#My first lu Head cannon
majorproblems77 · 11 months
Musical Master sword headcannon post!
So exactly one person asked for this (Thanks @ajscico.) And that's enough for me because I care about this head cannon so much!
I've spent a long time building it and trying to get details together so that it makes sense as to why each link has the instrument he has.
This post is LONG, It goes through my reasonings for each Link plus the extras. Throwing a few names down while I work, as this headcannon is still changing. The only concrete thing is the Main 9.
Do feel free to ask me questions! I'll happily speak about this all day!
To save your feeds, I shall begin under a cut.
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You can have access to the cookie jar! :)
Please note! I have not got a musical background!
So to start I'll explain what the head cannon is.
Fi can speak to every person who is worthy to hold her. She designates a different instrument for each worthy person upon their first contact with her - During the events of linked universe.
This 'speech' comes in the form of an instrumental, that each person is able to understand. Unless Fi is actively trying to speaking to multiple people she is only heard by the person who her music is aimed at.
(Or in the case of the chain. When she is handed to each member she greets them with their instrument. - Sky is aware and can hear every greeting and hence knows every person's instrument immediately.)
It's important to note that it is Fi, Who assigns the instrument based on the person. They don't get a choice in the matter.
Alright, so to begin, Let's start with the Chain
Time - Ocarina Warriors - Chello Twilight - Pan flute Four - Flutes (A group, 4 to be exact ) legend - Pan drums Hyrule - Bells Wind - Windchimes Wild - Piano Sky - Harp (More specifically the goddess harp)
I'll start with the obvious members
Sky - Goddess harp Man spent his entire journey learning songs on the goddess harp, It was gifted to him by Zelda the love of his life and the person he did his whole journey for. It's a comforting sound for him, as it's something familiar. It reminds him of his home.
Time - Ocarina Time spent his first journey learning music like Sky did but I like to think that as his first instrument (his original fairy ocarina was gifted to him by a good friend) the sound would be a comfort. While Fi doesn't speak to Time very often because She is aware of his opinions of her there is still a designation for him anyway.
Now the rest - You'll begin to spot a theme with these :)
Warriors - Chello
Now, this may seem like an odd choice. (or maybe not.) But I had a few things I was thinking when I was looking into Warriors instrument.
1 - I wanted him to have a string instrument 2 - it needed to be a classical one 3 - Couldnt be a violin (I had another chain member with that at the time)
Warriors is very mature, and i wanted an instrument which resembles that maturity. so as with the rest of my choices, my first choice was to go to the Hyrule warriors theme tune.
(So many wind instruments) But also string instruments.
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Chellos can also be played in 2 ways, Just plucking on the strings and by using a bow.
One creates a sharp and precise sound, while the other draws notes out into groups. In my eyes, it shows the two ways he fights. fighting groups is his speciality. (Playing the long notes with a bow). But he also capable of making shorter notes, all be it with restrictions.
Twilight - Pan flute
I wasn't sure where to go with Twilight to begin with, but I settled on the pan flute.
They look like this!
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But it's one of the instruments used in the Ordonian village soundtrack. (Found here) As a big family man, I can see Twilight with a song that reminds him of home.
Four - Flutes (plural)
Now at first, I'd actually given four handbells. But, something about it just didn't sit right. I trialled several instruments for four. Trying to juggle what I know about him, his soundtracks and the like. Then I settled on a group of flutes.
There are different pitches of flutes (Concert flutes specifically) which sound slightly different but are obviously all the same instrument at the end of the day. Which reminds me of four.
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Here is one type, I'd probably have this type be the main type. so for Green.
Blue - C base (an octave lower than the flute above) Vio - G alto flute (lowest pitch of the concert flute variants) Red - Picallo (High pitch small flute)
Legend - Pan drum
I went with Pan drums for Legend after much deliberation.
They look like this
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Again based on a soundtrack this one. (Links awakening title) Of all his journeys I've always considered his journey in links awakening to be his most important. Even with the outcome being what it is he made friends and family that were very important to him while he was there. The memory of his time there would be a comfort.
Hyrule - handbells
Now Hyrule was a little more difficult, as when I was first starting to put this together I wanted everyone to have something 'classical' so so synth, techno etc. I settled on handbells, as they are more unusual of an instrument.
Like Hyrule, they are something a little different and unique! And something that has a really complex sound set if you use several in tandem with each other.
Heres what im talking about
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While I don't own a set of handbells so I can't test I do know roughly what they sound like. So i had a fun time going through the Legend of Zelda 2 soundtrack (Mainly the title theme )and figuring out if it would sound good with that instrument.
Wind - Windchimes
Now either, this was an odd choice for you, or an obvious choice. But yes, 'windchimes' is actually an instrument from the percussion family.
They look something like this
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And sounds very much like the ones you have hung up outside in your back garden. They remind me of the ocean, and i like to think, He would have one hung outside of his home.
Wild - Piano
Now as you might have figured out by this point This is another one that I based around a soundtrack. I love the BOTW soundtrack. Its amazing.
Now there are several types of piano, i was thinking of using a grand piano.
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These ones!
I like to think that Wild was maybe taught off to the side by Zelda while he was her knight. I mean come on Zelda is a princess. She must have some form of instrument training. Maybe it reminds him of her. Maybe it reminds him of a home he can't remember.
Ways i can make wilds story more tragic i suppose
With those members out of the way, there are three more specifics we need to address
Now the Zelda's are easier than I thought they would be. I've come to the decision that they will hear the same instrument as the respective link. But at a different pitch.
Now what exactly depends on the individual, Four may become an exception to this rule and might use a separate instrument entirely just cause he technically already has four pitches he uses.
I've decided that the best way for Fi to communicate with everyone at once is to use her current wielder instrument. (This does extend to the Zelda's)
So for example
If Time's Zelda (lullaby) was holding Fi as she was talking to everyone they would all hear the higher-pitched ocarina that she hears when Fi speaks to her.
If Sky is holding her, and she needs to address the group. She would use the sound of the goddess harp.
And so on for the entire group.
First - Violin
Now some of you may be surprised to find him here. As he's not appeared in any of my works at the moment. But. Something in me felt the need to set him an instrument anyway.
We have so little information about the man that's tough to give a full reason as to why I've given him the violin. As First is basically a character I have to create from scratch, we shall have to see if my reasonings change. But for now, he gets the violin.
I think thats everyone!
Thanks so much for having an interest in this! It means the world!
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napswithwolfie · 7 months
LU Pokemon AU
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Looking for pokemon with multiple concinesses to build four’s team was very fun ngl, tough it did get op quickly what with the empahise on steel types for his team. Anyhoot enjoy the hc’s :))))
(lord forgive me for the horrible names i’ve given some of these poor mons. I promise to give them proper names in the futures…)
Time Sky Warriors Twilight Wild Legend Hyrule 🧩Four Wind 
Team descriptions under the cut 👋👀
🧩Minccino: Smol. Mousey. Adorable - a sweet minish native. I originally wanted to make mincinno Four’s main mon but that felt a little underwhelming (no hate minny babes sobs). 
Mincinno has an easygoing personality, letting the wind take them where it wants, enjoying all the opportunities that comes its way. They are able to find the small joys in the mundane that most others may misinterpret as childish naivety. They insist on keeping junk they find, puzzling over items trying to figure out how to recycle what it finds.
🧩Mawile: (so i know the pokedex strongly insists mawiles jaw is just a set of horns, but we’re gonna ignore all that and say its a second head. Okay cool sweet nice) 
Their two consciousness are at odds with one another most times, often with the jaw snapping in odd directions trying to tug mawile away from whatever they’re doing. It can be annoying relying on someone else to get everything done but Maws trusts Smiles to listen to them. But eh, its not so bad being in the passenger seat, much simpler in fact not having to worry about much.     
🧩Magnezone: Its endearing seeing someone as large and bulky as Magnezone hovering over a flower its curious over. Similar to Four they’re housing multiple personalities that they will swap between.
1: shy careful   2: easily distracted clumsy   3: bold insistent Each on of their personality will let their curiosity drag them away
🧩Leavanny: Infinite patience - This is a team with 13 consciousness - They will pull on their motherly instincts to wangle each and every present mind into line. You bet when they blow a gasket everyone suffers. 
🧩Aegislash: (similar to mawile we’re gonna tweak actual cannon to suit my needs, in my case the blade and shield are separate entities and have a symbiotic relationship.) 
Sword (gods i promise i’ll give them proper names, mercy i cri) is a timid creature unsure of their own strength. They get overwhelmed easily and constantly beg to hide behind Sheild. This frustrates Sheild to no end, adding to its complex over its passive form. 
They hate seeing Sword belittle themselves, that they can’t understand their own strength, and their potential to be a powerful duo. Though they don’t know how to show Sword this and their attempts at ‘encouragement’ often come across as bullying. 
🧩Hydreigon: Iirc dink is a big part of four’s story so we’re gonna try and squeeze him in here.
I really have no idea what im doing here so gonna leave it be and work on it later when i learn more about fours dink.
Notes: I reeeeeeeeally wanted to include metagross in four’s team with each cores’ colour matching his spirits’. Tho the 1-2-3 pattern had to stay with four tying it all together nicely.
Honorable mention to spida tho. I thought of a them having a chameleon like affect with their spot arrangement switching whenever a different persona took the wheel.
I actually havent played that many zelda games, and surprisingly of the few i did play four swords and minish were some of them. But that was forever ago when they literally first released, so i remember next to nothing about those games.
🔴 Partner Pokemon: Mawile ⚪ Smaller team: Minccino, Mawile, Magnezone
🔂Time 🐥Sky 🌹Warriors 🐶Twilight 🏹Wild ✌️Legend 🍃Hyrule 🧩Four 🌊Wind
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Idk if it’s just me but I want Lu to have a very fulfilling professional life as well. Like she’s SO smart we can’t just ignore that!!
I was thinking this too haha. One of the first things I thought when I found out she was a flight engineer was woah a woman in stem before being a woman in stem was a thing. And I feel like maybe, because she’s wholesome and so tender-hearted, people don’t think of her this way, but I always imagined that she would have an impressive career after the war. Like how people are impressed at Gale’s endeavours with his PhD and such. Because one of my favorite things about her character is her duality, the way she can be so vulnerable and taken care of but is also so competent and capable. And I don’t know I guess that was always my hope for her character because I mean. This girl literally joined up to fight in a war at 16 years old and afterwards STILL chose to go to college because education is important to her. And obviously she wanted that degree for a reason. I’ve loved hearing about her with Benny and her kids and being a girls girl with Tilly and Ida because again! I love her duality. But this is something I’ve literally thought about her character since you first started to give more details about her. Maybe I just love to see BIPOC women being impressive idk. Not to say that being a mother and having an amazing marriage isn’t impressive of course! It’s just how I’ve always felt about her.
Oh, for sure, and all of this aligns with what I envisioned for her as well. And I’d love some of your headcannons about this. I think we’ve just gone on more about her motherhood because of how healing in some way that would be in direct relation to her trauma, also it’s fun to make head cannons about that due to the likelihood of the entire group being involved. So it’s getting more press, that way. ☺️
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crazylittlejester · 3 months
Hey Jes! How are you doing today?
Fun story! Your original Misunderstandings fic was not only the first fic of yours I read, but also the first LU fic I ever read! I absolutely loved that story then, and I still love it now! That one fic not only got me to read every single fic you had, but also brought me here to Tumblr. I remember one day I randomly decided to look at LU posts on Tumblr and I came across a post that talked about some of your head cannons you had for Wars and I was like wait! This has to be Can_Opener on ao3! And sure enough, you were! I really wanted to tell you how much I loved reading your fics, but I was kind of scared to send an ask because I had never sent someone one before. So I ended up sending one anonymously. And then here I am now, talking to a bunch of people on Tumblr, posting on my own account, and writing (and hopefully posting) my own fics! And this all started just a few months ago!
Anyways, thank you for all you do and have done. You are such an encouragement to me (and I'm sure so many other people as well), and it's truly amazing what all you have accomplished. Thank you for being so kind, caring, encouraging, and most of all being you. I truly believe you are a blessing from God! /all gen
I hope you have a wonderful day Jes! 🫶
(also I hope all this makes sense 😂)
Oh my god?? Holy shit??????? It has been an incredibly long and hard day for me, you have no idea how much this means to me, you truly made my day
It makes me so happy to hear I’ve been encouraging to others, and I’m really glad you started talking to people here on tumblr. You’re truly a joy to talk to and I know you’ve been busy but I love seeing your asks when you send them
I’m so glad you liked the original fic and the rewrite alskdks, and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day/night 🫶
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luimagines · 10 months
Hi, I first want to say that I love your work. I’ve read pretty much all of them! Secondly, I was wondering if you did emergency asks? If not you can just ignore this, and I mean, it’s not that big a deal, so if you have like eight other emergency requests or others works that you wanna do instead don’t worry about it. I just broke up with my boyfriend of two years, and we were friends for four. Anyway, the Links I know best are Wild, Twilight, and Legend, so maybe head cannon on how they’d comfort reader who just broke up with her long term boyfriend, or scenarios if that’s easier. Sorry, I’ve never done this before. And like I said, I’m not struggling That badly so don’t feel pressured. But thank you in advance if you do write this! I hope you’re having a good day!😘
I appreciate the ask and I was really excited when I got it.
But I have to be honest. I'm not in the time frame or ability to do emergency requests. I'm sorry it took me so long to answer this ask as it is. I like the idea of them for sure. But I'm struggling to answer the few normal asks I have in my ask box as it is.
Not to mention when real life gets in the way.
I know @dreaming-of-lu does emergency asks and I really like their writing style.
I'm sorry about your break up, that's never easy.
However, I just have to be honest with myself and admit that this isn't something I'm able to do.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Thank you for fulfilling my other request and I absolutely adored it, your work is just so great!
I was hoping if you could do an emotionally constipated reader and their relationship with Lu Bu, Kojiro, Qi Shi Huang, and Jack the Killer. I was thinking that the reader hasn’t experienced much romantic love and is new to it all and I was hoping if you could write some head cannons for it. Thank you very much and not need to fret if you can’t do it!
-Lu Bu- You were like two peas in a pod, other than joy when fighting strong opponents or boredom when fighting weak opponents, Lu Bu didn’t show much emotion either. He wasn’t bothered by your real lack of affection, as he wasn’t overly affectionate either. However, for that reason alone, that’s why you both got along so easily, you didn’t try to smother each other in affection and basically you just vibed with each other, sitting side by side, occasionally holding hands, but you were content with that.
-Kojiro- Was very affectionate with you, wanting to shower you with love, which was a bit unnerving, but it made him happy, so you didn’t stop him. He originally thought you were just a bit shy when you first started dating, but he soon learned that you hadn’t had much experience with romance, but then again, neither did he. Kojiro was sweet with you, never pushing you and if you were to give him affection, the rare time you pecked his cheek, he would melt, giving you such a big goofy grin that you wanted to do it more and more.
-Qui Shi Huang- When he learned that you hadn’t had much time for romance and affection in your life, he was fully prepared to smother you in so much love, to make up for lost time, in his words. He constantly wanted to cuddle you, holding you close, laying his head on your lap, making you dote on him, peppering your face with so many kisses. It was strange, you did not mind his affections, you were originally a bit uneasy with them, but they slowly made you feel happy and warm, welcoming his affections.
-Jack- He was a gentleman, he wasn’t going to force his affections upon you if you did not wish them, starting off small, holding your hand and pecking the back of it when he would greet you or say goodbye to you. Jack would recite poetry to you, smiling as you leaned your head down on his shoulder, touching him only slightly, but for you, it was a big deal, as you weren’t completely sure how to go about giving him affection. He adored you, leaning his head down on yours, which made you smile only slightly as he continued to read to you, sitting quietly together.
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apho-sappho · 1 month
I'm about to go talk to a friend but need to wait a few more minutes and am bouncing off the walls with internal energy so I am spilling it into your ask box, so sorry about that! :D (also you always seemed to reblog any "you can ask me stuffs" things multiple times so I have decided to take you up on this :))) )
Questions!!! (feel free to answer whichever you want obviously)
is there any little details about Safi and/or Shattered Portals (I think that's what you said it was called right? the Flora, Midna, Shadow, Ravio, and Linkle do stuff au) and/or the mlp lu thingey-magig-y and/or any other thing you're working on that you've not found a way to share yet? They're all very interesting :D
Is there any random head cannon or something else that you mayhaps want to blab about?
Basically this is a slip of paper saying that I've enjoyed all your little rambles and appreciate your existence, ok bye, have a good day! :D
HEHEHEHE I'm so glad you asked
Safi au is being written but unfortunately it's taken a bit of a backburner compared to other AUs I'm writing cough cough four de-aged to cap cough cough
Fun fact, in it, Time spends The Big Bucks to buy all sorts of candies and fruits for fairies who pass by the ranch! Safi immediately takes full advantage of it
Safi also speaks Minish with Four to communicate when they don't want people to understand them
I have 2 pages of Shattered Portals sketched out, but two panels of it properly drawn out. I'll still need to finish the rest and color it, but I'm hoping to upload the first "chapter" so to speak somewhat soon . Hopefully . If I'm lucky
I'm considering writing a lil oneshot for Shattered Portals but idk when I'd do so
I have 6 ponies drawn for my itty bitty mlploz thing, Time, Malon, Legend, Ravio, and Marin in both Legend and Warriors times. I have it all *written down*, but no designs
Some things I haven't talked about yet:
I have a happy ending sequel being written for my revalink fic!!!! It's at 2k words so far. In it, every member of the chain gets little Purah Phones
I also have a fic where Four gets teleported to Wild's world after the events of totk! 2.6k words so far! Both Blue and Vio have been taking anger management classes and Vio is trying So Hard not to snap at the rest for spending all their rupees
I have an au being written abt the Champions coming back to life post totk and having avatars like the sages too. It involves Wild shutting them off and forgetting after he joins the chain and then remembering during a fight and turning them on, only for them to kill all the enemies and immediately yell at him. This one has a grand total of 227 words so far 😭
As for hcs, I might have to reblog and add some later :D They're not coming to mind rn
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RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thanks for the tag... hang on let me get my list of everyone that tagged me: @emissary-of-the-moon @not-freyja @rosehipandroots @baileyboo2016 @webhead3345 @labyrinthdancer @seaotter-17. Wow.
Anyways, I don't have that many WIP's going on, especially not ones that have funny or intriguing titles, but I'll try. All of these are for Linked Universe, with the first four being for my series Blood Drops On Roses and the other two being AU's (which you can find the links to in my pinned post, if so desired).
BDOR Arc 1
BDOR Arc 2
BDOR Arc 3
Wild's Wolf AU
Okay, that's 6, so.... tagging @somer-writes @wanderlustmagician @needfantasticstories @across-violet-skies @estelian-01 @vivalaplutothedachshund (I know you said you were thinking of something to write??)
Please, I would love to answer asks about my WIP's! I'm in kind of a slump right now, so I'd love to get to talk about them. You can just outright ask about them, or even request a snippet of some sort (ei--a cute moment with Wild and Wind, or a snipped containing the word "red," as vague or detailed as you want) and I'll try to deliver! I'd love to answer any questions about head cannons or plot ideas or anything else, too!
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bokettochild · 1 year
what got you into lu?? furthermore, what made you want to write about it???
Story time I guess!
I've been writing since I was eleven, properly since thirteen. When I was about seventeen or eighteen or so, i was actually working on novel that I still haven't finished (whoops!) I was trying to do some character designs and my sister randomly showed me a picture on Pinterest of BotW Link! And, well, I thought he was just the most Person Ever! I wanted to see more! Maybe he would help inspire my work somehow! I mean, she had a princess named Zelda in her stories, so it's not like it'd be weird to learn from something, right? Especially if I didn't lean to heavily into it!
Anyways, cue me a couple months later, scrolling through Pinterest, looking at almost anything legend of Zelda and running into- what's this? Link's meet? Huh, cool! Wait, there's another one? A whole AU? Look at those designs! Look at the costuming! Holy crap this inspires me!
Que me turning to Zelda whenever I wanted to get fired up for art. Somewhere along the line though, I started wondering what all this pretty art by JoJo(random numbers) was from, so I checked out her blog and hello! Sibling dynamics between two of the heroes?
I fell in love with the dynamic between the wolf trio, and honestly couldn't stand a lot of the other links. Legend was a pain in my ass that I thought was super annoying at first. I was here for WILD! He was my baby and I got irritated when he didn't show up for a while.
Yes. I was one of those Wild fans LOL
It wasn't until I started reading fanfics that I learned to enjoy the other boys. I started with the ones JoJo posted and then started looking them up on Ao3. I followed hc blogs and art blogs and anything that looked cool. I read hc after hc about relations between the boys. I found Sillus's work on Ao3 and fell in love with Legend and the Prince leg head cannon.
And then one day, while washing my hair of all things, I was struck with a shower thought. What if all the boys were related?
I thought I'd just submit the idea to a blog and sit back, but my brain took off running. How would it work? Why would it work that way?
I'd been in a writers slump and depressed as I tried to get another story off the ground, but the ideas kept coming so I drafted a outline. Days later, struggling with writing block, I said "screw it!" and wrote the first chapter of TBBU instead of trying once more to introduce a non-existent audience to a made up world even I wasn't sure about.
And, well, once you write one thing, all it takes is time!
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poorlittlegreenie13 · 2 years
Ok I guess this is a little head cannon/prompt request but I’ve just been thinking about what if next season esti (when she’s 18 and has a little more english under her belt) gets asked on a date by a sweet nice boy and jess and lupe have to be her chaperones
Anon, you’re a genius, this is so funny, I am kissing you on the forehead.
Lupe would be so worried! It would not be funny at first, she would be seriously freaking out.
Because she’s definitely had very bad experiences with men so she would immediately be on alert & super resistant to the idea.
Estí would think it was just Lupe being grumpy, but Jess knows something is up.
Lupe explains her worries to Jess & Jess tries to set her mind at ease by telling Lupe about her brothers back home and some of her male friends from Moose Jaw to show her that not all guys are as bad as the ones Lupe encountered when she was younger.
& Jess is kind of like, isn’t it better that she likes men? At least she can go out on a date in public without worrying.
They both know what it’s like to be told you can’t go out with the person you really want, so grudgingly, Lupe agrees.
Estí wants Jess & Lupe to come and Sarge says okay, probably because she can tell how nervous Lupe is, and she definitely has a soft spot for Jess.
I think Estí would be a lot more understanding towards Lupe after finding out about her daughter, and I think Lupe would try to be a lot nicer to Estí.
But Lupe & Jess would be so nervous getting ready. Like, they don’t know what to wear, they don’t want to intimidate the guy!
Maybelle & Greta would help Estí get ready & Lupe would freak out when she saw her because she looks so grown up and beautiful.
Jess is also taken aback. They’re both surprised by how much Estí grew over the year.
Lupe has to take a minute after seeing Estí. Jess finds her in her room nervously pacing.
Jess just pulls her into a hug.
Lupe struggles but eventually gives up and lets Jess hold her for a minute.
“We’ll be there the whole time,” Jess says.
Lupe nods, not saying anything.
The guy would be nice, I believe it in my heart. Jess & Lupe didn’t raise Estí to have bad taste in men.
And he would be very respectful and nice to Jess and Lupe… which would annoy Lupe because she’s trying to dislike him. But he would definitely introduce himself and shake their hands.
Jess would be cautiously optimistic because she definitely has male friends back home & is used to her brothers.
Lupe is still suspicious.
But he’s actually very nice to Estí, speaking totally in Spanish and not seeming to mind that her English is very limited.
After being silent for the first twenty minutes Lupe would crack and ask him where he learned Spanish, and he would say one of his parents is from Mexico.
Estí would so excitedly tell him that Lupe is Mexican too
Lupe would be annoyed by it, but would answer his questions about what part of Mexico and how she grew up.
She catches herself smiling at him and makes herself stop.
Jess is smiling at all of them.
At one point, he asks if Estí and Lupe are sisters and Estí just grins and says yes :)
Lupe is having a big day full of emotions & she is tired of it.
When they’re done with their meal the guy asks if he can walk Estí home
Lupe says no but Jess is like woah woah woah, it’s fine, he can walk her home, Lu.
Jess and Lupe walk slightly behind them. Watching intensely.
Jess puts her arm around Lupe’s shoulder. Mostly out of fondness. A little bit so she has advance warning if Lupe starts to charge this innocent man.
When they get back to the house Jess makes Lupe wait like ten feet away from the porch, holding her back as they watch Estí give the boy a kiss on the cheek.
“Can I please kill him now?” - Lupe
Jess gives Lupe her own kiss on the cheek and she temporarily shuts up.
That night Estí is soooo happy, telling the whole house all the details in quick Spanish and a little bit of English, which she is getting better at.
& before she goes to bed she gives Lupe a big hug and thanks her for being so nice all night.
All in all Lupe isn’t too worried about her after that.
But Jess talks her down when she gets upset about Estí growing up.
Overall I’m obsessed with them as a little family and I would die for Estí.
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skulls-soul · 2 years
Ok so @galactic-knightmare as a au in we’re king boo and Luigi have a father-son relationship and I really needed to practice drawing king boo so what did I decide to do is use this AU as fuel and inspiration
So here’s a bunch of doodles of king boo and some boo’s as well as lovely little Ghost Prince Luigi. full warning though as u can see I don’t necessarily know how to draw baby Luigi and I’m still getting the hang of drawing king boo I did this without reference (because my phone was charging) so it’s not the best of the best but either way I figured I’d still share it because at the very least I think the interactions are cute
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These first couple of doodles are old their When the first few chapters were out so these were just to try and find out how exactly they would look. So it’s nothing but a bunch of faces and me trying to figure out how in the hell does baby anatomy work my favorite in this page has to be Luigi trying to climb onto king boo
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just more practice in general, you can see that I tried drawing king boo kind of levitating Luigi but I gave up on drawing baby Luigi halfway and then jumped to adult Luigi but with these doodles I had an actual reference of what king boo looks like
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Here i start doodling little scenes of what I imagine has happened in the AU so kind of little head cannons I just realize that (I made Luigi a little bit of a problem child when it comes to washing) and you know what I stand by it I don’t think he would like it when he hast to put his bandanna or hat or himself to wash
On the top right Luigi is a little upsetti spaghetti because he’s constantly being changed into a bunch of different outfits because of course the boos need to find out which clothing actually fit him (although king boo is pretty sure that’s just an excuse) you can see that I have a little list and it’s basically just what I imagine Luigis first three words to be I think it’s Canon that the first word he says is papa and boo but I imagine that the third thing/1st phrase he’d ever say is “stop it” (or at least try’s to say it)
you can see just a bunch of different scenarios in we’re king boo would say stop it Because of course I had to give examples
There’s king boo with a flashlight with Luigi on top of him this is from the shenanigans chapter in where one of the ghosts find a flashlight and starts basically flashing everyone even poor Luigi got blinded :(
Then there’s ghosts who are just tossing the painting around of the boo’s that did the whole shenanigans I imagine king boo says stop it but won’t do anything else
And then at the very bottom right you can see Luigi running away after being told that he needs to take a bath
Although my favorite Has to be the drawing to the left of the ghost that you capture in the first Luigi mansion‘s game that was taking a bath helping Luigi out also the little bubble mustache (don’t worry Lu one day)
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Top left you can see three ghosts stealing baby clothing from some wire hangers because that’s where I believe they get them 
Just below that there is a painting of king boo and baby Luigi I imagine that king boo wanted to have a serious painting but someone gave Luigi sugar beforehand so he couldn’t stay still so this ended up the outcome although the king doesn’t hate it and probably prefers it this way because he can see Luigi being his silly goofy self
To the right of that is one of the ghosts from the Mario party games holding maracas
And then at the bottom is an entire scene of what I imagine Luigi‘s first birthday to be like. him with shorts and a frilly shirt some ghosts dancing to the left and to the right you can see a pin yada or the poison mushrooms from the games and three ghosts doing the how low can you go game then there’s a floating violin and piano 
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And last but certainly not least A Polaroid photo of Luigi eating his birthday cake with icing all over his face I tried doing another little false mustache but clearly failed that’s ok though
Btw you can find the fanfiction of this on ao3 it’s called phantom interference
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usotsuki-no-sora · 1 year
For some reason…I can see Time from LU maybe being voiced by Matt Mercer or Liam O’Brien maybe…I have no clue why…oh maybe Gackt?
For like Wind maybe Todd Haberkorn or VALSHE?(example:Hayato from FE:IF and nico nico doga singer)
Legend…Legend gives me Vic Mignogna? (example: Edward Elric and Suoh Tamaki)No clue why…
Twilight? That is hard…maybe Yuri Lowenthall(Example plw:Uchiha Sasuke)or Troy Baker? (Yuri Lowell ToV)
Warrior though totally gives off J Michael Tatum vibe to me…if it was Japanese totally Daisuke Ono
Hyrule? Totally Eric Vale maybe? Jay Baruchel?(Hiccup)
Oh man Four…where would I start? Hnng…so hard to think of someone for him in English but weirdly Takeshita Sakurai if Japanese (Example: Hibaro Kyoya (KHR) or Akasuna No Sasori (Naruto))….but that’s just me or wait Akira Ishida or Yuya matsushita.
Sky? Oh boy…for Sky can see Sam Rigel or mamoru Miyano.
Wild? Suguru Inoue…maybe Mitsuki Saiga? Kuroneko/96Neko?
Mind you, I am not talking about the grunts and yelps we hear in the games—but say if there was a voices series or they spoke to us. Imagination is the key or simp brain…
But what I mean is what we (individually) envision them to sound like in say our heads or in linked universe like when Four asks how Wild broke the sword and he said on a rock…that face Four made man. Dude may have an aneurism if he ever saw totk!wild’s inventions I think…makes imagining the voices more amusing in my mind and everyone else’s reactions.
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My brain is weird….anyone got any thoughts or,opinions on this? Trying to go by how they seem via @linkeduniverse amazing comic as well as how to precise them a bit cannon and oh fuck I forgot about First and Fierce Diety…
I blame @trippygalaxy for the Out in the Woods little ficlet for this brain spiral…cuz fuck Time and that sexy voice he totally would have. *whispers* also them Forearms …and those back muscles…that tight black shirt aaaad spiraling i am. Dam rabbit hole.
Pics are from zerochan.net and/or pixiv or just google search as well as official comic. Minus one picture comic panel from @ovegakart adorable comic panel.
If you actually know who the artist is just say so/tell me, and/or link them (plz? Maybe?) Be nice to know actually since their work is amazing. More so if the pictures are really old as well and can only be found if you go down a rabbit hole.
I can’t even draw stick figures…I think? Would they even count as stick figures?
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majorproblems77 · 1 year
Introducing me!
Hey there!
Welcome to my corner of the internet! I'm Majorproblems77 but everybody calls me Major!
She/her, 23 something old chaos bringer
This is my main blog that just has everything on it at the moment. Mainly LOZ and LU. Outside of Lu, I love me some space. Space is cool and you won't change my mind. I do also drable in Star Wars and Transformers, but those wont really appear here much.
Who's my fave LU link you may be asking?
Right, now we've got that out of the way.
I'm relatively new to the LOZ fandom, Only really getting into it in the last year or so.
I've played, BTOW, TOTK and SS. I'm currently working my way through OOT with plans to play the rest of them when I can!
I write! Yes, I am a writer. I write a variety of stuff for LU but it's mainly Sky stuff ngl. Fair warning I'm an angst writer and I'm proud. If I can bully them I will!
I'll happily respond to questions and I do have Anon on now. So do feel free to ask. I'll happily play ask games and stuff! And do feel free to just say Hi! I don't bite I promise..
I take requests every so often too, but only when I've asked for them, please! I lose track very easily!
I think that's everything!
If your interested in my Encanto LU AU click here! And it'll take you to the master post!
Links meet analysis master post!
Skyloft link ranks the beds of Skyloft
Festival of light - Skyloftian new years
Links and main tags I use under the read more!
Thanks for clicking! Have a cookie!
Tags I use and what they are for - I have a lot of corners
ramble corner with major - rambles
corner answers with major - Answering asks!
Writing corner with major - My writing
Drawing corner with major - My art?
Colouring time with major - Colouring pictures
Corner of headcannons - Headcannons!
#Comic analysis corner with major - As it says on the tin :D
Links :)
If you wanna head to my linktree, here is the link where you can find everything :D
You can find me on AO3 here - major_de_speed
You can find a list of all my fanfics here - Fanfic master post!
I have a blog where I post just my fics if you want to keep up to date on all those. - lu-writing is my hobby
Intrested in my Whumptober stuff? Here's a link to my - Whumptober 2023 masterwork!
Made my first head cannon post! - Master sword head cannon!
If you made it this far, thank you! Odd to think that someone would want to know enough about me that they read to the end!
Thanks for your time, I appreciate each and every one of you!
See you around
Major :)
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randomwriteronline · 8 months
part of @cantankerouscanuck's Bionicle/LU AU
Something was definitely fishy.
Now, perhaps, an excessively clever fellow Nudge was not - which was fair, considering Bruisers were as renowned for their intelligence just as much as Kanohi Dragons were for their affability (that is to say, not at all) - but even a thick head like his could tell that the rest of the crew was acting mighty odd in these past few days.
He'd chalked it up to the whole reuniting thing at first: after all, Wind's usual demeanor had been off the closer they'd gotten to the prison his little Ga-sister had been locked up in for the crime of looking just a little bit too much like some other unknown blue armored being, and the frenzy of the rescue had fully exploded once the Air Matoran had swooped Aryll right in his arms in the safety of their vessel as it sailed away, both squeezing each other tight between the tears and the laughter while the cannons roared as they set the water ablaze to scare off anybody else who might have gotten the bright idea of trying to follow their tracks.
But by now everybody had calmed down, even their sweet new guest who had been so scared of him at first.
And yet the tomfoolery had not stopped.
It had started with Niko, of course - because everything started with Niko.
That sneaky little Matoran of Sonics had been struck by one of his bouts of frenetic, inexplicable, incomprehensible inspiration and as a result he and that pesky little Plasma pest that was Mako had begun getting really into booby trapping the whole ship, it seemed: everywhere Nudge tried to walk to was now a minefield of tripping wires and false planks, meaning he would be stumbling everywhere whenever he wanted to so much as go from below to above deck or vice versa.
How anybody else managed to find their way around his tricks was beyond him. The only one who also ended up tripping all around the vessel seemed to be poor Senza, in whose arms he was often caught just before slamming his face on the boards whenever he was not the one rescuing the Skakdi from the same fate.
Come to think of it, it was mighty suspicious that this never happened to his equally large and bulky cousin Gonzo...
As it was that the little incomprehensible stone (Magnetism) rat, Zuko, had begun taking his eyes off of the horizon he was supposed to surveil in order to put his looking glass at work intently following something right on the deck...
Or that Tetra and Link had been scampering off from his sight muttering gibbersih a little too similar to snickering and chuckling for his liking...
Something was afoot.
If only he could figure it out.
In the end, his only clue on this head-scratching mystery finally arrived from nobody other than little ol' fearless Aryll herself.
He heard her stifle a giggle as she hurried over to him so fast that her mask almost bounced off her face one she stopped a few feet from him, eyes curved in a little smile that knew a lot but seemed a little too keen on keeping it all to itself. She held her arms behind her back and swayed a little, laughing a few times as he raised his brows at her to make increasingly silly inquisitive expressions.
At last, Nudge kneeled down to be face-to-face with her: "What are you lookin' for, sister?" he asked in the sharp tone that amused her so much, "Somethin' between my teeth?"
The Ga-Matoran giggled some more and shook her head.
"Oh? Then what is it?"
"It's a secret!" she laughed.
"Is it one you can tell me? I'm good at keepin' these things!"
Aryll shook her head again, but waved her hand towards herself as she began skipping away: "You can see it!"
See it? What sort of secret needed seeing? His mind went to important dates, to figure out if there were any Matoran or Skakdi festivities coming about, but none came to mind. Had they found a treasure map with something he might've liked and kept it hidden from him to regale him with a surprise? But why hadn't Niko let it slip, since that was exactly the sort of thing he just couldn't have shut up about no matter how much he or anybody else might have wanted him to?
Even more puzzled (and taking great care not to trigger any traps on his way), the Bruiser took off after the little one running above deck.
Dang those tiny Matoran legs! Who gave them the right to be so quick and nimble? He was struggling to keep her in his sights with how fast she was moving! And her height definitely wasn't helping - she was so small that he couldn't even raise his head a moment, keeping it down before he lost track of her--
His head collided with another one, producing the classic sound of a tough Skakdi skull slamming against something just as hard.
Both him and the unfortunate goon he'd crashed into began blathering loudly at each other, screaming insults at each other before even opening their eyes. Of course that meant that when he actually had the time to look at who the hell he was yelling at him and found that it was not Gonzo, but Senza, he immediately shut himself up in mortification - which the other also did, clenching his beautiful toothy face in a comical grimace of guilt.
They held each other's gaze for a long moment; then, realizing neither had meant to hurl the worst names possible at the other, they both broke into matching nervous laughs.
"You scared me," Senza apologized, rubbing the spot where they'd collided a little more gently. "I didn't mean to ram into ya like that..."
"Ah, that's my fault, my fault," Nudge hushed him: "I wasn't lookin'-"
"Neither was I! I was chasing Wind, and ya know how those little scamps are - they make 'em far too small, I say!"
The Bruiser perked at that: "Wind?"
"Ye, he was insisting I had some business here-"
"I was chasin' his sister!"
"And why's that?"
"Took me to see a secret, she said!"
The two hulking figures stared at each other for a moment, brains slowly working together to come to a similar conclusion.
The voices were faster than them.
From right above them, a far from angelic choir arose in a barely harmonized cacophony to delight them with an old sea shanty typical of some far off Xia ports where sailors heckled at the lowly dock workers (because if they tried that on the females in charge they wouldn't survive to tell the tale), which told the tale of a poor male holding tight onto his raft as a water-dweller asked him for his hand to either save him or drown him - which option was the true one being source of wild speculations among academics of lowly pubs and cabin girls alike.
It got through the first four verses and refrain unhindered, but only thanks to the surprise factor; at the start of the fifth Tetra was already giving up on the lyrics to just laugh at Nudge's embarrassed wrath, Aryll was giggling too much to keep her singing stead, Niko and Wind were throwing dried petals into the Bruiser and the Skakdi's faces to shut up their indignated shouts, and Mako was hiding behind the other Matoran to evade their wrath. Only Zuko and that traitor Gonzo were still singing loud and proud, the former's awful pronounciation mixing with the other's excessively forced basso buffo to concoct the worst sound available to any being capable of speech.
Nudge and Senza snorted furiously to keep themselves from laughing, because by the Great Spirit they were real damn mad - trying to set them up like that! Again! For the fifth time! - but oh, if this wasn't just the funniest possible thing.
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luhatev · 1 year
Trigger Happy Havoc CANNON U (Pt.2)
THERE ARE DANGANRONPA SPOILERS IN THIS!! The Cannon DR.1 Universe involving my oc + calliope
The next day the students get handed their envelopes, which consisted of an embarrassing moment in their life that they didn't want anyone to find out.
Risa and Calliope are suddenly enemies, despite their past and being friends for so long and also despite the fact they are literally inseparable Risa finds out that Calliope had ruined her life and her chances to be the heir of her family's extremely successful company. In the past Risa had destroyed her adopted younger brothers work and stole any of his personal stock within the company, selling it for her own benefit so that she could stay on top as the heir to her family's company. Somehow her parents found out about this fact and emotionally disowned her (not actually, the media loved her so they kept her close for the Lu family name to be seen as perfect. Due to this fact, Risa fell into a deep depression, blaming her adopted younger brother for everything attempted to poison him aiming to frame it as an overdose on his side, but when it failed and he survived with no issue, she felt so much guilt anger and regret that she attempted suislide. (Part of this was Risas embarrassing secret, not wanting anyone to find out she attempted to kill her brother and attempted suislide.) Now finding out it was in fact Calliope who revealed this to her family, she hated her and declared them no longer friends. Risa and Calliope argue, causing Risa to withdraw from her childhood friend and leave the gym before anyone else, Byakuya snuck away and started following her selfishly, in an attempt to find out why she was so emotional for his own benefit and curiosity, not because he cared. Risa lashed out at him in a fit of anger and told him to back off. Byakuya in this moment learned more about risas emotions and developed a sense of respect for her needs to be alone, allowing her to leave without any more arguments. After this Byakuya head to the library, it was natural for him to be around knowledge. Toko finds him here and tells him her secret, he doesnt exactly care about this at all but recalls something about Risa. As he left the library that night he noticed Mondo Owada was leaving the changing rooms by the pool. After checking it out he was the first to see.. and rearranged the rooms to expose Toko's secret, he didn't care about her in the slightest and wanted to make the game more interesting for himself in a selfish manner. The second murder occured that night, Calliopes friend Chihiro Fukisaki had been murdered. The others discover the body and Risa is unphased by the death. Calliope was breaking down as a result of her friends murder. Risa was cold and ignored Calliope despite her natural instinct to want to be there for her.
Through her pain Byakuya subtly hints to Risa that there were stickers in the room, which reminded Risa of Calliope. Growing suspicious she decided in her own mind that Calliope could've been the murderer. Byakuya in reality actually performed a selfless act, he knew that Risa would confront Calliope about it which would force them to talk, and express their feelings to another and hopefully make up by the end of it. The second trial starts, they reign successful. During the trial Risa (as Byakuya had planned) confronted Calliope about her stickers being where the scene of the crime was, the two of them arguing and talking about how they felt about each other and eventually decide this whole argument and whole situation that was already in the past and too late to change, wasn't worth ruining their friendship over, Risa forgiving but never forgetting. Risa also found out that her favourite serial killer (bad way to word that ik) was the person she hated the most, Toko Fukawa, but when Genocide Jack was revealed to be her second personality, Risa instantly had an infatuation with her asking so many questions that were not relevant to the trial causing everyone to get a little irritated by her, however she quickly mentions that the killer could be Mondo and they forgive her instantly going down that thought pattern until it was finally revealed that Mondo Owada was the killer. The execution made Risa emotionless, Calliope not throwing up this time as she was starting to used to seeing death, she hadn't completely forgiven Risa for suddenly changing her opinion over a mistake she made in the past and for accusing her of killing Chihiro, not accepting any affirming words of comfort from her as a result. Calliope finds out about Risas and Byakuyas friendship, seeing them together, and instantly shipped them for having a hate love kind of friendship. The three of them hanging out in the kitchen, forcing Risa to eat as she hadn't eaten (due to anxiety) since they arrived at Hopes Peak. The three of them then explore the third floor together, Risa excited to find an art room as that was one of the many jack of a trade traits she had learnt, Calliope happy to be beside her best friend again. All the students find out about Chihiro's secret project, a computer ai that resembled them so greatly, Alter Ego. Instantly Calliope had an attachment to the robot and spoke to them often, reminding her of her friend Chihiro.
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help-im-a-gay-fish · 4 years
Brightly Shone The Moon That Night. A Dark-Cream Christmas story.
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The following is a slice of life story about my Dark-Cream family at Christmas. It exists in a universe different to @zu-is-here​ cannon. In this universe positive emotions are not fatal to Shattered so Cross and Dream didn't rush to break the curse. It splits off around 'things will never be the same' or 'the price of happiness'. The twins were created before the last 3 chapters of Dark-Cream were drawn. Any changes to the story or changes to the characters should be accepted as being part of an alternative timeline. Thank you. Enjoy. Original cross and dream belong to jakei95 and joku blog. Original shattered dream belongs to @galacii. This design for shattered is based off the one by @zu-is-here and the Dark-Cream story is also by @zu-is-here​. Most of the Story will be under the cut.
"isn't this a bit much?" the gloopy one said, as his partner wrapped a scarf around his neck.
"nope" the former guard replied "can't have you getting frost bite my love"
Dream simply rolled his eyes. "but I can't really get cold? Or even hot for that matter"
"what are you talking about? you're always hot" Cross replied with a sly smile. This earned a confused look from the smaller skeleton, as Cross carefully tied the scarf and gently folded it under Shattered's jacket. Though it became clear to Cross that Dream had twigged what he'd meant a moment later, evident by the creeping gold blush spreading across his face.
The golden guardian playful punched Cross in the shoulder. "Shush you, keep in clean in front of the little ones"
At that Cross couldn't help but smile and turn his head to his two daughters. The two were in their cot, all dressed in snuggly winter clothes, waiting for their Dad's to be done getting ready. Celest was dressed in a cosy jumper with a little bobble hat, while Luna wore a full bodied coat. Their consistent look of confusion and wonder changed into toothless smiles when their dad looked at them. (idk how teething works for skeletons..... Teeth magically form or something......also tbh they should start teething soon) it warmed Cross' soul.
His attention was drawn back to dream by the sound of metal being placed down on wood. He looked to him, seeing that he'd removed his crown band and set down on the bedside table. Dream then sighed and sagged his shoulders. "it.... It feels wrong not having something on my head"
Cross chuckled.
The 4 of them where taking a trip out today. This was something both Dream and Cross had agreed was a good idea.
Cross' eye lights travelled back to the little ones. They seemed so innocent right now, as if recent events hadn't happened. As if the last two weeks hadn't been difficult to get through.
Celest's code had been burning her a lot, to the point where she'd screamed when either of them had tried to hold her, or even touch her. As for Luna, her throat had become clogged with more gloop then ever before. So much Shattered had to use a tentacle to pull some of it out. She had surely been 5 seconds from suffocating.
It had been a fortnight of sleepless nights, screaming babies and a large amount of arguing. The stress of the situation had pushed them very far apart. Many things had been said, old wounds jabbed at, tears shed. But after a lot of long talks they had sorted out each fight. They were a lot stronger then some petty arguments. There was no room in their relationship for emotional strain......not anymore. The two loved each other, it had just been a difficult time.
In recent days, the twins seemed to have recovered to a stable state. Back to the laughing, smiling, Cow lovers. Cross never thought he'd be so happy that they'd started playing with their cow collection again.
After a long talk with his finance, the two concluded that they'd all been stuck in the void space for way to long. Even with the few rooms and furniture, it's not like there was much to do there and a serious cabin fever had developed. So while the twins were in a good place, they had to take the opportunity to spend some time together as a family.
Cross once again looked back at his partner. Only to need to do a double take. Dream was wearing a hat now. A festive white one with golden stripes running across it. It was reminiscent of a classic Santa hat, other then the colours. The fabric had black stains in several places due to where Dream had touched it. Though despite that Cross recognised it all to well. To his dismay, he felt his face slowly get warm. Their first kiss.
He could remember it clearly in his mind, the mistletoe, the hotel, Gaster sniggering in the corner. But mostly, Dream. The sweet, positive skeleton from back then was very different to the one who stood before him now. But he wouldn't have it any other way.
Remembering that day caused his blush to darken. It had truly been one of the most embarrassing, but best days of his life. Though a part of him wondered how Dream still had the hat. After everything, the hat had been saved.
"you've still got that hat?" he said, in a half teasing tone.
Shattered smirked at Cross' flushed face "of course, so many good memories".
A stream of positivity ran through him and with it, it brought a sudden, but expected twinge in his soul. It was a sharp pain, like a knife being slowly pressed in. Dream tried to ignore it but he visually flinched causing Cross to come over.
"positivity again Dreamboat?" he questioned.
Dream nodded "it's alright, I'm used to it" The guardian sensed some sadness from Cross, even if he kept a natural face.
"I'm OK Crossy, promise!"
Cross sighed and gently kissed Shattered's forehead. "if you say so my love"
With that he walked back over to the twins so that he could get their carriers. Dream sighed slightly. It was strange seeing Cross in an outfit different to his guard uniform. So much so that Dream already kind of missed it, not that Cross didn't look handsome is what he was currently wearing.
The last time the family had left the void to go shopping, (which is really a story in itself) they had been stared at from all angles. Every man, women and child. Monster or human, had taken part in watching them. Like animals in a zoo. Cross had insisted that it was the twins they were staring at, since his children were so beautiful that of course people would stare. But in the end both him and Dream knew the real reason.
They were staring at them.
He couldn't really blame them though, how often do you come across a monster with heterochromia wearing what was best described as fancy dress, accompanied by a slime covered skeleton in heels and a crown? Many things had changed since the apple incident, but people staring as he passed had not.
Today they both wanted a peaceful day with their babies, so they had opted to wear more normal clothes. Cross had traded his normal cape and jacket for a puffy white winter coat which he wore a red jumper under. Dream had opted for something similar, though a deep brown colour as to not show the stains so much. It felt odd being in a new outfit, but also very nice. There was only so long someone could take being in tight trousers and shirts with big collars.
The former guard straightened up, clutching a harness in his hands.
"these were definitely a good buy" he said, as he walked back to Dream.
Dream raised an eyebrow "did you really 'Buy' them Cross?" he said is a inquisitive tone.
Cross' body tensed and his partner gave him an sharp stare. Even without his emotion sensing ability, Dream could read Cross like a book.
"sure" Dream replyed, with slight amusement in his voice.
A nervous chuckle came from Cross. "look they were a good thing to get ok?....... Very helpful for the little ones"
Dream gave him an unsure nod. He still wasn't exactly well versed in child care, so he wasn't really sure what these harnesses where even for yet. Since he figured that the answer was probably obvious, he didn't ask.
"want me to help you get it on?" Cross asked, raising an eyebrow. Shattered wasn't the only one who could easily read his partner.
Shattered said nothing but nodded. His golden blush reappeared when Cross started to run his hands across and around his body to get the harness into place. His soul gave a tiny learch for a moment, but not one of pain.
He knew there was a part of him that wanted Cross to touch his soul again, It had been such a close experience for them both and had brought about a lot of pleasurable feelings. It was truly something he wanted to experience again. A feeling he almost craved. But he knew all to well, as his eye sockets fixed onto the cot to his right, that the potential consequences made it impossible. He was just going to have to live with these unmet desires. Just as he was sure that Cross lived with similar ones.
"there all done"
Dream jumped. Snapped out of his thoughts by his future husband's voice.
Now the harness was all attached. Not too tight, but not too lose. He could see that he now had a pocket on his chest which he guessed the baby sat in. Clever. It was kind of like a kangaroo pouch.
Cross strapped a identical carrier around his own chest and walked over to the babies cot to collect his daughters.
Luna smiled wide at the sight of him. The older skeleton matched her smile and slowly picked his child up. Luna giggled and kicked her tiny feet out as he did. Her tentacle flickered around the corners of her mouth as she laughed. Cross could feel his own joy fill him at the sight. But he nullified it for his partner's sake.
Speaking of which, he turned back to Dream.
"you wanna take Celly or Lu Lu?" he asked.
"I'll take Luna" the smaller skeleton replied "since you are already holding her". He held his arms out in an awkward, slightly unsure way.
Cross gave a soft, knowing smile "Its OK Dreamboat, I'll help you get her in the carrier"
Shattered sighed, irritated by his own incompetence and nodded.
With that Cross carefully attempted to slip the wriggling baby into her carrier. Which wasn't easy, as she cheerfully shifted her legs around. In fact Cross had a slightly hard time keeping hold of her.
After much difficulty, Cross managed to feed her legs through the leg holes and sit her safely inside. The whole time, Dream remained mostly still, he didn't want to do anything in case he ended up hurting Luna.
Once she was buckled in, Cross took a slow step back to admire his handy work. Luna bounced excitedly in her carrier and her Papa looked almost comically uncomfortable by all her movement.
"do you want me to take her Day Dream?" Cross said, upon noticing Dreams unease around the wiggling baby. Dream shook his head "no, its fine" he replied as he relaxed his shoulders. "you get Celest and we can go"
Cross gave a nod and turned back to the cot. As he went to pick up his slightly younger daughter, he noticed that she had in fact fallen asleep. Cross sighed - not again....
For most parents, the time when the children slept was a time of bliss, and after a fortnight of little sleep, Cross almost agreed. But his child had a habit of falling asleep suddenly and for long periods. Dream had told him that when this happened her energy levels were low, showing that her body couldn't regulate itself fully.
With another sigh, Cross carefully picked up the sleeping baby and slipped her into the carrier. It was very hard to wake her when she was like this, but he was still extra careful. Not waking a sleeping baby was basically a universal law, though he would have to if she was asleep to long. After double checking that she was safely inside and her head was supported, he walked back over to Dream.
"any particular preference for an au Dream boat?" he asked
Shaking his head, Dream replied "Not really, just try and get a pacifist timeline"
With a nod, Cross extended his arm. There was a spark of magic at his figure tips and his knife materialised. He dragged it through the air in a fluid motion, as he did it split the air as if it where a piece of cloth. It was a causal splitting of space and time. Simple.
Luna watched her dad with a look of wonder. Her silver eyes where wide and bright.
"gahhhhh daaaaag" she cooed and reached for him.
Cross glanced back at her with a smile "just you wait Princess, when you are older I'll teach you how to do this"
These words hung heavily in the air for a moment, as Cross carefully finished opening the portal. The same thing was on both Cross and Dreams minds.
If you get older.
With a sigh and a snap of his fingers, the knife was gone and the portal was open.
"After you" Cross said, stooping into a slight bow and winking at his fiancé.
Dream covered his mouth with his hand and fake giggled. "Oh what a gentleman" he said with a large smile across his face before walking forward and entering the portal.
The first thing that hit Dream as he reached the other side, was a cold crisp breeze. The chill made him feel grateful that he was wearing his boots, even if they were old and an obnoxious shade of yellow.
The breeze blew lightly causing Luna to shiver. There was no wind in there home, so this brought a welcome change to Shattered. He took a deep breath into his non existent lungs.
It was evening. Strange? He figured that their sense of time must have been thrown out a little. They did live in a void after all. However it was a pleasant evening, with sky littered with stars and a full moon.
Shattered allowed himself to bask in the fresh air for a while, as he heard footsteps behind him and the portal close.
"Oh it's good to be outside again" came Cross' voice from behind.
With a nod, Shattered turned around to face his partner. Luna wriggled more in her carrier, looking around at all the new things she'd never seen before.
"someone is excited" Cross said, leaning down and kissing his daughter on the forehead. She giggled and very nearly headbutt him as he did. Chuckling, he pulled away.
The guard looked around "looks like we're in a small town... If I had to guess its the surface"
The two of them started to look around, trying to find something to engage with. It wasn't long before they spotted something.
Both skeletons attention was caught by something in the near distance. A large crowd of people. Among them were people in hats, jumpers and coats, carrying bags and cups of hot drinks. A vast amount of stalls and stands were among them, not to mention fur trees in fancy dress and lights. Hundreds and hundreds of lights.
"a Christmas Market!" Dream said, his voice hinting an excitement "I've never been to one! I forgot that it was this time of the year"
His excitement felt like a balloon filling inside him. Only to be burst when his soul gave a sting inside his ribs.
But Dream couldn't help but feel a little happy, this was such a good thing to come across, perfect for their trip out.
Cross tilted his head "how do you know what Christmas is my love? It's more of a human custom".
"well that's easy" Dream said, a slight smugness in his voice at the fact he seemed more knowledgeable then Cross about something.
"Christmas is a time where positive emotions take hold, even in the darkest of times, positively rules here"
He eye lit up slightly as he spoke. Even if Dream was corrupted, and technically not the positivity guardian anymore, he was still happy to talk about it. It reminded him of easier times.
"as the former positively guardian it was only natural for me to learn about the festival...." his voice turned somba for a moment "Heaven taught me...... remember?"
There was another heaviness in the air at those words. A unspoken guilt and regret and then a thought. Dream now possessed the very power that had killed him.....
The gloopy one sighed and straightened the baby carrier. Luna gurgled as he did so.
"he would have loved to meet these two wouldn't he" he spoke, his voice twisting in its somba state.
"yeah... But it's ok" the guard replied, taking Dreams hand.
"in a way, he is here" he said in a soft tone, running his finger across Dreams ring. A smile ran across his face before he realised Shattered's hand.
After a short moment of silence they were disturbed by a soft noise. Celest had woken from her sleep. She wriggled and shifted against Cross' chest, her tiny voice gurgling.
"Nice of you to join the party Sweet pea" Cross said, upon noticing.
"we should probably get going, before she falls asleep again" Dream stated in reply. Cross nodded.
The family started to walk together towards the market. As they approached the air was filled with the smell of food and the sound of cheesy pop songs. The emotions of the people around them where starting to fill in.
The first thing that Dream felt was a lot of emotion around him. He was going to need to take a moment to get used to it. From what he could feel it was primarily positive, but then he felt something else.
To his right he felt anger and frustration. That wasn't the kind of thing that he expected this time of year, so he turned his head slightly. There was a human and a monster stood in the huddle.
He caught a few words of what they were saying.
"typical every year you leave gift buying to the last minute" said one.
"it's not completely last minute" said the other.
"it's the 23rd! How is that not last-" and then he was out of ear shot.
"23rd?" Shattered said to himself "huh.... It was my birthday 2 days ago". He counted on his fingers for a moment, trying to figure out how old that made him.
"it was!? Oh my goodness that's right!" came a voice from his side. It was slight panic from Cross. Uh oh.
Dream waved his hands in a jazz hand fashion "woah woah woah, before you go flying off the handle, we both didn't realise-
"I'm so sorry my love!"
Shattered groaned. Here we go.
"I can't believe I forgot! I'll make it up to yo-
Dream cut Cross off with a peak on the teeth. Cross jumped and his face flushed.
"......... Cross, I'm going to have hundreds more birthdays... Its OK if we skip one" the guardian whispered before nuzzling his gloopy face against him. "presides.... We had more important things to worry about"
As if on que both twins cooed.
A little smile creeped on to Cross' face. Dream mirrored it.
"now let's stop standing here go to the market" he held his hand out "it's waiting for us".
With a soft smile, Cross took his hand and they started walking again. It wasn't long before they finally reached the market.
The market was busy.
Both humans and monsters were walking around, talking happily. Children of all ages were rushing around with chocolates in their hands and candy canes in their mouths. Positive emotions were swirling like the snow in the wind. A warm blend of joy, song and family.
The smells of cakes and and pies were everywhere. Hot wine, ginger, cinnamon, dried fruit and nuts. Coffee, chutney, jams and cheeses.
For Dream it was like being spun in a giant bath of spice. The smells did not help his developing headache. There where positive emotions everywhere, every angle.
He let go of his partner's hand and stumbled slightly. The emotions were threatening to make him collapse as they came at all sides. Being in a void space for so long meant he'd gotten used to only Cross' emotions being around. But now there must have been 100 people at lest.
With the surrounding area becoming a blur, the sky and ground became one and he felt something hit his back and press it.
After a moment of silence he could hear the sound of a baby crying from off in the distance. Someone was calling his name but he could hardly hear it as the crying baby got closer. But eventually both got clearer.
"Dream! Dream are you OK!? Can you hear me?"
It was Cross.
"C.... Cross?" he said, looking for his partner's face. He eventually found it, hovering above him.
"why....." he said reaching his heavy arm up "why are you flying?"
The former guard gave him a confused expression. A moment later, Dream realised that the pressure on his back was in fact the floor and he was laying on it.
"you collapsed" said Cross with a pained expression. Cross' worry and stress washed over Dream and snapped him back to reality. The crying baby was very close. In fact it was coming from his chest.
Dream pushed himself onto his elbows and looked down. Luna was crying and wriggling in her carrier.
"oh.... OH!" Shattered said as a sudden and huge instinct hit him. Something he'd not really felt up till this point. Caring not about his state, he pulled her out of the carrier and rocked her in his arms.
"shhhh shhh it's ok, I'm sorry sweetheart, are you hurt?"
If Dream hadn't just collapsed, Cross would have felt happy at the sight of him comforting Luna. The tiny skeleton quieted down, but her non-existent lip was still trembling. Shattered inspected her, happy not to find any marks that would indicate she'd been hurt by the fall. Probably just scared.
"what happened my love?" came Cross' voice again.
"emotions" Dream bluntly responded, before attempting to get to his feet. He hadn't gotten far when he felt his partners hands grip his and help him pull up. He'd barely just gotten to his feet when things started to blur again and his head started to once again throb.
He fell forward slightly into Cross' chest, the guard put his arms around him to support him and keep him steady. He had to be careful to make sure the babies didn't get squished.
Cross' fiancé give out a low, pained groan and Luna give a wine of discomfort.
"Keep hold of her Dreamboat, I'll find somewhere where you can sit down" he softly said, looking around to find a seat. Luckily he spotted a park bench not to far from them.
Cross slowly and gently guided Dream backwards until Dream's legs brushed against the bench and he was able to slowly sit down. He sank his weight against the wooden frame, his limbs felt heavy and his head felt horrible. After a short time he started to adjust. Feeling himself coming back into reality, Shattered adjusted his hold on Luna to make sure he didn't drop her. Cross kneeled in front of them both.
"we can always go home if it's to much for you"
Immediately Dream shock his head, which he regretted a second later as the dizziness ramped.
"no Crossy, we both agreed we needed some time out of the void. ...im sorry that I'm ruining it"
The tall skeleton lightly gripped Dreams shoulders and looked him dead in the eyes.
"you are not ruining anything"
He kissed the bridge of Dreams nose.
"you have made everything in my life better, don't forget that"
A smile ghosted Shattered's face at those words.
"you know.... You're blind, unconditional love for me is really cheesy" he said, his smile turning into a smirk.
"I do try"
The couple shared a laugh and Dream felt himself feel a bit better. He didn't feel great though. The emotions around him where still dizzying.
Behind Cross he could see the market. It truly did look like fun and he felt bad that he'd soured the mood. He continued to rock Luna and she turned around in his arms to burry her face into his chest.
"you should....." Shattered paused as another wave of dizziness hit him "You should go ahead of me, I'll catch up"
"Absolutely not" Cross stated firmly "I will not leave you, I refuse"
"Cross" Dream said in an equally as firmly manner "I can look after myself for 10 minutes, it will be fine..... I want you to go have some fun"
The guard's expression softened and he stood up again, running his hand across the back of his skull unsurely as he did. "I.... I don't know"
Dream rested Luna in his lap and reached his hands out, Cross took them.
"Cross, I want you to go ahead, I'll join you soon, I promise"
Letting go of Dreams hands, Cross sighed. "Alright..... But I'll come back in 15 minutes, if you are still here then we are going home"
Dream nodded slowly "Deal"
After a few more unsure moments Cross started to back away from Dream. He went slowly in order to give Dream time to tell him to stop. After he didn't, Cross turned and walked in the direction of the market.
As Shattered watched Cross walk into the market, he felt his daughter start to fuss in his arms. His golden eye travelled down to her again. She looked a bit confused or upset. Her emotions weren't developed enough to be easily readable by Shattered. But from what he could sense she was distressed by her dad walking away.
He looked back at Cross again, as the guard inspected what seemed to be a stand of various pastries and cakes. There was a sad, yet nostalgic smile on his face.
Shattered watched as he exchanged some words with the vendor and took Celest's little hand and waved it. Clearly he was introducing them. The vendor seemed to coo at the baby a little and Cross straightened up proudly. Probably bragging about something cute Celest had done recently.
After a few more words he put some coins on the counter and was handed a paper bag, containing what Dream had to assume was a pastry of some kind. He waved good bye to the vendor and started to walk away.
As he did, he took his food item out of its bag and went to take a bite. He locked eyes with Dream mid-bite and gave him a slight deer in the headlights look. After finishing taking his bite, he smiled and waved to his lover. Dream waved back.
It was clear from Cross' expression that whatever he was eating was very tasty and it caused Dream to wonder how much food Cross was going to buy tonight.
Luna fussed again as her father and sister got further away.
Luna and Celest had been almost inseparable since day one, Shattered was still a little unnerved by it. They were always most comfortable when together. Knowing this, Dream told himself that Luna was fussing because she was parted from her sister. But another thought came to him.
What if she was sad about Cross leaving?
It was a stupid thing to think, both babies had been apart from Cross before and not responded this way. Yet the thought wouldn't leave him. It was the kind of thought that bounces around your head and burrows into you the moment you try to forget it.
The first time he left them with me for an extended period of time, I'd tried to....
A chill ran over him followed by a long twang of guilt, which caused him to tighten his grip on his daughter. Cross still didn't know about that night and he wasn't sure he could ever tell him. What was wrong with him? He acted like he cherished them these days (or at lest most days), but how could he when he'd thought of doing such a thing? When all he'd felt upon seeing them for the first time was nothing. His eyes stung and threatened to start crying. In that moment he felt tempted to call Cross back and have him wrap his arms around him. But he couldn't. Not while Cross didn't know.
"I'm sorry that I'm not the best parent to you Mi hija"
The words left his mouth as barely even a whisper. They sounded if he'd not been aware he said them. As if he'd not fully intend to say them out loud. His throat was dry and his soul was burning and twisting.
Cross says you are getting better.
One part of him said
But who's to say they will live to see you be better?
He answered to himself.
He felt the fabric of his jacket get tugged slightly. This drew his attention back to Luna.
She had turned in his arms slightly and was looking up at him with wide eyes. If Shattered hadn't known better, he'd have thought he could sense her worrying. Her tiny fist was curled in the fabric of his coat.
"paaaaaa gaa?"
Dream sighed.
"I get a lot of things wrong..... And I'm going to keep getting things wrong, I might be wrong most of the time"
The former guardian continued to speak in a near whisper, his finger stroking the tiny creature's cheek.
"but I'm going to get some things right as well...... And I'll make a deal with you"
Luna's face scrunched up a little. It was almost amusing to see, as if she was thinking really hard.
"if you and your sister keep on fighting, I'll keep on trying" Luna turned her face into his hand and chewed his glove.
"if you stick around long enough, you'll see a day when I get things right most of the time.... You want to see that right?"
"gahhh gahh"
Dream laughed slightly "I'll take that as a yes"
He looked away from her again. Cross had completely disappeared from his view now, probably off stuffing chocolates. Since Dream wasn't someone who needed to eat, he didn't fully understand, but the sweet and warm smells in the air were very pleasant. He'd not eaten a thing for at least two and a half years, maybe he could try a little something. Carefully he slipped the tiny skeleton back into her carrier and fastened her in.
"Should we go check out the market mi pequeña estrella?" he asked, finally getting back to his feet. His daughter gave a gurgle of approval.
"then let's go shall we"
The atmosphere of the market was all together jolly. As he walked into the heart of it, his head throbbed again, but he didn't feel dizzy. He'd adjust to it fully soon.
Despite what he would want to admit, he felt a very slight anxiety without Cross by his side. He was in no way dependent on Cross, but he was so used to having him near, it was strange to have him absent. To not be able to feel his energy or be able to hold his hand.
No Dream! He thought. Don't be such a baby.
He patted his daughters head with his hand absentmindedly, feeling the fabric of her bow slip down slightly as he did. She giggled and a smile creeped onto Dreams face as she did.
A stand caught his eye. It was a stall of what seemed to be jewellery. As many of the stalls were, it was adorned with colourful lights and decorations of all shapes. Though this one in particular stood out to him. He wasn't sure why, but he decided to approach it.
The monster running the stand stiffened as he approached, but he paid it no mind. He could see the jewellery much closer now. Each piece seemed unique and hand made. There were bracelets, earrings, rings and necklaces, shimmering in all different colours. He greatly enjoyed looking over each individual piece, until his eye socket landed on one.
It was a necklace. Gold, set with a blueish purple stone. There was a small crescent charm on the chain as well. Dream stared at it and knitted his eyebrows. For a moment he wasn't sure why it caught his eye. But as he moved his hand up and traced his thumb across the stone, he realised. He then retracted his hand is if he'd been shocked. He stepped back and folded his hands together, but his sight remained locked on it.
Where are you? Are you even still alive?
A long sigh left his mouth as he forced himself to think of something else. But as he turned to walk away, he glanced at it again. It was almost like he couldn't bare to leave it.
I'm being silly, I'm a man, why would I need a necklace anyway?
With that, he tore his eyes away and proceeded to the next stand. As before the monster running it tensed slightly.
This vendor was selling what seemed to be plastic toys and figures. These weren't home made and seemed to be just the same old toys you could buy anywhere. There was doll house items, human figures and animals. He was so busy looking over the collection, that he didn't notice as his daughter reached for her favourite animal. He was only alerted to what she was doing by a slobbery squish sound.
She had suck the head of the toy into her mouth and was chewing on it.
"Luna no!" Shattered said "I don't want to have to buy that"
Carefully his pulled the plastic cow from his daughters mouth. A thin trail of a mix between gloop and saliva followed it. He had no idea how one baby could produce so much spit so fast. He wiped some off on his coat, but it didn't come close to cleaning it. Yeah....... he was going to have to buy it. He had a small purse of gold coins that Cross had given him. He hadn't asked where Cross had gotten the coins, it was probably best not to.
As he handed it to the seller and asked for the price, the slimy coating ran onto his fingers. Yuck. Not that he could really talk though, he was almost completely covered in something worse.
Dream expected to feel anger or disgust come from the stall owner. But instead he could only sense fear. His eye locked with the eyes of the monster behind the counter. It didn't take long for him to realise. Cross might have treated him like he was the most beautiful and sweet skeleton in the multiverse, but that didn't stop his appearance from being...... Striking at best.
He grimaced and handed the monster the money he owed and took back the toy.
"have a nice evening" he said, trying to sound friendly.
"y-you too sir.... Merry Christmas"
He turned away from the stall and walked back into the market. After inspecting the toy to make sure there was nothing small that she could choke on he handed it back to Luna. She happy put it back in her mouth, flicking his hand with her mouth tentacle as she did.
Shattered felt a burst of joy from his daughter, which made him light headed for a moment. After collecting his bearings he smiled.
"Adorable idiot" he said leaning over and kissing the top of her head. "now let's go find Daddy shall we?"
It wasn't a market that was too large, just a fair amount of stalls and stands and a handful of people. There was no doubt that he and Cross stood out, so it shouldn't be to hard to find his partner.
If I where cross.... Where would I go?
The answer came to his mind not even a second after asking it.
As he'd noted before, there was a vast amount of edibles all around him. Mostly foods of the sweet variety, commonly fruity cakes and pies. But it wasn't long till he saw what he wanted. Out of the corner of his eye socket, he spotted what he was looking for. Just as he'd expected, chocolate.
Humans and normal monsters, seemed to be fascinated in forming chocolate into many different shapes. Animals, people, stars and bells. Shattered supposed that they got more pleasure consuming the sweet substance when it involved biting the head off of a defenceless reindeer, or mutilating a Santa or two.
He approached the stall of chocolate items. It was a pleasant smell, reminding him strongly of Cross' coat. There was no doubt the guard would have come here. He just had to find him.
Meanwhile, as Shattered looked for him, his mate was busy in a hearty conversation with his daughter.
The guard slipped a snowflake shaped chocolate into his mouth, having finished off the pastry long ago.
"now what should be get for Papa as a late birthday present hmm?" he asked Celest as she blew a spit bubble. "Something simple, you know he doesn't like flashy things"
Celest continued to blow a spit bubble and watched it as it expanded. "why is it that he must be so difficult to shop for....
His voice trailed off as he continued to ponder the question. What to get someone who didn't like material things. Other then his scarf, his ring and his crown, Dream never held onto things. Maybe he could get him a new accessory, like a new piece of jewellery or something. He continued to think and slipped another chocolate into his mouth. As he did this, without him noticing, the tiny skeleton had popped the spit bubble and was now reaching for the candy cane sticking out of his shopping bag full of goodies. She grabbed it and without hesitation, plunged the bright stripped stick into her mouth without a care.
After not even a second her face screwed up and she recoiled. She let out a wine of regret and disgust, which alerted Cross that she was distressed.
"No sweetie , that's pepper mint" the guard sighed, plucking the now sticky candy from his daughters hands. He put it on the counter of the stand they were stood next to. A stall selling Christmas fauna such as Holly, pinecones and mistletoe.
As he set the candy down, he saw daughters face still looked unhappy. "that must have tasted horrible" he said, dabbing the spit from around her mouth with his sleeve.
"we'll get you some nice warm milk when we get home ok?" he said in a baby voice, bouncing her slightly to try and cheer her up. It worked and she giggled. Cross sighed in relief, crisis averted.
He thought back to his question about presents. About Dream. It had been a little while since he'd left him. It would probably be a good idea to go back.
"Now if you are done sampling my treat bag Celly, maybe we should go check on-
"hey" came a voice from up close to his left. He jumped. After a second he realised he recognised the voice and turned to meet Dreams gaze, some chocolate still on his cheek. He was about to say something about how it was go to see that Dream was feeling better, when Dream spoke.
"wanna prove you aren't just a 20g wager?" the golden guardian said, with a slightly sly smile.
For a moment Cross was confused. Had the emotions caused his partner to go loopy? Before he could ask, Dream pointed his finger upwards. Feeling more confused, Cross glanced up. He could now see that they were in fact stood under a mistletoe. Quite a few actually. The sight of the white berried plant made his cheeks flush. He'd fallen right into Dream's trap. How had he not noticed.
He swallowed what was left of the snowflake the chocolate in his mouth "uhh um.... Uh"
He locked eyes with Dream again, finding that he'd taken a step closer. Taking a gloved hand and cupping Cross' cheek, he said.
"I'll take that as a yes"
With that he gently pulled Cross' face closer, till the gap was closed between them with a soft kiss. Cross' soul fluttered as Dream leaned in more to kiss him stronger. The taste of chocolate in his mouth was soon replaced with the flavour of bitter apple sauce. But he didn't mind it, he much liked apple sauce. Unfortunately the kiss wasn't long lived. The two were forced to separate after feeling their daughters starting to fuss, since they were being pressed between them. Dream stepped back slightly, giving his children room and took a breath of winter air. The euphoria from the kiss surged through him, as it had been a while since they had and therefore felt really good.
In fact, It had been a while since they'd done a lot of things. Including telling Cross that he........... That's something he needed to fix and fix straight away. His eyes locked on Cross.
"Te quiero, mi soldado" Dream said, with his face dusting gold. He looked away and pulled his scarf over his face slightly.
Cross returned his blush and smiled "yo tambien Te quiero, mi sol"
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