#I'm gonna start taking screencaps of asks so that I don't lose any more
inchidentally · 5 months
I've got a few asks that are all actually roughly under the same umbrella in terms of my replies - and be aware I've had to get way more serious then usual so pls skip if you're not here for that <3
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mmmmm yea you can feel as you want anon but I personally am not going to want to parallel that relationship with Oscar and Lily's. my main cause when it comes to wives and girlfriends is that they all deserve to be protected against rampant, casual misogyny in fandom spaces. but also to not to project any reflected good will onto her boyfriend or husband simply because he's the boyfriend or husband. and there's so much about the 2000s drivers that makes me hope that at least some of their behavior isn't being carried on with the current younger guys on the grid :///
also just as a reminder: I was raised by intersectional feminists and I've witnessed what even supposedly "loving" het relationships can do to people who identify as women* - so I'm never going to be rooting for heterosexual relationships as far as women are concerned. I'm not overly prejudiced and I fully support any woman's choices for herself - and I don't have the smallest delusion that I have a right to an opinion on those choices <3 but equally I'm not going to lie to myself that women don't statistically always lose or sacrifice something of themselves when they become a partner to a man and that the man loses and sacrifices nothing - and if he makes the most basic effort he's praised as a god among men. especially not a man who's career has and will always take priority over his relationship and especially if the woman has to navigate or alter her life to deal with the man's profession, public image or his fanbase. I will always want women to pursue life on their own terms without men in any way dragging them down or altering their lives - that's just my opinion and it's fine if others disagree or hopefully project onto those relationships for any reason. so far, to me, the only driver's relationships that seem at all truly balanced and not negatively affecting or requiring compromises of the women that the man doesn't have to repay, are Lily and Alex and Melissa and Nando - and while I don't know much about them probably Tiffany and Valtteri. those women were already fully adults when they met these guys and would be able to leave the relationships whenever they want without having their own individual lives and incomes affected or altered in any way. I do not see any excuse for a woman to be in a relationship in any other way or with any further sacrifice and especially not because of a man, who will always enjoy economic and social power above hers.
*I know this is a whole unique point but as far as I'm concerned identifying as a woman is how I'm referring to women at any time. TERFs DNI.
ok so I've heavily edited these next two bc my blog is not the place to get into All That and I don't want to bring stress and negativity to moots
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I think the funniest part of this rumor is how everyone's been asking for a screen recording of this and absolutely no one can produce anything other than one screencap of Rebecca at one brief time offering subscription content with no explanation for what - and that was something all models and influencers did for a while to make some money when a bunch of platforms screwed over their engagement. everyone's just running with this as if it's anyting and wtfff you're saying all she was offering were 'pictures of Carlos from the back' LIKE BFFR what are y'all even saying here ??? who was being robbed what crime was committed how is this even worth remembering ??? the reach being rought!!
but on the serious side, I'm gonna need all of you to sit yourselves in a quiet place and start taking this spontaneous and erratic morality that magically shows up when women are involved and start actually applying it to your pookie bears in F1. because not only does Carlos and the rest of the grid exploit the media, fans and sponsorships for cash, gifts, engagement and popularity - they also endorse and personally directly fund and engage with entire companies and individuals who actively perpetuate and uphold the absolute gutter of amorality and social iniquity that is the foundation of this whole sport !!
like here you guys are hunting for any tiny scrap of something to further the prejudice that these wives and girlfiends are not your ideas of Perfect Pure Sainted Angels - meanwhile you're looking at hugely problematic words and actions from your favorite driver and literally assuming that they've suddenly "had a change of heart" or are "better people now" based on ???? nothing ???? and THEN you start hoping that the girlfriend or wife is "good for him" or that she won't "be bad for him" I feel like I'm losing my fucking mind since when does a girl or woman over the age of 15 think that rich, powerful white men in hugely problematic fields of work are the ones being cruelly corrupted by the women they personally choose to date ??? if these men are shitheads then they did it all on their own babes !!
and I have to assume that even die hard Carlos fans on here are aware of how he's very much not perfect and that anyone sensible has to admit that unless he made the decision to publicly and loudly make a statement to the contrary then all of his opinions and affiliations are the same. you can absolutely compartmentalize these guys - we all do! - in order to like certain things about them or engage in content about them, but nobody should be out here so woman-hating as to take nothing of substance and use it to award these men virtues that have no foundation in reality. all while vilifying their wives and girlfriends over literally the smallest thing or making the most tenuous of connections to try and prove why they shouldn't be with your fave guy. or because while the men can fuck and cheat all they want, you've decided the women they date or marry have to conform to regressive ideas of female purity.
(just to clarify, the stuff I'm referring to "men" or "drivers" as doing is not specifically referring to Carlos or one man in particular but about the wider issue of double standards between drivers and their girlfriends and wives)
so a wife or gf of a man with an all-consuming career that involves her altering her life and plans to go all over the world just to be with him, decides to do exactly what he does and utilize a fanbase and popularity for gain? suddenly she's an evil conniving witch capable of manipulating and controlling poor widdle rich, white, powerful, influential man !! even though he dumps women and cheats on women whenever he wants and doesn't face a single bit of criticism for fans' perceptions of problems in his relationships but oh he's just a helpless hard-working victim who is nobly doing his dream job that his one percenter family and/or social status and/or race and gender made completely effortless for him and how DARE his wife or girlfriend get any of the financial benefit from a field of sports where women are so hated that even the most powerful woman is publicly accused by the highest authority in the sport of collusion based on nothing more than one gossip columnists lie !!
I could go so fucking far about how the women these men date and marry have been socially groomed from birth to be beautiful and silently supportive of their man and told they're not good enough or smart enough to succeed in a "serious" business environment - and that the drivers conveniently always end up with beautiful women who suffer at the hands of his fans who blame women for how men treat them all while he says nothing so as not to upset his base of support - then fuck it, let them all sell you people subscriptions for pictures of the drivers! let them scrape even a tiny fraction off the top of this imbalanced and unfair socioeconomic dynamic compared to the huge, unearned kickbacks and handshakes that make these men so effortlessly successful and rich. you can see those subscriptions as payment on your part for spreading rumors and hate about women and using double standards.
the rich famous man will NOT change his life to either fit your rpf ship - or to stay single so that you can continue your parasocial relationship with him uninterrupted - or choose a woman based on who you deem to be an appropriate self-insert. no matter how many rumors you believe or spread or how often you post content hating on his partner, his choice will not be affected by you. so keep those delusions and misogyny to yourself - or at least away from my blog and inbox !
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honestly anon, I've already known the content of all of your messages over the past few months and I'm choosing the least offensive one for a reason to post (edited ofc so no one can accuse me of slander or whatever)
listen: if I was at all saying that Carlos is unproblematic or publicly promoting him in any way then I'd absolutely deserve what you're saying. but for myself personally, Carlos is part of am f1blr specific hyperfixation where I stay on my blog and write stupid narratives using drivers for fun. I'm not contributing anything to his overall fanbase or giving him any of my financial or personal support. I stick to fandom spaces only and not any platform that the drivers or anyone in wider F1 circles use.
and the thing is that not only would it be putting the burden of his problematicness on me if I were to post your asks bc I alone would have to answer for them, it would also probably just be informing people of what's fully and easily available to find elsewhere. everyone I mutually follow and most people I see are fully aware that we're taking these men and for the most part using them for our own fanon rather than their actual reality. so for me to pick one driver and say look at these awful realities then I'd have to do that with all of them, including the drivers who are at all friendly with known problematic drivers and people. so while I totally understand if someone wants to kick all of F1 out of their fandom experience bc Men then jfc absolutely go for it. I'm not at all pretending that what I'm doing on my blog is worth the smallest shit! but me deciding to pick one driver out of all of them to put on blast would do nothing but make me a hypocrite and rightfully have people asking me why I don't talk about this or that driver too.
and quite frankly unless someone never supports with any male-majority content and solely focuses all of their time to intersectional feminist content then there ain't a leg to stand on to blast any other fanbase or focus on one particular person. it's fully fair to be critical! but not to get on a high horse if there's even one cishet man in your list of fandom things. honestly that could even be broadened in some cases to one cis man.
absolutely, take the truth to people who are out there on public platforms trying to claim that any of these drivers are saints and perfect humans where they could potentially be recruiting to a fanbase using false narratives and covering up problematic behavior. but ask yourself if you're time is best spent mostly attacking women and girls in fanbases over this or going right to the comments and tags that squarely target the men themselves.
but on here I've got to kind of assume we all know what the score is and nobody's in denial that these are mere Rich Powerful Men and none of them deserves our actual serious allegiance yk ??? I feel like we're all aware this is us having fun and we're all accepting that while we can block and blacklist tags based on personal preferences, none of us in f1blr who likes a male driver can pretend to be superior to liking a different one. at best they're better at keeping their mouths shut but they also permit and overlook a LOT. and yes, that includes Lewis even though my god he has a gigantic lead on the rest in terms of progressive actions and deeds compared to any other man in F1. and that while he still has unaddressed problematic associations and behavior, all of us white fans need to be fucking vigilant of going after him if we're not fully going ten times harder on the white drivers.
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arcplaysgames · 2 years
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If the Fortune Arcana is literally a fortune teller, I am going to slash some tires. Especially since, like, the point of the fucking Wheel is that you are not in a position to see where it will turn.
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Some journalist I've seen for like five minutes makes a deal with Reverie. She'll give a name of the criminal running the scams in Shibuya but she wants access to someone at Shujin who suffered under Kamoshida's abuse.
Which is a shitty deal, so calling it: Devil arcana.
Morgana suggests Mishima for the deal, so, uh
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I hate Mishima but this feels terrible. 8C Come on, he's gonna think it's a date and instead someone is gonna ask him about the volleyball coach beating him. This sucks, Persona 5 Royal!!!! I hate this!
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And Ryuji gets accosted by... drag performers??? Or are they just queer people? I am literally looking through my screencaps of this scene and I frankly don't get what it's trying to imply here???? I feel like it's a joke at my people's expense but I'm missing context, so. SHRUG.
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Kaneshiro's palace seems to be the entirety of Shibuya's central street. Which made me think they just didn't want to make new assets but I'm proven wrong in a bit.
Seeing people as walking ATMs doesn't make sense to me, like, you withdraw from your own account with ATMs, not from the magical ATM fairy. I don't get this metaphor. Whatev!
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I feel like this was an incredibly valid question. Unfortunately, Morgana cannot turn into non-car things. Which really begs a lot of questions about why he can become specifically a van.
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Ryuji when was the last time you were useful, homes, you are the one who got us into this fucking mess with Makoto because you kept screaming about being a Phantom Thief, you absolute dunderfuck. Don't insult Morgana.
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Dinnertime at the Nijima Household.
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This is a totally inappropriate reaction but I started laughing in disbelief because like. This turn is SO hard and SO sudden and came out of nowhere???? Sae, bruh, what the fuck, are you having a bad day?
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OH MY GOD SHE IS LMAO THAT'S HER EXCUSE. And then she says she's going to stop coming home for dinner from now on???? Holy shit?
lmao as the main caretaker of a very frustrating person who drives me batshit, I am judging Sae so fucking hard right now. Remember the halcyon days when we first met Sae? God, I barely remember. Now she's interrogating our card collection and making Dojima look like Parent of the Year.
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The Thieves meet up to talk about how to reach the Palace and Makoto just invites herself along again, and Ann happens to call her "useless" and oh my god is this like her trauma trigger?
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Makoto completely loses her shit and is like "okay fine I will go find you Kaneshiro" and storms off
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Gets shoved into the back of an unmarked car by two thugs
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Everyone very reasonably flips their shit too and chases after her, including Ryuji throwing himself into the path of a speeding car to make it stop
which: is the most Chariot shit any Chariot has ever Charioted, but also if he got hit doing this, I would have deleted the game in a rage-blackout, i'm so furious with Makoto
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and oh she leads them to Kaneshiro! and he immediately snaps a photo of them all for blackmail purposes. he wants 3 million yen in 3 weeks.
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Everyone gets a shot of sympathy for Makoto because she's like super sorry that she flipped her shit and ran off and confronted some mafia dudes and got in their car and wound up needing a rescue and then got everyone on the hook for 3 million yen, which is about what I make in a fucking year (roughly)
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whatever, they bring her into the Metaverse, she pops her Persona, it's a motorcycle, which is way more fucking cool than she deserves
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you know what, same here. same here.
I think I feel comfortable saying, yeah, this is worse than Ryoji. If anyone is hoping I turn on Makoto later, do not hold your breath, because this is a staggeringly bad prolonged introduction to this character. I am to a point I want to sit down with the writers and just ask them to explain to me what impression they intended to leave on the player, taking a character who has thus far only been a stalker and harasser of the protagonists turned outright blackmailer turned into oh now someone else is blackmailing us bc of her? and then handing her off like "here's a new teammate"
the actual
thank you and good night. I'm going to bed.
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goshdangronpa · 3 months
I'm gonna ask you about Belladonna of Sadness because i'm curious and want to read your ramble 🧡
Yeees. My other passion besides Danganronpa is movies, so I'll be happy to write a few hundred words about one of my absolute favorites. Please excuse my lateness in answering this ask, I waited until I saw it again recently.
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Belladonna of Sadness looks like no Japanese animated film you've ever seen, and not just because they did things differently in 1974. This film is unusual, and might be jarring, because much of it isn't even actually animated. There's liberal use of still images. Lip movement is nonexistent. Several shots see the camera panning across a lengthy tableu, sometimes for a couple of minutes.
But it doesn't feel cheap. The limited budget meets its match in the filmmakers' boundless imagination, creating an extraordinary work of art that challenges all definitions of a motion picture. Besides, like any good anime, they save most of their money and effort for the big setpieces. It's in these impressive animated setpieces that the movie comes alive.
These scenes are not exactly YouTube-friendly. Belladonna of Sadness is steeped in sex and sexuality. Though it starts with a fairy-tale wedding between French medieval peasants Jeanne and Jean, the movie makes its R-rated nature known in the immediate next scene, when the local lord invokes prima nocta and takes the lead in a gangbang of the bride. She returns home shattered, but finds unexpected joy in a friendly little sprite ... who turns out to be the Devil, feeding on her newfound desire for power. She gains influence in her village, loses it dramatically when it threatens the lord's power, and regains it in the wilderness after finally submitting to Satan. Much of this is conveyed through the lens of sex.
Belladonna of Sadness can be a harrowing watch. While the aforementioned rape scene isn't graphic, it's arguably worse in being impressionistic, presenting the physical and psychological trauma through imagery that's just barely metaphorical. But that's at the beginning of the movie. As Jeanne's life continues, along with her connection to the Devil, she grows to realize that she wants power, autonomy, freedom. This path sees her become a benevolent witch, miraculous healer, and sex goddess who gets the whole village in her thrall. Dismal scenes give way to exquisitely vibrant and psychedelic animation, including more than one orgy scene.
I don't know how much any of these words have done to recommend the film. It doesn't help that I can't find any real clips on YouTube (besides the inspired, tear-jerking, beautiful ending), and it's so hard to screencap (the Devil's design is ... phallic). What I can say is that eight years ago, I invited my crush - a close friend who loves anime - to catch the theatrical rerelease of this movie with me. Our hands touched the whole time, side by side, none daring to go further. We soon confessed, and that friend is now the love of my life. Every year on our anniversary, we watch Belladonna of Sadness ... maybe the least likely first date flick to result in a second one.
And even without that personal connection, I believe I'd still deeply admire it. The singular and brilliant approach to animation, the richly told story of rebuilding after sexual trauma, the incredible feminist philosophy ... I hope that if anyone reading this gives it a chance, they'd admire it too.
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daily-miracuclass · 5 years
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[#54] Princess Justice & Chat Blanc
requested by anon
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space-coupe · 3 years
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@pierregasiy i'm doing it you tempted me... i have so many and they are all over the place 💀
this is long and full of links so i'm putting it below the cut, but if you're one of the authors mentioned and you want me to take you/your links off (or put them on) please let me know!! i don't mean to disrespect anyone's boundaries <3
i have such a fondness for one shots, so let's start there i guess:
both parts of Let Me Touch Your Fire by thegreatgasly are dirty, glamorous, perfect. coked up pierre? sign me up!
i'll read pretty much anything @splinterchabot has written, but for the purposes of Contrast (and that i know you're a pierre-centric kinda gal), mydriasis and a bird in my hand are both some of the best. non-pierre but god if i've got nothing to lose isn't one of the best i've read. also, absolute innovator when it comes to experimental style in F1dom.
on that note, how can i not plug @saintdevote ? another writer who i would read anything she published, literally... anything. all of Roaming the Streets Looking for Colors is spectacular. Vespertinus is another favorite. so is Hortentious. everything is good and i will happily plug any of it any day of the week.
A Non-Suicide in Be. Albert I, by Anonymous, or: i could write a five thousand word essay over this fic about Charles driving his car off the road.
yellow, yellow, gold, and ochre by @shoeydaniel, one of the best pierre fics out there imo
going longer, we've got:
Though I Am Bruised (Know I'll Keep Moving) by strawberryblonde, iirc this was one of the first fics i read in the F1 tag and i've loved it ever since.
No flowers, no flashbulbs by superoxide. Sebchal at it's complicated best.
let your beauty unfold by Directionless_foray, also known as one of my favorite fics of all time :'). I love everything about it, it's bittersweet and tender and nuanced and just.... ahhhh.
everything means nothing by @callumilott oh my god PLEASE. Royalty Charles + journalist Pierre... straight for my heart.
kiss me hard before you go by @verstappened. the whole series is top notch, but this is just the first one i read!
the gold dust series by @pierlex which lead me down a youtube rabbit hole of watching rooftopping videos and crying.
Sweet Spots by FunkyinFishnet, or the rare throuple i never knew i needed in the sweetest packaging ever.
Days with you never fade by ShaelinFloats. one of the saddest, most bittersweet but equally as tender Piarles fics i've read.
reptilia by raikkonen, which is so fucked up and beautifully written and raw and the fact they wrote all the dirty ugly bits is just... perfect.
irish-spring-5-in-1 by Anonymous, or some of my favorite 1026 bits and pieces. i've read this so many times i'm ashamed to show screencaps of my history.
My part of the deal by orphan_account. festive holidays Pierre/Stoffel, rarepair supreme, masterfully written. i wish i knew who wrote this I would kiss them
some other great authors i'm gonna include that have several fics i've read, reread, and loved are @whatdidwejustdo @redpaint @altisssimozucca @geeeooorrrge, @scharletred, mondaycore on ao3 (who i've not linked bc they ask not to but... god i'd die for their writing, some of the best pierre/dany), kakkakerssi on ao3, p1erregasly on ao3, gentleau on ao3, and im sure im missing a ton more. i could keep going forever but ive already spent an hour on this lol. also that's only half of my reading history on ao3 ive browsed whoops <3
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