#I'm bound to make more stuff XDD
laufire · 1 year
since your faves morph with your re-watches. let's say ted lasso. but also black sails and tvd for the ask meme <3
LOL. It doesn't happen with every story, since I think it's a result of uniquely expansive character arcs and a 'verse so impactful on my psyche I'm bound to analyze it six ways to Sunday...... which is not THAT easy to find LOL. That said.
This one could easily change because I really only have strong-ish attachment to the first 2-3 on the list tbh.
Rebecca. How could she not? She's the fucking shit. AND she's unbelievably hot.
Keeley. I ADORE everything she is.
Ted. His backstory regarding his father is eerily similar to that of one of my oldest, best-beloved OCs. Once I made that connection, it was downhill from there.
Roy. He and I are kindred spirits xDD
Sam. He's just a sweetheart with really good leading instincts once he's in a better place to grow. I have a soft spot for that stuff.
Least favourite: I mean, on the one hand, you have Rupert, who's THE WORST lol. But... yeah, yeah, Nate is on the path to redemption, and he's definitely suffered a whole deal, etc. etc. He just happens to act in a way I can't help but find abhorrent in people so.... he's on thin ice LOL. Rupert wins but he deserves the mention.
(the fact that season 3 has been out for a week and I've already seen two posts that tried to downplay his misogynistic/incel tendencies doesn't help tbh)
This one is tricky. I do plan to do a proper rewatch (and then a stackedsails rewatch for 2025 :DDD), which will clarify things. There's no version of events where Max and Silver wouldn't be my numbers 1 and 2, respectively. It's afterwards that it gets trickier.
I've offhandedly mentioned this before but, at least with certain stories (those where I'm here to appreciate the entirety of the story, basically), the impact of a character's arc ends up weighing more than any feeling of affection that I might feel for the person they embody, if that makes sense.
I'd say Flint is the most likely candidate for number 3. The other two slots... characters like Madi or Mr. Scott are still on the running (mix of both appreciation of their impact and their rarity as characters, and admiration for their personalities); but others like Vane, Eleanor or Billy have prominent, incredibly satisfying individual arcs more in consistent dialogue with the story's themes that could give them an edge.
For least favourite: yes, antagonists like Ashe or Rogers are obviously awful (the latter is at least really interesting for me; the former is just a spineless worm). But man. The way this fandom overrates Thomas is just something else xD
Caroline. NUMBER ONE IN MY HEART, 5EVER, ETC. ETC. u know the deal.
Bonnie. I love her, I admire her, I understand her. And she's beautiful and I'm not made of stone.
Curveball ahead but: Elena. She's been promoted to #my schrödinger fave LOL. My opinion of her as a person hasn't changed xD, but she awakens my imagination and my love for narrative analysis like very few characters do.
Qetsiyah. I just think she's cool <3
Tyler. Oh, the tragedy of it :(
Least favourite: to quote myself - if you tied my hands behind my back, I would kill Damon with my teeth.
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so anyways , I watched a new show recently -
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disdaidal · 3 years
💖💖💖 in a 1 to 10 ranking, how hot do you think lou-diamond is in 'the big hit'? xD / I'm following you bc you're amazing and every single one of your edits is a treasure and bc omg so many of them make me laugh so hard 🌟🌟 / who would you swap bodies with for a week: billy or steve? / favorite xena moment? :D / i associate you by now with so many of my favorite movies and shows! / you tell me a secret! / 3 movies you'd take with you to a desert island xD /
MY LOVE 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
in a 1 to 10 ranking, how hot do you think lou-diamond is in 'the big hit'?
asghjdhgjkdh seriously
Thanks for reminding me of that movie cuz I haven't watched it literally in years even though I have it on dvd xDD but since you so kindly asked, I actually dug it out of my dvd shelf after all these years and took some time to take these wonderful screenshots of him (since, you know, google didn't do him justice). i obviously didn't buy this movie just for him. obviously
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okay so honestly I'd rate him maybe 7/10 cause that mustache/beard combination thing is not doing anything for me honestly :'D and he's got some weird gold tooth too ajhjfhhjg
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He's ripped. He's armed and dangerous. He's morally corrupt, delightfully evil and has a sense of drama.
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and he's got so much love for mel (keeps calling him 'baby' too)
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I mean, what's not to love there XDDD 💖💖💖 so yeah thanks for reminding me of this movie!!! I had so much fun watching it after a long time.
I'm following you bc you're amazing and every single one of your edits is a treasure and bc omg so many of them make me laugh so hard 🌟🌟
Aww thanks so much! 🥺😭🥰 You are amazing too!!! 💖✨ And I'm so glad that you value my edits and that some of them make you laugh too! I always try to pick the stuff for funny edits that makes me laugh, and it gives me so much joy to read people's tags (yours included) and see that mission accomplished. 🤗🤩
who would you swap bodies with for a week: billy or steve?
Honestly, I don't know. Maybe Steve? 😅 I mean I'd love to see what's going on in Billy boy's head sometimes, to try and understand why he's acting the way he is. But honestly, we don't know much about Steve either right? We haven't seen his parents, don't know much about his childhood and his trademark is being 'dumb' and having 'great hair', but we all know he's more than that. I think it would be an interesting week indeed. 😄
favorite xena moment? :D
Oh gosh, I haven't actually watched Xena in a long time and haven't even seen all the seasons yet. D:
But you know I'm a Callisto girl 😏 like I think I had a legit crush on her when I was around 9-10 years old maybe.
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Obviously there are a lot of good scenes between Xena and Gabrielle too. 😘 And Joxer the Mighty afjjghfkgjk
i associate you by now with so many of my favorite movies and shows!
Honestly, same!!! 💖💖💖 I still can't believe that we share so many fandoms & favorite actors in common, and it's this fandom that finally brought us 'together' 😂😍 It is ✨destiny✨ also great taste 😇🤭 My small fandom experience could've been so much better & less lonely if only we had talked before! 😤 Oh well, I'm glad you're here now 😘
you tell me a secret!
As if I had any secrets. 🤣🤣🤣 I mean ones that I'd actually want to tell anyone 😂
3 movies you'd take with you to a desert island xD
Oh gosh xDD There are so many movies that I'd love to take with me.
But let's see...
The Breakfast Club - because I need at least one 80's movie with me. And it's a pretty good high school & teen drama movie imo.
Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey - this movie made me cry as a kid and the ending scene still brings tears to my eyes. I mean two talking dogs and one cat going on a huge adventure in the wildnerness. There's humor, there's drama and there's some angst too. But it's a great family movie, brings a smile to my face (along with those tears). :)
Cube - Because I love me some good psychological horror.
Thanks so much for these lovely questions & I had fun answering them. 😊🥰 You're obviously getting an ask from me too, so be prepared. 😎💖
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iamanartichoke · 6 years
I have the same issue with only wanting to do things in the wee hours of the morning. It's so bad that I've become nocturnal because of it. But I figured out I do it because those are the times when everyone else is asleep, therefore I'm way less likely to be randomly interrupted right while I'm figuring out the secret answer to some complex writing formula or so. Because if people are awake, then they are bound to accidentally interrupt me at the most inconvenient moments.
I live alone, so there’s not much chance of being interrupted no matter what time I work, although it’s very possible I developed this mindset growing up, since I did grow up in a very large family. I figure my options are to either accept being nocturnal and just getting up and doing stuff, 3am or not, or really make a serious effort to fix my sleep patterns so that I can sleep at night and thus have more energy during the daytime. Win/win? XDD 
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