freevoidman · 11 months
I want to play Missing Link NOW and I am NOT JOKING
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thenighttrain · 3 years
that is SO cool you must be so good at piano!! i'm real jealous i wish i started younger because i'd probably be good at it now. i've been learning taylor swift songs- my tears ricochet is the one i've got furthest with. i'm slightly insane for choosing to jump straight in and learn an actual song instead of twinkle twinkle little star or somet lol but i've made it over a minute in. i can read sheet music because i learnt in school but i'm not relying on that really atm just trying to learn by heart becuase it's easier than constantly looking at the sheet becuase i'm such a beginner. it's just a lot of groceries i need from costco- they do this amazing hummus & also baguettes omg i really hope you get to do all that fun stuff!!! i'm from the uk so you've probably heard how useless our gov has been with covid. it's so frustrating i haven't seen my friends since 2019 because they were away at college and then covid hit. i really feel you about wanting to just do nothing lol thank you so much!!! and you'll do amazing queen <3
ahh i dont know about that lol i think i was good but i'm so rusty at piano now, like you really have to keep playing or you lose the technique so easily! omg my tears ricochet must sound so beautiful on the piano. no i think that it's great you just jumped straight into it lol, are you trying to play by ear then? i wish i was one of those people who could listen to a song and instantly play it but i rely on sheet music!
oh gosh yes i've been observing the uk covid response and it does seem like a mess. sometimes i'm like wtf is boris johnson even doing? but i heard your vaccination rollout is going pretty well right? that's more than i can say about australia lol although of course, the UK covid winter wave was absolutely awful :( hopefully things look better soon, i hope you get to see your friends sometime this year!! and thank you 🥺🥺
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songwithoutareason · 8 years
feel free to answer this whenever but i'm requesting that you talk about linz and tj as kids, during the times their families visited one another. also what their interactions at hogwarts have been like. i'm curious. 😛
ahhhhh YES GOOD
okay, so as kids,
i feel like they were definitely little hellions. two active young boys who only saw each other for a few weeks/occasionally months at a time a handful of times a year? they had a LOT of trouble-making to make up for every time, alright. honestly, linz probably wished that they got to see each other more (thanks, hogwarts, you wish granter, you~) i suspect it was always a lot of tree/fence-climbing, and a lot of picking on kenna, and likely a lot of “boys, please go outside”-ing from their parents. i can totally see linz talking tj into sneaking onto some property with him, kinda on a dare or whatever, and tj just being the Most Graceful with climbing the fence and stuff to get in (how naturally did parkour come to him, anyway?). and, yeah, just generally trying to talk tj into doing random stuff that was against the rules because he’s A Bad Influence.
linz 100% used to steal something from tj’s mum every time they were leaving so that they’d have to turn around and come back for a few minutes when she realized. (she probably started accounting for this in her time-planning after the first few times it happened).
when it was tj’s family visiting australia, linz would drag him around town and show him all his favourite places to hang out, and he’d also, like, casually handle various insects and lie about how poisonous they are and then be like, HERE, YOU HOLD IT and throw it at him to see if he screamed :| (and less tj-related, but, still, he would 100% be the kid who swims underwater and grabs people’s legs at the beach, and i bet he did it to kenna all. the. time.). i think he always really enjoyed beach campfires and telling scary stories, so he’d drag tj to those allllll the time.
when it’s linz and his family who are back in the uk, he’d definitely consider it more tj’s turf, even though he’s been there a lot by now. he’d want tj to show him around, or just to wander with him so they could discover shit together. obviously he didn’t know anything about quidditch, but he’d have been down for a footie match or rough-housing or whatever, too. anything to let them burn off some energy out of their parents’ hair :p
as for at hogwarts...
initially, linz was torn between really mad and hella excited. just, like. this whole world full of magic exists?? and tj knew about it the entire time and never told him???? he thought you were best friends, teej~ but he probably got over it pretty fast, because, really, the important thing was that he was there NOW and tj was there to share it all with. he’d have been pleased to end up in the same house, even when he was still >:| though, because as exciting as it all was, it was sort of intimidating, too, and it was nice having someone he knew so nearby all the time.
they’ve definitely started to go down different paths as they’ve gotten older, but i think linz is pretty good at putting their differences aside. like, he’s comfortable fondly teasing tj about archie rather than straight up mocking him the way he does with most other schmoopy couples, and he’s totally kidding when he starts calling him a meatheat quidditch player. (actually, he’s a little jealous of tj’s build, and tj was lowkey his inspiration when he started hitting the gym back in fourth year.)
i don’t know if this has ever been a Problem, but if tj ever had someone picking at him, or an ex that was causing him trouble or anything, linz would 100% offer to Deal With It and even if tj told him not to, he probably still would :| he’s great at getting even, okay. he’s your guy if you need help~
also, it probably took a while to stop finding it Weird to bring someone back to his room or see tj have someone ‘round, but i imagine they’re both well past it now. so what if they’re cousins, it’s just like any other roommate, really. it’s not like either of them is gonna go tattling to their parents on the other for drinking and having sex.
but, yeah. idk if they’re necessarily best friends (though i’m not opposed to it), but linz absolutely considers tj a legit friend just as much as he considers him family. he values his opinion, even if he likes to pretend otherwise, and he genuinely enjoys hanging out with him.
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