#I’m sooo angry
remedy7411 · 4 months
This is RIDICULOUS!!!!
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sexyheretic · 2 years
a week or so ago my sister and mom got covid so my dad couldn’t come up to see bruce springsteen for fear he had covid. well he never got it. and come to find out my other sister knowingly had covid the same week and got in a car with them for several hours and then later that week went on an airplane. with covid. and no mask or anything.
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abernathyvalois · 7 months
If every motherfucker is a “people pleaser” why am i not pleased. Why am i displeased. Name 1 person that is pleased with you
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dekarios · 6 days
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toastybugguy · 13 days
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dude wake up it’s animal symbolism o’clock
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byunbaekhyunie · 4 months
knitting a little strip of yarn so I can tie it into a bow and hang it on my bag <3
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oplishin · 6 months
In 2022, seth weaponized his history with Roman against him, and it uh. Didn’t go so hot for him, it ended with Roman murdering him with a steel chair.
In 2024, seth does the same trick again, and Roman’s ready for it! Hits him before he can even really get in the ring. But Seth’s learned in ways Roman hasn’t. He knows now that if Roman has the chance to get him back, to hurt him, he can’t resist (i am thinking about how Roman went back to hit Seth in 2022, even after everything was over). And Seth uses his own self destruction to help Cody.
It’s a fabulous character arc/moment: jn 2022 he selfishly tries to manipulate Roman, in 2024 he unselfishly uses the same strategy because he knows Roman hurting him will save Cody.
Big fan of incredible lack of self preservation and willingness to do himself harm here!!! And the fact that Seth very very literally recreated his initial betrayal as an act of penance. There’s no way he brought that steel chair to the ring thinking he was going to be able to use it.
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gregorvorbarra · 3 days
I think I should cry at work
I went home and cried on my lunch break after a coworker’s jab at me, and I should’ve just angry-cried on the spot instead
one of these days I’m just going to lose it and start sobbing openly in the middle of the library
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gothamsfinestdummy · 1 year
One day I might actually write an essay thing about how the reboot completely destroyed Pinky and Brain’s characters I am soooo very passionate about that subject
#Hi Johnathan 😎 I wanna play a game#compare and contrast….#also they assassinated the warners so badly too and I also might discuss them someday but Pinky and Brain are just. so much more closer#to my heart and their reboot personalities make me sooo angry#TLDR Reboot Pinky and Brain are just tropes with arms and legs and it pisses me off soooo much I swear to god#also not really a fan of how the reboot sort of frames Brain as a villain when he’s… not? he’s a good mouse who wants the best for the world#meanwhile he is megalomaniacal. doesn’t mean he’s villainous. He does get carried away with his plans at times but in the end I think he#was just heavily misguided or desperate#I mean if I was chasing after this crazy almost unachievable goal I’d get a little crazy with plans at times too#my self doubt makes me want to do a pop shove it and say HOWEVER I may be remembering things wronggg take this with a grain of saltttt#who knows#if I’m wrong I’m wrong! but I think this chunk of meta has merit to it in a sense#did I just write patb meta#oh my god#WAIT TAG EDIT IM COMING BACK#Can we talk about how OUT OF CHARACTER Brain tampering with Julia and making her.. Julia (lol) is??#I’m so sure that Brain wouldn’t ever do that?? I remember he wanted to save Billie from being shocked by the scientists. he was so#frantic about it and genuinely cared about her well-being. And the way he mentions his past in both the reboot and the original kind#of tells us that he’s obviously disturbed by what has been done to him#I don’t think he would want to inflict that same pain onto someone else#and yes he does use Pinky to test his mechanisms but I think completely genetically altering a field mouse for a singular plan and#then throwing that mouse away is just. not who he is??#but anyway that whole episode is a trainwreck and they could have introduced Julia in a much better way#long story short Pinky is RIGHT THERE Brain lmao
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coffeeandcalligraphy · 11 months
trying to turn my shit day around by cosplaying as harrison matthew frost
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cuntylittlesalmon · 5 months
seeing a bunch of white twitter blue check literatis bitch about how a litmag tweeting not to submit to them if you don’t support palestine is bringing around the death of all art and literature is like…oh we are not escaping liberalism ever are we
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Wrong #422
He keeps grabbing the end of Nobukatsu’s hair to use as a reading light
Angra, your third ascension actually glows all over
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Just completed my first Zelda game I NEED to get my hands on all of the others
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just-about-nothing · 1 year
mother’s in hospital brother found kitten on side of road & wants to keep it (my mother has a cat) (this happened at 11:30pm)
meanwhile in my house me n my dad r just vibing & sleeping til noon. radically different vibes
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theblackrivergame · 2 years
5 Things You Never Get Tired of Writing!
I was tagged by @shai-manahan ! (thanks Shai! <3) This is an interesting question... hopefully my answers won’t be too boring haha 
1. Character Work. This one is probably a bit of a cop-out, as I’m sure all writers probably could say this one, but honestly, showing subtle character development over time is just. One of my favourite things. IF is such a great medium because you can use decisions made by the player to take that development in different directions, and really lay a character bare and pull them apart in a way that you can’t with traditional writing where there’s no variation; it’s one of the great strengths of the medium, in my opinion.
I won’t give spoilers, but… I don’t think I’ve explained a character backstory or motivation to my friends that hasn’t resulted in a storm of crying/shocked/mind blown emojis lmfao
2. Low-tech Beats High-tech. This one is a bit more niche, but I’m a real sucker for any story where “we’re better equipped and have them outgunned” is Not an advantage. The dragon takes down the US military helicopter, Kalross defeats the Reaper on Tuchanka, the zerg lay waste to Korhaal, the Undine rip the Borg in half, the arrow fired from a longbow punches right through Kevlar… *chef’s kiss*. I even like the ending of Avatar, a movie that nobody but me remembers lmao
3. Cultural Worldbuilding. This is also probably quite common, but I really enjoy writing in little cultural quirks for fictional cultures that make them seem fuller and more fleshed out. There’s a lot that you can do and build with seemingly small details about food and history and so forth to make cultures seem more real.
4. Healing (both Emotionally and Literally). I almost always play as a healer in videogames if the choice is available; I’m not generally as interested in partaking in the story of the lone wolf assassin or unbeatable badass as I am in someone whose entire mission and goal is to support and uplift others. Weirdly, this is an aspect of videogame writing that is almost entirely overlooked, as most games just assume that you’re playing A Hero and anyone healing is doing so because they were forced to or it’s somebody’s girlfriend lmfao
I’m obviously not saying that the other type of story is bad by any measure, it’s just something that I’ve noticed is rarely explored all that much, and the other type of story just doesn’t really grab me as effectively. I also probably don’t ever write any story that doesn’t at least have the potential for healing and growth from an emotional perspective if the right choices are made lol… I suppose that’s just who I am as a writer.
5. Romance. This is another reason why I like IF so much as a genre and a medium… I just really like romance. Just a big fan of Love. I do like to incorporate romance into A Plot, as you can probably tell by my games, but, yeah. I just think it’s neat.
Thank you again for the tag Shai! I’ll just tag a bunch of people lmao (sorry if you’ve already gotten one) @northern-passage  @nyehilismwriting  @virtues-end  @oscarwrites @attollogame @magiciansvoyage  @midnighthopegames  
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tofu-likes-to-draw · 1 year
Just watched Across the Spider-verse AND LORD I love this unhinged man, so glad he’s getting more attention
I read the comics in advance and I feel bad for Miguel tbh….he had it rough 💀
The movie was amazing btw, got me outta my art block lol, as you can see
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I haven’t drew anything for a whole month or something so my art style might be a lil goofy
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