#I’m scheduling this for may 20th if it appears god bless
tiffannythecat · 4 months
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Holy shit they spawned in
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/20th-july-2020-new-moon-black-moon-29th-degree-cancer/
20th July 2020 ~ New Moon & Black Moon 29th Degree Cancer
20th July 2020 ~ New Moon & Black Moon 29th Degree Cancer
 From Sarah Varcas
  Choose Love, Choose Life!
All dates are UT
This black moon – the second of two new moons in the same zodiac sign – arrives at a time of immense change and uncertainty the world over. In Cancer, the sign of true family, it reminds us that we cannot and does not live apart from others, no matter how isolated our existence may at first appear. In the past few months, we’ve been taught to fear each other, to withdraw into our homes, behind masks, two meters apart. To abandon the everyday expressions of intimacy and affection that affirm our humanity: a handshake, a hug, a smile to a stranger, an arm around the shoulder in a time of distress, or a handheld in moments of intimacy. For some, even sexual intimacy – the most private and personal expression of openness and trust – has been denied by governmental sanctions on who’s allowed to commune with who, how, and when.
What is health anyway?
The assumption that this is all in the interests of our health raises important questions about what health actually is and what really compromises it. Do we truly stay healthy by avoiding each other, fearing each other, dehumanizing each other into disease vectors? Or do we remain healthy by freely expressing love and affection, by socializing and sharing intimacies? By enjoying the freedom to live a positive and creative life right now, not one diminished by the dread of the present and fear of the future. Do we, in fact, remain healthy by embracing life, including its risks and challenges, knowing that in doing so we are telling our bodies, minds, and spirits that life is not to be feared but to be lived, experienced, and savored? That even those things that we fear have the wisdom to share if we let them.
When triggered by fear, Cancer retreats into ‘us and them’ mentality. Suspicion grows, self-preservation takes over. We withdraw from a relationship with all but those we deem ‘safe’: our closest circle of trusted people who we cherish absolutely and without hesitation. Don’t get me wrong, Cancerian cherishing is a beautiful thing. It feeds and nourishes us at all levels. Expressed as a lovingly cooked meal as much as a heartfelt declaration of love and support, it helps us feel safe when we’re under attack and protected when we feel vulnerable. It is the overwhelming love of a mother for her new-born child or the coziness of a crackling fire and a steaming bowl of soup when it’s icy cold outside. We all need some of this nurturing, even (and especially!) as adults. But it’s diminished when our love for those around us is defined by our fear of those outside that circle of trust.
This fear of the ‘other’ is being vigorously stoked by mainstream narratives in the media and political discourse these days, which is why this black moon feels so important. Because it reminds us that these narratives only take hold when we let them. They only become ‘true’ when we act them out and propagate unhealthy suspicion rather than nurture a healing sense of community.
Hold fast to inner wisdom
Saturn opposes this Moon, suppressing our sensitivity, intuition, and relationships if we let it. But we don’t have to! The ‘expert’ pronouncements – new ones every day it seems – are rarely, if ever, incontrovertible fact, despite their representation as such. For every voice saying one thing, there’s another saying something else. But that second one is likely being silenced, ridiculed, censored, or banned. This is Saturn in Capricorn opposing a black moon in Cancer: the authorities (Saturn) decide the narrative and shape it accordingly. As a result, we become increasingly estranged from our inner knowing and wisdom (Moon in Cancer) about what’s truly best for us in the unique circumstances of our life. This is how we lose our instinctive relationship with a higher truth, rendering us even more vulnerable to the ‘truths’ of those who many would not trust on any other matter! Truths designed to spread the virus of fear.
Introducing my mum!
I’ve thought about my own mother many times in recent months. She died five years ago and I’m glad she’s not alive to witness the world we’re living in today. In her twilight years little was more important to her than her freedom to ‘pop to the shops’ as she put it. This was her community. She would chat to the people at the bus stop, in the checkout queue, behind the till, and was always ready to smile and exchange kind words with a stranger or reach out a steadying hand to help someone frailer off the bus.
When I was a child my mum taught by example the value of reaching out to those around us in the course of our every day. I can’t begin to imagine how deeply being confined to her home for months on end would have rapidly eroded her well-being. This black moon exhorts us to remember those the world over, hidden from view, who don’t grab the headlines every day; whose lives, livelihoods, physical and mental health, relationships, and aspirations have been decimated, not by a virus but by lockdown and its many consequences. Because they matter too. They’re not just ‘collateral damage’ in a war against an unseen enemy to whom we’re all expected to defer.
The two faces of the 2020 Saturn/Pluto conjunction
This all began with the Saturn/Pluto conjunction in January. This was not an augur of disease but a symbol of totalitarian power imposed from above. In my January 2020 update, I wrote ‘Relying on those in power to take action for our collective wellbeing may be the biggest mistake we could make this year! And being the change we want to see in the world, our greatest act of power’.
And I meant it!
Since then, we’ve been experiencing the most life-denying, oppressive face of these energies, echoed in the opposition from Saturn to this black moon. But that’s not their only face. Saturn aligned with Pluto also reflects immense healing potential: the wise manifestation (Saturn) of personal sovereignty and inside out change (Pluto) which realigns power and authority (Capricorn) to serve a higher and more liberating agenda (conjunction). This agenda, which will begin to take greater shape in December of this year when Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct in the first degree of Aquarius, is ours to shape. We’re not beholden to the grinding, dense energy of our current Saturn/Pluto world: the least creative, most oppressive expression of the conjunction energies. We can choose to lift them to a new level and express them in more constructive and life-affirming ways. This new black moon cycle will help us do exactly that.
Between now and November 2024 when Pluto completes its journey through Capricorn, we will be tested for sure. But we don’t have to be broken. Absolutely not! These years are the crucible in which immense alchemy can occur, alchemy potentized by our refusal to be divided. There will always be different perspectives and priorities, beliefs, and opinions. There’s over seven billion of us after all! But a world in which only those who agree with the ‘official narrative’ are given credence or respect and everyone else is fair game for ridicule at best and more often vilification, censorship, and abuse is not a world in which love, respect, and companionship can win the day. And all of these are vital to health and well-being, whoever and wherever you are.
So let’s welcome this black moon and embrace the new cycle it begins: a cycle of love and compassion, intimacy, nurturing, and affection. We can only be divided if we choose to be and, as with all things Cancerian, this moon exhorts us to embrace each other with affection, not reject the ‘outsider’ in fear.
Learn more about this Black Moon Cycle here
Sarah Varcas
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dramallamadingdang · 7 years
Reply time!
First of all, thanks to everyone who offered up kitten name suggestions! They aren’t born yet (but will be if I play the game tonight), but I am now prepared with names for them. :)
Anyway, these are for @kayleigh-83, @mrningbrd, @carriests2designsworld, @acquiresimoleons, @nathanialroyale, @nyshabrokeit, @getmygameon, and @penig...
kayleigh-83 replied to your photoset “Amelia Shankel – Adrian and Gwendolyn’s spawn – became a toddler. She...”
LOL that laziness might be an impediment to skilling though!
Well, not for the toddler skills, though. My rule is that I lock toddler skill wants in the order they appear (besides potty-training, because that just happens naturally because of the toddler care schedule I employ in households that have toddlers). If there’s another Sim in the household with time, they will teach the kid the skill they have locked. Only the locked skill can be worked on until it is learned. Then I lock the next one the toddler rolls (if they roll more). I’m perfectly OK with toddlers not learning all of the toddler skills. Or any of them, for that matter, although they are all eventually potty-trained by default.
kayleigh-83 replied to your post “Name My (Pixel) Kittens! :)”
Weird true fact – years ago I read a historical fiction novel about Josephine Bonaparte, and after reading it, I decided that one day I wanted a pair of cats named Napoleon and Josephine because the pair of names were just so perfect together. So seeing them on your Simblr was kind of a trip!
It was unintentional on my part. A random pet name generator spat out the name “Napoleon,” and I went with it. (Had no idea it would actually fit him pretty well. :) ) And then when there was a want for another cat, it seemed logical to get a female named Josephine.
As for the real people...Say what you will about Napoleon, but he did love his wife. Their love letters are like, whoa! :) It’s too bad that they were never able to have children, or else I’m sure they’d’ve stayed together to the end. Or at least I hope they would have. Maybe in an alternate reality... :)
kayleigh-83 replied to your photoset “Promotions! This is where Adrian and Gwendolyn ended up by the end of...”
I'm trying to be better about not power skilling my way through promotions, without them rolling for the want to do so. Much more realistic that way. Although I do allow a bit of leeway for skilling that happens as a result of preferred hobby interactions, because that's its own kind of realism in itself. :)
My whole playing style is centered around Sims free-willing because, IMO, that’s how you learn who a Sim really is. Basically, they do what they want unless they roll up a want that I can actively fill. So, unless they roll up a want for a skill point, I don’t command them to skill. That said, I’ve made autonomous lots of stuff that isn’t by default, and some of it confers skill points. So, if they choose to read a cookbook or work on restoring a car, then so be it, but I’m not going to make them study cooking or mechanical unless they roll a want to do so. That’s how it works for me. Frankly, I find force-skilling and Sims at the top of their careers and raking in ridiculous amounts of money just incredibly boring, so this is what I eventually came up with to mitigate that.
As for Cherry, specifically...She seems entirely uninterested in bettering herself. Her life centers around sex, social interaction in general, bubble baths, and interacting with the dog, in that order. She’s a hedonist, really, and I can relate.
mrningbrd replied to your post “Name My (Pixel) Kittens! :)”
i like that people gave actual french names and i gave a dessert
Ah, but it’s a yummy dessert, so it’s all good! :) 
(Is it bad that when I hear the new French president’s surname, I think of the dessert and laugh myself silly? :) )
carriests2designsworld replied to your photoset “I’m going to be using this 10-year-old window set made by Tiggy quite...”
I just finished setting up the base of my new town, Stockbridge. Yeah, well, my recolor list for this is already about 4 pages long. Including windows. So, I'm just going to snag these up, and add to my already-revolting downloads folder. Between your recolors, and mine...I may actually get a real post-apocalyptic neighborhood! LOL
Heh, I’m hoping I’ll get to play retro-Strangetown before the end of the year... :) Nah, that’s not true. I’m building it and making stuff for it concurrently, and I’m only building houses for the premades plus the two households in the family bin, so it shouldn’t be that long. I think. I hope. I can get a little obsessive with the making of stuff...
acquiresimoleons replied to your post “Some random thoughts before I do whatever it is I’m going to do...”
Offensive? Pffft :p i think you're awesome, extremely helpful and kind. I also really enjoy your gameplay, its so unique and entertaining :D
Aw, thank you! <3 I do try to be nice here on Tumblr and online in general...although if I’m feeling tetchy, I’ll occasionally go to Simsecret and argue with people. (Always under my name, though; I don’t do the silly “anon” thing. If I’ve got a beef with someone, I’ll own what I say to them and say it to their “face.” Anon is for pussies.) But in general, I’m a person of strong opinions and I live a...well, alternative lifestyle, both of which have the potential to offend or just piss off certain people, particularly certain people that I know follow me, but I try to rein that in here. I’m here on this blog to be all about a silly game, to share stuff and be helpful when I can, not to pick silly fights or to sling around politics and social issues or to be shocking for the sake of being shocking.
nathanialroyale replied to your post “Some random thoughts before I do whatever it is I’m going to do...”
I've been hmming on retexturing old dirty things for this theme or make them more medieval for my game. Otherwise I am sadly left with little ideas for this theme that could be useful to my current game :/
And oh, hey! Here comes some of that stuff that people might find gross, yay! :)
I am of the opinion that my game needs dungeon clutter, particularly things to hang on walls and/or peg racks. Which could be medieval or...um, not. ;) I’m also envisioning a certain kind of bed. I have a neighborhood wherein I occasionally play around with *ahem* certain things. I mean, it’d be nice if there was more functional dungeon-y stuff, but even non-functional decorative stuff can give the right atmosphere in combination with some functional stuff. Buuuuut what I’d like to have would require me to know how to mesh, which is a vast frontier that I have yet to breach. :) I do already have some stuff that could use some nicer/updated textures, though... I don’t know that anyone else would be interested, though, in terms of sharing. I have no idea how kinky/fetishy the community generally is and/or whether or not people would want to admit to it and/or whether or not other people who are kinky/fetishy would actually want that sort of stuff in their game, much less whether or not GOS would want such stuff posted there. ;) So...yeah. :)
nyshabrokeit replied to your post “Coupla replies before I toddle off to bed. :)”
I used to have inaccessible beds, but it bugs me that sims don't walk as close to the bed as they can before teleporting. The number of times I had a sim stand up from the dinner table and instantly teleport halfway across the house to bed... >.>
I have actually never had a Sim teleport across the house to get in a bed. They will do long-distance bed-making, though. Like, they’ll stand up from the breakfast table and do the bed-making animations while across the house the bed does the animations, too. But, for instance, in order to use the bed-for-three, even if I command the Sim who “owns” the middle space to go to bed, she’ll only follow the command if she’s in the same room as the bed. I don’t know if I have another mod that’s contributing to this, though.
getmygameon replied to your photoset “It’s winter! Time to take care of the autumn leaves because I don’t...”
Just don't catch on fire XD
That doesn’t happen to me, either. I think it’s because I have a mod that prevents fireplaces from starting fires. I’m guessing that burning leaf piles uses the same code, so the mod is nuking that, too.
getmygameon replied to your photo “Hmmmm. where are they off to? :) Oh! :) (I’ve never bred pets before,...”
I only bred once with my - oh my gosh I don't remember which fam - but it was kitties - 3 of em and couldn't tell em apart worth a damn lol XD
I think the game only has a certain number of puppy/kitten coat patterns, so, yeah, kittens all tend to look alike. But they tend to grow up looking very different. Napoleon and Josephine looked the same as each other as kittens -- white kittens -- but they look very different as adults. I suspect the same will be true for in-game-born puppies/kittens.
penig replied to your post “Replies! :)”
There's a lowest-common-denominator factor in HP's popularity, honestly. If you want a truly great fantasy author, read the greatest English language author of the 20th century, Diana Wynne Jones.
Well, I’ll say this for HP. I might not have any interest in reading it, myself, but it got my severely-dyslexic son -- who had great struggles with learning to read and being interested in reading -- to read. He’s always been a rather anti-intellectual jock (which has always irritated me, as a nerd), I think partly to cover up his reading struggles, but even his jock buddies when he was a kid decided it’d be not-uncool to read Harry Potter. So they did, and he did, too. And then because he got through the Harry Potter books, he felt encouraged enough to read some other things, too. So while he’ll never, ever be a great reader, at least he’s no longer afraid of books and he’s more confident that he can read, if he ever wants to. So, my son is probably one of those lowest common denominators, and frankly God bless JK Rowling for Harry. I just don’t have any interest in reading the books myself. :)
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