#I’m not gonna name who these creators are cause I doubt it was a malicious response to a mlm movie
supercalime · 1 year
Watching straight men react to red white and royal blue is more mentally taxing than I anticipated
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Ooooo tell ur dark lore fusion
Well the votes are in:
yes please!
I wanna know!
Okay! Spoiler warnings for Alt Con stuff.
(I keep wavering back and forth between: “you are such an alarmist self, it's not that bad” and: “this is horrible, why would you write this? Self, you hypocrite! You're complaining about the dark and gritty and then you come up with this?!”)
Phlegethon and the Fairy Hunters
The first thing I should mention is that I changed Valtor's backstory. Obviously I've spoken about his backstory before, mostly in the Fate of the Nymphs, but what I haven't explained is his actual origins.
I didn't like the idea of 'a single spark of the Dragon Fire falling by itself and landing in darkness' because it was such a nebulous concept. Why were the Ancestral Witches the first to find this spark? How long ago was it? Why take so long to attack Domino?
So I created a new character.
She appears in the Spotlight in Domino post, though at the time she was unnamed. A Vessel of the Dragon Fire who decided she was (Capital 'G') God, and tried to take over the Magical Dimension until she was stopped by her sister and killed.
Unfortunately, before her body could be cremated as per custom, it was stolen by the remnants of her cult and ferried to a secret location that went undiscovered.
Until the Ancestral Witches finally found it “a few years” before the First Siege of Domino.
She is effectively the fourth of Valtor's Mothers. The Ancestral Witches used the lingering trace of Dragon Flame in her preserved corpse, combined with their own magics, to make Valtor.
(This info was for the between season 3|5 and season 5 break as a small side mission for the Winx.)
The second thing I'm gonna mention is how I chose her name:
Season 6 villain Acheron, shares his name with a river from Greek Myth, specifically one of the 5 Rivers of Hades, Acheron river of Pain.
While writing up Bloom and the Haunted Mansion synopsis, I wanted the villain trapped in the Mirror World to be one who could act as a connection to the Magical Dimension, without breaking canon, so I turned to our known trapped in a book villain for ideas.
The other four rivers are Styx, river of Hatred, Lethe, river of forgetfulness, Cocytus, river of wailing, and Phlegethon, the river of Fire (which leads to Tartarus, the super bad place in Hades.)
So the Vessel became Phlegethon, part of a Circle of ne'er do wells and Villains So Horrible and Powerful, most of them could only be trapped at the time.
Third information point:
The Gloomix of the Alt Con involves stealing the magical powers of a Fairy to bolster one's own skills. You know, like Fairy Hunters?
The Part where it gets Darker than ever (the result of the four* points of information):
So I'm hanging out my washing and my brain is trying to further iron out the timeline and goes:
How long have Fairy Hunters been A Thing? Were they around Before Phlegethon, or only after?
And everything came crashing down in a sudden realisation:
Fairy Hunters came After Phlegethon died.
The original Fairy Hunters were her Cult trying to bring her back from the dead by ripping out the cores of other fairies to rejuvenate her when all the fairies who belonged to her Cult ripped out their own in sacrifice and it still wasn't enough.
(hundreds of) Thousands of fairies dying horrifically in a fruitless attempt to bring back a dead madwoman, on and on and on, until even the Cult members started to doubt any amount would be enough to restore her, but continued to Hunt fairies for their cores because the Power it gave the Hunters was more than they'd ever felt in their lives and why should they stop?
Who could stop them?
A Vessel, a fairy who represents the gift of life itself, the touch of the Creator of the Magical Dimension, who's job it is to oversee the peace and prosperity of all life in the Magical Dimension, is the cause for one of the most Terrifying Mass-Murder Sprees the Magical Dimension has ever or will ever know.
Gave rise to the dark art that allows Fairy Hunters to crop up every now and then and do it all over again.
The Ancestral Witches, an Unwitting Full Circle (*the fourth point of information):
The Ancestral Witches were the First Witches, born as Fairies of a single mother and no father, they were conceived in part by magic to tame the world of Calamity, Carabossa.
Under their reign, the world and it's colonies prospered, until the Great Fairy Hunts, and their world's entire population was wiped out.
Except for the Ancestral Witches, whose unique circumstance of birth, connection to one another, and whose primal rage allowed them to hold onto life just long enough for a Being of Power to interfere.
Darkar, Lord of Corruption, saved them and taught them the most malicious magics of the Magical Dimension, allowing them to survive the magical and physical trauma, regain their stolen strength and seek vengeance for their loss.
When they felt strong enough they cast Darkar away and went on to help the victims of the Hunters who survived long enough to receive their help, they harboured, healed and trained the entire first true generation of witches and lead a bloody campaign of vengeance which would ultimately stop the First Great Fairy Hunt.
Unfortunately, the trio would never truly recover from their trauma, and with their unnaturally long lifespans that fear became paranoia, which would became a thirst for power so strong they would become the very monsters they loathed, and lead to the destruction of Domino.
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comicteaparty · 6 years
October 4th, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on October 4th, 2018, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on Finding Home by Hari.
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Finding Home by Hari~! (https://tapas.io/series/FindingHome)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
I don't know if this counts as a "scene," but I really liked seeing the flowers bloom on Chepi from his emotions.
Also hello there!
yeah i thought that was a really interesting and unique detail. but also felt kind of sorry for chepi cause i mean, thats a dead give away youre feeling an emotion. cannot hide anything. cannot be a tsundere that says its not like i like you or anything
hi SJ~!
Thanks for the welcome, Rebel~
I wonder if it's possible to lie with the flowers, like how some people are able to fake tears/ blushing/ etc when they're an exceptionally good actor/liar? Probably not the case with Chepi, though
Maybe, or each mood gets represented by different kinds of flowers
yeah i dont forsee chepi being the best liar persay. but maybe. and tbf have we seen any other dryad do it? this may be a unique feature of chepi because chepi has a unique situation
my favorite scene is the one where chepi speads to a bug and janek is like what. but chepi doesnt register that its not the language thing but the fact hes talking to a bug.
i also like in that scene how real the convo was. where janek sounds unintentionally ignorant and kind of racist, but not out of malicious intent. just out of the fact janek never really thought about it before.
Yeah, there's been quite a few examples of non-malicious ignorance
as well as other kinds of misunderstandings
I'm really curious about how they met. This seems to be a relatively new relationship, as in they weren't like... longtime friends or anything, so the beginning of it may still have a lot of relevance
Made it. That was a real interesting way to get across some of the language stuff for the universe too, I thought.
yeah ive been wondering that myself. how the two even met up in the first place. although it seems like they had some form of acquaintanceship
A lot of their conversations are pretty realistic.
Seems like they just met because the chef was trying to get home?
yeah it could be as simple as they were in the same town. chepi was like "i like helping ppl i will help this person"
cause chepi is a good dude
who does good dude things
except for the part where he jeapordizes his own health
thats a bad dude thing
Yeah, he's had a rough go of it.
There's probably a little more to that, or at least that's the impression I get
I mean, it seemed like he wanted Janek's company for personal reasons too, even if they weren't Compelling Super Important Goals
Christ, definitely not a good thing
The jeopardizing your health part
One of the scenes I particularly liked was early on. Where the one guy was "filling the silence" by talking a lot. It was an interesting visual in how it was laid out, and I've been on both sides of that... wanting to fill what I feel is an awkward silence as well as just wanting to enjoy stillness.
There might be a little more to it, but I'm not certain either of them are keen to acknowledge it.
Weird. I started reading this comic when it was still pretty new, and this scene I remember reading isn't there anymore. O_o
I wonder if it was deleted because of not fitting with the creator's vision anymore, because the impression I got from that scene was rather different
that could be. i think a print volume was kickstartered and that is generally the time when heavy editing occurs
Oh? You mean the flower blooming one? Because I remember seeing that...
I also looked at the holiday bonus that was linked away, incidentally. The mistletoe one. That was amusing and touching.
i also liked that scene too, math. the one with the silence filling. but more than that i really appreciate the understanding that happened between the two. in that chepi didnt mind janek was busy rambling on and on and on. cause i understood how janek felt in feeling awkward about filling the silence too
No, I remember this scene where one of them is talking to some soldiers?
Rebel: Right, that aspect of it helped it to stand out for me, I think. One of those times they had an understanding, almost unspoken.
(I could be remembering it wrong )
In a flashback, I guess...?
yeah i dont remember any scene with soldiers. it couldve been an extra of some sort? cause i generally dont look at extras
Yeah, it's not there. I might be mixing things up, unless the comic was rebooted at some point
thats okay. i like to think its opportunity to speculate
cause there probably is something more
cause despite saying it, even i find it more believable there was something else going on besides chepi is a good dude
QUESTION 2. Throughout the comic, Chepi is shown to be a somewhat anxious person due to past experiences. How do you think Chepi came to be born in the first place? Do you think it has anything to do with why Chepi was encouraged to not like humans? What do you think happened exactly between Chepi and Ishaan that made the relationship have such a traumatic impact on Chepi? Do you think it was a bad relationship from the start, or do you think there were genuine, mutual feelings at the beginning? Do you think the person helping Chepi to publish his works is really altruistic, or is said person just out for their own gain? Lastly, do you think Chepi will be able to overcome all his trauma (and will Janek help or hurt these personal issues)?
TBH I've seen zero reasons to trust that dude
Which one?
The publisher?
idk how i feel about ishaan. i wanna give ishaan the benefit of the doubt at least for the beginning of the relationship. but even when ishaan was being all impressed by chepi i got sleezy impressions.
As far as Chepi being born... fun fact, in the prologue, at first I thought maybe we were seeing Chepi's father. And, like, he was born of two guys or something, like that's the only way to get a mixed race type.
LOL. well i mean, not impossible. we are dealing with fae and such.
Ishaan's that smoking guy in the flashbacks...? (I'm so bad with names.) I figure there had to be something initially other than "here's an easy mark". But it morphed into something else. Also, profound effect due to his first romantic rejection, that's gotta hurt more than being rejected from the university (and even being shunned in the library).
yes smoking guy who chepi dated is ishaan
i wanna say that maybe ishaan didnt start with bad intentions. but i also think he might have been attracted to chepi for the novelty of it. cause then he could brag to all his friends about his cool significant other
granted not sure if that logic matches up with the fact ishaan wanted chepi to look more human
so it could be the exact opposite in that ishaan genuinely liked chepi but did not like chepi was half dryad. and ishaan dealt with that in the most toxic way possible
Except I don't think he could brag either, as his friends would say he was hanging around with a weirdo freak.
That last theory possibly works.
I get the impression that even if he was genuinely attracted to Chepi, he was always the type of a guy who manipulates and gaslights people whenever given the opportunity
keii: There is that. Guy should just get his own oranges.
i get the impression that ishaan is used to just getting what he wants and is some spoiled rich guy or something. so yeah, manipulation and gaslighting very probable
although i also dont trust the person chepi is using as a cover to publish his papers
that person rubs be the wrong way
cause the convo just seemed really manipulative
That's kind of funny though, because Chepi is also a rich guy who prefers to do his own thing. Maybe that's partly why they ended up together.
I'm okay with her (I think it was a her). True that they might be getting more out of the arrangement, but I think it comes from a good place. Also, Chepi has access to the basement books, which seems like a decent thing to do.
Also, I want a backpack like that. O.o
yeah at the end they havent done anything evil yet. so i could be be overly suspicious. but chepi sure is getting the short end of the stick and it makes me sad and hurts my poor heart
He does, yeah. I think he's kind of closed himself off in order to deal with it.
That seems reasonable
i do think chepi is gonna learn to deal with his trauma better. cause i mean hes already taking those critical first steps of talking about the problem a bit. not all the way, but hes said more than he probably would have previously
I wonder if he'll manage to deal with his crowds situation too. (I know that feeling, though not to the extent of being triggered or anything.)
the crowds one may take more time ironically imo. just because the issue behind that is harder to fix. since even if chepi was like "lets go cold turkey into a crowd," it is more likely his fears will get reaffirmed
Seems like a fear that’s hard to remove anyways
Yes, though he's got the travelling companion now, so small steps.
yeah although that may forever be his comfort level. and i dont blame him for that cause he may just be an introvert who prefers setups like that. cause even with the dryads he seemed very much a soloist
Also means less making demands on him.
QUESTION 3. Janek and Chepi grow ever closer throughout their journey, though some issues seem to get between the two. Do you think the relationship between the two will ever become something more, or will trauma and other issues continue to get in the way? Even if they do become romantically involved, do you think it would work out? What about when the two reach Erkesh? Will their relationship last (whether romantically or as friends) even then? Or, will Chepi simply move on to his next destination? For that matter, do you think the two will even make it to Erkesh? Additionally, given the title of the comic is “Finding Home,” what do you think that means for each character and their personal journeys? In other words, what is “home?”
There's people that struggle lots with groups
(Ones he'd be inclined to help with.)
I feel like they're building towards a relationship, a healing one, so I'd be a bit surprised if that doesn't happen. There'll still be bumps along the way though, for sure.
Like, they keep finding out things about each other that alter their perceptions.
Also, home is where the heart is?
part of me would be surprised if they dont cross that threshold from friends to something more. cause they keep bonding and the chemistry is super strong. but on the otherhand, this comic feels a lot like a journey wherein i feel the destination is gonna throw me a bit. so i could also see them not being able to. or ya know, there being a dramatic fakeout where chepi leaves janek in erkesh but then comes back being like "what was i thinking"
I feel that it's not about forming a relationship (though that's a strong possibility). It's about finding "home" and if both of them grow and reach a point where they simply become more comfortable with the self, separately, I can see them going separate ways too...
I suppose that could happen (the fakeout), but really rooting for Chepi to have a happy ending. Versus, saying, dying in Janek's arms while saying "I'm finally happy".
I can see them going separate ways, but somehow not before being intimate. Could be the shipper in me.
well tbf the comic is genred romance so...
Chepi might totally sacrifice himself to deal Janek though.
theres kind of high expectations here for some romance
(Speaking of, I like his dry sense of humour... "come down from there, it would be a pain to heal every bone in your body" or words to that effect.)
im gonna hope this comic doesnt go chepi death route. mostly cause despite its serious issues, its a pretty light-hearted comic.
It's got very gentle, soft vibes
Not every comic needs death
I don't know if I'd say light-hearted? It has chuckle moments to be sure.
My opinion, anyway. Yes, vibes.
imo the sense of home in this comic's case is a place where you feel comfortable and can be yourself. and if that place happens to be wherever another person is, well then...
yeah light-hearted might not be the right word but on 3 hours of sleep its the word i got O_O
Home is where the wisps aren't.
I feel you, I only got about 4 hours sleep.
i will also accept that answer. home is where the wisps arent
cause those wisps are creepy
now if there is tragedy in this comic, the thing i could see happening is they get to erkesh....but erkesh isnt there anymore
and janek has nowhere to go
home is gone
very sad
ah i forgot to say i do like chepi's dry sense of humor. partly cause i like that he has a sense of humor despite seeming so serious all the time
r.i.p. home
Ooooh. I could see that too, that the wisps have destroyed the old home. That might be bittersweet.
His sense of humour sometimes flies a bit under the radar for me. Like, when he talked about studying since he was a baby I was like, 'dryads do that?' then I realized I was a species-ist.
yeah i have to agree that sometimes it takes a moment for chepi's jokes to register as jokes. but then i have a good laugh.
Because there's times when he's not, like when he's just going for a swim and all.
The hair discussion was pretty interesting though. It's funny, in a way growing the hair out long seemed like an emotional, human thing to do, and the guy had been trying to get Chepi to be more human.
yeah i liked this little act of rebellion for chepi. cause i mean it feels really realistic too. because lots of ppl getting out of bad relationships do trivial things like this, even though for them the emotional impact is significant
i really liked the swimming scene in general though
cause i think something about it really illustrated the individual diffs between janek and chepi
and how both their selves and upbringings brought about different attitudes
QUESTION 4. Though not the focus, the comic’s world has a lot of interesting aspects that affect the characters. Do you think things will improve for Fae within the world, or will Chepi always suffer from negative policies and views from both sides? Do you think spending time with Janek will give Chepi new insight into how he can better help people? Alternatively, will spending time with Janek show Chepi a way to convince more Fae to help mortals? Speaking of the supernatural, do you think the Wisps will continue to be a danger to Janek and Chepi? Do you think the amount of Wisps about is normal, or do you feel it’s foreshadowing something sinister is about? Finally, Chepi at one point mentions a magical surge that has been growing. How might this affect the world in general, and do you think Chepi will be the one to figure out what’s going on?
Yeah, definitely from two different worlds.
Oh yeah, the magical surge... maybe that does explain the wisps too? And if that map he found is really old, maybe it's all happened before, like decades ago, and it stopped surging after the Imperials lost or something.
I'd say maybe a mixture of both? Things will improve, but our protagonists will slowly encounter new problems.(edited)
true, the world is rarely ever perma fixed.
the magical surge really has me interested because something about it was so ominous
mostly the abandoned house
and cause it made me suspicious that besides the destroyed village they really havent come across any form of civilization
or other ppl
what if theyre in some time paradox in the future and the world is destroyed
So it becomes about fleeing to another realm, which was foreshadowed in that talk about whether Chepi even could.(edited)
i dont remember this convo but im gonna gasp anyway
Paradoxes why must you exist
idk. it just felt like something suspicious was going on. and i do feel the wisp situation has an abnormal quality to it. at the very least i dont think they go around village destroying on the regular
He said they were old too, right? Could be relevant... Chopi's mom was over 200 or something...
It's interesting how we're gradually learning more about the world, including the urban centres, while we're pretty far removed from them. Incidentally, I think Janek would be dead a few times over if not for his friend, what with wisps and poison mushrooms and no map.
yeah. like i wonder what janek intended to do if chepi hadnt offered to guide the way. would janek just be stuck at wherever theyre traveling from?
but yeah i really like how the world is being told in the story
because its never in a way thats separate from teh characters
if its being told, its somehow relavent to how the world has effected them
Maybe he'd have to have taken public transit.
Yeah, it's all connected. But the characters have their own families and backstories thought out, like Janek's sister.
LOL chepi and janek take forest route, but then the whole time theres like an express train system that couldve had janek to erkesh in an hour
that would be hilarious
very unfitting
but hilarious
"We built it a couple days after you left."
back to the question, i dont think anything chepi or janek will do will actually improve relationships between humans and fae. because theyre just kind of two people...wandering a forest. so for the moment they cant make that big a world impact.
unless theyre the last two ppl in the world
There were imperial forces and everything though, I wonder what sort of technology level their warfare was.
then relations improved
Yeah, prejudice like that is pretty deep seated. Can only change individuals on the travels, I think.
Unless the magic surge helps others to feel the emotions Chepi has.
Like, "oh crud, that's what we've driven you to?"
yeah. cause at the end magical surge is pretty vague. although imo a magical surge could be detrimental to humans and actually shrink their territory. because the magical surge could be why the wisps be destroying villages
Shrink their "territory".
Magical surge is like cold water.
oh dear
since there are only some moments, i want to take this chance to talk about the illustrations. because its a sad thing they havent been mentioned because the illustrations are really gorgeous. like nature is a hard thing to draw, but here this comic just puts it everywhere O_O
Can I have some of that surge? It's super warm here lol(edited)
Yes, that's a great point. One of those things that would stand out if it was done wrong, the comic gets it very right.
Also, that whole thing with the flowers connecting to moods, that's kind of amazing. I didn't know that was a thing.
I'd love to see more of that
yeah. like the flora in general is used in a very interesting way in the comic. because usually whats shown helps emphasis the tone and atmosphere of the scenes.
and honestly i give points to any comic that doesnt shy from the backgrounds
That's a good point. I'm not great at noticing those sorts of details.
The output's been pretty consistent for that too... like, 100 pages in less than two years?
I couldn't manage that.
Anyways, good luck with the comic, Hari, you're putting together something really magical here.(edited)
RebelVampireToday at 6:59 PM
yeah. although even if the pages took longer i wouldnt mind it. the backgrounds are honestly worth it because i feel theyre integral to showcasing the world at this point
Yup, best with it!
Also the romance.
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Hari, as well, for making Finding Home. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Hari’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: https://tapas.io/series/FindingHome
Hari’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/haridraws
Hari’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/haridraws
Comic Tea Party- Thursday Book Club
Next week’s Thursday Book Club will be about Four Corners by Boniae. For participants, you have the next week to read as much of the comic as you would like~! We hope to see you on Thursday, October 11th, from 5PM to 7PM PDT for the chat in #thursday_bookclub!
Comic’s Main Site: http://fourcorners.smackjeeves.com/
Comic’s Tapas Mirror: https://tapas.io/series/four-corners
Comic’s LINE Webtoon Mirror: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/four-corners/list?title_no=28768
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