#I’m working on being a daily practitioner and it is v nice to be on a fixation where my fave characters ALSO do the habit I’m working on
mutalune · 4 months
one of the funniest things about star wars fic is that you can very clearly tell when an author has no clue what meditation actually is
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btsfan15 · 4 years
Interviewer: I am here with the biggest K-Pop boy band in the world, BTS! And with their friend, Navya!
*everyone claps*
Interviewer: Thank you guys so much for coming.
RM: Of course.
Interviewer: Have a seat.
*everyone sits on the couch*
Me: Oh, there’s no more space for Jin.
Jin: Oh, that’s okay. I’ll just squeeze next to Navya.
*sits down next to me*
*everyone laughs*
Interviewer: Welcome, guys. So, what’s it like being popular all over the world with thousands of fans?
RM: It’s really amazing. ARMY is so nice and sweet to us and they’re always supporting us.
V: We want ARMY to be happy through our music, and we will be there for you, with love.
Interviewer: ARMY is very lucky to have you guys. You make such amazing music. There’s so much positivity that you guys and ARMY bring to the world. Why is this message important to you?
Jin: It’s all because of ARMYs. They always give us positive energies. 
Jungkook: ARMY! Thank you for all the love. We can’t wait to surprise ARMY with a great show and let’s get it!
Interviewer: How do you feel being on stage and performing at the AMA’s?
RM: Everything is surreal. *laughs*
Interviewer: The AMA's is well known as the most American and as one of the major awards along with Grammys and the Billboard. A singer having the presence and the invitation to perform at the AMA must be meaningful. I am sure there’s something more to it than “feeling unreal.” What else can you share with us?
J-Hope: I’ve grown up watching the AMA's on television. To be able to perform at the AMA's, especially in front of all our fans here, it definitely was an unbelievable experience. It was a great honor to be here and it’ll be great to have another chance to perform here at the AMA's, in front of our fans. I’d like to thank our fans again for their continuous love and support.
RM: As you mentioned, AMA's is the most American, yet one of the major awards. I also agree that AMA has a great reputation. We definitely felt throughout the process that AMA has put a great thought and consideration in inviting us to perform on stage, not just introducing as "some strange kids from Asia". AMA made us feel like we were part of the award ceremony in many ways, such as having the The Chainsmokers introduce us and in terms of the order of performances. We were the 16th out of the 17 performers, performing right before Diana Ross, who won AMA’s Lifetime Achievement Award. Many details that were prepared by the AMA's made us feel welcomed and we really felt that they prepared a lot for us, taking the time in getting to know us, as well as showing respect to us as artists.
Interviewer: Starting with the Billboard Award in May and now your presence at the AMA's show that BTS suddenly is on a continuous rise. How do you feel?
Jin: We only got our first big win at the Mnet Asian Music Award in Korea last year. We all hugged and cried. I still cannot believe one year has not yet passed since that day. Over the year, we won a Billboard award and performed on the AMA stage. We debuted four years ago, but so much has happened during these years. Events like winning the Billboard award and performing at the AMA's happened so fast.
RM: Twitter is our main social media platform and it is very easy for us to use. We had five million followers six months ago, but now we have over ten million followers. (BTS has around ten point three million followers, which is the greatest number of followers in Twitter's Korea accounts). We have used social media for five years, and suddenly the followers doubled within the span of less than six months. Also, the 'Billboard Hot 100 chart' is the chart that every artists in the world dreams of entering. (BTS's song DNA, released in September as title track of the new album, entered the chart on no. 85. It is the second time a Korean song entered the chart after Psy's Gangnam Style). To be able to debut on the AMA's is an honor that is totally surreal and all of this is 100% due to our fans who made it possible. We have never seen a such fandom before. *laughs* 
Interviewer: BTS has a lot of characteristics. One of them is that you pick a topic and create a series off of the topic such as 'School Trilogy' or the 'Youth Series'. In the process, the growing story of each BTS member becomes the core content. This correlates into the meaning that BTS's own growth is equivalent to BTS's musical content. Do you think that these stories matches the ones of your real life? And if yes, how much do they match up with your real life?
Suga: I cannot say that our lyrics are 100% based on our experiences. But our experiences are very well-embedded in the songs. We try to tell our generation's story through our songs.
RM: Our debut song was 'No More Dream'. If you listen that song, you realize the lyric "Hey, what is your dream?" keeps repeating through-out the song. At that time, my friends were about twenty years old and most of my friends were ones with no dreams. I was very angry and frustrated to see these friends because I just could not understand why they didn’t have any dreams. I tried to convey my emotion through the lyrics. In that way, our lyrics tell the life story of teenagers and now my peers. It makes them easy to listen and relate to. The song 'Danger' also expresses such hardships. However, when we released song 'I Need You', we got so many new fans. It seems they understood title of the song. *laughs*
Interviewer: Some people said that using social media is one of the reasons why you have succeeded. I wonder, what was your plan when you started making video content like the Bangtan Bombs?
Jin: With the Bangtan Bombs we take videos of our lives and upload them without any editing. When we shoot the videos, we try to do funny things. But we don't edit anything. Uploading videos weekly is really hard to do, so we try to keep the videos simple. But it seems that our fans really enjoy these uploads from our everyday life.
Suga: In the past, I did not like social media very much. When I started doing social media, I was afraid of the risks. But in doing it, I think that the most important thing is to show my natural self to the fans. Cool, cute and handsome looks can be seen on TV or other media, but the fans are curious about the rest. The Bangtan Bombs are closely related to our daily life and shows what's happening behind the surface. We really have befriended social media. We don't look at it like work at all. We just upload whenever we want. And the upload cycle is fast. Maybe this is why fans like our social media accounts.
Jimin: Fans say that we use social media a lot, but in fact, since we all use one account it seems like we use it more often. *laughs* This is one of the advantages of using one account all together.
Suga: If we use one account, we can be seen as a team so many more times over.
RM: These days, all of us do social media a lot. I think it is natural for us to do it, not as work but because we want to upload for our fans.
V: We have uploaded over one million posts on Twitter since our debut. So far, we have released over one hundred songs. Sometimes I look at our songs and melodies and feel regretful and ashamed. But at the time we did them, I sang them sincerely so I hope it was good enough.
Interviewer: Navya, do you have any social media?
Me: Yes, I do. I have Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Pinterest, Tumblr, etc. I have a lot of social media. I have so many people following me on Instagram. Whenever I post a photo of me or with the other members, I get so many comments. *laughs* 
Interviewer: *laughs* Really? What kind of comments?
Me: I get so many saying “So pretty!” or “Love you!” or just emojis. *laughs*
Interviewer: What’s the most common comment you get?
Me: Um...it’s probably “You are so lucky!” or “I wish I was with them!” or “I wanna take a selfie with BTS!” *laughs*
*everyone laughs*
Interviewer: Wow, I guess you are really lucky to be living with BTS! All those fans out there are jealous of you!
Me: I guess I’m lucky, aren’t I? I’m famous all over the world! *laughs*
Interviewer: Yes, you are. So, what are the goals of each member?
Jin: I want to be happy. I do not have a huge life goal. I just wish that I can laugh and have a happy life like I do now.
Me: I want to make everyone happy. I want to laugh and have fun with everyone.
Jimin: I want to do well at what I am doing right now. I want to hear the fans say "you are doing well". My wish is that when I've grown up and look back at myself, I will be able to think I was really cool back then.
J-Hope: I want to release my mixtape. I'm ready now. I want to release it as soon as possible. It's not just a short mixtape, but on the level of a full album. After seeing RM and Suga release their mixtapes, I felt that I really wanted to make music with my own colors. I also want to study languages so that I can communicate with American and other foreign fans.
Jungkook: I want to do many things during this and next year. I want to write songs, improve my dancing and speak foreign languages well. The goal is not to be lazy, but to become a practitioner.
V: I want to add various charms and improve in more fields as an actor. I want to continue to study photography and take better pictures. As a singer, I want to become a more wonderful person as a member of BTS. I want to be someone that is doing a lot in many fields.
Suga: The final goal is that when the day comes for me to quit doing music, I want to leave when people still applaud. But I really hope that the departure will happen gradually. I've been playing music for quite some time now, but I hope I will get to do it far longer than the time I've been doing it so far. I do not know if it will be possible in reality, but I think that I want to leave music at a time when I'm still on top.
RM: Loving myself is my dream, but I don't know if I will achieve it before I die. *laughs*
Interviewer: Those are some good goals. Now I want to know: Do you guys date?
RM: We just wanna focus on our careers right now. We don’t usually have time to find that special someone. *laughs*
Me: I’ve always wondered what it’s like to date because when I was growing up, I wasn’t allowed to date. I would *laughs* always see everyone holding hands at school and I would get jealous, to be honest. *laughs* 
Interviewer: Well, you have multiple choices right here in this room, so take your pick! *laughs*
*everyone laughs*
Me: I don’t know about that. Everyone is busy with everything, so I’m gonna wait for sometime. I don’t want to stress anyone out.
Interviewer: Yeah, being an idol is hard. Okay, my next question is what’s your ideal type of girl or guy?
RM: A sexy girl who can converse with me for a long time with a nice voice, is appropriately tall, has pale skin, feminine Girl, looks good in a white T-shirt + Jeans + Red Converse High. Someone sexy, even to a brain. Someone that are thoughtful and confident.
Jin: Someone who's fun to be around. A soft-hearted girl who'd wear elegant make-up. A girl whose looks and personality is similar to that of a puppy, whose good at cooking, kind and takes good care of me. I want her to laugh at my jokes and play Mario games with me.
*everyone laughs*
Suga: A girl who has a peaceful manner, but also has a great sense of humor. I don’t laugh very much, so I think that she can make me laugh on a regular basis is very appealing to me.
J-Hope: I like a girl that wears feminine clothes but not too fancy because I think  most important thing is to wear clothes that suit your body. I like girls that are interested in books, good at not only taking care of me but also others, besides I would like to have a girl that is very supportive of me.
Jimin: I want a girl who truly loves me and gives me all the love I want. She has to be smaller than me and is caring, cute, loves sharing, and has a big heart. She has to love to cuddle, too.
V: I want a girlfriend who’s kind and compassionate. I want her to be healthy mentally. Even better if she talks nicely too. It doesn’t matter if she’s not beautiful. But everyone says let’s wait and see how my future girlfriend looks like, I’m curious too.
Jungkook: I like a girl who’s intelligent, talented, and competitive. I want her to be older than me and I want her to be a gamer girl to impress me with her talents and not be afraid to show off her strong points.
Me: I like a guy who’s sweet to my friends and gives me lots of love and cuddles. I want him to teach me how to cook something cause I don’t know how to cook a proper meal. *laughs* I want him to play Mario video games with me and make jokes to make me laugh. He has to be cute and handsome, too. 
Interviewer: Hey, that sounds like Jin! Looks like we got a match, everyone! 
*everyone laughs*
Me: I don’t think we’re ready for that yet.
Interviewer: Do the members always tease you?
Me: Oh my god, yes they do! Especially about Jin. Whenever Jin and I are together, they say stuff like “You both look like a couple’ or “You two should date since you both hang out so much.” 
Jin: Even for me, too! I always get mad at them and have to scold them!
RM: It’s true. He actually gets mad at us.
Suga: Jin always talks fast whenever he’s mad at us about something.
Me: Yeah, that happens a lot. I always crack up laughing. We all do, in fact.
Interviewer: Really? It must be very embarrassing. 
Me: Yes, it is very embarrassing. Every time they do something like this, me and Jin are like “When are they gonna stop doing this” or “How long are they gonna keep this up?”
Jin: But they keep on assuming these things about us, but we just go with it.
Interviewer: My next question for you guys is what are your favorite songs?
RM: My favorite songs are ‘Panini’ by Lil Nas X and ‘Super Rich Kids’ by Frank Ocean.
Jin: Mine is ‘Senorita’ by Camila Cabello and Shawn Mendes and the remix of “Despacito” performed by Luis Fonsi, Justin Bieber, and Daddy Yankee.
Suga: ‘Loco’ by Mustard and ‘Summer Story’ by DJ Doc.
J-Hope: I like ‘The Big Day’ by Chance The Rapper and ‘Beauty and a Beat’ by Justin Bieber and Nicki Minaj.
Jimin: My favorites are ‘Goodbye Days’ by Yui and ‘Love Song’ by Sara Bareilles.
V: My favorite songs are ‘Floor Seats’ by A$AP Ferg and ‘Blue Room’ by Chet Baker.
Jungkook: I really love one of our songs, ‘Mikrokosmos’ and I also love ‘Just Hold On’ by Steve Aoki with Louis Tomlinson.
Me: I love ‘Handclap’ by Fitz and the Tantrums and ‘War of Hormone’ by BTS. 
Interviewer: All great songs. I have another question for you guys: Have their been any embarrassing moments before?
RM: Um, I think there’s one between Navya and Jin.
Interviewer: Oh really? Can we hear about it?
Jin: Um, it’s kind of embarrassing, but I’ll tell it. So, one day, me and Suga’s dorm door wasn’t working. If we closed it, then we couldn’t get in. The person on the outside has to open it. Anyway, we both didn’t know what to do, so Suga went to call the other members to see if they could fix it. I waited in the dorm for him, but it took a while, so I called Navya to see if she could fix it. She came over and I told her what the problem was. She came in the room and guess what happened? Navya locked the door.
Interviewer: Oh no! Then what happened?
Me: I didn’t know the door would get locked. We both tried to pull the door open, but it wouldn’t open. So, we were both stuck in there for a while. Who knows how long. *laughs*
Interviewer: What did you guys do in there?
Me: We just talked and laughed. I mean, we WERE in a bedroom, so I don’t really know what happened...*smiles*
*everyone looks at me*
Me: I’m just joking. All we did was talk and laugh. Jin told me a lot of jokes. I cracked up so hard.
Jin: Yeah, I did. I have so many in mind right now.
Me: I laughed so hard that my stomach was hurting. I almost died.
*everyone laughs*
Interviewer: That does sound fun. How did you both get out?
Jin: Suga got us out. He found the members and brought them to our dorm room. Me and Navya were both relived that we got out. 
Me: The funny part was that Suga was so confused about what happened. *laughs* We both laughed and explained what happened. 
Jin: We were still laughing after that. *laughs* We also told the other members what happened.
Interviewer: Well, that was an amazing story! Did the door get fixed?
Suga: Yes, it did. It won’t lock again from the inside. I think Navya’s gonna be careful next time. *laughs*
Me: I sure will. I probably should ask one of you if I can close the door. *laughs*
Interviewer: That was an amazing story, but I thought it was an embarrassing story.
Jin: After we got the door fixed, the embarrassing things started happening. At dinner that same day, the guys kept on nagging me and Navya about what happened. They kept on asking what we did in the room while it was locked.
Me: Jin and I were so embarrassed. We both said that we both talked and laughed, but they kept on suspecting that something else happened.
Jin: Now, that I think about, I think there was something else. I can’t remember.
Me: Me neither. *remembers* Oh, I remember what it was! 
RM: What?
Me: Jin and I both fell asleep on the bed. 
Everyone: Ohhhhh!
Jin: Oh yeah, now I remember. 
Interviewer: How did you both fall asleep?
Me: I guess we were both laughing so much that we were both tired and fell asleep. 
Jimin: I knew there was something else!
V: We keep on saying it, but they just won’t admit it.
Jungkook: Admit what?
J-Hope: That they make a perfect match. 
Suga: They would make a perfect couple. Just imagine.
Jin: *embarrassed and blushing* Ah, Yoongi...
Me: *embarrassed* I seriously don’t even know how long this is gonna go.
RM: Jin’s embarrassed! His face, neck, and ears are red!
Jungkook: They are!
*members start teasing Jin by poking him*
Me: *giggles* Okay, guys. Stop teasing Jin. 
Interviewer: *laughs* Well, it might happen in the future. Who knows? Well, thank you guys for taking the time to chat with us today! I had an awesome time!
RM: Thank you! For having us! We all had a great time! 
Interviewer: *looks at the camera* ARMY, know that BTS is there for you whenever you need it and stay tuned for more awesome music!
Us: Bye! 
Me: Saranghae! Annyeong! 
Jimin: We love, ARMY!
Jin: Since I can’t blow a kiss for you in person, I’ll just do it to the camera. *blows a flying kiss to the camera*
*everyone laughs*
I hope you guys enjoyed the story! 
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alexandercollas · 5 years
Into the Wild - Chapter 22
Chapter 22 Burf was true to his word. At noon there came a knock. When Devon opened the door he found several packages stacked just outside. “Looks like our clothes have arrived,” announced Devon in a loud voice as he set the packages on the shoddy sofa. Mat came out to find Devon pulling on the Druid robes. “I thought you gave up dresses.” Wide-eyed Mat walked around his friend as Devon tugged and pulled uncomfortably at the outfit, “That’s something.” “Yea I’m not going to like this,” growled Devon as he saw a note attached to one of the other packages: “I’ve included two outfits since you might not want to wear the more ostentatious robes all the time. My source tells me it’d probably be frowned on by the more stuffy Druids if you present in the less formal outfit. Though the travelin clothes might displease some, trust me I’ve seen countless explorers come through my tavern, and the less formal clothes are more the rule than the exception. He suggested, if you’re challenged to rebuff the person, look down your nose and say, “do you respect your craft so little as to disrespect your robes?” or something like that. It wouldn’t be uncommon for a high-ranking member of any profession to put on an air of superiority when challenged. It will also help keep people at arm’s length, which is what you want, I’m guessing. On both cloaks, the traveling and the formal is a seal, I had them copy one from a secret organization which is rumored to exist, but no one knows if it really does. They are called “The Xirians.” It’s very obscure and thus people will tend to not question it for fear of showing their ignorance. Good luck. Burf Opening the second package Devon found tights which were thick but as soft as anything he’d ever worn. A medium v-collar green tunic with golden brocade embroidered around the cuffs, collar, and hem. A really nice pair of lace-up boots, which like the tights were in a darker green. “Oh, this is better,” smiled Devon. Lastly, in the bottom of the pack were two full-length cloaks, each held a seal he had never seen before. Looking over at Mat, “The Xirians huh, well that sounds vague enough. What did you get?” pointing to a large package he’d drug in and left by the door. Mat opened his to find a set of robes as well. Where Devon’s had been very ornate, Mat’s were more basic if you called a full-length black robe with sweeping arms embroidered in golden dragons plain. With a high collar and v neck front, Mat actually nodded his approval. Inside as well was a note:             As you will see, the same crest is on the chest of your robe as is on the Druids. I also had them embroidered in gold, the dragon, which is featured prominently in the crest of The Xirians. This will mark you as high ranking, as to your abilities. The color, unlike with Devons is significant, being dressed in black marks you as a practitioner of dark magic, the actual field of study of a mage is rarely divulged willingly. So whatever your choice, this will cause them to have a bit of fear, which having known you for the short time I have, seems fitting. I also had the tailor add in shielded sheaths in both the arms and down the back for your daggers. They will keep the metal from touching your skin, which I’m told is essential in some magics. They’re well-hidden, as you can see. Burf Looking up, Mat added, “that was simple, and my robe actually looks good.” “Yea it does. You can also hide your hooves if that becomes an issue, which I’m not sure will ever be needed.” “Knowing people someone somewhere will hate those who are different, and I’ll have to kill them,” smirked Mat as he threw his robe on the table and walked back into his room to dress. “Time to get dressed; let’s go check you in at the Druids.” Looking back over his shoulder, “I guess I wear my normal clothes as a rouge. Let me get dressed, and then we’ll see if I have to kill someone before dinner. Never gotten to kill a tree hugger, though I’ve wanted to. This could be fun. Remember, be aloof.” When they made it down to the inn, they found it busy but not crowded. When Burf noticed them, he gave an exaggerated look up and down at their clothes and nodded his approval. “Just as I thought they look very appropriate. That’ll be 17 gold, by the way.” “Wait, what?” asked Devon. “The gold we gave him was solely for his service and not expenses if I were to guess,” remarked Mat. “See, this one gets it.” “Can we pay you when we get back?” asked Mat. “Oh yea, no worry, I’ll put it on your tab,” explained Buff. Mat noticed the barkeep watching something. Following his eyes, he realized Burf was watching Devon watch someone else. “Who’s that guy? He’s sexy as fuck,” asked Mat. “He’s one of the rent boys, not one of the more popular ones.” “Why?” asked Devon, not taking his eyes off the guy. “He’s a bit odd.” “Odd, how,” asked Mat. “Most people think he is touched, but in actuality, he is smarter than a whip and slightly off-center with his humor.” “Well, he is cute…” remarked Devon as he shook his head, “that’s enough sightseeing for now, let’s get this over with.” Burf raised an eyebrow as his eyes shifted between Devon, the boy and finally to Mat, “You wantin to say something there?” “Yea, have that one come up to our room tonight after we get back,” answered Mat quietly as he watched Devon work his way through the room. “If you get back,” corrected Burf. “Well, if that happens, then we’re all screwed.” “True, do you want him for a couple of hours or longer. He’s 35 silver for two hours.” “How much for the night?” “Two gold should cover it?” “I’ll give you three, make sure he is fed, bathed, and send him up with a couple of bottles of the good wine…” leaning in closer Mat added, “…it’s been a while for him and I want to do it right.” “Good friend you are, I’ll handle those details, you two just live through the Druids.” “Thanks, see you soon,” said Mat as he slapped the bar and rushed across the room to catch up with Devon who had just looked back to see where his friend was. “What was that about?” asked Devon when Mat caught up. “I was just ordering take out for tonight.” “You didn’t?” “Oh yes, I did. Let’s get this meet and greet out of the way so you can eat,” laughed Mat as they headed out the door. Almost as soon as they stepped out, they froze in their tracks. This was the first day in this new city. Sure, they’d spent the night, drank with its residents but it was still controlled, safe and confined. Today they stood in the city itself, in daylight, and it was anything but controlled, safe, or confined. It was a city and like any city, they could feel the energy it contained. The streets were full of creatures of all shapes and sizes going about their daily lives, greetings people, shopping and doing what people do in a familiar hometown. Smiling, they looked at each other. “I wonder if this will ever stop being fucking amazing?” asked Mat. “I hope not. I like this feeling. By the way, do you remember the way to the gate?” asked Devon. “I think it’s this way, we were running remember?” laughed Mat. Together they made their way through the city, already wishing they’d gotten an earlier start. “Look over here! We have to come back to this one,” barked Devon as he peered through a window. “Damn right we do,” agreed Mat as he tore himself away from a window. Surprisingly he’d been the one to start rubbernecking first. He’d found vendors focusing in the dark arts, then a clothing shop with a more gothic feel and finally one selling weapons specific to his line of work. Devon, on the other hand, had found several bookstores they both needed to visit. “We’ll never get there at this rate. Let’s get this done and tomorrow we can spend some time in town,” urged Devon as he too forced himself to return his attention to their reason for being out. His nerves were starting to get to him. “If we’re still alive, which Burf doesn’t seem to hold much confidence of.” “We’ll see, I can be diplomatic if I need to be. It can’t be that hard, or people wouldn’t visit the town due to the bullshit,” said Devon as they started walking again. “I wanted people and boy did I get them. Did you see the minotaur?” asked Mat. “Yup, he was with the fawn. Did you see how she looked at you?” As they strolled down the main road towards the gate Mat pointed out several examples, “I’m starting to understand this uniforms thing. Look at that one, he’s clearly a mage or cleric, with those long robes. There, that guy, he’s a rouge if I’ve ever seen one, and there’s another. He just lifted something from that lady’s basket. Did you see that?” Devon looked where his friend was pointing then shook his head. “Yea, he was good and really fast. Still all these people in clothes of their profession.” “You don’t like it do you?” asked Devon. “No, I don’t, thank you. I, or for that matter anyone, doesn’t need to be broadcasting their talents. Already I’m glad we’re making this trip, I’m not dressing like everyone else, that’s just stupid. The city fathers want it so they can see what they're up against, well I’m the hidden soldier they won’t see coming. A rouge should look like every other person. You see someone dressed in black, their face covered, holding a dagger in a dark alley coming up behind you, guess what you’re first thought’s going to be “Oh shit a rouge.” That’s bullshit.” Devon loved it when Mat got all wound up; he could rave for hours about something only to end up saying, “Oh well,” and moving on. It was one of his best features, he gets upset, bitches and then gets over it just as quickly. Devon noticed Mat kept looking at him as they wove in and out of the crowded street, there were no sidewalks as such. “What?” “This is a discussion, not a lecture. What do you think?” “Honestly, I agree with you. I’ve fought my entire life to get out of dresses, and I’m not ready to slide back into one. I’ll never, well maybe not never, wear those robes, please. I agree we need to find our style. But probably not in this city today.” “But you will agree it was a good idea to not spend any more time in the cave?” “Yes, Mat, I agree. What we thought we knew was only a thimble of information compared to the ocean that was really out here.” As the two reached the main gates they waved at the guards and headed in the direction they’d been told to go. Both chatted jovially and tried to enjoy the day, but Devon was nervous and he knew Mat was as well. Every turn they’d made so far had led to new complications. Read the full article
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