#I'm also a fucking pedant and this aint that yannow? but if anyone needs it I'll add it no problem
transgender-chiroptera ยท 5 months
https://www.instagram.com/p/C60I-DmO1IT/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== here's a little lady who's gonna have pups soon =]
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(images from the linked post)
I had no idea Ginger Rogers was pregnant!! With TWINS no less!!! She's so fucking round... I bet it'll be nice to have em out. Also check out those little pup skeletons in the X-ray!!!! So cool!! Their skulls are so TINY....
Bats tend to only have one pup, but Eastern Reds can have up to FIVE (although that is fairly uncommon) so twins aren't super unprecedented for her! They also have four nipples which is cool, I didn't know that until I looked up their litter sizes. These two will be able to suckle to their heart's content without bother :)
Here's hoping for everything to go well for her, I'm looking forwards to seeing the babies :3 Thank you for this VERY important Chopper update, anon!!! I haven't restocked the queue recently so I've been woefully behind on the PA bat rescue news...
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