Sunni's Page: Done (mostly)
Although there are 5, maybe 6, items in the entire section that have proven extremely difficult to find, Sunni's section on my web site is done. Over the course of the next month, I'll be revamping the rest of the site.
You can find her page/section HERE.
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dramallamadingdang · 7 years
Reply time!
First of all, thanks to everyone who offered up kitten name suggestions! They aren’t born yet (but will be if I play the game tonight), but I am now prepared with names for them. :)
Anyway, these are for @kayleigh-83, @mrningbrd, @carriests2designsworld, @acquiresimoleons, @nathanialroyale, @nyshabrokeit, @getmygameon, and @penig...
kayleigh-83 replied to your photoset “Amelia Shankel – Adrian and Gwendolyn’s spawn – became a toddler. She...”
LOL that laziness might be an impediment to skilling though!
Well, not for the toddler skills, though. My rule is that I lock toddler skill wants in the order they appear (besides potty-training, because that just happens naturally because of the toddler care schedule I employ in households that have toddlers). If there’s another Sim in the household with time, they will teach the kid the skill they have locked. Only the locked skill can be worked on until it is learned. Then I lock the next one the toddler rolls (if they roll more). I’m perfectly OK with toddlers not learning all of the toddler skills. Or any of them, for that matter, although they are all eventually potty-trained by default.
kayleigh-83 replied to your post “Name My (Pixel) Kittens! :)”
Weird true fact – years ago I read a historical fiction novel about Josephine Bonaparte, and after reading it, I decided that one day I wanted a pair of cats named Napoleon and Josephine because the pair of names were just so perfect together. So seeing them on your Simblr was kind of a trip!
It was unintentional on my part. A random pet name generator spat out the name “Napoleon,” and I went with it. (Had no idea it would actually fit him pretty well. :) ) And then when there was a want for another cat, it seemed logical to get a female named Josephine.
As for the real people...Say what you will about Napoleon, but he did love his wife. Their love letters are like, whoa! :) It’s too bad that they were never able to have children, or else I’m sure they’d’ve stayed together to the end. Or at least I hope they would have. Maybe in an alternate reality... :)
kayleigh-83 replied to your photoset “Promotions! This is where Adrian and Gwendolyn ended up by the end of...”
I'm trying to be better about not power skilling my way through promotions, without them rolling for the want to do so. Much more realistic that way. Although I do allow a bit of leeway for skilling that happens as a result of preferred hobby interactions, because that's its own kind of realism in itself. :)
My whole playing style is centered around Sims free-willing because, IMO, that’s how you learn who a Sim really is. Basically, they do what they want unless they roll up a want that I can actively fill. So, unless they roll up a want for a skill point, I don’t command them to skill. That said, I’ve made autonomous lots of stuff that isn’t by default, and some of it confers skill points. So, if they choose to read a cookbook or work on restoring a car, then so be it, but I’m not going to make them study cooking or mechanical unless they roll a want to do so. That’s how it works for me. Frankly, I find force-skilling and Sims at the top of their careers and raking in ridiculous amounts of money just incredibly boring, so this is what I eventually came up with to mitigate that.
As for Cherry, specifically...She seems entirely uninterested in bettering herself. Her life centers around sex, social interaction in general, bubble baths, and interacting with the dog, in that order. She’s a hedonist, really, and I can relate.
mrningbrd replied to your post “Name My (Pixel) Kittens! :)”
i like that people gave actual french names and i gave a dessert
Ah, but it’s a yummy dessert, so it’s all good! :) 
(Is it bad that when I hear the new French president’s surname, I think of the dessert and laugh myself silly? :) )
carriests2designsworld replied to your photoset “I’m going to be using this 10-year-old window set made by Tiggy quite...”
I just finished setting up the base of my new town, Stockbridge. Yeah, well, my recolor list for this is already about 4 pages long. Including windows. So, I'm just going to snag these up, and add to my already-revolting downloads folder. Between your recolors, and mine...I may actually get a real post-apocalyptic neighborhood! LOL
Heh, I’m hoping I’ll get to play retro-Strangetown before the end of the year... :) Nah, that’s not true. I’m building it and making stuff for it concurrently, and I’m only building houses for the premades plus the two households in the family bin, so it shouldn’t be that long. I think. I hope. I can get a little obsessive with the making of stuff...
acquiresimoleons replied to your post “Some random thoughts before I do whatever it is I’m going to do...”
Offensive? Pffft :p i think you're awesome, extremely helpful and kind. I also really enjoy your gameplay, its so unique and entertaining :D
Aw, thank you! <3 I do try to be nice here on Tumblr and online in general...although if I’m feeling tetchy, I’ll occasionally go to Simsecret and argue with people. (Always under my name, though; I don’t do the silly “anon” thing. If I’ve got a beef with someone, I’ll own what I say to them and say it to their “face.” Anon is for pussies.) But in general, I’m a person of strong opinions and I live a...well, alternative lifestyle, both of which have the potential to offend or just piss off certain people, particularly certain people that I know follow me, but I try to rein that in here. I’m here on this blog to be all about a silly game, to share stuff and be helpful when I can, not to pick silly fights or to sling around politics and social issues or to be shocking for the sake of being shocking.
nathanialroyale replied to your post “Some random thoughts before I do whatever it is I’m going to do...”
I've been hmming on retexturing old dirty things for this theme or make them more medieval for my game. Otherwise I am sadly left with little ideas for this theme that could be useful to my current game :/
And oh, hey! Here comes some of that stuff that people might find gross, yay! :)
I am of the opinion that my game needs dungeon clutter, particularly things to hang on walls and/or peg racks. Which could be medieval or...um, not. ;) I’m also envisioning a certain kind of bed. I have a neighborhood wherein I occasionally play around with *ahem* certain things. I mean, it’d be nice if there was more functional dungeon-y stuff, but even non-functional decorative stuff can give the right atmosphere in combination with some functional stuff. Buuuuut what I’d like to have would require me to know how to mesh, which is a vast frontier that I have yet to breach. :) I do already have some stuff that could use some nicer/updated textures, though... I don’t know that anyone else would be interested, though, in terms of sharing. I have no idea how kinky/fetishy the community generally is and/or whether or not people would want to admit to it and/or whether or not other people who are kinky/fetishy would actually want that sort of stuff in their game, much less whether or not GOS would want such stuff posted there. ;) So...yeah. :)
nyshabrokeit replied to your post “Coupla replies before I toddle off to bed. :)”
I used to have inaccessible beds, but it bugs me that sims don't walk as close to the bed as they can before teleporting. The number of times I had a sim stand up from the dinner table and instantly teleport halfway across the house to bed... >.>
I have actually never had a Sim teleport across the house to get in a bed. They will do long-distance bed-making, though. Like, they’ll stand up from the breakfast table and do the bed-making animations while across the house the bed does the animations, too. But, for instance, in order to use the bed-for-three, even if I command the Sim who “owns” the middle space to go to bed, she’ll only follow the command if she’s in the same room as the bed. I don’t know if I have another mod that’s contributing to this, though.
getmygameon replied to your photoset “It’s winter! Time to take care of the autumn leaves because I don’t...”
Just don't catch on fire XD
That doesn’t happen to me, either. I think it’s because I have a mod that prevents fireplaces from starting fires. I’m guessing that burning leaf piles uses the same code, so the mod is nuking that, too.
getmygameon replied to your photo “Hmmmm. where are they off to? :) Oh! :) (I’ve never bred pets before,...”
I only bred once with my - oh my gosh I don't remember which fam - but it was kitties - 3 of em and couldn't tell em apart worth a damn lol XD
I think the game only has a certain number of puppy/kitten coat patterns, so, yeah, kittens all tend to look alike. But they tend to grow up looking very different. Napoleon and Josephine looked the same as each other as kittens -- white kittens -- but they look very different as adults. I suspect the same will be true for in-game-born puppies/kittens.
penig replied to your post “Replies! :)”
There's a lowest-common-denominator factor in HP's popularity, honestly. If you want a truly great fantasy author, read the greatest English language author of the 20th century, Diana Wynne Jones.
Well, I’ll say this for HP. I might not have any interest in reading it, myself, but it got my severely-dyslexic son -- who had great struggles with learning to read and being interested in reading -- to read. He’s always been a rather anti-intellectual jock (which has always irritated me, as a nerd), I think partly to cover up his reading struggles, but even his jock buddies when he was a kid decided it’d be not-uncool to read Harry Potter. So they did, and he did, too. And then because he got through the Harry Potter books, he felt encouraged enough to read some other things, too. So while he’ll never, ever be a great reader, at least he’s no longer afraid of books and he’s more confident that he can read, if he ever wants to. So, my son is probably one of those lowest common denominators, and frankly God bless JK Rowling for Harry. I just don’t have any interest in reading the books myself. :)
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jodeliejodelie · 7 years
suspicious-blonde heeft gereageerd op je bericht “Aaaaand another post got flagged as NSFW…I mean just…what?”
house design so good someone wants to shoot porn innit
carriests2designsworld heeft gereageerd op je bericht “Aaaaand another post got flagged as NSFW…I mean just…what?”
I suspect several of mine have also been flagged this way (especially my last post), but you know....not sure why a house, and its decor, would ever be flagged. Of course, your homes are so well designed that I have to agree with suspicious-blonde...so good someone wants to shoot porn in it. LOL Keep on keeping on dear! Your designs are awesome as always! :)             
Omg you guys are killing me
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carriests2designsworld replied to your post: Hi guys, long time no talk.  :(  I’m gonna be real...
*hugs* I promise, it gets better. Sent you a note. <3
*hugs back* This is a terrible thing to say but: I’m to the point where I can’t wait to be living on my own again. Cheaper, quieter, less stress, less worry. I love my boys but damn, it’s getting real close to “fly the coop” time boys! I keep getting told that kids are living at home longer now - the oldest still at home will be 25, the youngest will be 20. I moved out 6 months after high school graduation and did just fine for years and years. Then again, I get so lonely when I’m home alone lately so maybe 1 can stay? LOL (BTW, I didn’t get anything from you?)
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esotheria-sims · 6 years
hey i was just wondering...i've seen a lot of MM, but are there people who play a more realistic game? i mean, except for you and maybe a couple of others, i haven't seen many...
Oh, there’s definitely still a lot of semi-realistic players out there. :) Since I’m  assuming you’re asking for recs I’m going to compile a list.
(Note: the community doesn’t necessarily agree on what exactly constitutes a ‘semi-realistic’ style, but for the sake of my list I’m going to assume it’s players who play cc-heavy, with pooklet’s textures/colors for hair and skinblends that are shiny/detailed). I’m concentrating more on active bloggers though there are going to be some inactive ones too, in case you’d like to check them out.
ON TO THE LIST! (under the cut because it got really long)
@0201-sims (cc creator, currently inactive) | @2fingerswhiskey (cc creator) | @a-demimonde | @aklira (cc creator) | @alexbgd (currently plays TS3 but has lots of nifty TS2 pics as well) | @alexsh-19 | @alwayssims2 (cc creator, currently inactive) | @amidalasims | @ania-sims (cc creator) | @anitka-sims | @backerbse (currently playing TS4 but has nice TS2 pics and cc as well) | @badchriss | @beautifulnerdkitty (cc creator) | @bettssims (cc creator) | @blackswan-sims | @blaenil | @brattylulu (80′s aesthetic) | @brothersborges | @bunsblr (currently inactive) | @candydarlings (cc creator, makes and shared lovely sim homes) | @carriests2designsworld​ (cc creator) | @charlotkas-simblr (cc creator) | @chocosims2 (their edited TS2 pics are stunning!) | @cindysimblr | @classlion | @clonesimsimsclones (currently inactive) | @convenient-tragedy | @cordelia-haze (cc creator, has lovely pics) | @criquette-was-here (master of hood decoration) | @daturaobscura (currently inactive but has gorgeous pics) | @davidlevitan (same as with daturaobscura) | @digitalangels (cc creator, also runs @sims2packrat) | @dramallamadingdang | @driftsatellite (has a very distinctive style) | @eir-ung (cc creator, posts heavily edited but gorgeous pics) | @ellusims | @emperorofthedark (writes awesome horror stories and uses sims to illustrate them) | @e-neillan (cc creator) | @ergo-cyn | @eulaliasims (gorgeous gameplay pics) | @fakebloood | @frauhupfner (dedicated to a steampunk style) | @greatcheesecakepersona (makes awesome, game-changing mods) | @grecadeasimsstudios (cc creator and storyteller, also posts to @srath-farath) | @haut-gothique | @imaginaryboutique (cc creator) | @immerso-sims | @iolanta-missis-moore (cc creator) | @jahkatai (has a very distinctive style) | @jodeliejodelie (currently inactive but has gorgeous house makeovers) | @john-ts-sh-ai | @julietoon-sims2 (cc creator) | @kacicka777 (cc creator + posts lovely interior pics) | @katashkin (makes medieval cc) | @kim-lewis2 | @kim-simpearls (cc creator) | @kirschelatte | @kristyail (cc creator) | @leaf-storm (currently inactive but has a distinctive style) | @le-chat-noir-blog (cc creator) | @lemon-lime-sims | @lilsisterg | @lilithpleasant (reblogs lots of simblrs, check her blog for more recs!) | @limonaire (cc creator) | @linasims2 (a.k.a Trapping, cc creator) | @littledevilsims (currently inactive) | @lochlander (currently inactive, plays a period game) | @loch-pearl (currently inactive but has gorgeous pics) | @lowedeus (cc creator, makes game-changing mods) | @luchiatores | @lunatachka | @marioneves2 | @marvelann (alternates between semi-rl and mm, nails both) | @maryannsims2 | @mdpthatsme (plays both TS4 and TS2, cc creator) | @medsie (currently inactive) | @mikexx2 | @mortia (plays a medieval game) | @motherof70 (currently inactive, plays a medieval game) | @mrs-mquve-cc (cc creator) | @ms5starchic23 | @msteaqueen (cc creator) | @mustluvcatz-reloaded (cc creator) | @mysimmylicioussims (makes and shares decorated lots) | @nelphaell (cc creator, has a distinctive style) | @neud-sims2 | @nikaonishko (cc creator) | @nintendolover13 (cc creator) | @ove51 (reblogs lots of simblrs, check her blog for more recs!) | @paranoia0612 | @phinae-simblr | @pistxl-sims | @pixelry (cc creator) | @pollysims2 | @rdshopcc (cc creator) | @redsimmer-blog (cc creator) | @rented-space (cc creator) | @retromaisie | @riekus13 (cc creator) | @rosemint-sims (plays an awesome post-apocalyptic game!) | @sadepaivas | @sariadeea | @serabiet (distinctive style, flawless aesthetics) | @simbury (plays a period game) | @simblrsilverl (cc creator) | @simper-fi | @sims2-secretgarden (cc creator) | @simsmilasmith | @skyburned (currently inactive, sim storyteller) | @squeezleprime (plays a medieval game) | @theatticbox (plays a medieval game) | @theboldandthebeautifulsims (cc creator, currently inactive) | @thecrimsonsparkles | @thepathofnevermore (plays mostly TS3 but also has TS2 pics and cc) | @timeparadoxsims | @tinkersnook | @titlesimslemon (cc creator) | @toujours-fatale (QUEEN YUXI. Sadly no longer playing TS2) | @uranium-z | @vampireacademysims (Sims 2 graphic novel, also posts as @gphoenixsims) | @whysim (cc creator) | @yakumtsaki (sim storyteller) | @zena-dew-drop (cc creator)
Did I go overboard with this? I absolutely did! :D But even so, this is by no means a complete list of all semi-realistic players out there. I didn’t list a lot of inactive simmers, and even among the active ones I’m sure I must have missed someone.  
If any of my followers know of more (preferably active) semi-realistic blogs, feel free to add them!
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criquette-was-here · 6 years
Some replies
Anonymous said:
Hi! How do you make your neighborhood decorations? I would like to create a few things for personal use.             
Hey anon! It’s quite easy if you’re familiar with basic CC creation process. This tutorial is ridiculously outdated but still does its job.
Anonymous said:
Not so much an ask as it is... Thank You! When I began with S2 back in 2010, yours were the first Nbhd Deco I found.  It was immediate grateful appreciation. Your hood decorations add a wonderful dimension to each neighborhood.  And since you've been back, all I can say is WoW.  Your creativity has only increased, and my game is all the better for it.   Thank you.  And I so wish I could have your stone banks and bridges, but know that will never happen.  Tease ;-)  Thank You!             
Oh, you’re more than welcome, my anonymous friend! It’s funny because you actually can enjoy at least stone bridges as they’re part of the Rural Charm T&RDR and are available for separate download as stated on Rural Charm page. Scroll down to paragraph 7.1 for more details on renovated bridges set.
@carriests2designsworld said:
Hey Criquette! Quick question. Have you ever made, or thought of making, a golf course for 'hood deco? 
Hey Carrie! Not yet, but actually, it would be great to have more recreational green kind of stuff like this. If I could clone myself I would lock my clone in the room with modding tools and make him create content 24/7, lol! Golf course would be really nice, as well as ski resort, proper amusement park stuff, etc.
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delicatesoul88 · 8 years
Replies - Gaming Computer
I finally decided on one. It is a Windows 10 64 bit O.S, with a 4th Gen. Intel Quad Core i5-4690K Processor, 3.5GHz, 12GB memory, NVIDIA GeForce GTX745 Dedicated graphics card, WiFi card and Bluetooth, and a 300W power supply. It should be able to run Sims 4 on optimal settings without any lag. I don’t play Sims 4 with a lot of custom content either, so this should be okay. I am more worried about whether or not my Sims 2 game will recognize the NVIDIA GeForce GTX745 Video Card. I really hope it does! I plan on updating the power supply right away to a 770W unit, and eventually swap out the graphics card to a GTX960 (in 2+ years).
My new computer will be here in 7 days. I the meantime, I can’t play as I’m cleaning out and backing up all of my games. I have some pictures in my queue that will automatically be posted.
Putting the replies under the cut :)
Maybe something like this https://www.amazon.fr/Megaport-Super-M%C3%A9ga-Pack-Processeur/dp/B00FF48R60/ref=pd_rhf_se_p_img_8?ie=UTF8&refRID=PPBR9E522ZGGRS89FKK1
I definitely took a look at this one. It has some things I like. Only thing is I wanted a bigger monitor, one that was at least 23′ or bigger. I ended up purchasing a 25′ monitor with a resolution of 1920x1080 with the ability to go bigger if I wanted. I also want a Desktop Tower that can support two monitors, so I can play and write at the same time and on the same computer. And I really like that graphics card!
I also wanted a gaming computer with Windows 10 already installed (as opposed to having to upgrade it from Microsoft’s website). Every year I perform a System Restore on my Computer where I I basically clean it up and make it brand new. Not having to purchase Windows 10 after doing this will be great! I know some people have had issues with Windows 10 and their Sims 2 games but mine has always worked just fine!
This seller doesn’t ship to the U.S though, so I found something equivalent on eBay. It arrives in 7 days!
carriests2designsworld replied to your post “Gaming Computer”
An excellent heat sync, power box and graphics card. I could throw a lot of numbers out there for you, but without knowing what kind of a system you have, it's difficult to just say one brand/number/os/card. :)
I was advised to look at desktops with Dedicated graphics card as opposed to Integrated graphics. Out of curiosity I looked up the kind of graphics card my current desktop has....yikes! I wish I had known years ago that it was the crappiest kind on the market.
It is my understanding that the heat sync of a computer can be changed, and so can the Power Supply. I ha
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MORE TS2 Link Updates
I updated the links section again this morning. These new links go to Simblr pages (with some REALLY good content). Be sure to check them out!
Unidentified Simmer
Phinae Sims
Naday Sims
PF's Simblr
Nonsensical Pixels
You can find their links here: https://sites.google.com/site/carriests2designs/links
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11 Hours....and Counting o.0
After 11 hours, all 20 pages of Sunni's designs are mostly linked up to SFS files. I want to give a HUGE thank you to @angedemon for sending me a TON of Sunni's missing files. YOU ROCK!! Also, I posted a 3 part WCIF at the Plumbob Keep Forum, and Fractured Moonlight was kind enough to send me the link to Sunni's archives there.
Unfortunately, there are still many files missing. So I'm once again asking for help. If anyone has ANY of Sunni's missing files, please send them to me, so I can place them up on my site's Sunni's Page. Thanks again.
Here's the link to the mostly-finished pages: https://sites.google.com/site/carriests2designs/sunnis-page?authuser=0
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I have this also posted at Sim Pearls forum, but we've had little luck in finding these items. The two I am most interested in finding is the spindle back chair, and the round mirror. A note about the mirror. The dragon design around the mirror is mine (A wall tattoo). It's the actual round mirror I'm looking for. Thanks tons in advance for any help!
Also, I have checked Pocci's, Windkeeper, Nanu, Sunni, Michelle, Padre, Shakeshaft, Riekus 13, 13Pumpkin31, Deatherella, Blacky's Sims Zoo, Cradle of Darkness and Oh Behave's Junk Trunk. I've also checked Buggybooz, Veranka and the entirety of chairs on MTS2. I'm still hunting this chair and mirror down, but no luck. Oh, and I also searched Adele. o.0
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I've found the books. I still do not have the 3 tiered pictures, not the pots deco. I'm not worried about either of those, because I have several other items I can use to replace them. Thank you so much in advance for any help! <3
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Sunni's Dedication Section
As of 10:05 this morning, I completed 'stage 1' of Sunni's Dedication Section on my TS2 web site. The pages, and screen shots, are available to look at now. I'll be spending this afternoon uploading, and linking, her items on each page in her dedication section.
So far, there are 20 pages in Sunni's Dedication Section. I will add items, sections and/or pages, when applicable. As always, let me know if there is anything I need to add.
Click HERE to go directly to her section.
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It's Been Awhile...
So life took a turn for me just before the pandemic hit, and well, I'm just now getting back to my horribly neglected TS2 designs. On interesting thing I discovered is that there had been activity when I wasn't here to be active. So, if you've been reaching a page that looks like mine, but there is only one post about some book from India, it's obviously not mine (and never was). This is the only link to my blog: https://carriests2designsworld-blog.tumblr.com. I'll be updating the blog soon. I'm using a new system, and it's taking quite a bit of time for me to get everything downloaded into my game.
Also, I have already updated the 'Links' page on my website. If I am missing any links that need to be added, please let me know. Thank you so much! :)
Links Page Update: https://sites.google.com/site/carriests2designs/links
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WCIF Sunni's Box DLs?
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Ok all, this list is HUGE. However, I've spent over a week piling through every single item Sunni has listed in the Plumbob Keep, and unfortunately, all of her box download links no longer work. I tried contacting her (as well as others) at the Keep, with no response (I'm not even sure if many of them are active anymore). NOTE: These are all Medieval items. So, without further ado.... (brace yourselves)....here's the list of what I'm looking for:
Tunic Clothing Rack
Changing Room Dressing Screen
Medieval Signs
Gara's Boutique Clothing Rack Updated (w/mesh - Gara's no longer available)
Market Stall
Cocomama's Fabric Bolt Slaved/Recolored
Carpenter's Tool Set
Painted Shutters and Doors
Deco Hanging & Laying Dress (DecoDress.rar is the file name)
Medieval Shoe Clutter
Medieval Mannequins
Maylin's Athelyna Recolors (Pt. 1 & 2)
Traveler's Tents
Maylin's Table & Stool Recolors
Merola's Pile of Clothes Dresser v 2.0
Foundation/Stage Height Cushion
Shelf Table
Buggybooz Niche Set Recolor
125 Recolors of BB's Niches + Matching Walls/Floors/Ceilings
Ed's Medieval Stone Hearth Fixed/Recolors
Eva's Cauldron Stove w/mesh
Kitchen Hearths
SDA Fireplaces Recolors w/meshes
Tarox Oil Lamp w/mesh
Kaptiv Deco Lights Made Funcitonal
Blacksmith's Forge
Corner Fireplaces
Hearth's Chimneys
Dyers Set
Farmer's Market
Cuocobaura's Awning Slaved and Recolored
Kaptive Tent/Awning Recolors + Mesh
Antique Carpets
TP Shop Sign Fix
Upright Column Rustic Recolors
UK1967 Medieval Column Recolors
Justa Medieval Door
Rustic Recolors of Bay Window
Rustic Recolors of Club Door & Arch
Invisible Stairs Recolor
This Old House wall set
Noble Interiors Set
Library Paneling
Peasant Interiors
Farmer Hut
Please accept my most humble apologies for the extent of this list. I simply have no place else to turn to for help in finding these items. I'm on a new computer system, as my other system got completely destroyed before I could grab any files from it (this also means I lost over 10 years of personal family photos that I'm also still trying to get back). Thanks TONS for any help you can give me. <3
UPDATE EDIT: I was not aware that Sunni had passed away awhile back. Earlypleasant's response to this post was the first I had heard of it, and I think what upsets me more is the fact that I mentioned trying to contact Sunni to several people at the Keep...and no one said anything to me. =( I feel just horrible about not knowing, and hope that Sunni's passing was as peaceful as it could possibly have been. May she rest well eternally. <3
That being said, because of this, I'm going to devote an entire section on my TS2 Designs site just for her downloads. I'm going to have a dedicated folder just for her, on my SFS page, open for anyone who wants to download her items. So please, if you have ANYTHING made by Sunni, send it my way, so I can put it up on the SFS area. I will include any screen shots I can on the TS2 Designs page for her. Thank you so much!! <3
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Final TS2 Links Update (for now)
The following links have been added to my links page. Please keep in mind that many TS2 players also play TS3 and TS4, so when you visit these pages, please be prepared to scroll through their archives, and/or download sections.
900 Giovannas
Katie Catastrophe
The Neighborhood Chronicles
The Simgigi
Epi's Sims
Sims 2 Functional Finds
Paradise Place
Chartreuse Sims
Curios B's Curiosities
Pixel Dolly
Someday The Sun
My Sims 2 Life
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My TOU Update
Just updated my TOU page in case anyone needs to view it.
You can find it HERE. Thanks :)
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