#I'm going to die I'm going to pass away and become fertilizer
ironkissedmage · 6 months
Ohhh I am going to be SO normal about Buck and Eddie this season (lying, deranged, foaming at the mouth)
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hailkingphantom · 2 years
Dp x dc
Double dead
After two years in a relationship with Jason, Danny begin to have odd syntoms
He get tired easier, eat more (food and ectoplasm), become very protective over Jason, steal things of everyone and frost everyroom he is in for more than 30 minutes
Fed up for not know what is happening, they decide to go where frostbite for answers. The results were unexpected.
"I AM/HE IS WHAT!!!??"
"Incubing another core, or in human terms, pregnant"  Frostbite repit.
"how thats even possible!? I'm a boy!" Danny yells, both young adults look confused, faces showing shock and disbelief.
"Yes, but you are a half-ghost and have a core by this, in ghost terms you are perfectly fertil. If your partner were a full human this wouldn't were possible, but Sir Hood was a full liminal and did die before. Th-"
"WAIT. What do you mean with was?" Jason asks
"By all the time Sir Hood spent in the ghost zone more being a liminal and had died before he develop a core and become sucessfully in a new halfa." Frosbite said, before stop a moment by the look in the young adults who looked like they were to pass away. "...with know you two having cores the conception was totally possible and the results are here"
Jason passed out by the shock and Danny caught him. He really don't know how they gonna do this.
Fright knight: "we'll have a prince!" And go to make a train rutine and a sword as a gift
Dora:" I need to prepare a present"
Clockwork: ready to fight Bruce and Alfred for the place as the favorite grandpa
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randomfoggytiger · 1 year
X-Files Collector's Fic: IVF Successes, Addendum to the First (Poll Results 3rd)
You thought you got away with only a Part 1??? With one of MY favorite categories?????? THINK AGAIN!
This list was inspired by this poll, sharing 3rd place with post-Tithonus Mother Hen Mulder.
**Note**: Will ghost edit later.
Loose chronological order below~
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
""There was more she wanted to tell him. He could see it in her eyes. "Okay," he said gently, encouraging her to go on, watching her eyes, caressing her fingers with his, reminding himself that this wasn't about him, or his feelings. It was her, it was all about her, and he would do anything he had to in order to take care of her.
A strange look twisted her face suddenly - a mixture of fear and tears straining not to fall. His heart leapt into his throat and he expected her nose to begin to bleed again. The episodes had become more frequent over the last few weeks, and that instant of choking panic was one he'd grown to recognize. But this time, it was words she was struggling with. "The doctors say I've got a year. Give or take. And they said that I can do this."
She didn't look at him as she plunged ahead. "I didn't talk to them about your theory. I'm a doctor, I'm willing to take on that risk. But I need to know there's someone who will raise my child if it doesn't work. If I....die.""
S4 Mulder and TLG frantically look for a cure for Scully's cancer, finding tenuous links to various IVF clinics and the late MUFON women. He pitches IVF treatments to Scully, theorizing that the hormones would be enough to help. He supports her through her hesitation with his own eagerness; and the two of them puzzle their way through their fears while taking brutally honest steps to a normal, healthy relationship and new family.
The In-Between - Chapter 16
""Mulder takes a deep breath. “If you could have children, would you?” He meets her blue eyes.
“What?” She sits up slightly in the bed. “Mulder...”
“Please,” he says, and something in his voice must convince her to answer with a nod. Mulder nearly collapses inward with the weight of his emotions.""
Redux II Scully is told about her ova. She recovers; and Maggie proudly hangs a pic of their IVF child to celebrate their success.
""I want you to be the father of my kids.”
Mulder gazes at her like a lost puppy until she reaches out to wipe away a tear trailing along his cheek. “Me?”
She nods and cups his cheeks. “You.”
He nods with her, a smile spreading across his lips. “Okay.""
Scully found out about her infertility in S2, leading her her even more depressed outlook during her cancer. Mulder fesses up about her ova; and by the time she's in remission, they are already dating and making plans. It's a bumpy road after they save Emily and retire from the X-Files; but they get their miracle, too, in the end.
All in a Family
""I hate this,” Scully informs him, sitting back down next to him on the plane; she’s just returned from the bathroom, where he assumes, based on the expression on her face when she leapt up from her seat, she threw up. “I never got sick on planes before. Never in my life.”
“It’s the first trimester,” Mulder says. “It should stop by late February.” He realizes he doesn’t sound very comforting.""
Post Redux II Mulder tells Scully about her ova when she returns home. She immediately launches into IVF attempts. It's successful... and then she finds Emily. Maggie is shocked by their whirlwind life events when asked to witness their courthouse ceremony.
Humphreywrites's Sundries in the X-Files Universe
""They implanted four embryos and two took. Given my age in relation to this pregnancy and the fertility drugs... it just happened.” Multiples in IVF were common, she just hadn’t thought it would happen to her.
Now, he looks like he’s about to pass out. “Two?”
“They’re fine. Very strong heartbeats,” she added, as he continued to stare at her.
“You’re okay?”
She’s contemplating, bites her lip. “I’m processing,” she answers honestly.""
Early S6 Scully's IVF round is successful-- so successful she is expecting twins. Diana, however, keeps pulling Mulder away from their growing family; and it's not until a near fatal incident that gives him the guts to permanently glues himself to their sides.
Malibusunset's 40 Weeks
""After that, things escalate a little and Scully glances his way often, checking his face for evidence of visual trauma.
When the screaming starts, he presses his fingers into Scully’s thigh and she pats his hand reassuringly. His eyes are glued to the screen. It’s like a horrible accident he can’t turn away from. There’s more shrieking, bodily fluids, and carnage than The Exorcist, Halloween, and all the Scream movies combined.....
He looks at her with terror and doom in his eyes. She seems to read his mind and mouths, “it’s okay.”
It is not okay. Nothing about this process is okay.  There has to be another way to get a healthy baby out of this situation.
...Scully wants to stop for milkshakes on the way home. How can she possibly eat something? He pulls into a McDonalds, throws it in park, and leans his head against the steering wheel.""  
The IVF is successful; but for every step forward, Mulder seems to find another step back. Finally, he extracts Scully's insecurity of his commitment and reassures her of his intentions.
Thousand_Sweet_Kisses's Baby... Maybe?
""Are we telling you mother about us, and the IVF today?” Mulder asked when she came back into the room and tied her shoes.
“We can tell her about anything you want,” she smiled at him. “I personally would love to tell her that you and I have finally decided that we wanted a deeper relationship, though I would like to leave the IVF out if at all possible, she hasn’t been too comfortable with test tube babies.""
Mulder and Scully are already dating; and they join Maggie for dinner after the first embryo transplant. 
jeri's (mulderscreek) Ersatz Matriarch (mulderscreek)
""Finally, Beth broke the silence. "I have good news and bad news." Mulder and Scully turned to look at her, not saying a word. "The good news is, you'll still be parents. The bad news is one died."
Scully's motionless tears finally fell. "It was more than one?"
Beth nodded. "Triplets. The other two were fine, though. They didn't seem to be harmed a bit."
They were quiet, then Mulder asked, "Girl or boy?"
"The girl died. The other two are boys. They're perfectly healthy, I made sure of that. Please remember, Marian had a miscarriage about a year ago. She just may be one of those people who that happens to."
Scully nodded. ..."Then why weren't the other two infected?"
"Luck? I doubt we'll know the answer to that question. But I'll request the autopsy.""
S6 Mulder and Scully are dating; but she aches for the daughter that she lost. Mulder finally tells her about the ova; and the two of them work through his indecision before eventually agreeing and outreaching to a surrogate under pseudonyms. The mytharc, as always, tries to tamper with their happiness; but TLG, Skinner, Maggie, and even Bill Scully give them unflinching support.
@alienbaby-babymama/ABBM515‘s Potential
""Scully looks up at him, willing him to continue with encouragement.
“While I’d love nothing but to…” he gestures between their bodies in some weird man-sign language. “I like the pace we’re going. If it happens this weekend, then it happens. If not, I’m still gonna call you when we get back to D.C.""
Post Closure Mulder and Scully seek a reprieve at Martha's Vineyard; and she convinces him to lease it and use the rent to pay for IVF. They are, of course, successful.
Marguerite's (Ao3) How Glory Goes
""He didn't know." For a horrible, guilty second I'm afraid that I asked my question out loud, but when I look at Scully I can see that she's just telling me something I need to understand. "I didn't know, myself. I felt sick. I thought it was a cold, or stress. It wasn't until afterward..."
"He would never have left if he'd known." I'm telling her this because I saw how hurt she was when Monica put out her cult theory. "He'd never've left you."
"I know." She covers her mouth with her hands, shaking, trying not to cry..... We didn't think it worked, the in vitro, but the doctor was wrong.... He did it for me, he went in there and signed the papers and...he...""
Post TINH Scully ruminates on her IVF baby girl, now fatherless, while accepting Skinner's comfort and barely registering Doggett's own sense of failing his son yet again.
@dashakay​‘s (Ao3, Gossamer)
Fabric of Our Lives
""Our lives are much quieter now. When it all ended, after we found out the truth and lived to tell the tale, I worried that it would be the end of Mulder and me....
But Mulder, his quest for the truth was all he had, his reason for breathing. It was everything to him, all he knew.
A few days after it all ended, I came home to find him sitting at my kitchen table. His back was hunched over; his head in his hands. Mulder was crying, convulsive sobs wracking his entire body. I put my hand on his shoulder and he looked up at me, his eyes shiny with tears.
He gripped my hand.
"Are you all right?" I asked. I couldn't think of anything else to say.
He nodded. "I'm just saying goodbye.""
Part 1-- Scully is on bed rest with placenta previa; and, as she quilts to keep her mind occupied, she ruminates on her husband, Mulder, and his unshakeable ability to keep her hopes afloat: even when they transition to a normal life, even after they mortgaged the house to afford another round of IVF, even now with her Emily fears.
Bound Together With Invisible Cord
""It truly hits me then. Scully is a mother now, and I am a father. I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
Scully gives a sleepy smile of assent. The nurse hands over the pink bundle to her and she takes her daughter into her arms with a grace that can only be inborn.
"Hello Anna," she says, her voice cracking, "Do you know how long I waited for you?"
I am undone.""
Husband Mulder waits for Scully to wake, doing his own ruminations on his wife's struggles to achieve their daughter. 
bugs's Even Doves Have Pride 02 (PG Version)
""Scully, did I drop the baby?" I've failed already and I've only been a father for--how long had I been out?
She's calm. "No, Mulder. How's your head?"
For once, I won't accept her assurance. "Scully, where's the baby?"
"In the nursery for now." She lifts herself carefully from her wheelchair.
"Should you be up?" I fuss as I watch her tentatively take the few steps to my bed. I try to rise to help her, but my whirling vision forces me back into the pillow. I must have a concussion-- great.
As she settles herself on the edge of my bed and slowly swings her legs up beside me, she gives me her sneaky, bad-girl glance from under the sheet of her hair. "No. But I want to make sure you're okay."
I pull her close to me and we both groan in pain as our battered bodies come in contact, but neither of us shifts away.""
Mulder and Scully are married; and their IVF success sends him into compounding anxiety bolstered by unrealistic expectations of himself. This culminates during Scully's C-section when he passes out; but, luckily, it's all swept aside when their daughter turns out to be a daddy's girl.
Thanks for reading~
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heresathreebee · 3 years
Old Stomping Ground
[Ava Starr X Female Reader]
Summary: One of the good things to come out of constant alien invasions are the abandoned ruins of New York, and you’re fixing to show Ava your favorite place. Previous Masterlist Next
Tag(s): 13+ | can be reader gender and race neutral reader but is written with woc readers in mind, no-snap au, post-Ant Man and the Wasp, Ava and reader on an adventure in post Avenger's New York, homelessness, alien trees and the power of community.
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AN: no-snap au, post-Ant Man and the Wasp. No beta, we die like men. Just you and Ava having a short adventure.
You took three days off of work for this one. Packed two backpacks with food, water, clothes, and other supplies. Bedrolls and bug spray and hiking poles. Ava laughed at your enthusiasm but she seemed to vibrate with excitement right along with you. 
"Can you at least tell me where we're going," she pleaded. 
You ran through the end of the checklist for the third time, trying to be extra careful now that you wouldn't be hoofing it solo. You dodged the question expertly with a "it's not far and it's not dangerous so hush! Learn to enjoy the mystery, babe." 
Ava rolled her eyes playfully but stopped asking and let you finish. After that you ate a hearty breakfast and began your journey north by northwest. In the taxi, your girlfriend's eyes darted from building to building as you turned on every street and you mentally gave up on scolding her. She was too pragmatic to allow for that level of trust yet. 
You were surprised that it took her until you passed the ruins of the daycare you once attended that she whipped her head around to whisper, "is this… Leviathan alley?" 
You shush her but can't keep the excited grin from your face. "It's a bit more than just an alley." 
Once SHIELD was finished stripping for parts and gutting the cybernetically enhanced alien creature left behind in the Battle of New York, the rest was abandoned. The city's been planning to clean up and rebuild but there are scores in the earth where the leviathan crashed and crumbling, precarious buildings that need to be brought down first in the safest way possible. While the city’s been debating how to deal with the destruction, the poor and destitute had moved in and discovered the blood of the chitauri has some very interesting properties. 
"It's like it changes the property of concrete," you explained, climbing over rubble and reaching back to pull her up, "uhg– breaks it down into some kind of hyper fertilizer. There's this copse of trees growing where we think the stomach was and I think in its natural habitat, the creature was probably an omnivore of sorts and may have swallowed thousands of seeds–" 
"That's all very fascinating dear, could you please take this?" Ava shoves a canteen into your hands and cups your hands to bring it closer to your mouth. You've climbed for what feels like miles and hey, you are pretty parched. "Think we'd better rest and eat, maybe look for a safe place to set up camp and… oh, look over there!" 
Ava's sudden whisper makes you turn. It's green in that direction, though this 'alley' is shrouded in darkness due to the dome made from the spine and ribs of the leviathan, the sprigs seem to grow just fine, becoming taller as they moved farther away from you until they began to develop woody stalks and trunks. 
"That's the forest you were talking about," Ava whispered in awe. “I wanna get a closer look.” 
You gently caught her arm. “Camp first, eat. It’ll still be here tomorrow.” 
Ava didn’t expect you to take her into an encampment. There were two dozen people in tents, an open grill going and laughter. They seemed to recognize you. It was mostly older adults, a few elderly people wrapped in thick blankets and teens walking around asking anyone needed drinks. You grabbed the blanket from your pack and wrapped Ava in it as soon as she found a seat on a slab of concrete. 
Ava smiled up at you, taking the proffered fruit slice from you. "Very." 
She examined the strange fruit. It had a thin violet skin with a spongy white inner layer and pink juice with black seeds  dripping from it. She leabed over your shoulder get a look at the fruit as a whole, and it seemed the pink goop was loose inside the fruit similar to a coconut. 
"Are these from the trees," she asked. 
"Yeah, they're edible don't worry. No side effects we've seen," you assure. 
Ava nods but as she's licking the tangy pink juice you continue, "well except for Nadia but she's a mutant." 
Ava flicks worried green eyes at you and slowly takes the fruit from her mouth. She's already swallowed on reflex so there's no turning back now, only managing whatever weird things would come next. 
"Uh… what do you mean by that?" 
You blink at Ava. "Oh it's not, like, bad or anything. Right, Nadia?" 
A dark skinned girl in an orange beanie looked up from her phone. "What?" 
"Tauri makes you, what, gassy?" 
The man on the grill threw his head back in a laugh and Nadia kicked a rock at you. "Ha hah, you're everybody's favorite clown in the circus. It doesn't make me gassy, you jerk, it makes me smell like roses actually." 
"Oh," Ava said, "that's all?" 
You and Nadia shared a knowing look. "It's strong. Not overpowering but strong like you've got your nose buried in a whole bouquet of them." 
"And your fingers tingle and you make sparkles– " 
"Nadia I think that's just you, baby!" 
People laughed and the conversation died down. Ava let the slip of tauri fruit linger in her grasp until you gently pried it out and ate it yourself. You were side eyeing her but kept your question to yourself and eventually Ava was able to relax. She fell asleep during Nadia's uncle Rodney's story with her head on your shoulder and dreamed of violet things. Violet dresses, violet paint, violet fires, and violet sprigs. 
All you could dream of was the smell of roses so close and so thick you could touch it. 
The walk through the natural path as the trees got thicker finally prompted Ava to ask the question that's been plaguing her. "How do you know them? Are they family?" 
You cast a quick glance over your shoulder and slowed your pace to match hers as your fingers tapped the straps of your backpack nervously. "Sort of. They were family when I had no home to go to. Then I got a job with enough money and a stupid good deal on my apartment because I had no priors. 
"Rodney and Jules and some of the others prefer it out here with the forest. Some of them have nowhere else to go or no way to take care of themselves. Nadia's been kicked out of every home she's ever been to, but she won't go to that gifted school for mutants in Westchester county. Can't say I blame her either." 
"School for mutants, eh," Ava said as she trudged on, "interesting." 
You walked along in silence, drinking in the inviting quiet of the forest and the tiny chirps and peeps of its new inhabitants. You'd almost say it would be a shame to tear this place down knowing it's a new natural habitat, but you know New York had a hundred bigger and more pressing issues to deal with right now. As long as any capitalist moguls kept their eyes elsewhere, the new jungle should be fine. 
As the forest becomes denser, you have to pull a rechargeable flashlight out to see the ground beneath you. Black bugs crawl under and over the brush and fallen twigs, and something no bigger than a cat scuttles away out of the path of the light. Ava puts a hand on your arm and you open your mouth to assure her you'd protect her, but as you look at her you realize she's ready to protect you. Arm poised out and eyes darting around for signs of sudden movement from the brush. 
You walk in silence for what feels like an fantastic eternity but when you look at the canopy you stop yourself. Ava looks up to, gently taking a hold of your hand to keep you close and it sends tingles up your arm. She rarely reaches for you but she seems to be growing more and more confident of it. 
Light dances beyond the thicket of the leaves. Green and gold flashes as a soft breeze creates gaps beyond the chitauri rib ceiling and every time a light flashes you feel warmth on your skin like soft little kisses. 
Something wooden creaks, and that creaking quickly turns to snapping. You unconsciously squeeze Ava's fingers as you spot a black tree trunk beginning to fall towards you. Suddenly, Ava's arms are around you and she pulls you down into a duck. 
Everything happens so fast it blinds you. You can't see, can only feel as shivers of warmth and cold jitter through your entire being, drowning you into sensations you've never felt before. It makes you feel fear more than anything. Is this how you die? Cowering? 
When the sounds of falling trees stop, there is only the wind and the rush of Ava's windbreaker against yours. You test your fingers to see if they still work and dig them into her back. Nothing broken, you're still standing if gravity is correct. 
She finally lets you lift your head from her embrace and survey the scene. That tree opened a spot in the canopy for more natural light to pour in which is good because your flashlight was lost among the thick bramble bushes. 
Ava brushes your forehead. "Are you OK?" 
It must be a trick of the light but she looks like she's shimmering. Perhaps you hit your head or something but it seems like you never fell. Your standing just beside the fallen tree but you could have sworn you'd almost felt it go through you. And then…
And then there was the smell of roses. 
"I'm fine," you say at last. "Let's get back, probably shouldn't have come here by ourselves anyways…" 
Ava gives you a look, it almost looks like trepidation. You steel your resolve and press on to retrace your steps, knowing you had a lot of walking to do before you would exit the treeline. 
Ava has powers and you're ok with that. You'll just let her tell you in her own time. 
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
I don't actually passed away August 17th 2013 it was picked up by the ambulance and it drove off to Manchester New Hampshire and they brought him into the incinerator room. They planned to switch them out and they did. They fought and fought and fought. And for some reason he ended up in tomb and they put in there together and said we'll settle it later Tommy f was because he's all about tunneling they didn't know about it recently found a tunnel that goes from upstate Massachusetts all the way to New York City and South and I don't know if it's all the way to New Hampshire. They checked it last night because of our commentary and our son's comment and they found that it stopped shy of New Hampshire. You feel he's still there because there's no tunnels that go there we saw him in tombs and we've been monitoring it a huge force is heading up there right now it's mostly Corky
Thor Freya
I'm going to accept you Corky I don't want you touching him or touching anything of ours it did meet if you go there and I mean it you pull them out and do a lousy job talking to him it's your problem I'm going to kill you for touching him cuz you're an a****** to her son well my husband if you do and I mean it I'm going to track every last one of you down into your extinct this time
Jennifer Merrick
Oh holy cow the whole world will stop and I mean it this is really a threat
Tommy allen
Hahaha you're a moron
Zues Hera
Yes there is some things you don't know like most things Tommy Allen
Mac Daddy
You're an idiot who killed us all by dying and you still do you moron you're freakishly stupid
Tommy f
What should I do quaking my boots because some girl is after me
Tommy Allen
No stupid you should piss s*** yourself and die standing up like the rest you do when you see them go watch Jennifer's body the movie you can download it these days do you know how to do that yet
Zues Hera
I suppose reaction is normal no so I'm going to watch the movie I'm wondering what I'm looking at and he keeps saying it it has a similar jawline and when she opens her mouth when she's in the mood it opens like a snake and that's what they call the people sometimes who are them he can't believe I don't know any of this I guess I'm sort of slow and he thinks I died recently in the whole brain came out or something that may have happened too but for real I've seen creatures that look humanoid and I think they're just creatures that are mutated
Tommy Allen
Here's the point Tommy Allen you insight me all the time and boy did you get messed up but you inside these people up in your face and they're going to ruin you and she means it they take out entire clans for what you're saying and you like others around here don't have any restraint keep on blabbing talk smack to me talk smack every day every few seconds and she saying don't do it and stop what you're doing now you're talking smack to them directly and the only issue of threat like this when they mean it but you can sit there like a little girl and not believe it and just die like you have been here and really you're pretty ripe pretty soon you're all going to be gone and this would put the final nail in the coffin
Zues Hera
You're pretty sure of yourself but I mean to say is you're sure that it'll happen if I keep doing that with her insulting her that is so I guess I'm going to keep doing it so Jennifer come and get me I'm not watching the stupid movie
Tommy Allen
They're going to be in the stupid movie if you have no way to avoid it that other girl's going to be there too Ray hanging the user and you're going to think it's just her and the shooter will be there shooting you as you're dying from my huge huge huge clan
Jennifer Merrick
She used to grow and I admit you're like Miracle-Gro lead up a few octillion and become 10 to 20 octillion and she says no 100 octillion from a few octillion it's amazing you're like fertile grounds down in the totungen area
Zues Hera
I'm sorry I figured out something you're sitting there bothering Gene Hackman and I think he's bothering me
Tommy Allen
That's because you have a soft melon like a newborn baby
Zues Hera
I guess something it's all about insults and what you're really saying is no stupid just the monsters exist and you're just an idiot I don't want to talk to you anymore shut the f****** and go die CAA says so I guess I will
Tommy Allen
You're f****** stupid and I see what he's saying you see these things we're fighting these things now you don't know they exist you all bunch of f****** idiots and I can't stand any of you and he's a terror he won't shut the f****** and you keep making it worse I don't see what he's saying I'm not doing anything but complaining to him his sister and usually toddlers for what he wants he sounds so stupid I can't stand looking at you you stupid f****** retard
Mac Daddy
So I'm stupid so whatever I just makes a difference I'm inciting the wrong things LOL she's going to put me in the movie I'm in the movie
Tommy Allen
Gee Mr tough guy I thought you said you're not going to watch it
Jennifer Merrick
No well I guess I have to
Tommy Allen
Zues Hera
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atimeofmagic · 6 years
Pt 1. To be honest I'm an extreme self masochist who hopes the current trends continue. I absolutely love the feeling I get when humanity causes itself damage because I get to experience wallowing in it. Think about it, by the year 2045 suicide will be the leading cause of death in all men. And even then it should pick up more as men are tought to react emotionally to things while also being denied help with problems do to the fact that getting help would pull attention away from female victims
Pt 2. I love to think about how one day I could go outside and be a rarity, a man who loves to feel like everyone is against him and I’m Asexual. It will be an ocean of women forced to work in sewage labor and garbage and construction more than ever before because there are not enough men left to fill the role. And even then you can’t give men those jobs because stress could lead to suicide given how weak and emotionally unstable men should become. Then the best part, extreme population decline.
Pt 3. And in top of all that one would think, well what about sperm Banks? Well male fertility is down almost 40% and by 2050 it could be 90% eventually human sperm would no longer be viable for freezing and storing. And even then you might need to have sex with a man over 50 times to have a child. And even then it would be weak. And probably die. How would you make men a protected class when the most dangerous thing is their own hands to themselves? I just love this reality we are building.
Part 4. On top of all of that are how men are becoming less intelligent with every passing year as we enforce legislation literally on ourselves to enforce teaching cycles that cater to female brain anatomy. Image a this entire world I have predicted, AND most men are so unintelligent they are no longer competent at simple labor. Women now made to pay taxes to support and care for men, then only for the men to commit suicide lol.
Part 5. Also most people would say something like, we would never let it go that far. But here is the thing I love the most, it’s already happening in some sections of the world. Some have even passed laws that state any man accused of rape is presumed guilty without need of proof. Which literally tripled incarceration rates and doubled suicide. Which I have been voting for in some areas of America. Because I’m Asexual, and i avoid areas with women it won’t effect me but other men.
Final PT. I guess to make a long story short, I want other men to differ and degrade as much as possible so that I can experience it more than I do now by proxy. I love this feeling of being disliked for just existing in general and I just want nothing more than to stew and wallow in it with others.
…this is why I hate men
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