Round 5, Match 3: The Fix vs. Kanan Jarrus and Hera Syndulla
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Submitted kids:
The Fix: Conrad Schintz, and then he adopted like, an whole orphanage, named Madam Loathings home for wayward interests
Kanan and Hera: Ezra Bridger, Sabine Wren, Zeb Orrelios, Chopper
Propaganda under the cut!
The Fix:
1. “Ok ok so. Spoilers for mentopolis: First some context that mentopolis is a show that takes place inside one guys brain, all the characters represent something in the brain, and the guy whos brain they are in, named Elias Hodge, is so so very sad.
Ok so, The Fix, the personification of hyper fixation, is like is someone who has spent most of his life working for people, where his job was to 'eliminate distractions' (He kills people, basically). Then one day he is told to eliminate a child. His name is Conrad Schintz (Or the Conscience, due to an accident that happened to the guys who's brain they are in when he was a child- Conrad stopped thing he was useful, aka Elias stopped using his conscience, so his conscience has not grown since the incident, leaving him a small child)
The Fix has never had to hurt a kid before, and he doesn't want to do that, so he instead goes into protecting Conrad. Conrad kind of hates himself though and also kind of thinks he deserves to die so that's not good.
The Fix gave this like, beautiful speech to Conrad once about how hes important, I wont give the whole thing but something along the lines of "There is a butterfly who has a tail that is there for if a bird was to grab on to the tail, it would break off and the butterfly would escape. I don't think you are the tail of the butterfly, I think you are the butterfly." (its better in the actual show). I cry. There is another speech about eagles he gives Conrad when Conrad offers himself, to basically die, but i don't remember it that well.
Other then Conrad though! So There is this orphanage, called Madama Loathings home for wayward interests. Basically its a bunch of kids that represent past interests of Elias. Its run by this women called Madam Loathing (represents Elias' self Loathing)(she is very mean to the kids). The Fix donates a lot of money to this place, and visits a lot, the kids there love him and think he is so so cool. There is this one kid named Ronnie Reptile. He loves reptiles, and The fix gives him reptile facts, its cute. In the first episode, The Fix tells Madam Loathing how any of those kids/interests could be rediscovered by Elias at any time, and madam loathing sort of taunts The Fix, sort of saying how "Oh I'm sure I can tell the kids they will call be adopted by The Fix soon, but that would be kind of cruel, wouldn't it?" Implying that that won't happen. (cause, The Fix is hyper fixation, and hyper fixation adopting an interest would be good, you know.).
Note that Conrad used to live at madam loathing's, because he was mis identified as just a simple interest and not Elias' whole sense of conscience, but Corad ran away with his best friend, a dog named Justin. He lived on the streets after that.*
So a bit later on in the series The Fix and Conrad have to go to to madam loathing's together (and another character is with them but he isnt relevant for this). When they get there Madam Loathing asks The fix if he is here to drop of Conrad here, and The immediately is like "Absolutely not, shut the fuck up." (I think that's the direct quote). I just really like that scene.
At the end, end of the series. Some plot stuff happens. The Fix met a women named Pasha N (She represents Passon), and they are in love, The fix proposes to her, its sweet, but then madam Loathing, who got some like, character growth I won't really go into here, and she says to The Fix how, she needs to go on a trip to find herself, and then she offers the entire orphanage to The Fix and Pasha, which is accepted. So in the end of the show, The Fix has basically adopted, that entire orphanage, so thats a lot of kids, along with Pasha, but she isn't in the show as much so I wont submit them as a pair. I didnt mention it before but The Fix is known for knowing a lot of facts and saying "Did you know." before saying a fact, which a lot of the time, it is a fact that is truly terrifying but thats a lot, and The narration at the end of the shows, says how The Fix and Pasha spend their lives with kids around them, constantly saying "Did you know? Did you know?" and it is very sweet. Conrad sort of had his own ending away from The Fix, but I still head cannon that The Fix adopted him too and Conrad comes to the orphanage sometimes.”
2. “listen. i don't know if this really counts as propaganda but just saying, mr. the fix thinks you're not the tail of a swallowtail butterfly. you are the butterfly.”
Kanan Jarrus and Hera Syndulla:
“The parents ever. Healthiest family dynamics in the galaxy. Families that kill fascists together stay together. Kanan managed to keep an extremely traumatized child on the light side of the force, Hera kept a volatile Mandalorian from blowing herself up (and Chopper from murdering everyone). So good at adopting, they taught Ezra to adopt uncles with increasingly homicidal tendencies. So good at adopting, they successfully competed with the aforementioned crime uncles and kept Ezra. So good at adopting, they managed to adopt a grown ass man 10 years older than them.”
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focusontheheart · 1 year
Hey! Not really an ask, I just wanted to say I love this project! So much effort and passon goes into it, you all are really admirable. And I'm so grateful to you for making it available for free, I can't wait to play it!! Much love!!!
Thank you so much for the kind words!
There's been lots of excitement building between the teams for when we'll get to play each others' routes since the writers and artists have been hard at work on scripts, and the coding and audio are coming together to do test runs of combining assets for the prologue.
We're just beginning to see the shape of everything together and it's all very exciting! We can't wait for you to play it too!
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incorrectleaguequotes · 2 months
Quick question: What do you think about the next generation Star Guardians? I'm someone who is a bit too passonate about writing fanfics about them, and I wanna share them with whatever remnants of the fandom still exist. So, would you like to hear about some silly adventures featuring these folks? Or perchance point me in the direction of a blog or two who might be interested?
I never really gave much thought about who’s gonna be the next generation of SG (since I quitted league awhile ago but still love the game, just don’t play it anymore because of the toxicity.) but I really wanna see aphelios, diana, hwei, seraphine, aurora.
And I wanna see briar as the enemy SG hehehehe
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swedesinstockholm · 5 months
18 avril 2024
peut être que je devrais écrire mon livre sur r. comme ça ça avancerait dix fois plus vite parce que j'ai toujours envie d'écrire sur r. hier soir j'ai réussi à lire que deux pages de pessoa parce que j'étais encore en train de penser à notre conversation d'hier soir. j'ai pas écrit dans mon journal exprès pour éviter de nourrir la bête mais la bête se nourrit toute seule. je me suis enregistrée en train de répéter i'm in love i'm in love and maybe if i keep repeating it it won't be true anymore en partant d'un ton très matter of fact qui devient de plus en plus dramatique.
sur ig je suis tombée sur une vidéo d'un type qui fait du slam, je crois que c'est un ami de c., on l'avait rencontré au marché des créateurs des rotondes et il avait montré zéro intérêt pour mes zines, et donc là sur la vidéo il faisait du stand-up sur la scène d'un bar avec des murs en pierre et c'était pas très drôle mais les gens riaient, et ce type quand on le voit il a l'air encore plus timoré que moi, enfin il a pas une personnalité à faire du stand-up je veux dire, et pourtant il était là sur scène à faire rire les gens. j'ai immédiatement cherché where to do stand-up in luxembourg, j'ai trouvé deux bars qui font des open mic et j'ai ouvert un fichier word intitulé STAND-UP dans la foulée. j'ai rien mis dedans encore mais je me suis dit que j'aurais aucun mal à trouver vu que la moitié de mon journal c'est du stand-up. peut être qu'en fait depuis le début je me trompe de carrière. peut être que je veux pas écrire un livre mais je veux juste raconter des blagues sur ma vie. mon texte de sabir c'était déjà à moitié du stand-up. du stand-up littéraire et poétique certes, mais ce qui m'excite le plus quand je lis mes textes en public c'est quand les gens rient. je veux faire du stand-up hybride. peut être que je pourrais parler de r. peut être que ça me soulagerait, vu que je veux en parler à personne, là au moins je pourrais le tourner en farce, je pourrais grossir le trait encore plus puisque c'est ça qu'on fait dans le stand-up.
je viens de vider le lave-vaisselle en écoutant manu payet qui parlait de stand-up à la radio et je me disais que mon journal était peut être pas assez basique pour en faire du stand-up. pas assez universel. trop référencé et surtout trop autoréférencé. mais ça doit pouvoir se transformer. mais d'abord je dois arriver à me faire écrire. le seul truc que j'arrive à écrire c'est mettre mon journal sur tumblr, parce que ça requiert aucun effort. je devrais peut être faire une retraite dans un monastère comme r. il m'en a parlé hier soir, il m'a dit qu'il y allait régulièrement parce que c'était un des piliers de son bien-être et puis il m'a reparlé de son père et moi je pensais à la colère intérieure que j'ai contre maman et tous les reproches que je lui fais dans ma tête, qu'elle a pas fait attention à moi, qu'elle me voit pas et qu'elle a jamais cherché à me comprendre et que donc même si je suis ce qu'elle aime le plus au monde je me sens pas aimée. mais je lui ai pas dit tout ça parce que c'était une conversation de dm instagram qui allait vite et moi il me faut du temps. mais même quand il m'avait posé des questions à la maison poème j'étais restée très vague. en fait c'est lui l'archétype de la fille qui overshare et fait du trauma dumping au premier date. c'est lui la lesbienne, pas moi. cf. adrianne lenker. sauf que c'était pas un premier date et qu'on se connait depuis un moment maintenant, mais soit.
juste avant je lui avais envoyé une pub pour un truc qui écarte les fesses pour se faire bronzer la raie parce que ça s'appelait raidorée et ça me faisait mourir de rire et il m'a dit tu l'utiliserais toi? moi peut être et j'ai dit déjà je bronze pas nue et il a dit pas pour bronzer et j'ai dit ahh et il s'est excusé en disant PASSONS. voilà pourquoi je peux pas parler de cul avec les gens, je suis trop naïve. ça m'a rappelé quand nik m'avait offert un mini vibromasseur en secret la veille de mon départ de la clinique et dans ma grande naïveté j'avais dit mais t'en fais quoi? et il m'avait dit c'est pour l'anus! et il s'était pas excusé d'avoir heurté mes chastes oreilles lui. quand il est parti se coucher parce qu'il avait un concert le lendemain il m'a dit gros bisous et j'ai dit bonne nuit r. comme l'amoureuse qui souffre en silence que je suis. comme j'étais incapable de me concentrer sur pessoa après ça j'ai cherché le monastère dont il me parlait et j'ai regardé des photos des chambres à lit une place en m'imaginant serrée contre son petit cul sous le grand crucifix en bois.
20 avril
ce matin chez le coiffeur je me demandais si je pouvais faire des séances d'emdr pour me débarrasser de r. le considérer comme un choc traumatique. pas lui en tant que personne mais le fait qu'il m'aime pas. ça m'affecte tellement que j'en ai fait une insomnie cette nuit. j'avais une tête de zombie chez le coiffeur. avant l'insomnie j'ai rêvé qu'il m'inondait de messages pour me raconter sa journée et qu'il était un peu triste parce que la fille qu'il aimait bien lui avait dit non et qu'il en avait marre qu'on lui dise non, il m'a dit que je l'avais rencontrée quand on s'était vus au café de pancakes, c'était la fille qui mangeait des pancakes avec lui. elle avait un petit accent non identifié et elle ressemblait pas du tout à adrianne lenker, elle était brune et sexy. j'étais tellement anéantie que je me suis réveillée au milieu de la nuit avec un énorme noeud dans le ventre. c'était horrible. c'était comme si je revivais le cauchemar du mois de juin de l'année dernière. d'où l'emdr. j'arrivais à penser à rien d'autre. quand j'ai commencé à entendre le trafic des avions qui reprenait j'essayais de m'imaginer à la place du pilote dans le cockpit face aux nuages dans la nuit, je me demandais si les avions avaient des phares, je me suis dit que je chercherais des vidéos de vol de nuit sur youtube une fois levée, ça m'a distraite pendant quelques instants, et puis je me rappelais pourquoi j'étais réveillée et la douleur dans le ventre revenait. ç'a commencé à aller un peu mieux quand j'ai vu que le jour se levait. je me sentais moins livrée à la nuit et à la tyrannie de mon esprit. moins impuissante.
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tibb1ts · 10 months
For your life series requests you wanted, might I suggest a BigBst4tz, when the final session of Third Life dawned, and he was the last green name? When he said he was scared to be so surrounded by reds, but he welcomed the Red Banners into his cookie house anyway? Sorry, as you may be able to tell, I'm a little not normal about the Red Army and the loyalty and the greens and yellows trusting reds and the reds sparing greens and yellows
this is such a lovely and passonate ask, but i actually havent watched very many povs of third life 😢i wouldnt be able to do it justice just yet- ill get back to you soon once i find some time
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himbos-hotline · 2 years
Hi, I'm new here Who's Jay?
Hello new friend! thank you for leaping into my ask blog!
Okay so, Jayden Aphrodite Orton or as theyre known now Jay [SUPER OCCASIONALLY Jayden] Gray Orton. Was born on the 29th of November 1993, making her 29 now. However I kinda stick with him beign twenty eight. He is one of many wrestling OCS I have. Adopted by Willow and James Orton when he was two, she grows up a pretty normal girl in the normal household of girls do girl things and boys do boys things. She does ballroom dancing as a child and grows up with a passion for musical theatre and acting as well as medicine. He grows up wanting to be an actor until an unfortunate accident renders her hard of hearing/deaf [she uses the terms interchangably] which means that he now has hearing aids. He forgoes the desire to act to become a doctor instead, facianted by how people can just mend and heal like nothing bad happened.
At age thirteen her parents send her off to Blackpool, to an old friend William Regal who is going to teach Jay the art of wrestling as a way for her to get his extra energy out [plottwist its medicated/undiagnosed hyperactive ADHD] but Regal takes thsi little 13 year old from Chicago under his wings and trains him all the art of wrestling, Jay realises that she has a passon for death matches and hardcore wrestling, and shes damn fucking good at it. Jay goes to join NXT and meets Adam Cole. They become quick friends and mixed tag partners, which quickly breaks down into them becoming fuck-buddies with a lot of emotions attached until cole breaks up the tag team and chooses to go after and win the NXT title, making them enimies.
Up on the main roster, Jay struggles because theyre not allowed to do anything apart from a few high flying moveis and years go by where Jay just isnt happy in her position, made worse by coles call up. So this is when Jericho starts slowly manpulating and selling Jay on the idea of joining the JAS and AEW and so she shows up with the rest of the JAS. They start treating Jay at first like a princess a gloruos little angel who can do their dirtywork until she starts to loose matches and the JAS start getting annoyed and agrivated and start bullying them - cue wrestlers weekly standing up for this little new kid who keeps being picked on. Jay ends up doing a diving headbutt during a amtch with Kris Stratlander and cracks their head on both a steel chair and a ring anvas- he's concussed instatnyl nad really doesnt remember how she got backstage [the best friends and kris helped him there and wheeler looked after them and took her back to the JAS lockerroom]
Jay has their therapy rabbit Hemlock [yes, like the poision] there and shes chatting away to the rabit when he starts to completely like zone our and dissocate. This is where he meets kenny someone who treats them and calms him down and whene Jay first registers that theres someone else in the room she panics instantly cuz the JAS trained her to not show emotions especially those who are like sad or guilty emotions. Jay states that she doesnt know who kenny is, because theybve only really kinda seen him around and not spoken to him and Kenny sticks his hand out and goes "Kenny omega, now you know me!" and when jay introsduces themselve as "Jayden Orton" Kenny smiles and "nice to meet ya jay"
and everything kinda just snaps int place. Jay! Nobody had ever called them Jay before, like the bird and everything nice and kind. And thats a boys name, Jay wouldnt mind being a boy. Jay
she likes it.
so yeah Kenny provides an entire gender crisis. Jay snaps out of dissocation and switches for a panic attack which kenny helps and explains that "oh my partner has these sometimes, he really doesnt like to be alone sometimes.are you going to be okay?- Oh! you two should meet youd really like him! he's really kind, and cute."
Kenny in intensily queer around Jay and considering that shes never really been exposed to outwardly queer people and openly gender-queer people her mind goes all scrambled in a good way.
Some other things happen,. jay leaves the JAS, spends a lot of time lurking in dark corrdiors meeting more firneds. She keeps finding kenny and acddientally meets hanger when kenny is like inches away from getting him on his knees. The two of them make instant friends. The go dancing and to bars and Jay assumes that because she likes the name Jay, he cant be a girl- so he has to be a boy.
Adam cole worms his way back into Jays life as a foe and then someone that their boyrioends are fucking and then cole realises that shes trans femme and Jay realises that hes not a trans man but i nfact genderqueer. Jay and coles trans journeys are linked and ill go more uinto that if anyone else really wants to hear about it.
In the end Jay starts dating wheeler, kenny and both adams. wheeler is only dating jay. Kenny and the adams are all dating one another. The polycule is all disgustingly in love and adore each other.
Regal scoops up his now grandchild [as well as granddaughter/grandson- regardless os how jay feels regal will always be their grandpa] as the newest member of the BCC where she can finally have a family thats forged in blood and ocmbat as well as kindness and love. Mox gives them his ADHD meds sometimes.
Jay uses she/he/they/zey pronouns with no real prefrence and has a kinda punk/gothic vibe. He looks like a total bitch but really would and is a little murder machine with a heart of gold. They adore the bucks as brothers and is made an honourary young buck when she falls asleep on nick one day during an interveiw. They like to skateboard and play eletric guitar. He has a house in ohio which he shares with their black cat steve and obviously hemlock. They adore the rain and have so many scars and shit from stupid stunts and stuff they do. Has a blood kink and will explode with their see cowboy tits.
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heres hwo he looks, he does also have hearing aids and hetrochormia [even though theres so little picrews that has hetrochromia]
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lovesickdeathpoetry · 10 months
The Perfect Product
The Perfect Product
TWRP feat. JP Incorporated
Salut Hi
(Bonjour) (Hello)
Comment allez vous? How are you?
(Bof-bof) (So-so)
Ravi d’entendre ça I'm glad to hear that
Si je peux prendre un moment de votre temps If I may take a moment of your time
J’aimerais profiter de cette opportunité pour vous parler I'd like to take this opportunity to tell you about
De quelque chose de tellement nouveau, Something so new, 
De tellement révolutionnaire, So revolutionary
De tellement exaltant So exciting
(J’écoute)  (I'm listening)
Que ca va complètement changer votre vie That it will completely change your life
Oh je sais ce que vous pensez Now I know what you're thinking
Croyez moi, je comprends Trust me, I get it
Alors je vais aller droit au but So I'm gonna cut right to the chase
Si vous respectez la qualité supérieure If you respect high quality
Si vous ne vous attendez qu’au meilleur If you expect only the best
(Que le meilleur) (Only the best)
Alors les amis, passons aux choses sérieuses Then folks, let's get right down to business
Si vous aimez vous amuser If you enjoy having fun
Si vous aimez les garanties If you like guarantees
(C’est tout à fait moi) (That sounds just like me)
Je suis fier de vous présenter I proudly present to you
Le Produit Parfait The Perfect Product
C’est parfait pour vous It's perfect for you
Parfait pour votre famille Perfect for your family
C’est parfait pour vos amis It's perfect for your friends
Un produit dans lequel vous pouvez avoir confiance A product you can trust
Sur lequel vous pouvez entièrement compter You can totally rely on
Un produit dans lequel vous pouvez croire A product you can believe in
(J’y crois) (I believe)
Profitez juste de votre temps avec lui Just enjoy your time with it
C’est un produit que vous pouvez aimer It's a product you can love
Un produit que vous allez apprécier A product you will like
Je sais que vous allez aimer ce produit I know that you're gonna like this product
(J’adore le produit) (I love the product)
Alors si ça ne vous dérange pas So if you don't mind
J’aimerais entrer dans les détails I'd like to go into further detail
Et vous donner plus d’informations And give you some more information 
(Oui s’il vous plait) (Yes please)
Parce que nous voulons vraiment que vous vous sentiez à l’aise Because we really want you to feel comfortable
Dans toutes vos décisions liées au produit With all your product related decisions
Maintenant, quelques questions Now, a couple questions
Vous classeriez vous comme excellent? Would you classify yourself as top notch?
Aimez vous être un sujet de conversation? Do you like being the talk of the town?
Disons que les bons rapports qualité-prix vous emballent Let's say you get excited about great value
(De si bons rapports qualité-prix) (Such great value)
Alors qu’est-ce que j’ai de bonnes nouvelles pour vous Then boy do I have exciting news for you
Restez là parce que je m’apprête à vous dire Well standby 'cause I'm about to tell you
Le secret pour déverrouiller une vie de satisfaction The secret to unlocking a lifetime of satisfaction
Le Produit Parfait The Perfect Product
C’est parfait pour vous It's perfect for you
Parfait pour votre famille Perfect for your family
C’est parfait pour vos amis It's perfect for your friends
Le Produit Parfait The Perfect Product
Le Produit Parfait The Perfect Product
C'est fait pour moi It's made for me
Le Produit Parfait The Perfect Product
Faut que je l’aie, j’en ai vraiment besoin Gotta have it, really need it
Garanti à vie Lifetime warranty
Le Produit Parfait The Perfect Product
Le Produit Parfait The Perfect Product
Il vient avec une garantie, baby Comes with a guarantee, baby
Le Produit Parfait The Perfect Product
Le Produit Parfait The Perfect Product
C’est fait pour moi It's made for me
Amusez vous juste avec Just have fun with it
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beatlesonline-blog · 2 years
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alannayakish · 2 years
dude, he's dead.
any time i'm pretty. any time i'm sweet. every time i'm sick. every time i'm dick. every time you love me. every time we kiss. every time our necks give out. every time you wink. the sexy pieces of futile. the sexy pictures of love. the sexy pictures of hell and hope are all the things we rate and try,, kiss my pictures sexually, picture us on time. picture us as us together picture us as hot... picture us as futile. picture us in a time zone which is mine and not my own. the truth of peace is love and light the picture of us is cute. the ending of time and space are few and true the end of us is cute. the beginning of hope and few things good the only few we kiss and touch the only piece is love. the thought of you makes me crave bananas and think of ways to run. the picture of us is so cute. the end if time is now. the beginning is truth and prosper. make movies sing louder kiss the lines between our sulfer. the kissing ends too soon to die the death of gore and love is few to die the ending is cute and the beginning is now the only good thing is togehther and cute the few the light he end the night the end is cute good fun and pictures the pictures are cute and the pictures of cute and the pictures of nice and good and cute and us is alone is cute and dead. dead is cute the cute and the cute is good and cool and nice. the kissing of our eyes are eyes are pretty, nice and good and things we accept. the kissing iscute the future is cute and alone and admired the kissing iss cute and alone and forver and the ways we live are pieces of dark the the dark has legs and find us accept. the kissing cute the lovely good and the only one here is ther only one spaced. kssing our eyes and kissing our souls and kissing our triumph of love and the passon from thirst. kissing eyes now and kissing now and new is alone and kiss and alone and kissing kissing kissing passion alive alone fear from us fear from truth and truth and lust. the kiss the passion the kissing of ducks. they kiss and tell secrets, telling us thirst. we kiss and be alone and kiss and throw away all the thoughts of kissing our eyes the more we move thighes and us is kidding time isn't real, we kiss our earsslsowley the kiding of ideas. we kiss our own head we kiss our strife through the only thing terror are the only things real. kiss is trust kiss is now time. the end is alone and the end is a bug. we kiss them to try sprite. miss me too much, miss me like crazy, miss me like liking miss me likfe safe. miss me like cutie miss me like love, miss me like milk, and water in a jug. the kissing tries once again the kissin is cute. the kissing is lovliness is cute and the missing you is like a mistress to me. behold my truth and suck the proof the people will accept if paid in full. be alone be mine and kiss my skull as if it was yours. pretty lies pretty eyes the promise of a nice life. a life with more love than everything, a cat is down for prey. you're my prey. me here soon. maybe he would.. maybe he can't.. love is? fear is terrifying. you're touch just was......... ..
i love you. my fear and darkness is you. the mistress of the underworld. kiss my anxiety and depression. fill a room with just spirits.. love your life.... bats kiss and tell...
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ot3 · 5 years
Sorry for my late reply, tumblr never notifies me. I couldn’t agree more with what you said. I think videos game have an amazing capacity for all kinds of expression. Something that stood out to me from the video was noting how Pathologic doesn’t rely on Skinner box mechanics. Pathologic works so well, IMO, because it’s entirely player-motivated. Through it’s mechanics and story it invites players to keep going and doing unpleasant things. (1/2)
I think if more games marry mechanics with their story, rather than have a sharp divide between them, we would see more games do what Pathologic does, to a lesser degree probs. Games like Lisa and to a small degree Undertale do a good job of blending the two aspects. I’ve been following your blog for a while so it’s just cool to me that you’re into this and have some great opinions on the topic. Sorry if I’m bothering you with this lmao. Have a good one! (2/2) 
You’re not bothering me at all i LOVE talking about this kind of thing, feel free to send me any sort of Discussion about storytelling, art, or games.
 I think you make a fantastic point about player motivation! This ties in a bit to what I said in my original response which im linking here for anyone who might be trying to read this without context. I absolutely can’t remember where I saw this - I’ve been watching a lot of game related youtube videos out of late, but someone was talking about what makes a game Engaging. I think it might have been gamemakers toolkit?
Anyway, they made a point about intrinsic value in a game, where you’re not playing it for any ‘reward’ at the end (whether that be grinding for lootboxes, or levels, or achievements, etc) and the incentive is wholly just the experience of the game. And I think that’s so important! In a sense you could say that pathologic doesn’t have the intrinsic value because you’re just suffering through it for the reward of the story, but I don’t think that’s the case because that suffering is part of the story.
I haven’t played lisa and i don’t know a thing about it, actually, but its on sale right now so i’m legit about to go buy it. 
Undertale’s also another great example. It’s combat mechanics and the way the game is SIGNIFICANTLY harder if you don’t wan’t to kill anyone I think blend super well with the message the game is trying to send. I think it’s a super careful balance to strike.
Like, I’m gonna go off track here for a minute and talk about breath of the wild which is probably the most fun I’ve ever had with a game. Obviously the story is, at best, fun. It’s pretty basic and most of the depth in it comes from the things you end up projecting onto it, which is completely fine. The plot in BOTW comes secondary to the fun you’re supposed to have in the world. In my first BOTW save I just ran around getting apples for weeks until i had capped out my apple storage at 999. And then i baked all of them. I just sat there dumping one thousand apples into the fire just for the sake of having a thousand baked apples and nothing more. But in many ways the robustness of BOTW’s physics and how the world feels so real makes the story feel that much weaker in comparison because the simplicity of the story is almost discordant with how complete the world feels. Imagine how much impact it could have had if they had found a way to conceptually marry the two. 
I think death mechanics in story games in particular are an interesting thing to look at, because whether or not the threat of death feels heavy very much effects the way a story will feel. Like in undertale, death isn’t that bad. It’s fine, you just go to your next save - but the fact that you are able to do this is a significant part of the real story and is canonically addressed and contextualized. Then there’s, on the other end of the spectrum, Pathologic, where character death is the main threat hanging over your head the whole time. The mechanics of dying, how you need to keep track of hunger, exhaustion, health, etc. tie directly into the feeling of ‘this isn’t a game, i’m not a main character, i’m just a person in a bad situation’ that the game attempts to create.
Hollow knight is another interesting look at this: when you die in Hollow Knight you get sent back to your last save, you lose any money you were holding, and you lose some of your potential to heal/do magic, represented by the container that stores your ‘soul’, a type of energy you gain, being shattered. You also leave behind a shade; a ghostly shadow of yourself that you need to track down and defeat to regain your money. As a death mechanic, people have different opinions about this and how it relates to the exploration aspects of the game, but regardless of how it fits into the gameplay flow it has a place in the story flow. As you progress through the game and learn more about your character, the knight, and their origins, this mechanic actually begins to not only make sense but reveal a lot about the world of hollow knight in general.
Video games are a unique medium and still relatively new and finding their footing but I truly believe that the ability to marry mechanics and story will elevate narrative in a way you can’t get in any other format. it’s so cool. Stories that you have to engage with to truly experience! Art that you have to genuinely commit to to experience! The potentials are LIMITLESS.
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starlightshore · 3 years
just had the passing thought here
i was thinking about UT/DR morality (as i do all the time) and i was like, damn, sure is weird to consider DR doesn’t tackle morality in the same way UT does. In UT, if you even so much as kill a moldsmal you can’t get the good ending and the game confronts you with your actions.
btw this is of course with more nuance than people give i credit for, seriously look into how Sans judges you depending on your kill count. it’s not “you’re a murder go die” its “hmmm yeah murders bad, but one kill is probs self defense.” cause in the situation, frisk is in danger all the time.
anyway with UT the game’s core is about a world of monsters who just LIve in this cave and have lives and you can either save them or kill them. You decide their fate, and those who survive the encounter will live on regardless. The point is, they’re alive. they’re people.
and with deltarune, we DON’T know how the dark world citizens will handle the missing people, the frozen corpses, the loss of their own world as you don’t recruit them to Ralsei’s fountain.
that feels odd! its weird. and there’s a huge wealth of discussion we could get into here but something clicked to me.
in undertale, the monsters are meant to be people. of course they’re video game characters IRL, but in the game, they’re real. and flowey parallels the player in how he views these people as just NPCs and exp. but if you show compassion, the game (and flowey at the end) will ask you to not treat it like a game by literally not playing it. Don’t reset, let these characters live their lives. They’re happy.
but in Deltarune, Darkners... are people and they’re not. they have histories but they’ve only existed for a day. they’re literally toys, objects, code. It’s the will of the Lightner who makes them real, brings them to life. Monsters in undertale are the enemies you uncritically kill in RPGs. Darkners are fictional story characters you can dream up and beat up and kill without considering how the fictional characters feel.
and just like how UT has more to say about violence than just “killing is bad” i don’t think toby is saying “wow you made an oc and have them die? thats fucked up” like LITERALLY that’d be a horrible take. Deltarune is going to be a long ass game series and I don’t really know where’s it’s going or trying to say about narratives and the characters that exist in them yet.
it’s going to be one hell of a ride and i’m here for it. i really, really really like how toby uses the enemies of the game to have us think more critically about our own lives and actions, and in DR, our lack of options. honestly, i am seriously hoping deltarune helps people consider the game series’s themes more and think more analytically because both of these games are rich with depth, morality and themes. engage with media literacy <3 its fun and cool i promise
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serialadoptersbracket · 6 months
Round 3, Match 10: Jean Valjean vs. The Fix
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Submitted kids:
Jean Valjean: Cosette; Marius; Enjolras; Gavroche
The Fix: Conrad Schintz, and then he adopted like, an whole orphanage, named Madam Loathings home for wayward interests
Propaganda under the cut! (Spoilers ahead!)
Jean Valjean:
“Cosette is a given, but let’s be real, as Valjean became wrapped up with the revolutionaries, he became all of their dad”
The Fix:
“Ok ok so. Spoilers for mentopolis: First some context that mentopolis is a show that takes place inside one guys brain, all the characters represent something in the brain, and the guy whos brain they are in, named Elias Hodge, is so so very sad.
Ok so, The Fix, the personification of hyper fixation, is like is someone who has spent most of his life working for people, where his job was to 'eliminate distractions' (He kills people, basically). Then one day he is told to eliminate a child. His name is Conrad Schintz (Or the Conscience, due to an accident that happened to the guys who's brain they are in when he was a child- Conrad stopped thing he was useful, aka Elias stopped using his conscience, so his conscience has not grown since the incident, leaving him a small child)
The Fix has never had to hurt a kid before, and he doesn't want to do that, so he instead goes into protecting Conrad. Conrad kind of hates himself though and also kind of thinks he deserves to die so that's not good.
The Fix gave this like, beautiful speech to Conrad once about how hes important, I wont give the whole thing but something along the lines of "There is a butterfly who has a tail that is there for if a bird was to grab on to the tail, it would break off and the butterfly would escape. I don't think you are the tail of the butterfly, I think you are the butterfly." (its better in the actual show). I cry. There is another speech about eagles he gives Conrad when Conrad offers himself, to basically die, but i don't remember it that well.
Other then Conrad though! So There is this orphanage, called Madama Loathings home for wayward interests. Basically its a bunch of kids that represent past interests of Elias. Its run by this women called Madam Loathing (represents Elias' self Loathing)(she is very mean to the kids). The Fix donates a lot of money to this place, and visits a lot, the kids there love him and think he is so so cool. There is this one kid named Ronnie Reptile. He loves reptiles, and The fix gives him reptile facts, its cute. In the first episode, The Fix tells Madam Loathing how any of those kids/interests could be rediscovered by Elias at any time, and madam loathing sort of taunts The Fix, sort of saying how ""Oh I'm sure I can tell the kids they will call be adopted by The Fix soon, but that would be kind of cruel, wouldn't it?"" Implying that that won't happen. (cause, The Fix is hyper fixation, and hyper fixation adopting an interest would be good, you know.).
Note that Conrad used to live at madam loathing's, because he was mis identified as just a simple interest and not Elias' whole sense of conscience, but Corad ran away with his best friend, a dog named Justin. He lived on the streets after that.*
So a bit later on in the series The Fix and Conrad have to go to to madam loathing's together (and another character is with them but he isnt relevant for this). When they get there Madam Loathing asks The fix if he is here to drop of Conrad here, and The immediately is like "Absolutely not, shut the fuck up." (I think that's the direct quote). I just really like that scene.
At the end, end of the series. Some plot stuff happens. The Fix met a women named Pasha N (She represents Passon), and they are in love, The fix proposes to her, its sweet, but then madam Loathing, who got some like, character growth I won't really go into here, and she says to The Fix how, she needs to go on a trip to find herself, and then she offers the entire orphanage to The Fix and Pasha, which is accepted. So in the end of the show, The Fix has basically adopted, that entire orphanage, so thats a lot of kids, along with Pasha, but she isn't in the show as much so I wont submit them as a pair. I didnt mention it before but The Fix is known for knowing a lot of facts and saying "Did you know." before saying a fact, which a lot of the time, it is a fact that is truly terrifying but thats a lot, and The narration at the end of the shows, says how The Fix and Pasha spend their lives with kids around them, constantly saying "Did you know? Did you know?" and it is very sweet. Conrad sort of had his own ending away from The Fix, but I still head cannon that The Fix adopted him too and Conrad comes to the orphanage sometimes.”
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kyokyo866 · 6 years
Howdy, Kyo! I was looking at your list of hetagames on your blog, and couldn't help but notice Dreamtalia 2 in development... Do you have any additional information about it? (I'm sorry if this has been asked before or if you've already talked about this ;;)
That depends what info you'd want? I haven't started on coding or anything, hell I don't even have the full story done. I've been so concentrated on all the other games that the sequels pushed back to the back burner.Tho I'm still getting comments of "where is it" "it's been forever why isnt it out yet" "when can we get it", and I've been getting these comments like when I was still working on dreamtalia. This ain't a thing you did anon I just wanted to address it in general since I got quite a few more of those since I last talked about itDreamtaliia is a struggle to begin because unlike the first game in which I had MOUNDS of help with coding+world building and no other responsibilities than just to focus on that night and day; this time I have to rely on myself. I have lubo to help me out yes it's true, but it's not the same as a team, and such a large feat to take on it's almost overwhelming. andw I have like a billion games and opprutinies to do. Like as is I'd really rather work on diamantalia first.If y'all would rather the sequel out in a decently timed matter, ya gotta do what company's do, ya gotta put your money where ya want is. I know it sounds sleezy but man I sunk 2k+ into dreamtalia on my own with no other help because I was hella passonate about it. The sequel I ain't so much since I don't even know what's fully gonna happen. So my earned money's gonna go to the project's I currently care about and if you want the focus to go to that, like I said, do what you'd do for game company's. Im just one lil ol lady, I can only do so much.Wow I rambled way too much, but I've been wanting to get this off my chest for a while. This doesn't mean I don't want to talk about it (when I actually know what to say about it), but like it's gonna stay in development hell for a rreeeeeeeal long time
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babyboyoonie · 6 years
Tbh I'm French, I just wasn't sure if you were too so I kept writing in English... If you want me to I can speak French c: It's amazing, you write as well in French as in English, it's a bit unfair 😭 May I ask if this text is a part of a story you're writing? Oh and btw, I'm actually skipping classes to buy tickets at 9 tomorrow 😂 I'm ready 😎 - Hugo anon
Bdndn YOUR ENGLISH IS PERFECT. Ah, ça va faire tout bizarre mais passons en français >D et?? tu es trop gentil(le)?? Tbh je suis 100% sûre t’es bourrée de talent, j’aimerai bien voir tes écrits si jamais tu en as hihi Oh et nope c’était un texte en passant, des fois il y’en a qui surgissent dans ma tête et boom. J’écris. :’)ALSO YOU LUCKY BITCH DJDJS will have to sneak at work to get a ticket omg
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