#I’m still Kenny’s biggest hater
honey-oak · 10 months
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When your besties make your visions come to life.
Thank you @meefy forever for drawing this
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snkpolls · 5 years
SnK Chapter 127 Poll Results
The chapter 127 poll closed with 1,993 responses. This month’s poll results were compiled by /u/alooulla, Crunchwrap, Giovata, @momtaku, @shifter-lines and  /u/staraves.
Thank you, as always, for your support!
RATE THE CHAPTER 1,888 responses
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It’s time to get back on the hype train, y’all! Chapter 127 was a vast improvement over last month’s reception with close to 90% of respondents viewing it favorably.  By way of comparison, with chapter 126, that number was only 55%.
Fixed everything I didn't like about 126
This chapter was top quality. Jean and Yelena were great this chapter. Loved Reiner and Annie helping each other. But please Isayama stop torturing Reiner :(
Amazing and I agree with Hange completely
Wow, such an awesome chapter! It's been a while since a chapter like this has made me put my thinking cap to analyze the scenes in more detail and come up with theories regarding what's coming next!
Are there any words sweeter than "Save the world"?
Calm before the Storm in the SNK fashion
Finally Kiyomi! And some talk between the parts. Seeing the dead SC veterans made me cry a lot. I still care about them so much
I still don't like that the SC are just up and going forces with the Warriors, who are nothing more than unforgivable monsters, BUT I can admit the execution this month was much better.
Pretty damn tasty this month, not gonna lie. Hope to see more of that Floch in next month's dish, chef Isayama is a genius.
Guess you could say Gabi haters got a "kick" out of this month
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Hello JeanMarco fandom? Are you there? This is the fandom of 2020 telling you it’s time to come back to the series if only for a month.
It’s been 84 years but Jean finally learning the dark truth of Marco’s death topped our list of favorite moments with over one-third of the fandom selecting it (35.7%). “Yelena the shit stirrer” was second with 20.6%.This Jean-focused chapter netted Jean the third and fourth favorite spot as well. “Jean and Magath’s argument” and “Jean’s idealistic daydream” tied for third with 7.9% each.
"Erwin being implied to not support the rumbling" I wanted to choose this as one of my favorite scenes along with Hange's "I don't support genocide" <3
The biggest highlight of the chapter definitely has to be Jean punching Reiner upon learning that the latter was responsible for Marco's death. Ever since the truth about Marco's death was revealed a while back, I was awaiting the scene of Jean learning the truth about Marco's death and how he would react towards Reiner regarding it
Why is nobody talking about Yelena and Pieck pleaseeeee
I didn’t think it was possible to love Jean more than I already did but this chapter proved me wrong. I was so glad he finally learned what happened to Marco and at least got that closure.
Loved Yelena messing with everyone's emotions and calling out the truths that nobody wanted to recognize
Jean punching Reiner was my favorite moment of the chapter. Finally that evil fuck is getting what he deserves for what he's done.
The only people Yelena didn’t drag were Pieck and Falco. She has good taste.
Hange acknowledging their failure to stop Eren from getting to this point is 👌👌👌
Jean's and Magath's debate gave the vibes of 'what's older, the chicken or the egg' and I'm living for it lol
I actually found Jean’s dream sequence to be a little unsettling, maybe because of Isayama’s style of not drawing certain facial features clearly, like the eyes. It was almost more foreboding to me than sweet, peaceful, or nice to see.
My favorite moment was the reaction shot where Mikasa was going to charge Annie and everyone is freaking out but the last panel is Levi just sleeping.
I seriously want to see Mikasa vs Annie XD
Jean complementing Hanjis stew is the best moment in the manga
  WHO WAS THIS CHAPTER’S MVP? 1,938 responses
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With Jean receiving the bulk of the focus and development it’s not a huge surprise that Jean (66.2%) was the landslide winner for chapter MVP, with Yelena (9.9%) as a distant, and we mean distant, second. What is a surprise is that Hange’s culinary creation (9.7%) beat out Hange themself (8.9%) for the number 3 spot.
yelena best girl 😔💕
I already knew that Hange was a queen, but I'm genuinely surprised with Annie too. While the first made a big part of the fandom shut up (genocide is never justifiable) the second one admitted her crimes and understood Mikasa better than anyone.
I love the chapter. It was satisfying to see Jean find out the truth to Marcos death.
I loved how Jean got focus and how he called everyone out on their bullshit.
Mikasa being a badass again. My girl<3
Hange’s stew!!!!
I love the chapter. It was satisfying to see Jean find out the truth to Marcos death.
I loved how Jean got focus and how he called everyone out on their bullshit.
Awesome, go Hanji ! And Levi ! Though he didn't do anything.
I just want some of Hanji's stew
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Was it Mikasa? Was it a girl with exactly the same hairstyle and scar who just happens to look like an older version of her? Most fans seem to think it was very clearly intended to be Mikasa with solid numbers. Or at the very least, considering the eyes were hidden (a common manga trope to confuse identities), proof that Jean has a definite type.
That woman in Jean's fantasy is very clearly Mikasa, you can even see the scar in one of the panels lol
I can't believe there are people denying it was Mikasa in jean's dream. What the actual fuck?
I think it isn't exactly Mikasa, but Jean *does* have a type and Mikasa heavily influenced it by being his big crush back when all his hormones were firing at 200%.
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Nearly half of respondents (45.1%) agree with Hange that genocide is non-negotiably wrong. However, those that said in certain circumstances it is perhaps unavoidable if one’s enemies are intent upon it (16.6%) or it truly is the last resort (29.9%), responded in numbers too large to be dismissed. Those that claimed it was unabashedly a good thing, lag behind (8.5%). The results of this question would seem to indicate that even the fans that support Eren’s actions are doing so, for the most part, reluctantly; because that's the only way they see Paradis surviving.
Hanji’s rejection of genocide in no uncertain terms—I’ve been waiting for that! I want to frame that panel on my wall!
Finally people are arguing against Eren's crazy ideas. Expected more from Hange's and Jean's points tho, they have the capacity to be more eloquent
Jean is so close to noticing that the rumbling is best for him…
Kinda disappointing to see the group take such a simplistic take on the Rumbling.
Hange wants paradis to die on the moral high ground
Hating on Hange puzzles me, I understand people who support the rumbling, but saying she is bad for wanting to stop the killing of billions is just frustrating to me.
I'm tired of negativity flowing from fanbase. Everyone would like to see genocide; blood and rotten bodies of innocent people, but even Eren doesn't want that!
Genocide is morally and ethically wrong as hanje said which I agree with. What I don't agree with is her acceptance that once eren dies the eldians on paradis are gonna genocide within a few years. That fact that she hadn't thought of anyway to get around this is disappointing.
If it was Isayama’s Intention to make me feel bad for the rest of the world, he should have focused on it for a larger portion of the story cause honestly, they all can burn in hell for all I care. Innocent or not.
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This poll team member, staring at the camera like Jim from The Office. While Hange has been proven to be a trustworthy character, one with 11/10 intelligence and someone who knew and worked with Erwin on the daily for years and years, and certainly knew him better than anyone aside from Levi, only a third of respondents (36.7%) trust Hange’s judgement on this.
Hanji is right y'all are just dumb
I love how when Isayama wants us to agree with a character he pulls out the Erwin card
I love that years later, Erwin has still not been forgotten.
Erwin would never support a full rumbling to genocide the entire world, and it saddens me that anyone would think otherwise.
We aren’t bad people for supporting Eren. Don’t let the Erwin stans throw hate at us. Erwin would have protected his home too.
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Kruger (58.3%), Kenny (57.4%) and Zackly (43.9%) top the list of characters we think would support the rumbling. Despite Hange’s confident declaration that no one in the Survey Corps would be so small minded, many disagreed choosing Ymir (31.3%) and Erwin (31%) as characters they think would support the Rumbling.
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This was definitely a Jean chapter, am I right? At 48.8 percent, Jean definitely won the debate according to most fans. In fact, poor Magath didn’t even get a result worth mentioning; ‘neither’ or ‘Hange’ both got reasonable responses, but this was unarguably a slapdown for Jeanbo!
Jean slapped Magath. Bonus points for including that they were totally ignorant even after the walls were attacked.
Magath's replies to Jean are weak. I believe I can do better than him on countering Jean's points.
Idk when they'll get that it doesn't matter how much they hate each other or who started it.
Magath sucks. "Your people did shitty things to us" stops being an excuse when you do things that are just as bad if not worse than what happened before.
This chapter just showed how fake magath is man wow
The argument felt a little? biased towards the paradis folk? i wasn't too bothered by it, but hey, if jean was going to get to punch reiner then reiner deserved to punch someone for bert too.
The argument of "Who is the real bad guy" was a circular "You're the bad guys!" "No u!" "NO U!" -- but by the end of the chapter, all of the arguing characters put aside their differences as they ~left the forest~
Everyone: *kids fighting*
Hange: *bass boosted* WOULD ANYONE LIKE SOME STEW
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Early in the chapter, Mikasa surprises Hange and Jean by stating without hesitation that she will help stop Eren, but when Annie forces her to confront how far she is willing to go, she is clearly reluctant to take extreme measures. Almost half of the respondents (49.1%) believe that this is something Mikasa will never be able to do, with a decently close remainder of respondents saying either yes, she could bring herself to do it (29.1%), or opting not to decide (21.8%).
I don't see Mikasa killing Eren but i ALSO also don't see her doing nothing about it. It's complicated
If she met Eren in her present state, she wouldn't be able to kill him. Perhaps if something else happens between now and then to really strengthen her stance, she could.
I literally have no idea but i have a feeling she will confront him either way
I think she will struggle first, but after she will gain the conviction to do it.
I think she'd be willing to kill him if he showed to be willing to kill the scouts.
Lol at Mikasa learning how to think independently of Eren
She probably won't be able to do it regardless of her conviction because of the Ackerbond, unless Eren allows her to.
Killing eren is kind of extreme isn't it?
She will join Eren!
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This one was all over the place! Proof if proof were needed of how impossible this particular subject is to predict right now; Mikasa’s strong feelings for Eren haven’t faded even though she has consistently demonstrated an opposition to his goals, and the poor girl is being torn to pieces. However, those that think Mikasa will ultimately be unable to bring herself to stop him if it means killing him are in the majority here. It’s still anyone’s bet though.
I dont think they can talk him out of it, but im not sure if killing him even stops the rumbling, hence i am not sure what to expect from this.
If Annie would turn out to be right with her suspection that Mikasa could turn her back to the alliance?
Mikasa is going to k-word Eren, isn't she? All the focus on her plus the uncomfortable question. Oh dear. Please no Isayama.
I feel like if Mikasa did end up killing Eren, she'd be even more hated than Gabi for killing Sasha.
Eren will accept his death . And itll be a suicide by forcing Mikasa and armin to kill him.
Eren will die because of the immense power his titan needs, Mikasa will be there to say "Farewell, Eren"
Armin will be the one who will finally take Eren down.
Armin and Mikasa try to talk, Armin die, Mikasa have no choice but try to kill Eren. Don't know if she succeed.
Armin is going to die with Eren while they look at the sunrise over the ocean
I don't think he will need to be killed. I believe that Eren will take all his squad to the paths and then they will talk. Eren will finally tell them everything. If he is going to destroy the world, Mikasa most likely will finish him off.
Eren won't be stopped
He'll confide in her and somehow convince her that he's in the right
Her and/or Armin's death(s) would be the only thing to stop Eren
If Mikasa comes into contact with Eren, she will confess her love for him because that's what she was last seen thinking about. If she couldn't do it before, better late than never.
It will be a group effort to finish him off
Mikasa will be killed (likely accidentally by Eren) in the process of trying to talk him around. Ironically, it will be this which finally causes him to question his current course of action.
Maybe she will kill Eren but it will destroy her
She'll let someone else do it. Maybe Jean?
She's probably just gonna scream "Ereh" all over again
Mikasa and Armin will confront Eren, no one will win but no one will die
No one will kill Eren because he's killing himself
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In this writer's opinion, I always bet on Annie winning their original first fight even though I was (and am) a massive Mikasa fan. Now though, I definitely agree with the majority of those who answered this question. That first fight might be debatable but this second one wouldn’t even be a contest. Mikasa has just had years more of training and growth, and we don’t even know if being in the crystal for so long has left Annie weakened in any way. 63% of respondents think this is Mikasa’s fight to win.
Hope mikasa mikasa fight annie it will be sweet
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Close to 74% of those who took the poll this month are still not convinced of Kiyomi being particularly loyal to anybody but herself. Is this a case of reading a book by its cover too soon? Or is she genuinely as snakelike as she appears to be? Just remember that people can still have the capacity to do good whilst putting their own interests first. Unfortunately the opposite is equally true.
She's double agenting everyone, like an arms dealer in a war. She sells to both sides and loses nothing in return
Her nation. She's putting her nations interests first.
She is loyal to Mikasa primarily for selfish reasons, but the rumbling threatens her home too, so she'll probably support Hange and co now.
Plot twist: the Yeagerists have been Kiyomi's pawns, in the next chapter Kiyomi will throw Floch and the Yeagerists under the bus AND pretends she is indeed a hostage.
Kiyomi is working for herself even not for Hizuru and she will double cross everyone
Kiyomi/Kruger/Willy 4D chess conspiracy ftw
I have no idea who's side she's on at this point.
Not conspiring with the Jaegerists but with Zeke and the euthenasia plan.
I have thin hopes she might be working with Eren and Historia who convinced her to join their side.
She lusts for the blue rock
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Eren didn’t enable infinite fuel in the PATHS console, and now everyone else has to deal with it. 40.3% of you think Eren has already left for the continent, 36.3% think he’s still on Paradis in his Founding Titan, 16.8% think he’s hiding somewhere in human form, and that leaves 6.6% who think he’s already reached the continent. Does anyone know the MPG on iceburst stone?
I'm going to be honest, I genuinely thought the plane was an aborted arc.
I find it funny that everyone is very concerned with catching up with Eren, even though they have no idea where he is, and have completely forgotten about Zeke. How do they know he's not lying in some rubble somewhere?
I just thought the plane idea was kinda....lame? I don’t know it just felt weird to me.
I can't stop picturing all the Wall Titans holding onto Eren's ribs for dear life as he crosses the ocean because they underestimated how deep it was.
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Nearly a quarter of you said that Yelena served Zeke to further his cause, 20.2% of you said that she did it because she was just really thirsty for Zeke, and 13.2% of you said that it has nothing to do with Zeke, and that she was just looking for fun and fame—in other words, SASUGA, PIECK! The fairly overbearing majority of you though, at 42.1%, said that it was some combination of all of the above answers.
I think Yelena's motivations for following Zeke are partly spiritual. She mentions his titan being godlike, and follows Zeke around like a disciple.
I was quite shocked to learn that Yelena was an average Marleyan herself who just made everything up about her coming from an annexed Marleyan nation and being saved by Zeke in some way.
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This question had an interesting response, because it was expectedly divided, but not in the way one might have guessed. 34.9% of you said it’s irrelevant whose crimes are greater, 34.1% said that it’s about equal, 30.2% said that the Warriors are most at fault, and only 0.8% of respondents said that the 104th were most at fault. When we see talk of blame, or right and wrong, we normally see a very even split—especially when it comes to Eren, so this is an interesting outcome!
It’s so brilliant on the way it shows war’s true face ... don’t have winners, don’t have losers, it doesn’t matter who started or who finished it, we are fighting each other and for whom? for those who died 2000 years ago? people are just sickening. this chapter showed a lot of that with Yelena’s speech
Fuck Marley, but the sc doesn't have the higher moral ground on the warriors.
They should stop choosing between evils and start forgiving, never forgetting, but forgiving so they all can live together when it all ends one way or the other.
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A clean 31% of you think that Yelena was “just taking the piss”, by bringing up everybody’s past, and I had to google what that British (Australian?) nonsense means, but hey, you learn something new every day. Following just behind that at 30.7%, you guys said that she wanted to create more conflict for an unspecified reason. 27.6% of you said that she was just venting frustrations, while only 10.7% thought she actually wanted to help Zeke, and bring everyone together to stop Eren.
Looking forward to seeing Yelena roasting everyone in season 4.
Someone should beat magath for being an ass and yelena for being so edgy
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Almost three quarters of people thought Jean was justified in giving Reiner a walloping, largely for killing Marco (36.7%), but also to knock sense into Reiner (21.6%). 15.6% thought it was justified but that Jean took it too far, and a fraction fewer (15.2%) thought both guys have been justified in their actions. Just 6% thought the beating wasn’t justified at all, as we readers are well aware of Reiner’s feelings of guilt already. If you expected the sufferboi saga to end any time soon, don’t hold your breath…
I wouldn't say Reiner deserved it, but Jean is definitely justified for it. I don't blame Jean since the guy who killed his "best" friend was sitting right in front of him.
Uuuh YES? Is that even a question? Imagine someone killing your best friend and then calmly talking about it like telling a story.
His feelings are justified, his actions aren't.
Nobody fucking reacts over Yelena stating "Armin stole Bert's power", and instead we're just getting wank over a plot device from 2013: I named Marco.
Yes, but Annie deserved a beating too.
It makes no difference, they both are wrong and bad guys right now
We the audience know Reiner's entire backstory but Jean does not, hence why we feel more sympathy for Reiner than Jean does to him.
No reaction to Bert being eaten by Armin and Porco's already forgotten when he literally died the day before, but more Marco angst? Alright then.
I'd say neither is truly 'justified', but it was an emotional purging they both needed. Jean for his anger over what and who Reiner's taken from him, and Reiner getting what he feels he must receive for what he's done.
He should've killed him
Leave Reiner alone already. He suffered enough. He understands his mistakes. He doesn't need to be punched anymore.
Reiner deserved it, but by now its been too long so it feels out of place.
It's understandable. Jean's hit his breaking point. Reiner I love you but please stop trying to provoke people into causing you bodily harm.
Jean should've hit him harder. And Reiner wanted to be hit cause he knows it himself that he deserves it. Give the boy what he wants 💅
Reiner needs a damn hug goddamnit.
Yes. Revenge is always justifiable
Pretty sure reiner liked it either way
Honestly, when Jean hit Reiner, I felt good. I think that Reiner and Jean will have a better friendship and I'm looking forward to that.
I really don't know.
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Magath is a complicated fellow isn’t he? He seems to treat Eldians better than most but has trouble getting over his own prejudices regarding them. Most of you seem to think it was character progression (56%) that he reached out to help Gabi in that moment as a man, instead of as her commanding officer. We shall have to see if Magath’s attitude continues to soften, and if so, could it potentially be a microcosm of the world’s attitude to Eldians in general?
Magath begins to have a real compassion for warriors, especially towards Gabi (already in one of the previous chapters, he had given her a hug).
Foreshadowing, he'll die for her. 100% sure.
Gabi apologized to the Devils, she asked them for help. Magath realized that Gabi is not a brainwashed fanatical degenerate anymore, even she is not on his side.
Good question. It seemed like he only know started to realize that Eldians are people with feelings, fears and hopes too, but didn't know how to interact or if he was even allowed to show that concern after all that time.
He doesn't know how to react to this because Hange's words from earlier struck him deeply.
He fill asham that she act more like an adult than him
He finally starts understanding he was being an ass. Better late than never!
He is not sure how to comfort her. The situation is a tough one.
He realises now that he needs to provide the better future for these young Eldians thus being the guy that will free the Eldians from the discrimination.
He realized that he cares about Eldians a lot and he doesn't see difference between them and other people.
He realizes that he’s one of the reasons why a kid like gabi is suffering and feels like he doesnt have the right to comfort her
He wants to help the warriors but feels guilt about all the pain he caused them
He's a bitch realizing it's kinda his fault
He's only shown to care for Gabi tbh. We've seen him humiliate all the kids over and over even when they were trying to help and give suggestions, so I don't accept it as development and much less as "caring for Eldians".
I really dont know wtf was happening in these panels
When not arguing with Jean, Magath was flabbergasted all the time about Eldians being more human instead of devils he thought them to be, so idk, this reaction kind of goes hand in hand with all that. He's kind of realising they're human as well and he's afraid of feeling compassion for them.
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66.6% agreed that Jean’s softer treatment of Gabi was the cutest shit they’d ever seen, or close to it. 23.5% were neutral on the matter, and a small proportion (4.6%) didn’t really care for it. Then there’s that little bump in 1 voters (5.4%), from those who didn’t like to see any kind of positive treatment of Gabi. My goodness, would Sasha hold a grudge this long?
Bless Jean and his kindness toward Gabi
Gabi is garbage
Gabi sucks
She shouldn't be the one to endure the kick of a seething horseface and explain why the warriors did what they did. Worse even, hiding her own pain to beg her aggressors for help. When her arc is all about leaving the forest, that's disgusting.
Haven't we had enough of Gabi Sue hogging the limelight? And the way she begs the SC to side with her after what she did to Sasha? Disgusting!
It kinda annoyed me that Gabi is apologizing to the 104 when they're the ones who destroyed her home and don't seem to feel guilty about it
idk but i love gabi
Gave the kick moment a 3. +4 because Jean is amazing, but -1 because Gabi should have gotten worse.
It really shows what a great character Gabi is because she can continue for vengeance but she is being a bigger person and choosing a more moral path.  
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Does Isayama read our posts? You might be forgiven for thinking so, considering the campfire discussions focused on so many different angles; the complexity of the situation was nailed, and the winner was Jean knowing Eren’s actions are best for the island but still morally wrong (35.1%), but Yelena’s little dialogue was appreciated enough to come a close second (31%). This was the moment where all of us felt like our view was taken on board however, and it was brilliantly done.
I wonder if Isayama actively collected all fandom ideas, because he NAILED it. Well, he did his part, right? In showing the complexity of the situation. He can't change the fandom's minds, but he can put his message out there.
Annie confronting Mikasa only to immediately back off, what she pointed out made sense, and yet they didn't even discuss what to do if Eren couldnt be persuaded to stop genocide.
This chapter was a beautiful reflection of the community's arguments.
The panel when they are eating around the campfire looks like 'The Last Supper' of Jesus and his 12 apostles.
+1 for Annie for calling the 104 out on their inability to kill Eren if need be, and for Hange for having some fucking common sense
I liked it more when they were all enemies tbh
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To me, Hange cheerfully knocking on the window to interrupt Jean’s idyllic daydream was pure comedy; what’s wrong with you people, am I the only one to find that funny? Sigh… Levi waking up to complain about the noise was alright though. I guess. And 50 percent of you seemed to like that one best. Comedy is wasted on you lot.
Sleepy Levi made me laugh out loud!
Levi was wholesome for once
Why would you think of Annie's asking if she's forgiven as a light-hearted moment?
I felt sad and grieved while reading this.
Loved Yelena with Titan Pieck, feel like she won't make it out of this alive and that's a shame since she's pretty interesting
I didn’t like the foodstuff. Isayama can’t make food jokes funny.
Isayama noticed Annie's favorable treatment so often he even slipped a joke about how nobody cares enough about the severity of her crimes to care... Haha...
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Mikasa’s gravity-defying locks assert dominance with 53.1% of the vote. Mankind’s strongest soldier makes an impressive debut in second place with his moment of dishevelment (21.2%), and Annie’s shaggy mane from all the way back in the Female Titan arc made it to third place (15.1%). We then have Gabi (4.6%) and Eren (4.1%) closely matched, and an honorable mention for Jean’s mild fluff from the days of Uprising (1.9%). Levi’s bedhead this chapter may well be the last in the series!
Levi taking his beauty sleep and being cranky after waking up by all the noise was the cutest thing on the entire manga. And talk about that bed hair... Can I tousle it, please?
[Levi’s] hair jkjkksksks KAWAII
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Break out your bingo cards! Love him or hate him, most people agree that Floch has by far the highest chance of meeting his demise at a hardy 67.7% of responses. Just over 50% have voted that Yelena will die; perhaps she’s too much of a wildcard to stick around for the long-term. It’s not looking good for the old guard as many people think Hange and Magath have a good chance of dying, 48.7% and 45.2% respectively. A lot of people have also interpreted Jean’s development this month as an ominous sign (37.9%); it would certainly be one way to follow in his commanders’ footsteps! On the other end of the scale we have the fewest votes for Gabi (8%), Mikasa (8.2%), Falco (9.5%), and Armin (9.8%). Those expecting all four to meet their end are imagining a very grim finale indeed.
Hanji please don't die!
They're gonna kill Floch :(
Can Floch just die? Please?
I feel like hange will come up with a plan to save paradis without genociding.... and then immediately die without telling anyone the plan :)
Fuck annie. just fuck her. i want her to die so fucking badly.
If Hange dies I’ll cry
If Jean fucking die I’ll RIOT !!
Isadistyama knows only too well how much we hate Floch, which obviously means he isn't going to fkn die.
Gabi must die
Someone need to die soon.
Reiner's will to die will keep him alive to the end of the series…
I hope Levi doesn't die.
Really hoping Hange's death wasn't just foreshadowed in this chapter.
Jean will definitely die. Too much protagonism around him in this chapter.
My guess about Mikasa's life chances are now 50/50. 50% dying chances if she would protect Eren by fighting against the alliance and the other 50% having a chance to live a normal life with turning back to her old self
Just not Levi, at least not yet, c'mon we barely got him back :(
Maybe this whole manga is one man's journey trying to die in vain, until he ultimately finds the will to live... Then dies.
Hope they all die
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With the worst rating in recent memory, chapter 126 was a disappointment to many readers, and we even saw some people losing faith in Isayama (the heresy!). So we asked the fandom about their feelings of the previous chapter in retrospect and knowing the continuation.
Surprisingly, the majority of respondents (48.9%) said their opinion of the previous chapter had not changed, but they felt positively about it, with 23% saying their unchanged feelings were negative. A remainder of 28.1% said their opinion of the previous chapter had in fact changed, with 26.1% expressing more positive feelings and 2% feeling more negatively.
A real improvement compared to Chapter 126.
Amazing, picked up on everything I thought 126 needed.
Definitely an improvement upon the last chapter
This chapter remedied most of my issues/concerns from the previous chapter
Chapter 127 was so awesome it made 126 even worse in comparison.
I prefer personally chapter 126, but this chapter had much better pacing
Everybody complaining about 126 were too impatient and short-sighted. This was always what was going to happen and both chapters did exactly what they were supposedly to do.
It really made me feel better about 126
Way better than 126 but still kinda cringe tbh
Much better chapter that made 126 redeemable
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Due to this chapter being dialogue-centric with character interaction galore, naturally it was bound to have an impact on the characters’ likeability. The significant focus on Jean’s inner turmoil evidently made him skyrocket in the eyes of the fans, with 80.6% of responses to him being on the favorable side, correlating with him being the fandom’s choice of MVP.
Jean's development is top tier.
I am so proud of how far and mature Jean has become! ;-;
Jean continues to show why he's the best character in the series
Other characters receiving a boost in favorability were Yelena, Hange and even Gabi (although in her case by only a smidge).
Yelena was my personal MVP this chapter
Mama Hange is the best
Gabi behaved like an adult and preferred to ask for forgiveness and help (she was adorable).
While many were relieved by Hange’s strong stance, it should be noted that Hange also received significant backlash this chapter, with ¼ of respondents viewing Hange less favorable.
Fuck hange
Hange is just making idiotic shitty points, and she has become one of my most hated character after this chapter. Jean's argument is one of the best, and almost everything he says this chapter made me love him even more.
People saying hange is acting based off emotion .. when literally all eren has done is act based off emotion. of course hange doesnt have a plan yet, eren is literally gonna annihilate the world
Though no characters had an overall less favorable response, Magath’s comments about the Paradis Eldians certainly almost landed him there.
Magath can suck a nut
Fuck off Magath
Magath really annoyed the hell out of me this chapter
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Dreamt up fantasy or not, this chapter gave us yet another plausible scenario for the long-haired man holding a baby, confirming that Isayama knew what he was doing when he released that final panel, and he will milk the speculation for all it’s worth. With over 50 custom write-in responses of people saying they have no idea, it’s clear we’re all just on Isayama’s wild ride.
The most popular option chosen was that it depicts Eren holding Historia’s child (38.9%), followed by Grisha holding Eren (29.1%), Jean holding Mikasa’s child (14.7%), and Farmer-kun holding Historia’s child (8%). We also found many trends in the write-in answers:
Eren holding his baby with Mikasa (11)
Jean holding Historia's child (9)
Grisha holding Zeke (4)
Eren holding ymir fritz (reborn) (4)
Zeke holding Eren’s child. (3)
Falco holding Gabi's child (2)
Armin holding Historia's child (2)
As well as multiple answers that it’s Isayama injecting himself into the manga. You’re all hilarious.
Eren holding Isayama
plot twist: its isayama's dad holding him. he is free of the manga now
Isayama holding baby Onsen
Some of you had some creative ideas that I enjoyed reading:
Eren holding historia’s dead baby. saying it’s free from this world’s cruelty
Eren holding the Crawling Titan's human form (the one they encountered when heading to the ocean).
The next inheritor of the Founding Titan is holding Historia’s child, Eren sees this as a future memory.
Two marleyans free of eldian rule
Zeke holding Yelena's child  
How did that last one get - actually, screw it, I’m on board. #Zelena4Life
We also had some voicing of concern regarding the lack of warning for final panel spoilers. To anyone who was spoiled by the final panel as a result of our actions, we apologise, and we will make sure any future polls that include discussion of external material will be appropriately tagged. This was Crunch’s fault, so please direct all of next month’s hatemail at him. He’s very sorry though.
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Before they can reach Eren, the Alliance needs to first get past the Jaegerist. Only 12% of respondents expect this to be easy. The vast majority (63.8%) are anticipating an Alliance win but at the cost of major character deaths. On the other end of the spectrum, close to 20% expect the Alliance to be defeated but think they will reach Eren another way. The tiniest percent (4.1%) think that the Jaegerists will win this battle and Eren will be successful.
I hope isayama wont nerf the alliance so hard in the upcoming battle. and pls no stupid death. make it glorious.
5 titan shifters versus a group of Jaegerist, I'm putting all my money on those well rested shifters to deal with a majority of the Jaegerist on the outside while the non-titans sneak in and rescue Kiyomi. And hopefully one of them can kill Floch while they are at it.
Super excited for next chapter! It was good exposition and a good setup for an epic fight! I also kind of hope that now that they've figured out the trick to stop fighting and finding diplomatic ways that they don't directly resort to violence but at least try to find a way to talk with the Jaegerists. If they don't try to talk and find a way around then the lessons learned won't have meant a thing. I'm super happy with the direction of the story
Even if you hate Floch you still have to give him credit for what he as done with taking over Paradis and mobilizing the Yeagerists in anticipation for the alliances next move
I swear if Armin doesn’t either turn into a titan now or in the final battle I’m gonna be saltier than the Dead Sea.
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God help us all... The bird’s nest hair is gone so there is nothing left to distract us from that rockin’ bod and fierce expression.  Please know that I am physically in pain that only ¼ of the fandom selected the “Ewwwwww no” option. The rest of us are apparently weak for thicc thighs bound by tight leather straps.
My hat is off to the 9.2% who selected “How ‘bout dat Kiyomi.” You have my respect for maintaining your dignity and opting out of this question entirely.
Floch based
Floch is a CHAD
Floch is a hottie
Floch NEEDS to die!!!
I hate floch but damn is he lookin fine af
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After another set up chapter amidst the scenery of the apocalypse, the chances of this arc wrapping up quickly are slimmer than ever, with only 2.2% of respondents believing the series to be in its final volume and ending at chapter 130. The 138-gang has officially taken over as the majority, with 43.9% of respondents expecting the story to wrap up in ten more chapters, beating out the 37.3% who think we will only get to chapter 134, and the 16.6% who think the story will go even further, to 142 chapters or beyond (for those counting at home, that’s at least midway into 2021).
I find it hard to believe that the story is getting wrapped up so soon… There’s so much that I feel like needs to happen before the story ends
I hope [Isayama] finishes the series without any rush.
I'm unsure if the manga will be able to end in 2020
I thought we were supposed to be approaching the end but now we go on a sidequest to free princess Kiyomi from a miniboss, huh?
The end is near and I already feel sad.
Whatever happens, it's been a wild ride up to this moment. I thank Isayama for everything.
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Eren’s POV (37.3%), a continuation of the present storyline (21.9%), and the return of Historia (19.1%) are our top hopes and dreams for the upcoming chapter. A major death (6.8%), Reiner finding the will to live (6.0%), news about our boy Zeke (5.6%) and the Rumbling (3.4%) round out the entries.
I'm kinda hoping we get a zeke pov I wonder how he feels abt eren betraying him.
Historia was named because she is history from the story YAMS I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU WHERE IS QUEEN BAE
I just miss eren and historia and zeke a lot, they're my favorite characters :(
I just want annie to see her father smh
I have faith in isayama's cruelty and I honestly hope to see someone die
Please get Eren or Historia on the screen for the love of god
Reiner's too tired to die now. Wondering at which time yam will give him a new motivation to live and fight.
I’m still hoping Mikasa and Armin will man up and realize that Eren may not be worth fighting for. Maybe next time!
Hype for that Floch death next chapter, cmon Yams
Watch it burn!
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The percentage of people who primarily discuss the series on Reddit is up from last month, while Tumblr and Discord’s percentage is down. People who don’t discuss the series, but participate in the poll are up 4.1% (of the whole, 73% relative to itself). The top 5 ranking order is: Reddit, I don’t, Facebook, Tumblr, and Discord. I’m surprised by the lack of Discord responses. If you voted Discord, but don’t see many people in your Discord communities aware of the poll, let them (or us!) know!
On that note, I have to give the Snapchat voters a hard time. Snapchat got 6 votes this time. Six. That’s the same as it was last month, but let me put this into perspective for you. Steam got three votes. There are twice as many people who voted Snapchat as there were people who voted Steam. Two. Times. Until I receive evidence to the contrary, I’m electing to believe that this is a Marleyan psyop, and I’m not falling for it.
Regardless of where you discuss the series though, we appreciate your contribution to the poll, and the SnK community as a whole! We literally could not do this without you guys, so thank you!
Nice prelude before the final confrontation(s)
Fantastic chapter with great development for Jean and Reiner.
Overall, this is exactly what I wanted after last chapter's fiasco.
Where is Zeke lmao
Kinda bummed there wasn't more Levi, but I'm always bummed when there's not a lot of Levi.
I don't like where this is going
I can't believe I'll be legit sad if Floch goes.
Erwin would have come up with another way to protect Paradis. He would have blackmailed and sweet-talked all the other diplomats lol. If Erwin was in charge he would have come up with a decisive plan and Eren wouldn't even have had to consider the rumbling, unlike Hange who is all talk but no plan and I guess that's why Erwin had to be nuked out of the story.  
F U L L  B O C C O
I live for character drama and Jean’s my favourite character so you know I loved this one.
I loved the Pieck x Yelena moment...and I Am Once Again Asking for Historia Comeback.
Mikasa. That’s it, that’s my thoughts,
Meh this arc has really a lot of problems with the characters, basically i dont care for anyone at all except eren and reiner, and that's a major flaw.
[Yelena] pointed everyones hypocrisy out that they aren't just victims who did nothing wrong. Everyone, except of Falco, has cover they hands with blood. It's not just ""muh Marley, muh Eldia or muh Yelena"". Everyone have started sins and are to blame for something. It was a really necessary wake up call, not only for the characters, but for this fandom as well. No matter if this was her intention to create more drama in the group or make them realize that they and not different from each other. GREAT MOMENT and Yelena absolutely slaying 👑
Please just make mikasa ended up with eren in the future. I dont really care bout anything
There really just aren't any good solutions, are there?
Isayama stop messin with my heart
Also I've seen people mad at Magath, but the only two charas I really hated here were Yelena and Floch. Both kinds of people are terrible in real life (usually minus the killing but eh)
Eren is gonna win and kill everyone
Can we stop the SUFFERING XD jokes with Reiner? The torture porn is seriously getting old and unnecessary. Can't believe I had to lower my opinion of him as well.
Every major character during this arc had moments of extreme fragility and desperation. mikasa, connie, armin, hanji, reiner and now jean. i love this because it would be extremely weird for a group of people who constantly put their sanity to test to remain the same (strong and capable of fighting and leading in every situation)
Bless Jean! He is such a good friend. I hope he can heal. That reveal with how Marco really died was very traumatizing. I hope all of the characters can heal.
BTW Isayama..It will be so pathetic if the Manga ended by Mikasa kill Eren..The worst and most unsuccessful end
Better than the previous one for sure. I love dialouges! Still expected Annie to interact with Armin and Levi not just sleeping through all of this like the sleeping beauty.
Annies back, back again. Annie's back, tell a friend.
Another banger
AoT is like good wine, it gets better with time.
AOT makes my life tolerable enough to live, thank you isayama
Boring chapter i wanna see eren ffs
Bitches really do be supporting genocide
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
10/10 as usual
127 was a totally piece of shit
I think jean and pieck will become a thing. if it doesnt, ill be sad lol
I'm confused.
I'm glad the situation of Marco's death and his importance to Jean was addressed. I just hope this won't be the last we see of it. Jean needs to heal and Reiner needs to do better.
I'm just happy that there will most likely not be a Cringevengers-like ending that seemed not too far-fetched after 126.
I want Eren to live
I want the recipe for that stew
I want to see Mikasa's POV
It feels as if Isayama has read our discussions and merged them into the story. Also I think Jean is the one who understands Eren's motivations the best at this point. Not Armin, not Mikasa.
It seems now that all the pieces are in place.  I believe from now until the end will be a constant and crazy ride
It was a great chapter, but where's Eren? Even the "Avengers Team" are wondering.
It was a great chapter, Isayama covered most of the topics that were hanging loose on the last chapter
Real Housewives of Eldia
It was a masterpiece
It was alright.
Some will die, Eren will do some bad shit, but he will fail somehow
Monthly dose of Reiner suffering
More Mikasa
More Reiner
None, just AOT
Nostalgic. Especially when Jean learns of Marco's demise.
Not enough action
Not enough suffering for Reiner.
Pieck Is hekkin cute
Pretty much what I expected after the events of last chapter, in a good way.
Reiner and Gabi both should have gotten so much worse from Jean, they have too much blood on their hands to be even remotely forgivable.
So long as the Jeagerists are resolved this volume, or something wilder - no more build-up. JUST FUCK EVERYTHING UP, ISAYAMAAA  (not like GoT fuck it up, but the good kind)
Somebody, please let Reiner sleep and wake up properly
Shit gonna hit the fan so hard
Shit is happening and I'm not ready. Wonder if the anime will make the chapters flow better like in Season 3 Part 1+2?
There going to set something big up soon and everyone will be hype for it but then it will show Marley perspective of the rumbling or something
Eren will succeed! All hail Eren!
This chapter was everything I wanted, thx Yams ily
Lets just say I have new ships
This chapter was intense and I love the debates around the fire.
Too long chatting
Chapter was good but the fandom is at its absolute lowest state at the moment, between the aggressive Eren cultists, warriors and 104 fans attacking one another, and crazy shippers. Stop this clownery
Crazy chapter, looking forward to the next one.
Fuck the Jaegerists, death to all empires. Everybody needs to be a republic already, this is getting old.
Great breath of fresh air chapter. Needed that after the quickly paced 126.
Very good.  i don't like the fandom,they are just children. i have always hated them.
Was a fantastic chapter overall and I hope for more of the same next chapter
We really missed Annie
Hype's alive again
I shit you not, He actually turned himself into a pickle. A pickle! He called himself pickle Rick. Now that's the funniest shit I have ever seen.
I liked that yams showed conflict in the gathering of the warriors and the 104th and that they weren’t going to forget each other’s crimes
I loved the arguing and tension in the alliance. I like how most of the chapter was around the campfire.
I prefer this chapter to have been the other half split of the previous one. And this one advanced to slowly, with unnecessary things
I'm still waiting for a crazy plot twist
When will the Ackertalk finally come
Where did mikasa go at then end!!!
Yelene spitting facts
Annie turned to alcohol
Im fine if this ends with the alliance stopping Eren but I'll find it dumb if Paradis isnt destroyed by the world afterwards. (which I highly doubt will happen)
It was pretty dope
It was really good but we all know I cannot wait another month for the next chapter release. And yes, I am extremely upset that we won't be getting another Levi x Zeke fight.
Honestly Erwins flashback looked forced, that space could've been used to yelena revealing Eren's location, or confirming who that guy from the building was(shadis?)
Love this shit.
Loved it! It's tied with 121 as my favourite chapter from this arc.
Loved it. Not much to say about this one, since it wasn't nearly as controversial as the last one :P
Hoping the deaths I picked are going to happen and I hope 🤞 that ema talk 2 will happen
I’ll die of the corona if eren dies
Jeans pretty cool ngl
pointless volume incoming with pointless battle vs floch. Waste of time
Pretty much what I expected after the events of last chapter, in a good way.
I don't forgive Annie
Thank you Yelena
Jeanstans: Attaboy Jean! Reinerstans: HOW DARE HE?! Reiner: Too bad that didn't kill me.
Loved this chapter but it was mostly playing catchup with the rest of the characters, still needed. Really shows how far ahead eren is.
Genocide supporter fans are just bunch of edgy teenagers. Let's see how they support Genocide when they get massacred irl.
More useless drama for a character who is progressively getting more annoying by the minute (hi Jean)
Since the end of the second world war, japan was reconstructed almost entirely by young people, so probably this story will end showing that with some analogy. making that previous statement, i think it won’t be eren, or any of the older characters, since they lived and did the horrors they did and must somehow pay for it(and specially the PTSD most would have, so they’ll be probably incapacitated in some way), i think it will be Gabi, or maybe Falco or someone else, because they are just lost, Gabi changed her mind and personality so well(progress, developed it), so that’s why i think it would or maybe even should be her. am i expecting too much from Isayama?
I believe in the Time-Loop still. But ya, hope Final Battle is with Levi and Eren teaming up. (Also Mikasa a bit before...)
Honestly wished the first few pages were real. I would love it for Jean and Mikasa to actually get together.
Annie clearly has no big role to play, & I think she’s going to go home & find her father dying. On a more positive note, we finally got some character interaction!!
That soup tho
Why should Mikasa be the one who confronts Eren? lmao According to the final exhibition would Armin be the one who will confront Eren, but I'm sure "talk-no-jutsu" will fail as an outcome. It doesn't worked in chapter 112, why should it be different?.
The award goes to Isayama for being the first person writing a story in which I have absolutely 0 clue about what will happen next. Like I never ever was at such a loss of theories. Never.This is both awsome and frightening. At least for that, props to Isayama
I love the cart titan
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vivalatoons · 7 years
My Talk: Wander Over Yonder
If you’re ever need some help, look for an orange, furry person and his best friend who’s a Zbornak. I’m talking about the great cartoon, Wander Over Yonder. We celebrate the show’s 4 year anniversary with a reflection of Wander Yonder Over. Doodley doot da doot doot, whoo!
Originally, this was supposed to be posted on June 27th on the one year anniversary of “The End of the Galaxy”. Something happened, and it didn’t post. I was upset, because it was lost forever. Thanks to @peepsqueak she has My Talk from her email. She noticed me about it, and I thank her a lot for saving me from doing this all over again. That’s the story. Again thank you to @peepsqueak, and let’s get into this reflection.
It was 2013 when I saw a commercial of this orange person wanting to give this skeleton a sandwich. The skeleton man was getting furious at him. A new show titled, “Wander Over Yonder” was coming to Disney Channel.
August 16, 2013 The Picnic premiere. The episode starts with Lord Hater and Emperor Awesome battling to get a wish from a visiting celestial being during the aligning of the planets that happens once every millennium. Wander is also there to watch the aligning of the planets, which makes Hater angry. Hater can’t achieve his goal on getting his wish, when Wander offers him a sandwich and taking photos. Hater realized that the planets are almost aligning, and rushes to ask the visiting celestial being a wish. Before he says what he wanted, Wander comes over to take more photos. Angry at Wander, he wished Wander would leave him alone for 5 seconds. The celestial being granted that wish, and everyone isn’t happy. The being leaves, and Wander continues to take more photos of Lord Hater and Commander Peepers. They would fall down, Sylvia would leave the restroom and asked Wander what she’d miss, Wander has photos he took that shows what has happened, ending the episode. I really liked what I saw in this show. I laughed, the characters were great, and the story was simple but fun to watch. From there, I decided to watch more of Wander Over Yonder. It’s worth knowing that Wander Over Yonder would broadcast to Disney XD starting with episode 15.
Plot. The plot is simple to follow. Wander, who’s an optimistic being, and his Zbornak steed, Sylvia travel the galaxy to help anyone in need. While they help others or having fun, they always followed by Lord Hater, Commander Peepers, and his army of Watchdogs. They would help bring an egg back to its nest, delivering a box, bring a baby back to their parents, return a sock, give everyone a gift, and do more good deeds in the galaxy.
Characters. Wander and Sylvia are the good guys who help those in need. Lord Hater wants to be the greatest villain in the galaxy, but gets distracted from chasing Wander. Commander Peepers is Hater’s right hand man eyeball in command. These four are the main characters of this show. There’s a lot of recurring characters, like the Watchdogs, Emperor Awesome, and other villains and creatures that need help.
Season 2. This season would shift from silly to a bit serious. Season 2 would introduce a new villain to the show, Lord Dominator. Dominator is more of a villain than Hater is. Dominator likes to destroy planets than conquer them. Under all that armor, Dominator is an alien woman who likes to bully everyone in the galaxy. Wander and Sylvia still continue to help people, but have to deal with Lord Hater and Lord Dominator along the way. This season shows how Wander and Hater make breakfast, Sylvia collecting all of Wander’s personalities, an epic battle with the villains, Hater having a rock and roll concert, an cartoon in a cartoon, a musical special, Wander and Sylvia traveling in the past and future, and more stuff like that. Just as I was excited about how this season was amazing, I saw something I never wanted to see.
March 5, 2016. Craig McCracken announced that Wander Over Yonder isn’t coming back for a 3rd season. The reason Disney didn’t give the show a 3rd season was because they felt that 80 episodes of Wander Over Yonder were enough. I doubt this claim, because I think Disney cancelled it because of ratings. Craig also stated it wasn’t ratings. Then, I was lost. Why would Disney XD cancel a show with such upbeat tone and puts a smile on your face? This news did drop hard on me. Knowing the show was over made me mad and I would say “I hate this network, they made the biggest mistake of their life.” My anger wasn’t going to do anything. I got over it slowly, but I still continue to watch the new episodes. As I was smiling and laughing at what I saw, deep down I knew the end was coming.
The final episode. I was in Ohio, visiting family over the summer. I was in my grandparents’ home. It was a typical day until it was time. I went to the TV room, turn on the TV, and loudly sing the theme song. As the episode was playing, I was screaming, fangirling, laughing, crying, and cheering. I was feeling a lot of emotions. I absolutely love the finale. The finale was outstanding and had a perfect sendoff also the ending animatic had a twist, and I’m not talking about it because I’ll get mad.
Animation. If there’s one word to describe the animation, it’s bright. I truly admire the animation style. Everything from background, characters, ships, etc has such a nice palette of colors. It grabs my eyeballs, and I can’t stop looking at the screen. The animators in this show has such great talent.
Voice acting. Another great group of talent in the show. Jack McBrayer voiced Wander, April Winchell voiced Sylvia, Keith Ferguson voiced Lord Hater, and Tom Kenny voiced Commander Peepers. Lord Dominator was voiced by Noël Wells and Fred Tatasciore when Dominator is in armor. Wander Over Yonder had some great guest stars on their show. They include Aziz Ansari, James Marsden, Edie McClurg, G Hannelius, Will Arnett, “Weird Al” Yankovic, Jon Hamm, Eddie Deezen, Alex Hirsch, Jason Ritter, Kristen Schaal, and more. Every character in Wander Over Yonder has amazing person voicing them.
#SaveWOY. This started as a petition from Change, created by Gemma Cummins. She runs @peepsqueak and continues to help get Wander Over Yonder a 3rd season. The petition was to encourage Disney to make Wander Over Yonder season 3 happen. People would sign up for it, and the campaign got stronger. Now, every 27th of the month we post things to make Wander Over Yonder trend. There’s also Operation F.O.R.C.E, where fans around the world help Lord Hater conquer the Earth by taking photos of places with the Hater flag. Fans still want a 3rd season, they’re not going to stop until Wander gets the ending they deserve. Link is here to sign the petition: https://www.change.org/p/walt-disney-encourage-disney-to-make-wander-over-yonder-season-3
Craig McCracken. A man who deserves a lot of praise for being in the animation world. Craig has created The Powerpuff Girls (1996), Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends, and Wander Over Yonder. I love how he tells stories, his animation style, and the message he put in his shows. @crackmccraigen is such a treasure in the animation world. I love him and he’s the one of the greatest cartoonist in history.
Wander Over Yonder as a way to think positive. It’s no shock that Wander is full of optimism. This show is full of that. No matter what happens, Wander always look on the bright sides of a problem. I mention this, because we need Wander Over Yonder in the world. As current news can be depressing and horrible, we need A LOT of positive thinking and optimism in our lives. What I love about the show is that fans say the show helped them in their lives. No doubt it has made a life a bit easier. I would have depressing periods where I kinda feel numb. I would turn on Wander Over Yonder, and it makes me feel a little happier. It does help me pull me out of those dark times. This part of Wander Over Yonder has a great impact of fans and people. For a cartoon to help people with their lives, that is incredible.
Wander Over Yonder is one of the greatest things that Craig McCracken has created. It has clever humor, creative storytelling, and amazing animation to look at. I highly recommend this show for anyone who wants some positivity in their life. It’s so interesting how Craig created Wander and he represents optimism, happiness, and just a bouncing ball of joy. I do hope Wander does get a season 3. I continue to spread the word about this show. I think if anyone needs to smile or be cheer up, Wander is the key. This show is an underrated gem that everyone needs in their lives. Everything about this show has a huge smile on my face. At the end of the day, I always live by WWWD. What would Wander do? This orange, furry spoon would do anything to help anyone in need, cheer someone up, or play his banjo.
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junker-town · 5 years
What WNBA players are saying about their first-time appearance in ‘NBA 2K20’
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From left to right: Liz Cambage, Candace Parker, and Breanna Stewart | Via the NBA 2K official trailer
NBA 2K will introduce “franchise” and “season” modes for the WNBA, and will provide a huge platform for the growing the league.
Washington Mystics forward Aerial Powers is such a hardcore gamer that her teammates wish she’d either get her bags pre-checked or let them go through airport security first. Before every flight, they must watch her slowly pull out and place her Xbox One, plus its many wires and cords, on trays en route to road games.
But how else is Powers going play Call of Duty, NBA 2K19 and Apex Legends, three of her favorites?
“I need my games” mocks Natasha Cloud, one of Powers’ many non-gamer teammates.
Powers will soon see herself in one of the games she plays most, as NBA 2K, the biggest basketball video game franchise there is, will introduce the WNBA and all 12 of its teams in the 2020 edition available on Sept. 6. WNBA players have played as themselves in another basketball game, Electronic Arts’ NBA Live in 2018, but 2K is unanimously seen as the premiere hoops game.
“The graphics are a little bit better from what I saw,” Powers said. “The facial expressions are better, the hair is better. You can play online now. In ‘Live,’ you could only play whoever was around you or against the computer, so that’s dope.”
What separates 2K from ‘Live’ isn’t just the game’s popularity, but also the additional features it possesses. For the first time, gamers will be able to become a WNBA general manager and dip into the world of “what ifs.” In ‘Live,’ users could only “quick play” as one team against another, but 2K will feature WNBA “season” and “franchise” modes, allowing users to control an entire franchise, make trades and sign free agents, a spokesperson for the game told SB Nation. (It will not include the option to participate in fantasy drafts, a popular feature with the NBA.)
“We’ve got haters out there, but a lot of them play games ... I feel like they’re gonna start to like us.” -Aerial Powers
“I think it’s gonna bring more excitement to people who game,” Powers said. “People who don’t game, but like the WNBA, are going to get into it. And the people who don’t like the WNBA, you know we’ve got haters out there, but a lot of them play games, so I feel like a lot of them are gonna be like, ‘Let me see what they’re working with,’ especially when they go against other people.”
Through the beginning weeks of the WNBA’s training camp and the regular season, 2K face-scanned the players and head coaches for all 12 teams, taking stationary pictures in an all-white, soundproof van in an attempt to get the face metrics right. That’s come with mixed results.
“I just know that everybody’s saying we look ugly,” Indiana Fever guard Kelsey Mitchell told SB Nation. “Our faces don’t match how we actually look.
“I’ve played with DeMar DeRozan,” she continued. “I was like, ‘OK, I know for a fact that’s DeMar DeRozan.’ But when I see us, I’m like ‘Who the hell is that?’”
Las Vegas Aces all-star Liz Cambage posted pictures on her Instagram mocking 2K’s render of her. Later, she tweeted: “Excuse me @NBA2K you forgot my eyelash extensions.”
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NBA 2K is far from the first sports video game that gets animation and image backlash. Last year, Seattle Storm legend Sue Bird went on the Players’ Tribune Twitter account to point out NBA Live’s issues.
Hey, @S10Bird here again, real quick. Thing #18: Can someone please tell EA that the “B” in @WNBA stands for “basketball” pic.twitter.com/gBqjnRFVRj
— The Players' Tribune (@PlayersTribune) September 14, 2018
And who could forget the meme-ing of Evan Fournier’s 2K17 face scan.
Here it is guys! What do you think? Thanks to @Ronnie2K @NBA2K pic.twitter.com/nkuHTw1T2l
— Evan Fournier (@EvanFourmizz) August 26, 2016
Other new features for WNBA players inside the 2K game remain a mystery. The players SB Nation spoke to hadn’t played the game yet and were learning about it at the same time the public did. The first 2K trailer featuring WNBA players went live Aug. 8.
Proud to be part of the @NBA2K family! I'm honored to help #NBA2K20 pave the way for the WNBA in video games. We continue to break down barriers so young girls and boys can have female athletes as role models #ad pic.twitter.com/h0G1Jr9KiE
— Candace Parker (@Candace_Parker) August 8, 2019
In a press release, NBA 2K said many of the top stars in the league were brought in to the 2K studios to have their bodies scanned for animations including the Los Angeles Sparks’ Candace Parker, the Seattle Storm’s Breanna Stewart, the Las Vegas Aces’ A’ja Wilson and the Atlanta Dream’s Maite Cazorla. Those scans will allow the game to recreate the players’ shot, passing and running mechanics to perfection. Mystics superstar Elena Delle Donne, the runaway 2019 MVP favorite, told SB Nation that she was not fully scanned. Only two players ratings have been released as of Aug. 9: Stewart (95 overall) and Parker (93).
It does not appear 2K will incorporate prominent WNBA broadcasters for pregame and halftime shows, like they do with TNT’s Ernie Johnson, Charles Barkley, Shaquille O’Neal, and Kenny Smith on the men’s side. Both ESPN’s LaChina Robinson and Ryan Ruocco confirmed to SB Nation they were not scanned for the game.
Still, inclusion in the 2K series provides a huge platform for a growing WNBA. NBA 2K19 sold 9 million copies worldwide, so at the very least, this game will give all 144 players a chance to have their name read and their game seen by a direct (and growing) target audience: hoops fans.
“That’s super dope for us,” Cloud said. “It’s a dream for us to be in the game too. We talk about evening the playing field, and this is giving us different opportunities to be seen in a different light. It shows a progression of us growing as a league, as players, as teams. It’s all part of the progression.”
For hardcore gamers like Powers, the WNBA addition to 2K20 provides a new opportunity to stream, too. She’s already bought a capture card and a webcam to go along with her Xbox. To her teammates’ dismay, those pieces will add to the growing number of electronics slowing down airport security when the Mystics are in town.
But before we’re able to watch Powers’ play as herself on Twitch, she must solve one problem that her non-gamer teammates can’t help with.
“I just need somebody to help me set it up.”
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Powerpuff Grils 2016 REVIEW: Part 1
So for those who are somehow unaware, the Powerpuff Girls has recently gotten a new rebooted series that premiered on Cartoon Network on April 4th 2016. People's opinions have been varied on the series, some people say it's worse that Hitler, while other people are saying that it's worse than the illegitimate lovechild of Hitler and some kind of eviler Super-Hitler. Okay, before you kill I'm obviously joking, but yeah people really REALLY hate this reboot! People are comparing it to Teen Titans Go! While I agree with some of the criticism made I feel people are being a bit...harsh on the reboot. And if you don't like the series I get it. I understand why people wouldn't like this show, it has serious problems. I'm not going to call you hater or anything if you don't like this show. I just want to give my opinion because everybody seems to have unanimously decided that this show is bad and somebody has to have the unpopular opinion. If nobody does then the majority opinion will be seen as fact, and I believe that there is always pros and cons to any piece of art. All I ask is that you don't hate me to much for having this opinion. I'll respect you and you respect me, and if you have some thoughts about the reboot leave it in the comments bellow, I would love to have a  civil discussion about it. Also I will be breaking this review up into multiple parts because have a lot I want to talk about. And if you don't want to read something this long that's fine, but if you like deep analyses about a cartoon for children and watching some idiot try to be insightful and funny than strap on in and get ready, this is my Review of the 2016 Powerpuff Girls Reboot. Point One: The Talent Behind the Show. It must suck to be Craig McCracken. According to the man himself Cartoon Network did approach him to be in charge of the reboot but he declined because of him contract with Disney. Than Wander Over Yonder ends and he's out of a job and has to watch commercials for the new Powerpuff Girls show, that could of been his new job but he said no. This isn't even I joke I kind of feel bad for him. Anyway on to the point, a lot of people where angry that Craig McCracken is not in charge of the reboot, saying that without the original creator of the show the series cannot be good, as the 98' series dropped in quality according to most fans after he left the show after season four to work on Foster's. I understand this argument but I disagree with it. This show is a reboot. Now everyone has a different internal definition of what is and isn't a reboot, but to me a reboot is when you take the same characters but set the story in a new universe, while changing the details of the show to fit a new tone or style. In my opinion getting Craig McCracken back to remake his own show doesn't make much sense because he most likely wouldn't make the show that different form the 98' series. Craig McCracken may have created the girls but personally I would mind seeing some new talented artist put there own spin on the property. Powerpuff Girls has always been a franchise, remember Powerpuff Girls Z? People are getting so mad at this reboot and it's not even the only reboot. People seem to only care about who isn't working on the show in stead of focusing on who is. This show has some good people being it, such as Bob Boyle who worked on "Clarance" and created "Wow Wow Wubzy", Nick Jenning's who was an art director on "Adventure Time", and painted many of the title cards, and Julia Vickman the creator of the popular pilot "12 Forever." While Craig McCracken has criticized the show for not getting the original voice cast back, and criticized a few bad looking shots he has given this show his blessing, at least according to voice of the Mayor himself, Tom Kenny. I mean it's possible Tom Kenny was lying and Craig McCracken doesn't approve of the show but I see no reason to assume this. And speaking of the voice cast... Point Two: The Voice Cast. I'm going to be honest, I'm a little disappointed in the choice of voice cast, but not necessarily for the reasons you might think. I think they should of changed more. I was hoping for a fresh, new interpretation of the characters of the Powerpuff Girls universe, but in stead we're just getting the same voices we already got for six seasons. And if you wanted the old actors back that's fine, I understand why. The old show had an all star cast of great voice actors but for me and what I was looking for I was a little let down. What I kind of don't get though is why everybody is mad at the new voice actors when there are only a few new voices and 90% of the cast are people from the original series, but whatever. I don't mind the new voices for the girls honestly, I mean there not great but I wouldn't call them bad. Kristen Li is probably my favorite of the new voice actress, as she just has a really cute voice. Though I will admit she can't really yell very well in the Bubbles voice, which makes things kind of awkward when things are suppose to be intense or if she's suppose to be angry. Haley Mancini is a lot less whiny in her version of Princess, whether or not that's a plus or not is up to you. Jennifer Hale is now Miss Bellum and she seems about the same as Jennifer Martin, at least to me. There's a lot controversy over the original actresses for the girls not being called back to reprise there roles. While I find weird that everybody except them was called back I just don't feel like this is a big issue. They've talked about how there mad that they weren't even offered there old roles back but why should they automatically get first dibs? Just because they voiced them in the old show? They don't own the characters, and on the matter of Bubbles Tara Strong wasn't even the ORIGINAL voice, Kath Soucie was (She voiced Bubbles in the pilot, technically making her the ORIGINAL voice.) I mean just because an old cast member is still willing to reprise a role doesn't mean they always get it, and they way they seemed so angry about it on social media just seems weird to me. I mean it's not like when Ben Affleck was announced to voice Batman in "Batman v Superman" Christian  Bale went on twitter was all like "Well, I didn't order a stab in the heart today!" It would be like if in the upcoming "Justice League Action" people where angry that they didn't get Adam West back to voice Batman. I mean he was the original voice of animated Batman and he still does voice acting. I don't want to be mean to these actors, as they did pretty much voice my childhood, I just really don't understand why these actors seemed to think they deserved first dibs on this show. If you wanted the old cast back I'm not bashing you at all, I would never do that. They are great voice actors, I just feel like this whole controversy was handled very unprofessionally (But what the heck do I know?) Point Three: The Animation. I want to make it clear here that I'm not going to just blindly praise everything in this show. If I did that I would lose all my credibility as a critic and I've only had that credibility for four paragraphs so far. Anyway back on point I think the animation has it's advantages and it's disadvantages. The colors are really bright and the girls are particular in this version which makes things even brighter. This is actually a flaw to the show, at least for me, because it can often come off as to bright. That being said scene at night or with special lighting makes things look really awesome! The dark colors contrast the bright colors and looks really good. It feels like the writers knows this because a lot of episodes seem to take place at night, or in the rain, or with some kind of special lighting, so they do work to there strengths. Now that being said that doesn't mean the animation is always good. If you look online you will see a lot of awkward shots of off model animation or janked up perspectives. I don't mind this two much as there usually on screen for less than a second but technically speaking it's not very good,. Granted a lot of shows have animation errors, but this series seems to have a lot more than other shows Cartoon Network out there. My theory is that it's because it's a lot of modern animators with 90's character designs and they don't know how to draw in that style as well as they would a modern style. There's also one scene where they use a live action stock photo as a background and while that is bad, especially sense it wasn't even treated like a joke it was only one joke and it was in a dream scene where things are suppose to look off. It's not like in Teen Titans Go! Where they use stock photos as backgrounds all the time, so I don't feel like it's anything to get that worked up about. The designs of the characters are pretty much the same as the old show except more circular. Bubbles has scrunches now, which I like because now there's an actual reason on why and how Bubbles has her pigtails. Buttercup has a cow lick and Blossoms bow is bigger, but those differences are so small I'm not even sure if there worth talking about in detail. I like the changes, again I wish they altered the designs more, especially with the villains. I mean look how different the characters look in each TMNT or Batman incarnation. Now the biggest problem with the animation is that for some reason the animation is really slow. I don't get why as the theme song music video has some of the most fluid animation I've ever seen in a Cartoon Network series. This slow animation really hinders the action sequences and I really hope this improves in later episodes. I mean some fight scene look good but it could definitely use some work. The impact of the punches just don't feel like they have the same amount of weight as they should and it makes the girls feel a lot less strong than in the old show. Granted this show focuses on the fight scenes a lot less than in the old series but I still think it's a pretty big problem. And that is part one of my multi-part Powerpuff Girl reboot series review. I know I haven't really talked much about the show yet but other people have been talking about these points for months and I just wanted to give my opinions on what other people have been saying. If you disagree with my point that's fine, I'm not try to convince people to agree with me, I just want to show a new view point, and show that not everyone has to like or hate something for the same reasons. I hope that even if you disagree with me you still found this review entertaining. What do you think of the new reboot? I would love to know in the comments (as long as we can keep it civil.) Part two should be up soon, where I'll talk about the show proper. Please Fav, follow and comment if you liked this review and tell me if you would want me to do more of these. Since I can do this all on my tablet it would not effect Elinor High or Joy of Crime in anyway as of right now. And if you like things like this maybe check out some episodes of my Cartoon Thought series (sorry if I may have repeated some things from my Reboot Cartoon Thought and my PPG Cartoon Thought, but I feel it was kind of inevitable.
DA Link: https://www.deviantart.com/joyofcrimeart/journal/Powerpuff-Girls-2016-REVIEW-Part-1-602969689
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msbigredmachine · 8 years
Come What May - Part 3
Today was supposed to be the happiest day of her life. So why did she feel like she was making the biggest mistake of her life? Roman Reigns/OC/Tama Tonga
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The Part Where the End Starts
“Did someone turn off the air conditioning or what?” Tama hissed, adjusting his bow tie. “It’s so fuckin’ hot!”
“Naw, man,” his longtime friend and Bullet Club member, Kenny Omega, chuckled behind him, “that’s just your body telling you that you’re about to throw up.”
As much as Tama’s body threatened to make good on the other man’s foresight, he curbed himself. He could not afford to humiliate himself in front of everybody. The church was full to the brim as the ceremony was due to start any time from now. Everybody actively involved in the ceremony had taken their assigned positions while the rest of the congregation waited for the service to commence.
For a man as young as he was, Tama Tonga had recorded quite a number of significant achievements in his career. But no professional or personal milestone had produced the eagle-sized butterflies that were currently swooping in his stomach. This was his wedding. Jeez, when the hell did he become mature enough to get married? Kenny had ribbed the hell out of him about it in the weeks leading up to this day. Who’da thunk it? Tama Tonga, Japan’s wrestling finest, playboy extraordinaire, was finally turning in his Player’s Card; surrendering himself to the proverbial ball and chain. He had been mildly confident of a smooth transition into married life, but even before he officially went off the market, the pressure had already begun its attempts to swallow him up. He became so stressed by work and wedding plans that he had enrolled in secret yoga lessons to help him calm his nerves. So far, not one technique was working in his favor. He had never been so nervous in his life.
“Come on man. You’ll be fine,” Kenny encouraged him cheerily. “Remember what I showed you; that substitute teacher-on-crack smile?” He broke into an abnormally toothy grin, making Tama’s other groomsman, Bad Luck Fale cringe. “Ya know, Kenny?” the big man said. “I can bet anything that none of your substitute teachers ever smiled like that.”
Kenny plucked a curly strand of hair out of his eyes and let out an impatient huffing sound. “Got any other ideas, Einstein? I’m tryna make him feel better.”
Fale rolled his eyes. “Please. Anything I come up with will be better than your crackhead substitute teacher bullshit.”
Kenny stared at him. “You’re a hater,” he informed Fale with a remarkably straight face.
Fale put up his hands in resignation. “I so don’t know you right now.”
“Not helping, you two,” Tama’s brother, Tanga Loa, informed the bickering men before turning back to his brother, who was now looking a little pale. “Man, just relax.”
“Easy for you to say,” Tama snapped, fiddling with his bow tie again. Why did it feel so damn tight?
“Beside the point, Tee,” the man known as the Silverback replied. “Pull yourself together. And if you touch that bow tie again I’ll break both your hands. It’s a promise.”
“Fuck you.”
“No thanks, dude. Save that for Ashley. Now focus.”
Tama found himself being grateful to Tanga for slightly easing his tension with the friendly banter. He decided to sweep his eyes over the decorations laid out inside the church. White lilies adorned the round pillars above them, all connected by cream-colored drapes falling in regal arches all around the church. The Tonga family went all-out for their son’s wedding. The couple had chosen the bridesmaids for their wedding, who were dressed in peach-colored Grecian-style dresses made by Ashley herself, while Fale, Tanga and Kenny were Tama’s groomsmen, all looking dapper in well-fitting gray Armani suits.
“This is it, man,” Tanga said, quickly dusting his suit as the Wedding March song sounded.
“Shit,” Tama hissed, shutting his eyes as he felt himself begin to hyperventilate. He made a mental note to return to the yoga class and demand a refund.
With her father by her side, Ashley began her slow saunter down the aisle. Tama felt himself relax as he locked eyes with his wife-to-be. It was like an angel was walking towards him to take him away to a place of eternal bliss. He had never seen a sight more beautiful that what he was seeing now and he doubted he ever would.
“Beautiful, ain’t she?” Tanga whispered in his ear, having heard his brother’s contented sigh. Beautiful? Here Tama was thinking he had died and gone to heaven. The gods had truly smiled down on him when they picked her to be his wife.
When Tama first began wrestling, he had no expectations whatsoever on the long-term romance front. Not when he knew he’d be traveling all around the world and not have a stable enough life to settle down. Besides, he was quite contented being single and flirty. But he got older and naturally, perspectives began to change. Then the million-dollar question popped up. What were the chances of finding a woman who was as obsessed with the wrestling business as much as he was, didn’t mind hanging out with the guys, could hold a decent, intelligent conversation with anyone and still be femininely beautiful all at the same time? The answer? Slim to none. Or so he thought.
He remembered vividly the first time he met Ashley. She was being shown around the dojo where they prepped for the NJPW shows. She’d found him in the middle of the ring, chasing Matt Jackson around with that weird crawling thing he always did. She’d laughed and taken a picture, and that was when he knew her role with the company. She was gorgeous – you had to be blind not to notice that right away – and he found himself attracted to her instantly, against his wishes. Because he’d heard about her, of course. Heard through his friends from the States that she was Roman’s ex-girlfriend, that things had been quite serious between them. Roman was family to him. Their families were very close, and he didn’t want to do his family like that. So at first, Tama had tried to be as friendly with Ashley as possible, maybe get to know her a bit as a colleague, make her feel comfortable in such a new, challenging environment like Japan. But he hadn’t bargained for her to be so damned charming. Or so smart. Or be so stunningly beautiful, inside and out. Tama stopped resisting his desires and he pursued her adamantly. He would have punted himself in the head if he didn’t follow his heart. Love was very hard to come by these days, no thanks to the nature of the business and the ladies’ man reputation he knew he’d acquired over time. But Ashley had seen past all of that, given him a chance. Tama seized it with both hands, and look where he was now; about to be joined in union with the girl of his dreams for the rest of his life. It was unbelievable what taking a chance could do for someone.
At the women’s side of the altar, Naomi leaned towards Sasha Banks, a look of concern on her face as she whispered: “Something’s up.”
“Huh?” Sasha asked vaguely, who was currently occupied exchanging flirty looks and winks with Kenny from the other end of the altar.
“You’ll make out with him later, groupie!” said Naomi, annoyed that she was not commanding the full attention of the multi-time Women’s Champion. “Look at Ashley. She looks like she’s been crying.”
Sasha took a look at her friend approaching the altar. “Hello? It’s called tears of joy?” she whispered back.
Naomi shook her head. Sasha could be such an airhead sometimes. “I don’t think so, Sash,” Naomi said sadly. “In fact, I think it’s the complete opposite.”
Standing beside Sasha as the Maid of Honor, Piper, Ashley’s childhood friend, kept silent. She too had noticed Naomi’s observation and knew exactly what she was getting at. Another person would have made the same comment Sasha did, but Piper knew better. There was only one reason Ashley would be looking so dejected on the day of her wedding, and it came in the form of a certain Roman Reigns. Piper had been there every step of the way, and she had been the one to console a distraught Ashley the two times she and Roman broke up. She had been the one to question Ashley’s relationship with Tama, why it was so soon after the breakup, but Ashley had doggedly insisted that she was happy with Tama. Piper didn’t doubt that. The self-proclaimed ‘Bad Boy’ was actually a good guy in real life, but it was Ashley that Piper was worried about. It was obvious that she was not over Roman and probably never would be. Ashley had to understand that until she came to terms with this fact, her marriage to Tama was not going to work. But it seemed Ashley was buoyed by a misguided determination to prove the doubters wrong. It did nothing to quell the fact that this marriage was a mistake, and Piper felt terrible for Tama because it would only be a matter of time before her best friend left a very good man, a very brokenhearted man.
Later on in the ceremony, the priest asked the bride and groom to turn towards each other as they made their vows. Tama observed Ashley, realizing that she was not smiling as much as he thought she would, and was it him or was she looking a little pale? He quickly shook off all the creeping, petty doubts in his mind. He told himself he was just worrying, that she probably wasn’t feeling well. On the bright side, he would get to take care of her much later.
The priest turned to him. “Do you, Tama, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, and promise to love and to cherish her for better and for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health until death you part?”
“I do,” he said loudly and clearly, looking into his soon-to-be wife’s eyes and meaning every syllable.
Smiling, the priest set his sights on Ashley. “And do you, Ashley, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, and promise to love and to cherish him for better and for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?”
In stark contrast to Tama’s composed, decisive response, Ashley kept mute. She seemed to have fallen into a trance-like state, staring hard and long into Tama’s brown eyes, as if searching them for the answer to the question the clergyman was asking of her. The congregation began to grow restless, and some of them even began shifting uncomfortably in their seats. Tama simply stood there innocently, waiting expectantly for her answer. Finally, she opened her mouth to speak.
Loud gasps of astonishment rang around the church. The mouths of Kenny and Sasha fell open in utter shock. Piper shut her eyes and raised her head heavenward, relief and sadness simultaneously washing over her. Both Fale and Naomi visibly cringed, while Tanga put his hand over his face, suddenly wishing to be anywhere but here. Ashley however, had a look of immense liberation, intertwined with fear and shock, as if that one, monosyllabic word had broken shackles that were seconds away from binding her to eternal misery, but at the same time shocked that she actually spoken the words out loud. She squared her shoulders and repeated herself, this time with more conviction. “No. I can’t…” Her eyes filled with tears as she ducked her head.
The majority of the congregation sat in their seats, stunned. Others were whispering excitedly into their phones, sending the juicy gossip out into cyberspace. Ashley’s mother looked like she was about to pass out. Tama’s actually did. She had to be carried out of the church by two of Tama’s friends as Ashley’s dad followed them close behind.
Tama looked like he’d been doused in a bucket of cold water. Ashley saw him blink several times, as though doing so could magically erase what he had just heard. But when their eyes met again, Ashley’s were bright with resolution. And though her lip quivered badly, it was evident that her mind was not going to be changed. “I can’t. I’m sorry...I’m so sorry...” she whispered.
With that, Ashley turned on her heel, and lifting her skirt, ran out of the church, her vision blinded by tears. Tama could only watch helplessly as the woman he thought loved him, took flight and abandoned him at the altar.
A/N: Chapter title from the song “I Hate This Part” by the Pussycat Dolls
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In Defense of Grace Kelly: Keep On Dancing-- How older jazz fans are pushing new fans away from the music
This article was originally conceived as a submission to Pitchfork magazine to beef up their jazz content, but the subject matter is probably a bit too obscure for their magazine, especially as a burgeoning writer.  It is largely a reaction to the views expressed on saxophonist Grace Kelly bringing new audiences to jazz by integrating dance and wardrobe choices commonly found in pop music on a popular internet jazz site.  She is bringing in people who aren’t necessarily jazz fans but enjoy the bounciness of the music, and that is only good because a selected few will check out the music on a deeper level.  Enjoy!
In Defense of Grace Kelly, Keep On Dancing: How jazz fans are pushing new fans away from the music
I have been a jazz fan all my life pretty much, I was incredibly blessed to be raised by a mother who played me lots of records that belonged to my father that he left behind after he got up and left  us when I was 2 years old.  Among the records I loved (and still love)  growing up were classic Blue Note records by Jimmy Smith, Art Blakey, Kenny Burrell and Horace Silver, CTI albums by Stanley Turrentine, Freddie Hubbard and the CTI All Stars, several albums by Count Basie,  the obligatory Breezin' by George Benson, and some things that haven't aged all that well by Chuck Mangione and Earl Klugh, things I no longer like.  From the time I was 8-18 years old I was a serious hard bop snob, and thanks to teachers in high school who were my mentors, they got me into Pat Metheny, Michael Brecker and others. I saw Brecker when I was 7 years old along with the Chick Corea Elektric Band on the same bill.  I didn't really get hardcore into Brecker though until my late teens when I wanted more adventurous stuff.   Metheny was my gateway to free jazz, and the many treasures on ECM.  Why all the background info?  I want to show I have a wide taste in order to discuss the main topic of this article.  Jazz fans preventing new people from getting into the music because of general snobbery.  In particular a bizarre uproar over saxophonist Grace Kelly on an internet jazz forum.
For the past 15 years I've been a regular poster on the Organissimo forums. Organissimo is a Michigan based organ trio headed by keyboardist Jim Alfredson, and they've always aimed to go beyond just the typical organ combo fare that is mostly lots of blues in F, bebop, a funk tune and some standards.  In 2003, a forum section of their website was created for expatriates of the Blue Note records forum which was taken down that same year, and I had been a part of that since the late 90's.  The majority of Organissimo posters are middle and older aged men who are primarily into classic jazz, basically the bebop era of the forties extending into the modal jazz of the mid 1960's.  Hank Mobley, Lee Morgan, Bobby Hutcherson, Grant Green (all favorites of mine, too) are long time heroes there, and there are always inquiries about what is referred to as the “train wreck” session by tenor saxophonist Tyrone Washington recorded in 1968.  Mosaic Records co founder and former Blue Note reissue guru Michael Cuscuna has unequivocally stated it's never coming out, by the way.  There are a few posters who are free jazz devotees, those who love ECM and various strains of European jazz, but largely what goes on the scene today, save for players who play bebop or hard bop based jazz are ignored.  A month ago a discussion was broached about alto saxophonist Grace Kelly, and as has happened so often there in the past, all hell broke loose.
Kelly has been on the scene for more than a decade, she first caught the attention of the jazz world as a 15 year old teenager where she performed with legends like Phil Woods and Frank Morgan.  In fact, some of her tone and phrasing heavily reflect the Woods influence, so that automatically gains her credibility as a “serious” jazzer right?  Wrong.   Not to the “O” crowd as we like to call it. Many forum posters chimed in that they never liked her playing and found it to be quite weak, and suggested that she may have gotten to where she's at due to marketing.  Some of that may be true, but she has paid her dues.  Something she's doing to increase the fan base and draw more people into jazz was causing many posters to go haywire:  she dances when she plays.  You know what? She's damn good at it and it's impressive, because her playing retains a high level.  Ms. Kelly has a Youtube channel where she has a series of videos playing saxophone to choreographed dance moves, some of them find her prancing along with fellow saxophonist Leo P. while other find her in a dance studio combining fancy ballet inspired footwork, and more popular dance forms while playing a bluesy etude.  Another video has her joined by a modern dance duo in an electronic music inspired fantasia.  All these things are ultimately great for drawing in new fans, the latter video has 18,000 views!  
It's important to remember that jazz has a rich history as a dance music, beyond just the swing era.  One of my very best friends, an excellent tenor saxophonist who is a veteran of the free jazz scene reminded me of how much Grace Kelly is adding to a long standing tradition.  One of his earliest on the bandstand apprenticeships was with alto sax free jazzer Luther Thomas,  one of the biggest names in that genre.  Thomas was into dancing, wildly swinging his horn, devising choreographed little steps, all things that have roots not only in R&B, but the swing era.  Daniel Carter, another free jazz icon also moves quite expressively and let's not forget Sonny Rollins.  John Coltrane's immortal “Chasin' The Trane” from his watershed November 1961 engagement at the Village Vanguard captured on The Complete 1961 Village Vanguard Recordings (Impulse! 1998) was so named because Rudy Van Gelder, the late, great pioneering recording engineer, was following Trane as he was testifying from his horn walking to and fro .  Coltrane was a veteran of the R&B bar walking scene, and many of his performances reflect that influence. Thelonious Monk got up and danced while Charlie Rouse soloed, Charlie Parker played standing stone still as trumpeter Dizzy Gillespie (always  an entertainer, coming from the Cab Calloway school) shouted and danced.  Jimmy Smith would often lean down and rest his chin on the organ keys, holding notes for an indeterminable amount of time, in another display of showmanship.  So none of what Grace Kelly is doing is out of the ordinary in jazz's rich history, it's all a matter of perspective.  Some folks like their musicians to stand fairly motionless like  Miles Davis soloing, then walk off the stage to give the others time to shine.  Others like musicians to have a great time, like Freddie Hubbard's (1938-2008) funny odd two step while other band mates solo.
The Organissimo forum is not the majority of jazz fans, it's an esoteric niche that just seems bigger because it's on the internet, and that demographic is not the one she is targeting.  She is not necessarily bringing hardcore jazz fans to the music either, maybe people who just like what she's doing and that's only a good thing.  In percussionist, R&B smash artist and producer Mtume's famous debate with critic Stanley Crouch,  Mr. Crouch insists music from the electric period of Miles Davis is woefully dated.  Mtume's curt reply is so witty: the generations of people who gravitated towards albums like On The Corner (Columbia, 1972) and Get Up With It (Columbia, 1974) are not jazz fans, but fans of other music who got what Davis was trying to say, and it guided them to jazz.  In much the same way Ms. Kelly is achieving the similar outcome, in my estimation.  Only a few will become rabid jazz fans, but through Kelly they will explore all the greats, eras and deep history, so why would old guard folks at an internet forum be upset? It's a win win. I believe it's the simple fact the saxophonist is drawing upon things that are used to market in the pop world, and with jazz's reputation as a musty museum music for much of the general public, for jazz fans it's bringing up a skeleton.  For years the music has struggled with keeping things strictly in the tradition while embracing contemporary trends in the marketing.  For the music to survive, ultimately this is necessary to adapt to contemporary trends.
I've seen many new posters never return to that board because of negativity they experience for their tastes.  Basic album recommendation threads devolve into demonstrations of minutiae  a casual fan has no clue about.  A Dallas based tenor saxophonist made probably the most sensible point in the entire 7 page thread on Kelly when he pointed out that although he doesn't care for her music, he more than applauded her dancing while playing, and hoped more people start doing that because it would create a whole new avenue for dancers to be integrated into the music.  Robert Glasper and Kamasi Washington, names that many young music fans know, are unfairly targeted on that board as well.  Those rampant dismissals prevent new fan bases from being created.  Why is jazz dead for many?  Because of a constant regurgitation of the past with little tolerance for what's going on now. The reason I'm so passionate about the issue is because when I was 18, I was in that camp, overly clamoring for bebop and hard bop to be the ultimate styles.
At that time I missed a lot of cutting edge stuff from the likes of Jason Moran and Greg Osby. I opened my ears, grew and today I keep my ear open to the micro innovations of musicians like Glasper, Chris Dave, Mark Giuliana, and fresh hip things happening from the likes of Bobby Previte, Wadada Leo Smith, Vijay Iyer, Hiromi, Roscoe Mitchell, Ben Monder, Steve Tibetts, Krisjan Randalu, Ayumi Ishito, Steve Coleman, Linda May Han Oh, Terence Blanchard, Thana Alexa, Satoko Fujii and so many others. Grace Kelly, keep on dancing, ignore the haters-- what you do is really fresh, intriguing and brings new blood to this music.
See the original thread below: http://www.organissimo.org/forum/index.php?/topic/81704-grace-kelly/&page=1
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ensemblebxl · 7 years
20 essential Moodymann tracks selected by Kong & Gratts
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Catch Kong & Gratts warming up for KDJ this Saturday at Stereo Club in Brussels. In anticipation, both ensemble residents made a personal Moodymann top 10 for you. Read on below - in no particular order.
Moodymann is everything I love about house music: soulful, raw, enigmatic, unconventional, from Detroit, … I remember hearing Shades Of Jae for the first time as it was yesterday and when I started listening to his albums, I was completely hooked to his sound and vision. Visiting Detroit a few years ago stimulated my fascination for him (and the complete Detroit scene) even more. In 2014 I was booked to warm up for him for the first time at a Deep In House party in Brussels, in a back to back session with Antwerp’s finest Eklektiker. We were asked to play 3h and the room quickly filled with enthousiast punters. Eventually Moodymann was one hour late, which created an incredible anticipation in the audience. I will never forget the amount of energy that went through the room, definitely one of my highlight sets. Full recording is online by the way.
1. Moodymann - Dem Young Sconies (Planet E)
What a torpedo when you throw this to a dance floor. The power this beast holds is huge. Amazing sampling of the Belgian synth-pop tune ‘That’s The Game’ by Wet by the way. I often play them together in the mix, works well in both directions.
2. Moodymann - Mahogany Brown (Peacefrog Records)
This is the theme tune of his second album Mahogany Brown from 1998. I’m simply in love with this track. It’s so well crafted and designed, I can keep on listening to it. Check his track ‘Black Mahogany’ from 2004. It’s another variation on the same theme, equally good.
3. Larry Heard - Another Night (J.A.N. re-edit) (Track Mode)
When Kenny and Larry, two of my biggest heroes, appear on one release you know magic has happened. Moodymann gives this beautiful Larry Heard tune that little something extra, not much more than a cherry on the cake (some extra Detroitesque details here and there), but nevertheless a very sweet one. 
4. Kenny Dixon Jr. - January (Soul City)
Moodymann released most of his music on his own label KDJ, on Carl Craig’s label Planet E and on Peacefrog. One of my most favourite MM records got released on Soul City though, the red coloured Mike Banks imprint. He only did one release on Soul City, under his real name Kenny Dixon Jr. It holds four classic deep house gems that I often play in my sets. Prices are high for this one, but it’s a good investment that will never lose value.
5. Rick Wilhite - What Do You See? (Moodymann remix) (KDJ)
Fellow Detroiter Rick Wilhite is a good friend of Moodymann and this EP is a good example of the Detroit house scene power. It got released in 1996 on KDJ and has two tracks by Rick Wilhite being remixed by Theo Parrish, Moodymann and Rick himself. I got my copy when Rush Hour re-issued this in 2009, always works on any dance floor.
6. Moodymann - Come 2 Me (KDJ)
From his latest album, released in 2014, with Nikki-O on vocals. A kinda of super sexy slow burner. ‘Take Me By Surprise, Like A Thief In The Night’.
7. Moodymann - Music People (KDJ)
The B-side of ‘I Can’t Kick This Feeling When It Hits’. Particulary love that little funny melody in the intro of the track, before he brings the ‘Welcome To Our World’ sample of Mass Production.
8. Moodymann - Backagainforthefirsttime? (Peacefrog Records)
Had to include a track from ‘Silence In The Secret Garden’, my most favourite Moodymann album (and cover art). The crying baby gives it an uncanny vibe, a recurring mood on this album and an overall quality of his music.
9. Amp Dog Knight's -  I'm Doing Fine (Mahogany Music)
Amp Fiddler on Moodymann’s other label Mahogany Music, with the boss himself on production. Soothing jazzy house. It samples Syl Johnson’s ‘Is It Because I’m Black’, needless to say the African-American roots of house music is a strong subject for him.
10. Dewayne Davis ‎– It Shows (Extended Mix by Kenny Dixon Jr. & Norma Jean Bell) (Pandamonium)
Moodymann’s work with Norma Jean Bell is another highlight in his discography. Wanted to put a lesser known track here, one that is still for sale at a reasonable price and will always perform well on the floor.
Moodymann has been one of my favourite artists since I first discovered him as a young teenager. The mystery, the records, the imagery, the personality, the spoken words, the odd catalogue numbers on his KDJ imprint, the untitled tracks, alternate versions and B-sides… it all fascinated me a lot. For every gig, I seem to be able to dig out a KDJ record that will fit the occasion, his music often makes it into my dj-sets. Arguably a lot has changed since I first heard about Kenny Dixon Jr. I’ve seen him play countless times since, in very different circumstances, and with his rise to fame some of the mystery vanished. But in all honesty, I’ve yet to hear a bad set from the man and he always adds something interesting to the table. I’d choose KDJ in a shit mood over almost any other dj any day. Making a top 10 of Moodymann favourites wasn’t an easy task, but here’s an attempt.
1. Moodymann - Long Hot Sex Nights (Feat. NJB) (KDJ)
First Moodymann I ever possessed. I actually bagged it from the guy that I bought my first pair of Technics decks from. I remember him saying he’d never expected a fifteen year old kid to be into this record. Such an amazing live groove that I will never get sick off. One thing’s for sure, I certainly wasn’t around when the “original version (was) done live 12/3/94 at Jimmie D's Supper Club” in Detroit.
2. Moodymann - Your Sweet Lovin (KDJ)
First heard this track on the Forevernevermore album on Peacefrog, my second ever Moodymann purchase. (I got it from ‘33’ record store on the second floor of my favourite bar Apero in my hometown Leuven.) The whole album is one long trip that made a huge impression on me. I must have listened to it a thousand times. ‘Your Sweet Lovin’ was also released on KDJ 23-A, which is the version that I’ve played out a lot over the years.
3. Moodymann - Me And My Peoples Eyes (Instrumental) (Peacefrog Records)
Probably my most played out Moodymann track of all time. Though I could have easily picked the B-side ‘Don't You Want My Love’, another firm favourite, instead.
4. Moodymann - I Feel Joy (KDJ)
Timeless house music. Those chords, that scat! I have this one the ‘Inspirations From A Small Black Church On The Eastside Of Detroit’ record. (It also includes Theo Parrish’s seminal ‘Lake Shore Drive’ with that clever Tasha Thomas sample.) True story: my copy of this used to be warped as fuck. After reading about it online, I tried straightening it in the oven. IN THE OVEN. Yes that’s right, those people that blindly trust silly online tutorials, they exist. Thank god I managed to track down another copy a few years afterwards. (Although I still couldn’t deal with binning the warped and partly burnt one - it’s probably still lying around the house somewhere (sorry)).
5. Moodymann - Silence in The Secret Garden (Peacefrog Records)
This track goes places. Nearly 10 minutes of KDJ perfection. Takes balls to play this one in all its glory, but when you do, it pays off. Raw as fuck and cheap as chips.
6. Moodymann - Joy Pt. II (KDJ)
Breathtaking jam that truly encapsulates everything that Moodymann stands for to me. And a bit of an epic tune when dropped at the right moment.
7. Moody - It's 2 Late 4 U And Me (KDJ)
Moodymann becomes Moody for the first time for this ‘Ol' Dirty Vinyl’ EP. This one is for all the underground haters who don’t like the more recent, new skool Moodymann output. While I agree that some of it is indeed a bit underwhelming, this one is nothing but lush. It features Amp Fiddler on keys and his brother Thomas on bass. I haven’t found out who’s on vocals, anyone?
8. Norma Jean Bell - Nobody Is Gonna Love You (2 A.M. Instrumental) (Pandamonium)
The 2.A.M. version of ‘Nobody Is Gonna Love You’ (which also appears on NJB’s 2001 Peacefrog album ‘Come Into My Room’ simply as ‘Nobody’) is as vivacious, sexy and high-spirited as they come. With an all-star team like Moodymann, Kelli Hand and Norma Jean Bell behind the production, it comes as no surprise.
9. Moodymann - The Thief That Stole My Sad Days (Ya Blessin Me) (Peacefrog Records)
This version off the Forevernevermore LP is the one I like the most, probably again because of nostalgic reasons. The track has appeared in various incarnations on different releases (see also KDJ 23 for example).
10. Moody - Hello 2morrow (KDJ)
Fabulous, well crafted, almost pop music. This track has been known to stay in my head for days at a time. Now sing it: “hello tomorrow, goodbye yesterday!”.
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