#I'l talk about it all day please do feel free to ask me questions!
majorproblems77 · 8 months
Musical Master sword headcannon post!
So exactly one person asked for this (Thanks @ajscico.) And that's enough for me because I care about this head cannon so much!
I've spent a long time building it and trying to get details together so that it makes sense as to why each link has the instrument he has.
This post is LONG, It goes through my reasonings for each Link plus the extras. Throwing a few names down while I work, as this headcannon is still changing. The only concrete thing is the Main 9.
Do feel free to ask me questions! I'll happily speak about this all day!
To save your feeds, I shall begin under a cut.
You clicked in? Oh man, Thank you so much!
You can have access to the cookie jar! :)
Please note! I have not got a musical background!
So to start I'll explain what the head cannon is.
Fi can speak to every person who is worthy to hold her. She designates a different instrument for each worthy person upon their first contact with her - During the events of linked universe.
This 'speech' comes in the form of an instrumental, that each person is able to understand. Unless Fi is actively trying to speaking to multiple people she is only heard by the person who her music is aimed at.
(Or in the case of the chain. When she is handed to each member she greets them with their instrument. - Sky is aware and can hear every greeting and hence knows every person's instrument immediately.)
It's important to note that it is Fi, Who assigns the instrument based on the person. They don't get a choice in the matter.
Alright, so to begin, Let's start with the Chain
Time - Ocarina Warriors - Chello Twilight - Pan flute Four - Flutes (A group, 4 to be exact ) legend - Pan drums Hyrule - Bells Wind - Windchimes Wild - Piano Sky - Harp (More specifically the goddess harp)
I'll start with the obvious members
Sky - Goddess harp Man spent his entire journey learning songs on the goddess harp, It was gifted to him by Zelda the love of his life and the person he did his whole journey for. It's a comforting sound for him, as it's something familiar. It reminds him of his home.
Time - Ocarina Time spent his first journey learning music like Sky did but I like to think that as his first instrument (his original fairy ocarina was gifted to him by a good friend) the sound would be a comfort. While Fi doesn't speak to Time very often because She is aware of his opinions of her there is still a designation for him anyway.
Now the rest - You'll begin to spot a theme with these :)
Warriors - Chello
Now, this may seem like an odd choice. (or maybe not.) But I had a few things I was thinking when I was looking into Warriors instrument.
1 - I wanted him to have a string instrument 2 - it needed to be a classical one 3 - Couldnt be a violin (I had another chain member with that at the time)
Warriors is very mature, and i wanted an instrument which resembles that maturity. so as with the rest of my choices, my first choice was to go to the Hyrule warriors theme tune.
(So many wind instruments) But also string instruments.
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Chellos can also be played in 2 ways, Just plucking on the strings and by using a bow.
One creates a sharp and precise sound, while the other draws notes out into groups. In my eyes, it shows the two ways he fights. fighting groups is his speciality. (Playing the long notes with a bow). But he also capable of making shorter notes, all be it with restrictions.
Twilight - Pan flute
I wasn't sure where to go with Twilight to begin with, but I settled on the pan flute.
They look like this!
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But it's one of the instruments used in the Ordonian village soundtrack. (Found here) As a big family man, I can see Twilight with a song that reminds him of home.
Four - Flutes (plural)
Now at first, I'd actually given four handbells. But, something about it just didn't sit right. I trialled several instruments for four. Trying to juggle what I know about him, his soundtracks and the like. Then I settled on a group of flutes.
There are different pitches of flutes (Concert flutes specifically) which sound slightly different but are obviously all the same instrument at the end of the day. Which reminds me of four.
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Here is one type, I'd probably have this type be the main type. so for Green.
Blue - C base (an octave lower than the flute above) Vio - G alto flute (lowest pitch of the concert flute variants) Red - Picallo (High pitch small flute)
Legend - Pan drum
I went with Pan drums for Legend after much deliberation.
They look like this
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Again based on a soundtrack this one. (Links awakening title) Of all his journeys I've always considered his journey in links awakening to be his most important. Even with the outcome being what it is he made friends and family that were very important to him while he was there. The memory of his time there would be a comfort.
Hyrule - handbells
Now Hyrule was a little more difficult, as when I was first starting to put this together I wanted everyone to have something 'classical' so so synth, techno etc. I settled on handbells, as they are more unusual of an instrument.
Like Hyrule, they are something a little different and unique! And something that has a really complex sound set if you use several in tandem with each other.
Heres what im talking about
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While I don't own a set of handbells so I can't test I do know roughly what they sound like. So i had a fun time going through the Legend of Zelda 2 soundtrack (Mainly the title theme )and figuring out if it would sound good with that instrument.
Wind - Windchimes
Now either, this was an odd choice for you, or an obvious choice. But yes, 'windchimes' is actually an instrument from the percussion family.
They look something like this
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And sounds very much like the ones you have hung up outside in your back garden. They remind me of the ocean, and i like to think, He would have one hung outside of his home.
Wild - Piano
Now as you might have figured out by this point This is another one that I based around a soundtrack. I love the BOTW soundtrack. Its amazing.
Now there are several types of piano, i was thinking of using a grand piano.
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These ones!
I like to think that Wild was maybe taught off to the side by Zelda while he was her knight. I mean come on Zelda is a princess. She must have some form of instrument training. Maybe it reminds him of her. Maybe it reminds him of a home he can't remember.
Ways i can make wilds story more tragic i suppose
With those members out of the way, there are three more specifics we need to address
Now the Zelda's are easier than I thought they would be. I've come to the decision that they will hear the same instrument as the respective link. But at a different pitch.
Now what exactly depends on the individual, Four may become an exception to this rule and might use a separate instrument entirely just cause he technically already has four pitches he uses.
I've decided that the best way for Fi to communicate with everyone at once is to use her current wielder instrument. (This does extend to the Zelda's)
So for example
If Time's Zelda (lullaby) was holding Fi as she was talking to everyone they would all hear the higher-pitched ocarina that she hears when Fi speaks to her.
If Sky is holding her, and she needs to address the group. She would use the sound of the goddess harp.
And so on for the entire group.
First - Violin
Now some of you may be surprised to find him here. As he's not appeared in any of my works at the moment. But. Something in me felt the need to set him an instrument anyway.
We have so little information about the man that's tough to give a full reason as to why I've given him the violin. As First is basically a character I have to create from scratch, we shall have to see if my reasonings change. But for now, he gets the violin.
I think thats everyone!
Thanks so much for having an interest in this! It means the world!
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worriedvision · 2 years
So uhhh how about maybe a tighnari x reader where the reader is a sibling of dottore's and they find out about his real work through a slip of the tongue (this is when they're an adult). They pursue becoming a doctor, and they decide to apply to Sumeru as well as other areas where they can train, and they get into Sumeru. Somehow they meet, chaos ensues when things are discovered
This is gonna be fun to write.
Translation: prepare to get hurt lol
Reader is gender neutral, please correct me if I slip up BC my brains like mush rn.
Got long af so I'm gonna do a second part lol
You never got on with your brother, finding him incredibly creepy. Sure, you were siblings, but something felt really dodgy about him. It didn't fade away at any point either, in fact it got even worse when he finished his education and somehow managed to get work for the Fatui.
You had assumed he was simply a medic, giving the bare minimum care to soldiers if they got wounded. Sure, it wasn't his idea of interesting, but at least he wasn't responsible for the care of vulnerable people who he could take advantage of.
Well, you found out he was experimenting on people who had less than ideal circumstances. See, he had been talking to a communication decide, and you overheard him documenting the age and condition of the 'new admissions'. Peering around the corner, you see the way his mouth just cracks into the most horrific grin. You just know he's trying to hold back laughter.
You never really knew what to do with your life, but you did try in school, achieving good qualifications to fit in wherever you deemed fit.
Now, however, you feel the sudden urge to become a doctor. Not like your evil brother, but rather a doctor that helps heal others, a doctor with a good reputation and an approachable exterior. Deciding to apply for courses, you go for Sumeru, Fontaine and Liyue. You already knew Sumeru would be near impossible to get into with how world renowned it was, you hoped to get into either Liyue or Fontaine.
When you receive the letter of acceptance from Sumeru, you manage to hold back your squeal of joy at the sight. Attached to the letter was a book you were to read up on. You flick through the pages, recognising one of the conditions to be one your brother was fixated on. You feel compelled to specialise in this reading, taking in all the information you can before you were to head off. Your mother thinks you're simply moving to Sumeru for some work, and she doesn't bar an eye when you leave.
You decide to take a detour from the usual route, figuring you may as well enjoy what other parts of Teyvat had to offer. Mondstadt, for example, felt like a getaway in comparison to your homeland. That wasn't exactly surprising, considering you had to deal with your brother's less than sane speeches.
Liyue was freeing as well, but in a more controlled manner than that of Mondstadt. You wished you left a day earlier, that way you would have been able to truly appreciate all the world had to offer.
However, you figure you may as well step foot into Sumeru. You navigate through the Chasm with someone who has the time to assist, you paying them respectfully with Mora before you head through into Sumeru.
To your surprise, you are met with a beautiful forest setting. Your mouth can't help but fall open, somehow able to keep ahold of your bag. You zone out for a bit, and you think you hear someone try to rouse you.
"Hello?" You hear a soft voice, a gloved hand waving across your face. You shake your head, promptly apologising before turning your attention to a beautiful looking man. His eyes peer into you, as if he asked you a question.
"Oh, sorry." You start. "I'm due to start a course soon at- uh sorry, one moment please-" you pause, pulling out your letter as well as the book you had been gifted. The man peers over your shoulder, and he lets out a sound of acknowledgement.
"Ah, what a coincidence." He responds. "I have to go into the city for work, I'll guide you." He nods, face still calm.
"...I would like to know who you are before trusting you with my safety." You half joke, the man smiling softly for a moment before he composed himself.
"You may call me Tighnari. I am a forest watcher." He explains. You begin to introduce yourself, only for him to recall your name. "I did see your letter, after all." He explains, smiling when you nod dumbly after realising he wasn't some sort of creep who knew all about you.
The walk wasn't very eventful, but Tighnari kept looking over at the book in your hand. You realise he's curious about the contents, and you hand it over. He looks over at you, surprised you were allowing him to read your book.
"I noticed you looking." You smile, Tighnaris ears twitching slightly. "I've already read through the book, so I think I can survive without it by my side all the time."
Tighnari nods, and he looks up to see the city entrance. Taking a deep breath, he walks up, you next to him.
When you find out you were to get a device of sorts attached to you, your mind already begins to dread the reaction you'd get if people realise you were your brother's sibling. Reluctantly, you do so, and thankfully neither of the people in front of you react. Taking a breath of relief, you walk with Tighnari, him leading you to the building you were to report to.
'Keep an eye on that one.'
After talking to Tighnari more, he asks if you would be interested in staying in the forest. Of course, you had some limits, but he told you there was someone that you both would benefit from being around. Eagerly nodding, you begin walking with Tighnari only to overhear a discussion between a parent and someone you didn't like the look of.
"Your son will be safe with us, rest assured." You hear the other person say. You tell Tighnari you'll catch up, and you make eye contact with the parent. Thankfully, it's discrete enough that the other person didn't suspect anyone was listening in. You shake your head, mouthing the words 'dont do it'.
"Thank you for the offer, I truly appreciate it." The parent starts. "However, I must turn this down."
The person sighs, clearly frustrated because this parent didn't fall for the trap that others did. You hide behind a crate, waiting until the other person is away and knocking on the door. They see you, and they demand an answer.
"I have reason to believe your son would be taken advantage of if you were to hand him over." You explain. "Was this organisation the Fatui, by any chance?" You ask after getting a look of confusion. The parent nods, and you can't help but feel relieved you overheard the transaction. "Believe me, their intentions are not pure." You finish, the parent staring at you as they take the information in.
"But my son's condition is complex." The parent queries.
"If you would like, I can keep an eye on your son's condition." You begin. "I started a course on this condition. If you like, you can check me."
The parent does so, and they nod slowly. It's like they're debating on something, but you brush it off. They thank you, accepting the offer and wishing you a safe journey home.
The walk back felt tense, for lack of a better word.
Tighnari had an expression of unease, staring ahead and not responding when you asked him if he found the book useful. After you look at him out of concern, he closes his eyes in thought before stopping.
"The book was insightful." He bluntly explains before walking ahead.
You have a feeling he's been told something, but you know better than to ask him to just tell you.
You are introduced to Collei, who takes interest in you immediately. You don't disclose where you're from, knowing from her history that she would fear you simply because of your origins. Collei can't help but laugh when she notices you look over at master Tighnari with a look that wasn't purely professional, stifling it when Tighnari raises a brow, asking her what was so funny.
Following her patient journey was certainly enlightening. For whatever reason, Tighnari informed you right before Collei woke up about the Fatui and what they did to her, and you remember the disgusting way your brother took joy in recording the patients he received on that day.
Collei never mentioned it, and you decided you wouldn't press her on it. The time she jolted after you brushed past her, you understood completely, apologising to her at the exact same time she did to you.
Tighnari started trusting you, but he didn't like the fact you never disclosed to him personally your relation to 'the doctor'. He waited, hoping you would tell him soon enough, only to become frustrated when it didn't happen.
One night, you three were out on a job, and Tighnari was asleep, Collei sitting with you while you examined her. Hearing someone in the distance, you look over to see a ginger haired man wave you over.
"Who's that?" Collei asks, you thinking of a good excuse to figure it out yourself.
"Oh, that's one of the parents of the patients I look after." You smile to make it convincing. "I'll be back in just a moment. If something happens, call me over."
You walk over, the man smiling and going along with the act until he was certain nobody else was paying attention.
"You're going to need to come with me." The man starts.
"And who are you go tell me so?" You bite back, the man chuckling lightly at your response.
"Tartaglia, 11th of the Fatui harbingers."
He takes note of how your eyes widen.
"Your brother really doesn't appreciate the lack of patients he's getting from Sumeru, and it started after you moved out." He explains. "He's going to start looking for you personally."
"Oh, thats certainly interesting!" You smile, Tartaglia sighing out.
"Listen, if you come with be back to the Fatui, we will train you to be whatever you want." He tries to convince you.
"I'd rather die." You say without hesitation. Tartaglia raises a brow. "I don't care what the Fatui can give me, I don't want to be associated with my brother's line of work."
Tartaglia rubs the back of his head, awkwardly looking away.
"Listen, you don't have much of a choice." Tartaglia sighs out.
"Give me a week to reconsider, please." You might as well try, right? After all, you knew this guy had siblings, and he would protect them to the best of his ability. Plus, the phrasing implied you would eventually fall into their hands.
"...Fine." he admits defeat. "You aren't gonna put up a fight if I were to deny you that anyway."
Returning back to camp, you see Tighnari glaring holes into you. Letting out a shaky sigh, you wave in hopes of him reciprocating it.
The fact he didn't let you know he heard most of the conversation.
You sit down, looking over at Collei who was sound asleep. Tighnari leans over, whispering into your head so he didn't disturb Collei with any of the information.
"Do you intend on handing Collei over?" Tighnari asks, his glare hardening.
"No." You respond softly.
"Why don't I believe that?" He continues.
"Because you know who my brother is." You respond. Tighnari keeps looking, not whispering anything else in the moment. "You associate me with him."
"...And why didn't you admit you were related to him? Don't tell me you're doing this to correct his wrongdoings." He continues to interrogate you.
You tear up, the weight of the situation slamming down on you.
"Because I knew you would label me to be exactly like him." You respond. "Truthfully, I feel stupid for only recently discovering what he does."
Tighnari lets you take a moment to breathe, pulling away from your ear. A tear falls, Tighnari doesn't seem to care. Why would he, considering what he knew since day one.
"...I don't know what I can do." You start once again. "I want to stay and complete my studies, but I trust you know why I couldn't safely do so." Tighnari nods, eyes looking over. "But I don't want to go to the Fatui, especially knowing their less than ethical actions."
Tighnari doesn't talk, hoping to see if you add anything else.
"If I'm spotted by the Fatui in a week's time in Sumeru, not only will I be punished, but anyone housing me will be hurt." You sigh, making sure Collei is still asleep so she didn't hear any of this.
"...I'll take care of this myself." You reaffirm yourself. "Don't look for me. Tell Collei I have a placement, or maybe say I've been moved into another area. " You explain.
"But what about you?" Tighnari suddenly asks out of concern, standing up at the same time as you do.
"Let me worry about that, okay?" You shakily let out, brushing off the hand that manages to reach you before you begin to execute your plan.
First step, you go to the academy the next day and inform them you are dropping out. You will also inform the parents that you have been keeping safe with your personal knowledge of the Fatui. Thankfully, the parents take it well, some of them explaining they had a feeling it was bound to happen. When you ask them to keep each other safe, they nod in understanding.
The next step, you find the parts of Sumeru that the Fatui don't have interest in. At first, you thought abandoned camps would do the trick until you had a very close call, almost being caught sleeping by a Fatui agent. You figure out that chances are, they had an idea of where you usually stayed because of your academic background, you have to think of perhaps going towards the areas where you weren't as likely to spot people who took pride in academic intelligence, but rather in trades.
You had a long road ahead of you, you realise as you set up camp just outside of Port Ormos.
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marvelousbirthdays · 5 years
Happy Birthday, deedo2313
February 12-  Darcy/Rumlow/Rollins (triple agents), I'd love something lighthearted with sassy and/or bamf Darcy, please. No Infinity War drama, please & while smut would be nice, I'l be fine with whatever you write, for @deedo2313
Written by @lj-todd 
The steady sound of her sneakers against the belt of the treadmill was almost soothing in a strange sort of way. A reminder of the continuous. The permanent.
Ever since Jane had decided she and Thor were no longer a thing, Darcy had felt as though she’d been stuck in a sort of limbo, certain that, at any moment, the people running the fancy new Avengers facility would realize she wasn’t all that useful without her best friend and give her the boot as well as a firm warning about what would happen if she betrayed the confidence of the facility or the people who called it home.
But it had been months and, so far, there were no signs that she was about to be given the boot.
Part of her was starting to wonder if maybe it had something to do with the two agents who always seemed to be around whenever she did anything other than hide out in her room. 
She hadn’t noticed at first, not being the most observant gal on the planet, especially not when she was busy trying to make Wanda feel more at home in the facility, and in America in general, while the younger woman was still finding her footing as a superhero. But, and mainly because Wanda had pointed it out, she had noticed after yet another training session with Wanda and Natasha, from which she still had bruises thanks very much to Russian bombshell, that the agents in question, Rumlow and Rollins, were always lingering about, watching her with what Wanda called not-so-subtle interest.
Darcy had actually started paying attention after that, certain that Wanda was wrong, but had been surprised to discover her young friend was very much correct. Not that Darcy would admit it. No sir. Not in this life. She did not wish to be on the receiving end of Wanda’s smug, Sokovian smile any time soon.
Everywhere she went in the facility, be it the media room, the pool, the gym, the kitchen, anywhere really besides her own room, within a few minutes Rumlow and Rollins would appear.
They had, in the beginning, kept to themselves. Their conversations mostly guy talk about this or that but, over time, they had started dragging Darcy into the thick of things. Usually by asking her opinion or trying to get her to agree with one over the other. But then it had had changed again and they had started carrying actual conversations with her. Asking questions and trying to get to know her. Like they didn’t know the big wigs had some file on her somewhere with all the information about her a person could want.
Not that she really minded them asking. It was decent of them, really, especially considering they were trained spies and former HYDRA agents.
Though, according to Rumlow, they’d been HYDRA agents for all of five minutes.
Rollins had explained it was more like a year but, after a mission nearly resulted in him dying and instead left him with the very impressive scar on his chin and a robotic eye, they’d realized that, to HYDRA, they were just cogs in a machine. Disposable and replaceable. So, as Rumlow put it, they’d booked ass to Fury, hoping for mercy in exchange for information. It had resulted in them becoming spies for Fury within HYDRA while still maintaining their cover as HYDRA agents. And they’d done damn convincing jobs.
Natasha was still bitter over the fact that she hadn’t realized the truth about them. And she showed it by taking out her frustration over it during sparing matches with them.
Which was what was happening right now in fact and, really, one of the biggest reasons Darcy had chosen this particular treadmill today. It gave her a perfect view of the sparring mats and a rather nice view of Rollins’ toosh in those black compression shorts as the big man attempted, for probably the millionth time, to get the advantage on Natasha who, smooth as a snake, managed to slip from his grappling hold and turn the tables on him.
Rumlow was barking from the sidelines, chastising Rollins’ sloppy technique, which earned him a rather rude hand gesture from the bigger man before Natasha, taking advantage of Rollins’ momentary distraction, managed to drop and pin Rollins with a leg across his throat and his arm locked between hers.
Darcy had to give it to him, he put up a struggle, trying to fight free but Natasha doubled down, well accustomed to training with Steve by this point, and, within minutes, and much to Rumlow’s upset, Rollins tapped out.
Natasha grinned, vicious as a viper, as she released him, rolling away and to her feet with ease and grace, snatching up her towel and, head held high, declared she’d kicked their asses enough for one day before sauntering off in the direction of the showers.
“Hey, kiwi,” Darcy called, still jogging away, grinning when Rollins shot her an amused and curious look. “You do realize you’re never going to beat her in like…a million years, right? She’s all sorts of crazy Russian ninja.”
“Russia doesn’t have ninjas, sweetheart,” Rumlow interjected with that drawl of his that did funny things to her insides and, to hide that fact, Darcy rolled her eyes.
“Nope,” she agreed, pressing the button to slow and then turn off the treadmill, grabbing up her towel. “They’ve got Natasha. And I am suddenly very glad she’s training me and not either of you.”
Rollins chuckled while Rumlow huffed.
“Oooh, all big and bad all of a sudden aren’t we, sweetheart,” Rumlow teased as Darcy moved away from the treadmill. “Last time I looked you still carry that cute little taser of yours.”
Darcy shot him a look, moving, not towards the showers as she had originally intended but towards the mats.
“I dropped a literal god with that <i>cute little taser</i>,” she reminded with an upward tilt of her chin. She was still quite proud of that actually. “What have you done that compares?”
“Took down Cap with a stun baton,” Rumlow fired back, which made Rollins roll his eyes as he chugged half the contents of his water bottle.
“Nearly took him down,” the bigger man corrected, grinning when Rumlow gave him a sour look. “He didn’t actually drop.”
“And you would know how, Mr I Was Unconscious On The Floor?”
Darcy couldn’t help but giggle when Rollins chucked his water bottle at Rumlow, who easily ducked it.
“And you guys were supposed to be some of the best HYDRA had,” she laughed, shaking her head. “Oh, boy, no wonder Cap took you down so easy. Heck, even given what little I know I probably <i>could</i> take you down at this point. Without my taser.”
She was still laughing until she realized both Rumlow and Rollins were looking at her, near matching shark grins on their face.
“Is that a challenge,” Rollins asked quietly, still smiling, moving to stand at his full height and damn it all that was not far. No one should be that good looking. Especially not after getting their butt kicked by someone as tiny and delicate looking as Natasha.
A part of Darcy’s brain screamed <i>Danger! Abort! Abort!</i> but, like so many other things, like tasering a giant blonde guy in the middle of a New Mexico desert, she did not heed the warning. Instead, she tossed her towel aside and stepped onto the mats.
“Bring it on, kiwi.”
Rollins kept smiling as he stepped back onto the mat, settling easily into a stance, Rumlow jeering about little girls who needed to be shown a thing or two, but Darcy, knowing he was trying to distract her, kept her focus on Rollins. It had been lesson number one. Never lose focus on your target.
She went to move, to try a strike, one of the simpler ones Natasha had shown her, only to let out a startled cry as her arms were suddenly grabbed from behind, her back pulled flush to Rumlow’s chest as the man immobilized her arms, keeping her in a firm but careful grip.
“The hell,” she grouched, twisting to glare at Rumlow over her shoulder. “That’s cheating!”
“That’s learning a valuable lesson, sweetheart,” the man purred, eyes like dark bourbon and honey, and Darcy twitched in his hold. “Never underestimate your enemy. You have to expect the unexpected.”
“Who are you, Yoda?”
She twisted a bit, trying to break free, but Rumlow easily held her.
Catching Rollins move out of the corner of her eye, Darcy tried to gain the upper hand at least a little and swung her leg, attempting to catch the big man with a kick, but he was quick, quicker than his size suggested, and he snared her ankle, yanking upwards and making her yelped as her other foot left the floor as she tried to stabilize herself. She felt a heat rush through her as Rollins’ hands curled beneath her thighs, holding her, stepping closer, using his grip to draw her knees up around his hips.
“Remember,” the big man said, voice pitched low, making her shiver as she realized how they were holding her, what it might look like later when some tech reviewed the day’s security footage. “Learn to anticipate, to predict, your opponent. Turn his actions into your weapons against him.”
Darcy shivered again when she felt Rumlow’s breath against her neck as Rollins’ thumbs swept against her knees in tiny circles. From her new position held between them she also felt something else.
“Guys,” she barely breathed the word, squirming slightly, realizing just as quickly that Rumlow wasn’t the only one showing interest. Rollins’ compression shorts weren’t really doing anything to hide his.
“We wanted to take this slower,” Rumlow breathed, voice still that smoky purr and she felt her cheeks heat as a blush stole across her face. “Do it properly. Woo you. Take you on a few dates. Show you that it isn’t just about sex or something stupid like that.”
“Wanted to show you we think you’re worth more,” Rollins added, stepping closer, causing Darcy’s legs to instinctively curl around his waist, suddenly able to feel him just like she could feel Rumlow.
“What if…” She bit her lip, glancing from Rollins and over her shoulder to Rumlow then back again. “What if I don’t want slow? What if…What if I want the pair of you to give me a private training session. A <i>very</i> private training session. In your room. Right. Now.”
She felt Rumlow grin against her neck as he pressed a kiss to the spot just below her jaw and her heart leapt, heat pooling low in her belly and spreading quickly, while Rollins smiled at her, his thumbs still rubbing those slow, teasing circles against her skin.
“I’d say that sounds like a good idea,” Rollins said, meeting Rumlow’s gaze over her shoulder. “What do you say, commander?”
“I say I like how our sweetheart here thinks.” Rumlow pressed another kiss to Darcy’s neck, making her gasp and squirm.
This was definitely not how she had expected things to go but, as Rumlow finally pressed a kiss to her lips, as Rollins rocked his hips against her, letting her really feel him, Darcy couldn’t have think of anything better.
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jokertrap-ran · 6 years
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Ayakashi Renga (あやかし恋詩) Prologue Translations (Part 1 + Tutorial):
*Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Name will remain as my normal ( ラン )  * Something I did on a whim  __φ(..;) …
Due to certain circumstances which required you to change residences as soon as possible, you found yourself viewing the interior of a high-class apartment named "Pot Palace Shibuya". The strange residents you met there seemed to have some reason or another for living there...
This is the entrance of an apartment building located somewhere within the city-- I'm standing here right now due to some bad circumstances... ...
Ran: Whaat!? This apartment was defective!? Owner: Sorry about that. Since that's how it is, could I ask of you to move out as soon as possible? Ran: N-No way...
... --And so, I started searching for a new place of residence as soon as I could. However...
Ran: He's late...
It had been 20 minutes since the apartment broker had told me to wait for him outside the apartment building. He did say that he was going to call the landlord, though...
Ran: (Did something happen? Isn't he taking way too long...?)
With the feeling of uneasiness growing as the minute passed, I took a peek inside the apartment building.
Ran: Whoa...It's such a gorgeous and new apartment. It might not be too bad to live in a place like this. Ran: (It has cheap rent despite where it's located at though...what if there was something going on behind the scenes...?) Ran: Oh no! What if this apartment's also a defective one!?
It was that very moment when I had started musing over the matter. --Growl...
Ran: What!? What's with that beast-like sound?
Surprised by the sound, I had unintentionally stepped through the entrance...And then... --BAM!
Ran: Kyaa...! ???: Oh my~! ???: Oh...? Sorry, you alright? Ran: I-I'm alright but I should be the one asking you that...!
He had saved me by grabbing my hand mid-fall after we crashed into each other. He had been staring straight at me as I looked up at his slender build. However, he quickly adverted his gaze...
???: I'm glad to see that you aren't hurt.
He ran a hand through his hair after he had slowly released me. After that, he started to stare straight at my face again, albeit more seriously.
???: I've never seen you around before. What business do you have here? Ran: Oh, well, I'm here to survey the apartment... ???: Hmm... Ran: (U-Uh...What?) ???: You're really gonna be living here? I don't think someone like you would be able to stay here for long though. Ran: Huh? What do you mean--
At the moment that I had questioned him, --FWOOSH!
Ran: (Whoa, what's with this sudden strong gust of wind...!?)
It was so sudden that I had unintentionally closed my eyes. When I did--
???: You...came to meet me, haven't you! Ran: Huh...?
When I slowly opened my eyes, I saw a young man staring straight at me, right in front of my face. ???: I've always been waiting for you. Always...I've always been waiting for you. Ran: E-Erm...? ???: Come to my room right now. Okay? That's okay with you, right? Ran: !
he tightly gripped onto my wrist.
Ran: (What...? W-What does he mean by that? He's kinda...scary...)
I was surprised at the amount of strength he wielded atop of the strange feeling I had about him that I didn't really understand.
???: ...Cut it out, Shika. Kurama Shika: Why? Don't wanna. I'm never letting her go. Ran: E-Erm, I don't follow your conversation at all...And also, please let go of my hand! ???: Shika, it isn't the time for you to be getting involved with a girl now is it? Wasn't it time for your part-time job? Kurama Shika: Ugh...D-Don't wanna...It has nothing to do with you,Shido-san... Shido Makoto: Huh? Well whatever, let's go. I've got band practice after this too so come along. Kurama Sshika: L-Let go of me...!
The young man who was gripping my hand turned to face me once Shido left without looking back to see if he had followed. Kurama Shika: I'll...definitely get my hands on you. Ran: (I wonder what's up with him...)
I started looking for the entrance yet again while thinking about it. At that very moment... --SPLASH.
Ran: Huh...? A water leak...? Ran: (Since when!?)
For some odd reason or another, there was water present now even though it wasn't there earlier-- ???: Hm...? What are you doing here?
I turned as a bright and cheerful voice filled the air. Ran: Oh...I've come here to survey the apartment...
A smile had broken out on his face right as I was turning to face him.\
???: Yay! I'm happy to hear that. So you'll be living here? Ran: (Wow...what a dazzling smile. It's as if he's sparkling...) ???: I'll be in your care again! --*Squeeze*! He innocently held both of my hands and gave them a little squeeze.
Ran: Um, again...? Ran: And it's not as if I've decided to live here yet...
The ping of the elevator at the entrance sounded at that moment.
Ran: (Huh...? The insides of the elevator's totally pitch black? That means...no one got onto it??) Ran: (Which means...Huh? Huuh? There's something glowing within it that kinda look like a pair of eyes though!!) Ran: (It's staring at me!???)
Terrified, I gripped onto the hands that held both of mine. And then--
???: Oh? A guest? A slender man had appeared from it's confines, alone. Ran: (Huh...? Could it have just been my imagination...??) Ran: (I thought that there was something inside the pitch black elevator but...) Ran: (He's...a normal human...right?) ???: Nope! She's going to live here. Ran: Er, Like I said, it hasn't been decided yet...I just came to have a look around, that's all. ???: Heh, I see. Then how about looking at my room too? ???: Oh, but...seeing as you're holding hands in that manner, could you already be Sou's? Ran: ...!
The guy who had just appeared said those words with a smile that implied something... I hurriedly let go of the hands that had been innocently clasping mine.
Aranami Sou: Ibuki-kun, you really don't have any modesty, do you...! Aranami Sou: To think that you'd hit on someone who isn't even a member of this house yet Oue Ibuki: Huh? You're taking a unusually long time to eat her aren't you? So she was someone who really caught your interests, huh. Aranami Sou: Hey! D-Dont you have some sense of delicacy either!? Oue Ibuki: Hehe, I'm joking. You were aboout the head out, weren'y uou? Let's go togehter. Aranami Sou: Yep, I was about to head out. See you then! I'll be looking forward to you moving in! Oue Ibuki: Me too. A cute girs like you are greatly welcomed. See you.
Unsure of how I should reply them, I could only silently bow as they left.
Ran: (Haa...there surely are tons of strange people in this apartment...) ???: Hello. Ran: Kyaa!! Ran: (W-What is it this time!? I-I feel as if this person just appeared out of nowhere...) ???: It seems like I've taken you by surprise. I'm sorry, that was rude of me. Seto Akihito: I'm the landlord, Seto Akihito. I've heard about you from the apartment broker. Come on in. Ran: O-Okay... Ran: (What, so it was just the landlord...That really took me by surprise.) Ran: Hm? Where's the apartment broker from earlier though? Seto Akihito: He said that he had urgent matters to attend to and left before us. It'll be alright, I'l definitely protect you. Ran: Uh...? Protect...? Seto Akihito: Ahh...No, it's nothing...Come on, let's proceed on.
When he had finished his sentence-- ... Ran: Huh...? I found myselff sitting on a sofa in an unfamiliar room once I became aware of my surroundings. Ran: (W-What's going on!?) Ran: (I was at the entrance earlier and now I'm inside a room all of a sudden...) Seto Akihito: (Hm? Is something the matter?) Ran: Oh, erm... Seto AKihito: This is the apartment, Pot Palace's living room. Seto Akihito: This is a shared space by all the residence. There's also a television and a vending machine here. Please, feel free to relax. Ran: I see... Ran: No I don't! I just appeared here all of a sudden, didn't I!? Seto Akihito: Really? It's alright so please rest assured. Ran: (Even if you say that with such a dandy smile on your face...) Seto AKihito: For starters, have some tea. Ran: Huh...!?
Just as he said that, a steaming cup of tea had been prepared on top of the table... (When was that there too...!?) When I stared closer at it..
Ran: Oh, an auspicious sign... Seto Akihito: You're right...that's a good omen. Seto Akihito: That's how it is. Now let's sign the contract, today's a good day to do so. Ran: Huh? I came to look arouund but all I've seen is the living room... Seto Akihito: It'll be okay. You'll be sure to like it. Seto Akihito: Now, this is your room...this is the contract for the room 301.
I signed the contract papers that the landlord had passed to me. Seto Akihito: With this, the contract has been completed. Seto Akihito: Thank you very much. Welcome to Pot Palace Shibuya. Seto AKihito: You're now a resident of this apartment. Seto Akihito: Oh? It seems like the pet, "Yamano" has something to say.
>>Following is the tutorial<< Welcome to Pot Palace Shibuya ♪ My name's Yamano! Nice to meet you, woof-meow! I've sent a mail to you Woof-meow. Hurry and go read it woof-meow.
Yamano: [If there's anything you don't understand, feel free to ask me about it woof-meow.]
Try sending me a reply woof-meow. (※The replies are fixed this time round)
[① How can I chat?] [② Can I play it endlessly?] [③ What kind of topics can you talk about with the chat?]
You can always chat just like this woof-meow. This time's just for practice so all the replies are fixed but you can send anything you wish from the next one onwards woof-meow. I'll send you messages sometime so please reply me woof-meow! Then let's go back to the story woof-meow.
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