#I’m yearning
tellmewy · 5 months
Not to be NSFW, but I would like just one kiss.
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courtingchaos · 4 months
I’m really stuck on a specific idea that isn’t forming into anything concrete but I’ve been thinking about date night with Eddie. Normal shit, nothing dressed up, you’re literally going to little local restaurant and like maybe a show. Lowkey.
But Eddie is in and out of the bedroom while you’re looking for your comfortable jeans, fingers pinching your ass playfully. He’s holding your bra hostage while you hold your hand out, a smile trying to fight its way onto your face. When you have to wiggle yourself into said jeans he’s whistling and miming cartoon eyes bugging out at you. He watches you put your simple makeup on with a chin hooked over your shoulder and he helps you with your hair when you can’t get all the strands brushed together. He purposefully drags his fingers up the back of your neck when he gathers your hair.
He’ll tuck your ID in his wallet and your lipstick in the inside pocket of his jacket so you don’t have to carry anything. Front door, van door, restaurant door and venue door all held open for you with the occasional chair pulled out. When you go to the restroom he orders your drink for you and when you get to the venue for the show he comes back from the bar with your usual. It’s second nature he doesn’t ask anymore because he knows if you change your mind you’ll tell him.
You’ll tuck up under his arm and he’ll make sure you don’t have to hold your jacket or that anyone spills their drinks on your shoes. He knows your back will probably bother you at some point so he makes sure to get you situated towards the back of the venue with all the other 30 somethings who are out too late on a weekday.
At the end of the show, when Eddie gets overwhelmed because someone is blocking the exit you’ll run your hand up the back of his jacket to lightly run your fingers over his shoulders. When you get outside and he’s too tired, you’ll sneak his keys out of his pocket and drive both you home without any fuss.
When you get in there’s a load of laundry to put in and you and him will split a beer while he cracks a joke about all the kids at the show. About how when he was their age he wasn’t out late on a weekday at a concert, he was committing crimes with his dad. You’ll act like you haven’t heard this one before and he’ll make it into a big epic while giving you the last sip out of the can. Brushed teeth and brushed hair and shed clothes get you into bed where some kind of slap fight ensues over the just too small comforter.
Eddie will suggest another blanket for you so you two don’t have to share, but he doesn’t ever get it for you. It would create a space in the bed that he can’t live with. It could be the dead of summer and he’d still have toes pressed to your calf just to l wordlessly let you know he’s there. Nights end with giggles that turn to whispers that turn to deep breaths. Sometimes you’ll watch him drift off first in a tangle of his arm, hair wild around his head and sometimes he’ll fight off his fatigue to make sure you’re falling asleep for real and not staring off into the darkness with worry. Under one too small blanket he’d keep you wrapped up in warmth and comfort, limbs tangled up together until the morning when you two can start it all over again.
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soulofthedeep · 6 months
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rhettabbotts · 4 months
thinking about a tearful reunion with sweet robert after he gets home from a tough deployment and he just needs to be wrapped in your arms 🥺
oh my heart!!!
he surprised you. scared you to death, really. it was late at night, nearly 2am, when he walked up the front steps of your home. his feet felt like lead, his body ached terribly, and his head pounded, heart thumping in his ears. everything that could have went wrong with the mission did. and it nearly cost him and phoenix their lives. he wanted nothing more than to be home. with you and your dog, riley.
bob opened the door quietly, expecting riley to come running down the stairs to maul him. but it was dead silent inside the house. so much for the golden retriever being a guard dog. he toed his combat boots off, already unlaced from the ride home. his bags stayed beside the bench in the front landing and he walked up to your bedroom.
you were curled up with riley. fast asleep. riley’s nose twitched and ears perked up, eyes opening slowly. his tail started lightly hitting the bed as he realized his human was home.
you murmured in your sleep and rolled over, releasing the fluff ball. he darted off the bed towards bob, circling him and jumping up into his arms.
“riley, what are you- AHHHH!!!” you shrieked in horror as you saw the silhouette of someone standing at the door. you flipped the bedside lamp on and your heart jumped to your throat as you took in the sight of your husband. six months. six, long, lonely months without him and there he was. you thought you were dreaming.
“bobby? what are you- how did you- i thought-“
he made it to the bed in a few long strides, not wasting a second crawling in beside you. his strong arms wrapped themselves around your body and his head resting on your chest. he smelled like sweat and the tarmac. he didn’t shower at base. didn’t want to wait another second getting to you.
“missed you. god, i missed you.” his voice was laced with sleep and desperation. the weight of the mission heavy on him.
“talk to me, honey.”
“just hold me. i’ll explain in the morning. right now i just need you to hold me.”
“of course. i’ve got you, bobby. you’re home. you’re safe.”
and he fell asleep just like that. arms holding you like you were going to float away and your nails scratching through his hair. whatever happened on the mission didn’t matter at the moment. he was home and he was alive and that meant the world.
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missanthr0pist · 3 months
i watched “The Hobbit” again and now i have a problem…
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shewantsitall · 3 months
Sobbing over Mom City bc “you’re not lost you’re just not sure what direction you’re going in yet”
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vitusvital · 2 years
cannot stop thinking about bones and all and the inherent romance of cannibalism. to look at someone commit an abhorrent act and kiss them on the mouth after. to taste their wrongs and go back in for seconds.
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dazednmatthews · 1 month
i stayed there. dust collected on my pinned up hair.
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erggggggggg · 6 months
i need someone to smoke and cuddle with right now
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lavender-femme · 6 months
Tonight, for the first night since [REDACTED] broke my heart, I am sleeping in my own bed in my own room. Not a couch in someone else’s house, not my own couch, not a bed in a hostel… my own brand fucking new bed that is comfortable and safe and is the first big step towards making this space mine (for the first time ever I’m pretty sure)
Tonight I will fall asleep so peacefully, dreaming of a butch to keep me safe, yearning in a way that doesn’t hurt. And tomorrow I will wake up with hope… because I survived the worst of it, and the best is truly yet to come.
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spacesharkboy · 3 months
I want to be utterly devoted to someone in every way.
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No offense but I would kiss your gray days away and bring love and laughter into your life when you’re feeling down and smother you in love and adoration when you’re feeling lost.
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ubcrdriver · 3 days
My perfect date is going to a record shop and then star-gazing.
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femmemonologue · 1 month
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how i look after waiting around my phone 24/7 for a girl who hasn’t even asked me out yet
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goodboy4femmes · 2 months
I wanna lay my head on a femme’s chest with my arms wrapped around their waist. Their arms crossed over my neck and shoulders as they whisper how much they care for me.
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not to be dramatic but i think it should literally be a human right to fall asleep in their arms with their sweet voice in my ear
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