#she is permanently on the bench i want nothing to do with her
arcplaysgames · 1 year
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If the Fortune Arcana is literally a fortune teller, I am going to slash some tires. Especially since, like, the point of the fucking Wheel is that you are not in a position to see where it will turn.
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Some journalist I've seen for like five minutes makes a deal with Reverie. She'll give a name of the criminal running the scams in Shibuya but she wants access to someone at Shujin who suffered under Kamoshida's abuse.
Which is a shitty deal, so calling it: Devil arcana.
Morgana suggests Mishima for the deal, so, uh
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I hate Mishima but this feels terrible. 8C Come on, he's gonna think it's a date and instead someone is gonna ask him about the volleyball coach beating him. This sucks, Persona 5 Royal!!!! I hate this!
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And Ryuji gets accosted by... drag performers??? Or are they just queer people? I am literally looking through my screencaps of this scene and I frankly don't get what it's trying to imply here???? I feel like it's a joke at my people's expense but I'm missing context, so. SHRUG.
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Kaneshiro's palace seems to be the entirety of Shibuya's central street. Which made me think they just didn't want to make new assets but I'm proven wrong in a bit.
Seeing people as walking ATMs doesn't make sense to me, like, you withdraw from your own account with ATMs, not from the magical ATM fairy. I don't get this metaphor. Whatev!
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I feel like this was an incredibly valid question. Unfortunately, Morgana cannot turn into non-car things. Which really begs a lot of questions about why he can become specifically a van.
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Ryuji when was the last time you were useful, homes, you are the one who got us into this fucking mess with Makoto because you kept screaming about being a Phantom Thief, you absolute dunderfuck. Don't insult Morgana.
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Dinnertime at the Nijima Household.
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This is a totally inappropriate reaction but I started laughing in disbelief because like. This turn is SO hard and SO sudden and came out of nowhere???? Sae, bruh, what the fuck, are you having a bad day?
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OH MY GOD SHE IS LMAO THAT'S HER EXCUSE. And then she says she's going to stop coming home for dinner from now on???? Holy shit?
lmao as the main caretaker of a very frustrating person who drives me batshit, I am judging Sae so fucking hard right now. Remember the halcyon days when we first met Sae? God, I barely remember. Now she's interrogating our card collection and making Dojima look like Parent of the Year.
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The Thieves meet up to talk about how to reach the Palace and Makoto just invites herself along again, and Ann happens to call her "useless" and oh my god is this like her trauma trigger?
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Makoto completely loses her shit and is like "okay fine I will go find you Kaneshiro" and storms off
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Gets shoved into the back of an unmarked car by two thugs
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Everyone very reasonably flips their shit too and chases after her, including Ryuji throwing himself into the path of a speeding car to make it stop
which: is the most Chariot shit any Chariot has ever Charioted, but also if he got hit doing this, I would have deleted the game in a rage-blackout, i'm so furious with Makoto
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and oh she leads them to Kaneshiro! and he immediately snaps a photo of them all for blackmail purposes. he wants 3 million yen in 3 weeks.
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Everyone gets a shot of sympathy for Makoto because she's like super sorry that she flipped her shit and ran off and confronted some mafia dudes and got in their car and wound up needing a rescue and then got everyone on the hook for 3 million yen, which is about what I make in a fucking year (roughly)
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whatever, they bring her into the Metaverse, she pops her Persona, it's a motorcycle, which is way more fucking cool than she deserves
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you know what, same here. same here.
I think I feel comfortable saying, yeah, this is worse than Ryoji. If anyone is hoping I turn on Makoto later, do not hold your breath, because this is a staggeringly bad prolonged introduction to this character. I am to a point I want to sit down with the writers and just ask them to explain to me what impression they intended to leave on the player, taking a character who has thus far only been a stalker and harasser of the protagonists turned outright blackmailer turned into oh now someone else is blackmailing us bc of her? and then handing her off like "here's a new teammate"
the actual
thank you and good night. I'm going to bed.
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invisible-lint · 20 days
Everything Could Be Okay: Chapter 2
Rhys x Tamlin's sister!reader
Summary: Time for a wedding... Or is it?
Warnings: nothing I can think of!
Word Count: 1.4k
Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 3
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You had never been a fan of parties. They were too loud, the air too stuffy, and the gossiping of the Spring Ladies you were forced to be with was obnoxious. But you had endured, not wanting to leave Feyre to fend for herself. Or worse, alone with Ianthe who had gotten on your nerves with how pushy she had been while planning what was supposed to be Feyre’s wedding.
Feyre had made her escape nearly an hour ago, heading up to bed, and here you were, stuck, nodding along as you pretended to listen to the gossiping females surrounding you.
"From what I hear, Tamlin is looking to find a husband for you." That got your attention. The room is suddenly suffocating, air struggling to find its way to your lungs. Your hand reaches to your necklace, finding the ring on it. The group of females look worried as you back away, feeling as if the room is closing in on you.
"Excuse me," you manage to mumble, fleeing the room.
You run out to the gardens, not noticing Tamlin following you. You stop, sinking into a bench, trying not to hyperventilate. How could he do this? Just because he wanted to pretend nothing had happened doesn't mean that you would. He sits next to you and you stand, anger flooding your body when you see him, pushing out the panic.
"How dare you?" You hiss, blinking back the angry tears stinging your eyes.
He sighs. "What is it I've supposedly done now?"
"When were you going to tell me you were looking for a husband for me?"
"You're overreacting. Someone asked about marrying you, and I simply said I would think about it."
"No. You don't get to make that choice for me. I am not ready for that. I am not ready to replace him!" You start to pace, trying to keep your temper in check. 
"It would be good for you to move on. You can't be unhappy forever." 
You lose your temper then, whirling to face him, pointing a finger at his chest. "You don't understand! I felt it when he died! It was like my soul was cleaved in two! That is not something I can just move on from! Had Feyre's death been permanent you would not have moved on as quickly as you're asking me to!" He growls at you, claws sliding out. You flinch, knowing you said too much and turn to run further into the garden. This time, Tamlin doesn’t follow.
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The next day is the wedding, and you sit with Feyre as several females prepare her. You watch silently, trying to gauge how she is feeling. You know about the nightmares, and have noticed the weight loss, but you don’t know what to do. What can you do? You’ve offered companionship, tried getting her to eat more of the foods you know she likes, but still, she is wasting away before your eyes. You can’t talk about Under the Mountain, no one talks about it. No one can. 
You notice Feyre is looking more and more nervous, and you ask for the room to be cleared. Once it’s just the two of you in the room, you pull a chair over so you’re right next to her, taking her hands in yours.
“I was nervous before my wedding too. I couldn’t eat anything and then I almost fainted right before the ceremony.” You squeeze her hands gently. “But I knew it was what I wanted. Andras and I had courted for nearly 20 years before I agreed to marry him. I suppose what I’m trying to say is if you’ve changed your mind, if you need more time, I will come up with some sort of reason to postpone the wedding. Tamlin doesn’t need to know about any of it.” 
Feyre sits for a moment, thinking before shaking her head. “I’m ready. I want this.”
You nod, squeezing her hands again. “Then I’ll be right there with you.”
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You suppose you shouldn’t be surprised, Rhysand was prone to making dramatic entrances after all. Showing up right as Feyre was walking down the aisle seemed just like the kind of thing he would do.The part of you screaming its relief is hard to ignore, but you manage to shove it down.
You stride across the lawn, chin held high, interrupting the argument. "I will be joining Feyre as a chaperone." The violet eyed male quirks an eyebrow, the corner of his mouth twitching up into a smile. “Oh?”
"Yes. No part of your agreement said she had to spend her time in your court alone." 
"I suppose not."
"So I'm joining her." 
At that moment Tamlin finally finds his voice. "Absolutely not."
"You'd have her go alone?" You ask, raising an eyebrow at your brother. 
He sputters, before making an exasperated noise, knowing you're right. 
"Don't worry Tamlin, I'll treat her better than you treated my sister," Rhysand taunts. You shoot him an exasperated look, ignoring your brother's snarl. He crosses over to you and Feyre, wrapping an arm around each of you and winnowing away, whisking both of you off to the night court.
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You wander the halls of the mountain palace, thinking back on the past few hours. It’d been hard not to laugh when Feyre had thrown her shoes at Rhysand, the look on his face had made it even harder. But more than anything, the interaction made you feel relieved. Somewhere in there, who Feyre truly was still resided. And he had managed to draw her out. 
You walk out onto a balcony, glad that whatever magic seems to be heating the interior of the palace extends to out here. You gaze up at the stars, lost in thoughts about how you might help Feyre. When you eventually turn to go back inside, Rhysand is standing in the doorway, staring at you, the expression on his face unreadable. He walks over, leaning against the railing of the balcony next to you. 
“This is the second time now I’ve found you roaming in the middle of the night. I’m starting to think you don’t sleep.”
“I don’t.” He raises an eyebrow in response.
“Not well at least. It’s… a long story.”
“One you won’t share with me?”
You cross your arms, shooting him a hard look. “I don’t know you.”
“Ah, yes. But I assume you intend to accompany Feyre everytime. One week a month for the rest of your life gives you plenty of time to know me.”
“I think I know enough.” You squeeze your arms, trying to ignore the way your heartbeat races at the idea of getting to know him.
“Do you make it a habit of assuming you know people based on what you’ve heard?”
“Do you make it a habit of being so obnoxious?” You huff, flinging your arms down to your side, temper stirring. The corner of his mouth quirks up into a smile as he tries not to laugh.
“Are you always so easily irritated?”
You snap, letting everything you’ve been holding in flood out. “You would be too if you were me! I have lost so much and I’m supposed to just smile and pretend I’m okay. That I don’t dream about my dead husband every night. It has barely been a year since he died and someone asked Tamlin if they could marry me. A year! I was with him for almost 100 years and people have the audacity to think I should move on because I can’t be miserable forever! Not to mention that without him, without his sacrifice, Feyre wouldn’t have been able to save anyone! Oh, and speaking of Feyre, I don’t think she wants to marry my brother. But she refuses to admit it and there's nothing I can do and she’s going to end up as trapped and miserable in Spring as I am! And I have nobody to tell this to because the only person who I could ever truly share my feelings with is dead! So I’m so sorry if I’m a little bit irritable.” You finish your rant, chest heaving. Rhysand just stares at you, a little wide eyed, at a loss for words. Suddenly realizing how much you had shared, you turn and run, heading anywhere but there, but he remains rooted to the spot.
He had felt it. Felt all your anger, frustration and anguish down the blossoming bond. Mate. You’re his mate. He lets out a shaky breath, turning to grip the railing, his heart dropping to the pit of his stomach. He couldn’t tell you. How could he when you had just shouted at him about how you're still grieving your husband? So this, like so many he already carried, would be his sole burden to bear.
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A/N: And there it is! I'm already working on chapter 3 and hope to have it posted sometime either this week or early next week. it's already a LONG one! As always, requests are open and feel free to send them on in!
Divider by @tsunami-of-tears
Taglist: @lilah-asteria @readingislife2006 @acourtofimagines @mistymoocow @irelanrose @darker-december @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @loving-and-dreaming
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putellasawfc · 5 months
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down again !
rachel daly x lioness!reader
( a/n : sorry i haven’t posted in sooo long omg !! honestly the holiday season drained me & since i’ve been so unmotivated to write :( & i’ve been dealing with stuff in my personal life, nothing serious just so hectic ! but i am slowly coming back. still have a mary earps request & arsenal x teen!reader request to work on and a few of you have asked for a pt2 to the wag in training instagram post i made. they will all be coming eventually ! )
you jogged beside rachel up and down the pitch, you and the others girls were warming yourselves up for the ninety minute game against belgium that was due to commence in twenty minutes from now, the fans had already begun to fill the seats of the stadium and you were eager to win this for them. you were excited for the match, a little nervous but mostly excited.
it had been awhile since you were in the starting line up after recovering from an ankle injury, you had been on the bench for all the recent games and you were more excited than ever to be able to play a full game again, though sarina had advised you to let her know if you felt as though you were pushing your ankle too much and she would take you off immediately, not wanting to risk you causing any further damage to it which could lead to anything permanent.
you felt a nudge against your hip, and turned to see your girlfriend of almost a year smiling at you knowingly. “you gonna score a banger for us today?”
you rolled your eyes playfully, knowing she was only half serious. “what do i get if i do?”
“umm..” she cocked her head to the side whilst she pretended to think, both of you turning on your heel once you reached the end of the pitch so you could run back up again. “a big fat kiss and a box of chocolates?”
“is that it?”
you gasped at the sudden shove you were given, stumbling over your two feet as rachel laughed and continued jogging.
“oi!” you called out, “you can’t do that, i’m fragile remember.” you caught up with her, shoving her in return though not with as much effort she had just given you.
“yeah, yeah.” she shrugged you off, “that’s not what you were saying last night.”
“rach!” you cried out, head whipping around to ensure nobody was nearby to hear what the blonde was insinuating.
she laughed at your reaction, and you almost wondered why you put up with her sometimes, but when you glanced in her direction and saw her already smiling back at you with that fond look in her eye, that look you only saw when she was staring back at you, you didn’t waste another second trying to guess.
“you’re such a pain sometimes.”
you made your way into the penalty box as one of the belgium girls grabbed the ball and made her way to the corner, the red and black kitted team earning themselves a corner after the ball had been kicked out by millie when number nine had gotten too close for comfort. you got in position, standing where you usually always stood which was just outside goal, as closest to mary than any of the other england players with a few girls from the other team pushing and grabbing their ways between you and your fellow lioness.
you sent the blonde a reassuring smile, confident that you would be able to stop the ball from touching the inside of the net with how well you had all been playing so far already.
the ball had been kicked and was now soaring through the air with some speed, you bounced on your feet as you waited to see where it looked more likely to land, your arm stuck out to prevent one of the belgium girls from knocking you out of the way and gaining an advantage on the ball.
the seconds went by in slow motion as the ball got closer and closer to where you stood, and you made the quick decision that you would try and header the goal out of play as it seemed like the best decision, you did not want to risk passing it to another member of the competition and have them get it past your or mary.
you jumped on your feet, leaning forward to connect your head with the leather material when out of nowhere, you felt a harsh push against your back and ribs that had your head flying into something else instead, something that had you crumbling to the floor only a second later with your head in your hands and a mind numbing pain spreading through your entire body.
the crowd exploded into a chorus of boo’s, and the whistle blew not even a second later, the loud sounds doing nothing to soften that pulsing agony in your head. you didn’t want to move, your whole body felt heavy and the thought of stretching even a single part of your body sounded like hell to you. you didn’t even react when you felt a gentle hand on your back, or another on your shoulder, or another on the top of your head where the hairband to your ponytail was positioned. the pain was so intense you were sure that if you weren’t so out of it you would be a sobbing mess right now.
you felt a body loom over yours, and some hair tickle your ear, “babe? can you hear me? are you alright?”
the northern accent that sounded from your girlfriend was heavily coated in an unusual sense of concern that you never really heard from the carefree blonde, but with you down on the floor, seemingly unresponsive the villa player was more scared than she had ever been.
“babe? can you please just say something? or move your hand? just wanna make sure you’re awake okay? please.” she sounded desperate at the end, and your heart clenched at the panic in her voice.
so with all the strength you could muster, which right now wasn’t a lot, you moved your hand until you managed to find her thigh, where you let it sit, feeling comforted by the skin on skin contact you had with your girlfriend. it wasn’t long before she grabbed that hand and squeezed it in her own, her slender fingers intertwining with your own as her thumb rubbed the back of you knuckles.
“you’re gonna be okay, yeah? the medics are here love, they’re gonna make sure you’re good.”
you mentally nodded at that, though didn’t make any move to physically show her you had acknowledged her words. you felt her press a quick peck to the back of your knuckles before she released your hold in hers and moved aside to let the medics in. you frowned at the loss of contact, but there wasn’t much you could do about it until you were at least able to verbally communicate with the people surrounding you.
the medics checking you out was a blur, just a lot of hands touching your face and neck, moving your head back and forth, the gasp from some of your teammates when they caught sight of the nasty gash on your temple that you hadn’t even realised was there until the alcohol wipes came out. a light was shone in your eyes briefly, before it was flickered off and the medic gestured to two other medics who were waiting offside.
a few seconds later a bright orange could be seen from your blurred vision, though you knew what it was straight away. there was no mistaking the stretcher you had seen being brought out more times than you had liked throughout your career, most of the time for other players but today it seemed as you were the lucky girl about to be carried off the pitch. you panicked a little, worrying how serious your injury was if the medics thought the stretcher was necessary.
your eyes sought out the presence of the only person who could calm you at this moment, flickering around wildly in a desperate attempt to find her but it was like she had all of a sudden vanished.
it was hemp who clicked onto who you were looking around for, the man city striker was stood at a distance, biting at her nails as she watched over you almost protectively, and seeing you so frantic in your attempts to place your girlfriend had her feeling even more sorry for you. she was quick to help out, looking around to find rachel, who to no surprise, was with millie just out of sight from you.
millie was holding the smaller girl back with a hand to her chest, as rachel yelled at the culprit who was the reason for your newfound concussion, the woman in question at least having the decency to look guilty. rachel’s face was flushed red with anger, and her hand was flying all over the place as she yelled. it was a good job millie was there, lauren thought to herself. though millie herself wasn’t looking at the belgium player too nicely either.
with the medics ready to lift you and get you on the stretcher, lauren didn’t waste anymore time and jogged over to the duo, placing a hand on rachel’s shoulder which halted her ranting as she looked to see who had approached.
“they’re carrying y/n off rach, i think she wants you with her.” hemp kept the explanation brief, knowing it would be enough to have rachel retreating and joining you.
and she was right, rachel didn’t even bother to look back at the belgium player again before she rushed off to where you were still laid on the floor, some of the other lionesses now wandering off to give the two of you (along with the medics) some much needed space. she fell down on her knees next to you, and you let out a breath you hadn’t even realised you’d been holding.
“come on pretty girl, let’s get you somewhere they can treat you properly yeah? need you all fixed up so we can have you with us again.” rachel did a good job at soothing your racing thoughts, her encouraging smile enough to ease the part of your brain that was coming up with all sorts of scary injuries you were convincing yourself you might have.
with your head still being in immense pain, you were still unable to nod in response, so instead you opted to send her a weak smile to let her know you were listening and appreciated her being there. she smiled back, moving to squeeze your hand in hers once again which added to the comfort you felt with her around.
“just gonna stand back whilst they get you up, okay? then i’ll be with you whilst they carry you off. ella’s gonna be with you whilst i’m still on the pitch but if sarina takes me off i’ll be finding you straight away, alright babe?” she explained, and you squeezed her hand in acknowledgement, feeling more at ease now you knew toone who was on the bench right now, would be with you whilst the medics checked you over inside.
rachel did as she said and temporarily let go of your hand so that she could step away and allow the medics to handle you properly, not wanting to get in their way and cause any issues whilst they dealt with you. a mixture of emotions weighed heavy on her heart.
she was angry at the player who decided to shove you head first into the goal post, just to stop you from getting rid of the ball that mary had caught anyways. no she was livid actually. but she was also upset for you, who had just gotten back on the pitch after waiting almost two months for your ankle to heal after your last incident on the pitch, now you’d be off again and for your sake she just hoped it wasn’t for longer than two weeks at most. and on top of all that she was worried, very worried about the state that you were in.
this wasn’t just a simple hit to the head that you could walk off, clearly. you were bleeding heavily and it was as if you weren’t even aware of where you were, or who you were with or what had just happened. she was just grateful you seemed to be able to understand what people were saying to you, that would’ve been too much for her to cope with she was sure.
millie comforted her whilst she waited for the medics to finish, and she was grateful for the support from her best friend who didn’t speak, only rubbed her shoulder comfortingly in the stressful seconds that passed. it had been six minutes now since the game had been halted because of your injury, and whilst the others girls ran to their managers and listened to advice and new game strategies, rachel refused to leave the pitch with you on it, especially with the state that you were in. if it weren’t for the cameras that were no doubt pointed at her right now, she was sure she’d be a mess until she found out for certain you were going to be okay.
she moved forward the second your body was lifted on the stretcher and squeezed inbetween two bodies so that she could grab ahold of your hand for the third time since you went down, using her spare hand to rub up and down your arm whilst she walked with you all the way off the pitch. the crowd watching erupted into applause as they always did when an injured player was carried off and rachel could only smile at the show of appreciation for you, her super girl who would’ve no doubt been tearing up at the love you were receiving if you were really aware of it.
when you reached the end of the pitch, she quickly leaned down and as gently as she could placed a quick kiss to your cheek, giving you once saddened glance before she moved back. “love you baby, i promise i’ll come see you as soon as i can.”
the only thing keeping rachel relaxed at the moment was knowing that ella would be with you on the other side, one of your best friends on the squad who she knew would look after you in replace of her. she waited until you were out of sight before she turned to make her way back to the pitch, making eye contact with the belgium player who had been sent off with a red card for deliberately pushing you into the goal post, and she was tempted to approach the dark haired woman and do something she’d probably regret in the morning. but before she even had a chance to take a step in that direction, sarina appeared in her line of sight and sent her a look, a look that said ‘you know you don’t really want to’.
and despite the vision of you laying on the floor, body crumpled and unmoving so clear in her mind, she knew sarina was right. so reluctantly, she steered her body in the opposite direction and jogged back to her original position as she waited for the game to recommence.
four hours had passed and you were now laid in bed in your hotel room, the one you shared with rachel as you always did when you were at camp, with the blonde fretting over your every need.
the doctors you had seen had confirmed you had a hefty concussion, and would be out of any form of football based activities for the next two weeks, which was a bummer but you were just glad it wasn’t too long, hopefully two weeks would pass by in a flash.
unfortunately, they had given rachel a list of symptoms to look out for incase your condition worsened and now the poor woman hadn’t relaxed since she’d gotten back, constantly checking up on you and watching over you like a hawk so she could catch any slight change in your current state so she could alert them immediately.
“rach, babe, come sit please. can’t relax with you pacing around like you are.” you stressed, patting the empty space beside you. “i am fine. i promise i will let you know if anything changes.”
she tutted at that but approached the bed as you had asked her to. “will you though? i know what you’re like. wont wanna say anything because you won’t want me to panic.”
“i think it’s too late for me to be worrying about making you panic.” you teased, and she glared in response.
“well i’m glad you can make jokes right now. i don’t think you understand how scared i actually was when i saw you down like that.”
your heart clenched at the sight of rachel with her head down whilst she fiddled with her fingers, and suddenly you felt bad for making jokes when she was so obviously still upset about the whole situation.
“hey, look at me rach.” you reached out and placed your hand on top of hers that were together on her lap. “i am okay, the doctors know what they’re doing and they said i’m fine, yeah? i promise you, cross my heart and hope to die, that i will tell you if i start feeling worse, okay? as soon as.”
she stared back at you for a second, her eyes wandering from yours to the bandage that had been wrapped around your head after your injury had been cleaned, before she let out a sigh and nodded, her tense body finally relaxing for the first time since the game which you took as a small win.
“think you need to start playing in bubble wrap from now on. first your ankle, now your head, what’s next?”
you were relieved to hear your girlfriend joke around with you once again, albeit her tone lacked the usual cheekiness that it usually held when she was messing around with you, obviously still not completely at ease with everything but she was showing signs of getting there.
“think sarina will add it to the next training kit for me? i’ll even offer to put some money towards it.” you smiled, hand moving to cup rachel’s cheek whilst you watched her eyes light up in amusement.
“yeah i’m sure she’ll be proper up for it, especially if it means actually having you on the pitch for more than a game at a time.” she retaliated with a laugh at the end and you playfully rolled your eyes at her light hearted comment.
“i made it almost sixty minutes, better than what i’ve been getting lately, i’ll take what i can get.” you shrugged, and now it was her turn to roll her eyes.
“love you silly girl, even when you’re so accident prone.” she leaned forward and pecked your lips, which you melted into happily.
“in my defence, what happened today wasn’t an accident! i’m a victim.” you told her, which earned you a shove back against the headboard.
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talesofesther · 1 year
sweet calamity | ch 6
Wednesday Addams x Reader
Series Summary: It was something people described as the sweetest pain, the feeling of when the soul that’s destined to find yours is closer to you. Wednesday saw it as a curse, promised herself she would hate whoever was chosen for her; but it’s easier said than done.
A/N: Enid loves playing matchmaker, even if she's not the best at it. Things are progressing interestingly. <3
Masterlist | Read ch 5 here
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Wednesday is considering ripping her own heart out.
There's a Poinsettia in a pot in front of you. The incompetent botany teacher asked you to make it bloom, just so she could show everyone where the toxins come from and how they can be used.
You're two tables to the front, sitting beside Xavier while Wednesday has a staring contest with the back of your head.
She wants to rip out her heart and have a very serious talk with it, because it appears to be noticing your absence and making it her problem too. How tragic.
You wanted space and Wednesday gave it to you, she just wasn't anticipating that it would affect her this much.
"I can't decide if you have a crush on her or if you're planning her murder." Enid mused from beside the Addams girl, her chin propped up in her hand.
"The latter." Wednesday deadpanned.
Enid hummed, her eyes slowly moving from you to Wednesday, "you know I'd appreciate it if you didn't murder my friends though."
Wednesday kept quiet, in her hands she was picking apart a poor jasmine flower, its petals being discarded on top of her open notebook.
You'd be mad if you saw her do it.
Wednesday's eyebrows scrunched together in a frown. Why is she thinking about that?
"I haven't seen you two speaking these last couple of days," Enid tried to sound nonchalant, "did something happen?"
For a moment, Wednesday considered saying something, her old therapist did tell her it was healthy to talk about her emotions.
Yet she settled for; "nothing happened."
Enid rolled her eyes, she could see right through Wednesday's little lie because it wasn't the first nor the second time that she has caught her friend making heart eyes at you.
In fencing class, Wednesday keeps her eyes on you like a hawk stalking its prey.
If you're walking around the cafeteria with Andrew, Wednesday is crushing her soda can as if it personally offended her.
Whenever you're out working in the gardens, Wednesday is making up excuses to go check the bees outside.
Enid has never seen her best friend this taken with someone, and part of her thinks not even Wednesday has fully realized it yet. So, being the good friend she is, Enid has made up a plan to help her out.
"Wednesday," the werewolf said her friend's name in a singsong voice, scooting closer so she could lay her head on Wednesday's shoulder.
The raven-haired girl huffed, "Enid, your death wish is showing."
The empty threat was ignored with a grin, "me and the girls are going shopping for the Rave'n tomorrow, and since you're my bestie, I would really like you to tag along."
"While I appreciate your attempt at torture," Wednesday side-eyed her friend, "I'd rather dump my eyeballs in acid than spend an afternoon picking dresses for a frivolous party."
Enid picked at her colorful nails mindlessly. "Our resident flower girl is coming with us too," she said quietly, but her wolfish smirk was unmistakable.
Wednesday tensed, crushing in her hands the last bits of the jasmine flower she was still holding. Damn you, damn you, damn you.
"Fine," she said through gritted teeth, "if you insist this much."
You're sitting on one of the benches just outside Nevermore, waiting for Enid so you can all leave for town together.
The sun's warmth isn't doing much nowadays, there's a permanent coldness to the air. You tightened your scarf around your neck, partly wishing you'd put on gloves as well before leaving.
Chatter reached your ears and you turned your head to see Enid coming to you, there was a bounce on her step and a contagious smile on her lips; Divina and Yoko walk beside her, holding hands.
"I hope you're ready for the best girl's trip ever," the werewolf exclaimed as she stopped in front of you, clasping her hands together.
"So much that I couldn't even sleep last night," you smiled back.
"Perfect," Enid's cheeks were pink from the cold, they shaped her smile adorably as she took hold of Yoko's arm, "we should hurry, the trolley is leaving, like, really soon."
Enid hurried towards the station, tugging Yoko with her and consequently Divina; their absence revealed Wednesday's presence.
You flinched when your eyes met her dark ones, your breathing getting momentarily stuck. You had not been expecting her to tag along at all.
"Uh hi," you stumbled out.
"Hello," she raised her chin in a way you're familiar with, her hands gripping the edge of her hoodie.
"I didn't know you were coming," you said awkwardly, not knowing what else you could possibly say.
You thought you saw Wednesday's posture deflate a little. She slowly blinked once, her gaze roaming over your features; "Enid has been begging me incessantly, she'd be devastated if I didn't come today."
You shifted your stance and glanced away from her, pursing your lips with a nod, "I see."
A beat passed, you could hear the wind, feel the cold of it on your bare hands. You really wished you had gloves on.
"You're not happy I'm here." Wednesday breathed. It was a statement, not a question.
You looked up at her, really looked, for the first time in forever, it feels. The black beanie she wore pushed her bangs down, she has to move the hair aside otherwise it'll cover her eyes; it was longer than it was the day you first met her. Her nose and the tip of her ears have a soft, barely there shade of pink to them, because of the cold or something else, you don't know. The outlines of her eyes and lips aren't as sharp as they used to be. It's different. She's different.
"Why do you say that?" You asked gently, because maybe gentle is what she needs right now.
"You wanted space. It's clear you don't enjoy my company anymore," Wednesday gulped, "and I'm breaking our agreement."
You shook your head softly, "it's not like I hate you, Wednesday."
Wednesday's lips parted, and she felt like a fawn in the middle of the road, paralyzed by the blinding lights of a speeding truck.
Your words cut deep. They shouldn't. But they do.
You raised an eyebrow at her, there's a smile playing on your lips but it doesn't hold much happiness; "I actually wanted space for the exact opposite reason."
Stop it. Wednesday wanted to say, words tangled in a lump in her throat. Please, stop making me feel-
"Guys, come on," Enid's voice captured both of your attentions, "we're gonna miss our ride."
It was the stuff of nightmares. No, worse. Not even in her worst nightmares, did Wednesday witness this.
She was drowning in a sea of satin. There was silk and velvet there too; overflowing pastel pink, baby blue, and luxurious white.
The store had endless rows of dresses to nauseate the Addams girl. The dark color of her attire stood out like a sore thumb in the middle of the fancy room.
Enid hurried in front of her, clutching close to her chest the dress she had chosen, "what about this one?"
"Disgraceful, just like the other six," Wednesday grunted.
"It's perfect, Enid," you were quick to interject, "you should definitely try it on."
The werewolf glared at Wednesday and gave you a thankful smile, before skipping over to the dressing room.
Wednesday crossed her arms over her chest, leaning back against the cream-colored wall to her right so she could lock eyes on you. "Aren't you gonna dive into this meaningless shopping as well?" She inquired.
You could see Yoko and Divina on the other side of the store, the vampire holding two dresses for her girl as she followed her around. It made you smile. You turned to look at Wednesday, biting on the inside of your cheek; "aren't you?"
"I'm not going," Wednesday said as if it was obvious, "even if I was, I already have an outfit. One is enough."
You're not sure why you felt a little disappointed by knowing she wouldn't be there. But you nodded anyway, turning your back to Wednesday so you could browse through the rack of dresses behind you. "No," you said to answer her previous question, "I actually already have my outfit for the party too."
There was a beat of silence, you could feel Wednesday's stare boring into your back.
"Who's taking you?" She asked then even though she knows the answer, telling herself she was just making conversation.
"Andrew," was your answer, taking a single glance behind to her.
The name makes Wednesday clench her jaw, "he's dull."
"He's nice to me," you said then, raising your eyebrows at her tone.
"He'll get you ashamed at some point, you can do better," she shrugged.
"He's my friend, Wednesday." You told her with a little more bite to your tone.
"You should tell him that." Wednesday's voice would always be harder than yours.
You chuckled, mumbling an okay.
Wednesday rolled her eyes. She doesn't care who you go with anyway. "Why are you here if you're not buying anything?"
"Same reason as you."
Wednesday tensed, getting ahead of herself and giving her own meaning to your words. She took a breath and held it in her lungs.
"Enid was very insistent I joined her," you explained further without looking at her, brushing your fingertips over the floral pattern of a dress. This one was indeed dreadful.
Wednesday released the air that was trapped.
You shrugged and turned back around, carefully closing the distance between you and her. The back of your head rests against the wall, your shoulder short of brushing Wednesday's.
"Honestly, I just wanted an excuse to get out a little."
Wednesday hummed, her fingers subconsciously tapping the mark on her wrist. "Maybe we should just leave then, let them lose their time trying out these obnoxious clothes while we do something actually entertaining," She suggested, a smile threatening to show on her lips.
You look at her with a grin of your own, eyes glinting with adoration at the suggestion, at her. "That would be thrilling wouldn't it?" You indulge her fantasy.
"They wouldn't know what happened, or where to possibly start searching," Wednesday met your gaze with her own, hyper-aware of how close you were; she could feel your warmth, count the specks of color in your eyes.
"Maybe even assume the worst," you said in a breath, eyes lazy as they focused on the burgundy lines of Wednesday's lips and then back on the mischief swimming in her gaze.
To Wednesday, every minute with you was torture. Sweet, blissful torture as you dangled something in front of her. Something she saw as unattainable. She saw herself captured in a haze, unaware that she was shifting closer, closer.
"You said I can do better," you hushed, so quiet you doubt she'd listen if she wasn't this close but you were afraid to break the spell of the moment. Your lips hovered before you kept going, "who's better?"
Wednesday felt the shape of your words with each breath you took, raising goosebumps on the back of her neck.
No one is good enough. Wednesday decided.
No one, except-
"I loved it!" Came Enid's sudden animated voice, successfully breaking the bubble you had created around each other.
It was like a slap to the face when Wednesday realized the position she found herself in. She had been totally taken by you, forgetting any and all types of rational thinking.
She blinked several times, running her tongue over her bottom lip because her mouth was suddenly dry.
What just happened?
When you awkwardly cleared your throat and kept your gaze on your sneakers, Wednesday knew it had been the same for you.
"Oh," Enid looked between both of you back and forth, "did I just interrupt something?"
You groaned, feeling heat creeping up on your neck and to your cheeks.
"Nothing to interrupt," Wednesday snapped, pushing herself away from the wall and briskly walking to the kid's section of the store.
You figured she just wanted to get away. You can't blame her.
Enid was exasperated. She slung her chosen dress over her shoulder, placing both hands on her waist, "okay, I am done with you two. What is going on?"
You pouted, sliding yourself down against the wall until your butt hit the cold floor. "It's really complicated, Enid."
"Yeah, no shit," the werewolf started, "I can see that, but-" she cut herself off when realization hit her. You saw it in the way she lit up like a Christmas tree, mouth hung open with the beginnings of a smile. You cursed under your breath.
"Wait," Enid breathed, having trouble containing her excitement, "ARE YOU THE-"
She crouched down to your level after the halfhearted glare you gave her. "You are, aren't you? You're Wednesday's soulmate." She squealed, her hands clutching at her dress.
You leaned your head back against the wall, closing your eyes and that was answer enough for her.
"I knew it, I knew there was something going on between you."
"Enid, no," you reached forward and took one of her hands in your own, "there's nothing going on between us and please, keep it down."
Enid shook her head as if you were speaking a foreign language, "but this is the best thing, I mean, you've found each other, you found your-"
"You know as best as I do who we're talking about here." You insisted, your chest tightening with each word, "it's a delicate situation so please, keep it down. Don't tell it to anyone else, okay?"
That seemed to bring Enid back from her high, she sighed, holding your hand between both of her own, "no, you don't get it. She likes you."
You closed your eyes, "Enid…"
"I've never seen Wednesday act like this with anyone else before, okay?" She pressed, "and I've known her longer than you," she teased, raising a brow at you.
You want to believe her, you really do. But you don't allow yourself to. Her hands are warm against your cold ones, the blonde of her hair is getting a little blurred in your sight.
"Then I hope you're right," you smiled.
She squeezed your hands and got up, pulling you with her, "come on, get up, you look like a lost child."
After locating Wednesday and saving her from a chatty five-year-old, Enid wanted everyone to stop at the Weathervane for some coffee.
It was a nice, cloudy day outside so the prospect of a hot beverage was welcomed; you felt all warm and fuzzy on the insides, both from your drink and from sitting in a booth surrounded by friends who enjoyed your company.
Of course, Enid made sure that you and Wednesday sat side by side, your shoulder brushing hers each time you raised the mug to your lips.
Wednesday kept quiet most of the time, her eyes focused on the window beside her, watching as the people walked by on Jericho's streets; sometimes, she'd lean her weight just a tad more against you, personal space being a forgotten concept.
Maybe it was because there was little room on the booth, or maybe Enid's idea of Wednesday actually liking you wasn't too farfetched.
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Read ch 7 here
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are literally what keep me motivated to continue posting here, so I'd appreciate it if you could take some time to reblog and comment if you want. <3
Wednesday’s taglist: @milkiane @bookfrog242 @heelaechan @imagine-reblog @simp4wanda26 @sakurarukas @bluetreecloud20 @the-night-owl-blr @imlike-so-gaydude @user284747 @dreifhraniquo29 @emeraldevan @simp4nat @boobabietch @impossibleliv1031 @deadpool-in-a-snood @rainbow-love4ever @maria-403 @pompompuri @halleest @wandaromanova @marveloussimp @rainbow-hedgehog @left-and-right-up-and-down @get-the-fuck-outta-here @awolfcsworld @elduster @alexkolax @georgi-salva @imdumbhi @youralphawolf72 @reginassweetheart @justyourwritter69 @yangsroboarmm @8e-h-e8 @irish-piece-of-trash @femalehomosexual666 @thenextdawn @trishatheotaku
971 notes · View notes
It would never have happened if not for Dr. Fieldstone. Now, Leslie’s delighted about her joining the Richmond team on a more permanent basis – she works wonders with the lads (and one head coach who shall remain unnamed, if only because he’s still a little sensitive about seeing a therapist) – but it does mean that Leslie’s once more out of an office. Just for the moment, of course, until he can find a suitable space without kicking anyone else out of their room. It’s really no hassle. He’s doing fine on the bench just behind the recyling bins outside of the copy room.
Or he was, until Roy Kent stops by just on the other side of said bins and, seemingly entirely unaware of Leslie’s presence, starts fiddling with his phone in what can only be described as an angry way.
It’s Roy, so that’s nothing out of the ordinary, and Leslie’s just about to offer a friendly greeting when he hears the hollow rings of an outgoing call and ah, it’d be terribly rude interrupt, wouldn’t it? 
For a long moment there’s nothing but beep after beep and Roy’s muttered pick the fuck up you fucking prick and then—
“What the fuck do you want?” 
Jamie’s not on speaker, but the sound’s loud enough for Higgins to not only recognize the voice but to hear every word, and the jagged, slightly petulant edge to them. 
“Where the fuck are you?” Roy growls. 
“How’s that any of your business? Training’s fucking over for the day, Coach.” Spat, more or less.
“Don’t be a fucking— “ Roy cuts himself off. “I need to see you.”
“Fucking hell! I wanted to… I want to fucking apologize, all right!” Roy sounds very, very annoyed about it.
“You can do that over phone. Or in a text.” Jamie sounds slightly less annoyed, but not by much.
Leslie dares crane his neck just so to sneak a peek at Roy’s face. Roy has closed his eyes, looking pained as he grits out a simple, strained: “No. I can’t.” 
“Why the fuck not?” 
Roy looks to the ceiling. Looks like he’d rather be anywhere else. Still he plods on, and Leslie feels a small surge of pity, small surge of pride. 
“Because you’ll want to hug me afterwards,” Roy says, “and you can’t fucking do that over phone, can you?” 
There’s a long pause. Leslie finds himself holding his breath, and not only because he’s halfway terrified he’ll start nervously gagging if this goes on for much longer. 
“Fine,” Jamie says eventually. “You can meet me back at my place in twenty.”
“Yeah, okay. Cheers.” 
A snort, somewhere between derisive and exasperated. “You better fucking hug me back.”
With that, Jamie hangs up. Roy takes a few deep breaths before stomping off and leaving Leslie to carefully consider what he’s overheard. Obviously something must have happened at training and if their head coach and star player have a proper falling out and Ted’s not there to talk some sense in them—
Eh. They’ll sort it out. Leslie returns to his e-mails.
257 notes · View notes
bellaturner · 11 months
The Unexpected
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Unusual fluff (?)
Summary: you went to an Arctic Monkeys concert as a distraction to your recent breakup, but ended up having an unexpected connection with Alex.
TW: breakups
3,6k words
I had just broken up with the man I thought was the love of my life. Nothing made sense anymore: the sky was permanently gray, the grass was dead beneath my feet, and the chirping of birds had become a melancholic tune. Life had lost its vibrancy, leaving behind a hollow emptiness.
We had been together for six years. To my twenty-four-year-old self, it felt like an eternity. But then, it all came crashing down. The signs were there, lingering in the shadows. Silently warning us of the inescapable end, but neither of us wanted to face the turmoil of ending a relationship that had lasted for so long.
However, as days turned into nights, we found ourselves tangled in neverending arguments. Even when we were together, I felt alone. The solitude became impossible to deal with, and we couldn't bear the weight of our shared life any longer. Honestly, I still struggle to pinpoint the moment where it all went wrong.
Despite everything, a part of me still cares for him. Perhaps that's why I made the difficult decision to sever our ties. I couldn't stand to hurt him any more than I was already doing by simply existing by his side. Each fight pushed him further away, and the thought of his fading presence tormented me.
Eventually, I reached my breaking point. Something had to change. So, with a heavy heart, I decided to officially end what had long been over. In that final moment, as we parted ways, not a single tear fell from his eyes, and that realization cut me deep. I had hoped to see a glimpse of emotion, a reminder of what we once had. But it became clear that I had been mistaken, painfully wrong about his feelings. The truth hit me hard and shattered me into countless pieces.
I felt utterly lost. There was no other way to put it. Waking up each morning became a burden, and I found myself hoping to die in my sleep. The days lacked any meaning. My friends were concerned, and my family shared the bruises of my heartache. After all, he had become part of our lives during those six long years.
But then, on that fateful day, everything changed.
It was my final semester of college, the moment when I was supposed to embrace my dream of becoming a mechanical engineer, fueled by my passion for motorsports. But now, it all seemed foolish and pointless. Every ambition had lost its spark.
In one of my last classes, vehicle electronics and control systems, tears started to melt my notebook pages, forcing me to leave early. I sat on a bench outside the building, next to the parking lot, gaining the courage to return home and confront my feelings again. There weren't any more pictures of us in my room, but the memories of moments shared in it were still there.
That's when Lana, one of my closest friends and an audio engineering major, found me.
"That's it!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with frustration. "I can't take this any longer, YN! I know you're hurting, but you have to move on. You ended things a month ago, but you said it yourself: it's been over for nearly a year!"
"But Lana—" I tried to interject, but she cut me off, refusing to listen.
"I've got backstage passes to a festival I'll be working on next week, and you're coming with me. No excuses. I don't care if I have to drag you by your hair." Her determination startled me, but I knew she was right. "Come on, YN! Pretty please?" she pleaded, putting on that irresistible lost dog face that I could never say no to. She even added the praying hands this time. There was no way I could escape her demands.
"Okay," I relented, sniffing and wiping away the tears from my cheeks. She had a point. I couldn't bury myself in this hole any longer. It was time to start crawling out of it.
"Yay!" she exclaimed, jumping up and down with joy. "That band you love so much is playing on Saturday! The Arctic something, you know?" she said casually.
"I beg your pardon?" I shot up from my seat, disbelief washing over me. "The freaking Arctic Monkeys are going to be playing, and I have a backstage pass?" It felt too incredible to be true. There was no way in hell something like that would happen to me—the unluckiest person in the world.
"Yup, that's the one. So you're going!?" she said happily.
"Of course I am. I had bought tickets to it long ago, but with everything that happened, I guess I kinda forgot about..."
"Hey, hey, stop it!" She cut me off once again. "You're not allowed to say his name or even think about him!" she protested. "I'll be working, though, but maybe that's a good thing. You could try to find some other monkey stan to hook up with!" she said with a mischievous smile.
Lana is unbelievably straightforward. But I think that's why I love her. My silly little girl. My best friend.
I chuckled at her suggestion, shaking my head in both amusement and disbelief. "You never fail to surprise me, Lana. Finding another 'monkey stan' " I scoffed "I just want to enjoy the music and forget about everything else. No more falling in love."
Lana nodded, her expression softening. "I get it, YN. This is your chance to have a great time." It was a statement, and I knew that she would make sure of that.
Her words resonated with me. Maybe this concert was exactly what I needed—an opportunity to let go of the past and rediscover my own happiness. I smiled at my friend, grateful for her support.
"Thank you, Lana. For being here. I appreciate you more than you know."
She grinned back at me, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I know, I know! I love you too, YN. Also, that's what friends are for".
With newfound determination and insane anticipation, we made plans for the festival. Lana shared more details about it and the lineup of incredible artists that would grace the stage on that weekend. But the thought of seeing the Arctic Monkeys perform live is what filled me with a mix of nervous excitement and sheer bliss.
Finally, the day of the concert had arrived, and I couldn't contain my excitement. I slipped into my favorite band t-shirt, a quirky image of the members dressed as clowns and the words "who the fuck's Arctic Monkeys?" boldly printed across it. With the backstage pass hanging proudly around my neck, I could feel the anticipation building up inside me.
Lana, being the amazing friend she was, had made sure everything was perfectly arranged for us. As we ventured backstage, the air buzzed with an electric energy that sent shivers down my spine. From my privileged viewpoint, I could see the massive crowd and the whole stage, just waiting for the Monkeys to take their places.
"Hey, listen," Lana said, her voice filled with a mix of excitement and responsibility. "I have to go work now, but you stay here and have the time of your life, okay? Text me if you need anything or decide to explore elsewhere. I love you!" She planted a kiss on my head before disappearing into the backstage area.
Not long after she left, the stage lights illuminated the massive venue, and the band made their entrance from the opposite side I was at. The opening chords of the first song reverberated through the speakers, igniting a surge of excitement and cheers from the crowd. I surrendered myself to the music, letting it embrace me completely, like a warm blanket. The world around me faded away, leaving only the hypnotizing rhythm and the lyrics that resonated with my soul.
With tears streaming down my face, I allowed the familiar melodies to stir deep emotions within me. Each song evoked a different feeling, and I embraced every single one. I couldn't help but dance like there was no tomorrow, losing myself in the moment. The euphoria overwhelmed me, and it felt like I was floating on a cloud of pure bliss.
As the concert progressed, around the third song or so, I caught a glimpse of Alex looking in my general direction. My heart skipped a beat, but I quickly dismissed it as a mere coincidence. He was probably just checking out his surroundings or searching for someone from the production team. I decided to step to the side, not wanting to obstruct his view, and to my surprise his head turned with me as I moved over.
Our eyes briefly locked, and in that split second, I could feel my whole face burning up. Was he actually looking at me? It felt like a fever dream, the kind you never expect to come true. It was probably the effect of one too many unlimited drinks I had enjoyed, courtesy of my backstage access.
Whether it was a genuine look or a result of my tipsy imagination, I couldn't help but revel in the moment. The music enveloped me, drowning out any doubts or rational thoughts. I surrendered myself to the rhythm, dancing like an old lady, feeling the pure bliss of being swept away by the insane energy of the concert.
The combination of the music, the crowd's energy, and the enchanting presence of Alex on stage created an atmosphere that was nothing short of magical.
'Arabella' was the sixth song played that night, and I'll never forget it. As soon as I heard that familiar guitar at the beginning of the song, I could feel the excitement running through my veins. It is one of my all-time favorite songs, a track that holds a special place in my heart. I can't quite put into words what it makes me feel, but it is a mix of exhilaration, warmth, and an indescribable amazing sensation.
My legs turned to jelly, and I found myself leaning against a nearby wall for support as I watched in awe. The combination of Cookie's amazing guitar riffs, Matt's powerful drumming skills, and Nick's pulsating bass lines drove the crowd into a frenzy. The energy was palpable, radiating through every beat and note.
My attention was drawn to Matt and his extraordinary talent behind the drum kit. His precision and sheer passion were a sight to behold. As I focused on him, completely immersed in the music, that indescribable feeling of watching my favorite band perform live washed over me one more time.
And then, it happened again. When I shifted my gaze towards Alex, I found him looking straight at me. Our eyes locked in for the second time that night, making my cheeks flush. I was grateful for the dim lighting that hid my embarrassment.
As he sang, a smile formed on his lips, almost like he knew what he was doing: singing my favorite song and looking straight into my eyes. I felt like he was singing it just for me. It was a crazy moment, and it made me down the rest of my beer in one gulp. I swear he let out a soft chuckle, away from the microphone.
As the last verse sounded through the air, I knew I had to sing along with the crowd, my voice merging with the chorus. "That's magic! On a cheetah print coat!" The lyrics echoed around me, lighting up my face with a huge smile while the tear roamed free.
As the concert continued, there were a few more instances when my and Alex's eyes met, a fleeting connection in the midst of the electrifying atmosphere. But I brushed it off, convincing myself that it was just part of his stage presence, a way to engage with the audience.
But, as the final notes of the last song gradually faded into the air, signaling the end of an unforgettable night, I figured that Alex would follow his bandmates, disappearing into the same entrance he came from. To my surprise, he broke away from the rest of the guys, walking towards the side of the stage I was at.
His steps were purposeful and determined, making my heart race as he approached. The gap between us was closing quickly, and I tried to steady my trembling hands and calm my racing thoughts.
A rush of excitement and disbelief flooded me as he stood before me, and I was hit by the combination of wood, whisky, and tobacco scent that he emanated, leaving me momentarily speechless. His eyes sparkled with exhaustion and genuine appreciation.
"You sure look like you had a great time, love," he said with a husky voice, sending shivers down my spine. I couldn't help but let the butterflies fly around my stomach by the way he casually referred to me as 'love,' that charming British accent adding an extra layer of charm to his character.
I mustered a shy smile. His presence was magnetic and the whirlwind of emotions inside me made it difficult to speak.
His gaze traveled up and down my figure, a playful glimmer danced in Alex's eyes as he glanced at my t-shirt. "Your choice of attire is quite captivating," he said, letting out a laugh that made my cheeks flush. "Join me for a beer, will ya?" he asked, his tone more of a confident statement than a mere question, gesturing for me to follow him deeper into the backstage area.
"Al, mate, come join us!" Matt's voice carried excitement for the post-show celebration. "We're going out for-"
"Not tonight, man," Alex responded without even glancing in Matt's direction, his eyes fixed on mine, unyielding. "I think I'll just head back to the hotel. Thanks, though."
I stood there, stunned, as Alex brushed off his friend's invitation without a second thought, leaving me wondering if he had a different plan in mind. Matt shrugged and joined the rest of the band, while I remained rooted to the spot, my mind swirling.
"Well, it looks like I have some free time," Alex's eyes held a glimmer of curiosity and a hint of a smile danced on his lips. "How about we grab that beer we were talking 'bout?"
Excitement coursed through my body, and I nodded eagerly, unable to contain my smile. "Sounds great," I replied, my voice filled with faked confidence. "Lead the way."
As Alex led me through the backstage area, we entered a private room tucked away from the bustling crowd. The moment the door closed behind us, the noise dissipated, leaving behind a sense of tranquility. The room was dimly lit, adorned with vintage music posters and instruments that had an aura of creative energy.
Alex approached a small cooler, grabbing a couple of cold beers, and handing one to me. "Here you go," he said with a charming smile. "Make yourself at home, darlin'. I'm just gonna change real quick,"
"Thank you," I replied, accepting the beer gratefully. My heart raced, the British mannerisms swiping me off my feet again. I watched him disappear into the bathroom, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness.
As Alex left, I took a moment to take in the room. The instruments scattered across the space caught my attention, particularly the grand piano sitting in the corner. My fingers itched with the desire to touch the keys. It had been ages since I last played one.
Leaving my beer on a nearby table, I made my way to the piano bench. Sitting down with my back turned to the bathroom door, I ran my fingers gently over the smooth ivory keys, and began to play a familiar tune, allowing the notes to flow from my fingertips.
The sound filled the room, a gentle melody that mirrored my emotions. I closed my eyes, losing myself in the music, letting it carry me away from the moment. When I was younger, I used to say that the piano was my voice, expressing the emotions that my words couldn't capture.
The sound of footsteps made me snap back into reality. I swiftly rose from the bench, ready to apologize for my impromptu performance, but before any words could escape my lips, Alex interjected.
"Please, don't" Alex said, his voice laced with a hint of awe. He stood at a distance, his eyes fixed on me and his hands shoved into the pockets of his worn leather jacket. "That was beautiful. You have a gift."
"Thank you," I managed to say, my voice betraying any attempt at sounding nonchalant. "It's been a while since I've played."
He chuckled softly, his eyes sparkling with playful charm. "Well, consider me a lucky man then."
A genuine smile spread across my face as I admired Alex's transformed appearance. He had tidied up his hair and changed into a sleek white collar dress shirt that accentuated his abs. His leather jacket added a touch of rebellious charm, and he was wearing that illegally sexy scarf of his.
"You look like a brand new person." I remarked, walking past him to retrieve my beer can.
He smirked, a flicker of amusement dancing in his eyes. "A change of clothes and a splash of cologne can work wonders, wouldn't you agree?" he replied, his voice dripping with playful modesty.
I smiled at him once again, feeling a sense of ease settling between us. Taking a sip from my beer can, I realized I hadn't properly introduced myself. "I'm YN, by the way," I said, trying to keep the conversation casual.
"It's a pleasure, YN. I'm Alex," he replied warmly, his voice inviting. I couldn't help but chuckle quietly, knowing exactly who the musical genius before me was.
"The pleasure is all mine," I responded, lifting my can in a toast. The clinking sound filled the air.
His gaze shifted towards the vinyl player nestled in the corner of the room, catching his attention. He walked over to it, selected a disc and delicately placed it on the turntable. The soft crackle of the needle meeting the vinyl filled the air, as the melodic tunes gracefully unfolded.
Returning his focus to me, his eyes sparkled with curiosity, a genuine interest shining through. "So, YN, what brings you here tonight?" he inquired, his voice carrying a gentle warmth.
I couldn't help but laugh at his question. "Aside from your amazing songs?" I replied playfully, my gaze meeting his. "Well, my friend is working backstage, and she managed to get me a ticket. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to see you perform live."
He nodded, a hint of appreciation in his eyes, and then he extended his hand towards me, gently taking hold of my beer can and setting it aside.
"Will you dance with me, YN?" he asked, his voice turning my thoughts into a blissful haze, as my name rolled off his tongue.
My heart skipped a beat, and I eagerly placed my hand in his, feeling the warmth of his touch. "I'd be delighted," I replied, my voice had a hint of nervousness to it. "I must warn you, though, I'm not the best dancer."
He simply smiled, his touch steady yet gentle, as his other hand found its place on my waist, effortlessly guiding me across the dance floor. We moved in harmony, a mixture of playful twirls and gentle sways, surrendering ourselves to the embrace of the music.
The song came to an end, and as if on cue, Alex pulled me even closer, making me look at him. The room buzzed with energy. His hand, which had been resting on my waist, moved to the back of my head, gently tangling in my hair, sending a thrilling shiver down my spine.
My lips parted with a soft sigh, surrendering to the gentle tug he made on my hair. The reaction prompted Alex, as he leaned in, allowing our lips to touch in a delicate kiss.
His lips were soft and insistent, exploring every inch of my mouth. It felt like he was perfect.
The room was filled with the gentle white noise of the needle scratching the record, creating a soothing ambiance. But then my phone started buzzing in the background. We initially ignored it, lost in our passionate exchange, but after it rang three times, Alex broke the kiss.
"Maybe you should answer that, doll," he whispered, his fingers caressing my hair as he brought me back to reality.
"Hey, Lan," I said softly, my gaze locked into his dark brown eyes. He stared right back at me.
"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!?" Lana's voice boomed through the phone, making me hold it away from my ear.
Alex burst into laughter, seemingly amused by the situation.
"I'm sorry, Lana. I got carried away," I explained.
"Oh, come on! Who's with you? I heard laughter," Lana teased, her voice adopting a playful tone. "Did you meet someone?"
"Oh, she definitely met someone," Alex interjected, his distinct accent making his words stand out.
"Is that-" Lana started to ask, but her question remained unfinished. It was an overwhelming experience for me.
"May I?" Alex asked, reaching for my phone, and I nodded.
"She's alright, Lana. She'll be with you shortly," he assured her before ending the call.
"One for the road?" he whispered, his fingers gently tracing my swollen lips.
I chuckled in response, and he leaned in, our lips meeting once again in a passionate embrace.
"Can I have your number?" he asked, his forehead resting against mine.
This has been rotting in my drafts since May, I truly didn't know how to end it so I just left an open ending I guess.
I also experimented writing in first person, which I don't intend on doing anymore tbh but let me know if you liked it anyways.
I've been asked a couple times to tag people, so lmk if you'd like to be tagged on my next fic.
As always, love youuu 💕💕💕
~ Bella
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hongjoongscafe · 11 months
You have you...
Pairing: jungkookxreader(y/n)
Genre: angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, strangers to lovers, non-idol au
Summary: when your life collapsed but found the right person at the same time.
Word count: 5.1k+
Warnings: cheating, name-calling, insults, bad texts, mentions of grinding.
Note: lemme know if you wanna be added to the permanent or specific taglist!
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The night was a vague reflection of how you felt from the inside. The thunderstorm was taking down the whole city of Seoul. The water was pooling to the ankles and the high flash flood alert messages were stacking up in the notification centre.
But this thunder still could not match the one inside your chest.
Seeing the person you called the love of your life turning back towards you and walking into some other woman’s arms behind your back was enough for your poor heart to crumble down into ashes. The ache was too high to feel anything else.
“Baby, I will never leave you.” “I promise, you are the only one I'll ever love.” “Love, I wanna have a family with you.” “You are the prettiest.” “I am just going with the boys, I will be back before you even know.” “I'm sorry, baby. The boys kept me there. I tried to tell them that I want to be with you but you know how they act, right?” “Baby, you don't understand! I didn't mean to yell at you!” “Love, it's nothing, you are just being delusional. You know I won't do anything to hurt, right?” “I love you forever, baby.”
You scoffed. Fucking lier. There were so many moments when you felt his disloyalty towards you. But you gave him the benefit of the doubt and let him be. Ronny had his way with words. He used them for his benefit. The way he manipulated made you want to rip his head off.
If it wasn't for your colleague who saw him in the car with someone else, eating each other’s face, a couple of days ago, you would have still believed his empty words.
When he came back that night, you checked his phone for the first time as he passed out on the couch. You knew he wouldn't wake up until the next afternoon.
As much as you regretted reading those texts, one part of you needed disclosure. You sat there on the cold tiled floor, tears running down your cheeks, feeling like a loser.
-Y/n is just so fucking dumb, man. I've never been with someone as dumb as her but I guess good for me🤷🏻‍♂️.
-Hey, sexy💋 Last night was so fucking good. You were so wet for me, you little slut😏.
-Dev just asked me to fuck her. If y/n calls, tell her that I'm busy working.
-You up?
-Ronny? I need your big cock in me, plz. Meet me in the Motel…😉
-Y/n looks so fucking ugly, man. I feel so embarrassed next to her. I can feel the vomit in my throat whenever she talks. It's so fucking bitter to tell her that I love her🤢.
-Man, I get so irritated when y/n talks. I can feel myself hating her more and cheat even more just to see how fucking dumb she is.
His last text was what made you get up at this hour of the night and go to the striper club.
-She will be busy with her pathetic painting on Friday. We should meet at the bottom up. When I think about you, I can still feel my cock getting hard thinking about last time😮‍💨. [Allie- sent]
A laugh bubbled out of your throat as you read it. Him and your best friend. Who would have known?
Turns out, everyone knew other than you.
Everyone wanted some drama and they got it. The great Ronny garnished it on a plate and severed it to everyone. Even to those who you thought were your genuine friends.
Now here you were, sitting on a bench in front of a random complex, drowning in your sorrows. When you went inside that club, you caught them wrapped around each other. His one hand was groping her ass and the other was rubbing her pussy through her skimpy shorts.
Your heart was gone. There was no way your tears could stop. When confronted, they laughed and called you names. People around looked at you disgustingly for ruining the perfect mood they were in.
“Get out you bitch. No one needs you here!”
“Damn, you thought I would actually love you? So fucking delusional.”
“How can you be so dumb? You couldn't even see that we both were involved.”
“She just wants me to fuck her pathetic pussy because no one else wants that thing.”
It was difficult to handle. You just let yourself cry loudly like a pathetic person that they said. They weren't wrong. No one else ever wanted you. You were bold enough to think that Ronny truly wanted you even after seeing many red flags. But nothing could win in front of a good manipulation.
“You look like you need a hug,” a sweet voice pulled you out of your head. You looked up at him and noticed there was a charming man standing in a raincoat and an umbrella above your head.
His big doe eyes looked concerned, and his thin and pink lips were frowning. “There is a flash flood warning, you know that, right? You shouldn't be here. Do you want me to call your friends or family?”
Hearing friends and family, your eyes filled with fresh tears and started crying in front of a handsome stranger. You hid your hand behind your hands and wailed.
Six years. It was six years' worth of pain hurling out. It was hurting you as if someone had stabbed you over and over again slowly, making you feel every single inch of it. It was like someone was reopening the fresh wounds with their bare fingers that you just treated.
“I'm Jungkook,” the man said as he sat down, holding the umbrella over you. “You are soaking and it is winter.”
Jungkook was in his apartment, playing his guitar, and composing some new music. He was waddling around and looked out of his window when he saw a girl sitting in the rain, hunched over. He kept looking at her and started to worry when she did not move.
He quickly wore a jacket and raincoat and carried an umbrella for the girl.
As he got closer, he heard her cry loudly all alone in this ungodly rain. He was worried about her. The level of water was rising pretty fast. When she looked up at him, his breath hitched. She was prettier than anyone he has ever seen. So soft and innocent.
He pouted when she didn't say anything but stayed there, still holding the umbrella. He heard her cry for a good twenty minutes before she calmed down and only soft sniffles could be heard.
“I'm Y/n,” you said in your broken voice, throat sore from crying so loudly. “Can you please book an Uber?”
“Y/n, no Uber will pick you up now,” Jungkook said.
You looked at him, another set of tears ready to roll down. “Why?” Your lower lip wobbled.
“Look around, the water is reaching our ass and we are sitting on a bench,” he said.
Only then you realized how bad the rain was and he was not wrong. The water level was rising. “What am I supposed to do now?” You asked yourself, already crying again. It was too much to take in little time.
Jungkook bit his lip and thought about it for a moment. “You should come to my place. It’s bad for you to stay out here especially when you… when you are so vulnerable,” he carefully said.
He was half ready for you to get up and swim away. But he let out a sigh of relief when you nodded, agreeing with him. “Okay,” your voice broke.
Jungkook gave you a soft smile, “I live here. So follow me,” he pointed behind them at the complex. “Here, hold my hand, let me guide you in. Don’t fall unless you know how to swim,” he giggled to himself but quickly regretted when you looked into his eyes and a wobbly chin. “I’m sorry,” he squeezed your hand reassuringly as you held it. You felt your heart thump against your chest at the skin contact. Never once have you felt like this with Ronny.
Jungkook’s apartment was clean, minimalistic, and scented like fresh laundry. The light cream walls with contemporary paintings looked perfectly decorated. The simple lamps hanging from the ceiling were just enough to make it look modernized. The couch had many papers laying around along with hand-knitted blankets and a guitar on the carpeted floor. And a beer can on the coffee table. The gigantic windows overlooked the city. It looked decently luxurious.
“Umm… Stay here, I'll bring some towels for you,” Jungkook removed his shoes and scurried inside his cosy house. And came out in no time. He wrapped a bigger towel around you and handed you the smaller towel. “Washroom is there,” he pointed next to the wall. “You can take a shower. I'll give you some of my clothes. And leave your clothes there, okay? I'll put them in the washing machine with mine. Oh, wait, let me show you the drawer in which you can find anything you want… Well, almost anything.”
He waddled in front of you into the washroom. He turned on the lights and opened a drawer in his cabinet, “Here, there are sanitary napkins, tampons whichever you prefer. Shower things, scrubs, unused loofah, hair ties, these one-use undies, lotion, and face cream. Here is a hairdryer and hair straightener, if you need those. And if there is something else you need, let me know. I'll find it if I have it,” he informed and smiled at you before going out, leaving you alone. He knocked again and peaked his head inside after you opened it a little. He handed you clothes and finally left.
You looked at the closed door with wide eyes. It was amusing seeing this stranger all prepared for emergencies. His girlfriend or fiance or wife must be lucky, you thought. You shook your head in order to not think about it and compare your sorry life with the unknown girl you are not even sure existed. But it won't be a surprise if she did.
Under the warm water, your tears rolled down again. It wasn't easy to just forget and not feel hurt after committing for six years. You mourned about not listening to your gut feeling about him before. Maybe you wouldn't be here, taking a shower in some stranger's washroom.
You took your sweet time before you came out, after drying your hair. As you opened the door, you were met by the melodious voice of Jungkook. The acoustic guitar complimented his mellow voice. The lyrics brought tears to your eyes but you tried your best to not let them flow down your cheeks. You felt like sitting by him and just kept on hearing his voice but he was not in the living room.
You quietly walked towards the entrance door and found him sitting there on the floor, wrapped in a towel as he sang-
We laugh and cry together
These simple feelings
Seems like they were everything to me
When will it be
When I face you again
I want to look into your eyes and tell you
I’ve missed you
Inside the blissful memory
Even if i dance by myself, the rain pours down
By the time this fog clears
I’ll come running on my wet feet
Then, hold me
That moon looked lonely
Because I felt like it was crying brightly in the night sky
Even when I know the morning will come someday
I wanted to remain in your sky like a star~
Just then you noticed that he was still in wet clothes. “Oh my god, Jungkook! Why are you still wet? Why did you not change?”
Jungkook was startled and looked at you. He stood up and rested his guitar on the wall. “Ah, there is only one washroom. I mean, there is one by the bedrooms but the water connection is not working.”
You gasped, “Why did you not tell me before?! Go in. You are going to catch a cold.”
“Nothing will happen to me, don't worry,” he said and noticed how swollen your eyes looked. “You know what? There is a pile of clean and dry clothes over there. You can fold them and leave the dress shirts. I need to iron them beforehand. So, can you do that? As a thank you favour?” He wished it could distract you from your pain. “Do you like FRIENDS?”
You dumbly looked at the basket full of clean laundry and nodded, “yeah,” you mumbled.
“Great! I'll put it on the TV so you won't get bored… I'll take a little time there. So, yeah…” he wanted to leave you alone for a while so that you could have some space. It wouldn't hurt to do a long Sunday night routine on Friday anyway.
His trick worked decently. When he came out, he saw you ironing his clothes and silently giggling at the show. He stood there and admired you. You looked so pretty in his baggy clothes, smiling and just being there. He didn't know who you were, why you were so beaten up mentally, or why he even bothered to bring you to his house. But at that very time, he saw someone who he could consider spending time with. Maybe just to make you feel better before you go away forever.
“I didn't ask you to iron the clothes,” he said as he rubbed his towel in his hair.
“It's alright,” you whispered.
You both said nothing for a while. You ironed his dress shirts and sat on the loveseat in front of him. There was a thick layer of awkwardness. After all, you both were strangers.
“So,” Jungkook began. “Do you want to talk about it? Or do you want to be left alone? Or do you want to play any video games or board games? Beer?”
Thinking about it, you felt like talking to him wouldn't hurt. He doesn't know you and after the water drains out, you will leave this place for good. And beer didn't sound bad at all. “You wouldn't mind me talking?”
“Not at all! Why would I mind?” He frowned. “I’m a good listener.”
“I think beer will be good, too,” you cleared your throat.
Jungkook smiled and stood up with a jump, walking towards his fridge, “a perfect combination!” He came back with a box of canned beer and dropped them on the coffee table and passed you one can. The clicks of cans were heard almost immediately. “Tell me one thing first. Why are you not afraid of being here? I'm just a stranger to you. What if I do something bad to you?”
You thought about it for a second. He wasn't wrong, but, “I’ve nothing left to be worried about…” you mumbled. “I can ask you the same. Why did you let me in? What if I do something to you? Wouldn’t your girlfriend or boyfriend be angry about it?”
Jungkook looked at you with a pout but said nothing about the first sentence you said. “Well, you looked like you could use some company plus no criminal would sit in that rain to hurt me. And I do not have any partner.” He said. “Now. You can talk about it, I’m all ears.”
Your mind went back in time. The flashbacks started to pour back in. All you could do was scoff at them. It was hurting you and you needed to let your emotions out. You had bottled them up for a long. He kept you tongue-tied for as long as you remember being with him. It was shitty and you were aware of it but every single time, you just tucked your tail between your legs and went along with what he had to offer you and it was only insecurities and insults. “I’m just so fucking dumb and stupid.” Jungkook sat up straight, focusing on you fully. “My boyfriend was cheating on me with my best friend.”
“Fuck no,” Jungkook felt anger bubbling up in his guts. If anything he hated the most about people was them cheating on other people. He absolutely loathed people who even dared to think about it. He always believed in being loyal to the partners and yourself. He believed that if one was falling out of love, which is not a big deal, they should be honest about it and find a mutual solution than just going around and being a fucking asshole. He was a man of character. Je didn't even need to know how he was and he already hated him and sympathized with you.
You huffed, “There were so many times when I felt like he was cheating on me but I just trusted him too much to let those feelings get to me,” your eyes teared up as you took a long sip of your beer. “I don’t even know for how long or if he ever even liked me let alone loved me.” From his texts and how he talked to you this evening. You figured he was cheating on you for longer. Possibly since the beginning of your relationship.
You still remembered how wonderful it all felt when you got involved with him. Ronny would act as if he cared and loved you. He would spend time with you, take you to parties, and introduce you to his friends, you felt like you were an important part of his life. However, slowly he stopped taking you with him and started stay away more and more. He would smell like other people's perfume. He would come back, drunk out of his mind.
“I’m so sorry about—”
“You know what's worse?! I caught him red handed with her in a strippers club tonight. They were hugging and touching and rubbing each other. Then I just– fuck. I made a fool out of myself. I ruined everyone’s night. And they kicked me out,” you cried.
“Shit, y/n. Everything was closed down by seven. Were you outside all this time?” Jungkook asked, concerned about you.
“What else was I supposed to do? Go back to that house where I could only see how fucking brainless I am? That place would mock me for being so oblivious,” you picked another can of beer.
Taking the blanket, Jungkook walked to you and wrapped it around your shoulders before sitting back in his place. “It's not only the friend, there were so many girls in his DMs. And he said I was ugly and so irritating. Everyone agreed and I think they were right.”
“Hey,” Jungkook felt bad for you. You were beautiful and such an adorable person. “Don’t say that. They all are wrong. You are so pretty and adorable,” he let out. “I don't think you should believe in them. They have no idea what they are talking about. And you should not think about that prick.”
“I was with that prick for six years, Jungkook. I loved him for six years, slept with him, and took his shit on my head. I can't just not think about him,” you sobbed.
“How can he be so terrible? Man, if I find who he is, I would beat the shit out of him. That boy is just a scumbag. Jeez, I'm so fucking pissed,” he was holding back from asking you his location so that he could go and teach that asshole some much-needed lesson. Jungkook could never even have thought of doing something like that to anyone let alone actually cheating on someone. He felt disgusted by this boy.
“For the past six years, he has become my personality. I thought he loved me and I was just being too much to the point he even called me delusional.”
Jungkook gasped, “No way, that asshole said that. What does he think of himself? Ugh, he should be ashamed of himself.”
“He would always text me cute, lovey-dovey messages. He would buy me things after such arguments and would tell me how much he loved me and that promise to be better,” you finished your second can and opened another one.
“Honey,” Jungkook softly said. “I'm sorry but he manipulated you.”
“And I was too dumb to know that,” she shook your head and covered your face with your hands.
“No, honey, you are not dumb. I think when you love someone, you just do whatever it takes to make things work. And the person who gets manipulated, they don't get to know because that's exactly what he was doing. He knew it. It's not your fault.”
“Jungkook…?” you called.
“Is your offer for a hug still up?” you shyly asked.
Jungkook quickly stood up and sat with you, wrapping his arms around you, respectfully. “Of course it is,” he mumbled.
“I should have known, you know? She was his close friend that became my friend later on. She was always overly close with him even when she had other guys in her life,” you said.
“Girls like her don't deserve a friend like you, y/n… They are just an embarrassment for us,” Jungkook mumbled as he caressed your head that was resting on his shoulder and rubbed your arm.
There was silence for a while. A comfortable one. His even breath was keeping you from drifting away. And his hand caressing your head was helping your headache. He felt safe. You felt safer than ever in this stranger's arms. He never made you feel like this ever. He only made you feel bad and dumb all the time through his sugar-coated words.
“Can you tell me about yourself? If you don't mind,” you asked.
“It's only fair. I'm Jeon Jungkook. I'm twenty-five. I make music,” he said.
“Really? What kind of songs do you sing?” you found it interesting.
“Well, you probably don't know me,” he shyly chuckled. “I have released a couple of songs on Spotify and nothing more. I can't afford to make a video just yet.”
You look up at him. “But you look like you can.”
He giggled at your reaction. You found it amusing and wanted him to giggle more. It was music to your ears. “Ah, I have a rich father so my funds were good. I saved them over the years. I bought this place with those funds but I don't take any money from him anymore. I want to earn it myself. So I spent all of the money on this apartment and nothing is left for video. I can make a low-budget one and can edit it myself. But I think I'm just not ready for that either,” he disclosed.
“That is so smart,” you commented. “You knew your priorities.”
“You can say that,” he smiled.
“Why are you single?”
Jungkook thought about it. He never really cared about being in a relationship. He was satisfied with how things were going on. “I don't know, honestly. It's been years since I was in a committed relationship. I just didn't feel like I needed it, you know?”
“Ah, okay. Makes sense,” you said. “Are you always open to strangers?” you asked genuinely.
Realization hit him this time. He was always super awkward and shy around new people. He never talked to them and usually, it would take him days to open up. He pouted, “No...” he mumbled. “Anyway, you tell me about yourself,” he quickly changed the topic.
“I'm y/n, twenty-six years old–”
“Noona!” Jungkook looked at you with a toothy grin. “You are noona!”
“Shhh,” you shushed him as you both giggled. “I make paintings for my living.”
“Really?!” he looked at your face with a wide bunny grin. “I make paintings, too. But just for fun. These are all my art pieces,” he pointed around.
You admired them for a while. The details in them were so sharply presented. The colour contrast, blending, and everything was looking professional. “Jungkook, you are so talented. They all are so beautiful. The details and technique look so consistent and appealing!”
He smiled shyly. “It's nothing… What would you like for dinner?”
You helped him in the kitchen as you both settled on making some viral baked feta pasta. And a side of cheesy garlic bread. You both talked about different things and found out that you both had many things in common. Almost everything you loved, he loved them, too. He told you about those disposable undies (it was funny for you to think about). He said that one of his girl-friend once had her periods before the time and it ruined her clothes. He had nothing to help her with and she just wore his shorts and used a tampon. He said that he felt bad for not being able to help her so he bought these just in case someone needed them.
He also mentioned how his mother was open about girls and their needs related to periods and clean shower products. So he always made sure that his place had a full stock for emergencies because his Hyungs’ girlfriend usually came along with them or other friends. He wanted them to not worry about such things and find his place comfortable enough.
You could tell he was raised by a kind-hearted and responsible woman. It was shocking to you. For six years, you lived with someone who didn't care about any of your needs or brought stuff that was considered necessary. He would just make and mess and leave. He felt like a burden more and less like a human.
“What do you think about…” Jungkook nervously started. “Dating someone now that you are single again.” he had never clicked with any women as he did now. It felt like he knew you for longer than anyone else. He wanted to hold you again and tell you how much more you were worth than you were told. He wanted to whisper good things about you in your ears and make you feel like the most special being ever.
You felt shy under his gaze. “I don't know… I have been cheated on for longer than I even know.”
“What if your date wants to be there for you and help you heal and show you what a real man is like and treats you with utmost care and serves you loyalty which is the bare minimum?” he made eye contact with you. “Because he knows he is better than him and you are much more than what he says.”
It was not worth crying over someone who gave no damn about you. But you still loved him. You needed to heal and being alone, it was going to be difficult and you needed someone’s shoulder to lean on. “I think that won't be that bad…”
Jungkook softly smiled and let out a sigh of relief. “I guess, you are going to have a date tonight by the window.”
Your little date was perfect. You both sat in sweet silence and enjoyed your dinner. He even lit some candles to set the mood. The mellow music on his record player was soothing.
If someone told you that your night would end up like this in a stranger's house like this, you would have laughed and called them an idiot. But it was not bad at all. You had nothing else left so giving this a go was not bad.
The dinner ended with ice cream and cookies. After that, Jungkook laid down some mattresses on the ground by the ceiling-length windows along with a blanket and many pillows. He left his Mikrokosmos mood lamp on and turned off the other lights. And gave you some medicines to keep you from falling sick.
You sat there, wrapped in the blanket as he joined you. “Would you like to cuddle?”
“Yes, please.”
“How are you feeling now?” he asked as he wrapped himself around you.
You smiled, resting your ear on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. “Better… Much better.”
“I'm glad,” he whispered. “Just… Don't ever believe in shit he said, okay? You are nothing but a kind, intelligent, hard-working, smart, and beautiful woman. You deserve nothing but happiness.”
“Where was I even wrong? I tried so hard for what?” you thought out loud.
Jungkook kissed your head. “You were not wrong, baby. He was. He is at a loss. He made you feel like this because he could never reach your level. You are the best and he knows it. He needed to bring you down to make himself feel better about himself. He was just a pathetic douchbad. He was just an immature boy.”
“Jungkook… Thank you for today. I don't think I could have survived anything tonight. I felt like I lost everything all at once. I'm thankful more than I can ever express. I don't know how to return this favour.” You could not express your feelings through words. They were too heavy for you to form into sentences. You have no idea what you could have done tonight if it wasn't for him and his kindness. Even if it ended without this tiny date, you were already saved by him.
After years, you felt like someone listened to you for the first time. It was enough for you to make you want to cry with joy. It felt embarrassing and yet so good.
“It's not a favour, y/n. It's just something I did because I just couldn't see you sitting on the bench like that. I'm happy that you are here and happy. If you had gone somewhere else, I would have kept on thinking about you and how you were. I'm just so happy that you are here and I know that you won't do something stupid.” He expressed his feelings.
It must have been hard on him as well. It's not a daily occurrence but something strange. But this time, it was strangely beautiful.
“You,” he said after a long comfortable silence. He was still thinking about what you said earlier. It was bothering him to an endless extent. He was afraid that you kept yourself so neglected.
“Huh?” you asked, confusingly.
Jungkook looked into your eyes and kissed your forehead softly and slowly, it felt much more intimate than he imagined. His heart was going crazy just like yours. Call it a first-sight love but you two knew it was more than that. He again looked into your eyes and spoke up –
“You have you to worry about…”
Sanaa's note:
Hii! I hope you enjoyed this. I really appreciate your feedback. Plz, do leave your thoughts behind. It helps me to write more and motivates me to improve. My college is starting on Monday. So I won't be able to update anything sooner. I hope you guys understand😊
The behaviour of all the characters is visualized.
@veneziamadness @cheline @sansmilkbread @jayb17 @constantlydelulusional @8tinytings @tea4sykes @chimmisbae
Have a nice day/night💓
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greenerteacups · 2 months
hi GT, first off thank you for putting me on Guilty as Sin because it is wonderful.
Second, the new update, like Guilty as Sin, is Wonderful (with a capital W) because jesus christ you wrote the duel scene with perfect detail and cadence that I almost had to explain to my friends why I was smiling like an idiot in front of my phone whilst reading the update. God this chapter might be one of my all-time favorites and I’ve already re-read it four times (twice while floating inside an inflatable donut, twice in a bus) and I keep finding new parts to obsess over.
The duel scene!!! THE DUEL SCENE WAS INSANE and Hermione’s reaction —> homegirl was flustered and flushed and she was swooning over Draco’s Display of Total Competence, because of course she’d find the it über attractive, no matter how many times she’d convince herself that it wasn’t and I TOTALLY GET IT. God, I love LH!Draco with all my life please let him be happy all the time.
Lastly, GT, I just want to thank you for the line “What’s ‘this’?” Ugh. Perfection again. I just want to kiss Lionheart on the forehead and tuck it to bed to read it bedtime stories. I love it with all my heart, and a heartfelt thank you for writing such beautiful words. Cannot wait for next week—until then, I will burn this chapter permanently behind my eyelids so I can read it over and over and over again.
GUILTY AS SIN nation... nothing beats a good pining song to write/read pining.
This makes ME smile like an idiot at my phone, so et tu, etc. I'm so pleased we can all enjoy the fruits of Hermione Granger's outrageous competence kink. I like picturing her doing her best to be Above The Nonsense and read her book in peace while all the shenanigans happen, and then there's a noise and — what do you mean, he just threw a bench at them? What the fuck is he doing to his tie?
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Pairing: Dean x Reader, implied feelings. Word Count: 2,239 Summary: The reader has always had visions, but now they're changing and causing her physical harm. Trigger Warnings: Mentions of death, implied vomiting and pain. Requested: Yes, by anonymous. The reader has visions of future events since her childhood, but since the last hunt and burn of a witch her visions are getting more powerful and begin to affect her health condition. The visions weakening her, she suffers from heavy migraine and also dizzy spells and nausea. She tries to hide it from the Winchesters but as observing as they are, they instantly recognize her pale and sick appearance.  A/N: Requests are open! I hope you enjoy my take on this request, please let me know!
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Visions are something I’m very familiar with, I’ve had them since I was a child. They felt like dreams, mostly peaceful and serine. Predicting the things that were to come, always happy occasions. I knew the days to come that I would enjoy, the places we’d visit and joys I’d experience before they ever happened. It was a good thing, I was thankful for it. It brought reassurance in times of doubt, joy in times of sadness and it didn’t really affect my day to day life. Dean would try to use it to their advantage, running lottery ticket numbers by me in hopes of me having a vision of him winning, he hadn’t been successful yet. Sam always rolled his eyes at Dean’s childishness, but would listen intently to whatever I recounted for them. 
Since the last hunt that we been on my visions had changed, they were no longer predicting joyful occurrences, they were dark. Foreshadowing death and torture, often continuing on for twenty or thirty minutes. The amount of time a drastic change to the maybe five minute long visions that I was used to having. They caused me to get sick almost every time, a wave of nausea taking over the second the vision ended. My body felt weak, muscles ached and I had a headache that had taken up permanent residence since these new visions had started. I was doing my best to keep it from the boys, not wanting them to worry about me anymore than they already did. They already watched me closely, concerned that I would get hurt while on a hunt. If they knew about this, well, I don’t know what they would do. Probably bench me, if we are being honest. I had managed to keep it to myself, thankful that most of the visions seemed to appear at night, to the point where I could almost call them nightmares. Yet I knew better, I know that they’re predictions, some of the things I have already confirmed to be true. A train derailing in Michigan, a bus crash in Ohio, the list goes on. Every time I have one, I search the news headlines, praying that I won’t find what I am looking for. However, it’s always there, a day or two after it happens. 
For the life of me, I cannot figure out why my visions had changed, the only plausible explanation was the witch that had escaped on our last hunt. Despite our every effort, she had fled moments before we would have killed her. My guess is a spell, what spell you might ask? No clue. All of the research I had been doing, has been turning up empty. No explanation for the full body symptoms I had been having in response to the visions. 
Which is how I wound up here, hugging the toilet in the bathroom connected to my room. My head is spinning and throbbing, the pit in my stomach nauseating and unbearable. My body was aching from the constant shivers running through my body. There was nothing I could do but sit and wait, and hope that it faded overtime. This was by far the worst one, it had pulled me in and completely overcome my every thought and action. Flashes of red and orange flames, the screams of innocent people trapped within the building, being burned alive or smothered by smoke. All of it so real and vivid, forcing tears to fall from my eyes as I laid there paralyzed, unable to snap out of it, until it was over. Just as abruptly as it had begun, it was gone. I was back in my room at the bunker, sick from fear. I had painstakingly made my way to the bathroom, my eyes closed and my feet shuffling. Avoiding any sudden movements due to fear of passing out or throwing up. Judging by the time on my phone, it had lasted nearly an hour, fifty-three minutes to be exact, the longest vision I had ever had. I remain on the floor of the bathroom for almost an additional hour, taking slow, even breaths, waiting out the nausea. Which eventually faded, I had hoped that the migraine would fade too, however no luck. I opened my eyes, allowing them to adjust to the harsh light in the bathroom, a light that I didn’t recall turning on. I stand slowly and turn to head towards my bed, hopeful that the rest of my sleep would be uninterrupted and dreamless. 
I am awoken by a knock on my door, followed by a voice calling out my name. I ignore it, hoping they’ll go away. I am tired, so tired. The thought of getting out of bed felt like the most insurmountable task, I was already being lulled back to sleep by the warmth of my blankets. 
“Y/N, it’s almost noon, are you okay?” Sam enters the room, his voice much louder than I would prefer. I would rather he not be here at all and to just leave me to my sleep. 
“‘M fine, Sam. Go away, tired.” I mumble, throwing my arm back behind me and motioning for him to leave, not bothering to open my eyes. I hear light shuffling and I assume that he is leaving, but I am proven wrong when I feel the bed next to me dip down. Sam has not left, but come to sit beside me. I open one eye to glance at him, but close it again quickly, the lights flooding my senses with searing pain. His hand comes to rest on my shoulder and when I still don’t stir to look at him again, he speaks.
“What’s going on with you? You might think you’re doing a good job at hiding whatever it is, but you’re really not. Dean and I both know that something is going on that you’re not telling us about and its getting concerning. You’ve been sleeping a lot, in constant pain when you’re awake and you’re pale as a ghost, Y/N.” I know he isn’t going to leave me be without an answer of some sort. So I do my best to come up with one, something that sounds believable but not too concerning. 
“Just haven’t been feeling the best, must be food poisoning or something.” I whisper, again willing that he will leave me alone to sleep. My body physically exhausted, head throbbing, pain pulsating through my every nerve. He shifts again and I rejoice, hoping he’s headed for the door. But instead, his hand comes to rest on my forehead, a hiss leaving his lips as he makes contact. 
“Shit, Y/N, you’re burning up.” He says, tugging back the blankets that I have pulled up around my face, revealing my sweat soaked t-shirt. “How bad?” I hear Dean mutter from the doorway, the sound of his foot steps indicating that he has crossed the room to stand next to my bed as well. I hesitantly open my eyes, squinting to try and lower the amount of light that is allowed to enter. 
“Feel for yourself, Dean.” Sam says, standing up and letting Dean take his place on the bed next to me. Dean rests his hand against my forehead, grimacing. It must be bad judging by the look on both of their faces. I push myself up into a sitting position, tugging the blankets up to cover my bear legs. Painfully aware of how little clothing I have on compared to them, not that they hadn’t seen me dressed like this before, it just made me feel weak in this moment. 
“I’m fine, just need a shower.” I mumble, I throw my legs over the edge of my bed and begin the short walk to my bathroom, ignoring both of Sam and Dean’s protests and offers of help. I barely make it three feet before my world is spinning, darkening at the edges and crumbling around me. 
My body collapses, colliding with the hard wood of the floor and I can faintly hear my name being yelled, but it is all drowned out by the vision dancing before my eyes. This time it is different, it’s not strangers in a different state, it’s Bobby, Ellen and Jo. They’re surrounded by vampires and it doesn’t look good. All of them injured in some way, Bobby worse than the girls. They stand in a circle, their backs together and weapons raised in front of them. I know what is about to happen and I try to scream, try to warn them in some way, to move faster to run! But nothing comes out, my voice but a silent whisper in my throat. I am forced to watch as the vampires kill them, their bodies falling to the ground and, and then it is gone. 
My eyes fly open a scream bubbling out of my throat, terror filling my every nerve ending. Dean’s above me, his voice shushing me, telling me that I am safe, nothing happened and that everything is okay, but nothing is okay. Bobby, Ellen and Jo, They’re all in danger. 
“Sam, call Bobby right now, tell him not to go on that vampire hunt.” Sam hesitates, his eyes trained on me and filled with questions. But there’s no time. “Now, please! I had a vision!” I snap, putting all of the emotion I can into those words, trying to convey just how urgent they really are. Sam nods, still silent, but pulls out his phone and leaves the room to call Bobby. I take a couple of breaths, trying to focus on my surroundings once again. I am on the floor, Dean cradling me in his arms, his eyes trained on my face concern and confusion written through every inch of his skin. 
“How did you know about that hunt, Y/N? Bobby just told us about it five minutes before we came in to wake you.” He says, his hand brushing a strand of hair out of my face, his touch comforting me slightly. 
“I-I, promise not to be angry with me?” I ask, letting out a rather large sigh. He hesitates, but nods in agreement and I begin to explain. “You know about the visions that I have, they’re normally happy predictions. But ever since the last hunt, with that damn witch that got away, my visions have changed. All of them are now predicting death and tragedy. I’ve had one everyday this last week, all of them have come true. I’ve seen it on the news or in an article online. Before today, they were all strangers, but now, today, it was Bobby, Ellen and Jo. I couldn’t bear to let anything happen to them Dean, God what if I wasn’t in time?” I ask, tears beginning to form in my eyes. He hushes me, reassuring me through his touch, pressing a quick kiss to my forehead. Sam comes back into the room, his phone still clutched in his hand. His face slightly pale and concern etched throughout his features. 
“I got through to Bobby, he’s okay. So are Ellen and Jo. They were about to leave when I called, but they stopped when I told them you had a vision. Bobby wants to talk to you about it all when you are feeling up to it, Y/N.” He says, I nod in response, relief washing over me, they’re okay. They’re not going, which means they won’t die. 
Dean takes a minute to repeat what I had told him to Sam, the tension in the room growing every second. Sam is angry, Dean is angry and I am tired, oh so tired. These premonitions have really started to take it out of me physically and mentally. I listen to the boys discuss the steps that need to be taken, the witch has to burn. Sam volunteers to go and Dean agrees to stay behind with me. 
“You should both go, I’ll be fine here on my own.” I argue, trying to offer them a reassuring smile, but neither of them buy it. Sam shakes his head, his mouth parting to answer but Dean beats him to it. 
“In your dreams sweetheart, there’s no way in hell that we’re leaving you here alone. You fainted, you could’ve smacked your head if I hadn’t caught you as you fell. One of us is going to stay with you until this witch is dead. Don’t even bother arguing, you’re not going to win.” He adds on the last part as he notices my enthusiasm towards disagreeing with him. I close my mouth, exhaustion sweeping back over me. Dean notices and carefully carries me back to my bed, again ignoring my protests. He sets me gently on the mattress and I eagerly roll onto my side, resting my aching head onto the cool, soft surface of my pillow. He tugs the blanket over my body, pressing another kiss to my forehead. He makes up some excuse about it being the best way to check my temperature, but I don’t mind. He plants himself in the chair by my bed, pulling out his laptop. His presence enough comfort and safety to lull me into a peaceful sleep. They’ve got me. Sam is going to go take care of the witch and I will be okay. Those were my last thoughts before I was pulled into the blanket of sleep. 
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itskattkm · 1 year
New York New Rules Pt. 4
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Warnings: Violence, Trauma, Fluff, maybe Smut, mental health, blood
Summary: Y/N meets the survivors of the last events in Woodsborrow and gets on Ghostface's list. But there is also a darkness in Y/N wich path is she going to choose
Female Y/N x Tara Carpenter
Sorry for bad writing. I'm using a translator and hope you guys can enjoy it. Also, this is going to be a slow burn
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5,
I'm 11 minutes away and I have missed you all day
I'm 11 minutes away, so why aren't you here?
I think I missed you callin' on the other line
I'm just thinkin' all these thoughts up in my mind
Talkin' love but I can't even read the signs
I would sell my soul for a bit more time
You stain all on my body like you're red wine
You're the fuckin' acid to my alkaline
Stupid. Frail. Perplexed. Fearful. Offensive. Sharp and Hurt
„Y/N you rather feel nothing again" I said to myself as I stared at the ceiling of my room. I've probably been lying here for 15 minutes because 11 minutes ran at least three times in a row. In fact, this was one of my favorite songs. But why actually? I know that I have a feeling for the darkness. But why were pain and suffering so self-evident for me? No matter which movie I watched or which series. My darling was always the villain.
There are really people who just hate them because they have the title of villain. But why are they trying not to understand? What about Katherinen Pierce from the Vampire Diaries? This woman suffered and that only because she wanted to be loved and loved? She lost her family. Her child and was hunted for centuries. The man she loved hated her and didn't believe that the love between them was real. Maleficent... rejected and hunted because she was different? Kylo Ren, Star Wars... who let a big wait on his shoulders... not to forget that Luke wanted to kill him. Wanda Maximof... one of my favorites. What was wrong with creating your own world in which you could be happy? Especially if you had lost everything you had left.
Was I the evil one? Did I want to be the bad one? Sometimes I'm not sure but the feeling I felt when Tara looked at me and asked where I was during the attack... I won't forget this so quickly because at that moment I felt like one of the bad guys. But I also felt misunderstood.
Did Tara hate me? How did Tara think about me in general? Since I've been friends with Mindy, I've met her maybe five times. And we didn't talk much to each other. Most of the time our conversations were about the university. I tried to get closer to her. However, I always had the feeling that I was always failing with her. One second I thought I had full self-confidence but then a look into Tara's eyes and my brain shuts down. I had really never felt something like that before. Especially not towards a woman.
I always stayed away from relationships or physical contacts. As soon as it went in this direction, I always pulled back and hid in my bubble. However, there were days when I would have liked to go to the next bar with my dirty thoughts and have been looking for someone for a hot night.
But as I had analyzed myself so far and with the help of Dr. Stone, I knew what my problem was.
The music in my headphones stopped. I looked at my cell phone and saw that my alarm clock that I had set after talking to Sam was now active.
Should I? Shouldn't I?
"Fuck it," I said to myself and made my way to the Blackmoore. I would prove to them all that I am not Ghostface and if they do not meet me then I will also permanently delete these people from my life.
Slowly I played with the ring on my finger. It wasn't special. I didn't like fancy jewelry either. But this ring carried good memories with it and that's why I always wore it with me. When I saw the carpenters and their friends in front of the Blackmoore, I hesitated slightly. Everyone was sitting on the benches of the university and Mindy seemed to be holding a monologue. She was the only one standing in front of them and gestured around like crazy with her hands.
"Why am I doing this to myself?" I asked myself desperately and approached the group. Drier than I thought, I said "hi" when I entered the inner circle and drew all attention to me. There was a free place next to Quinn, so I sat down with her just as she opened her mouth but Tara was faster and said "you came?" I avoided her gaze and looked coolly at Mindy who looked at me with pinched eyes " Y/N Perfect timing..."
Mindy went to explain the rules and that we were in a franchise. I really famous myself to listen to her, but the voice in my head was too loud.
Don't look at Tara. You must never look her in the eyes again. Is she looking at you? Are the others watching you? Do the others know what happened at the police station? Do they know about my state of health? Did they thought I was Ghostface?
"Am I gonna die a virgin?"
Wait a minute? My full attention was back. I looked at Ethan and then at Mindy.
"Weird overshare but that brings us to our current suspects. Ethan! A shy dorky guy who no one suspects because he's so shy and dorky"
So I wasn't the only suspect? I felt a slight feeling of relief.
" Quinn! The sexy sluty roommate"
Quinn looked at Mindy slightly irritated
"Sex positive but thanks?"
"How did you come to live with Sam and Tara?" She asked but Sam answers "we put an anonymous ad online"
And Tara replied "and her dad is a cop"
Mindy took a step towards Tara and said in an aggressive tone "and that makes it more likely that she is the killer because having a cop that is a great cover! Do you not remember how this movies work Tara?!"
Now Mindy gave everything. That reminded me too well of the many discussions we had about movies. Then Mindy even suspected her own girlfriend. Like wow… this whole thing was really serious.
"Never Trust the Love interest..." she said coolly and her look was serious. Suddenly there was a tension in the group. That sounded pretty deep... I mean in the first stab film it was also the love interest, among other things.
"Y/N!" Mindy called and smiled at me dirty. I sighed, pinched my eyes briefly and looked away from the group but Mindy came one step closer to me. "my dear friend Y/N... you are also new to our group," she began.
Did she say group? What did she mean by that? Was I part of the group?
"As your best friend, I know that you are going to therapy"
Oh no Mindy, please don't. Not again. Not again. Why me? Why?
"But you never told me why you are going to therapy... would you share the reason with us?" I avoided her eyes and looked nervously at the floor. My heart was beating so fast that I felt the pulse pounding in my ears. Again I played with the ring in my finger "Mindy she doesn't have to tell us anything..." said Tara after a short silent, low-key.
Surprised, I looked at her and our eyes met.
Relief. Relief? RELIEF!!! The first word that went through my head. Did Tara just defend me? Why had she done that? And there she was again. This gentle darkness, and the little white lights, like a light at the end of the tunnel that rested me to tell me here you are safe.
Stop it. I tore my eyes off her and stared at my ring. "okay then tell us at least where you were during the attack..." I looked at Mindy "home... and you are welcome to ask Maria when I entered the building and when I left it last. As I know her, she can even tell you the exact time" Mindy nodded in agreement to me, she knew Maria "okay. Good alibi. Nevertheless, you are suspicious. You don't like to socialize and maintain the good girl, reading books and sitting at home image"
Confused, I looked at Anika, was that something good or bad?
Anika said "that's not fair, if then we are all suspects, including you"
Mindy agreed with her and said to Sam "especially Sam" confused I looked to Sam, I had the feeling of not knowing something and because of the looks of the others I could see that I was right.
After that, I turned on the conversations of the others and tried to look at everyone unobtrusively. I started with Quinn. Quinn's emotions were neutral in order not to be completely present. Anika seemed very calm and attentive. Sam seemed tense. Chad hmmm I don't have to worry about him, he was fully focused on taking notes. I wanted to skip Tara and see Ethan directly, but our eyes met. Had she been watching me? After not even a second, I broke off the look of contact again by looking at my ring. Suddenly Quinn got up, then Anika moved to Mindy. The group disbanded.
"We have to stay together, that's the only way we are safe and can rule out who the killer is," said Mindy, "you could all come to us" said Sam and now also stood up.
Did she mean me with everyone, too? How exactly did they think of all this here now?
Confused, I asked her as if I hadn't even been present at Mindys Monologue "I don't… wait, I don't look through. What's the plan now?"
Chad replied when he got up "we're going to Sam and Tara... stay together... and try not to be killed" he didn't give me more information when he left. Chad, were you serious? Confused, I looked after the others when they were almost gone.
And then I suddenly noticed a person next to me. Before I could turn around, there was a hand on my right forearm. And then I was back in the tunnel... tried to get to the light. "Come to us tonight and we can tell you everything," Tara whispered to me, slowing down my nervous pulse. I could listen to her for hours when she talked to me like that. It was so reassuring. Warm. Pleasant. Right.
Her eyes fell on Sam when she nodded in agreement with Tara "maybe you can bring another pizza right away," she said and slightly raised the corners of her mouth. Tara pressed my arm slightly and looked at me at with bright eyes "by the way thank you for the pizza... after this hangover I needed it".
What was that feeling at once? Joy or nervousness? I had to smile unconsciously and nodded "special wishes?"
Tara snapped her finger and began to list different toppings and looked at Sam to see if she agreed with her "The main thing Jalapeños... registered" I said and stood up. "You have our address?" Sam asked again and I nodded in agreement. She raised the corners of her mouth again before putting her hands in her jacket and set off. Tara followed her.
Before my brain realized what my body was doing, I grabbed Tara's hand and hoped she would turn to me again
"Why did you help me earlier?"
And again this pure placid and sweetness to recognize in her face "what happened in the police station was just fucked up" we both had to laugh about her word choice and Tara's dimpels came to light.
Damn, how could Tara be so beautiful?
Okay, pull yourself together Y/N! How was that again with Tara? Never looking into the eyes again? Now I just wanted to sink into them and that even though I could never keep eye contact. Simp
"And I wouldn't want that either... if I imagined that someone would have done that to Sam..." she looked back briefly to the her. Sam stood a few meters away from us and waited for Tara "and see that as a leap of faith Y/L/N... don't spoil it" dryly I laughed and shook my head "I wouldn't even have a good motive" she squeezed my hand briefly.
Did we hold our hands all the time? How could I miss that? I mean... with this face you forget everything, she gave me a grin with sharp eyes and whispered "but there's always a motive" and then she disappeared.
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bellarkeselection · 3 months
1 - Long Time No See
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Part 2
The Sheriff’s Daughter
Tag list ( send an ask to be added ) @child-of-of-the-sunshine @hcwthewestwaswcn
Pushing the main door opened that belonged to the Sheriff’s department of Montana. I walked past the front desk to my fathers office door lightly kicking it open rather than knocking. “Morning daddy, so what cases do we have to work on today?”
“Nothing too serious for now, honey. I mostly just have paperwork needing to be filled out.” My father said leaning forward in his chair at his wooden desk. A stack of papers was in front of him from previous cases needing to be documented.
I sit down in the seat on the other side of his desk. “Well I can help you with some of the paperwork.”
“You don’t have to do that. Trust me you do enough here already. Much more than your mother or sister care for.” He raised a hand grabbing a pen beginning to fill them out.
From my junior year of high school I knew that I wanted to help my father and be in the police department like he was. My sister Debbie and our mother weren’t big fans of the concept and still aren’t to this day. Only difference is now I am old enough to do whatever I want regardless of their approval. “Daddy, from the day I turned 16 I knew I wanted to be like you. Let me help you please.”
“Honey, I just don’t want you to be missing out on life cause of this job. You’re a great help but remember to live your life outside of work too.” My father removed his hat, sending me a smile.
Sending him a smile back. “I know that, daddy.”
“Excuse me, sir.” We both turned our heads seeing his front desk assistant standing in the doorway. “Sorry to interrupt your conversation. But Mr. Dutton is here to pick up his updated gun permit paperwork.”
My father Donnie raised a brow. “John?”
“No, sir. It’s his son Kayce.” She answered his question.
I nearly jumped up where my head hit the ceiling and I knocked the wooden chair down where it clattered to the floor. “Kayce’s back in town.” She stepped out of the way when I bolted past her down the short hallway.
“The boss should have everything already filled out for you.” The other front desk assistant spoke towards someone.
I rounded the corner halting in my tracks and the boots I was wearing shrieked against the ground. I gasped slapping my hands on the sides of my hips not expecting to see him back here. “Well I’ll be. Look who the horses and cattle dragged in.”
“Y/n! Hey, long time no see.” The younger Dutton turned his head in the direction of my voice, noticing me standing there in some ripped blue jeans and a deputy jacket.
I pushed part of the hair of my ponytail out of my line of sight. “I thought you’d skipped town years ago, Dutton.”
“And leave you permanently to entertain yourself, that'd be a crappy friend of me.” Kayce strides over to me holding open his arms and we embrace the other in a warm hug. Kayce and I had been ready close back in school. Not exactly what you would call a best friend but we were almost close to being that until he got a girl pregnant and we lost touch after that.
I remember the last time we were really close with one another…I’ll always remember it.
The school bell rang and everyone came rushing out of the local Montana high school with me heading outside looking for my father’s truck. That afternoon was very important for my father since he would find out if he had become the new sheriff or not. Sitting down on the metal bench outside I put my backpack down at my feet. “Y/n, what are you still doing here?”
“Waitin’ for my father to pick me up.” Whipping my head around I saw Kayce come out of the back door of the school carrying his duffel bag on his left shoulder.
He gestured with his freehand to the side of the bench that I wasn’t using. “Can I sit?”
“Sure.” Scooting over I made room for him where we sat down next to each other.
He leans back on the seat. “I’m surprised to not see Bridget or Marlowe with you.”
“Marlowe is at home sick and Bridget has cheerleading practice. What about you, cowboy. What are you doing?” I asked him with a curious look on my face.
The son of a rancher answered. “I was heading home. My father and I need to talk about something…something that might change quite a few things depending on how he reacts.”
“Hopefully your father won’t be too angry with whatever you did. And don’t worry if things go south I’ll have your back.” I nudged his shoulder with mine chuckling lightly at him.
Kayce ran a hand through his curly brown hair. “So you’re really gonna work for the sheriff’s department?”
“If I’m lucky enough, yes.” Clasping my hands together in front of me, shifting my gaze up to meet his deep brown eyes feeling my face turning red. “Kayce, can I tell you something?”
He nodded his head simply yes. “Anything.”
“Kayce, I have been thinking lately and I…I think I might be starting to have feelings for y-” I get cut off short when a truck horn honked and we both turned our heads towards the sound.
My father’s truck was parked there with him rolling down the window. “Y/n!, are you ready to go?”
“Uh coming dad.” Snatching my bag off the ground and on my back I waved bye to the rancher. “I'll see you later, Dutton.”
Kayce waved bye to me. “Bye Haskell.” Shutting the passenger truck door I slumped down in my seat glancing back at him outside my window as we drove off considering that was the day I realized I should have told him how I felt sooner.
Kayce and I separated from each other still holding the same familiar smile after seeing the other years later. Kayce stared down at me about to say something before someone came around the front desk. “Dad, when are we going back to the ranch?”
“Dad. You have a kid?” Knitting my brows together I couldn't fathom the words.
He nodded seeing a boy that had similar hair color to him but his eyes were a darker brown. “Hi, I’m Tate. What’s your name?” The kid waved standing beside his father’s hip.
“I’m Y/n. It’s nice to meet you.” I waved to the little boy.
Tate moved his head up tugging his father’s sleeve. “Do you want to come see the ranch with us?”
“Oh Tate, I don't think she’s free. She’ll probably have to get back to work.” Kayce trailed off sending me a half smile.
Shrugging my shoulders I cut him off. “I’m not busy at the moment. My father - the sheriff is just filling out paperwork for the afternoon. If he needs me he’ll call me through my radio.”
“Okay then let’s go.” Tate spun around on his feet, he grabbed my wrist trying to drag me outside the door with him.
I gently yanked my wrist from his gesturing my head down the hallway I had come from. “I’ll just double check with my boss and I’ll meet you two out at your dads truck okay.”
“Sounds good. Come on, kid.” Kayce pushed Tate towards the door, sparing a glance at me before I went around the corner back to my father’s office.
Knocking on the sheriff office door, creaking it open slightly, seeing my father was still working on his paperwork. “Dad, I’ll be back later. Heading to the Dutton ranch.”
“Be careful out there. The Dutton’s are known to be trouble.” He sent me a look.
I sent him a military salute without another word to him. “Don’t I know it.” We had to cover up more of their problems then any other ranch family, but I respected what they did to keep their land.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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jelzorz · 1 year
related to but does not follow on from this doodle
Callum has always been wary of the word quiet (and all of its synonyms) while working the night shift, but if there was one word to describe the state of tonight's Emergency Department, it would be (he hesitates and glances at the glass sliding doors just beyond the triage window) quiet as the fucking grave.
There are two of them tonight: him and the other intern, Rayla, who's chugging a coffee on the other side of the nurses' station and avoiding the eye of Viren, the on-call ED consultant, who's grumpy at the best of times and thinks coffee on the floor is trashy and unprofessional. They're on shift together relatively often, which is nice, because Rayla is friendly (and unfairly pretty for someone in wrinkled scrubs with permanent bags under their eyes), and at the very least, she makes these shifts less horrible for everyone involved. She's friends with all the nurses (even if Opeli, the nurse unit manager, finds her humour exhausting); she's on good terms with the Soren the paeds resident (they play soccer together apparently), and so far, she's only had to ask Viren to consult once, which is a feat in and of itself.
Callum likes to think that he and she are pretty good friends, but he would be lying if he said that's all he wanted them to be. She's just...
Soren sidles up to him and sets an elbow on his charts. "Out of your league?"
Callum scowls and shoves Soren off the bench. The fluorescents flicker above them, and Soren snickers and jabs a finger at the roof. "Careful," he teases. "They'll take that out of your pay."
Callum scowls again. "What are you even doing here? Paeds ED is that way."
"Yeah, it's empty, I'm not hanging out there by myself." He clucks his tongue and checks his pager for good measure which, unsurprisingly, has nothing for him. "I don't get you," he adds, twirling a pen between his fingers. "You guys are supposed to be friends. Why don't you just ask her if she wants to go out with you?"
"What are you, twelve? No one does that anymore."
"You can try Netflix and chill isntead—"
"Soren." Callum buries his head in his charts as a couple of nurses walk past in an effort to hide the redness rising in his cheeks. "Stop. You're gonna tell the whole hospital at this rate and, in any case, it's none of your business."
Soren raises an eyebrow. "Are you twelve?"
"No," says Callum shortly. "I'm professional, and it's not a good look to date your coworkers. Besides." He flushes some more. "You said it yourself. She's out of my league."
"You really are twelve, holy shit." Soren barks out a laugh, and Callum sinks further into his desk chair like it might help him disappear into the floor. Rayla, thankfully, hears none of it, because she's got an earphone in and what looks like a podcast playing on her phone. "Listen. I'm gonna give you some advice."
"Good lord," groans Callum. "What advice could you possibly give me that would help?"
"Hey, I'll have you know that I'm good just as good at wooing women as I am with men—"
"Please stop."
"And it's not that unprofessional if you disclose it—"
"To who? Your dad?"
Soren cuffs his shoulder. "Just talk to her," he snaps. "Okay? It's literally not that hard. Just ask if she wants to get a coffee with you in the morning or something. You're killing the whole department with all your pining."
Callum snaps his mouth shut. He—somehow—flushes more. He sputters. "What do you mean the whole department—?"
"Yeah, we've all got eyes, dude, what do you think the nurses gossip about?"
Callum groans and sets his forehead against the desk, the charts cool against his skin. Highschool feels like it was a lifetime ago, and he'd been so grateful to get out but somehow—
Soren's pager beeps. He glances at and grins—which Callum doesn't think is the most appropriate reaction until Soren shows him the message on the screen:
Got u snacks. Waiting out front. --Corvus
Callum gives him a look. "Isn't that a hospital pager?"
"It's the paeds pager, A.K.A, I'm the only one that uses it, A.K.A, my boyfriend can message me on it if he wants." Soren slips it back into his pocket and fixes his hair using the reflection in nurses' station window. "If only you had a girlfriend who could page you," he says wistfully, sarcastically, and Callum has never wanted to throw his own pager at him more. "Talk to her," he says. "I have money on you. Don't let me down." He grins. He winks. He heads out the double doors and into the waiting room, leaving Callum alone at his desk with the pile of charts he still hasn't reviewed.
The fluorescents flicker tiredly. He sighs. Maybe coffee isn't such a bad idea.
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asimpwithfreetime · 2 years
Taiju Shiba Fluff - He is trying to redeem himself
Reader is female (I am just indulging myself here lol)
Warnings: violence, cursing, Taiju being aggressive against reader but not hitting her once, Taiju crying, Taiju questioning his faith
Time set: Just after the Christmas fight, Black Dragons Arc.
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3rd Person POV.
Taiju walked slowly towards the church, his feet crushing the fresh snow with his weight.
His face was puzzled, he remembered how he lost that battle and how he was nothing, no siblings anymore, no gang, no anything. His permanent scowl scaring the old grandmas that were walking out of the church.
He almost cried when he stepped into the sacred place. His mind flying back to the previous night. He sat at the rows of benches and began to pray his heart out. He muttered to himself his prayers, while some tears were shed. “Oh God, why have you done this to me? I devoted myself to you and lost my family, my power and my gang” he prayed silently, his whole body moving while he tried to stop crying.
“Oh dear Lord, I can’t lose anything else, I will be nothing by then. Send me a signal, an angel that will come and save me. Help me, I want to redeem myself. I have been a sinner. I have not been a good sibling, I couldn’t even protect them. I haven’t been a good gang leader either. Please, Oh almighty God, hear my prayers!” He screamed that last part between tears. He was lucky he was the only person there.
He got up, whipping his tears angrily with his jacket. “He will never listen to my prayers, he isn’t there for me like I’ve been for him” he said, muttering to himself while he went out of the church.
He didn’t have a place to stay, so he went to a park to sit around and maybe look at the snowy sky.
His eyes were red and puffy, but with his other features painted by anger, nobody noticed. Until some girl did.
He sat at a bench in the park, throwing his head back as he looked at the sky and tried to keep his own tears in.
Some kids were playing there until they saw him and proceeded to run away. He huffed in annoyance. “Even kids hate me now” he thought to himself. He closed his eyes and tried to compose himself.
“Hey, are you okay?” A sweet voice asked. He opened his eyes, to be greeted by a figure that was facing him. The light that was behind her made her look magical, angelical even. He shook his head bewildered.
“An angel, sent just for me” he thought his prayers had been heard. But soon the magic wore off when he saw it was a normal girl, just waiting patiently for him to respond if he was okay.
“Yeah, I’m okay, now fuck off!” He spat. She pursed her lips and sat down next to him. “The AUDACITY THIS BITCH HAS!?!?” Taiju thought.
“You don’t look okay, you are really bruised and your eyes are red. Have you been in a fight? Do you need me to get you to the hospital?” Concern painted the girl’s features as she looked at him with wide eyes.
“Again, I don’t need anything. I am just relaxing here, go away!” He said, his face getting a little red (anger and blush were guilty for it). “Do you know who I am?” He said, now towering a little bit over her to intimidate her.
“No” she simply responded, a little bit scared. “Aww she looks like a small mouse, so scared of a huge gigantic man like me” he laughed at her.
“I am not scared, whoever you may be” she tried to sound confident.
“ you should be scared of me!” He said, coming closer to her. She backed away a little bit. “Well, if you are going to be an asshole I’ll let you drown in your own thoughts. Bye, bye!” She moved away and got up.
He huffed as he sat back, until he reached for her wrist, gently stopping her. “Please, stay” he said, his voice suddenly small.
His tears threatened to fall again, his facade almost cracking. She noticed it and sat back. “Lord” Taiju thought “thank you for giving me a second chance in this life” he prayed, a small smile on his lips.
“Well, what has made you change your mind?” The girl was quick to ask. “You are the only person that doesn’t run away” he simply said, siting back.
She smiled “well, I am Y/n and you?” She held her hand out for him. “I am Taiju Shiba” he said, shaking her hand and seeing how perfectly her smaller and softer hand fitted on his own. He felt a soft blush creeping onto his face.
“Well, it is nice to meet you Taiju and Merry Christmas” she said, suddenly her phone rang. “Oh it’s my mother, I’ve got to go. See you around Shiba-kun!” She smiled softly at him before getting up and walking away.
He nodded his head and looked down at his hand, tracing with his eyes every curve her fingers had touched. He sat back now laughing a little bit. “You surely sent me your best angel, pal” he laughed looking at the sky.
Hakkai and Mitsuya were walking towards the Toman meeting when they saw Taiju there with the girl and when she left they saw how happy he looked.
“I will redeem myself, just to keep this girl as my friend!” He got up in one jump that scared both teenagers. Hakkai looked at Mitsuya bewildered and he gave him back the same look.
“TAIJU SHIBA WILL TRY TO REDEEM HIMSELF?!?!?!” They both thought, watching him walk away.
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angelsmist · 1 year
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prompt: shuri invited you to wakanda for the holidays, and you can’t help but feel homesick
contains: fluff, kissing, suggestive themes
note: probably not gonna have the new years chapter ready in time since it’s tmr but it’s okay 😁!
translation: kulungile ngokuhlwa = good evening
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for the next few days, shuri had been taking you out to explore wakanda, and everything was just better than you could possibly imagine.
the food was way more organic than in america, and tasted better. especially the fruits.
not to mention the people. they were so welcoming. probably because it was incredibly unlikely that someone from the royal family would want to bring an outsider into their home, but they still made you feel like you were apart of the community they had long before you were there.
not only that, shuri bought you almost everything you looked at for over ten seconds. you’d tell her you were fine and didn’t need it, and she’d somehow go behind your back and get it for you. you currently had jewelry on that had to be worth more than your life.
tomorrow was christmas, and although you had been feeling homesick, shuri did her best to make you feel better about not
celebrating christmas. and it worked. for the most part.
you two had been out for at least five hours, and even though you were having a great time, you were getting quite tired. each time
you’d even mention the palace, though, shuri would find something else to occupy the both of you with.
you two were currently sitting on a bench, eating meat pie. you tapped on shuri’s shoulder. “yo, what’s the time?”
you gave shuri your phone so you wouldn’t get distracted, so she had been holding onto it for the past few hours.
“it’s almost midnight,” she answered.
one thing that wakanda and america had in common was how busy the two still were at night. you loved it, though.
“shouldn’t we be heading back to the palace, then?”
she hummed. “not yet.”
you furrowed your eyebrows. “why not?”
“there’s just a bit more explore.”
“we’ve been doing that for the past week, shuri,” you replied, growing suspicious. “you’ve been keeping me away from the palace all day. is something going on?”
her silence made you continue. “shuri, you’re royalty. i get it if you got sum to attend to. i don’t wanna waste your time.”
“nonsense,” she dismissed immediately. “the only place i’d like to be right now is here. with you. i can assure you nothing is happening at the palace. i just don’t want the day to end.”
“that’s what tomorrow’s for,” you informed, even though the line felt corny. you were tired and your feet hurt.
shuri thought for a second. “the palace is a twenty minute walk from here, right?”
you nodded reluctantly.
“alright, let’s go, then.”
you were kind of confused by her change of heart, but you didn’t complain, since as stated before, you were exhausted.
you and shuri had been walking for maybe ten minutes, when it occurred to you how nervous she looked.
you nudged her shoulder. “you good? you look like you finna pass out.”
when your words registered in her mind, she plastered a smile onto her face that was clearly fake. “i’m okay.”
you showed your teeth, looking at her for a second before continuing to walk. “you sure?”
“mhm! i’m great.”
you would’ve bought it, if your eyes didn’t land on her hands. she was messing with them like crazy, and usually it was the other way around. you reached towards her to grab one hand, intertwining it with yours.
you tried your best to limit the effect her touch had on you. “i get if you don’t wanna tell me, but i’m sure whatever’s got you acting like this will be fine. just sleep on it.”
your efforts were successful, though they didn’t last permanently. shuri couldn’t calm down because the reason why she had suddenly grown nervous was you. she had planned something and wasn’t sure if it would go the way she wanted it to.
it amazed the princess how passionate you could get when you talked about things you loved. that included christmas, and thanks to your endless stories, shuri was able to pull a few strings specifically for you.
this wasn’t all for nothing, though. she hoped to get a relationship out of it. like a real, romantic relationship.
she was sick of the game you two had going on and figured that it was time to make a move.
the downside of this plan?
well, there was a chance that her feelings for you were not reciprocated.
“kulungile ngokuhlwa, princess shuri,” aneka greeted her as soon as you two entered the floor where the bedrooms were. she looked at you. “would you like me to escort miss (l/n) to her room?”
she shook her head. “that’s okay, aneka. i’ll do it tonight.”
aneka knew something. you could tell by the look she shared with shuri. all it did was grow your suspicion. as aneka walked off, you gave shuri a stare.
she stared back as if she was clueless. “what?”
you began your journey to your room next to shuri, a playful grin on your lips. “what are you hiding from me, shuri?”
“i don’t know what you are talking about,” she fibbed.
once the two of you stopped at your door, she opened the door for you kindly, and you sent her a nod jokingly. “so kind.”
when you finally entered your room, your jaw felt like it touched the ground.
shuri had given your room a complete christmas makeover. and not just that, everything was decorated in all the ways you had described. green tree with the fake frost on it, the white lights stringing across the entire room, literally everything. somehow the vibe in your room matched the one you felt back home with you family. the lights were off, aside from the christmas ones that dimly lit up the place.
shuri waited from the door as you took in every detail of the room. you tried to speak, but all that came out were stutters since you were literally at a loss for words.
“i know you told me to leave it alone…but i just couldn’t,” she explained.
she closed the door behind her as you turned to the princess. “is this why you kept me out the palace all day?”
shuri stared back at you with an innocent shrug.
“we don’t celebrate christmas here in wakanda, so i hope i did a good job.”
you let out a breathy laugh. “you did great. i mean, every part of this place…” you paused your scan of the room when your eyes looked above the two of you.
shuri followed your gaze and stared at the ceiling. “what?”
you blinked awkwardly with a tight-lipped smile. “it’s just…that’s a mistletoe, and…”
she raised an eyebrow, and you literally could not tell if she was being serious. “and what?”
“there’s, like, a thing with mistletoes where you, like, you know…”
“i don’t think i do,” she spoke in an amused tone.
“you for real don’t know what a mistletoe is?” your voice raised an octave. shuri shook her head. “well, it’s supposed to be this thing where whoever’s under it…locks lips.”
you head fell in embarrassment and she kneeled just a bit to catch your eyes. “locks lips?”
“yeah, like a kiss.”
“i know what locking lips means.”
it was when you looked back up from the ground and into her orbs that it occurred to you that she was staring at your lips.
your breath hitched in your throat. when her eyes returned to yours, realization flashed in her eyes. but, she didn’t move, and neither did you.
she seemed to be taking her time. you felt one of her hands touch your elbow softly as it trailed up, and she used it as an opportunity to pull you closer.
your eyes closed shut when you felt her breath on your lips. but her eyes remained open, and she took in every detail of your face. in her eyes, there was not a single flaw.
“just say the word, and i’ll stop,” she whispered, a rasp clear in her voice because of how quietly she spoke.
you didn’t protest at all.
when your noses touched, so did your top lips, but it seemed the princess had fun teasing you rather than giving you what you wanted.
she moved her head back, and you chased it for half a second before realizing she wanted to stop. “i’m sorry, i just…i need to hear you say it.”
you pulled on her sleeve to bring her closer to you once again. “i don’t want you to stop.”
within seconds, her lips collided with yours hungrily, and neither of you showed any sign of stopping.
she broke the kiss after a few seconds. “can you just open your mouth a little bit more, just a little?”
your lips touched once again, and you complied. you couldn’t help but moan when her hands trailed down to your waist from the inside of your jacket.
the kiss was growing heated, but once again, shuri broke it. there was caution in her eyes, but there was also lust right behind it that she failed to hide.
“are you sure?”
you pulled off your jacket easily, all while catching your breath.
“more than anything.”
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Jean, Yanfei, Keqing, and Shinobu with a Majima-esque S/O
Part 2 of this post
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Jean was honestly expecting her S/O to be nothing but trouble for the citizens of Mondstadt.
A former criminal from Inazuma coming to Mondstadt to start a construction company? What kind of weak cover story was that?
Though much to her surprise, it was actually legit, no illegal connections or anything. It was normal.
Though S/O was anything but normal.
They acted borderline psychotic, not to mention their horrific sense of clothing.
The way they fought was like a mad dog, wielding a knife and leaping from person to person at blinding speeds.
And yet, she somehow fell in love with a person like that.
Jean had come to personally warn them several times of their actions when Knights were supposed to take care of a commotion.
(S/O) "Eh? AH, JEAN-CHAN!"
She raised an eyebrow. Was that some kind of Inazuman-honorific?
Regardless, Jean sighed and continued on.
(Jean) "This was supposed to be handled by the Knights, S/O."
(S/O) "Oh come on, this shady person was gonna attack this poor lady! Can't tell me I can't be a gentleman, Jean-chan!"
(Jean) "You will refer to me as Master Jean, and nothing else. I won't be as forgiving next time."
Shrugging, S/O walked away.
The next time they spoke, was late at night as they sat in the benches, looking at the sky.
Jean walked over to them, this time without anyone accompanying her.
(S/O) "...Oh, Jean. 'Sup?"
Jean blinked in surprise, they didn't scream her name at the top of their lungs. They even dropped the 'chan' part.
(Jean) "You're...very calm."
(S/O) "Yeah? I'm just thinking. What do you want with me?"
(Jean) "I just wanted to say thank you for protecting Barbara."
(S/O) "The Deacon? 'Course I would, when a freak like that is stalking her, someone oughtta do something."
S/O had scared off, permanently, Barbara's biggest 'fan', though they dropped any pretense of being "mad" or any amusing antics.
It was the most serious anyone in the city had ever seen them, and no one who did would like a repeat of it.
Including Jean and Barbara themselves.
(S/O) "...You referred to her pretty casually though. You two close?"
Jean sat down with S/O and nodded.
(Jean) "Very...If I may ask, what got you that riled up to the point you dropped the act?"
(S/O) "..."
(Makoto) "Miss Kamisato, thank you so much for helping us again."
(Ayaka) "Please, just call me Ayaka."
(S/O) "Eh? Why the hell do I gotta keep calling you Miss Kamisato for?"
(S/O) "...Just don't like it when people pick on those who can't defend themselves."
(Jean) "I think I have misjudged you, S/O."
(S/O) "Hm...Think I did too with ya, Jean. Tell ya what, if you're off next time we can grab a drink. On me."
(Jean) "I look forward to it."
The next time they did meet, S/O popped out of a bush, scaring the absolute hell out of her and a few Knights.
(S/O) "JEAN-CHAN! Let's spar!"
(Jean) "W-Wha, right now?!"
As time went on, though they had their mad persona they showed everyone, Jean saw S/O's serious side come out whenever the two had a drink together.
From their stories about Makoto's death, and Miss Kamisato's kindness, she wanted to know more about the person who suffered so much for other's sake.
And if anything, to see if she can give them the happy ending they deserved.
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Honestly, Yanfei had to wrangle S/O in a good majority of the time.
She was already viewed as a bit of an oddball, but S/O's eccentric personality only made things worse.
They acted insane, like they were ready to go off the leash at any second, not to mention being from Inazuma and most likely a criminal themselves.
Yet, that's not what scares Yanfei about her S/O.
it's the fact she knows how serious they are.
She once saw S/O singlehandedly shut down a corrupt market stall through words alone. The knife they always carried wasn't brandished once.
Yanfei always lectures them on how they shouldn't interfere with the laws of Liyue. Though they act like they don't care, the fact they recited one of the passages word for word told her otherwise.
As crazy as they seemed to be, they were really trying to help bring any justice and assistance to her as they could.
Though anytime Yanfei mentions reading her law books, S/O immediately dives into the harbor.
Well...they're trying?
But at some point, she does want to ask about their past, as they were serious when confessing at least.
But Yanfei definitely couldn't complain that things were boring with S/O around.
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Keqing thought Ningguang was mad bringing in a former criminal to the Liyue Qixing.
Especially with a loose cannon like S/O.
They didn't care anything about basic etiquette, which was even stranger considering they were Ningguang's personal guard.
They intimidated any unruly client, especially the Fatui and Treasure Hoarders.
In fact, it has to be expressed specifically by Ningguang that they do not go "exterminate" any of the Treasure Hoarders, and the job should be left to the Millelith.
Though S/O's explosive personality became well known to all of Liyue Harbor, getting the title "The Mad Dog of the Qixing."
The way they act enrages her, especially when they refer to her as "Keqing-chan".
Their singing tone of voice irritates her, especially their disregard to everyone's authority.
Especially her's.
(Keqing) "You can't just waltz in like that!"
(S/O) "Eh? Oh, sorry boss. Won't happen again."
But in some weird way...she begrudgingly respects them.
They carved their own path and know exactly how to live their life, something she hasn't entirely done.
And what surprised her most of all, is how she's seen them with their guard down.
Keqing walked into their room with half a mind to lecture them until she saw how much sadness was in their eyes.
They were staring at a small watch, it seemed like they hadn't even realized she came in.
(Keqing) "...S/O?"
(S/O) "Oh, hey, Keqing."
(Keqing) "Is that your watch?"
(S/O) "...Yeah, a gift from a friend."
(Keqing) "It's a beautiful watch."
(S/O) "Really? I think it's a little plain. But then again..."
(Makoto) "I don't think it's plain at all!"
(Ayaka) "Yes, it looks perfect to me."
(Majima) "Come on, it's supposed to be a portable clock, why you making such a big deal out of it?"
(Makoto) "Cause it's a gift from you! Of course I'm gonna make a big deal out of it."
(Ayaka) "See, I told you! You shouldn't have worried so much."
(S/O) "..."
Keqing tried to lighten the mood.
(Keqing) "Your friend has good yet strange taste if they were hanging around you."
(S/O) "Yeah...Strange taste indeed."
("Haruka") "Oh, I have to go. Goodbye Ayaka, and S/O!"
Noting how their expression darkened, Keqing cleared her throat.
(Keqing) "My apologies, I didn't mean-"
(S/O) "Eh, don't worry about it. I've been a crazy bastard the entire time anyways. Makes sense you'd take a jab."
Chuckling, and putting the watch away, they waved their hand dismissively.
(S/O) "Boss wants me there at the meeting, yeah? Be right there."
Still seeing the sadness in their eyes as they left the door, Keqing stood in utter disbelief.
Just what had they gone through before arriving in Liyue?
...She supposed she could at least give them a chance after seeing a whole new side of them.
Besides, it looked like they could use a friend.
It then got to the point where they began spending much more time together, to where she got to know who the watch was meant for.
And her heart bled for them.
They didn't have to go their life alone, not if she could help it.
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Shinobu got very acquainted with S/O after they picked sparring fights with Itto on a regular basis.
The Mad Dog of Inazuma was someone everyone in the city was familiar with at this point.
But the Arataki gang had to deal with their madness because they were one of the only few to indulge them.
(Itto) "Oh, so you're back for more eh? LET'S GO, BRO!"
The noise complaints they had got spiraled out of control, since everytime the authorities would show up, S/O was nowhere to be seen.
Making her clean up the mess.
One day, Shinobu had enough of their antics.
Using Itto as bait, S/O predictably showed up.
Well, in the sense of being there. The way they began the fight was emerging from within a tree. She had no idea how they got in there, nor did she care at this point.
(Shinobu) "Everyone, STOP."
(Itto) "Y-YES MA'AM!"
The entire gang backed off, leaving S/O confused.
(S/O) "Eh? The heck's with ya?"
(Shinobu) "I am Kuki Shinobu, deputy leader of the Arataki gang. And you have been causing too much trouble for us."
(S/O) "That so? Well if ya don't get out the way, there's going to be more."
Their eye widened up as they drew a dagger.
Shinobu simply crossed her arms, and furrowed her brow.
S/O didn't need to see the mask off to tell she was pissed.
(Shinobu) "Try me."
The two had a standoff, waiting for one to make a move.
Until S/O laughed, sheathing their knife.
(S/O) "You got some balls, Shinobu-chan!"
(Shinobu) "Do not call me that."
(S/O) "I'll leave for today since ya asked, have a good one now."
Itto looked slightly disappointed about the lack of a rematch, but now Shinobu was curious. Just who was this Mad Dog?
She began a mini-investigation on her own, going around the city asking if they had any information on S/O.
It first led her to Sara, which they had a lengthy discussion of what happened from their point of view.
They were apparently a former criminal who got caught in some kind of gang war.
Though, that's all she knew.
Going from lead to lead made Shinobu more curious about S/O.
They sounded less of a Mad Dog and more of a good person in the wrong profession.
Despite that, they carried on their own way, regardless of what they were told to be by society, their colleagues, and the entire world.
Shinobu really respected that.
On the third day of her investigation, she heard a voice call out to her.
(Woman's voice) "Excuse me?"
Shinobu turned around and was shocked of who was talking to her.
(Shinobu) "L-Lady Kamisato?!"
(Ayaka) "You are Kuki Shinobu?"
Shinobu bowed respectfully, but still obviously flustered.
(Shinobu) "I am, my lady. Is there anything I can help with?"
(Ayaka) "Yes, actually. I am to understand you've been asking after S/O? May I ask why?"
(Shinobu) "Ah, if I am being honest, I am satiating my curiosity about them. They seem to have more going on than the Mad Dog we see in the streets."
Shinobu could tell Ayaka felt hurt, seeing S/O get called that title.
(Shinobu) "M-My apologies. I did not mean to offend-"
(Ayaka) "Please do not worry. You have not offended me. I am just making sure that nothing is amiss. You are not working with anyone?"
(Shinobu) "No, my lady. It is just me, and only me."
Ayaka nodded.
(Ayaka) "Very well, I believe you. Please, carry on."
With a polite bow, Ayaka walked off.
(Shinobu) "Why's someone as important as her asking about S/O...?"
S/O had their curiosity, but now they had Shinobu's full attention.
Eventually, she came across an older woman at a Takoyaki stand.
And S/O was standing in front of it.
(Woman) "Ah, welcome back! Two, I'm assuming?"
(S/O) "Two? What for?"
Their tone of voice caught her off guard. It was much deeper and seemed to be more genuine. Not as crazy or high strung as she always heard them before.
(Woman) "For the fine woman behind you?"
S/O turned and gave Shinobu a nod of acknowledgement.
(S/O) "Ah, sure."
(Shinobu) "Oh, I'm not hung-"
(S/O) "Come on, this one's on me."
(Woman) "Hah, always such a gentleman!"
(S/O) "Granny, not this again!"
(Woman) "Heheh, it's true!"
(Shinobu) "Again? Do you mind if I ask?"
S/O sighed, shrugging.
(S/O) "...Alright, sure. I came here one night with a lady, and we got Takoyaki together, and for a friend."
(Woman) "They paid for everything, and even helped Miss Kamisato-"
(S/O) "Come on, do you gotta tell everyone this story?!"
(Woman) "Oh hush now, I've made sure to speak this story to only reliable people, Miss Shinobu here included!"
(Shinobu) S/O and Miss Kamisato know each other? I suppose that makes sense.
S/O handed her a takoyaki and they both sat down on a bench.
(S/O) "Any reason you're asking after me in particular?"
(Shinobu) "Oh, you know?"
(S/O) "Got a tip from a friend is all. So?"
(Shinobu) "Curiosity, more than anything. First I wanted to know why you were picking a fight with the boss, and now...I just want to know you, if that's alright."
(S/O) "Hah, only if you tell me about you too. Itto talks highly of you all the time, you know?"
(Shinobu) "Oh please, the boss and the rest of the boys get in trouble all the time, I feel like they don't appreciate me at all despite what I tell them."
S/O looked into the sky and sighed.
(S/O) "...Trust me, they know, and they care. If you suddenly disappear one day, they'll all be feeling it for the rest of their days."
Shinobu turned to S/O and saw the sadness written on their face.
(S/O) "But that's for later. How 'bout we get to eating? Pretty sure it's cooled down."
(Shinobu) "Right."
S/O turned away from them, making Shinobu confused.
(S/O) "Oh, right. Doing this cause I assume you don't like people lookin' at ya without that mask. We all got something we don't wanna show, so I get it."
(Shinobu) "Like this calmer side of you?"
(S/O) "Heh, precisely."
(Shinobu) "Then...I suppose I'll start first...Where do I start?"
The two had a long conversation spanning into the night, and for many more nights to become.
Whenever Shinobu began studying, S/O would be right behind her, albeit hollering like a lunatic.
But at the same time, she got to know the real S/O.
The one who was best friends with Makoto Makimura, and Ayaka Kamisato, but also the one who lost both.
She wants to do everything she can to protect S/O's already damaged reputation, and make sure Ayaka doesn't come under fire either from S/O's antics.
But more importantly, she at least wanted to be there for S/O.
A person who had suffered so much at least had that much right.
...Even if they were a pain in the ass to deal with for the Arataki gang.
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wolfsbane chapter two - second chance at first line
Chapter two - Second Chance at First Line
Scott and Stiles discover that the werewolf curse can also be triggered by anger, besides the full moon. With lacrosse and Allison being the big problem for Scott. But something else becomes a problem, the dead body in the Hale house or (Y/N)’s failed attempt at finding love.
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Monday, September 6th
The werewolf slammed his fist into the now permanently dented metal. “Yes! Her father!” he growled. “You, okay?” nothing. Not a single bit of movement “Hey, all right? He didn't recognize you, right?” stiles knelt next to Scott as he panted heavily. “No... N-no, I don't think so...”
“Does she know about him?” his brown eyes turned confused before he shrugged his shoulder in a panic looking back up at his friend. “I don't know! What if she does? This is gonna kill me, man.”
The buzzcut boy pulled Scott up pushing his uniform and equipment into his sweaty palms. “Okay, just focus on lacrosse. Okay? Take this. Take this, and focus on lacrosse for now, okay? That's all you gotta do, yes?”
His breathing finally calmed down looking down at his destroyed locker. “Lacrosse.” He sighed. The two boys slowly left the locker room watching the rest of the team race onto the field. “Here. We. Go!”
Coach Finstock had already begun announcing their first task for the evening smacking his clipboard on the bench. “Let's go! One-on-one from up top! Jackson-- take a long stick today. Atta boy!” Jackson took his place on the field eyeing Scott as he also took his place. The whistle blew and the game began with Scott being a lot slower than he was at try-outs. “McCall, what are you waiting for? Let's go!” Scott tried his best to focus. He tried to race towards Jackson, but his strength seemed to vanish as he fell to the ground with a thud after making an impact on the captain. “Hey, McCall!” Scott moved his head down the face of the green field. His breath got thicker as his rage increased. The ignorant blonde always got on his nerves but now he was a werewolf that rage seemed to triple. “You sure you still want to be the first line, McCall?” Jackson said only making his emotions worse.
Coach finally made it over to Scott just as Jackson walked away. ”My-my grandmother can move faster than that-- and she's dead! You think you can move faster than the corpse of my dead grandmother?” Scott shook his head, his helmet clanking against his skin. “I can't hear you!”
He stood straight eyeing Jackson with a growl. “Yes. Coach.”
“Then do it again!”
Scott clenched his jaw again as he sighed and ran back to position while Coach shouted mockingly toward the rest of the players. “McCall's gonna do it again! McCall's gonna do it again!”
Jackson returned to his mid-field position as Scott returned to the front of the line-up for one-on-ones; though his eyes were no longer glowing gold, he still looked angry. The whistle blew once again. “Let's go!”
Scott ran full speed at his captain, gripping his lacrosse stick hard as he collided with Jackson, his right shoulder hitting him at full force. Jackson fell backwards, landing flat on his back in the grass as Scott had done earlier. He clutched his shoulder in pain trying to take a breath.
Stiles, panicked, ran over to Scott to check on him while everyone else was distracted by Jackson. “Scott? Scott, are you, okay? “Scott’s fangs had made an appearance. and his eyes were glowing bright gold as he desperately tried to keep himself from fully turning. Stiles threw his arm around Scott's shoulders, forcing him up toward the locker room doors.
As they tended to Jackson, nobody noticed the angry werewolf standing behind the benches watching the younger wolf’s actions. The green-eyed male turned back towards the forest checking his phone for the time. He knew the teen wouldn’t have control the day after the first turn, but he expected the boy to understand the dangers. He would have to have a talk with him. a very forceful talk.
(Y/N) quickly scrambled to get her house key locking the door as Derek pulled into the gravel drive. In the daylight, his car was impressive to her recently cleaned with tinted windows, but nothing compared to the driver. Derek’s lean figure came into view as we walked around to the passenger side with a toothy grin. She smiled trying to hide her blush as she skipped towards him. “Good morning, Derek.” She smiled his warming radiating off his toned body. “Good morning (Y/N).” His large hand opened the passenger door motioning her to enter his car. “Thank you.” She whispered shyly making him chuckle.
“there’s a small coffee shop downtown right by the shopping street.” He spoke leaving the meadow cottage in the distance. “Sounds cute. I haven’t had the chance to go into town yet.” Now and then, Derek would look down at her fingers watching her twiddle them with nerves. “Hey…” he mumbled grabbing her smaller fingers in his own larger ones. Her skin was cold to the touch but smooth like cream. He felt the sparks from his wolf almost feeling like pins and needles. “You, okay?” He made sure to speak with emotion. His rough voice had changed since the last time he felt like this with a girl. Let alone a woman. This time it was different. She was made for him. She didn’t know it yet, but she was. “Sorry… it’s my first date.” She stuttered.
“That I don’t believe.” He laughed. “I met you once (Y/N). And after that one time, I couldn��t get you out of my head.” He loved the sound of her laugh echoing in the car. “ It was the same with me. I think your green eyes messed with my head Mr hale.” She felt the same with his laugh. She could tell it was a sound rarely heard it was rough and broken like it was pulled out of the storage of his body. The young girl watched her driver pull into the car park stopping slowly by the ticket machine. “Why don’t you head inside and grab a table ill finish packing up.” She nodded her head, her styled hair moving with the motion before she shut the door.
(Y/N) walked into the coffee shop trying to ignore the looks of the older couples looking her up and down like a freak show. She smiled towards the barista asking him for the decaf options. Before she could order the bell from the door jingled signalling a new customer. She smiled looking towards the handsome man she was waiting for. He stopped in his tracks finally getting a good look at her out of the morning sun. Her glossy hair was styled straight framing her natural face shape. She was wearing different shades of purple. A short dress decorated with lighter flowers and a cardigan tied in the middle. Derek looked down at her feet noticing her taller state and seeing chunky black sandals wrapped around her tattooed ankles. Once again, she was covered in jewellery with assorted designs from bones to plants. His wolf almost wanted to pounce at her, but he held it back as much as he can.
“Just in time. I finished my order what do you want?” she asked sweetly clutching her card. “Just a black coffee please.” He asked, “And don’t take her card. I’ll be paying.” The barista nodded before getting on with the two drinks. “I’m not having this argument again.” She sighed smiling widely pushing his hand with his card down. “I don’t think so.” The card reader activated pulling Derek’s attention towards the device. Before he reached over, he felt her long black painted nails swirl the back of his head sending new sensations into his body. She leaned closer to the hidden wolf licking her matching black lips with a cheeky smile. “it’s funny how you assume I would give up on this Derek.” She whispered as the barista turned back around again. “here’s something you should know about me before this goes any further…” The chime of the card reader interrupts Derek’s trance seeing her card be accepted by the reader. “When I say ill pay… I pay.” She giggles picking up their coffees and walking to the booth at the back of the shop.
once Derek sat down (Y/N) eyed him as he blew on his mug and took a sip. His green eyes fascinated her. Maybe it was due to their relation to nature? She didn’t know but she knew she would never get tired of his eyes. “So… what brought you to beacon hills?” he asked as she took a sip of her drink. “Mostly a change of scenery.” She smiled, “I used to live in New Orleans, but it was too busy for me. My grandmother thought it would be good for me.” He nodded his head wondering about her life in a busy place. “My friend hooked me up with a job at the vet it’s not what I major in but it’s something to do.” Derek took another sip mentally noting she worked at the same place Scott did. “It surprises me.” He said the girl’s head tilted in confusion. “Most people who move here are running from something.” She knew it was a joke, but she couldn’t help but think of the spark in her head. He felt her heart skip multiple beats meaning he had hit a nerve in her. Her sweet smile faded as she focused on the drink in her mug. “I guess I kinda am.” She mumbled, “Sorry I didn’t mean to ruin the mood.” She tried her best to boost her mood swirling her drink to make a whirlpool.
“No, I shouldn’t have said that. It just reminded me of myself.” He spoke. Stop. Stop talking. She doesn’t need to know what happened. “How do you mean?” she asked. “My family died in a fire 6 years ago. When it happened the first thing, I did was leave for New York.” She didn’t need to know what. Why was he still talking? He shouldn’t trust her. He couldn’t trust her. Stop. Talking. “there’s no shame in running. Especially from something like losing your family.” He looked up towards her, her eyes twinkling from the reflection of the fairy lights in the café. “On the bright side, at least neither of us has to worry about meeting the other family.” Derek smiled at her attempt to make the conversation brighter. “I’m guessing your family isn’t in the picture.” He asked. She laughed making his body relax. “God, I hope not. The day I introduce you to my parents, run!”
Derek hadn’t laughed so much in a long time. The girl facing him brought something out of him that he strangely missed. They both rested their hand on the table lightly brushing their fingertips. The two quickly moved back as they shared the sensation of a zap zooming through their bodies. Derek knew what had happened but kept calm and collected. “Sorry.” She giggled thinking nothing of it except friction. “Anyway, tell me something about you Mr Mysterious.” (Y/N) looked up towards the barista as he refilled her mug smiling in a thank you. “Well, not much to tell to be honest. I was born in the town and played basketball for the school. went to college for business which I’ve never used. I moved back less than a month ago.” (Y/N) nodded her head while humming into her drink. “I wouldn’t take you for a business student. Maybe more of a criminology student. You’d probably be good at interrogations.”
“And why would you say that?”
“you’re a bit of a sourpuss.” Derek huffed into his mug smiling lightly. “You have no idea.” He laughed. “What about you? I know you lived in New Orleans but other than that.” The girl looked down into her mug watching the liquid swirl as she strutted out an innocent timeline. “I was born in Texas; my parents were the typical religious nuts I ran away at 16 to New Orleans. I’m studying plants mostly, but I majored in cryptozoology.” His thick brow arched in confusion that the unfamiliar word. “Sorry, it is the study of mythical creatures. So, things like bigfoot, the Loch Ness monster.” Derek tried hard to suppress his fear there was no way the woman he imprinted on was obsessed with mythical creatures and did not be something to do with his world. Once again, he begged whatever god was listening to not be a hunter. “My favourites are werewolves. She giggled. “No matter what research or legend you read they all say that werewolves mate for life. When they lose a mate that’s it, they die alone mostly from a broken heart.”
“What would you do if you met one?” he mumbled looking up with puppy dog eyes that made her melt in her seat. “Well, first id ask it not to kill me.” She joked. “Probably just talk to them. I mean they’re no different to me or you. Just hairy?” Derek smiled lightly with a big sigh of relief unknown to her she was already doing what she wanted to do. before he could reply to the small clock in the café chimed twelve spooking (Y/N) with a jump.
 “Oh, shoot noon already?!” she ground her teeth grabbed hold of her bag on the other chair and looked back up at Derek. “I’m sorry I’m gonna have to go I have some errands before work.” Disappointed Derek could only smile nodding his head “Don’t worry it’s fine. I’m guessing another date to finish where we left off.” He asked as the two stood up and tidy the table. “Anywhere you would suggest?”
“There’s an old English-style pub on the other end of time, called the Swan, Thursday night ill meet you there at 6?” she noted it down on her hand before scrambling through her tote bag and pulling out the familiar leather jacket he had seen her in the night before. “ As much as I want to steal it?” she joked. He took it from her dainty hands noticing the torn bitten edges of her nail beds almost raw to draw blood. He eyed the jacket for a moment before wrapping It back around her as she closed the café door. “I think it looks a lot better on you than me.” He whispered. His wolf quickly got the better of him as the scent of her entered his nose. He kissed her cheek feeling the heat from her rosy cheek hit his lips sending him into cloud nine. “I’ll see you Thursday, Mr Hale.” She giggled. The werewolf watched the girl walk down the street towards the shops, his fern-green eyes watching her skirt sway with her hips.
As Night fell on beacon hills, Scott returned home to his messy bedroom. He dropped his backpack onto the floor in the corner and belly-flopped onto his bed with a heavy sigh. After a moment of silence, a knock on his door startled him out of his trance. “Hey, late shift again for me. But I am taking the day off to see your first game!” Scott, clearly still unhappy about the fact that he knows he can’t play, wasted no time to start arguing with her in a grumpy tone. “No, Mom, you can't-“ Melissa scoffed interrupting him. “Oh, no, I can and will. Come on, one shift isn't gonna break us... Not completely... stiles’ dad thought it would be a good idea to invite your new co-worker (Y/N)?” Scott knew he couldn’t change her mind knowing his mother’s words were final. “Hey, what's with your eyes? “Alarmed, Scott rose onto his elbows, frightened of the glowing gold that was new to him. “You look like you haven't slept in days.” Trying to hide his relief, Scott shook his head sighing lightly. “Oh, uh, it's nothing. I'm just... stressed...”
“Just stress? Nothing else?”
“ Homework...”
“ I mean, it's not like you're on drugs or anything, right?”
“ ...Right now?”
Melissa scoffed loudly before starting a row of questions. “Right now? I'm sorry, what do you mean, "right now?" Have you ever taken drugs?”
“ Have you?”
Melissa stared at her child with irritation and exasperation for a moment before finally just clicking her tongue, sighing, and walking to the door with a huff. “Get some sleep.” She passed him one last look and finally disappears to go to work. As Scott heard the front door lock, he marched towards his laptop hearing the familiar ringtone for video call. Stiles’ face popped on the screen with a flashing toy gun shooting at the monitor with a red beam. “What’d you find out?” Too exhausted to play games, Scott got to the point of the call, which was Jackson. “Well, it's bad. Jackson's got a separated shoulder.” Guilt slowly grew in the pit of the werewolf’s stomach. Jackson may have been an asshole, but the teen bully didn’t ask to be floored by a supernatural being with the strength of fifty men. “Because of me?” at his words stiles sneered. “Because he's a tool. they don't know if he’s gonna play yet. Now, they're just counting on you.” Just what Scott needed to hear.
On-screen, Stiles leant forward, concern displayed on his pale face. “What?” his friend’s brown eyes widened with concern. The boy started to frantically type the sound of clicking keys echoed through the speaker. “It looks like what? Scott read. Buffering. Loading. Reconnecting. The pause was painful for the werewolf. “Come on, damnit!” It looks like someone’s behind you! It read. “What?” Scott quickly switched his camera to his own watching the shadow behind him grow and grow.
It's Derek, who immediately snatched the adolescent by the back of his red hoodie and pulled him to his feet. he shoved him face-first against the nearby wall and held him there as he growled animalistically. “I saw you on the field!” the off-guard Scott dangled with fear as he processed his words. “Wha-what are you talking about?” he stuttered. “You shifted in front of them! If they find out what you are, they find out about me, about all of us. And then it's not just the Hunters after us, it's everyone.”
“ They didn't see anything! I s-swear, I-“ Scott paused his words as he breathed in the scent of sage. Panic spread across his young face before being replaced with rage. “Why do you smell like (Y/N)?” he growled his golden eyes shifting. With a huff, Derek sighed slamming him into the plaster again. “Why do you care?”
“Stay away from (Y/N)!” he ordered before falling to the ground. “Keep out of mine and (Y/N) business Scott.” Scott slowly pulled himself back up feeling his bones click and crack. “she’s not yours.” He argued watching the older wolf step towards the window. “Wanna bet on that?”
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Tuesday, September 7th
the next day at school, Scott started his Derek homework, getting out of the Friday night game. The teen’s sweaty body replayed the words from the older wolf. His smell also played on his mind. Why (Y/N) Why his new co-worker? Was it to keep an eye on him? to threaten him? Scott knew for sure Derek couldn’t have true feelings towards her. he was certain he didn’t have emotions. As Scott and Coach walked through the boy's locker room and into the office, Coach was completely confused and irritated by what Scott has just told him. “What do you mean, you can't play the game Friday night?”
Scott stood in the door frame gawkily, knowing that he has no real good reason for backing out that wouldn’t sound foolish to the Coach. sore muscles would never work. Maybe he could break a bone. “ I mean... I can't play the game Friday night...” Finstock’s eyes continued to blink rapidly with confusion. “You can't wait to play the game Friday night!”
“No, Coach. I can't play the game tomorrow night.”
“...I'm not following.”
“I'm having some... personal issues.”
“Is it a girl?” technically yes. A girl and a woman. One he knew he had strong feelings towards, the other he saw as a cool older sister he wanted to desperately protect. “Is it a guy?” Again, technically yes. A broody old werewolf with a problem with a boy trying to get on with his life. Potentially threatening said the older sister figure. “You know, our goalie, Danny, is gay...”
“Yeah, I know, Coach, but that's not it.”
“You don't think Danny's a good-looking guy?”
“I... think he's good-looking. But I-I-I like girls.”
“What, is it drugs? Are you doing meth? Because I had a brother that was addicted to meth. You should have seen what it did to his teeth! They were all cracked and rotted. it was disgusting.”
“My God-- what happened to him?”
“He got veneers! Is-is that what this is about? Are you afraid of getting hurt, McCall?
“ No... I'm... having some issues dealing with aggression...” technically not a lie.
“Well, here's the good news! That's why you play lacrosse! Problem solved. Listen, McCall, part of playing the first line is taking on the responsibility of being the first line. Now, if you can't shoulder that responsibility, then you're back on the bench until you're ready. McCall... play the game.”
Scott finally gave up on his eccentric coach, he marched down the student-filled halls palms sweating with panic. His phone rang the annoying tone rattling his ears. his mother.
Got the night off! Coming to see you play! So excited!!
Before he allowed his rage to take over, Scott pulled his head up meeting the chocolate brown eyes of Allison. Her sweet smile quickly made the worried and panic vanish. “Hey,” she smiled twirling her curls between her nimble fingers. “Hey,” he breathed. She looked down at his hands, seeing the small communication device. “Busy?” Scott watched confused, she directed to his phone as he nervously stammered out a response. “No, no, it's just, uh, my mom. She's nothing.” Allison’s eyes shot up with surprise before Scott finally realised what he had spoken. “I mean, it's nothing. Uh, I'm never busy for you.” Her smile momentarily returned. “I like the sound of that. I have to run to French class, but I wanted you to know that I'm coming to see you play tomorrow.” Scott processed the latest information. Another person he cared about to worry about. “You are?”
He knew he should have been happy to know the girl of his dreams was actually interested in his game. However, with the newfound rage bomb that was the wolf inside him. “And we're all going out afterwards…you, me, Lydia, Jackson... It's gonna be great. Tell Stiles to come, too. Uh, save me a seat at lunch. I gotta go!” as her small frame swayed down the hall the dark soft fabric of her jacket took his interest. The last time he had seen that jacket was that previous Friday hung up with Derek standing underneath like the creep Scott believed he was. Something was different about the jacket its once sweet smell of Allison was now mixed with the stench of Derek.
Scott rode his bike through the forest, furiously pushing the pedals so he could go as fast as he could. As his anger kept bubbling, he made it to the Hale House remains. he hopped off his bike and threw it to the ground with a thud before he raced over to what was left of the front porch. “Derek! DEREK!”
Catching his breath, Scott looked around for a moment, taking note of a recently dug patch of Earth. The dirty smell masked the faint smell of the crimson liquid flowing through his veins. He snapped his senses to the presence of another person and turned back to find Derek, standing on the porch, staring him down like a hunter. “Stay away from her! She doesn't know anything!” he growled showing his golden orbs to the older beta hoping to look slightly intimidating. “Yeah? What if she does?”
Derek stopped walking as soon as he felt the heat from the newborn wolf. He could see how angry he was, how much this young girl was affecting him. he couldn’t tell if it was good or not. Maybe this girl could help him control himself, maybe she would be his downfall. Not just Scott’s but Derek’s too. An argent was unwelcome news. Derek knew that for sure. “You think your little buddy Stiles can just Google "Werewolves," and now you got all the answers? Is that it?”
still furious, Scott stayed silent as he tried to catch his breath. Derek continued as he slowly walked closer to Scott to make his point. “You don't get it yet, Scott, but I'm looking out for you. Not just for you but for Stiles, for Allison, for (Y/N). Think about what could happen. You're on the field... the aggression takes over... and you shift in front of everyone.” He bent down and picked up Scott's lacrosse stick from his abandoned backpack, his muscles clenching around the staff like sports equipment. “Your mom, all your friends even (Y/N). and trust me you don’t want her to hurt her. when they see you...” with a swipe of his claws, the small basket on the end of the stick was destroyed.
“Everything falls apart.”
Casually, Derek tossed the stick up into the air and from grabbing the stick from the sky to looking back down, Derek had vanished.
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Wednesday, September 13th
As Derek marched through the woods, he thought back to his words towards Scott. He remembered the pain he felt from his previous encounter with the Argents. How could he let himself get so stupid to catch feelings for a woman that he wasn’t connected to? Not even her scent drew him in. It was his annoying teenage mind thinking it was cool to date an older woman. Now he looked back with many regrets knowing now how abusive and predatory the wench was being.
He was quickly drawn out of his thoughts with his senses working overtime. The metallic scent of blood wafted through his nose. Light screams filled his eardrums. He raced through the foliage, swiftly stopping at the familiar wall of poison flowers.
He knew he could never get bored of the view of her. just watching her do domestic things like she was now was almost enchanting to him. As she bent down to pick at the weeds growing in her beautiful garden, he smiled lightly thinking of himself helping her. tending to their land together like a proper domestic couple no wolves, no hunters, just them and the meadow around them. His thoughts once again switched off at the sound of screams starting once again. He inspected her intensely preying she was okay. But the screams once again stopped. Nothing came out her mouth, her radio playing Season of the Witch didn’t jump, but the screams were high-pitched and quick. He watched her place from roots into her basket, but she didn’t take them to her compost she took them inside, locking the screen door behind her once her black hair companion joined her.
The only thing he thought was still strange was the blood smell. He knew it was her blood, but she seemed fine, but her once blushing skin was cold and pale, almost dead-like.
Stiles slammed the clinic door shut shaking the clinic making (Y/N) jump with shock. “Stiles please be gentle with the door honey.” She sighed taking her vet jacket off and looping it onto her hook. “Sorry (Y/N).” he stuttered skipping over to Scott. “What did you find? How did you find it? Where did you find it?” he asked being sure to for once talk quietly in front of (Y/N). “I found something at Derek Hale's.” the teen with the buzz-cut eyes shot open with surprise. “Are you kidding? What?” the two teens turned around looking at the beautiful goth who was currently in her own world deep in her piles of books. “There's something buried out there. I could smell blood. I don’t know who’s but your dad nails Derek for the murder. And then, you help me figure out how to play lacrosse without changing because there's no way I'm not playing that game.”
The duo spun around marching towards the door. Stiles quickly stopped almost falling to the ground with a skid of his shoes. “Nice collection there (Y/N)” he commented noting the piles of books all seemed to be about some sort of cryptid or spiritual book. the woman looked up with shining eyes of excitement. “it’s a bit of a hobby I guess you can tell with the matching tats. Unknowingly to Scott, he kept the girl distracted with questions giving the robin of the duo to slip the specific book labelled Lycans and the Moon. “Well boys I’ve got to go so no offence…get out so I can lock up.” (Y/N) smiled jesting to the door Stiles had slammed open earlier. “Sorry. Have a good night (Y/N)”
Scott and Stiles drove the bumping roads towards the hospital plotting their next plan. “Dude I really don’t have a good feeling about (Y/N).” stiles confessed gripping the steering wheel. “I mean the new girl in town. We can all admit she is a dark babe from hell but come on. Don’t you think it’s a bit of a coincidence that we discover werewolves, your new girlfriend is from a family of hunters, and we just found her with piles and piles of books about supernatural creatures.” Scott breathed heavily tapping the scratched glass of the jeep. “You know stiles some people really do find it interesting.” He hoped. “Well, I hope your right Scott. Cause I hate for such a hot girl to be evil. That will make the dreams really weird.”
“I didn’t need to know that, Stiles.”
Unsure of where to go to get the information they need, Scott and Stiles wondered the halls of the hospital, the bright lights of the halls flickered the signs above. After a moment, Stiles looked up a sign for the morgue dangling just above his head. As Scott headed in, stiles wandered around like a lost puppy. “Good luck, I guess...”
As he turned his body, he focused his attention on Lydia waiting in one of the seats. He immediately got both nervous and excited to be this close to her, finally being able to make his unplanned move. “Hey, Lydia... You probably don't remember me. Um, I sit behind you in biology.” Her face contorted into confusion watching the loose teen with a twirl of her ginger locks. Lydia. “Uh, anyway, I always thought that we just had this kind of connection. Unspoken, of course. Maybe it'd be kind of cool to... get to know each other a little better...”
Stiles quickly stopped his speech as soon as a small device pulled away from her rosy ears. “Hold on, give me a second.” She giggled to the person on the other line. Her green eyes focused on Stiles for the first time in his life. “Yeah, I didn't get any of what you just said. Is it worth repeating?” she mocked. The poor boy’s pale cheeks flushed pink rubbing his peach fuzz hair with embarrassment. “No. Sorry, I'll just sit...You don't care...”
Meanwhile, Scott tiptoed down the eerie morgue hall before opening the nearest door. He kept sniffing and sniffing, touching the metal handles of each coffin-like storage. Suddenly, he stopped smelling the same pine and rain scent that was buried under the dirt pile. He slowly pulled ‘jane doe’ out of her metal resting place and took a strong sniff of her decaying body. It was a match. An exact match.
“Holy God!” stiles squealed as Scott pulled the fake magazine distraction out of his pale hands. “The scent was the same.” He smiled high fiving his companion. “You sure?” the werewolf nodded his head heavily. “So, he did bury the other half of the body on his property?”
“Which means we have proof he killed the girl.”
“I say we use it.” Scott pulled Stiles down the exit hall plotting in their minds their end action plan. “Tell me something first. Are you doing this because you want to stop Derek, or because you want to play in the game, and he said you couldn't?” from the look on the teen’s face to him it was both. He knew he had to stop Derek, but he also wanted to play the game. “There are bite marks on the legs, Stiles! Plus, I think he’s gonna go after (Y/N) next. I mean he has the motive to harm her. She could easily pinpoint were werewolves she’s a risk.” Stiles sighed heavily rubbing his eyes from the sleep building up from the sleepless nights of research. “Dude she might be working with him for all we know. Look let’s just keep this simple for now get Derek in jail and play that game.” Scott nodded his head as the buzzcut boy wrapped his long arms around his shoulder. “we're gonna need a shovel.”
Stiles and Scott spied on Derek as he walked out of the Hale House ruins towards his Camaro. He clutched his mobile phone against his ear smiling brightly with multiple laughs coming from his usual emotionless mouth. “dude see, maybe he actually likes (Y/N).” Scott whispered eavesdropping on the conversation. “are you sure you’re okay with getting yourself there?” he reassured unlocking his car. “I know you said you’d be fine, but I don’t want you having to sit alone at a bar until I get there.” the dark-haired wolf sat comfortably in his seat before shutting the door. “I can’t wait either. I’ll see you tomorrow night Miss Williams.”
As the expensive vehicle left the woods, the duo marched their way to the mound of earth by the side of the chard ruins. “dude, it’s all an act! There’s no way that he has a genuinely nice cell in his body. Hess probably scoping his next target. he’s coming back later to dig a new grave.” The buzz-cut teen grabbed his shovel attacking the ground with the little strength he had buried in his arms. “or maybe it’s the other way round. Maybe she has him right where she wants him to strike. Get hunter of the year for killing the last Hale wolf.”
As they finally finished digging, they found a mud-soaked linen wrap, secured tightly with a twine rope. Scott took a strong whiff sensing the change in the smells around him. “Wait... Something's different.” The once rain-filled grave was now just a wet dog, exactly like the wet rooms at his work.
“Just keep going.”
“What if he comes back?”
“Then we get the hell out of here.”
“What if he catches us?”
“I have a plan for that.”
“ ...Which is?”
“You run one way. I run the other. Whoever he catches first? Too bad.”
“I hate that plan.”
When they both looked down, they saw several twine rope strings poking out of the earth, like little worms wiggling in the dirt. the two knelt down as they brushed the soil away with their bare hands. As Stiles sluggishly untied the bundle struggling with the military-style knots’ “Hurry!” Scott shouted adding nothing to help his friend with the impossible knots. “I'm trying. Did he have to tie the thing in, like, nine hundred knots?” Scott abruptly pushed aside his friend and swiftly finished the job.
“...What the hell is that?” stiles muttered. As the fabric fell to the bottom of the grave, stiles and Scott jumped back in fear. A black, scruffy cut-up wolf revealed itself from the bundle, its dead eyes open almost staring at the two teens. “It's a wolf.” They quickly left the grave panting heavily from the sheer shock of the creature. but before Stiles could ponder any more. “Yeah, I can see that. I thought you said you smelled blood, as in human blood?”
“I told you something was different...”
“This doesn't make sense.”
The Batman and Robin duo worked fast to recover their work, pushing each bit of dirt mud and worm back into place. suddenly, Stiles saw a purple flicker moving gracefully in the wind. “What's wrong?” Scott asked watching his daydreaming companion stare the purple flower down like a criminal. “You see that flower?” he slowly pulled himself from the ground lightly stroking the petals. “I think it's wolfsbane.” The teen pulled the plant from the ground noticing the roots hadn’t settled in the new soil yet. It hadn’t been there long enough to settle. “What's that?”
“Uh... haven't you ever seen The Wolf Man? Lon Chaney, Junior? Claude Rains? The original, classic Werewolf movie? No? You are so unprepared for this.” Stiles quickly clutched the end of the roots inspecting the exact same rope from the bundle attached to the ends. He gradually followed the material trail going round and round the grave in a spiral formation. With a sceptical expression, Scott watched him closely the smell of the flower irritating the wolf’s senses like an itch. Trying to ignore it, the wolf teen looked back down at his devolved brethren squealing at the changed form. The same dirty hair and deathly eyes stared back at him like the night he was turned. “oh!” stiles screamed, joining his friend with an exact terror expression.
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Thursday, September 13th
Once again, the two teens watched the Hale house get inspected by the police including Stiles’ own father. The black-haired werewolf glared daggers towards the two as the handcuffs scratched his wrists like thorns. Derek stepped down into the police car finally ending his angered stare. Scott slowly watched Stiles get up from his hiding spot sauntering over like he owned the crime scene. “No!” he growled stiles finally made it to the police car and with a slide of his body he sat down with the criminal.
“Okay, just so you know, I'm not afraid of you.” He breathed. Derek looked up slowly his hard gaze. He knew the teen was lying. He didn’t even have to listen to his heart. The sweat and moving eyes gave it away. ”...Okay, maybe I am. Doesn't matter. I just wanna know something. The girl you killed. She was a Werewolf. She was a different kind, wasn't she? I mean, she could turn herself into an actual wolf, and I know Scott can't do that. Is that why you killed her?”
The older man sighed heavily leaning closer to the cage-like window. “Why are you so worried about me when it's your friend who's the problem? When he shifts on the field, what do you think they're gonna do, huh? Just keep cheering him on. I can't stop him from playing, but you can... And trust me-- you want to.”
Before Stiles could reply to the worrying speech. Suddenly, the energetic teen was pulled out of the vehicle, the grumble of his father entering his ears. “Ow. Ow. Ow.” He pushed his son to the end of the lot the leaves distressed under his dragging feet. ”There. Stand.” He groaned.
“What the hell do you think you're doing???” Noah growled watching his son kick the foliage under him. “I'm just trying to help!”
“Okay, well, how 'bout you help me understand exactly how you came upon this?”
“We were looking for Scott's inhaler...”
“Which he dropped when?”
“The other night...”
“The other night... when you were out here, looking for the first half of the body?”
“The night that you told me you were alone, and Scott was at home?”
And there it was. The answer Noah was looking for. “Oh, crap...” his child sighed. “So, you lied to me.” Noah exhaled.
“That depends on how you define "lying..."”
“Well, I define it as "not telling the truth." How do you define it?”
“Um... "reclining your body in a horizontal position?"”
“Get the hell out of here.”
“ Absolutely.”
Stiles and Scott sped out of the woods in the battered Jeep, Scott doing whatever he could to find the reason for the wolfsbane at the grave. “I can't find anything about wolfsbane being used for burial.” He sighed locking his phone with a grunt. Something didn’t feel right to the wolf. “Just keep looking. Maybe it's like a ritual or something? Like, maybe they bury you as a wolf.” He chewed on his cheek biting back a snarking comment towards his friend, his rage bubbling. “Or, maybe it's like a special skill, you know? Like, something you have to learn?” Scott rolled his brown eyes. “I'll put it on my "To Do" list, right underneath "figuring out how the hell I'm playing this game tonight."” He growled. Stiles looked swiftly towards his friend watching the golden eyes of his wolf form show through. “Maybe it's different for girl Werewolves... we can look in (Y/N) book when we get back to your place.”
“Okay, stop it!”
The driver slowed the jeep down lightly, Scott panting in the passenger seat worried him greatly. “Stop what?” he muttered worry building up in his body. “Stop saying "Werewolves!" Stop enjoying this so much! Are you okay?”
Scott’s voice grew deeper as he growled a NO towards Stiles, he doubled over with pain, like electricity shocking through his veins. “No, I'm not. I'm so far from being okay.” He felt his fangs and fur grow, cracking and groaning coming from his body. Stiles quickly pulled his bag from the back seat almost having a rare light bulb moment. He pulled out the violet plant from the night before wafting the scent towards the growling teen. “You kept it?” Scott screamed watching the driver pull over with shaking hands. “What was I supposed to do with it???”
As soon as the car was in park, Stiles grabbed his backpack and launched himself out of the Jeep, running toward the edge of the woods and tossing the bag as far as he could throw it to get as much distance away from Scott as possible. He prayed it work not wanting his best friend to lose his control in the middle of the day with joggers, hikers and dog walkers hiding in the woods. Once it was out of eyesight, Stiles pitched his head back and breathed deeply before turning back toward the Jeep with a huff. “Okay, we're good, you can…Scott?”
The werewolf was already gone.
Panicked, Stiles ended up speeding down the road through the timbers as he called the police on speakerphone. ”Stiles, you know you can't call the dispatch line when I'm on duty.” Dispatch groaned not wanting to hear the latest story from the sheriff’s son. “I just need to know if you've gotten any odd calls...?”
“Odd how?”
“Uh, like, an odd person, or...”
Stiles struggled to produce an example that didn’t channel a werewolf break out. “A dog-like individual roaming the streets...?” The dispatcher, out of patience, put an end to their conversation quickly and sternly. “I'm hanging up on you now.” Stiles, panicked and desperate to find Scott before he hurts somebody, tried to get her to reconsider but the ringing of the hang-up sound stopped his multiple waits from spilling out his mouth. Stiles knew he would be going to Allison. But he hoped he would find him before anything could happen to the young girl.
Noah sat down with a grunt in the interrogation room watching the suspect do the same with his hands still cuffed behind him. “okay Mr. Hale, If you are innocent in all of this then let’s make this as simple as possible. I’m assuming you know the drill in these sorts of interrogations. I ask the questions you answer. Can we get started?” Derek nodded his head with a low Yes sheriff, like a kicked dog. “thank you.”
The sheriff opened up the coffee-coloured file switching on the small desk light that barely had a working bulb. Derek sat with a shaking leg eyeing the time with a deep sigh. “problem Mr hale.” Noah asked taking not of a deep sigh. “no sir just had a date with a really nice girl. I was surpassed to be there right about now.” Noah nodded his head feeling slightly saddened knowing there was a nice girl waiting alone for him possibly thinking she had been stood up. “sorry to hear that. Okay, where were you the night of the murder?”
“I was driving down to beacon hills to follow my sister. She had come down here for some reason. but she didn’t tell me what the reason was. I also wanted to check on my uncle in the hospital.”
“Does your sister have any contact details we can use to get a hold of her?” Derek took a big gulp of air taking the time to process he couldn’t say his sister was alive anymore. He knew he had to get over it quickly, there was too much to worry about to mourn. “that won’t be needed. She’s dead.” He stated holding the emotions waiting to spill from his body. “she is jane doe.” Noah quickly noted down his statement messaging his colleagues the new information so they could act on it. “so, you mean to tell me the legs we have in our morgue are your sisters? And you didn’t think to come to the police with this information?” the wolf rolled his fern green eyes the anger bubbling. “well, it’s not like you guys tracked down the last murderer of my family members. I wonder if it’s the same person that killed Laura that set the fire?”
The snide comment quickly shut Noah up remembering the hale fire like it was yesterday. The smell of burnt flesh would never leave his memory. “if I could go back and redo that entire case I would Derek, but I can’t. I’ve only got what the last sheriff has. But right now, Laura’s case deserves to be closed. Tell me what happened that night.” Derek leant back in his seat the clock ticking and ringing in his ear. He had definitely missed his date with (Y/N). he was gonna have to do something really big to apologise. “I stayed at the motel in town for the night I didn’t see the point in going to find her at night. I woke up the next morning and tried to call her cell, but she didn’t answer. I knew she would either be with our Uncle Peter or at our old house, so I went to the house first. I went for a walk around the woods, and I found two teenagers looking for an inhaler. I gave it to them and went on my way. Next thing I knew I was looking down at my chopped-up big sister on the ground. Like roadkill.”
Derek took a slow and deep breath taming the monster dripping out slightly. “I saw nobody else other than your annoying son and his even more annoying friend. I didn’t see anyone. I took her and I buried her. I assumed she got attacked by a mountain lion in the woods. Our mum always told us to not play in the woods alone. I guess she forgot the rules.” The sheriff finally finished taking notes circling in his own personal notebook to ground Stiles when he got off work. “well, Mr. Hale, I’m gonna need some DNA and ill have to keep you in overnight. Standard procedure. I’m sorry.”
As the other police took Derek to his cell for the night Noah continued inspecting his mobile phone. He skimmed through the few contacts noting his usual contact was the care facility in the hospital and the contact under the label Miss Williams. He clicked the contact number copying it number by number into his own phone before he put the phone to his ear his orbs shot up in shock. The contact had changed to (Y/N)’s saved contact. He quickly hung up.
(Y/N) sat worriedly, Dressed in her best clothes. a navy-blue velvet dress layered with multiple layers of blue, black fishnets and black boots. Her hair was up wrapped in a matching colour bandana and large constellation earrings dangling from her lobes. “another drink miss?” the bartender asked sensing the sadness radiating off the young woman. “no need I’m heading out.” She muttered paying her tab and quickly necking her shot. “if a guy comes in asking about me tell him to take a hike.” As she sauntered through the bar ignoring the catcalls and whistles from the drunk creeps she slammed the door with a sigh, forcing the tears back in her eyes.
(Y/N) finally made it home locking her front door, leaving Derek’s leather jacket inside her car in shame. She left used and played like a puppy on a lead following its owner. She knew she was new to romance, love and anything to do with dating. But she knew it wasn’t meant to feel like that. Like someone had stabbed a dagger through her heart and twisted it. she slumped down on the sofa grabbing hold of the surgical equipment by her coffee table with a grunt, she place the needle inside her skin sighing as she felt her blood oozing from the new wound.
She knew she had to stop sooner or later, but she had a duty, and it was a duty she was happy to do. for her family. It was a distraction. A big cloud over her head to mask the events of the night. (Y/N) looked towards the moonlight peaking between her voiles, the night sky finishing her state of bliss and within a minute of her head hitting the back of the furniture she drifted into a slumber, With no date in sight.
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Friday, September 15th
Dressed in his lacrosse uniform Scott hung up his bookbag in his locker when his superhuman senses started flaring once again, allowing him to hear the various noises in the locker room with complete clarity. This included the sound of Jackson and another player whispering to each other, though their words were still difficult to make out to the wolf with the added sounds, such as the locker doors slamming shut and equipment thumping against each other. Scott turned to look at them to try to eavesdrop.
“ ...McCall...”
“ ...only defence...”
“ ...not McCall...”
Jackson looked over to see Scott looking at them, and Scott, feeling caught, looked back at his book bag and tried to keep their conversation out of his mind. He reluctantly grabbed his pads and sat on the bench to put on his shin guards, looking back over at Jackson and the others talking, only to be distracted by the sight of Stiles, who smiled when they make eye contact. “ You gonna try to convince me not to play?” he grumbled. “I just hope you know what you're doing...”
“If I don't play, I lose first line and Allison.” He interrupted. This statement made Stiles a little wound up, and he replied in a loud tone of voice. “Allison's not going anywhere... and it's one game that you really don't need to play.”
“I wanna play!” Stiles looked at him as though to say, "Really?" as Scott continued his rant of rage. “I wanna be on the team. I wanna go out with Allison. I want a semi-freaking normal life! Do you get that?” Scott, embarrassed by how dramatic he was being, looked down at the floor, and Stiles sighed before sitting down next to him on the bench, his knees facing the opposite direction from Scott's. “Just try not to worry too much while you're out there, okay?” Stiles considered his own words for a moment before adding onto them. “Or get too angry...”
“I got it.”
“Or stressed...”
“ Yeah, I got it.”
“Don't think about Allison being in the stands...” Scott looked up slightly as he began to actually think about Allison being in the stands, against Stiles' instructions. “or that her father's trying to kill you... or that Derek's trying to kill you... or the girl he killed... or that you might kill (Y/N)...” Scott looked at him with an offended expression, but Stiles was on a roll and didn’t immediately notice. “if a Hunter doesn't kill you first-“ Stiles finally saw the hurt and angry look on Scott's face and instantly ended that train of thought. “I'm sorry. I'll stop. Good luck...?”
As the bleachers filled with people (Y/N) followed Melissa down the steps eyeing teenagers and parents so she didn’t step on anyone or anything. “you know you still haven’t told me what happened last night?” Melissa spoke dropping her body down on a seat, hugging her coat for warmth against the bitter cold. “not much to tell I got ditched.” (Y/N) sighed joining her. “he seemed so sweet too. He fixed my car, took me for coffee heck he even called me the night before to make sure we were still on. Who the fuck does that to someone.” (Y/N) took a deep breath as the teams rushed out onto the field. “sorry I’m ranting when we should be watching Scott.” Melissa looked towards the goth girl; her painted eyes full of sorrow. “don’t be silly. Your hurt. I mean from what you told me he seemed like a catch.” She smiled lightly remembering his charming grin and forest scent. “yeah well… I guess it was all bullshit.” As the whistle blew for game on the two women turned towards the field.
“Set!” the ref blew his whistle, and the players set off into the first play of the game, with Jackson easily scooping up the ball and making his way down the field. Scott and the rest of the starting teammates followed him to back him up. Scott ran quickly down the field and held up his stick to indicate to Jackson that he was open for a pass, but instead, he passed.
on the bench, Stiles continued to anxiously gnaw on his lacrosse glove as he watched the game progress, groaning when Scott was clearly purposely ignored by his teammates. “Mm, come on!” ignoring Scott once again, each teammate passed to another player that was guarded rather than Scott, who was wide open; the player missed the catch, and a member of the opposing team caught it instead and ran in the opposite direction down the field, leaving a frustrated Scott holding his arms out in a huff... melissa looked at her only child worried. “I hope he’s okay.” (Y/N) muttered.
Beacon Hills managed to get the ball again, with a player catching the ball and passing it back to Jackson. However, Jackson slipped from concentration causing the ball to fall out of the net on his lacrosse stick. Scott's eyes widen in surprise when he saw the ball had fallen onto the grass nearby, and he realized he had a chance to grab it and actually participate in the game finally. However, Jackson clocked onto Scott’s plan making a B-line for the ball.
Just as Scott was about to reach the ball, Jackson caught up with him and shoved him aside hard so that he was able to regain possession of the ball once again. Scott hit the ground with enough force that he rolled across the field. Melissa gasped and covered her mouth with her hands in shock and sympathy as (Y/N) carried on watching with annoyance. It was clear the other teammates were bullying him on the field. and there was nothing either her or Melissa could do. Scott looked furious as he watched Jackson launch the ball into the net, scoring the first goal of the game. His goal.
The crowd in the bleachers started to stand and cheer, while Stiles watched apprehensively, afraid that the unfair treatment towards Scott would cause him to inadvertently shift on the field. Coach, however, was thrilled by the fact that they scored the first goal of the game and screamed from the side-lines, completely ignoring his job as a teacher to stop bullying. So, no different than usual. “That's it, Jackson! Get fired up! Fired up!” Jackson high-fived one of his fellow teammates when he caught Scott's eye from downfield and smirked, leaving Scott looking deflated. On the bench, Stiles saw this exchange and sighed deeply and dramatically before muttering under his breath “No...”
Lydia was excitedly cheering in the bleachers, and Allison was smiling and trying to keep up with the game as well. Lydia turned to Allison and grabbed her by the wrist as she tried to hype up her friend. She picked up a sign she made and had her new friend help her hold it up. The sign read "WE LUV U JACKSON" in black and red letters. A typical popular girl is mad for her asshole boyfriend. “WOOOOOO!” Scott saw Allison cheering Jackson on from the field and immediately got jealous, which didn’t escape Stiles' eyes. Stiles grimaced and muttered under his breath again. “Brutal...” Scott was staring at Allison with a look that seemed both betrayed and hurt, and Stiles immediately got a bad feeling, especially when he saw Scott grit his growing teeth and ran back onto the field. “Oh, this is not gonna be good...”
In the middle of the field, Jackson, Danny, and several other players are huddled together to whisper to each other. “Only to me,” Jackson ordered puffing his chest out like the top dog he portrayed himself to be. Danny scoffed, not understanding the point of this petty behaviour. But who was he to question his captain? “But what if he's open?” Jackson gave Danny a hard look as Scott eavesdropped on his plotting. “Who's the captain? You, or me?” Danny, wanting Jackson to see sense, pleaded with his best friend. “Jackson, come on, dude. I just wanna win-“
“We will win.” Danny continued to argue, but Jackson cut him off. ”What did I say?” Jackson got into Danny's face to emphasize his point. “Huh? What. Did. I. Say?” Danny, realizing Jackson was not going to budge and that they were wasting time, finally conceded to Jackson's demands and sighed. “Don't pass to McCall.”
Jackson thumped Danny hard in the chest with his gloved hand before they scattered to their various positions on the field. Scott was still standing several yards away from where they were huddled together, distracted by what he had just heard. After a moment, Scott's eyes flash gold, and he straightened his helmet with a determined expression before running to get into position. Scott crouched in position with his head down, a low growling noise coming out of his drooling mouth, where his fangs seem to be extended. The referee frowned in concern and confusion as he looked over to Scott. “You okay, kid?”
Scott, unable to talk out of fear of further transforming, simply nodded his head. Jackson caught their brief encounter and watched him curiously for a long moment, especially when the referee, who had walked to the centre of the field, turned back to give Scott one last confused look. A player from the other team looked at Scott warily from behind him, clearly disturbed by the low growling sound that continued to come from Scott's throat to the point where he backed up several paces to put some space between them. “what’s wrong with Scott?” (Y/N) muttered noticing everything that he was doing. The panting the grunting, his hot breath pooling around his helmet like he was on fire. “I have no idea.” Stiles wrapped his hands around his neck before anxiously rubbing his neck, becoming more unsure of his plan to allow Scott to play by the moment and wondering if maybe Derek might have been right to keep Scott off the field. he didn’t like admitting that.
Scott looked back over once again at his brown-eyed girlfriend, and even though it was obvious to everyone else that Allison was only holding the sign for Lydia, Scott's eyes flashed gold for a brief second before he clenched his jaw and returned his attention to the game.
“Down! Set!”
The players all got into position, and when the ref blew the whistle, the game began once again. Scott skilfully dodged the three players from the opposing team who tried to tackle him, keeping hold of the ball the entire time. Scott continued to duck, weave, and spin around the other players at a speed that is very quick for a human but not obviously supernatural. In the stands, Allison's eyes widened when she saw him prepare to shoot his shot, and the crowd went wild when Scott easily threw the ball into the goal. Melissa and (Y/N) jumped up and down excitedly. “YEAH!!!!!”
“McCall! Pass. To. McCall!” the coach shouted. On the field, Jackson was furious and clenched his jaw tightly, making it obvious that he was unhappy with the attention being on Scott. The referee stepped up to the two players in the standoff for possession of the ball “Set!” The ref blew his whistle, and the two players’ stalemate once snatched it. Unfortunately for the player, he got right into Scott's line of sight and was horrified when he saw Scott, whose eyes are blazing yellow of sunlight and fangs were out as he growled menacingly under his breath. Scared, the player weakly tossed the ball, which Scott caught easily, causing the team to cheer as he ran toward the Beacon Hills team's goal.
Stiles, still on the bench, continued to gnaw on the finger of one of his gloved hands when Coach, dumbfounded by this turn of events, sat down next to the buzzcut teen with a confused expression. “Did the opposing team just deliberately pass us the ball?” the teacher asked shocked. “Yes, I believe so, Coach.” Scott rushed down the field, ducking to avoid the blows from the opposing players and deftly zigzagging out of their way. Coach smiled wryly, though Stiles was still extremely anxious about how Scott seemed to be walking a very fine line in terms of controlling his lycanthropy. His mother and co-worker looked beyond confused the once stuttering, accident-prone boy was now racing through the field like a cheetah in the savannah.
Scott took his shot, throwing the ball so hard that it busted right through the net of an opposing player's lacrosse stick net and hit the goal like a blazing comet. The score was now 5-5 with thirty-nine seconds to spare in the final quarter. In the stands, everyone was standing and cheering with their arms in the air, and even Allison’s emotionless father couldn’t help but be impressed, especially when he saw how excited Allison was compared to her old nervous mousy self. But something didn’t seem right about the boy hopelessly in love with his little girl. Or maybe there was something about him that interested the secret hunter. “Goal! YES! YES! There you go!”
Suddenly, Scott looked panicked as he stood in the middle of the field, barely concealing the fact that his eyes are changing from chocolate to honey. “There you go, McCall!” The coach from the opposing team came over and lightly smacked Coach Finstock's shoulder with the back of his hand to get his attention, making it clear that he thought to think this last goal should count. Coach Finstock, exasperated, scoffed and argued against him waving his arms around. “What? The ball's in the net.” He laughed. Behind him, Stiles echoed Coach Finstock's sentiment. “Ball's in the net!” The coach blew his whistle; they agreed that the goal was fair. Scott, still panicking, got into position in the middle of the field as the referee once again set up the standoff between Jackson and a player from the opposing team. “Down!”
As Jackson and the other player locked eyes, the opposing player couldn’t help but question him. ”hey, what the hell's up with your teammate, man? What's he on?” Jackson frowned clearly unhappy about Scott's excellent performance despite his best efforts to keep him from having an active role in the game. He knew he was being challenged by the team. Scott was becoming the top dog and Jackson defiantly didn’t like this new dynamic. “I don't know...” Jackson considered his words and muttered a clarifying remark under his breath. “Yet.”
“Set!” Jackson and the opposing player crouch down to stand off for possession of the ball, which ended with the latter winning and running down the field. However, he accidentally dropped the ball, which Scott scooped up before running the other way. However, his vision turned crimson as the transformation into his Werewolf self took over, forcing Scott to use the very limited control he still had to try to keep himself away from the other players. he froze in place, unsure of what to do next as he growled under his breath at a volume that seemed to be steadily increasing. Stiles, who had been closely watching Scott the entire game, stood up to get a better look. “No, no... Scott, no, no!”
The clock showed that there were seventeen more seconds left in the game, and the opposing players were surrounding Scott like prey. Melissa had her hands clasped with (Y/N)’s both women muttering hopes for the teen. “Come on, come on, come on...” Behind her, Allison was also staring at her boyfriend intensely as she quietly cheered him on. “You can do it, Scott. You can do it, Scott.” Allison's murmured encouragement caused Scott's sensitive superhuman hearing to lock in on her. “You can do it, Scott...” Allison's voice seemed to bring Scott back to himself enough to realize that there were only seven seconds left in the game and counting.
The goalie seemed terrified by the sight of Scott staring at him with his intense buttery eyes, and just as two other players from the other team started rushing toward Scott from each side, Scott twisted at the waist and put all of his strength into tossing the ball toward the goal, which flew with such force that the goalie dodged it rather than trying to catch it. The referee blew his whistle just as the buzzer sounded, leading all of the supporters of the Beacon Hills Cyclones to leap to their feet and cheer ecstatically, thrilled to see the final score was 6:5 with Beacon Hills winning the game. All because of animal rage. Stiles jumped up with his arms raised in the air, “Yes! Ha!” Stiles lowered his arms and sighed in relief that the game managed to end in a win without Scott hurting or killing anyone. Jackson would have been fine but anyone else would have been very bad for the energetic teen.
“Oh, my God!” Scott was still standing in the middle of the field, seemingly dumbstruck by the fact that he had just won the game. he's finally brought himself back to reality when he suddenly dropped his stick with a clang. He stripped his right hand from his glove to find that, despite his eyes and teeth returning to normal, his fingernails were extending into claws, indicating that he was losing control once again. Not wanting to expose his secret to the crowd, he made a beeline toward the locker rooms.
excited to congratulate Scott on a job well done, Allison jumped down from the bench. She looked around in an effort to find him, and her smile dimmed slightly in confusion when she watched him running toward the school. her father, having just made it to the side-lines, stopped and watched with interest as Scott ran away, continuing to do so as Allison rushed after Scott to see what was going on, a suspicious and curious expression forming on his face.
Stiles was still seated on the bench, albeit by himself, as he continued to relax now that the danger of Scott turning and exposing himself as a Werewolf had seemingly passed. Hopefully. However, behind him in the now-abandoned bleachers, the sheriff was on the phone with someone. “Uh-huh.” Melissa and (Y/N) looked around for Scott confused about his disappearance. The young goth girl clutched her picnic basket full of celebratory goodies with a sigh. “stiles!” she called gaining the attention of the boy. “where’s Scott?” stiles shrugged his shoulders turning back to his father as he finished his phone call.
“Dad, what's wrong?”
Melissa and (Y/N) wandered back towards the car park still confused as to where Scott had gone. “don’t worry Mel, I’m sure he’s just out hiding with his new girlfriend.” She joked nudging her friend to try and make her smile. “oh god. I wanted him to come home with a trophy, not a pregnant teenager.” With a bright red blush forming (Y/N) shoved the baked treats into the nurse’s arms as she laughed. “don’t be silly. He’s a good kid and you know it. I’m gonna head home for the night.” Melissa nodded her head taking a sniff of the pastries and cakes. “at least save one for Scott.” She shouted as she walked towards her car with a giggle. As she bent down to unlock her car, a figure watched her from the stand, feeling the sadness radiating off her heart.
Derek couldn’t have felt more guilty about what he had done. If he had just trusted the police to do their job, he would have had the girl of his dreams smiling and laughing with him. now all he had was a heartbroken girl who he knew would not want to hear or see him for now. But he would come back. He couldn’t let her go. To him, she was a rare jewel. A diamond among glass. Her dark-coloured clothing and makeup covered a rainbow of personality inside her. but it also shadowed secrets he wanted to unveil. He slowly turned his attention back to the field as the captain of the winning team bent down to grab Scott’s abandoned glove. Derek’s shadowy figure spooked Jackson locking eyes with a serious stare and a panicked one staring back. The beta male pulled away from the field following the night mist into the woods.
The drive back to her home seemed longer than normal as the local radio dragged on. The news of the lacrosse win switched quickly to the weather, (Y/N) turned it up excitedly. “the next few days we expect a heavy thunderstorm to blow over beacon hills we recommend people stay inside and out the open fields. Other than that, enjoy the lightning and have a good night and we’ll be back at 6 am tomorrow.” (Y/N) smiled brightly at the news. As much as she hated electricity. The lightning would be a great distraction, from the dark-haired man she thought was the one.
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