#I’m okay with being the ring leader of this circus — but I won’t deal with any weird ass jerk clowns!
sintreaties · 2 years
Uh wtf was that other anon. Anyway yeah it’s from honkai lol and that’s like their goodbye after beating the shit out of each other. Funny that when my bro was showing it to me he was like they’re best friends but they had to fight bla bla and when i started seeing things on twitter I’m like “smh some hets really can’t see that this two are more than just friends”
The fact that they beat the shit out of each other only makes it more romantic— wait what do you mean their goodbye?
Do they not get to be gay together afterwards?
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daydream-hobii · 6 years
Roses & Thorns | Chapter 16
Genre: Hybrid!AU, fluff, angst
Pairing: Hybrid!OT7 x Female!Reader | Alpaca!Seokjin, Panther!Yoongi, Fox!Hoseok, Wolf!Namjoon, Bear!Jimin, Tiger!Taehyung, Bunny!Jungkook
Summary: Y/N is a rehabilitator of hybrids who have been abused or being sold for auction. It’s an illegal thing to do, but she feels strongly that this is the right thing. For many years, she has saved hundreds of hybrids who have needed her help, even for her young age, and six of them decided to stay with her. Namjoon, who was the second saved, initiated an intimate relationship, which Taehyung, who was the first saved, wanted in on. Over time, some of the hybrids that came after the two wanted to join in on the relationship. Now, Y/N has saved a very rare fox hybrid named Hoseok, who is very curious and even more broken. He has the choice to stay with these people and maybe join their relationship or move on to a rehabilitated district where he can have a life of his own. What will he choose?
Warning: Mentions of Abuse, Sexual Assault, Suicide & Mental Illness! Read with Caution <3 | Suggestions of Smut? (I’m not good at writing smut, so it’s just implied… ^_^); Profanity; GORE!!
Word Count: 1,594
 Chapter 1 // Chapter 2 // Chapter 3 // Chapter 4 // Chapter 5 // Chapter 6 // Chapter 7 // Chapter 8 // Chapter 9 // Chapter 10 // Chapter 11 // Chapter 12 // Chapter 13 // Chapter 14 // Chapter 15 // Chapter 17 // Chapter 18 // Chapter 19 // Chapter 20 [FINAL] //
Author’s Note: Welcome to Chapter 16! Please let me know what you think of this chapter, I love getting feedback! I hope you enjoyed it!!! ^_^ 
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           Hoseok, Taehyung, and I carefully walked further from the auction center, people screaming and alarms blaring. When we arrived at the safe spot, Namjoon and Jin were no where to be seen. Panic seized my heart as I desperately looked around.
           “Jin? Namjoon?” I whispered, when I heard the cock of a gun. I twisted around to see a buff man with a shotgun pointed straight at me. Taehyung and Hoseok growled low, panic rolling through my heart.
           “Looking for your hybrids, huh?” He asked, smirking.
           “What did you do?” I growled, making him roll his eyes.
           “Shut up! Jinwoo wants to see you,” He said, eyeing me.
           I sighed, walking closer to him. I grabbed the barrel of the shotgun, pushing it up as he pulled the trigger. My ears began to ring, and I tried to keep my balance. I pushed my leg out, kicking him in the stomach as he toppled over. I took out my own gun, but the man kicked up his foot, knocking it out of my reach. I lunged for it, but he got a hold of my leg, dragging me back just as my hand touched the handle, dragging it with me. The man got on top of me, lifting his fist, but I pulled up my gun and pulled the trigger.
           Everything slowed down in that moment. The man was so still, eyes wide in what looked like fear and pain. My heart was beating so fast, it’s a wonder no one else could hear it hit my rib cage. The man toppled over on me, and I tried to hold back a scream as I pushed him off, his lifeless body landing next to me. I squeaked as I kicked away from him, eyes wide. I felt arms lift me up and make me face him and saw the panicked look on Namjoon’s face.
           “Are you alright?” He asked, but it only sounded like a whisper. I looked down at my shirt, noticing blood that wasn’t my own before looking back at him, trembling in his grip.
           “I killed someone,” I said, but it was muffled. My eardrums were fried from the gun shot.
           “It was defense,” Jin said from behind me. “We went to hide when we saw him heading over here, and that’s when you came.”
           “We gotta go,” Taehyung said. Hoseok was clinging to Tae, both had tears streaming down their faces. They were always lovers, not fighters, so this had to affect them as much as it did me.
           “Let’s go home. Y/N, can you walk…?” He asked me, but I felt numb.
           “I killed someone,” I repeated, eyes so wide they might as well have popped out of my head.
           “I’ll carry her, you carry Jin,” Hoseok said, wiping his tears and lifting me, making me cling to him as he ran.
            When we arrived back at Emily’s place, she was horrified by our states. Her own hybrids could smell the blood from a mile away. Namjoon put Jin down, making him shout in pain. He was shirtless, cuts surrounding his entire body. Emily’s hybrid Woojin immediately began to examine him, and I sprinted up the stairs, going to the nearest bathroom and stripping my clothes. I turned on the shower as hot as I could handle and scrubbed my body raw.
           Shortly after, I heard the door open and in walk Namjoon, who I tried to ignore. Another shadow entered and noticed the striped tail as Taehyung.
           “Y/N, are you okay?” Tae asked, and I let out a broken sob.
           “No. I killed someone, Tae,” I said, scrubbing my stomach where the man’s blood touched me.
           “Baby, you defended yourself…” Namjoon said.
           “You defended us,” Tae choked out. I shut the shower off, opening the curtain and walking to a fresh pair of clothes that they must have brought. I quickly changed, putting my wet hair in a bun and staring at them, tears streaming down my face.
           “I took a life with my own hands. It goes against everything I’ve been preached about. I know he was bad, and he would have killed us, but I’m just a bit shaken,” I said, making Namjoon reach out and kiss the top of my head.
           “Hobi and Jin know where Jimin is…. The men said something about going back to the circus where he belongs…. That Jinwoo had a deal with his old owner,” Tae whispered, kissing the side of my head.
           “Then we need to leave, now,” I said, wide eyed.
           “You’re right.  Emily said the circus leaves in a few hours,” Namjoon said, making me walk past him and downstairs, where Hoseok and Jin’s wounds were being treated. Hoseok tried to stand, but I put my hand up.
           “You stay here with Jin,” I said, but before he could complain, Taehyung stepped in.
           “Hobi, please. It’ll be easier with just three of us and won’t gain attention,” Tae said, walking over and pecking his lips. “Please, Jin needs you right now. You both went through the same experiences….”
           “Go, Jimin doesn’t have much time,” Jin choked out, pain written all over his face as he gripped Hoseok’s hand. “He was always a shy bear… I hate to think about what he’s going through.”
           “Please, come back safe…” Hoseok said, kissing each of our lips.
            We were on the outskirts of the circus grounds, the cages in sight. I saw the ring leaders chatting and laughing the entire time, and I couldn’t help but growl. Namjoon and Taehyung were listening and smelling for Jimin, no doubt getting distracted by all the other hybrid smells. At the auction, each hybrid was in a closed room so it was easier, here they’re all outside.
           “I can hear him,” Tae finally said, his ears flattening to his head, a growl escaping his lips. “He’s crying.”
           “Where is he, Tae?” I whispered, looking around. Tae took a moment to look around, and I spotted a cage being pulled to the front by a truck.
           “There,” He whispered, pointing. I stared, squinting my eyes to attempt to see better in this night. It was late, but exhaustion hasn’t hit me just yet.
           I watched the driver get out and walk to a man who was waving his arms at some guards, about three of them. It was Jinwoo, and he looked unhappy. I winced as I saw him begin hitting Jimin’s cage, and Jimin crawl to the corner, every wince he made breaking my heart.
           “He’s naked,” Namjoon growled, stepping forward but I grabbed him back.
           I watched the guards go around the cage, big guns in hand as Jinwoo invited the ring leaders into the tent. I nodded to my boys, and we began to follow the forest line to the front of the vehicle. We sprinted through the shadows, hitting the front of the car, our backs to the grill.
           “Tae, crawl under the car, see if there’s an emergency door underneath… Joon and I will take care of the guards,” I whispered, making him nod and begin to crawl under.
           I watched one man go into the tent where I believe the others were. Another man was walking near me, and I quickly grabbed him, pulling him down. Namjoon took his head in his hands, cracking his neck, making me stare in horror.
           “I told you. Defense,” He said, unphased. He gave a small smile, nodding.
           “Joonie, you just—” I was cut off by a gasp, making me look up to see another man staring at us, gun pointing at us.
           “Stand up,” He shouted, making me wince and hold up my hands, slowly standing along with Namjoon, who stood in front of me. He was the only one left, and I could hear the cage hit the ground hard, as if someone had undone where it hooked to the truck.
           “What the?” He started, but I brought my hand against his gun, throwing it out of his hand.
           I brought an open palm to his nose, listening to it crack. I heard the truck start up behind me and Tae shout my name. Just as Jinwoo ran out, I hopped onto the side of the truck, Taehyung driving away. Namjoon was in the passenger seat, and Jimin was no longer in the abandoned cage. I put my feet through the open window, a pair of arms gripping my legs to steady me. I saw Jinwoo glaring at me, clearly angry at my actions, and I put up my middle finger up at him before ducking into the vehicle.
           Jimin was there, and it looked like he had been beaten to a pulp. His eye was swollen shut, his lips having a small cut and a longer cut running from his forehead to his cheek. He was still naked, and I quickly took off my jacket, putting it around him. It was cold outside, and it’s a wonder how he wasn’t sick. Tears streamed down his good eye as he hugged me, his face burying into my neck. His ears tickled my cheek, and I noticed a gnarly cut in one of them.
           “I knew you’d come back for me…” He whispered, breaking my heart.
           “You’re a part of this family, we weren’t just going to leave you,” I whispered back, kissing his injured ear. I have five of my boys with me now, so that only leaves Yoongi and Jungkook… They’re probably the strongest, next to Namjoon, so I just hope they can hold on a little longer.
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slashersrus · 6 years
Jerome Valeska x Reader - Split Part 2
Reader grew up in the circus with Jerome. She has a split personality and Jerome helps her with it.
Warning - Slight smut (nothing bad just heavy making out)
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Y/N and Jerome were sat in his trailer, she couldn't stand to go back to her own trailer, not after what she did. Jerome had told her that he hid the bodies. He had also told her that he had killed his mother. She didn't want to hear about it, she knew he was psychotic but she didn't want to be witness to it. Whilst yes, she had a psychotic side, she also had a innocent side who hated the idea of death. Jerome knew this, that's why he was always so soft around her, that's why he tried not to show his psychopathic tendencies around her.
Knock knock knock.
Their heads lifted simultaneously, glancing curiously at the door. Usually nobody bothered them. Lifting her head of his lap, Jerome walked to the door and answered it as Y/N watched from behind him.
"GCPD. We need to speak with Lila." Y/N froze as the name came from the detectives mouth, Jerome glancing at her and giving her a reassuring look, promising that he would deal with it.
"She's not here. Why? What's happened?" Jerome spoke, grabbing his coat and wrapping it around Y/N as they stepped out and he closed the door behind him. She smiled appreciating the gesture, snuggling into the warm fabric as the freezing wind blew through the circus grounds.
"Where is she?" The man spoke again, glancing questionably to the trailer. A beautiful woman stood behind him, the cruel ring leader stood next to him.
"Uh... I don't know. She was supposed to be home ages ago." Jerome spoke in a timid voice, impressing Y/N with his acting skills as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her into him to keep her warm.
"You a relative? You?" He questioned, looking between the couple.
"I'm her son, Jerome. This is my girlfriend, Y/N." Jerome continued in the timid voice, hunching in on himself to seem afraid of the detective. Her cheeks flamed as he called her his girlfriend.
"Jerome, when did you last see her?" The detective spoke, suspicious.
"This morning. She was here when we left for the library." Y/N stayed silent, knowing she wouldn't be able to lie, this version of her was terrible at lying.
"Relax Jerome, Y/N. This gentlemen is just here because Owen and Al had a disagreement. Jerome, your mother is fine. Gone on a spree no doubt. You know how she is." The soft voice of the ring leader gave the illusion he cared, he didn't. Y/N could remember countless times he had left them to their parents beatings, done nothing to help.
"A spree? Without her hat? Her coat? Her purse?" Jerome glared at the ring leader, trying not to give away his innocent act.
Realising it would be suspicious if she stayed silent, Y/N spoke, "Look at Sheba. She's distraught."
"She knows something is wrong!" Jerome spoke, inspecting the large snake with Y/N, gently touching the cage in mock worry.
"The snake does seem to be agitated." The detective nodded, a fake grin on his face as he glanced at the ring leader.
"Sir, she's what you call a party girl. Back in the morning with her knickers in a handbag. Sure as eggs." Jerome glared at his words, the glare unseen by everyone but Y/N who tightly squeezed his hand.
"But she didn't take her handbag, did she?" The man asked sarcastically before glancing back at the snake.
"How fast does an animal like that move?" Jerome frowned at his words, confused as to why he was asking.
"Uh...fast walking pace. They rely on surprise mainly." Jerome glanced at the snake as he spoke.
"Let her out." Y/N tensed up at his words, she always had a fear of that snake, she hated it.
"I'm sorry?" Jerome leaned forward in shock at the words.
"Let her out." He repeated, the lady with him also looking shocked at his words.
Slowly bending down, Jerome unlocked the cage and let the snake free. As soon as it was out the cage, he stepped back and protectively placed his arm back around Y/N's shoulders, knowing of her fear. Following Sheba as she slithered around the circus, Y/N cowered behind Jerome slightly. She tried not to show her terror when the snake lead them to the place they hid the bodies, knowing she couldn't give herself away. Tightening his grip on her, Jerome tried to comfort her knowing she was about to see the bodies again. Curiously walking up to the truck, watching the snake slither under the tarp, the detective yanked it back revealing the three bodies. Seeing her parents, Y/N let out a sob and dug her head into Jerome's chest as he covered her head with his hand, holding her to him as his body wracked with fake sobs. Falling to his knees, Jerome pulled her onto his lap as they cried.
"Oh my god." The woman breathed, going to comfort the two crying teens.
"You knew. You knew they were here." Seeing the ringleaders emotionless face, the detective advanced on him.
"No." He denied, his voice stern yet the detective easily saw through his lie.
"Look at me." They were face to face now.
Jerome felt Y/N tense in his arms, her crying momentarily stopping before starting again. The woman didn't see the change, but Jerome did. Looking into her eyes, giving her a warning look, he made sure she wouldn't do anything psychopathic to draw suspicion. Jerome being the only one who knew that Y/N had just switched personalities. Unlike her sweet side, her evil side knew how to lie and how to act convincing.
"They were like that when we found them." The ring leader sighed, finally giving in and telling the truth.
"Who are the other two?" The detective asked, frustrated at being lied to.
"Y/N's parents." He sighed, watching the girl cry into Jerome's chest.
Y/N and Jerome sat in a interrogation room, waiting for Detective Gordon to arrive, they having learnt his name when he brought them to the GCPD.
"It will be okay. I'll get us out of this." Jerome reassured to Y/N who was back to her normal self.
Just as Y/N was about to reply, Jim Gordon walked in and sat down at the table opposite them.
"Tell me about your parents." He looked between them, Jerome deciding to go first.
"She's my mother. What can I say? I love her. She's perfect." Jerome spoke, voice timid and weak again, "Not a very good cook Except for that..."
Gordon smiled sympathetically at the table as Jerome trailed off, looking at Y/N expectantly.
"They ar-were some of the nicest people. T-they loved me. I-I can't." Y/N stuttered before she broke off, tears sliding down her cheeks causing Jerome to pull her into a side hug.
"Did they have any enemies? Someone with a grudge?"
"No." Jerome spoke, Y/N simply shaking her head before burying it into Jerome's chest once again.
"Boyfriends?" Gordon asked, raising his eyebrows.
"My parents we-were married." Y/N softly whispered, Jim barely hearing her, feeling sympathy for the poor girl.
"No." Jerome shook his head, trying not to break character.
"No?" Gordon raised his eyebrows further in shock, clearly having heard other things.
"She had lovers. Sex partners, really. But not boyfriends. She didn't want the commitment." Jerome sighed, tears in his eyes.
"Alphonse Grayson?" Gordon questioned.
"Yes, he was one of them." Jerome nodded in agreement.
"Yes, he was one of them." Jerome nodded in agreement.
"Owen Lloyd?"
"Yes." Jerome muttered, sounding ashamed at his mothers actions.
"Any others?" He continued to question.
"Uh...not that I could put a name too." Jerome shook his head after thinking for a second, sounding apologetic.
"How did you feel about your mother's love life?" Gordon asked, leaning forward and entwining his hands on the table in front of him.
"I feel fine about it. If not for my mothers love life, I wouldn't be here would I? Sex is a healthy human activity." Jerome spoke causing Y/N to blush madly and Jim to cringe slightly taken back.
"Yes, it is." He replied carefully before speaking again, "Do you have any other family?"
"Y/N is my family." Jerome spoke, choosing his words carefully.
"What about you Y/N?" Jim asked, watching as she pulled away from Jerome and wiped her tears away with her sleeve.
"Just Jerome." She shook her head, feeling Jerome squeeze her hand under the table.
"That will be all for now. Thank you." Gordon smiled at them, opening the door and letting them leave.
"What did you do with the, uh, knife?" Y/N asked from her spot lay on Jerome's lap. They were back at his trailer, Jerome sat on the stern sofa, Y/N lay across it with her head resting on his lap as he played with her hair.
"Mr Cicero told me to scratch satanic stuff on it, throw it off a bridge. You were asleep, I didn't want to wake you up so I went by myself." He spoke, an evil glint in his eyes as he twirled a strand of her luxurious hair around his finger.
"Won't he give us up?" She spoke panicked, wide eyes staring at his grinning face.
"No. It was his idea after all."
"What if we get caught and sent to Arkham?" She whimpered scared.
"If that happens, I'll be there with you. I'll never leave you, I promise. I'll always protect you. I don't care about anything in this world except you Y/N. You are all I have. I love you." He whispered, caressing her cheek.
"...Does it not bother you that I have a split personality?" She finally asked the question that had been bugging her for so long.
"I think it's hot." He smirked at her, pulling her up so she was straddling his lap, kissing her.
"Really?" Y/N asked, pulling away out of breath from the kiss.
"Very hot." He added, kissing down her neck. She could feel his smirk on her skin causing her personality to switch in an instant, pulling his head up and roughly kissing him. Pushing her to lie down, he dragged his top over his head, she smirked and bit her lip as he became shirtless. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she ground into him making him moan. Reaching down he-
Ring. Ring. Ring.
Groaning, Jerome got off her and picked up his phone, nearly crushing it in his grip as he answered with clenched teeth. He was mad at being interrupted.
"Hello?" He spoke, trying to sound timid instead of angry.
"Jerome Valeska?" A voice he had never heard before called out.
"Yes?" He asked, glancing at a pouting Y/N.
"You are needed at the GCPD. Bring Y/N." The call cut off, he assumed it was a secretary who called him.
Growling, he pulled his shirt over his head, pulling her into a final kiss before speaking, "We have to go to the GCPD. I suggest you either switch back or act innocent."
Rolling her eyes she puffed out a exaggerated sigh, "You're no fun."
"Jerome?" Widening her eyes she felt a slight pain in her neck, reaching up to feel a hickey, having returned to her innocent side.
Jerome laughed as he saw the hickey, Y/N blushing madly. Grabbing his scarf, he gently wrapped it around her neck, kissing her forehead.
"We have to go to the GCPD."
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Matt: it did get very bad, all Sabrina really wanted to do was kill Dejoria... But with Jesse ... a push here and there doesn't bother Sabrina when someone really deserves it but constant violence like that... It's different Dejoria: yeah that's what I asked my dad "why do you think she cared?" JP: because he was blackmailing you, trying to force you to do what Ive tried to force her to do When someone tries to force you to perform certain duties in order for their gain and will use violence to punish you, it's not okay. Basically it's generic parenting, actually, but i am not one of those parents... You should see my living room right now.. I'm like dying cause my kid won't clean but it's like this crazy experiment where your house becomes a landfill.. it's quite interesting... Although very annoying. Jesse is a big, strong person. And he's very ragefilled. He could kill her very easily. Sure I wanted to kill her once... But I knew I would not have the opportunity and I had to grow as a person to be able to find a way to deal with her AND myself. Jesse lied to me constantly about her and so I, in a sense, tortured her. An eye for an eye if you will. But Jesse also tortured me. So he was this one man circus ring leader causing all kinds of pain and annoyance, making things worse. Eventually I caught on and I told him if he was lying to me and continued to, he would pay the price. Dejoria is human. She is a rapist because her dad raped her. My mom and her boyfriends and Carl Rutherford, Jesse and others raped me at various times in my life But I was very fortunate that I had people to protect me. Tell me it was wrong. Tell me I had the right to stand up for myself. Dejoria's life with her father makes me very sad. She had no one to protect her. No adult and the adults made it worse. I think, just out of selfishness. Like it wasn't all purposes just dumb. Like Dejoria getting pregnant by her father, her forced abortion then a snide perfect beautiful stepmom whom he let have his baby. After her abortion, he cut her off. Making her feel worthless. So it was a tragic timeline for her. With no one to tell her she was okay, she was good. She was a human that deserved more kindness, sympathy and understanding. My heart, literally hurts for the child inside of her. Because her heart was so destroyed she decided that that was how life is supposed to be and so she became a destroyer. Except she was/is kinder and drugs her victims so they cannot remember. She treats her victims the way she wishes she was treated, without any knowledge of what happened. But she uses them and discards them just as her father did to her. Of course, she also limits the risk of being caught. Until me, that is. I care because I am human. From my own father to Aunt P to Jeremyuh to Mark (FBI) and including my brothers, I was taught to care. Always My father refuses to divorce my mother because of who she is, he doesn't want her to hurt others the way she has hurt our family. So she's in a prison of sorts. I was taught to care about her, as long as she's worthy to be cared about. An eye for an eye. Alan freaked out because he was being rude to me and I told him simply "Fuck You" so he ran around like he had been lit on fire. Literally screaming "I need help" Which I watched like he was an idiot and tried to ignore. But Dejoria said "she's not even mad" and she checked me and she said "nope, no feelings" And that's when I decided to tell the truth about what I had been hiding for a number of weeks. I hadn't asked Dejoria what she wanted me to do with the information nor did I tell Jesse anything about my knowledge. I just hid it away. She, for no reason, cared about someone She deserves to be cared about. An eye for an eye. I've been tired of Jesse and resentful of the way he had used me to purposely hurt Dejoria. And he deserves no respect nor protection. Had he explained to me and asked if I wanted to be in on it. At that time 100% yes I would had. But he lied to me in order to gain my affection. Had he been 100% honest, he may still have it. But he played me like a fool. And that time is over now. He's not going to hurt someone else just because he thinks he can. Because he thinks he's smarter than everyone else when only he's a big dumb fat bully. He didn't respect me thus I will have NO respect for him to violently try to educate someone about how to act when and where. He's not her parent. Her parent raped her and wasn't anyone to look up to nor admire nor act like.
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