#I’m also just having a really really crappy week so I might just be letting stuff get to me
whalehouse1 · 5 months
Me seeing a Jason was such a good student who loved homework and loved reading so much that none of the other Bats could touch him: I’m feeling an extremely strong urge to go through the golden and silver age Robin comics and pull every panel of Dick being comfy in a chair reading. And the admittedly few of him doing good in school. He did hate homework, that is true though.
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wizkiddx · 1 year
bringing him home
complete fluff, sad lando, and not proofread so apologies x
Not to be dramatic but Lando was done. He’d had a crappy weekend of bad luck, damage, bad strategy and also (he would admit) a bad performance. It was the second last race before summer break, which couldn’t possibly come soon enough. 
He felt guilty. Felt guilty he couldn’t of performed more for the team; guilty he let his frustatration show on radio; guilty he’d been in a crap mood and not let the team even try to pick; guilty that he couldn’t let himself sleep on the plane.
It was a form of self torture. But he couldn’t stop.
He had been short with everyone, but especially Jon- who he knew was only ever trying to look out for him. All he really wanted to do was to get home and crash in bed for some more self loathing.
Mumbling a few quick goodbyes to the part of the team on the same flight as him, Lando swiftly turned his back on his friends to make his usual route.
Landing at Heathrow meant he had his usual, lone wolf routine to get back home. A guy he had known for years - Waleed- would pick him up.
Back when Lando lived in Woking, Waleed had been hired by mclaren to drive him to all the events his calendar was packed with. They had a mutual respect for each other but Waleed was a man of few words. Which right now Lando felt like he needed, a familiar face asking how he was might be enough to send the young man over the edge. 
Car park 2, floor 4, bay number 168. 
That’s where he was off to.
Waleed always came to pick him up from Heathrow. When it was good, Lando would invite a few team members of the preorganised coach to join him. And when it was like it was today, Lando would have only his own company to deal with. 
It wasn’t even home anymore, the young driver lived in Monaco and purely came back for mclaren and for social reasons. And right now he fancied neither. 
But duty called.
Cautiously, not to bring about any attention, Lando peeled off from the large group of mclaren workers who were on their way to the coach stop. With his hood up, shoulders hunched and staring at the ground as much as possible he thankfully didn’t garner any attention. He knew this route like clockwork- down the elevators and across the walkway to the multi-storey; get the lift up four floors and walk left to the back corner. 
Everything felt heavy as he dragged his notoriously over packed suitcase across the smooth tarmac. He just wanted bed.
But as he rounded the corner his mood only got stormier. Waleeds car was definetely not around. Instead parked in his space was a beat up black small car. Grumbling to no one in particular, Lando got out his phone to question Waleed - who was normally very prompt and reliable. 
Before he could though, the slam of a car door shutting directed his attention back to the space he was wishing Waleed was in.
“Car park 2, go to level four , park in bay 168. You don’t make this easy do you?” 
Yes it was sarcastic, but I’m the softest,caring and most gentle way. And Lando felt everything in his body and mind sag, with a familiar sigh.
“I got the afternoon off work, so I guess I turned up.” Lando still stood still, a confused look demonstrating to Y/n she needed to explain. “Max texted me and I think Jon told him you weren’t feeling great. Unfortunately, Max said you were now my problem so…” 
Of course, Jon had told on him. And of course, especially after their little ‘manly’ heart to heart a week or so ago, Max had decieded Y/n was actually the greatest comfort to him. 
“is…is it ok that I’m here? I didn’t want to presume but Max-“ she was inturrupted as Lando started taking great strides and threw his arms round her shoulders.
He didn’t verbally reply, instead nodding into her neck and then pulling her impossibly closer, which she assumed to be a sign he were getting a bit emotional. So she just stayed, hugging him tightly back in return.
Her insecurity was not without reason. Lando and y/n had known each other for years, but only got close and started dating 3 months ago. It had been an immediate perfect fit and felt like the most natural thing in the world. 
But this was the first time she was being exposed to his incredibly vulnerable side, and Y/n did not take this lightly. Especially given the fact he hadn’t really had a choice.
After what was probably not more than 30 seconds, Lando muttered a ‘thankyou’ and pulled away so they were face to face. Only then did y/n really see just how exhausted he looked. The normally glowing, tanned skin was abnormally pale and almost clammy. Unsurprisingly his eyes were sunken in- but worse was sort of dullness of his usually brilliant green eyes. He was more than just tired, he was mentally checked out too. 
“Get inside, left the heater on” she smiled warmly before pressing a quick peck to his lips. Following the instructions almost too well, Lando completely failed to remember his suitcase, which still stood aimlessly in the middle of the car park - from where he had first seen his girlfriend. With a sad sigh Y/n walked back to grab it - placing it in the boot before rounding the car to the drivers side. 
“So, we can go wherever you like. Max said Bristol, said your mums keen to see you.” Lando looked motionless at that, so Y/n attempted another option. “ Or you’re welcome at mine, or we could just got the hotel mclaren booked for you?” Impossibly, Y/n saw his face fall further at the last option, which she quickly crossed off her mental list. 
“‘m just really glad you’re here… wanna be with you.”  He kind of looked embarrassed, fiddling with his fingers as he muttered those words - not appreciating the way Y/n started glowing with warmth to it. 
“I’m by your side no matter what… you deciede where you want us to be for these few days.” 
Admittedly Y/n hadn’t planned such a sad way for her to meet Landos family, but they were serious enough that it was only a matter of time, so why not in hsi hour of need? She also firmly believed being around more people who knew him and could comfort him through it all. And, by the way he talked about them, Y/n wasn’t particularly scared to meet them - they all sounded lovely. She just wanted them to like her. 
“You’ll come to my parents?”
“If thats where you want to be then yes, of course I will. “ Lando nodded and tears started to water, just from how overwhelming the weekend had been compared to how impossibly calm he felt now just because Y/n was with him. 
She’d been prepared for this eventuality after Max described just how bad a state Lando appeared to be in, a little overnight bag and Max’s ‘shortcut’ way to get to the Norris family house avoiding the rush hour traffic. When Y/n held Landos eye contact long enough for him to know she was sincere, Lando leaned over the centre console to hug her tightly once again. 
“I’m really really glad its you here.” He wasn’t evn sure if she coulf hear it- but of course Y/n heard. 
“I’m telling Waleed you said that”
Even when he felt thihs exhausted, self-defeated and shitty, Y/n could make him laugh. He pulled back and just watched as Y/n turned the key in car, then started fiddling with her phone. 
“Right my playlist cos i’m driving and I want no complaints ok?” She shot him a fake serious scowl, before reversing out of the space. 
Lando just watched, watched the way she darted her eyes to the rear view mirror every two seconds  as thought she was taking her driving test again. And the way she bit the right side of her lip as she wound her way through the tighter exit ramps of the car park. And the way her fourth finger tapped to the beat of the Bruno Major song playing - such a small movement even Y/n probably hadn’t noticed she was doing it. Even to her crappy music. 
He was only caught out in his staring later, when her little 11 year old vw polo merged onto the motorway towards his childhood home. Predictably she blushed, rolling her eyes at him, whilst remaining lazar-like focus on the road in front. 
“Stop staring  creep.” He didn’t to that statement, choosing to start his own conversation.
“I really love you, you know that?”
“Of course I do, and I love you more.” Uncharacteristically for her normal driving to the rule book, Y/n took one hand off the wheel and rested it on the centre console - holding out for her boyfriends back. “Now, try get some rest hey? I promisse to try and not crash the car while you sleep.”
“I’ve never felt less relaxed.”
But, of course, he was joking and after an 18 hour journey of the equivalent of tossing and turning in an airplane seat, it took all of 5 mins in the safe and warm atmosphere of his girlfriends car to nod off. 
Because for the first time in a couple of weeks Lando was truly comfortable squeezed into the miniature car to the tune of an artist he normally hated. 
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abibliophobiaa · 6 months
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the ghost of you
eddie munson x f!reader. (1.2k words).
warnings: grief; angst; major character death.
It always rained on crappy days. The ones where clients yelled, your boss had you contemplating how much you really needed your job, when coworkers had you ready to toss your notebook across the workroom and shout into the open air just to expel some of the stress radiating from your form.
It also happened to rain on a day you thought you might try and get some fresh air for once, what with the weather warming in Hawkins after a brutal few months. You regretted that decision now — regretted even more so that you left your jacket at home, deeming your blouse enough to keep you warm from the slight chill still clinging to the air as spring turned into summer.
That same blouse clung to your form now. Felt like it was pasted to your body as you flicked on the light to your apartment, illuminating the space. Take away boxes lined the countertops. Your coffee table still had one too many mugs on the surface. The dishes were piled high in the sink. The garbage probably needed to be taken out soon, but you decided that was for another day.
You huffed a sigh, stripping down to your bra as you marched down the short hall into your bedroom, brushing your fingers along the strings of Eddie’s guitar as you always did before pulling out a long tee shirt and slipping it over your form. Jeans were kicked off your thighs and shorts were tugged on to replace them, feet sliding into a pair of slippers on your side of the bed.
Humming to yourself, you began washing the dishes in the sink, listening to voicemail after voicemail left on your answering machine. The last of which being Steve’s voice spilling through the speaker, “Hoping today went well. First day back, right? If you need anything, let us know. Rob and I love you, okay?”
A smile quirked your lips, growing further as a pair of arms slipped around your form, pulling you against a firm chest. “Careful with that knife, baby. You know what happened last time. Can’t afford another ER bill.”
You huffed out a laugh, dropping the knife into the dish rack. “Maybe I wouldn’t have needed three stitches if you hadn’t distracted me that day with your wandering hands, would I?”
“Touché, sweetheart,” he snorted, hopping up onto the counter. “Rough day?”
“Everyone…was fine.”
“Just fine?”
With a nod, you said, “Just treated me differently. Like I was, I don’t know, fragile. Walked around me like they were all on eggshells.”
“And how are you feeling?” he asked, head tipping to the side. “Today was a big day.”
It was. First day back, just like Steve said. “I’m…okay.”
“Just okay?”
“Just…okay.” How could you be anything but? “I missed you. I always miss you.”
“I know,” Eddie sighed. “Baby, you’re wearing a mark into that dish.”
“I’m sorry,” you whimpered out. Tossed the dish into the sink. Sunk down with your back against the kitchen cabinets, knees curled tight to your chest. “I thought I could do it, but I can’t.”
Eddie appeared near your hip, a hand on your shoulder, lips at your temple. “And that’s okay. No one said it needed to be today — or even next week. Hell, not even next year. There are no timelines on this shit.”
“There should be no timeline at all,” you cried, pushing into the heat of his body, the circle of his arms. “It shouldn’t have happened at all.”
“Life is cruel. We don’t always get what we want. We make plans and the guy upstairs laughs, right?” Eddie chuckled weakly, a watery thing, a sound that cleaved your heart. “But you tried. And that’s all that matters. I’m proud of you.”
“It's just…I hate this.” Your head fell against his lap, his fingers curling with your own, his other palm resting against your hip. “It feels like there’s this giant hole in my chest and it’s never going to go away. Every time it beats is a reminder of how different everything is — how unfair it all is. How I’m like this and —”
“It won’t always be this way,” he whispered, holding your fingers tighter, holding you closer. “It’s hard now. It feels like shit now. But every day you’re doing better. You’re smiling more. You’re taking care of yourself. Laughing — and you know I love that laugh. There will be those moments where you’re back there, where you remember. And you’ll always remember. One day you’ll find it won’t hurt as much. It’ll still be there, it’ll have happened, but it won’t feel like this impossible thing.”
“That scares me the most,” you choked out, back of your hand swiping at your eyes. “The pain makes it real. It makes us real. It makes you real. If it goes away…I’m afraid I’ll start to forget. That it’ll have all been a memory.”
“I don’t want to close my eyes some nights, because that’s usually when I daydream, and I’m starting to forget all the lines of your face. The dimple in your smile. Exactly how your hair falls. I forget the sound of your laugh, your voice…I miss the sound of your heartbeat every night.”
You breathed in a shaky breath, heart shattering in your chest. “I’m afraid I’ll wake up one day and you’ll be gone. Forever this time.”
At least now you have him like this.
Like a ghost you dance with every night in your living room.
“I’ll always be with you, you know?” He pushed at your shoulder a little, rolling you onto your back, your head still in his lap. His hand rested over your sternum, over the space behind your ribs where your vital organ twisted painfully. “Right here. Corny as it is, but I’m allowed a pass because I’m —”
“Don’t say it,” you pleaded, cupping his cheek with a palm.
You couldn’t feel him — not really. But you pretended when he visited you like this. Tried to remember, tried to hold on to what once was — what would no longer be.
“I’ll love you forever, you know?”
Tears glowed in his eyes.
Unshed, yet there all the same.
“I died loving you,” he continued, “so it’ll always be true.”
“I think you took some of that love with you,” you whimpered, trying to remember the way his forehead felt against yours as you leaned up to rest yours against his.
“You’ll love again,” he said, though you vehemently shook your head ‘no.’ “Your heart's too big to keep it shut forever.”
“I don’t want to talk about this.”
He smiled softly. “Then we won’t. Not today, okay? Come here. Let me hold you.”
He stood to his feet, holding out a hand to you. You stood in the circle of his arms, cradled in his love, praying that this wasn’t the last time. Just like you did every time he came to visit before it.
“I like this with you — dancing with you in our kitchen.” He whispered the words against the crown of your head. You rested your ear against his quiet chest. “I wish I had told you more…before.”
“You can tell me now.”
“I like dancing with you in our kitchen.”
“Me too,” you told him, swaying to the sound of the rain falling outside. “Please tell me you’ll be back.”
“I will.” A promise. “One day I won’t be, though. And you’ll be okay.”
“But not today?” you pleaded, looking up into those eyes you missed so much.
“Not today.” He sealed the promise with the whisper of a kiss. “Today I just want to hold you.”
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agendabymooner · 1 year
from the ground up ! fernando a. x ofc (professional wrestler!canadian!ofc)
“this life will go by in a blink of an eye but i wouldn’t wanna spend it without you by my side.”
summary: weeks after their 15th anniversary, trish and fernando alonso introduced the newest members of their family to the world. f1 twt were also posting about… everything alonso-related, including the names of their kids (in a loving manner)
content warning: mentions thirsty!grid of years 2023 and 2005, literally fluff, long ass names of the alonso kids, pregnancy/birth announcement, crappy spanish translations + taylor/fernando alonso references
note: i can see you lurking and i just wanna say hi 😩 everything’s been a bit of a flop, i know 🥲 there should be some pierre gasly content otw as well- but idk who else to write for (thinking about este and checo atm)
let me know what you think!! send me an ask- tell me what’s going on, etc. enjoy xx
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[1st image: “back in 2013, your husband - f1 driver fernando alonso - started a rumour about your firstborn’s name being seven something words long. you never addressed anything about it despite it being asked repeatedly. then you confirmed that that’s the case after you had given birth to your second child. the youngest.” trish: she’s not going to be the youngest soon enough but yes.]
[2nd: just for the record, our kids freddy and rey have been given at least three middle names. and since they were both born in spain, their surname follows after what the practices tell us. i didn’t honestly want to tell anyone outside our family about it but nando was so excited that he told his grid friends. sebastian vettel’s the one to basically cause chaos and said “yeah the two named their son after their ancestors.”]
[3rd: it became a recurring topic that would show up once in a while. we don’t like making a big deal out of it — our kids don’t need to have their legal papers be published or spread to the public because they are entitled to the privacy that they have now. though the two have been bragging about their names in front of a camera whenever they could. especially when their papa gets interviewed— oh god, they actually tell everyone their full name.]
[4th: “yes! i remember the press conference with him and the kids!” t: i was hoping that it wasn’t streamed live when they had that but what can i do? it’s already out there hahaha. they’re really proud of their name. “would you be willing to repeat what they introduce themselves as?” t: i might as well. so, their names are frederico hugo fernando patrick and reyna severina odette anastasia alonso staedtlander— don’t look at me like that. i know it’s long.]
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tagged fernandoalo_oficial
liked by lance_stroll, estebanocon, amydumas
amydumas holy shiiii- more godbabies for aunt amy!! liked by thetrishalonso
thetrishalonso i carried them all for you to spoil them!
user1 what’s up with the names 🥲
user2 what are their nicknames?!!!
thetrishalonso tino and tiago 💕
user3 name inspo?!!
thetrishalonso rubén = rubens barrichello and michael = schumi ❤️
lewishamilton oh my god you and rey are outnumbered 😂 liked by thetrishalonso
thetrishalonso there’s no need to point it out 😂
carlossainzjr cannot wait to see the chicos, beatrice!! liked by thetrishalonso
thetrishalonso hurry up, tiago’s waiting to meet his godfather for the first time 😉
estebanocon congratulations, trisha and fernando!! liked by thetrishalonso
user4 look at my bestie, getting noticed by the grid crush of the season
astonmartinf1 just found our drivers 1 and 2 for the 2041 wdc season 💚 liked by thetrishalonso
thetrishalonso freddy’s looking forward for the 2032 season 😂💚
astonmartinf1 he’s welcome to be lance’s no. 2 anytime!
fernandoalo_oficial estoy tan bendecido de tenerte a ti y a nuestros hijos 😍 i’m so blessed to have you and our kids liked by thetrishalonso
thetrishalonso thank you so much for your love, mi amor ❤️
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[translation: i am so incredibly grateful for my wife and her strength to carry not just one, but four children that i am sure i will love and appreciate as long as i can breathe. freddy, rey, tino and tiago, you will always have a place in my heart. freddy, you are an incredible big brother to all your siblings, and i can't wait for you to make them feel proud when you start your career as a racing driver. reyna, you will always be the best girl in my eyes, don't let other people say otherwise, princess. tino and tiago, you are the miracles that your mom and i have been asking for for years and i am always glad that you have come into our lives as nothing but surprises.]
tagged thetrishalonso
liked by nicholaslatifi, mickschumacher, lance_stroll
comments have been limited
amydumas congrats alo!!! i’ve always known i trusted you with trish for good reasons 😉 liked by fernandoalo_oficial
lance_stroll look at tino! he’s just as handsome as his godfather 😎
fernandoalo_oficial eh, you’re not that handsome.
lance_stroll wOW MEAN
sevstaedtlander congratulations nando and trish! their cousins are excited to meet the two liked by fernandoalo_oficial
tillywolff aww 😍 much love from me and the whole pack! liked by fernandoalo_oficial
thetrishalonso thank you tils! we can’t wait to have a play date with the wolff cubs and have you and toto meet the twins!
danielricciardo man you’ve got some balls 🤣 congratulations on the twins, nando and thetrishalonso!
thetrishalonso thank you danny, i can’t wait for your little one to show up too. though word of advice: please don’t refer to the kids as “some balls” ever again 😭
maxverstappen1 me and sylvie are up for babysitting if you ask for it 😉
mickschumacher hell no, i’m watching the alos
charles_leclerc you guys are funny
landonorris the bigger alo kids literally love me. have you been considered a favourite by either? no? exactly.
lance_stroll bold of all of you to assume they’d even allow anyone to watch the kids
carlossainzjr you might be a favourite but me and lance_stroll are the godfathers. so, keep trying nonetheless 👍
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thecomfortgoth · 7 months
Tw: talk about periods and being sick, talk of cramps and feeling sick, talk of just general yucky feeling when sick or having a bad time with your monthly cycle
18+ MDNI
This was absolutely a self indulgent write a few weeks ago when I was sick AND on my period at the same fucking time, but I had not been able to stop thinking about how The Boys (tm) (this means Eddie, Steve and Billy on my blog) would be when you’re sick or having a rough time with your monthly cycle.
Also quick note to say that anyone who has any negative comments or opinions about anything I write (unless it’s genuine constructive criticism) or any of The Boys (tm) , they will be deleted and blogs will be permanently blocked. If you don’t like a character or how someone headcanons them, you don’t have to interact. Please just scroll along.
Pls also accept this as my “I’m sorry Peeping Tom Part 3 is so so so so dreadfully terribly fucking late” offering (I promise it’ll be out soon, I just need some time to work on it and have a lot of work at the moment)
There do be headcanons under the cut~
Steve would be so sympathetic, he’d be all over you the second you mentioned it, showering you with affection and asking you what you need every 5 minutes because he’s so worried about you. He’d be ushering you into your bedroom and grabbing you some comfy pyjamas to change into. He’d be grabbing you a blanket and tucking you in, making you your favourite food (if you can stomach it) and laying with you while you watch any kind of crappy TV you desire. He’d bring you chocolate or candy or any favourite snack of yours and make you hot drinks, kissing your warm flushed cheek every time he came into the room and telling you that you’re still his perfect angel, even if you’re grumpy and moody. He’d be rubbing your belly and your back, telling you he doesn’t care if you have squidgy bits or rolls or stretch marks, he wants to help you feel better and if this does the trick? Then by god hes doing it. He’d maybe even go as far as kissing every single little silvery mark on your skin while he lays on top of you and lets you use him as a heated weighted blanket, your fingers in his perfect hair as you play with it and gently wind it around your fingers absentmindedly. Steve doesn’t mind one bit and will lay there all night if he has to.
Eddie at first, would panic, because he has absolutely no idea what to do. It’s only ever been him and Wayne, and he’s never really had to look after someone when they’re sick or in pain. If you’re on your period, he’d be going to the store to grab you any supplies and may be a little shy about it, but he’d do it anyway because he knows you need it. He would definitely forget to ask you what tampons/pads you normally use, so would end up buying one of each, coming home out of breath and all sorts of discombobulated, clutching them in his arms saying he’s sorry but he just wanted to make sure you were prepared (it makes you giggle when he’s breathless and dramatic all “I didn’t wanna be that guy who texts and asks something stupid like ‘what size pussy you wear’ while I’m in the middle of the fuckin’ pad aisle!”) He’d run you a nice warm bath or a hot shower at least, letting you relax in the water while he sits outside the bathroom door (because he understands you might want some privacy) with his guitar, serenading you softly with some of your favourite songs. Afterwards he’d take you into his room, giving you one of his old band T-shirts to wear as pyjamas, drying off your hair for you and getting you all comfy on his bed, making you a little cosy nest, cuddling you close while you listen to some quiet music and he lets you doze on and off on his chest, playing with your hair and giving you forehead kisses. He does worry a little every time you wince or groan, but he shushes you and runs his fingers through your hair, reassuring both you and himself in the same breath.
Now Billy, he’s dealt with this before. He does have a sister and a stepmum after all. He just knows that you’re probably going to be a little moody and easily irritable if you’re on your period, so he is super super careful about what he says and does, lest he feel your wrath (and because he just doesn’t want to upset you deep down). He’ll immediately grab you a hot water bottle and make sure you’re keeping hydrated, constantly filling up your cup or bottle as soon as he sees you only have a couple sips left in it or scolding you very gently if you don’t drink enough, trying to make you see the importance of it. He’s a man of few words normally, (especially after all the therapy and healing and also meeting you, he’s just much calmer and more peaceful now) but if you get a little upset or sad, he’ll be right there reassuring you that he still loves you and that you still mean the world to him while he lets you play with his hair, something he never lets ANYONE do. He’d be carefully watching you for any kind of change in your expression or noise or twist in your body as you try to get comfortable, and as soon as he does notice it, he’ll be getting up and soon appearing with exactly what it is you need or moving you into a more comfortable position while he wraps his arms around you and snuggles you. It’s honestly so surprising to you to have someone who just knows what you need and when you need it, you’re a little taken aback by it, but in a good way. He’ll hand you things you need with a small smile, shrugging and blushing a little as he tells you it’s no big deal, but secretly he’s super proud of himself for just being so intuitive, picking up on your mood etc easily and putting things he’d learned in the past to good use, he loves to take care of you and would do literally anything for you when you’re sick or in pain.
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herofics · 8 months
Sick, feat Shinsou and Deku
A/N: I picked these two since I haven’t updated either of their wattpad books in over a year, and I wanted to write some MHA stuff. Adults I guess
~Shinsou Hitoshi~
Shinsou had been sick for multiple days now and even though he didn’t have a fever anymore, he was still feeling like absolute crap. He missed you, but he also felt like it was better if you didn’t come over, since he didn’t want to get you sick too. You however, had a different idea.
You had a long weekend coming up, since you had gotten Friday and the next Monday off, and you wanted to spend it with Shinsou. You didn’t want to get sick, but you missed your boyfriend more than you cared about that, so you decided to go over to his place anyway.
You picked up some groceries so you could make him some chicken noodle soup, before making your way over to his place.
Shinsou was basically dying on the couch when he heard the knocks on his front door.
“Don’t tell me…” he sighed, suspecting it might be you.
He put on a face mask, wrapped a blanket around himself and went to open the door.
“Hey babe, I thought you might want some company, and food” you said, raising the bag of groceries.
“I appreciate the thought, but I don’t want to get you sick too”
“I know, but I missed you and I want to help you get better. If I get sick too, we can just take care of each other” you shrugged, pushing your way past Shinsou.
He didn’t really want to say no to you, he had missed you too after all.
“Fine, but it’s your fault when you get sick” he said with a raspy voice.
“Yeah, yeah, now get back on the couch and rest, I’m gonna make you some food” you smiled.
“Soup?” Shinsou croaked hopefully as basically fell back onto the couch.
“Aye” he cheered very tiredly.
You set the groceries down and threw your jacket on one of the chairs next to the dining table. You made the soup, and when it was done you went to wake him up.
“Toooshiii” you stretched out his name as you walked to the couch to tell him the food was ready.
He was asleep, the facemask still hanging on one of his ears but not on his face anymore. You smiled and pulled the mask away, setting it down on the coffee table next to the couch. He was so cute when he was asleep. You decided to just let him sleep. You picked up the blanket that had fallen on the floor and pulled it over him, placing a kiss on his forehead.
“Get your rest, I’ll be here when you wake up” you smiled.
~Midoriya Izuku~
“You don’t need to take care of me, I’ll be fine on my own” Midoriya tried to insist.
“I know, but I want to” you said as you made him a cup of tea.
Midoriya was sitting in the huge armchair, wrapped in a blanket as you handed him the tea cup.
“Thank you” he coughed.
Midoriya had never been sick much, even as a kid. The occasional flu or stomach bug maybe, but he hadn’t felt this crappy in years. He’d been sick for almost a week now and his fever kept going up and down. He wasn’t sleeping properly, because he was waking up to cough in the middle of the night so he was exhausted. He really appreciated you taking care of him, and he wanted you to know that. It just felt a bit odd for him, he was usually the one taking care of people, be it because of his job as a pro-hero or in his day to day relationships. That’s not to say you weren’t there for him any time he needed you. You were his rock, his safe haven, always there for him when he needed you.
“Do you wanna watch a movie or something?” you asked
“There’s a new All Might documentary I’ve been meaning to watch, how about that?” Midoriya suggested.
“Sure, just don’t blame me if I fall asleep in the middle of it” you joked.
Midoriya just chuckled, before that chuckled turned into a cough.
“Oh babe, I wonder what’s going on with you, you’ve never been sick for this long, not in the time I’ve known you” you said as you snuggled next to him in the armchair.
“It’s just a flu, nothing to worry about. I’m sure I’ll be fine in a couple more days” Midoriya assured you.
“I really hope so too” you said and kissed him on the cheek.
He was really warm, his fever was probably spiking again. Midoriya wrapped his arms and blanket around you, so you were both snuggled comfortably next to each other.
Someone certainly fell asleep during the documentary, but it wasn’t you. Midoriya managed to stay awake for almost a half an hour, but after that he was lights out, and you followed not far behind. You fell asleep in each other’s arms, and Midoriya slept better than he had in days.
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sleeplyparks · 4 months
Or: Lazari & Ben have a chat, maybe they realize that they might be more alike to eachother than they seem (all platonic).
CW— moral debate, religious themes
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“Move over.” Lazari says, looking towards him.
He raises an eyebrow: “Say please.”
They look at each other for a moment, and she lets out a defeated sigh, “Please.”
“Please what?” Ben taunts, mainly to be a dick.
She clenches his jaw, “Please move over, you asshole.”
He grins, “Close enough!”
She moves to sit next to him on the coach, and he continues to mindlessly watch a movie on Jeff’s crappy laptop (he may have stolen it).
“Why are you up so late?” She asks.
He eyes the clock— four am, “Why are you?”
“I don’t know,” which isn’t an answer— “do you think that we’re bad people?”
Ben frowns, “We’re no saints.”
“Obviously,” She rolls her eyes: “But do you think that we’re bad people?”
Ben taps his fingers on the keyboard, “Well, would you say that Sally is a bad person?”
Lazari eyes widened, “No, not at all, she's just a kid.”
“There's your answer.” We’re also just kids, goes unsaid.
“We both hurt people.”
“Was it on purpose?” He is reminded of when she first came to the mansion, six years old and covered in blood.
“No, but—”
“Were you just scared?”
She frowns, “I mean, yeah.”
“Then you’re not a bad person.” He shrugs mindlessly, “bad people don’t care about what they did.”
“You killed someone before.” She points out.
“Maybe I’m bad than,” He notes, “I don’t care all too much.”
He spares a glance at her— her hair is frazzled, eye bags as if she had stayed up for more than a week. She looks terrible. He sighs, closing the laptop.
“What's with the philosophical questions, anyway?”
“I don’t know— Just,” She picks at her nails, “I’ve been stuck in my childhood.”
That wasn’t new, the mansion was a magnet for people with bad childhoods— what was new was that Lazari was talking about it. He eyes her, the moment she speaks he makes sure to talk slowly — like approaching a wild cat , or as he thinks looking at her horns, a wild demon. “Yeah, what was that like?”
“My mum,” She hesitates, “wasn’t the best.”
“Wow, couldn’t tell.” He comments, maybe a bit too blunt because she glares at him. “In what way? Drugs? Murder?”
“Very religious.” He frowns— and than eyes her horns once again, and too red eyes, and yeah that would probably be a problem.
He whistles, “That sucks ass.”
“Yeah man, sure did.” She huffs— before looking at him, “what was yours like?”
“Cult, probably.” He shrugs.
She blinks, “Probably?”
“Death is weird.” He says, “I know I was taken and shit, and then underwater I went.”
“Should’ve just breathed.”
“Wow, how helpful.”
“You could be a mermaid!” She defends, “I don’t know.”
Ben rolls his eyes, “If I was a mermaid I would’ve dipped from this place a while ago.”
“Really?” She looks down the hallway— carefully, as if she was about to get in trouble, “Do you think you would leave if it allowed us too?”
He freezes just a bit, watching the hallway: eyeing the walls. You never know when it can be listening, he fiddles with the end of his shirt — choosing his words carefully. “I think I would, leave the forest.”
The forest is a place they can’t leave: a guard between them and the outside world, the only people who could come and go seemed to be the Proxies of the mansion, but even then their life was under the thumb of the Operator.
“I would too,” she whispers. “I don’t know where I would go, but I would.”
He nods, “I don’t know where I would go either, I don’t know if I could go anywhere.”
Lazari makes a face, but it’s true — no one really knows what happens when a ghost who the Operator has collected goes out into the real world. Maybe he’ll be solid like he is in the mansion, or maybe he would cease to exist.
They go back to silence.
He taps his fingers along his thigh, and focuses on the deathly quiet that is the mansion — he wonders briefly if any of the others were awake like Lazari and him were. Somehow along the way he starts to think once more on Lazari’s question.
“I don’t think we’re bad people,” he says, “I think we’ve done bad things, but I don’t think we’re bad people.”
“Hurting anyone is a sin,” she counters: though her voice is monotone, as if repeating something told to her. Ben doesn’t look at her, instead he looks through the window. “I don’t want to be a bad person.”
“Lulu’s hurt someone before, does that make her bad?”
Lazari opens her mouth — closes it, and then opens again. “I don’t— I don’t know.”
“I don’t think you can focus on if people are good or bad, thats not how life works.” He says, “Alot of things aren’t just black and white, I think the mansion is a good example of that.”
The demon picks at her nails again, before nodding. “You’re probably right,” she speaks slowly and he blinks.
“Woah,” he starts, “I can’t believe Lazari Swann admitted that I’m right! This is life changing.” He grins, and ducks to avoid the slap to his head.
“You’re a dumbass.” She snorts, “just a bundle of stupidity.”
“That's rude, Lazzy.”
Her nose scrunches up. “Ew, don’t call me that.”
“What about — demon girl?”
“That’s just not creative.”
“It's four am, I don’t have the brains to be creative.”
“Do you even have brains?” She raises an eyebrow.
He gasps in mock hurt, “Can’t believe this! After we had a bonding moment too.”
“We did not have a bonding moment, I still dislike you.” While her words are harsh, there's no actual heat behind them, which means she must like him, just a little.
“Yeah, okay, I hate you too.” He utters, ignoring the roll of her eyes.
Its quiet for a moment before she starts talking again — “Wanna make hot chocolate?”
She shrugs, “I’m thirsty, and I don’t think you’re going to bed anytime soon.”
Well, looking at the clock, he supposes she's right— its nearly morning, which will mean that Tim will be waking up soon to go on morning patrol around the woods. “Yeah sure.”
“Cool, I’m gonn’ put salt in yours.”
“You wouldn’t.” He thinks for a moment, “Okay maybe you would.”
She barks out a laugh, and he grins — it takes way longer than it should to make, but he ends up with no salt in his, and he thinks that's a success.
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yes-i-am-happyaspie · 7 months
Do you know any sick Tony stories with Peter caring for him❣️♥️
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Yes! I know quite a few!! Including a handful of my own. Haha! HEre are some of my favorite Sick Tony Stark & Peter Parker fics (In no particular order)
List below the cut!
Tony Stark is a Terrible Patient by sdottkrames @sdottkrames Rated G
Peter had been warned that Tony Stark is a terrible patient. Luckily, he’s got a few tricks up his sleeve to help his mentor feel better.
Even Sick, I’m the Hero by the Spider-Man alt (counterclaw) Not Rated
Unofficial parental duties don’t end, even when you get sick taking care of your unofficial son.
Lights and Sounds by xxx_cat_xxx @xxx-cat-xxx Rated T
“Just let it out, okay?” The kid has jumped out behind him, hovering at his side. He tries to pat his shoulder, but Tony flinches away. Everything hurts. Holes are being drilled into his skull, but they do nothing to relieve the pressure. It just increases with every retch, until he is sure that his head will burst open any moment. He can’t see anymore, and he catches himself wishing he would pass out, just to make the pain stop. --- Tony has a migraine while spending the day with Peter. When trying to hide it proofs futile, he is secretly glad to have people around who will take care of him.
Cortisol Control by Sara (ctrsara) @ctrsara Rated G
Boss, you have not eaten since 6 PM yesterday, and your blood sugar is low. You should eat something.”
Tony rolled his eyes at FRIDAY, and continued to mess with the toaster. It had been sticking lately, and Tony had it in pieces across the counter. Should be an easy fix, which he desperately needed right now.I’m
When Tony won’t listen to FRIDAY, she decides to enlist some help.
Give the Kid an Oscar by whumphoarder @whumphoarder Rated G
Poor kid—he looks utterly miserable. And if anyone should know how much migraines suck, it’s Tony.
Lack of Self-Care by happyaspie Rated T
With Pepper out of the country and a plethora of projects requiring his attention, Tony fails to participate in any kind of self-care. As a result, he’s overcome by a pounding headache. At some point, Peter shows up with a guilt-inducing look of harried concern.
Sticky Sickie by lemonlillybee @lemonlillybee Rated G
Tony is recovering from an illness in bed, and Pepper wants him to stay in bed, so she calls in reinforcements to make sure he does. Reinforcements being a certain spider-kid, who might also be sick.
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood by ambivalentangst @ambivalentmarvel Rated T
Tony Stark is sick.
Peter Parker is tasked with bringing him food.
It’s not Peter’s fault some stuff comes up along the way.
Or, Spider-Man is out and searching for soup on a Saturday, but nobody—with the exception of Tony, whose complaints Peter is growing increasingly skilled at ignoring—says he can’t multitask and help his city at the same time.
Laughter is the Best Medicine by happyaspie Rated G
Tony is sick and Peter just really wants to make him feel better.
I've Got 102 Problems by Sara (ctrsara) @ctrsara Rated G
Tony Stark had been having a pretty crappy day. He’d woken with a tickle in his throat and a headache. Pepper had only been home for two days that week before she got called to some kind of crisis at Stark Industries-Malibu, so he’d been alone since yesterday morning. His fancy coffee maker had randomly broken, and the new one wouldn’t be there until late that afternoon (because it was coming in from France). And now his AI was giving him all kinds of pushback. -------- Peter shows up for his internship, and Tony isn't doing too hot. Or, he's doing way too hot, since he's burning up, but won't admit that he's sick.
Bonus! Ned Taking Care of Tony (*whispers* Give it a chaaance.)
Ned Leeds: Jack of All Trades by happyaspie Rated G
Tony is sick, Pepper’s out of town and Peter has been left in charge. But when a half-man half-monster looking guy starts attacking the city Peter does the only rational thing he can think to do. He calls in the reserves, and asks Ned to take care of Tony while he ducks out to save the day.
Ned’s responsibilities as Spider-man’s ‘guy-in-the-chair’ continue to evo
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imbadatwrighting · 2 years
Dude if your writing for Stanley uris could I ask for x trans male one where the reader is absolutely completely in love with him but he hasn't transitioned yet and they don't know whether or not Stan accepts people like him so he ask bev for advice cause she like already knew a stuff. If not that alright but I've had this idea for a while and I can't write sooo....
I don’t think I’m really good at writing trans reader so I apologize if it’s kind of crappy but I tried so 🤷‍♀️also I tried to write this as an one shot but I didn’t like it so I changed it to Head-canons
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Pairing: Stanley Uris x Closeted Trans! Male reader
Honestly the only person that knows you’re trans is Beverly
She knew before you did-
She also knows about you big crush on Stanley
You and her talk about him at your house while she gives you a shoulder massage
You tried to reciprocate that but it didn’t work out that well, so let’s just say it’s never going to happen again
She tried to be your wingman and she’s was honestly good at it…. Sometimes
Other times she’ll go one showing pictures you took of Stan to him
I mean it does help you a lot and always make him blush and like you a little bit more but not so much for you as you just think he’s embarrassed and doesn’t like you talking photos of him
When you finally muster up the courage to ask him out he of course says yes which is amazing in the moment but of course makes you realize that you will now have to definitely tell him your trans which isn’t going to be the most fun in the world
Cue complaining to Beverly now about having to put yourself to Stan instead of the usual ‘Im in love with Stan’ stuff
But even though you were talking to Beverly you still couldn’t tell Stan about it
Until after the whole Pennywise situation
I mean after getting stabbed your self and Stan almost getting his face bitten off from Pennywise, it’s a safe bet that you would want to tell him before he died
Especially after realizing he might not have a lot of year to live
Random thing but Beverly wanted to tell you so bad about not seeing Stan in the future but every time you would talk about him made it worse and worse until she just decided that she couldn’t
Who knows it might not even have been that big of a deal… right?
When you finally got to muster up your courage to tell him my boy Stan was so understanding and happy for you
You and him ever other week will go out to shops and by some more boy viewed clothing
Honestly it’s so sweet
And not at all what you thought would happen-
I mean you expected something more of him not accepting you and finding you as ‘weird’ and ‘abnormal’
Which of course was never something that was going to happen
It doesn’t matter that Stan has different views for the world
When it’s about you he’s the kindest man in the world
Omg if you wanted to get your hair cut-
He would go with you during it and might get like a trim for himself too
He would be so happy for you
But if you didn’t then that’s ok too
He tries so hard not to push your boundaries and make you happy
But the only thing that he pushes is the fact that your closeted
Honestly he doesn’t care about that stuff
You could also tell them that you two are dating and if you guys get hate then you get hate
It’s not going to stop him from loving you
But if anyone was outright mean to you about switching your gender-
It doesn’t matter if you can handle it yourself or don’t care he will be your #1 defender for life
If he had to growl and bark in order for you to not be made fun of for something you can’t control then so be it
He might like it you’ll never know until you try 🤷‍♀️
Overall this boy is literally the sweetest boy out there and he will always be there for you no matter what
I think I did pretty good for my first time writing something like this but I don’t think I’m going to be doing trans readers often :(
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theangelssing · 2 years
Special Valentine’s Day with the Winchesters
you’re Sam’s twin and so, Dean’s sibling. gender neutral!reader
warnings: light swearing.
a/n: based on the first season; 787 words; happy Valentine’s day you guys <3
prompt: after a hunt you’ve the opportunity to rest at the city’s motel but while Sam and you were asleep, Dean was preparing some gifts.
a sweet and fluffy Valentine’s Day because you can platonically share presents with your siblings too
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It was the 15th of February, really early in the morning or really late in the night, not the 14th but not fully the 15th. You had a hard day with your brothers – and a hard half-night too – because of some crappy ghosts. You’ve barely reached your bed to crash on it when you saw Dean suddenly really interested by his bag. Not that he couldn’t, but you never saw him as interested as that time. Because you were too tired to say anything, you just tried to doze off for a moment.
 You were awakened by the sound of someone moving around you. You opened your eyes only to see Dean with something in his hands. After rubbing your eyes, you searched for Sam, and saw him asleep in the bed near yours. Seeking the attention of your oldest brother, you moved your body on the sheets as if you wanted to sit on it. Dean turned immediately to face you, a surprised look on his face.
 “Did I wake you up?” he asked, looking really concerned.
“Mmh…” was your only answer as you were staring at the something in his hands. Now that you could see what it was, you discerned a small package, black with some blue doodles on it. You were too curious not to ask what it was for, but Dean hid it as soon as he understood what you were staring at.
“It’s nothing. Try to sleep, Sib,” he tried to answer but you weren’t satisfied by that, you wished to know more, to know what your brother was up to, but you also understood that he wouldn’t give you an answer, or at least not yet, so you decided to let it go.
 You went to the bathroom to brush your teeth and to put on your pajamas and by the time you’d returned in the room, Sam was awake too, talking with Dean. You frowned at your two brothers and the oldest one stood up.
“C’mon Sib, sit next to Sammy, I’ve something for both of you,” he said with a small smile. You were curious but also afraid what might be the something, but you still sat with your twin on his bed. Looking at him, he was as lost and clueless as you, also woke up by Dean in the middle of his sleep. “Better be worth it, Dean,” he told him.
 Dean faced the two of you with two small packages, the one you saw earlier and one reddish or orangish with small green letters. You thought it came from an old Christmas present but didn’t say it out loud.
“Look, I know we aren’t the 14th anymore and I’m sorry for that, but I know Sib wanted to try all the Valentine’s Day’s shit. Nothing really huge dudes, but it’s for ya,” Dean said while giving you the gifts.
“Wait you bought us Valentine presents?” Sam asked, a small smile on his lips. Dean rolled his eyes and handed him the package.
“Just take it,” he said and Sam and you did so. The reddish one was for you and the black one was for Sam.
 You opened it at the same time your twin opened his and both of you discovered a small book, an old one from when you were really young. You remembered having read it with Sam, your first buddy read together for sure, while the three of you were staying at an old and dirty motel. You were afraid of a storm and the old motel’s owner gave the small book to Sam and you. You remembered it as the first fantasy book you’ve ever read and it have kept you entertained for almost two hours straight. By that time the storm had stopped.
 “How…” you wanted to ask more but you were too stunned to speak, not believing what was just happening.
“I found them a week ago, before we headed here, to be honest. I saw them and thought it would be a great idea. Couldn’t wait ‘til Christmas ‘cause I didn’t want to lost them,” Dean replied because he knew what you wanted to ask him. “No thank you or cheesy sentences, though, just return in your beds now. Take it as an end-of-hunt gift,” he added, knowing both of you damn too well, but you couldn’t help and only mumbled a ‘thanks’, just as Sam.
“Damn shining twins, go to bed already, it’s late for babies like ya,” Dean knew you too well not to see your lips moving and as he was heading to his own bed, you shared a last look with Sam, each one with your copy of the book in your hands.
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tutuandscoot · 11 months
Part three of the interwiew moment feels thing. Is Scott dissing current ice skating saying they grew up in an era where they had to take risks? Also i find the fact that they sometimes choose what to do based on what would be more unexpected hilarious. And Scott mentioning Suzanne by name saying she sort of lay the groundwork for that, like yea give that woman all the credit she deserves. Oh and them talking a lot whenever they do meet up now thats really endearing, sort of derailing the interwiew. Their parents waking up at 4 in the morning every day for years oh they really must have loved seeing their kids doing what they loved, it seems like a small thing but really its huge, how much they did for their kids. And the train analogy is nice and Scott saying he really likes it too when tessa is wondering if shes taking it too far. They really support each other so much. And them ending the interwiew saying they wouldnt be where they are without all the people supporting them. Its a really nice way to end the interwiew not focusing on themself but on others. And yea thats the interwiew. I hope this wasnt too rambling for you. If I manage to form more coherent thoughts about parts of this, il send you another ask. But yea the interwiew had a really nice vibe to it, being serious but not at the same time.
No this was a more coherent summary than I could’ve done!
This bit about their parents sacrificing so much for them:
So heads up I’m not a parent and I’m an only child so i might be speaking out of my arse here and of course every family situation is different
Disclosures out of the way;
When I was growing up dancing and being super into it and quite talented- starting to look for more opportunities out side of just my crappy dance school, my mum would basically drop everything for me. She wasn’t a single parent but she basically was bc my dad did nothing for me in this respect, she had one part time job that didn’t pay much and every single cent went to me and my dancing. I didn’t have the early wake ups like vm did thankfully but I had to travel really far away to get better training. She would pick my up from school after work 3 days a week and we would drive 2 hours away for 4 hours of dance, finish at 9 and drive home for 2 hours while I sleep in the car and the next day I would have to be at school at 6 am for school dance, then there was the exorbitant fees for training, pointe shoes, uniforms, physio, competitions, travel- my first international competition I got to the finals and she didn’t have enough money left to get a ticket to watch me, so she waited in the dressing rooms listening over the sound system.
She did so much for me and when I stopped dancing due to my back problems she layed an enormous amount of guilt on herself thinking it was her fault/ she shouldn’t have let me pursue this when my back condition developed bc it ended in so much pain and heart break. That was really hard for us and we fell out of our very close relationship over that grief, but we’re now getting back on better terms.
(I’m sorry this is a little life story)
On the contrary:
My best friend growing up who I danced with, she was one of 3 kids and her family was far more well off than me, she did dance and gymnastics- I’m pretty sure at one point she was national level at gymnastics. Anyway, one day her mum said to my mum “I could never do what you do for your daughter (me)”.
Now she had 3 young kids, worked full time, understandable it would be hard to take her daughter all around the place.
But VM’s parents did it.
They both have multiple siblings, yes some of T’s were much older when she was a child starting skating, but Scott’s were closer in age. T’s parents worked full time- her grandma helped out a lot. Skating is RIDICULOUSLY expensive and very hard to get funding for- a lot of adult skaters work other jobs to support themselves. They did it- they did all that for their kids- their youngest kids at that which a) in a way the others were older and could take care of themselves more but b) raising kids is expensive and again I’m not a parent but I imagine by kid 3 or 4 this gets exhausting- so now having the last kids to be born in each family be the ones doing the most and having the most insane- as VM said, depraved lifestyle full of strictness most kids don’t ever insure- their parents still did that for them.
This is not a comment on good and bad parenting- as I said people have different situations- but there are some that really do go above and beyond and don’t let anything/ don’t make excuses for themselves as parents for not giving their children everything to succeed- VM’s parents are incredible they deserve so much credit for what wonderful children they raised- NO MEDIA TRAINING- they were just raised so well to be kind and empathetic and appreciate every opportunity to afforded them.
Parents of the freaking century!!
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fluffy-critter · 7 months
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catfuyus · 1 year
What if I asked to hear more Abt your racer mikey self ship 🥺🫰
noooo ! if you ask about my mikey selfship I’ll never be able to shut up about it ! 😂😂 but okay fine only because u asked 😏💕😂
The fun part about Mikey’s job is that it doesn’t actually keep him super busy ! He practices on the track a few times a week and is expected to keep himself physically fit for the other half. That means when he’s not hanging around the boys at work, he’s usually being a menace and bothering me at our shared apartment 😂 he gets weekends off and is usually home before I am. This completely changes during racing season tho !
& he technically has his own place ! a much nicer apartment in downtown roppongi that he still rents despite spending all his time in my crappy studio. I think he keeps it just in case anyone else needs it, emma & draken will borrow it from time to time, and it’s nice to have a place to crash when we go out drinking
despite him having his own place, he refers to my apartment as his, and the other one he refers to as the “spare” >_> sometimes when I joke about him paying for half since it’s our apartment he agrees too quickly and I’m like wait !! I was joking !! 😂
we spend most of our weekends with emma & draken and babysit whenever they ask ! which isn’t too often & we’ve gotten pretty good at it x3 we don’t see takemichi as often as we see Kenchin, but when we do mikey loses it 😂 he is so clingy !! literally like a puppy jumping all over him and dragging him around ! sometimes they go off and do their own thing and that leaves me with hina to complain about him 😂
there have been a few several occasions where mikey’s asked if takemichi can move in 😂 and I’m like “when did you move in ??” but he asks again and I have to remind him that takemichi is married and we have to share custody with hina ! 😂
he definitely gets way more tattoos as a professional after dating me than he did before ! I’m tryna get all tatted so whenever I go in for one he ends up getting one too x3 we don’t have any matching ones yet but he somehow managed to jump ahead of me and got a full sleeve finished. he also has a neck tat, knuckle tats, and song lyrics script in my handwriting under his collar bones.
still no jewelry ! though his ears are pierced. he has a silver ring he sometimes wears on his right middle finger (with my name engraved on the inside) but he only wears it on non-racing days (‘cause the metal hurts his hand the harder he grips the handles when he’s serious !) when he can’t wear it it hangs from a chain around his neck x3
he doesn’t dress any better as an adult ! loves baggy, comfortable clothing and even steals my oversized shirts sometimes ! he’s always in sweatpants at home and if we go out he’ll prob still be in something he wore to the gym earlier.
we both dye our hair black & it’s always messy ! he lets me play with it whenever and sometimes he lets it go blonde when I tell him I miss it that way 🥺 dying our hair together is a bit of a bonding experience though and he always just ends up dying it again anyway 😂
mikey is generally pretty laid back and nonchalant, I think being in a relationship really stabilizes him in a way he didn’t expect. like yea he’s clingy sometimes and sometimes won’t get out of bed, but it’s a very relaxed relationship that feels very secure & safe 🥺 we hold hands when we go out, or sometimes he’ll have an arm around my waist. steals food off my plate and leans his chin on my shoulder when he gets tired. everything is very natural & supportive & I think it gives him a sense of belonging that he doesn’t usually feel outside of his friend and family group. like he used to wonder who he’d be without them, and now he’s like more secure in who he is as an individual. like he’s capable of building his own life without the worry that he might be too destructive
And yea !! I’ve been talking about this for WAYYYY too long !! 😂😂 thank you for letting me ramble on endlessly ! I just have so many thoughts about my baby in this little selfship 🥺💕 I have EVEN MORE thoughts about him but I think I’ve been rambling for long enough 😂😂
I WANNA HEAR ABOUT U & HANMA THO !! Tell me about your selfship too !! 😂
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sopejinsunflower · 2 years
hey, i just your update about how you’re feeling and wanted to check in on you 🥺
I hope youre doing okay, and take time to take care of yourself. You could be experiencing the beginnings of burnout from work, so (if possible, i get how it hardly ever is) I would take a couple of days off and just let yourself vibe? Whether that be by watching cartoons (hell yeah!) or rewatching that movie you’ve seen thirty thousand times or even just listening to music! Also, endorphins and fresh air!!
One way I know if I’ve been depressed (I’m diagnosed major manic depression) is when my space is dirty. So I run through my checklist of things: clean, eat, sleep, shower, talk, exercise. If I’m still down after all of those and none made me feel better I mention it to my therapist (when i was still going.) You could always try this if you want!!
Sorry if i sound pushy or anything, just want to say heres somethings that might help, and you can always message me if you want to talk too!
saranghae 💜💜💜
I literally cried reading this 😭 thank you for this lovely message and reminders. I attribute my sink being full as my mental state but then again i hate doing the dishes so who knows 😅
You don’t sound pushy at all! I had needed this, to sort of validate my feelings and not think I’m being a big baby. A three-day weekend is coming up so I’m looking forward to just rest. The weather is in between the season’s changing so it’s been crappy. Idk, maybe I got over sensitive about the way my colleague asked about yesterday when I should have pointed out that it was no way my fault but now I got this in my head that everybody thinks I’m a shitty worker. I usually don’t care about these little things but when you’re vulnerable everything gets to you 😞
Thank you for taking the time to write this to me. I really appreciate it. I’m going to try and do the list thing just to make myself feel a little more accomplished? Better? Idk. I don’t wanna mope around but I also don’t wanna do anything, yknow? 😅 hoping to get through this week!
I hope you take care of yourself too! Idk where you are but season’s changing is a weird phase i guess 😅 i hope yours is better than mine cuz Japan’s autumn also means typhoon seasons HA!
This got long! Thank you again for reaching out. Saranghaeeee 💜
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littleblackwing · 2 years
Haha, making a blog-post on my tumblr other than just reblogging all the good stuff? What is this? Well, anyway, I just wanted to share some thoughts and it felt like twitter is not the best for this.
Soooooooo... I started learning Japanese! And your first thought might be “oh yay, good for you!” or “you are crazy” and I agree with that. I feel crazy but at the same time I’m curious, scared, overwhelmed and lost sometimes, I’m also motivated and I feel all sorts of different emotions. It’s going okay so far, I started last weekend and by now I know all hiragana/katakana (with katakanas I still don’t know all the combinations but oh well...). Also, the added challenge is that I’m doing this with English resources and obviously I’m not a native speaker but I think I can manage it somehow (since the resources in Hungarian are just... kinda crappy and old school, sigh...).
I want to document this journey a little bit so I hopefully won’t lose my motivation or goals. Although documenting is a pain and so is learning something new. Because let me tell you... I’m the most curious person about things but if I lose interest or something else happens... I tend to procrastinate and not just for a shorter time but for longer (or I just lose interest forever). And I hate that part of myself and I have been trying hard since last year to change it. It’s going really slowly but hey! I continued crocheting that blanket I want to send to my buddy. Also, I read some books (even though they were “only” light novels) and continued some others hobbies. So I think that’s an improvement?
At the beginning of January an ad popped up on Facebook for an online course about Japanese and I was curious and it bugged me, I almost submitted the application but then I didn’t. I wanted to read about it a bit more, think about if it would be worth it and then a few days later I decided I’m gonna apply. Then I went to this site but turned out I waited too long and didn’t check properly the sign up deadline, I was two days late. :D I was a bit bummed and angry at myself for not checking the deadline properly but I thought I would sign up in March when a new study group starts up. I was fine with this idea for a week or so but then it started bugging me again... I read tofugu’s advice on learning Japanese but it seemed a bit scary even though it felt the most efficient way and I knew I wanted to learn it as efficiently as possible. So I started reading about what else is there and found a few posts like this from Bonyari Boy and then u/SuikaCider‘s post on reddit and their live google document. They all seemed to be talking about the tofugu way but the way they described it seemed more possible to do it than tofugu’s guide. What does this mean? Basically, ditch learning the kanas by writing them over and over again for at least a month, just learn them under a few days and later you can learn the writing as well. Then start learning the kanjis using mnemonics and at the same time/or after you know like a few hundred, start learning grammar. That’s it in a nutshell, it seems easy enough right? I mean, there are obviously a lot more going on than this but it kind of motivated me. I started looking at the offered options to learn the kanjis and decided for now to try out the WaniKani site and then learn about Anki in the meantime. Also, every single one of these documents suggested to set up a goal you would like to achieve so I have a few in my mind. I mean it’s obvious that 86 is a big part of it right now but even if in a few years I won’t be so invested I’m going to be forever a weeb and there will be new stuff that may have a manga/light novel not translated to English and I will want to know what it is about. Or just understand some of the youtuber’s I watch without subtitles and some live events aaand those Japanese artists I follow on twitter, I want to know what they are tweeting about (or the little comics they post, it’s so tiring to use Google Translate and it kept translating poor Fido’s little “Pi” to “Bitch” - that was hilarious, though). And yes, it will take time (please Szi don’t give up ) but I was thinking if I can keep learning it intensively every single day for at least an hour it may take only a year or two... and that is such a little part of my life. I guess it’s just creating a habit out of it and placing it in my routine. It’s not easy as one day is only 24 hours long and I have to work, do chores and other things but yeah, here I go!
Well, this was a long read and if you are still here whoa, thanks! I can’t guarantee I will keep this up to date but I wrote this as a draft like 9 days ago and posting it now and since then I’m still doing WaniKani every day, so maybe there is hope? 
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lifewithoutmeds · 2 years
December 24, 2022
Christmas Eve, Saturday afternoon, currently signing in at 1:51 p.m.
chores done: Drank Athletic Greens Took Meds Showered Read 10 pages of Your Money or Your Life Made bed Ran vacuum Washed dishes Checked mail
Left to do: Journal, maybe read a bit more, maybe run vacuum and wash dishes once more. tidy up a few things.
i feel much better than i did since i last wrote. i feel less used, and we had a talk about how i was starting to feel like a pit stop and she’s been better at checking in, letting me know when she has time available, and i put up a calendar in the hallway so that we could write in our days/times off and coordinate hang out sessions. i’ve seen much more of her in this past week than in the week or so prior.
i feel now that as much as i’m a transitional phase for her, so is she to me. in learning that i just don’t want to be a helper, that i want to be more present, more active, more ... important to a person, is making me realize that i want and “deserve” more out of a relationship if/when i ever get to one.
in the mean time, i want to really work on myself.
2023 resolutions/goals: Lose (at least) 30 lbs by the end of the year Read (at least) 10 books by end of the year Upload (at least) one youtube video weekly (52 by end of year, total) Save (at least) $10,000 by end of the year Create a will by end of the year Operate at (at least) 4 farmers’ markets’ by year end
Accountability actions: Weekly/quarterly weigh ins Monthly/quarterly financial check ins
It’s been a while since i’ve had some hope and some real goals/resolutions for the new year, but things need to change, and i need to do some serious work in/on myself and have some faith in my abilities/personhood.
i’d also like to regularly schedule social events and such, but considering my other goals, they’d hopefully be somewhat active and cheap(er) in nature.
i genuinely don’t think i’m as into lorena as before. she is a friend, and a great one, and we get along great together, and i’m glad she’s here and that we met. but watching her so actively be with and fall in love with someone else and watching her make someone else a priority and deprioritizing me and everyone/everything else is as much as a crush-killer/ego-killer than anything else i can think of.
What the next few days will likely look like: December 24/Christmas Eve: Lorena’s not going to work so we’ll probably hang out. maybe make dinner? grab chinese food? she said she’d be in around noon but then updated that it’d be later and it is now 2:00 p.m.
December 25/Christmas: 9:30 a.m. Christmas service at Lake Avenue with my mom and eemo, followed by lunch. not sure what the afternoon will look like. maybe swing by my dad’s and/or lana’s. lorena will be going to a family/family friend’s at rancho cucamonga in the afternoon.
December 26/Day (Observed): might go fishing if no one else is doing anything, then making mandoo in the afternoon/evening.
Lorena just called, laughingly apologetic, saying she was coming over now, and am i mad, and i found myself somewhere between fake-angry and actually irritated. i feel like she gets lost in the moment, and doesn’t take into account other people’s times/plans, but then doesn’t want to feel bad about it either, and maybe i want to make sure that she at least knows that it’s kinda crappy to just keep dangling times/promises in front of people that can’t be delivered.
she was like, let’s exchange gifts now and i’m like oh on the phone? oh ok that makes sense guess i’ll send you a gift card that you can open via email and she laughed, possibly not understanding how literally i was taking her.
anyhoo, feeling agitated now LOL.
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