#I’ve also met a few people I’ve met through the RPC IRL !! And that’s always SO lovely !!
💖 — what was one of the greatest/happiest moments you’ve had in the rpc?
🖤 — what was one of the worst/most depressing moments you’ve had in the rpc?
💖 I cannot recall many specific ‘moments’ in either direction, however, in college I was dating a person on campus who I talked about rp with since we were talking fanfiction. A few days later I get a text from my now-ex that was just “are you arkytiorforeman and does this url sound familiar to you?” And I was like UH— yeah? yeah? where’d you pull that out from, friend? huh? how do you know that? how do you know who -I- am? Turns out one of their friends from home was a mutual (2014 Merlin RPer who’s url evades me) who I wrote with a fair amount and shipped with !! Which was just very sweet to find out !!! (Same ex also drew me Rory!Master fanart, which was ultimately incredibly sweet, and it might still be rifled in with a bunch of papers from that year.) On that note I’m also gonna be gay and say some of the happiest momence were meeting some of my good friends that I either still talk to (or only recently met) !!! or just remember having good friendships and rps and ships with <333
🖤 And I! Genuinely! Don’t! Know! I would say that more of that comes from like… Making friends and both of you goin through life stuff on other sides of screens and stuff but that is absolutely not related. And also suddenly getting an unexplainable and unsourced anxiety being in the rpc for a while before I came back. HOWEVER. This is more amusing than anything now. When I was small. No older than 17. I did not understand how notifications worked, sometimes. Did not realize that I was reblogging a couple of memes from a RPer who was much older than me multiple times, and not the SOURCE. (Donna RPer, does not matter, do not remember them, however. Adds flavor.) Woke up to them BLOWING UP in my inbox and essentially telling me to learn how to use the website and something along the lines of ‘if nobody’s sending you anything maybe that fucking says something’. Even at the time I thought it was… Pretty funny, honestly? I can’t remember if I apologized, tbh, but I think I did, and one of us blocked the other. The Drama Of It All. najsndkajnsdkjas it was silly. In retrospect now as a 25 year old I can’t imagine blowing up at a 16-17ish year old over my notifications, but tumblr’s notification system was SIGNIFICANTLY more broken back then. So.
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Y’all mind if I just...? Rant a lil? K cool...
So, a while back..
On my old blog, I had an rp partner I really looked up to and loved to write with. We actually had a ship going before, and I LIVED for it. It was with my favorite character from a game, I won’t get into too much detail on that.
We had this thick plot going on, and I was loving the detail that I put into it. I deadass wrote up a report for one of my replies, because their character found a report and needed to read it, so I wrote it. But, in the middle of it, as it was getting to the climax, they started avoiding me entirely, and just straight up not answering anything I sent them, any asks for question memes, just completely ignoring me. You see, I’ve been abused in my life, and I’m diagnosed with severe depression, so this was a serious kick to the gut. I was in a lot of pain and didn’t know what I did wrong, or questioning if they even considered me a friend in the first place. I noticed that they were heavily replying to one other person, and they were pretty cool, and they also had a ship going on. It was a multi-ship blog. I also was low-key shipping with them. This person who stopped talking to me also stopped talking to another person I was friends with, and neither of us knew why, and it was hurting us both.
So, after a while, I messaged them asking if something was wrong or if I did something, and I didn’t get an answer. Neither did my friend when she asked if they had done something wrong. A few weeks later, they make a post saying that they’re changing that particular character to single-ship with this same girl that they were heavily writing with, and we were both pretty torn up about it. I vague posted a bit, I made some vague posts, and tried talking to other people about how I was feeling, but I was met with... Gross answers. Stuff you probably shouldn’t tell someone in pain. One of them specifically was “Well you shouldn’t have gotten close in the first place.” and that just didn’t sit right with me. I even talked about it to other people, who aren’t in that RPC, and they said that it was a shitty thing to do, to just NOT say anything to someone you had a decent writing relationship with and a ship, and overall make them feel like shit.
In my personal experience, it feels like emotional abuse to just NOT talk to someone you consider a friend and to ignore them for seemingly no reason. But ‘not wanting to disappoint anyone’ apparently is a reason to let the behavior slide in that RPC.
During this time, my close IRL friends ditched me AND stopped talking to me, so I was also suffering from that and ultimately went into a depressive episode. After I made my NEW blog, theladyofterror, I decided to apologize to this person. I listed out my behavior and the things that caused me to react like that, and at the end of the message I put ‘And for this I am sorry.”. 
I still didn’t get an answer. So, this just backs up what I believe, that they just didn’t care, and they just emotionally abused me, regardless of if it was intentional or not.
I now have them black-listed and blocked, so they can’t find me, and their posts or anything to do with them won’t show up on my dash. It just makes me angry to see them, and I don’t need any anger in my life.
I’m aware that RPers have the right to drop people for any reason, or write with anyone they want, I’m aware that they also have the right to do what they want with the character that they write for. With that being said, it’s still not okay to treat people poorly, just because you’re on the internet.
But what are your thoughts? Have you gone through a situation where someone you really liked writing with dropped you for seemingly no reason? Been through some pain you haven’t quite processed?
I’m always open to talking about things, and to try and help you through something. I won’t condone abusive behavior, or cyber-bullying. But if you need some advice, I will try to help to the best of my abilities.
This happened almost two years ago.
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morethanaprincess-a · 5 years
⚪ White - What drew you so much to your muse?
Munday Color Meme - Accepting!
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So, short story time!
Several years ago, I was taking an extended break from the RPC in general and didn’t really use/care about tumblr, mostly focusing on other IRL hobbies. This is around when SDR2 had been out for a few years. I’d played the first game and watched the first anime and while I found it fun, it didn’t particularly resonate with me and none of the characters jumped out at me. I blame myself for making too many comparisons to Battle Royale at the time (Which is excellent. Go read the book if you haven’t and then watch the movie. IMHO, the book is better. There’s also a manga series that follows the book’s storyline which is also good. There’s also a sequel film, which wasn’t all that great). 
But some of my close geek/nerd friendship circle (we’re all convention attendees who cosplay and met through that hobby. Particularly through One Piece! I’m usually their Nico Robin or Boa Hancock when she’s needed for a group) played SDR2 and unanimously decided that I needed to check it out. All because of a Princess character from a fictional European nation who was obsessed with horror movies and the occult and just wanted to be a good and kind person to everyone. It didn’t help at the time that I was looking for new characters to cosplay as and my closet was chock full of gowns from Disney, Downton Abbey, Umineko no Naku Koro ni, Revolutionary Girl Utena, and probably more I’m forgetting right now. Oh, and probably my most recent costume at the time, a female version of The Babadook (Reminder: Add more horror costumes to the costume closet! I still have a comic book horror costume I want to do this year...). And my other media habits? Horror movies and Historical dramas, outside of anime of course. 
And so I played it and, of course, my friends had a point. I pretty much fell in love with the game 80% because of Sonia Nevermind and 20% because of everything else. Her character designs had everything I love about my favorite types of costumes (Ballgowns! petticoats! fit and flare dresses!) and so I spent from mid-2018 to May 2019 getting both her green uniform and her cream gown assembled and brought to my first anime con of 2019. Except the problem soon became that I didn’t want to cosplay anyone else, or talk about much else except Danganronpa, headcanons, and “what if this happened and Sonia had to cope with it?”
Needless to say, my IRL friends got exhausted of that rather fast and, after insisting once more that I needed to play a game because I identified so much with a certain character (Haru from Persona 5), they’ve learned to no longer recommend games to me if I have plenty in common with a fictional character because I will, without fail, cosplay them and be incessantly annoying with my fixation of breaking down every single character trait. So I took to the internet! I didn’t really care for the reddit communities around DR as I felt, for the first time in years, of dipping my toes back into an online RPC. I just had to figure out where.
After some research, I deduced tumblr was a rather active place for the DR fandom and so, despite having a lot of other Sonia blogs around at the time, I decided to make this blog and hoped that people might read and accept some of my headcanons and what-if scenarios, and even be interested in interacting with my version of Sonia. And now it’s January 2020, over seven months later, and I’m still here, eagerly continuing and anticipating new storylines. I’m glad people are still interested in my Sonia tbh, as I do play her somewhat canon-divergent and don’t latch on to a lot of popular tumblr RP trends well. Even though I was always drawn to her ever since I played the game due to how much we had in common and the desire to play such a kind and good-natured character (I’ve spent years writing for the brooding assassin types and I’ve gotten burnt out on that), I never expected anyone else to care much about my writing or portrayal over here. So that’s been a pleasant surprise!
(Ha, I said short story and then this happened. I cannot keep anything short on this blog.)
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agirlinhell · 5 years
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my blog: [reaches 100+ followers]
my eyes: ey yo look like i’m goin for a swim
HOLY SHIT IT’S BEEN A BIT OVER A YEAR AND Y’ALL ARE STILL HERE?? jfc I LOVE YOU GUYS. in all seriousness, though, i met just the greatest people ever while i’ve been here and uuuuuuuugh, I LOVE interacting with each and every one of you, i love seeing you guys on my dash and I JUST AGLGGALJGAGALJGAGLAJ so thank you all so much for sticking with me through this. i probably don’t deserve it and you’re all here anyway<333
before we get real deep into this: thank you. whoever you are, if you’re reading this, i’m thanking you. for being here, for following this trash ass blog and loving this muse as much as i do. also i’m thanking you for waking up today, for drinking water and eating your food, for doing your chores, for taking a shower, brushing your teeth, for taking a nap, for getting through yet ANOTHER DAY OF THIS BITCH OF A PLANET. and even if you did none of those things — thank you. stay with us. this world needs you. all of us are unique. there’s no one like you, 
thank you for existing - i love you.
i hope you’re all ready bitches bc IMMA SHOWER Y’ALL WITH LOVE:
@keptmanners​ / @morefinesse​ / @worldendured​ : I’VE SAID THIS SO MANY TIMES BUT UUUUUUUUUGH, this person right here, ande, is one of the people responsible for this blog being what it is today. no joke. when i was at my worst (activity wise) ande was always here, replying to our shit, plotting and discussing concepts and screaming about our muses and just being nice and kind and understanding to me whenever we talked. the relationship we built between clem and ruby/louis/your muses was one of the things that kept me from leaving this blog altogether, so thank you so much - i honestly really appreciate and admire you.
@taggedbastard​ / @paulklee-guild​: listen to me YOU LITTLE SHIT AKJAJGAGLJGA no jk, i love you so much and that’s so crazy because we haven’t even been talking for that long - we deadass started talking like two-three days ago? like, we fell in love with each other bc we’re cancerians and with the OTP in like 0.2 seconds and it was beautiful??? UGH I LOVE YOU BITCH AND I AIN’T NEVER GONNA STOP LOVING YOU BITCH.
@prctecthem​ : TSUKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!! i got you, okay? but seriously, thank you for becoming such a good friend and great person to talk to these last few weeks. i am so glad to have met you <3 AND I LOVE OUR THREADS WHAT THE FUCK?? like we should have hundreds of them, honestly. no jk <3 bUT MAYBE???
@weprevail​ : BABEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY !!!!!! I LOVE HOPE SO MUCH??? A VALID LEGEND IN THE RPC!! SHE SPOILS ME WITH LEE, DUCK, MITCHENTNE AND VIOLETINE CONTENT AND I CR Y!!! i love when we talk about stuff!! you can do it, you can accomplish your dreams, i believe in you - i’ve got your back okay??<33
the bad bitch brigade:
@dcadrct​, @stillgcod​ & @mortuism​: MY HOMIESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. no seriously like, artie, merc and jude are the some of the bestest friends on tumblr/discord that i could have ever asked for and i can’t imagine my life without them anymore. i mean, lmao, i have more verses with them combined than anyone else in the world, artie and merc are just ALWAYS THERE WHEN I WANT TO TALK TO THEM AND I JUST !!!! <#3333 AND JUDE IS DOING HIS BEST AND I LOVE AND SUPPORT A LEGEND!! artie destroys my ass with marlontine / clouis angst/fluff, merc has me crying up in the club about sophietine and jaiko and jude makes me cry like a little bitch with his lee, carl, violet, brody and lilly content  i am truly honored and glad to share this muse with such wonderful people ( or at least formerly in merc’s case ALGJGAAGLAGALJ ) and to just be your friend???? y’all have always been there to call me out on my shit if i ever fuck up and i get my shit together accordingly so i really appreciate it - y’all are also some HILARIOUS ASF PEOPLE
the gay juicebox squad
(or people i love interacting with and want to interact with/talk to even MORE &&& people that i JUST started interacting with and WANT TO KEEP GOING BC YOU’RE PERFECTION – &&&&&&& PEOPLE I HAVE PLOTTED WITH BUT I STILL OWE A STARTER / REPLY TO BC I SUCK, BUT I’M EXCITED TO RP WITH AAAAAAAA ):
@twdgdeadmanwalking, @rcdhccdie @creolejesus, @corpsepaintd, @zombeam, @pyrrhaeic, @weprevail , @crackinthewhip, @youngshct @we-are-strcng @livesrot @reekcd @corpsepaintd​ @forgedvalor @goldenngore @emsorcism @thecomplication @sympaheart @almostskylight @agirlofwinterfell​
(bc i stalk you from far, far away and we either don’t talk much/at all and never interacted and i want that to change but i’m too intimidated by your everyday PERFECTION AND FLAWLESSNESS ON MY DASH):
@killthebxy​ @sevenbled​ @plannedahead​ @zaldrczes​ @highhking​ @creaturologist​ @dracharenae​
IF I FORGOT ANYONE: i am sorry. i occasionally suck. plus, it’s deadass late. but i suck. yeah. love y’all <3
now let’s do the giveaway thing!!!
@twdgdeadmanwalking​, @crackinthewhip​, @keptmanners​ @prctecthem​ @morefinesse​ @stillgcod​ @dcadrct​ @victuus​ @weprevail​ @mortuism​ @shitbircl​ @ofstonerisms​ @worldendured​  @childtroubled​ AND SO MANY MORE
@killthebxy, @longmayshereignxcersei @reekcd, @zaldrczes, @dracharenae @goldenngore @mcsttrusted @bcarexiled​ AND SO MANY MORE
@bitiing​ @cursemcrked​
@taggedbastard​ @paulklee-guild​ @forgedvalor​
@emsorcism @ncvabcrn @illicios @corpsepaintd @creolejesus @xendure @sevenbled @bonezone @bloominghands​ AND SO MANY MORE
YOU’RE LIKE THE BEST? i have no idea why so many of you follow me, but i’m super happy to know that you like this blog for some reason. thank you for being here with me. you ROCK!!! ALL OF YOU!!! 
a few honorable mentions: @aesthetic-survivor-of-twd​ @thewalkingclementine​ @rascet​ and @twdgjames​!!<3
As for the giveaway, I offer the following prizes: one drabble, one edit/promo, five to ten icons, or an aesthetic / moodboard - the choice is entirely yours.
-None of the art unless otherwise stated that will be used in aesthetics and edits are mine.
-I will mostly be doing individuals for aesthetics/drabbles/promo’s/icons, but if you want me to have it ship related, and if i can find the right pictures for aesthetics and icons, this will be done, too.
-If a winner desires a drabble for a prize, I will write any genre you want me to, but you must tell me what exactly you want. The genre, the characters, the settings, the events, canon or alternate universe, what happens in a plot ( if there is any ), whether or not there’s a ship. Lengths and verses may vary. Oneshot, only, no multichapters.
-For aesthetics, the programs I use are ipiccy because unfortunately I don’t have nor use photoshop at the moment. You must tell me exactly what you want.
-My drabbles / aesthetics / icons DO NOT HAVE TO BE THE WALKING DEAD RELATED. I’m perfectly happy with doing prizes in relation to our muses and in other fandoms / alternate universes / crossovers.
-I can show you previews of icons, drabbles, aesthetics and edits while I am doing them, but once I am done with the results, I will not be doing a second version or an update.
-We MUST be mutuals - meaning you must be following me in order to have a chance to win.
-Feel free to like and reblog this as many times as you want - it increases your chances.
-However, I must warn you that, due to time restrictions on my part, your prizes might possibly come in a bit slower, I apologize, but it’s the constraints that bind me to this.
-The winners have until tonight at 8:00PM EST, approximately TWELVE HOURS FROM NOW, to be exact, due to time constraints on my part, to contact me. If you do not contact me after tonight is over, you will not earn your prize and it will be given to someone else at random, just as it is with the chosen winners.
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getinthefunvee · 7 years
//how does a new writer to the roleplay community on tumblr get started? Ive sent out starters, I've replied to starters, I've answered memes, I've reblogged memes, I've made my own posts, I hardly OOC. Everyone seems so exclusive. It's not encouraging, and it seems rather cold. What advice can you give?
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// Hi there, nonny! Let’s see if I can offer a little RP Ancient™ advice.
The first thing to know about the RPC is: when you start out (or reboot, or come back from a long hiatus–and boy, do I know about those) it takes a lot of time & effort before you get into a steady RP flow. It’s always been like that, so that part? Is purely about relationships, because that’s what RP is: a sort of mutual pact between two (or more) people to put in a similar amount of effort to entertain one another. Quite often, longer-term RP partners turn into IRL friends, because you spend so much time investing in one another. You help each other grow as both writers/RPers and your muses influence each others’ growth. It requires a fair amount of putting yourself out there and extroversion and, yes, rejection–just like IRL relationships.
Here are some things to consider if you’ve been at it for a couple months and still feel like you’re floundering:
1) Is your character pleasant to RP with? Okay, this isn’t an attack, but a chance to step back and consider: what would the other character(s) get out of interacting with mine? A character needs to have depth, an interesting personality, a unique voice, a fully actualised emotional range. If you write a villain, grouchy, or a superpowered person, it’s off-putting if they’re essentially a walking God-mode, all-knowing, superior, unrelentingly do nothing but maim/kill off others, or shut down every interaction with glares/bitchy comebacks. That’s no fun for anyone to interact with, so if you’ve fallen into any of those tropes, you may wish to think abound expanding on your repertoire.
2) Are you putting in as much effort as your partners or prospective partners? We’re all different. Effort is relative, and everyone looks for something a little different, but essentially when you get a reply, you want to feel as though the other person is as invested as you are. That means matching length (it never has to be line-for-line, but if someone’s written 6 paragraphs and you only have 2 lines of reply, please talk to them: they’ll want to know why their reply only stimulated 2 lines of response from your muse, or to know that you’re only comfortable writing shorter things; otherwise, you’re not likely to get another reply), driving plot forward (I can’t tell you how many RPs I’ve had fizzle because someone’s several-paragraphs-long replies only at core yield ‘and they nodded’, forcing me to consistently develop all action/development–we’re not always ‘on’ and not every post is a ‘masterpiece’, nor should it have to be, but if one person is doing 100% of the leg work on this every single time, it’s not going to end well), and developing character relationships (be they platonic or otherwise) in an engaging, satisfying way. Also, each RPC has its own conventions, so you may wish to check that you’re ‘conforming’ to those, at least broadly–ie, if the Marvel RPC convention for short replies is 100x100 or smaller static icons and you’re using 300x150 GIFs and large font, people may find it off-putting. 
3) How many muns have you spoken to? This is part of putting yourself out there. Sometimes the person is a mutual, sometimes they’re not. Do always read people’s rules (I presume everyone would already do this) just to make sure they’re comfortable being contacted by ask vs IM. Don’t leap in with ‘hi wanna plot’; do introduce yourself, say hello, tell them what you enjoy about their characterisation, and suggest that if they were open to the idea of RPing, here are a few suggestions for possible plots you’ve considered with their character in mind. Not all of that has to be in one message, but when someone approaches me like this I’m almost uniformly thrilled to play with them.
4) Are you being too limited in your focus? You’re starting out, and maybe you like to write novella plots and/or huge world-building AUs. Awesome! However, you need to develop relationships for those to take off. Many people just getting the hang of RPing do short-form threads. This does three things: 1) helps you establish your character’s voice, 2) offers content/’samples’ for people browsing your blog to view, and 3) gets your URL out there on other people’s dashes. (I meet the vast majority of my RP partners because I loved how they wrote with someone I already RP with, or they saw me on their dash and liked what I did. I cannot overstate the importance of this!)
5) How accessible is your content? This may be just me, but is your blog at least somewhat legible? I’ll be the first to say, hey, my blog font: not super comfy to read! I use ‘read on dash’ for my own posts! I am a fucking sham!! (ie your theme means I can’t scroll to the end of your rules because the ~smoky shadows~ fully obscure the last paragraph; your text scrolls out of the box, onto your background art, rendering it unreadable; broken links!); 3) difficult/obscure navigation (if I have to wave my cursor around your page for 5min before I can find a link, I’m mad); 4) okay this is probably just me, because it’s super popular, but: autoplay, some of us get easily overwhelmed by sensory input and if I have my noise-isolating earphones on and I tab over to your blog and suddenly it’s SUPER LOUD ASSAULT, it’s really jarring.
6) Are you exploring other RPCs? Some communities are much more welcoming to new/inexperienced RPers than others. That’s definitely sad, but it’s a good thing to know. I love the Marvel RPC because of the friends I’ve met through it, but it’s one of the more clique-y and exclusive-focused RPCs I’ve ever been in. By contrast, DARP (Dragon Age, ayy) is very welcoming–and, for me, often a little *too* chipper and extroverted. I’m not saying this to call one better than another, but just to illustrate that RPCs can be very different from one another. If you’re having a hard time in one, consider expanding out to another–it doesn’t mean you have to ditch your character or your desire to be in another RPC, but it may give you the experience and confidence to tackle some of the harder-to-access RPCs on Tumblr.
I don’t want to overwhelm you, and I can only speak from my own experience, but hopefully that gives you something to start with, nonnie! If anyone wants to pitch in, please do feel free to comment.
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fair-fae · 7 years
I’m going to tell you a story, because I don’t know what else to do with this information or how to process it lmao.
I had some problems finding my place in XIV and its community at first when I started playing at 2.0′s launch and it nearly caused me to quit the game. And a huge portion of this problem was a girl who played a Miqo’te named something along the lines of R’aenah (the character has no doubt long since been deleted or renamed). I started 2.0 with @its-the-val-pal, who had played my character’s husband in our previous MMO, and we decided to reroll similar characters here. We intended for our characters to become romantically involved again, but we didn’t want their relationship to feel rushed or forced, so we waited for it to happen organically, if it were to work out at all. But being new to the game (or, rather, the game and community itself being new), we were trying to make new contacts, and one who’d shown interest in Val was R’aenah. Her character almost immediately proved to be sexually attracted to his, and idgaf, IC is IC and she could have been thirsting for him OOC for all I cared. Our characters weren’t even dating yet. We have no OOC involvement. No skin off my back. At first. RPing with Val quickly became impossible, especially anything that was one-on-one or would help push our characters’ relationship in the direction we were hoping. I was still low level, so we could only (safely) RP in so many places. We both only had so much time to dedicate to FFXIV which didn’t always overlap, and we were both still trying to level. We didn’t have a ton of time to RP. R’aenah began to crash every single one of our RP’s. As soon as she saw us online in the same area, she’d run around until she found our characters and immediately swoop in IC.  Due to the IC dynamics between the characters at the same time, the scene always played out the same. R’aenah would barge in no matter what was happening to immediately try to convince Val to sleep with her and drag him off for sex or other alone time right then and there, and make some jabs at Faye in the process. Val, single and at his maximum horndogness and probably the peak of his sexual frustration, would be intrigued. Faye would be like “wtf are you doing, you’re my bodyguard, you’re not supposed to ditch me to sleep with random women (especially ones being super bitchy to me) while you’re on the job.” And then R’aenah would start hurling insults at Faye for trying to cockblock her, Val would take R’aenah’s side and even join in because as far as he was concerned she was the one putting out and Faye was his snobby employer who kept rejecting him, and Faye would get furious until the situation would escalate to the two of them having a good ol’ Faye roastfest until she stormed off and they could flirt or bang in peace. And it was frustrating. I didn’t really care what was happening IC. But I did care that I couldn’t enjoy RP with my RP partner anymore on an OOC level because it either never happened, or wasn’t fun when it did. Faye was either quickly edged out of any RP we tried to do, or I’d have to sit through an RP of two characters trying to get laid with each other meanwhile harassing my character nonstop, which proved to be not fun RP content after a while, and also made little sense from a meta standpoint because Faye wouldn’t just hang around and endure that. But the source of the problem was IC, and I didn’t want anyone to have to censor or change how their characters naturally behaved, so I kept my mouth shut about my frustrations.  But things quickly bled over into OOC. R’aenah started telling Val things like how he owed her RP, he needed to spend more time with her, he should spend less time with me, he had already been RPing with me enough (even though the reason we had to try to schedule so many RP’s is because we had no quality time RPing together because she crashed them all). He tried to explain to her that we’d been friends for two years, that we hoped/intended for Faye and Val to get together, that I was his primary RP partner, but that meant nothing because apparently some rando with no relation to him IC or OOC trumped that because she said so. I began to realize the things she was doing IC weren’t just her character’s personality coupled with some OOC obliviousness to our space and time together but were part of some weird agenda to cut me out of Val’s RP time so she could monopolize all his character’s time and make sure he never got together with Faye. That didn’t fly for long. We cut ties with her, I told her to fuck off, she called me a bitch/cunt/etc. and said she was quitting the game forever, we’d never see her again, yadda yadda.  TWO GODDAMN YEARS LATER. A girl joined my FC playing an Elezen. She gave no indication that she knew either of us and did not state in her app that she’d played another character or under another name. She was fine and normal at first. Eventually, one evening I noticed her character had some IC jealousy issues and was acting extremely petty. It sent up red flags for me since 90% of the time I’ve seen that, it’s bled OOC. I wasn’t surprised when I got a message the very next day from the same girl she’d been harassing IC telling me the same thing had been happening OOC. So I sat her down, we had a talk, told her that shit wasn’t gonna happen again, and to my knowledge she chilled out... on that single front. She started dating a dude in the FC, he bought a plane ticket for them to visit each other. Another girl who’d had experiences with the same guy told her it wasn’t a good idea. She immediately broke up with the dude and cancelled their plans to meet. She started mocking the dude to someone in private about how he hadn’t been able to get it up to exchange nudes with her. Thanks, tmi. She met up IRL with a couple other people from the FC and apparently hooked up with one of them. Tmi again, thanks, why do people tell me about these things. She got super jealous and abusive with the person she hooked up with IRL. Despite all these things, she goes on and on about how ERP is disgusting and tries to shame people in the FC who admit to doing it. Drama from all these things ensued. She eventually got kicked for said drama. I’m mean and evil for kicking her for “no reason,” etc. A few months passed. Some ERP-for-gil courtesan starts chatting at me OOC and gushes about my character and tells me how much she wants to RP. We get a few posts in and suddenly it’s too late and she’s tired and has to go right now. She apologizes profusely and promises to RP another time. It never happens. On multiple occasions, she stands across the room from my character for hours with my RP flag up, but she doesn’t approach me and I don’t hear from her OOC about it again.  Courtesan, however, does contact Val one day and says we seem really nice, it’s so weird her roommate really hates us. She tells Val her roommate is the Elezen girl who was kicked from our FC. Weird, confusing, and bizarrely coincidental, but hey. Neither of us hear from courtesan again. She name changed and fantasia’d several times and I’ve lost track of who she even is on my friends list since then. A few more months passed. Tonight, Val and I are reminiscing about some of the really crazy stuff that happened to us when we started playing. “I bet half these people who told us they’re ‘quitting forever’ after they got caught being creepy/jerks are long since playing again with new names or characters.” We get nosy so we look into a few. We dig up R’aenah’s old, long abandoned RPC profile. Lo and behold, it no longer lists R’aenah as her character... but instead, the name of the Elezen who’d stirred up all that drama in our FC. For like a year??? This girl who had almost made me give up on the game yet boo-hoo’d about how I made her “quit forever”??? was in my FC??? that we led??? certainly knowing it was us since we’re playing the same characters with the same looks and names and personalities and same FC name and acronym since launch??? not saying a word about it to us??? acting all buddy-buddy with us both??? coming to me for advice for her problems??? whining to me about all the drama she stirred up herself in the fc??? acting like it was unjust she got kicked for it??? completely hiding who she was all that time??? What the fuck? So that is my story. Balmung may seem to have a huge number of people are who are creepers or assholes. Apparently half of them are the same people just pretending to be someone else. Idk if that’s reassuring or even more unsettling. But, y’know, there ya go. (and I was already a little rattled because today someone asked to join my closed FC and a quick google search revealed it was a girl who’d hated me and been out for my blood in TERA)
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britshits · 7 years
do you think cis muns can play trans/nb chars? i know this opinion varies but i remember coming across a post that said cis muns shouldn't and now i see a lot of that happening
boy, oh boy… this question …………………….. is like 110% up for debate ?? hell, im not 100% on where i personally stand bc there are legit SO MANY FACTORS ??? pls don’t read this thinking it’s gospel bc it’s truly not and ik this gon turn into some long ass semi-rant, so scroll for a tl;dr, but … [ cracks knuckles ] let’s gO !
i’ll be 100% real n say that i am always, always going to be uber picky when i come across cis muns playing trans/nb muses. i instinctively raise my hackles and put everything they do under the microscope, mainly bc they ( obviously ) don’t have first-hand experience of the pressures / prejudices / issues / feelings etc. that are exclusive to our community, so they have a tendency to fall into all the harmful tropes when it comes to trans characters—and, without that innate understanding of our struggles, they don’t see how these things can be damaging. there’s also the whole issue of the media perpetuating this bs, so really, while research can do wonders, it’s never gonna be a catch-all solution.
that’s not to say i don’t think that cis people can write solid, unproblematic trans characters. i have most definitely met people who are cis who’ve played wonderful trans and/or non binary charries, whom i adored and would educate themselves and readily listen to any tips that i or other trans people gave them. i actually haven’t met a cis person who has played a non binary muse in a way i have an issue with so far. ik that there’s a general issue in the rpc with people changing their charrie from cis to nb to fill a ratio, which is a Mess and a Half, and ofc the assumption that the character’s assigned sex at birth matches that of the face claim. but, other than that nasty business, the majority of cis ppl playing nb charries are #tight and willing to learn, at least as far as i’ve experienced.
when it comes to binary trans muses tho … lmfa o ….. where do i even begin ?? like idk what it is about cis ppl but a lot of them are just absolutely OBSESSED with what’s goin on in a trans person’s pants ?? i mentioned this in another ask, but bruh… if i had a pound for every time some1 has fuckcin offhandedly brought up / alluded to my charrie’s downstairs configuration when we’re plotting, i’d have enough money to buy this blue hellsite and shut it tf down like i goddamn want to, but anyway !! the reason i bring this up is bc i see so many ppl who have this approach with their own characters—i.e. fetishising them. i mean if ur trans, u do u man, sexualising ur charrie is ur prerogative ?? but fuc k n cis ppl doing this…………………….. mmm hooo my go dd … do u realise how disgusting and nasty this shit is ??????? i mean trans ppl have enough shit w/ ppl sexualising us irl ( esp. trans women !! they literally have it so fuckn rough w/ tht i cant even begin 2 describe ) so like, leave it out of rp thx ???
but nope !!! y’all can’t do that !!!!!!!! (((((((((: tbh in the rpc, most of the bs seems to affect trans male muses, as far as i’ve seen. i think it’s partly bc trans female muses are so few and far between, which is an issue in and of itself, but also bc a lot of the rpc is so fuckin guilty of the nasty obsession with m/m ships. it’s usually cishet girls who pull this shit and they pull it w/ all males tbh, like they legit use gay guys as a fuckn object like “OMG !!!! GAYSZ !!! SO CUT E I LOVE THEM !!! COME SHIP W/ ME I LOVE GAY BOYZ !!! :’)” lmfaooo miss me w/ this shit !!! u wanna chat about lesbians being fetishised by cishet men and yet u only give a fuck about mlm when they’re being a cutesy lil otps or banging it out so u can flick ur bean hmm ?? i see u. but yeah, it’s not exclusively cishet girls who do this shit… like, cis ppl in general are pretty shit at playing trans males, specifically. like you’re lucky to find a single starter that isn’t tagged as “indie smut rp” or “indie gay rp” or if their threads aren’t laced with sexualised scenarios or worse… the dreaded C-Word. like bruh if ur not a trans male u literally have no business using that word regarding ur muse. ever.
tbh 99% of the time they don’t even realise just how gross they’re being, bc, as i mentioned before, they don’t have any concept of what it’s like to be trans and how gross and intrusive ppl can be towards us. they think that it’s just the same as writing any character and that they can sexualise them if they want to, without realising that .. it’s very different when you’re outside that community. you’re not exploring an aspect of your identity, so much as reducing someone else’s to a very, very small sector of theirs and then using it for entertainment.
tl;dr: it’s literally a clusterfuck of nope tbh and, on a personal lvl, i’m almost at the point of thinking it would be better if cis ppl don’t play trans charries, bc the bad far outweighs the good in terms of how harmful it can be. that said, i do not think that telling cis ppl not to play trans characters is the right thing to do, bc of the following:
the people who do the disgusting things i’ve mentioned above or anything else that’s nasty don’t listen to us anyway, so it’s not gonna solve that problem.
it reinforces the “write what you know” mantra, which i think we can all agree is so old n outdated in 2k17.
sometimes writing characters is how people manage to learn new things about themselves. i’ve actually met people who, through their character research, have realised that they identify as non binary or trans. having an outlet for feelings they may be having really helps some ppl along.
lastly, and what i personally believe to be the crux of this issue, is that by trying to police something like this you are essentially forcing disclosure of ooc gender. not everyone is comfortable or ready to say they are trans or they may not be sure about their gender identity at all, so forcing them to make it known for the sake of playing a character is not okay. and, ofc, we have the obvious addition that ppl lie, so you’re relying on good faith to carry it out.
so yeah, that’s my v. long-winded two cents on the matter. i have a feeling i’ve missed some details, but it’s 3am and i need to be up by like 9:30 so that’s all for now !! feel free to drop me another question if i’ve fuckt anything up or u would like clarification on anything !
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jasonbrennerold · 3 years
wyd if i told u to do 1-38 👀
the ‘be honest’ meme / @afterburied
ok below the cut bc this is a Long One
1. What would prevent you from following someone?
generally speaking just kinda if our writing doesn’t mesh? but also on different blogs i have different kind of vibes if you know what i mean? like here on jason i’m not likely to follow historical/extreme fantasy blogs if they don’t have some form of modern verse bc i just don’t see him in those settings, i also tend to avoid anyone who says they dont like multis/ocs even if it doesn’t apply on the blog im on bc uh we love multis and ocs here. sometimes if a blogs new i wont follow, but sometimes i will it just depends on the vibe lmao. sometimes aesthetics/etc will play a role but mostly it’s just based on rules/meshability
2. Are aesthetics important to you? If they are, why?
yes and no? like i won’t shun anyone for having “bad” aesthetics or anything, but i hold my own personal aesthetic to a higher regard? like, if someones aesthetic makes things unreadable/impossible to navigate then i hate it, but like i don’t care about other peoples aesthetic that much. if it’s pretty i definitely see the blog in a better light which im trying not to do, but mostly it’s my own aesthetics that matter to me and that’s just because i simply need to be perceived positively at all times
3. What current rp trend do you hate?
i don’t think there are any i really hate? as long as trends aren’t harmful i dont care much.
4. How do you explain rp to someone in the real world?
i don’t lmao the only person who knows about rp irl is my inner circle, and they know it as rp bc at least one of them has actually been in the rp world
5. Do you prefer interacting with male muses or female more? Why?
i don’t really have much preference? all genders bring in their own potential for different plots and dynamics and i love them all equally. but female muses and muses that don’t conform to the male/female binary are always favorites because they deserve more appreciation
6. Do you prefer writing male muses or female more? Why?
this one was actually hard to answer because like? i don’t know? i write plenty of both, and i feel like i prefer males, but also i think that’s just because of the way males tend to be treated over females? like some of my female muses are That Muse that never goes away, but because females tend to be more ignored or people just don’t read their info it’s never as fun writing them
7. What’s your opinion on call out posts?
sometimes they’re necessary, sometimes they’re not. i don’t really read them? unless it’s a callout that comes across my dash a lot or revolves around someone i know/write with. if it’s a legit predator then i say go off, but if it’s something petty or spiteful i think it just makes all parties involved look kinda bad.
8. Name any three things about the rpc that bother you.
answered here.
9. What is your opinion on exclusivity? Do you practice it? Why / why not?
i have in the past, i don’t really presently. i think sometimes it’s good and sometimes it’s bad, and really depends on the fandoms/characters involved. like currently i have lea as my exclusive stiles and earth as my exclusive carol because they have such intense connections to jason and are literally a part of his backstory/canon so it would feel really strange to have another version of that muse come along and try to either fit the dynamic or ignore it. that said i have in the past had exclusives where it felt like i was trapped in it or didn’t get to explore more dynamics because of it, so it can be a win or a lose dependent on the person you’re exclusive with and what they’re like.
10. Have you ever had a bad experience with commissions? As either someone who makes them or as someone who buys them?
not really, no. i don’t think i’ve ever actually commissioned anyone, and the people who have commissioned me in the past have generally been really nice. there’s been a few times where people really don’t know what they want or change their mind constantly or just ghost before we get anywhere, but mostly it’s been a good experience for me.
11. What do you know now about rp that you wish you knew when you first started?
that literally nothing matters. who cares. take as long as you want, remake as much as you want. yes this is a hobby that depends on other people somewhat, but that doesn’t mean that everything you do should revolve around them. take mental health breaks, write in prose, have a super minimalist or super maximalist aesthetic. who gives a shit, this is about having fun.
12. Have you been involved in drama? Do you regret it?
answered here.
13. Have you ever thought about leaving rp? What caused it? What changed your mind?
answered here.
14. Do you think rp has had a positive or negative affect on your life or you as a person?
oh a huge positive effect on both for sure. there are times that it’s been bad for my mental health, but i’ve also met so many brilliant people and had so much fun doing this. half of my facebook friends list is people i’ve befriended through rp (and yes this is an invite to anyone i talk to a lot to ask for my facebook if u want it)
15. How has rp changed you personally?
i started rping in 2012 when i was 14. rp was my main hyperfixation through high school, with me spending most days in class on tumblr rather than doing work. i shaped my entire life around rp for a long time, and while that was extremely unhealthy it was also a huge formative thing for me. tumblr and roleplaying are so ingrained into who i am at this point, it’s literally changed my life. the friends i made through rp, especially in my high school years, were a life changing thing. i had one or two friends in high school, but i was heavily bullied and widely hated and rp really did save me from really fully sinking into thinking that’s what everyone thought of me
16. If you could change one thing about rp on tumblr, what would it be? Why?
i think it would mostly just be the accessibility and ease of it? i miss the days where you didn’t have to be mutuals to write, and how it was just so easy to get things going and have meaningless fun. i love my mutuals and i love plotted threads but i truly think there was something so easy about starting a blog and immediately having threads and people to write with. lately tumblr has become a place where it’s so easy to be ignored or feel like no one wants to write with you, and i really miss the days where there was always someone there who wanted to write with you and be friends.
17. Have you ever sent a message to yourself on anon? Why?
literally all the time lmao. my positivity blog is 50% me sending myself anons because people very rarely send them in. people follow positivity blogs to hear positivity about themselves but never send any in which makes it difficult. i don’t want to seem like my positivity blog is focused only on my mutuals, but i also don’t have much i can say about non-mutuals without it feeling fake so it’s a rough balance. i also send myself anonymous headcanon questions all the time bc no one else is gonna do it for me
18. Have you ever sent hate to yourself on anon? Why?
i think i did once or twice in like 2014 because i was a 16 year old who wanted attention. mostly it was just like i’d posted something that i knew would be controversial in the fandom and wanted to send myself the hate while i had a comeback in mind rather than wait for someone else to say it and feel bad lmao
19. Do you delete anon hate or post and address it? Why?
i tend to post/address it. it’s a bummer to get anon hate and i know i should delete it but i’ll see it and be like ‘oh everyone thinks this’ so i post it so that everyone can see and be like ‘yeah’ but then they’re like ‘this is bullshit’ and i have a moment of like... oh... people... dont hate me?
20. Have you ever felt pressured to write something you weren’t comfortable with?
i dont think so, not that i remember at least.
21. Have you ever followed someone because you felt like you had to, not because you wanted to?
yeah, a few times. i tend to feel that way less now but i still do it sometimes. i know there’s not really any pressure, but sometimes breaking mutuals with people you don’t click with feels really hard
22. What would make you block someone?
not a lot, really? like not for hard blocks. i’ll softblock when i do unfollow sprees or if we don’t really mesh. i only hardblock people who spam me, personals and like. actual problematic people.
23. Have you ever stolen something from someone else?
not that i’m aware of. 
24. Have you ever had something stolen from you? If so, how did you handle it?
again, not that i’m aware of.
25. Are you open to duplicates? Why / why not?
this doesn’t apply to jason, but generally yeah. it depends on the muse really. im not open to duplicates on beth (multimuses aside) because of how she’s a comfort character for me and i’ve had some Bad Experience with other beths in the past, and theres a few muses i write from smaller fandoms that don’t have duplicates but that i wouldn’t want duplicates for. mostly though im chill.
26. How do you feel about vague posting?
i don’t love it, but i am guilty of it too. sometimes u gotta vague to get things out, but i don’t like vagues where that person is likely to see it? idk i just don’t like vagues but i wont stop you
27. Do you follow people even if they don’t follow you back?
sometimes, but not really. i used to do it a lot, but since people are so intense on mutuals only these days i get heaps of anxiety about accidentally liking something when i think we’re mutuals but we’re not
28. Do you read people’s rules before following or interacting?
i try to. a lot of people don’t have mobile friendly info (note that linking to pages on your blog like a /rules or /about isnt actually mobile friendly, you can’t use those links in the app) and i spend a lot of time on mobile, but i usually just wont follow back until i can read them and then i double check rules for triggers and stuff whenever plotting/sending memes/etc.
29. What is your opinion on “reblog karma” and do you practice it?
i don’t love it and i don’t practice it, but i get it. it sucks to have people reblog things from you without sending, especially headcanon/ooc stuff. i won’t ever force people though, especially with ic stuff, sometimes certain memes just don’t fit and that’s okay.
30. How have you responded to popular slang used on tumblr? Do you use it in every day life? Do you use it at all?
probably? i type the same as i talk pretty much, anything you see me type is something i’d say
31. Is there something you don’t know the meaning of but you haven’t asked anyone because you think it’s supposed to be general knowledge? Was there ever something you had to ask someone to explain?
i dont think so. generally i google things if i don’t know it.
32. Have you ever experienced discrimination?
not that i’m aware of. i guess people ignoring female ocs and loving male canons might sorta be it, but nothing personal about me no
33. How do you feel about personal blogs following your rp blog?
not a fan, tend to block them. personals just tend to get into my shit and rb stuff and it’s annoying. that said, if it’s someone i know from the rp community’s personal they can stay
34. Have you ever cried while writing a reply?
literally all the time. every angsty reply.. i cry so easily
35. Do you read other people’s threads or do you only read your own?
i read so many other peoples threads, especially people i interact with a lot. i read @unheaven and @aphostate‘s threads like the morning paper i love them
36. What’s one thing that other people seem to hate that doesn’t bother you?
i don’t know that anyone really hates things that much?? oh, but 13rw is a big one i guess. the show helped me mentally and i have muses on my multi, but i know the majority of the rpc is very much against it
37. How do you feel about tagging triggers? Do you tag them? How do you determine what is triggering content and what isn’t?
i try to, but i don’t ever really know when exactly things need to be tagged. i use the ‘ask to tag //’ tag a lot for things that im not sure about. generally speaking triggers go untagged unless it’s intense/graphic, but there’s always warnings in my rules about what i don’t tag
38. What advice would you give to someone new to rp?
don’t take it too seriously. it’s a hobby, it’s for fun. these people will not care if you use aesthetic vibes or if you’re a minimalist, they just want your writing. don’t guilt trip people into writing with you, read and respect rules. i don’t know, just treat people how you wanna be treated. rp is a small world, word travels, people know when people are the type to ignore important things. 
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