#I’m pleasantly surprised considering i was mere moments from falling asleep while writing this
whumperscorner · 1 year
Whumpy snippet #5
"Let him go."
Grav’s voice is low and dangerous, his chest is burning with rage but the gun in his hand is steady as it points against the back of the man’s head. The man hadn’t noticed him turning the corner into the dingy alley. He’d been too busy crowding B up against the rough brick wall. Hand squeezing around the kid’s throat, lifting him half off the ground and spouting some shit Grav hadn’t bothered to try and listen to.
The man tenses at Grav’s words and the feeling of the barrel pressed against his skull. Still, he doesn’t let go of B, who’s still clutching the man’s arm, desperately gasping for air as his toes barely touch the ground. A muscle in Grav’s jaw twitches.
"I’d really prefer if I didn’t have to blow your fucking brains out just yet, but make no mistake I will paint this wall red if you don’t let go of him right fucking now. NOW."
Grav speaks slowly and through grit teeth, but the last word is yelled so suddenly that the man startles. He drops B. The kid falls to his knees on the dirty ground, gasping and coughing, but wastes no time crawling to the side to leave Grav to handle the man. Which he gladly does.
First sending him stumbling to the side with a hard smack with the butt of his gun. Then a precise shot to his thigh, just above his knee. The man yells in pain and tries to scoot himself backwards away from Grav, who stalks mercilessly towards him. He’s blabbering pleas and excuses that Grav is only half listening to. How he didn’t know who the kid was, how he wouldn’t have dared to touch him if he did. Yeah right. The man’s back hits one of the sidewalls of the alley, and Grav stops in front of him. He stands there for a moment, considering that Rein might want to keep the man alive for questioning, but one sideways glance at B still coughing and rubbing his already bruising throat makes the decision for him. There are more where this fucker came from, others who can answer questions, they can work around his death. The kid meets his glance momentarily, and closes his eyes when Grav pulls the trigger with pointed finality.
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Hi! Would that be cool with you if I ask you about blind!reader x Connor? Thank you in advance :*
Okay I’m just gonna admit now I’m terrible at writing full fics but I really wanted to try this because the potential for this was just too cute to pass up! I This is my first time writing for a blind character too so I sincerely hope that this is accurate and just turned out okay overall~!
Okay enough rambling XD please enjoy~!
Midnight Voices: – Connor X Blind! Reader
Warmth seeped through your feet and hands curled tightlyinto the blanket draped lazily across your shoulders as soft, tentativefootfalls echoed your every movement. The apartment was always silent aroundthis time of night, with no noisy neighbours of buzzing chatter of security toruin the calm the night usually brought with it – and it was because of thisthat you found yourself awake, pacing through the spacious halls and open roomsto relish in the freedom, revelling in the haze of a half asleep mind. You knewthe layout of the complex like the back of your hand, passing through your homewith ease and instead focusing on everything which greeted your senses.
Bringing a hand up beside you, your fingers made quick worktrailing across the wall; tracing each and every groove of the intricatelydecorated wallpaper and enjoying the rough, calloused texture you could feelbeneath your fingertips as you used it to guide you to your destination. Eventuallythe solid wall was replaced by the familiar cool chill of the living room glassand suddenly the silence was gone, now taken over by the muted buzz of theworld beyond the window panes. Now placing both hands to the glass you smiled,just imagining the bright lights whizzing around right below your feet.
Even now, so far away from the streets below, Detroit wasstill brimming with life, truly alive with noises of all kinds melting togetheras if to form a chaotic symphony of sound and music; and you had to admit thatwhilst the quiet was often a welcome change, it couldn’t quite beat thealternative warmth that just seemed to emitted from the very city itself. For awhile you were content to simply listen, spending the moments that you had toyourself just basking in the vibrant night life and taking in the thick scentof musk, leather and smoke which wafted up through the air even through thethick pane of glass separating you from the outside of the apartment; howeveryour solitude only really lasted for so long before you heard it.
Footsteps, slow yet firm and calculated joined you in theliving room, entering from the hallway just behind you and though the actionwas unnecessary you found yourself craning your head in the direction of thenoise, lips parted yet still smiling, warm as you spoke up. There was only oneyou knew who would go through such an effort to make their presence known.
Smooth, soft hands slipped into your own, squeezingassuredly as you were tugged back ever so gently, back meeting with his chestas a head came to rest against your shoulder.
“I’m here” his voice was neutral as ever but soft, always sosoft, and that alone warmed your heart as you sighed, turning back to your originalposition to continue admiring the crescendo of noises just barely out of yourreach. Seconds passed, then moments, then a minute, before Connor spoke again.
“It’s late, (Y/N) – you’re aware you only have several hoursbefore we need to leave for the meeting”
“I’m aware of that, Connor” And yet you made no attempt tomove, instead defiantly cuddling closer into his side and making yourselfcomfortable, making your intentions to stay put clear. Above you, you couldhave sworn that you heard him sigh, as if exasperated.
“(Y/N) I have to insist that you try to get some rest; youknow how you act when you’re tired” He continued to press. You couldn’t helpbut scoff but you knew that he was right all the same – you could already feelsleep still wearing heavy on your eyes and your breathing was slow and sluggish– clearly your body was more prepared for sleep than you had imagined, and yetyou still protested.
“Just a while longer; let me enjoy this peace for a few moreminutes, please?”
For a brief moment he seems toconsider your words, before inevitably relenting. “Fine…but please, come sitdown at least”
Stepping away your handsinstinctively reached to take a hold of his arm, already poised as if readilyexpecting the action and you happily followed as he led you over to the sofa,allowing you to get seated before he settled down beside you. Few words neededto be shared between you so you settled for resting your head against his shoulder,pulling the blanket closer around yourself as you nestled into the warmth itprovided.
Despite being content with thesituation you couldn’t help but think, to think of whatever swam through yourmind and merely listening to it, waiting for the words to reach the surface.And then-
“Connor?” you eventually spoke,with only a hum signalling that you now had his attention.
“…What is it like? – outside Imean” There was a notable pause, and you could practically feel Connor’s eyesbearing down at you, confused.
“I…don’t follow”
“Can you look outside the window?– describe what you see, for me?” Again you were met with a momentary quiet andyou settled in further against him, fully expecting him to state against theidea, and yet you found yourself pleasantly surprised as he began to list offthe things beyond the window pane.
“Mostly stars can be seen fromhere – your apartment is too far above to make out the street below. Thestreetlights do make them harder to see but it’s still…nice, calming-I thinkyou’d like them.”
“I think I would too” you chimedin, just picturing how he could be perceiving the world around him through hisown eyes, imagining what thoughts might be travelling through that processor ofhis right now.
As he continued you hung ontoevery word – sure with the way Connor worded certain descriptions of the thingshe explained it took a bit of creativity to imagine them, but you wereenraptured with seeing everything through his words; so enraptured in fact thatyou’d hardly even noticed just how soothing his voice was until you foundyourself now slumped completely into his side, curling in on yourself as youfought off sleep for just a little while longer.
Apparently Connor appeared to befar more aware of it however as you soon felt his hand rest against yourshoulder, his voice lowered so as to not surprise you. “(Y/N), let’s get you tobed now, okay?” Although you made a few groans of protests you eventuallyconceded, however before you could even make a move to stand you felt yourentire weight shift, your body slipping off of the sofa and against somethingsoft and incredibly warm.
It didn’t take you long torealize Connor had opted to pick you up and lead you to your room instead, andwhilst the thought of him having to steer you back to bed otherwise made youchuckle you couldn’t complain, instead allowing your head to rest against hischest to listen the constant, rhythmic beating of his thirium pump echoingwithin his chest like a melody of its own.
It was the beating of his heartwhich only proved to lull you further to sleep, finally bringing yourself tofall asleep, wrapped up in the arms of the ever protective android as his softfootfalls led you to a hopefully peaceful slumber, already looking forward to seeinghim the next morning.
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