#I'll go and ask my chinese speaking friends about a word and explain it in English
sherlockisademigod · 2 years
Reblog this and tell me day to day bilingual or multilingual problems you experience daily in the notes (Like using the wrong word arrangments, forgetting a word in x language but remembering it in y language, using different grammer, etc)
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nanonana39 · 2 months
Language learning – Introductory tips for self taught beginners
Warning, this is a loooong read. Feel free to skip to the TL;DR at the end.
In this post, I will detail a few tips which have helped me (a self taught language hobbyist) with the beginning steps of learning languages such as English, Korean and Japanese. This is not a guide on how to achieve fluency quickly, it is meant to be an introduction to language learning. This is also based on my own experiences; feel free to disagree or correct me.
We will go over these points:
How do I start learning a language?
What should I use? Is an app better than online courses?
Do I learn grammar or vocabulary first?
How much should I study?
Should I practice immersion?
Where do I find resources/books?
I feel frustrated. / I am not learning anything. /This is too hard, maybe it's not for me.
How do I start learning a language?
This is the first thing you will ask yourself when you decide you want to start learning a language. Whether it is for work, for studying, traveling or just for fun, most people feel overwhelmed at the thought of how or where to start.
The truth is that there is no set path to start learning a language, but researching the language before studying can help relieve your worries over it and give you an idea of how to start. Keep in mind that languages which have different alphabets/writing systems (i.e. Japanese, Chinese, Arabic) take longer for a native Germanic/Romance language speaker (i.e. English, French) to learn and achieve fluency, and vice versa, so if you do not have a second language as of yet, consider choosing a Germanic/Romance language as a soft start. I'll detail a suggestion as to where to start in point 3.
What should I use? Is an app better than language courses?
The current language learning app ecosystem is a far cry from what it used to be (yes, I'm talking about Duolingo and Memrise), but they are still your main allies if you have a busy schedule and want to learn a language. However what I've found is that simply tapping away in an app and taking notes isn't enough – sometimes the apps don't explain certain grammar rules, or they're locked behind monthly paywalls. As such, you have to find the answers elsewhere.
Here are some things which will make your life and your studying much easier if you are self taught and on a budget: books on the language (for grammar, you can find PDFs online), language channels (for more thorough and practical explanations, YouTube is the main hub for it), and regular media in the language of your choosing (for vocabulary, it can range from music to series/movies). If you have a friend who speaks the language, or perhaps is learning it with you, that also works. In my opinion, learning is better when you have other people to share it with.
There are also websites such as japanesetest4you.com which compile words and their meanings, just like a dictionary. The one I've mentioned not only displays kanji and its meanings, but also shows its variants in Korean and Chinese. There are many others in this same vein for other languages.
Do I learn grammar or vocabulary first?
When learning a language, most courses and classes will focus on teaching you the grammar and the writing system, which while helpful, can sometimes feel like you are going nowhere, as you know how to build a sentence, but don't have words to form it with, or can't pronounce it correctly. This is a common problem among beginners (and sometimes even more experienced language learners), don't let it discourage you.
A personal example I like to use is: To say "the sky is blue", you have to first learn what the sky is, then learn the color blue, and then learn the structure to be able to say "the sky is blue". Vocabulary is just as important as learning the grammar rules in any language; don't limit yourself to only learning how to write. So the answer is: Build a small vocabulary, learn the grammar, and then apply it in practice. It doesn't have to be correct on the first try, we've all been there. Though people learn in different ways, so perhaps you might feel like the opposite works for you. That's also completely fine.
This is another point where engaging with the language's culture and media outside of classes comes to play. Even watching a TV program during your free time and writing down words is enough, since you're also practicing listening, which is also very important and looked over. Try incorporating pronunciation and listening into your studying routines.
How much should I study?
This is a point of much debate within language learning spaces because there is no answer for it. Some might learn a language in 3 months, others might learn it in 10 years, a few can learn it in 3 weeks. It depends on what language you've chosen and the time you are able to dedicate to the language.
The best tip I can give is: if you can dedicate even just 10-15 minutes of learning each day, you can achieve the results you desire. Of course, you should increase that amount if you're able to in the future, but it's already an effort.
Consider your schedule and refer back to the first point, as the time you'll take to achieve conversational/fluency levels can vary depending on the language you choose.
Should I practice immersion?
The common view of immersion is: "speak the language at every opportunity, only engage with media in that language, and write only in that language". This is what you'll see in some of those "I learned (language) in only 3 months" videos.
Let's be realistic though, no one can start speaking German at all times when they live in the US, or Spanish when they live in France, and you'll only feel more frustrated if you force yourself to watch k-dramas without subtitles and nothing else, expecting to absorb it through osmosis. And also, you only now started learning how to say "the sky is blue".
Immersion comes in many forms, though. If you listen to a song in the language you want to learn and read the lyrics while listening, that counts as immersion. If you write a few phrases describing your day in that language as a dynamic exercise, it also counts as immersion. Immersion is what says on the tin – immersing yourself in the language – but it shouldn't bring you unnecessary stress. Also, contrary to what some might say, I do recommend you use translators, if it helps you associate words with their meanings. Don't just rely on them, though, since Google Translate can be unreliable with certain translations and meanings.
Where do I find resources/books?
This requires digging around, but I recommend you check sites like as WebArchive and YouTube. If you can, buy the books online, or borrow some from your local library. I recommend looking for actual textbooks, mainly because some of them include tidbits about the culture itself, like Genki. If you're on a budget, Reddit has a few threads which recommend apps/books, but be very careful with downloading things from random Google Drives or other file hosting websites.
Tumblr is also a very good place for learning new vocabulary. I see some blogs dedicated to sharing kanji and grammar rules, and it can be good to follow such blogs to build your vocabulary.
I feel frustrated. / I'm not learning anything! / This is too hard, maybe this is not for me.
Rome wasn't built in one day, and you definitely won't learn a language in a month or two if you are someone who is in school or has a job with long working hours. YouTube has made language learning easy, but it also has given the illusion that if you follow X method or study an N number of hours, you'll achieve fluency. That is not the case. It fails to take into account the nature of the language, its grammar rules, the writing systems, and everything else.
You don't realize this, but you definitely didn't learn how to speak in just 3 months when you were a child. Everyone learns differently, some faster than others, some slower, some have more time to study, others don't. Some people have difficulty concentrating and don't know how to make learning more fun. All I can say is: don't give up. As long as you put in some effort, even if it seems insignificant to you, you can achieve your results.
Don't feel obligated to continue learning a language if it is bothering you, though. Remember you can always take a break and come back to it another time. Who knows, maybe even during that break, you'll still be learning new words, and feel more motivated to go back.
TL;DR: Language learning is something which is more accessible now than ever, but you might find yourself confused on where or even how to begin learning a language. The key tip for learning any language is to do research, gather resources, know your own limits and how much dedication, time and energy you can invest into learning, and most important of all, to have fun with it.
I hope this can help some beginners in their journey into language learning. Thank you for reading this far!
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rafesgfs · 4 years
thank u, next (ft. loki) - part two
Warnings: angst, swearing, jealousy, mentions of sex, violence
Word count: 5.7k
Summary: A mission goes wrong, leaving you stranded with the two men who despise each other, competing for your attention.
Or: In which Steve breaks up with Sharon after realizing how much he loves you, only to be put on hold while you spend time with Loki.
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Tony kept glancing at you, his eyes narrowing as if he was trying to figure out what kind of mind manipulation Loki had hexed you with. Natasha was torn between proud and shock. Clint had been positive it was a prank on his behalf until he had learned it was true, the archer studying you, wondering if you were under Loki's influence. And Bruce—well, he still couldn't get over the shock to actually word his opinion.
Steve, on the other hand, wasted no time blaming Loki, accusing him of using his magic to manipulate you into bed. When Thor has came back with news that Loki hadn't—with Heimdell being all knowing and watching—it had made Steve go to Fury, who had shown emotion on his face other than boredom and disappointment. Yet the surprise wore off and the director found it not relevant as the issue had not broken one of the rules Loki had agreed to.
The super soldier had hit the gym in a hurry, pounding the sandbag, probably wishing it was Loki. And Thor, like everyone else, it took him time to process it but unlike everyone, he barely gave it a thought. With word from Heimdell, knowing that his brother wasn't planning anything to harm you or the others, he was at peace with the situation as long as it was two consenting adults.
As you sat in the conference room, waiting for Steve and Loki to show up for the meeting, you wondered why he thought it was okay to overreact to something so...normal. People have sex, he must've known that you weren't any different. And unfortunately, Fury has picked the same day to spring a mission on the team, forcing all of you into a room, not caring about the act you committed with Loki.
Loki came in first, dressed in his usual black color, a suit almost identical to the one he wore the day before. Even from across the room, you could easily spot the hickeys he kept, a bunch peeking out from under the suit. It had given you a sense of pride and embarrassment, going down on the God of Mischief.
He caught your eye, the corner of his lips turned up, twitching without their permission. Loki wouldn't admit it out loud but he liked you to the point of sacrificing everyone in the room to save the one decent person who hadn't judge him. Everyone had turned to look at him, following his every move whilst he moved to the empty seat besides you.
The one that everyone knew was Steve's. Yet, no one said a word, secretly enjoying the show.
"Greetings," he said curtly, nodding once to everyone with an expressionless face. They all nodded back to him, Tony covering the smile that was trying to force itself on his face. Loki turned to you, sitting down in Steve seat as he gave you a smirk, amused by your attempt to cover up his marks. "Hello, angel."
The nickname alone wanted to make you want to ditch the meeting for a dick appointment with the Asgardian, the name slipping from his tongue. The same name he had whispered into you ear as he thrusted into you. Instead, you gave him a small smile, unconsciously rubbing your thighs together. "Hey."
Loki noticed the motion, his smirk widening. Pulling the chair closer to your own, his arm leaning up against yours. Leaning in, he put his lips to your ears, ignoring everyone's stares, including his brother's. "Your attempt to cover my hard work is very amusing, love."
"Loki..." you warned, using the same tone you had last night when he teased you too far, wishing for release. There was a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. "Shut up, not everyone has magic."
"All you have to do is ask, although I prefer to see them on your skin." Loki whispered, not caring how many people team members had subconsciously leaned in, straining to hear what the raven-haired God had to say.
Before you could answer, the door opened, Steve and Fury entering. The super soldier had an exhausted look on his face while Fury kept his emotionless facade up. Steve started walking towards his seat, so distracted by the uncovered hickeys on your neck to notice it had been taken. The blond did a double take, seeing Loki in his chair. If it wasn't for the barely contained anger in his eyes, you would've bursted out laughing at his comical expression.
The team stayed quiet, their eyes glued on the silent war between the two men. Loki nonchalantly looked up, his lips brushing against your hair as he pulled away, smirking at Steve. The silence was broken by Fury's tired sigh.
"Well, hello, Captain." Loki sneered, not having any intention of getting up. Steve's eyes stormed with anger, a tick away from letting loose. The God of Mischief pointed to the chair across from you, the one next to Tony, giving the super soldier a pointed look. "You should take your seat."
Tony muffled a snort at Steve's scowl, yet America's Sweetheart didn't move a muscle, glaring at Loki. Fury rolled his eyes, taking a deep breath. "Rogers, take a seat next to Stark. Loki, stop being an asshole. Back to business."
Steve followed Fury's order, sitting down besides Tony, his angry expression turning blank, waiting for whatever Fury had to say. Yet, his eyes still looked murderous, often glancing at the lack of space between you and Loki. Tony didn't hide his amusement, biting back a laugh, and trying to focus on whatever Fury was saying while the rest of the team kept looking at Steve, expecting him to reach across the table and punch Loki back to Asgard.
"While you agents were partying, drinking all your problems away, SHIELD got a tip from an undercover agent." Fury started, sliding your folders across the table, giving you something to look at other than the tension between Steve and Loki. You opened the folder to find pictures of blood-covered bodies. "Normally, we wouldn't bring the Avengers into a mafia-related crimes but this one's different.
"The Chinese Mafia is after a USB flash drive, one that we suspect, contains secrets that could bring down the American government. Emphasis on could; SHIELD isn't that well informed on what exactly the flash drive holds." Fury continued. Looking at you, he called your name. "Along with Rogers and Laufeyson. I'm assigning the three of you on the mission. You'll get the mission details as soon as Agent Hill gets here. The rest of you are irrelevant. Everyone go away now."
He left the room before anyone could even move a muscle. The team glanced between Loki and Steve, trying to figure out what they felt. It was clear neither of them were too happy about going on a mission together but the photographs of dead bodies made them bury their resentment down, for the sake of the government and all, but mostly for your sake.
Tony cleared his throat, trying not to burst out laughing. "So, Cap—"
Steve called out your name, standing up from his seat. "Can I talk to you for a minute? Alone? It's urgent."
"Yeah, sure." you said, following him out the door without looking back at the rest. You didn't notice the way Loki oozed with madness, his eyes deadly. Steve led you away from the view of room, stopping in the middle of a private hallway. It was secluded enough, yet Steve kept fidgeting like someone was listening. "Steve, I know you aren't particularly fond of Loki but he's a good—"
"I broke up with Sharon." Steve blurted. You stopped talking, your mouth open from your earlier words. The blond ran a hand through his hair. "I broke up with her last night, just before the party started ... before you walked in with Loki."
"That's not what it looked like."
"I was trying to be her friend, just like I'm trying to be yours." Steve explained, almost begging. "I never got the chance to apologize for hurting you. When you came back from Asgard, it had been too long for me to even mention it without it being awkward. So, I didn't. I wanted to but you didn't want to spend time with me anymore. And that's my fault, I'm not blaming you for being hurt. I understand what I did was so selfish, and wrong. It was wrong and if I could go back in time, I would've never done it."
You closed your gaping mouth, a little surprised by the apology. Rocking back on your heels, you awkwardly looked everywhere but at him. "Okay, um, thanks?"
Dejected, Steve nodded, his head hanging from the lack of sympathy in your voice. "Yeah. I wanted you to know. That's what I was coming to tell you this morning, but instead found you in bed with .... him."
"Uh," it was all you could say. Clueless of how to respond, you started to back away slowly, like there was a bear coming towards you. "Okay. So ... I'm gonna go. Get prepared for the mission or whatever. I'll see you later."
Before he could utter another word, you walked away,  feeling completely numb by the news. There was a part of you that wanted to forgive him, another part was feeling satisfied for his pain, and the last was confused. If he had been telling the truth—breaking up with Sharon before the party—then why hadn't he told you or apologized when he came to talk to you? It made you question whether he was just jealous or genuinely sorry for hurting you.
You weren't ready to forgive him yet, not after he made you doubt your self worth. Thor had made you feel better when you had came to him, showering you with golden gifts, shoes, and brotherly love. Despite popular belief, Loki wasn't that much different than his brother. Yes, he wasn't a people person, but he was gruffer, rougher, meaner...sexier. He knew what it was like to feel unwanted, feeling the need to show how powerful he was. If you had been in his situation—and you practically almost were if it hadn't been for Natasha—you would've taken the same road he had.
Speak of the devil, you bumped right into him, his chest only covered by a black silk sweater. With all the heavy thinking you hadn't realized you had walked back to your room. Gathering your thoughts, you looked up at his blue eyes. "Shit, sorry."
"Are you well, angel?" Loki asked, genuinely concerned. He had heard every word Steve had said, and to Loki's dismay, they had all been true. Loki hated Steve as much as Steve hated him, Steve had a reason and so did the God of Lies. The main reason? You.
You nodded, seeing how your room was messy. Books and blankets were on the ground, a broken glass scattered on the floor near your bedside table, a lamp covered in feathers, and last night's clothes strewn around the room. "I'm fine. But my room isn't, holy fuck."
With a wave of his hand, Loki cleared the room, the disastrous mess cleaned up before your eyes. He gave you a smile. "There. Director Cyclops wanted me to inform you and Sleeping Beauty that Maria Hill is in the building. She's ready if we are."
"Great. One thing before we step out this room: be nice."
"I'll try."
The mission was far easier than you originally thought. It was less than 24 hours, meaning you wouldn't be trapped in a designated safe house with them, or would you be in any kind of trouble. Just like Fury had said, it was an extract mission. Get the flash drive, get out.
Unfortunately, we'd be forced to go to a gala, one of those unnecessarily fancy parties where the champagne was watered down and the men showed how powerful they were with girls clinging onto their arm. It was a pre-kidnapped Tony Stark kind of party. Thankfully, you had more than a few practice with walking in heels.
The two men were able to put their hatred aside to focus on the job, Loki's magic still restrained even with the urgency of the mission. Maria Hill had filled you in, giving you all the details, the layout of the building, and all the places they suspected the drive to be. The plan was to fly to Hong Kong, get dressed for the party in the Quinjet, attend the gala long enough to find Zhang Wei, and run with the USB flash drive. Simple enough.
The flight from New York to Hong Kong was tiring, even with the eight hour slumber you had, finding yourself in Loki's arms once again. Fortunately, Steve hadn't seen you with Thor's brother, knocking this time and finding you alone, reading the mission file for the millionth time. He had smiled, probably happy he didn't see Loki in your room. That smile didn't last, dropping as soon as he stepped in the Quinjet, greeted Loki and saw the quick smile you sent the raven-haired God. It tugged on his heartstrings; you used to smile at him like that.
At least they kept their snide comments to themselves, only sending the other a glare when you weren't looking. As soon as you looked up, a slightly perplexed expression would come on their face, like they were trying to think of a word that rhymes with orange. Yet, you didn't dare question it, leaving the topic alone and quietly stewing in the testosterone-filled aircraft.
When the Quinjet finally reached Hong Kong, you had already changed into your formal wear. Loki didn't have to move to change his clothes; instead he used his magic, making him look presentable in a blink of an eye. Steve had frowned on that, but decided to let it go considering he had a lot to make up to you. Getting into a fight with your ... whatever Loki was, would not be a great start.
Getting ready for the party had been easy, the dress fit you just right, your hair being in the mood to cooperate, and even your makeup was flawless. The reaction from Steve and Loki certainly didn't help your ego, their comical reactions to your beauty had been amusing and slightly embarrassing.
Steve's mouth has hung open, his jaw unwilling to close while he stared at you. "Wow. Y-you look gorgeous. Wow."
"Truly breathtaking, love." Loki added, licking his lips in appreciation. If there was one thing both he and Steve could agree on, was the way you always turned heads. If anything, Loki wanted to make you his goddess—he just didn't want to admit it to himself just yet.
And since you were too emotionally invested, you took the easy way out and rolled your eyes. Dressed in their tuxes, they looked like they stepped out of a Hugo Boss ad. "Thanks. You guys clean up well."
Steve was too busy admiring you to notice Loki pull out a diamond encrusted ring, not exactly a engagement ring from Jared but one of those rings you get with friends during a drunken girl's night out. Loki stepped up to you, bringing your right hand, placing the ring on your index finger.
"The ring ... goes well with your dress." Loki explained, watching you stare at the ring he had placed. Steve's wonderment has turned sour, a little sad by the gesture. "It was my mother's."
"Loki," you gasped softly, knowing the how special their relationship had been. Thor had explained how Loki spent most his childhood with Frigga, spending his time learning magic, being a mama's boy. With Frigga dead, Loki must've felt some resentment to those dark elves that had been responsible for her death. "I can't— I can't take this."
Loki shrugged, brushing away a stray hair on your cheek. "Yes, you can. You will. It looks beautiful on you. Don't you agree, Captain?"
To be completely honest, Loki had forgotten Steve had existed until his heart faltered at the mention of Frigga. Steve didn't like the way the ring looked like it belonged on you, almost like it had been made specially for you. He nodded, agreeing with Loki once again. "Looks beautiful."
Before it could get any more awkward or embarrassing, an alarm had sounded, the noise saying you from any further feels. All three of you moved to the front, seeing how you hovered a few feet off the landing spot assigned for the Quinjet. With the many SHIELD headquarters, it wasn't a surprise they had in Tokyo just as modernly technical like the one in New York.
The limo ride that took you to the party was tense. Maybe it was the mission that was about to go down, or that awkward moment in the Quinjet. The navy blue, floor-length dress was silky, the fabric soft against your skin. The one-inch straps that came together at the back of your neck accentuated your cleavage, brining them to look bigger than they were. It clung to your curves, but not tight like the dress you had worn the yesterday. This one was far more elegant.
Wrapped in your thoughts, you hadn't noticed when the limo had stopped, the crowded building to your right. The doors opened, both Steve and Loki reaching out a hand to help you out of the limo. Taking them both, you snaked an arm around both of theirs, letting others know you had two dates. You thought the red carpet leading to the entrance was a bit much, even for the Chinese mafia.
Two suited men opened the double glass doors, revealing the fancy gala. Dangerous men and mafia families filled the large room, eyes flickering to your entrance, widening when they realized who had entered. They knew your dates, but SHIELD had made sure to keep your place on the team a secret for missions like this one. No criminal would trust an Avenger, but they might be dumb—or arrogant—enough to be manipulated by a "mole" in SHIELD.
The talking stopped briefly, only to turn to hushed murmurs before they continued as they had before. Both Steve and Loki turned down the campaign, not trusting whatever was put in the liquid. Looking around the room, there was nothing out of the ordinary, well, for a party held by a mafia of course.
"Should we proceed as planned?" Loki confirmed, surveying the room as he tried to find his own target. He locked eyes with the man he needed to distract while Steve and you would sneak away and find Zhang Wei and the flash drive.
Steve nodded, slyly touching his earpiece hidden by his growing hair. You had no idea how Tony convinced him how to grow it out but you were going to thank him later. "Yes. Keep in contact and check in every ten minutes. Be careful."
Loki nodded, heading off to his target but not before giving you a reassuring smile, tiny enough for no one else to notice but it was enough to ease your worries. Yes, he's an all-powerful god but that didn't mean he couldn't die.
Turning to Steve, you smiled at him, almost naughtily. Eyes twinkling with evilness, you hold out your free hand, challenging him with your eyebrows. "Would you like to dance, Stevie?"
You've never seen so much fear in someone's eyes come in such a short time. Steve's contained so much fear you were worried he was going to combust. "Um, I d-don't really know how."
"Why, that's a shame, Captain." a man behind you said. Turning around, you found yourself only a foot away from the mafia leader himself, Zhang Wei. Steve's jaw clenched at the unprepared confrontation. Zhang turned to you, holding his unnaturally thin hand out. You could see the bones through the thin skin, shivering at the sight. "Would you like to dance, darling?"
Taking the opportunity, you nodded, taking his hand, hoping Steve would get the hint to not look so stiff. "I would love to."
Zhang took you to the almost empty dance floor, the music starting as soon as his foot hit the designated area. Smiling maliciously, he tugged on your waist, pulling you close for a proper dance. "You look beautiful, my dear. I'm certain your date is jealous I stole you away."
"He doesn't mind." you answered, returning the smile. Glancing at Steve, you saw him glaring at the back of Zhang's head, burning a hole. "Steve is rather hesitant when it comes to dancing, so, I'm sure he doesn't mind you helping a lady out."
The mafia leader's smiled widened. His eyes briefly landed on Loki, narrowing slightly at the way he interacted with his second in command. You took the brief amount of time to inspect him, noticing how much thinner he looked. With eye bags under his eyes, bones peeking through his hands, and the way his footsteps faltered ever so slightly made you realize he isn't going to be hard to take down. He may be the big bad criminal but from the looks of it, he was dying.
Zhang Wei nodded. "You look familiar. Have I seen you before?"
"I'm an escort. You may or may not have seen me on a bunch of powerful men's arms." you lied, flashing him your most charming smile. Zhang raised an eyebrow, gesturing towards Steve with a tilt of his head. "Steve's the same, poor baby was too shy to ask anyone to be his date."
"Didn't think Captain America would have such a hard time finding a date." Zhang mumbled aloud. He kept the false smile on his face. "If the time came, would you tell me your name, in case I can't find myself a date?"
"Tatia Sinclair." you lied, twirling in his arms.
The mafia leader nodded. The dance floor had filled up, nearly overcrowding. It took you a second to find Steve with all the bodies in the way. Zhang cleared his throat. "What a lovely name. Tatia, darling, would you accompany me to my study? I have to fetch something special of mine and would like you pleasant company."
Steve snarled your name through the earpiece, Loki's growl following along. Again, the super soldier and the god agreed. Steve murmured your name. "Don't."
Ignoring his order—and unnecessary concern—you grinned, taking Zhang outstretched arm. "I would love to."
He led you to the elegant stairs while you discreetly turned off your earpiece, no longer wanting to hear Steve's overprotective ass grumbling about sticking to the plan. If he had checked his folder, he would've seen you were sticking to the plan, just not the way he wanted.
The walk to his office was a slow one, considering how sick the mafia leader was, you weren't surprised when he was out of breath just from climbing the stairs. You didn't comment, instead helping him out and pointing out random things a dumb escort would say. Your personal plan was to make this guy underestimate you, and with the way he was looking at you, he was convinced you were just a body with no brains.
He opened the door to his mahogany office, the room was just as elegant as the party below, oozing power and money. Zhang went to his desk, opening his cabinet. From where he left you, you couldn't see what considering how he held it in his hand without opening his palm. A knock at the door stopped you from asking.
Surprisingly his right hand man came in, the one Loki was supposed to be distracting, at least long enough for us to figure out where the flash drive was. And guessing from the amount of evidence, you were guessing the flash drive was in the mafia leader's hand. He glanced at you, tilting his head at Zhang before speaking.
They talked in Chinese--surprise, surprise--a bit fast for you to fully decipher but the gist of the conversation had been finding a safe, more guarded location for the drive considering both Steve Rogers and Loki Laufeyson were in the building, just a floor below them. The two men paid you no attention as you tried to look clueless, bored, and in all, dumb. In their eyes, you were just checking out the room when actually you had been trying to find more dirt. If it wasn't the drive in his hand, it had to be close by.
"Tatia." Zhang called out, using the fake name you had given him. You turned around, a little glass globe in your hand. You raised an eyebrow, twirling the little sphere. "Would you excuse me? I have some rather pressing issues that need to be dealt with."
And once again, the door opened before you could answer the question. This time, at the door stood Steve and Loki, a man laying on the floor between the two. From the way both their suits were a little ruffled, they had enough waiting and decided to take action. A few appeared out of knowhere, tacking the two but you were left alone to deal with the men in the room. Zhang reached under his desk, where you had discreetly took the hidden gun while they had been talking.
Zhang's second in command quickly pointed his loaded gun at you, and you at him, your eyes reflecting the same emotion: hate. The man spoke to Zhang, keeping his gun steady while Zhang tried to get away. Even for a dying man, he moved fast, leaving you the choice of shooting his second in command in the knee. He cried out, firing his gun out of anguish but you were faster, quickly following Zhang, leaving a big group of men to fight Loki and Steve. They would be able to handle it.
Running in heels was always an annoyance to you, considering how unnecessary they were on missions. They looked hot but the fact that you were forced to wear them was a little sexist. You'd have to talk with Fury about that.
The halls were lit up with chanderliers dangling from the ceiling, all of them shining brightly. For someone who had been limping out of the room, he had been fast, or was hiding but the fact was that you lost him. You could still hear the grunts from where Loki and Steve were punching the fuck out of those mafia men.
You slowed, looking at the painting-decorated walls in search of some kind of secret door, maybe a fake wall. It sounded ridiculous but at the compound, Tony had a bunch of hiding spots, a few you knew and others you didn't. It was infuriating.
The hallway must've lasted forever, and you were convinced he had vanished into thin air. Then you spotted a cracked door, it was enough to be left opened on accident, but that didn't mean it was. With caution, you walked slowly, holding your gun in front of you. With your foot, you cracked the door open, entering a room of complete darkness. From what you could tell, there were no windows, and most likely a fake safe room.
Still, you flipped the light switch on, the room lighting up with it's obnoxiously bright white paint reflecting even brighter with the light. Scanning the room, you noticed how it smelled slightly sweet, the sweetness making you slightly dizzy. You shook your head, trying to find something wrong, like a hidden wall, or maybe another escape route from inside the room.
It didn't take long for you to realize the sweet scent was toxic, the side effect making you dizzier, the room spinning under your feet. As soon as you grasped the wall for support, Zhang came from the wall beside you, the little door opening to reveal the mafia leader holding his own gun, the flash drive in his hand as he taunted you with it.
He laughed at your weakened state, aiming his gun at your heart. It triggered your fight or flight and even with the side effect, you decided to fight. He was weaker than you, slower, his aged brain not processing you running at him. His gun dropped on the ground, along with the USB drive as your hand wrapped around his neck, pushing him against the wall with all your remaining strength.
Zhang had to been immune to the fast-acting toxin while you crumbled, unable to hold your body with the dizziness and fatigue bringing you down. Taking the upper hand, he knocked you over, his fist colliding with your jaw. You grunted, pouncing for the gun and flash drive, hiding the latter in your bra while the mafia leader shook his hand in pain.
Just as you had wrapped your fingers around the barrel of the gun, you heard the gunshot, and felt it hit your shoulder. Your hand was useless, your body way too weak from the toxins to defend yourself against the man, at this point just hoping they would find the flash drive in your bra when they autopsied you.
Another bullet was fired, and this one right on your arm, the pain numb. Maybe this was the way you were going to die, but at least it wasn't painful. That was the best you could've hoped for. And then another bullet was fired, but you didn't feel it, the fire inside you too hot for you to even register the pain. You laid on the ground, eyes drifting close. Zhang dropped dead a couple of feet next to you, his head bleeding out.
Your vision had already blackened when you felt Steve knelt down to you, pulling you into his arms. You were unconscious by the the time you figured out Steve had killed.
You woke up to the sound of the irritating beat of your heart of the monitor, and heavy breathing. Despite the very difficult task, you opened your eyes, instantly regretting it when you were met with a blinding light. Thankfully, it went away, revealing where you were in the Medbay, laying on the stiff bed with needles pierced into your skin.
Steve got up from his seat beside you, instantly hovering over you with a worried look on his face. If you hadn't felt like shit, you would've thought his face was permanently like that. "Hey, hey. Are you okay? How do you feel?"
"Am I in hell?"
He let out a strained chuckle, taking your hand with the both of his. His furrowed eyebrows remained furrowed, his forehead filled with crinkles. "Sweetheart? How do you feel? Are you in pain? Do you need anything?"
"Holy fuck, you're spitting in my face. Steve, I feel like shit but I promise I'm fine. Come on, don't you don't have to worry so much." you replied, wishing you could do something other than lie in pain.
"You're fine? I watched you get shot, held you in my arms while you bled out in front of me. If it wasn't for Loki, you'd be dead. Don't you understand how not fine that is? What the hell were you thinking?" Steve raged, letting go of your hand to pace around the room. Judging from the lack of sunlight coming from the windows, it was nighttime, the whole compound barely lit.
"Did you find the drive? I had it—"
"Are you actually worrying about the flash drive when you almost died? Do you not care whether or not you live?" Steve blurted, throwing his hands up in the air, clearly frustrated with how the conversation was going.
"Where's Loki?" you whispered, your eyes slowly closing. You fought to keep them open, hoping for an answer and wishing you could postpone this argument with Steve until morning when you finally could argue back.
Steve calmed down, appreciating the God of Mischief a lot more when he saved your life. "He's filling out Fury on the whole situation. And we found the flash drive, which made Fury gleam with glee."
"Good." you yawned, letting your eyes close knowing Loki was safe and found the flash drive. Steve whispered something but you were already too far gone, falling asleep as soon as your eyes closed.
Loki came into the room a few minutes after you fell asleep, stepping up next to Steve who had been staring your sleeping form. The raven-haired God pulled up a chair, his eyes never leaving your face. "How is she?"
"More worried about the aftermath of the mission more than herself." Steve answered, his voice wavering for a second at the thought of losing you. The super soldier turned to Loki. "Thank you for going against the rules and using your magic to save her. I think it's safe to say you won't get into any trouble, especially with her fighting Tony about it."
Loki shrugged, waving away the compliment. "You would've done the same if you could've."
A beat of silence passed before Steve spoke again, more determined than ever to win back your trust. "I like her, you know?"
"I care for her, too." Loki replied. "And I know that you care for her but don't you understand that I'm far better for her than you ever will? You hurt her. You broke her trust. I may only know her for a few days but I know breaking trust is important to her. To earn it back—"
"Would almost be impossible." Steve finished, his eyes dropping to the bed. "But I have to try. I really like her."
"As do I. And I'm not giving up."
"Neither will I."
< previous next >
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valeriethepussycats · 4 years
Deleted scene of Assemble Queensbridge Park.
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Y/n has taken a little detour to Time Square so she could show Steve all he miss from being under ice. I know what your thinking why would Y/n do that well that how Gambit taught her how to swim.
Throw her in the deep end if she drowned save her if she don’t let her swim.
When they got there all he could see shoppers weighed down by bags, older women dragging a dolly for their groceries, dog walkers, and students with backpacks. You could smell the cooking oil from fast food fryer vats. This was not the New York he remembered. The old New York was never this lively.
“What happened?” Steve thought.
“Time.” Y/n answered. “Everything is different now.”
Steve looks over at Y/n shock.
How could she know what I was thinking.
“Welcome to New New York I came early so I could show you some sites.” Y/n beamed. “And maybe I could show you somemore after we're done with whatever Shield wants us to do.”
Steve looks over at Y/n and smiles. “I'll like that.”
“Now come on let's go get something to eat.” Y/n said as she pulls Steve away from time square.
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Y/n and Steve walks in a Pizza joint it’s the kind where they have the red and white checkers and the pictures of all the the famous people that came and ate here like Al Pacino(‘Say Hello To My Little Friend.’), Robert De Niro(‘You Talkin' To Me?’) and Leonardo DiCaprio( do I need a quote.). Anyway, to other people it’s just your average pizza place but to Y/n it’s was the place her father would take her every other Friday and they would eat at the table in the middle of the restaurant so she’s pretty famous.
“This is Castle's pizza the best pizza in Brooklyn.” Y/n broadcasted.
Upon hearing those words the store owner Francis David Castle Sr. looks up and sees his favorite customer. “Stop it Y/n I’m gonna have to star paying you the publicity.” Francis said as he walks from behind the counter and up to Y/n to give her a hug. “Y/n, how you been?”
“I’m good Francis, I need ya best pepperoni pizza for my friend Steve here.”
“For ya friend uh?” Francis said in a smirk.
“We're just friends sir.” Steve said in a courteous manner.
“And he haves manners Y/n you gotta keep him.” Francis proclaimed.
Robin laughs while Steve just looks anywhere but Y/n while rubbing the back of his neck.
“For here or to go?” Francis asked as he pulls out his notepad and pen.
“To go please.” Y/n replied.
“In arrivo la pizza ai peperoni di Sam per Y/n.” Francis said to Sam Guthrie in Italian. (coming right up Sam pepperoni pizza for Y/n).
“Come sei stato Sam?” Y/n asked. (how have you been Sam?)
“Sto bene. Com'è la doppia vita?” Sam said in a curious tone. (I’m good. How’s the double life).
“Same old same old.” Y/n answered.
“You can speak Italian?” Steve wondered.
“Ya Sam and I would come here after school and help out around the restaurant and in exchange Francis son’s Frank would teach us.” Y/n told Steve.
“It was the only place us mutants felt save.” Sam said put forth. “Any who, I’ve been meaning to call you and see if I could become an agent.”
“Mutants? What are mutants?” Steve thought.
“What you tried making pizza?” Y/n said with a broad grin.
“Something like that. My code name could be Cannonball.” 
“I’ll see what I can do.”
“You know Frank is still single.” Francis announced to Y/n as he walks into the kitchen. “He has such bad luck with women.”
"Mamma non voglio non voglio uscire con Andrea ho 26 anni posso trovare il mio appuntamento.” Frank proclaimed to his mother.(Ma I don’t want I don’t want to go on a date with Andrea I’m 26 I can find my own date). “Y/n!! How ya been?”
“I’m Good.” Y/n answered with a smile.
“Who’s the stiff?” Frank asked.
“Oh it is Steve Rogers .” Y/n said declared. “He’s new in town and I’m showing him around.”
Francis walks out of the kitchen and hands Y/n her pizza. “It’s was good seeing ya.”
“You two Francis.” Y/n said with a smile. “Arrivederci!” (Goodbye)
“Arrivederci!” Frank,Sam,and Francis said at the same time.
As Y/n and Steve walks out the restaurant she looks over at Steve like an idea just pop into her head. “I know the perfect place to eat this.”
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Y/n is sitting on the rim of the bench with her feet on the base of it while Steve is sitting on it,overlooking the a river. Steve goes to take his first bite out of the pizza.
“Oh man this is good!” Steve exclaimed.
“Told ya.” Y/n said covering her her mouth.
“I never really had pizza everything was boiled.” Steve told Y/n. “So this Queensbridge Park.”
“Ya. This is my favorite spot mainly because they flim an amazing tv show here called Person of Interest.” Y/n replied.
“I'll give it a look.” Steve said biting into his pizza.
“I know everything is still fresh on your mind about being frozen....Steve if you ever want to talk about it I'm here.” Y/n said with quiet empathy.
“Thank you.” Steve said with a smile. “I’ve been meaning to ask-“
“What’s a mutant?” Y/n finished for Steve.
“Yes if you don’t mind me asking.”
“It’s The label society gives people who are born with powers.” Y/n answered.
“You have powers.” Steve said in a curious way.
“Ya.” Y/n said as her eyes turn white and a hurricane starts to form in the river
“Wow. That's amazing!!” Steve said blinking. “How!?”
“Like I said I was born with it.” Y/n said holding her head high smiling.
“Really?” Steve said still in shock.
Y/n’s eyes turn back to normal and the hurricane disappears. “Here.” Y/n said as he gets off the bench and hands Steve a little book.
“What's this for?” Steve said with a quizzical smile.
“You can write everything you want to catch up on in here.” Y/n explained.
Steve looks at Y/n and start to get this familiar feeling like
“Steve.” Peggy’s voice echoed in Steve’s head.
“Steve? Who’s Peggy?” Y/n asked Steve with a Cocked head.
“An old friend....you of remind me.” Steve answered.
“Was she amazing?” Y/n wondered.
“She sure was.” Steve said with a sad smile. “Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it.” Y/n said as she goes to pick up the pizza box. “Now come on we have to get Chinese food.” Y/n holds out an hand and waits for Steve to take it. This time when she looks at him she see a relaxed brow free of frown lines and that her smile mentally. Steve hesitate for a few seconds then takes Y/n’s hand and they walk off together as friends.
A/n- In this universe Frank Castle isn’t born yet so the one in the story is his father and grandfather.
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dragon-kazansky · 4 years
A rose in shadows - Chapter two
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Chapter 2- John's getting married in the morning
John enters the flat after giving Gladstone a nice walk. He lets the dog off his leash once the door is closed behind him and he stand to his feet, tucking the leash away.
"Mrs. Hudson?"
There is no response.
"Oh, Mrs. Hudson?"
Still nothing. He goes up stairs and knocks on the door with his cane.
"Holmes? You in there?"
It's silent. He opens the door and lets out an amused laugh as he sees the whole room is surrounded in plants. This is of course Sherlock's doing.
"Your hedge needs trimming." John jokes.
Watson pushes some leaves to the side with his cane and enters the room. There are plants in every direction. He cannot see anything at all.
"Where am I?" He hears an airy whisper through the trees.
"I don't care where you are, as long as you're ready." John comes to an opening and some turkey's gobble to his right. He looks at them.
"I'm waiting." Sherlock's whisper breaks out.
John turns to the window and sees Sherlock looking out the window, or at least, it's supposed to seem like he is. Even John can see it's a dummy in Holmes' clothes.
"I'm not going to play this game. Remember, I have to catch the last-" A dart hits him in the shoulder. John looks over his shoulder to see it, then raises his eyes over to the animals gathering on the opposite of the room. There is a goat with the turkey's now. "-train."
"Oh, that's you dead I'm afraid." Sherlock says.
"You win." John sits down with a newspaper, sounding as unenthusiastic as possible. A parrot flies across the room. John scans the trees for any sign of the mad man. "I lose. Game over."
Sherlock shoots another gun which pierces through the newspaper that John was holding up.
"Still don't see me."
John folds the paper down and looks ahead.
Sherlock laughs and moves away from the wall. He is wearing a full body suit that blends in with the pillar and bookshelf across from where John is sitting. He was very well hidden. He removes the mask when he stands in front of Watson.
John doesn't look impressed.
"I'm not going out with you dressed like that."
"Would you prefer I joined you in the fashion faux pas of wearing fine military dress with that heinous handmade scarf... clearly one of your fiance's early efforts?"
"Oh, how I've missed you, Holmes."
"Have you? Why?" Sherlock leans in close to him. "I've barely noticed your absence. Then again I'm knee-deep in research and I have Y/N for company." He turns his back to John as he looks around the room. "I'm extracting fluids from the adrenal glands of sheep and designing my own urban camouflage. All the while verging on a decisive breakthrough in the single most important case of my career, perhaps of all time." Sherlock leans in again.
The leaves by the door rustle.
"Mrs. Hudson, Y/N, how are you both?"
You follow the landlady into room.
"Oh. Oh, I'm so pleased to see you, Doctor." Mrs Hudson says. "Thank you for inviting me tomorrow."
"And thank you for looking after Gladstone." John stands up to greet you both.
"It's good to see you, John." You step over and smile at him. He returns the favour. You don't miss how Sherlock rolls his eyes beside you both.
"Dear, dear... sickly sweet nanny, might I have a word?" Sherlock takes a step toward Mrs. Hudson. He pulls the cloth which was on the tray Mrs. Hudson was carrying. It reveals mice trapped under a clear case. "Yummy. Fess the snake, woman."
"You feed it."
"Touchy, touchy." He takes the tray from her and backs away slowly.
"Doctor, you must get him to a sanatorium." She pleads with John. You chuckle quietly as you remove the dart from his shoulder. "He's been on a diet of coffee, tobacco, and coca leaves." Mrs. Hudson explains. "He never sleeps." You nod at Watson as he looks at you. "I hear multiple voices as if he's rehearsing a play."
"Leave him to me." John chuckles.
"Don't you have a goat that needs worming?" Sherlock asks, popping up behind Mrs. Hudson.
"Oh, how kind of you to remind me." Sarcasm drips from every word. "So much to look forward to. What would I do without you?" She turns and leaves. "Good luck with your patient, Doctor." She calls over her shoulder.
"Why are you here?" Sherlock asks.
You look Sherlock dead in the eye.
"He's getting married tomorrow."
John stares at Sherlock.
"Oh! Embrace me." Sherlock pulls him in to an awkward hug, he pulls out the dart which was still in John's back. "Watson's getting married."
"You've lost a few pounds, Holmes."
Sherlock steps back. "Yes, you've picked them up, noshing on Mary's muffins, no doubt." John chuckles. "Pour us a brandy. The stag party has begun!"
"I'll leave you two to it then, shall I?" You chuckle and gather your coat which has been draped round the back of a chair.
"It was good to see you, Y/N." John smiles and kisses your hand before letting you turn to the door.
"Yes, you too. Do try to keep out of trouble Sherlock, and John, don't drink too much." You smile at the boys. Sherlock barely spares a glance your way and John nods at you before looking at his best friend with a furrowed gaze. You leave them be.
 Sherlock disappears behind the curtains that had been drawn closed, closing off the other side of the room.
"It is our last adventure, Watson. I intend to make the most of it."
John opened the curtains and found himself face to face with something completely different from the rest of the room.
Diagrams, maps, photos, newspaper clippings and other notes handwritten by Sherlock himself, were all pinned up on the wall leaving no space at all. Red string was pinned up across each piece, connecting everything one way or another. This is Sherlock's investigation on Moriarty.
"I see you've made good use of my old office." John comments.
"Do you like my spider's web?"
"Is that what you call it?"
"That's what Y/N called it, I just stick to her ideas." Sherlock peeked out from behind the screen he had gone to get changed behind. "Follow that strand."
John follows it.
"Question: What do a scandal involving an Indian cotton tycoon, the overdose of a Chinese opium trader, bombings in Strasbourg and Vienna, and the death of a steel magnate in America all have in common?"
John follows the strands to see they all point to a photo of a man.
"Well, according to your diorama, Professor James Moriarty."
"Mathematical genius. Celebrated author and lecturer."
"Boxing champion at Cambridge, where he made friends with out current Prime Minister." Sherlock states.
"Do you have any evidence to substantiate your claim?" John asks.
Sherlock chuckles as he steps out from behind the screen. He grabs a strand and follows it down to the wall near him where an article is pinned to the wall.
John steps over and looks at it. Beside the column was a photo of a man, above read 'DR. HOFFSMANSTAHL'S FATAL HEART ATTACK.'
"Now do you see?" Sherlock asked.
"Dr. Hoffmanstahl's death?"
"Yes. I've heard you speak of him, extolling his virtues." Sherlock says.
"Hoffmanstahl was at the forefront of medical innovations, a true pioneer."
"Just the other day, I averted an explosion that was intended for him."
"Says he died of a heart attack." John looks at the paper.
"Has all my instruction been for naught?" Sherlock looks at John disappointed. If it was you he was talking to, you would have understood right away what he was getting at. In fact you had been. "You still read the official statement and believe it." It's a game, dear man, a shadowy game." Sherlock poured a drink. "We're playing cat and mouse, the professor and I. Cloak and dagger."
"I thought it was spider and fly?" John looked at him and then down at the bottle Sherlock had put down. Formaldehyde.
"I'm not a fly, I'm a cat."
"Not a mouse, but a dagger. You're drinking embalming fluid."
"Yes.  Care for a drop?" Sherlock exhales slowly after drinking from his glass.
"You do seem..."
"I am."
"...Verging on..."
"...Psychotic. I should've brought you a sedative."
"I'll give mt life to see his demise." Sherlock said. "He must be stopped before his evil machinations come to a crescendo."
"What about Y/N?" John asks.
"What about Y/N?" Sherlock bites back.
"I couldn't help but notice how.... lonely she looked when she left. I thought things were going well for you both?"
"Aren't they?"
"I don't know, Holmes." John furrowed his gaze at his friend and then sighed. "Ans how will he do all this?" It was clear Sherlock wasn't in the mood to talk about you, perhaps you would talk to him later.
"Don't be a dingy bird. Bad people do bad things because they can." Sherlock was more interested in talking about Moriarty right now. "No one, not the victims, the police, the governments, not anyone..."
"Except the great Sherlock Holmes..."
"...On this diet, will work it all out."
"Or thereabouts."
"Thereabouts, not quite there."
"Here's to your good health." John raised a glass, filled with alcohol. Sherlock raised what was left of his choice of drink. "Dingy bird."
Gladstone whimpered and them dropped to the floor.
"What have you done to Gladstone now?" John goes over to his beloved dog.
"Ricinus communis. The fruit is highly toxic."
"He's barely breathing."
"What an excellent opportunity. This may be just the thing." Sherlock kneels down beside John and stabs Gladstone with a needle. The dog whines. "Sorry, do you mind terribly if I try my adrenal extract?"
"How many times are you going to kill my dog, Holmes?"
Gladstone barks as he gets up quickly off the floor and scurries off.
"Took off like a monkey from a box. I may need one of those in a few hours."
"Consider it a wedding gift." Sherlock handed over the small roll the extract had been kept in.
John made his way downstairs.
"Watson, might we use an alternative exit?" Sherlock asked. John turned on his heel and faced Sherlock who had dressed after him.
"Is there something different about you?"
"I'm under observation." Sherlock was wearing a long beard and had a pipe in his mouth, his coat was old and scruffy.
"As you should be."
"You drive."
Both men left through a different door.
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fangirlspammer · 4 years
Journey to the Past pt.3
This took awhile to write, but I'm pretty happy with it. I hope you are enjoying this😌
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You had been pacing around your living room for half an hour now. Jack was still not home after that blowout back in her office nearly two hours ago. You knew she had work to do and probably needed to cool down before coming over, if she was still coming over. You had showered and made dinner, but still there was no sign of Jack not even a text. Just as you thought about giving up the door opened and you turned to face Jack.
"Jack," you stopped as she held up her hand and you couldn't read her expression. Was she upset with you? Had something happened in the case? Had Gibbs made things worse? All of these questions flooding your mind only made you more anxious.
Jack sighed and set down her coat and purse. "We need to talk," her voice sent chills down your spine and your stomach turned. Nothing good ever came from that sentence in a relationship.
"I shouldn't have called him out like that. It wasn't appropriate," you stepped in quickly.
"No, it wasn't, but that's not what we need to talk about," she shook her head and patted the seat beside her on the sofa.
You looked to her with a certain fear in your eyes, cautiously proceeding to her side. As you sat you looked at your hands that were fiddling in your lap. "Jack, baby, you're really starting to freak me out. Is this about us?"
Jack noticed the fear exuding from you and took your hand. "No! No, god no," she shook her head quickly. "I love you, Y/N," you felt yourself smile as she carried on. "I just needed to clear things up. Gibbs didn't end things with me," she sighed and ran her free hand through her hair.
You furrowed your brow as you listened to her. "I don't understand."
Jack began to chew her lower lip and get antsy in her seat. "Gibbs and I weren't a thing for a long time, despite what his team says," she started and stood up. Now she was the one who was pacing the room. "We flirted and spent a lot of time together, yes," she turned to face you and sighed. "One night, after things were starting to get serious, we found ourselves.." she squinted her eyes and tilted her head a bit, unsure how to phrase this. You nodded and she carried on, leaving you with the unsettling images of your girlfriend and your boss in bed together. "The next morning I told him things weren't going to work because I liked somebody else," she finally took a seat again and put her head in her hands.
You're eyes widened in realization of what she was getting at. "You mean you left him for me?"
Jack nodded, but retracted her response. "It wasn't me leaving him, Y/N. We weren't a couple."
"But you slept together," she nodded and you sighed. "He thinks it's my fault."
"No," Jack moved closer and pushed your hair from your face. "I talked to him tonight, and he knows where my head was at now. He's sorry for how he's treated you these past months."
You scoffed and rolled youreyes. "Gibbs apologized?" You couldn't help your skepticism on the subject. Special Agent, Leroy Jethro Gibbs was not one to apologise. He was barely one to stick around for a full conversation.
"Maybe not in so many words, but I know he is sorry," Jack laughed and you rolled your eyes with a little smirk tugging at the corner of your lips.
She leaned in to kiss your cheek, brushing her lips over it a few times before proceeding to your jawline. This lasted awhile before she captured your lips in a series of hungry kisses. Your stomach did flips and your heart raced at her touch. Your hand slid up her thigh and found its way behind her back. Nothing had ever felt as good as it did when Jack was in your arms.
"I made dinner," you whispered as you both pulled away for air. She arched her brow and you laughed at the cautious look that spread across her face. "I know, I know. We might have to order in."
"I'll eat whatever you made," she smirked and pushed loose strands of hair from your face. Her deep brown eyes glossed over with love and lust.
You found yourself unable to speak for a few moments, getting lost in Jack completely. You couldn't explain the feelings that arose inside of you whenever she was around, and when she was as close as she was now all hell broke loose within you. You shook your head of your devious thoughts before clearing your throat and letting out a soft laugh. "I won't make you do that to yourself. My cooking will probably put you up for a week," you laughed with more amusement in your tone.
Jack rolled her eyes and let out a sound that you swore sounded like an angel singing. "I'll risk it," she leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on your ruby lips once more. "Who knows, maybe I can have you for dessert?"
You felt your cheeks get hot and swore your face was the shade of a tomato. You absolutely loved when Jack was playful like this with you. "Maybe," you smirked and kissed her lips once more. "Maybe I'll even let you have seconds."
Soft giggles filled the room and you both found yourselves lost in yet another series of desperate kisses. Neither of you were ever able to keep your hands off of each other. Honestly you were amazed that you had managed to stay mostly professional at work. At least to the publics eyes you were.
Jack couldn't remember a longer 'hump day' in her life. The murder of Lieutenant Abigail Finnley was going on its third day of being unsolved. William Jenson was still a suspect even though NCIS had to release him due to lack of evidence, and Jack could only imagine the smug look he must of had on his face as he walked out. She had been over the files at least five times that morning alone, but she was getting nowhere. She tossed her pencil across the room in frustration just as the door open. She looked up and saw Gibbs standing there surprised after having to dodge a flying pencil.
"Have a new file for you," he walked in and shut the door behind him. He held out yet another boring beige folder and she took it with frustration.
"Just what I need. Another file to go over that'll lead me nowhere," she rolled her tired brown eyes, unamused.
Gibbs couldn't help the smirk that tugged at the corner of his lips when he saw the frustration written all over her. "Lesley Hangman, Lieutenant Finnley's best friend," he stated plainly.
Jack was flipping through the files now and looked up at Gibbs suddenly. "We already questioned her. Did you find something else?"
"Finnley filled a restraining order against her the week before she died."
Jack was intrigued. She adjusted her glasses and sat forward with curiosity. "Now why would you file a restraining order against your best friend?"
Gibbs shrugged. "That's where you come in, Jack," he sighed and started to leave, but he stopped at the door. "Y/N-"
Jack arched a brow and gave a little nod. "She'll be on her best behavior tomorrow," she assured him.
"Not what I was asking, Jack."
"I know," their eyes locked for a moment before she sighed, giving into his silent questions. "I told her everything, and we are fine." Gibbs nodded and just like that Jack was left to her own devices once again.
Jack looked down as her phone made a noise. A smile crossed her lips as she read the text.
Chinese takeout tonight. Any movie requests? (:
Surprise me baby. Can't wait to see you;) -J
You chuckled at the text you just received and licked the cookie dough off of the spatula. You began to wipe the counter and do the dishes as the cookies baked, filling the room with a rich sweetness. There was not much to do being stuck at home but cook and clean, and try not to focus too negatively on yesterday's events. You sighed and turned your music up to drown out your thoughts. You began to dance and hum to yourself. Jack would be home soon and you wanted her to enjoy the evening. This case was too personal for her, and you knew that the last thing she would want was to think about it all. The door opened, but you didn't hear it. You were too busy singing along to the music into a wooden spoon. Your hips swayed and you tossed you hair. A loud screech escaped your lips as you felt arms wrap around you from behind.
"Jack! I didn't even hear you come in," you tried to catch your breath as you turned in her arms. She chuckled and pecked your lips. "I wasn't expecting you so soon."
"We wrapped the case," she shrugged and kissed your nose again, giggling. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you. You just looked so sexy I couldn't resist."
You rolled your eyes and smirked. She had an excuse for everything. Your brows furrowed when you realized what she had said. "You wrapped the case? Was it-"
Jack shook her head and sighed. "No, it wasn't Jenson. Turns out it was the best friend, Lesley Hangman. She and Finnley were more than friends, but when Finnley broke things off Lesley became obsessed with trying to get her back."
"And that's when Lieutenant Finnley filed the restraining order?" Your knowledge sparked Jack's curiosity and you giggled. "Bishop might have filled me in on a few details earlier."
Jack rolled her eyes and continued. "Yes, well Lesley came over to confront Abigail and things got heated. That's when she stabbed her," she sighed and let her body relax against yours, pressed against the counter. Your arms instinctively wrapped around her.
"Sounds like you need to put your feet up," you breathed out as she pressed against you. Your heart was racing. The things this woman did to you.
"Way up," she smirked playfully causing you groan.
She leaned closer, kissing along your jawline before dipping down to the curve of your collarbone. Your head tilted back instinctively and you swallowed hard. Your grip on the counter tightened as her lips trailed down your chest, but quickly made their way back to your neck. You could feel your legs getting shaky, and she must have too because her leg pushed in between yours and her hips held you in position. You let out another groan, this one more desperate than the last. You took a deep breath, but her scent was intoxicating.
Your hands ran up her back until they found their way into her beautifully, blonde, beach curls, and gave them a gentle tug. She gasped and looked into your eyes before you leaned forward to capture her lips in a heated frenzy of passion. You both wasted no time finding your way into each other's mouths, fighting for dominance, and before you knew it Jack was leading you to the bedroom. You didn't stop her as she kicked the door shut and laid you on the bed. All previous plans were out the window, and your focus was on the beautiful, half naked blonde straddling you now and kissing down your body.
"Y/N," Jack's voice was low and seductive as she inches closer to your thighs.
Her fingers latched under your panty line, but you pulled her back up to you and quickly flipped her over. "Jack," you groaned again. Her hands were pinned to the mattress as our straddled her now and dipped your head to kiss her passionately. "This is about you," you whispered and smirked. She let out that giggle that sent shivers up your spine. Your lips found hers again, and soon the room filled with soft moans and breathless panting. If only everyday could be this way.
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ijaws · 5 years
@zecoralaxx I'm sorry for the length of this reply and not replying the post. Either I'm blocked by sombody or Tumblr is fucking with me... But yeah, I just wanted to cover all the bases. I honestly would like to hear your feedback and response. I rarely have anyone I disagree with actually open up and actually talk to me. If you don't want to, that's fine too, but I thank you for actually explaining your view on things.
I'll start on the European POC Community in Europe. Yes, there are definitely POCs in Europe and there have been for a while. However, historically, a majority of these fairy tales were passed from generation to generation by word of mouth in predominantly White Communities. These tales didn't simply become noteworthy when the Brothers Grimm collected them and published them. They already existed and were part of the culture in these communities. These are essentially the fabric of European story telling and the Fairy Tale Genre… Meaning these stories are part of White Culture. European Culture…
Now a few of the famous ones have actually been written and published by individual authors, like in this cause with Andersen's Little Mermaid tale. Regardless, a lot of these famous stories have been written by White Europeans, if not exclusively by White Europeans, where their audience is their own people. I do not think that POCs/Minorities are often thought about or written about in these tales mostly due to the fact that if they were their race in the story would have been pointed out for the audience to understand and recognize. How many Black People in the 1830s do you think would be walking around in Denmark? I honestly doubt any real sizable population of POCs lived in Denmark at the time.
So, again, the casting choice makes little to no sense. As for cultural appropriation I'm going to share two screenshots of an Ask I answered earlier. My comments will speak for themselves on the subject.
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As for the question on if I've personally been mistreated, judged, and refused service because of my skin color, the answer is yes to nearly all of the above. I am a Military. I've been to Italy, Austria, and Japan. I lived in Italy and Japan for around 4 to 5 years each. In Italy I was too young to notice any sort of racism. In Japan I was significantly older, 8th grade - 10th grade, and definitely remember racism there. In Japan they if didn't like you, or want someone in their store or area that they didn't like, they would cross their arms in an X sign and that meant to go somewhere else. They won't serve you. That happened twice from what I could remember in Japan. I don't know if it was because of our skin color or Nationality, as Japan dislikes Foreigners, but regardless. I was denied solely on the basis of my appearance, and not talking about clothing.
I moved from Japan back to the US and I lived in a very small town where the racial ratio was extremely one sided. Whites/Others were the minorities in this town. It was a Black Majority town… The ratio for the highschool was 1 White/Other Kid to 3 Black Kids. While I was there I definitely noticed racial tension and my best friend was actually racially attacked in the locker rooms. To this day he hasn't told me what they did to him but he told me they were calling him all sorts of Hispanic Racial Slurs. (My friend was Puerto Rican.) There was definitely racism, as I did hear Black Kids calling White Kids Crackers, Cousin Fuckers, etc. Verbal stuff never really got on my nerves as they're just words, but after graduating Highschool I was searching for a job for upwards of 6 months.
I put an application in to everything in town that was available and when I finally got a job some of my Black Highschool friends told me that they were surprised that I'd gotten a job. I asked them why and they told me that the General Manager of the place I landed a job at did not like White People. In fact, I was the only White Person that worked there for several months… and I knew people were also applying but weren't getting the job. It made me wonder about the other businesses in town. Did they not hire me because I was white? There were also places my Black Friends told me to not go into as White People weren't welcome. Oh, there was also one time that I was told by a couple of black dudes that I wasn't allowed to wear a certain brand. It didn't belong to me. (That in another school though in another state.)
I won't even mention the racism online because I don't think that counts but yeah.
So... The bottom line is, it is a double standard because it doesn't matter what happened in the past. We cannot change it, and I REFUSE to pay for crimes or actions that my ancestors did. I am NOT responsible for any of that and I will never will be. I will condemn any and all sorts of racism, sexism, homophobia, and any sort of exclusionary and oppressive behaviors that White People commit today, but I am not responsible for their actions either. If you are going to hold an entire race accountable for the actions of only a few members or groups of that race, then I will turn the arguement back around on the Black Community, as what is being mostly discussed here. The crime rates, gun violence, gang violence, and so on... Are you personally responsible for the crimes that people who look like you commit? What about Child Soldiers in Africa? Are you responsible? Of course not. Why should I be held accountable then for my race when everyone else isn't? What about Japan and their Great Rapes in WWII? Thousands upon thousands of women and children of China and all other Asian Countries surrounding it were targets of rape, slavery, and torture... They slaughtered MILLIONS of Chinese and used their babies as target practice and bayonet practice... Yet you don't hear about that do you...? Okay... This last bit was a bit of a random rant but... There we have it. I'll stop there.
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forkanna · 7 years
NOTE: NaNoWriMo is in full swing! I told you I would try my best to update while it's going on and I will, even though it's obviously not as frequent as other months. Enjoy!
Yeah, I have no idea what went on over at the Chau residence. They took a few pictures of me on their phones to at least have examples ready, but it would have been pretty annoying to stick me in the back of the car — and besides, Stephen made a really good point that I might shatter if they dropped me, so after that nobody much wanted to take responsibility for schlepping the stone girl around.
But I got the general synopsis of what I missed from listening to their chatter. And thank GOD I finally had some entertainment, because lying around in an empty house all by yourself when you can't move is just about the most boring fucking thing ever.
Knives had her mom translate for her, since she can't speak Chinese, and asked her father if he knew any way to undo a spell, or curse, or mutation, or whatever the fuck this was that made people turn into rock-people. At first he said something a teensy bit racist that nobody would repeat, and then he asked for how the symptoms started. When they explained that it started from a feeling, and showed him the pic of my stomach, he kind of figured out what she would need.
Apparently, the house was quiet for so long because they had to go back to that place where Scott got the Soft and head to "Giant World", whatever that means. When they came back, they had another potion that was supposed to do something else. All I got was its name, not what it was supposed to do.
"So once Knives takes the Micron, we'll all stand watch," Steph was saying. Being a little older than everybody but Wallace — when did he show up? — she had kind of elected herself in charge. Also, nobody else wanted to be in charge, anyway. "Take turns. Like, I'm not sure what we can do, but we have to be ready just in case…"
"How long do we think this is gonna take?" Wallace asked, glancing at his trendy chronometer. "I'm supposed to meet up with Mobile at the new club where the Rockit used to be. Supposed to be a lot more catered toward our particular tastes now."
Knives's bottom lip quivered. "You don't care what happens to Kim, do you?"
"In an overall sense? Sure I do… but you guys didn't even remember my birthday. Tit for tat, you know."
"Hopeless," Stephen sighed. "No wonder Joseph hates you."
His trim eyebrow went up very slightly. "That catty bitch hates everyone. Can we get down to business? Kim's life hangs in the balance, just like my punctuality. They're both pretty important. Besides, I'm the only one here who can feed Knives any chi once she's through the gates; you need me as an E Tank."
"Fine!" Huffing, Knives grabbed the potion and downed it in one gulp. There were a few gasps, and Steph said something about "but we weren't through planning!" but it was too late; she had taken the plunge. And I was kinda glad, because at least now I would get to find out what the hell they were talking about, since they were leaving out so many details due to not bothering to include me in their conversation.
Not that I could talk back, anyway. But I could hear.
At first, we thought nothing had happened. Then I could tell something was weird. Everybody in the room was getting taller! Wait, that wasn't it… Knives was getting shorter. And shorter… she was shrinking right in front of my eyes.
"Hurry!" Stephen hissed, and Steph picked her up and sat her on my stomach once she was about toddler-sized. She kept going, slipping down my stomach when she was about the size of a Lego figurine, and then I couldn't see her anymore on the other side of my boobs.
At first, I thought that was it; that she had disappeared, and I felt a panic that I couldn't properly express while held suspended in this pavemential state of being. What the fuck had they done to my girlfriend?! But then I saw Steph bend down and do something else, holding her hand against my stomach.
"Hurry up… oh God, I hope Wallace knows how to use that thing."
WHAT thing?
"Me, too," he sighed as he pulled on the red fingerless glove. "Seems simple enough."
Shit. That thing. And I couldn't even scream as he slapped me in the forehead.
                                                          ~ o ~
When I woke up, I didn't know where I was. I mean, I was definitely nowhere I had ever been before, and I kind of accepted that much… but still, why was the sky all pink? Why was the ground day-glow blue? Why was the path leading into the far distance so gold and shiny? Why was everything moving a little, like I was actually living inside a heat haze? Just freaking psycho crap.
And there she was.
"Knives!" At first she didn't turn around, but when I shouted again, she finally did — and took a huge leap backward.
"A what?" Looking down, I saw that I was half-invisible, and my legs disappeared into a wispy thingy. Reminded me of an actual cartoon ghost, but the tops of my legs were still pretty distinct. "Oh. Well, that's annoying."
Her hand reached out, drew back again, and then reached forward to touch my legs… and she passed right through. She shivered as she whispered, "Whoa."
"Yeah, um, don't do that again."
"Okay. Oh, Kim! I'm so glad you're okay! Kind of!" She moved to hug me, then remembered and drew back again. "Oh, oops. Sorry."
"It's okay. God… I'm such a mess, I didn't mean to make everybody… well, anyway, it's too late now. What are we doing here?"
"Huh? Oh, right! You know, that whole thing you told me about? We have to fix that or we can't reverse this, since we didn't get to it in time. So I took the Micron because I'm the one with the most training, and my dad has this thing in Brazil he has to take care of so he can't."
"What? I mean… damn, how long do you think we might be in here?"
Looking apologetic, she whispered, "He said… maybe a couple years?"
"Or not! It could only take a few hours, if we don't get hung up on the Rubik's Cube."
"Rubik's-" Only then did I catch on. My eyes narrowed in utter disbelief, waiting for her to yell "PSYCH" or something, but she didn't. "Wait. You're talking about all that bullshit I spewed at you when we first started hanging out again, aren't you?"
"Yeah! I mean, I'm ready for the rhino and the warthog, I'm pretty sure, but the rest I'll… have to… what is it, Kim?" she asked when she could tell I was even paler than a spirit already would be.
"It was all a lie. I mean… a joke, but I didn't expect you to actually believe me, and I never got the chance to tell you any differently because you ran off." Sighing, I turned away slightly, not wanting to look at her right then. "If this isn't some kind of crazy fever dream, or rock-dream or ghost-dream or whatever, and you're actually trying to fight your way through my body… then I think you're wasting your time. I have no idea what's about to happen to you in here."
"Well, that's okay," she said instantly. "We'll just figure out what the challenges are if they're different. I'm even stronger than I was before, you know; I kept up my training since all that happened at the Chaos Theater. Knives Chau is buff and knows her stuff!"
Gritting my ghostly teeth, I hissed, "Don't you get it? I want you to leave. Stop trying to help me, I'm obviously more trouble than I'm worth. Just… just go."
For a few seconds, everything was quiet. Then I saw her walking down the road into the distance. I was relieved for just a second; relieved and sad. At least Knives would be okay.
Then she called back to me, "You coming, or are you just gonna hang around here in the middle of your stomach?"
Once I caught up, trying not to let my pleased smile be seen by anyone, I asked her, "Stomach?"
"Sure. The portal is in your belly button; the only way in past the stone. Well, we could have tried your ears or nose, but the journey to your heart would have been a little longer, and we couldn't be sure of the path. This seems like a straight shot."
"Oh. Well… I mean, um… I don't really get this. Why are you trying so hard for me? I suck as a girlfriend, and I suck as a friend. All I did was kind of… hang around you and be grumpy all the time. Then statue-ified myself. "
That got her to stop walking and blink at me a few times. "You really think that's all you gave me, Kim?"
"Well… yeah."
"Don't be dumb. You were so sweet."
"Yes, you," she giggled as she resumed, setting a swift pace. Not that I minded, since floating alongside her didn't seem to make me any more or less tired. "Sure, you tried to bury it under like, your whole 'cool' attitude, but I've… never had anybody make me dinner before besides my mom. And you were always there to talk to and you really listened to my babble, and we could always play games or watch TV, and you were so awesome about not rushing me with sex stuff… held my hand. Kissed my cheeks. Made me feel important to you, even though I could tell it was really hard for you to do that. Gosh, Kim, who wouldn't love you?"
For a few minutes, all I could do was float alongside her. Something about this inner-spirit state I was in prevented me from crying, but I definitely wanted to be. Was kind of frustrating, actually, needing that emotional release and being unable to have it. But I certainly had no words to follow up hers with.
When we got to the outer gates, it looked like a giant walled city, and the multiple colours of the doorframe reminded me of Fruit Stripe gum for some reason. Anyway, as I had been worrying about… there were the guards. Giant mutant animals that just barely weren't copies of villains from an old cartoon I loved when I was little.
"Oh wow, okay," she breathed, whipping out a couple of her huge daggers. "Do you know their weaknesses? Because like, if I can stand on that piece of wall and stab down with my weapon continually-"
"Did you say… you love me?"
"What? Oh, um… yeah, I think I did? Is that okay?"
My noncorporeal eyes nearly bugged out of their invisible sockets. She started to look even less sure of herself, glancing back and forth between me and the enemies. So I quickly said, "Yeah, yeah. It's great. I mean, uh… sorry. Just never had anyone… say that to me before. Damn."
"Hmmm. Didn't know a ghost could blush."
"Kidding," she giggled just as my hands went up toward my face. "Come on, let's get this done. I want to help you."
Humming to myself, I tilted my head up in their direction. "No idea. But I have this vague feeling that if we kick one of their asses, they'll both go down. Well, if you do. Not sure I'll be much help like this."
"Might as well try it!" Then she started sprinting for them. "HEY YOU GUYS!"
That… was not how I would have handled it.
                                                          To Be Continued…
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sheepydraws · 7 years
I'll Kick Your Ass! I'll Kick My Fiancee's Ass! I'll Kick My Own Ass! (4/11)
Last Chapter
Last Spring:
March 16th, Kasumi Tendo uploaded a private video to her account. The next day she released her first bento tutorial, starting her most requested series. It is still the video on her account with the most hits, even though it’s quality does not perhaps reflect that of her other videos. Unbeknownst to anyone, the rice balls she made in that video were stuck together with condensed milk and later served to her family with mango slices, because she was too anxious to shape them properly. She felt as though she was working under a deadline she had already missed. She didn’t want anyone sniffing around that private video.
Nabiki had shot it, and she had insisted her sister put it on the internet so it could be revealed with the click of a button. She said it would be evidence, in case the incident ever went to court, but Kasumi knew the threat of blackmail when she heard it.
Kasumi knew what her sister was capable of. Kasumi considered her hands washed of Nabiki’s little business venture. She may buy the alcohol and supply the drugs, but it is Nabiki who keeps things running smoothly—with blackmail, bribes, and the threat of physical violence, if necessary. (One does not grow up in a dojo without learning a thing or two). (Nor do they know a doctor is in love with them and don’t occasionally swipe a prescription pad).
Okay, so Kasumi wasn’t a saint, but she still didn’t like having that video on her channel. For a while it had been too easy to see it every time she made an update. The little grey thumbnail would hover there, menacingly, and she would stare until she found herself clicking it.
The video opens on a stairwell.
“Wow,” Nabiki says, “I can’t believe it’s all still here.”
“You only left a year ago, sis.” Akane says. She started htr not too long after this video, since there was no longer any reason to put it off, and only a few weeks later the difference between her face in the video and real life would surprise Kasumi.
“Oh, sister dearest-“ Nabiki began in sing-song, sounding like she’s about to launch into a “I am ten months older than you and so you must listen to my older sister bullshit” sort of speech. That is when they reach the top of the stairs and turn to find Kodachi and her brother standing there.
“Sister?�� Kodachi says, looking confused.
You can’t see Nabiki’s expression, but the camera bounces as she jostles Akane, “Just a little ribbing.”
“Some of us actually respect our siblings.” Kuno replies haughtily.
“What are you even doing here?” Nabiki says, zooming in on Kuno’s face.
“I am here to see how my sister is doing in her last year at my alma mater,”
Nabiki snorts. “You pretentious fuck,” She mutters under her breath.
Sometimes Kasumi pauses the video here and prays for the footage to be different. Fifteen minutes of Nabiki and Kuno bickering would be perfectly alright. She wouldn’t mind watching that over and over.
Then there is a thud and Kuno’s face disappears from the screen, replaced by a blur of red, and the crash of something hitting the floor.
The camera pans down so you can see Kuno and Ranma as a tangled heap of limbs on the ground. Ranma rights himself and nonchalantly perches on Kuno’s chest.
“Hey, Nabiki, you just got me out of study hall!” He says with a wave.
Kuno rises beneath him like the ocean floor shifting, sending Ranma to the ground. “Who on earth are you?” He asks, wiping down the front of his now wrinkled button down, “And what nefarious thing did Nabiki Tendo do to allow you this truancy?”
Ranma paused in getting up to look at Kuno like he just spouted off a conspiracy theory involving aliens, cows, and hormones in the drinking water.
“Anyway,” Ranma says, turning back to Nabiki,  “Mr. Winkleman said I could come show my guest around the school, but you know your way around, so I’m going across the street for a hot dog.”
“Seriously,” Kuno says, now standing, and as dusted off as he is going to get, “Who is this guy?”
“He’s a friend of mine.” Akane replies quickly.
“You two aren’t friends.” Kodachi says, with an expression that claims lying is a foreign concept.
“We’re distant cousins.” Akane says. “We’re friends when we’re out of school.”
“Good thing you’re lying,” Ranma calls over his shoulder. He’s headed for the stairwell, already fishing a wallet out of his back pocket, “Or things would be pretty awkward at home.” He doesn’t seem to think anything of the remark, but Kuno won’t let it go. He grabs Ranma by the shoulder, and Ranma stops, though he shakes the hand off.
“I’m confused. How do you know Nabiki and her brother?”
Ranma smirks. “I don’t.”
“Good lord, man, stop being obtuse and explain what’s going on here or I shall report you to the front desk.”
Ranma rolls his eyes. “Stop speaking in a British accent or I shall have to beat the snot out of you.”
Akane comes into the frame, for a second silhouetted by the window, turning her into a shadow with a white halo. “Lay off you two. Ranma is a family friend, okay? That’s why I called him a friend.”
“Would you stop lying?” Ranma says.
Akane looks like she might growl at him. “Would you stop antagonizing everyone?”
“Only if you tell the truth for once.”
“This is Kuno, okay? He’s an asshole. He doesn’t deserve the truth.”
Kuno looks a bit hurt by this, but he doesn’t have a chance to get back into the conversation. It has become a two person match.
“What is it with you,” Ranma says, “And having to economize the truth? I don’t lie. I came out the second I heard the word trans, I broke up with my girlfriend as soon as you and I got engaged, and I told all my teachers that as far as I am concerned this year is a waste of my time, and you know what I get for that? Respect.”
Kuno is sputtering in the background, but Nabiki has cut him out of the frame. Maybe she could already tell, by the colors on Akane’s face, red, then pale, then burning red again, that this was a moment that needed to be on film.
“You should try it,” Ranma continues, “Then you wouldn’t spend all your time terrified that people are going to find out you’re exactly who you are.”
Akane’s hands ball into fists so tight her arms shake. “Shut up.” She hisses under her breath. A warning more than an order.
“No!” Ranma yells, “I will not shut up! I got sent to this lame-ass school for my senior year, the year that was supposed to be me and my girlfriend just fucking around and going to prom, but instead I’m here, with point zero friends, just cause I’m engaged to some girl who won’t even admit she’s a girl.”
Akane slaps him, and the camera shakes with the impact. Nabiki turns for a minute and you can see that the jostling was not caused by Akane’s palm, but rather the small crowd of students who have gathered to watch the spectacle. Most have money or food, probably headed out for lunch.
When the camera comes back to Akane and Ranma you can tell that they have seen the other students too. Both their faces are red, though there is a pale outline around the hand print on Ranma’s cheek.
“None of that is true!” Akane says to Ranma, though it is clearly for the benefit of the crowd.
“I’ll stake my honor on it!” Ranma yells, Akane his only focus. “I swear it on my honor as a fighter.”
“Fine then, fight me for it!” Even Akane takes a step back after that outburst, surprised as anyone else.
“You’re on.” Ranma says. “You, me, the parking lot by the basketball court. Now.”
With that they race down the stairs, Nabiki and a horde of underclassmen right behind them. They go through the side exit so they won’t have to go past the front desk and get asked what the heck they’re doing. The sunlight is momentarily blinding, but Nabiki keeps Akane in frame, elbowing underclassmen out of the way to do it, judging from the pained grunts in the background.
Akane and Ranma face off in the parking lot, circling each other for a minute to get the lay of the blacktop.
“You call it, Nabiki.” Akane says.
“You’re going to get expelled!” Nabiki yells over the crowd.
“It’s too late in the year for that.” Akane replies, and she was right.
“You two should just stop now, before someone gets hurt.” That someone won’t be Nabiki, though. She is not stupid enough to get between them.
“This is my honor!” They both scream, and they take that as their cue to start.
The first time Kasumi saw this she was expecting a careful, somewhat ritualistic judo match.
This is not that. This is a brawl. This is anything goes kind of fighting. You’d think that two people as skilled as Akane and Ranma would be kicking and dodging, flipping and throwing, but there is no time for that. Their bodies collide like monster trucks at a rally.
The underclassmen are screaming, but they can’t cover the sickening smack of flesh hitting flesh with the intention to hurt. Some people are cheering for Akane, some for Ranma. Among the encouragement are slurs that make Kasumi’s stomach flip.
Watching from the outside, weeks later, the whole thing seemed pretty pathetic. Not the damage Ranma and Akane inflicted on each other, that was serious. By the time teachers arrived to break them up they both had wounds that required stitches, scratches on their bodies from where they clawed at each other and where they scraped against the blacktop after they went down on it, and Akane was crying, her face a mess of snot and tears and blood, crumpled and bright red like a valentine someone had thrown in the gutter.
“Damnit, Ranma!” She screamed as the Chinese teacher hauled her away in a half nelson. Her voice cracked so hard on Ranma’s name you expect her throat to split, and Kasumi’s heart shattered. It was a pointless fight. The damage was done. The mark Akane got on her permanent record didn’t stop the rumors. Didn’t stop the anger and confusion. Kasumi didn’t even go to the damn school anymore, and she still got wind of the tales being spread. Akane Tendo is gay, no he’s a tranny, no she’s a dyke. She’s engaged, child marriage, judo, tae kwon do, Tendo.
You can already hear those words beginning to float through the air as Akane and the Chinese teacher disappear round the bend in the parking lot towards the front office.
The camera pans to Ranma, sucking on his split lip, blood already drying on his chin. He glances up at Nabiki as best he can with his left eye swelling up. The teacher holding his shoulder, biology, maybe, squints at Nabiki as well.
“What?” Ranma barks.
“I don’t know.” Nabiki says, “I guess I’m waiting for an explanation.”
Ranma touches his eye, and winces. “Your sister is a violent maniac.” He beams at the camera for a second, sending more blood oozing down his chin. “We’re made for each other.”
With that the screen goes mercifully black.
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Jealousy is an ugly thing
Clare: reached up to touch her cross necklace. "God doesn't give us more than we can handle." She muttered more to herself than to Dakota. Whatever happened, she could get through it. Clare smiled at Dakota feeling better after he comforted her. "I am? Thank you. It's very sweet of you to offer." She was surprised he'd offered her an escape if she needed one. "Usually I just drown my parents' fighting out with music. I have noise cancelling headphones so I'm able to fall asleep at night. But sometimes I really don't want to be there." Clare had other friends she could stay with and she did when it got to be too much but she wouldn't go over to anyone's house enough for their parents to ask what was going on. She listened to Dakota update Monica on his sibilings. Clare had to laugh when he said how his brothers corrected Emi about who was Thing One and Thing Two. "They sound like the Weasley twins from the Harry Potter books. Dom and Ash aren't twins though, right? Do any of your brothers go to Degrassi? Or are some of them younger or older?" She knew a couple of them went to different schools but Clare didn't think she'd ever be able to keep straight which brother was which, Dakota had so many. "It's good there's no language barrier. There aren't a lot of families who speak two languages at home so you're lucky Emi's did. Aww how cute! Itadakimasu." Clare repeated the word quietly to herself so she'd remember it. "Very cool, are those the shoes that Japanese people wear with kimonos?" Clare pictured Dakota trying to walk around in block like shoes that were probably higher and harder to walk in than heels. She laughed. "The festival sounds fun though and at least you found some shoes you like. I don't really know anything about Japanese culture, just what little I've seen on T.V, so this is all fascinating to me." Clare admitted. "They have a wide variety of food then. I've had Chinese takeout but I don't know how similiar the two are besides the noodles and soy sauce. Everything sounds delicious. I probably couldn't live without bacon though. Do they have pizza in Japan?" She asked, wondering what else Emi had never tried that seemed commonplace to her. "Okay I won't." Clare chuckled. "I was only kidding." She reassured Dakota. "I've never seen anyone do that in real life before that's all. Oh, yeah it's great you found a creative outlet. My mom signed me up for a lot of lessons but never martial arts or anything. The only athletic activities I enjoy are badminton and swimming." She nodded. Graduation was years away. Hopefully Emi's mom would be back by then but there was no way for Dakota to know. "There's plenty of time to decide. I only know I want to go to college. Maybe for writing." Clare frowned. "She'll probably check in eventually. If nothing else, on Emi's birthday or at Christmas. Yeah if she was younger and couldn't tell you what she needed, you'd be in way over your head." The bell rang and Clare slowly stood up and gathered her stuff. "I'll see you and Emi fifth period." She told Dakota. "Well if I don't, I'll know you had to take her home but I'm sure she will be fine." Clare smiled at him reassuringly.
Kota: looked at Clare when she muttered something, but couldn't quite make out what she was muttering. "You don't really have to be there. I mean we have a guestroom if you want to stay in there." he offered and laughed a bit when Clare mentioned his Dom and Ash being like the Weasleys from Harry Potter. "Yea, they're identical just like me and Dallas. That's how there are six of us. Two sets of twins. The only ones that weren't twins are my older sister and my brother Bren. Bren is 13, and Ash and Dom are 14." he said honestly. "Dallas and I were the first surprise twins since my mom thought we were all going to be girls since my aunt has all boys and since her first pregnancy she has Raquel we were all expected to be girls so we all have the names she picked out for us aside from Dom and Bren. Luckily we were given gender neutral names." he laughed a bit. "I'm the only one that goes to Degrassi. Dallas goes to a boarding school for now. We're betting that he wants out next year, Ash and Bren go to a middle school together while Dom chose to go off to a different one. Dom and Ash aren't allowed to go to the same school, nor are Dallas and I. During elementary school we all had to go to the same one. Dallas and I often got mistaken for the other and it was the same with Ash and Dom. Dallas and I were forced to go to separate high schools though. I get better grades than Dallas without studying because I like to read the books and work ahead and we were often in separate classes, when he had a science test and was afraid he'd fail it we'd go to the bathroom and change clothes in the middle of class. I'd take his science test while he'd go to art for me since we had two electives. We didn't get caught until eighth grade. Mom came to drop something off for Dallas and in turn I had to go to the office. It almost went off smoothly had it been for Dallas' girlfriend. She was the only one who could tell the difference between us which was why he agreed to date her. They're still dating." he explained. "Our mom still gets us confused if we dress the same." he chuckled a bit. "I am lucky that Emi was taught both languages." he agreed and chuckled a bit as he nodded. "Yes, they're the shoes." he confirmed and thought for a moment. "Yes there's pizza in Japan, but to Emi it's a delicacy. Pizza there costs a little over one thousand yen, 10.50 for a medium pizza and at least 21.00 for a large pizza. Her dad got paid 888 yen per hour he worked and after taxes were taken out that pay period most of the money he got went to bills, gas, food, and new clothes so there wasn't much left over for them to save for things like pizza that they really didn't need so it was put into savings. That savings helped with their apartment here." he explained. "I like swimming, but I've never really played badminton." he smiled at her and shrugged when she mentioned Emi's mom. "Who knows. I mean she left, had a kid, came back, and abandoned said kid so no one really knows what's going on in her mind." he said honestly. "I still have yet to decide, but we still have a year left." he sighed and thought for a moment. "That would be exactly one year from now. Emi's mom left her on her birthday. Her exact words were she was going to get her a birthday cake and some balloons, Emi didn't see her since. I'm going to make her a birthday cake if she's here that way she won't have to worry about me leaving and never coming back." he said honestly. When the bell rang, he put his books away, put his book bag on his shoulder and smiled at Clare. "Yea, see you at fifth." he smirked and picked up Emi keeping her wrapped up in the blankets.
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