#I’m not exactly one to advertise my bday
sumergosuigeneris · 5 years
August 8, 2019
I keep having things I need to talk about but am too tired or not in a place to write until later, and then. Well, it either doesn’t happen, it isn’t exactly what I needed to talk about, or it’s not helpful.
Let’s see, what have I forgotten lately.. I forgot to mention that I lost some followers and I always wonder if it’s because I’m fucking depressed all the time, and it’s all I write about lol. Or if I’m only ever followed by sex bots.
I ran into people I didn’t want to see, sort of, on the 5th. The founder of the sci pol group. Luckily, he either didn’t see me, or ignored me. But I still wonder if that contributed to my nightmares.
There ended up being a race and party that happened on my bday. They are just doing a shit job with marketing. I only found out by accident. But I finally did race committee. And found out race committee members drink free?! That party was at another club. I got bitten like a motherfucker, when hardly anyone else was. But no itching the next day.
Had a down and up day yesterday. Then went to bed early again. This whole work situation got me stressed. I thought boss2 was treating me like I’m in fucking middle school. Haven’t decided if it’s true or not, but apparently they have a template for everything, including taking notes. I’m getting a new computer set up? Because I need them to do business analysis? So what does that mean? Am I just going to be one of them? Is that good or bad or indifferent? But I had a bit of a paradigm shift. I used to be very flexible and adaptable, particularly in small departments, so I just need to go back to that. I’ll learn new, useful skills. And also, I’m applying for new jobs (on and off), so calm down.
Have been wondering if I should change the way I dress. Maybe dress more formally. Maybe I’ll be treated like the experienced professional I am, rather than a fucking kid/newb.
Gawd my voice is terrible. Definitely doesn’t inspire me to believe anyone takes me seriously.
I have my first tweet that went over 1k likes. That’s crazy.
I have a slow leak in my tire that’s getting worse. But when I went to get air in my tire this morning, this dude vacuuming his car told me where to go just a bit down the street. I’m going to go this evening.
I’ll also stop at the club to see where the boat is for this weekend. And to see what I’d need to tie my hammock to the boom.
The peeps with their boat - they’re advertising it for sale. Makes me feel bad and less guilty at the same time.
I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know.
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beca-mitchell · 6 years
Aubrey Posen's Guide to Using Social Media Effectively
summary: Aubrey learns that knowledge isn’t always power. In fact, she’d like to forget that she ever believed that.
aka this is an Aubrey-centric fic in which Aubrey learns that Beca and Chloe are seeing each other through various social media and how she deals with this.
word count: 6.5k
author’s note: Happy birthday @velmster!!!
Thank you for keeping me somewhat calm when we met bsnow. Thank you for helping me write my Pitch Perfect lectures. And thank you for being an incredible friend. I know how much you were looking forward to this story, so I really wanted to make sure it was finished for your bday! 
For everybody else, this story is based on a true story about how I found out my roommate and best friend were dating each other. Some embellishments here and there, but otherwise, yes I am crazy.
Also on AO3.
“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
- Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Aubrey Posen dislikes social media.
It’s not that she’s old, it’s more that she just doesn’t get it. Every day, it seems like a new social media network is created and Aubrey has pretty much only just figured out how to make a Bitmoji for her Snapchat account.
It’s mildly irritating that Chloe spends most of her time on one social media platform or another, flitting between her laptop and phone and persistently attempting to show Aubrey cute photos of corgis.
Well, she doesn’t dislike the content, it’s just that social media seems like a really difficult thing to keep up with and she has to worry about not flunking out of her MBA program.
Her buzzing phone jolts her out of her musings.
Instagram: chloebeale has sent you a video.
Knowing Chloe, it’s probably a meme, a topical video, or just a cute fluffy video of a corgi or a pug. Somehow, Chloe still manages to suss out when she’s feeling down because the videos tend to be on point with everything she’s going through at the moment.
She supposes just one more Instagram video of a corgi lying on its back won’t hurt.
Living with Chloe after Barden only makes sense. By the time Chloe finally graduates from university, Aubrey is done with managing the lodge and wanting to pursue something a bit more prestigious again.
They somehow both end up in New York, though Chloe has started working for an advertising agency and Aubrey has started school at NYU. Aubrey recalls that living with Chloe for their first year of Bellas co-captaincy had only been natural - as much as it had been a necessity. They weren’t allowed to have the Bellas house all to themselves because their entire team would be primarily first years. Without the allure of having a full team, student government had elected to allocate their treasured house to yet another sorority on campus.
Back then, Aubrey immediately shot down Chloe’s idea to join the sorority. Instead, she got to work and found a cute two-bedroom townhouse, small enough for the two of them and yet large enough that she doesn’t necessarily have to see Chloe’s things encroaching on her personal space.
If Aubrey’s being honest, Chloe’s ‘things’ might be a misnomer.
The absolute parade of people she’s seen (and heard, on many occasions) leaving Chloe’s room in previous years? That might be more accurate. It had admittedly stopped when Chloe set her eyes on one Beca Mitchell in the fall of 2011 and Aubrey saw significantly less people leaving their comfortable little townhouse. Instead, she saw more of Beca Mitchell than she would have liked back then, absolutely pestering Chloe with her latest music innovations or whatever the hell she called them.
And the next year, Chloe stayed back at Barden for another year with Bellas (read: Beca), she helped Chloe wrangle their treasured Bellas house back from the sorority and the rest is history.
Now, in New York City, freshly graduated, Aubrey has a little trouble finding something as cozy considering rent prices in New York City and the budget they’re both working with. She finds a nice two-bedroom (read: two-closet) apartment in East Village, with a functioning bathroom, kitchen,and , thank God, a working dishwasher. It’s a steal, even if Aubrey had flirted a little with the landlord and his wife to get a good price.
It’s a steal and she doesn’t have to share a bedroom with Chloe. She won’t have to hear Titanium for the millionth time.
Ultimately, Chloe is a good roommate. She picks up after herself. She cooks. She cleans.
(Aubrey has heard nightmarish stories from Chloe about what it had been like when Beca and Fat Amy shared a room in the Bellas’ house.)
The thing about Chloe is that she really has no sense of personal space. She enjoys shoving her phone into Aubrey’s face to show her a funny text or a cute image. She’ll ask Aubrey loudly and inappropriately whether she needs more tampons halfway down the aisle in the supermarket. She tries to braid Aubrey’s hair sometimes when they’re both lazily waiting for their laundry in the dingy laundromat - emphasis on tries . She sets Aubrey up on about five blind dates only their third month into living together in Manhattan.
In fact, Chloe’s fairly infuriating because she does all these things without asking and never wants anything in return. She never talks about her own feelings - the ones that Aubrey has to draw out of her with painstaking precision. In fact, Aubrey sometimes worries that her obsession with Beca Mitchell might be getting out of hand. Aubrey tries to remind Chloe that Beca isn’t so bad without her ear monstrosities and that maybe Beca just needs time to see the light (read: Chloe), like she did with her ear piercings.
Chloe just smiles and asks her whether she wants to get McDonalds for dinner.
Aubrey would never ask for another best friend.
“You know what you should do? Download Tinder, Bree. I’m sure the selection here is much better than Georgia.”
(She downloads Tinder.
It is admittedly not horrible.
She ignores the smug look Chloe shoots her.)
Aubrey should have seen it coming, in retrospect. There’s something about Beca Mitchell that makes Chloe completely lose her mind whenever they come within touching distance of each other. Aubrey can’t recall Chloe ever being so touchy with anybody else, especially not when she vehemently reassures Aubrey that they’re “just friends, besides Beca is seeing Jesse.”
It’s weak and they both know it, but Aubrey supposes that the fixation on Beca means that Aubrey will get some peace and quiet in their apartment for the time being.
Until one day, Beca is very much single. It’s not even news that comes directly from the woman herself since Beca pretty much moved immediately to Los Angeles after graduating to pursue the first label that offered her a job. No, the news comes from Fat Amy who actively updates their group’s Facebook chat with whatever gossip she can find...usually about the Bellas themselves.
It’s actually kind of deja-vu, seeing the hurricane that has seemingly gone through her home. Aubrey comes home to a mess of crumpled-up pieces of paper and about five empty cans of cider.
“Oh, Chloe,” she murmurs, reaching for the blanket draped over the back of the couch.
Sitting with Chloe on the couch while she sleeps restlessly? That’s kind of deja-vu as well.
Instagram: chloebeale has sent you a photo.
It’s a photo of Jesse with his arm around a woman’s shoulder.
chloebeale: i can’t believe he moved on already!!!!!
Aubrey scowls, typing back. She doesn’t understand how she has five separate conversations going on with Chloe. Can’t she stick to just one account?
aubreyposen: You’re literally in the living room. You couldn’t have shown this to me in person?
aubreyposen: why don’t you message Beca if this is bothering you so much?
An hour later, Aubrey notices the Seen receipt and suspicious lack of reply from Chloe.
Aubrey finds out that Beca is actually living in New York before Chloe does. It’s only because she bumps into her at their local Trader Joe’s and is about to berate Beca for not knowing how to use her eyes when she realizes-
Aubrey is pleased to note that Beca looks mildly terrified of her in that moment, but she can’t quite dispel the warmth that rises up when she sees her friend. She had missed Beca, despite all her original reservations about her.
“I’m going to hug you now,” Beca states, somewhat awkwardly before proceeding to do so. When she pulls back, she looks equally  astounded. “Wow, what the hell? This is crazy. I didn’t know you’d be here.”
“In this Trader Joe’s?”
Beca laughs at that, shaking her head. “No, I just meant...here, I guess. Manhattan.”
“How would you? You never message us.”
The mild terror is back in Beca’s eyes, alongside a glimmer of genuine regret and sadness.
“I thought I knew what…” Beca trails off, looking absently at her full cart. “How is Chloe?” she asks, lowering her voice. “I never…”
In a sympathetic streak, Aubrey shakes her head, stopping that difficult line of thought. “Why don’t we set up a kind of reunion dinner or something? Get more Bellas down here.”
Beca brightens and relaxes at that. Aubrey takes the opportunity to critique Beca’s choice in fresh produce.
There’s nothing quite like a Bellas party, even if the entire evening had been hijacked by Fat Amy. Somehow, she manages to wrangle them all into a party near Columbia.
“Do you go here?” Aubrey asks. She realizes that she’s not exactly sure what Amy is doing in New York. They had kept in contact sparsely over the years, but Aubrey knows stuff about Amy mostly through Chloe’s updates over the years.
“No, not really,” Amy answers vaguely. Aubrey doesn’t bother pursuing that. “Hey, do you think Beca and Chloe will finally figure it out?”
“Figure what out?” Aubrey asks absently.
There’s a long silence while Amy drinks from her cup, watching her carefully.  Aubrey waits, raising an eyebrow in response to Amy’s silence. Amy finishes her entire drink first before saying “never mind.”
Aubrey shrugs and squints through the darkness. She still feels a protective streak flare up in her at the thought of her teammates, even though she’s long been off the Bellas’ team. She takes in how far they’ve come - how distant and precious their years at Barden seem now, compared to everything. She is so grateful for the experience. Even though these are mostly Chloe’s friends, if anything, Aubrey feels like there’s definitely a connection and bond with this set of Bellas - one that’s stronger than ever before. She begrudgingly attributes it to Beca’s hand in reshaping the Bellas, and though she’d love to maintain that she finds Beca irritating about 90% of the time, she knows how untrue it is and how much she considers Beca a friend.
Looking back up, Aubrey scans the crowd again, relaxing against the cushions of the couch, which she has deemed the perfect vantage point.
She pauses.
She thinks she sees Chloe grabbing Beca’s hand and pulling her out onto the makeshift dance floor and Beca’s expression indicates mild protest and discomfort, but she follows obligingly. Aubrey thinks she sees this because they disappear as quickly as it happens.
She actually doesn’t think too much of it until much later. She sees what appears to be Beca and Chloe in a heated argument on the couch she had once been sitting on, now haphazardly pushed to the side. They are angled towards each other with a familiar comfort emanating from both of them.
“-didn’t mean it! God, Beca,” Chloe is exclaiming - loud enough for Aubrey to hear as she passes on the way to the kitchen.
She wonders if it was a mistake, introducing Beca back into Chloe’s life so soon after her break-up with Jesse. She stops walking and hovers near the doorway, trying to look as nonchalant as possible.
Aubrey watches the tension rise and fall in Chloe’s shoulders, the way she turns her body towards Beca. She can no longer hear their conversation, but she watches anyway because a part of her kind of wishes they’d figure it out and - oh , that’s what Amy meant.
Aubrey wonders if Chloe will finally leap at this very perfect opportunity to reveal her ever-growing feelings for Beca. It’s a constant back and forth between them. Aubrey had been mildly interested in this fixation back when they had first met Beca, but now she’s kind of tired and wishes they’d just get their crap together.
Aubrey doesn’t see them for the rest of the night, but she might have been fairly distracted by the competitive karaoke game going down between Flo and a few other students.
“I think you’re right,” Aubrey tells Amy the next day. She hands Amy a bottle of Advil and a water bottle. “About Beca and Chloe.”
“Of course I’m right,” Amy mumbles. “Hey, can you go grab me a burger from Shake Shack?”
Chloe (4:41 p.m.) I’m gonna be visiting my parents this weekend in Portland! Don’t wait up ;)
Aubrey (4:50 p.m.) Say hi for me! Also, we’re rescheduling movie night.
Chloe (4:51 p.m.) Totes!
It’s not uncommon for Chloe to visit her parents. She did fairly frequently while they were in school together. The quiet weekend means Aubrey can tackle that case study that had been evading her focus for the past few days and she can work on a few other assignments she wants to get out of the way.
She’s about a quarter through an assignment when she gets a text.
(Fat) Amy (5:29 p.m.) the big bm is away for the weekend. Want to hang?
Aubrey considers that heavily. She waits an hour before replying.
Aubrey (6:34 p.m.) Sure.
Aubrey (6:34 p.m.) Also, stop calling her that
Hanging out with Amy is kind of fun, Aubrey supposes, so long as she takes everything with a grain of salt. She lets Amy tell her about her part-time job as a mail courier and makes it a point to ignore her stories about her more peculiar clients and their oddities. She tuned out after the story about a man with long toenails and tries to ensure her dinner stays down.
Aubrey finally focuses when Amy says, seemingly out of the blue, “So, how are we getting Beca and Chloe to admit their feelings for each other?”
She considers denying it or feigning confusion.
It’s tempting because Aubrey has always enjoyed a good scheme, but she doesn’t want to interfere too much, knowing that Chloe will likely want her privacy on this front. “Aren’t they figuring stuff out themselves?” she asks.
Fat Amy scoffs. “Please. Your hair is going to be grey before they actually sort everything out. We need to give them that little push.”
It’s already sounding better than working on tedious assignments, but Aubrey’s still cautious. “We shouldn’t meddle,” she says half-heartedly. “We really shouldn’t.”
She receives a glare in response. “We definitely should,” Amy retorts.
Well, Aubrey doesn’t know how to disagree with that. “What’s the plan? We need a plan.”
Instagram: @becamitchell has posted for the first time in a while. Check out their post!
Aubrey frowns at this very specific notification. Why has Instagram deemed this as important material? That seems invasive - both to her and Beca. She opens it regardless and tilts her head, trying to suss out what exactly it is that Beca posted. It’s a photo of Coney Island with the sunset in the background.
She notices that Chloe has already liked the post. She shakes her head. Chloe’s addiction to social media will always evade her understanding.
(Fat) Amy (2:57 p.m.) SHE LIKED HER POST!!!!
Aubrey (2:57 p.m.) Calm down, she likes everybody’s posts.
That is true, as far as Aubrey is aware. Chloe likes everybody’s Instagram posts. It’s not really that which is most interesting to Aubrey. There is something more interesting about the fact that Beca had apparently been at Coney Island all day, especially since Aubrey distinctly recalls that Chloe mentioned she had been planning to go over the weekend.
Aubrey (3:01 p.m.) Do you know if Beca went with anybody to Coney Island?
(Fat) Amy (3:03 p.m.) No, she never tells me anything.
Aubrey (3:03 p.m.) understandable.
If Aubrey knew that scheming with Amy meant reactivating her Facebook account, she would have declined immediately.
“Do I just create a Facebook group or something?” Aubrey asks, frowning at her phone. “Why can’t we just text them and tell them we’re having a movie night at our place?”
“What era are you from?” Amy demands. “Just make a Facebook event. I know Beca needs her entire life scheduled or she’ll never show up to anything.”
Aubrey grumbles and sets up a Facebook event. “It’s literally just going to be the four of us,” she mutters. “This is so unnecessary.”
“Fine,” Amy exclaims. “Let’s invite the rest of the Bellas.”
“Amy, no!”
Her cry is to no avail as Amy immediately invites the Bellas and a few other people whose names Aubrey can’t quite recognize at first glance. Aubrey’s first thought is how their landlord is going to receive a few complaints over the weekend because of course Amy would somehow turn a small gathering into an impromptu party.
She sighs, mentally doing calculations in her head as to how much food she should buy as well as how many drinks she’ll need to get.
“This is going to be amazing, Aubrey. I’m so happy you agreed to this.”
She tacks on a couple extra drinks to her mental list because she’s sure she’ll need it.
Leading up to the movie night in question - an event that once only belonged to Aubrey and Chloe - Aubrey tries to figure out if Chloe and Beca are still talking to each other.
Chloe has been quieter and more reserved recently, though she cites stress from her job as the primary reason.
There’s a part of her that knows instinctively that Chloe likely had some kind of falling out with Beca, or maybe she’s mulling over her own feelings, but Aubrey just wishes Chloe would open up to her.
“Chloe?” she tries tentatively one evening while they’re scarfing down take-out from their favourite Chinese restaurant.
Chloe glances up at her from where she’s reading text messages on her phone. It’s a bit too far that Aubrey can’t quite see who she’s texting. “Yeah, what’s up, Bree?” Chloe asks, clicking her phone off casually.
“You’d...tell me if you were seeing somebody, right?”
There is a very brief pause, but a pause nonetheless.
Then, Chloe, as quiet as Aubrey has ever heard her, murmurs “yes,” softly. “I would.”
“That’s good to know.”
Aubrey lets it go for the moment. She has assignments to worry about and this damned Bellas party.
Chloe is ridiculously excited about the movie night extravaganza Aubrey and Amy planned. They somehow manage to wrangle 12 women into their tiny apartment, with enough seating (most of it improvised) for everybody.
They opt to watch horror movies, starting with It . Aubrey is not sure whose brilliant idea this is, but she feels like it could be either Lilly’s or Amy’s.
Aubrey grumbles as she retrieves another roll of paper towels from underneath the sink. Amy has somehow spilled her third drink of the night - none of which have been her own drinks.
Aubrey notes that Chloe isn’t being particularly helpful either because she’s immersed in a conversation with Beca on the loveseat - the most comfortable seat in their apartment currently. Chloe has her arm casually draped around the back of the couch to play with strands of Beca’s hair and Beca seems to either not notice or not care , but it’s then that Aubrey realizes that it’s neither . Beca is enjoying it if the smile on her face is any indication.
God, they’re dating, Aubrey thinks, resisting the urge to point at them and yell out her triumph.
Instead, she tilts her head, observing in silence.
They’re sharing a blanket too, which Chloe brought out from her room. Neither of them notices anything about the movie that’s playing and it’s dark enough that Aubrey only catches glimpses from time to time of their expressions.
It’s enough to see that Chloe has never quite looked so happy and Beca has never quite looked so relaxed.
The next time Aubrey glances at them, Beca has seemingly fallen asleep, completely pressed into Chloe’s side with her head tilted onto her shoulder. Chloe isn’t bothering to watch the movie at all even though her conversation partner has knocked out. Instead, she watches Beca, eyes trained on her the whole time.
Aubrey can’t help but smile even if it briefly hurts her that Chloe evidently didn’t bother telling her about this little development at all.
Mostly because it’s such a significant development in her best friend’s life.
(Aubrey is ridiculously happy for her. And Beca too.)
While sitting next to Chloe on their couch, Aubrey tries to focus on reading her textbook, but she finds her eyes drawn to Chloe’s phone because it continues to vibrate with a new message every two seconds.
Chancing a glance at her best friend, she sees the slow smile spread across Chloe’s face - a smile that is so smitten and grossly cute that it makes Aubrey shudder because she knows who Chloe is talking to without having to see the messages.
When Chloe gets up to retrieve their mail from downstairs, Aubrey bites her lip before pressing the button on Chloe’s phone. She sees a slew of messages from Beca. Except, it’s not just ‘Beca’. Chloe has changed her name on messenger to read as “grumpy becs” followed by three emojis: a blue heart, a raincloud, and a star.
The messages themselves are all the more incriminating, if the display name change weren’t enough.
Beca I miss you
Beca Just thought you should know or whatever
Beca When can I see you again?
That alone is enough to make Aubrey sit back firmly and contemplate. She vaguely wonders how long this has been going on - how long Chloe has been hiding this from her.
She wonders when Chloe will just tell her.
Her plan evolves.
Aubrey attempts to set Chloe up on a few dates, just to test the waters. She does so right in front of Beca. She’s really just testing the limits of Beca and Chloe’s strength because she still can’t quite believe that they’ve been hiding this from her for so long.
It was kind of cute at the beginning, now Aubrey is wondering how long it’ll take for either of them to crack. It’s like a fun game, sometimes.
Today, they’re enjoying brunch in Brooklyn. It had originally been Aubrey and Chloe’s pre-arranged brunch, but Chloe had tentatively asked Aubrey if Beca could come along because she was “feeling down from her job” and “we should totally show her this brunch place, Bree!”
Aubrey had agreed because she kind of just wanted to put Beca on the spot again. It’s a little fun to watch them both squirm.
“Chloe,” Aubrey states, primly folding her napkin. She waits until both Chloe and Beca have taken sips of their mimosas. “I would like to set you up on a date with one of my classmates.”
Chloe looks mildly curious, which is fine.
It’s Beca’s reaction that almost cracks Aubrey’s facade. She chokes on her drink and turns to Aubrey with wide eyes, like she can’t quite believe what she’s just heard.
“You would?” Chloe asks at the same time Beca asks, rather loudly, “Why?”
“I would,” Aubrey agrees, ignoring Beca. “I just think you’ve been single for so long. Not that you need somebody to make you happy. Just. Something to take your mind off things because I know how stressed you’ve been at work.”
“You’ve been stressed?” Beca asks, so softly that Aubrey momentarily forgets that she’s sitting across from Beca Mitchell. The amount of tenderness in Beca’s eyes directed straight at Chloe is kind of alarming if Aubrey didn’t already know they were in some kind of relationship.
“No, just,” Chloe sighs. She directs her attention fully to Beca. “A little. It’s just some personal things going on right now.”
Aubrey decides to let up on her line of questioning and drinks some water, watching them carefully. She decides not to bring it up again, feeling only more certain that they are dating , like officially.
When she gets up to go to the washroom, she can hear Chloe and Beca begin to whisper to each other, catching the tail end of their conversation: “-tell her?”
Aubrey smiles triumphantly.
“What made you bring that up today?” Chloe asks quietly, when they’re doing some weekend cleaning.
Aubrey frowns, focusing on a coffee stain plastered on their counter. She is sure she didn’t see this just a week ago and Chloe doesn’t drink coffee.
(Aubrey also knows that she always uses coasters and cleans up after herself.)
“What did I say?” Aubrey murmurs.
“About setting me up with somebody.”
Aubrey straightens, eyebrow rising slowly. “Chloe,” she starts.
“I’m happy right now,” Chloe says, not allowing her to finish. She fiddles nervously. “I can tell you that much. I appreciate the offer, but no.”
It warms Aubrey’s heart somewhat, when she notes the sincerity in Chloe’s tone. She can’t help the smile that rises on her lips and she nods encouragingly at Chloe to continue.
She wants to hear all about it - she wants to hear how happy Chloe is and how far they’ve come.
“Okay,” Aubrey says slowly. “You’re happy.”
Chloe bites her lip, looking like she’s about two seconds away from spilling everything. Aubrey restrains herself from excitedly wringing the cloth in her hands.
“I’m happy,” Chloe says after a moment, shrugging a little.
When she catches Aubrey staring at her, she smiles, a little apologetically and hurriedly returns to vacuuming.
Aubrey sighs.
She’ll accept that for now.
(She is so happy for Chloe.)
Amy sighs, stretching out completely on the couch and leaving a little place for Aubrey to perch herself at the end. “If only there were a way to see where they were at all times.”
Aubrey agrees absentmindedly, feeling like there’s something that she’s missing - maybe something that she has completely overlooked.
“Oh, hey, look. Beca’s in DUMBO.”
“That’s nice,” Aubrey replies. Something buzzes through her body. It feels like excitement. Maybe anxiety. Maybe indigestion from Amy’s food.
Vaguely she recalls that Chloe said she’d be away all weekend for an office retreat in -
She pauses.
In Brooklyn.
She latches onto it because she had given Chloe a little shit for it when she heard about it. She hadn’t understood why Chloe opted for separate lodging in Brooklyn when she had a perfectly good home in Manhattan, but now ...
Aubrey scrambles for her phone, nearly leaping clear over the couch and dislodging Amy in the process.
“Where are you going?” Amy calls, peeking over the couch. “Washroom?”
“No,” Aubrey says briskly. “Even better.” She swipes open her phone, navigating to Snapchat like Chloe once instructed her.  Opening it, she sees missed notifications from a number of people, including Chloe.
It takes her about an entire minute to click through all of the missed photos and videos from Chloe when she finally gets to one from just half an hour ago. A vague photo from somewhere that looks like it could be Brooklyn, but it’s not quite discernable to Aubrey.
She furrows her brow before pinching her fingers on the screen, enabling the map function.
She’ll never get over how creepy this is, but she’s is suddenly immensely grateful for it.
She notices that Chloe’s Bitmoji is back in what Aubrey assumes to be her Airbnb.
“This is the most useful thing that Snapchat has ever done,” Amy mutters as they stare at the little circle enclosing both Beca and Chloe’s tiny figures in the same space.
“They’re together!” Aubrey yells. “They’re in the same place! That’s what that means, right?”
Amy is nodding vigorously. “Yeah! Should we go over there now?’ She’s already grabbing her shoes from the front door.
Aubrey’s arm flies out. “No, no. We should…” She can’t stop the grin that stretches across her face. “We should send them a Snapchat.”
“Uh, what? Why?”
“So we can be sure. Amy, you don’t understand. She was so close to telling me. Maybe this will be the exact guilt trip she needs to finally tell me!”
It had not been the guilt trip Chloe needed.
She sent back a few selfies. Beca ignored Aubrey’s Snaps mostly, but at least it updated their locations frequently enough that Aubrey could tell exactly where they were all weekend.
Aubrey diligently keeps track of all their movements with this newfound power.
On Saturday, they spent most of the morning inside, before Chloe seemingly met up with other friends or coworkers for a few hours while Beca wandered around DUMBO again.
Then, they went for dinner at a place Aubrey had been dying to try.
Then, a movie.
Aubrey is shocked at how much information she suddenly has at her disposal. She feels simultaneously torn between continuing to keep this information from Chloe or just revealing all her cards at once.
She discusses this properly with Amy while they’re at Pinkberry on Sunday evening. Aubrey is expecting Chloe to return home soon, but her action plan has yet to be completed.
“Do we tell them we know?” Fat Amy asks as she continues piling toppings in her cup. "Oh, this is like that episode of FRIENDS. Excellent.”
“We?” Aubrey questions.
“Yeah, we’re partners in crime. Practically sisters.”
Aubrey shrugs at that. “Well, I’m thinking of just asking Chloe if she’s hiding something for me.”
“How well did that work out for you last time?”
Aubrey scowls at her friend. “She’ll tell me. I have all the evidence I need.”
“Ah, so you’re going to ambush her. You're an amazing best friend.”
“I’m going to gently nudge her,” Aubrey says delicately. She turns on her phone, navigating to her notes. “I have proof that she and Beca have been going on secret dates for at least the past three months. Maybe more.”
“Well, how are you going to bring it up?”
“I’m going to casually bring up all the places she was today.”
“Casual,” Amy agrees.
Aubrey opens Snapchat, wondering where Chloe is at the moment. Her eyes widen and she splutters, dropping her spoon.
“What is it?” Amy demands excitedly.
“Chloe’s home,” Aubrey says stiltedly. “And Beca’s with her.”
She has barely thought about talking to Beca about all of this. She obviously has to go through her whole spiel as Chloe’s best friend.
Amy is already standing and holding out Aubrey’s purse for her. “Let’s go.”
Aubrey stands, chair scraping back loudly. “Let’s get them.”
By the time they end up reaching Aubrey’s apartment, she is primarily trying to slow her breathing and put on an air of unaffected nonchalance. She makes extended eye contact with Amy before sliding her key into the lock.
Beca and Chloe are sitting on the loveseat again, though they’re not sitting close together. They’re chatting casually, facing each other. Both turn towards the door when it opens all the way.
“Hi roomie,” Chloe greets.
“Hi Aubrey. Amy,” Beca says, waving a little.
“Chloe. Beca.”
They all stare at each other for a moment before Amy breaks the awkward silence by moving to sit on the other couch, stretching out.
A million things run through Aubrey’s mind as she stares at Chloe and Beca. There are so many ways to go about this - so many opportunities for embarrassment and amusement.
Also, so many ways that they could continue to lie to her.
Chloe coughs, standing up quickly. “I’m just going to run to the bathroom. One sec, guys.”
Three pairs of eyes swivel to watch her leave.
“Is there something you’d like to tell me?” Aubrey asks Beca once Chloe has disappeared to the washroom.
Beca stares back at her, a little insolently, a little nervously. “I don’t know. Is there something you’d like to tell me?” she fires back.
Aubrey is surprised at how easily Beca placed the ball back in her court. She practically handed it to her. Aubrey gracefully accepts.
Staring at Beca, Aubrey watches the way she seems to wither under her gaze. Aubrey’s not sure why it comes out exactly like this, but it does: “Not really,” she says slowly. “Except, maybe - Beca, please leave smaller hickeys on Chloe’s neck.”
Her voices rises a little at the end and her arms cross as she stares her down. Beca flushes deep red. Aubrey grins triumphantly when Beca squeaks "what?"
Beca seems to shrink into herself and she gapes, sinking into the couch a little. Amy unhelpfully laughs - or shrieks - and contributes nothing more to the conversation.
“You know, it was one thing when I thought you two were just trying out a friends with benefits thing, because God knows that you’ve both needed to get this fixation with each other out your system, but -” she holds up a finger when Beca opens her mouth. “-My roommate , Beca Mitchell? My best friend? How could you?”
Beca’s brow furrows. “I’m not exactly sure what you’re upset about, but I’m...I’m sorry-?”
“You two,” Aubrey says, sighing. She pulls out her phone, consulting the list of places they went all weekend. “All weekend, while Chloe was supposed to be away for work, and instead, you went to the movies, went to DUMBO, went for a nice stroll in the park,” she continues listing off places and Beca looks increasingly freaked out with each item.
Aubrey can hear Chloe rushing back down the hall. She heaves a breath when Chloe skids into view, eyes wide as she takes in how traumatized Beca looks, how delighted Fat Amy looks, and how pleased Aubrey looks.
“What’s going on?” she asks, her voice rising nervously in pitch.
Amy grins. “How long do you have, Chloe?”
Aubrey is about to settle down for bed after finishing off a bottle of wine with her friends. After all the drama, they had laughed it off - Beca more hesitantly than everybody else - and drank some wine, reminiscing on Barden and everything in between.
Chloe and Beca had cuddled immediately on the couch, limbs tangling, pleased smiles on their lips.
Now, Aubrey hears a quiet murmur of voices from the hallway.
“I tried to tell you,” Chloe whispers, hushed. “I knew she had an idea.”
“I really thought she didn’t,” Beca mutters back. “You didn’t tell me she’s fucking crazy. I felt like I was on episode of Maury or something. I've never been screamed at like that before.”
Aubrey scoffs. Beca is a baby. She had only raised her voice once. Hardly screaming.
Chloe laughs. “Hey, that’s my best friend you’re talking about, babe. I know her better than almost anybody else.”
“And I’m your girlfriend,” Beca says, in a voice that is so foreign to Aubrey. It is tender and affectionate.
Chloe giggles in response. “Well, I did try to warn you.”
Aubrey smiles.
Now that Beca and Chloe feel like they don’t need to hide anymore, Aubrey sees more of Beca than she ever did before, especially with how often she stays overnight. Especially on weekends.
Aubrey hears more of Beca’s music everyday. She also hears Chloe happily humming to herself whenever she’s making dinner.
Aubrey huffs, bumping into Beca on the way to the bathroom.
“Sorry,” Beca says, a little too cheerfully for Aubrey’s taste.
“I didn’t realize you were here,” Aubrey mumbles, blinking to make sure she’s not imagining Beca Mitchell in one of Chloe’s old oversized shirts in the middle of her hallway.
“Here I am,” Beca parries back.
“Bec!” Chloe’s voice calls from down the hall.
Aubrey makes sure to take her time in the bathroom, hoping against hope that Beca and Chloe are going to sleep in.
She is very wrong.
Aubrey stares wide-eyed up at the ceiling, regretting her decision to forego the earplugs while she was in line at the check-out today.
This is her third traumatizing weekend in a row.
It is only 7:30 a.m. on a Saturday morning.
That’s early, even for Aubrey.
She doesn’t even want to think about whose idea this is.
Aubrey has had enough.
She barely resists the urge to just smack her hand against Chloe’s door to tell them to keep it down.
Aubrey (7:29 p.m.) Chloe Beale. Get out here. I have to tell you something.
She sends it off and doesn’t bother waiting for a reply considering she had just been freshly traumatized.
Aubrey privately wonders how Beca finds energy considering how much time she used to spend trying to make Bellas’ rehearsals difficult for everybody. Aubrey assumes Beca spends more time figuring out ways to annoy her than humanly possibly.
“Hey,” Chloe says, startling Aubrey out of her hypnotic trance by the stove. She turns to lower the heat on the stove before facing her friend. “Whatcha making?” Chloe asks, grabbing two - Aubrey’s eyes zero in on the action - water bottles from the fridge.
“Chloe, I have something to tell you,” Aubrey says briskly. She wants to get it over with. Chloe nods, uncapping one water bottle and taking a swig. Aubrey tries not to think about it too hard. “Chloe, you...I -” Aubrey tries to think about what Fat Amy would say, or even do. Chloe continues to stare at her, growing more concerned by the second. “I...no longer wish to have surround sound to your…” Aubrey puts her hand on her chin, tapping contemplatively. “Your...activities,” she finishes delicately. She mentally congratulates herself on her word choice.
It’s interesting, actually. Aubrey kind of wishes she had a secret camera set up somewhere because the next progression of events is simultaneously mortifying and hilarious. Chloe tilts her head in confusion, taking in Aubrey’s words. Aubrey only narrows her eyes further, willing her roommate to just...get the point, so neither of them have to be subjected to this awkward silence any longer.
“Oh,” Chloe says, finally. Quietly. Her cheeks grow red. It’s only temporary while Aubrey thinks that she can maintain the upper hand. Unfortunately, Chloe’s lack of boundaries means that she often bounces back from embarrassing moments with lightning quick reflexes. “I mean,” Chloe says, maintaining a hesitant tone. “It wasn’t me, right? I tried to tell Beca you’d be able to-”
Aubrey drops her spatula in the sink in horror. “No!” She wants to die. “I don’t want to - Jesus Christ, Chloe. Just, I’m letting you know that I can hear you, okay?!” Then, quieter, after a brief pause, “it was definitely you this morning,” she mutters.
Chloe blushes again, though she seems less embarrassed. “Oh, right.”
About an hour later, Aubrey finally settles back in bed with her laptop, determined to watch a movie and just relax for the rest of the night. She quickly stuffs her headphones into her ears, wary of the fact that both Chloe and Beca are still in the apartment.
Her phone buzzes just as she’s about to recline further into her pillows.
Chloe (8:47 p.m.) Oh, haha, I just saw your message.
Chloe (8:47 p.m.) gotchaaaa
Aubrey (8:48 p.m.) I hate you. And I hate Beca, too.
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souly · 6 years
I'm wondering why the stripbar instagram chooses a fakearren picture to promote the Malin party when there were people far more famous that Darren there. Mmmm it's interesting that even when the party had nothing to do with fakearren we have to get the freaking fakearren picture. I see celebs having bday parties at LAVO all the time but never the owner of LAVO is posing in the pictures with them. Do they think that pushing fakearren down our throats over and over is gonna change our minds??????
To be honest, I think this is only one of the reasons they’re doing this. They’re trying to sell something unsaleable by showing it again and again in the hopes of somebody finally giving in and buying their BS. That’s a pretty common tactic, but hardly ever works - except for when people are already naive enough as it is. I’m not even being mean by saying this. It’s just a simple fact. There are so many completely dumb products out there, which people still go and buy because the advertisements promised and showed them something good about those, but in the end it was only lies - and yet there are still people who believe in those lies because “they said it was good, and they would never lie about any of that.” I think we have all encountered people like that at one point in our lives. And this is exactly what this team is counting on. On people believing their lies and spreading those to other people to convince even more of them of how real this is. But it doesn’t work on all of us. The more they try it, the more obvious their desperation is. At this point, it’s actually quite sad how often they try to convince people of all this. More and more pictures and posts than ever before? Do they truly believe this is normal in any world?
See, I do like some real life couples or the real life partners of my favorite actors. Some of them are even completely adorable - and not famous at all. They stay in the shadows and I’m always happy whenever we get to see them somewhere. But those are people who are lovable and genuine and are still working their “normal” jobs while their spouses are kind of well-known actors. They aren’t going to every event and always hang around for pictures or videos - and certainly don’t sign stuff for fans either. So, what is going on with D is so over the top that it always feels like a terrible tv show that should have gotten cancelled a while ago, but still is on the air, because there are still people watching and paying for everything to keep it there.
So, posting a picture of that birthday party on that IG was just another one of their sad attempts at trying to lure more people in. In general, doing that is completely unnecessary. It’s not needed to constantly show them on that IG. But they know that interest in that place is low and is even decreasing, so they have to use a picture of the only famous person associated with this establishment to get the attention of more people out there. And if they’re already at it, they can throw some STR8 illusion into this as well - mostly to give her some attention. There really aren’t many other reasons for this. I know many businesses in different cities and countries, but I’ve hardly seen one constantly showing the owners (or “owners”) on their social media accounts. On the contrary, with the majority of places, you hardly even know who the owners are or what they look like. If someone famous is shown, it’s solely for PR purposes and to advertise the place to more fans. Just like with any other ad. Too bad for them that this won’t work much. People aren’t as dumb as they might think. Seriously, they should just give it a rest and think about giving D some rest for a change…
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carryonmylovelies · 7 years
I Looked For You In All Of Them
Happy birthday Carry On!!! This is half of my contribution to the @carry-on-bday-2017 celebration!!! (The rest will come on the 8th) Please know that I am super sleepy and that this has not been edited XD 
Rating: T
Word Count: 1959
Tags: bar fic, snowbaz, what if Simon never went back to Baz's house, Reunions, angst, fluff, kisses, this was done in such a rush i apologize, 2 chapters
Summary: What if Simon never went back to Baz's house after the events of Chapter 61? But what if they met again in a bar years later, not knowing who they really were?Also inspired by the quote: "Then find a thousand men who look exactly like Simon bloody Snow and break each of their hearts in a different way."
Chapter 1     Chapter 2
I found him again last night. He had his curls: bronze, bloody wild, and lying every way other than flat. He had deep blue eyes, a mole dotted above his lip, and a clumsy sunshine smile. It wasn’t luck. Just a terrible coincidence.
I always do this now. I stagger into a bar, drowning in the mistake I made the night before, and I try to find the bloke that looks good and golden and completely wrong for me. So I can make his bloody night, whisper all of the pretty words that never left my tongue, and run off into the darkness with the pieces of his fallen smile and broken heart in the dust. I’m still in love. Or I’m in love with that feeling. The feeling I get when my imagination takes over, and I’m pulling everything from that night, and suddenly the strange face between my hands isn’t so strange anymore. Last night was cracked lips and a rattling cross that burned my throat. It was the smell of something baking or something burning. It was the feeling of fire sparked with electricity. It was him.
But when the night melted into dawn and the sheets were tangled and dirty, I didn’t see him anymore. I saw watery blue eyes and limp curls and a smile like a cheap light bulb. I saw a terrifying stranger who I shared too much of myself with. And that scared me. But who’s going to stop this. I certainly can’t do it.
Which is probably why I’m here, sitting on this bar stool drinking whatever the hell I asked for. This bar is hot and loud. Everyone sounds like an idiot. And I’m not in the mood for an idiot. I looked for him when I came in, and I didn’t see anything good or golden. But the night was still young, then. It’s still young now. And the door just opened again, bringing with it a storm of stomps and rain flung onto the back of my neck. I don’t turn around just yet, because if they want a game, then I have to play my cards right. And I will win.
I stomp the storm off of me as I walk in, because it’s impossible not to stomp in the rain. The bar is warm and dirty and smells like bad choices. Which is good, because I’m in the mood to make a few. I shake my head and water flies off my curls in all directions. A pouty lipped woman in the corner glares at me and I smile back, not sorry at all. She rolls her eyes and turns back to her drink.
I scan the rest of the bar. A few couples sit in the back, flirting lazily over their alcohol, and the desperate singles are sprinkled in between the booths and tables. A handful of people sit at the counter, and most of them are smiling shyly as they get offers of drinks or love. The place is humming with drunk laughter and filthy words. It’s making everyone stupid and happy. But, one of them is alone, immune to the stupid happy people. He doesn’t have anyone at his side or against his mouth and it doesn’t seem like he’s looking for it. I know better, though. He wants someone. Badly. His eyes flicker around the room, searching for a person he knows he won’t find, until his gaze falls back to the fingers wrapped around his glass. The stranger and I already have something in common.
A long time ago, just before I lost it all, I had everything.
Everything was wicked and beautiful and violent. It was too sharp to be touched and too lovely to be alive. (Dead.) It was something I never wanted, until I wanted it bad. And everything wasn’t even a thing.
Everything was grey eyes and a cruel smirk. Everything was black hair and long legs. Everything was the cold monster that could kiss like fire. Everything was him.
And when you leave everything behind, it rips a hole in your chest.
But sometimes bigger things make you forget about smaller things. Giving away my magic didn’t rip a hole in me. It just ripped me.
When I finally pieced myself together, the hole inside my chest was right there waiting for me. And I know better than anyone, that all holes want is to be filled. So that’s exactly what I did.
I filled my chest with grey eyes and cruel smirks. With black hair and long legs. I slept with boy after boy, trying so hard to find the one who could kiss like fire, but I’m still looking. It’s not like I can stop.
I walk up to the counter and order a drink, not looking at the stranger next to me. I can feel his eyes tracing me, and the corners of my mouth quirk up under his intense gaze.
I flop down onto the stool next to him and keep my eyes straight ahead, a mischievous smile playing at my lips, until I dramatically swivel around to meet this lonely stranger.
But then my ability to make any sound at all is stolen from me. My breath is stuck in my lungs and my words are caught on my tongue. Who knows what moving is anymore, because I’m frozen. Someone hit the mute button on the bar, and I can only hear his quick, light breathing. (I can’t hear mine; I haven’t started breathing yet.) If I hadn’t been already sitting, I would have been on the floor right now. The room is spinning and my head is dizzy, so I gasp in a breath that breaks our silence.
It’s him.
But I know it’s not.
He has twilight black hair, but it’s short, and swept back, showing off a pale forehead. He has grey eyes, but they’re not fierce, they’re cold and dim. Like his light is almost blown out. I can’t tell if his nose is crooked or not, and his lips are torn. Tattoos climb and snake up his neck and arms, jagged music notes smashed together in such an unusual way that it’s kind of beautiful. The dark ink makes his skin practically glow. A black V-neck advertises dangerous collarbones and the beginnings of a marble chest. Denim skinny jeans curve around his thighs and calves, showing off mile-long legs. It’s not him. But he’s pretty damn close.
It’s him.
But I know it’s not.
Streaks of red dye are intertwined in the thatch of curls at the top of his head, and it’s absolutely crazy. His ears are pierced about a thousand times: studs, spikes, and cuffs, with his hair brushing past them every time he moves his head. Red semicircles bite into his left eyebrow to match his curls, and a silver gem on the right side of his freckled nose winks at me. Stupidly soft lips are parted slightly, and his breath is coming out of his mouth in huffs. Wide blue eyes stare into mine and bring back a flood of memories that have nothing to do with the unfamiliar boy before me. Perhaps it was my drink. Or maybe I’m just losing my mind. He’s wearing a graphic t-shirt that doesn’t make any sense and jeans that are too tight to be fucking allowed. (They are unfairly tight.) Moles are scattered across his face, neck, and arms. This boy is the strangest, prettiest thing I’ve seen in a long time, and the things I want to do to him are endless. But I have to remember that it’s not him. Even if he is pretty damn close.
“C-can I buy y-you a d-drink?” I stutter, cursing myself for the affect this stupidly beautiful stranger has on me.
He raises an eyebrow and smirks just the tiniest bit, and it’s the sexiest thing I have ever seen.
“I already have one.”
I blink, and then see that yes, he does indeed have a drink. Wow, nice job idiot.
“Uh. Um uh. C-can I b-buy you an-nother one?” I ask, staring at my fumbling hands. God! Why am I such a nervous wreck?!
He frowns and looks down at his glass, then back at me.
“No,” he says, shaking his head with furrowed eyebrows. He still looks as if he can’t believe I actually started talking in the first place.
“Oh,” I say, deflated at his obvious rejection. I start to stumble away from the counter when his hand shoots out and grabs my wrist, pulling me right into his chest. He slides off the stool and gently releases me, letting my wrist fall by my side.
“Sorry,” he murmurs, stepping closer until I’m pressed up against the counter. “I just didn’t want you to leave. Please stay.”
I swallow. “Okay,” I whisper back, leaning forward to brush a piece of hair out of his face before I can stop myself. He leans into my touch and lets out the quietest whimper. I can’t hide my smile now. He looks at me and chokes. We kinda match.
He closes the gap between us, bumping our foreheads together and leaving our lips a moment away. One of my hands slides up his back, fingers running over his spine, and he shivers. My other hand grips his hair and tugs, his head falling forward so I can feel the groan he presses into my neck. His fingers start to comb through my curls, and it feels so nice that a small sigh escapes my lips. His hand finds the small of my back, and he slowly brings me closer. He kisses and bites at my neck, making his way up to my Adam’s apple which he sucks on lewdly. I get a small nip on my chin and suddenly he’s there, at my lips. My arms wind tighter around him and his tattoos are moving and stretching as he does. He looks at me with eyes that seem so much lighter than before, and then he smiles. And that does it. I just have to kiss this gorgeous boy. So I do.
He surges forward, pushing me to the abandoned back corner of the bar, and then crashes his lips against mine. I gasp, forgetting my name, where we are, or who he is. It didn’t matter. His tongue immediately slides into my mouth, and he tastes like something I didn’t think I would ever taste again. I love it. Cherries are on his tongue and now it’s all I can see. He’s hot and fiery in my mouth, while his hands shock my lower back and hips and stomach with lightning bolts. He slides his thigh in between my legs and I see stars. His chin juts up and down while his teeth pull at my bottom lip. Kissing him is like breathing air; it’s the easiest thing in the world but I’ll never stop needing it. I slide my tongue into his mouth and he groans, grabbing my arse and pressing me closer into him. His curls slip between my fingers as I grab onto them, and I almost fall down when he grabs one my legs and hitches it up to his hip, holding it in place with a locked arm. His tongue presses deeper into my mouth and moans vibrate through us.
But I can’t stop it. A name escapes my lips. I don’t mean for it to happen. He’s just always there, in the back of my mind. He never left. And as I whisper the name that broke me all those years ago, a different name is gasped at almost the same time.
. . .
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sandyyy0708-blog · 5 years
Little ones sleep outside the house for the days for a era of a sneaker
From the exactly how self-conscious and unreasonable I experienced waiting in line for some shoes or boots. I also couldn't feel just how at the beginning of the actual morning it absolutely was knowning that there were can be a long range. Currently that's nothing. Little ones sleep outside the house for the days for a era of a sneaker. It is rather difficult to get your preferred retros right now if you overlook the production night out. If you don't begin using them tomorrow, you can forget about this. I really invented an idea to help every single mercurial pas cher sneaker head record when the new Nike air jordan will certainly drop, so they really will never have to request somebody, "When does people appear?"I commenced amassing Jordans when I was Nine years aged. My personal first pair had been the environment Nike jordan #4's that have been seen in Increase Lee's motion picture 'Do The proper Thing'. When you bought the Air Jordan, that made you feel like you were genuinely someone. Right now remember, inside the mid-80's, $100 to get a couple of athletic shoes was uncommon.
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