#I'm grem
riewiggles · 11 months
It's Gremlin Time
I'm an angy gremlin
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modern-gremlin · 19 days
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doctor *ahueuhue* I'm sick
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pleasantbirdsand · 2 months
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I stumbled on gameplay of the Cars 2 video game playing as Grem and Acer
I don't know what they were doing but it looked cool
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yourlocalgremlin96024 · 6 months
🏠❤️☀️🦋🪶🐛🐾✉️🌸The Neighbourhood!🌸✉️🐾🐛🪶🦋☀️❤️🏠
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the-heaminator · 9 months
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Wide load
(Says: Stop starin', it ain't proper!)
@gremlins-hotel (I hope you don't mind me tagging you!!) This is your boy. I tried drawing him
Original image under the cut
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starry-bite · 2 months
if i believed for one (1) second that emily prentiss was not a capital L Lesbian the criminal minds pairing i would be frothing at the mouth about would be her x morgan like oh my god
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gremnda · 2 months
i have such a sad art idea for subzam, i dont think any of us are ready for it
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anxietygremlin7 · 3 months
Mission 'Disco Inferno'
“You did not.” Impulse’s eyes open wide, staring into the box.
“Oh I so did!”
“Oh my god.” His eyes flick between Skizz and the continents of the box.
Skizz giggles, smile wide on his face.
“Why do you have a box full of disco balls?!”
1.7k words
Hello there! Welcome to a fic that definitely isn't just one big Dad Joke!
The song/inspiration for this fic, if you didn't catch it, is 'Disco Inferno' by the Trammps! You should listen to it if you don't know the song, it's pretty fire (all puns always intended).
No but seriously, I've seen some amazing fics/comics with Superhero AU's so now I've brainrotted my own. This is just a oneshot from the universe my mind is cooking up. I want to try and write more in this universe!
Info that needs to be explained? Not much I think, just that Tango is a Vigilante who has the Alius 'Inferno'. Neither Skizz nor Impulse are Supers (If you get that reference, I love you, if not, It's the term used for people with powers who are either a Villain or a Hero in the move 'The Incredibles' (I stole the term cause I like it and it's easy)) though they do have powers (to be revealed later as they're not crucial to this fic).
Anyways, hope you enjoy! :)
Ao3 link if you prefer:
“Impulse! Dipple-Dop!” Someone whisper-shouts in his ear. Impulse just groans and rolls over, it is far too early for any of Skizz’s shenanigans.
“...too early,” he mutters, burying his head in a pillow. Skizz just pokes his shoulder.
Impulse ignores him, Skizz would go away eventually, right? 
He knows better, Skizz would not be going anywhere until he got what he wanted. The hand poking Impulse’s shoulder started to shake him.
“C’mon! Get up!” Impulse felt like a father and not in a ‘aww kids are cute’ way but in a ‘get this demon child away from me’ way. He stuck an arm out in some attempt to shove Skizz, which failed and only resulted in Skizz grabbing his arm and yanking.
You see, falling from two feet off a very comfortable surface onto a very decidedly not comfortable surface, would be a shock for anyone. So it was no surprise when Impulse shouted upon impact with the hardwood floor.
“Shush!” Skizz drops to his knees and shoots his hand out over Impulse’s mouth, “You can’t wake up Tango!”
“Hm mh hmm hmmhmm hmm.”
“Huh?” Impulse just looks between Skizz and the hand covering his mouth, eyebrows raised. “Oh right!” Skizz huffs a laugh, taking his hand off of Impulse’s mouth.
“So what’s your master plan,” Impulse sounds just as tired and annoyed as he feels. He loves living with his two best friends but when one of them wakes you up at 7 in the morning, you’re bound to have regrets.
“It’s not even that early, man!” Skizz is still smiling, seemingly enjoying Impulse’s great pain and suffering of being in his early twenties and awake before noon.
“Skizz, the sun hasn’t risen yet. Neither of us should be awake,” Impulse groans, flopping back down onto the floor.
“Come on! Come on! We need to prank Tango-Top!” Skizz pulls Impulse’s arm, dragging him up to stand.
“How do you have so much energy, did we not literally go to sleep like four hours ago?” 
“This is far more important than a Rocket League tournament!” Skizz is still whisper-shouting, yanking on Impulse’s arm to pull him out of his room.
“Okay, so what’re we doing to Tango?” Impulse gives in, he knows that there is no way he can fight against Skizz for those couple of hours of sleep. Skizz’s eyes light up, as he drags Impulse 
into his room. 
“Mission ‘Disco Inferno’!”
“Okay-okay-okay-okay, so you know how Tango told us he’s like a Super Villain or something?”
“Whatever. But like his name is Inferno, yeah?”
“You know what has historically always gone with infernos?”
“Uh…you’re gonna need to clue me in on this one, buddy.”
“Discos! Like, ‘Disco Inferno’, the song, you know?”
“The song from the 70’s? The really old song?”
“Oh shush, you. But I had an idea!” Skizz drags a box out from under his bed, “Come see!”
Impulse walks over, kneeling on the floor next to Skizz who opens the top of the box to reveal what's inside.
“You did not.” Impulse’s eyes open wide, staring into the box.
“Oh I so did!”
“Oh my god.” His eyes flick between Skizz and the continents of the box.
Skizz giggles, smile wide on his face.
“Why do you have a box full of disco balls?!”
“Because, Dipple-Dop, we, as the best friends of a Super Villain-”
“-have a job to do! Mission ‘Disco Inferno’ must be completed!” Skizz finishes with a flourish of his hands and more giggles.
“Tango is going to kill you.”
“Correction, Tango is going to kill us!”
Impulse shakes his head, a small smile on his face. Leave it to Skizz to come up with the most stupid prank on Earth.
“You can’t get out of this one, homie-buddy!” Skizz picks up the box, standing up and practically bounding out of the room.
With another shake of his head and a fond scoff, Impulse grabs a forgotten roll of duct-tape from Skizz’s desk and follows him out into the hallway. There’s no way he’s missing out on this prank.
Skizz, definitely over-dramatically, tip-toes towards Tango’s door. The box is absurdly large in his arms, somewhat blocking his face, making for a very funny image that Impulse struggles not to laugh at.
“You do realize that Tango could sleep through the literal end of the world, right?” 
“Shush!” Skizz turns to ‘glare’ at Impulse from behind the box, his smile and the laugh in his voice remove all of the intimidation he was aiming for. Skizz then walks up to the door, practically running into it, and he pauses.
“I got it,” Impulse says with a laugh, reaching past Skizz’s full arms to turn the door handle.
Tango’s room is dark and quiet and Impulse almost misses his own warm bed and dark quiet room. Skizz shuffles into the room, gently setting the box down on the floor. Impulse follows him, closing the door behind them. Tango’s bed is in the far corner of the room and Tango is rolled away from the door, buried in blankets, he’s not waking up anytime soon.
Skizz motions Impulse to come over, bright smile visible even in the low light of the room. “You hand me disco balls, I tape them to the ceiling?” Skizz whispers, leaning into Impulse’s ear. He nods, handing the duct-tape to Skizz, and reaching into the box for the first disco ball. A grin settles across Impulse’s face as he hands the disco ball to an equally grinning Skizz.
They work out a rhythm. Grab, hand, tape, move. Grab, hand, tape, move. This process continues for what must be nearly 50 mid-sized disco balls, they almost run out of ceiling space. It takes a surprisingly long amount of time, probably because the two of them completely panic at any slight movement from Tango.
By the time all of the disco balls have been hung, and Impulse and Skizz have nearly jumped out of their skins for the thirtieth time, it's almost eight in the morning. The two pranksters quietly sneak their way out of Tango’s room, taking the empty box and depleted roll of duct-tape with them.
“That was epic, bro!” Skizz whisper-shouts. They high-five, both grinning.
“And now we wait.”
“And now we wait,” Skizz agrees.
After another hour goes by of Impulse and Skizz entertaining themselves, Skizz speaks, “I think it’s time.”
“For what?” Impulse looks up from his laptop.
“Phase two,” Skizz stands, placing his hands on his hips and tilting his chin up, looking like an absolute goof.
“Phase two,” Impulse just looks at him, holding back a laugh.
“Phase two of mission ‘Disco Inferno’ aka, the best part of the whole plan!”
“And what would the second phase of mission ‘Disco Inferno’ be?”
“Ripping open Tango’s curtain and blasting ‘Disco Inferno’ at full volume through my speaker of course!” And Skizz looks far too proud of himself.
“Oh boy, here we go,” Impulse finally lets his facade crack, a smile spreading across his face. Skizz runs back to his room, probably to grab his speaker. Impulse closes his laptop and stands up from the couch, yawning as he waits.
“Okay-okay-okay, let’s do this!” Skizz rushes past Impulse, speaker in one hand, phone in the other. Impulse just smiles and follows at a much more relaxed pace.
“Alright, so,” Skizz starts, leaning towards Impulse as they stand outside of Tango’s door, “We go in, you go to the curtains and on the count of three, you yank ‘em open and I blast the song, got it?”
“Got it!” Impulse fake salutes, causing Skizz to huff a laugh.
“Here we go,” Skizz reaches out to open the door and then realizes that both of his hands are full, yet again.
“I got it, dummy,” Impulse says, laughter in his voice. Skizz just grumbles something about being a completely capable person as Impulse creeps the door open.
They rush to their spots and Impulse nods at Skizz once he’s in position.
“Okay,” Skizz whispers, “Three…Two…One…Disco time baby!”
Impulse rips the curtains open, it’s a matter of luck that they don’t rip off the rail.
Skizz blasts ‘Disco Inferno’ through his speaker.
And Tango shoots up in bed.
Tango looks panicked for a second before he looks between Impulse and Skizz.
“Ugh, why the hell do I live with you two idiots!” And slams his face back down into a pillow.
Impulse and Skizz just laugh, trying and failing to sing along to the song as they dance through the room.
The disco balls reflect the morning light, speckling the walls with bright white squares.
Tango groans again, trying to cover his ears.
“C’mon Top! It’s your song!” Skizz shouts over the music, running over to Tango’s bed. Impulse follows him.
“It’s not a song, it’s a war crime,” Tango mutter’s into the pillow, refusing to lift his head.
“You know you love it!” Impulse adds, poking Tango’s back.
Tango rolls over, glaring at the two of them. The pranksters just laugh, doubling over onto each other.
“Ugh! I did not get enough sleep for this!” Tango bemoans, dragging his hands down his face.
Impulse and Skizz just laugh harder.
“And why all the disco balls! This doesn’t even make any sense!”
“Oh come on, buddy! You named yourself ‘Inferno’, you had to have known this would happen!” Skizz exclaims, standing back upright to look at Tango.
“Seriously, ‘Disco Inferno’? What are you, twelve?” If looks could kill, let’s just say Tango might have a hard time paying rent for such a large and empty apartment.
Speaking of this being an apartment, Skizz seems to come back to himself a bit and turns the song down. Pranks are great but they’re not so great when they get you in trouble with your Landlord.
Impulse continues to cackle, still doubled over with his laughter.
“Oh come on,” Tango groans, “How can you find this funny?!”
Impulse can’t say anything through his laughter, not that he has a reasonable excuse for why this is so funny anyway.
“Top, you have to admit that this is maybe just a little bit funny!” Skizz slaps Impulse on the back, still laughing himself.
“I guess this is what I get for trusting my friends!” Tango grumbles, “You two’re cleaning this up by the way.”
Skizz ignores Tango’s comment, instead turning to Impulse who’s still folded in half with laughter. Skizz giggles at Impulse’s laughing and pulls him up by the shoulder.
“Mission ‘Disco Inferno’ success!”
Hello again! Hopefully you enjoyed that because I had fun with my Dad Joke ;)
As I said at the start, this is a universe I want to expand upon (I already have another one-shot almost done and plenty more ideas)! So if you liked this, keep an eye out for those!
Anyways, thanks for reading, see ya when I see ya! :)
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mushroomjar · 6 months
literally just watched Lisa Frankenstein for the first time yesterday omg :) I haven't had that much fun with a movie in ages I liked it a lot
I know right!! It's been so long since a movie made me laugh and scream so much while watching it, I'm gonna rewatch it sometime this week, and I loved and related so much to the characters, and it was so visually beautiful, ugghhhhhh I loved it so much!!!!
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ask-sebastian · 1 year
Let's make sure this one gets in the playlist today.
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modern-gremlin · 23 days
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surprise, have a sebastian sketch.
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cowgremlin11 · 1 year
HI HELLO i love lackadaisy im obsessed with lackadaisy but im also horrible at digesting the lore through the dialog of the comic and i saw the post you made so. if you could explain the whole timeline to me in simple terms that still cover everything that would be awesome
(i saw the other ask sent but i feel the need to clarify again, I'm not mad don't worry <3)
I wont make a timeline because I can't make a timeline.
1. it's really not my strong suit to do that 2. that's too much work for one college kid I have a GPA to keep up 3. the timeline isn't complete there's still stuff Tracy's telling us about and 4. I offered timeline clarification, not me making one.
So if anyone has anything about the lore that they're confused about or would like clarification for, that's what I can help with. Not creating and posting an entire Lackadaisy timeline spanning multiple characters and their lives that we don't have complete context for just yet. I'm very willing to answer asks along those lines as that's manageable for me and I can answer them in a very quick time frame.
An entire timeline is asking way too much from one person who isn't a part of the Lackadaisy crew. I do not know the missing details.
Takk, eg elsker dere alle <3
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(sigh) I need to finish all my WIR doodles and post them, until then, um, hello WIR fandom!
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macaroonkitti · 8 months
I wish my dog didn't smell bad :(((((
Ough hope your dog smells better soon
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galaxywhale · 10 months
dnd party is currently split because non of us have met each other yet so dm is jumping between the two groups with the non-active group deafened and im getting the sense that the other group is having a very different experience to us because MY group rocked up into town and just lied to a bunch of people, honestly partly just for fun and personal gain, and meanwhile i'm seeing the other group on roll20 with survival and athletics saves and constitution saves lmao
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gremnda · 7 months
a lovely person requested mer grian and human scar and Boy i have just thought of the funniest au ever-
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