#I’m sorry it’s super sketchy I hope it’s ok enough lol
lemon-grey · 11 months
OUGH! request a friendship piece for lorenz and ferdinand for whenever you have the time / find the interest <3333
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Someday I have to do a more finished version of this because their friendship is SO important
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speckofglitter · 6 years
treasure 7 as fluffy jealous boyfriends
-requested- Junkyu:
Since Junkyu and Mashiho are close they are always together. Naturally, when you went to visit Junkyu at practice you would be friendly towards Mashiho. Being a naturally touchy person you would sometimes hug Mashiho as well. One day, you went to visit Junkyu at the studio while he was busy recording his part for the next mission. Not wanting to disturb him you ended up chatting with Mashiho in the corridors. Seeing that, Junkyu felt a bit ignored and angry at you. After he finished recording, he quickly left the studio walking straight past you and Mashiho, not even sparing you a glance. “Junkyu wait where are you going?” “I’m busy y/n leave me alone.”
You decided to give him space and left. That night he texted you to apologize for his behaviour.
Junkyu: I’m sorry y/n. Seeing you hanging out with Mashi all the time made me feel lonely and ignored…
y/n: i understand Kyu but you need to learn how to express your feelings instead of just lashing out at me!
Junkyu: yes baby i won’t do that anymore. i love you so much you know that?
y/n: yes i know. I love you a lot too. Now get some rest before i call up YG and snitch on you!
Yoonbin: ok so Yoonbin was usually never the jealous type. One day you invited Yoonbin to come over to your house and meet your childhood best friend. He wasn’t necessarily super enthusiastic at first because he’s very awkward around new people but you managed to convince him. Your best friend Daniel had flew in from your home country, France just to see you and hang out with you during your birthday month and you were so freaking happy. Yoonbin had never seen you this happy before. As soon as he arrived he saw you and Daniel sitting on a couch laughing together. At that moment he instinctively felt annoyed but tried not to let that show and introduced himself to Daniel. Of course, throughout the night you kept complimenting Daniel, mentioning how he was a film student at one of the best films schools in Paris. You thought it was normal for you to show Yoonbin that your best friend was talented and hoped that they could become friends as well. Unfortunately, Yoonbin acted cold and distant the entire night. When Daniel left to go to his hotel you immediately looked towards Yoonbin and asked him what he thought about Daniel.
“He’s a cool guy I guess. I just wasn’t expecting him to look like that and be all over you.”
“Ok Yoonbin you’ve never reacted like this anytime i’ve been with a guy what’s wrong with you?”
“It’s just different when you’re with guys that I don’t know, it’s not like you’re with Jihoon, you guys have history…”
So that was the problem. The “history” that he thought you and Daniel had.
“Listen Yoonbin, if that’s what you’re wondering Daniel and I have never had feelings for each other nor have we ever dated throughout the past 10 years that I’ve known him. Trust me, he’s not my type so you don’t need to be jealous babe.”
“You’re really in denial right now but i’ll forgive you if you give me a kiss.” you say as you tap your lips with your index finger.
“You’re right i was jealous, i love you babe.” he said as he kissed you softly.
Mashiho: You and Mashiho met in Tokyo when he first started training with YG Japan.
“I’m only jealous because I know we started off as friends too.” is what Mashiho tells you during your heated argument. He was busy practicing so you decided to hang out with the rest of the Japanese trainees in the dorms. When he came home, he say you and Yoshinori hugging and obviously got the wrong idea.
“Listen, I know for you we started off as friends but I never once saw you as a friend. To me, you were always the one, and you will always be. I don’t see any reason for you to be jealous of anyone or anything ever.”
Hearing you say that Mashiho looked like the happiest man alive. “I- you’re right y/n i’m really sorry for reacting that way. I guess I was just insecure because I know how amazing Yoshinori hyung is…”
“But you’re amazing too… Listen, there’s always gonna be someone who’s better or worse in some ways than you, that doesn’t mean i’m going to fall in love with them, I feel for you because you’re you, you’re Mashiho and you’re the only one I want. Now kiss me dumbass!”
He smiled, looking up at you tenderly and kissed you.
Yedam: Okay so you met Yedam through Jihoon. He and you went to the same dance studio and one day Yedam came by to bring some food to his hyung. At that point, you noticed him and thought he was cute so Jihoon made it happen ya know? After a while of you and Yedam dating, your dance teacher assigned you and Jihoon to do a dance duet for the showcase. The problem is, the song was a bit sexier than you were expecting. You didn’t mind being touchy with Jihoon because you guys were close friends and had good chemistry but you were afraid of what Yedam would think so you didn’t let him know the song until the day of the showcase. Seeing you on stage, performing with Jihoon made Yedam furious. Not because he hated Jihoon touching you or looking at you but because he felt like you should’ve told him so he knew what to expect. After your performance was over, he went straight backstage to confront you.
Yedam: y/n what the hell?! Why didn’t you tell me you were dancing with Jihoon hyung?
y/n: i’m sorry i just knew you wouldn’t react well so i prefered to not tell you anything…
Yedam: i can’t believe we’ve been dating for 1 month and you don’t even trust me enough to tell me something like this.
y/n: why do you even care that much! It’s just a dance!
Yedam: i care because i love you! And it hurts seeing you look at him the way you look at me!
That was the first time Yedam told you he loved you. After realizing what he said he stormed out of the venue.
Your eyes filled with tears as you got changed and went home. You checked your phone, no missed calls or messages from Yedam. You decided to call him to apologize.
y/n: hey… i’m really sorry. I should’ve trusted you enough to let you know i was dancing with your best friend.
Yedam: it’s fine, i forgive you babe. Ummm about that last thing i said tho…
y/n:  i love you too!
Yedam: oh wow i almost thought you were gonna reject me for a second.
Yedam: hehe i love you baby goodnight sleep well! Dream of me!
Haruto: you were watching the latest YGTB episode with your boyfriend Haruto when they suddenly showed an old video Keita singing.
y/n: wait Keita can sing too? Damn he’s so talented!
Haruto: hey what about me? I’m talented too!
y/n: of course you’re talented baby but i’m just surprised because Keita hasn’t sang in this entire competition lol don’t be jealous
y/n: oh really? Then why don’t i call Keita right now and ask him to sing for me? I would love to hear him sing “Really” again!
Haruto: Nope that’s not happening! He already took my place in treasure 6, he’s not stealing you too!
y/n: oh my god Haruto i swear i’m not interested in Keita!
Haruto: good, because i’m falling for you even more these days.
Jeongwoo: “You love me and only me, right?” Jeongwoo asked while cuddling with you. You were confused at his sudden question and looked back at him. “Of course baby! Why are you suddenly asking me this?”
“I saw the way you were looking at Haruto earlier during practice…” he trailed off. The truth is, while practicing for the DNA performance, Haruto was having a hard time learning the choreography. You would steal glances at Haruto because you were worried about him, he looked absolutely exhausted.
“Jeongwoo, you know that Haruto is like an actual brother to me, I would never fall for him.. I was looking at him because I’m worried about him. I want the two of you to debut together because I know how much you care about him.”
Jeongwoo slowly started nodding as he understood the situation.
“Okay, can we go back to cuddling now?”
Junghwan: Junghwan was scrolling through his private instagram when he stumbled upon a video of you in Junkyu’s insta story. Confused, he replayed it a couple of times. He was even more shocked when he realized that you were at one of the practice rooms, but he didn’t have practice on that day. Furious, he decided to call you immediately. “Hi babe what’s up” you replied nonchalantly.
“Are you serious right now? Why are you in the practice room with Junkyu hyung? I told you I had a day off and you said you were busy? Too busy spending time with Junkyu hyung instead of your own boyfriend?”
“Listen Junghwan, I know it sounds sketchy but it’s not at all what it looks like, can you please come over to the practice room so I can explain?”
“Fine, i’ll be there in 15 minutes.”
When Junghwan arrived, the entire studio was dark and he thought you had left, already aggravated, he opened the door only to be blinded by lights and a loud “SURPRISE”. When he finally opened his eyes he saw you along with all of the rest of the members holding a big sign that said “Happy Birthday Junghwan”. He had been so busy practicing these days that he didn’t even remember it was his birthday. No wonder he had been given a day off. Feeling guilty for doubting you, he immediately burst into tears as you rushed over to him, hugging him and comforting him. “I’m so sorry y/n, thank you for being the most precious person in my life.”
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snowkatze · 7 years
Normal Guys
This is for the Carry On Countdown 2017 (@carryon-countdown) Prompt: Social Media (Day 2) Genre: angst, fluff Word Count: 2118 Summary: Baz texts some guy on a dating app online and tries to forget about his love for Simon Snow.
Factually, they're just lines. A machine could be programmed to write lines like that; yes, he might not even be human. It might just be an illusion that has been granted to me. He might not be who he says he is, he might not be anybody at all. They might be lies, because lying is easy under the cloak of anonymity and online, where there's no eye contact, no mimics, no sounds to give you away. I know that it would be easy and that life might be cruel enough to fool me into believing someone would be able to love me. I know they're just lines. But despite all that, I can't help but look at these words and feel like they're not just lines, but hope.
And they make me think that even I could love again, someone who is not Simon Snow. For that, it is not important whether this is real at all, whether anyone could be capable to love me at all, because after all, I am nothing but lines, too.
Sconeslove2 02:12 am: lol r u a vampire or smth
NormalHuman 02:12 am: May I remind you that you texted me first? Sconeslove2 02:13 am: yeah but i'm disfunctional, what's your excuse?
Sconeslove2 02:13 am: btw ur so posh Sconeslove2 02:13 am: u talk like old people
Sconeslove2 02:13 am: cause ur an immortal vampire
NormalHuman 02:14 am: I am a normal human. It literally says so in my url. And of course, I lie, too.
Sconeslove2 02:14 am: which is suspicious in itself!!!! NormalHuman 02:14 am: What about your url? I can honestly not believe there is another imbecile on this earth who would call himself 'Sconeslove'. So why the 2? Sconeslove2 02:15 am: don't try to distract me!!! ur trying to seduce me aren't u NormalHuman 02:16 am: If I was a vampire, you would be the last person whose blood I'd drink. Sconeslove2 02:16 am: aaaaw because u love me so much? NormalHuman 02:17 am: because your blood would taste disgusting, idiot
Sconeslove2 02:18 am: how do u kno? can u smell it.. cause ur a vampire with super senses? NormalHuman 02:18 am: sure. i kno exactly which smell belongs to ur blood under all the 7 billion people whose blood i can smell at the exact same time
Smelling every person on earth, that would be hell. It's hard enough with the person sleeping across from me every night. Sconeslove2 02:18 am: ahjdaldakl u didn't use perfect grammar. r u tryin to get down with the kids to conceal ur vampire identity
NormalHuman 02:19 am: You simply don't deserve this eloquence. I don't respect you enough. Sconeslove2 02:19 am: it's just my bad influence, isn't it
Sconeslove2 02:20 am: I know you're not a vampire btw
Sconeslove2 02:20 am: My room mate is one and he's ToTalLy different from u
Sconeslove2 02:20 am: TOTally
Sconeslove2 02:21 am: He is the epitome of evil!!!
NormalHuman 02:21 am: And I'm just the nicest person on the planet, aren't I? Sconeslove2 02:21 am: well no but ur not planning my demise, r u? Sconeslove2 02:22 am: or the downfall of literal mankind?!?! NormalHuman 02:22 am: Once again, it is shown how little you know about me. As a matter of fact, both of these things are on top of my priorities.
Sconeslove2 02:23 am: u have a list, don't u
Sconeslove2 02:23 am: a priority list
Sconeslove2 02:23 am: u seem like a person who has lots if lists
NormalHuman 02:24 am: Stop double texting me. Sconeslove2 02:24 am: U FOOL
Sconeslove2 02:24 am: i dont just double text Sconeslove2 02:25 am: I tRIPle text
Sconeslove2 02:25 am: I QUAdriple txt
Sconeslove2 02:25 am: I Sixtriple text
Sconeslove2 02:26 am: Septribble NormalHuman 02:26 am: sTOP Sconeslove2 02:26 am: Octave
NormalHuman 02:27 am: Go to sleep
Sometimes it scares me how much he acts like Snow.
Sconeslove2 02:27 am: why? are u concerned for my wellbeing?
NormalHuman 02:27 am: no NormalHuman 02:27 am: It's just like you're sleep-drunk or something
Sconeslove2 02:28 am: hey
Sconeslove2 02:28 am: is there a reason you're still awake? NormalHuman 02:29 am: just couldn't sleep
Sconeslove2 02:29 am: did you have a nightmare?
And it's almost like somebody actually cares about me. Sconeslove2 02:29 am: again? NormalHuman 02:30 am: yes
Sconeslove2 02:30 am: Do you want to tell me about it? NormalHuman 02:30 am: i'm fine
Sconeslove2 02:31 am: Don't lie to me
Sconeslove2 02:32 am: it's okay, you don't have to tell me
Sconeslove2 02:32 am: I just wish you were alright
NormalHuman 02:32 am: me too
Sconeslove2 02:33 am: Just imagine I'm hugging you Sconeslove2 02:33 am: really hard
Sconeslove2 02:33 am: until you're not sure any more whether I'm trying to show you that I love you or trying to kill you
I can't remember the last time somebody hugged me like they meant it. Nobody ever touches me. Nobody dares to touch me.
Sconeslove2 02:34 am: You know, I'm sort of really good at protecting people
Sconeslove2 02:34 am: I'm exceptionally good at slaying monsters Sconeslove2 02:34 am: And I'll slay your nightmares too
Sconeslove2 02:35 am: until you're happy again
Sconeslove2 02:35 am: I can be your knight in shining armour
NormalHuman 02:36 am: And I can be a normal guy
Sconeslove2 02:36 am: ha
Sconeslove2 02:36 am: I can't imagine anything nicer
Sconeslove2 02:37 am: don't worry
Sconeslove2 02:37 am: You and I, we can be normal guys
That would be nice, wouldn't it?
NormalHuman 02:38 am: Promise me we'll run away together Sconeslove2 02:38 am: of course
Sconeslove2 02:39 am: It'll be the cheesiest love story
NormalHuman 02:40 am: I don't know a lot of love stories
Sconeslove2 02:40 am: How about Romeo and Juliet
Sconeslove2 02:40 am: You know that one for sure
Romeo and Juliet? Been there, done that. But of course I can't tell him that.
NormalHuman 02:41 am: You know they die in the end, right? Sconeslove2 02:42 am: You're a vampire tho
Sconeslove2 02:42 am: You can't die
NormalHuman 02:42 am: Then I'll just lose you
Sconeslove2 02:42 am: Fine, then we'll be a different love story
Sconeslove2 02:43 am: Twilight?
NormalHuman 02:43 am: fuck off
Sconeslove2 02:44 am: You're smiling though, right?
I'm not smiling. I'm crying. Because this is just a dream that I'll never have. Because he doesn't know that my life is actually a pretty crappy novel, and I really do die at the end. Because he doesn't know that I'm the monster in someone else's love story. I don't reply to him for a long time. NormalHuman 02:58 am: yeah
NormalHuman 02:58 am: I'm smiling
He doesn't answer me after that.
I suppose I'll try to go back to sleep, too, then. Tomorrow I'll have to return to Watford, go back to face him. But maybe it's true that one day, I'll be rid of him. (Except maybe I'm only fooling myself; maybe, in reality, I'm pretending like I'm texting Snow, and not some stranger, and that means that, actually, I'm not making any progress at all.)
The problem is that it doesn't help at all. I like Sconeslove2 (Though, really, scones? It's almost too ironic). But I still love Simon Snow, no matter what I do.
In a very, very low moment, I created a dating profile and there he was. Sconeslove2, who seems to understand me better than anyone has before. Sometimes I think he's just as broken as I am, which should make me sad, but somehow only comforts me (Another indication of what a terrible human being I am. Or rather, vampire being.).
We've been talking for weeks now, yet I still don't know his name, and he doesn't know mine. I like it too much to give it up. For once, I can disguise myself as someone else.
When I arrive at Watford, I realize that I have a few new messages from Sconeslove2.
Sconeslove2 01:16 pm: hey
Sconeslove2 01:16 pm: I'm sorry. I lied to you. Sconeslove2 01:17 pm: I don't think we should keep texting.
I stare at the messages, trying to grasp their meaning. He lied to me. I knew it. I knew he couldn't be real; that no one could ever be serious about liking me. It seems like a physical impossibility of the universe. And even though I gathered that something sketchy was going on, I can't help but feel hurt, like I can't breathe any more.
It's okay. I was lying, too. I'm not a normal guy.
He never would've liked me if he had known who I was.
It's okay. NormalHuman 02:23 pm: ok Sconeslove2 02:24 pm: no I'll explain Sconeslove2 02:24 pm: I just don't want to lead you on, ok? NormalHuman 02:25 pm: No it's alright
Sconeslove2 02:26 pm: Remember when I told you you weren't like my room mate at all? Sconeslove2 02:26 pm: That's what I lied about. You and my room mate are actually really similar. NormalHuman 02:27 pm: … NormalHuman 02:27 pm: So you hate me?
Sconeslove2 02:28 pm: no
Sconeslove2 02:28 pm: that's just the thing
Sconeslove2 02:29 pm: I really really like you
NormalHuman 02:30 pm: Then what's the problem? Sconeslove2 02:32 pm: The problem is that you're really similar to my room mate
NormalHuman 02:34 pm: ? Sconeslove2 02:34 pm: that made me realize Sconeslove2 02:34 pm: I think I like him
Sconeslove2 02:34 pm: Romantically NormalHuman 02:35 pm: The epitome of evil? Sconeslove2 02:36 pm: unfortunately
Sconeslove2 02:36 pm: he'd kill me if he knew
Sconeslove2 02:37 pm: he'll kill me one day one way or another
NormalHuman 02:37 pm: Maybe you're wrong about that
Sconeslove2 02:37 pm: You aren't mad?
NormalHuman 02:38 pm: No
NormalHuman 02:38 pm: Actually, I'm in love with my room mate as well. NormalHuman 02:39 pm: And if your room mate is anything like me, he's really good at pretending. So your chances might be higher than you think.
Sconeslove2 02:40 pm: Wouldn't it be funny if we were actually room mates? NormalHuman 02:40 pm: That wouldn't be funny, that would be a fucking miracle.
I smile down at my phone. Maybe at least Sconeslove2 can be happy. He wouldn't have been happy with me anyway. Not once he'd met me in real life.
Sconeslove2 02:44 pm: I'm going to miss you.
NormalHuman 02:45 pm: Me too
Sconeslove2 02:46 pm: Goodbye then, vampire boy
Sconeslove2 02:46 pm: Thank you for helping me find myself
NormalHuman 02:47 pm: Just one question before you go
I can't help it.
NormalHuman 02:48 pm: Is your name Simon? Sconeslove2 02:49 pm: yes???? wtf
I drop the phone. I can hear the glass shattering, but I don't care. I start running. That's too many coincidences to ignore. I make my way up the steps and only stop shortly in front of our door. Then I take a breath and open the door, my heart fluttering nervously.
Simon is lying on the bed, his phone in hand. He doesn't even have the time to look up before I've snatched the phone out of his hand.
The chat is still open.
Sconeslove2 to NormalHuman.
I'm a fucking idiot.
“Hey, give that back!” Snow shouts, but I ignore him and scroll through the chat to convince myself it's still there. Snow stands up and tries to take the phone from me, but I push him away. “I like him,” I hiss. “Romantically. That's what you said.” Now he recoils and blushes. “I – I -” I won't listen to his stammering. I push him against the door with my arm and hold him there.
“Did you mean it?” He avoids my gaze. I press harder. This is important.
“Did you say it just to mess with me?” And he looks up. He looks scared, but I can't tell what of.
“No,” he whispers. I hold his gaze. He doesn't look away.
He's telling the truth. I can tell. It's a lot harder to lie in real life than online.
“You like me?” I ask stiffly.
“Yes,” he mutters and drops his gaze.
“So... You're NormalHuman?”
“Yeah.” “Weird that that's the name you would give yourself...” “What? Because I'm a vampire?” My gaze is dark, and he looks up at me again.
“No... Because you're the most extraordinary human I've ever met.”
“I didn't lie to you about my room mate.” He looks at me sheepishly and I see that he's trying to hide a smile.
“So we both like our room mates.” “A miracle...” “It is a bit funny though, isn't it?” I smile at him. “Yeah... It is.”
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grenadefestival · 7 years
October Writing Challenge: #7
Sooooo this one got really long. Instead of using any of my preexisting OCs or any fandom characters for this one, I had an idea for some brand new characters I created just for this story. I’m thinking I’ll keep them :P 
Prompt: Halloween is rolling around and an odd fair has come to town with all manner of old-fashioned clowns, fire-eaters, and jugglers. The character(s) get their hands on tickets to see the show and cannot resist.
Carnivals never came to town anymore. At least, not in the way Steph wished they would. She wanted the covered wagons, the eccentric performers, the huge tents that got set up in abandoned lots overnight and then disappeared a few days later. She thought about it every time Circ de Sole or Barnum and Bailey passed through, and every time she was disappointed. She didn’t care for shows like that at all. Those felt so stiff and controlled to her. She wanted mystery and wonder, and despite what her common sense told her, she refused to believe it wasn’t out there somewhere.
A text broke her out of her daydream. She picked up her phone.
“You doing anything today?” read the text from her friend, Meg.
“Eh, not really. You want to hang out?” she replied.
“Yeah, I found this flyer in my mailbox this morning that I think you’ll enjoy.”
Meg sent a picture of the flyer in question. “Traveling carnival” the text read, “all the way from Albany, New York!” Steph’s eyes widened as she continued reading. The flyer advertised carnival games, food, circus acts in the bigtop, an exhibit of oddities from around the world, and even a freak show. All being set up in a public lot off the highway. One weekend only.
“Holy shit!!” Steph texted, “We are going.”
“Lol, I thought you might say that. I’ll come pick you up. Don’t tell your mom or there’s no way she’ll let you go.”
“Ok, but she’s going to kick my ass when she finds out, and you know she will find out.”
“Oh no, how will we survive the wrath of Mrs. Shapiro?”
“Shut up! She’s scary when she wants to be. :(“
Sketchy traveling circus on the edge of town. That couldn’t possibly go wrong.
Meg arrived fifteen minutes later in her beat up Honda that used to belong to her brother. A tangle of Funko keychains and little voodoo style yarn dolls hung from her front mirror. Steph had many memories of the things almost hitting her when Meg took turns a little too hard. It was a wonder a cop hadn’t pulled her over yet, citing the collection as a hazard obstructing her vision.
Steph got in the car and they took off down the road towards the edge of town. As they reached the highway, the tents came into view. One large red and white striped tent took up most of the space. Strings of lights ran off the top and into the rows of smaller tents and booths surrounding it. Further back, removed from the colorful chaos, were short rows of plainer, more modern looking, tents that likely belonged to the workers. Steph wondered how they had gotten to the lot as she didn’t see so much as a pickup truck nearby.
They must have parked those further away or something.
They pulled into the gravel lot that functioned as a parking lot. Surprisingly, there was a handful of other cars parked there as well. Among the tents, Steph spotted a few people milling around. Her concentration was broken as something flew through the air and landed in her lap.
“Take that,” Meg said, “Just in case.”
Steph picked up the canister.
“Pepper spray?! Meg what the hell do you think is going to happen?”
“I don’t know! This is a sketchy out of town carnival. I’m not stupid. Just put it in your pocket.”
Steph rolled her eyes but did as Meg said. They got out of the car and approached the carnival.
A huge sign out front, also covered in lights, welcomed them to the show. Some music played over loudspeakers spread out throughout the carnival, though without any crowds to fill the space, it sounded more eerie than cheerful. Further away, Steph could see some of the few visitors walking down the fairway among a few people in colorful costumes who seemed to be stationed at various points throughout the area. As a couple walked by, one of the performers  began juggling pins, which was met with applause.
“Welcome to the carnival, ladies!” a booming voice called.
Steph and Meg turned as a broad, hairy man in an old fashioned tailcoat approached them.
“My name is Cornelius. I’m the manager of this fine establishment,” he said, holding his hand out to shake.
Steph was surprised by how firm his grip was, though there was little for him to hold. Her hands were completed dwarfed by his.
“Uh, Steph. This is Meg,” she said.
“Are you two from around here?”
“Yeah, we live in town.”
“Excellent! Let me just tell you where everything is. We have games that way, where you can win some prizes. Our curio museum is off to your left, along with an exhibit about this carnival’s history. Quite fascinating, and much older than me,” he sad with a laugh, “Food is directly ahead before the big tent there. The funnel cake is to die for. We will have some circus acts in the big top throughout the day, although…” his voice dropped to a conspiratorial tone, “you really should come back later tonight. We pull out all the stops for our nighttime shows.”
“What’s in them?” Meg asked.
“Oh the usual fire eaters, acrobats, clowns,” he said, “and a few things that are...a bit more bizarre.”
“Is that the freakshow your flyer was talking about?”
Cornelius smiled.
“You’ll just have to come back and see. Admission to all shows is three dollars. Any other admission fees for games or exhibits are posted. Enjoy your day!”
“Thank you!” Steph said before Cornelius turned and walked away. She looked at Meg, “We should come back. I’m super curious now.”
“Same. Let’s hit up some games.”
They walked towards the game booths and looked around at the selection. A lot of the prizes looked like typical carnival fare. Stuffed animals, both big and small. Inflatable swords. Plastic doodads that would break within a week. However, mixed in with the junk were items that looked like they didn’t quite belong. Eccentric hats decorated with lace and feathers. Ornate coffee mugs and tea cups. A string of fairy lights. An Xbox controller. A framed sepia photo of a man wearing a monocle. Neckties. Dolls.
“Man, this place is weird,” Steph said, “Did you see the-?”
She didn’t get to finish her sentence. As she turned her head to look at Meg, she felt her shoulder collide with something. Something rattled as it fell to the ground. She stopped and whipped her head back around to see who she’d bumped into and came face to face with a startled looking boy.
“Uh, I-I’m so sorry,” he stammered, stooping to pick up the plastic crate of cheap carnival prizes he’d been carrying, “I wasn’t watching where I was going.”
The boy’s accent was odd, and Steph had trouble placing it. It was subtle, something European. German maybe? She wasn’t sure. He looked about their age, though it was hard to tell with his soft, delicate features. He was very pretty to look at, but the longer Steph stared, the more unsettled she became. His skin was too pale, almost translucent, and against his scraggly black hair it seemed to glow. His gray, wool coat, threadbare around the hem and cuffs with mismatched brass buttons, swallowed him up even though it looked small enough to fit her. His dark eyes never seemed to stop moving, even as he spoke, as if he were afraid to look anyone in the eye. She wondered if this boy was homeless or something and wondered when he’d last eaten.
Maybe I should buy him a hotdog from one of the stands.
“No, it’s alright,” she said, reaching down to pick up a stuffed snake that had bounced out of the crate, “I’m the one who wasn’t paying attention.”
“Whoa, you didn’t win all those did you?” Meg asked.
“Oh, no, no,” the boy said, “I, um, I work here.”
Steph put the stuffed snake in the boy’s crate and smiled.
“Really? That’s really cool,” she said.
The boy just shrugged.
“I’m Steph,” she said, holding her hand out.
The boy hesitated a moment before shifting the crate to one arm and reaching out to shake her hand.
“Wolfram,” he said.
Meg frowned.
“Uh...b-...ball-fram?” she asked, “Sorry, can you run that by me again?”
“‘Vawl-frahm,’” he said slowly, “Though you’d spell it like ‘wolf ram.’”
“Oh. Is that German or something?”
“Germanic, yes, but I’m actually Austrian.”
“Wow, you’re from Austria?” Steph asked.
“That’s super cool! I’ve never been there before. My family went to Paris once when I was little, but I barely remember it.”
Wolfram smiled a little.
“Paris is nice. I’ve been there a few times,” he said.
“Ugh, you guys are lucky. I’ve never even been out of the country,” Meg said.
Wolfram opened his mouth to say something else, but he was cut off by a gruff shout from across the fairway from a tall man in a colorful silk shirt.
“Wolfram! Stop chatting and get back to work!”
Wolfram’s quiet smile evaporated and was immediately replaced by fear. He hunched his shoulders and looked down at the ground.
“Sorry, I have to go,” he said before immediately hurrying away.
“Nice...talking to you,” Steph started to say, but he was already out of earshot.
Meg frowned at the man who had shouted, who was now walking back behind the various game booths towards the cluster of plain tents near the back of the carnival.
“Dick,” she muttered, “Did you see the look on that poor kid’s face?”
“Yeah, he looked like he was sick or something. I hope he’s ok. He seemed nice,” Steph said.
They made their way through the games, trying their hand at winning some of the weird prizes. By the end of it, their cash was almost gone, but they managed to acquire a steampunk looking top hat, a lace shawl, and a handful of old-fashioned windup toys.
“I’m definitely wearing this for Halloween,” Meg said, adjusting the top hat.
“You’re lucky. I don’t think that thing would fit over my hair,” Steph said.
“I still cannot believe how cheap it is to play these games. And for stuff like this!”
“They must not have given out a ton of flyers, otherwise I’m sure more people would be swarming to this place.”
“We’re coming back later for that show, right?” Meg asked, “That guy at the entrance got me. I’m super curious now. Oh! And we should bring some of our friends with us.”
“Yeah, definitely!”
As they headed towards the entrance, Steph spotted a familiar face lurking by one of the booths, watching them. She smiled and waved.
“Are you leaving?” Wolfram asked.
“Yeah, but we’ll be back for the show later,” she said.
“Oh, I see.”
“Will you be there?” Meg asked.
“Uh...yes. I’m, ah, in it actually.”
“Wait really? What are you doing?”
Wolfram stared at the ground and fidgeted with his coat. He forced a smile.
“You’ll have to come back and see,” he said.
“Oh fine, be like that,” Meg said.
“I guess we’ll see you then,” Steph said.
“Yeah…” Wolfram said, “See you then…”
Spotlights whirled around the big top. The sounds of trumpets and drums battered the air.
“Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls of all ages, welcome to the main event! The show you’ve all been waiting for! We’ve traveled the globe in search of the most talented, the most daring, the most funny, and the most bizarre performers we could find, and tonight they’re all here to show you a sight you’ll not soon forget! Please welcome your ring master, Dervish!”
The spotlights all centered on a tall entryway at the back of the stage. For a split second there was silence before a woman on horseback burst forth into the ring. The horse jingled as it moved due to the dozens of golden metal cones hanging from its saddle and bridle. It ran a lap around the ring, head and tail held high, before coming to a stop in the center. The ring master dismounted, revealing a costume even more colorful. On top she wore a jacket reminiscent of a classic military waistcoat, but on bottom she wore a flowing, uneven skirt made of fabrics of every kind and color. She twirled, showing off the kaleidoscope she wore, and tipped her rather plain fez to the audience. The crowd clapped, and Steph had to admit she was already completely taken in by this woman.
“Good evening!” she said, “Are you folks ready for a great show?”
The audience cheered. A performer in a red and gold leotard ran out from backstage to lead the horse away. Still more performers, all in different costumes, came out and began setting up a few platforms and boxes of covered items as Dervish continued to speak.
“What a great crowd! We’re going to have fun tonight, I can tell, but we can’t get too crazy right off the bat. We’ll warm up with something simple, but don’t be fooled. Here at the carnival, nothing is ever as it appears. Please welcome, our jugglers!” she said, gesturing towards backstage as a team of four came running out, big smiles on their faces.
Meg leaned over and spoke into Steph’s ear.
“The show hasn’t even started, and already I know they should be charging more than three bucks for this,” she said.
The acts came one after the other with very little room to breathe, and all of them left Steph absolutely dazzled. Jugglers, acrobats, daredevil bikers, a dog team, a magician, and a clown that managed to make even Meg, who couldn’t stand mimes, laugh. As the hour wound down, Dervish came out to address the audience.
“We’re going to take a brief intermission, everyone, and when you return we’ll start part two of our show. You’ve seen high-flying talent, now get ready to see feats that no amount of practice can accomplish. Some of what you see may frighten or disturb you, but I assure you...the spectacle will be so very worth it,” she said.
She grinned, and the lights went out. When they came back up throughout the whole tent, she was gone, leaving the audience alone to their own devices. Meg elbowed Steph.
“Hey you know what this means, right? That boy we talked to earlier must be part of the freak show,” she said.
“Gosh, I almost forgot about him,” Steph said, “That was amazing.”
“I’ll say!” one of their friends, Jonah, said, “I’ve never seen any circus that holds a candle to what they’re doing. I’m surprised they have a freak show, though. Aren’t those like...not ethical anymore?”
Meg shrugged.
“I don’t know. Maybe that’s why they have it outside town,” she said.
“I’m sure it’ll be fine. They’d get shut down if they were doing anything illegal. You guys want to grab a snack?” Steph asked.
The trio got up and walked back outside to the clearing of food stands outside the tent. After grabbing some cotton candy, they wandered around the edge of the tent. Jonah tapped on Steph’s shoulder and pointed towards a smaller tent attached to the staging area. A couple of roadies were moving equipment around, and through the open flap Steph could see a huge cylindrical tank of water.
“What the hell do you think they’re doing with that?” he asked.
Steph shrugged.
“I don’t know. I guess we’ll find out.”
A bell outside the tent rang and the audience began filing back in. The trio followed and retook their seats as the lights went out. This time there was no music, and for a moment the tent was bathed in silence. Then, in the center of the ring, a bright light appeared. Steph squinted, trying to identify the source. Then another light appeared, right next to the first. The lights expanded and shifted until they revealed the source: a man dressed in all black. With a flick of his wrists, the lights flew out of his hands, becoming small orbs circling around the ring. Steph’s eyes widened and she leaned forward in her seat.
“I...what the hell did he just do?!” she whispered.
Meg just shrugged, eyes also wide. Jonah looked more skeptical than impressed, though even he was watching intently. The man created more and more orbs of light with broad flourishes of his hands, and as their numbers grew, their colors and movements began to change. The balls danced around in ever changing patterns for several minutes, creating a fantastic light show that culminated in all the orbs coming together to form a huge, swirling ball of flashing colors that seemed to engulf its creator before disappearing in a flash. The spotlights came back up, and for a second the audience could do nothing but gape. The applause that eventually followed was deafening.
Dervish walked back out, a smug smile on her face.
“If you folks enjoyed that, then you’re going to love the rest of the show. We have more performances like this that will shake the very foundation of what you thought was possible,” she said, “Next up, it is my pleasure to introduce Gordo, the colossus!”
Jonah shook his head and looked at Steph and Meg.
“I don’t believe this,” he said, “They got us all warmed up with the normal acts, so we’d be more likely to buy the impossible, but there has to be some trick here. Some angle.”
Meg scoffed.
“How? Do you know how to fake literal floating orbs of light?” she asked.
“Well, no, but that’s why it looks so real, because it looks impossible,” he said, “Come on let’s find another angle to watch from. I bet from the side or from behind we’ll see some of their tricks.”
Without waiting for Steph or Meg to agree, Jonah got up and started leaving the stand. Steph felt a stab of panic and got up to follow. Meg hesitated, an incredulous look in her eyes, before finally relenting and following as well. They slipped outside the tent and walked around the sides. The bottoms of the tent flaps were staked into the ground, but there were some gaps where a person could just stick their head under.
“Um, guys, don’t you think we’re a little close to the backstage area?” Meg asked, “What if someone sees us?”
“They’re too busy with the show,” Jonah said, “Don’t worry about it.”
They laid down on the ground and watched the show from the side as a huge man lifted cars and blocks of concrete that other, far weaker, members of the cast dragged out for him. Jonah elbowed Meg.
“Styrofoam I bet,” he whispered.
“But how do you explain just how big he is?” Steph asked.
“I don’t know, steroids?”
The act ended and Gordo took a bow as Dervish came back out into the ring.
“Next, you’ve heard tales since childhood of mermaids and sirens and spirits of the water, but no one has never really found proof of their existence. That is, until us. From a far away ocean, I present Wolfram, the boy who can breathe underwater!” she said.
“Whoa, what?!” Meg whispered, “That’s so cool!”
The huge tank of water with a wooden platform attached was wheeled out into the ring, and following behind was Wolfram, still wearing his wool coat. Jonah frowned.
“That’s supposed to be a mermaid?” he asked.
“To be fair, they didn’t say he was a mermaid, they just said he was proof of their existence,” Meg said.
“Oooh, ok, I see their angle now. Tell me when you see the oxygen tank I’m sure is in there.”
Wolfram and another performer climbed the ladder up to the top of the tank. Wolfram shrugged off his coat and pulled off his shoes, leaving him in only a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. He paused at the edge of the tank and took a breath before jumping down into the water.
“Start the timer!” Dervish said, waving at two other performers who had brought out a comically large digital clock. One of them hit a button and the seconds began counting up.
“The longest any human in history has ever been able to hold their breath without the aid of oxygen beforehand was eleven minutes and thirty five seconds,” Dervish continued, “Though the average human wouldn’t even come close. I say this only to give you proof of our diver’s power. Now, we could sit here all day watching him, but you folks came here for a show! We’ll check back on Wolfram in a bit, how does that sound?”
The audience clapped, and the performers wheeled the tank and clock off to the side. Steph, Meg, and Jonah quickly pulled back as the performers came closer.
“This is perfect,” Jonah whispered, “There has to be something over here giving him air, you think? Since we’re so close we’ll be able to see it.”
“Or maybe he really can breathe underwater,” Meg said, “I mean, look at the first guy who performed. This is like...this is some crazy shit!”
“We’ll see,” he said, sticking his head back under the tent.
The next act came into the ring, but Steph found she was only half paying attention. She looked at Wolfram, half floating at the bottom of the tank, and she frowned. It was hard to see his facial expressions from her angle, but something seemed off. His face looked blank and neutral, but every once in awhile he would twitch a leg or an arm or a grimace would cross his face. His chest heaved, but Steph had an awful feeling that he wasn’t breathing.
“If he can breathe underwater,” she whispered, “shouldn’t he have gills or something?”
“Aw come on, are you agreeing with Jonah now?” Meg asked.
“Well, I don’t know, it’s just...something feels wrong.”
Another act went on. More time passed. The clock hit the eleven minute and thirty five second mark.
“There you have it folks! A record beat!” Dervish said, gesturing to the tank, “What do you think of that?”
The audience cheered. Wolfram smiled and waved inside the tank.
“But!” Dervish continued, “We can do one better. The longest time anyone has ever held their breath, through any means necessary, was twenty-two minutes. Not an easy feat, but for Wolfram here? Child’s play. Keep the clock going! We’ll check back in on him later.”
Steph felt a twinge in her gut. She watched Wolfram through the glass as the spotlights moved back to the center of the ring. As soon as they did, his posture changed. He wilted, as if he wanted to curl into a ball and sink to the bottom of the tank, but he forced himself to stay upright. Keep the performance going. Steph was sure from the stands the changes were hard to see, but up close it put a queasy feeling in her stomach.
“Something’s wrong,” she whispered, “Look at his face.”
Meg followed her gaze, and even Jonah seemed concerned. Meg frowned.
“You sure that’s not just, you know, his face? I mean when we met him earlier he looked pretty nervous,” she said.
Steph shook her head.
“No that’s not it. I’ve been watching him,” she said, “Something’s off.”
Two more acts. Ten minutes. Thirty seconds. Dervish called the crowd’s attention back to the tank and they began counting down the last ten seconds. The lights illuminated the tank, and Wolfram gave another smile for the audience, though to Steph it looked pained. The digital timer flashed as it hit twenty-two minutes. Cheers erupted from the stands.
“Give Wolfram a hand folks!” Dervish said as performers came out to wheel the tank away.
Steph ducked out from under the tent and stood. She began walking along the edge of the tent towards backstage.
“Steph, where the hell are you going?!” Meg hissed.
“Making sure he’s ok,” Steph whispered back before continuing on. She crept over to the entrance flap and peered inside. All the performers, faces both familiar and unfamiliar, were waiting around, getting ready for their acts or waiting for the show to end. She watched as the tank of water was wheeled off stage and towards the back of the staging area. Dervish followed behind, her enthusiastic showmanship gone completely. Her movements were sharp as she gestured to the performers by the tank.
“Get him out of there! Hurry up!” she snapped.
Two performers climbed the ladder and got into the water. Wolfram couldn’t even grasp their hands to pull himself up, but this didn’t seem to bother either of them as they hauled him up to the platform. He was eerily still as they carefully lowered him off the platform and into Dervish’s arms. She turned him over and gave his back a solid thump, and he immediately began spluttering and convulsing, water pouring from his mouth. She rubbed his back as he gasped for air, unable to so much as cough as he struggled to expel the water from his lungs. Finally he drew in a rattling breath, a haunting sound that no healthy human being should have been able to make, and began to cough.
“Dervish, you’re going to miss your cue!” a man barked.
Steph looked towards the source and saw Cornelius, the manager who had spoke to them earlier in the day. He wore no smile now as he looked at his employees. Dervish looked up at him, not bothering to hide the anger in her eyes. She said something to Wolfram before standing and heading back towards the stage. One of the performers draped a blanket around Wolfram’s head and shoulders as he began to shake, still spitting up water. Steph felt nauseous, but she couldn’t stop watching. She jumped as she noticed Jonah and Meg’s presence next to her.
“Well, Jonah, you were wrong,” she said, “There wasn’t a tank of oxygen in there.”
“How the hell is he still alive?!” Meg hissed, “He should have drowned five minutes in!”
She turned and looked at Jonah.
“Still think it was a trick?”
For once, Jonah was at a loss for words. Steph watched as the performer helped Wolfram up and started leading him away from the others towards the exit.
“Crap! Go, go, go,” Steph hissed, pushing Meg and Jonah away from the entrance. They ran away from the tent and ducked behind a booth nearby as Wolfram and the performer left the tent and headed across the field to the smaller tents on the edge. As soon as the performer was gone and heading back to the bigtop, Steph made her move. She heard Meg whisper something frantic behind her, but she didn’t stop. She bolted across the field, straight for the tent she saw them enter, and ducked inside.
The tent was plain and nearly empty with only a cot, an electric lantern, and a small chest. Curled into a ball on the cot, still wrapped up in the blanket, was Wolfram. His eyes were wide, and he stared at her with a mixture of fear and confusion.
“You,” he whispered, his voice hoarse, “What are you doing here?”  
“I...uh,” Steph stammered. She turned as Meg and Jonah ducked into the tent behind her. She looked back at Wolfram, “Are you ok?”
“What? What are you talking about?”
“We saw what happened backstage! You sounded like you were dying!”
“You saw? I...You really shouldn’t be here,” Wolfram said, eyes darting towards the entrance. He sat forward, the blanket falling off his head, exposing his gaunt face to the dim light of the lantern. His lips looked blue, and red rings had formed around his irises where blood vessels had burst. Water dripped from his hair and ran down his face as he continued to shiver.
“Well, no probably not, but...We just watched you drown for twenty minutes! I wasn’t going to just…” Steph stopped and took a breath.
“How the hell did you survive that?” Meg asked.
“Meg, not now.”
Wolfram looked down at the ground, gripping the blanket tighter.
“You really, really need to go,” he said.
“No. Something’s wrong here. I knew it the moment I saw you,” Steph said, “Did you volunteer for that? Or did they make you?”
Wolfram squeezed his eyes shut and pressed his forehead against his knees.
“Please, just leave,” he whispered.
“Tell me you did that out of your own free will, and we will.”
“It’s the least I can do,” he said, “We all make sacrifices to keep this place running. It’s the only place any of us are safe.”
“Well you don’t look very safe to me,” Steph said.
“They can’t hurt me.”
“Then what the hell do you call that?!” she asked, gesturing towards the big top.
“No, you don’t understand, I…” he paused and took a breath, as if debating whether or not he should say anything, “If they leave me in there for twenty minutes or twenty hours it won’t make a difference. Stab me, shoot me, it doesn’t matter. The outcome is the same because I can’t die.”
He looked up, holding her gaze for the first time since they met. She paused, trying to wrap her head around his statement.
“You...you can’t die?” she asked.
“What? That’s ludicrous,” Jonah said.
Meg scoffed.
“You’re going to call that ludicrous? After what we just saw? How else would you explain that, genius?” she asked.
“How did...how did that happen?” Steph asked.
“I don’t know. I don’t know when it started, I just know when I found out,” Wolfram said, “That was...ages ago. Decades.”
Meg stared at him.
“Sorry, did you say decades?”
“Ok, well, ability to die aside, that doesn’t make this right,” Steph said, “They’re still hurting you! That’s not ok! You need to get out of here!”
Wolfram looked down at the floor again.
“I can’t,” he said, “Where would I go? Besides, it’s really not as bad here as it looks. They feed me and give me a place to live. People to rely on. I won’t find that anywhere else.”
“We can give you that,” Steph said, “If you come with us, you won’t have to figure this all out by yourself. We’ll help you find somewhere safe, and no one will hurt you like this again. I promise. We’ll figure something out.”
“Whoa, hang on,” Meg said, “Steph, you’re talking about bringing some random person into you house! Where the hell is he going to stay? What are you going to tell your mom?!”
“We’ll make something up. My mom’s the one who taught me that if you can help someone, you should. I’m sure she’d understand.”
“I…” Meg sighed, “This is not a good idea.”
Steph looked back at Wolfram.
“Wolfram, please,” she said, “You know this isn’t right. Let us help you.”
He looked at her, eyes wide but not with fear.
“You barely know me. We spoke twice only this afternoon,” he said.
“That doesn’t matter to me. No one deserves this. Are you coming or not?”
She held her hand out towards him. For a moment none of them said anything. Then he reached out and put his hand in hers.
Steph smiled.
“Everything’s going to be ok.”
5 notes · View notes
survivorkomnata · 5 years
Episode #9: "Anyone wanna speak up?" - Zach
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ok so miguel was voted off 5-4-1 miguel/ME??/luke. the four people who voted me were stephen / ally / jess / luke. thankfully, i could count on the Kato 2.0 people on having my back. we also just made an alliance!!! because FUCK my og alliance with stephen/ally/(and karthik). and I STILL HAVE AN IDOL.
ok i'm just shook. i lowkey thought maybe alyssa was playing me but.. she wasnt. she saved me and i owe her for that. i hope it doesnt really hurt her position in the game but she's by far playing the best i think.
i'm just shook. i'm not mad at anyone. i apologize for how i acted post-tribal but oMGGGfgGgG these BITCHES|!!! it's the game tho, and i hope i can keep on kicking and swinging cuz im gonna fight tooth and nail in this game.
also it's so funny idk why but me saying the last line was ALGKDLSGK i still laugh:
anyone wanna speak up?
(ill give more later im just.. frazzled)
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Ummm so about that fucking vote. WTF IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?! WE HAD THE CHANCE OF TAKING OUT A FORMER WINNER AND A PROVEN CHALLENGE BEAST! I'm convinced the IQ of this person who flipped is a -20 because.. that was the stupidest move in the existence of Tumblr Survivor..... and I'm the QUEEN of the House of Stupid Moves. I can declare it.
I'm not 1000% sure right now who it is but I have two guesses.
My first guess is: It was Ally.
Reasons: 1. Ally has admittedly worked with Zach in another Survivor game. 2. She also arguably had the MOST contact out of everyone with Zach all day. 3. She possibly wants to pin this vote on Alyssa to break up any possible alliance between myself/Stephen/ Alyssa. 4. She wants to break up me and Alyssa 5. The group of Karth/Zach/Ally is a thing?
My second guess is: Alyssa Reasons: 1. If Zach left she is the next biggest threat here. 2. She wanted a shield. 3. She's trying to build as many relationships with people as possible to cover her social fucking ass. 4. She hates me and wants to off me and will use Zach to kill me in this game.
I honestly don't even know if my predictions are correct here but... I sort of hope they are and I don't look dumb in the future.
My plan going forward is: to not create a bigger mess that was already created.
XOXOXO Jessip Girl.
I'd also like to add another reason why I think it's Alyssa is because Miguel was one of the people who tried to vote her off.
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Wow!! An attempted blindside gone wrong. This was really exciting and fun. These are the reasons I play this game for, finally happy to see these happening. A lot of lies and betrayal all of which is understandable but these things has got me pumped up. I am going to play with my emotions and they have triggered me. Time to start playing the game and play it hard. An attack on Zach is an attack on me, so they better be prepared to handle my rage.I feel this was a very good tribal in terms of the game as it makes its future bright and exciting. Luke....what are you doing??? Everything that has come to out of his mouth so far has been a lie. I just cant believe the way he is playing, no where close to what I was expecting from him.
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After last night's chaos... my word. I have a feeling Touchy Subjects is going to destroy some people here.
Plot twist: I've heard some recent developments about the flipped vote.
According to Tim it was Luke? Oh? Buddy.... has officially been put on my "Shit List" in this game. You can't sit around and play both "sides" of this game. THAT'S MY JOB.
I'm not too sure how I'm going to break this to Ally. She might not believe me but I KNOW I NEED TO TELL HER.
Also: I still don't get why sooo many people trust Tim. I know Tim doesn't trust me anymore or maybe... not as much as he used to. BUT why did he tell Zach right away about the Miguel vote yesterday? IT ALL SEEMS SO SKETCHY.
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Being thrown in the basement has given me an opportunity to reflect on some things in the game. I was kinda flattered to be the winner of both "running the game" categories in Touchy Subjects. Unfortunately, that perception might cause the other players to plan more behind my back. I know from last vote that being in the basement before Tribal Council shouldn't impact things tooooo much for me. Still, I'd rather have the opportunity to talk with people whenever I want.
Speaking of last vote, I tried to blindside Zach! And it didn't happen. The original plan was Miguel, but things got switched up when no one seemed to bite into wanting him out. Ally wanted to get Tim instead, which signaled to me that she obviously didn't have a strong relationship with him. So I had to swoop in and say Zach should go instead because Tim is in one of my many alliances. Honestly I'm beginning to prefer the 4 Elements alliance over AJ's Angels because it's possible Alyssa was the one who flipped, and she's not telling me it was her. But after Touchy Subjects, I think I have a better chance against Karth in the end than I previously thought. He's viewed as inactive, which I personally disagree with, but that perception is very good for me.
Another alliance I'm in is the "Samurais" which I would have liked to call "The Resistance" but Luke had other plans. I honestly just view this alliance as a means to an end. That end being.... getting Zach out, SOON! Hopefully Ally has a case of tunnel-vision with getting Zach out as soon as possible and her/Luke don't suspect a thing when I flip right afterwards.
All of this is contingent on Jess feeling the same way, since flipping on my own wouldn't get me the numbers, which I think she will now that she sees the other players view Karth as being dragged to the end.
I'm still in the basement, so I don't know who the 2 sides are voting for. I doubt Zach sent me down here because he wants me to find an advantage... so I could be a target. I hope Karth and Tim would keep that from happening, and push the vote onto Luke instead. I might prefer to get Jake out just because I don't have a strategic relationship with him, but beggars can't be choosers. It's not like I'm particularly close with Luke anyway.
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Ok so sorry for not making confessionals as often as I did before!!  The game has literally been warped based off of the fist merge vote. Zach was targeted by Stephen, Ally, Luke, and JESS. Freaking Jess flipped on me when I thought we were really tight and cool. I played off my frustration with the others in the alliance of the 4 elements as understanding but I made moves. I first formed that allaince but now I formed an allaince of Kato 2.0 minus Miguel ofc. Tonights vote I want to do Luke but lets see. I will talk about challenge results soon as well!!
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i won IMMUNITY!!! i'm so blessed because i've been told by two sources (namely tim & alyssa) that i was going to be targeted had i not. so? bless!
regarding what ''subjects'' i won: - would dump rice in the fire [true] - biggest physical player [true] - most likely to have an idol [true] - trust the most [false??] - want to see win at the end [false lol]
so that's interesting. i did a tentative game ranking and originally i put: alyssa > zach > ally > karthik > stephen > jake > jess > tim > luke
but now i'd put: alyssa > ally > karthik > zach=stephen > jake > jess > tim > luke but it's still super tricky to accurately rate because of the multiple factors you could include (threat size, potential to win, potential to go to FTC, allies, etc.). i honestly think my jury management is 0/2 so far, and that i will lose at FTC due to ''not working with people'' even tho i entirely blame others for that :D
now let's talk about the reasonings for voting me (hopefully i haven't spoken about this already): stephen - were worried about a potential idol play/new vote so they voted the "safer option", named zach. --> this kinda throws me off. i think it's realistically the most truthful of the 4 excuses, but it's kinda sad that my name was a ''safe'' vote opposed to someone having my back (because i have tried to work with them and especially like. jess.) ally - felt betrayed by the stephen w. vote and like i ignored her. --> i think this is dumb. firstly, girl, we kno u are STRATEGIC. secondly, i didn't ignore her whatsoever?? i was the closest to flipping imo but i didn't because stephen w. targeted ME? like if she genuinely voted me bc i didnt flip after my name was stephens main target (bar jake) then... sister idk what u want. luke - last minute scramble, didn't think i was getting many votes. --> well this is just false. point, blank and period. jess - that when she offered miguel's name, i was hesitant and freaking out (and that she wanted to be my number one opposed to number two). --> dumb. i told her miguel's name. i said it'd be sad but i'd be down and not willing to stick my neck out for miguel. maybe i came off poorly, sure, but if you truly wanted 2 be my ''number one'' u shouldnt make the vote me but rather someone else.
i'm just peeved.
on top of that, karthik is sooo rude??? like he didn't tell me shit about the basement until i confronted him. LIKE. I SENT AN ENEMY (OF MINE) TO THE BASEMENT AND YOU FAILED TO LET ME KNOW THAT YOU GUESS EVERY 6 HRS OPPOSED TO 24?? LIKE ?? I COULDVE SENT IN A DUCKING FRIEND!! so rude. i honestly am questioning my trust with him more and more through each round.
i also want to talk about someone that's great. JAKE! i love you so much. last confessional i may have doubted you (and, maybe the round before) but i'm extremely appreciative for you in this game and i can't stress enough that i'm just paranoid as duck and worry way more than i should. thank u LOL i trust u a lot now.
but, that's all in the past. let's talk about tonights vote. allegedly, stephen told tim that the target was going to be me, but due to immunity, jake is now the target. this makes a little sense given allys been wanting jake out the absolute MOST, but i feel like it'd be a decoy. don't matter tho xx i'm safe. alyssa is also apparently flipping (or, staying i guess) with our side and voting out luke - who is our sides target. i see logic in voting luke. he'll be the easiest of that side to get out, but on the other hand, he's the least threatening and if i'm going to flip someone, it'll be easier to flip people against ally (best liar, etc.) or stephen (running the game, etc.) opposed to luke (voted out next, don't want 2 see win, etc.). but have it be known that i'd CRAVE idolling out stephen or ally, and i may just do that.
it's still early in the day, and a lot can happen. i'll try* to keep yawls posted. i genuinely trust no one and i'm like at the stage of being sad ): because i don't think i can win and i don't think anyone wants to work with me even though i feel like i've been super social. i am always opened when i play games, and that may be 'snakey' or something but i'm willing to work with ANYONE. but they are not seeing that, and i don't know what to do abt it. maybe they're targeting me for being a threat (as a main reason), and that'd make me content but it feels like i'm one of those "one sided" people and... yeah. i guess only time will tell, but my fatass is in final 8 with an idol and all these birches know that, and i'll just have 2 play around that. good luck to me LOL ALSGKDLSKG
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After a shocking touchy feelings, I’m feeling nervous about this tribal. No one is saying anything and I’m honestly feeling like I’m going home tonight. People are telling me I shouldn’t be and I want to believe them but I just don’t know.
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ugh I want to save Luke but I cant afford to lose Tim/Jake/Zach's trust so I may have to just follow the groups preferences and vote Luke. I would rather have preferred the target to be Jess/Alyssa as they seem to be playing good games and aren't close to me. I had talked it out with Luke and now I feel like he would be help to my game down the line but dont feel like going over the board to save him.
Luke is voted out 5-4. He becomes the third member of our jury.
0 notes
todokori-kun · 7 years
(OH NO I’m gonna miss you Queen ;-; hope you’ll have a good week, though! And looking forward to talking again when you get your laptop back <3)
I’m totally over my Hamilton obsession. It’s a fandom of the past for me now. I’m not going to finish those lyrics. You can’t tempt me with something as simple as that. I’ve actually forgotten the next lines-
(so in case you couldn’t tell, me having left the Hamilton fandom was a blatant lie and my tongue is now turning black)
The Queen couldn’t possibly have been a brat. I bet you were the sweetest kid ever :D
See, the thing is, when my sister gets whiny she can be really irritating.
Like, insisting that she’s only played a ‘tiny bit’ when she’s been at the playground for at least three hours now and it’s time to go home and have a late dinner, then continuing to complain about it the whole car ride home (“Evans is mean. Mom is mean. Daddy is mean…”) then refuses to get out of the car when there are other cars behind us (then she whines about how everybody was ‘dragging’ her out of the car when she was trying to put her shoes on), drags her feet as we go into the apartment, says she’s not going to eat dinner…like, not anything too big (most of the time, at least) but really annoying stuff.
And then sometimes it’s like the whole 'I’m not touching you *finger hovers centimeters away from other person’s skin*’ thing. When she’s really mad at me she’ll make motions like she’s going to punch/slap/pinch me and then when I ask her to stop (“hitting people isn’t nice!”) she’s like “I didn’t hit you though! Evans is being mean” and sometimes she starts to cry…OTL )
Evans + smol children:
Kid 1: “PLAY WITH US EVANS” *clings to my hand*
Evans: “-um-”
Kid 2: “Please?” *grabs my leg*
Evans: “I really need to-”
Kid 3: “Pretty please? You’re the best at tag and Monster games!” *hugs and refuses to let go* *puppy dog face*
Evans: “…how can I say no to this…”
*five minutes later*
Evans: “I know I shouldn’t back out of this but please hear me out I’m DESPERATE*
oh dear XD people don’t really bother to close their mouths over here, I think, since if you don’t think it’s rude then it IS more comfortable. It is considered more polite to cover your mouth with your hand when there’s too much food in there, though.
My parents really want to know why I love manga so much, but they don’t usually have time to watch/read anything with me (and besides, my dad doen't like violent stories so…).
Well, she doesn’t like the Rising Sun Flag at all (like I said, over here it’s a really bad symbol. Many people who were hurt by Japan during WW2 are still alive today, like the old ladies who were once sex slaves for Japanese soldiers, and for everyone involved that pain is never going to fade) but she’s still going to try it out just for the story :) she’d probably really have a problem with it if the flag was used in more serious situations, but since it usually appears in comedic moments in the manga I think she’s accepting it as ignorance(?) from the creator.
Yeah, I don’t really like Kissanime ^^;; I’ll try to find Re:Zero on the Korean site where I usually watch things. Or maybe a manga/light novel version, if there’s anything like that? Since the Manhwa Cafe might have a light novel or a manga.
LOL Fairytail is too intimidating. And you know me, I’m too angsty for that series XD True though, HxH is super long…
Killua isn’t QUITE a cinnamon roll (he was still raised by the Zoldycks and trained by Illumi) but he comes close. I mean, even after going through a hellish Zoldyck childhood he STILL doesn’t want to be an assassin and is capable of kindness and emotion towards people who aren’t members of his family. The MC Gon is probably the ultimate cinnamon roll though.
Illumi has issues. The fact that he willingly hangs out with Hisoka should prove that.
The Zoldycks are a BRUTAL family, ok, I feel sorry for all their children. Like, come on. The emotional abuse is just as bad, if not worse, than the physical abuse.
Idk if this was ever addressed in canon, though, but I wonder if Illumi also resents Killua in a way? Since Illumi is the oldest child and was trained since birth to become a perfect Zoldyck assassin, but when Killua was born it quickly became obvious that he was a prodigy and then he was chosen as the heir. Kilua doesn’t even WANT to be the heir, he stabbed his mother and one of his other brothers just to run away from home, and yet he’s still being chosen over Illumi, who was trained for a similar role since birth and just had to silently, obediently step side the moment this tiny baby brother was born.
True, I guess it’s like me shipping Queen Luna with so many characters LOL. Evans/Kimblee is still one of the weirder ships though, like what do we even have in common (answer: ruining lives. And we both….appreciate….art?). At least Scar/Evans had the potential to be awkwardly cute XD
(TYSM though Queen, you’re too kind to me <3)
What have we done now I’m imagining that fight between Kimblee and Ed, where Ed thought he won but Kimblee revealed he had another Philosopher’s Stone- but instead of the stone, it’s
Kimblee: *pulls ball out of pocket* PRIDE! I CHOOSE YOU!
(Imagine Pride making the Pokemon noises though)
I relate to that too. Probably going to relate to it even more when college starts in September(?)…;-;
BUT WHAT IF WE END UP TRIPLE-JINXING IT (idk what I’m even saying now)
I guess it’s just me and my fondness for mix-and-matching colors XD I get bored looking at something with too much of just one color so I like throwing in other colors too…I might get carried away with it sometimes though lol.
I’m really glad you liked the Olivier one though ^^
…wow. That was an amazing dream XD Weirdly enough I’ve never had a dream about a celebrity even with all of my fandoms (I did once have a dream involving a few K-pop idols but I can’t clearly remember if they were actually real idols or just characters created in my mind lol).
Don’t worry, Loki will distract you from the lack of long blonde hair with his fabulousness (once again, idek what I’m saying)
Hope you had a good time watching it :D (I’m personally not into Sherlock anymore, though ^^;; the sexist/homophobic stuff was just too much so I dropped it)
IF YOMO DIES- I CAN’T EVEN. He’ll be dying at the hands of the chacter I just don’t care about anymore (Mutsuki) for one of my not-so-favorite characters (Touka). NO.
And I watched S1 of One Punch Man on a react channel. I’m obsessed and now I’ve got to read the manga HELP ME
And I finally found real watercolor paper, I can’t wait to paint on it :D
Also, sorry for not sending any asks ;-; i got discouraged because asks get eaten so easily (plus I had so much to say lol)
FINALLY PLAYING CP! I didn’t get Steam though (after reading about it and thinking it through I just don’t think it’s for me ^^;;) so I ended up downloading it. I’ve played all the routes except for Waltz’s, but I’ve only gotten the Good Endings so far. (There’s actually a reason for this: Firstly, I was actively trying to get a good ending because I get weirdly obsessed when playing dating games…since it’s a romance, it feels like a major fail if I don’t get a good ending XD (I know, I’m really weird). And as for the second reason…you usually have to act like a jerk to other characters to get the bad endings and I didn’t want to do that ;-; (seriously, I know they’re just fictional characters and that it’s silly, but I HATE it every time I choose to do something mean and they look at me like they’re so disappointed ugh OTL)).
My thoughts so far:
-Art is amazing! It does look a little off at some points during the game but it’s not very noticeable and other than that, it’s great. The intro looks the best, I think, and the sketchy, simple style used during flashbacks really adds to the ‘fairy tale’ feel. It actually reminds me a bit of Kuro’s art.
-Idk about music, my family’s always around and having my earbuds in for so long hurts my ears so I just turned off the sound while playing ^^;; I did hear a bit of the intro though and it sounded nice.
-I like the history with the Great War and the crystals :)
-The whole concept of Fairytale Curses is really interesting! It was fun to try and guess how the curses worked for certain characters and how they could be broken.
-Rod’s route was probably the most boring because it was too predictable. I guessed that Alcaster(? is that his name? I’m talking about Fritz’s father) wasn’t the real villain, that Mythros was the witch, that MC’s mom was probably a witch, that Rod was in love with Viorica and that Viorica had something to do with his curse, that falling in love with MC would break his curse…yeah. The only thing I didn’t see coming was that MC’s mom was not just a normal witch but the Tenebrarum bearer. However, it was still interesting enough to make me want to play the rest of the game, the romance was cute, and I liked how they handled the whole ‘step-siblings’ thing.
-Rod himself was a bit boring. I don’t think he was badly written, but his personality was a mix of the typical 'stoic’ and 'tsundere’ types so yeah. I do have to give the writers kudos for not turning him into an annoying tsundere, though. I mean, Rod can be a jerk but he didn’t irritate me and I didn’t dislike him.
-Karma/Klaude’s route threw me off because of the whole rose motif. I thought that by 'Beauty’ he meant 'Sleeping Beauty Curse’ XD it didn’t help that he kept talking about being tired and not having had enough sleep.
-I liked his habit of calling people 'darling’; idk why but it’s cute. I also like that he’s the only character so far to actually address MC’s relationship with her mother and what it must have done to her (even if it was just a brief moment). Karma’s personality in general was charming ^^
-I also really, really liked his character design! Even though my favorite color is blue I think characters with a 'Red’ theme (like Grell from Kuro) always look good. It makes them pop and stand out from the rest of the cast.
-But I’m sad we didn’t get to meet his father. The glorious man who calls his children 'Karma’ and 'Llama’.
-I was also a little bit disappointed with Karma at first. From the art I saw before the game I thought he was this cool, powerful swordsman who liked to wear dresses and didn’t care what people had to say about that…turns out he just had to do it because of the curse ;-;
-(Karma’s curse was also a bit confusing to me. Idk, I just think they could have explained a little better why dressing as a woman helps…)
-Rumpel (or rather, Chevalier…but I’m never going to get used to that name. It reminds me of 'Chivalry’ or 'Chandelier’). People don’t seem to like him a lot but I was looking forward to playing his route…he just seemed like a fun guy.
-He turned out to be a very interesting character that I wanted to see fleshed out more. I mean, he started as a 'Shallow, Childish Flirt’ type character, then we found out he’s actually a nice guy, then we found out he’s a DOCTOR (I got spoiled for that before I played his route but still), then there’s the thing with him being too selfless for his own good…I like that they didn’t just turn him into a 'Playboy’ character.
-Tbh I thought he was sweet? *prepares for the hate*
-Also think the whole thing with Bria was handled well. I’m glad that neither she nor Rumpel was made out to be the only victim.
-I wish we got to see more of how Mythros’ death affected Rumpel, though.
-Fritz is a cinnamon roll :) a total sweetheart.
-His route might have been a bit boring, though, because MC spent so much time locked up in the castle..but it got a lot better towards the end, after MC got back to the Marchen.
-I also found Varg really interesting and felt a bit sorry for him. Wish we got to see more of him- especially since it was mentioned that he was created from some part of Fritz’s personality. We never really got to see the 'Varg’ side of Fritz :(
-(wonder if there’s more Varg in the Bad Ending?)
-Also I’m sorry but Fritz’s curse reminds me more of Jekyll and Hyde than Little Red Riding Hood XD
-(didn’t really care for the mother-daughter relationship with Delora and MC, though, because their interactions didn’t feel that way?)
-MC. I haaaated her at first and I hated her even more because I sensed she was going to get an angsty backstory that would justify her behavior. But she was actually really well written and I ended up liking her a lot!
-Emelaigne and Parfait are sweethearts. (also I like that detail with the shadows around Parfait’s eyes)
-wish there was some more diversity in the cast
-Also female love interests! With a little tweaking we could have Delora! Parfait! Jurien! And if we can date Rod, THEN THERE’S NO HECKING REASON WHY WE CAN’T DATE EMELAIGNE TOO
-It would have been nice if the love interests called MC out on her behavior at some point. I mean, we know why she acts that way but they don’t.
-And if they’d talked about her childhood with her…Hildyr was a terrible mother.
-Speaking of Hildyr, wow. Just, wow. I like that she’s not a flat, 100% evil character and that she does genuinely love her daughter (in her own twisted way), but…yeah.
-Mythros is a slimy rat who was probably aiming for Magnificent Bastard status and failed. (I do feel sorry for him, though. And his design looks good. It sorta reminds me of Vincent Phantomhive)
-Also, random: I renamed MC ever time I played the game. I love naming characters so in any game, if you can rename the MC, I always have to change the original name ^^;; I ended up naming her Theodosia once (sorry Burr, I’m sure your daughter’s nicer than the MC), and then Eliza just for how funny it was (because now I associate the name Eliza with Cinnamon Roll Queens and the MC is anything but).
-Delora, MC and Emelaigne are probably my favs. However…
-The Ultimate Fav is the one and only Mr. Broom. Such development. Much complexity. 10/10. Best character ever.
-And now, the characters I ship Queen Luna with (yes, I absolutely HAVE to do this with every one of our shared fandoms): Fritz and Karma :D it would be so cuuute
-I’ll add my opinions on Waltz once I get the time to play his route :)
-TYSM for introducing me to this game, Queen Luna! I had a lot of fun playing it <3
I AM BACK!!  And I’m emotionally drained again XD Too much human interaction for 1 week. I had some friends over, so I was supposed to be the polite host (even though it was actually my mom’s idea to invite them, so I can ‘be more outgoing’.) 
Right, right, and I totally didn’t force my friends to listen to the whole Hamilton soundtrack and then totally didn’t get this close to singing along to everything. Both of us are over it
Same, same. I just have to think a thought that is also a lyric in the musical and I’m back in hell.
Nope, trust me, I was a little shit. Whenever someone tells me stories of baby Luna, I wanna curl up into a ball and die from embarrassment. I’m not even joking when my parents wanted to take me to get tested for ADHD. And then, suddenly, I found the magic of books and you will not get me to move my ass unless my life’s on the line (and even then I’ll reconsider XD)
Ouch… well, most little kids are like that? I mean, I don’t interact with them a lot (we have a mutual dislike for each other :P), but there’s a reason why I don’t like them. They can be adorable and all, but I just don’t have the patience ^^;;;
I think I’d cry of cuteness if I ever saw Evans with little kids, because that sounds absolutely adorable!!! 
Tbh, the thing I have most problems with is the sound of it, because it gets on my nerves so much ;-; 
Still, it’s really nice they make an effort to understand you ^^ I finally told my mom about my idol obsession today,  and I was so happy when she wasn’t weirded out T^T The thing is, I’m so used to people giving me weird look when i so much as mention anime, and idols are a whole new level of that, that I just don’t wanna tell anyone about it. Hell, it took me 2 months to offhandedly mention it to my parents. 
I think Re:Zero has a light novel? I’m not sure, honestly ^^;;;
Dude, you would not like fairy tail AT ALL. It is 98% tasteless fan service, and I was able to tolerate it for the sake of plot, but in the recent chapters, the plot itself has also become really stupid. Like, if a character dies, no one is worried any more, cause we know they’ll be revived 3 pages later. It became really stupid near the end. But, hey, it’s over now.
In summary: HxH is messed up XD I’m still debating watching it… maybe a bit later, or maybe I’ll pick the manga up ^^ 
Art is a very wide term, so I guess you could say both you and Kimblee do have it in common? It’s just up for discussion which form of art XD I must say, I do like you and Scar better though, because I don’t really think Scar would potentially blow you up if you did anything wrong…
Pride, pride! Pika pride!
All enemies would be terrified of him.
IDK LETS JINX IT AS MUCH AS WE CAN SO HOPEFULLY WE END UP IN A JINX THAT KEEPS HIM ALIVE! And omg I honestly don’t remember anymore if it was a fan comic or an actual manga panel, but it makes me wanna cry every time I think of it (I think it was a comic…) But then again, I don’t wanna spoil anything for you (again ;-;). So, have you read what happened to Bertl last?
Seriously, it was so weird ;-; I usually remember all my dreams, so but I usually dream of anime and other fictional characters (help) and things I thought about a lot during the day. Most of my dreams are crazily bizarre. 
Well, I mean, Loki finally had the decency to wash his hair (I’ve waited 3 movies for that), so I’m more than happy about his part XD
Tbh, I’m not into it too much either, but I do enjoy detective/mystery shows, so why not.
I have one thing to say.
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Seriously, I brought the series with me on an USB to rewatch it during the summer XD
Oh, I hope you have fun with it! And don’t worry about not sending asks ^^
GUESS WHO ALMOST CRIED WHEN SHE HEARD YOU WERE PLAYING CP??? ((If you need more than one guess, I’ll be disappointed XD))
I can’t wait for you to play Watlz’s route. That guy is still my favorite, and I still wanna cry when I think of him XD Trust me, there are FEEELS. HE’s also one of my favorite tropes T^T
Don’t worry, I also always get good endings first and then the bad ones (tbh I do the bad ones for the CGs and achievements. I wouldn’t do them otherwise XD)
The art is honestly one of my favorite parts, especially the character designs! Some of the CG is a bit inconsistent, but it’s still admirable, especially for a free game! 
Trust me, the music is absolutely amazing! If you ever want to hear it, there’s a small sound room or something in the settings and you can always listen to it there ^^
I know the history of the whole world s so creative! I honestly never expected MC’s mom to be the witch crystal (forgot the name lol) bearer, but it was a nice twist!
Yep, Rod is a bit predictable, but it’s still a fun route ^^ He’s my 4th favorite, tho…  Or 5th, I honestly can’t decide…
Karma, my darling ;-; Tbh, I’ve always doubted that he was Beauty and the Beast (because it’s my favorite fairytale If i’m gonna be honest :P), but the whole ‘not now’ and ‘running out of time’ (haaaaamilton) thing gave it away.  The ‘Character calls MC a pet name (darling, love, LITTLE STAR (T^T)) is definitely one of my favorite things ever ^^ But I knew Karma was, well, Karma (aka Beautiful Lady) the second he appeared in the alleyway in the prologue. the hair gave it away tbh I think we should meet Llama in the fan disk coming out soon? I really wanna buy that disk XD
Rump is so much more than he seems. I mean, from what I saw in the prologue, he was my lest favourite, but I think he might be 4th? Still not sure if it’s him or Rod… ((also, don’t get me wrong, just because they’re last doesn’t mean I dislike them! It’s just that I like them the least (sounds equally horrible)))
I love Fritz, but I love Varg more, which is why Fritz’s bad end is the worst for me, personally (vaaaaaaaarg). And I was so sad when he erased himself ;-; Why you do that my dear wolf. 
I KNOW I ALMOST SCREAMED WHEN DELORA DIED WHYYYYYYYYY. Idk, in some routes it does feel like mom-daughter somewhat, but then again, i some routes, Delora is more of that sassy friend.
Yep, i mentioned it before, i really like MC’s growth ^^ It’s nice to see her go from total bitch to just slightly bitch XD 
A whole bunch of extra routes were considered, from what I heard, but they simply didn’t have the time or funds to include them…
Mythros is that guy i wanted to feel sorry for, but simply couldn’t. Especially not after waLTZ’S ROUTE. Fuck you, Mythros.
Oh, wow! Poor Eliza and Theodosia hahah Tbh, I always use Luna in otogames because it’s not my real name (so no embarrassment from the characters calling me by my actual name), but since i always, always use Luna on the net, I’ve kinda adopted it as a second name XD
Mr. Broom best boy 1000/10. I want a route for him.
Awe, thanks a lot!  My faves list looks like this: 1. Waltz (still crying) 2. Karma/Varg 3. Fritz (that’s right, Varg is above Fritz, despite being Fritz) 4. Rumpel, actually 5. Rod.
So I am very very happy to be shipped with (technically) both 2nd best hahah
Honestly, I see you with Fritz, bc cinnamon roll and cinnamon roll! He’d always be the one to makee sure you’re not uncomfortable with something and would melt when he saw you with little kids (despite the fact that you were pleading for someone to help you at the moment XD). Also, you can bet this guy will dedicate so much of his free time to watching you pain. HE’d also try to learn how to paint himself, so he could feel closer to you! Also, time to drown Evans in pastries, it doesn’t matter if she likes them or not, Fritz will buy more or less the whole shop so you can try it. He messes up so badly if you come watch his practice. He is dead. He can’t handle the pressure of you watching (even tho I doubt you’d give a flying fuck if he messed up a step or something) and will just turn red, turn around and call for a break.  Also, you can bet this guy is all about head pats. You learn to have a comb with you at all times XD
Enjoy Waltz’s route and the feels! 
Oh, and I also made Aesthetics for some characters, I’ll post them separately, cause they’re on my phone ^^))
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