#I'm gonna stay on tumblr no matter what though. it's a matter of pride at this point. but I'll probably make a new fandom/personal blog
stedefxckingbonnet · 11 months
So this is gonna be entirely too much info but like. I've fallen into reading your reader x Izzy fics and I LOVE them! I've been going through a hard time with it getting to Christmas and having no family, and the Izzy fics just make me feel lighter. So mostly just thank you thank you thank you!
Now the cheeky bit - is there any way we could get a Male reader x Izzy with a pride and prejudice element. My friend said something about Con O'Neil as Mr Darcy and I damn near swooned. Either like a Colin Firth wet white shirt scene or like anything like the Matthew Macfayden Darcy (The hands! The sopping wet pathetic man!)
If not, that's more than okay! I still love your work so much! And again, thank you so much for it!
Hi, anon! First of all, I completely understand how rough the holidays can be, especially without family around. My heart is truly with you during these times and I hope you can still find joy, peace, and love this winter. If you ever need anything, I am always in your corner. I know I'm just a random writer on Tumblr but I truly do care for you, each and every one of you, for that matter! I'm happy I could even bring you a sliver of joy with my work. Thank you endlessly for reading, and I am sending an abundance of my love your way <3 feel free to message me if you'd like, I'd love to be your friend! My messages are always open, everyone! But if not, that's okay too. I'm just happy to share this with you!
Anyhow, I absolutely lit up at this request—I love Pride & Prejudice! OFMD and P&P intertwining is honestly heavenly, I got so excited to write this that I put a pin on another x reader I was writing (never fear! You will all get this one by the end of the week if finals don't absolutely drain me!). This one is reminiscent of Pride & Prejudice and the vibes it emits, but more so, my own spin on it, as well as twists and turns. Like, Izzy honestly exhibits more of a Lizzie in this one but it's also very clear his actions parallel Darcy. I really, truly hope you enjoy this nonetheless!
Lastly, speaking of the holidays, I'm thinking of writing some holiday headcanons for Izzy or a few x readers regarding the holidays with Izzy! So stay tuned for that! Thank you everyone for your everlasting kind words, understanding, patience, and encouragement with my slight delay with writing in the past week.
My Gem | Izzy x Male Reader
Warnings: slight angst, some strong language, slight enemies to lovers, not so in depth research of 1700's aristocracy (even though I'm a damn dramaturg, but we'll look past that for now), made up my first non-canon canon character because just referring to her as "she" felt inhumane, brief mentions of fake suicide note, kissing
Word count: 2324
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Thoughts of the first mate of The Revenge were absolutely consuming you. Devouring you alive, plaguing you—you truly couldn't get him out of your head no matter how hard you tried. Oh, yes, you tried. But there was no use. Daydreams would always swirl in your mind and they would only increase tenfold throughout the course of your days.
You were grateful that you at least didn't have to carry the burden of breathing the same air as Israel Hands anymore. You would even collapse being within ten feet of him, let alone seeing him every single day. Your chest ached even at the mere thought of the man.
To say you were confused by his last actions toward you was an understatement. Confused, embarrassed, miserable, even flattered...You couldn't get Izzy Hands out of your head. You couldn't get his hands out of your head...
"So you really are doing this, then."
"Yes," you nodded. "I am. I don't belong here—"
"You are a damn great pirate," Izzy almost seethed. "I'll be damned if I believe you really want to go back to that...lavish lifestyle."
You looked slightly frantically behind you in hopes that no one heard Izzy's dig at what was about to be your life again. You hesitantly looked back at Izzy, almost biting your lip in disbelief. "I just need to do this."
"Really? That's all you have to say?"
"What—what else am I supposed to say?"
Silence loomed between the two of you. He nervously fidgeted with the coat that Stede had lent him to disguise himself as an aristocrat. He couldn't wait to toss it back into Bonnet's arms, but he needed this in order to see you off safely, without any suspicions of what you had been up to in your absence from the life you were born into. He knew full well that you were making a mistake, but that you couldn't be convinced of this. His chest ached upon realizing that you wouldn't change your mind, that he wouldn't be able to change your mind.
"Goodbye, Israel."
Instead of responding, Izzy carefully intertwined his fingers with yours as you were about to step up into the carriage. You froze, yet began to melt into his touch, his warmth. You finally met his eyes just as he let go of you, and before you knew it, you were riding off into the distance, Izzy becoming a small speck fading from your sight. Before he began to fade out of view, you caught a glimpse of him flexing his hand by his side as he watched you depart.
You scoffed as the yellow carnation was pinned to your coat.
"Is something wrong, sir?" one of your dressers inquired, concern washing over his expression.
You almost laughed at such a question, thinking back to all of the late nights you spent studying flowers and their meanings, dying to tell him how this marriage was going to be doomed if you had to wear a yellow carnation. At the last minute, you decided against it, holding your tongue. "Everything is perfect. Thank you."
He nodded, exiting the room as soon as he finished dressing you. You turned toward the mirror, a frown falling onto your lips upon seeing your reflection. You had never dreaded a coming day like you dreaded tomorrow. Before you could internally lament further, a rhythmic knock was heard from your door. Genevieve—future wife. How delightful. It's not like you dreaded it every time she walked into a room, let alone walked over to your side, and it's not like you could tell she dreaded you all the same.
"Yes. Come in," you sighed, plopping down onto your bed. Only, it wouldn't be your bed anymore—you would share it with her, come tomorrow. Your solitude would be interrupted and put on pause forever.
Genevieve quickly rushed in, making sure to shut and lock the door behind her. She fixed her hair a bit as she did so.
"What is it that you want?" you demanded softly, your brows furrowing.
"Hello to you too," she rolled her eyes. "I'm not looking forward to tomorrow—"
"That makes two of us, Genevieve! Finally, something we can agree upon," you laughed, falling backwards onto the bed.
"Will you let me finish?" she crossed her arms without realizing it. Once she had in fact realized, an expression of guilt overcame her as she untwisted herself. A guilt you had never once seen her bear. You sent an apologetic look her way. "I'm not looking forward to tomorrow, nor the rest of our lives together, but I just wanted to say that you are lovely. I don't hate you. I just hate this."
"I don't hate you either," you sat up carefully, your head sort of spinning as you did so. "Far from it. This is just an...unfortunate situation we've found ourselves in."
"Yes," she agreed, carefully placing herself beside you on the edge of the bed. "You know, I would love you, if you were...there's no way to dance around this. I would love you if you were not a man."
"Oh!" you realized, looking over at her, relief crashing over you. "And I would probably love you if you were not a woman, quite honestly."
Genevieve gasped in delight, wrapping her arms around you as she laughed happily. You couldn't help but smile upon her embrace.
"Who is the lucky woman?" you playfully smiled, nudging her shoulder. You watched intently as you watched the pigment of her face turn rosy.
"Well...we've known each other since we were babies," she sighed happily. "But our families have been dear friends since before we were even conceived. It would never work out."
"Take "never" out of your vocabulary this instant!" you exclaimed, shooting up off the bed and onto your two feet.
"What are you planning?" Genevieve tilted her head.
You rushed over to your desk, filing through all that had piled atop it until you found a quill, some ink, and some parchment.
"We can't say you've run away—no, that would give hope that you're still alive and then you would be seeing wanted posters with your face plastered across trees anywhere you go," you sighed. "No. We'll fake your death instead. And you'll run away tonight."
Genevieve bit her lip concernedly. "Are you sure this will work?"
"I'm certain," you assured her. "Are you able to communicate this plan to your love before midnight?"
"Yes, she is coming to the rehearsal dinner tonight and I'm sure we'll sneak off to the gardens," she nodded.
"Wait—is that why you and Alice go there every time—"
Genevieve's hands flew up to her face, covering it as she giggled.
"My goodness!" you couldn't help but share the laughter. "Wow. I am not surprised, honestly."
"What about you?"
"Have I ever snuck off to a garden to—"
"No!" Genevieve rolled her eyes playfully. "Do you love another?"
"I..." you sighed. "Well, it's complicated."
"I've got time."
"I'm kind of upset with him at the moment. And I'm not sure how he feels about me. And I didn't realize I love him until after I left—"
"One thing at a time!" Genevieve tilted her head back to laugh. She place a hand on your shoulder. "Why does he have you upset?
"He held my hand before I left." you admitted, staring out the window as you spoke. Most days, you would have the curtains closed in order to mask the view of the ocean, as it would only bring you feelings of sorrow and regret.
"And you really question how he feels for you?!"
"Well, he's not like us," you frowned. "Believe me, I'm glad he's not. Though I just don't think he understands what a touch of the hand means to someone like me."
"You may come from different worlds with different values and rules, but holding hands is still an expression of affection wherever you come from," Genevieve pointed out.
"He did wear a fancy ensemble just to see me off safely..."
Once again, Genevieve's laughter filled the room. "You are blind!"
"It's just hard to tell with him!" you protested, laughing along with her. "He's hard to read. He's...very easily irritated."
"Is he like that when he's with you?"
"Less so, but yes," you shrugged. "He is a complicated man."
"But his feelings for you are apparent."
"My god, I need to go!"
"Yes, you do!" she encouraged you, patting you on the back.
"I can't right away. I have to get in contact with someone first, and if both you and I are found missing or dead by morning, it's going to be terribly suspicious—"
"You will find a way. I know it," she assured you. "Let's go and oversee the menu for tonight. I'm starved."
You laughed as she jokingly linked arms with you, leading you out into what you were about to leave behind once again.
All had gone according to plan—you saw Genevieve and Alice off safely, and falsely mourned your fiancée the next day, and for only a few days after before Stede caught wind of your message. As soon as he had, you scurried to the beach, only bothering to bring a few possessions with you. You hadn't even bothered to leave a note—nothing attached you to the aristocratic life anymore. For good this time.
"Captain!" you exclaimed, almost out of breath. "Thank you. I'm so, so sorry."
"No need to apologize to me," Stede assured you warmly. "Believe me, I get it."
"I wish you warned me—"
"Oh, you wouldn't have listened," he teased. "I do regret having done the same thing you had, but if I hadn't, I never would have gotten closure with Mary and bade farewell to that side of me fully. You had to do the same."
"And you and Blackbeard—he forgave you?"
"We're working on it," Stede laughed. "He has, mostly."
"Do you think Izzy will ever forgive me? How is he?"
"Go see for yourself," Stede suggested kindly. "He's on watch tonight. I'll be in my quarters should you need anything at all."
Before you could thank him again, he vanished into the darkness. You smiled, though you could have swore your heart stopped upon the sight of Izzy Hands. You almost choked on the breath you had taken before gaining the courage to waltz over to him. Before you knew it, you were beside him once again. Izzy jumped upon sensing your presence.
"Jesus fuck," Izzy mumbled.
"Hello to you too."
"What the fuck are you doing here?"
"Oh, Izzy, I'm happy to see you too!"
"I'm serious—what the fuck? You just up and leave and then you're back. Is this some sort of pattern? How long will your stay be this time, perhaps only a day, maybe two—"
Without much thought, you found your fingers laced between his once again. Izzy's train of thought stopped in its tracks and all he could focus on now was the feeling of warmth that had been yanked away from him ever since you left, and that now, it had been restored. A warmth he thought he would never get to experience again, nor experience at all. Whenever he spent countless days and hours reminiscing upon it, he scolded himself, convincing himself that he should be grateful he got to feel that at least once in his life. It was one more time than he ever expected he would feel it. It should have been enough, but it wasn't even close. His heart began beating out of his chest—what was this feeling he couldn't quite place? He knew it all too well and he was tired of pushing it down to drown. Eventually, you softly removed your hand, and you noticed Izzy's hand flex by his side once again.
"Did it mean something to you? When you held my hand before I left."
"I was giving you a boost onto your ride," he shrugged it off, turning away in hopes that the darkness would hide his smile.
"Right," you laughed. "Izzy, seriously. I have been going crazy. Every single day, wondering if you ever understood what such a gesture meant to me or if it meant absolutely nothing to you."
"Of course it meant something to me, dammit," Izzy sighed. "You are such a fool if you thought for a second that it didn't."
You laughed breathlessly, relief overcoming you instantly as you pressed your forehead against his. The way the moonlight shone upon his face made him even more breathtaking, even more earth-shatteringly beautiful. You couldn't believe what your eyes were allowing you to see, and you couldn't believe how warm you'd felt. You almost swore you'd never shiver once again. Your lips softly grazed his forehead before you pressed another kiss upon his cheek, before resting your forehead against his once again, your eyes fluttering shut, butterflies flying around in your stomach as you reached for his hands once again.
"Mark my words. I will never, ever leave again—"
"Shh," Izzy gently whispered against your lips. "We can talk about it later."
"Later," you nodded gently as finally, your lips collided. Your heart did pirouettes as your lips danced against one another's. In the darkness of your vision, you caught a glimpse of your future aboard The Revenge, with Izzy. You had never seen so clearly, until now, that you had finally found the place you were meant to be after denying it for so long. You had found your family and your lover, and they were all gathered in the same place. This was a luxury that would always beat the fancy balls you attended, the gold-laced coats you wore upon your back, the gems you were gifted often. Izzy was your gem, and he made your life shine brighter than it ever had.
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gluttonyedits · 4 months
Honestly you're one of my favorite blogs and I adore how you edit and your style- I don't interact all that much due to school and not being on Tumblr much to fill my queue to keep active, but I'm probably going to end up practically spam queuing up your edits because they're absolutely scrumptious!
I'm not all that popular of an edit blog either- though I have taken a bit of a break, and you're definitely very underrated for the wonderful quality of edits you have!
Thank you very much, anon, you’re appealing to my ego a lot here and.. it’s so awfully very kind of you.
I mean I have come a long way in two years, I’ve definitely improved so so much from my earliest work and I’m proud of my growth as an editor. The problem I face though is that I feel like a lot of editors and editblr nowadays is just… very samey for me not gonna lie. And even if someone is only editing for, say, a few months and they’re a couple years younger than me, they’re still producing the same level of editing as everyone else I see. I don’t know how to make those popular gif and still image headers. I don’t like the popular lace image, it isn’t my style at all. I don’t use PSDs because they confuse me and I don’t have a PC or any software, all I have is ibis. I don’t mean to ramble here, but it’s merely how I myself view what I do against all the other editors.
I do feel sometimes this kind of invisible peer pressure to resort to more popular editing styles, with all the pastel colours and laces, but I don’t follow that because I feel like if I did, I would lose my identity as an editor. And yet the problem is I’m seeing all these editors who have been here for say a month or two and they’ve had this storm in requests and followers and they’re having milestones every month or two. It’s taken me two years and I’ve yet to get to 300. And while yes I started exclusively as a kin blog for a fandom, and then widened my reach, it’s.. still depressing.
But yk what? At the end of the day I’d rather keep my identity as an editor even if I stay small and my sources are obscure. I’m proud of myself and that’s what matters. My only hope is people don’t start exclusively requesting the themed flags instead of my many many edit types!
/gen for all of this, I’ve had a terrible few months. Here’s hoping June will be better. Happy Pride Month anon. Sorry I sound like I’m drunk. I’m not.
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astrowaffles · 1 year
📝 How many words do you have posted?
🤩 What's the most meaningful comment you've ever received?
🔮What's your favorite plot twist you've ever written?
💖 Which of your fics is your pride and joy?
🎭What genre of writing comes easiest to you?
🙌What's a line or paragraph of yours that you're proud of?
🙊Your coworkers or classmates stumble across one of your fics, but don't know you're the author. Do you fess up? Or keep quiet?
🏡What is your perfect writing envrionment?
🤷‍♀️What's a fic you didn't expect to be popular, but really took off?
💪What motivates you to write?
😱What's your greatest fear as a fanfic writer?
📈Which are your top three most popular fics by bookmarks?
😁What makes you happiest? New fic comments, kudos, bookmarks, user subscribers, story subscribers, or Tumblr asks?
🎵Do you make playlists for your fics?
It's taken me so long to start actually answering my asks that I've completely lost this ask game to the depths of the internet. Thank you, Past Jammie, for adding the questions as well as the emojis!
cut because this is gonna be a long one...
How many words have you posted?
154,487 as of 16/09/2023
What's the most meaningful comment you've ever received?
Any comment saying 'THIS IS MY NEW FAVOURITE THING' ... I'm lucky enough to have received a few, and I'm proud to have converted readers to my various delulu agendas.
HOWEVER, in recent times, I got a comment on The Final Incident. It was very long, but it essentially boiled down to the commenter not having a good relationship with their family, and Gojo & Megumi having healed them a little. I thought that was beautiful, and I was so honoured to be part of their comfort...
What's your favourite plot twist you've ever written?
I don't write plots, or twists, so this is hard. In fact, I've come to the unfortunate and very boring conclusion that this is an impossible question :(
Which of your fics is your pride and joy?
The Megumi-Isn't-Breathing Incident. It's one of my sadder fics and not at all what I usually write, which makes me extra proud because I think it came out beautifully. Sometimes it's awkward to read the comments, though, because they just point out that my gojo kinnie is showing...
What genre of writing comes easiest to you?
Chaotic fix-its where nothing goes wrong and everyone's friends. I like to think I'm good at writing ridiculous, pointless dialogue that goes on for years.
What's a line or paragraph of yours that you're proud of?
Gojo Satoru is the strongest, he is untouchable, he can do anything anywhere any time. He has Six Eyes and ten fingers and four limbs but he isn't quite human, is what he always thinks.
Your coworkers or classmates stumble across one of your fics, but don't know you're the author. Do you fess up? Or keep quiet?
I stay ABSOLUTELY SILENT FOREVER. What they don't know can't hurt them
What is your perfect writing environment?
Silence, no people around me, but in a comfortable place like my room. I am easily distractable and my best work is bashed out in one sitting.
What's a fic you didn't expect to be popular, but really took off?
My Gojo & Megumi series. I wrote it because it's niche and there isn't enough content, but suddenly it's become my most popular work? I'm The Gojo and Megumi Guy to some of my readers. It's insane. I think more people are coming to the fandom due to Ep5 of Season 2, but it's still mad ....
What motivates you to write?
A good idea. If I have an idea, I can't rest until it's written down somehow, no matter how hapehazardly. If I'm uninspired, absolutely nothing will happen, even if the plot is all pre-planned out.
What's your greatest fear as a fanfic writer?
a) being scraped for AI or having someone steal my work, b) being permanently banned from A03, and c) Being Discovered by irls.
Which are your top three most popular fics by bookmarks?
The Megumi-Is-Gojo's-Son Incident
The Megumi-Isn't-Breathing Incident
The Megumi-Is-Tired Incident
What makes you happiest? New fic comments, kudos, bookmarks, user subscribers, story subscribers, or Tumblr asks?
Comments, and asks are a close second. I love it when people interact with me!
Do you make playlists for your fics?
Only if I'm really into them but I don't want to write anymore. I have a playlist for the megumi & gojo incident, and a general iwaoi one.
Thanks for the ask!
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erinoddly · 4 years
I've been thinking.
I started drafting a re-intro post since I haven't done an intro for my blog since I very first started on writeblr and that wasn't even really a proper intro. And I thought to myself "hey, maybe re-introducing myself will give me the motivation to start being more active in the writeblr community!" because trust me, I know I'm not active. And I want to change it. For some reason, it's just really hard for me to stay consistent.
And to be frank, I'm not sure being on writeblr is what's best for me. I've never felt so much self-inflicted guilt for not worrying before, for not keeping up, for not posting and not reblogging and being active enough. And that's no one's fault but my own. But I originally joined writeblr in hopes that it would give me the motivation to stay on top of my projects, but it really hasn't. Now I just feel guiltier for not.
Writeblr is, for the most part, an amazing community. I've seen so many great writers and talked to so many great people on here. It just might not be for me, personally.
I'm not sure I want to give up this blog just yet, but I am considering it pretty heavily.
But even if I do end up deleting, I'll be rooting for you all from the sidelines!
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