#I'm ashamed to admit I've yet to finish this game
secretsimpleness · 2 years
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As always, I’ve got my priorities straight. Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire (c) Obsidian Entertainment
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mayfast · 5 months
Chapter 3 WIP (Unbetaed)
Crumbs for the the TigerSeal and SeaMonkey fans. So if you've been wondering where I've been, I got diagnosed with epilepsy. So I got put on some meds that make me hella tired. Like all the time. I would sleep 15 hours a day if you let me. So it's been a struggle to get this next chapter up and rolling. But I'm close to finishing it. Afterwards I'll send it to my Beta (I feel so cool saying that), then I'll get it all posted on AO3, God bless that site.
“Jake Sully,” Somehow, he’s been expecting this all night. But he still wishes he could have another day to mentally prepare himself. He throws a casual look over his shoulder to spot Ao’nung behind him, glancing at him almost shyly.
            “Yes?” He sighs. He doesn’t want to give him the wrong impression, he’s started liking Ao’nung more. After he got over the Metkayina calling his daughter a freak, picking a fight with his kids, and almost killing Lo’ak. But hey, everyone makes mistakes, right?
            “I want to court Spider.” He’s blunt and staring Jake in the eyes. Almost like it’s a challenge, like he’s ready to fight. Jake can almost appreciate the little spitfire, but after the tongue lashing from Norm and Max earlier…he’s caught between a rock and a hard place.
            “Yeah?” He acknowledged with some gravel in his voice.
            “…Yes.” The other held some confusion in his eyes. His blue eyes wandering over Jake’s slumped form, trying to get a read on him. “I don’t know what I’m doing though.” This draws a snort out of him. Took a big man to admit when he’s lost. Maybe Ao’nung is maturing.
            “How so?” He raised an eyebrow and patted the ground beside. He had decided to take a little detour back to the center beach, where the adults are still celebrating, after laying Tuk down for bed. He was going to send Spider, Kiri and Lo’ak to sleep when he got back, but he wanted to give them a little more time with their friends. Now the current bane of his existent came and found him.
The younger man sat down on the beach as Jake observed the sky. “I… I don’t … There’s a lot.” Ao’nung breathed after a moment. His shoulders slumping, mirroring Jake’s posture.
“Well, find your first question.” He laughed, turning to watch Ao’nung roll his eyes, tail twitching as he digs his fingers through the sand.
“Is Spider old enough to be courted?” He questions after a moment. His gaze fixated on the sand below him and his ears are pinned back, distraught. Jake can almost feel pain. Dating someone younger than you can be a risky game, especially when they’re a different species with different aging practices.
“Dating.” Jake corrects him and looks up at the sky again. Finding the star that supposedly his first home orbits around. “We call it dating. And yes, he’s old enough to go on dates with you.” Norm’s going to tear him a new one. Max will stitch him up just to tear him a second one.
“It’s where you do courting practices, but you don’t mate even if you think your ready, at least not yet, he’s not old enough for sex, okay?” It feels dirty coming out of his mouth, like ash and acid. Yet, he needs to set some boundaries, some lines in the sand. He’s the only one here who understands how human teens work, kind of.
“Okay.” Ao’nung nods, good, he sounds accepting.  “How do I court the human way?”
“Why do you want to do it the human way?” Jake finds himself suspicious. Not that anything Ao’nung says doesn’t make sense, but why is he going so left field for someone’s who’s so different from him. Jake had to learn the Na’vi way, because he was on Eywa’eveng. Ao’nung doesn’t need to go out of his way to learn another culture.
“He’s ashamed to be human.” Ao’nung tells him after a moment of internal debate. He’s confident in his answer, sounds like he and Spider have already had a conversation. “I don’t want Spider to be ashamed of what he is, or who he is. So, I want to prove to him that I accept all of him. Even the parts he doesn’t like so much.”
            He’s not exactly sure how to feel about this. It’s a lot for his jar head to take in. Ao’nung trying to do this the right way. And shouldn’t Jake want the best for Spider? Someone who wants to make him happy and feel like he belongs? Still, shouldn’t that have been him? What if Spider end up with Daddy issues and acts out later in life? He could get self-destructive, well more self-destructive, or codependent on Ao’nung.
            “Humans are different from Na’vi, Ao’nung, you know this. From how they look, to how they show affection.” He grabs Ao’nung by the shoulder, needing the other to look him in the eye. “They can’t form a tsaheylu, ever. Are you okay that?” Because he doesn’t want Ao’nung to regret his decision ten years down the line and start resenting his baby. It would be unfair to both of them.
            “With him, I don’t need one.” Ao’nung clasps a hand over his forearm. The grip just as tight as his hand on the Metkayina’s shoulder. “I want him the way he is.”
            It soothes a part of his soul. Jake’s gone through most of his life without a bond. But after experiencing it, he’s not sure he could go back. It was like an addiction. The peace of mind his mate gave him. A safe space that only he and she were allowed to curl up into. Ao’nung would never have that.
            “If you’re serious about this, I need to warn you that humans don’t mature until twenty-five. That means he’s still changing a bit, figuring out who he is.” Jake retracts his hand and throws it over his bend knee. “I wouldn’t change being with Neytiri for anything, but I was twenty-two when she and I bonded. I was still figuring out my place in the world, but she helped me through it. Spider may not be the same person he is now.”
            He notices the way Ao’nung closes his eyes and smiles. “Then he is like the sea. It’s never same.”
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daydreamgoddess14 · 1 year
Landslide pt. 3
Songs used in Chapter 3:
Taylor Swift - … Ready For It?
Warning: C-bomb is dropped 😅
Chapter 3
You watched that gif numerous times, and you're not ashamed to admit it. In fact, you even told Jason as much, which he'd thought was hilarious. You were now caught up in watching footage from the cast appearance at the White House. The actual White House with the actual President and First Lady. You couldn't fathom how that must feel. Fame had a weird scale with Tik Tok stars and Reality TV personalities often ranked much higher than those with real-life influence and talent. In a way, you felt that you owed those seemingly Z list stars a debt of gratitude - they sought out fame and photographers in a way that you definitely didn't. As long as they were happy to fill tabloid pages with pictures of their dogs or vacation homes, you could fly under the radar and largely away from scrutiny. You'd reached the point where your fame could be on your own terms. While you knew Jason and his castmates knew they had to be everywhere and everything for at least the next couple of months, they also knew that they could pretty much disappear again afterwards. 
It was another couple of days before you got to see Jason again, the craziness of his schedule was a stark contrast to your own for once. It meant you were able to concentrate on the song. You'd finally caved in on sending him a snapshot of what you had so far. A single, very short voice note you'd recorded in the kitchen while you waited for your coffee to brew. You were a little stuck on the first couple of lines, but Tom was working on something. You knew what you had planned for the chorus but you wanted it to be a surprise, so all Jason was getting at the moment was a handful of lines out of place, out of context and with no backing track. You'd also had a flurry of inspiration for your next album so you were certainly keeping busy. You sat at the piano working on a new earworm which hadn't left you alone since the basketball game. Jason was on his way over, he'd offered to bring lunch.
In the middle of the night, in my dreams
You should see the things we do, baby
In the middle of the night, in my dreams
I know I'm gonna be with you
So I'll take my time
Are you ready for it?
"When'd you write that one? I haven't heard it before." You spin around on the seat to find Jason putting a large bag on your kitchen counter. 
"How did you get in?"
"Your housekeeper let me in on her way out." You visibly relax. "Security issues?"
"There have been. Only while I've not been here."
"I'm sorry, I should have called through."
"No, it's fine, I knew you were coming. So how was the White House?"
"It was good, we had fun. How have you been?" 
"I'm OK, it's been a quiet few days actually. I've done plenty of writing, nearly ready to show you what I've got so far." He comes to sit on the bench next to you. You're not sure if he'd go straight for a kiss, but he seems content to just sit next to you. You'd stopped playing in order to talk to him, but continued once he was settled in the seat. You played the same few lines a few times at different speeds and with varying emphasis on different sections. "Do you have your phone? Or could you grab mine and just record this a sec please before I forget it?" He slides his out of his pocket but rather than a voice note or audio recording, he begins videoing you. You roll your eyes, "Really smooth."
"Hey you asked."
"For audio."
"Ahh well then you weren't specific enough. Again. C'mon, let's go." He motions for you to get back to playing, so you do. Once you finish the bit you need, he stops recording and pockets the phone again. 
"You'd better send me that. I don't want to see that as your first tweet."
"I'll send it to you, but otherwise that's just for me. So when did you write it?"
"I haven't yet. I've started, but only just-" your stomach decides to interrupt with a rumble, "and now I'm starving."
"Good job I came with food then."
"Sure is, or this would be yet another non-date."
"Dates don't have to involve food."
"They usually do. They should."
"They should." He agreed, getting out plates from the drawer you pointed out, while you got sodas from the fridge.
"So how's the reception been for the show?"
"So far so good."
"It's torture waiting for it weekly. You couldn't do a Netflix and drop it in one go?"
"That would require it actually being finished, which it is far from. You're enjoying it?"
"Absolutely. The last one, with the ex and the therapist? I had no idea soft, drunk Ted could look so cute." 
"Ohh, is this a me crush or a Ted crush?" He gestured between you both. 
"Well you see, you emailed me? And I basically jumped on a plane just so I could meet you. So…" You trailed off with an embarrassed shrug. He's sat up on one of the barstools while you're still pottering around. He reaches out and wraps his hand around your wrist, pulling you closer. 
"If you're wanting super honesty like that, then I should probably tell you that I refreshed my email every couple hours for nearly a week waiting for your reply. And I was trying to play it very cool when I wrote back, but if you'd said no, I would have gone to New York to change your mind." 
"Ohh, so this is a you crush and a me crush?" You lightly tease, mimicking his phrasing and the gesture between you both. With no distance between you now, your jab his chest gently.
"Looks like it, I mean, at least I'm not alone."
"That would be pretty awkward." You step closer between his knees, taking away the remaining space.
"No pressure but it would also be a little awkward if you didn't kiss me now? Just, y'know, so you know."
"Thanks for the warning. Hey, why is it on me to kiss you? Shouldn't you kiss me?"
"Nope, I want this to be up to you." You stop to look at him, really look at him, and those eyes once again are crying out for you to trust him. There doesn't seem to be anything false or untoward about him in any of the meetings or conversations you've had with him. The sincerity is utterly new to you. Previously, conversations like this would have been laced with underhanded, derogatory and calculating comments which left you treading on eggshells. To be actually enjoying the back and forth, the carefree teasing, was refreshing. As if he could see the past re-living itself in your mind through your hesitation, he squeezed your hand. "We should eat. You were hungry?" Another thing you'd previously have been berated for. You nod, shaking the old thoughts away and reaching for some food. 
As unplanned first dates went, you had a great time. You'd watched a movie after lunch and then proceeded to talk each other's ear off for most of the afternoon. Given the mark your last relationship had left on you, you'd wanted to continue the honesty policy and by the time you'd opened a bottle of wine late afternoon, Jason had pretty much an overview of the important things there was to know. Aside from a couple of the harder topics and the finer details of everything, he'd taken everything in and was still angling to stick around for dinner. 
“I must say, I’m amazed you haven’t been scared off.”
“I’m not easily scared. I’ve had my fair share of bad press the last year or so.”
“Difference is, you actually stayed quiet. I don’t see why I should sit around and let these rumours ruin my reputation.”
“I stayed quiet because I don’t want the kids to read it all when they grow up. I want them to judge me by my actions, not whether or not I defended myself in the press.”
“That’s fair.”
“Anyway, you haven’t said anything specifically. Nothing outright anyway, it’s not like you're going on camera doing an interview. And no one would blame you if you did.”
“Tell that to the tour promoter, the record label, everyone else who has a financial interest in me. Next time they come around, I’ll let you speak to them for me.” Noise at the front door stopped your conversation. “Hello?” You call out. 
“Hey, just me!” 
“Jason, this is Lily, my assistant. Lil, this is Jason.” Your tiny, barely out of college assistant looked dumbstruck first at Jason, then at you.
“Dude, you haven’t had anyone visit here for months! Proud of you babe!” While she’s right, it’s also a bit embarrassing.
“... Thanks for that. All ok?”
“Do you want the good news or the bad?”
“Sure? I kinda want to tell you the bad so that I can pump you back up again with the good?” 
“Why, how bad is the bad?” You frown, all bad news has been bad lately. You’re not sure why you’d even hope for not-so-bad anymore. She hands you her phone with a youtube video loaded. You hit play and your ex’s voice fills the room, making you grimace.
Oh man, she was just so high maintenance you know? And so rude to everyone, all the time! Like her assistant was so scared of her, it was ridiculous the way she treated people. And the shit she said about her fans? Not cool, those kids like fawn over her and she couldn’t give a crap about them at all. Everything she does is for show. She was totally cold and clinical about everything - if you know what I mean. Hated being touched or hugged, she was just completely closed off emotionally and it made her so manipulative.
Your reaction is not that of an emotionally closed off person. Tears streamed down your face as soon as he started speaking, the phone in your hands shook so much you thought you might drop it. Lily, having seen this reaction before, took it carefully from you and wrapped herself around you. You weren’t particularly tall but she was barely 5’3”. You fold yourself in towards her, your whole body trembling.
“Shhh, I know. It’s not true. None of it is true. It’s ok. It’s gonna be ok.” She rubbed your back and looked around you to Jason. “Would not blame you if you wanted to bail. She’ll understand, I can tell her to call you later?” Jason shook his head. 
"As long as she wants me to, I'll stick around. If I head out now, it just reinforces this belief that he's right." Lily nods. Your heart rate is starting to settle and the main feeling you're left with is embarrassment that you still feel so emotionally ravaged by your ex. You perch on the barstool next to Jason feeling drained.
"I'm sorry-" you start to mumble but he cuts you off. 
"You've got nothing to be sorry for. Nothing."
"Why don't I get us some dinner? I'll give you guys some space. I'll collect Italian from that restaurant you like. You want carbonara? Jason?"
"That sounds great Lily, thanks. Here, take my card. Get dessert too."
"Yes! They do an amazing tiramisu. You won't regret it. Thanks!" She's gone before you can really shake yourself out of your stupor.
"What can I do?" He asks quietly. 
"Know any hitmen?" Your voice muffled by your hands. 
"I wish. None of this is your fault, you know?" You nod, you do know. 6 months of therapy has been painful but revealing.
"I just wish I didn't let it get to me so much. No matter what I say, or do, or how I'm perceived in the future, he'll never stop rolling out these lies over and over, and each time I have to pull myself together, keep quiet and not stand up for myself and all I want to do is-" You growl, pacing. Distress and upset turning to anger. A rage you feel deep within your chest. "God he makes me so fucking angry all the time!" Your fists are balled at your sides, boxercise will be productive in the morning. Jason sits back on the barstool, letting you rant. Eventually you run out of steam and go back to the wine you'd long abandoned. 
"Feel better?" He asks. You sigh, rolling your shoulders. 
"Yeah, I actually do. Thank you. I don't get to just let it all out without interruption. Lily's been amazing, but she's all solutions, all the time. I feel like half my problems would really be solved if someone asked "do you want to run your mouth or do you want solutions" before I got going." 
"I'll bear that in mind. And thank you, I learnt some very colourful language there, and I thought I was like a pro at cursing." You laugh, at last - it felt like it had been hours since you'd raised a smile. In fact, Jason being around had pulled you out of your slump a lot quicker than usual. When Lily returned, she expected you to still be feeling the effects of seeing the video, but you were chatting happily with Jason, the only lingering sign were your eyes still red from crying. 
"Hey! You look good, feeling OK?"
"Yeah I said the word cunt a lot and it really helped."
"I mean, that's absolutely the right word. I'm glad you're doing better, you'll be ready for your good news now?" She started getting plates and cutlery for them all while Jason picked out an additional wine glass for her. 
"Yess, I want good news please!"
"The lineup for Glastonbury has been finalised." You suddenly felt super nervous. You'd cleared your diary in anticipation, had your staging team brainstorming ideas and you had the basis of a set list planned, but nothing had been confirmed or announced. 
"How does the Pyramid stage at 7.30pm for 90 minutes sound on Saturday night? You're the build up for Guns n Roses." Your jaw drops. 
"Rumour is it's the Foo Fighters on before you."
"Are you fucking for real? Lily! Oh my god!" She comes round to hug you, both of you jumping around squealing with joy. This was the dream. All the albums and tours in the world couldn't prepare you for this, it had been an achievement which, to you, would lead to the next step up. Jason got caught up in your infectious happiness and enveloped you into a big hug. His proximity was intoxicating, your hands felt small on his broad shoulders and you giggled breathlessly as he circled your waist and spun you around. You popped a small chaste kiss to his lips, the lingering look in your eye a promise for later. Lily passed you your glass, 
"A toast! To fucking Glastonbury!"
"Fucking Glastonbury!" You all talked incessantly throughout dinner, Jason wanted to know which songs you'd already decided on, Lily couldn't wait to call your styling team and you could finally let the staging guys go wild. The news had broken in the media so Twitter was steadily replacing the video of your ex with videos of your previous festival appearances.
"I think I want to confront this before the summer. I don't want it to linger over me." You admit. "I need to get the record company on board, but I think it's time to publicly and properly deny his bullshit and speak out about what he did." Lily raised her eyebrows. 
"You're sure you're ready for that?"
"No. But I've got all the evidence. Audio and video files, pictures. I don't want the world to see them, but I've got them and if I need to prove that he's a dickhead, then I'll do it."
"Maybe worth getting in touch with the other exes. If there's enough between you, hopefully we could get away with just an image or two. I don't want you to have to release the video." Lily suggested. 
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but can I ask what the video is of?" Jason asked topping up the wine. 
"I went to hide in a bathroom. I was trying to record audio of his shouting and screaming at me but I ended up getting a bloody Blair Witch video of me. You can still hear him, we could release the audio only."
"Babe, I've seen it. If you want to expose him for everything he is, that's what you should release, but I don't want you to have that video out there for everyone in the world to watch."
"Having the video out there" Jason countered, "makes it less about his actions and more about the impact of them." You nod in agreement, 
"Exactly-" pointing a fork full of tiramisu, "I need to show what a prick he is, not that I'm a victim - that much is obvious. He will always be a prick, he'll never change. I might always be a victim but at least I'll recover, at least I can move on from what he did to me. I care about the lies he's told about me, but ultimately people will believe what they want. This is about them seeing him for what he really is." It felt so good to have someone in your corner, who understood that this wasn't about you specifically. Lily pondered, wise beyond her years. 
"OK, I hear you. I'll make calls in the morning and get you in with the team to make a plan."
"Better get the therapist on standby as well." You half joke. 
"For sure. I'll come over in the morning and make some plans. When are you booked to record the song for Tom and Jason?" Jason eyes you curiously, Tom had also been a bit cagey so he wondered what you'd say. 
"It's going to be recorded in London in April."
"I'm in London in April. I wanna be there." He said, half firmly, half pleading.
"I'm sure that can be arranged. You are the boss after all." You tease. "I'm recording other stuff too, but you're more than welcome."
"I'll make sure I'm available. You must be nearly done then?"
"We're not far off. I've got a session with Tom tomorrow afternoon, I think by then we'll have it nailed."
"Good, I can't wait to hear it. And the other stuff too."
"I don't think I've ever written so many songs so quickly. It feels like all I've done since I arrived here is write. I've got a good 3 songs done, plus the one I started when you got here."
"Sounds like inspiration has struck." Lily rolled her eyes as she gathered her things. "I'm going now that I've been the bearer of both bad and good news. See you tomorrow." She gave you both a wave. Two minutes later, you had a message. 
Press outside, warn Jason.
"Ahh shit," You hold up your phone to show him. "Looks like we need to sneak you out… unless-, no. Nope. Nevermind."
"No, nope, Nevermind? Wow, that is a lot of rejection in one sentence. I'm almost as impressed as I was with your creative use of the C bomb."
"Oh god, no, I didn't mean -"
"I know, I'm kidding, I promise, I'm kidding."
"God, as if I'd ever be that stupid."
"Nah, see, now you're kidding. Gorgeous Glastonbury headliner who's about to go Beyonce huge? I'm pretty sure that rejection would be an honour." You step into his personal space just close enough for you to both mull over what to do next. 
"So we're crystal clear, I'm not rejecting you. Flew out here especially to meet you, remember?" You tilt your head with a smile. 
"I recall. Bold move."
"I've got a few of those lined up."
"I look forward to seeing them all play out." He reached out to tuck some stray hair behind your ear. 
"You get a front row seat."
"That so?"
"Yours if you want it. You might be a bit of a sitting duck though." He brushed off the warning with a pfft.
"Ohh I'll survive. I've got to - did you know I'm going to Glastonbury this year?" You laughed.
"I think it's sold out?"
"I know someone."
"You do?" You feigned ignorance.
"Beautiful, amazing singer, pretty funny, about to stage one hell of a takedown…" You cut him off with a kiss, looping your arms around his neck and pressing your body flush with his. His hands splay across your back and down to your hips. You pull apart just long enough to take a breath, 
"By the way, that's twice I've kissed you now if you still need an indication of where I am with this."
"Noted." He smirked, leaning back into you.
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kaija-rayne-author · 1 year
Some thinkee thoughts about 'the scene' and Solas's Romance. Spoilers for DAI Dragon Age Inquisition.
Okay, so, I've finished the base game part of the Solavellan playthrough. I've read a fair bit of responses to it all by now. But there're a few things I haven't yet seen. It's possible I just haven't discovered them, but I found some very salient character/story things in Solas that I want to share.
Please no spoilers on Trespasser or the books. I haven't gotten to them yet. My Inquisitor is non-binary like me, but because of how I RP her, I still use she/her or they/them pronouns for them.
For context, my real life job is an editor, and I'm a multiply published author.
The Solavellan Romance is an absolutely stunning example of a star-crossed lovers relationship. It's incredibly obvious they love one another, but due to Solas's plans and beliefs, they can't be together.
In the line 'in another world' you can sense his longing to set down his burden and just love her.
I can clearly see that it's this world, and this enby he's falling more and more in love with. But she will disappear when he works his plan. He's already in too deep. He just doesn't understand that yet.
That is the chef's kiss of star-crossed lovers. The longing, the subtle desperation, the knowledge of your love, and the deeper knowledge that you can't have it. That the stars are crossing the path of the love and severing any possibility of continuance.
All of that is beautifully crafted into Solas as a character.
I have so much professional and heartaching praise for this perfectly executed star-crossed lovers set up. Patrick Weekes deserves all the props for that. Star-crossed isn't easy to write. I know because I often write it. I have a deep weakness for star-crossed lovers, so I read it a lot too. This one was perfect.
I have to admit I don't understand all the fan reactions hating on Solas or acting as if he doesn't actually love the Inquisitor.
I mean, love or hate him, I don't personally care what people feel about him because it's a very personal thing. I just know how he makes me feel (and thus, my inky too).
But why are people questioning whether he cares about, loves, the Inquisitor? It's written all over him! Every gesture, every facial expression. Every tiny hitch in his breath.
I don't think I've seen his fear mentioned anywhere. Again, I just may have not run across it yet, but for such an integral part of that break up scene, you'd think people would be talking about it. He's running scared, utterly terrified. He's not leaving her for anything else.
Think about it. He's (likely) immortal, or at the very least nigh-immortal. Some estimates of his age are in the 5000 year bracket. From his perspective, he wakes up from a really long nap to find out the world he loved; the world in which he rebelled against the powers that were (who were possibly even his family) to save his people, only to find it has turned into something so unrecognizable that he feels honour bound to rectify his mistake. Honour is a heavy and incredibly important thing to Solas. You can see that in his reaction to Blackwall's revelation.
Solas is ashamed, grieving, planning to fix it but not sure he can. Alone, because he can't count on anyone else. (And his greatest fear is dying alone!) OF COURSE he's scared of falling in love. NOW IS NOT THE TIME must be ringing through him.
Hell, many many people are afraid of falling in love and they don't have a spot on the Dread Wolf's baggage.
Lavellan makes him feel. For a mortal. She draws his fascination away from the fade. Something he's said straight up is something that's never happened and he didn't think was possible. She jeopardizes his plans, yes. But if you've never experienced that kind of love, one thing I will say about it is this... if you fall deeply enough, there is very little that's unthinkable in reaching a place where you can have that love. That's the crux of his motivation in that scene.
That's what made him suddenly break it off. You can see it in the moment he pulls back from the kiss. He's blissed out when he's kissing her. The curve of his eyebrow and the way he has his eyes closed show that clearly. But then it hits him... he can't do this. His eyes widen just a fraction and you can see the moment he realizes he will absolutely lose himself to Lavellan. He would go down the path he's likely seen hundreds of thousands of times, falling in love. So deeply in love that he’d give up everything else for the path that would see him accept the world as it is, something he finds anathema, so he can stay in her arms, keep her, keep her freely offered love. His honour could never allow that.
Our wolfy boy is so terrified he turned tail and skeddadled with said tail tucked between his legs like the wolf he is.
I don't think I've seen even a peep about his fear. The reason he would tell everyone (and himself) for breaking things off with inky is that if his plans succeed, she won't exist anymore. There's foreshadowing on this in his personal quest with the spirit.
He believes so strongly that he needs to fix what he broke that he is cutting his heart out and leaving it on a silver platter because his people need him more than he needs his heart. That's his bedrock belief. And he can't let anything get in the way of that.
He's telling himself he has to let her go because of his plans, but that's just his excuse. Apparently, even immortal elven gods lie to themselves about love.
When he breaks it off with Lavellan, it feels like a shock because it's a shock to him as well. He took her to the waterfall to tell her the truth about himself.
His voice hitches just a little before he switches paths to tell her about the Vellaslin. I'd bet he was going to tell her who he is. But at the ultimate moment, he chickens out.
Wish I could draw better, I've got a hilarious image in my head of Solas as wolf covered in chicken feathers running full tilt away from Lavellan. Who has a silvery leash from her heart to his throat. The guy is lost already, he just doesn't know it.
He surprised them both. The depth of his feelings for her scare the shit out of him. He suddenly knows that he would give up everything for this love. He panics, and he's running scared from committing to the enby he loves.
There's an interesting bit of coincidence in that theme, and it's been used in Dragon Age before. Soilers for DAO
If you ever managed to piss off Alistair in DAO on the kingship path, (I managed it without trying hard 😅) he breaks up with you for much the same reason. His dialogue there includes 'I could get lost in you'. And that is what has sent our wolf running for the hills.
Solas has so very obviously never been in love before. He's hinted at that several times in his dialogue. TBH, I get 'virgin in the real world' vibes from Solas.
He may have had relationships with spirits, he may have done as Blackwall hinted and 'gotten frisky with a spirit in the fade'. But Lavellan is the first time (and Dreadwolf may very well prove me wrong) that Solas feels actual romantic love on the mortal plane. And for a mortal nonetheless! At the WORST possible time.
Another thing I don't see people talking about much, if at all, is how heavily neurodivergent coded Solas is.
I mean, nerdy research expert type dude who has eons of knowledge. (Walking encyclopedia thing, anyone?)
Esoteric artist using ancient methods?
Extreme reaction to an innocuous beverage like tea? (Taste/texture sensitivities anyone?)
Always on the edge of things?
Knows far more than he says?
Always observing, always learning.
He even stims in the cut scenes several times. He's heavily coded as either autistic or ADHD or both.
I've seen complaints that Solas isn't very emotive. But to me, he's screaming emotion with every gesture, every breath. Especially in the dawnlit and waterfall scenes.
I'm not even sure what to call it, animation? Modelling? What kind of name can you give moving artwork like a modern video game? Anyway, whoever took the writing part and made the visuals for Solas, I think, understood neurodivergency and enacted it perfectly.
His emotional tells are there. But, like the character himself, they're subtle.
Given how many complaints I've seen about that topic, I have to then wonder if I can see it better because I'm neurodivergent and my family is too. I'm used to reading neurodivergent people.
That's... that's not me being arrogant. Neurotypical people cannot read autistic and ADHD people very well, if at all. Our body language and facial expressions are so subtle or different that we're often accused of being angry when we're having a good time or are just deep in thought. Heard the term 'resting bitch face'? Yup. That's a common (soooo common) marker for an autistic or ADHD or autistic/ADHD person.
He's heavily neurodivergent coded, maybe that's why I don't have any trouble reading him? Are people just not picking up on all the details I do? (There's no judgement or fault in this. It's just fact. A lot of autistic and ADHD folks can't read NTs either. I can, but it’s something I learned to do vs anything innate. We're wired so differently and speak completely different non-verbal languages.)
During the waterfall scene, before the final part, he's got so much love and awe on his face and in his body language that it's so so obvious he loves Lavellan. I just can't grok the questions of does he or doesn't he. If he didn't, he'd have acted much differently.
It's just as obvious by the end of the scene that he's convinced himself he can't have her. That they can't have each other.
I've absolutely joined the Solavellan hell carousel 😆. I desperately hope Dreadwolf offers some sort of positive closure for Lavellan and Solas. I hope bioware believes in happy endings.
Aaaand my opinion is subject to change after I play Trespasser. I don't know very much of what happens in that, so I may have to eat these words.
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bhaalsdeepbat · 8 months
Astarion's Big Day
I've been doing a multiplayer campaign with @justabiteofspite and I just. need to detail what happened across two in-game days of Astarion being the party face and fucking it all up.
So, to start it out, he NAILED his shit on the Nautiloid. He picked up Us, Spite's Tav, Catha, was able to get the flame sword (nice), and everyone escaped alive and with all the explosives I asked that we grab on the way.
Everything goes great until they hit the grove. When I say that we did NOTHING in the grove before I got us locked out. We entered, Astarion got a free ring from Mattis to remember his sin, then went to pay Kagha a visit. this is where everything immediately went sideways.
We're level 2 right? We're weak. Pathetic. We should not be doing anything but saying "Yes ma'am, no ma'am," but this is Astarion. He suddenly has freedom and he doesn't remember what consequences can be like not under Caz and unfortunately here, they're still pretty deadly.
So, Arabella didn't make it because Astarion tried to stay out of the Druid business, and that made him so mad. He tried to take the body to her parents and it caused the druids to turn. So, we killed Kagha, ran out and found the Druids just massacring the tieflings.
again, we are level 2.
Astarion tries to loot what he can and accidentally triggers the bears to see him, Lae'zel, and Catha. He sneaks the fuck off, the bears kill Catha AND Lae'zel, we do NOT have Withers yet and the game won't let me long rest without Catha being alive. So he has to sneak back into the grove, gets Catha, but leaves Lae'zel's dead body there, which meant the grove didn't close.
So they go back to revive Lae'zel, LEAVE HER THERE, make a beeline for the Goblin camp, and Astarion leads Minthara to the Druids. He steals the idol of Sylvanus, everyone gets to quickly rest so Minthara can come finish these assholes off, she does, and she wants to fuck Astarion real bad.
Catha did get a vision from selune that if Astarion didn't steal the idol of Silvanus before going to sleep, Minthara and ALL of the goblins would attack him and Lae'zel, then Catha and Shadowheart would enter initiative at a significant delay that caused this omniscient, omnipresent authority figure laugh forever before having to F8 because again...we were level 2 lol
Meanwhile, Catha and Shadowheart are making eyes at one another and Astarion is there egging on all of the Cleric of Seluna x Cleric of Shar drama. Like these two are what he watches when he's ready to wind down at night. They are his Days of Our Lives, and he sometimes will whisper shit in Catha's ear when he wants to see them go through a different storyline. She's real dumb, he will grow to love her, but he will fuck with her and give her ideas of shit to say.
Anyways we go to the goblin party and Astarion just gets BACK TO BACK sick burns. He had to gaslight Gale into staying, and the convo they had HOLY FUCK. I was speechless. Astarion was just standing there kicking rocks a little ashamed (not that he'd admit it, he was actually really angry) because that was scathing.
then he goes to talk to lae'zel who was FROTHING for him, then ends it with, "but I'M NOT GONNA FUCK YOU BC YOU IGNORED ME TOO MANY TIMES" like baby i'm so so sorry Astarion literally had her in the party instead of Gale TO talk to Zorru, but the shit with the Druids turning happened before I spoke to him and note to self do that shit first lmao
Astarion has to go spend the night with Minthy bc he needs ONE of these strong bitches to protect him, but her sex scene is. in the context of astarion's trauma, it was fucking triggering for him and so he wakes up day 3 angry, traumatized, and ready to just fucking go.
he did NOT like woodstock this year. too many bears. (i named the save file woodstock after the bear attack bc we had to pause there lmao)
they finally hit level 3 and it wasn't even by killing anyone. Idr what it was, but it was either discovering a place or just from a quest update lmao
So, level 3 made Astarion feel BALLER enough he started looking for a meal. Karlach wasn't edible, but she attacked first so they had to take her out. Astarion then led them to the Paladins of Tyr and just decided to start wiping them out. No convo. Only murder. He's feeling insecure and too vulnerable after his night with Minthy.
I have no idea who this man will end up with atp because the plan was gale, but shit went sideways real quick and i'm just going to roll with it organically.
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startanewdream · 11 months
20 questions game
Thanks @jfleamont for the tag!!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 words count?
989,546 (next update will probably get me to 1MM!!!)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Nowadays, only HP.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Light beam (1010), Eyes glistening (with the ghost of my past) (731), A cup of tea (632), A bad word (590), One minute (524)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Whenever I can! I love getting and answering comments, but I'll admit sometimes I am not in the right mind so I postpone it, then I feel ashamed so I don't reply—it's a terrible fault, I know it. Sorry. I do appreciate any comment!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't think I write angst endings ops I'd say the fall but only because James lives and Sirius dies is sad no matter what.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All my fics are happy help Five Stages of Starflower because it's a Jily-get-together fic I guess?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've been told that my Lily in The song remains the same made people give up on Jily, so wow for me I guess.
9. Do you write smut. If so what kind?
Yes... The kind that doesn't make me want to crawl into bed with embarrassment, so, yk, a healthy dose of touches and soft descriptions, little dirty talk, lots of feelings, and no mention ever of the word penis.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Does AU count?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not really.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeees, and it was so nice!
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Not... yet, hopefully.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Look no other ship has ever made me go to bed crying at two in the morning like Buffy/Angel so I'm a Harry/Ginny girl through and through, though it's a close with with James/Lily.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Looking at you exit song (for film). Sorry.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I enjoy my characterization, that feeling of being inside the character's mind and grasping them; I like to think I write fanfic because I can make those characters not sound OOC. I write what I enjoy reading, so hopefully my descriptions and dialogue flow easily.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
English isn't my first language, so there's probably a lot of grammar issues. Not plotting the whole fic. Worrying too much about how my writing will be perceived rather than just enjoying the process.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Go for it?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter. Probably a version of OotP, which wasn't out when I first joined fandom.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
the thing about (il)licit affairs was my fave fic to write, Until Spring Comes Again was a joy for the plot; but my fave is probably bury it and rise above, that one has a piece of my soul.
Sorry if you were tagged already, but let me try @chdarling @velvethopewrites @displayheartcode @siriuslychessi @gryffindormischief
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atanx · 1 year
Just finished Yakuza 3 so here's some of my thoughts:
Richardson and Kiryu talking at each other in different languages was so funny to me. Like they don't understand each other yet stubbornly keep talking as if they did XD
RIKIYA DYING WAS SO UNNECESSARY FOR THE PLOT WHYY like Kiryu has GOT to get rid of his stupid habit of leaving defeated enemies to their devices around various lethal objects (especially guns). Because they always, ALWAYS get back up. I'm not saying he should kill them. But like secure them in SOME way. Start carrying around some rope or something. I'm not ashamed to admit that I cried.
Damn, Mine, babygirl, you are so beyond fucked up you need therapy BAD
Poor Daigo like imagine getting shot, being in a coma and you wake up on a rooftop in fucking december, toes freezing off, falling off of a hospital bed and immediately being greeted with the sight of several gun wielding assholes. You shoot them, still confused about what's going on (why tf is your father-figure of sorts there? Why is the dude u wished was ir boyfriend there? WHY ARE THEY SHIRTLESS AND BLOODY). Then ur crush starts spouting cryptic shit, the dude you shot somehow still has fight in him and to save you, your crush charges at him, getting shot multiple times and then tells you that he doesnt deserve to live before throwing himself off the roof. You've been awake for three minutes.
Also Haruka slapping Mine was EPIC. She should have kept going, kicked Mine in the shin, bitten his arm etc all feral foaming-at-the-mouth chihuahua mode
Also Mine feeling good about himself for having slapped a teen back. A grown ass adult. Like damn dude has issues
I'm stilk very upset about Rikiya. Like one moment I would run away from him in the Kamurocho streets and giggle with a warm feeling in my chest when he'd scream "ANIKII!!" and then the next he fell victim to this stupid gimmick of defeated opponents not being taken care of properly
I honestly feel like that gimmick is so overdone at this point
I think I did something wrong during the final boss battle because Mine was constantly going into this Jojo's bizarre adventure pose and regenerating health AND I had to do like the exact same QTE cutscene like four times even though I never failed it (besides the first time)
RIGHT I ALMOST FORGOT my steam screenshot folder is prob like 90% just various Majima facial expressions because I enjoyed them so much. Reminds me of that post going like "while older character models are kinda eh Majima's crowfeet in them slap!" and I really agree. I'm playing the games chronologically and when I got to YK2 something about Majima just looked extremely off but I couldn't put my finger on it. I think that's it tho they ironed him out and took away his wrinkles :(. Like obvs the model is still good it was just a weird change that I'm not sure why they implemented it. Anyway the Y3 Majima expressions are fucking precious especially the grins
Also pink truck scene probably best scene in the game it was so cute the way Majima was worried that he accidentally ran over Kiryu <3
I took way too long to finish this game because the old graphics are kind of jarring especially considering I played Judgement and Lost Judgement at the same time, but it was still a pretty good game. (another contributing factor was that for some reason the game doesn't allow me to do anything else on my PC besides access the taskbar while I'm playing it so taking short breaks is harder. The game literally does not allow for any apps to show up on screen) I'd really like a YK3 I think that would be epic especially to get an updated Rikiya model (I think there's an updated Mine model in Ishin? Idk anyway just more modern graphics would be really cool)
I can continue with Y4 now, which I'm really excited for because I've hears quite a bit of stuff about Akiyama and Saejima and this will be like the first proper contact with them and their storylines. I've actually started Y4 already and Akiyama has major cat energy to me
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evarius-111 · 1 year
I'm in love with all Pedro Pascal characters.
that's it. that's all this is.
I would like to take a few minutes to just write my thoughts, since I have nothing else to do.
If you decide to read all of this, you clearly have nothing else to do either, but thank you nonetheless.
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Joel Miller
My lord, do I even need to say anything? He is the perfect example of DILF. The way he treats the people he cares for (Sarah, Tommy, Ellie.. etc) with such care, fills my heart with such joy to watch. I swear I could watch an entire show dedicated to purely just sweet moments of our beloved Miller.
He has a grip on my soul, and I'm truly not complaining.
His hands. Oh my god, his HANDS. The amount of times I've had to rewind a scene in The Last Of Us because I was so caught up in just staring at his fingers is honestly embarrassing.
His shoulders are so broad and strong, and the scars that cover his skin are truly a sign of how much he's been through, how much he's survived and conquered. He has the strength I wish I had, the willpower to survive that would've left me the moment anything went wrong for me in an apocalypse like that.
He is smart, strong, large and very much a heartthrob in my mind.
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Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
First things first, his voice. Christ, his voice has an effect on me that I am very ashamed to admit to. (thank God you guys will never know my real name). His demeanour is confident, strong-willed and unbroken. Even when he was bleeding out on the ground, he still looked unbreakable.
The amount of times he was so close to death is frightening, and yet he came back, alive and well. (not exactly well, but you know what I mean.)
The first time his helmet was taken off, I genuinely squealed. I was next to a close friend of mine, and he looked very worried, thinking I had been bitten by a spider or something, until he realized it was just my reaction to the scene on the TV, and let out an audible sigh of annoyance.
All I can say, is that if I was in the Star Wars universe, and there was a bounty on my head, the only hunter I would let take me in, would be Him.
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Agent Whiskey
Ah, the one and only Jack Daniels.
I have a lot to say about him.
Forget the horse, Ride the cowboy indeed.
I have never liked arrogant, bold or conceited men.. but for him, I will make an exception. He may be one of my favourite characters portrayed by Pedro.
His outfits, his confidence, his voice.. all of it mixes perfectly to make Agent fucking Whiskey.
How that lady managed to reject him, is beyond me. If a man like him walked up to me, called me charming, and then proceeded to ask to buy me a drink.. I'd be weak at the knees within seconds. I would swipe right happily, and I'd be grinning like an idiotic fool all whilst doing it.
He could grip my neck the way he grips that lasso, if he so chose. And I would happily indulge in that as well.
The amount of money I would spend in order to hear that man whimper, is insane.
I physically couldn't speak when I was watching Kingsman 2, because all the words left me when he'd show up on screen. Lord knows I will not be going to heaven with all the thoughts that filled my mind.
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Oberyn Martell
(Game Of Thrones spoilers!)
The wonderful Prince of Dorne... what must I say?
He is absolutely gorgeous, with his golden robe, his perfectly sculpted features, his captivating eyes..
He definitely helped me through season 4 of Game Of Thrones, that's for sure.
He is for sure a calming sight for sore eyes..
Well, until his eyes were carved out, that is.
His first ever scene had a hold on my heart, that held on for dear life even after I finished watching the episode.
Lord am I envious of the brothel ladies (and gentlemen) that got to feel his hands on them. In fact, if I worked there, I would pay him to touch me.
His voice has been stuck in my head ever since I finished Game Of Thrones season 4. That heavy Dornish accent that is ever so beloved echoes in my mind like a mysterious melody.
Lord the things I would do to be able to hear that voice whisper filthy things into my ear.
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Javi Gutierrez
Here he is, the most 'ruthless man' on this planet.
The only ruthless thing about him is how fucking cute he is. He's literally a puppy! He gives off major golden retriever energy, which matches his gorgeous face perfectly. I would stare into those sweet, loving eyes for eternity if I could.
I hated every second of the scenes where they were accusing him of being a filthy criminal.
Honestly, how dare they accuse him of such activities! Just look at those eyes,
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Do you really think those eyes could ever cause harm?
The answer of course, is never.
I would sacrifice my life for him, and I would do it happily. I would do anything for him if it kept him safe. He's too pure and sweet to be harmed.
I just want to pat him on the head and squish his cute lil' cheeks until they are red.
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Frankie Morales
And last but never least, our sweet little pilot man.
I absolutely adored Triple Frontier for one reason, and one reason only. Our darling Francisco Morales.
He had no right to be able to steal our hearts with such little screen time. He deserved more time to embed himself into our brains, even if he did manage to do it either way.
The worry that always filled me when he was ever so kind, knowing most of the time, the sweet ones are the first to go. But luckily, the directors spared us the heart ache and thus spared his life.
I have so much envy for the woman he was married to.
She was truly very lucky to have such a gorgeous, loving, sweet man to help her raise their children.
Even if she most definitely deserves the support, that won't stop me from being jealous.
What am I supposed to say? It's Pedro Pascal... I'm bound to be envious.
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Thank you very much if you read all of this, it is very much appreciated.
With full sincerity,
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moveslikeanape · 9 months
ohh, that's too bad about your computer not being able to play dreamlight valley! i have heard that the game is supposed to have a mobile version, but i'm not sure if it's been released yet or not, so that could be something to look into. also, i can totally see that about tarzan wanting to dive right in and learn about everything around him. i'm sure that if jane were there with him she'd also be really excited to show him new things and help him with anything he didn't understand. oof, yeah, i didn't wanna be too harsh about wish in case you were still really looking forward to the movie, but i admit that my mixed feelings about it are more on the negative side. i like a couple of the songs, but they're riddled with strange and poorly written lyrics (for example, "i'm a star, watch out world here i are" or "i let you live here for free and i don't even charge rent") and some of them sound so generic that i just feel like i've already heard them before. after seeing the concept art and hearing about some of the ideas that didn't make it in, i ended up feeling like the movie had a lot of missed potential. it's a shame, especially since this was disney's 100th anniversary film. there is one other tarzan reference besides the shoutout in the credits, though, so definitely look out for that when you watch it! that's true about mark mancina, i see a lot of praise for tarzan's soundtrack that's specifically about phil collins, but mark created such a good score to go with his work. i'm really glad he got to work on moana as well. ooh i see, that does all sound pretty interesting! i love to read as well and pretty much always have a long list of things i'd like to read, and never enough time for all of them LOL. but i'll definitely have to add the tarzan novels to that list and try to check them out someday. are there any other tarzan movies you enjoy besides disney's version? -🌟
I looked, and is is available through Apple Arcade… but same problem, don't have a compatible device, lol. Not into computers/phones/etc enough to try and keep up with the latest. Would rather stretch my devices as long as I can and save the money for my collection. Oh well, maybe someday I'll play it. Would be so awesome to see more of Jane helping Tarzan learn new things though!
I agree with you on the lyrics, some of them are so bad!! I remember hearing those lines for the first time and feeling embarrassed for them. They sound like they're from a cheap bootleg ripoff, not from the most prestigious animation company in the world. They should be ashamed of themselves, they used to have incredible song lyrics.
That's awesome there's one other Tarzan reference though!! A very good reason to give it a watch!
Mark's score for Tarzan and Brother Bear are so beautiful. As soon as I saw he was doing Moana I knew I was going to love it!
Ah, the pain of never having enough time to read… and it always seems that when you do, you can't find anything to read! I'm currently halfway through the Asian Saga by James Clavell. I've read those books so many times I've lost count. I was about a third of the way through Shogun when I found out that there's a new FX series based on the book that's going to be on Disney+ at the end of February! Although I've finished reading Shogun since, I'm trying to finish reading the other 5 books before the series starts… I don't think I'm going to make it, lol.
I hope you enjoy the Tarzan novels if you get to read them!!
I haven't seen many other Tarzan movies, but I did really enjoy Greystoke with Christopher Lambert and Andie MacDowell. Of the ones I've seen it feels the closet to the books. And it has an unexpected connection to the Disney version… Andie MacDowell's voice was dubbed by Glenn Close, so it's like seeing Jane and hearing Kala!
Growing up I watched the Tarzan tv series starring Wolf Larson and Lydie Denier, which was my first introduction to Tarzan. It takes place in more modern times, and Jane was French in it. I watched it again a few years ago, and it was definitely not as good as I remember it being. But as a kid I found it thrilling, used to stay up until 3 am every Saturday to watch it!
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apicturewithasmile · 2 years
Have you heard about a video game called Death Stranding? GDT "plays" a major character there (he allowed his likeness to be used, but he's voiced by a different actor). The game was written and directed by his personal friend, Hideo Kojima, so his character has a lot of quirks and references to the real GDT 😀 and no, I'm not recommending it just hecause I love this game to death and I will talk about it at every opportunity and GDT's character is one of my favorites 👀💧
I have heard of it but I am not a gamer. At least I don't play games on that level, so though I've seen some images of it I won't ever play it, sorry :-/
But if you wanna talk GDT, I'm always here for it. Still need to finish Cabinet of Curiosities (three episodes left) and ashamed to admit I have yet to watch Nightmare Alley, but homeboy is my favourite director. I love him so much.
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peakyblindersxx · 3 years
whiskey business - john x reader (part 3 of ?)
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gif by @michaelgreys but i cropped it cause god daMn 👀
read part one and two! | my masterlist
a/n: this one goes out to all my john bitches!! i know it's hard out here, we get no new content but this part is steamy as hell. its not over yet, though! i'm a sucker for happy endings, ok? i hope you all like it, i'm still working on requests as i go :) much love to @stxdyblr-2k for ghostwriting on this series, she has the most amazing ideas in the world 🖤
love, abi xxx
tagging: @datewithgianni
prompt: john's been ignoring you and you want to know why.
warnings: fluff, angst, nsfw!! smut, cocky john, just straight up porn at the end but can you blame me
John hadn't spoken a word in your direction for a week. Despite constantly seeing you glued to Ada's hip, he’d barely acknowledged you since the wedding. He didn’t even bother looking up. Instead his jaw tensed, taking longer inhales of smoke, constantly examining the pocket watch dangling from his right hip. You were the last person John wanted to see right now. He couldn’t get you out of his head, the flush of your cheeks as you had moaned for him imprinted in his memory. You were fucking picturesque writhing around in his lap, a mess for him, and only him. He’d never felt like this; never wanted someone so badly it hurt. Usually, he drowned what little emotions he had in the nearest bottle of whiskey. You, however, were igniting something inside him he’d never felt. Lust, yes, but it was more. A yearning, a need, to see you smile at his crap jokes for the rest of his fucking life. God, you were getting to him.
His coldness and distance towards you hadn't gone unnoticed. To John’s embarrassment, his brothers regularly referred to it as "a little tiff", usually when you were within earshot, as they loved embarrassing his brother. They were blissfully unaware of the full story, assuming his cockiness had put you off him. He sometimes wondered the same; even though you remained polite by greeting him despite the minimal nod he responded with, you seemed ashamed. John only hoped it wasn't because you were ashamed of him. The truth was, he couldn't get the intensity between the two of you off his mind. Whenever he so much as caught a glimpse of you, he remembered how pretty you looked begging for him, then the embarrassment of having to reject you out of family loyalty. You admitting you wanted to have sex with him, him getting fucked off at you because you were off your face, complicating everything. Yet, every night, he held your words close to him, trying to decipher them.
He knew his brothers wouldn't get it. They wouldn't understand how tragic it was; they'd think it was funny that Ada's best friend wanted to fuck him. Either way, John would always rather put himself in the firing line of his brother's jokes than risk your reputation being blemished. He just couldn't look at you without a wave of guilt and sexual attraction flowing through his veins, causing his jaw to clench and his shoulders to stiffen, his suit jacket expertly covering strain on the crotch of his trousers.
A full week had passed since the wedding, of a man Tommy had recruited in an assassination effort. It was embarrassing how his family used money to attempt to push the trauma they created under the carpet. He knew he didn't have room to talk, but fuckin’ hell, a wedding? Maybe Tommy should've just not hired him to blow the brains out of his own father. Well, it was one way to get rid of the police commissioner who got too nosey, John guessed.
He had hoped that you were a passing phase of infatuation. He’d had many before; he’d been notorious around Birmingham for his conquests. Sure, it was possible he had just gotten overly excited and intoxicated around a beautiful girl. Yet, in the quiet moments of his life, in between his kids and business, his mind was only on you. You, straddling him in that booth, the way you grinned at him as he approached you at the wedding party. Sometimes when he was driving home, his mind would drift off thinking of the feeling of your figure pressed against him, the feel of your lips, your laugh, the sound of your heaving breaths against his ear. You haunted him the most at night, visions of you with his name on your lips in his silk sheets. You were his forbidden fruit, dangling barely out of reach.
John was at his desk, paperwork long abandoned in favour of whiskey and a cigar, lost in his own thoughts. The loud tapping of rain and the wind of the storm outside shook the windows, yet John felt somewhat at peace; a temporary peace, but he could unwind. Just his desk, the moonlight, the gas lamp illuminating his empty glass and the heavy English rain for company. He found far more joy in the simplicity of life than his brothers, who reeked of new money. He liked his things the way they were, it all worked, but he had to admit he was a sucker for a good suit. The kids were long in bed, the nanny to comfort their nightmares. It made him feel like a shit father, and he didn't want to be like his useless dad. He had started resenting the life Thomas was forcing him to live; the booze, the partying, the Tokyo, the fighting. It was wearing on him. He needed a break from everyone in this town, he reckoned.
However, a certain unexpected guest was always welcome to him. You had just drifted across his mind when a firm knock at the door caught his attention. He straightened his tie, leaving his legs outstretched and crossed on the dark oak desk, calling for the visitor to enter.
There you were. Dripping from head to toe, but still as beautiful as ever to him, despite your damp hair and slightly smudged makeup. You had caught him off guard, and in his surprise, he couldn't suppress the cheeky grin which spread across his face.
"Got caught in the storm, eh? I'll put the fire on and pour you a drink yeah? Warm you up." He slurred slightly, springing into action, lighting the fire and going to fill two glasses with whiskey, which you politely refused.
"I'm not drinking tonight, Mr. Shelby."
He decides he won't either. He tried to ignore your piercing gaze, motioning you to sit across his desk from him, reaching to put the whiskey in his drawer. "That's not like you. Where you headed, love? That lecture with Ada?"
"I came to see you."
He noted your firm tone, the flirty smile, the coy eye contact.
"What's the occasion?"
"You've been avoiding me." You told him bluntly, his cheeks reddening, eye contact breaking momentarily.
"Yeah, I know." He took a draw from his cigar, rolling the smoke from between his lips on the exhale. "M’sorry."
You watched him for a moment and he met your eyes, suddenly softened from his usual icey blue inquisitive stare. To shame, he looked so vulnerable right now. You could feel yourself falling for him again. This is what you hung around for, the fleeting glimpses of the authentic John Shelby. The lad you'd first giggled about in the girl's bathroom at lunch, barely knowing what sex was. Barely understanding power and politics. Unaware of who you'd both end up as.
"You're fucking soaked to the bone. Come on, I'll put your clothes to dry by the fire. And don't give me that look, I'll give you my coat to save your modesty, lass." He teased. You ignored the way his muscles flexed as he reached for his woolen jacket, some outrageously expensive tailored affair from some London boutique, his large rough hands brushing your fingers. "I'll turn around."
You grasped the coat, heading to the fireplace and warming up for a moment, checking that you were far from his line of sight. This was a dangerous game for you both. You wished he'd grab you, take you on his desk and finish what he started, but the way he absentmindedly drummed his fingers on the desk as he waited indicated that he was restraining himself.
You'd rid yourself of your thin jacket, bought from the market stall last week, effortlessly trendy but an imitation of the pricey stuff Ada and the blinder wives and girlfriends you knew. You were jealous of their fur coats, they were always warm and glamorous looking even on the coldest winter night in Birmingham.
You glanced across the room to John. He was staring intently at the wall lost in thought, teeth gritted.
"John? Could you unzip me?" You asked, purposefully making your voice sound as neutral as possible, looking at him over your shoulder.
He paused, bringing his fingers to rub circles against his jaw. You caught a glimpse of white teeth and dimples as he glanced at you out the corner of his eye and you can't help but match his coy grin. He pushed himself off the desk and quickly closed the small distance towards you, his hand finding first your shoulder then the zip at the nape of your neck, your breath hitching as he pulled the zip to your waist. You could feel his eyes tracing the curvature of your spine and hips. You both hesitated for a moment, before John’s warm fingertips grazed your waist, lips pressing into your hair affectionately. His mouth found his way to your ear, cheekbone, jaw and then neck, encouraged by the way your left hand cradled his head as you pressed your body back into his and how your eyes drifted shut at his touch.
"Sweetheart, why did you come here?" He muttered into your ear, his words and casual affection causing your core to swell in response.
"Couldn't stop thinking about you. I've barely slept in a week, feel terrible. Then you've been ignoring me-"
"It isn't personal, Y/N. You know this isn’t how I want it to be." His hands found their way to your waist, gripping lightly at your hip bones, sending a shiver down your back.
"Well this is how it is, John. It's never going to be any different. So, what are you going to do about it?"
"What are you fucking on about, love?"
"I reckon that just once can't hurt, nobody would know but us. Then we can both move on with our lives..."
John hesitated, "What about Ada?" His head rested on your shoulder, the scent of your sweet perfume causing him to want you even more. Jesus, he was too far gone.
"We were so close the first night I got here and we didn't. No one caught on then, why would it be different now?"
He wanted to trust you so badly, it ached inside of him. He wanted to feel you around him, make you cum for him again and again, for you to be breathless and shaking under him. He wanted to give you everything he could, even if just once. But he couldn't.
"She's my sister. Family is everything; if I don't have them, I’ve got nothin’." He stated firmly, yet his palms lingered on your hips, the liquor destroying his perception of the distinction between friendly touching and actions that made you swallow deeply and pray for relief.
"You have me for tonight." You pulled away from him, ignoring the groan that escaped from his lips at the loss of contact. You locked your eyes with his blue ones and pushed the straps of your dress from your shoulders, allowing the damp material to pool around your feet, standing in front of the man you'd wanted for years. It was now or never.
He stayed silent, watching you, eyes not leaving yours, challenging you for a brief moment before his eyes flickered over your figure.
"Is it such a crime to want to fuck you?" You asked, the silk of your skimpy underwear forcing John to wipe the corner of his mouth absentmindedly as he drank you in, mumbling profanities under his breath. Yet, despite the glances and his sudden frustration, you could tell you had him. His eyes were feral and hungry, daring you to keep pushing him. His shoulders were squared, he was ready for action. The crackling firelight illuminated you beautifully; you were irresistible to him.
"It's not a crime. Where'd you get this backbone from?" He asked, reaching for you but you stepped away, teasing him.
"University up north does sommet to a woman."
"You can fuck off or fuck me with that attitude."
"The latter if you behave yourself, Mr Shelby."
He smirked at you, holding his hands up in mock surrender, before wrapping his coat around your shoulders, pulling you towards him by the back of the collar. "You've got a mouth on you, love. You gonna put it to good use?"
"I was told months ago that you'd sort me out, John-" Your speech was interrupted by a small squealing giggle as he tugged at your hair lightly for mocking his voice, his eyes bright and crinkled at the edges due to his grin. "I'm disappointed with these delays, especially from the Shelby Company."
"Well, as the boss, I'll sort it for you, personally and immediately. Let me make it up to you, lass," John crooned, his lips meeting yours once again, fingers pushing your thighs apart, still clad in your black stockings and garter belt. "This is where we got up to last time, yes?"
"Yes Mr. Shelby, I believe so."
He pressed his lips and teeth against where your jaw met your neck, tracing his index and middle fingers over the silk of your underwear which covered your slit. You couldn’t help but lean into him, a slight hiss escaping your teeth.
"You like that, huh? You're fuckin’ soaked for me already, love," John muttered against your neck, lifting your left leg to hook around his waist, easily lifting you onto his desk, scattering loose papers and heavy accounting books onto the floor in his urgency to feel your bare skin on his. "They teach you how to push a bloke over the edge at that fancy university?"
"No, I figured that out on my own actually."
"Always knew you were bright," He smirked, quickly ridding you of your flimsy panties, the pads of his fingertips hot against your thighs. "Always going for the ones smarter than me, Tommy reckons it's not difficult."
"Your brother's chatting shit, he's not the one ‘bout to fuck me on his desk, yeah?" You shot back, opening your thighs to encourage him, your cunt exposed, cutting off John’s laugh. He couldn’t help but stare, eyes glued to your dripping cunt. "You're my favourite brother, always have been. If you tell Finn, I'll kill you," You teased.
"Come off it," John grunted in reply, unable to restrain pressing kisses to your inner thighs, your head tilting back, fingers desperately clutching at his hair. “Need t’get a proper taste of you, yeah? Look so fuckin’ sweet for me.” His mouth reached your core, slowly dipping his tongue into you, causing your mouth to fall open in ecstasy. God, his lips were even softer than they looked. His movements switched from light and teasing to purposeful and focused, his fingers curled and pumping inside you, tongue and thumb attacking your clit. He'd gotten on his knees, your legs wrapped around his neck as he groaned into your cunt, causing you to buck your hips wildly at the sensation, moans falling out of your mouth.
“Fuckin’ christ, John,” You swore, feeling yourself pulsate and twitch around his nimble fingers, crying out into the empty office building. You were getting so close, your hips jerking independently, chest heaving as you gasped for air. You were quickly getting overstimulated, you were so close. Before you could finish, John raised his head back to yours, letting you taste yourself on his mouth, his hands moving from your cunt to your tits, finger tips tracing the outline of your nipples through your silk bra.
"If we get to do this once, I want to feel you finish on my cock, doll," John grunted in a hushed tone, pointedly moving his lips to your collarbone when you opened your mouth to argue back to him.
"Then I get to ride you." Your statement took him by surprise; most women he'd slept with seemed fairly passive in bed. Sure they enjoyed themselves, but they never took control. He could feel himself swell in response to your words. He'd never been put in this position; he was a stranger to it, but the idea was thrilling and wickedly seductive. Especially from someone who was the epitome of "girl-next-door" as they were growing up.
"Polly reckoned you'd be trouble since Ada told us you'd returned. Don't mind getting into trouble with you, though," He teased, his plump mouth dipping to your cleavage, unclasping your bra, tongue circling your hardening nipples.
"John, fuckin’ christ, need you to finish me off, yeah?" You begged, voice shaking, much to his amusement, his fingers re-entering you roughly. John pressed open-mouthed kisses to your neck, soothing your body from the sharp sensation, the slight pain exacerbating the pleasure arising from his mouth and fingers.
"I've barely started with you, and already you're begging for me to fuck you." He muttered into your skin, as he watched you writhe and lift your hips, reacting beautifully to the feelings he was reawakening within you.
"John, m’not fucking about, yeah? I need you," You whined, hand resting on his inner thigh, fingers grazing the fastenings across his groin, gazing up at him from your seat on his desk. John hated waiting for relief, he had very little patience, and almost immediately he gave in and collapsed into his large armchair, pulling you on top of him, letting you pin his wrists to the chair and grind against him as your mouth found his, then his neck, removing his waistcoat, shirt and tie, revealing his muscular chest. The bruising kisses you pressed to his skin left him breathless and needing more, helping you unbuckle his belt and push his suit trousers down his legs. You couldn’t help but take him into your hand, moving it up and down his sensitive shaft.
“Christ, you’re too fuckin’ good at this,” John groaned as you spit on your palm to better move your hand up and down his cock, teasing the sensitive tip with your fingers and tongue. He couldn’t help but watch you, keeping eye contact as you toyed with him, blue eyes heavy with pleasure and lust for more.
You angled your hips above him and he adjusted himself, using his hand to better push himself inside you. You yelped lightly as you adjusted to his girth, his mouth distracting you by pressing kisses on your shoulder and tangling his hands through your hair, trying to control his breaths as you adjusted to him, soft moans falling from your mouth, your tight cunt gripping his cock.
“S’fuckin’ perfect, like your pussy was made for me,” he groaned, breath growing heavier with the sensation of you grinding against him. Pushing his hips up into you, he couldn’t help but grab at your hip bones, grip burning into your skin, bouncing you on his cock, mouth slightly slack, groaning as he grasped at your flesh. You’d imagined hundreds of times how fucking irresistible John would look underneath you, but it was nothing compared to the real thing.
The thrill of having John Shelby with his trousers down in his office, quickly dissolving into a moaning and grunting mess with every rotation or twist of your hips, in the midst of a stormy night while the thunder echoed around the empty streets below was almost too much to take. You should be home right now, curled up in that empty unheated flat, behaving yourself. Even on a date or fucking someone else. But instead you'd gone to him and now you were riding him. You wanted the moment to last forever, right now everything felt so right, you knew when it was over the guilt would hit. But you couldn't avoid it, you could feel your legs start to shake.
“Look so god damn pretty ridin’ me, love. Makin’ me wanna cum inside you.” John growled, panting, struggling to keep pace as you moaned on top of him. Your fingers found his jawline and guided him to look up at you, craving to see how his face looked when he finally came undone. He reached between your legs, torturing your clit with his fingers while he slammed into you a few extra times, using up the rest of his energy. The extra stimulation pushed you over the edge, crying out John’s name as you felt yourself release. Watching you whine his name was the last straw for him, spilling into you as your dripping cunt squeezed him, reveling in the image of you a mess for him.
You finally came back to your senses, catching your breath, John clutching you to his chest protectively for a minute or two, enjoying the tranquility and post-sex clarity. He checked his clock, sighing and lifting you from his lap to his desk, running a towel under the sink in the corner of his room and passing it to you to clean up between your legs with.
"Charming," You smirked, tired but satisfied. "No wonder the ladies always come back for more."
"Not you though, aye? One night only exclusive, this." He matched your playful tone, but his eyes were dull with exhaustion and he looked almost upset. He was probably just knackered after working all day and then going overtime just to please you.
"Make yourself useful and grab my clothes for me John-lad." You teased, thankfully changing the subject. He rolled his eyes in the waning firelight, locating the clothes the two of you had left scattered around the room. You quickly dressed, not caring how he watched you silently, as though trying to memorize the image of you. Your clothes were far drier than earlier, the last remaining remnants of damp clutching to the fibers and freezing you all over again. Yet before you could even comment, John's wool coat was wrapped back around your shoulders.
"Because you're cold, not because you look fuckable in it." He said pointedly, smirking slightly, the edges seeming artificial.
"Remind me not to fall madly in love with you. Won't be able to help myself if you keep talking like that, Mr. Shelby." You retorted sarcastically with a grin, earning a gentle dig to the ribs.
"It's Mr. Shelby if you're trying to fuck me. John is between friends and family, right?"
"Someone better inform Mr. Solomons of that distinction, then," You paused, "Mr. Shelby."
"Don't be a fucking cocktease." He scolded with a small grin, grabbing his car keys and hat from the door. "You want a lift then? Don't dick about being polite, Y/N, it's fucking midnight, just accept it."
"Since you asked so nicely."
"You know you've got worse since you've been at uni? Too fast for us lot now." He teased, half serious, as he led you to his car. He couldn't believe the beautiful woman in his passenger seat was the girl with pigtails who'd chase Ada around the canal with their girl gang for hours, the pretty teen who read for hours in his sister's bedroom, comparing notes together. No one was surprised you got a scholarship to university, despite your gender and class. You'd been incredibly lucky. Yet, you'd seen the world and had come back to Birmingham and picked him.
Shame you could only pick him once.
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enchantedtomeethyun · 4 years
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Back To December Part Two-Felix
Warnings: none. Fluffy. Maybe language.
It's not what you think. I don't want to hurt him. Felix is such a kind person I feel ashamed he doesn't know me how he should.  He doesn't know I bite my nails when I lie.  I can never seem to make up my mind so I usually wing it and hope things go well. The truth is right now this man is sitting in front of me talking about how he's happy we are together right now and I'm still not sure. Maybe he falls in love quicker than me? I really am the worst person for him.
"Felix..." I signed out look up finally to make eye contact with him. His lips curl into a smile and he cups his cheeks leaning on the table.
"Yes lovely.." he says looking at me awaiting my words.
"I want to love you right this time... please give me this chance. I know I am not the best for you but I want to try and be the best I can for you." I said lowering my head pulling my hands off the table onto my lap.
"You will always have me you know. That's what hurt me the most after you didn't show up. I realized you will always have me in some way. If we are apart you'll be in my thoughts and my heart. Those months without you made me realize something..." He began to say waiver if his voice and sitting up straight.
"I fell in love with you too easily and I didn't give you a chance to fall for me. I was so caught up and I was selfish. I blamed myself." He admitted hand on his heart.  Blame himself... but I'm the asshole that never showed before his flight. I left him on read. Ignored him for months because I was selfish and didn't think how I effected him.
"Felix listen please don't say that... I.. I'm an asshole. I left you in the dark when all you did was give me your love. You held me that night the first time you ever saw me cry and I pushed you away." I began. Placing my hands on the table i opened them as they shook to show my vulnerability. He noticed me shaking and reached out hovering above my hands not knowing if it was appropriate to hold them. Finally deciding, he held them loosely looking at me with consoling eyes ready for my words again.
"It maybe bothers me how you're so accepting of me but you know nothing about me. You know my favorite pudding sure but you don't know the inside of my mind. I'm scared you'll see me for who I am and decide maybe you don't want me anymore." Tears left his eyes as I finished. His pure heart aches for me. I'm his Achilles Heel  and there is nothing I can do about it.
" I want you to want me to stay. No, I need you to need me to stay. I will. You know I will. But I need you to tell me you feel something when you're with me. Cause if you don't know then let me go.." Felix choked out wiping his tears on his sleeve and returning his hand back into mine.
"I just need time. I feel something for you but it's hard to tell how much I feel when we have only spent 5 days together. We haven't even kissed.." I said quietly. Why do I feel guilty all of a sudden. I can't return this love he has for me.
"Dammit so it's my fault I fell in love with you. What did you expect you're perfect to me.. you like me for me not because I'm a celebrity or something. When we met at GameStop and you told me to try and play the cars3 game cause it was on sale I knew I liked you. You said lighting McQueen is your role model and you expect me not to fall in love with you?!" He raised his voice but laughed towards the end.
"One thing I can promise is you have been the one thing on my mind since you left. You should take it as a compliment that I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk!" I said laughing then fully regretting it seconds later because of the shocked look on his face.
" You what! Oh no what's wrong with how I talk ahhh god. Now I can't stop thinking about it ..." Felix said covering his face shyly laughing.
"No nothing is wrong with it. It's cute I promise but please let me fall in love with you". I said More serious at the end.  Felix looked up and smiled at me.
" Lucky for you I'm on vacation this month.. you got me for a while!" He beamed like the sun he is. I'm fucking screwed.
One week later and here we are. I let Felix stay at my place cause like I don't care how much money you have everybody wants somewhere free to stay without worrying about cum on the comforter. Period. He likes to do this fun little thing in the morning. He wakes up and takes a shower at 9 am then proceeds to sing power ballads in the bathroom for an hour. I don't know if the bathrooms in Korea are sound proof or if he's shameless. But I do know that 9 am is the middle of the night for me. So here I am laying in my bed eyes open listening to Felix dramatically sing "He said she said" by Ashley Tisdale. At least he has taste though I'll give him that. After a few songs and his fictional audience asking for an encore TWICE he shut off the water. There is no way I'm going back to sleep so I sat up in bed, arms crossed awaiting his arrival.
His footsteps tiptoe out of the bathroom and he shushes my dog who was probably sleeping. That bitch can sleep through a fire I swear. He slowly opens the door ever so quietly not to wake  me. But like what the point ?
"Felix." I said deadpanned. His eyes were wide with shock still holding his towel on his body.
"What are you doing awake? I thought you sleep till noon on the weekends?" He said surprised while sorting through his suitcase for clothes to wear.
"Well  I would still be sleeping but you just had to give your rendition of "Breaking Free" from High School Musical..." I said rolling my eyes collapsing back into the covers covering my face with the pillow he used from the night before. Felix giggled before throwing himself onto the bed engulfing me in a hug from behind.
"Ahhhh my babyyyyy I'm sorry.. I'm so used to the boys sleeping heavy. Hyunjin is knocked out cold once he's asleep you know?" He said apologetically.
"Oh pleaseee don't tell me another story about Hyunjin and his girlfriend.. I've heard enough I get it they are perfect for each other and are sooo funny..." I mumbled into my pillow dramatically. Felix laughed and rolled off of me getting off the bed to go get dressed. It did not occur to me he was not wearing any clothes until this exact moment.
"Felix..." I said calmly face still in the pillow.
"Yes my lovely.." Felix said cheerfully across the room shuffling around.
"Are you naked..." I said again calmly.
"Yes I am." He responded equally as calm.
"Ok..." I said after a long silence in the room.
The room was still for a moment and I felt like I could finally get back to sleep when I felt the bed dip and my pillow taken away from me. The pillow was replaced with a warm Felix holding me close. Luckily he was clothed now. We haven't kissed yet and the thought of him naked in my room makes me sweat more than a hooker in a church.
"Felix.." I said prolonging his name. He hummed against my head as a response.
"When are you going to kiss me?" I said opening my sleepy eyes looking at his resting frame.
"I wanted to wait until you are ready. I can't rush your feelings for me I realize that. Something like our first kiss together should be shared when we both want it equally..." he said as his voice vibrated against my neck as he snuggles in closer. I want this now. I think I do at least. How will I know I want him if I haven't kissed him? How will I know there are sparks if we don't?
"Kiss me Felix." I said as sure as I could. He doesn't hesitate which shows he's been waiting for a while. Immediately he grabs my face with both hands.Looking at me as if he is holding the world  and leans in. Instinctively I grab the hem of his shirt pulling him closer to make the kiss deeper. I felt someone go off inside me. A beautiful flame began to flicker as he climbed on top of me not once stopping the kiss. It continued in an addictive rhythm I wish would never stop. Separating for a moment to catch our breaths I felt the dim light inside me ignite into a full flame not wavering once. A solid flame lit for as long as he's in my arms.
"Do you want to continue?" He asked leaning toward my face. Who am I to say no?
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Buster & Rio
Buster: You up yet? Rio: 😴 Rio: Just about Buster: [sends her loads of pics from Nancy's camera roll cos my idea is she's still asleep and he stole her camera to look through] Rio: She got loads of good ones Rio: so sneaky with that 📸 Buster: And your good side Buster: Even after all those drinks Rio: All my sides are good 😘 Rio: I can handle my drink too, tah Buster: You did alright Rio: Shut up that you drank any more or was any less wobbly, like Buster: I did drink more though Buster: I know 'cause I was the one stealing 'em Rio: Well then that's just bad manners Rio: should be ashamed of yourself, McKenna Buster: Shame's for pussies Buster: I did what I did and I don't feel bad Rio: 😏 Rio: could at least pretend you're a little bit sorry for short changing me Buster: You obviously weren't if a second ago you were trying to argue that you drank as much as me Buster: You had a good night and you didn't miss out if that's what you reckon, like Rio: Whatever Rio: it was fun Buster: Yeah Rio: All things considered Rio: no one else was concerned about handling their drink, obvs Buster: Never are Rio: Not a party 'til someone makes a tit of themselves Buster: Who you gonna give the first prize too though? Rio: 🤔 Rio: be rude not to give it to birthday boy Buster: Too late to write it in his card but he can still have it Rio: Just what he wanted Rio: better than a 10 years over midlife crisis Buster: Mid life depends when you die Rio: You're giving him 100? Buster: 'Course Rio: Pop that in the card Rio: cute Buster: Stop calling me cute Rio: It's not you it's what you said Buster: 😏 Buster: I said it so it's me Rio: Fine then 🤐 Buster: Nice try Rio: 🙄 Buster: You gonna sulk for long 'cause I'm bored of being the only one awake here Rio: You gonna be nice to me Buster: If you're gonna take me somewhere good Rio: I'M not gonna do you dirty Rio: I have manners Buster: That's not really selling it to me, babe Buster: Make it sound fun, yeah? Rio: I don't need to sell it Rio: you're bored Buster: Come on Rio: You come on Rio: when have I ever let you down Buster: Do you want me to be nice or do you want me to answer that? Rio: I'm ignoring you Rio: be ready, I'll come to yours Buster: I am ready Buster: Not a fucking amateur Rio: You're gonna need to prove that Buster: How? Rio: If you're asking, then you definitely are an amateur Rio: You've got time to work something out Rio: gotta do breakfast Buster: I was doing manners Rio: What happened to fun? Buster: Cheers for admitting I'm right and you can't be polite and not boring Rio: You can't Rio: it doesn't suit you Buster: It don't suit you either Rio: Why not Buster: You know why not Buster: I'm not feeding you compliments for breakfast Rio: Now THAT is boring Rio: and mean Rio: 👎 Buster: You've got time to work for 'em Buster: Like I said, I'm no amateur, babe Rio: Does Nance wanna come? Buster: I don't know Buster: Do you want me to wake her up? Rio: Up to you Rio: I don't mind Buster: Will she wanna go? Wherever it is you're taking me Rio: Probably not Rio: I'll see if one of my 'rents will take them imaginosity or something Buster: Alright Rio: She'll like that more Buster: Yeah Buster: Junior'll probably be happier if she don't fuck off with us for ages as well Rio: Right, exactly Rio: they can be cute nerds Buster: They were 🤓s last night Rio: They missed each other Buster: Don't encourage 'em Rio: Don't be mean Rio: at least she was smiling, right Buster: I'll give you that Rio: Shame they can't hang more often Buster: It's not like she'll have to struggle to write him a letter like when granddad was a kid Rio: 😂 okay he's not that old Rio: still Rio: he's so shy Rio: be nice if he had someone Buster: Don't Buster: She better make friends like the few she had in Cambs Rio: What do you mean, don't Rio: I can't adopt her, calm down, like Buster: I mean don't make me think about how she might not Buster: All the shit that can go wrong Rio: She'll be alright Rio: she'll have the time to Buster: 'Course Rio: at least you're going at the start Rio: midway through is the worst Buster: Yeah, fuck that Rio: what are you wearing Rio: need to see if its sensible Buster: [selfie because of course he would] Rio: 👍 Buster: Show me yours Rio: Steady Rio: [but does 'cos was just a shameless excuse, like what you doing] Buster: I've figured it out Rio: You what Buster: I know where we're going Buster: But don't worry I'll look surprised when we get there Rio: How Rio: 🤔 Buster: Just that good Rio: Bollocks Rio: such a bullshitter Buster: Where did your manners go? Rio: If you're gonna lie, then all bets are off, like Buster: Sounds fun Rio: If that's how you want it Buster: How do you want it? Rio: Do you care? Buster: I asked, didn't I? Rio: Can play 20 questions later Buster: Yeah Buster: Can do whatever we want Rio: 🤞 Rio: That's how I want it Buster: Me too Rio: If anyone asks we're just going park yeah Buster: Nobody's gonna ask me Buster: Don't worry Rio: Get it Rio: even if they were up, already got the headache and mouth too dry to say much Buster: I don't wanna talk about them Rio: Okay Rio: got it Buster: The state of 'em last night was embarrassing Rio: Everyone was though Rio: and you know, no one's judging Buster: Yeah, everyone was but you still know what I mean Rio: yeah Rio: I'll make you forget about it Rio: you'll see Buster: If anyone can Rio: You can trust me Buster: I know Rio: Not just a useless 👸 waiting to be saved Buster: I know Rio: though having woodland creature pals or mice to do chores would be well helpful rn Buster: If you'd have said last night we could've caught some out by the bins Buster: Still, I'll see what I can do Rio: Could catch a lot out by those bins Rio: minging Buster: 'Course I'd risk it for you though 👸 Rio: My hero Rio: 😍🙄 Buster: You'd have to trust me too Rio: You know I do Buster: Probably not one of your better ideas Buster: But yeah Rio: You're the one who's anti being wrong Rio: I'll survive Buster: Good Rio: and how do you know trusting me ain't a bad one for you Buster: 'Cause I know you Rio: You're not that bad Rio: I told you, not scared of you Buster: And I told you, don't be Rio: I'm not Rio: you're Buster: Don't tell me Buster: I don't wanna hear what you think of me Rio: Are you scared? Buster: I'm not scared of anything Buster: Ever Rio: Then why don't you wanna hear Buster: 'Cause then I'll know Buster: Like it or not Rio: I don't know what I was going to say Rio: so you're safe Buster: You mean you're safe Rio: If you say so Buster: You are Buster: From whatever you might have said and no take backs Buster: I was never in any danger Rio: That'd be why you stopped me Rio: for my own sake Buster: 🤴 Rio: 🤖 Buster: If you say so Rio: mhm Buster: Come out with it then Rio: Why should I now Buster: You've got shit you're holding back Buster: Why should you? Rio: that's a joke Buster: Say it Rio: I'm on my way Buster: All the more reason Buster: You keep saying you ain't scared of me Buster: Prove you're not Rio: Not you I'm worried about Buster: Why are you worried at all? Rio: Don't be thick Buster: Don't say one thing and do another Rio: What? Buster: Tell me Rio: Why have you done a compete 180 Buster: I ain't done anything Rio: You said don't tell me, so I'm not Buster: And you didn't drop it when I said that Buster: So finish what you started Rio: you first Buster: Girls always go first Buster: I've got no manners and I know it Rio: No balls Rio: don't pussy out Buster: Fuck you Rio: Told you Rio: we never last long Buster: 'Cause you know all these languages and you still can't say fuck all to me Rio: because there ain't no language in the world where what I wanna say is fucking okay Rio: okay Buster: Fuck this world then Buster: We made our own when we were little anyway Rio: We aren't little anymore Rio: we can't just pretend we don't know better Buster: We can do whatever we want Buster: We both agreed to that before I even got here Rio: It's different when you're here Rio: harder when we're actually together Buster: So turn around Buster: Don't be coming to my door Rio: No Rio: come on, we can do what we've been doing Rio: don't need to spoil it Buster: You just said we can't Buster: Lucky if we last the day Rio: Of course we can Rio: we just need to leave it alone Buster: Fine Rio: It can be Rio: Please Rio: we can still have fun Buster: Fuck it Buster: You're on your way Rio: It would be rude to turn me away Rio: unbelievably bad manners Rio: and I could just be awkward and say I'm there to see Nance so Buster: You can see her if you want but you said you wanted to have fun so Buster: You'll have more of that with me Rio: I wanna see you Buster: Okay Rio: Mates? Rio: for the holidays, like Buster: Yeah Buster: Like old times Rio: Right Rio: I wonder what happened to that boy Buster: I wonder if he's played dares since Rio: Probably Rio: he was always up for it Buster: He didn't think we'd be up for it though Buster: Probably weirded him right out Rio: He shouldn't have said it Rio: clue is in the name, whole point of the game, like Buster: He'd been trying to get me to pussy out of playing for ages Buster: Don't you remember what a cunt he was? Rio: Oh, not really Rio: he was alright to me Rio: bit of a hanger-on type but other than that Buster: 'Course he was alright to you Rio: 'cos I'm not a lad Buster: 'Cause he is Rio: You used to reckon every lad fancied me Buster: They all did Buster: 🐸💋 Rio: 😂 Rio: he might've grown into his face Buster: We can use it for a punching bag Buster: Gotta start teaching you some time Rio: Awh, poor old whathisname Buster: I doubt you'll hurt him that bad, babe Rio: 😒 Rio: You wanna watch out Rio: my aim might be off Buster: I'm not ticklish, like Buster: I'll be fine Rio: Such a dick Rio: be your fault Rio: shit teacher, like Buster: I'll be a great teacher Buster: It don't mean I can give you power you ain't got Rio: Shut up, I'm not weak Buster: I didn't call you weak Buster: There's just no way you'd be able to knock me out Rio: Easy Rio: especially if you keep 'motivating' me like this Buster: What do you wanna bet? Buster: I'll let you try at the end of summer Rio: 🤔 Rio: what have you got that I want Buster: Tell me what you want and I'll get it Buster: If I don't already have it, which I probably do Rio: Alright, that's the bet Rio: I'll have thought of my prize by the end of summer Rio: you can do but don't dream too big 'cos it won't happen 💔 Buster: 😂 Buster: I'll make it easy for you and say you only have to knock me over not out Buster: Even with that fighting chance you won't win whatever you think you want Buster: So don't think too hard Rio: You can't cut corners, you still have to show me everything properly Rio: and at this rate, getting to punch you will be prize enough 👌 Buster: I'll teach you everything I know, exactly like I said I would Rio: Good Buster: We can start as soon as we get where we're going Rio: Can we? Rio: could be going to a library for all you know, boy Buster: For all I care Rio: 😏 Buster: Are you scared of librarians? Rio: Don't be stupid Rio: as if I'd actually take you to a library to try to distract you Buster: You could distract me anywhere Buster: But cheers for not picking a library, babe Rio: Challenge accepted on that one too Buster: It's not a challenge Rio: Come let me in Buster: [does or rather let's himself out cos no need to stay around the baze gaff] Rio: [run kids run 'fore anyone can think to stop you, like] Buster: [he should give her a matchbox with some kind of bug creature in that he caught cos 👸 and she said she wanted one lol] Rio: [that's so cute, bye, just getting some grass and dandelions and putting it in there like let's ride] Buster: [I hope it's not a gross bug lol but yeah I thought it's a good way to show they are still little like] Rio: [she wouldn't be eww about it so its fine, Ali is her mum, just taking his hand so they can run to the nearest dart thing] Buster: [we see you handholding when you don't need to and we stan] Rio: [at least you don't have the longest bus ride ever, the dedication that she got here thanks lol] Buster: [I never even thought about that like omg boy she must really love you she's literally a child and she did that early af in the day after a night of it] Rio: [thanks for not kidnapping her everyone lmao] Buster: [when I had my 1st hangover at 10 I was literally in bed all the next day like] Rio: [my boo say not for you sir] Buster: [only for you my waffle wife] Rio: ['you had breakfast?'] Buster: [looks at her like don't be stupid because 🤴s don't make their own breakfast and 10 year old boys who don't give a fuck clearly don't so no he has not lol] Rio: ['we can get pancakes' height of excitement live your best also a throw forward to when you go get breakfast in London] Buster: [remember when he made her crepes though and it was sexual as hell] Rio: [omg yes I do, that's like soon I think they were 12? something like that I'm sure, all I'm saying is you do a terrible job of ignoring each other] Buster: [god bless but in the now he'd be buzzing cos she's just treating him normal which his friends and Nancy aren't] Rio: [just chatting about all the things she's gonna get on her pancakes like when you're a kid and you go ham on the pizza hut ice cream and it's unedible] Buster: [omg yes such a mood and it'd lowkey turn competitive cos he's a boy who needs to flex like I'm gonna get this and this] Rio: [just loling when it gets outta hand] Buster: [we all loling and having a fun time cos deserved soz for not letting you 3rd wheel Nance but also not soz] Rio: [we all know that was shameless like no no you go do this instead, everyone catch yourselves on so blatant] Buster: [literally what are all of you playing at we can excuse baze for obvs reasons and cali cos 10 kids but the rest of y'all step it up tbh] Rio: [at least she'd know all the swag food places in town even now, should be like a cereal cafe vibe so they really can go ham with toppings, also probably there so off you get 'cos baze are pretty central] Buster: [yaaaaas open the door for her boy and help her out cos she's smol you gotta] Rio: [does a lil curtsey 'cos running with this 👸🤴 mood] Buster: [opening the door to the place too and pulling her chair out etc cos likewise] Rio: [imagine working there you'd be like aww, hence the waitress should give them a freebie or something and be nice af] Buster: [Why am I emosh about a fictional waitress shipping them bye] Buster: [omg they should go back and take saint as a bub and she can still be there] Rio: [AWH] Buster: [they'd be on such a sugar high rn it'd be adorable] Rio: [fight off any sign of a hangover with sugar] Buster: [they are gonna crash so hard later] Rio: [😴] Buster: [that could be so cute though if they do together and a nice flashforward to when they did when he was wrecked in a couple of years] Rio: [hit all those feels] Buster: [for now go and window shop for a bit until you actually go in somewhere swag and she tries something on and comes out and shows him even though she doesn't need to and you die boy and hit her with all them compliments so she can die too] Rio: [a moment, no hiding that lads] Buster: [shame she can't take a selfie in that 🔥 lewk for him to pine over later but they are meant to be at the park] Rio: [I mean she can take one but you can't realy ask for it unless you wanna be that obvious lmao] Buster: [unless she's sneaky and posts it but after the fact like only they know it happened then idk] Rio: [always an option, not like anyone is checked in appaz ] Buster: [that's the tea] Buster: [we could also let them actually go to the park later like maybe they get picked up from there so it looks legit but while they are there he can start to teach her how to 🥊 too so] Rio: [yas, we know it's gonna be inte nse and a moment so] Buster: [and they can take loads of cute selfies together so it looks like they've been there all day but really also just cos they wanna] Rio: [#shameless] Buster: [just look everyone we're so trustworthy don't worry about us bye] Rio: [let us go out more thank you] Buster: [do we wanna skip to later like maybe when they in the car on the way home #sneaky or is there any more we wanna say/do that happened?] Rio: [I reckon that's lots of moments for one day, I'm good to skip] Buster: [who should we say is picking them up and if it's Cali who else is in the car kid wise is my question lol] Rio: [probably cali, assuming everyone else is too fragile from last night, they could be taking Nancy home as well from whatever they went and did in the end, then probably the toddler aged ones 'cos extra and love to be involved so maybe Pablo, Grace and Janis like hello! lol] Buster: [sounds real when you're just in the car putting up pics of the girl you love and trying not to be too extra with your captions like] Rio: [better chat to Nancy gurl since you shamelessly uninvited her so guilty but no regrets really] Buster: [Nancy should ask if she can stay over at their house and Buster just like 👀 waiting to see if Cali will say yes cos shamelessly wants her to] Rio: [they'd probably umm and ahh 'cos the baze situation but I say they should ask baze when they get there and they'd say yes 'cos she's a helpful bitch and distract the kids tah] Buster: [Buster would be so buzzing cos he didn't have to ask her to stay but she still is] Rio: [just like love it when a plan comes together, a shameless look at him like yas] Buster: Not gonna stop being a 👸 if we stay up all night, are you? Rio: Oi, I suit green Rio: just watch your da's car don't turn into a 🎃 Buster: I know you do Buster: He don't suit red as well as me though and he'd be 😡 if anything happened to his car Rio: 😂 Rio: call in a favour with my fairy godmother and 🤞 Buster: Depends how distracted we need him to be later on Buster: So don't yet Rio: Imagine how weird he'd look if we shaved his eyebrows off Buster: [actually lols like excuse him everybody] Rio: [😏 but also telling the kids some joke 'cos you know they'd be like WHAT WHAT] Buster: [just looking at her back like 😏 cos she swagged it] Rio: What have you actually got in mind then Buster: Don't you like surprises? Rio: Sometimes Rio: not if you're coming for my eyebrows or something though Buster: You can trust me Buster: I won't touch your eyebrows Rio: Alright Rio: then I'll pretend to be surprised Buster: You're gonna be surprised for real Buster: Wait and see Rio: I'll try Buster: You don't have to when I'm putting in the effort for you Rio: Try and wait Rio: I mean Buster: You won't have to wait that long Buster: Nance can never stay up as late as me Rio: Don't being SO busy make you SO tired too, like Buster: Sometimes Buster: But being around you wakes me back up Rio: I feel that too Rio: not just all the sugar we had either Buster: There's so much left we've gotta do before summer ends Buster: And I've gotta do it all with you Rio: We will Rio: got ages, it'll be the best Rio: we can do something every day, like Buster: Let's go to the beach soon Rio: Yeah Rio: do you reckon we could get there and back without getting caught or Buster: 'Course Buster: It'll be easy Rio: Then we won't need to bring all the others Buster: It'll be loads better if it's just us Buster: One day I'm gonna have my own private beach but you can come Buster: 'Cause you're my best friend Rio: Promise now so you can't change your mind Buster: [does an IRL pinky promise lil link up of their fingers there and then excuse him everyone] Rio: [so buzzing] Rio: I'll cheer for you at matches then Buster: Yeah? Buster: Only when we're older and I'm richer or now too? Rio: Now too Rio: but I'll have to come visit your new house for that Buster: You will Rio: Good Rio: I wanna see your new rooms too Buster: Nance's will probably be boring Buster: Mine won't Rio: What colour are you gonna do Buster: Blue Rio: That'll look sick Rio: I hope when we come back for good, I get to do my room how I want it Buster: Will you get to have your own? Rio: I think so Rio: there's lots of rooms they just need sorting Buster: I'll help you 💪 Rio: then you can stay over ours Buster: Yeah Buster: It's a really short flight, I'm gonna come back whenever I want Rio: Do Rio: I almost forgot how much fun it is Rio: having you around Buster: I'm not letting you forget again Buster: Not even almost Rio: That's alright with me Rio: I don't wanna Buster: Good Buster: 'Cause I want us to stay best friends, okay? Buster: Forever Rio: and ever and ever Rio: no fairytale shit, I mean it Buster: So do I Buster: [giving her a look so she knows he does cos we all know what besties is code for here] Rio: [when you're so 😳 but also 😊 Nancy like hello???] Rio: We should find the scariest film we can tonight Buster: Definitely Buster: Just don't let Nance pick Rio: Will she be too 😱? Buster: Probably not Buster: Her taste is shitter than mine though Buster: Last film she chose had more subtitles than plot Rio: Such a cute nerd Rio: but summer = no homework so Rio: 👎 Soz babe Buster: 😏 Buster: I'll always be your fave now Rio: See what she's gonna over by way of private beaches and shit first Buster: She needs people to 📷 privacy ain't really gonna be on offer, like Rio: Unless she wants to take those kind of photos Buster: It's Nance Rio: True Buster: [chat to your sister boy cos you love her really] Rio: [lbr gonna need to entertain yours they'd be peak annoying] Buster: [oh lord Grace especially] Rio: [a 3 year old with no chill] Buster: [get them out of that car ASAP Cali step on it] Rio: can we get pizza Buster: Yeah Rio: 😁 Buster: But we're getting our own 'cause Nance won't grow the fuck up and stop being a vegetarian Rio: 😂 Rio: you can get whatever Rio: I'm not fussy Buster: You have to get what you want too Rio: Alright Rio: [sneaky looks forever] Buster: Good Buster: [such a look bye] Rio: Maybe we can all sleep in the lounge Buster: When did you start having properly good ideas? Buster: Just today like? Rio: Um always Rio: you just haven't been paying attention Buster: [another look cos we know he has] Rio: [look like well then] Buster: Smallest goes in the middle Rio: You definitely just made that up Buster: It makes sense if I did or I didn't Buster: You just don't need as much space, babe Rio: Just don't hog the covers Buster: I've already taught you enough 🥊 to stop me Rio: 😏 Rio: would keep us warm Buster: And a 👸 shouldn't ever be cold Rio: Practically a beheading offense, that Buster: Exactly Buster: And I'm not allowed to die yet Rio: Never Buster: [does another pinky promise like it's so casual] Rio: Will accept faux fur though Rio: don't have to murder any mink for me Buster: Well now your birthday present ain't gonna be a surprise Rio: 😂 Rio: my parents would probably throw paint at me, like so tah Buster: No animals have died, I'll make sure they know Rio: so considerate Buster: 🤴s have gotta be Buster: It's written in Rio: and best friends Rio: what are you gonna do for your birthday Buster: I don't know Buster: We were gonna go on holiday but mum and dad might say no now Rio: Maybe by then they'll be up for it again Buster: Me and Nance can't agree where to go anyway Rio: Typical Rio: where do you wanna go? Buster: She never wants to do anything I wanna do Buster: I've suggested loads of shit like scuba diving or surfing or skiing Rio: Maybe compromise Rio: there will be places where you can be doing that and she can do what she wants as well Buster: Do you wanna come? Rio: Your parents aren't gonna take me with yous Buster: They will if I say I want you to Rio: What if by then you have a new London best friend you'd rather take Buster: I'll probably have new friends but none I like as much as you Rio: okay, ask them Rio: when you know if you're going or not Rio: and I'll ask mine if they'll let me Buster: Alright Rio: [let you get out this car now like byeeee] Buster: [get in that house and fight over what pizza you want lads] Rio: [live your best sleepover lives, Nancy somehow oblivious to the vibe god bless] Buster: [love that oblivious lesbian] Rio: [wanna skip to later when Nancy is asleep or is there anything else?] Buster: [I think we can cos we know what the vibe is] Rio: Are you awake? Buster: Are you ready to be surprised? Rio: Go on Buster: [okay so my idea is baze have a hot tub in their dublin house but like he's made it cute/like a little beach vibe because who knows when they'll actually get to go and like sneakily set it up while she was distracted doing whatever with Nance over the course of this sleepover in dribs and drabs and like made cocktails for them as best as a little kid can and decorated and shit] Buster: Come on Rio: [That's the cutest shit I've ever heard like #overwhelmed does not begin to describe] Buster: [just looking at her like are you surprised/do you like it] Rio: [when you're like how do I avoid kissing you right now tbh] Buster: [forever the mood] Buster: [drink your drink girl it's okay] Rio: ['How'd you- WHEN did you-'] Buster: [😏 cos so proud of himself rn for being so #sneaky] Rio: [having to give him a massive hug 'cos that happy 'This is so cool, Buster'] Buster: [hugging her back way longer than you need to because we're hiding behind friendship so hard atm and we all know he wants to kiss her as much as she wants to kiss him] Rio: [make it more tense by literally getting in a hot tub like not calling you fat babe but Nancy's costume isn't gonna fit you right] Buster: [but it's that or getting in with your pjs on like this is all the boys I've loved before and risking them going see through] Rio: [ooh yeah I mean, an option] Buster: [and frankly a mood]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       nb Rio: [doing it, 'cos then you'll have to find her a t-shirt or something like] Buster: [casual moment under towels and blankets because oh no we didn't think that through or did we and now you're gonna have to wear my clothes what a casual situation] Rio: [honestly like okay do you both wanna die or] Buster: [we're so evil] Buster: [at least the drinks would be good cos he copied what he's seen baze do] Rio: [apart from the undeniable sexual tension, they'd be having a great time] Buster: [a hot tub is the literal best when you're a child that's the tea] Rio: [and now] Buster: [tbh] Buster: [don't get too carried away splashing etc and wake anyone up though like] Rio: [got to be so sneaky rn] Buster: [so many secrets for so many years bye] Rio: [have fun with that] Buster: [live your best lives while you can kiddos] Rio: [oh I was thinking she should've got him something touristy and stereotypically irish in town like a teddy and imma just put that on his bed space] Buster: [why am I so emosh about them as kids rn like calm down me] Buster: [it should have an irish football kit on or something cos that sporty bitch he is] Rio: [deffo or rugby, they're good at that] Buster: [yasss] Rio: know he's not blue but Buster: I'll still find a place for him Buster: Don't worry Rio: You can put him away, it's alright Rio: just a bit of Dubo to take with you Buster: I wanna see him every day if I can't see you Rio: I'm gonna miss you so much Buster: I'll miss you too Rio: shame I can't convince my parents they need to move to London next, eh Buster: Or I can't convince mine to just stay here Rio: should've got them something from the giftshop too Buster: I'm glad you only got something for me though Rio: I had a good day with you, not them so Buster: I won't tell Nance Rio: Good Rio: she'd be so jealous, obvs 😏 Buster: 'Course Rio: I'm glad the surprise was just for me too Buster: This whole summer is for you Rio: I'll take it Buster: I'm giving it to you Buster: Like it or not Rio: I want it Rio: you know that Buster: Yeah Rio: [thank god those 😍 are hidden in the dark now] Buster: [saving yourselves because he'd be wearing his too so] Rio: what else do you wanna do Buster: We have to go tourist watching of course Buster: See how they compare to the London ones soon enough, like Rio: I reckon the Dubo ones have more craic but are well more offensive with the stereotypes, like Buster: They can't wait to tell you all about their Irish blood even if they don't have any Buster: None of the tourists in the capital are trying to call themselves cockney Rio: Exactly Rio: still, wherever they are, you can tell the yanks a load of bullshit and they'll buy it Buster: Sell 'em a load of bullshit and they'll buy it as well Buster: But speaking of Irish blood I've thought of the best dare for you Rio: What? Buster: I dare you to dive off the rocks at the forty foot Buster: [basically it's this famous outdoor swimming spot year round that's lowkey a bit dangerous but nearby enough they could easily get there and therefore had to] Rio: Alright Rio: I'm down Buster: You have to do it properly Buster: Don't just jump in the water Buster: It don't count as a dare done if you don't go off the rocks Rio: I know Rio: I'll do it, not chicken Buster: I know Rio: We'll have to go when there's not loads and loads people about Rio: I'm very cute and saveable Buster: You don't need saving Buster: But if you did, I'll do it Rio: Tell that to concerned/nosy adults 🙄 Buster: I will Buster: [gets closer to her without even meaning to do it because] Rio: [a really quiet 'hey' 'cos don't be waking Nancy up] Buster: [just looking at her in the dark like 👀 how did I get this close oops] Rio: [a lowkey staring contest rn] Buster: [saying her name really quietly like] Rio: [makes a tiny noise that's somewhere between oh and a whimper] Buster: [let's say they hear a noise which could be outside or upstairs but it's enough to cockblock him from kissing her cos must be done since he'd be literally so close to her by now] Rio: [dramatically pretending to be asleep the way you do as a kid 'til the coast is clear but the moment is gone] Buster: [thanks foxes or whatever the fuck] Rio: [just laying there like well, shit] Buster: [you know he'd get up cos FUMING that I've cockblocked him when he was leaning so far in that there's no pretending that anything else was about to happen] Rio: [when you know there was a noise but you're still like oh no, I fucked that up] Buster: [All I can imagine is him getting his shit and going to his room because he is that dramatic] Rio: Night then Buster: Yeah Rio: yeah Buster: [isn't being quiet or chill rn soz everyone] Rio: You're gonna wake them up Rio: what do you need Buster: Unlikely Buster: When they sleep it's really hard to wake 'em Buster: These days Rio: Not a challenge though Buster: Can be Buster: If you want Rio: Not the best idea you've ever had Buster: It was your turn to have 'em Buster: For today Rio: Then listen to me, like Buster: Don't tell me what to do in my own house, like Rio: Alright Buster: I can do whatever I want Buster: [no you can't boy and that's the problem lol lol lol] Rio: And why do you wanna Buster: I can't sleep why should they all get to? Rio: Does it make you feel more normal again Rio: if they're shouting at you Buster: Shut up Rio: That would make sense, is all Buster: Don't make sense of me Rio: Why? Buster: You're not smarter than me, I don't need you to Rio: Who said I'm doing it for you Buster: You're saying it to me Buster: Like you know something I don't Rio: I just asked you why Buster: You're talking about making things normal as if I could Buster: But however loud I am there's meant to be a crying baby keeping everyone up Rio: That doesn't mean you wouldn't try Rio: still Buster: They shouldn't be sleeping Buster: None of us should be Rio: What do you want to do Buster: There's fuck all I can do Rio: What are you going to do Buster: I don't know Rio: You don't have to figure it out tonight Buster: Cheers Rio: You want them to wake up Buster: Why are we playing twenty questions all of a fucking sudden? Rio: Not a question Rio: wake 'em up Rio: but they're not gonna make it better like you want Rio: parents are very disapointing Buster: There ain't no making it better Buster: Even you can't Buster: I only forgot for a day Buster: [lowkey trashing his room cos angry and sad and remember when he did before and she was there then as well how poetic] Rio: [emotions] Rio: You can't forget about him Buster: It doesn't matter if I can't, I still have to Rio: That don't work Buster: You don't know that it won't Rio: It's impossible Buster: Nothing's impossible for me Rio: Until it is and now what Buster: You're wrong Rio: Wish I was Buster: You are Rio: You wouldn't be up there trashing your room if I was Buster: Fuck off Buster: It's your fault Rio: Yeah? Buster: Yeah Rio: That's alright then Rio: easily solved Buster: You can't make me forget everything and then tell me it's a stupid idea Buster: Make me happy and then make me angry Rio: It isn't a stupid idea Rio: you aren't forgetting you're just carrying on Buster: It's the same thing Rio: I'm not trying to make you angry Buster: I know Rio: are you okay Rio: like, you aren't hurt or anything Buster: [comes back down cos he's not gonna sleep in that carnage but just sitting on the stairs like well this is fine] Rio: [nods her head in the direction of their sleeping situation and gets up 'I'll go in Nancy's room'] Buster: [comes over to her because wants to be close to her always 'Don't'] Rio: [casually checking him over but also handily not making eye contact 'cos can't 'you have to sleep'] Buster: [just making her lie back down and snuggling her because shameless] Rio: [allowing herself to get there 'cos he clearly needs to 'Buster, I just-' but shaking her head 'it won't happen again, okay'] Buster: [holding onto her like his life depends on it 'okay, it won't happen again' very convincing boy well done] Rio: [just stroking his hair] Buster: [calming down as she does 'Sorry'] Rio: [shhing him gently] Buster: [is he crying or isn't he, there's no way to know] Rio: [just telling him he's alright over and over] Buster: ['I didn't mean it, it's not your fault'] Rio: ['They can be two separate issues, it's not important'] Buster: ['it is to me and you are to me, don't fuck off, I don't want you to'] Rio: [holds him tighter like I'm still here] Buster: [literally just wrapped around each other by this point] Rio: ['I'm sorry too'] Buster: ['You ain't allowed to be 'cause you didn't do anything' but his voice is soft not his confrontational one] Rio: [shakes head 'cause we both know what almost happened but not putting words to that right now] Buster: [holds her tighter like I mean it 'cause blaming himself entirely for that as well since he was the one doing all that leaning] Rio: ['we didn't even get caught, it's so fine' kinda giving away that you don't regret it there but shh] Buster: ['we won't get caught going to the beach or the forty foot either, it'll be the best summer, I promise' just like I love you and I won't ruin this haha] Rio: [reaching out to pinky promise again] Buster: [doing it while we can cos Buster is gonna be a dickhead soon and outgrow being this cute egg RIP] Rio: [rip rip, also realised its edies bday on the 10th btw] Buster: [OMG I forgot how old is she gonna be?] Rio: [7] Buster: [should we let them snooze or is there any more feels we wanna inflict on ourselves?] Rio: [Hmm, probably sleep or this could get outta hand so easily lol] Buster: [Good point]
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