#I'm getting good ideas but i feel like i dont respond to prompts well enough and it makes me feel like an asshole
caterpillarinacave · 10 months
I could respond to my writing promts with short, one chapter, or couple paragraph story.
Or, I could begin an exspansive mutlichapter fic that I will obsess over, posting singular chapters over the course of months as one shots to test the waters, then begin to string everything together, steadily posting and updating this fic where, techincally, one chapter does, in fact, respond to the prompt.
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hotch-stufff · 3 years
Meet the Parents
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Gif is not mine
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x f!Reader
Warnings!: angsty, mentions of neglect, bad parenting, fighting, arguing, lots of yelling, parents saying degrading things towards reader, but happy ending between reader and hotch obviously
Description: Hotch meets your parents that have never approved of you or anything you do, how will he react when they begin picking apart your life?
A/N: not rlly sure if i love this one, but I hope you guys do. Probably a bunch of spelling errors, just warning you.
It was a bad idea.
Of course it was a bad idea.
You really didn't know why you had to go through with this.
You never wanted to have to introduce him to your parents. You had hoped this day wouldn't come. They were... not the best parents in the world, to say the least.
But you were engaged, getting married in only a few months, and your parents had of course heard of your engagement from your older sister. She had accidently let it slip on her last visit.
And now you had to introduce him. And God you were terrified. They had belittled and picked apart each and every aspect of your life.
It wasn't really your father, more so your mother. But he had never stopped her and joined in occasionally.
They had always hated your decisions. You had joined the marines straight out of highschool, and went to the FBI academy after 4 years of service. You had then quickly made your way to the FBI's behavior analysist unit, and that was where you had met your now fiance, Aaron Hotchner.
And of course your mother disapproved. She had always wanted you to go the traditional route. Be a stay at home mom, married with kids by the time you were 20.
You were now 28 and just getting engaged, so of course your mother was going to have some complaints.
But you had never expected how the night actually had turned out.
You had been wringing your hands the entire way there. Aaron had been worried about you for the entirety of the trip. Constantly sending you glances, taking your hand in his own and squeezing reassuringly.
"It will be alright, love." He would tell you. You would simply glance at him shaking your head.
He didn't know how wrong he was.
Soon enough you pulled up into the driveway of your childhood home. Your heart beat widely as you stepped out of the car, meeting Aaron on the other side.
"I'm sorry." He shot you a confused look.
"For what?" he had asked.
"Just apologizing in advance." And with that you rang the doorbell. You heard footsteps and the door was yanked open. Your mothers shrill voice rang through the air.
"Honey! They're here." She sent a smile Aaron's way, and glanced at you dissaprovingly. "Darling. What on earth are you wearing?" You looked down at your simple dress and rolled your eyes.
"Good to see you too mom." She shook her head.
"Of course of course. Good to see you as well. And you must be Aaron? We have heard nothing about you." You scoffed, quickly covering it with a cough, as Aaron responded.
"Yes, Aaron Hotchner ma'am. Its wonderful to meet you."he stuck out his hand for her to shake, but she just turned around and strutted away.
"Do come in, we wouldn't want dinner to get cold. You're already 20 minutes late." She scolded as she walked through the kitchen door.
"Mom, we are 5 minutes early." You stated simply. She laughed like you had said the most absurd thing in the world. You just rolled your eyes.
Aaron shot you a glance and you smiled softly at him.
You gathered around your table, hoping for a somewhat pleasant meal. You father walked in glancing at Aaron before doing a double take.
"Ah you must be Aaron." Your father held out his hand hesitantly. Hotch shook it respectfully introducing himself.
"Yes sir, Aaron Hotchner." He nodded politely.
You all sat around the table and began eating in silence. Small talk here and there but mostly silence, until your mother finally spoke up.
"So, you two met at work?"she asked, disdain present in her voice.
"Uh, yes we did. We work together at the BAU." You replied, catching your mothers eye roll but electing to ignore it.
"Yes, I'm the unit chief, and Y/n is one of our best agents." You couldn't stop him before he made his mistake. And you saw the realization flashed in your father's eyes.
"Unit chief? Like the boss?" He asked.
"Shit." You muttered under your breath. "Yes dad, like the boss." You said a bit louder.
"You're dating your boss!" Your mother exclaimed.
"Mom, its not that big of a deal, he isn't my direct boss, another agent is." You tried explaining.
"Ugh, this government talk us just too much at the dinner table." She sighs dramatically and you shut up, not wanted to start a fight so early in the night.
You all continued eating until your dad spoke again.
"So Aaron you must be significantly older than Y/n." Your father continued. Aaron nearly choked on his drink.
"Um, there is a small age difference yes. But we have never let it bother us." God this was painful.
"No but, why on earth would you bother with a young, disappointment like Y/n? I mean she's obviously gained some weight. She had a dishonorable job for a woman. She doesn't have a family, and jmis just now getting into a serious relationship. I mean seriously Aaron, you could do so much better than, her." You could not believe the audacity of this woman. Your mother effectively silenced the entire table. You felt tears gather in your eyes. As you tried to stop them from falling down your face, Aaron set his wine down calmly and stood up.
"Your daughter is very far from a disapointment." He stated matter of factly. "She is by far one of the Best people that I know. She is the love of my life. She is one of THE most prestigious agents in the FBI, and is apart of one of the best teams in the country. She is the most amazing partner in the world, and had become my favorite person. I dont know how you consider yourselves decent human beings when you can sit here and degrade your own daughter like this. And I feel sorry that you can't see how amazing she truly is." He was nearly breathless when he finished. You stood up beside him.
"Aaron's, right. You guys are the most indecent human bei-"
Anger had flashed in your fathers eyes as he stood angrily, slamming his hands on the table, effectively interrupting you.
"How dare you come into our house and speak such words towards us!?" He yelled at Aaron and you with a furociousness you hadn't seen since you joined the marines.
"Sit down and shut up!" Aaron yelled right back, furious that your father had just interrupted you.
You decided it was time to step in and leave.
"Me and my fiance will be leaving now. I hope you have wonderful lives. And the next time I hear from you it better be an apology otherwise you will never be meeting your grandchildren. And my my wouldn't that just be very indecent." You finished in a mocking tone, spinning around and walking away, Aaron hot on your heals.
You somehow held off your tears till you reached the car and pulled into your driveway and then you completely broke down.
Aaron held you the best he could over the console, trying his best to make you feel better
"Sshhh, sweetheart, its okay." He whispered into your hair. "That was so brave. I'm so proud of you." You smiled slowly pulling away from him.
"Thank you Aaron, for everything you said in there. I never would have had the courage to say anything to them if it wasn't for you. So thank you." He was about to protest, but you shut him up quickly by pressing your lips to his in a passionate kiss.
"I love you." He mumbled against your lips.
You just kissed him harder, getting your message across loud and clear. You pulled away, wiping away your tears.
"I think they liked you." You mumbled a few seconds later, causing him to burst into laughter.
"Especially when I told your dad to shut up." You giggled at his statement.
"Especially then." You continued laughing as you leaned in kissing him again.
Never had you been happier for having a man like Aaron Hotchner.
Check out my Blurb Weekend!! Only accepting blurb requests for the weekend, but regular requests will be open afterwards.
Thanks for reading! Requests are still open, so ask away! If you would like an idea of what to request, here is my prompt list, and if you would like to read more of my work, here is my masterlist.
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not-all-dead · 4 years
I'm so in love with your writing, it's soooo good! Could you write Kyalin with the number 15, please? 🥺💕
ahhh thank you so much!!! this was a really fun one to write :))
prompt #15 - “Shouldn’t you be with him/her/them?”
this one’s sad but quite light content compared to some of the others, it’s also set when Kya’s 19 and Lin’s 16 (before Kya’s 20th birthday but after Lin’s 16th)
Lin was panting, sweat rolling down her forehead. She and Kya had been sparring for twenty minutes, with neither gaining the upper hand for more than a few seconds. Kya leaned back against the fountain, taking a minute to catch her breath. Lin decided to take advantage of her distraction, bending the section of fountain directly behind her into the ground.
“Hey!” Kya yelled as she was plunged into the water now spilling from the fountain.
Lin stuck her tongue out at her friend, earning a large spout of water aimed at her face. She managed to dodge it the first time, but Kya looped it around and hit her head-on only seconds later. Lin shook her head in an attempt to dry her face but gave up when she saw Kya preparing to attack her again.
“Oh no you dont,” Lin got into her preferred stance as Kya charged at her.
As soon as Kya was about to attack, Lin shifted her foot, bending a piece of earth to trip her. Kya went tumbling to the ground, and in her momentary surprise, lost control of her water. It splashed down, soaking Kya completely.
Lin laughed at her friend, but wasted no time. She knew Kya would be up and attacking again very soon, so she wanted to make sure she’d win this time. She stomped twice, bending two earth planks over Kya and trapping her against the ground. Kya huffed as Lin strutted over to her, rolling her eyes when Lin stood atop one of the planks holding Kya down. Lin squatted down to get closer to Kya’s face and stuck her tongue out again.
“Looks like you’re not the best bender kid around here anymore,” Lin taunted.
Kya raised an eyebrow at her, and with a minute flick of her wrist under the plank, splashed water all over Lin again.
“Hey!” Lin wiped her face, standing up and freeing Kya.
Kya laughed, pushing herself off the ground.
“I’ll admit, you’re pretty good. I don’t think either of us are at our mothers’ levels yet, but we’re pretty damn close if you ask me,” Kya bent the water out of her outfit and hair.
“Ahem?” Lin gestured at her dripping clothes.
“Hmmm…” Kya pretended to stroke a long beard in contemplation.
Lin growled at her and she laughed again.
“Fine, fine,” She said, bending the water off of her friend.
Once Lin was dry, Kya walked to the edge of the clearing where they’d been sparring. She grabbed her discarded sweater and was about to walk back to the Air Temple when Lin ran up to her and grabbed her wrist.
“Don’t leave yet,” Lin said, looking up at her. “Come relax in the sun, it’ll be nice.”
Kya thought for a second before putting her things down and letting Lin pull her back to the grassy part of the meadow.
“We have to be back for dinner though, my dad’s gonna kill me if I’m late,” Kya said, falling back on the soft ground next to Lin.
“Yeah, yeah, I know,” Lin rolled her eyes.
“Ha! Y’know, Our parents are complete opposites. I don't think my mom would even notice if I were missing for a week!” Lin laughed at her joke, but Kya knew her mother’s nonchalant approach to parenting often made her feel unwanted.
“Well, I certainly would, so don’t go doing that,” Kya responded, trying to reassure Lin without forcing her to actually admit to being upset.
“I won’t, don’t worry,” Lin turned her head to the side and smiled at Kya.
Kya’s heart skipped a beat.
No, no, no, not now, she told herself. She shoved away the idea of being with Lin, trying to silence her mind. She’d never thought about Lin that way, that is, until a few weeks prior, when she’d trapped Lin in an iceberg while sparring. She’d gotten right up close to her face, meaning to tease her, but all of a sudden had panicked.
“You okay?” Lin had a concerned look on her face.
“Yeah I just… got lost in thought,” Kya responded. She had no idea how long she’d been staring, but clearly it had been more than long enough.
When a strand of hair fell into Lin’s eyes, Kya couldn’t help herself. She reached over and tucked it gently behind Lin’s ear, her hand hovering for a moment before she pulled away. Lin’s eyes widened at Kya, a deep blush spreading over her features.
A voice suddenly interrupted them, coming closer from within the trees.
“... Bumi, quit it. I know you're here somewhere, I swear if you jump scare me again I’ll- ” Tenzin spotted his sister lying in the field and waved.
Kya propped herself up on her elbows, waving back. Lin followed her lead, and as soon as Tenzin saw her, he turned redder than a tomato.
“Oh, h-hi Lin!” He said, producing an awkward half smile.
She was about to say hello back to him when Bumi launched himself out of a tree, landing directly on top of Tenzin. Tenzin let out a high-pitched scream, airbending his brother off of him and running back into the wooded area. Bumi grinned widely at the two girls before running after his younger brother, no doubt to torture him further.
Once they were gone, Lin flushed again. She looked at Kya, who was still staring after her brothers and laughing, and then down at her hand. Without thinking, Lin laced her fingers in with Kya’s, who’s laughing stopped immediately.
Kya shifted to face Lin again, her expression a mix of shock, fear, and joy.
“Lin, what are you- ” She was cut off by Lin launching towards her, placing a shy kiss on her lips.
When she pulled away, Kya felt like crying. She liked Lin, she really did, but so did Tenzin. And at the end of the day, her parents expected for Lin to end up with him, and Kya with some man she found elsewhere. She still hadn’t even told them she liked women yet, and plus… she couldn’t break her brother’s heart like that.
She removed her hand from Lin’s and hid her face by looking to the trees again.
“Shouldn’t you be with him?” She asked.
“What?” Lin tried to grab her hand again, but she yanked it away.
“With Tenzin. You should be with Tenzin,” She clarified, though Lin knew what she meant the first time.
“I- I mean, yeah, that’s what everyone says, but Kya, I like you, not him, and- ” Kya cut Lin off, shaking her head.
“I can’t. We can’t. I’m sorry, I really am,” Kya stood to leave, not wanting Lin to see the tears rolling down her cheeks.
“Kya, wait!” Lin called, but Kya had already started running.
Lin sat in the meadow alone, never wanting to go back to the temple. She numbly watched the sun travel through the sky, not a soul bothering her until Tenzin came to fetch her for dinner. She followed him back, tuning out his constant chatter, dreading the moment she’d see Kya again.
To her surprise, Kya never showed up to dinner, despite what she’d said earlier. When Lin asked after her, Aang told her that Kya had left to travel the world as soon as she’d come back from sparring. It felt like a stab to the gut, but Lin said nothing, forcing the sadness and anger she felt into the depths of her stomach.
She didn’t see Kya again for another four years, and when she did, she and Tenzin were together.
list of prompts
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stickyy · 4 years
could i get a reader x ururaka where the reader kidnaps her and forcibly 'protects' her by coddling her and keeping her in a soft room with everything she could need and not letting her leave, even if it means restraining, or even injuring her? tysm! i'm really looking forward to seeing your blog grow! (btw if you cant/dont want to write ururaka, midoriya or shinso are also good!) ♡
thank you so much for your kind words!! :D i hope you enjoy, i kind of went for a more somber tone bc i like Angst, so this was moody and fun to write!
warnings: yandere!gn!reader, kidnapping, very mildly graphic mutilation (hands and ankle), drugging mention, very vague vomit mention, angst, best friends to lovers (gone wrong) /s
word count: 1.5 k
note: the scene describing mutilation is sandwiched by two dashes (-), incase u dont want to read it :D
The pattering of rain against the kitchen window is loud, accompanied by the sizzle of food on the stove and the distant chatter of news anchors coming from your TV in a domestic cacophony of sounds. It’s a Saturday morning, and it would be a pretty relaxed one if not for the deep pit of dread in your stomach. You had a rough night, to say the least. Trying to keep yourself present, you rub the dark bags under your eyes as you tend your routine of making breakfast every morning. Maybe a meal between the two of you will fix things. You hope so, at least. You tune into the television in an attempt to distract yourself.
“... are still in search for missing Hero, Urav-”
You’re suddenly uninterested, shutting the cable off with haste. Breakfast is as good as finished, anyways. 
The house is quiet, save for the rain, and the silence settles as a sickly chill under your skin. Taking your time to ensure your footsteps are quiet, you head towards the door at the end of the hallway. The normally innocuous door frame looms over you and you want to shrink away, go back to a time where things were okay. You place the tray on the small table outside of the room, fishing for the keys in your pocket. There are 3 locks; two require keys, while the other is an opposite facing deadbolt. You make quick work of opening them, daily practice rendering you nimble. With the door open and the keys back in your pocket, you grab the tray and push the door in with your hip, your stomach dropping and your heart fluttering simultaneously at the sight of Uraraka, still sleeping peacefully.
You place the tray on her bedside table gingerly, opening the curtains to her window afterwards. The dim, muddy light wakes her, her form stretching under the plush covers.
“Good morning!” you chirp, over enthusiastic as you sit on the edge of her bed. Her hair is messy, skin splotchy from laying in one place all night (you give her sleeping pills at night, and they tend to keep her in one place). She rubs sleep from her eyes cutely, sighing before speaking to you.
She hums in response. Even when she’s angry, she’s always so polite, sweet enough to offer you any response after what you did to her. Her gentle voice, no matter if she’s laughing or talking or screaming or crying, is music to you. The noise does more to set you at ease than you’d like to admit, her voice like stitches to your wounded heart. You can’t help but smile, warmth spreading over your skin. You love her so much, it’s why you do what you must to keep her safe.
“Did you sleep well?” you ask, as you do everyday, setting up her breakfast in front of her. She’s silent. You expect as much, yet it still stings, and you spare a glance at her to see an expression you can’t quite read and don’t quite like. That’s all it takes for the pit to return, guilt and remorse stirring through your veins. You can only muster offer a soft noise in response, sitting back with your own plate of food. You start first, choosing to focus on the flavor of the food, the softness of the duvet, the rain- anything but the silence. 
But it’s so difficult; you want nothing more than to be able to ignore her, to not feel so attached and needy and sorry. She burns so brightly, even when she’s upset, and you’re a moth to the flame, unable to look away for long. You don’t even realize that you’ve scarfed down half of your food, but it’s glaringly apparent when you look to Uraraka’s food to see it untouched, cooling rapidly. You glance at her face yet again, and her forlorn expression prompts you to break the thick silence.
“Does it still hurt?”
She flinches but doesn’t respond, hugging her arms to her chest and turning away from you. The rain is deafening against the window, and you notice you’re not hungry anymore.
“I told you I was sorry,” you say softly, eyes unconsciously darting to the bandages on her hands, trailing down to her legs, obscured by the covers. She continues to ignore you. You can’t take it, you need to hear her say something, anything.
 “You know I hate hurting you. I hate it, but you tried to run again. Why? We’ve been doing so good, I thought you were happy! I thought you finally understood! You have everything you need here, and even if you don’t, I can get it for you. I’m not even mad, not anymore, so please just-”
“Just let me leave,” her voice is hoarse, and you can see stray tears trailing down her flushed cheeks, pained eyes trained on your face. You swallow, using all of your willpower to turn away from her gaze. You stand suddenly, taking a deep breath before heading into the bathroom, grabbing the first aid materials you left in there. You make the executive decision that it would be better if that conversation never happened, so you pretend as such when you return to the room, replacing your somber expression with a warm smile.
“Let’s get this cleaned up,” you peel back the covers and take a look at her ankle. 
Her shin is twisted slightly straightened yet still awkward in angle, absurdly swollen, skin littered with large splotches of wine purple, faded blue, and putrid yellow bruises. It looks like it hurts, and you feel yourself deflate, guilt chewing at your insides yet again. You’d never meant to do this to her, but you had no choice. Last night, while you were cooking dinner, you figured you’d let Uraraka keep you company as you chopped vegetables, seeing as she had been extraordinarily compliant recently. That was a mistake, as you had to act quickly when you heard the screech of the chair pushed back suddenly and the loud stomp of feet against hardwoods. You caught her before she could reach the front door, threw her to the floor, and in your irrational fit of panic you stomped hard, once, twice, three times, over and over until the sickening, dull crunch of bone snapped you out of your frenzy. In all of your time with Uraraka, both pre and post living together, you’d never seen her cry quite like this. Her loud, pained, fearful sobs made your stomach turn, and no matter how hard you tried to console her, she wouldn’t stop, thrashing to get your arms off of her. She couldn’t move far, and so you had to wait and watch her writhe in agony until she tired herself out, chest heaving, face covered in tears and snot and drool. You helped her to her room and quickly wrapped the wound, leaving her alone for the rest of the night. You were unable to sleep, hunched over the toilet for the majority of the early hours due to waves of nausea, crying spells ebbing and flowing.
(The bandages on her hands are different. Ridding her of her quirk was the only way to ensure she’d stay put. You’d had a few drinks, taken the largest kitchen knife you owned, and did what you had to. The wounds were cauterized and healed, but you kept the bandages on so she wouldn’t have to look at the scar tissue where the last ligament of her pinky fingers were missing.)
You clean her ankle, gently caressing the distorted flesh with rubbing alcohol. She returned to her reticence, save for small (cute) pained noises when you pass over a particularly tender spot. You take solace in the moment, cherishing the chance to take care of her. 
(When you rewrap the wound, you’re deliberate in doing it incorrectly. It will heal, but it will heal wrong, and then she’ll have to rely on you to get anywhere. The idea is tantalizing, and you suppress a shiver.)
“There, all done,” you grin up at her, surprised to find her looking back, expression exhausted but aware, awake. You pack the materials up quickly, climbing back onto the bed. You take note of her breakfast, undoubtedly cold now.
“I can heat that up for you.”
“‘M not hungry.”
That’s that, then. You decide not to push, instead opening your arms in a gesture of peace, knowing how much she loves (tolerates) your cuddles. She gives you a scrutinizing look, before nodding once, the only invitation you get. You move the tray to her bedside table, quickly scooting next to her and wrapping your arms around her gently. She doesn’t quite reciprocate, settling for just leaning against you, but you’ll take anything you can get. Your nerves are set alight, and you vow to yourself that you’ll never hurt her again. You know you did the right thing, keeping her fed and pampered and safe. You’d make up for it, devote yourself to seeing her smile again, even if only once.
“You’re not mad at me, right?” you can’t help but ask, always seeking her approval. 
She’s silent. The rain doesn’t stop. 
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car-karaoke · 6 years
Prompt 38: "Just pretend to be my date" with Alexander Ludgwig
Requested by the lovely @normatural
Warnings: none, just fluff
You had only been working as a makeup artist on Vikings for a few months, but it has been the most incredible job you'd ever have. All of the cast were shockingly nice to you, especially considering you were still getting used to working on such a huge show. More times than not, you took twice as long as the other artists, making sure every painstaking detail was to your utter satisfaction. Your end products were incredible, but you found yourself always apologizing for taking so long. Only a few times did someone show any annoyance to it
One of the extras was in a mood that day. She was playing a shieldmaiden, and you were currently working on perfecting a bloody gash on her cheekbone. Your tongue stuck out ever so slightly in concentration when she cleared her throat rudely, causing you to fumble and drop your brush
"Shit" you muttered under your breath, grabbing the now dirty brush and putting it in your cleaning solution. You grabbed a fresh one and focused your attention back on her face, which now smudged unpleasantly to your critical eyes
"I'm just going to need to re-do this little part here, just hang in there I'm sorry" you stated quietly to the actress. She huffed dramatically and looked at her watch
"Do you really need to fix that? It's not like it really matters. You're not even one of the important makeup artists here. Besides, I'm supposed to look bloody and war-beaten, not like I'm going to prom" she finished with raised eyebrows
Her comment hit you in the gut. You tried your best to be confident in all parts if your life, especially your job, but given the fact that you were already worried about your work enough as it was, you couldn't help the pit you started to feel in your stomach. Before you could stammer out a reply, a voice rose out from the corner
"Hey! Are you kidding me?? There is NO reason to talk to someone like that! Especially not a damn behind the scenes staff member. They are the only reason we look as amazing as we do. Get the fuck out of here and do it yourself then" Alex yelled, already out of his chair and walking towards yours
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You were shocked at his response. Although Alex was always a perfect gentleman to you, you never expected he would stick up for you like that. The woman got up from your chair and muttered an apology to you before leaving. Alex shook his head in frustration and leaned against the counter, arms crossed, looking down at you
"Sorry if you were going to say something, I just kinda snapped on her. That pisses me off when I see people getting treated like that" he admitted
"Of course I dont mind, thank you" you smiled up at him. He returned your smile and gave your shoulder a supportive pat before sitting back down in his own chair. Your friend was working on his makeup at the moment. You never understood how she could be so calm while being more inches away from such attractive people
"Y/N, do you mind taking over for me? I'm nearly done, but I just need to make an important phone call" she carefully said. She knew full well that you have always really liked Alex. If you were a betting woman, you'd say there was no actual phone call.
"Uhhh....yeah! That's okay, I can finish up for you" you shyly smiled. You rarely got the chance to work on the bigger actors/actresses. She sent you a knowing smile before heading out, leaving just the two of you in the trailer
You settled in, trying to concentrate on your job rather than the piercing blue of Alex's eyes. As you went to work, you casually asked him how he had been doing recently and what his plans were for the weekend. Most of the cast and crew had the next few days off
"Eh, not a whole lot is new with me. As far as plans go, I'm supposed to be heading to a friend's wedding. But it's a rather small wedding, and my buddy didn't tell me until just this morning that almost everyone is going with a date....and I don't have one" he laughed awkwardly
Before you could stop yourself you blurted out "You don't have a girlfriend?" Typically, you weren't that forward. Alex gave you an amused smile before your eyes bulged out and you tried to backpedal. "I'm sorry... I don't know why I just said that. That was really rude oh my god. I'm so sorry" you stuttered
Alex grabbed your hand reassuringly with a laugh. "You're fine Y/N! Don't worry. And to answer your question, no. I'm single as a pringle" he smiled. "What about you? Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked without hesitation
"No" you replied shyly, starting to blush a little. Then you put your foot in your mouth again. "I'll be your fake date to the wedding if you want! I'm a sucker for wedding cake" you blurted out. Embarrassment immediately followed you, causing you to facepalm yourself
To your surprise, Alex busted out laughing. "Fake date huh? I'm down for that if you're being serious" he stated. You looked up at him with shock
"Uhm...I mean yeah! Of course I'll go with you! I can just be your friend, dont worry. You dont have to pretend to be into me or anything" you said awkwardly. God you were bad at this
Alex just beamed at you, his eyes crinkling from his smile. "Alright, it's a date Y/N" he simply said, writing his number down on a piece of paper and giving it to you. You couldn't believe this was actually happening
It was the day of the wedding. You were all ready to go, a simple but fancy enough dress on, hair done in loose curls framing your face, and semi-bold makeup on point. Alex was going to be picking you up in 5 minutes. You were pacing around your small apartment trying to gather some extra confidence. You knew you looked good, but this is Alex we're talking about. He basically looks like a god at all time
A knock on your door broke you out of your daze and you jumped involuntarily. Taking a deep breath, you opened the door to reveal Alex in all his glory. He looked incredible. You couldn't help but stare at him. 'Think Y/N, tell him he looks great' you thought to yourself. Before you could muster up the courage to say anything, Alex interrupted you
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"Wow Y/N...you look gorgeous!" He exclaimed enthusiastically, eyes shamelessly looking you up and down. You blushed and shyly thanked him. He handed you a small bouquet of flowers, all of which happened to be your favorite. You gawked at the array of colors as Alex chuckled
"I asked Laura what your favorites were" he quietly admitted. Laura was your friend and coworker. You were overcome with emotion and looked up at him happily
"Alex, you know you didn't have to do this. Especially since I'm not like... you know... your actual date or anything" you stammered. You played with your fingers nervously
"Well as far as I'm concerned, you are my date. You look gorgeous and you're my friend. So what if we're not actually dating" he said simply before taking your hand and leading you to his car. He opened the door for you and you just shook your head and laughed
The wedding venue was gorgeous. It was an outdoor ceremony and reception. Even though it was summer, the night got chillier as it went on. During the ceremony, Alex wrapped his arm around your shoulder casually. Your legs were touching, and you tried with everything you could to keep yourself together. Alex sighed as the ceremony concluded and the happy wedded couple kissed
"I love weddings" he sighed with a smile. You glanced over at him, forgetting how close his face was to yours
"Yeah? Me too" you said quietly. "Something about two people in love committing themselves to each other. It's beautiful"
Alex just hummed in response, dreamily looking at you. "Beautiful. I agree" he whispered. You felt like you were about to melt right there
"You're charming Ludwig, you know that?" You responded softly. He just smirked
"And you're gorgeous" he stated. You blushed like mad and thanked him. "You know, you're treating me like we're actually on a date. Not saying that's a bad thing, but still. I thought you just thought of me as a friend" you joked, trying to cut the sexual tension you were feeling. His eyes narrowed at you
"That's because I do wish this was an actual date. I was going to ask you seriously before you suggested going as a 'fake date'..." he admitted sheepishly. You couldn't believe your ears. Instinctively, you took your hand and grabbed his
"Alex....you have no idea how bad I wanted this to be an actual date too" you started laughing lightly. "I just didn't think you were into me like that. I thought you had a girlfriend to be honest" you stated
He smiled and got up, pulling you along with him. "Well....hopefully I will have a girlfriend soon. Because I'm looking at this wonderful, talented, stunning woman right now and I want to get to know everything about her" he said confidently
You couldn't help the blush that overtook your cheeks, shaking your head in disbelief. "Oh is that so? She must be a very lucky woman. I'm kinda jealous of her" you amusingly smiled. It was his turn to shake his head in laughter
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He wrapped his hand around your waist and led you over to the dining hall. He dramatically twirled you as you walked, before kissing your hand like a disney prince would
"Come on love, let's go get you some cake"
Hope you liked it hunny!!
@normatural @thevikingsheaux @lisinfleur @dangerousvikings @tephi101
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neptunecreek · 6 years
Sextortion Scam: What to Do If You Get the Latest Phishing Spam Demanding Bitcoin
You may have arrived at this post because you received an email from a purported hacker who is demanding payment or else they will send compromising information—such as pictures sexual in nature—to all you friends and family. You’re searching for what to do in this frightening situation.
Don’t panic. Contrary to the claims in your email, you haven't been hacked (or at least, that's not what prompted that email). This is merely a new variation on an old scam which is popularly being called "sextortion." This is a type of online phishing that is targeting people around the world and preying off digital-age fears.
We’ll talk about a few steps to take to protect yourself, but the first and foremost piece of advice we have: do not pay the ransom.
We have pasted a few examples of these emails at the bottom of this post. The general gist is that a hacker claims to have compromised your computer and says they will release embarrassing information—such as images of you captured through your web camera or your pornographic browsing history—to your friends, family, and co-workers.  The hacker promises to go away if you send them thousands of dollars, usually with bitcoin.
What makes the email especially alarming is that, to prove their authenticity, they begin the emails showing you a password you once used or currently use.
Again, this still doesn't mean you've been hacked. The scammers in this case likely matched up a database of emails and stolen passwords and sent this scam out to potentially millions of people, hoping that enough of them would be worried enough and pay out that the scam would become profitable.
EFF researched some of the bitcoin wallets being used by the scammers. Of the five wallets we looked at only one had received any bitcoin, in total about 0.5 bitcoin or $4,000 at the time of this writing.  It’s hard to say how much the scammers have received in total at this point since they appear to be using different bitcoin addresses for each attack, but it’s clear that at least some people are already falling for this scam.
Here are some quick  answers to the questions many people ask after receiving these emails.
They have my password! How did they get my password?
Unfortunately, in the modern age, data breaches are common and massive sets of passwords make their way to the criminal corners of the Internet. Scammers likely obtained such a list for the express purpose of including a kernel of truth in an otherwise boilerplate mass email.
If the password emailed to you is one that you still use, in any context whatsoever,  STOP USING IT and change it NOW! And regardless of whether or not you still use that password it's always a good idea to use a password manager.
And of course, you should always change your password when you’re alerted that your information has been leaked in a breach. You can also use a service like Have I Been Pwned to check whether you have been part of one of the more well-known password dumps.
Should I respond to the email?
Absolutely not. With this type of scam, the perpetrator relies on the likelihood that a small number of people will respond out of a batch of potentially millions. Fundamentally this isn't that much different from the old Nigerian prince scam, just with a different hook. By default they expect most people will not even open the email, let alone read it. But once they get a response—and a conversation is initiated—they will likely move into a more advanced stage of the scam. It’s better to not respond at all.
So,  I shouldn’t pay the ransom?
You should not pay the ransom. If you pay the ransom, you’re not only losing money but you’re encouraging the scammers to continue phishing other people. If you do pay, then the scammers may also use that as a pressure point to continue to blackmail you, knowing that you’re are susceptible.
What should I do instead?
As we said before, for sure stop using the password that the scammer used in the phishing email, and consider employing a password manager to keep your passwords strong and unique. Moving forward, you should make sure to enable two-factor authentication whenever that is an option on your online accounts. You can also check out our Surveillance Self-Defense guide for more tips on how to protect your security and privacy online.
One other thing to do to protect yourself is apply a cover over your computer’s camera. We offer some through our store, but a small strip of electrical tape will do.
We know this experience isn't fun, but it's also not the end of the world. Just ignore the scammers' empty threats and practice good password hygiene going forward!
Example 1
I am aware one of your passphrase: password. Lets get directly to point. Not a single person has compensated me to investigate about you. You do not know me and you are probably wondering why you're getting this e mail?actually, I actually installed a software on the adult vids (sex sites) site and you know what, you visited this web site to have fun (you know what I mean). When you were viewing videos, your internet browser initiated working as a Remote control Desktop that has a key logger which provided me access to your display screen and also web cam. Right after that, my software program collected your complete contacts from your Messenger, FB, and email . After that I created a double-screen video. 1st part shows the video you were viewing (you've got a good taste haha . . .), and 2nd part shows the view of your webcam, and its u.  You do have only 2 alternatives. We are going to understand these types of choices in aspects: 1st solution is to disregard this message. In this case, I am going to send your actual video clip to just about all of your contacts and thus you can easily imagine about the disgrace you feel. Not to mention should you be in a relationship, just how it will eventually affect? Number two choice will be to pay me $3000. We will think of it as a donation. As a consequence, I most certainly will without delay eliminate your videotape. You will keep going on your daily life like this never happened and you will not hear back again from me. You'll make the payment through Bitcoin (if you do not know this, search for "how to buy bitcoin" in Google).
Example 2
Hi, victim.I write yоu becаusе I put а mаlware оn the wеb раge with porn whiсh yоu hаve visitеd.My virus grаbbed all your рersonal infо аnd turnеd on yоur сamеrа which сaрtured the рroсеss оf your onаnism. Just aftеr that the soft savеd yоur соntaсt list.I will dеlеte thе сompromising video and infо if you pаy me 999 USD in bitcoin. This is address fоr рaymеnt : 1K2jNTLdbHEwaALQWKMeGoKLWD67Cb6q8BI give yоu 30 hоurs aftеr you ореn my mеssаge for making the trаnsactiоn.As sоon аs yоu reаd the mеssаgе I'll see it right awаy.It is nоt necessary tо tell mе thаt you hаve sеnt money to me. This address is соnneсtеd tо yоu, my systеm will dеlete еverything automаtically aftеr trаnsfer соnfirmаtiоn.If yоu nееd 48 h just reрly оn this letter with +.Yоu сan visit thе pоlicе stаtion but nobоdy cаn hеlp yоu.If you try to dеceive mе , I'll sеe it right аway !I dont live in yоur соuntry. So they саn nоt track my lосаtiоn evеn for 9 months.Goodbyе. Dоnt fоrget аbоut thе shame and tо ignore, Yоur life can be ruined.
Example 3
𝕨hat's up. If you were more vigilant while playing with yourself, I wouldn't worry you. I don't think that playing with yourself is very bad, but when all colleagues, relatives and friends get video record of it- it is obviously for u. I adjusted virus on a porn web-site which you have visited. When the victim press on a play button, device begins recording the screen and all cameras on your device starts working. мoreover, my program makes a dedicated desktop supplied with key logger function from your device , so I could get all contacts from ya e-mail, messengers and other social networks. I've chosen this e-mail cuz It's your working address, so u should read it. Ì think that 730 usd is pretty enough for this little false. I made a split screen vid(records from screen (u have interesting tastes ) and camera ooooooh... its awful ᾷF) Ŝo its your choice, if u want me to erase this сompromising evidence use my ƅitсȯin wᾷllеt aďdrеss-  1JEjgJzaWAYYXsyVvU2kTTgvR9ENCAGJ35  Ƴou have one day after opening my message, I put the special tracking pixel in it, so when you will open it I will know.If ya want me to share proofs with ya, reply on this message and I will send my creation to five contacts that I've got from ur contacts. P.S... You can try to complain to cops, but I don't think that they can solve ur problem, the investigation will last for several months- I'm from Estonia - so I dgf LOL
Example 4
I know, password, is your pass word. You may not know me and you're most likely wondering why you are getting this e mail, correct? In fact, I placed a malware on the adult vids (porn material) web-site and you know what, you visited this website to have fun (you know what I mean). While you were watching video clips, your internet browser initiated operating as a RDP (Remote Desktop) that has a keylogger which provided me access to your screen and also webcam. Immediately after that, my software program gathered your entire contacts from your Messenger, social networks, as well as email. What did I do? I made a double-screen video. 1st part shows the video you were watching (you have a good taste lmao), and 2nd part shows the recording of your webcam. exactly what should you do?
Well, I believe, $2900 is a fair price for our little secret. You'll make the payment by Bitcoin (if you don't know this, search "how to buy bitcoin" in Google). BTC Address: 1MQNUSnquwPM9eQgs7KtjDcQZBfaW7iVge (It is cAsE sensitive, so copy and paste it) Note: You have one day in order to make the payment. (I have a specific pixel in this email message, and at this moment I know that you have read through this email message). If I do not get the BitCoins, I will definitely send out your video recording to all of your contacts including family members, coworkers, etc. However, if I do get paid, I'll destroy the video immidiately. If you want to have evidence, reply with "Yes!" and I will certainly send out your video to your 14 contacts. This is the non-negotiable offer, so please don't waste my personal time and yours by responding to this email message.
from Deeplinks https://ift.tt/2M9Z2xS
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