect an ancient one with a mind-affecting effect gains 1d4 temporary negative levels (Will DC 31 negates) from entropic feedback. These negative levels disappear automatically after 8 hours. The save DC is Charisma-based. Faceless (Ex) An ancient one has no eyes, but detects infinitesimal gravitic distortions through its skin, gaining blindsense 300 feet. An ancient one is blind and deaf, and is immune to effects that depend on sight or hearing. It subsists on negative energy and doesn’t breathe, eat, or drink. Spacetime Shifting (Ex) Reality constantly reconfigures in the vicinity of an ancient one , correcting the paradoxes the creature’s existence in space and time generates. This causes all attacks against the ancient one to suffer a 20% miss chance, and grants the ancient one a deflection bonus to AC and a racial bonus on Reflex saves equal to its Charisma modifier. Strange Attractor (Sp) An ancient one can activate or deactivate the stafflike strange attractor it carries as a free action. While active, a strange attractor hovers in place, and the ancient one can mentally move it up to 60 feet through space as a move action, to a maximum range of 300 feet. If it enters a space with a creature, it stops moving for the round and that creature must attempt a DC 31 Will saving throw. The creature falls unconscious for 1 round if it fails this save, or is nauseated for 1 round if it succeeds. The space around an active strange attractor twists and warps, trapping creatures within its gravity well. This functions like repulsion but in reverse: creatures within 60 feet attempting to move away from it are prevented from doing so, wasting their move actions (Reflex DC 31 negates). Lawful creatures beginning their turn within 60 feet of an active strange attractor are nauseated for 1 round (Will DC 31 negates). Nausea caused by a strange attractor is a mind-affecting effect. Creatures with the chaotic subtype are immune to all effects of the strange attractor. The save DCs are Charisma-based. A strange attractor can’t be attacked or harmed by physical attacks, but disintegrate, mage’s disjunction, a sphere of annihilation, or a rod of cancellation affect it. A strange attractor’s touch AC is 18 (+8 deflection), and attacks against it suffer a 20% miss chance. If an ancient one’s strange attractor is destroyed, the ancient one can create a new one after 1d8 hours of uninterrupted meditation. If an ancient one is slain, its strange attractor disappears. Unarmed Strikes (Ex) An ancient one’s unarmed strikes deal 4d8 points of damage, and function as chaotic, magic, and adamantine weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. An ancient one can make a flurry of blows attack with its unarmed strikes as a 20th-level monk, without increasing its base attack bonus or taking the –2 penalty on attack rolls. This ability also grants the ancient one the befuddling strike rogue talent and the punishing kick hungry ghost monk class feature.
Mythic Feats
Dreamed Secrets (Mythic)
Profound and powerful magics invade your mind
Prerequisites: Dreamed Secrets
Benefits: Increase the number of spells learned from Dreamed Secrets by your tier. In addition, you automatically know the mythic version of any spells you learn with Dreamed Secrets, but casting these spells as mythic spells causes you to take 1d4 points of wisdom damage with no saving throw.
Eldritch Eye (Mythic)
You are attuned to strange energies that move all around you.
Prerequisites: Eldritch Eye
Benefits: Your Eldritch Eye lasts for as long as you desire rather than just one minute. In addition, you can spend a point of mythic power to gain the benefits of True Seeing for one round.
Practiced Ritualist (Mythic)
You handle forces far beyond your ken with aplomb
Prerequisite: Practiced Ritualist
Benefit: You gain a bonus equal to your mythic tier on skill checks to perform occult rituals, and on Intelligence checks to learn the method of casting an occult ritual. In addition, while performing an occult ritual, you may spend a point of mythic power to gain a +10 bonus on a single skill check made as part of the ritual.
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