#I’m positive they all know a good amount about automobiles and could tune up the Batmobile
whalehouse1 · 5 months
Me seeing a Jason was such a good student who loved homework and loved reading so much that none of the other Bats could touch him: I’m feeling an extremely strong urge to go through the golden and silver age Robin comics and pull every panel of Dick being comfy in a chair reading. And the admittedly few of him doing good in school. He did hate homework, that is true though.
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kanene-yaaay · 5 years
Double-Cosplay Challenge
 Author’s note: Hello-ho-ho-ho!! My gosh, is it already 25th? I can’t believe in this, neither that the world is so small,  @scribbly-gigs, after all I’m your Squealing Santa too!! I really hope you enjoy this gift, because your prompt was absolutely adorable! I fell in love for its and aaaaa!  Best. Idea. Ever.
Okay, I got a little carried away! Enjoy the gift!
But, before the fanfic, I would like to give a specially thank to @ticklygiggles for hosting this wonderful event! It was an absolutely lovely experience, thanky you veryy much!! >w<)s2</i>
Warnings, fun facts, random things and stuff:
* This characters don’t belongs to me! Jeremy and Michael belongs to the musical Be More Chill.
* The song in the benning is Hide and Seek, a cover by Lizz Robinett
* This is a SFW Tickle-Fanfic, so, if you don’t appreciate this kind of content, please, look for another blog. There are a plenty of fabulous arts in this site!!  ^w^)b
* Oneshot. Something around 4.500 words.(I REALLY got carried away xDD) -w-)b.
* Sorry for any spelling, pontuation and grammar mistakes! Any and every advice is very very welcome! \(-w-)/
* Portugese’s Version (Brazilian’s one) coming soon!  Thankys for reading, my lollipops! Have a wonderful and incredible, festive or not, day! Take care with you gonna prank anyone (And only do if they’re okay with it) , they can get revenge. ~
Ding Dong I know you can hear me
Open up the door
I only wanna play a little.
 - What the fu… – Opened his eyes, the song suddenly swallowing him from his dream. He blinked a few times, his hands going toward his cellphone, vision finally focusing in the middle of the dimly lit darkness by sunlight, which managed to passes through the small slits in the curtains successfully. The device was not turned on.
 Ding Dong you can’t keep me waiting
It’s already too late
For you go and try to run away. ~
 He turned to the closet, where, on the floor, a small device vibrated, its screen glooming and being entirely responsible for proliferation of the calm background melody, which for some unknown reason made a feeling of cold, gelid fear spread through every inch of his body, growing more and more stronger as the light brown-haired reeling approached. His mind still foggy by tiredness.
 Whose phone was that?
  I see you through the window
Our eyes are locked together
I can sense your horror
Though I’d like to see it closer.~~
  He bent down to turn it off.
 He recognized this phone cover! It was from-
 - DING DONG! – The door slammed open, almost as fast as the fall from the one who just had woken up, the light suddenly invading every particle from his room along with the excitedly extremely loud scream – HURRY UP AND RUUUUUN! LET’S PLAY A LITTLE GAME AND HAVE FUN!!
 It was crystal clear that Michael wanted to utter some words, something so easy to say by the way that small portions of sentences sought to slip through his lips. However, he was being completely hindered by his own (blood from his blood!!) uncontrollable laughter, needing a firm grip on the doorjamb to not collapse with the other’s fright. Jeremy placed his hand in his chest, feeling the heart skip some beats at a great speed and trying to control at least a small piece of his ragged breathing.
 - I should have recorded this! My holy Pacman, why didn’t I record this??? – Wiped few tears that accumulated at the corner of his eyes. The onslaught of laughter threatening to come back again as he faced the poor, poor teenager with his pajamas, hair and appearance full of mess. The one who has the sad fate of being the target of his prank and now demonstrated his gratitude by showing a very specific finger to him.
 - I will end with your existence, just give me a second. I-I need to recover my soul, I think it ran out the window. – Got up, finally succeeding in breath normally, his gaze was sharp, or the most close as possible with the sleep that still covered his features, but he couldn’t deny the smile, part vengeful and part because he have to give it to him: it was a good prank; that he struggled to doesn’t let its took over his face. – Why? Just… Why??
 - Because today is the International Double-Cosplay Chaaaaaaaallenge day!! – Michael was literally bouncing excitedly, gesturing as if he presented the answer to a huge and attentive audience and not a young man slowly coming down the stairs, still yawning and rubbing the sleep from his eyes while leading the trail to the kitchen.  
 Oh, the Double-Cosplay Challenge.
 It could even be seen as a tradition, a very ancient one, held of years without end. Not one of the seculars, though, that ones initiated in some trunk of time, which, if asked, No one would really know to explain from where it emerged. In fact, Jeremy almost remembered perfectly (‘perfectly, sure, it’s a hyperbole. Jeremy imagined his memory as a miniature of fish Dory. So, remembering more than six or five actions of a day that had gone years ago was a progress!) the way it all started.
 Like most things in his friendship with Michael, of course it had began with teasing that led to a semi-fight where both sides argued, yet without really having any warm in their words. For this time, the focus of the discussion was the ease and speed that Jeremy could paint every square of himself with blush as the slightest instigation…
 - Could you stop??? – Heere jerked away by impulse, his cheeks already beginning to flush in pink for the squeal he uttered due the light blow that Michael dumped on his ear. – We’re in the middle of the game!!!
 - Do you mean that if we weren’t playing it wouldn’t be a problem, then? – Malefic smile. Jeremy felt the blush spread even more.
 - Wha- Sure it would be!!!!
 - Hmmm… I bet that would be okay if it was Christiiiiine doing that. – He mimicked a singing tone as he spoke her name, losing control over his car for a minute and being hit by a tortoise shell. – Damn, Bowser!! You were my favorite character, dude!!
 - Yeah, yeah. Keep talking while I take the lead!- The light brown-haired smirked, his tongue sticking out as he dodged a few drivers and climbed some positions in the ranking.
 - Ha! You couldn’t win this match even if you wanted to. – Jumped and hit one of the floating boxes with the question mark. Got the cannonball. – Just as you can’t stop to being a mess flushed even by the wind!
 - Is that so? And what about the Pinkberry employee? - Michael’s car was out of control for a piece of moment and Jeremy allowed himself to take his eyes off the screen for a few seconds just to catch the other’s face now painted with a light blush and a wobbly smile. – See? We’re rotten apples from the same basket, compadre.
 - Lucky shot.
 - Ability. – He corrected, contradicting his words, his automobile went straight towards the water. The Player Two wrinkled his nose.
 - The thing is, unlike you, I can control my blush. I would win from 10 to 1 if this were a competition.
 - I bet. – It was the magic word. Michael paused the game immediately, both turning to stare each other, the glare full of dangerous burning in their eyes, a grin finding space in their faces.
 - How much?
 A brief silence spreaded across the room, barely finding space with all the adrenaline and electricity following Jeremy’s thoughtful glaze as he searched in his mind for an award up to the challenge.
 - The one who be the most blushy, for most period of time or a greater amount of times, that is, who made the best tomato cosplay earn the right to try to survive for…
 - …a week wearing a cosplay that the winner, and by this I mean I, - Michael gesticulated pompously, not even paying attention to the friend and opponent, who calmly hummed as setted the breakfast. – choose. At school, on the street, in home… With a break of five daily hours to wash and dry, as well as permission to get it off to sleep, BUT, that’s all. – Evil laugh. – I hope you are prepared, Heere. Because this year I choose the best cos-
 His eyes finally went to find the breakfast table, setted with a blue and red tablecloth where the phrase ‘Best Player nº1’ was practically completely hidden by the delicacies deposited on it: Pacman-shaped Pancakes, some being stuffed with hazelnut cream; Some cups with iced coffee, a small bowl of fruit salad, the common eggs and bacons; waffles with cream and blueberry spreading their sweet scent along the Special Christmas Donuts, available only for one hour after the local bakery opens. That cost great hours of Jeremy’s sleep, which immediately worth it just in watching the utterly surprised and clumsy expression from the one who wears glasses.
 - …tume… – His mouth hang wide open and he blinked several times, as if it was all a mirage about to disappear at any second. Michael simply couldn’t believe all his favorites dishes were really gathered in a only table in a only one meal.
 - To my faworite pewson. – The one in pajamas guides him to the chair; happily enjoying the blush consumes his friend’s cheeks.
 Fun Fact: Michael is hardly embarrassed by usual teasing and/or flirting. The thing that can truly make him mirror the color of his hoodie was actions and true, sincere compliments. It was as if the boy really didn’t expected anyone to thought about him long enough to prepare a gift or perceive and admire his actions… That always reminded Jeremy why he liked this day so much.
 - You play dirty, Heere. - The Mell finally managed to find words between his surprise, unable to look away and face the other with the dangerous smirk that was his mark.
 - I need to get to your level. – His voice bathed itself in a (fake) sweet tune, the teasing being enough to successfully capture the attention from the one in hoodie, leading their eyes to meet. Jeremy blinked innocently.
 - I just forgive you because of the donuts! They are like, an impossible legend, which I just heard being told and retold in all my years of life, waiting for the right moment when I finally could have it in my arms. – The light brown-haired rolled his eyes, smiling with the exaggerated description. – But don’t even think about getting used to my forgiveness! You won’t be so lucky ne-
 His sentence and merciful act have been interrupted by a high pitch squeak from Jeremy, who jerked away instinctively from Michael’s finger that poked him, protecting his tummy defensively, a wobbly, unstable smile in his face.
 Immediately thousands of memories and empirical data invaded the Mell’s mind, and, the more and more his brain reminded him, the more and more a predatory expression got strength and color in his face.
 - Oh, never mind. – Jeremy gulped, all his instincts beating like a bright red ‘r u n’ signal shining in the middle of a desert road on a stormy dawn. He felt himself starting to increase the distance between both. – It seems like you are out of lucky right now.
 And the race begin, this time out of the videogames’ screen.
 - Oh Heeeere!~ - His tune could be described as ‘singing’ if it was not the panting voice due the attempts to still in maximum speed in pursuit of the Player Two. – Why do you keep running away from my love? This hurts. Sadface.
 - I bet it didn’t hurt more than my fall for you! – Jeremy’s only relief was that Michael would rather to lock himself on the basement to play than exercise in his free time. His only sadness was that he also would rather lock himself on the basement with Michael to play videogames in their free time, which mean that neither of them had the slightest, and necessary, disposition to any sports.
 However Michael at least was lucky, which uneven unfairly his chances. In the first opportunity he got, the one on the pajamas placed the coffe table between them.
 - Naaah. – The prankster started to encircle the table, analyzing the friend and opponent do the same action, but in the opposite direction. – Easy peachy compared to the time you stole my heart.
 - It was just to return the favor, since you stole mine first… - His gaze drifted to the stairs right behind the one who wears glasses. If he could dodge him and make to his room, he could lock himself there and spend the next hours on the safety and comfort of his computer and bed. His glare returned to Michael… All there was needed was a distraction. – No, wait, in truth, it was always yours.
 - Not in the same way that I am yours. – Wink.
 - But do you know what is just yours and you could give to me? – The dirty joke came and went away before it could be mentioned by the dark brown-haired, who failed in not burst out laughing. – Your hand!!
 Jeremy took vantage of the small moment of carelessness to rush out.
 Good Point?
 He managed to dodge Michael!! Yeaah!! Phase one completed with praise!
 Bad Point? (Suuuure that always it has to exists a bad one! It was too boring for your standards, wasn’t it, Universe?)
 He couldn’t even research the stairs before being knocked down on the carpet. He turned himself over, fighting for a few minutes stuffed with laugh and pieces of phrases (‘Michael, don-‘; ‘Could you stop, Heere!?’; ‘Just if you let me go!’; ‘Ouch! Damn, my glasses!’; ‘Gyah! Sorr- Hey! No! Nonono!’), at least until Michael finally find a gap in his barrier, wasting no time in attacking his bare foot, pulling a squeal from the one on pajamas, which worked like a race start, being immediately followed by dozens of giggles as his fingers danced in a lively rhythm: poking, scratching and wriggling in each centimeter of available skin.
 - MihihihihihihihihihihihichaACK- Michael never played any instruments for much in his life, but he assumed that this is how the musicians should feel. Wriggling: Squeal; Poking that exactly spot in the middle of his sole: Shriek; Each scratch could give him a different melodious sound depending on the spot he was attacking. - NOHOHOHOHOHOHOhohohohohOHOHO!!
 - What did you said, Heere? Mind repeat? I can’t understand any word in the middle of your adorable giggles. – Jeremy rocked his arms from side to side without really managing to coordinate them to do something useful. The sensation took over his mind and all his nerves. However, he was still able to hear and understand another words beyond his own giggles, which automatically made a heat spread quickly through all his face. - Awwwn!! You already are blushiiiing. ~
 - Shuhuhuhuhuhut UHUHUhuhp!! NononO! Nohohohoht thehehehere! – And then more uncontrollable laughter began to float from his lips as Michael’s nails found their way to the ticklish skin right under his toes.
 - ‘There’, where? Did you mean… here? – One of his hands held his toes in order to unfold them while the other tickled without a single drop of mercy. Jeremy felt himself jump in a sit position, trying to focus his tearing eyes enough to stop the assault. It took just a few pokes in his tummy to make he lay down again.
 - NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHahahahahahaHAHA! – His eyes were closed and his nose wrinkled. His whole body shook with the loud, shrill laughs that spilled from his mouth without any barrier; only being interrupted by some squeak or yelp as the Player One decided to get bored with his toes and quickly changed the tickle attack to his knees. Started to switch from one to another in random patterns, squeezing his kneecaps or giving an especial attention to the extremely, unfairly ticklish skin under them.
 That leading the laugh to grow even louder and the sensations more and more unbearable. Michael happily watched when Jeremy swung his legs up, seeking to curl in a protection ball, “obliging” him to retaliate with a series of kneads on his thighs, causing  the light brown-haired to frantically kick, trying to free himself from the tickles, leading Michael to go back to his knees and restart the loop all over again.
 - S-Sthohohohohohohop!! – He let out a frustration groan in the fifth time it happened. The Mell couldn’t help but evil crackle at that, also being helped by the fact that Jeremy’s laugh was extremely contagious.
 - I don’t know what are you talking about, Heere! All I can ever hear is the victory sound of me winning the Double-Cosplay challenge this year!!
 - Is this your final answer, then? – Michael stared at him, the mischievous grin still very present, even though Jeremy didn’t saw it. The sunshine flooded the victim’s face, only further highlighting the freckles already favored by the blush, which literally cover his entire face, now. Jeremy shook his head side to side, as if denying the fate that was about to catch him, or as if answered the question from the other, Michael just shrugged and decided to ignore the act. – So, that’s it! Be prepared to the Ultimate Tickle Attack!!
 He stopped.
 And the Player Two used the opportunity of a break to take some sips of air, finally being able to shrunk in a defensive ball. The crackling laughter still bouncing gladly from his mouth that couldn’t at all undo the big bright smile going ear to ear in his features. It really seemed to illuminate the place.
 His hand trembled a little as he wiped tears that managed to slide across his burning cheeks. The laughing now became giggling and finally starting to fade.
 And then he realized.
 Not even a whisper from Michael.
 He opened his eyes, a little confused, and suddenly shivers ran thundering down his spine, spreading through each of his ticklish spots, making them tingle more, perhaps in the same amount of times that the Mell approached his fingers teasingly until they were a few inches above his calves.
 Damn! Cursed be these years of friendship and all the tickle fights in their childhood that give him the knowledge about this particular spot.
 - Mihihihichael! – His giggles came back strident, his smile threatened to widen further. Jeremy bitted softly the tip of his tongue, trying to do at least a threatening expression, yet too much excitedly for it. The one in hoodie quickly lowered his hand, stopping before he could research the place, leading the other to jump and release a pinched scream would never admitted being his in the future. Butterflies danced in his stomach. – NohohoHOT eVEn thIHIHIhihnk abohohohut th-
 - Not touchin you, dude! – The prankster laughed starting to wiggle his fingers, and, even though they didn’t have touched him yet, Jeremy could already feel it. Feel the uncontrolled laughter in his chest, the nerves tingling eagerly, the eyes closing reflexively and… - If I knew it was so easy to make you blush just with that I already would won this tournament years ago!! – His face was going to melt, he was absolutely sure of that. It was going to melt and he would be obligated to wear the stupid mask of whatever cosplay Michael chose for him for the rest of his life!! – And I’m not even doing anything, literally!
 - Shuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuht uhuhuhuhuhuhuhp, youhohohor sadihihihistic!! – The heat just spread stronger, arriving to the tip of his ears. He attempted to shrink more in defense; however, the Player One held his leg, his other hand resting on his chest, as if he were truly offended.
 - Jeremy! – He faked another attack, almost losing control of his dramatic pose and laughing when the Heere snorted. – Now, that was not the manners I gave you! I’m not even doing anything and a puddle of adorable giggles offends me! Humpf… – He wander lightly his index finger through all the extension of his calf, each inch releasing a new squeal tone.
 - Sohohorry!! Sohohohohohohohohohohrrehehehey! – He pushed his leg, trying to free himself from the deadly grip. Michael didn’t even bother into pretending to ponder about his apologies, and then the light brown-haired knew he was screwed up in the exact moment he find that glint the other’s eye.
 - Nah. I would rather return the favor. – And, as he said, started to ruthlessly knead his calves.
 Jeremy never had fought that much in his life. All of his muscles squirmed; reacting to the warning signals they received from his nerves, which probably were all very confused when they heard his laughter. Powerful, loud and fully stuffed with screams, laughter. His mind went in a total collapse and he could only focus on the tickling, finding his synapses unable to form a single coherent word, neither a sentence.
 Michael stopped. Half because he had pity to see the tears began to wash the friend’s cheeks and the other half because he was afraid that some neighbor would call the police with the screams from the shorter; and also because he couldn’t control his own laughter anymore. Grateful to be seated, he leaned against the outsider arm of the couch, his voice mingling with the remained giggles from the other. Both flying in the air.
 For a moment, the duo stayed just like this: Laughing.
 - Yohohohohou ahahahahare the worhohohohost! – Wiped his tears, finally managing to remove the sensations rubbing the spot that, probably, was the most ticklish and unlikely to have. Thanked to the pure, fresh air entering his lungs, which seemed to give him strength to sit and stare the shape who still laughing.
 An awesome idea crossed by his brain and camped there. A little cliché, that is true, but he felt deserving this privilege.
 His hands met the armpits of the Player One, without moving, who instinctively downed his arms, an uncharacteristic squeak now running from his lips. Jeremy enjoyed the sense of power he had when the opponent, in the videogames and for this day, faced him with wide eyes, struggling with a smile in his face.
 - Je-jeremy… Come on, pal, dude, friend... – The one on pajamas just smiled in response, turning softly his head, like a puppy staring you doubtfully about your despair as hold your only short in their mouth, paws flexed and about to run through the beach, to anywhere as long is far from you (Long and funny story, ask Mr Heere to show you the video later.) and wasted no time before start the attack.
 Michael held his breath. His lips suppressed in a arc as they were pressed strongly, refusing to let out a single giggle from the thousands that already stirred in his throat.
 - What the matter? – Jeremy chuckled, noticing the not-so-subtly effort from the newer victim to control himself, just getting even clear when his legs began to squirm. The light brown-haired positioned himself on his right, already knowing what was coming, his face approached further. – Wouldn’t you happen to be… too ticklish for that, right?
 He started to slowly scribble in the other’s armpits, the glint in his eyes glowing as watched him jumping with the touch and hugging his sides, fighting more with the waterfall of giggles trying to pour from his lips and this struggle seeming about to make him explode, due how much his cheeks puffed and blushed. The Mell shook his head.
 - Phew, what a relief. – The Player Two faked a relieved sigh, as if heavy chains were removed from his back. His face got closer, Michael stared at him, fear and expectation shining mingled up in his expression, red beginning to grew stronger in his face. S c o r e. – So you won’t mind if I get a itty bitty revenge, right?
 And started to blow right on that spot behind his ear, something that the friend did almost daily and now tasted what he so gladly distributed. Michael squealed, the barriers finally giving in and being quickly subdued by the snorts and giggles as fingers skillfully poked and wriggled in his armpits, taking more speed and strength, just as Michael’s fight to escape from his fate.
 - Michael! We are in a serious competition here! I would like to see a little more compromising from your side!! – His head moved away as he stopped in order to teasing the other’s neck. Changing his tactics to verbal teasing and, even though he didn’t threatened back to his neck anymore, the ‘victim’ still kept his shoulders up, as if by precaution.
 - FUHUHUHUHUHUACK!!  – The light brown-haired was able to release his hands from the friend’s gasp, giving him some free seconds before immediately tickle his sides. – PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHhahahahahahahAHAHAHA! – His tune got a fewer octaves higher, flinching a little as Jeremy alternated between kneading his left, squeeze his right and then attack both at the same time.
 Fun fact: Michael did not squirmed, he trashed his body side to side in a mad dance ruled by the melody of his own deep, frenetic and uncontrollable belly laughter that fled without any permission from his mouth. Therefore, tickle his legs or even sit on them to try pinning him down was practically impossible. His upper body, on the other hands, due his fear of tossing away his glasses, were easier to deal.
 - Wait… Oh no, Michael! I discovered! – His eyes even attempted to meet with the other’s, but these were tightly closed, tears starting to welling up in the corner. The Heere forced himself to slow the attack, noticing the crackling laugh and shrieks that started to took over Michael’s loud, and completely contagious, laughter. He drank a little of air, still letting squeals and giggles escape from his lips for the soft tracing in his tummy, one of the Mell’s hand holding his wrist, but didn’t doing nothing to really stop the tickle. – You are not able to command your laughter!
 - Nohohohoho shi- A lightly squeezing in his hips was enough to make a yelp interrupt the rest of his sarcastic sentence.
 - This is extremely serious! But do not fear, as your best friend, I will help you! I am almost sure that I find a Resert Buttom!!
 The one who wears glasses felt his smile grow wider, more for the nonsense from the other than anything else. He tried to ignore the rising heat spreading now across his neck.
 A finger poked his navel and the jump Mell did nearly broke the ceiling, together with a squeal that Jeremy definitely would remind him later. The Player Two used all his willpower to not fall on the floor laughing with the other’s reaction, especially when this one actually began to really try to remove his hands from anywhere closer of his most ticklish spot, miserably failing when Jeremy suddenly started to give quick tickles in any and every where to distract him.
 -Heere, dohohohohon’t you dahahahahahare! – His hands were in a total uncontrolled frenzy, just as his euphoric giggles.
 - I-I’m just- Their laugh were now mixed as danced through the room, especially when in an act of pure despair Michael attacked his ribs, making him really start laughing for real. Oh no!! He wouldn’t win this one!! – I’m juhuhuhuhuhst trying tohohoho hehehehehehelp, yohohohour ungreatuful!!! Boop!
 And then his finger finally was able to tickle his belly button, wriggling, poking an causing a real scream to leave the other’s lips, as a small signal before the loud, mad and extremely frenetic laughter exploded from his mouth. He jostled and babbled non-ended words that even he had no idea with what they were supposed to mean.
 He was getting crazy. Michael was absolutely sure. His head was thrown back with the strength of the laughter and for a moment everything, even the tickles that spread through every little inch in his body as unbearable and hilarious shivers, disappeared.
 A piece of rationality, the last one, made him attack and scribble his fingers in some unprotected skin from his opponent. It didn’t mattered where it was, and yes that seconds later Jeremy’s laughter started to go along his owns, showing that retaliation was working.
 Both rolled out on the floor, laughing, snorting, yelping, squealing, squeaking, giggling and equally trying to make the friend released the same sounds as himself. Their members shuffled, seeking to tickle any and all minimally reachable tickle spots, both unwilling to give up and both waiting to the other give in first.
 Maybe it was the so-called ‘friendly telepathy’, the same one which allowed them to chat just with glares and always know what and when the other needed something. However, the duo slowly begun decreasing their attack almost simultaneously. The squeezes and kneads becoming pokes before turning into scratching and scribbles until they finally broke apart, staring the opponent for a few hesitant seconds (not that they really could properly see each other through all their tears happily spilling down their cheeks ) before laying on the floor. The remaint laughter being the only thing filling the silence, along with the panting breaths.
 For a while they just stayed like that: laughing.
 The sun’s rays started to heat the room, showing it wasn’t that early anymore and probably the donuts were already cold by this moment. Cars were passing outside and some dog somewhere barked desperately, the sound not echoing louder than their hearts, which stilled seeking to calm down themselves after the strange and high dose of adrenaline.
 Jeremy was the first to speak, raising his arm and waving as it like a white flag.
 - Draw?
 - Keep dreaming. – Michael’s voice was slightly hoarse. He cleared his throat while the one on pajamas rolled his eyes, none of them really succeeding in removes the bright smile in their faces. – Truce for breakfast?
 They sat, not taking too long to get up as hear the angry protests from their stomachs, they shook their hands, sealing the quick agreement. Their eyes met and, for a piece of moment both ignored how much redder they were, their minds now just focusing on the eagerly awaited meal.
 - Truce for breakfast.
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saltysuittaco-blog · 6 years
There are not any secrets and techniques in client electronics anymore. Sometimes it’s the fault of flubs and flaws and leakers. Sometimes it’s through design. In the case of the Galaxy Note 9, it’s just a little little bit of each.
The Galaxy S9 wasn’t the blockbuster Samsung’s shareholders have been anticipating, so the corporate understandably primed the pump thru a mix of teasers and leaks — some for sure unintended and others that gave the impression suspiciously much less so.
By the time the previous day’s giant tournament at Brooklyn’s space that Jay-Z constructed rolled round, we knew almost about all the things we had to know in regards to the upcoming handset, and nearly each leaked spec proved correct. Sure, the corporate amazingly controlled to thru in a marvel or two, however the tournament was once all in regards to the Note.
And understandably so. The phablet, together with the Galaxy S line, bureaucracy the cornerstone of Samsung’s whole client way. It’s a portfolio that expands with each and every tournament, to incorporate wearables, productiveness, the good house, automobile, a wise assistant and now the long-awaited good speaker. None of which might make a lick of sense with out the handsets.
If the Galaxy S is Samsung’s tentpole software, the Note represents what the corporate has deemed its “innovation brand,” the uber-premium software that permits the corporate to push the bounds of its cell . In previous generations, that’s intended the Edge show (curving display), S-Pen, massive display and dual-camera. That innovation, naturally, comes at a worth.
Here it’s $1,000. It’s a worth that, till a 12 months in the past gave the impression impossibly steep for a smartphone. For the Galaxy Note 9, however, that’s simply the place issues get started. Any hopes that the brand new type may constitute a transfer towards the mainstream for the road within the wake of an underwhelming S9 efficiency can also be put to leisure right here.
The Note is what it’s all the time been and can most probably all the time proceed to be: a tool for the diehard. An excellent software, thoughts, however one for the ones with an arm and or a leg to spare. Most of the nice new options will trickle their manner down the meals chain to the corporate’s extra mainstream software. At $720/$840, the S9 isn’t the cheap telephone through any stretch of the creativeness, however on the very least, protecting it to a few digits turns out just a little extra palatable.
A just right rule of thumb for a review is incorporating the product into one’s personal existence up to conceivable. It’s an attractive simple ask with a tool just like the Note 9, which has the benefit of nice and device design constructed upon the learnings and missteps of a number of generations.
It’s nonetheless no longer absolute best whatsoever, and the corporate’s everything-and-the-kitchen-sink technique to the road way there are many options that by no means actually made their would possibly into my regimen. And whilst, because the in large part unchanged product design suggests — the Note 9 doesn’t constitute a vastly vital milestone within the product line — there are sufficient tweaks during the product to deal with its position towards the highest of the Android heap.
All charged up
Let’s deal with the gorilla within the room right here. Two years in the past, Galaxy Notes began exploding. Samsung recalled the gadgets, began promoting them, extra exploded they usually recalled them once more, in the end discontinuing the product.
Samsung apologized profusely and agreed to institute extra rigorous protection tests. For the following couple of gadgets, the corporate didn’t rock the boat. Battery sizes on Galaxy merchandise stayed most commonly the similar. It was once a mix of pragmatism and optics. The corporate wanted time to be sure that long term merchandise wouldn’t undergo the similar destiny, whilst demonstrating to the general public and shareholders that it was once doing due diligence.
“What we want to do is a tempered approach to innovation any time,” Samsung’s director of Product Strategy and Marketing instructed me forward of release, “so this was the right time to increase the battery to meet consumer needs.”
Given Samsung’s huge trade as an element producer, the entire fiasco in the end didn’t dent the base line. In reality, in a atypical manner, it could in the end be a internet certain. Now it could boast about having one of the rigorous battery trying out processes within the trade. Now it’s a characteristic, no longer a computer virus.
At Four,000mAh, the Note 9 includes a 700mAh build up above its predecessor. It’s no longer an exceptional quantity — Huawei’s already hit the Four,000 mark — however it’s the most important ever on a Note software, placing the handset within the best percentile.
As a long way as how that if truth be told interprets to real-world utilization, Samsung’s no longer giving a host but. The corporate merely says “all day and all night” in its liberate. I discovered that to be lovely with regards to the reality. I unplugged the handset at 100 % the previous day afternoon. I texted, listened to Spotify, took footage, downloaded and simply usually tried to reside my existence at the rattling factor.
Just beneath 22 hours later, it passed on to the great beyond and after a lot notification-based consternation a couple of seriously low battery, the display went black. Like I stated, it’s no longer loopy battery existence, however going maximum of a complete day and evening with no fee is a pleasing little luxurious — and this kind of factor all telephone makers will have to attempt to succeed in on their flagship merchandise.
The corporate additionally, kindly, incorporated the brand new Wireless Charging Duo. The charging pad isn’t slightly as bold because the AirPower, however in contrast to that product, offered just about a 12 months in the past through Apple, I’ve this in my fingers at this time. So, level: Samsung. Charging the software from 0 to 100 % took 3 hours at the dot with the $120 “Fast Charge” pad. And it’s great and toasty now.
Okay, about that value. Again, we’re speaking $999.99 to begin. There’s additionally a 2nd SKU. That one will run you $1,295.99. Take a second if you wish to have to.
That’s a foolish amount of cash in case you’re no longer the start line guard for the Golden State Warriors. So a lot for the rumors that the corporate can be running to make its gadgets extra economically obtainable. And whilst the top rate has all the time intended that the Galaxy line goes to stay at the dear aspect, I will be able to’t assist however indicate that a couple of key selections may have saved the fee down, whilst keeping up construct high quality.
Storage is arguably the principle wrongdoer. The aforementioned two SKUs come up with both 6GB of RAM with 128GB or 8GB of RAM with 512GB. With cloud syncing and the remaining, it’s exhausting to consider I might come with regards to that restrict within the two or so years till the time involves improve my handset.
I’m positive the ones forms of loopy media-hoarding energy customers do, in truth, exist on the planet, however they’re unquestionably a rarity. Besides, as Samsung helpfully identified, 512GB SD playing cards exist already on the planet. Sure, that’s every other $350 tacked onto the base line, however it’s there, if you wish to have it. For maximum customers, it’s exhausting to peer Samsung’s declare of getting “the world’s first 1TB-ready smartphone” (512GB+512GB) exists for little extra explanation why than racking up but every other flashy declare for the 1960s Batman application belt of smartphones.
Sure, Samsung for sure will get a deal on Samsung-built exhausting drives, however the element needs to be a key phase in what’s riding prices up. For an organization as pushed through selection as Samsung, I’m in truth stunned we’re no longer getting extra choices up entrance right here within the States.
Remote keep an eye on
Confession: After trying out many Galaxy Note fashions over the process a few years, I’ve by no means found out a perfect use for the S-Pen. I imply, I’m glad that folks love it, and clearly all the early skepticism in regards to the go back of the stylus was once temporarily put to leisure, as the corporate has persisted to return to the properly, 12 months after 12 months.
But all the handwritten be aware taking and animated GIF drawing simply isn’t for me, guy. I additionally lately spoke to an artist good friend who instructed me that the Note doesn’t actually reduce it for him at the drawing entrance, both. Again, in case you like or adore it, extra energy to you, however it’s simply no longer for me.
As foolish as the theory of the use of the S-Pen as a faraway keep an eye on may seem to start with look, on the other hand, it’s transparent to me that that is the primary use of the integrated accent I may just in truth see the use of each day. It’s at hand while you get past the silliness of retaining a stylus on your hand whilst operating, and serves as a at hand surrogate for many who don’t personal a suitable smartwatch.
The S-Pen now sports activities Bluetooth Low Energy, permitting it to keep an eye on other facets of telephone use. Low Energy or no longer, that tech calls for energy, so the stylus now comprises an ideal conductor, which fees it when slotted throughout the telephone; 40 seconds of charging will have to get you a wholesome 30 mins of use. Even so, the telephone will computer virus you to remind you that you simply actually must dock the article when no longer in use.
The suitable apps are nonetheless moderately restricted at release, however it’s sufficient to exhibit how this can be a at hand little addition. Of the bunch, I were given probably the most out of tune keep an eye on for Spotify. One click on performs/pauses a music, and a double-click extends the observe. Sure, it’s restricted capability, however it stored me from having to mess around with the telephone to switch songs went I went for my run this morning.
You’ll want to be a little bit extra inventive when figuring out usefulness in one of the vital different apps. Using it as a shutter button within the digicam app, for example, can be a helpful technique to take a selfie with no need to carry the telephone at palms’ duration.
The whole time, I questioned what one may be able to accomplish with further buttons (quantity/rewind/gameplay)? What a couple of pedometer to trace steps whilst you’re operating at the treadmill with out it within the pocket? Or even a beacon to assist absent-minded other people like myself in finding it when we invariably drop it between sofa cushions.
But yeah, I perceive why the corporate would make a choice to stay issues easy for what stays a kind of secondary capability. Or, heck, perhaps the corporate simply wishes to carry some options for the Note 10 (Note X?).
Oh, and the Blue and Lavender variations of the telephone are available hanging yellow and crimson S-Pens, with lock-screen ink colour to check. So that’s lovely amusing.
Hey guy, great shot
Nowhere is the Note’s cumulative evolution higher represented than the digicam. Each next Galaxy S and Note liberate appear to provide new and/or device upgrades, giving the corporate two distinct alternatives consistent with 12 months to reinforce imaging for the road. The S9, introduced again in February, particularly introduced advanced low-light images to the road. The twin aperture flips between f/1.five and f/2.Four, to let in additional mild.
It’s a neat trick for a smartphone. Behold, a face to face between the Note 9 (left) and iPhone X (proper):
Here’s what we’re coping with at the entrance:
Rear: Dual Camera with Dual OIS (Optical Image Stabilization)
Wide-angle: Super Speed Dual Pixel 12MP AF, F1.five/F2.Four, OIS
Telephoto: 12MP AF, F2.Four, OIS
2X optical zoom, as much as 10X virtual zoom
Front: 8MP AF, F1.7
This day out, the enhancements are most commonly at the device aspect of items. Two options specifically stand out: Scene Optimizer and Flaw Detection. The first will have to end up acquainted to those that’ve been taking note of the smartphone recreation of past due. LG is one of the most outstanding instance.
Camera is lovely nice around the board of most current smartphone flagships. As such, those new options are designed to do away with the present weakest hyperlink: human error. Scene Optimizer saves newbie photographers from having to futz with extra complex settings like white steadiness and saturation.
The characteristic makes use of AI to resolve what the digicam is seeing, and adjusts settings accordingly. There are 20 other settings, together with: Food, Portraits, Flowers, Indoor scenes, Animals, Landscapes, Greenery, Trees, Sky, Mountains, Beaches, Sunrises and sunsets, Watersides, Street scenes, Night scenes, Waterfalls, Snow, Birds, Backlit and Text.
Some are lovely common, others are weirdly explicit, however it’s a just right combine, and I believe Samsung will proceed so as to add to it thru OTA updates. That stated, the serve as itself doesn’t desire a cloud connection, doing all the processing on-board. The characteristic labored properly with lots of the plants and meals I threw at it (as a way to discuss), shooting up a small icon within the backside of the display to let me know that it is aware of what it’s taking a look at. It additionally did properly with e-book textual content.
The luck price of alternative issues, like bushes, have been, unsurprisingly, depending on context. Get simply the highest phase and it identifies it as “Greenery.” Flip the telephone to portrait mode and get the entire of the trunk and it pops up the “Tree” icon. I did get a couple of false positives alongside the best way; the Note 9 concept my palms have been meals, which is deeply stressful for any choice of causes.
[Without Scene Optimizer – left, With Scene Optimizer – right]
Obviously, it’s no longer going to be absolute best. I discovered, relating to plants that it has the tendency to oversaturate the colours. If you compromise, you’ll disable the characteristic in settings. However, you must do that earlier than the shot is taken. There’s no technique to manually override the characteristic to inform it what sort of object you’re capturing. That turns out like a little bit of a no brainer addition.
[Super slow-mo matcha under the flicking lights]
Flaw Detection serves a equivalent position as Scene Optimizer, serving to you steer clear of getting on your personal manner as an newbie photog. The characteristic is designed to warn you if a shot is blurry, if there’s a smudge at the display, if the topic blinked or if backlighting is making all the things glance crappy. In the case of lens smudging and backlighting, it best bothers with a unmarried alert each 24 hours.
The blink detection labored properly. Blur detection, however, was once a little bit extra of a crap shoot for topics in movement and those who have been too with regards to the lens to get a just right focal point. The characteristic may just use a little bit of labor, however I nonetheless assume it’s one of the crucial extra compelling additions at the entire of the software and look ahead to numerous different corporations introducing their very own variations within the coming 12 months.
Design Note
The extra the Note adjustments, the extra it remains the similar, I assume. As anticipated, the design language hasn’t modified a lot, which is for sure a part of what made Samsung CEO DJ Koh assume he may just escape with the use of the software in public forward of release. The footprint is nearly the similar despite the ever-so-slightly higher display (6.three > 6.Four-inches, identical 2,960 x 1,440 solution) — from 162.five x 74.eight x eight.6 mm at the eight, to 161.9 x 76.Four x eight.eight mm at the 9.
That’s completely high quality. Samsung’s completed an excellent activity cramming numerous display right into a manageable footprint over the last a number of gens. The best primary trade (apart from the beautiful new blue and crimson paint jobs) is the migration of the fingerprint sensor from the aspect of the digicam to beneath it.
This was once a transparent example of Samsung responding to comments from customers annoyed through all of the instances they mistook the digicam for the fingerprint reader. The new placement is helping a little bit, although it’s nonetheless moderately with regards to the digicam, and the truth that each are equivalent shapes doesn’t assist issues. Thank goodness for that new smudge detector.
Oh, and the headphone jack remains to be provide, on account of route it’s. For Samsung, it’s the most important technique to distinguish the product and way from an international long past dongle mad.
Note on Notes
Oh Bixby, you everlasting bastion of unfulfilled doable. A complete rundown of latest options can also be discovered right here. Overall, the good assistant guarantees to be extra conversational, with higher concierge options. That stated, Samsung’s as soon as once more tweaking it till the final second, so I will be able to’t give you a complete review till nearer to the telephone’s August 24 side road date.
So keep tuned for that, I suppose. I can say that the setup procedure is usually a little bit of a slog for a characteristic designed to make all the things more uncomplicated. Playing with Bixby voice required me to navigate a number of pages as a way to attach the 2. Thankfully, you will have to best must care for that the only time.
Samsung’s proceeding to tweak the internals to make its software extra appropriate for gaming. The water-carbon cooling device tweaks the liquid cooling device discovered at the software because the S7, to assist diffuse warmth extra successfully. The massive, brilliant display in the meantime, is well-suited to cell gaming, and the 6GB type treated Fortnite moderately properly.
A last be aware
The subsequent smartphone revolution all the time appears to be a 12 months away. The doable arrival of a Samsung software with a foldable show makes the perception of sporting a large software round in a single’s pocket virtually old fashioned. For the time being, on the other hand, the Note stays one of the crucial best possible strategies for transporting lots of display round in your individual.
So much has modified in regards to the Note prior to now seven years, however the core of the software is most commonly the similar: giant display and stylus coming in combination to stroll the road between productiveness and leisure. It’s giant, it’s daring, it’s too pricey for numerous us. But it stays the phablet to overcome.
Samsung Galaxy Note 9 review – TechCrunch There are not any secrets and techniques in client electronics anymore. Sometimes it’s the fault of flubs and flaws and leakers.
0 notes
There aren’t any secrets and techniques in client electronics anymore. Sometimes it’s the fault of flubs and flaws and leakers. Sometimes it’s by way of design. In the case of the Galaxy Note 9, it’s a bit of little bit of each.
The Galaxy S9 wasn’t the blockbuster Samsung’s shareholders had been anticipating, so the corporate understandably primed the pump thru a mixture of teasers and leaks — some unquestionably accidental and others that appeared suspiciously much less so.
By the time the day before today’s giant match at Brooklyn’s area that Jay-Z constructed rolled round, we knew near to the whole lot we had to know in regards to the upcoming handset, and nearly each and every leaked spec proved correct. Sure, the corporate amazingly controlled to thru in a wonder or two, however the match used to be all in regards to the Note.
And understandably so. The phablet, at the side of the Galaxy S line, bureaucracy the cornerstone of Samsung’s whole client manner. It’s a portfolio that expands with each and every match, to incorporate wearables, productiveness, the good house, automobile, a wise assistant and now the long-awaited good speaker. None of which might make a lick of sense with out the handsets.
If the Galaxy S is Samsung’s tentpole instrument, the Note represents what the corporate has deemed its “innovation brand,” the uber-premium instrument that permits the corporate to push the bounds of its cell . In previous generations, that’s intended the Edge show (curving display screen), S-Pen, massive display screen and dual-camera. That innovation, naturally, comes at a value.
Here it’s $1,000. It’s a value that, till a yr in the past appeared impossibly steep for a smartphone. For the Galaxy Note 9, however, that’s simply the place issues get started. Any hopes that the brand new fashion may constitute a transfer towards the mainstream for the road within the wake of an underwhelming S9 efficiency can also be put to relaxation right here.
The Note is what it’s at all times been and can most probably at all times proceed to be: a tool for the diehard. An excellent instrument, thoughts, however one for the ones with an arm and or a leg to spare. Most of the great new options will trickle their manner down the meals chain to the corporate’s extra mainstream instrument. At $720/$840, the S9 isn’t the cheap telephone by way of any stretch of the creativeness, however on the very least, retaining it to 3 digits turns out a bit of extra palatable.
A excellent rule of thumb for a review is incorporating the product into one’s personal lifestyles up to conceivable. It’s a gorgeous simple ask with a tool just like the Note 9, which has the good thing about nice and device design constructed upon the learnings and missteps of a number of generations.
It’s nonetheless now not highest in any way, and the corporate’s everything-and-the-kitchen-sink option to the road approach there are many options that by no means actually made their would possibly into my regimen. And whilst, because the in large part unchanged product design suggests — the Note 9 doesn’t constitute a vastly important milestone within the product line — there are sufficient tweaks all the way through the product to care for its position towards the highest of the Android heap.
All charged up
Let’s deal with the gorilla within the room right here. Two years in the past, Galaxy Notes began exploding. Samsung recalled the gadgets, began promoting them, extra exploded they usually recalled them once more, in the long run discontinuing the product.
Samsung apologized profusely and agreed to institute extra rigorous protection exams. For the following couple of gadgets, the corporate didn’t rock the boat. Battery sizes on Galaxy merchandise stayed most commonly the similar. It used to be a mixture of pragmatism and optics. The corporate wanted time to be sure that long term merchandise wouldn’t undergo the similar destiny, whilst demonstrating to the general public and shareholders that it used to be doing due diligence.
“What we want to do is a tempered approach to innovation any time,” Samsung’s director of Product Strategy and Marketing informed me forward of release, “so this was the right time to increase the battery to meet consumer needs.”
Given Samsung’s large trade as an element producer, the entire fiasco in the long run didn’t dent the base line. In truth, in a bizarre manner, it will in the long run be a web certain. Now it could boast about having one of the rigorous battery trying out processes within the trade. Now it’s a characteristic, now not a computer virus.
At Four,000mAh, the Note 9 includes a 700mAh building up above its predecessor. It’s now not an unparalleled quantity — Huawei’s already hit the Four,000 mark — however it’s the biggest ever on a Note instrument, placing the handset within the best percentile.
As a ways as how that in reality interprets to real-world utilization, Samsung’s now not giving a host but. The corporate merely says “all day and all night” in its free up. I discovered that to be beautiful just about the reality. I unplugged the handset at 100 % the day before today afternoon. I texted, listened to Spotify, took footage, downloaded and simply typically tried to reside my lifestyles at the rattling factor.
Just below 22 hours later, it passed on to the great beyond and after a lot notification-based consternation a couple of severely low battery, the display screen went black. Like I stated, it’s now not loopy battery lifestyles, however going maximum of a complete day and evening with out a price is a pleasing little luxurious — and this type of factor all telephone makers will have to try to succeed in on their flagship merchandise.
The corporate additionally, kindly, incorporated the brand new Wireless Charging Duo. The charging pad isn’t moderately as formidable because the AirPower, however in contrast to that product, presented just about a yr in the past by way of Apple, I’ve this in my palms presently. So, level: Samsung. Charging the instrument from 0 to 100 % took 3 hours at the dot with the $120 “Fast Charge” pad. And it’s great and toasty now.
Okay, about that worth. Again, we’re speaking $999.99 to begin. There’s additionally a 2d SKU. That one will run you $1,295.99. Take a second if you want to.
That’s a foolish amount of cash in the event you’re now not the place to begin guard for the Golden State Warriors. So a lot for the rumors that the corporate can be running to make its gadgets extra economically obtainable. And whilst the top rate has at all times intended that the Galaxy line goes to stay at the expensive facet, I will’t assist however indicate that a couple of key selections may have stored the cost down, whilst keeping up construct high quality.
Storage is arguably the principle wrongdoer. The aforementioned two SKUs provide you with both 6GB of RAM with 128GB or 8GB of RAM with 512GB. With cloud syncing and the remaining, it’s onerous to believe I might come just about that restrict within the two or so years till the time involves improve my handset.
I’m positive the ones varieties of loopy media-hoarding energy customers do, in reality, exist on the earth, however they’re unquestionably a rarity. Besides, as Samsung helpfully identified, 512GB SD playing cards exist already on the earth. Sure, that’s some other $350 tacked onto the base line, however it’s there, if you want it. For maximum customers, it’s onerous to peer Samsung’s declare of getting “the world’s first 1TB-ready smartphone” (512GB+512GB) exists for little extra reason why than racking up but some other flashy declare for the 1960s Batman application belt of smartphones.
Sure, Samsung unquestionably will get a deal on Samsung-built onerous drives, however the element must be a key phase in what’s riding prices up. For an organization as pushed by way of selection as Samsung, I’m in truth shocked we’re now not getting extra choices up entrance right here within the States.
Remote keep an eye on
Confession: After trying out many Galaxy Note fashions over the process a few years, I’ve by no means found out a perfect use for the S-Pen. I imply, I’m glad that individuals love it, and clearly all the early skepticism in regards to the go back of the stylus used to be temporarily put to relaxation, as the corporate has persevered to return to the nicely, yr after yr.
But all the handwritten be aware taking and animated GIF drawing simply isn’t for me, guy. I additionally just lately spoke to an artist good friend who informed me that the Note doesn’t actually minimize it for him at the drawing entrance, both. Again, in the event you like or adore it, extra energy to you, however it’s simply now not for me.
As foolish as the theory of the use of the S-Pen as a far off keep an eye on may seem in the beginning look, alternatively, it’s transparent to me that that is the primary use of the integrated accent I may just in truth see the use of each day. It’s to hand while you get past the silliness of maintaining a stylus to your hand whilst working, and serves as a to hand surrogate for many who don’t personal a appropriate smartwatch.
The S-Pen now sports activities Bluetooth Low Energy, permitting it to keep an eye on other sides of telephone use. Low Energy or now not, that tech calls for energy, so the stylus now accommodates an ideal conductor, which fees it when slotted within the telephone; 40 seconds of charging will have to get you a wholesome 30 mins of use. Even so, the telephone will computer virus you to remind you that you just actually should dock the article when now not in use.
The appropriate apps are nonetheless slightly restricted at release, however it’s sufficient to display how this is usually a to hand little addition. Of the bunch, I were given essentially the most out of track keep an eye on for Spotify. One click on performs/pauses a tune, and a double-click extends the observe. Sure, it’s restricted capability, however it stored me from having to mess around with the telephone to switch songs went I went for my run this morning.
You’ll want to be a little bit extra ingenious when figuring out usefulness in one of the different apps. Using it as a shutter button within the digicam app, for example, is usually a helpful strategy to take a selfie with no need to carry the telephone at palms’ period.
The whole time, I questioned what one may be able to accomplish with further buttons (quantity/rewind/gameplay)? What a couple of pedometer to trace steps whilst you’re working at the treadmill with out it within the pocket? Or even a beacon to assist absent-minded other people like myself in finding it once we invariably drop it between sofa cushions.
But yeah, I perceive why the corporate would make a choice to stay issues easy for what stays a kind of secondary capability. Or, heck, possibly the corporate simply wishes to carry some options for the Note 10 (Note X?).
Oh, and the Blue and Lavender variations of the telephone are available in putting yellow and pink S-Pens, with lock-screen ink colour to compare. So that’s beautiful a laugh.
Hey guy, great shot
Nowhere is the Note’s cumulative evolution higher represented than the digicam. Each next Galaxy S and Note free up appear to supply new and/or device upgrades, giving the corporate two distinct alternatives according to yr to support imaging for the road. The S9, introduced again in February, significantly introduced stepped forward low-light pictures to the road. The twin aperture flips between f/1.five and f/2.Four, to let in additional gentle.
It’s a neat trick for a smartphone. Behold, a face to face between the Note 9 (left) and iPhone X (proper):
Here’s what we’re coping with at the entrance:
Rear: Dual Camera with Dual OIS (Optical Image Stabilization)
Wide-angle: Super Speed Dual Pixel 12MP AF, F1.five/F2.Four, OIS
Telephoto: 12MP AF, F2.Four, OIS
2X optical zoom, as much as 10X virtual zoom
Front: 8MP AF, F1.7
This day out, the enhancements are most commonly at the device facet of items. Two options particularly stand out: Scene Optimizer and Flaw Detection. The first will have to turn out acquainted to those that’ve been being attentive to the smartphone sport of past due. LG is one of the vital distinguished instance.
Camera is beautiful nice around the board of most current smartphone flagships. As such, those new options are designed to do away with the present weakest hyperlink: human error. Scene Optimizer saves newbie photographers from having to futz with extra complicated settings like white stability and saturation.
The characteristic makes use of AI to decide what the digicam is seeing, and adjusts settings accordingly. There are 20 other settings, together with: Food, Portraits, Flowers, Indoor scenes, Animals, Landscapes, Greenery, Trees, Sky, Mountains, Beaches, Sunrises and sunsets, Watersides, Street scenes, Night scenes, Waterfalls, Snow, Birds, Backlit and Text.
Some are beautiful normal, others are weirdly particular, however it’s a excellent combine, and I believe Samsung will proceed so as to add to it thru OTA updates. That stated, the serve as itself doesn’t want a cloud connection, doing all the processing on-board. The characteristic labored nicely with many of the plant life and meals I threw at it (so that you can discuss), shooting up a small icon within the backside of the display screen to let me know that it is aware of what it’s taking a look at. It additionally did nicely with e-book textual content.
The good fortune fee of alternative issues, like timber, had been, unsurprisingly, depending on context. Get simply the highest phase and it identifies it as “Greenery.” Flip the telephone to portrait mode and get the entire of the trunk and it pops up the “Tree” icon. I did get a couple of false positives alongside the way in which; the Note 9 concept my palms had been meals, which is deeply irritating for any choice of causes.
[Without Scene Optimizer – left, With Scene Optimizer – right]
Obviously, it’s now not going to be highest. I discovered, on the subject of plant life that it has the tendency to oversaturate the colours. If you compromise, you’ll disable the characteristic in settings. However, it’s a must to do that earlier than the shot is taken. There’s no strategy to manually override the characteristic to inform it what sort of object you’re taking pictures. That turns out like a little bit of a no brainer addition.
[Super slow-mo matcha under the flicking lights]
Flaw Detection serves a an identical function as Scene Optimizer, serving to you steer clear of getting to your personal manner as an newbie photog. The characteristic is designed to provide you with a warning if a shot is blurry, if there’s a smudge at the display screen, if the topic blinked or if backlighting is making the whole lot glance crappy. In the case of lens smudging and backlighting, it best bothers with a unmarried alert each and every 24 hours.
The blink detection labored nicely. Blur detection, however, used to be a little bit extra of a crap shoot for topics in movement and those who had been too just about the lens to get a excellent focal point. The characteristic may just use a little bit of labor, however I nonetheless suppose it’s probably the most extra compelling additions at the complete of the instrument and await numerous different firms introducing their very own variations within the coming yr.
Design Note
The extra the Note adjustments, the extra it remains the similar, I guess. As anticipated, the design language hasn’t modified a lot, which is unquestionably a part of what made Samsung CEO DJ Koh suppose he may just escape with the use of the instrument in public forward of release. The footprint is nearly the similar despite the ever-so-slightly greater display screen (6.three > 6.Four-inches, identical 2,960 x 1,440 answer) — from 162.five x 74.eight x eight.6 mm at the eight, to 161.9 x 76.Four x eight.eight mm at the 9.
That’s completely advantageous. Samsung’s achieved an excellent task cramming numerous display screen right into a manageable footprint during the last a number of gens. The best primary alternate (excluding the stunning new blue and pink paint jobs) is the migration of the fingerprint sensor from the facet of the digicam to beneath it.
This used to be a transparent example of Samsung responding to comments from customers pissed off by way of the entire instances they mistook the digicam for the fingerprint reader. The new placement is helping a little bit, although it’s nonetheless slightly just about the digicam, and the truth that each are an identical shapes doesn’t assist issues. Thank goodness for that new smudge detector.
Oh, and the headphone jack remains to be provide, on account of direction it’s. For Samsung, it’s crucial strategy to distinguish the product and manner from a global long past dongle mad.
Note on Notes
Oh Bixby, you everlasting bastion of unfulfilled possible. A complete rundown of latest options can also be discovered right here. Overall, the good assistant guarantees to be extra conversational, with higher concierge options. That stated, Samsung’s as soon as once more tweaking it till the remaining second, so I will’t provide you with a complete review till nearer to the telephone’s August 24 boulevard date.
So keep tuned for that, I assume. I can say that the setup procedure could be a little bit of a slog for a characteristic designed to make the whole lot more uncomplicated. Playing with Bixby voice required me to navigate a number of pages with a view to attach the 2. Thankfully, you will have to best must care for that the only time.
Samsung’s proceeding to tweak the internals to make its instrument extra appropriate for gaming. The water-carbon cooling device tweaks the liquid cooling device discovered at the instrument because the S7, to assist diffuse warmth extra successfully. The massive, shiny display screen in the meantime, is well-suited to cell gaming, and the 6GB fashion treated Fortnite slightly nicely.
A last be aware
The subsequent smartphone revolution at all times appears to be a yr away. The possible arrival of a Samsung instrument with a foldable show makes the perception of wearing an enormous instrument round in a single’s pocket virtually old fashioned. For the time being, alternatively, the Note stays probably the most highest strategies for transporting quite a lot of display screen round in your individual.
So much has modified in regards to the Note previously seven years, however the core of the instrument is most commonly the similar: giant display screen and stylus coming in combination to stroll the road between productiveness and leisure. It’s giant, it’s daring, it’s too pricey for numerous us. But it stays the phablet to overcome.
Samsung Galaxy Note 9 review – TechCrunch
There aren’t any secrets and techniques in client electronics anymore. Sometimes it’s the fault of flubs and flaws and leakers.
Samsung Galaxy Note 9 review – TechCrunch There aren't any secrets and techniques in client electronics anymore. Sometimes it’s the fault of flubs and flaws and leakers.
0 notes
jonathanbelloblog · 6 years
Quick Take: 2018 Lexus RC 300
Automakers tend to ply us car mags with high-end versions of their cars, the goal being to dazzle us with powerful engines and sophisticated techno-wizardry. It’s rare for them to send over a low-spec car, but it does occasionally happen, and it often works out well for them. Case in point: The Lexus RC coupe. I’ve never been a huge fan of the top-of-the-line RC-F, but I’m really happy with the RC 300 I drove this past week.
To be fair, our test car wasn’t exactly a base model; a hefty list of options brought its $41,635 base price up to nearly $51,000. But the RC 300 is the least-expensive and least-powerful model in the RC series.
Wait a minute, you might say if you were willing to script your inner monologue to the needs of my story, isn’t the cheapest RC the 200t? Not anymore. Up until last year, the four-cylinder 200t was the entry level model. For 2018 it’s been replaced by the RC 300 RWD, which gets the same 2.0T engine and rear-wheel-drive. However, it’s not to be confused with the RC 300 AWD, which gets a 3.5 liter V6 and all-wheel-drive. And then there’s the RC 350, which also gets the 3.5 liter V6, but a more powerful version—311 hp instead of the RC 300’s 260—and is available with rear or all-wheel-drive. All of which leaves me wondering which Lexus product planner tripped and hit his head on the conference room table.
So, let’s get back to our more-or-less base-model RC 300, which I found to be an extraordinarily pleasing car. What can one expect from an entry-level luxury coupe? It has to look good, it has to be reasonably comfortable, and it has to provide some modicum of driving pleasure—but not so much that it embarrasses the pricier go-faster models. The RC 300 checks all three boxes.
Let’s start with the looks. I know, I know, the Lexus spindle grille is a matter of contention among car buffs. I can’t say I’m a fan, but like a leg that aches when it rains, I’m getting used to it. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder (how’s that for a catch-all cop-out?), but overall I like the way the RC looks—bold, aggressive, and purposeful.
I like the RC’s interior styling as well, though I cannot say enough nasty things about Lexus’ Remote Touch interface, which requires you to stare at the center screen while diddling a touch-pad with your finger, when in fact you should have your eyes on the road and your hands on the wheel. Thank goodness this wretched thing is optional. The RC does have good redundant controls for the stereo and air conditioner, including nifty touch-sensitive slide panels to control temperature. They’re fiddly but worth it for the cool factor.
Comfort: Yep, the RC has that too. The RC has a classic low-slung sports-car seating position, with supportive seats and a reasonable amount of headroom. (Up front, that is. Forget about the back seat, which is cramped and nearly impossible to get into for those who cannot dislocate their hips at will.) Spared from the need to provide track-worthy handling, the RC delivers a comfortable, compliant ride that keeps you in touch with the road without reminding you of every single bumpy detail.
And that brings us to the most important bit: Driving dynamics. The RC 300 RWD packs a 241 hp four-cylinder turbo engine backed by an eight-speed automatic transmission. There’s a bit of turbo lag from a dead stop, and the 7.3 second 0-60 time (Lexus’ figure) won’t set the streets afire. But like most 2.0Ts, the RC’s engine has a nice solid mid-range, with its 258 lb-ft torque peak available from 1,650 to 4,400 RPM. The eight-speed automatic isn’t exactly Johnny-on-the-spot for part-throttle downshifts, but if you use the standard-fit paddle shifters, it’s easy to keep the engine on the boil. It’s hard to say much about the soundtrack, since the RC’s cabin is pretty quiet.
In the interests of journalistic integrity, I took the RC for a fast run on my favorite curvy canyon road. I wasn’t expecting to be blown away; in fact, given my previous experiences trying to hot-shoe Lexus products, I was rather expecting to be bored to tears. But the RC 300 impressed me: The grip from the optional summer tires is modest, which I consider a plus. (I like a car that lets go a little early so you can play with it a bit). The steering isn’t great; it feels okay just off center but the effort loads up quickly, drowning out much of the feedback on offer. But the chassis is surprisingly well balanced, and it’s happy to rotate if handled correctly. Even if you leave stability control on—never a bad idea—there are still precious quarter-seconds where you can feel the car transitioning between under- and oversteer. It’s a good way to fine-tune your driving technique while lowering the risk of chucking yourself and your Lexus into the trees. (Besides, the fact that the stability control system cuts in so quickly makes it feel all the more naughty. Don’t small victories taste sweeter under the yoke of tyranny?)
Clearly, I enjoyed my time in the not-quite-base-model RC 300, and one might reasonably ask how much those $9,500 worth of options might have affected my opinion. Let’s go to the Monroney: $795 of that total went to 19” wheels and summer tires. Yes, I’d want those. Other optional bits included LED headlights and fog lights (pass), a luxury interior upgrade package (I could live without it, though I’d miss the rain-sensing wipers and power-adjustable steering column), a trunk spoiler (definitely pass), navigation with Remote Touch (oh, God spare us all, please pass), and a few other odds and ends. In theory, I could get an RC with a $42,160 sticker price that would make me just as happy.
$42,160 is a nice number. It’s $1,600 cheaper than an entry-level Audi A5 and $3,600 less than an entry-level BMW 430i coupe. Granted, both of these cars offer manual transmissions as opposed to the RC’s standard-fit automatic, which could be an advantage or a disadvantage depending on your priorities. (For me, manual=better.) Both of the German cars are a bit better to drive in the curves, though the front-drive A5 offers less tail-happy hoonistic opportunity, and both offer better (optional) infotainment systems. Still, considering how much car you get for the money—and the added bonus of Lexus’ proven long-term reliability—I think the RC is an impressive car. Lexus, you ought to send the cheap stuff to us more often.
2018 Lexus RC 300 Specifications
ON SALE Now PRICE $41,365 (base), $50,973 (as tested) ENGINE 2.0-liter 16-valve DOHC turbocharged I-4/241 hp@5,800 rpm, 258 lb-ft@1,650-4,400 rpm TRANSMISSION 8-speed automatic LAYOUT 2-door, 4-passenger, front-engine, RWD coupe EPA MILEAGE 22/32 (city/highway) L x W x H 184.8 x 72.4 x 54.9 in WHEELBASE 107.5 in WEIGHT 3,737 lb 0-60 MPH 7.3 sec (est) TOP SPEED 143 mph (est)
The post Quick Take: 2018 Lexus RC 300 appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
from Performance Junk Blogger Feed 4 https://ift.tt/2JZyrGa via IFTTT
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jesusvasser · 6 years
Quick Take: 2018 Lexus RC 300
Automakers tend to ply us car mags with high-end versions of their cars, the goal being to dazzle us with powerful engines and sophisticated techno-wizardry. It’s rare for them to send over a low-spec car, but it does occasionally happen, and it often works out well for them. Case in point: The Lexus RC coupe. I’ve never been a huge fan of the top-of-the-line RC-F, but I’m really happy with the RC 300 I drove this past week.
To be fair, our test car wasn’t exactly a base model; a hefty list of options brought its $41,635 base price up to nearly $51,000. But the RC 300 is the least-expensive and least-powerful model in the RC series.
Wait a minute, you might say if you were willing to script your inner monologue to the needs of my story, isn’t the cheapest RC the 200t? Not anymore. Up until last year, the four-cylinder 200t was the entry level model. For 2018 it’s been replaced by the RC 300 RWD, which gets the same 2.0T engine and rear-wheel-drive. However, it’s not to be confused with the RC 300 AWD, which gets a 3.5 liter V6 and all-wheel-drive. And then there’s the RC 350, which also gets the 3.5 liter V6, but a more powerful version—311 hp instead of the RC 300’s 260—and is available with rear or all-wheel-drive. All of which leaves me wondering which Lexus product planner tripped and hit his head on the conference room table.
So, let’s get back to our more-or-less base-model RC 300, which I found to be an extraordinarily pleasing car. What can one expect from an entry-level luxury coupe? It has to look good, it has to be reasonably comfortable, and it has to provide some modicum of driving pleasure—but not so much that it embarrasses the pricier go-faster models. The RC 300 checks all three boxes.
Let’s start with the looks. I know, I know, the Lexus spindle grille is a matter of contention among car buffs. I can’t say I’m a fan, but like a leg that aches when it rains, I’m getting used to it. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder (how’s that for a catch-all cop-out?), but overall I like the way the RC looks—bold, aggressive, and purposeful.
I like the RC’s interior styling as well, though I cannot say enough nasty things about Lexus’ Remote Touch interface, which requires you to stare at the center screen while diddling a touch-pad with your finger, when in fact you should have your eyes on the road and your hands on the wheel. Thank goodness this wretched thing is optional. The RC does have good redundant controls for the stereo and air conditioner, including nifty touch-sensitive slide panels to control temperature. They’re fiddly but worth it for the cool factor.
Comfort: Yep, the RC has that too. The RC has a classic low-slung sports-car seating position, with supportive seats and a reasonable amount of headroom. (Up front, that is. Forget about the back seat, which is cramped and nearly impossible to get into for those who cannot dislocate their hips at will.) Spared from the need to provide track-worthy handling, the RC delivers a comfortable, compliant ride that keeps you in touch with the road without reminding you of every single bumpy detail.
And that brings us to the most important bit: Driving dynamics. The RC 300 RWD packs a 241 hp four-cylinder turbo engine backed by an eight-speed automatic transmission. There’s a bit of turbo lag from a dead stop, and the 7.3 second 0-60 time (Lexus’ figure) won’t set the streets afire. But like most 2.0Ts, the RC’s engine has a nice solid mid-range, with its 258 lb-ft torque peak available from 1,650 to 4,400 RPM. The eight-speed automatic isn’t exactly Johnny-on-the-spot for part-throttle downshifts, but if you use the standard-fit paddle shifters, it’s easy to keep the engine on the boil. It’s hard to say much about the soundtrack, since the RC’s cabin is pretty quiet.
In the interests of journalistic integrity, I took the RC for a fast run on my favorite curvy canyon road. I wasn’t expecting to be blown away; in fact, given my previous experiences trying to hot-shoe Lexus products, I was rather expecting to be bored to tears. But the RC 300 impressed me: The grip from the optional summer tires is modest, which I consider a plus. (I like a car that lets go a little early so you can play with it a bit). The steering isn’t great; it feels okay just off center but the effort loads up quickly, drowning out much of the feedback on offer. But the chassis is surprisingly well balanced, and it’s happy to rotate if handled correctly. Even if you leave stability control on—never a bad idea—there are still precious quarter-seconds where you can feel the car transitioning between under- and oversteer. It’s a good way to fine-tune your driving technique while lowering the risk of chucking yourself and your Lexus into the trees. (Besides, the fact that the stability control system cuts in so quickly makes it feel all the more naughty. Don’t small victories taste sweeter under the yoke of tyranny?)
Clearly, I enjoyed my time in the not-quite-base-model RC 300, and one might reasonably ask how much those $9,500 worth of options might have affected my opinion. Let’s go to the Monroney: $795 of that total went to 19” wheels and summer tires. Yes, I’d want those. Other optional bits included LED headlights and fog lights (pass), a luxury interior upgrade package (I could live without it, though I’d miss the rain-sensing wipers and power-adjustable steering column), a trunk spoiler (definitely pass), navigation with Remote Touch (oh, God spare us all, please pass), and a few other odds and ends. In theory, I could get an RC with a $42,160 sticker price that would make me just as happy.
$42,160 is a nice number. It’s $1,600 cheaper than an entry-level Audi A5 and $3,600 less than an entry-level BMW 430i coupe. Granted, both of these cars offer manual transmissions as opposed to the RC’s standard-fit automatic, which could be an advantage or a disadvantage depending on your priorities. (For me, manual=better.) Both of the German cars are a bit better to drive in the curves, though the front-drive A5 offers less tail-happy hoonistic opportunity, and both offer better (optional) infotainment systems. Still, considering how much car you get for the money—and the added bonus of Lexus’ proven long-term reliability—I think the RC is an impressive car. Lexus, you ought to send the cheap stuff to us more often.
2018 Lexus RC 300 Specifications
ON SALE Now PRICE $41,365 (base), $50,973 (as tested) ENGINE 2.0-liter 16-valve DOHC turbocharged I-4/241 hp@5,800 rpm, 258 lb-ft@1,650-4,400 rpm TRANSMISSION 8-speed automatic LAYOUT 2-door, 4-passenger, front-engine, RWD coupe EPA MILEAGE 22/32 (city/highway) L x W x H 184.8 x 72.4 x 54.9 in WHEELBASE 107.5 in WEIGHT 3,737 lb 0-60 MPH 7.3 sec (est) TOP SPEED 143 mph (est)
The post Quick Take: 2018 Lexus RC 300 appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
from Performance Junk WP Feed 4 https://ift.tt/2LZWF0l via IFTTT
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eddiejpoplar · 7 years
Lewis Hamilton Above the Noise
The chartered jet lands at Inyokern Airport just before noon on the Monday before Christmas. Formula 1 world champion Lewis Hamilton, just three weeks removed from the 2017 season finale and not two months since he clinched his fourth world title, disembarks from the rented plane along with a half dozen or so friends. Following a campaign that saw him win nine races to bring his career tally to 62 (second only to Michael Schumacher’s 91) and claim his 72nd pole position—the all-time record ahead of Schumacher’s 68 and the late Ayrton Senna’s 65—it’s a bit incongruous to see Hamilton hanging around this small desert airfield 145 miles northeast of Los Angeles. For the 32-year-old Briton, though, it’s the final stop on his 2017 work schedule after flying in from Los Angeles, where he spent several days in business meetings. Now, on his way to the Vail, Colorado, area, where he owns a ranch dubbed the “MegaZone,” his Mercedes-AMG employer has requested he make a detour from beginning his vacation in order to shoot some photos alongside his championship-winning race car and the company’s forthcoming Project One supercar. The company offered us a rare chance for some one-on-one time with the driver former McLaren teammate Jenson Button recently dubbed “the quickest guy that has ever driven a Formula 1 car.”
Automobile Magazine: What’s the big activity during your vacation?
Lewis Hamilton: Well, the next few days, we snowboard. We do snowmobiling. We do night paintballing in the snow. It’s just chilling out. A lot of gaming. We play a lot of video games, a lot of board games.
AM: Which video games are you into?
LH: “Call of Duty.”
AM: Not racing or car-related games?
LH: No, I don’t play those games much, really. The one I just played this year is the new “Gran Turismo,” which is sick. It’s really, really f****** good. It’s crazy to see because I had the first one, and to see it develop and how it is today, it’s super-impressive. I’ve got the steering wheel and a professional seat setup where we’re going today [in Colorado]. So we’ll have it set up, and we can play two-player. I’m excited about that.
AM: At this stage of your career, what do you think of the perception of you as portrayed by the traditional F1 press? You catch a lot of flak from European media for some of the things you do during your personal time, like jetting around the world to various events between races and hanging out with other celebrities, like Justin Bieber.
LH: I think it’s always been the case since I’ve been in Formula 1. There’s always been negativity, but, I mean, I generally don’t tend to focus on that. I think when I started to do these different things, people definitely commented on it and had opinions about it. Then they would say [I’m] not focused. It was a lot of work to kind of break the mold, break the shape of [what] people would expect a racing driver to be. This is a new day and age, and I’m the new. It’s not for others to decide what I am as a racing driver. It’s for me to discover and kind of watch it unfold. I think it’s been cool because I’ve been doing these different things and then I turn up and win, so they can’t say, really, anything. It’s just that I think we’re all a little different, and we should all strive to be different and shouldn’t shy away from it. But there are people in the world that tend to crawl into their shell and feel that they need to be a certain way because people expect them to be that way.
AM: Do you feel like you get more or less or the same amount of that criticism compared to in the past?
LH: I don’t know, and to be honest I don’t ever read the stuff. I really don’t care. Zero f**** is the term that I use. I know I’ve got my closest people around me. I’m still close to my family. Still have the same values as when I started out. Of course, people that tune in today, they see me at the top. They only see the success. They don’t see everything that I’ve done to be where I am today. People definitely don’t appreciate that. Some people don’t. I’m just trying to get in as much as I can in the time that I have whilst not losing performance. Then I have other things to move on to when I stop rather than being stuck where I currently am, which I would prefer not to be.
AM: Speaking of other things to do, your aunt died from cancer in 2012, and you’ve made a point before about how that impacted you …
LH: Definitely. We all go through some experiences that … they talk about building character and helping you prioritize and redirect your focuses. I think for me with my auntie, I think it was really [the case]. I mean naturally when someone tells you on their deathbed that they had been planning to do these things and then they’ve run out of time—I imagine how that is because a lot of people do that. My mom and friends have worked day in and day out and sacrificed things for the future, and then when you run out of road, you don’t get to do those things. It was definitely sad to see that, and just in that moment my auntie made me promise I was going to live life to the max and do everything and not hold back.
AM: How does that manifest with you?
Growing up in Stevenage, sitting with my mom and not having— We’d walk down to the bus stop to take a bus to town because we didn’t have a car. It’s just crazy to think I have cars now.
LH: Not wait until I’m 40 to go skiing. She was like, live in the now and not … obviously have a balance in the now and in the future, but live now, so for me that’s a massive highlight. That’s what I’m going to do. You just never know when … I’m still of the mindset you just never know when your day is up. A best friend of ours here today, her friend just got a call yesterday from the doctor saying that the friend only has one month to live. When that happens, what are you going to do? Hopefully that doesn’t happen to any of us, but it does happen in the world, and accidents happen, s***. I just want to know that if [my time is] cut short that I did everything up until that point in my life that I could.
AM: How do you manage to do all of the globe-trotting and other things you do between races yet still maintain peak performance in the car?
LH: I think I’m just used to it. My friends always say to me, “I don’t understand where you get the energy,” because I do usually have a lot of energy. I’m doing a lot of things. I think it’s really about how I’m able to switch off between the jobs or between racing. I can completely compartmentalize it, put it in the box, wait, close the drawer, wait until I need to focus on it. It doesn’t drain me.
AM: Is that a key point you’ve learned about human performance over the years?
LH: I guess it’s through trial and error. I’ve put tons of time into training [in the past] and then found it’s actually been worse for my performance if I don’t do anything else and only train every single day, with no other stimulation mentally. I perform worse [with that approach], so then it’s just about bit by bit taking it to here and dividing that 100 percent battery life you have. Dividing it a certain way across the different things that you plan on doing. Have some remaining so that you can use it for the racing. Do you know what I mean?
AM: In terms of dividing that energy, how much of your downtime is spent reviewing data from the racetrack?
LH: Yeah, yeah, that takes a lot of time. All the flights that I’m on, the long flights, I’m studying. When I’m in my hotel room, I’m studying. When I’m at the tracks, I’m studying. When I go back to the team’s factory, we’ll have a meeting, and they’re constantly sending me files and emails regarding car setup. All these different things, and we’ll go back and forth about setup, things we tested with, things that we might want to try. Then all the changes I make through the weekend. I wouldn’t say they use what I dictate, but I lead it. I make a general decision in that respect.
AM: Modern F1 teams collect so much data. How do you sort it all out in limited time?
LH: I have an engineer who’s got massive confidence in me. He knows there are times I come in and I’m like, s***, I’ve got four options of things to change. I’m not quite sure which ones they are, but this is my problem, or this [other thing] is my problem. Then we have that discussion; can we use that one or that one? The majority of the time, for like 90 percent of the time, I come in and I’m like, I need this. I’ve got this understood here. Change, you know, one [minor] setting lower or whatever it may be. That just comes with experience.
AM: Grand Prix cars are incredibly complex; is there one item in particular you absolutely have to get right every week?
LH: There’s not one point. There are so many pieces to the puzzle that have to come together. So tires are crucial, tire temperature, tire usage is of course crucial. [But overall] on-track setup is everything. It’s like, if I explain it like roads, you got a road that’s this length, this length, this length, and longer. You want to set the car up on the one that can go the furthest, basically, in terms of potential. You know what I mean? Sometimes you go on the wrong road with the setup and you limit yourself and you just can’t take it any further. Most times you just hit a wall, but if you get on the right path for the setup, it’s a longer … this is a really bad usage of terminology, but it’s a longer road, so you can really push the car further and expand more and extract more from it.
AM: Do you ever stop and look at your career, 11 years in, and think—surreal might not be the correct word here because everybody’s life is surreal in a lot of ways …
LH: Sure.
AM: But the reality is, your stats are piling up year after year, and you still appear to have a long way to go before you stop. Do you allow yourself to sit and smile about this stuff now, or are you saving those thoughts for when you’re finished in the sport?
Wild life: Hamilton’s Mercedes-AMG duties include assisting with development of the Project One. Despite his jet-setting schedule and an image criticized by some, we found him to be open and engaging during our informal chat.
LH: Yeah, I think for me, I think after I did the last race of 2017 and it just didn’t stop, there was no moment to stop. I just had days and days and days and days of PR events. I was at the factory, in the wind tunnel looking at the new car, the engineers talking to me about how the new car is going to be. Can’t stop for a second, really. Obviously now I’ll go away today and these next days I’ll be off for, so I’ll be sitting down, but I still don’t ever—of course when we talk about it, I’m like, it’s crazy how far we’ve come. But I don’t know. I think my ambition kind of overshadows it or clouds it because I’m just super-ambitious. Done one thing. I’m moving to the next thing. It’s just a tick, you know what I mean? It’s oh, wow, I’ve achieved it. It’s just now the next focus. It’s really, I’ve found a long-lasting game of chess, but there are lots of checkmates along the way.
AM: To your earlier point about maximizing every day, though, you do seem to absorb it as it happens, yes?
LH: You know I have a checkmate in lots of different things, moving to the next, what’s next, how can I better it? How can I grow? I’ve got so many things that I want to achieve, and the only question is—it’s not a question of if I can do it. It’s a question of time. I’m incredibly fortunate to do the things that I do. Look where we are today. I’m landing on the fricking plane this morning, and I’m thinking to myself, this just doesn’t seem real. It’s literally a fricking dream that I live. Because growing up in Stevenage, sitting watching a TV show with my mom and not having—we’d walk down to the bus stop to take a bus to town because we didn’t have a car. It’s just crazy to think I have cars now. It still doesn’t—even for my mom when she comes and sees the things that we have, even for her it doesn’t feel—it just feels weird. I don’t think I mentioned she had jobs and struggled so much. Now we do things, and it’s, I don’t know, it feels good, but it just feels very surreal.
AM: So that was the right word then.
LH: Every single day it feels surreal because it just doesn’t feel like it changes. I like that it does feel that way because if you get used to something, you get comfortable with something, then it’s easier to take things for granted. I don’t feel like my family generally does that, so that’s all about the people around you, grounded people. [I am] very, very, very careful who I select to be around me. I don’t have any weak-minded or negative individuals. I just get the most positive, lovely, real people around me.
AM: If you could talk to yourself at 10 years old and at 22 years old when you came into F1: Knowing what you know now and what you’ve experienced, what message would you deliver to those younger versions of yourself?
LH: I look back at myself, and I meet kids now that are so much more advanced than I was at their age. I was very, very timid, very, very much in a cocoon when I was younger. I didn’t hang around with kids on the weekends. I was super kept to myself, quiet. Yet I was still mischievous and outgoing and [a] daredevil. What I would just say to myself as a youngster and what I would like to do for my kid [one day] is ultimately, a human is like a plant growing, and you have to nurture the plant, you have to keep it watered and help it grow and give it light and those kind of things. Allow it to blossom in its natural form, and a lot of parents today … I’ve got cousins who are being pushed by their parent to do soccer, and often I think a parent’s job is to protect, but they can also be quite restricting. Or teachers or whatever, things force [kids] in an unnatural direction. What I’m saying is, for me I felt that I was held back when I was younger in terms of growing as a character, as a kid.
AM: Was that the system you were in, or … ?
LH: Just lots of things. It was school, it was pressures of not living a kid’s life—which I’m grateful that I went through, but I would just say I would somehow get the kid that I was and try and encourage him to be brighter and grow faster. By the time I really kind of grew into understanding who I was, I was frigging in my 20s, you know? There are a lot of 18-year-olds I see now or 17-year-olds who are so much more, who are already there, knowing what they want to do or knowing who they are, what kind of characters they are. So that’s great to see.
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marleywatersft-blog · 7 years
Top Hip Hop Songs
Hip hop music has been around for 30 years now, and during this time there have been many artists to provide amazing songs. But, some of these songs have caught in our minds and still make us rise up and dance and sing along when we hear them. We salute those that have given us musical expertise so exceptional to make us melt once we hear their tune.
The top eight hip hop songs ever are (in no particular order):
1. 'It was an excellent Day' -Ice Cube
From the beat to the lyrics this is that feel good track that immediately relieves all the stress of the day. We are able to all relate to the song, and irrespective of what number of instances it is performed it is nonetheless that sound you bob your head to.
2. 'Kids's Story' -Slick Rick
You possibly can't discuss hip hop with out talking about Slick Rick, one of the biggest performers in this genre. This music has that flowing beat and lyrics that get caught in your thoughts each time. Anyone who is aware of hip hop is aware of this jam.
three. 'Juicy' -Biggie Pop Songs Smalls
This tune started a brand new period in rap music as it is the music that made Big Poppa what he nonetheless is to the world immediately, even 10+ years after he was shot to death. Juicy stated it was all a dream and this music provided inspiration and feel good vibes to each single one that listened to it.
four. 'Straight Outta Compton' -NWA
Straight Outta Compton is without doubt one of the most popular rap songs of all times. It is usually liable for the West Coast gangster rap movement that modified the lives of countless individuals. Straight Outta Compton particulars the life out on the streets of one of many state's most harmful cities with hardcore rapper Eazy-E on the vocals.
5. 'Rapper's Delight' - The Sugar Hill Gang
Hip hop, hippty hop... He is rapping to the beat just attempting to move your ft. Most people know every single phrase to this classic tune. This was one of many world's first introductions to the musical style, and an impressive one which it was.
6. 'Push It' -Salt N- Pepa
Released in 1986, Push It was a success for the trio of rappers. It is a sassy joint that made it to bop charts and nonetheless right now rocks the body and the celebration.
7. 'Hypnotize' -Biggie Smalls
The legendary rapper tops the highest 10 list once again with this music, reaching primary only one week after the rappers dying. This quick-witted, funny song with the quirky beat feels good to hearken to. It additionally started an eruption of affection, tears and celebration of life at Biggie's funeral on his method to be laid to rest on the streets of Brooklyn.
eight. 'Arduous Knock Life' -Jay Z
Jay-Z is a musical god, as he proved back in 1998 with Arduous Knock Life, a music sampling Annie within the refrain. Jay raps about living that onerous knock life, a real track that most of us can really feel at some level.
Rap music is part of us, a part of our soul. There are literally thousands of wonderful songs out there in this style, with musical expertise from around the globe. There is nothing fairly like hip hop music when the sounds hit you.
Once you're able to get that southern hip hop taste in your ear, make your approach to Hip Hop in Nashville. The city is known as Music City USA but do not assume that is solely country music. There's a lot of great talent waiting to be found in the metropolis, and this is your chance to expertise it for your self.
Excited about new hip hop tune releases? From underground rap superstars like Atmosphere or Aesop Rock to Dirty South rap artists like Lil Wayne, here's the very best locations to new hip hop music releases.
Radio Stations
True, radio stations have misplaced some of their affect thanks to the popularity of the Internet, though new songs usually get a variety of airplay right here. Below you may discover classic hip hop stations and some on-line ones that have blown up just lately...
Power106. The authority when it comes to new rap songs. Energy 106 plays tracks from the hottest established rappers like Eminem, Lil Wayne and Kanye West, as properly the up and comers like T.I and Flo Rida.
Hot97. Their tagline is "Hot97 Is Hip Hop and R&B" and with their track record of providing the most well liked new beats and interviews, no one is about to say otherwise.
Energy 105. Initially a comfortable rock radio station, Power105 now focuses on providing new and basic rap tracks. They also supply the most recent freestyles from prime artists to youthful MCs looking to get noticed.
IMEEM. With IMEEM, listeners can make their very own music playlists on the fly and incorporate all kinds of musical kinds similar to underground rap previous-school hip-hop and mainstream artists. Fans can save their playlists for later use and share it with other users on the positioning. If you're on the lookout for a brand new hip-hop music or freestyle that is the place to go.
Pandora. For sure Pandora is one of my favourite websites what I'm in search of new music. All you need to do is type in the title of your favorite rapper Pandora creates a streaming playlist featuring associated artists, based upon musical types and lyrical content material. It never ceases to amaze me how many rap artists I've come throughout using this web site; it's like preventing and also you hit rap song each 5 minutes.or one other nice characteristic with Pandora is your skill to float for every track as its play. When you vote a song up, Pandora's more likely to include that music again and your ongoing playlist; voted down and you might not see that very same observe for months to come back, if in any respect.
I will begin this text by saying that it's a good idea to have an engineer that focuses on mixing Hip Hop songs be the one to handle the mixing of your private home studio recorded Hip Hop songs. There may be nice value in having one other set of ears interpret the sounds & make a combination that sounds good in an environment designed for mixing Hip Hop recordings by an individual who deals with Hip Hop mixes frequently. That being mentioned, the purpose of this article is to provide the Residence recording studio artist some suggestions, perception, & an outline of placing together a Hip Hop track mix utilizing the software program/gear that they have already got in their house studio.
In the course of the tracking phase of the recording process you might be/should be specializing in capturing the best recorded tracks on an individual foundation, making sure every recorded factor is of good high quality & recorded at an optimized level with no clipping/distortion. The mixing phase is all about making all these recorded elements mix together & sound good with each other to supply an important sounding & attention-grabbing track combine as a whole. On the mixing stage it's best to deal with how issues sound along with each other greater than how a bit sounds by itself. If you were to solo a component & tweak the EQ, it may sound higher when by itself but when placed in the combine the adjustment might be clashing with another half so at all times make changes in the mix while being attentive to the combination as an entire.
When establishing the combination a good way to make panning choices is to visualize your monitor separated into each instrument being played by a stay musician on stage with the main/lead vocal often panned in the middle. Alter the panning of each instrument across the stereo area within the locations that you just visualize the digital musician standing whereas taking part in the instrument sound. Use reverb results at various decay/suggestions settings to add distance & space to parts while keeping some sounds freed from reverb to maintain the mix up shut & private. It is a good suggestion to examine your mixes on good high quality headphones as this provide you with an concept of how the totally different panning setting are working & will let you understand if there are any sounds that aren't displaying up an excessive amount of on either facet of the stereo discipline.
The bass drum & different bass components are usually served greatest within the middle as bass tends to be perceived in a mono fashion so could as properly place it so. Lead vocals ought to be panned in the middle with over dubs & adlibs panned at various locations with slightly lower quantity than the lead & with delicate EQ differences. You need your instrumental to be like a kind becoming foam mattress that your vocal is able to "lay" down into & be embraced by. You do not need your vocal to sound like it was simply positioned on high of a flat beat. You need your mix to have changes in dynamics, with ups & downs that can build anticipation then release it & so on. You should definitely check your mix on a mono playback machine as nicely to ensure all parts are nonetheless heard, if in case you have any very wide instrument panning you might lose the sound when heard in mono so make changes to sound good in mono & stereo. The extent in your stereo mix ought to be Peaked at about -3db on the meter without hitting the purple. This may give the mastering engineer the headroom n
eeded to maximize the sound of your music & mastering will bring the level up to the max.
The ultimate mixture of all elements should be listened to on as many various kinds of sound sources as attainable comparable to ear buds, laptop speakers a bookshelf system, and/or a automobile stereo. The more different sources the higher as this may allow you pinpoint any re-occurring issues that may then be fixed "within the mix" Upon getting a accomplished combine that you have performed A/B comparisons with industrial tracks and also you imagine your combine is shut enough, you'll be able to enter the mastering stage. If you are a beat maker that has no vocal tracks, you may still mix your beat/instrumental using the same tips/techniques above whereas saving the vocal combine ideas for later.
The data in this article has given you an outline of the Hip Hop music mixing process within the home studio that I myself are likely to observe, it's possible you'll alter your process to fit your personal tastes as what I've supposed was to give you a type of mixing roadmap to follow when you are unsure tips on how to proceed.
Brian G a.okay.a. BG has 15 years experience beginning out as a Deejay turned Producer/remixer turned recording engineer with an honor student diploma from AIA. Brian G has recorded over 50 Hip-Hop and R&B artists in his house studios as well as recorded his personal hip-hop songs.
0 notes
saltysuittaco-blog · 6 years
There aren’t any secrets and techniques in client electronics anymore. Sometimes it’s the fault of flubs and flaws and leakers. Sometimes it’s by way of design. In the case of the Galaxy Note 9, it’s a bit of little bit of each.
The Galaxy S9 wasn’t the blockbuster Samsung’s shareholders had been anticipating, so the corporate understandably primed the pump thru a mixture of teasers and leaks — some unquestionably accidental and others that appeared suspiciously much less so.
By the time the day before today’s giant match at Brooklyn’s area that Jay-Z constructed rolled round, we knew near to the whole lot we had to know in regards to the upcoming handset, and nearly each and every leaked spec proved correct. Sure, the corporate amazingly controlled to thru in a wonder or two, however the match used to be all in regards to the Note.
And understandably so. The phablet, at the side of the Galaxy S line, bureaucracy the cornerstone of Samsung’s whole client manner. It’s a portfolio that expands with each and every match, to incorporate wearables, productiveness, the good house, automobile, a wise assistant and now the long-awaited good speaker. None of which might make a lick of sense with out the handsets.
If the Galaxy S is Samsung’s tentpole instrument, the Note represents what the corporate has deemed its “innovation brand,” the uber-premium instrument that permits the corporate to push the bounds of its cell . In previous generations, that’s intended the Edge show (curving display screen), S-Pen, massive display screen and dual-camera. That innovation, naturally, comes at a value.
Here it’s $1,000. It’s a value that, till a yr in the past appeared impossibly steep for a smartphone. For the Galaxy Note 9, however, that’s simply the place issues get started. Any hopes that the brand new fashion may constitute a transfer towards the mainstream for the road within the wake of an underwhelming S9 efficiency can also be put to relaxation right here.
The Note is what it’s at all times been and can most probably at all times proceed to be: a tool for the diehard. An excellent instrument, thoughts, however one for the ones with an arm and or a leg to spare. Most of the great new options will trickle their manner down the meals chain to the corporate’s extra mainstream instrument. At $720/$840, the S9 isn’t the cheap telephone by way of any stretch of the creativeness, however on the very least, retaining it to 3 digits turns out a bit of extra palatable.
A excellent rule of thumb for a review is incorporating the product into one’s personal lifestyles up to conceivable. It’s a gorgeous simple ask with a tool just like the Note 9, which has the good thing about nice and device design constructed upon the learnings and missteps of a number of generations.
It’s nonetheless now not highest in any way, and the corporate’s everything-and-the-kitchen-sink option to the road approach there are many options that by no means actually made their would possibly into my regimen. And whilst, because the in large part unchanged product design suggests — the Note 9 doesn’t constitute a vastly important milestone within the product line — there are sufficient tweaks all the way through the product to care for its position towards the highest of the Android heap.
All charged up
Let’s deal with the gorilla within the room right here. Two years in the past, Galaxy Notes began exploding. Samsung recalled the gadgets, began promoting them, extra exploded they usually recalled them once more, in the long run discontinuing the product.
Samsung apologized profusely and agreed to institute extra rigorous protection exams. For the following couple of gadgets, the corporate didn’t rock the boat. Battery sizes on Galaxy merchandise stayed most commonly the similar. It used to be a mixture of pragmatism and optics. The corporate wanted time to be sure that long term merchandise wouldn’t undergo the similar destiny, whilst demonstrating to the general public and shareholders that it used to be doing due diligence.
“What we want to do is a tempered approach to innovation any time,” Samsung’s director of Product Strategy and Marketing informed me forward of release, “so this was the right time to increase the battery to meet consumer needs.”
Given Samsung’s large trade as an element producer, the entire fiasco in the long run didn’t dent the base line. In truth, in a bizarre manner, it will in the long run be a web certain. Now it could boast about having one of the rigorous battery trying out processes within the trade. Now it’s a characteristic, now not a computer virus.
At Four,000mAh, the Note 9 includes a 700mAh building up above its predecessor. It’s now not an unparalleled quantity — Huawei’s already hit the Four,000 mark — however it’s the biggest ever on a Note instrument, placing the handset within the best percentile.
As a ways as how that in reality interprets to real-world utilization, Samsung’s now not giving a host but. The corporate merely says “all day and all night” in its free up. I discovered that to be beautiful just about the reality. I unplugged the handset at 100 % the day before today afternoon. I texted, listened to Spotify, took footage, downloaded and simply typically tried to reside my lifestyles at the rattling factor.
Just below 22 hours later, it passed on to the great beyond and after a lot notification-based consternation a couple of severely low battery, the display screen went black. Like I stated, it’s now not loopy battery lifestyles, however going maximum of a complete day and evening with out a price is a pleasing little luxurious — and this type of factor all telephone makers will have to try to succeed in on their flagship merchandise.
The corporate additionally, kindly, incorporated the brand new Wireless Charging Duo. The charging pad isn’t moderately as formidable because the AirPower, however in contrast to that product, presented just about a yr in the past by way of Apple, I’ve this in my palms presently. So, level: Samsung. Charging the instrument from 0 to 100 % took 3 hours at the dot with the $120 “Fast Charge” pad. And it’s great and toasty now.
Okay, about that worth. Again, we’re speaking $999.99 to begin. There’s additionally a 2d SKU. That one will run you $1,295.99. Take a second if you want to.
That’s a foolish amount of cash in the event you’re now not the place to begin guard for the Golden State Warriors. So a lot for the rumors that the corporate can be running to make its gadgets extra economically obtainable. And whilst the top rate has at all times intended that the Galaxy line goes to stay at the expensive facet, I will’t assist however indicate that a couple of key selections may have stored the cost down, whilst keeping up construct high quality.
Storage is arguably the principle wrongdoer. The aforementioned two SKUs provide you with both 6GB of RAM with 128GB or 8GB of RAM with 512GB. With cloud syncing and the remaining, it’s onerous to believe I might come just about that restrict within the two or so years till the time involves improve my handset.
I’m positive the ones varieties of loopy media-hoarding energy customers do, in reality, exist on the earth, however they’re unquestionably a rarity. Besides, as Samsung helpfully identified, 512GB SD playing cards exist already on the earth. Sure, that’s some other $350 tacked onto the base line, however it’s there, if you want it. For maximum customers, it’s onerous to peer Samsung’s declare of getting “the world’s first 1TB-ready smartphone” (512GB+512GB) exists for little extra reason why than racking up but some other flashy declare for the 1960s Batman application belt of smartphones.
Sure, Samsung unquestionably will get a deal on Samsung-built onerous drives, however the element must be a key phase in what’s riding prices up. For an organization as pushed by way of selection as Samsung, I’m in truth shocked we’re now not getting extra choices up entrance right here within the States.
Remote keep an eye on
Confession: After trying out many Galaxy Note fashions over the process a few years, I’ve by no means found out a perfect use for the S-Pen. I imply, I’m glad that individuals love it, and clearly all the early skepticism in regards to the go back of the stylus used to be temporarily put to relaxation, as the corporate has persevered to return to the nicely, yr after yr.
But all the handwritten be aware taking and animated GIF drawing simply isn’t for me, guy. I additionally just lately spoke to an artist good friend who informed me that the Note doesn’t actually minimize it for him at the drawing entrance, both. Again, in the event you like or adore it, extra energy to you, however it’s simply now not for me.
As foolish as the theory of the use of the S-Pen as a far off keep an eye on may seem in the beginning look, alternatively, it’s transparent to me that that is the primary use of the integrated accent I may just in truth see the use of each day. It’s to hand while you get past the silliness of maintaining a stylus to your hand whilst working, and serves as a to hand surrogate for many who don’t personal a appropriate smartwatch.
The S-Pen now sports activities Bluetooth Low Energy, permitting it to keep an eye on other sides of telephone use. Low Energy or now not, that tech calls for energy, so the stylus now accommodates an ideal conductor, which fees it when slotted within the telephone; 40 seconds of charging will have to get you a wholesome 30 mins of use. Even so, the telephone will computer virus you to remind you that you just actually should dock the article when now not in use.
The appropriate apps are nonetheless slightly restricted at release, however it’s sufficient to display how this is usually a to hand little addition. Of the bunch, I were given essentially the most out of track keep an eye on for Spotify. One click on performs/pauses a tune, and a double-click extends the observe. Sure, it’s restricted capability, however it stored me from having to mess around with the telephone to switch songs went I went for my run this morning.
You’ll want to be a little bit extra ingenious when figuring out usefulness in one of the different apps. Using it as a shutter button within the digicam app, for example, is usually a helpful strategy to take a selfie with no need to carry the telephone at palms’ period.
The whole time, I questioned what one may be able to accomplish with further buttons (quantity/rewind/gameplay)? What a couple of pedometer to trace steps whilst you’re working at the treadmill with out it within the pocket? Or even a beacon to assist absent-minded other people like myself in finding it once we invariably drop it between sofa cushions.
But yeah, I perceive why the corporate would make a choice to stay issues easy for what stays a kind of secondary capability. Or, heck, possibly the corporate simply wishes to carry some options for the Note 10 (Note X?).
Oh, and the Blue and Lavender variations of the telephone are available in putting yellow and pink S-Pens, with lock-screen ink colour to compare. So that’s beautiful a laugh.
Hey guy, great shot
Nowhere is the Note’s cumulative evolution higher represented than the digicam. Each next Galaxy S and Note free up appear to supply new and/or device upgrades, giving the corporate two distinct alternatives according to yr to support imaging for the road. The S9, introduced again in February, significantly introduced stepped forward low-light pictures to the road. The twin aperture flips between f/1.five and f/2.Four, to let in additional gentle.
It’s a neat trick for a smartphone. Behold, a face to face between the Note 9 (left) and iPhone X (proper):
Here’s what we’re coping with at the entrance:
Rear: Dual Camera with Dual OIS (Optical Image Stabilization)
Wide-angle: Super Speed Dual Pixel 12MP AF, F1.five/F2.Four, OIS
Telephoto: 12MP AF, F2.Four, OIS
2X optical zoom, as much as 10X virtual zoom
Front: 8MP AF, F1.7
This day out, the enhancements are most commonly at the device facet of items. Two options particularly stand out: Scene Optimizer and Flaw Detection. The first will have to turn out acquainted to those that’ve been being attentive to the smartphone sport of past due. LG is one of the vital distinguished instance.
Camera is beautiful nice around the board of most current smartphone flagships. As such, those new options are designed to do away with the present weakest hyperlink: human error. Scene Optimizer saves newbie photographers from having to futz with extra complicated settings like white stability and saturation.
The characteristic makes use of AI to decide what the digicam is seeing, and adjusts settings accordingly. There are 20 other settings, together with: Food, Portraits, Flowers, Indoor scenes, Animals, Landscapes, Greenery, Trees, Sky, Mountains, Beaches, Sunrises and sunsets, Watersides, Street scenes, Night scenes, Waterfalls, Snow, Birds, Backlit and Text.
Some are beautiful normal, others are weirdly particular, however it’s a excellent combine, and I believe Samsung will proceed so as to add to it thru OTA updates. That stated, the serve as itself doesn’t want a cloud connection, doing all the processing on-board. The characteristic labored nicely with many of the plant life and meals I threw at it (so that you can discuss), shooting up a small icon within the backside of the display screen to let me know that it is aware of what it’s taking a look at. It additionally did nicely with e-book textual content.
The good fortune fee of alternative issues, like timber, had been, unsurprisingly, depending on context. Get simply the highest phase and it identifies it as “Greenery.” Flip the telephone to portrait mode and get the entire of the trunk and it pops up the “Tree” icon. I did get a couple of false positives alongside the way in which; the Note 9 concept my palms had been meals, which is deeply irritating for any choice of causes.
[Without Scene Optimizer – left, With Scene Optimizer – right]
Obviously, it’s now not going to be highest. I discovered, on the subject of plant life that it has the tendency to oversaturate the colours. If you compromise, you’ll disable the characteristic in settings. However, it’s a must to do that earlier than the shot is taken. There’s no strategy to manually override the characteristic to inform it what sort of object you’re taking pictures. That turns out like a little bit of a no brainer addition.
[Super slow-mo matcha under the flicking lights]
Flaw Detection serves a an identical function as Scene Optimizer, serving to you steer clear of getting to your personal manner as an newbie photog. The characteristic is designed to provide you with a warning if a shot is blurry, if there’s a smudge at the display screen, if the topic blinked or if backlighting is making the whole lot glance crappy. In the case of lens smudging and backlighting, it best bothers with a unmarried alert each and every 24 hours.
The blink detection labored nicely. Blur detection, however, used to be a little bit extra of a crap shoot for topics in movement and those who had been too just about the lens to get a excellent focal point. The characteristic may just use a little bit of labor, however I nonetheless suppose it’s probably the most extra compelling additions at the complete of the instrument and await numerous different firms introducing their very own variations within the coming yr.
Design Note
The extra the Note adjustments, the extra it remains the similar, I guess. As anticipated, the design language hasn’t modified a lot, which is unquestionably a part of what made Samsung CEO DJ Koh suppose he may just escape with the use of the instrument in public forward of release. The footprint is nearly the similar despite the ever-so-slightly greater display screen (6.three > 6.Four-inches, identical 2,960 x 1,440 answer) — from 162.five x 74.eight x eight.6 mm at the eight, to 161.9 x 76.Four x eight.eight mm at the 9.
That’s completely advantageous. Samsung’s achieved an excellent task cramming numerous display screen right into a manageable footprint during the last a number of gens. The best primary alternate (excluding the stunning new blue and pink paint jobs) is the migration of the fingerprint sensor from the facet of the digicam to beneath it.
This used to be a transparent example of Samsung responding to comments from customers pissed off by way of the entire instances they mistook the digicam for the fingerprint reader. The new placement is helping a little bit, although it’s nonetheless slightly just about the digicam, and the truth that each are an identical shapes doesn’t assist issues. Thank goodness for that new smudge detector.
Oh, and the headphone jack remains to be provide, on account of direction it’s. For Samsung, it’s crucial strategy to distinguish the product and manner from a global long past dongle mad.
Note on Notes
Oh Bixby, you everlasting bastion of unfulfilled possible. A complete rundown of latest options can also be discovered right here. Overall, the good assistant guarantees to be extra conversational, with higher concierge options. That stated, Samsung’s as soon as once more tweaking it till the remaining second, so I will’t provide you with a complete review till nearer to the telephone’s August 24 boulevard date.
So keep tuned for that, I assume. I can say that the setup procedure could be a little bit of a slog for a characteristic designed to make the whole lot more uncomplicated. Playing with Bixby voice required me to navigate a number of pages with a view to attach the 2. Thankfully, you will have to best must care for that the only time.
Samsung’s proceeding to tweak the internals to make its instrument extra appropriate for gaming. The water-carbon cooling device tweaks the liquid cooling device discovered at the instrument because the S7, to assist diffuse warmth extra successfully. The massive, shiny display screen in the meantime, is well-suited to cell gaming, and the 6GB fashion treated Fortnite slightly nicely.
A last be aware
The subsequent smartphone revolution at all times appears to be a yr away. The possible arrival of a Samsung instrument with a foldable show makes the perception of wearing an enormous instrument round in a single’s pocket virtually old fashioned. For the time being, alternatively, the Note stays probably the most highest strategies for transporting quite a lot of display screen round in your individual.
So much has modified in regards to the Note previously seven years, however the core of the instrument is most commonly the similar: giant display screen and stylus coming in combination to stroll the road between productiveness and leisure. It’s giant, it’s daring, it’s too pricey for numerous us. But it stays the phablet to overcome.
Samsung Galaxy Note 9 review – TechCrunch There aren't any secrets and techniques in client electronics anymore. Sometimes it’s the fault of flubs and flaws and leakers.
0 notes
jonathanbelloblog · 7 years
Lewis Hamilton Above the Noise
The chartered jet lands at Inyokern Airport just before noon on the Monday before Christmas. Formula 1 world champion Lewis Hamilton, just three weeks removed from the 2017 season finale and not two months since he clinched his fourth world title, disembarks from the rented plane along with a half dozen or so friends. Following a campaign that saw him win nine races to bring his career tally to 62 (second only to Michael Schumacher’s 91) and claim his 72nd pole position—the all-time record ahead of Schumacher’s 68 and the late Ayrton Senna’s 65—it’s a bit incongruous to see Hamilton hanging around this small desert airfield 145 miles northeast of Los Angeles. For the 32-year-old Briton, though, it’s the final stop on his 2017 work schedule after flying in from Los Angeles, where he spent several days in business meetings. Now, on his way to the Vail, Colorado, area, where he owns a ranch dubbed the “MegaZone,” his Mercedes-AMG employer has requested he make a detour from beginning his vacation in order to shoot some photos alongside his championship-winning race car and the company’s forthcoming Project One supercar. The company offered us a rare chance for some one-on-one time with the driver former McLaren teammate Jenson Button recently dubbed “the quickest guy that has ever driven a Formula 1 car.”
Automobile Magazine: What’s the big activity during your vacation?
Lewis Hamilton: Well, the next few days, we snowboard. We do snowmobiling. We do night paintballing in the snow. It’s just chilling out. A lot of gaming. We play a lot of video games, a lot of board games.
AM: Which video games are you into?
LH: “Call of Duty.”
AM: Not racing or car-related games?
LH: No, I don’t play those games much, really. The one I just played this year is the new “Gran Turismo,” which is sick. It’s really, really f****** good. It’s crazy to see because I had the first one, and to see it develop and how it is today, it’s super-impressive. I’ve got the steering wheel and a professional seat setup where we’re going today [in Colorado]. So we’ll have it set up, and we can play two-player. I’m excited about that.
AM: At this stage of your career, what do you think of the perception of you as portrayed by the traditional F1 press? You catch a lot of flak from European media for some of the things you do during your personal time, like jetting around the world to various events between races and hanging out with other celebrities, like Justin Bieber.
LH: I think it’s always been the case since I’ve been in Formula 1. There’s always been negativity, but, I mean, I generally don’t tend to focus on that. I think when I started to do these different things, people definitely commented on it and had opinions about it. Then they would say [I’m] not focused. It was a lot of work to kind of break the mold, break the shape of [what] people would expect a racing driver to be. This is a new day and age, and I’m the new. It’s not for others to decide what I am as a racing driver. It’s for me to discover and kind of watch it unfold. I think it’s been cool because I’ve been doing these different things and then I turn up and win, so they can’t say, really, anything. It’s just that I think we’re all a little different, and we should all strive to be different and shouldn’t shy away from it. But there are people in the world that tend to crawl into their shell and feel that they need to be a certain way because people expect them to be that way.
AM: Do you feel like you get more or less or the same amount of that criticism compared to in the past?
LH: I don’t know, and to be honest I don’t ever read the stuff. I really don’t care. Zero f**** is the term that I use. I know I’ve got my closest people around me. I’m still close to my family. Still have the same values as when I started out. Of course, people that tune in today, they see me at the top. They only see the success. They don’t see everything that I’ve done to be where I am today. People definitely don’t appreciate that. Some people don’t. I’m just trying to get in as much as I can in the time that I have whilst not losing performance. Then I have other things to move on to when I stop rather than being stuck where I currently am, which I would prefer not to be.
AM: Speaking of other things to do, your aunt died from cancer in 2012, and you’ve made a point before about how that impacted you …
LH: Definitely. We all go through some experiences that … they talk about building character and helping you prioritize and redirect your focuses. I think for me with my auntie, I think it was really [the case]. I mean naturally when someone tells you on their deathbed that they had been planning to do these things and then they’ve run out of time—I imagine how that is because a lot of people do that. My mom and friends have worked day in and day out and sacrificed things for the future, and then when you run out of road, you don’t get to do those things. It was definitely sad to see that, and just in that moment my auntie made me promise I was going to live life to the max and do everything and not hold back.
AM: How does that manifest with you?
Growing up in Stevenage, sitting with my mom and not having— We’d walk down to the bus stop to take a bus to town because we didn’t have a car. It’s just crazy to think I have cars now.
LH: Not wait until I’m 40 to go skiing. She was like, live in the now and not … obviously have a balance in the now and in the future, but live now, so for me that’s a massive highlight. That’s what I’m going to do. You just never know when … I’m still of the mindset you just never know when your day is up. A best friend of ours here today, her friend just got a call yesterday from the doctor saying that the friend only has one month to live. When that happens, what are you going to do? Hopefully that doesn’t happen to any of us, but it does happen in the world, and accidents happen, s***. I just want to know that if [my time is] cut short that I did everything up until that point in my life that I could.
AM: How do you manage to do all of the globe-trotting and other things you do between races yet still maintain peak performance in the car?
LH: I think I’m just used to it. My friends always say to me, “I don’t understand where you get the energy,” because I do usually have a lot of energy. I’m doing a lot of things. I think it’s really about how I’m able to switch off between the jobs or between racing. I can completely compartmentalize it, put it in the box, wait, close the drawer, wait until I need to focus on it. It doesn’t drain me.
AM: Is that a key point you’ve learned about human performance over the years?
LH: I guess it’s through trial and error. I’ve put tons of time into training [in the past] and then found it’s actually been worse for my performance if I don’t do anything else and only train every single day, with no other stimulation mentally. I perform worse [with that approach], so then it’s just about bit by bit taking it to here and dividing that 100 percent battery life you have. Dividing it a certain way across the different things that you plan on doing. Have some remaining so that you can use it for the racing. Do you know what I mean?
AM: In terms of dividing that energy, how much of your downtime is spent reviewing data from the racetrack?
LH: Yeah, yeah, that takes a lot of time. All the flights that I’m on, the long flights, I’m studying. When I’m in my hotel room, I’m studying. When I’m at the tracks, I’m studying. When I go back to the team’s factory, we’ll have a meeting, and they’re constantly sending me files and emails regarding car setup. All these different things, and we’ll go back and forth about setup, things we tested with, things that we might want to try. Then all the changes I make through the weekend. I wouldn’t say they use what I dictate, but I lead it. I make a general decision in that respect.
AM: Modern F1 teams collect so much data. How do you sort it all out in limited time?
LH: I have an engineer who’s got massive confidence in me. He knows there are times I come in and I’m like, s***, I’ve got four options of things to change. I’m not quite sure which ones they are, but this is my problem, or this [other thing] is my problem. Then we have that discussion; can we use that one or that one? The majority of the time, for like 90 percent of the time, I come in and I’m like, I need this. I’ve got this understood here. Change, you know, one [minor] setting lower or whatever it may be. That just comes with experience.
AM: Grand Prix cars are incredibly complex; is there one item in particular you absolutely have to get right every week?
LH: There’s not one point. There are so many pieces to the puzzle that have to come together. So tires are crucial, tire temperature, tire usage is of course crucial. [But overall] on-track setup is everything. It’s like, if I explain it like roads, you got a road that’s this length, this length, this length, and longer. You want to set the car up on the one that can go the furthest, basically, in terms of potential. You know what I mean? Sometimes you go on the wrong road with the setup and you limit yourself and you just can’t take it any further. Most times you just hit a wall, but if you get on the right path for the setup, it’s a longer … this is a really bad usage of terminology, but it’s a longer road, so you can really push the car further and expand more and extract more from it.
AM: Do you ever stop and look at your career, 11 years in, and think—surreal might not be the correct word here because everybody’s life is surreal in a lot of ways …
LH: Sure.
AM: But the reality is, your stats are piling up year after year, and you still appear to have a long way to go before you stop. Do you allow yourself to sit and smile about this stuff now, or are you saving those thoughts for when you’re finished in the sport?
Wild life: Hamilton’s Mercedes-AMG duties include assisting with development of the Project One. Despite his jet-setting schedule and an image criticized by some, we found him to be open and engaging during our informal chat.
LH: Yeah, I think for me, I think after I did the last race of 2017 and it just didn’t stop, there was no moment to stop. I just had days and days and days and days of PR events. I was at the factory, in the wind tunnel looking at the new car, the engineers talking to me about how the new car is going to be. Can’t stop for a second, really. Obviously now I’ll go away today and these next days I’ll be off for, so I’ll be sitting down, but I still don’t ever—of course when we talk about it, I’m like, it’s crazy how far we’ve come. But I don’t know. I think my ambition kind of overshadows it or clouds it because I’m just super-ambitious. Done one thing. I’m moving to the next thing. It’s just a tick, you know what I mean? It’s oh, wow, I’ve achieved it. It’s just now the next focus. It’s really, I’ve found a long-lasting game of chess, but there are lots of checkmates along the way.
AM: To your earlier point about maximizing every day, though, you do seem to absorb it as it happens, yes?
LH: You know I have a checkmate in lots of different things, moving to the next, what’s next, how can I better it? How can I grow? I’ve got so many things that I want to achieve, and the only question is—it’s not a question of if I can do it. It’s a question of time. I’m incredibly fortunate to do the things that I do. Look where we are today. I’m landing on the fricking plane this morning, and I’m thinking to myself, this just doesn’t seem real. It’s literally a fricking dream that I live. Because growing up in Stevenage, sitting watching a TV show with my mom and not having—we’d walk down to the bus stop to take a bus to town because we didn’t have a car. It’s just crazy to think I have cars now. It still doesn’t—even for my mom when she comes and sees the things that we have, even for her it doesn’t feel—it just feels weird. I don’t think I mentioned she had jobs and struggled so much. Now we do things, and it’s, I don’t know, it feels good, but it just feels very surreal.
AM: So that was the right word then.
LH: Every single day it feels surreal because it just doesn’t feel like it changes. I like that it does feel that way because if you get used to something, you get comfortable with something, then it’s easier to take things for granted. I don’t feel like my family generally does that, so that’s all about the people around you, grounded people. [I am] very, very, very careful who I select to be around me. I don’t have any weak-minded or negative individuals. I just get the most positive, lovely, real people around me.
AM: If you could talk to yourself at 10 years old and at 22 years old when you came into F1: Knowing what you know now and what you’ve experienced, what message would you deliver to those younger versions of yourself?
LH: I look back at myself, and I meet kids now that are so much more advanced than I was at their age. I was very, very timid, very, very much in a cocoon when I was younger. I didn’t hang around with kids on the weekends. I was super kept to myself, quiet. Yet I was still mischievous and outgoing and [a] daredevil. What I would just say to myself as a youngster and what I would like to do for my kid [one day] is ultimately, a human is like a plant growing, and you have to nurture the plant, you have to keep it watered and help it grow and give it light and those kind of things. Allow it to blossom in its natural form, and a lot of parents today … I’ve got cousins who are being pushed by their parent to do soccer, and often I think a parent’s job is to protect, but they can also be quite restricting. Or teachers or whatever, things force [kids] in an unnatural direction. What I’m saying is, for me I felt that I was held back when I was younger in terms of growing as a character, as a kid.
AM: Was that the system you were in, or … ?
LH: Just lots of things. It was school, it was pressures of not living a kid’s life—which I’m grateful that I went through, but I would just say I would somehow get the kid that I was and try and encourage him to be brighter and grow faster. By the time I really kind of grew into understanding who I was, I was frigging in my 20s, you know? There are a lot of 18-year-olds I see now or 17-year-olds who are so much more, who are already there, knowing what they want to do or knowing who they are, what kind of characters they are. So that’s great to see.
0 notes
jesusvasser · 7 years
Lewis Hamilton Above the Noise
The chartered jet lands at Inyokern Airport just before noon on the Monday before Christmas. Formula 1 world champion Lewis Hamilton, just three weeks removed from the 2017 season finale and not two months since he clinched his fourth world title, disembarks from the rented plane along with a half dozen or so friends. Following a campaign that saw him win nine races to bring his career tally to 62 (second only to Michael Schumacher’s 91) and claim his 72nd pole position—the all-time record ahead of Schumacher’s 68 and the late Ayrton Senna’s 65—it’s a bit incongruous to see Hamilton hanging around this small desert airfield 145 miles northeast of Los Angeles. For the 32-year-old Briton, though, it’s the final stop on his 2017 work schedule after flying in from Los Angeles, where he spent several days in business meetings. Now, on his way to the Vail, Colorado, area, where he owns a ranch dubbed the “MegaZone,” his Mercedes-AMG employer has requested he make a detour from beginning his vacation in order to shoot some photos alongside his championship-winning race car and the company’s forthcoming Project One supercar. The company offered us a rare chance for some one-on-one time with the driver former McLaren teammate Jenson Button recently dubbed “the quickest guy that has ever driven a Formula 1 car.”
Automobile Magazine: What’s the big activity during your vacation?
Lewis Hamilton: Well, the next few days, we snowboard. We do snowmobiling. We do night paintballing in the snow. It’s just chilling out. A lot of gaming. We play a lot of video games, a lot of board games.
AM: Which video games are you into?
LH: “Call of Duty.”
AM: Not racing or car-related games?
LH: No, I don’t play those games much, really. The one I just played this year is the new “Gran Turismo,” which is sick. It’s really, really f****** good. It’s crazy to see because I had the first one, and to see it develop and how it is today, it’s super-impressive. I’ve got the steering wheel and a professional seat setup where we’re going today [in Colorado]. So we’ll have it set up, and we can play two-player. I’m excited about that.
AM: At this stage of your career, what do you think of the perception of you as portrayed by the traditional F1 press? You catch a lot of flak from European media for some of the things you do during your personal time, like jetting around the world to various events between races and hanging out with other celebrities, like Justin Bieber.
LH: I think it’s always been the case since I’ve been in Formula 1. There’s always been negativity, but, I mean, I generally don’t tend to focus on that. I think when I started to do these different things, people definitely commented on it and had opinions about it. Then they would say [I’m] not focused. It was a lot of work to kind of break the mold, break the shape of [what] people would expect a racing driver to be. This is a new day and age, and I’m the new. It’s not for others to decide what I am as a racing driver. It’s for me to discover and kind of watch it unfold. I think it’s been cool because I’ve been doing these different things and then I turn up and win, so they can’t say, really, anything. It’s just that I think we’re all a little different, and we should all strive to be different and shouldn’t shy away from it. But there are people in the world that tend to crawl into their shell and feel that they need to be a certain way because people expect them to be that way.
AM: Do you feel like you get more or less or the same amount of that criticism compared to in the past?
LH: I don’t know, and to be honest I don’t ever read the stuff. I really don’t care. Zero f**** is the term that I use. I know I’ve got my closest people around me. I’m still close to my family. Still have the same values as when I started out. Of course, people that tune in today, they see me at the top. They only see the success. They don’t see everything that I’ve done to be where I am today. People definitely don’t appreciate that. Some people don’t. I’m just trying to get in as much as I can in the time that I have whilst not losing performance. Then I have other things to move on to when I stop rather than being stuck where I currently am, which I would prefer not to be.
AM: Speaking of other things to do, your aunt died from cancer in 2012, and you’ve made a point before about how that impacted you …
LH: Definitely. We all go through some experiences that … they talk about building character and helping you prioritize and redirect your focuses. I think for me with my auntie, I think it was really [the case]. I mean naturally when someone tells you on their deathbed that they had been planning to do these things and then they’ve run out of time—I imagine how that is because a lot of people do that. My mom and friends have worked day in and day out and sacrificed things for the future, and then when you run out of road, you don’t get to do those things. It was definitely sad to see that, and just in that moment my auntie made me promise I was going to live life to the max and do everything and not hold back.
AM: How does that manifest with you?
Growing up in Stevenage, sitting with my mom and not having— We’d walk down to the bus stop to take a bus to town because we didn’t have a car. It’s just crazy to think I have cars now.
LH: Not wait until I’m 40 to go skiing. She was like, live in the now and not … obviously have a balance in the now and in the future, but live now, so for me that’s a massive highlight. That’s what I’m going to do. You just never know when … I’m still of the mindset you just never know when your day is up. A best friend of ours here today, her friend just got a call yesterday from the doctor saying that the friend only has one month to live. When that happens, what are you going to do? Hopefully that doesn’t happen to any of us, but it does happen in the world, and accidents happen, s***. I just want to know that if [my time is] cut short that I did everything up until that point in my life that I could.
AM: How do you manage to do all of the globe-trotting and other things you do between races yet still maintain peak performance in the car?
LH: I think I’m just used to it. My friends always say to me, “I don’t understand where you get the energy,” because I do usually have a lot of energy. I’m doing a lot of things. I think it’s really about how I’m able to switch off between the jobs or between racing. I can completely compartmentalize it, put it in the box, wait, close the drawer, wait until I need to focus on it. It doesn’t drain me.
AM: Is that a key point you’ve learned about human performance over the years?
LH: I guess it’s through trial and error. I’ve put tons of time into training [in the past] and then found it’s actually been worse for my performance if I don’t do anything else and only train every single day, with no other stimulation mentally. I perform worse [with that approach], so then it’s just about bit by bit taking it to here and dividing that 100 percent battery life you have. Dividing it a certain way across the different things that you plan on doing. Have some remaining so that you can use it for the racing. Do you know what I mean?
AM: In terms of dividing that energy, how much of your downtime is spent reviewing data from the racetrack?
LH: Yeah, yeah, that takes a lot of time. All the flights that I’m on, the long flights, I’m studying. When I’m in my hotel room, I’m studying. When I’m at the tracks, I’m studying. When I go back to the team’s factory, we’ll have a meeting, and they’re constantly sending me files and emails regarding car setup. All these different things, and we’ll go back and forth about setup, things we tested with, things that we might want to try. Then all the changes I make through the weekend. I wouldn’t say they use what I dictate, but I lead it. I make a general decision in that respect.
AM: Modern F1 teams collect so much data. How do you sort it all out in limited time?
LH: I have an engineer who’s got massive confidence in me. He knows there are times I come in and I’m like, s***, I’ve got four options of things to change. I’m not quite sure which ones they are, but this is my problem, or this [other thing] is my problem. Then we have that discussion; can we use that one or that one? The majority of the time, for like 90 percent of the time, I come in and I’m like, I need this. I’ve got this understood here. Change, you know, one [minor] setting lower or whatever it may be. That just comes with experience.
AM: Grand Prix cars are incredibly complex; is there one item in particular you absolutely have to get right every week?
LH: There’s not one point. There are so many pieces to the puzzle that have to come together. So tires are crucial, tire temperature, tire usage is of course crucial. [But overall] on-track setup is everything. It’s like, if I explain it like roads, you got a road that’s this length, this length, this length, and longer. You want to set the car up on the one that can go the furthest, basically, in terms of potential. You know what I mean? Sometimes you go on the wrong road with the setup and you limit yourself and you just can’t take it any further. Most times you just hit a wall, but if you get on the right path for the setup, it’s a longer … this is a really bad usage of terminology, but it’s a longer road, so you can really push the car further and expand more and extract more from it.
AM: Do you ever stop and look at your career, 11 years in, and think—surreal might not be the correct word here because everybody’s life is surreal in a lot of ways …
LH: Sure.
AM: But the reality is, your stats are piling up year after year, and you still appear to have a long way to go before you stop. Do you allow yourself to sit and smile about this stuff now, or are you saving those thoughts for when you’re finished in the sport?
Wild life: Hamilton’s Mercedes-AMG duties include assisting with development of the Project One. Despite his jet-setting schedule and an image criticized by some, we found him to be open and engaging during our informal chat.
LH: Yeah, I think for me, I think after I did the last race of 2017 and it just didn’t stop, there was no moment to stop. I just had days and days and days and days of PR events. I was at the factory, in the wind tunnel looking at the new car, the engineers talking to me about how the new car is going to be. Can’t stop for a second, really. Obviously now I’ll go away today and these next days I’ll be off for, so I’ll be sitting down, but I still don’t ever—of course when we talk about it, I’m like, it’s crazy how far we’ve come. But I don’t know. I think my ambition kind of overshadows it or clouds it because I’m just super-ambitious. Done one thing. I’m moving to the next thing. It’s just a tick, you know what I mean? It’s oh, wow, I’ve achieved it. It’s just now the next focus. It’s really, I’ve found a long-lasting game of chess, but there are lots of checkmates along the way.
AM: To your earlier point about maximizing every day, though, you do seem to absorb it as it happens, yes?
LH: You know I have a checkmate in lots of different things, moving to the next, what’s next, how can I better it? How can I grow? I’ve got so many things that I want to achieve, and the only question is—it’s not a question of if I can do it. It’s a question of time. I’m incredibly fortunate to do the things that I do. Look where we are today. I’m landing on the fricking plane this morning, and I’m thinking to myself, this just doesn’t seem real. It’s literally a fricking dream that I live. Because growing up in Stevenage, sitting watching a TV show with my mom and not having—we’d walk down to the bus stop to take a bus to town because we didn’t have a car. It’s just crazy to think I have cars now. It still doesn’t—even for my mom when she comes and sees the things that we have, even for her it doesn’t feel—it just feels weird. I don’t think I mentioned she had jobs and struggled so much. Now we do things, and it’s, I don’t know, it feels good, but it just feels very surreal.
AM: So that was the right word then.
LH: Every single day it feels surreal because it just doesn’t feel like it changes. I like that it does feel that way because if you get used to something, you get comfortable with something, then it’s easier to take things for granted. I don’t feel like my family generally does that, so that’s all about the people around you, grounded people. [I am] very, very, very careful who I select to be around me. I don’t have any weak-minded or negative individuals. I just get the most positive, lovely, real people around me.
AM: If you could talk to yourself at 10 years old and at 22 years old when you came into F1: Knowing what you know now and what you’ve experienced, what message would you deliver to those younger versions of yourself?
LH: I look back at myself, and I meet kids now that are so much more advanced than I was at their age. I was very, very timid, very, very much in a cocoon when I was younger. I didn’t hang around with kids on the weekends. I was super kept to myself, quiet. Yet I was still mischievous and outgoing and [a] daredevil. What I would just say to myself as a youngster and what I would like to do for my kid [one day] is ultimately, a human is like a plant growing, and you have to nurture the plant, you have to keep it watered and help it grow and give it light and those kind of things. Allow it to blossom in its natural form, and a lot of parents today … I’ve got cousins who are being pushed by their parent to do soccer, and often I think a parent’s job is to protect, but they can also be quite restricting. Or teachers or whatever, things force [kids] in an unnatural direction. What I’m saying is, for me I felt that I was held back when I was younger in terms of growing as a character, as a kid.
AM: Was that the system you were in, or … ?
LH: Just lots of things. It was school, it was pressures of not living a kid’s life—which I’m grateful that I went through, but I would just say I would somehow get the kid that I was and try and encourage him to be brighter and grow faster. By the time I really kind of grew into understanding who I was, I was frigging in my 20s, you know? There are a lot of 18-year-olds I see now or 17-year-olds who are so much more, who are already there, knowing what they want to do or knowing who they are, what kind of characters they are. So that’s great to see.
0 notes
jonathanbelloblog · 7 years
Lewis Hamilton Above the Noise
The chartered jet lands at Inyokern Airport just before noon on the Monday before Christmas. Formula 1 world champion Lewis Hamilton, just three weeks removed from the 2017 season finale and not two months since he clinched his fourth world title, disembarks from the rented plane along with a half dozen or so friends. Following a campaign that saw him win nine races to bring his career tally to 62 (second only to Michael Schumacher’s 91) and claim his 72nd pole position—the all-time record ahead of Schumacher’s 68 and the late Ayrton Senna’s 65—it’s a bit incongruous to see Hamilton hanging around this small desert airfield 145 miles northeast of Los Angeles. For the 32-year-old Briton, though, it’s the final stop on his 2017 work schedule after flying in from Los Angeles, where he spent several days in business meetings. Now, on his way to the Vail, Colorado, area, where he owns a ranch dubbed the “MegaZone,” his Mercedes-AMG employer has requested he make a detour from beginning his vacation in order to shoot some photos alongside his championship-winning race car and the company’s forthcoming Project One supercar. The company offered us a rare chance for some one-on-one time with the driver former McLaren teammate Jenson Button recently dubbed “the quickest guy that has ever driven a Formula 1 car.”
Automobile Magazine: What’s the big activity during your vacation?
Lewis Hamilton: Well, the next few days, we snowboard. We do snowmobiling. We do night paintballing in the snow. It’s just chilling out. A lot of gaming. We play a lot of video games, a lot of board games.
AM: Which video games are you into?
LH: “Call of Duty.”
AM: Not racing or car-related games?
LH: No, I don’t play those games much, really. The one I just played this year is the new “Gran Turismo,” which is sick. It’s really, really f****** good. It’s crazy to see because I had the first one, and to see it develop and how it is today, it’s super-impressive. I’ve got the steering wheel and a professional seat setup where we’re going today [in Colorado]. So we’ll have it set up, and we can play two-player. I’m excited about that.
AM: At this stage of your career, what do you think of the perception of you as portrayed by the traditional F1 press? You catch a lot of flak from European media for some of the things you do during your personal time, like jetting around the world to various events between races and hanging out with other celebrities, like Justin Bieber.
LH: I think it’s always been the case since I’ve been in Formula 1. There’s always been negativity, but, I mean, I generally don’t tend to focus on that. I think when I started to do these different things, people definitely commented on it and had opinions about it. Then they would say [I’m] not focused. It was a lot of work to kind of break the mold, break the shape of [what] people would expect a racing driver to be. This is a new day and age, and I’m the new. It’s not for others to decide what I am as a racing driver. It’s for me to discover and kind of watch it unfold. I think it’s been cool because I’ve been doing these different things and then I turn up and win, so they can’t say, really, anything. It’s just that I think we’re all a little different, and we should all strive to be different and shouldn’t shy away from it. But there are people in the world that tend to crawl into their shell and feel that they need to be a certain way because people expect them to be that way.
AM: Do you feel like you get more or less or the same amount of that criticism compared to in the past?
LH: I don’t know, and to be honest I don’t ever read the stuff. I really don’t care. Zero f**** is the term that I use. I know I’ve got my closest people around me. I’m still close to my family. Still have the same values as when I started out. Of course, people that tune in today, they see me at the top. They only see the success. They don’t see everything that I’ve done to be where I am today. People definitely don’t appreciate that. Some people don’t. I’m just trying to get in as much as I can in the time that I have whilst not losing performance. Then I have other things to move on to when I stop rather than being stuck where I currently am, which I would prefer not to be.
AM: Speaking of other things to do, your aunt died from cancer in 2012, and you’ve made a point before about how that impacted you …
LH: Definitely. We all go through some experiences that … they talk about building character and helping you prioritize and redirect your focuses. I think for me with my auntie, I think it was really [the case]. I mean naturally when someone tells you on their deathbed that they had been planning to do these things and then they’ve run out of time—I imagine how that is because a lot of people do that. My mom and friends have worked day in and day out and sacrificed things for the future, and then when you run out of road, you don’t get to do those things. It was definitely sad to see that, and just in that moment my auntie made me promise I was going to live life to the max and do everything and not hold back.
AM: How does that manifest with you?
Growing up in Stevenage, sitting with my mom and not having— We’d walk down to the bus stop to take a bus to town because we didn’t have a car. It’s just crazy to think I have cars now.
LH: Not wait until I’m 40 to go skiing. She was like, live in the now and not … obviously have a balance in the now and in the future, but live now, so for me that’s a massive highlight. That’s what I’m going to do. You just never know when … I’m still of the mindset you just never know when your day is up. A best friend of ours here today, her friend just got a call yesterday from the doctor saying that the friend only has one month to live. When that happens, what are you going to do? Hopefully that doesn’t happen to any of us, but it does happen in the world, and accidents happen, s***. I just want to know that if [my time is] cut short that I did everything up until that point in my life that I could.
AM: How do you manage to do all of the globe-trotting and other things you do between races yet still maintain peak performance in the car?
LH: I think I’m just used to it. My friends always say to me, “I don’t understand where you get the energy,” because I do usually have a lot of energy. I’m doing a lot of things. I think it’s really about how I’m able to switch off between the jobs or between racing. I can completely compartmentalize it, put it in the box, wait, close the drawer, wait until I need to focus on it. It doesn’t drain me.
AM: Is that a key point you’ve learned about human performance over the years?
LH: I guess it’s through trial and error. I’ve put tons of time into training [in the past] and then found it’s actually been worse for my performance if I don’t do anything else and only train every single day, with no other stimulation mentally. I perform worse [with that approach], so then it’s just about bit by bit taking it to here and dividing that 100 percent battery life you have. Dividing it a certain way across the different things that you plan on doing. Have some remaining so that you can use it for the racing. Do you know what I mean?
AM: In terms of dividing that energy, how much of your downtime is spent reviewing data from the racetrack?
LH: Yeah, yeah, that takes a lot of time. All the flights that I’m on, the long flights, I’m studying. When I’m in my hotel room, I’m studying. When I’m at the tracks, I’m studying. When I go back to the team’s factory, we’ll have a meeting, and they’re constantly sending me files and emails regarding car setup. All these different things, and we’ll go back and forth about setup, things we tested with, things that we might want to try. Then all the changes I make through the weekend. I wouldn’t say they use what I dictate, but I lead it. I make a general decision in that respect.
AM: Modern F1 teams collect so much data. How do you sort it all out in limited time?
LH: I have an engineer who’s got massive confidence in me. He knows there are times I come in and I’m like, s***, I’ve got four options of things to change. I’m not quite sure which ones they are, but this is my problem, or this [other thing] is my problem. Then we have that discussion; can we use that one or that one? The majority of the time, for like 90 percent of the time, I come in and I’m like, I need this. I’ve got this understood here. Change, you know, one [minor] setting lower or whatever it may be. That just comes with experience.
AM: Grand Prix cars are incredibly complex; is there one item in particular you absolutely have to get right every week?
LH: There’s not one point. There are so many pieces to the puzzle that have to come together. So tires are crucial, tire temperature, tire usage is of course crucial. [But overall] on-track setup is everything. It’s like, if I explain it like roads, you got a road that’s this length, this length, this length, and longer. You want to set the car up on the one that can go the furthest, basically, in terms of potential. You know what I mean? Sometimes you go on the wrong road with the setup and you limit yourself and you just can’t take it any further. Most times you just hit a wall, but if you get on the right path for the setup, it’s a longer … this is a really bad usage of terminology, but it’s a longer road, so you can really push the car further and expand more and extract more from it.
AM: Do you ever stop and look at your career, 11 years in, and think—surreal might not be the correct word here because everybody’s life is surreal in a lot of ways …
LH: Sure.
AM: But the reality is, your stats are piling up year after year, and you still appear to have a long way to go before you stop. Do you allow yourself to sit and smile about this stuff now, or are you saving those thoughts for when you’re finished in the sport?
Wild life: Hamilton’s Mercedes-AMG duties include assisting with development of the Project One. Despite his jet-setting schedule and an image criticized by some, we found him to be open and engaging during our informal chat.
LH: Yeah, I think for me, I think after I did the last race of 2017 and it just didn’t stop, there was no moment to stop. I just had days and days and days and days of PR events. I was at the factory, in the wind tunnel looking at the new car, the engineers talking to me about how the new car is going to be. Can’t stop for a second, really. Obviously now I’ll go away today and these next days I’ll be off for, so I’ll be sitting down, but I still don’t ever—of course when we talk about it, I’m like, it’s crazy how far we’ve come. But I don’t know. I think my ambition kind of overshadows it or clouds it because I’m just super-ambitious. Done one thing. I’m moving to the next thing. It’s just a tick, you know what I mean? It’s oh, wow, I’ve achieved it. It’s just now the next focus. It’s really, I’ve found a long-lasting game of chess, but there are lots of checkmates along the way.
AM: To your earlier point about maximizing every day, though, you do seem to absorb it as it happens, yes?
LH: You know I have a checkmate in lots of different things, moving to the next, what’s next, how can I better it? How can I grow? I’ve got so many things that I want to achieve, and the only question is—it’s not a question of if I can do it. It’s a question of time. I’m incredibly fortunate to do the things that I do. Look where we are today. I’m landing on the fricking plane this morning, and I’m thinking to myself, this just doesn’t seem real. It’s literally a fricking dream that I live. Because growing up in Stevenage, sitting watching a TV show with my mom and not having—we’d walk down to the bus stop to take a bus to town because we didn’t have a car. It’s just crazy to think I have cars now. It still doesn’t—even for my mom when she comes and sees the things that we have, even for her it doesn’t feel—it just feels weird. I don’t think I mentioned she had jobs and struggled so much. Now we do things, and it’s, I don’t know, it feels good, but it just feels very surreal.
AM: So that was the right word then.
LH: Every single day it feels surreal because it just doesn’t feel like it changes. I like that it does feel that way because if you get used to something, you get comfortable with something, then it’s easier to take things for granted. I don’t feel like my family generally does that, so that’s all about the people around you, grounded people. [I am] very, very, very careful who I select to be around me. I don’t have any weak-minded or negative individuals. I just get the most positive, lovely, real people around me.
AM: If you could talk to yourself at 10 years old and at 22 years old when you came into F1: Knowing what you know now and what you’ve experienced, what message would you deliver to those younger versions of yourself?
LH: I look back at myself, and I meet kids now that are so much more advanced than I was at their age. I was very, very timid, very, very much in a cocoon when I was younger. I didn’t hang around with kids on the weekends. I was super kept to myself, quiet. Yet I was still mischievous and outgoing and [a] daredevil. What I would just say to myself as a youngster and what I would like to do for my kid [one day] is ultimately, a human is like a plant growing, and you have to nurture the plant, you have to keep it watered and help it grow and give it light and those kind of things. Allow it to blossom in its natural form, and a lot of parents today … I’ve got cousins who are being pushed by their parent to do soccer, and often I think a parent’s job is to protect, but they can also be quite restricting. Or teachers or whatever, things force [kids] in an unnatural direction. What I’m saying is, for me I felt that I was held back when I was younger in terms of growing as a character, as a kid.
AM: Was that the system you were in, or … ?
LH: Just lots of things. It was school, it was pressures of not living a kid’s life—which I’m grateful that I went through, but I would just say I would somehow get the kid that I was and try and encourage him to be brighter and grow faster. By the time I really kind of grew into understanding who I was, I was frigging in my 20s, you know? There are a lot of 18-year-olds I see now or 17-year-olds who are so much more, who are already there, knowing what they want to do or knowing who they are, what kind of characters they are. So that’s great to see.
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