#I’m on break at work but I’ll edit this to explain their human redesigns too
aj-thegreatest · 4 years
Next up is Topaz and Hody! I did them next because 1) They’re the big thing now and 2) I want to get my Mewni redesigns outta the way before the rest. They were pretty fun, and the first example of my rewrites! Sometimes when I redesign a character, I’ll rewrite them to fit the change. It’ll be minor or major changes; basically my spin on them. I’ll explain everything below, but here’s the final if you wanna skip!
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I’ll start with the designs first, then my rewrites:
For Hody, I wanted him to resemble Larry more. I went with his canon design instead of the redesign, since I liked it more (gives me big himbo vibes).
So Hody has his eyes and hair/fin style, but Camie’s eye color. I simplified the outfit so it’s easier to draw: the red sash just goes around his waist, but above his tail. I covered up his chest, kept the gold and red gems, and made his arm armor shorter. I went with the colors that harchibudytgorichi used, cause I love how muted they are! Also, he’s wearing a skirt now! I’ll explain that later.
Topaz’s first change was her hairstyle. No real reason, but I thought her hair being half shaved would look cool! To compensate I made her hair longer, so she’s still a warrior. I gave her Cole’s nose and eyes, so she’s even more aligned with him. But now she has Phyrus’ colors to equalize. She also has pudge! I remember when someone asked if older Topaz could have pudge, and I thought it was a missed opportunity. Alot of her outfit is based on Cole’s (with some Braze too). She has shoulder armor with spikes, a gem placement like Cole, and pants with fur boots. I tried to make her more “battle ready”, with the utility belt and more coverage. No tiara, but her earrings are a hint to her status.
Now onto the good stuff Let’s start off with Hody! Instead of being jerky and prejudice, he’s dumb but has a big heart. Major Himbo vibes. Like Maria he wants to help the Waterfolk kingdom, but can’t retain a lot of knowledge (Diplomacy, Trading, etc). So he fights as a warrior to support them. Hody was a bigger deal until Astro came along, but his strength is acknowledged. He’s still protective of Maria; he can’t accept his sister growing up and surpassing him. To him, she’ll always be his baby sis. It’s also why he’s hesitant towards Astro; why would she need to date??? He does respect him right off though. Eventually he realizes Maria’s grown now, and that won’t change their relationship. After this, Hody treats Astro as part of their family. They also spar on occasion. He’s way more accepting of monsters since he’s too dumb/kindhearted to realize. He hangs with the Johansson brothers but the dynamic is different, I’ll explain later. Hody also loves wearing skirts and dresses; his fashion style leans towards Billy Porter. I...just thought it’d be neat. He was supposed to be the heir, but after meeting a fire-headed warrior that might change… In this version, Topaz is more aggressive and tactical. She never goes in without a plan or escape route, especially in fights. After a horrible “relationship” with her controlling dead ex, Topaz left her tribe to get some space and explore the surface (Cole’s idea). Nobody knew about their relationship, but once they did they were not happy. Her relationship with Scorch went on for too long. It made her feel weak and scared. Which she hates. So Topaz pushes those feelings down and fights to cope. She also doesn’t like unfamiliar people touching her...something Hody (a person who hugs everyone) learns that very quickly. She loves her dad and thinks highly of him. She often stands up for him and his ideals, wanting to help the tribe be more intellectual. Topaz doesn’t read a lot, but books about war and strategy are her favorite. She misses her mom, but doesn’t talk about it (yet). She finds her escort flighty, and wants to teach him to think smarter. Once they travel together, they’ll definitely get closer and help the other with their issues. For Topaz it’ll be her mother, her last relationship/fear of intimacy, and getting close to people. Hody’s will be his feelings about his sister, his place in the Waterfolk kingdom, and his relationship with the Johanssons (which he’ll also learn to put himself first instead of others, but I’ll explain in the next paragraph). I’d compare them to Jess and Lake from Infinity Train. I think they’d both slowly realize they have feelings for each other, and soon start dating. Because of Topaz’s previous relationship, she’s hesitant about doing “heavier” stuff early on. But Hody understands. At some point Hody gives his heirship to Maria; around that time they’d either get married or engaged, and travel around Mewni. They do have kids (maybe 2-3 because this Topaz hates pregnancy idk) and just chill as parents. Now onto the Johnasons!
Hody hangs with the Johnasons, but in their eyes he’s on thin ice. Because of Hody being pro-monster, there’s slight tension between them that Hody side steps. He thinks befriending them will change their minds about monsters, and accept them more. When Topaz comes in, things become shaky. Hody tries to keep the peace but Tor, Twister, and Gale aren’t having it. However, Topaz convinces Hody he needs to look out for his own well being/mental health, and that sometimes you can’t change someone by being their friend (Also conflicting ideals can break a friendship, maybe for the better). After Hody confronts them, Tor puts his hands on Topaz and they both beat them up (Topaz more than Hody, but ehhh semantics. Idk if Twister and Gale would get involved but 🤷🏿‍♀️). Afterwards, Gus comes by and apologizes to Hody. He wasn’t actively prejudiced but complacent and, while not as bad, has its own issues. He asks if they can still be friends, which Hody readily accepts. Topaz is suspicious, but they eventually warm up as a trio (This would also progress Gus’s development, like the 2nd or 3rd step).
...This was a long way of saying I like Grumpy Girl/Soft Boy better than the og dynamic but I’m done! Next one will come out whenever, here’s their full body!
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