#I’m not anti lucaya
chronically-unlucky · 8 months
You know what would’ve been better than Lucaya?
Maya developing feelings for Farkle because of his new alt aesthetic.
I just think it would be interesting
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starlightsweetheart · 8 months
Choosing and Choices…
I’ve been thinking about this for awhile now. It’s always kind of bothered me seeing it being stated that Lucas chose Riley (as Rucas fans like to gloat about and that is what’s published as in conclusion for the triangle in GMW’s Wikipedia page and the GMW Wikia).
But is that factually correct?…
This is where I get a bit stumped (I’m gonna use emojis because I found the farmer one and couldn’t help myself, plus the one I used for Maya looked like her).
Lucas 🧑‍🌾 has two options. Riley 👩🏻 or Maya 👱🏻‍♀️
But Maya 👱🏻‍♀️ quits the triangle.
👩🏻👱🏻‍♀️ - 👱🏻‍♀️ = 👩🏻
That leaves Riley as Lucas’ only option.
Can you really “choose” someone when they are the only option available to you?? That’s what stumps me.
Maya dropping out of triangle put Lucas in a really shitty situation, because now he had to be with Riley, there is no other alternative.
He could have chosen not to “choose” Riley, but by doing that it would show who he actually chose. Technically, yes, he chose her in this regard…
But the fact is the triangle was never concluded because he never chose between Riley and Maya.
Yeah, Lucas told Riley he chose her, but he had no other recourse but to word it way. After all that, he can’t just be like, “Hey Riley, Maya quit the triangle, so d’ya wanna catch a movie?”.
Isn’t this the actual canon? Am I looking too deeply at this whole thing or am I just losing my mind?
Also, don’t get me started on that fucking jellybean.
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purpleyearning · 1 year
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gryffinwall · 3 years
So, how do Riley & Farkle get together?
I was asked quite some time ago to talk about how I thought Riley and Farkle would come together. I’ve thought about this a lot since then, and while I’m not 100% happy with my answer, I felt it was high time to give it to you.
First things first, Lucas and Riley need to realize they are not a good romantic match. The show caught a lot of flack for its alleged “bad writing,” and some of that criticism came from the lack of interaction between Riley and Lucas as a couple. If you’ve read anything else on this blog before, you would know I don’t buy into that theory for a second. Them not acting like they’re together and their anti-chemistry was completely, totally done on purpose. Yes, they liked each other, but as I’ve talked about before, neither saw their relationship for what it really was, and it checks out that they’d eventually realize they’re better off as friends.
After that, Smackle and Farkle need to break up as well. And if I’m being honest with you, this is the part that’s tripped me up for a long time. I wanted to break them up in a way that felt in line with the show while also hitting a natural ending for their relationship arc. And while this post is mainly about the Riarkle ship, it makes sense that Smarkle could end with both realizing they feel something for somebody else*.
For Smackle and Farkle, a big component of their relationship was helping each other grow. He helped her understand emotions and social cues, and in return, she helped him elevate his academic game. But after a while, there was bound to be a natural conclusion for these two. Considering Farkle himself doesn’t have the best understanding of feelings, there’s only so much he could do to help her grow. And as much as he’s always appreciated Smackle for inspiring him to be his best, that dynamic could still exist without a romantic aspect attached to it.
In other words, it checks out that they would both outgrow their relationship at some point. In fact, it would be surprising if they didn’t outgrow their eighth-grade relationship at some point (we can’t all be Cory & Topanga!).
So, Riley and Lucas break up because they realize they work better as friends. Smackle and Farkle break up because they realize they’ve outgrown their relationship — and have both felt sparks with other people. How do Riley and Farkle come together?
If it were me in charge, I would have them start spending more and more time together. There’s a bit of a parallel between Rucas and Smarkle — to an extent, they both realized their relationships sounded better on paper than it ended up being in reality. (It’s a bit more nuanced than that, but there are definitely some similarities. In my head, Farkle has a bit of a brain meltdown when he hears about Lucas and Riley ending their relationship. He’d have a bit of trouble comprehending something that makes logical sense not working out because of feelings, but he’d also have a bit of a lightbulb moment when thinking about his own relationship).
After some Lucaya-circa-S2-esque moments (i.e., flirting), Riley would be the first one to voice her feelings, even if it’s only to Maya. And because it’s her show, I really want Riley to have her moment. As much as she deserves the Big Romantic Gesture, I want Riley to be the one who tells Farkle how she feels first, and I want her to instigate the first kiss.
Annnnnd because I’m a cheesy sap, I've always imagined their first date being basically a direct parallel of GM First Date. Lucas and Maya would be each other’s “dates,” and our Riarkle dorks would do the goofy slo-mo run — to each other for real. I also have this very clear vision of Riley stumbling on the subway (because of course!), but Farkle catches her before she actually falls. He’s got her. :)
*I should probably mention here that the person Smackle starts feeling this for is Zay. But you probably knew that.
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lucas-friar · 6 years
tv questions
@bellamyblakes tagged me in this so u know i had to do it
What’s the most depressing show you’ve ever watched? lost comes to mind bc i’ve cried the most
What’s the most disturbing show you’ve ever watched? black mirror
Who’s your favorite actor/actress in a tv show? sophia bush
Name a show you could watch on repeat for the rest of your life? the simpsons because it would take the rest of my life to just see it once
What’s the very first show you remember watching? obviously i watched kids tv but the first show i stanned and had ships on was himym
A show you wish you hadn’t watched? girl meets world
A show you wish got more seasons? girl meets world
Which book would you like to see adapted into a show/what’s your favorite show that’s been adapted from a book? the list could be a banger mini series
The most aesthetically pleasing show you’ve ever watched? hate gossip girl but love love love the fashion and nyc scenery
Who’s your favorite showrunner? hmmmm well we know it’s not mj
Your favorite show genre? teen drama i’m basic
A show that holds a special place in your heart? i have a weird connection with himym that i don’t rlly understand
Your favorite comedy show? veep
Your favorite drama show? lost
Your favorite kid’s show? girl meets world
A music video you would love to see developed into a show? sabrina said in the almost love lyric video she got stood up and prom gimme a lucaya au where he finds her at that karaoke place after leaving his prom date
A show everyone loves but you hate? riverdale
A show you love but everyone else hates? the closest thing i can think of is that i still like the later seasons of lost even though they have many antis
Which tv show universe would you like to live in? gimme jess day’s life so i can live with my fav boys
Favorite character from any tv show? brooke davis
Favorite couple from any show? lucaya
What’s the best episode of tv you’ve ever seen? the lost s3 finale, veep kissing your sister, black mirror shut up and dance
What’s the best season of tv you’ve ever seen? it’s between lost s1 and 3 for sure, but lemme mention the oc s1, oth s3, dawsons s3, new girl s2, veep s2 or 5, and gmw s2 FIGHT MEEE
Quickest show you’ve ever binged? from dusk til dawn
2000s era shows or shows on now? 2000s
A show with an amazing soundtrack? the shameless soundtrack is AMAZING
Go-to show to recommend to others? i’ve told a lot of ppl to watch black mirror
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bmgmw · 7 years
I never bought all that lucaya bullshit but I was a hardcore riarkle shipper and because we are the same age I finally thought your opinions were really interesting, same about other series and even other topics, but now I can see you have this terrible attitude about GOT and you had a bad attitude about GMW. Now you are literally spoiling based in book and in your opinion just to get attention. You aren't always right, you are pedantic and annoying.
When have I ever had a terrible attitude about GMW?? I talked about its literary connections and all the subtext it has. I helped campaign to save it. I discouraged the Andi Mack vs GMW arguments (as the shows are apples and oranges). And now I mostly talk about how much I wish it had gotten a S4 so Jacobs could finish the story he wanted to tell. As for GoT, yes I'm a little salty because of the obvious drop in quality this season. There are still a few things I like this season (Olenna's last scene, seeing Gendry again, the visuals etc). But the previous seasons (except 5) were just generally better at keeping the characters' complexities and development. I liked earlier seasons GoT and I love the complex ASOIAF world that GRRM created. The only thing I'm truly "anti" is DB Weiss and David Benioff as show runners. They add rape scenes that aren't in the books and aren't necessary to add for the show (Cersei and Jaime, Sansa and Ramsay). They kill off Stannis (after completely ruining his character), but don't show the actual death scene because they felt that would be "gratuitous" (yet meanwhile showing Sansa's rape or Shireen's burning death apparently isn't....). They destroyed Dorne (even TV only viewers can agree with this). They spin everything Daenerys does with a "hero" spin, even though she's just as morally complex and gray as everyone else. Even if you disregard the books, they're erasing character development from earlier seasons. Like what are they doing to Jon Snow right now??I don't mind certain plot details being changed from the books. Do I wish Lady Stoneheart or Arianne Martell were in the TV show? Sure, it would've been nice, but I can get why they were cut. But it's so frustrating to see them mess with basic characterizations. I don't really see my opinions about this as pedantic. I'm not losing my shit over minor things. Like I know people complaining about the dragons' coloring, of all things. I don't even complain about the obvious travel time issue on the show. I just literally hate watching D&D destroy character development, that's basically it.
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thenameissnix · 7 years
GMW! (I forgot to send you one earlier today so do that one too :D)
I’m guessing you mean the one I sent you lol so here’s that and the one I just posted!! :D
The first one:
The first character I fell in love with: Might have been Riley, don’t remember exactly
The character who is my ‘baby’: Maya Penelope Hunter (Hart)
The character who I do not understand: n/a
The character that I think the show ruined: n/a
The most attractive male and female character: Lucaya…come on ;)
The character death that was the worst for me: Chelsea the Fish as she fell off the Empire State Building off-screen
The character that is the most like me: Cory Matthews…a lot of people say I totally act like him
The character I think the writer(s) love: Riley
The character that I just want to be happy: Maya
My four favorite characters, past or present: MAYA, Lucas, Zay & Cory
My four least favorite characters, past or present: (more like I’m just not into or sometimes am) Riley, Ava (kind of/kinda), Auggie (kind of/kinda), & Smackle (even tho both of us have Asperger’s)
The new one:
The first episode I ever seen: Girl Meets World (the free download before the series premiere)
Favorite Character: Maya Penelope Hunter (Hart)
Ship: Lucaya (MAIN); Riarkle; Recently - Zaydora
Least Fave character: Riley (I don’t hate her, but sometimes I like her and sometimes don’t)
Anti-Ship/Not OTP: Rucas (not hate just Lucaya for Life)
Fave Character at first: Riley
Ship at first: Rucas / Markle
Least Fave character at first: Farkle
Favorite Episode: True Maya
Least Favorite Episode: Hmm…idk the one I usually skip on Netflix are mid-season 1 and Fish
Send me a show
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chuckclayton · 6 years
ooo i’ve unfollowed lots of people who transitioned from gmw to rd because a ton of lucaya shippers are hardcore b*rchies and anti veronica. it was not fun
oof i’m so sorry you had to do that... i’m one of the lucky few that didn’t have to do that... 
tell me a petty reason you’ve unfollowed people
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